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Gabriella faces an ultimatum with her bullies
Hi my name is Dave and this story is about me capitalizing on the best opportunity of a life time. I went to a private high school. Not perse for the rich but almost all students were well off. The classes were small in size with only 20 kids and we all add followed the same curriculum. Being 16/17 the hormones were very active for us guys. Being a bit in love or just having the hots for a particular girl we started teasing her.

Gabriella was a shy and somewhat quiet girl. Dressed conservative from a more conservative household. Always waring over the knee skirts or dresses, non revealing clothes. Not really good in any particular classes but dead drop gorgeous with brown wavey hair, normal to slim waste and about 1.6m tall. Beautiful green eyes, some freckles around her nose and medium think lips.

The teasing started small. Some comments here, some jokes there. She didn’t seem to take them well. The jokes became meaner and meaner. Some of the other class mates (boys and girls) started to chime in. She started to cry in the breaks or locking herself away during breaks to avoid Mike, myself and the classmates.

One day Mike and I were called to the classroom of our dean. She told us that she got a complaint from Gabriella on the bullying and that this was very serious. She didn’t want to come to school anymore as she was so afraid of the bullying. She even said that she contemplated with killing herself if this didn’t stop. “I leave you now alone to come up with a solution. This cannot continue!” Said the Dean and she left the classroom leaving Mike and me alone. Mike and I exchanged looks.

Let’s have talk with her Mike said. “Maybe we went too far?” “Too far?!” I fumed… “we tease a bit and we get called to the deans office? The little rat! If anyone went too far it’s her!”. “Then what do you suggest?” Mike asked. “Let have a little talk with Gabriella. My parents are not home, we have the place to ourselves, not that she needs to know.” “Let’s see how badly she wants the bullying to stop.” You follow my lead Mike. Mike nodded.

The dean stepped not much later back in the classroom. “So did you boys have a chat?” She asked. “Yes” I said. “ we are so so sorry, we only meant to tease. To be fair I always had a bit of an eye for her.” I said looking down and faking shame. “ I will ask her to talk it out. Somewhere save, like her place or Mikes or mine.” The dean look clearly relieved with that answer. “ I am so happy to hear that guys. I already thought it was a misunderstanding. She doesn’t want her parents to know all this. She told me this in confidents. I will ask her to come to your place Dave. I talk to her anyways after this meeting. Is that okay?” “That’s great.” I said.

When Mike and I left the class room, he looked with open mouth at me. We ran to our secluded place behind the stairs. “How did you manage that?” He asked me. “How did you know she wouldn’t have gone for Gabriella’s place?” “I didn’t and it doesn’t matter I said.” My plan works anywhere. Now let’s invite her, I guess the dean is soon done with her.”

Almost an hour later, Gabriella sat alone at a table in the school cantina drinking a thee. Her eyes were red, clearly from crying. “Hey Gab” I said, with Mike standing behind me. “ we had a chat with our Dean, let’s have good talk at my place this afternoon? How a bout 16:00 tomorrow at my place?”. “Okay, will your parents be home?” She asked clearly hoping for a no. “No not yet, we have some time alone then”. She was clearly relieved. “Alright see you then.”

“Tomorrow?” Mike asked when they biked home. “I have soccer at 16:45 I can barely join.” “No worries, I said, that’s enough time for the plan” I replied. [the first part at least]. “What’s our plan anyways?” Asked Mike. “The bitch snitched on us. I felt pretty dressed down by our dean. Let’s do an eye for and eye. Let’s see if we can get her naked, we plant a hidden camera and blackmail her afterward. Let’s see what other fun we can have thereafter.” “ are you sure that’s a good idea Dave?” Mike asked worried. “ I am all for payback, but you think she won’t go to the cops?” “ Don’t worry. I have just the plan. Just follow my lead.”

Dave’s room had a good layout. His bedroom was on the second floor, when entering in the bottom right corner you had his desk with chair against the wall with a wall shelf, his bed against the opposite wall in the corner with at the feet a cabinet with his small flatscreen tv on and next to that his closet and entrance door. The other side (next to the desk and head of the bed was wall with windows blinded by darkening curtains.

Dave prepared his bedroom that evening. he placed the old nanny cam with a full battery and a new drive on the shelf above his desk and another spy camera he had bought some time ago on top of his TV. Both cameras were aimed at the bed. He placed small dots on his carpet for Mike and him to stand out of view and allowing both cameras a good view of the bed.

Next day school was dull and short. Just PE class and history. Already done at 13:00 there was enough time to come home and further prepare. Dave had bought some essentials: shavers, shaving cream, wax strips, condoms, lube and just in case duck tape and strap ties. The latter he didn’t tell Mike about.

At 16:00 the bell rang. It was Gabriella. “Hi” she said shy. “You live in a quiet street. Met no-one on my way here.” She said almost relived. “Hi come in” I said. Leave your jacket and shoes here please. Want anything to drink?” I asked “Just water.” I have that upstairs. Let’s go to my bedroom in case my parents come home soon.” I lied. She agreed and they both walked up. Dave already got a hard one thinking about what was going to happen and his heart was beating fast in his throat. Was he really going to be able to do this?. He made himself angry again by thinking “she desveres it, the rat, the bitch, complaining about us.”

Mike stood in position, clearly nervous. You can sit on the bed Dave said while moving to his position. [show time ] he thought. Gabriella sat down and immediately started rambling: “ I am so happy you want to talk. I can’t eat, can’t sleep, I am failing every class now, I can’t do this anymore this bullying it has to stop. Whatever it takes it has to stop.” She agreed crying. “No you don’t want it to stop” Dave said angrily. “You get our dean involved? You smeer Mike and my good name?” “ I don’t believe you want to do everything to make us stop.”

Gabriella was shocked. “ yes I do!” She cried. “ I would do anything! Really anything. Please…” “Okay” said Dave. “Let’s see. Lose the shirt, top and bra.” “What?!” Gabriella said shocked. “See Mike? Told you she was not serious. Let’s go….” before Dave could finish she said. “Okay, fine”. With shaking hands she undid her skirt to allow her shirt and bra to come off. She covert her breast with her hands and arm. “Happy?” She asked shaken? Dave nodded towards her looking at Mike. Mike sat down next to her, grabbed her hand and pulled her arm away uncovering her perfect perky 16 year old B cup breast. “We of course want to see them.” Dave said and Mike moved away. “Now take off that skirt and your slip and stand up.” She swallowed. “We only want to look. No touching. I promise.” Dave lied. “ promise that this ends the bullying. For good. Including the class.” Gabriella said as she did as told. “I promise, I can even make you to most popular girl of our class.” Dave replied.

Gabriella revealed her hairy but trimmed bush covered pussy why standing. “Catch”. Dave threw her a box. In the box there was the shaving cream, wax and shaver. Shave your pussy. I want to see it bald. “Fine. Where is the bathroom or do you perverts want to watch?” “No we can allow for some privacy. Down the hall second door, there is a fresh towel for you to use”. Dave said [ we will be watching enough of it later, the shower also had a spy cam in the stall]. She walked passed and they heard the shower go on.

Dave activated the cameras on the nanny bear and above the tv. Bit later she came back and sat in the bed. “Now what?” She asked nervous. “ you gonna rape me?” “Nooo! That’s illegal!” Dave said with big eyes. “Please just make yourself cum”. “What? How? I have never…” she stammers. “Sit on the bed, face us, spread your legs feet on the bed and rub yourself until you cum.” She did as asked. Hesitantly she touched her pussy’s outer lips and started rubbing it… barely touching her clit, inner pussy or even her tight hole. Dave smiled at Mike. “Nooo not like that that. You will never cum and we will be here forever.” Mike sat next to her again and grabbed her hand. Placed his over her and started rubbing her. First slow then faster and faster. He felt her becoming more and more wet through her fingers. She gave a small moan. “Very good. I knew you would get the hang of it”. “How long do I need to do this?” She asked. “Depends could take a while.” Dave said. “What if your parents come home?” She asked shocked. Dave also sat next to her. “Keep rubbing, we will help.” Mike moved his mouth to her nippels and started licking and sucking them. She tried to move back away from his tongue when Dave held her back and forcingly kissed her on the mouth before she could say anything. Gabriella was in shock, mikes hand kept her hand rubbing herself and Dave moved his to massage her other boob and pinch her nipple. Within five minutes she moaned louder and louder shivering harder and harder till she came. Her pussy was soaked, Mike’s hand was soaked. Mike and Dave stood up, she fell down on the bed heaving heavily.

A small alarm went off. I have to go Mike said. Gabriela was still heaving heavy on her back. “Th… th.. this…” she stammered in shock and exhaustion. “First time eh?” Mike said. “And for no nobeler goal.” Mike has to go, he has soccer. Relax and you and I will discuss the final terms of our agreement we just went into.” “Thank you for the show” Mike said and ran of. The downstairs door slamming shut not much later.

Gabriela lay eyes closed heaving heavily on the bed. Dave quietly undressed, walked over and started to kiss her thighs and pussy. She was too exhausted to react too much. “Wait we had a…” she said before she started to moan again, Dave going down hard on her. He licked her clit, then her entire pussy, her clit rapidly again and then her pussy, inner thigh, pussy clit and put his tongue briefly in her vagina and licking her clit again. She moved her hand on his head pushing him in harder. She came loudly, very loudly. [happy no-one is home Dave grinned in her pussy.] he kept his routine through her dimming. She kept shivering and cumming for full 10 minutes. Definately multiple organism.

Gabriela’s arm went limb from exhaustion. Dave moved slowly up kissing her body’s her breasts, her lips. A real tongue kiss. “Did you enjoy that?” He whispered I her ear. “Ye.. yes” she managed. “I think you came like three times”. Dave continued. “F-four” she managed. “Good” Dave said as he in one movement penetrated her vagina. “ four to one is a good ratio. Let me help myself.” He felt a bit of resistance but pushed his now rock hard penis through her hymen. Her eyes grew out of her sockets in shock and pain. “A you really never touched yourself. God you are tight but so incredibly wet.” “No stop! You said you wouldn’t [rape me]” She almost screamed before Dave kissed her hard on her mouth shutting her up. She had no strength to resist or push him off.

Dave kept pumping in her. He moaned soft in her ear. “You are so tight.” He managed. “Please stop now. I won’t go to the police.”she whispered while crying. Dave ignored her. “If you cum in me, she said they will have your DNA. They will find you. Just stop.” She said more scared then angry. Dave kept pumping and moved to her breast. He kissed and licked them. “Stop. Don’t cum in me. They will have your DNA.” Dave got annoyed. “Dental identification works best.” He said before biting down so hard on her breast that he left a bite mark and drew blood. Gabriella screamed and shot up as soon as he let go. He slapped her hard in her face and pushed her down. “Shut up and let it happen” Dave snarled while pushing her down. She felt him all of the sudden even more intense. He came close and kissed her on her mouth while cumming a huge load inside her. She lied defeated on his bed crying and in panic. Dave pulled out and she felt the sperm flowing out. He touched it with her hand “that was great.” Dave said airily. Gabriella panicked. “You didnt wear a condom. You came inside me…” she said. “Don’t worry, I don’t think you have any STDs to give me.” Dave smiled kissing her breast and nipple.

“ I.. I am on no contraception” she stuttered. “Clean yourself up in the shower, Dave said, and I bring you a morning after pill.”

She went and took a shower. Dave stopped all recordings. Hooked the nanny cam to the tv and started playing her little sex tape on repeat on the screen. He went to the shower. “Now don’t take a rape shower in my shower, you can do that later in your own.” he said as he entered”. Her eyes went wide as he started caressing her breast and started fingering her briefly. She allowed him. He grabbed soap and cleaned her. Her breast hurt like hell where he had bittten her. Like a drone she walked out of the shower with him, he dried her off and walked with her to the bedroom. She saw the show on TV before she heard it. She froze and fell on her knees on the ground.

“So.” Dave said. “This little video I can share with everyone. Mike and my friends get a copy for safeguard. You don’t go to the police. You are now mine. Mike is out, as far as he knows you got what was coming before he left.” “ I am gonna kill myself.” She wishpered through her cries.

“No killing yourself either, or I sent this one out to the entire school and make a new one with your sister. This time I will include the ass.” Dave said harsh while pulling her up and pushing her against the closet.

“ now listen and listen well”. He said looking at her intensely. He handed her the morning after pill and some water. “Here is the water you asked for earlier.” He chuckled. Now more seriously: “you are mine. You do what I say when I say it. Few ground rules from now on: no matter where you go, no bra, no underwear. I want direct access. You will be punished if you resist. No contraception. No-one can know of our “relationship”. If people get suspicious: I am your boyfriend and love of your life.” She looked shocked.

“Got that? No bra, no underwear, no anticonception, you do what I say. Yes?” “Yes.” Gabriela muttered. Dave slapped her “yes who?” Dave smiled evil. “Yes master”. Gabriella said.

“Tomorrow, 16:00 here at my place.” Dave said and he gave her a kiss. She got dressed and got out.


2024-09-08 17:02:16
Hmmm. Interesting that she has a little sister. Maybe Mike isn't all the way out? DP anyone?


2024-09-06 09:08:12
interesting. Too many misspellings and bad sentences. Get a proof reader.


2024-09-05 05:50:12
Hmmm nice start. You are a sadist but liked you story want to read more. Fg

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