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At last I can pause, and even rewind time. We all time travel, but everyone is stuck with one forwards speed.

The original, starting story.

Lots of content warning, read and heed the tags!
Full introduction:

At last it was done! My former employers had given up on the time-watch, after millions spent and nothing but damage done to the labs and a few deaths. I had the last prototype “Fixed” from the error I had slipped into it as the next to last straw in causing the shutdown of the project. It had buzzed and done nothing meaningful, then on the very last test my plan had worked. The TimeWatch had swapped places with the one in my locker. The swap had been with a junked casing with only a beacon and a reason to explode energetically.

The project had shut down with the theories debunked and both the Contractor and the Feds classifying and burying the evidence for good. I was the proud owner of the world's only TimeWatch, and had big, vague plans.

I returned to the bedroom after my morning pee, sat on the edge of the bed, and thought for a bit about how to spend the day. As I sat there my mind wandered, chasing the dreams of Money, Power, and Sex I had put off for so long determined to own the TimeWatch. I realized I was playing with my cock, which had not quite fully softened from my morning hard-on while peeing. OK, maybe Sex needed to be first on the list. Caution spoke first though. “No, first you need a routine!”

I grinned and pushed the button on the watch, hearing the soft beep of a bookmark set, then programmed the watch to set a new one every 24 hours, forever. It might cost me a day’s worth of work but I would have a rollback point in case something, anything ever went wrong. It could be used for a soft rollback that would remove what happened beyond in me the world and keep my memories intact, or a hard reset completely undoing time so I would not even remember what had presumably needed fixing.


I sat there speculating which of my many conflicting and mostly evil plans I would start with, I had been so focused on the having the TimeWatch I had never set myself much of an agenda once I had it.

Exactly 5 minutes after I had set the bookmark the TimeWatch surprised me by giving my wrist a gentle shock, warning of nearby time warping activity, and with a soft sound of disturbed air someone appeared across the room from me. I was startled, then realized the man was wearing the very same outfit I had just laid out to wear, looked a lot like,, could he be..? “Me” he answered as if he knew my thoughts, “Yes you from this moment tomorrow!”

My mind reeled as he turned his wrist, showing me a TimeWatch with a glowing display of a loop, blinking dot part way around the loop. I looked at my own wrist, the display there similar except at the start of a loop.

WTF? I had looped on myself already, or the next day, or well, both sort of. He pressed a button and both watches beeped as time stopped for the rest of reality except for the wearer of the watch, both me and him, or both of us, me? He grinned. “I worked this bit already, the first time around the loop is new for you, so let's call you Prime, and then dub any further with you as Alpha, Beta, and so on.”

I blinked and nodded, the idea making sense, which I realized it would since it was my own idea after all. Even as I accepted the concept Alpha spoke again. “I know of course you remember the Terminator's big line. ‘Come with me if you want to live!’ Well instead you come with me because you want to live it up! Be daring, don’t even dress, and follow me!”

Alpha turned as I started to get up, heading for the door to the hall. He kept talking while leading me to the neighbor’s apartment door, opening it wide with a key and walking into that apartment. “Lockpicking as a hobby and discovering all the apartment locks using the same master wafers was so useful. Always too worried to use it on another’s place but now, no rules! Here is what you learn, that you can do anything without consequences!”

We moved through the living room and to that apartment's second bedroom, which was my workshop in my identical floor plan space. In this apartment the room was decorated in pink as a girls bedroom, and there on the bed sat Suzy. I came to a stop, staring. Suzy was my bitch of a neighbor's daughter, a petite college freshman in blond pigtails. Seeing her there, frozen in arm stretching mid-yawn I stared at her small form, unable to pull my gaze from her thin body. She was wearing only white panties, the pink circles of her nipples visible on her pale firm mounds.

Every immoral, forbidden thought I had ever had about the girl surged in my head, the many dirty, ugly thoughts I had so kept a grip on. Suzy’s mom Wendy had always glared at me in the common spaces, clearly considering me a pervert despite my always being as polite as possible to them. I had to grant in retrospect that the woman was right, with my cock lifting and stiffening towards the seeming statue before me. Alpha climbed onto the bed, kneeling behind Suzy and turned his wrist so I could see what he was doing to his? My? Our! Timewatch. I moved across the small room, 2 steps taking me to the edge of the bed so close, so very close to Suzy.

I understood what Alpha was doing with the watch, setting a one minute delay before the field around him would expand to include anything within five feet of him. He pressed the start button, the timer quickly counting down to execute the command while he hurriedly stripped behind Suzy, tossing his clothes off the bed and grabbing the statue-teen by the wrists just before the count reached zero. It was as if the soft beep brought Suzy to life, her blue eyes focusing on me and going wide. Alpha held her strongly by her wrists, keeping hold as she cried out and tried to move away from me.

Alpha spoke, his voice deeper with arousal, his words emphasizing my own thoughts. “There are no more rules, nothing is taboo, and you get to fucking well start by liberating your most evil urges!”

Alpha shifted off the bed, standing on the side opposite and dragging struggling Suzy to lay on her back across her bed. “No limits, no rules! Do it, you know what you’ve suppressed!”

He was right of course, and I reached out and bent forwards to reach for Suzy’s kicking feet as she struggled with Alpha, my big hands grabbing her thin ankles with both hands. Suzy struggled and screamed helpless on the bed, stretched across it between us while I pulled her legs wide. She looked so helpless in just her white panties, and I knew what I was going to do to her. My cock was already as hard as it had ever been, and above and behind Suzy’s head I could see that Alpha was very aroused, the tip of his glans shiny with pre-cum. “Strip her, just like you have wanted to so much. Admit every dream and don’t hold back!”

My gaze focused on the struggling girl, seeing the white panties and my large hand reaching down, grabbing at the thin fabric. The panties were stronger than I had thought, stretching elastically and being pulled down Suzy’s kicking unrestrained leg instead of being torn to shreds. I did not care, hand shifting on her ankle so I could toss the panties aside and grabbing Suzy by both knees, forcing her legs wide to fully expose the narrow fold of her vulva below her small, nearly transparent blond triangle of fur. Alpha spoke my thoughts from memory as he grinned down at what I was staring towards. “Not like the illegal, risky porn, is it? This is real, now fuck her!”

Alpha was of course still right, and I wasted no further time. I yanked Suzy closer by her spread legs, forcing them wider apart and dropping to my knees close beside the bed. I gasped as the underside of my very jutting cock pressed against Suzy's warm flesh, my swollen cock hiding my view of her puffy vulvar fold for a moment. Focused on Suzy I only felt Prime grip her legs near my hands, keeping her spread open as I let go and reached down with my right hand, pushing my cock down as my groin moved back. I was already leaking pre-cum, my arousal-darkened glans sliding over her firm mound and nosing into the narrow cleft of her hairless barely mature vulva.

Suzy alternately screamed and whimpered, still struggling against Alpha’s grip while he and I watched her narrow red labia spread before the blunt tip of my cock. I could feel the heat of her body there, the leaking slit very sensitive to her warmth. My balls clenched, more clear pre-cum leaking at the point of contact while I used both thumbs to either side, spreading her narrow labia wide, my hands shaking a bit in excitement. “Oh fuck, this is real, I’m going put it into this girl!”

Alpha laughed, keeping Suzy’s legs held in a firm grip, his own rampant cock bobbing in the air over her tear streaked face. “It is, and you are! Feel how hot that little cunny is? She’s hotter inside!”

I reached forward to grab Suzy’s thin shoulders, better pinning her in place while slowly moving my groin forward. I groaned while seeing the blunt tip pressing in, then widening a little as it met the resistance of her hymen. I pushed a little harder and Syzy’s whimper became the high pitched words in a little girl voice as if not grown up that triggered me. “Owie, it hurts!”

Knowing what she would say, Alpha was ready to comment; “So much for that bitch Wendy keeping her away from hard cocks!”

Her words, the little voice that spoke them, and the feel of her virgin pussy against the tip of my cock drove the hard thrust of my groin. Suzy screamed shrilly, her teen body bucking on the bed, and my whole glans pushed into the very tight and hot grip of her small cunt. It was not like in all the porn I had watched, I did not feel a tearing, just suddenly I had the front of my cock in Suzy. She struggled against our grip on her limbs, twisting the bit she could stretched across the bed. I gasped at the heat on my knobbed tip and the tight grip, quickly thrust in several more times. “AH! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

The three thrusts that went with the words pushed half my cock out of sight before Alpha distracted me and I paused again. “Told you it was hot, now watch this!”

Alpha let go of Suzy’s legs, leaving my hips to keep them spread while reaching down to grab her head. He grabbed her face with both hands, digging his thumbs into her cheeks to keep her screaming mouth open while crouching by the bed and tilting her head back. Suzy’s shrill screams ended with a wet noise when he shoved his cock into her mouth. He gasped and pushed, the front end of cock going between her narrow stretched pink lips. “Oh Fuck that feels as good as her cunt did!”

I pulled my cock partly out to thrust again, then had to pause at the sight of blood smears mixed with the shiny pre-cum coating the front of my shaft. It thrilled me, and incited the strength of my hard thrusts inward, more and more of my cock figthing into the very tight grip of Suzy’s cunt. The constriction I was fighting seemed to ease more than just because her increasing bleeding was slicking my cock, her virgin cunt muscles stretching or tearing. It had been too long since I had fucked anyone but my palm and the emotional load of what was happening was winding me up quickly. Suzy’s nearly silent struggle between us was easing, and I realized from the choking gurgles she was making around Alpha’s cock she could not breathe much.

I could see little of Suzy’s face with her head tilted back to take Alpha’s thrusting cock, but as he twisted her head while mouth fucking her I could see her face was red. The rest of her body seemed even more pale than at first, her pink nipples more dark in contrast. I looked down again and her belly and thighs were a off-white canvas for the blood my cock was wiping outside her clenching, stretched labia. Most of my cock was driving into Suzy’s ruptured virginity, and I suddenly realized some of the blood was a raw wound where her labia were tearing apart at the top.

Suddenly the abused girl shuddered on the bed, arching and twisting in some sort of convulsion. Alpha’s cock pulled back for a moment, letting me hear the obscenely liquid, exciting sounds of Suzy drowning on the drool and puke that spilled out around his shaft before he silenced her by ramming all the way into her face again. Suzy’s tight stretched cunt clamped down on most of my cock, driving me to ram it inward all the harder. There was a hard spot inside Suzy against the tip of my cock for a moment and then the constricting grip was suddenly looser. I pushed again without moving back, and went balls deep, feeling her hard ass cheeks grabbing at them. I could feel a hot wetness flowing across my scrotum and it was all too much to resist.

The clench of my balls was intense, instantly followed by the strongest sensation of flow I had ever felt in my cock. My groin ground against Suzy, her spread legs flopping with each buck that kept my spurting cock fully in her bloody cunt. I saw Prime’s cock jerk up into sight, pulled back from Suzy’s mouth to let a wad of cum jet across her body, spattering her firm titties and belly. I had a brief view of her darkened face and wide, red eyes before he drove his again spurting cock back into her open mouth.

Suzy had stopped convulsing by the time my balls were empty, her movements only what our yanking arms and fucking cocks put her through, and even with the distraction of my clenching release I began to wonder if she was still alive. I gasped for air as the last fast spasm eased and then again when Alpha groaned out the answer. “Yes she’s dead, we fucked her ahhh, to death!” It felt like I had cum again when I heard that, dizzy and drained by the rush of adrenaline, pleasure, and shock. My knees were shaky and suddenly I had to sink to them.

My already softening cock pulled out of Suzy and as I dropped I saw her labia were a now-gaping bloody hole, with a slowing trickle of blood washing out a few off-white wads of my sperm. I had to lie down by her spread feet, realizing I had seen her labia torn apart towards her clit and anus. No wonder my cock had gone all the way in, I had torn her virgin cunt open. I nearly passed out, slumped by the bed, breathing hard. When I could move up again, pausing on my knees to look across the limp teen’s body at Prime he too was moving up, lifting Suzy’s head by her hair to let me see her face.

One look made it plain Suzy was dead. Her wide, staring eyes were more red than white, her face very smeared with a massive amount of thick white drool. What I could see of her narrow lips were blue, the visible skin of her face a dark red. Her head dropped back out of sight limply when Alpha let go, wobbling to his feet and meeting my gaze with a wide, hard breathing grin. “I guess little Suzy can't breathe cock!”

My laugh became a cough, and I felt drained and giddy. Prime held up my wrist and his own, side by side so I would look at the TimeWatches. Both had similar displays of the active loop, each of us a blinking dot at a different place on the glowing Omega sign of the loop above the base timeline. His had a dotted line pointing to a forward bookmark, mine one pointing back to my recently set first mark. Prime told me what to do next. “I’m jumping forward to just after I started the loop, to shower and rest. You go to your bookmark, and the only evidence of anything ever happening will be what we wash off our bodies.”

“Yeah,” I replied, “that and our empty balls! Fucking hell I never thought it could feel like that!”

Alpha laughed and just before he clicked his watch and simply was not there anymore, his clothes vanishing from the floor as did, he spoke. “Mmm, only the beginning!”

I looked again at the bloody corpse, the college Junior now seeming smaller, limp and lifeless, again really a statue once out of the field around Alpha. Suzy was as static as the rest of the universe more than a few inches from my body. I rested for a moment before getting to my own feet and had to look at the little used up figure one last time before I too pressed the button to command my own soft reset. I was dizzy for a moment as my senses caught up, wobbling where I sat on my bed. I was back in my room with only my memories as evidence anything had happened. I set a new bookmark, so that just in case I needed a hard reset I would not erase the memory of destroying little Suzy for fun.

I stood up and the pull of my cum smeared cock sticking to my bedsheet taught me that some evidence of the loop still existed. I had jumped back to before the crime so there was no trace of the blood that had smeared my groin. My own cum, as part of my experience contained inside the loop did remain and I badly needed a shower, food, and sleep.


Awake and dressed the next morning I was too horny to worry about breakfast. Despite the intensity of that orgasm in poor Suzy’s ruptured cunny I very much wanted to get hold of her again. I moved to stand where I remembered I had seen myself appear yesterday, then carefully set up the TimeWatch to jump back to 5 minutes after that first set bookmark. A quick check that I had my keys and it was time. I clicked the button, and things in the room that moved in the 24 hours shifted to their position from before. On the bed sat Prime, suddenly startled as the watch goosed his wrist.

Prime looked at me, and I had to grin at the confusion on his face, telling him just before he figured it out on his own. “Me. Yes you from this moment tomorrow!”

His surprise was very visible on his face, clearing as I showed him my wrist, with my TimeWatch with a glowing display of a loop, blinking dot part way around the loop. Prime looked at his own wrist, the display there similar except at the start of a loop. His WTF expression cleared as he understood that I had looped on myself from the next day. I pressed a button and both watches beeped as time stopped for the rest of reality except for the wearers of the watch, both of me. I grinned. “I worked this bit about labels out already, the first time around the loop is new for you, so let's call you Prime, and then call any further with you around at the same time Alpha, Beta, and so on.”

He blinked and nodded, the idea making sense. Even as Prime accepted the concept I spoke again eager to misuse the corny move line. “I know of course you remember the Terminator's big line. ‘Come with me if you want to live!’ Well instead you come with me because you want to live it up! Be daring, don’t even dress, and follow me!”

I turned as he started to get up, heading for the door to the hall. I kept talking while leading Prime to the neighbor’s apartment door, opening it wide with the key and walking into that apartment. “Lockpicking as a hobby and discovering all the apartment locks using the same master wafers was so useful. Always too worried to use it on another’s place but now, no rules! Here is what you learn, that you can do anything without consequences!”

We moved through the living room and to that apartment's second bedroom, which was my workshop in my identical floor plan space. In this apartment the room was decorated in pink as a girls bedroom, and there on the bed sat college freshman Suzy. Prime came to a stop, staring. Suzy was my bitch of a neighbor's little girl, a cute teen in blond pigtails. Seeing her there, frozen in arm stretching mid-yawn I stared again her small form, unable to pull my gaze from her little body. As I remembered from the day before she was wearing only white panties, the small pink circles of her nipples visible on her pale-skinned firmly mounded boobs.

On Prime’s face I watched the play of feelings as every immoral, forbidden thought he had had about the girl surged in his head, the many dirty, ugly thoughts he had so kept clear of. Suzy’s Mom always glared at him, clearly considering him a pervert despite his always being as polite as possible to them. I had to grant in retrospect that the woman was right, with his and my cocks both lifting and stiffening towards the seeming statue of the older teen. I climbed onto the bed, kneeling behind Suzy and turned my wrist so he could see what I was doing to my Timewatch. He moved across the small room, 2 steps taking him to the edge of the bed so close, so very close, to Suzy.

I set the watch setting for a one minute delay before the field around me would expand to include anything within a few feet of me. It was set to 4 inches as usual, so things like door handles would work. I pressed the start button, the timer quickly counting down to execute the command while I hurriedly stripped behind Suzy, tossing my clothes off the bed and grabbing the statue-girl by the wrists just before the count reached zero. It was as if the soft beep brought Suzy to life, and I knew her blue eyes were focusing on Prime in front of her, going wide. I held her strongly by her wrists, keeping hold as she cried out and tried to move away from Prime.

My voice was deeper with arousal, my words emphasizing Prime’s thoughts. “There are no more rules, nothing is taboo, and you get to fucking well start by liberating your most evil urges!”

I shifted off the bed, standing on the side opposite Prime and forcing Suzy down to lay on her back across her bed. “No limits, no rules! Do it, you know what you have had to suppress!”

Prime knew I was right of course, and he reached out and bent forwards to grab Suzy’s kicking feet as she struggled with me, his big hands grabbing her thin ankles with both hands. Suzy struggled and screamed helpless on the bed, stretched across it between us while he pulled her legs wide. She looked so helpless in just her white panties, and I knew what we were going to do to her. Both cocks were already as hard as they had ever been, and above and behind Suzy’s head I was very aroused, the tip of my glans shiny with pre-cum. I coached Prime to action. “Strip her, just like you have wanted to so much. Admit every dream and don’t hold back!”

Prime’s gaze focused on the struggling girl, seeing the thin undies and his hand reaching down when he let go of one ankle, grabbing at the soft fabric. The panties were stronger than he had thought, stretching elastically and being pulled down Suzy’s kicking leg instead of being torn to shreds. Prime did not care, tossing the panties aside and grabbing Suzy by both knees, forcing her legs wide to fully expose the narrow fold of her naked pussy. I spoke my thoughts from memory as I grinned down at what he was staring towards. “Not like the illegal, risky porn, is it? This is real, now fuck her!”

He knew I was of course right, and Prime wasted no further time. He yanked Suzy closer by her spread legs, forcing them wider apart and dropping to his knees close beside the low bed. I heard Prime gasp as his very jutting cock pressed against Suzy's warm flesh, his swollen cock hiding my view of her puffy vulvar fold for a moment. Focused as was on Suzy, Prime barely felt me grip her legs near his hands, keeping her spread open as he let go and reached down with one hand, pushing his cock down and moving his groin back. He was already leaking pre-cum, arousal-darkened glans sliding over her thinly furred mound and nosing into the narrow cleft of her exposed vulva.

Suzy whimpered, still struggling against my grip while we watched her narrow red labia spread before the blunt tip of Prime’s cock. I knew he could feel the heat of her body there, his leaking piss-slit very sensitive to her warmth. More clear pre-cum spread at the point of contact while he used both thumbs to either side, spreading her narrow red inner labia wide, his hands shaking a bit in excitement. “Oh fuck, this is real, I’m going put it into this girl!”

I laughed, keeping Suzy’s legs held in a firm grip, my own rampant cock bobbing in the air over her tear streaked face. “It is, and you are! Feel how hot that little cunny is? She’s hotter inside!”

Prime reached forward to grab Suzy’s narrow shoulders, better pinning her in place while slowly moving his groin forward. He groaned while seeing the blunt tip pressing in, then widening a little as it met the resistance of her hymen. Prime pushed a little harder and Suzy's whimper became the high pitched words in a small girl's voice that triggered both of us. “Owie, it hurts!”

Knowing in advance what Alpha and Suzy were going to say helped me be sharp in my comment. “So much for that bitch Wendy keeping her away from stiff cocks!”

The words, the high pitched voice that spoke them, and the feel of her virgin pussy against the tip of Prime’s cock drove the hard thrust of his groin. Suzy screamed shrilly, her little body bucking on the bed and his whole glans pushed into the very tight and hot grip of her small cunt. It was not like in porn, Suzy was not acting and the scream was driven by real pain. She struggled against our grip on her limbs, twisting the bit she could stretched across the bed. Prime gasped and had to quickly thrust several more times. “AH! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

The three thrusts that went with the words pushed half Prime’s cock out of sight before I distracted him and he paused again. “Told you it was hot, now watch this!”

I let go of Suzy’s legs, leaving Prime's hips to keep them spread while reaching down to grab her head. My hands grabbed her small crying face, digging my thumbs into her cheeks to keep her screaming mouth open while crouching by the bed and tilting her head back. Suzy’s shrill screams ended with a wet noise when I shoved my cock into her mouth. Now I gasped and pushed, front of my cock going between her narrow stretched pink lips. I felt as driven and brutal as the day before, Suzy little mouth was wet and slick with my glans shoved across the back of her tongue, starting her choking hard. “Oh Fuck that feels as good as her cunt did!”

Prime pulled his cock partly out to thrust again, then paused at the sight of blood smears mixed with the shiny pre-cum coating the front of his shaft. I could see it thrilled him, and he drove repeated hard thrusts in, more and more of his cock fighting into Suzy’s cunt. His thrusts got deeper and more violent rapidly, her increasing bleeding slicking his cock red. Suzy’s nearly silent struggle between us was easing, the choking gurgles she was making around my cock a sign she could not breathe much.

I had Suzy’s small head tilted back across the edge of the bed to take my thrusting cock, then twisted it show Prime her red face while mouth fucking her. Slick drool and spit spread across her blue lips, more leaking out each time I pulled back to bring the tip of my cock out of her throat. The rest of her body seemed even more pale than at first, her pink nipples more dark in contrast. Suzy’s struggle to breathe rippled her throat around my deep thrust glans, quickly exciting me towards release. Her darkly swollen, protruding tongue rode the top edge of my shaft wriggling with every thrusts.

I looked up again to see her belly and thighs were a slowly blueing pale canvas for the blood Prime’s cock was wiping outside her clenching, stretched labia. Most of his cock was driving into Suzy’s ruptured virginity, and I could see some of the blood was from a raw wound where her labia were tearing apart at the top.

Suddenly the abused girl shuddered on the bed, arching and twisting in some sort of convulsion. As I pulled back a very hot mess of drool and puke bubbled up around my glans, some of the mess even leaking from her nostrils. Suzy, trapped facing up, was drowning on her own vomit, quickly running out of air. She was suddenly nearly silent when I pushed hard, her tight filled throat clamping down on most of my cock, driving me to ram it inward all the harder. There was a harder, tighter section inside Suzy around the tip of my cock for a moment and then the constricting grip was suddenly looser as something in her throat gave way.

I pushed again without moving back, and went balls deep, feeling, ignoring her sharp little teeth against the wide, furred base of my cock, my balls slapping her nose and eyes. A visible bulge showed where my cock pushed down her throat. When I pulled back again Suzy was silent, her mouth gaping, leaking more mess up her face towards her hair but with no air moving. It was all too much to resist.

My cock went all the way through Suzy’s dark thin lips again. The clench of my balls was intense, instantly followed by nearly the strongest sensation of flow I had ever felt in my cock. I saw Prime’s groin grind against Suzy’s vulva, her spread legs flopping with each buck towards her bloody cunt.

I was already pulling back when my first spurt jetted, my glans popping out of Suzy’s mouth to send a snake of sperm across her body, spattering her heaving small tits and belly. I had a brief view of her darkened face and wide, red eyes before I drove my cock back into her open mouth. As Prime was doing between her legs, I ground against Suzy’s face with my clenching balls riding her nose, filling her throat with thick cum.

Suzy stopped convulsing, her movements only what our yanking arms and thrusting cock put her through, and even with the distraction of my clenching release I knew what I had seen a day ago. I gasped for air as the last fast spasm eased and as Alpha did so also groaned out the answer to what I knew he was wondering. “Yes she’s dead, we fucked her ahhh, to death!”

It felt like I had cum again when I said that, dizzy and drained by the rush of adrenaline, pleasure, and shock. My knees were shaky and suddenly I had to sink to them.

My already softening cock pulled out of Suzy and as I dropped letting me see her face below her slackly open mouth. Her wide, staring eyes were more red than white, her face very smeared with a massive amount of thick white drool. What I could see of her narrow lips were blue, the visible skin of her face a dark red. I had to almost lie down, realizing I had caused the large extensive bulges and bruises on her neck. No wonder my cock had gone all the way in, I had damaged something in her narrow throat. I nearly passed out, slumped by the bed, breathing hard. When I could move up again, pausing on my knees to look across the limp girl’s body at Prime, I lifted Suzy’s head by her hair to let him see her face. Her head dropped back out of sight slackly when I let go, dropping in a way that made her death all the more obvious. I gave Prime a breathing grin. “I guess little Suzy can't breathe cock!”

Prime’s laugh became a cough, both of us feeling drained and giddy. I held up my wrist and his own, side by side so he could look at the TimeWatches. Both had similar displays of the active loop, each of us a blinking dot at a different place on the glowing Omega sign of the loop above the base timeline. Mine had a dotted line pointing to a forward bookmark, his one pointing back to his set first mark. I told him what to do next. “I’m jumping forward just before I started the loop, to shower and rest. You go to yours, and the only evidence of anything ever happening will be what we wash off our bodies.”

“Yeah,” Prime replied, “that and our empty balls! Fucking hell I never thought it could feel like that!”

I laughed and spoke just before I clicked my watch and simply was not there anymore. “Mmm, only the beginning!”


2024-09-07 13:21:41
God i came so hard to this last night i had to remember to come back and thank you. Please keep this going

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