“There.” Calvin walked back in the living room. “That should do it.”
“She’s a good lay, ya have fun with her?”
“I didn’t want to have fun, the beer made it easier. And that’s our friend in there, Drew,” he spoke through clenched teeth.
“Dude… bro… I know who’s in there, but still…”
“Bro! I know that look—you can’t be serious‽”
“She’s hot, bro. Horny, blonde, sexy. Somewhere in there is Steve and we’re best bros.”
“No,” he said firmly.
“No, Drew, that’s fucking sick.”
“No, I mean, what’s she doing?”
They turn to watch Stephanie shambling from the bedroom towards the front door.
“Hey Steph.” Drew jumped up.
Calvin gave him a warned look. “Wha’cha doin… Stephanie?”
“More cum,” she muttered.
“Whoa, whoa, young lady! You can’t just go outside.” He rushed over and grabbed her.
She whined and struggled as he ushered her to the couch.
“Relax, after all that sex, you should get your energy back up,” Drew consoled.
“Plus if a cop saw you, you’d get arrested,” Calvin added.
“Shhh.” Drew soothed and rubbed her thigh. “Have a beer and a slice, and before you know it, I’ll be ready for round two.”
She stared at the food.
“C’mon, you sexy thang! Ya make a guy wanna go all night… get my dick back up by any means necessary.”
Calvin rolled his eyes and hissed, “Drew!”
“You know you like her.”
“We’re not supposed to like her like that!”
“Steph, here.” Drew handed her a slice of pizza.
She inspected it.
“You know she’s not all there, Drew. She can barely form a sentence.”
“Right. Umm… just bite it and chew.”
Drew held the slice to her mouth and fed it to her.
“You’d think she never ate food before.” Calvin watched.
“Real easy on the beer, okay?” Drew gave her a drink.
“Do you think she’s still drunk from before this happened?”
“Maybe? She sure was walking like it.”
They watched her eat another slice and finish the beer.
“Oh… umm.” She looked down at her crotch.
They looked at each other and back at her.
“What is it,” Drew asked.
“There.” She pointed at her vagina. “Feels something.”
“What feeling,” Calvin asked confused.
“How many beers… did Steve have?”
“Like six now, why?”
“She gotta piss, Cal.”
“Oh shit.”
“She’s gonna piss the couch. Hold it in Steph.”
Drew took her to the bathroom, sat her on the toilet and walked out.
“Not gonna wait and wipe her,” Calvin spat.
He just gave him a look and plopped on the couch.
“You’d just stop me, anyway.”
“I knew it.”
“Fuck you, I’m not into that kinda thing.”
“What if she’s taking a shit?”
“She’s shit outta luck, then.”
“You trying to cuff her up, go take care of your girl.”
As they argued, Stephanie had came out and made her way towards the front door.
“There she goes again.” Drew jumped up.
She had just got the door open when he stopped her.
“You can’t go outside like that.”
“No, Steph. It’s not safe.” He tried to usher her back.
“Yes! Cum!”
“I said I’d give you some more, I just gotta… finish recharging.”
“Out! Cum! Want cum!”
She started fighting him back as he wrestled with her.
“Stop. Stop! It’s for your own good. Quit it!”
“No! Want cum!”
“You can’t have it right now, okay?”
She started to yell and scream as he forced her back down on the couch, and kept trying to get up.
“She’s losing it.” Calvin watched.
“Fuckin help me, bro!”
“I’m not fucking her again.”
“Man, I will if we can get her to calm down long enough!”
“Wait. I think he has sleeping pills, we can just knock her out.” Calvin went to the bathroom.
“Stop fighting, Steph!”
“Cum! Cum! Now!”
Calvin came back in. “How many?”
“Whatever knocks her out the fastest, man!”
Calvin shook out four pills.
“Steph. Steph!” Drew grabbed her face. “Fucking stop! Swallow these… they’re… cum pills, Steph.”
She looked confused.
“Yeah, Drew’s right. These are cum pills. Just swallow them, Drew’s in love with you, he wouldn’t lie.”
“Faster you take them, the faster we go back in the bedroom and fuck again.”
She held her mouth open, Calvin gave them to her.
“Drink this.” Calvin handed her a beer.
She drank half of it, sat it down, looked at Drew and grabbed his crotch.
“Let’s go, Steph.”
She got up and pulled him towards the bedroom.
“Good luck.”
Once they got to the bedroom, Drew pushed her to the bed and shut her inside. Calvin started to hear banging on the door as he held it shut.
“What are you doing?” He went to see.
“Keeping her in here to cool down.”
“It could be forty five minutes before those kick in. Much as I hate it, you should just fuck her again.”
“If I do, I might not have the energy to fight her ass and keep her in here.”
“She has to be just as tired and all that fighting’s just gonna wear her out more, she might pass the fuck out.”
“Hmm… plow her good and hard.”
Calvin winced at the idea. Stephanie started to calm down. Drew opened the door and they peeked inside to find her trying to get out of a window, rushed over to grab her.
“Are you crazy‽ You’ll fall to your death,” Drew exclaimed. “Put her on the bed!”
Stephanie yelled like a wild beast.
“This is so not a turn-on,” Drew added.
“How are we gonna calm her down?”
“I don’t think she’s gonna calm down until she has sex again. Jeeze, Steve doesn’t even have a sex addiction this bad.”
They both pinned her down on the bed and in her flailing, her hands kept brushing against their cocks, eventually she started grabbing at them desperately and got Drew’s out of his boxers. Calvin looked uneasy. Stephanie undid the button one handed, tugged the zipper down and fished out Calvin’s cock, while he watched, shocked. Both were speechless. She started to calm down slightly, their grips relaxed, she repositioned herself, pulled Calvin’s cock to her mouth and pressed her butt towards Drew’s in an attempt to get him back inside, rubbing herself on him until he slipped inside.
Calvin muttered.
“Jus’ let her,” Drew said with a hitch in his voice.
Stephanie moaned the second he entered her and she pushed until he was deep inside, she pressed her mouth into Calvin’s crotch until he was deep inside. She vigorously sucked and rolled her hips, reached down to finger herself. They exchanged glances with each other and just gave in, let her urge lead theirs.
“This really is weird, you’re right, Cal,” he grunted. “I wish I could… have the words.”
Calvin just nodded. Stephanie climaxed, moaned hard with a mouthful, she started furiously sucking Calvin, loud and sloppy, jerked her hips as hard as she could in the position. Calvin held the wall and her shoulder as he felt weak, he forced himself to look at her, moved her hair from her face and her gaze met his, just before he climaxed. He pulled himself from her mouth once the sensitivity got too high, she gasped for air. Drew grabbed her and rebounded to her jounce, held her close.
“Don’t stop, I’m close,” he whispered.
Soon them smacking together flooded out the sound of their heavy breathing. She rubbed her clit just as hard, they screamed together as they reached orgasm. Calvin just sat on the bed and couldn’t turn away. Stephanie’s Kegel muscles throbbed like his cock, like she was trying to wring him out, held tight as if she were trying to scrap it clean as he pulled out.
A few moments passed, she sat up woozy, they watched her try and get off the bed.
“More cum,” Calvin asked.
She only nodded.
“Not happening, Steph,” Drew added.
They pulled her back down and laid on her, she tried to struggle and yell, but her body felt heavy, they took no chances and held her down until they knew she wasn’t going anywhere.
Steven woke up to the sun shining on his face and found him in the middle of his friends cuddling him. It took him a moment to realize they were naked and what probably happened after he changed.
“Get up. Get the fuck up! Get out my fucking bed!”
“Huh,” Calvin groggily spoke.
“Ste-Steve‽” Drew’s eyes shot open.
“Bro! The fuck‽ Get out!”
Steven tried to get free and push Drew causing both of them to fall on the floor with him landing on top of Drew.
“Steve, your back.” Calvin looked at them from the bed.
Steve scrambled to get off of Drew and stood up.
“Why are we all naked in the fucking bed‽”
“S-sorry Steve-o.” Drew stood up.
“Yeah, umm,” Calvin’s voice trailed off.
“Did I… we… no. No, no, no, bros. Why? Why‽” Steven grabbed some sweatpants and stormed out of the room.
They quickly found their clothes to wear and found him freaking out and yelling at nothing, flipped his coffee table and threw empty beer bottles.
“This is bullshit! Why did this happen‽ Fuck my life!”
Neither could understand what he was going through, the whole thing baffled them, and they could do or say nothing as he raged.
“You two nasty bastards!” He finally sat on the couch.
“Steve,” Calvin called out.
He started crying. “Why? I… remember. Why Drew? Why did we…?”
“We both,” Drew answered quietly.
“I figured, but I only remember you… in the beginning.” Tears fell from his face.
“Do you really wanna know,” Calvin asked.
“Why can’t I stop crying?”
“This is a fucked up situation, I’d cry too,” Calvin replied.
“I’m sorry about last night, Steve. I really am,” Drew solemnly spoke.
He looked at them. “I need to know.”
“Steve.” Drew sat down.
Calvin joined them.
“It looked like it hurt, when you—”
“It does. I feel like I’m just watching.”
“How many times,” Calvin asked.
“This is my second time. I have some idea…”
“She’s not very bright and she’s polite. I don’t think she’s stupid, it just seems like… she doesn’t know much,” Calvin explained.
“She takes direction well, and,” Drew’s voice trailed off.
“You like her, right?”
“Steve, I know I shouldn’t. I’m sorry.”
“She—I, am I… cute, or some shit?”
“You know how I—”
“Yes,” he answered and cleared his throat. “I really hate to admit it, and I don’t like blondes that much, but yeah you are.”
“You really think that that Janie girl did this to you,” Drew asked.
“I know she did.”
“How do you feel now? Since it started happening,” Drew asked.
“I can’t describe it.” He sniffed. “It feels wrong. I feel violated.”
“I know it doesn’t help, but we were trying to keep you from getting outside and trying to have sex with strangers, you kept trying to,” Drew explained.
“That’s what happened the first time.” He started crying again. “I… I saw most of it and woke up in a park.”
“Most,” Calvin asked.
“I kinda… fade out…”
“Is that why you were late yesterday?”
He nodded, Calvin and Drew exchanged glances.
“Are you mad at us,” Drew asked.
“I don’t know. I know I came on to you and you were trying to keep me safe.”
“You kept demanding… cum. I don’t think that you have a limit. We even drugged you and you were still trying to drag yourself outside, literally,” Drew explained.
“That’s why… we were… all naked. We were trying to hold you down till you passed out. You started getting… us… going. We were all drunk and tired,” Calvin added.
“Right! Steve, we’re sorry you had to see and feel our dicks after you turned back, bro.”
Steve sighed. “I’m fine with that. God why‽ I’m not a fag! What do I do‽”
“We don’t know either,” Drew said.
Steve looked at him. “I know what you wanna do.”
Drew looked away in shame.
“Next time we’ll just lock you in the bathroom, or something,” Calvin said.
“I already feel like shit because I wanted you, Steve.”
“Maybe… maybe you should leave. I need to be alone. Both of you.”
“You gonna be okay,” Calvin asked.
“I don’t know. I just know I need to talk to Janie; see why she did this to me. I kinda remember more and the smells, the liquid, the… poem—spell thing she was saying, that’s what she was saying. I don’t know what she was saying, but I know it was a spell, she put a spell on me, it all makes sense.”
“We are sorry, man.”
“I know yall are, Cal. So am I. Please, just go.”
“Okay. Just keep us updated. We’re still your friends, we got you,” Drew said.
“I know.”
Once they left, Steven went to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror, he stared at his reflection long enough it seemed to change without notice, despite only blinking distracting him, showing a woman staring back at him. He jumped and had to restrain himself from punching the mirror. He started the shower, and seemed to only catch glimpses of her in his peripheral vision, quickly got in the shower. His mind raced about the last two nights and sex with Janie, what his friends told him. What he thought was a nightmare turned out to be true; he was going to spend his life as a sex addicted slut every night. Steven for the first time didn’t want to think about it all, but he couldn’t help it, the memories became clear and vivid; the taste of salty semen that left a weird taste in his mouth, first time doing anal, Drew being so kind to him and trying to get information, making sure she was okay, unlike the others he had submitted to. The ones who had to have left bruises, especially the cop that treated him way too rough, but there were none. Faint memories of Calvin, the last being him telling her not to look at him. He collapsed in the shower in tears.
Two lines started sticking with him; “by the new moon, may he be man no more, every full moon to breaking dawn, he shall rise a were-whore!” Steven pulled himself from the shower when the water ran cold. Few lines stuck with him, few words, but that was one of them that did. With no concern of drying off, walked uneasy to his wall calendar, saw the phases of the moon, two more nights at least, based on his lack of knowledge, wondering how many nights it’s actually full or close to it. Dread enveloped him as he knew once again tonight he would change. Steven had to talk to Janie, to see her, he found some clothes to put on, knew she didn’t do much on weekends.
Steven grabbed his phone and called her.
“Hello Steve, is it Steph?”
“Janie please don’t hang up… I just wanna talk—not yell or any of that shit. Please.”
“What is it?”
“Somethings wrong with me, I need your help.”
“Look, if it’s about the sex; I don’t have anything. Check with one of your other sluts.”
“I haven’t been with anybody but you. It’s something else. Please help me,” he begged.
“Awe… sounds like you’re having a rough time, baby. I don’t know what I could do for you since I wasn’t anything to you. Maybe you should ask Stephanie about these problems, she’s more your type.”
“What do you kno—”
“Bye Steven, Stephen, Stephanie, or whatever. We don’t need to talk to each other anymore, you don’t want me, remember?” Janie then hung up.
He was shocked. Then anger started to rise at the act of her calling him Stephanie and he decided to give her a piece of his mind.
“Was that the guy you cursed?”
“Sure was, Vix. I guess he figured it out, not that it matters. A guy like him seems even worse than your kind—no offense.”
“Mmm… none taken.” He kissed her.
“At least you’ve taken me out and treat me like a person without doing it just to get laid.”
“That’s because I know I’m getting it anyway,” he teased.
“You dirty demon!”
She climbed on top of him and kissed him and hummed. Janie felt his cock growing under her.
“I’ll enjoy this taught little body of yours as long as you allow it.”
She sat up and landed right on his shaft with her wet lips still leaking his cum.
“You spoil me, Vix. We might not be dating, or fall in love, but the sex is the best I ever had and we can have great conversations. I don’t think I can go back to humans.”
“Is that so?”
“I hate when you fuck me as a human. The way this cock pierces me, fills me. Some if not all women are really missing out.”
Janie ground her slit on his shaft, pleasured by the gentle ridges, he held her small waist.
“I bet it’s even better for succubus.”
“We do tend to make a day out of it.”
“I think I might be up for that challenge.”
“It’s already looking to be one of those days.” He smiled.
“If Monday wasn’t rearing its ugly existence too soon, I’d be down for it.” Her lip quivered while continued to grind on him. “Fuck me till my voice gives out… fuck me till my muscles tire and spasm… till I can’t breath and pass out. Then a few more for good measure.”
“Promise.” He chuckled.
“I’ve never been so horny before, what are you doing to me, Vix? I got one more ride in me and you can have your way.” She eased up to push him back inside.
Suddenly there was a fierce banging on her door, she tried to ignore it, but it grew louder.
“Damn it,” she growled.
“Faster you take care of it, faster I can get to having my way.” He smirked.
Janie climbed off, grabbed her robe, strutted to the shaking front door and yanked it open.
“You did this, didn’t you‽” Steven barged in.
“Get the fuck out my house!”
“Not until I get answers!”
“You’ll get nothing and like it.”
“You look fine to me.”
“I’m not, don’t play games. What did you do and why‽”
“All these demands. Doesn’t look like I did anything.”
“You did! I know it! Why else would you call me Stephanie‽”
She scoffed. I think all that testosterone has went to your head. I don’t have anything for you. So go!”
“I remember that night; whatever you were doing, whatever you were saying. I’m not stupid, Janie. What did you do‽ Did you put a spell on me‽ Huh‽”
She just glared.
“Yeah, caught the fucking lie, didn’t I‽ I remember that shit you put in that candle, that shit about the moon and Stephanie… being a woman.. all that shit!”
She couldn’t help but smirk. “So dammed full of yourself. Fine! You stupid fool, I didn’t just put a spell on you—it was a curse! Obviously you know what it does by now. It’s the sweetest poetic justice, to make somebody like you, Somebody who uses women! You just wanted to fuck me this whole time, and when you finally got it; I wasn’t good enough! But you didn’t fuck me anyway, I fucked you—fucked you and made you my bitch. Literally! The whore you always were, so can’t really say much has changed. All the sex you could ever want.”
Steven was shocked.
“Nothing to say now? Pathetic! Look at your face!” She had a devious grin. “Poor baby! I’ll tell you why I did it! I want men like you to suffer! All you so-called alpha, red pill, limp dick bastards! I hate you! I don’t even know how you find the time to use and abuse us, when you’re too busy sucking Andrew Tates dick! You’re all fucking garbage! You’re not real men—especially you! No, my little were-whore, you want women to fuck so bad, well now you can be the thing you want the most. Your wish came true; you have the baddest bitch in town at your disposal! Too bad she’s you, Steph… and more so at everybody else’s.”
“Reverse it,” he spoke flatly.
“Do what?” Her eyes wide.
He pushed her. “Reverse it!”
Steven pushed her against a wall. She cackled loudly.
“What’s the cure‽”
“There is none, Stephanie!”
“Don’t call me that!”
“But that’s your name! I gave it to you, myself. You should be thanking me! You’re a much better woman, than whatever man you think you’ll be.”
“Take this shit off me!”
Steven grabbed her throat, pinned her to the wall, ready to punch her.
“Can’t let you do that.”
Steven whipped around to see Vix towering over him. He barely got a good look, before he was backhanded hard enough to get knocked out. Janie smiled at his body laying on the floor.
“He should be out for a while, want me to take him somewhere?”
“Like… a few hours?”
“I have a better idea. Hmmm… oh Babalon! You there‽”
“Babalon,” he asked.
“Well she needs to be punished for what she just did.”
“Who’s going to punish me for something I allegedly did?” She appeared in the living room.
“Oh fuck! N-no, not you. I meant that one.” Janie pointed to Steven on the floor.
“Relax, dear. I knew you didn’t mean me.” She gave a sly smile. “What did poor Stephanie do?”
“Came in here uninvited, interrupting our sex, yelling and assaulting me.”
“That won’t do.”
“I just thought of something you might be interested in, to do to him, if you have time.”
“I’m all ears, Janie.”
“I was thinking, since Vix said he’d be out at least a few hours, to tie him to the bed and see what happens when he changes and can’t get laid. I would just need something to keep him there.”
An evil smile crept across Babalon’s face. “I’ve got the time. Vix, if you don’t mind? I’ll be right back
Chapter 6
Hours later Babalon returned as night fell, so did Vix, they watched him start to stir as he started to shift, the pain jarred him awake with a grunt, gasp and scream, he pulled against the straps.
“Whu—nngh—what… what’s… no… no!” He started to freak out when he saw he was trapped.
“Shhh…. shhh, you’ll be okay,” Janie leaned in and held his face. “Calm down, Stephanie.”
“No. Please, why? I’ll leave you alone, I’m sorry,” he pleaded as his voice broke and fluctuated.
“A man will say anything to get out of trouble,” Babalon said.
“Who are they‽ Ahhh! Huuunngh!”
“This is quite a show,” Vix said intrigued. “That shifting looks painful.”
“Yes,” Steven wailed in pain.
“Good idea stripping him naked, we can see everything.” Janie had a big grin.
Steven just looked at them.
“Oh yes! Introductions! I am the Goddess Babalon; the Whore of whores,” she introduced, leaned in close as black clouds and purple lightning seemed to engulf the two and her eyes shimmered. “The purveyor of sex, lust… and this wonderful curse. You should be proud to be the first.”
She kissed his now full quivering lips, stepped back and the room seemed to return to normal. Stevens body jerked and spasm.
“I’m just another incubus,” Vix introduced.
Steven looked in fear of the demon, eyes trailed down to his cock.
“Don’t worry, I won’t be fucking you tonight… sadly.”
He grunted in pain, panting heavy. “Why… pain‽”
“Because being a woman is pain. Dealing with women is a pain, dealing with men is a bigger pain,” Janie hissed.
“Mmm… yes.” Babalon chuckled.
“I’m happy I can’t do that.” Vix watched his dick and balls retreat inside.
“I am jealous of her tits, though,” Janie watched them grow out.
“Yes but your so puffy areola are quite fun, like tiny pillows that rest on your chest.”
“What… are you… gonna do?”
“We won’t be doing anything but watching you… seeing what happens when you don’t get dick.” Janie looked menacing.
Steven finally finished changing to Stephanie and laid there huffing and puffing only moments before trying to get up.
“You’re right Janie; I would like to partake in that.”
“I knew you would.”
“Her friends partook in her too. I saw it—most entertaining,” Babalon explained.
“Holy shit,” Janie gasped.
“Neither really wanted to, but they couldn’t resist. I imagine Stephanie and them are birds of a feather. They of course didn’t want her getting out and fucking strangers, what flimsy sense of honor and concern.”
Janie laughed. Stephanie started yanking on the restraints begging for cum and panicking.
“Poor baby, no cum for you tonight,” Babalon consoled.
“Yes! Cum! Cum!”
“Not tonight, Steph,” Janie added.
“I need it! Please!”
“So cute how she wants to be fucked so bad,” Babalon cooed.
“Please… please.” Stephanie stared Vix naked body.
“See something you like?” Janie cupped his cock and balls.
She nodded. Janie played with it and turned his body, watched her eyes follow as she drooled.
“Watch this, Steph.”
Janie stroked him until he was full length. Stephanie pulled on the restraints, Janie took it in her mouth.
“Me! Meeee!”
“Oh… you want some? Gotta get closer.”
She cried out, yanked and kicked, begged and yelled.
“She’s got some spirit.” Babalon watched.
Stephanie continued to flail and cry.
“Want! Want cum! Give me… give me!”
“Do you know what you did to me earlier?”
She looked confused.
“You hurt me earlier.”
“Not hurt Janie.”
“You did.” She slapped her across the face. “You hurt me. So now you get hurt.”
“I… not hurt… you. Why do you… hurt me?”
“Hmmm,” Babalon hummed.
“I saw what you did to her,” Vix added.
“No. I… I…,” her voice trailed off and she shook her head.
Stephanie watched Babalon trail her hands over her body, cup each breast, place a firm grip on her chin and stare into her eyes.
“There’s barely anything up there… a bit of that man is freaking out in there, but as for her; she’s quite the dullard, can barely make sentences. My curse is working well, she’s nothing but a sex toy. I’m surprised she remembers you. We should have a bit of fun with her instead of just staring at her.”
“I wouldn’t mind having some fun,” Vix said.
“Then have it. Just don’t cum in or on her, because that’s what she needs. Besides… Janie here has made herself a fine receptacle for your seed.”
Babalon stuck her fingers inside Stephanie and gave her breast a squeeze.
“Of course I’m not gonna stop you, Vix, but at least fuck me first… on top of her.”
“We’ll give her a show.” He smiled.
“This I have to see,” Babalon exclaimed.
Janie dropped her robe, climbed on the bed on top of Stephanie. “How do you want me?”
“Will there be… girl on girl action,” Babalon teased.
Janie scoffed. “I’m not gay and I hate her.”
“And jealous of her body,” she teased again.
“Just lay right there so I can lick you both.”
Janie laid on top of Stephanie, Vix took his tongue extended it and licked both ladies in one go; Stephanie moaned and Janie cooed.
“You lot never fail to impress me sometimes, Vix.”
He continued to lick them both, they breathed heavy, Stephanie moaned loud in Janie’s ear and squirmed under her, while the length of his tongue dragged slowly between their labia and on their clits.
“Shut up and be still, tits McGee,” Janie whined.
“I almost want to get on top.”
Vix got up to mount them and his cock head pressed into Stephanie’s pussy and she gasped.
“No, no, me first.” Janie reached for his cock and stuck it in her.
“Selfish little bitch.” Babalon chuckled.
Janie gave her an evil look that was quickly erased from his thrust.
“Me! Me!” She pulled on her restraints.
Janie moaned loudly, Stephanie started getting restless under her, Vix switched holes to Stephanie’s, she screamed when he rammed in her, him being the biggest she’s taken, she screamed and wailed.”
“Quite the tight one,” he grunted.
Stephanie yelled and wailed at his heavy thrust, while he used his tongue and hands on Janie.
“You should’ve gave them two dicks.” Janie looked at Babalon.
Stephanie gripped as hard as she could and bucked under Janie, wailing in her ear, as she climaxed.
“My tits, my clit… Vix!”
He quickly pulled out and thrust in her, pounded her all the same, pushing her as equally over the edge with his current titillation, Janie gasped, hollered, and climaxed. Janie rolled over and faced Stephanie, scooted up until her wet hole hung over her face.
“No… like girls.”
“I don’t give a shit. I just wanted you to watch me get fucked good, now you get to taste it.”
Janie sat her wet pussy right on Stephanie’s face, who pleaded for her not to. She smiled at the pain in her eyes while she rode her face, pelvic bones pressed hard till she knew it hurt. While she was busy torturing the woman, Vix went back inside Stephanie, who moaned. He leaned towards Janie.
“Surprise, Janie.”
“What do you me—haaa!”
Vix licked and stuck his tongue a few inches in her tight second hole.
“Feels so good,” Janie squealed.
Stephanie was trying to jerk her head around, which helped Janie even more with her nose rubbing her clit. Stephanie’s body started to spasm, she frantically pulled on her restraints.
“You have orgasms too fast, bitch.”
“Can’t breath! I can’t breath,” Steven shouted to the mind space and started to fade.
Janie looked down when she noticed Stephanie not moving, her eyes started to roll back in her head with fluttering eyelids.
“Stick your dick in me,” she begged.
Vix stopped his assault on her second hole, she lifted up from Stephanie’s face, who took in several deep breaths while watching him slide his cock inside Janie.
“I saw what you did there.” Babalon smirked.
All she could do is look with her mouth agape from his slow, hard thrust inside her. Stephanie watched his cock reciprocating in and out, balls swinging, all just out of reach of her hungry mouth. Each thrust knocked a yelp from Janie’s mouth.
“Janie… why?”
Stephanie could only watch the sex going on above her, as skinny as Janie was, her thighs blocked her vision of anything else. Her thirst for semen was starting to overwhelm her, she could remember the previous night where her friends gave her what they could and it wasn’t long before everything went black. This was worse, she felt uneasy and left out, despite not knowing how to properly define her feelings, things were just wrong. The smell of their sex was driving her wild and making her thirst even more.
“Cum,” she yelled.
“I’m about to, Steph,” Janie gasped before her next orgasm.
“Please,” she begged.
“We told you dear Stephanie,” Babalon walked over, “you don’t get any tonight, we want to know what happens if you don’t get any.”
She peered under Janie and stroked her hair.
“Maybe tomorrow we’ll test your limits, you insatiable little—that’s it! If you don’t mind keeping this one here until the next night, we can see how much she can really take.”
“How can we do that?”
“My Incubi of course.”
“My legs… maybe I’m not cut out to fuck like you do.”
“So you don’t want to try?”
“We’re still doing it, whether I can take it or not.”
“Which one of you is the were-whore again,” Babalon teased.
Janie could just give a weak smile.
“I’m not out yet. I’m just gonna lay here and relax while you have your fun. But you… I can’t stand you yelling in my damn ear.”
Janie picked up one of her socks, rolled it up and went to stuff it in Stephanie’s mouth.
“Open your fucking cock sucker.”
“Why Janie?”
“I just told you why, now open.”
“Wuh-why Janie?”
She rolled her eyes and grabbed her mouth. “Open.”
Stephanie gave in and took the sock, it was deep enough she couldn’t spit it out. Janie smiled and laid back on top of her, Turned her head towards Babalon, then rested her head the other way. Vix mounted them both. Stephanie was stuck staring at Babalon, who watched intently, she couldn’t conceive fear, yet that’s what was washed over her looking at the Goddess, even when she felt Vix enter her again, the pleasure stood beside the fear, she couldn’t ignore either. Once again she felt like she was getting stretched open, she clenched her fist and wanted to cry out in joy. The bed rocked and bounced under them, the motion moved Janie on top of her. She knew she was going to get his seed eventually if he was making use of her.
“This is it for tonight… we have work in the morning,” Vix said in a hoarse whisper.
He pulled out and pushed back in Janie moaned loudly in Stephanie’s ear. He laid on them both, Stephanie felt their weight bare down, sounds of lust and joy fill the room. Vix reached and played with her exposed nipples. Janie was breathing heavier and heavier, she cried out. Vix moved his hand to her hips and pulled her back clear of the risk of anything leaking on or in Stephanie, growled deep and grunted, with an abrupt roar, he released in her. Janie had her nails dug in Stephanie’s biceps the whole time both of them climaxed.
“Wonderful as always.” He climbed off of her.
Stephanie had a feeling she wasn’t going to have her thirst quenched, she couldn’t talk to express, couldn’t think and didn’t know.
“I’m gonna sleep well tonight.”
Vix helped her up.
“First a shower,” she added.
“That was quite the performance, all three of you.” Babalon clapped.
“Why thank you, my Goddess.” Vix bowed.
“A bath does sound good! I shall have one myself.”
It hit her; she wasn’t getting anything, that was the last thought as things she didn’t know swirled around inside her, she shut down.
“Let’s see how our little trinkets doing.” Babalon stared into her dilated eyes and smiled. “There’s nothing there. I think the stress was too much, she seemed to be overwhelmed at the fact we left her hungry, high and almost dry.”
Janie waved a hand in front of her face, snapped her fingers, Stephanie just had the same dead stare, yet tears fell down her face.
“I guess when he turns back, or gets loaded with cum, they’ll be fine.” Janie shrugged. “I’m tired as hell.” She walked to the bathroom.
“G’night Janie.” Vix teleported away.
“Yes, see you later.” Babalon teleported as well.
It was just the two of them. Janie enjoyed her shower, dried off in the bedroom and noticed Stephanie hadn’t moved an inch.
“Have you even blinked?”
Janie sighed when she didn’t respond.
“At least you stopped crying. I guess we’re sharing the bed. Even if I don’t like you, it’s nice not to sleep alone for once, not that you’d know about that.”
Janie laid next to her and rested her hand on her face.
“If you weren’t such an insufferable bastard, Steven… and could look past the fact I lack that body, maybe we both would be happy, maybe together. I hope you hear me. I guess I’m a bit superficial myself, because the best thing about you, is your body… both of them. Try to get some sleep before your eyes dry out. Please close your eyes.”
Janie woke up in the morning next to a still sleeping Steve, the sight of him ruined her morning and she wanted to punch him awake, instead she went to get ready for work, thinking that not getting came in, must have had some effect on him, more like a vampire, than a werewolf. She rolled her eyes at such wild thoughts so early. Normally she wouldn’t have given somebody a second look at her body that didn’t deserve it, or some other senseless reason. Yet, after having sex with him, a thing he remembers well enough, probably deep down inside remembers her having sex on top of him last night and sleeping naked with him; what’s even matter at that point? Janie didn’t care if he woke up or not, or even changed back before he fell asleep and probably got a good view. What could he even do or say about it? Even if they still hid in her mind, such thoughts seemed weak to the woman she had became.
She took her morning piss, straightened up her hair, started coffee and two sausage, egg cheese croissants in the microwave. Returned to her bedroom to dress and found him awake, somewhat startled her—not as much as he was.
“Oh. Good morning Steven.”
She noticed what looked like fear on his face.
“Don’t worry… it’s just us here, calm down. Unlike you, I won’t lie—other than you know; tricking you to curse you.”
She sat her plate and coffee down, sat next to him and placed a hand on his chest, he flinched.
“Can we finally be honest with each other? Other than that whole thing, I really never lied to you. Be honest with me Steve and I’ll tell you every thing you’re sure off, and maybe more. You’re probably the kind of guy that’ll say anything to get anything—in fact, I know you are… because you used me. Never mind the fact we both did it. You’re not getting out of here anytime soon, so you might as well play nice, got it?”
He nodded his head.
“Good. I’ll start. That woman who claimed she was Babalon, really was. I’m Pagan and she’s my patron Goddess. She came to me with a new curse she made, because she doesn’t like men like you—neither do I. You kept hassling me all the time. If a woman isn’t interested, then leave her alone! Even women who like the chase aren’t playing that game for months. Why even chase me for so long, just to get in my pants? I’m sure there’s women out there built like a broomstick, like me, or however you thought I looked like, would throw themselves at you. So I was tasked with being the first to do it. If not for the drugs… would you have had sex with me anyway? Would you even fuck anybody you weren’t attracted to, just to get laid?”
He shook his head.
“I noticed you hesitate when you saw me naked, so I was curious. Basically it was the drugs?”
He shook his head.
“Did you at least like what I was wearing?”
He nodded.
“Seriously. Even if you think I’m ugly, did I at least look okay in it?”
He shook his head vigorously.
“You’re conventionally attractive, even if you are under six feet. They’d probably have your picture next to European beauty standards, if somebody googled it.” She took a bite of her sandwich. “I’m not going to lie and say I don’t like your looks, because I do. You saw the demon yesterday; that muscular, tall, incubus. Do you remember everything after you change?”
He shook his head.
“When you change, does it hurt?”
He nodded.
“Remember him eating us out and fucking us?”
He nodded.
“Remember me riding your face and suffocating you?”
He nodded.
“Yeah, I did that on purpose. How about when he fucked me over your face?”
He shook his head.
“Anything after I sat on your face?”
Shook his head again. She finished her sandwich and drunk some coffee.
“Babalon told me your friends fucked you last night. She’s been watching you.”
He flinched, squeezed his eyes shut and nodded.
“I bet that made you feel all kinds of things.”
The memories of that night caused tears to fall.
“There’s probably women out there that you fucked, just to fuck, that feel whatever you felt. They’ve probably seen you where you didn’t see them and remember whatever hurt you gave them.”
He just looked at her.
“Do you feel different after last night? Like… you got laid up till then, do you feel different after not getting his nut in you?”
He mumbled something.
“A little?”
He nodded.
“Kinda hard to tell or describe?”
Nodded again.
“Tonight… we’re going to fix that. She’s arranged a gangbang for you to see how much you can take. So you’re just gonna be here a lil longer. Maybe this’ll give you time to reflect on your life. You’re a woman, now, too. A were-whore who craves to be fucked and filled, but a woman none the less. Thanks for being honest with me.”
She finished her coffee and other sandwich, then got dressed.
“I’ll be back for lunch to feed you, but don’t try anything stupid. You stay quiet, eat, and take the gag back.”
He watched her leave the room, left in total silence with nothing but his thoughts. He looked around the room and found not much to it, nothing to hold his attention, he couldn’t even see outside. One thing he knew was his mouth was sore from that sock, work hadn’t even crossed his mind, it was mostly what could possibly happen to him now that he seemed to cross the wrong woman and what connections she had. If what he saw was real; that demon looking creature and that other woman, were they who they and Janie claimed to be. Steven wasn’t overtly religious, he did claim to be a Christian, thus he prayed, hoping for some sort of miracle—if Babalon was who she claimed, then out of growing desperation, he hoped that Jesus was also real and would set him free.
Janie stopped by on her lunch break, found him staring at the ceiling… humming, seemingly zoned out as what little noise she made hadn’t distracted him. She sat the food on the bed, drinks on the nightstand, and placed a hand on his arm, that made his head snap in her direction.
“If you yell or scream, I’m going to smack the shit out of your balls.”
He nodded quickly. She pulled the sock from his mouth and he flexed his jaw.
“What were you humming?”
“I was still humming? It was… Happy Song by Bring Me The Horizon.”
Janie pulled out two burgers and fries.
“You eat double cheese burgers and are still that skinny?”
“That’s the bullshit that got you in this mess. Since I’m so skinny, should I just eat both of them?”
“Sorry, I—”
She pushed a burger in his mouth and took a bite of her own.
He swallowed and decided to speak, “you know… it’s weird not being in control, like sitting in the backseat of a self-driving car.. Not knowing where its going or how its getting there. Staying on the honest thing; I’m scared.”
She gave him another bite. “Why?”
“I keep fading from my own mind. She… I… we—there could be trouble. I could fade away forever or not turn back one day.”
With a smirk, she gave him another bite, then some fries. They ate quietly for a while.
“I know you don’t care. Why should you?”
“Are you looking for sympathy?”
He shook his head. “For what? You kinda got off Scott free compared to the rest. It doesn’t mean it’s not just as bad. If you didn’t put that spell on me and all that shit, I was gonna ghost you after we had sex. I won’t apologize for you not being my type, though.”
She took a drink. “You shouldn’t. Anybody who doesn’t think what somebody looks like matters even a lil bit when it comes to finding somebody are retarded. Everybody has a type or range they want. Doesn’t mean it might not hurt when ones type doesn’t like their type.”
“You find me attractive?”
“Pfft. Why would I pump up your ego, you’re like the stereotypical white guy who majority of the women want, get the lead movie roles, guys wanna be like.” Her voice lowered and she sighed. “I do like the way you look, I’m attracted to guys built like you. It’s everything else about you that makes you ugly. Like the fact you don’t really care about women, we’re just… cock pockets. Staying on the honest thing.”
“I know this wasn’t because I turned you down, but why I did it is probably a part of it.”
“Aren’t you smart.”
She gave him the last of his fries and a drink.
“I had time to think.”
“You’ll have more later, too.”
“I’ll be thinking about this until I die, probably. Was anything you said even true when we were talking?”
“Everything that wasn’t enabling your red pill bullshit.”
He just stared at her.
“Just thinking. You’re pretty okay.”
She waited for him to continue and finished her burger.
“Really, you’re a somewhat cool chick. A bit stuck up, maybe, but relationship material. You even have a house—I don’t even have a house.”
“Hmmph.” She went at her fries and gave him the last of his.
“I’m not trying to kiss your ass, Janie.”
“Have you ever had a real relationship?”
“Nah… I just wanted to get laid and not deal with all that shit. Course, I can’t fucking have one now, if I did! What fucking female would get with a dude that turns into a female every night‽”
“Not every night. Just during the full moon,” she spoke calmly. “Once a month for a week or so.”
“I’m gonna be fucking alone, Janie!”
“Babalon said your friend seemed like he would date you.”
“Date that thing I turn into… that doesn’t even wanna date, just wants to be the community fuck doll.”
“The kinda women you and your friends like; easy and slutty.”
“I’m not gay, he’s not gay…”
“Stephanie isn’t either.”
“I wonder if this changes our friendship? Are they gonna use me every time and then look me in the eye the next day, like… like…”
“Just bro business,” she finished.
“I’m starting to get it, I guess.”
She gave him the rest of his food and drink.
“Maybe you aren’t that dense after all, but just starting to get it… lemme know when you think you actually do, then I’ll tell you that you don’t.”
“I should’ve left you alone.”
“But you didn’t.”
“Is there any way we can move past this?”
“After tonight… I’m over it all. I’m not worried about you, and I don’t want nothing else to do with you. I don’t like you.”
“Is there any way I can get your forgiveness, I don’t mean any time soon, just… I could say sorry right now and all that, but at this point I’m just feeling guilty. I should be pissed the fuck off right now, but like, I basically did this to myself.”
“Fuck no.”
“What if I can prove over time I can be a new man, a few years maybe?”
“So we can date‽”
“No. Just be—I won’t even say friends, just… not enemies or shit. I can accept you hating me, but last night; I get she’s me but she’s not. There’s not much thoughts in her head other than mine, but when you sat on… our, I guess face, there was a fear and confusion. Whatever she is, she’s basically innocent.”
“Are you defending your other half?”
“I… guess…? It’s forever, right? She’s a chick like you, and you’re the only one she knows. She knows Drew and Cal are our friends, she might see you the same. I turn into her, but she’s not me, I don’t think you should hate her.”
“How quick you came to that conclusion. I’m going back to work.”
She grabbed the mate to the other sock to stick in his mouth.
“What if I gotta piss‽”
She stuffed his mouth and left. Returned later with an empty milk jug and a towel; tucked it under him and pushed the head of his cock in the jug, shook her head at him and left.
Hours later she returned and had Vix with her, he watched them walk up to him.
“I know you got more in you.”
“You know I do.” He smirked.
“As soon as he changes, you get to have a field day with her. Unleash that full demon dick! I wonder if she’ll get so filled up, that she’ll look pregnant? Maybe she doesn’t have a limit and will keep taking cum until her stomach explodes and then some.”
“We do have heavy loads compared to human males if we let it all go at once.”
Babalon decided to make a grand entrance; appearing with what looked like purple lightning and dancing shadows. Steven screamed and went wild against his restraints as she approached, the moment she reaches for him with her evil grin, he peed in the jug.
“Jesus help me! Jesus,” he screamed when she pulled the sock from his mouth.
“He’s not going to help you tonight.” She laughed.
“If you’re real, he has to be, he has to help me!”
“Oh he’s real. He also knows better than to trifle with me.”
“He’s a God, the almighty!”
“No he isn’t, my scared little sheep. Your Sheppard won’t be saving you.” She cackled. “Almighty God… Jesus is a demigod, and not a very mighty one. I could take him and Muhammed.”
She flicked her hand and the blinds rose up on the windows. He watched Vix change and start undoing his restraints, Babalon quickly pulled the milk jug away and hurt him. A purple energy seemed to engulf it in her hand and left no trace of it. Steven sat up in the bed and thought about making a run for it, knowing he probably couldn’t, he looked mournfully at Janie.”
“I’ll have you all to myself in but a few moments,” Vix said.
Soon pain rushed through his entire body as it started to shift, he doubled over, contorted, and yelled. Janie saw tears in his eyes when he gave her one last look. Vix waited no longer and took to her breast the second they were fully formed, her body writhing under his as it finished changing. Steven went from struggling to push him off, to Stephanie holding his horns to keep his head there. She cried out as the pleasure replaced the pain.
“Cum please.”
Vix looked up, “you’re going to get more cum than you could ever want, tonight. We have probably over fifty dicks to feed every hole of yours. How does that sound, Stephanie?”
“Want it, want it, want it,” she begged.
“Excellent,” Babalon yelled and cackled.
Stephanie grabbed Vix out of fear.
“Fear… interesting,” she said.
Vix mostly ignored it, opened her legs and rammed himself inside her, Stephanie opened her mouth and struggled to move air before releasing a pained yelp.
“Cum so hard you fill up her womb,” Janie cheered.
“Yes, please do, Vix. She should be sterile.”
“I won’t disappoint you, my queen.”
Vix chuffed away at Stephanie, her muscles were no match for his girth and power, she was already starting to sweat.
“Yes,” she cried out at the top of her lungs.
Vix took her in his clutches and rolled over on his back, with a firm grip on her waist, pushed her into his thrust.
“That’s one of my favorites,” Janie whispered to Babalon.
“Mine too. Aleister… Jack!”
The two head incubi appeared just as Stephanie climaxed.
“My queen,” they both said.
“Aleister? Are you thee Aleister‽”
“Me? Yes… Aleister Crawley, in the flesh, miss.”
“I’ve read your teachings, I really like your findings.”
“Why thank you, scarlet lady. I wouldn’t mind discussing it more with you at some juncture.”
“See that over there? Pick a hole, give her all your seed, then go get friends,” Babalon instructed.
“As you wish,” Jack said.
Aleister climbed on the bed and picked her second hole, while Jack picked her mouth. Vix slowed some, Aleister used his tongue to wet her hole, Stephanie gasped and guffawed at the feeling of him wriggling around in her, when she noticed Jacks cock, she happily held her mouth open to take him.
“Oh and don’t drain her life force. She’s that experiment I was talking about.”
Aleister pulled his tongue out and guided his cock inside. Stephanie’s eyes grew wide and she screamed around Jacks cock. Vix resumed what he was doing and sucked on one of her nipples.
Stephanie and Steven were both screaming.
“One was bad enough, but two‽ Two‽ I’m gonna be ripped open! It hurts! Please, it hurts… why does it hurt so much and… and feels so g—”
Stephanie climaxed again, Vix was ready himself, she felt him swell inside of her, to the point where he was stuck and her insides were being tugged, he released and she felt the pressure inside as he roared.
“All yours, fellas.” He said before teleporting from under her.
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