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Brad and Ann have worked together for years. They have gone on business trips together, but never to Austin, When Brad tries to slip away for his usual afternoon dip at Hippie Hollow, Ann is determined she is coming along. Their very professional relationship turns into something else. Join in the fun as they work out their midlife crises in a week of sexual abandon
Business Trip Chapters 14-15

Copyright © 2024 by W. Richard St. James

This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental


“WHAT DO YOU want for breakfast?” Jane was waking him up.

“How about you?”

“The kids are up. Besides you need to save something for tonight.”

That bothered him, somehow. Was he being delivered, as part of some bargain? A sex slave, he was a sex slave. “I’m your sex slave.” He said it aloud.

“Absolutely. For the night. Isn’t that what we agreed to?”

“That we did. So what are you going to do with me?”

“You’ll see.” She gave a little giggle. “Mary and I have been talking about this all week.”

Now Brad was actually starting to get worried. A little late in the game.

“So what do you want for breakfast? Last call. After this it’s lunch.”

“I don’t know. I was pigging out all week. Maybe an egg and some toast?”

“Sure. We’re heading over to the lake.”

“This early?”

“It’s so hot. Lifeguards are there already. I’ll pack a lunch and we can hang out there.”

“The lawn?”

“Didn’t grow much. No rain all week.” Or the week before. Everything was getting very dry. Not good when you lived in the middle of the woods. “We might get some overnight.”

There wasn’t any sign of it. Not a cloud in the sky, not a breath of wind. The outside thermometer was reading over ninety and it was about the same inside the house. Someday, they should get air conditioning. “It’s been like this all week,” Jane said. “We’ve been more or less living over at the lake.”

“Maybe we should get air conditioning.”

“When we put on the addition. Maybe you’ll get another bonus?”

“Yeah, maybe. It’s not usually this hot. Is it worth getting AC for one or two weeks a year?”

“That’s easy for you to say. You weren’t even home this week.”


“You’re going to make it up to me tonight. You’re going to do anything, no matter how wild.”

He wanted to ask her what could be wilder than what they had done the night before. But he decided against it.

Off to the lake then. Not that Brad was too enthusiastic about it. It was pretty tame compared to the wild lakes or Hippie Hollow. Crowded on the weekend, no way to really swim even if he had the interest in playing hamster. He was only going to mess up his tan. He plotzed around for a while, trying to avoid adult swimmers moving in random directions and children diving in without looking. Then he gave up and went up on the dock, looking for some shade.

“Hi Brad.” That was from the lifeguard. Mary’s daughter, who had been a regular as a guard during high school, but not since she had gone off to college.

“Oh, hi Cindy. Haven’t seen you all summer.”

“No. I’ve been working in the city. But I got a call could I fill in today and I thought why not?”

“Hot day for it.”

“Oh, you cannot believe how brutal it’s been going into the city. I’ve been wearing, like, nothing and it’s still too much.”

“Hi Cindy.”

“Oh, hi Jane. How are you?”

“Better now that I’ve been in the water. You know, I interned one summer when I was in college, and the catcalls I used to get walking over to work ...”

“Oh yeah, there is that. Well, am I going to die of the heat?” Cindy gave a shrug. “I can take it. I’m a big girl now.”

“We used to have summer interns,” Brad said. “Not so much anymore. I remember the first summer I was a manager we were getting some interns in, college kids, and we got this management lecture. Don’t touch the interns. Actually, it was a bit more blunt than that.”

He couldn’t believe he was actually saying that to Cindy. The little girl who was diving off the float and getting in his way. The daughter of his friend. What was he doing flirting with her, right in front of his wife? But hadn’t it been Jane who had steered the conversation that direction?

“Oh really. I guess they didn’t get the memo where I’m working.”

“Not where I did either,” Jane said. “Of course that was a different time. I don’t think the memo was out anywhere in those days.” Brad gave his wife a curious look. Neither of them had ever talked much about their college days. Brad had only wanted to put all that mess behind him, to start over and to avoid some of the mistakes. And Jane? What had that beautiful girl been up to all those years? Not much, according to the few terse comments she had ever made. But now he was intrigued.

“There are legends at work about managers who didn’t get the memo,” Brad said. He stopped. The rest of that story really wasn’t appropriate to share with Cindy.

“About the manager caught screwing the intern on his desk?” That was from Mary, who had quietly come over to join them. “I think that’s an urban legend in all companies.”

That provoked snickers from both Cindy and Jane. Had they both actually lived out that legend? Brad was getting really intrigued now. What sort of game had he and Jane been playing with each other, in their very restrained courtship? Both of them doing penance, finding refuge in the other? Well, he knew for sure that was true in his case. They had bottled up their past, sealed it with their wedding vows. And now that seal had been broken. They had already had a taste of their old selves the night before.

“Hi Mary.” Jane gave her friend a little kiss. On the lips.

“Hi Jane, Brad. This is Igor.” The boyfriend. The boy toy was more like it. Closer in age to Cindy than Mary, he was one of the Russian kayaking nuts who hung out at the camp. Muscular, tiny waist, rippling abs. Brad had been expecting the boyfriend to be closer in age to Mary – middle aged, a little pudgy, balding even.

Igor was looking Brad over with a critical eye. A lustful eye. Well, that was flattering. Brad was acutely conscious of the little bit of extra fat on his belly that would never go away, the relic of his chubby childhood. Maybe all the ribs and beer this week hadn’t helped that, even though he’d been getting plenty of exercise of one type or another.

“You like?” Mary asked, smiling as Brad eyed her trophy. “Should be a fun evening.” Mary herself was in better shape than Brad remembered. Jane too, for that matter, although he had been too busy last night concentrating on certain parts of her anatomy to really appreciate that.

“Mary and I have been working out a lot together this week,” Jane said.

“Yes, you both look fantastic.”

“Even better without the bathing suits,” Igor added. Really? Had he joined Mary and Jane for one of their private workout sessions? Well, what of it? Brad was in no position to be jealous. But what a thing to say in front of Cindy. Who looked totally unfazed by the remark.

“We’re going to take our kayaks out for a while, go down to the other end of the lake, maybe do a little skinny dipping,” Mary said. “Want to come along?”

“I don’t know,” Jane said. “It’s really hot for the canoe, and we’ve got the kids here. I suppose we could send them out in the sailboat but what if they decided to follow us?”

“We took them to a nude beach once when we were on a cruise,” Brad added. “They were pretty grossed out.”

“If we’re not back Cindy can give you directions.”

“What do you think of Igor?” Brad asked as the two left hand in hand.

“His sister thinks he’s a total asshole. But he and Mom seem to get along just fine.”

“You know his sister?”

“His youngest one. She’s the same age as me. Look, I don’t know, I had my first boyfriend when I was twelve and Mom was very open about it, very supportive. So why should I be shocked?”

“What about girlfriends?” Jane asked.

“Never had any interest.”

“Me neither.”

“Really?” That provoked a skeptical look from Cindy.

“Your mother is the first.”

Brad was starting to squirm. What if the inevitable next question came along? But Cindy had to go do a deep water test for a girl who couldn’t have been more than four, then endure five minutes of harassment from the father who couldn’t understand why the little girl couldn’t use swimmies, why she couldn’t be out next to the dock with him, etc.

“Jesus, these people come out from the city once or twice a year and they think they own the place. It’s twelve feet deep at the edge of the dock, the water looks clear but you can’t see the bottom. If a kid goes under you aren’t getting them back. Oh well, it was worse when I was in high school.” Cindy might top five feet standing on tip toe. A track star at that height, in high school, a little spitfire. But not a commanding presence.

“You running in college?” Brad asked.

“Too intense. You did college sports, didn’t you?”

“Yep. Lots of time on the bus. I guess it got me prepared for flying around all the time.”

“The schools you played were all fairly close together?”

“Yep, Ivy League for the most part. A lot of time on the New England Thruway.”

“My school is in a conference that’s spread all over the country.”

“That would be a lot.”

“Yep.” Cindy gave a sigh. “So tell me, what was it like interning in the Sixties?”

“Not too much fun.” Jane gave a sigh of her own. “I was a math major and being an actuary was one of the things you could do with that. So someone at the college knew someone and they said we’ve got this girl who lives close to the city and God knows what they said at the other end. Probably how pretty is she. So when I was home for Easter I went in and did an interview and everything seemed okay. But when I actually got there in the summer it was obvious that I had been hired to be ornamental. They never gave me anything serious to do. Run down to the deli, maybe some glorified secretarial work. Oh except once they wanted me to stay late to help on some audit they were doing. One time one of the big shots insisted that I come have lunch with him. He took me to this really expensive restaurant and started buying me drinks. He was giving me this long story about how he was a partner, and how much money he made as a partner and how little work he had to do, because all the people under him were working their asses off to become partners some day. And how for a pretty girl it could be a lot easier. If I was willing to use what God had given me. He wasn’t talking about my brains.”

“What happened?”

“Well, I ordered the most expensive thing on the menu. I had a really nice lunch. I went back to the office and said I was quitting. The next day they called and begged me to come back, said it would be a real black eye for them if I just walked out like that. So I went back. It was only a couple more weeks. What’s happening for you?”

“Oh, my boss is a woman and she is giving me some real work to do. So that’s fine.”


“Her boss expects to bag all the interns. Every summer. Male or female, doesn’t matter. It’s like a running joke.”


“That’s what my boss said. She said I needed to be prepared for it, to have a game plan.”


“According to her it’s nothing personal. It’s like a hobby. But if he can’t get that check mark on his list he gets very frustrated. Obsessive.”

“So she’s telling you to have sex with this guy? Just to get him off your back?”

“Maybe they’re in cahoots,” Brad offered. “You know, like good cop bad cop.”

“Oh,” Cindy mused, “I hadn’t thought about that.”

“Have you talked to any of the other interns?”

“No. What am I going to say? Particularly to the guys? Did you have sex with Harvey yet? Was he satisfied with a blow job? What about you, Brad? Were you ever an intern? Anyone ever hit on you?”

“No. But I did have a student seduce me.”

“I remember that,” Jane said. “It was disgusting. Well I guess we all did a lot of disgusting things that year.”

Really? Brad didn’t really remember any disgusting details about Jane from that era. Just that she had dated everyone else in the department except him.

“Oh, you were a bad boy?” Cindy teased.

“Not all that bad.”

“What about you Jane? Were you a bad girl?”

“No, I was mostly a nerd. Didn’t date that much.”

“You? With those looks?”

“They were animals. God, the frat parties!”

“Grain punch,” Brad broke in. “One of my soccer buddies from high school went to Johns Hopkins. He used to talk about the grain parties.”

“I am never going to live that down, am I?”

“For all I know you were at one of them. You maybe even met him.” Now there was a thought. What if Gabby had hooked up with Jane years ago? Well it hadn’t ever bothered him that she had dated almost every one of his friends in grad school, that first year, and who knew what had happened on those dates?

“I don’t remember anything about grain parties.”

“Of course you don’t remember. That’s the whole point.”

“They still have parties like that,” Cindy said. “So tell me, what’s your advice about a game plan?”

“How important is this guy?” Jane asked.

“Like, super important. Like, he could blackball someone. If he gave a bad recommendation you’d never get a job in the industry.”

“You don’t want to just be another name crossed off a list. Do you?”

“Am I so pretty, am I so sexy, that it’s going to be anything else? Seriously?”

“You’re very pretty,” Brad said. “As for sexy, that’s not something I would talk about with the daughter of a friend.”

“Really.” That provoked a look from Cindy. “What about the other way?”

“You don’t try to be sexy as a lifeguard,” Jane said. “I would think, quite the opposite. Unless you’re on Baywatch. Look at you, one piece bathing suit and a tee shirt on top of it.”

“Okay, you’ll see me dressed sexy tonight. I’m going out on a date.” She saw their looks. “I’m having dinner with you guys and going out on a date.”

“Your college boyfriend?”

“No, someone from high school. Not someone I ever dated then. My boyfriend and I decided we should date other people over the summer.”

“Oh yeah,” Brad said. “Summer rules. I did that in college.”

“Really. What was it like?”

“Fun, mostly. Of course I was very shy in high school. It was nice to get to know some of those girls a little better. What?” Jane was about to burst out in laughter.

“Oh I don’t know. You’re putting it so delicately. By the time I knew Brad he was not exactly shy.”

Actually, Brad thought to himself, that isn’t really true. It was only after his affair with Nan that he had really lost that shyness. She had trained him, for better or worse. Jane had accepted that he knew what he was doing, but she had never really questioned how he had come by that knowledge.

“This guy was super shy in high school. He was afraid to date me. I think he has a girl friend now. Maybe he’s figured it out.”

“And if he hasn’t?” Brad couldn’t help teasing.

The kids came up on the dock, looking for lunch, and that was the end of that conversation.


“THIS IS SUCH a fucking disaster.” Ann was tired of being a good sport. Chrissie and her new husband were gone, the guests who lived in the area were gone. Only the ones staying over at the resort were still here, hanging on as long as the bar was open.

“It’s not your fault, dear,” her mother consoled her. “That Ginger tripped you.”

“She had too many mimosas. As we all did. But maybe she had more because of me.”

“Because of you? Why?”

“Nothing.” God, she wasn’t going to tell her mother that she had seduced Ginger. Raped her was more like it. How many people had she raped in the last week? Brad with the strap-on? Did that count as a rape. Maybe not. But Katie at the lake, definitely. That college boy at the volleyball place? No, he’d been perfectly willing to let her do whatever. But the soccer kids at the lake? That was probably a rape, by both her and Brad, the two of them teaming up to overwhelm a couple of innocent youngsters. Well, maybe not so innocent. But putty in the hands of the two conniving adults.

And now the worst of all, her own cousin. And not without consequences – leaving her sprawling on the runner, leaving her with a skinned knee that had bled for a while and was leaving an ugly scab. A fall that had ruined Chrissie’s ceremony, made Ann the butt of family jokes for a generation. How many Christmas Eve parties was she going to have to endure before she had lived that down. One of her uncles had already assured her that he had it all on tape, including most likely an upskirt as the two of them had gone flying.

“Maybe you should have worn panties,” her mother offered.

Maybe you should kiss my ass. “Chrissie didn’t want anything showing to spoil the effect of the dresses. And it was so damn hot.” Which it still was. On the other side of the glass there were tables, people dining in air conditioned comfort. But no, they were outside, under a tent which only seemed to be holding in the heat. Evan had gone off to the bar table to replenish their drinks, but he had been gone for a long time. Maybe he didn’t want to be seen with her. She wouldn’t blame him.

Ginger was heading their way, a bit unsteady on her feet. Oh God, what was she going to say? In front of her mother? Ann got up and intercepted her, steering her over to a table where the guests had already bailed out. Not that Ann had that option. They had a room for the night, here for the duration.

“What’s up?” Ann asked.

“I don’t know. I am never going to live this down. Messing up my sister’s wedding.”

“I was thinking something along the same lines. We’re the black sheep now. I guess we might as well live up to it.”

“You know, you were always the star, the beautiful cheerleader, the honor student, the high powered IT consultant. I always looked up to you.”

“Thanks. I let you down. I let myself down. I don’t know what the fuck has come over me this week.”

Evan came to sit next to them. Her mother had gone off to chat with some of her siblings, so he handed the Tom Collins to Chrissie instead. “This is Evan, my fiancé.”

“Oh my God. Were you two planning to get married any time soon?”

“Thinking about it.”

“We’re eloping,” Evan said. “After this there’s no way I’m going to do a big wedding.”

“Maybe next summer,” Ann said. “Definitely not Christmas. It’s going to take my mother longer than that to get over it.”

“Your uncle Eric was showing the tape just now,” Evan said. “Through the camera viewer. He was saying he hadn’t seen that part of you since you were in diapers.”

“Oh my God. I’m never going to live this one down, am I? I don’t ever want to see these people again.”

“It’s okay. They think it’s funny.”

“Yeah funny. Has my mother seen the tape?”

“Don’t think so.”

“I was talking to Chrissie,” Ginger said, “this morning, after, you know ...”


“She was saying it was going to be a disaster for me to get to college in a state of total innocence. She said that happened to her and it was so humiliating.”

“She seems to have gotten over it.”

“She took a lot of ribbing. Especially from the other dancers. Are cheerleaders like that?”

“Worse probably.” This was not a good conversation to be having with Evan sitting right there, hanging on every word.

“She said what you taught her helped a lot, but really I needed to know something about boys. At least how to do oral sex. What’s that called again?”

“A blow job.”

What a gentleman Evan was, sitting there keeping a straight face. “Well,” he dared to say, “these days you could always watch a porn tape.”

“Like, where would I get one?”

“I bet there’s a porn stash somewhere in your house.”

“Why don’t you go out on a date and do some practicing?” Ann said. “Like a normal person.” Really, she’d had about enough of Ginger and her stupid problems.

“Like, what am I supposed to do?”

All the tables near them were empty. The few stragglers were clustered closer to the bar. “Look.” Ann knelt down beside Evan. “You unzip his fly, like this, maybe loosen his belt and the top button of his pants. Then you pull out his cock, which hopefully would be hard already, not all shriveled up like this.”

“Maybe we should go somewhere a bit more private?” Evan said.

“Just a sec. Okay, if it’s small like this, you just put the whole thing in your mouth and hope it gets big enough. Here, you try.”

“Out here?”

“Okay, let’s go up to our room. Hopefully my mother will be busy gabbing for a bit longer.”

Evan reassembled himself and they went inside, into the air conditioning, into the lobby, up the elevators, down the hall. No one saw them. Hopefully. It was actually chilly in the skimpy little bridesmaid dress. They went into the suite. Ann pushed Evan onto the couch. “Okay, we’re going to do the short course, so pay attention. Take your pants off. Might as well take off the shirt. Ever see a naked man before?”

“He’s wearing socks.”

“Well, there’s that. No, you can leave the fucking socks on. You, take off the dress. Those stupid blue panties too.”


“Look, do you want help or not? Do what I tell you and don’t ask any fucking questions. We maybe have fifteen minutes before my mother starts to look for us.” Ann didn’t bother to take off her own dress. But she did slip off the panties she had put on after the afternoon disaster. “We’re going to concentrate on things that you can do and still be a virgin. Okay? I assume you don’t want Evan to fuck you and take your virginity?”

“No way.”

“Okay first the blow job. Glad to see a little more enthusiasm there. I would assume the guy is going to be hard, at your age. So start out with nice little licks.”

“You don’t blow on it?”


“Then why is it called a blow job?”

“I have no clue. Here, try a little lick or two. Now open your lips and let them just run over the tip. You can lick it a little as it goes in. How does that feel?”

Of course Ginger had her mouth full but she gave a thumbs up. She freed her mouth to say, “It feels tingly.”

“Like a French kiss?”

“I’ve never done that.”

“Oh. Enough of the commentary. Go back to what you were doing. Good. Now, some guys don’t like teeth at all, but personally I like to use my teeth just a little. Just slide them right down the shaft.”

Evan gave a little sigh and Ginger was gagging.

“Shit. We still have more to do. Evan dear, I do hope you can get it up again?”

“Sorry. Sorry Ginger.”

“What am I supposed to do with it?”

“There’s a sink over there. Or you can swallow it. Guys dig that.”

Ginger chose the sink option, gagging a little. There was a lot for her to cough out, way more than Evan usually managed to produce when he finally did come. Ann was feeling what might have been a twinge of jealousy. He was getting into this a little too much for her taste. Well, he and Ginger would most likely never cross paths again, at least until he became a member of the family.

“Okay, more about the blowjob, or related to it. Guys really like their balls licked. The further back the better.”

“You mean like what we were doing?” That was enough to make Ann blush. She just hoped Evan wasn’t picking up on that one.

“Here, I’ll show you.” Ann ran her tongue around Evan’s balls, then further back along the ridge, then very delicately around his anus.

“Not all the way in?”

“You can if you want to.”

“Okay, let me try. If you don’t mind?” That was addressed to Evan.

“Don’t use your teeth. Guys don’t like that on their balls? Do they?” Evan did not seem to be minding. “Okay.” Ann was looking at her watch. “Let’s move it along. Do a quick lick back. You don’t have to stick your tongue in.”

But Ginger did, just like Ann had taught her, taking the time to tease open the muscles, then to ram inside with that killer tongue.

“That is really nice,” Evan said. “Your tongue is amazing.”

“Don’t get carried away. Ginger, I don’t want him coming again. We have more to do. Okay take off your bra. The next thing is called eighty one – that’s for a cock in between two boobs. You’re a little flat maybe? Squeeze them together. Evan, give it a try?”

Ginger was sitting on the couch, with Evan trying awkwardly to stand on tip toe to get to her boobs. He pushed her sideways onto her back instead, and straddled her, fucking her hard in between her boobs, knocking the wind out of her he was so forceful. He was getting into it far too much for Ann’s taste.

“Not bad,” he said. Had he come again, the bastard?

“Not much for the girl to do there, but guys like it. Usually winds up being a blow job. Okay, for the next thing I need Evan to put on a rubber. I don’t want to risk getting you pregnant.”

“I thought we weren’t going to have real sex.”

“We aren’t but close enough that the stuff could creep. Remember that if you can, if you ever do this. Now, lie down on the couch, on your stomach. Evan is going to put his dick in between your legs and pretty much fuck you that way. Except his dick is just sliding in between your legs. Okay that’s pretty much end of lesson, unless you want to try anal. Evan dear, you’re supposed to wait for an answer to that.” But Evan was probing, and Ginger was not objecting. She did whimper a little as he started to slide in.

“Ginger, I am so sorry.” Ann gave Evan a swat, but that only produced a sigh of satisfaction.

“It’s okay. It feels good. Even better than your tongue. Am I allowed to like, bring myself off? Is that cheating?”

“No. Everyone does it.”

“Can I come now?” That was from Evan.

“Sure. Why not? What’s that, the third time? Fourth? Jesus.”

He started to push a little harder, to really fuck. Ginger was moaning, rubbing her pussy. And Ann’s mother was knocking at the door, wondering why the dead lock was on. It was the end of a perfect day.
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