Let me know your thoughts in the comments below or drop a rating. This is a long story so feel free to pace yourself, it isn't a marathon.
It was a warm day in October, the sun was out, and the trees were awash in oranges, yellows, and reds. Mitch Jackson was waiting outside in his workout gear to start his late session with his current protégé, Katelyn. She was a teenager who had already turned heads with her strong performances in last year’s running season. She had a natural gift but lacked proper technique and training. That’s where Mitch came in.
Mitch was a national champion distance runner and former Olympian. He ran running clinics around the country, training the next generation of competitive runners, but he worked out of a specialized fitness facility for high-end athletes most of the year. The facility catered to track and field, swimming, and running athletes and had the best services one could ask for. It boasted a pool, steam rooms, hot tubs, weights, fitness and respiratory equipment as well as an in-house massage therapist.
Mitch saw Katelyn come out from the facility in her running attire; black shorts and a matching sports bra. She was a tall but skinny girl, not much to look at but a perfect running frame. Small A-cup breasts, long legs, barely any curves, and a lean body. She was 5’10” and weighed 115 lbs., so she didn’t carry any extra weight on her except for her long, raven black hair that went down between her shoulder blades. She had a cute, girl next door face and a mischievous smile, but Mitch did his best to keep it professional.
“Did you do your stretches already, Kate?”
“Yes, coach. I’m ready to go.”
“Ok, let’s try to keep an easy 4-minute pace, ok?”
“Ok, I’ll follow your lead.”
The two then set out onto the trails in the area. The training facility was on the edge of a suburban neighborhood in upstate New York. When Katelyn’s parents were approached about the possibility of working with a trainer like Mitch, they jumped at the chance to help their daughter. They moved from Idaho to New York just so she had this one-on-one training. They worked remotely so they didn’t need to leave their jobs. It has been a month since Katelyn started working with Mitch and the results have been impressive. She had dropped a minute per kilometer at her 10k distance. She also looked less winded in the middle stretch and still had power for a final sprint at the end.
Today’s run was going well, but they knew it was going to get more difficult as the winter rolled in. They would have to run at night in the dark or use the indoor track during the winter, which gets dull after a while. Due to Katelyn’s schooling, she was the last client of the day using the facilities. Mitch would have to lock up every night they trained but it was worth it as he saw great potential in her.
They crested a small hill and then steadied themselves down the other side. It was a great strength-building course he was putting her through. Lots of flat stretches and then rolling hills while occasionally following a small stream. It was a beautiful area to run and Mitch loved living close by to go off on his own when he could.
They hit the turnaround point and made their way back on the back half of the route. Everything was going well. He could see her mechanics had improved; cleaner stride, wider gait, and less jumping off on the backfoot.
“Mid-point. How are you feeling?” he asked.
“Good! Legs feel strong, breathing is good, the sun is out; I’m pretty sure I can take anything you throw at me.” She answered with a crooked smile.
“Oh, getting cocky with your coach, eh?”
“I’m just saying you’re a great coach, but you’re getting up there, old man. I bet I could make it back to the door before you do.” she teased.
“That sounds like a challenge, wanna put something on the line to back that bravado up?”
“Sure, if I win, I want you to give me a massage in the therapy room.”
“OK, but what do I get when I win?”
“You get to give me a massage in the therapy room.” She laughed.
“That doesn’t sound like a reward for me.”
“Oh, I’m a prize. Trust me.”
“Fine, suit yourself. On the count of three. One... two… THREE!” Mitch said as they both took off down the trail. He let her gain a little distance from him, trailing her by a few paces. He wanted to make sure she didn’t burn herself out trying to keep up with him. He knew her limits and just needed to push them up a little.
As they got within a mile of the building, Mitch made his move. He sped up and ran side by side with his young student, glancing at how she was doing. She was breathing hard but seemed to be maintaining oxygen levels below full lactic acid production. When they got within sight of the target, he kicked it into higher gear, but she was able to keep up, matching his speed. He was impressed. Within a hundred yards of the staircase and the door, they both broke into a full sprint. Mitch hopped up the final stairs and hit the door a couple of steps ahead of Katelyn, who was clearly winded.
“Good race, kid, but respect your elders.” He joked, before extending his hand in a shake.
“It looked like I was almost there. I had you.” She said, struggling for breath. She slapped her sweaty hand into his and shook the champion of the race.
“It was closer than I expected; you are getting better, Kate. Keep up the hard work and you’ll make it.”
“I will. When I focus on something I want, I always get it,” she answered.
“Good, you’ll find that hard work and determination will get you far in life. But now it just needs to get you into a shower. You stink.” He laughed.
She stuck out her tongue playfully, “OK, I’ll meet you for your reward in the therapy room in 20 minutes.”
He unlocked the door and they both headed towards their respective locker rooms. It was late in the evening now, everyone else had gone home for the day. While the facility was top-notch, it didn’t have enough full-time clients to stay open late in the shoulder seasons. Camps are run throughout the summer, and the inflatable dome keeps things running in winter, but in fall and spring, the hours are reduced to 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Because of Katelyn’s schooling, she wasn’t available during the day, so Mitch stayed late to train her. He had full access to all the facilities but didn’t have any of the personnel there for medical or massages during his sessions with Katelyn. She would be able to use them during the weekends if she needed them.
Mitch showered and changed into new clothes and then headed to the therapy room to wait for Katelyn. He was lost in thought, thinking about the next day’s training when Katelyn appeared in the doorway. She was wrapped up in a large white towel and entered the room.
“Ready for your prize, coach?”
“You know I’m not a masseuse, right? I don’t see how this is a prize for me.”
“Just relax and do your best,” she said as she lay down on the massage table.
Mitch looked around the room and found some massage oil in a drawer. He put a small amount on his hands, rubbed them together, and then placed them on the girl’s right shoulder, slowly rubbing in small circles like had been done to him over the years. She gave a little moan, encouraging the first-time masseuse, and continued over to the other shoulder. He rubbed her triceps, then down her forearms, and finally her hands. His hands traveled around the young girl’s skin. He found it soft and smooth as his fingers would glide down to her upper back.
He massaged around the areas that were exposed and then questioned whether he should lower the towel down her back. Katelyn sensed his uncertainty and reached to her side and lowered it herself, exposing the rest of her back to him.
“Why aren’t you wearing a bra?” Mitch asked. Facility rules dictated that clothing must be worn everywhere but in the locker rooms.
“Awww, don’t be a narc. I told you that you won a prize, now keep going.”
“I also don't want to get fired,” Mitch retorted.
“You’re fine, don’t worry. It’s just a massage.”
“Fine. But don’t speak a word of this to anyone.”
“Agreed. This is just between us and this room, now get back to work.” She joked.
Mitch put more oil on his hands and continued his progression down her back. He started back in the center of her back and slowly moved outwards. He made small circular motions in the center and then widened them moving to the edges of her sides and under her arms. His fingertips brushed over the soft flesh of her small, young breasts. He heard a light moan come from her mouth before he moved his hands down towards her upper hips. His hands moved back towards the center of her lower back until he was just at the new boundary of the towel just above her tight ass.
“Ok, well that was fun. Up off the table, Kate.”
“What about my legs? For a running coach, you sure forgot about the most important part of a runner, coach.”
“Then we’ll be done with this?” he sighed, exasperated.
“Most men would kill to get their hands on a hot girl like me. Fine, we’ll be done after you do my legs. They are actually sore.” She replied in a mock whiny voice.
“Ok, I’ll work your legs, you big baby.”
“Thank you, coach,” she said in a childish voice.
Mitch moved down to the end of the table and started on her right foot. He oiled up his hands again and worked her foot, rubbing the soles of her feet, her heels, and between each toe. He moved up to her ankle and then her calf muscles. He kneaded and rubbed them softly and tenderly, slowly moving up to her knee and at the low edge of the towel.
“Here, let me get that for you,” Katelyn said, flipping the towel up to just below her upper thighs. Mitch just moved up her knee and started on the outside of her hamstrings. She moaned softly as his hands moved towards her inner thighs, parting her legs slightly to give him access to her muscles. Mitch did his best to keep his hands from going underneath the towel before he switched to her left side and started back down on her other foot. He was repeating the process that he did on her right side when, as he reached her calf, she shifted again. This drew his eyes up and he was shocked to see she wasn’t wearing anything at all under the towel. He was looking directly at her young slit.
He stopped for a moment at the sight, unsure what to do, until she cleared her throat telling him to keep going. He nervously returned to her calf and massaged his way up her leg, but his eyes were locked between her legs now. As he moved up, he could see that around the labia was clean-shaven, and she didn’t seem to have any visible inner lips poking out.
He finally made it to her left hamstring. Starting on the outside, he moved in slow circles massaging up her legs before moving into the interior of her inner thighs. He was so close now; his fingertips were only a few inches from her hidden treasure. He could see a little bit of moisture around the edge of her slit. He made a few more circles on her inner thighs, right on the edge of the forbidden towel zone, eliciting a moan from Katelyn. His fingers reached just a bit further underneath, he could feel the heat coming off her before he snapped out of it and pulled back his hands.
“Ok, legs all done.” He said, slightly hoarse.
“Perfect, thank you,” She covered herself back up in the towel, but before heading out of the room, she stopped and said, “It looks like you enjoyed your reward; I sure did.” And she disappeared back toward the locker room. Mitch breathed a heavy sigh of relief, turned, and saw his erection poking out of his pants. He hoped that wasn’t what she meant. A short while later, they met up at the front doors to head out for the night.
“Alright Kate, I’ll see you tomorrow for strength and flexibility training at 6:00.”
“Yes coach, you can stretch me out anytime,” she responded flirtatiously.
“Careful missy. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight coach.”
When Mitch got home, all he could think about was her tight little pussy and all the things he’d love to do to it. He knew it was wrong, but she was so cute and sexy. He jerked off that to the vision of that little slit, imagining what the rest of her young, nubile body might look like.
It was 6:00 pm the next day when Katelyn was greeted by Mitch at the front entrance. They headed to the weight room to work on strength and flexibility training. They worked with free weights, machines, and weighted ropes to improve her core strength and legs. Mitch was right behind her the whole time, ensuring she didn’t hurt herself during the many reps and sets she had to do. He was suddenly more self-conscious about being so close to her now, but he had a job to do.
They then hit the mats to work on flexibility, which is important for movement and stride mechanics. She was still dressed in her tight black shorts and sports bra. Mitch had her on the ground, legs spread as far as she could, touching her right toes, then reversing to the left side. They did a few yoga poses and elastic bands to push her muscles a little further. One of the last stretches was a hamstring stretch. Katelyn lay down on the ground while Mitch pressed his weight down on her straight leg. While Katelyn was on the ground, she looked up at Mitch above her. He was doing his 15-count when he looked down at her as well and there was a spark that went off in him. He was beginning to have feelings for this young girl!
They switched legs and continued with the stretch. She again looked deep into his eyes which haunted him to his very soul. Did she know about his attraction to her? Were the cops going to break down the door? He held the stretch of a 15-count and released her. He awkwardly got up and held out his hand to help her up.
“OK, that was a good workout. Why don’t we hit the steam rooms and then call it a day?”
“OK, coach. A good steam would help me relax these muscles unless you want to give me another massage?” She looked at him, batting her eyelashes.
“Nope, there was no bet today so the steam room is your reward for a solid workout. I’ll see you in 30 minutes so we can lock up.”
“That’s too bad. I guess I’ll have to bet something else next time. See you soon, coach.” Katelyn headed towards the women’s locker room where her steam room was, while Mitch headed to the men’s. He took off his clothes, wrapped himself in a towel, and headed into the steam room.
It was nice and hot there, a perfect way to relax tired muscles after a hard workout. Mitch sat in the steam for a few minutes wrapped in his towel, before he discarded it. No one else was here to see him so he might as well just let it flap in the breeze, so to speak. It was nice to just sit naked and absorb the heat.
“Just letting it all hang out, eh coach?” Her voice stirred him quickly to cover himself in the towel.
“What the hell are you doing in here, Katelyn?” he asked, surprised and embarrassed.
“Sorry, women’s steam wasn’t working so I decided to join you in here. Didn’t know you’d be going au naturelle but when in Rome…” she said before dropping her towel on the floor.
“What the fuck…” his voice trailed off as he looked at the naked teenager before him. She had very small breasts with nickel-sized nipples, which were standing up about half an inch. His eyes traveled down her flat stomach to her pussy. It had a small triangle of black hair on the top, and the rest was clean-shaven, as he had seen the day before. His eyes moved back up to her face where they met hers.
“You like what you see? Well, don’t be shy. It’s just the two of us here, coach.”
“This is a very bad idea, Kate. Please, just put your towel back on.”
“Nope, time to lay it all bare. It’s not like this is the first time you have seen me naked. Remember your reward yesterday? I saw you enjoyed looking at my pussy then too.”
“You knew I could see it?”
“Of course, why do you think I did it?”
Mitch looked down at the towel crumpled on his lap. He knew he shouldn’t do it, but at this point, what did it matter? He just let go of the towel and let it fall to the floor, exposing his hard cock to the young girl.
“Wow coach, congratulations on that thing. It’s what? 7 inches?”
“7 and a half,” he said, his voice dripping with embarrassment like their bodies were dripping with sweat. His eyes were on the ground.
Katelyn sat down directly across from him and spread her legs open halfway. His eyes moved up, and he looked at her slightly open, pink pussy before going back up her body to her eyes. She smiled at him and opened her legs a little further.
“It’s ok to look; I don’t mind. I want you to look at whatever you want.”
“But this is so wrong. I could get in a lot of trouble for this.”
“Just think about this as a different type of training. This is to show each other there is nothing to hide, just laying it all on the line, together.” She got up and walked over to him and knelt in front of him, looking him in the eyes. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about this.” She said before placing her hand on his hard cock.
“Please, no!” he begged, without attempting to leave.
She traced her fingers along the length of his shaft, from the base of his balls up along the shaft of his penis. She felt the veins and ridges, feeling how hard the shaft was against her fingers. She moved up to the head and was amazed at the feeling of hard and soft. The spongy head felt interesting against her fingers and along the sides of his glands. Mitch could only watch the young girl play with his cock, unable to gather the will to stop her.
“You are welcome to touch me too if you want.”
One of his hands grew a mind of its own and reached out to cup one of her small tits, bringing a moan from the young girl. “That’s it coach, go for it,” as she thrusted her tiny titties against his hand. He could feel her small nipple against his palm, as he squeezed the small, soft flesh in his hand. He kept softly kneading her tit, then moved over to the other one, beginning again. The sensation and knowledge of touching someone so young again, somehow made his dick get even harder. She noticed too.
“I think you like my little bee stings. Well, you are welcome to them anytime.”
She wrapped her small hand around his cock shaft and slowly started to pump him as she saw in videos. She could see the look of pleasure in his eyes. He wanted this too, but he was still fighting her. As her hand picked up the pace, the hot sweat of the room made it slick and easy to move. She could feel him tense at the motion of her hand, letting her know she was doing it right.
“Kate, please stop before that goes too far,” Mitch said, struggling to hold back his orgasm.
“Too late, coach. I’ve already committed to getting you over the finish line. I should take a closer look at your equipment though, while you are stiff.”
Katelyn dropped to her knees in front of the sitting man and looked closely. She brought her face even closer to his cock to examine it, while still stroking him. She inspected his large member, his ball sack, his shaft, and the head of his penis. She knew instinctively that he was close but fighting it and wanted to see him cum. She moved in closer yet, looked him straight in the eyes, and licked the tip of his cock with her tongue. Stroking got him close, but that lick was all he could take. She felt his cock jerk in her hand and was quickly hit in the mouth with a rope of cum. She closed her mouth before another sprayed her face. She kept stroking but aimed his cock at her small chest for the next four ropes before he was spent. She could still feel his cock jerking and moving in her hand.
She swished the first shot of cum around in her mouth, determining if she liked the taste or not. It was salty, nutty, and slimy, but not unpleasant. She swallowed what she had before looking back up at her horrified instructor.
“That was fun! We should incorporate this into my training routine. It’s a good workout, but next time I want a bit more participation from you.”
Mitch looked down at his cum covered ward, smiling up at him. A ribbon of cum dripped off her chin and landed on her lap. Her tiny girl tits were painted with his sticky fluid, but she seemed very happy about it. Was he wrong in thinking this wasn’t right? It was then that he glanced at the clock; it was after 9:00 and her parents would probably start wondering where she was.
“Uh, we’ll see about next time. Right now we need to get you cleaned up and back home. It’s after 9:00.”
“Oh shit, OK. I’ll just shower over here in the men’s room. Care to join me?”
“Not today. Let's get going, please, Kate!”
“OK, fine. But you have to kiss me before we go. A real kiss.”
“Fine, let’s just get going.”
Mitch quickly rinsed himself off while he watched Katelyn wash all the cum off herself. She ran her hands over her body, across her tits, her stomach, and then briefly between her legs. She caught him watching her and gave him a wink before shutting off the water, drying off, and leaving with a towel wrapped around herself.
Mitch snapped himself out of his trance and got dressed as fast as he could before shutting off the lights and waiting for her at the front door. She reappeared a few minutes later, fully dressed, and carrying her gym bag. He went to open the door, but she didn’t move.
“You owe me a kiss, remember?”
“But we don’t have…. uh, fine.”
He bent down and gave her a peck on the lips, but she wasn’t impressed.
“It’s supposed to be a real kiss, you owe me that for jerk…” Mitch quickly wrapped his arms around her and pressed his lips to hers, just to keep her from finishing that sentence. Their pressed lips opened, and one tongue began to probe the mouth of the other and then vice versa. Mitch’s mind was totally blown. He had never felt such sparks in a kiss before. They stood there, holding each other with mouths intertwined.
It was 15 minutes later when Mitch realized how much time had passed. He hurriedly locked up the building and gave her a ride home. They said goodbye and she was gone. He headed home in a daze; he didn’t know what he was going to do. He was certain now that he wanted her and it was clear she wanted him too. He didn’t think he could withstand another trial like today, but he wasn’t sure if he wanted it to stop.
The next day rolled around, and Mitch was still conflicted about what had been happening between himself and Katelyn. On the one hand, he was much older and in a position of power, which made it definitely wrong. On the other hand, he was certainly attracted to her! That kiss the previous night made his toes curl, it was so passionate! His only course of action was to let her make the next move or hopefully, she wouldn’t at all. Then he can just chalk all of this up to a mistake and forget about it.
The next day was another outdoor day. He figured they might as well use the good weather while they could before the cold and the snow started. He waited outside while she changed. She came out and greeted him in her fall running gear. It was getting a little colder out, so both wore long-sleeved athletic shirts but remained in shorts. The legs would heat themselves quickly. When she got to him, she tried to go in for a hello kiss, but he just turned and called for her to start the run.
Today’s training was to be Fartlek training; a form of interval training that helps improve speed and recovery. They were doing four minutes at 2/3rds sprint and then 1 minute at jogging speed. They ran along the winding river, up the hills, and across the flat stretches. The pace was quick and didn’t allow for much idle chatter, unlike some of their more casual runs. Mitch planned it this way to avoid talking about what had happened the day before.
Katelyn hated these runs; they were brutal and exhausting. She knew they worked; she could see it in her training times. She also felt much stronger and could go further during these days than she did before she started over a month ago. During her run, she let her mind focus on other things other than the pain in her lungs and legs. She thought about yesterday, seeing and feeling his cock in her hand, the taste of his cream in her mouth, and that kiss. She thought about that kiss more than all the rest of it put together. She had hoped for more of that as a reward for her good workout today, but she was struggling now.
“Come on, Kate, you’ve done 45 minutes; only 15 more to go, and that’s 3 rotations. That isn’t hard.”
Running out of breath, she said, “I’m losing it here, coach; I don’t have much left.”
“You are so close, then we can hit the showers and be done for the day.”
“Ok, I’ll try.” Katelyn dug deep and gritted out the last 15 minutes toward the front of the building. She even tried to sprint the last 100 yards like Mitch trained her, but she didn’t have much endurance left. When they hit the stairs, their official stopping place, she nearly collapsed. Mitch encouraged her to keep standing and walking with arms over her head to open her airways. When she recovered enough, he gave her a high five, and instinctively gave her a big hug. He immediately remembered his situation and released her to unlock the door to go inside.
“All right, that’s it for today. These days are brutal so let’s hit the showers and take off for the night. See you in a bit.”
“All right, showers it is. See you soon,” Katelyn replied.
They both walked to their respective locker rooms and Mitch stripped, grabbed his towel and soap, and headed to the shower. He turned on the water, waited for it to warm up, and stepped in while humming a tune to himself. He was soaping himself up when he felt a pair of hands reach around him to help spread the soap.
“What the hell?” Mitch’s head spun around to see a naked Katelyn standing beside him.
“Hey coach, need a hand with that?”
“No, I’m good. Why are you in here again?”
“Well, you said to hit the showers, so I figured you’d like some company like yesterday.”
Mitch looked again at her thin, naked form. He wanted to suck on those small little nipples and bury his face in her young snatch before fucking her silly. He had to hold it together! They were naked yesterday, maybe he could keep this from escalating.
“I’m not sure this is a good idea, Kate. While yesterday was fun, I could get in a lot of trouble if people found out about this.”
“Well, I’m not going to tell anyone, besides it looks like someone is happy I’m here,” she said, looking at his hardening cock.
She reached out and caressed his growing member causing him to lose stability in his knees briefly. He backed away, just out of reach, and then just gave up on the situation. Might as well just shower with the girl, as long as things stay clean.
“Ok fine, we’ll shower together. Just try to keep it cleaner than yesterday.”
“No problem, coach. Can’t get cleaner than a shower. Want me to get your back? “
“Sure, why not.”
Katelyn grabbed his bottle of liquid soap, poured some in her hands, and rubbed it all over Mitch's lean muscular back. She lathered him up well, then moved her small hands down to his ass, cupping each cheek before giving his butt a playful slap.
“My turn, wash mine now.” She chirped. Mitch used his soap and gently applied it to her small back, in a similar fashion to his massage. He ran small circles over her shoulders and her back, then moved down to her naked ass. He ran his hands carefully over her soft skin, feeling the smoothness and seeing how good it looked. As he brought his hands up her sides to do her arms, she backed up quickly and held his hands against her breasts.
Once again, he was holding her tiny young orbs in his hands, but this time, she backed up into him and moved his hard cock up between her ass cheeks. It was warm and tight; just like a hotdog inside a bun. He wasn’t inside her, but it felt damn good. He squeezed his hands on her tits, massaging her nipples, and stroking her feminine flesh.
Katelyn rolled her head back against him, enjoying the sensation of being touched fully this time. She leaned further back and standing on her toes, kissed on the side of his neck. He leaned down and kissed hers too, causing her to moan. Overcome by the moment, he slid one of his hands down her body until it came into contact with her lower patch of black hair. He ran his fingers through the short, curly girl fur, teasing her before continuing on to his prize. He felt the shaved outside of her outer lips, cupping her whole pussy in his hand before running a finger along her crack. He could feel the wetness and heat from inside her.
Katelyn felt his fingers graze along the edge of her slit and she spread her legs somewhat to give him access. He was finally starting to reciprocate and she needed him to touch her. She was burning up inside! His fingers moved inside her outer walls and touched her pink insides. His large finger teased her small hole before gliding up to the top of her slit, hitting her clitoris. She had to brace herself as the pleasure shot through her.
Mitch dipped his fingers back inside her, rubbed her clit, and made her moan. He could already tell she was close from just the small amount of touching they had done. He kissed her neck again and flicked her nipple while playing with her dripping pussy. As she got closer to the edge, he began rubbing her clit in small circles with his fingertips. A nibble on the neck was all it took for her to let out a groan and fall to the ground. He looked down at the small, wet girl and for a second realized what he had just done, but she didn’t give him a second more to think about it.
Katelyn, regaining strength in her legs, looked up to see Mitch’s face. She thought she would see happiness, but she started to see that panic again and knew she had to act. She was already on the ground, so she sat up and found his hard cock in her face once again. She carefully took hold of it, opened her mouth, and took it in.
The feeling of Katelyn’s mouth on his cock stopped all other thoughts in his mind. All he could think about and feel was focused on the several inches lodged inside her throat. He placed his hands on her head and guided her to a good rhythm. Her mouth felt fantastic; she was careful not to scrap him with her teeth, and she was taking a decent amount into her mouth. He ran his hands through her wet, black hair, keeping it off her face as she worked his cock. He looked down and saw her looking up at him; her brown eyes sparkling at him. He knew that was it. Hmmm, he felt himself about to cum and tried to warn her.
“I’m gonna cum, Kate.”
Katelyn just started sucking harder, looking up at him as his eyes closed and the first spurt of cum hit her mouth, then the second, and third. It felt like a firehose filled her mouth. She tried to swallow as much as she could and managed to only have a little bit of cum drip out the side of her mouth.
Mitch could feel her mouth swallowing all his seed. He hadn’t cum like that in years. It was amazing! When he was done ejaculating and she finished swallowing, he helped her up and kissed her passionately. He could taste himself on her lips, but he didn’t care. There was an overwhelming amount of emotion running through him.
After several minutes they broke apart. They turned off the shower and dried each other off, enjoying the fun of being together. Mitch felt like he was in high school again. He was lost in the glow and excitement of the moment. They kissed once more before Katelyn had to leave to get her clothes and change in her locker room. Mitch got dressed and waited for her at the front as always. When she arrived, they kissed again before getting ready to leave.
“I’m happy I’ve finally broken through to you.” She said smiling,
“Yes, I know. But I could get in a lot of trouble if people found out.”
I know, I won’t tell a soul. It felt so good to have you touch me. I can’t wait to have you be my first and take my cherry.”
At that moment, reality came crashing back down on him. She was a virgin. He couldn’t do this. This was wrong.
“You haven't had sex before? Have you done any of the stuff we’ve done with another person?” he asked, worryingly.
“Nope, you are my first for everything but kisses. But that was with my friend Allie, so it doesn’t count.”
“I…. I’m sorry, I can’t do this. I can’t rob you of your innocence any more than I’ve already done. I’m so sorry. I’d understand if you didn’t want me as your coach.”
“Wait, what? Why would I want that? Please, don’t start this again.”
“I must, I’m the adult here. We can’t do this ever again, understand.”
“But… I… I understand,” she said, nearly in tears, “Please keep coaching me, I don’t want to lose that too.”
“Ok, I will.”
The two left the building and went their separate ways. Mitch would have a hard time sleeping that night and the next several nights. But soon, he could forget about it briefly. Katelyn, well, she didn’t forget. She wasn’t ready to give up either.
It was late November and over a month since Mitch told Katelyn they couldn’t be involved physically anymore. He told her that they could only be “coach” and “athlete” due to his being concerned about her age and taking advantage of her. They kept their training schedule unchanged, but the tenor of their relationship was irrevocably changed. Gone were the wagers and lighthearted banter, the fun challenges and races. It was replaced with a cold, methodical approach.
Throughout the month, Mitch worked hard to suppress his feelings and desires for the young girl. He tried not to think about her when she wasn’t around unless it was in a professional-only way; like training routines, warm-ups, and future race targets. He did his best to forget the memory of her young, naked body, the feeling of her soft skin, or the amazing blowjob she gave him. It worked most of the time, but some nights, he would awaken from a dream, covered in sweat and hard as a rock.
Katelyn, on the other hand, decided not to push things further; not yet. Her feelings for him were as strong as ever. She felt bad that he didn’t think he could express himself. She saw the pain in his eyes when he said they were done. He didn’t want that. That’s what he thought was the right thing to do, for her. So, she didn’t force the issue, didn’t tease him, didn’t flirt with him, and didn’t tell him how she really felt. She did the training she was asked to do, but it wasn’t the same. She missed the jokes and the goofiness. She missed him touching her and those electrified kisses that made her legs weak. She put it all aside for now, but she would try again. He just needed space to deal with it first.
The day’s training was going to be a long 10-mile run, probably the last long outdoor run without winter gear. The evening was already dark as Mitch waited in the lobby for Katelyn. She came out of the locker room in her spandex leggings and warm top. They turned on their headlamps and set off.
The sky was cold, cloudy, and grey. There was a chill in the air that stung their lungs as they ran. Winter acclimatization will fix that shortly, it always hurts in the beginning, but winter running is more about maintaining fitness than improving it. They ran along the river, past houses and a few people who waved. They were pretty well known at this time of day now. The street lights barely lit the ground, and their headlamps did most of the work. As was now common, since the incident, they ran in silence, only talking when needed.
They were about four miles away from the training facility when a drop of rain hit Mitch in the face. There was a chance of showers, but only 20%. A few seconds later, another one and then another. This wasn’t good, as they didn’t bring any rain gear and they were far away.
“Hold up, Kate. I think we should turn back. If the rain gets worse, we are going to be freezing our asses off.”
“I agree, let’s turn back.”
The two flipped around and headed back the way they came, but it was too late; the light rain became a drizzle and then a full downpour. They increased their speed, but they were getting soaked, and with the current temperature, it was becoming a dangerous situation.
“Ok, follow me. I live 20 minutes away; we’ll hold up there till this slows down.” Mitch said over the roar of the rain.
“Lead the way, coach. And quick.”
The two bolted down the road, running as quickly as they could, but the weather just deteriorated further as small pebble-sized hailstones started falling when they turned up his street. Mitch pulled out his keys from his running bag and unlocked the door. They got inside as the wind picked up, knocking down tree branches. They shivered in the entranceway of his house for a few seconds before Mitch turned on the lights and grabbed some towels.
“Here, dry off with these. You need to warm up; let’s get you in a hot shower. I’ll throw your clothes in the dryer and get you something to wear. Follow me.”
“Thanks, my fingers are numb right now. I need to get out of this stuff.”
Mitch showed her where the washroom was and she had already stripped off her shirt before they got there. She took off her pants and underwear and handed her soaking clothes to him. He wasn’t even phased by seeing her naked again; he was too focused on making sure she warmed up. Katelyn turned the water on hot and jumped in, the heat of the water causing her cold skin to burn. Mitch left with her clothes and threw them in the dryer, then went to his room. He took off his wet clothes, dried himself as much as possible, and then bundled himself in some blankets. He looked around and picked out a long shirt and a pair of old running shorts for Katelyn.
He was starting to warm up, so he headed back to the shower with the clothes for Katelyn. She was finally warm, her body no longer shivering when she saw him enter. She popped her head out when he came in.
“Why don’t you jump in here with me? Or are you waiting for your turn?” she asked.
“I think I’m starting to be ok. I brought you some clothes till your stuff is dry.”
“All right, suit yourself. Thanks for the clothes.”
“No problem. When you’re done, I can make you something to eat till the weather improves or we call your folks.”
“Sounds good, I’m about done.”
Mitch walked away, closed the door, and headed out to the living room to check on the weather. It was still raging outside; the wind was blowing, the rain was sideways, and small hail was still falling. This was crazy. It was supposed to be only a small shower late in the evening, not two hours early. He was still wrapped up in the blankets with only a pair of boxers underneath. He wandered into the kitchen to see what he could cook if she was hungry.
He was just closing a pantry door when Katelyn appeared behind it. She was wearing the long, buttoned shirt he gave her, and looked really sexy. There’s always something about a small girl wearing a guy’s shirt that was so attractive, he thought to himself. He tried to push that out of his head; this wasn’t the time for those thoughts.
“So, this is your place, huh? Pretty nice coach.”
“Thanks, Kate. It does the job. Would you like something to eat or drink?”
“Water’s fine.” She walked into the living room and looked at the wall of photos and trophies he had won during his career. He found her there and handed her a glass of water as she perused his achievements. As she bent down to look at one of the lower shelves, Mitch saw that she wasn’t wearing the shorts he had given her. She was completely naked under the shirt, and he became upset.
“Kate, we’ve talked about this! You can’t be naked around me; we can’t do this. It’s wrong and I could get into a lot of trouble. Why aren’t you wearing shorts?”
Katelyn was taken aback, “Hey wait a minute here, I’m not trying to do anything. The shorts didn’t fit. So don’t get pissy with me just because you don’t want me.”
“The shorts have a drawstring, and it’s not that I don’t want you, I can’t have you.”
“The string is gone, here.” Katelyn stormed off and grabbed the shorts from the washroom and threw them at his chest. “See, nothing there, they just kept falling off. And if you do want me, you’re a coward for hiding from me.”
“Now listen here…” he tried to interject.
“No, you listen to me for once,” she was really angry now, “You’ve been absent and cold to me ever since that shower. I haven’t pushed or asked for anything since, but I’ve wanted to. You’re the reason I got into running; I saw you winning all the races. I had a huge crush on you when I was little and I couldn’t believe it when I found out you wanted to train me. Now you can barely look at me and it destroys me.” She started to cry.
“Kate, I…”
“No, I know you think of me as some silly girl with a crush, but I do care for you. I wish you cared for me the same way.”
She stood there sobbing, Mitch walked over, “Kate, I’m sorry. I didn’t know. Please don’t cry.” He raised his hand and wiped a tear from her eyes. She looked up at him, eyes still welled up. He opened up the blankets and wrapped her in with him, in a big hug. Mitch leaned in and kissed her tenderly on the lips. She reciprocated.
The kiss slowly intensified, her hands wrapped around his back, one dropping to squeeze his ass. His hands lost grip on the blankets, which fell to the floor around them. His hands ran all over her back, then one moved up to her head to run through her hair. The other drifted down under the shirt to her bare ass.
They stood in the middle of the living room for a few minutes making out, hands roaming over their barely clothed bodies. Mitch suddenly broke the kiss and tore open her shirt, buttons flew everywhere. He guided her backward until she fell onto the couch, fully naked and fully aroused. He climbed on top of her and kissed her once again before moving his mouth down to her small, pink nipples. He had longed to suck on her tits and now he finally had one in his mouth. Katelyn moaned and put her hands on his head to keep him from escaping. This was what she’d wanted for so long and it was finally happening.
The feeling of his sucking and nibbling on her young, tiny tits was better than she ever could have hoped. Little shocks and jolts rippled through her body, as her pussy became drenched and in need of attention. He just kept enjoying the small, little nubs on her small chest. The soft, untanned skin was smooth and gentle against his hungry mouth, but he knew he needed more.
He finally pulled himself away from her small globes and ventured down the couch towards her honeypot. He could smell her sweet scent as he moved down her stomach, past her hips, and into her small patch of hair. She spread her legs as wide as she could on the couch, one leg draped over the back, the other on a coffee table. As he reached his destination, he looked into her young, wet folds and licked his lips. He had wanted to taste that nectar for months and now he was inches from getting to do so.
Close up, her pussy was magnificent. It was a deep pink, with a decent-sized clitoral hood, small internal lips, and a tight-looking hole, all coated in a shiny, musty liquid. She looked down at him, desperate for relief. He saw the lust in her eyes and it fueled him. He ran his tongue from right above her asshole up her slit until it passed her clit, getting all the juices he could before diving back in for more.
Katelyn moaned louder, her heart rate was higher, and she was on fire now. She ground her pussy against his face and tongue as he drilled his oral member into her tight, virgin hole. Inserting it as far as he could, lapping up all her delicious juices. He pulled his tongue out and latched his lips on her clit and started sucking and flicking it with his tongue. With one loud, near painful, groan, Katelyn came hard.
Her legs clamped down on his head and his mouth was flooded by a thicker fluid squirting from her pussy. She was twisting and turning on the couch, Mitch was afraid her legs would crush his head or snap his neck from the pressure and thrashing. But eventually, her leglock loosened and he pulled his dripping face from her throbbing snatch.
She was still feeling the aftershocks from her explosion when she saw him get up from between her legs. She grabbed his wet face, pulled him down to hers, and kissed him hard, tasting herself on his lips. Her own sweet and musty taste was not unpleasant to her, so she licked a little bit off his nose and chin, tickling him. She moved her hands down his back and onto his boxer-covered ass. She reached for the waistline to pull them down, but her arms weren’t long enough. Mitch knew what she was doing so he raised and pulled them down himself. They were now naked on a couch; naked together.
She could now feel his hard, naked cock against her leg and thighs. She wanted him, tonight, now! She looked up at him and grinned, he looked into her eyes and kissed her lightly once again but positioning himself between her legs. She opened herself up once again, legs spread open while he slid his cock up and down on her wet slit, lubricating it. He stopped as he positioned it at the entrance to her unspoiled territory.
“Are you sure about this? We don’t have to?” he said, looking down at her face. She was biting her lower lip, nervously.
“Yes, I’ve wanted this for so long. Please, don’t make me wait any longer, Mitch.”
He kissed her one more time before he slowly pushed into her for the first time. She was tight, very tight. Even with how soaked she was, it was difficult to push in quickly. He would put in an inch, then wait before putting in another. She was slowly accommodating him, her body adjusting and stretching to the new invading object. It took about fifteen minutes for him to finally have all of himself inside her. It was the hottest, tightest, and wettest pussy he’d ever had. He didn’t move until she started moving her hips.
Katelyn felt so full like a baseball bat was in her stomach. It was a good kind of full, though; it felt warm and comforting, loving and sexy. As she moved her hips, she felt him pull out somewhat and push back in. It tingled throughout her body. Each stroke increased that feeling until her body felt like it was floating on a cloud of bliss. He was finally taking her; he was her first and always would be. She wrapped her legs around his back and let him have her.
Feeling her wrap herself around him, Mitch settled into an easy rhythm. He didn’t want to be too rough on her first time and also wanted it to last as long as possible. He wanted to make sure she had at least one orgasm from his dick inside her. He wanted her to come back for more. Now that had tasted her forbidden fruit, he knew he could never turn it away again. He moved one of his hands back onto one of her small tits and kneaded it while the other supported him to keep from crushing her.
The sensation of his cock in her pussy and now her breast being stimulated pushed Katelyn closer to another orgasm. She increased the speed of her hips, pushing back against his while gyrating her hips occasionally to trigger different spots inside. She ran her hands over his back, digging her nails in slightly. She was so close, she needed it harder. She wanted to be fucked now.
“I need you, Mitch. Take me, take me hard.” She cried, humping against him.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Be a man and FUCK ME!” she yelled, digging her nails deeper into his back.
The nails on his back made him grit his teeth and say, “You wanna be fucked by a man, girl? I’ll fuck you all right.”
He grabbed her legs and put them on his shoulders; her butt lifted into the air as he began pulling almost all the way out before pushing it back into her hard. Her face scrunched up in pain, but her moans were that of bliss. He drove deep down inside her, hitting deeper than he had been before. They were both lost in the lust of their first coupling, experiencing the wonders of the flesh.
“Oh GOD! That’s so good. Keep going, I’m almost there.” She cried, between breaths. She snaked her hands between her legs and his pounding cock to rub her clitoris.
“Oh god, that’s so hot. Play with yourself, Kate. Make yourself cum on my cock.”
“OH GOD! Mitch, I…. AHHHHH!” she screamed out as another orgasm ripped through her body. Mitch could feel her pussy contracting and milking his cock. He knew he wasn’t going to last much longer either.
“I’m gonna cum too!” he yelled.
“PULL OUT! I’m not on the pill!” she shrieked, trying to pull away from him.
“Oh shit, fuck!” He pulled out of her just as his cock launched its first stream on her face and hair; the next was in her gasping mouth and chin, the rest fell on her tits, and stomach, and some landed on the outside of her pussy. Mitch let her legs down off his shoulders and sat down underneath her legs while she stayed down on the couch, catching her breath and covered in his spunk.
“Sorry about making you pull out. I was so caught up in everything that I forgot.” She said, slowly recovering.
“That’s ok, I should have thought about that before, but my brain wasn’t thinking at the time. I guess I should get some condoms.” He laughed.
“So, you aren’t going to run away this time and we’ll get to do this again?”
“I want to if you still want to.”
“I do, many times. But I think I need to clean myself up.”
He looked at her, glazed in his male seed, “I think you look better than ever, like a Krispy Kreme donut.”
“Eat me,” she said, standing up.
“I already did, now let’s hit the showers… together.”
They both hopped into the shower, cleaning, wiping, and touching each other like they were old lovers. It was a gentle, playful experience. They knew they couldn’t do much more right now. Katelyn would have to call her parents to pick her up once they got out.
Mitch got her clothes out of the dryer while Katelyn called her parents on his phone. She let them know she was all right. They had been running when the storm hit, and they took shelter at his house hoping the storm would let up. A short while later, they drove over to pick her up. The rain had reduced to a light shower and the wind died down. They thanked Mitch for taking care of her and for all his hard work. They all said goodbye and Mitch waved from the doorway as they left. He picked up the buttons off the floor and went to throw them in the washroom garbage can. He turned towards the toilet, and there he saw she had left her panties for him. He picked them up and smiled.
The next few weeks went by wonderfully for the two of them. They ran and trained, mostly inside now, and when they were done, they would shower together, fool around, and have sex in the locker room, the shower, or the sauna. Mitch had bought some condoms and they used them all the time to prevent any accidents. But soon, their private alone time was about to come to an end. The training facility was about to open later for the winter clients. They wouldn’t have the place to themselves for much longer. They enjoyed themselves as much as they could, but soon, they were on their last night together.
“Any plans for tonight, coach?” she asked, as they ran around the indoor track. Track running was dull, but it was a good way of checking interval times and drop-offs. The track was covered by a large, inflatable dome, which hummed from the air pumps.
“Like, am I going to watch a movie tonight, or do I have a date plan?” he asked.
“You’d better not have a date, or I’ll run her over,” she said, taking a playful swing at him. “No, for us tonight. It’s our last night alone together. I don’t know when we’ll get to be ourselves again.” Her voice was wistful and sad.
“I know, we knew this would happen though. We might have to wait till the spring, or we can try to get creative. We’ll see what happens. Did you have something specific you wanted to do?”
“I might,” she said with a wry smile, “Ever do it in the hot tub?”
“Sounds intriguing, we’ll have to hit that up after 3 more laps. Go! Hard!” He might be her lover, but he was still her coach and he needed to work her hard on and off the track.
She ran her laps and then they both headed to the men’s locker room. They gave up trying to use both and just changed together. They took a quick shower to clean off the sweat before walking naked to the pool area where the hot tubs were. Mitch walked over and flipped the jets on, and they climbed in.
It didn’t take long for their hands to find their way to each other’s bodies. They pulled each other in for more make-out time; tongues danced together before Mitch was back sucking on her tiny titties. One of his hands spread her knees apart and slipped a finger inside her pussy while the water jets buzzed her clit. Katelyn, for her part, had his cock in her hand stroking it gently. She didn’t want to get him going too quickly, he was a runner, so he had endurance, but not forever.
“Oh God, this feels good Mitch.” She said as she kissed down his neck as he was still sucking on her tits. He pulled off her chest and kissed her again.
“I know, I feel like a kid again. I can’t get enough of you, Kate.” He was starting to fall for her, not just her looks and youthful enthusiasm, but her personality and spirit.
“I can’t either, I need you now. Sit back.” Katelyn climbed on top of him and straddled his pelvis, his cock pressed down by her groin. She slid back and forth a bit, lining it up, and inserted his cock into herself. They both groaned at being reconnected together.
“I’m going to miss this, Kate. I really am.” He raised his hips to meet her downward thrusts.
“I know. I’m not going anywhere, though; we’ll figure something out. I just got you, I’m not about to lose you now.” She rode his cock like a seasoned pro. Her hips were bouncing and grinding, which caused some of the water to splash out of the pool.
“I’m not going anywhere either. I have to ask, though, before it becomes a problem, we aren’t using protection today. Do you have a plan?”
“Yup, tell me when you are 75% of the way there.”
He nodded and kissed her, his hands running over her back and down to her ass. He felt a water jet blowing close to where she was, so he shifted slightly to angle her for contact. He saw her eyes light up as the jet found its mark. He used his mouth down her neck, and chest till he got to her tits again. He loved her little bitty titties; they were so delicate yet sensitive to his ministrations.
Katelyn rode him hard, the jet behind her would blow water on her asshole and pussy when she rose and sank on his cock. She was getting close to her first orgasm; she humped him faster. Water splashed in waves all over the pool area. Mitch stuck a couple of fingers between her legs and flicked her clit a couple of times till she pushed down hard and tensed up. A broken, quiet screech came from her mouth as she came. He held her close till she was ready to continue.
She returned to fucking him as her body trembled from the strong sensations. She had been doing some research and decided to try squeezing and releasing her internal muscles on his cock, milking him in a tighter embrace. His groaning seemed to show results, so she kept going. It felt good for her too, extra friction and pull on her canal.
“Ok, I’m starting to get there,” Mitch called out.
“Get out of the tub and lay down on the ground.”
He did as he was told; she straddled him again, but this time facing away from him. She had her legs together and lifted herself up and down with her arms. Mitch used his arms to support her ass as she rode him. With her legs shut on his cock, it was really tight. Her velvet-like vagina was soaked from her moisture and the hot tub.
He could feel the cum in his loins start to rush from his balls though, so he called out. “I’m almost there!”
She quickly slid off his dick and flipped onto her stomach and stuck his soaked cock into her mouth, sucking intensely. Mitch, for his part, had a pussy over his face so he figured he might as well have a snatch snack and started licking. In a minute, his cock jerked and spurted its thick, creamy load into her mouth as she swallowed each burst. Mitch loved when she swallowed his cum, he could feel her mouth gulping it down while his cock was in there.
Mitch wanted to thank her by sucking on her clit head. He nibbled and chewed her little bud; he could hear her building until, finally, she moaned onto his cock, still in her mouth. He lapped at her dripping juices until she rolled off, too sensitive to continue. They both lay wet and dripping on the floor, tired and satisfied.
“I hope that was good for you, Mitch.” She said a little melancholy as the night came to an end.
“It always is, my dear Kate. We’ll get through this, I promise. If I have to rent an hourly rate motel room, we’ll do this again.”
The two embraced once more before getting up to go home. Tomorrow, they would have to go back to just being a coach and an athlete until the future allowed them to be more than that. But for tonight, they got dressed, kissed once more, and turned out the lights to leave.
During the month of December, after the sports facility opened later, they never could find a chance to be alone together. They tried doing a winter run, with a stop-off at his house, but freezing rain before they got out the door stopped that. Every plan they came up with was foiled or fell apart. They still saw each other, they both knew that nothing had changed, they just had to wait.
As the holidays approached, Katelyn and her family left New York State to visit their family for Christmas. Mitch canceled training through the holidays anyway to give her a break. She had been working hard since September and could use a couple of weeks of downtime to let her body rest. Her family had no suspicions about what they had been doing. Before they left, they sent him a Christmas card thanking him for his hard work and dedication to helping their daughter achieve her goals. If only they knew, he thought to himself.
While she was gone, they still kept in contact. She would text him when she was able to be alone for a few minutes. He would ask how she was doing and what she was up to. He missed seeing her every day. He had no plans during the holidays, he was an only child, and his parents were gone. Most of his life was spent training or competing around the globe which meant no real friends besides other runners, most of whom were retired with families now. He spent Christmas watching old movies and eating Chinese food; take-out was a rare treat for him.
On Christmas morning, he got an email from Katelyn:
Dear Mitch,
I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas.
I can’t wait to see you again; I miss you so much.
Please, don’t sit around getting fat.
Here’s something to get your spirits up,
Love Kate.
Included was a picture of Katelyn, nude, with ribbon covering her breasts and pussy. Mitch couldn’t help but laugh. He didn’t know when she had the chance to do that, but he loved it. It was the perfect amount of sexy and silly. He saved the picture to his personal photos; he would use that for when he felt alone.
Katelyn and her family returned two days before New Year's Eve. The two would text whenever she was free and alone. She told him about her visit, and what she did. He told her about the little he did and the movies he watched. He thanked her for the Christmas email, that it brightened his day to have someone who cared about him. They tried sexting once, but her parents kept ruining the mood for her, so they stopped. It just wasn’t the same, they would have to do something soon.
It was New Year’s Eve, Mitch asked if she and her family had any plans. Katelyn told him that they were going to a big party in the city. She wondered what he was going to do by himself, he said he was going to sit in his shorts and watch the ball drop, then go to bed; a very exciting night. They both wished they could kiss on New Year’s like everyone else got to, but probably not.
It was at 5:00 pm that evening when Mitch’s phone rang.
It was Katelyn, “Are you still home?”
“Yup, what are you up to?” he wondered.
“Have you eaten yet?”
“No, why? Do your parents know you’re calling me?” He was a little worried.
“It’s fine, just put on a suit and be ready.” The phone disconnected. What was that about, he wondered. He did what he was told, though; he took a quick shower and put on his best suit, sat on the couch, and waited. At 6:00 he got a text from Kate.
Did you find a suit?
Yes, why did I do that?
Just answer the door
At that moment, the doorbell rang. Curious, he walked over and opened it.
“Surprise!” Katelyn cried out, she was carrying a store-bought roast chicken and potatoes and dressed in a beautiful black dress.
“What the? I thought you had a fancy party to go to?” He was shocked. He took the food from her and let her get inside.
“I did, well I was supposed to, but I didn’t want to hang out at a big party where I didn’t know anyone. So, I drove Mom and Dad to the party. I took the car so they’re going to stay overnight at a friend’s until I pick them up tomorrow.”
“Well, what’s with the food and the dress then?”
“I figured you were lonely and probably hungry. Plus, I figured you’d want to see me in this stunning little black dress, so I changed when I got home and picked this up before the store closed. Is that ok?”
“It’s wonderful, I’m so happy to see you,” he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her before kissing her for the first time in a month. “You look amazing and very sexy, Kate.”
“That was the idea. Let’s get the food ready, I’m famished.” She said as they went to the kitchen carrying the food. They grabbed some plates, utensils, and salt and set the table for their little festive feast. Mitch put on some light music and they sat down to eat.
“Thank you for this, Kate. You always brighten even my darkest day.”
“You’re welcome, Mitch. By the way, I think you missed something in my plan.” She raised an eyebrow.
He thought about it for a minute and then it dawned on him. “Your parents are gone overnight, and you have their car? Are you planning on spending the night?”
“Is that ok? Sorry if I presumed that would be ok.”
“That’s perfect, I can’t believe you managed to pull this off. You are one smart cookie, Kate.”
“Now we get to eat dinner and a real date. You never know; you might get lucky tonight, too.” She said with a smile and wink.
They ate the little dinner that Katelyn had brought; it was pretty good, much better than the pasta Mitch was going to make. He also had much better company to talk to than the TV. They chatted about life and what her plans were after school, possible upcoming races, and his days on the national team. It was a fun, relaxing evening. Once they finished eating, they tidied up and put the leftovers away.
As they headed towards the living room, Mitch heard the music he had put on earlier and extended his hand to his lady, she accepted. He wrapped his arm around her back and kept holding her other hand and they started dancing. Kate put her arm around his neck and laid her head on his chest as they slowly danced around together. Both dressed as if they were at a formal party.
“Thank you for this.” She said quietly, not wanting to break the moment.
“Thank me, you made this happen.”
“No, thank you for trusting me and letting me into your heart, despite the risks.”
“I would do it all again, Kate. Anything for you.”
She moved her head up and pulled him down into a soft kiss. He brought the hand from her lower back up and held her face, brushing a hair off her eye. They continued to sway to the music as they exchanged kisses. Mitch finally pulled away and led her to the bedroom.
They kissed again, soft and gentle, before he moved behind her and slowly pulled the zipper down on her little black dress. His hands then moved to her shoulders and slid both straps down her small arms, the dress lowered until it crumpled onto the floor. Katelyn was left wearing nothing but her black bra and panties. She turned towards him, took off his jacket, and untied his tie, leaving it hanging open around his collar. She then started unbuttoning his shirt, one button at a time until she reached the bottom, then pulled off his shirt.
Her hands struggled with the buckle on his belt, but he let her figure it out. They weren’t on any schedules or time crunches today, they had the whole night to themselves. When she finally managed to get it undone, she pulled off the belt and dropped it to the floor, soon to be joined by his pants. His erection was evident through his underwear and Katelyn didn’t want to keep it caged up for long, so she bent down and pulled them down with her. She looked at his swollen member, licked her lips, and took it in her mouth.
Mitch felt himself slide into her mouth and looked down to see her working his cock. She had gotten pretty good at taking most of it in her mouth now. He watched her slide it in and out of her pretty, pink lips. He ran his hands over her head, running it through her long black hair. While she enjoyed his cock in her mouth, she didn’t want him to cum yet, so she pulled off of him and stood up.
He helped her up, kissed her lips, and then reached behind her to unsnap her bra. As his arms returned, they pulled the garment off and it joined the rest on the floor. All that remained was a small black pair of panties. His fingers slipped in the sides and let them fall before he guided her carefully onto the bed. His head lowered and buried itself into her soaking slit. He tongued and licked around, teasing her and tasting her. She moaned and opened herself up so he could get more access. He used his tongue around her inner labia, careful not to hit her clitoris. He could also play the tease game. He traced his tongue down and around her love canal, but not penetrating it. She groaned, failing to get him to hit her pleasure spots. She pulled him up, and they embraced once again. His hard cock now rubbing against her wet, desperate pussy. A hand lid down and placed it at her opening until he slid in.
They gently thrust into each other; this wasn’t the raw sexual energy of previous encounters. This was their first time making love. Her hand ran through his brown hair, his hands moved over her hips and up to her small tits. She purred as he stroked her nipples, he groaned as she squeezed his cock with her muscles.
Katelyn nudged him, letting him know she wanted to be on top. They did a side roll, and she was now perched on top of him, his cock still inside her. She rose up and down, riding him at an even pace. He would thrust into her as she moved down, hitting just a little bit deeper. One of his hands went back up to her now bouncing tits, and one of hers ran through his chest hair. He lifted and kissed her once more.
“I love you, Kate, I mean it.”
“I love you too, Mitch; make love to me.”
He was getting close now, he could also sense she was close as well. Her eyes were glassy, and her grinding was more desperate. He pulled her back down for a kiss.
“I’m close, Kate; I’ll have to pull out soon.”
“I know but keep going. I’m so close.”
She rose fast and fell harder with each thrust. She reached down and held his hands beside his head as she worked his cock in her soaking pussy. He didn’t have much time left.
“Kate, please! I need to pull out.”
She leaned down and whispered in his ear, “Then cum in me. It’s ok, I want it.”
“But…” he started to say before she placed a finger on his lips to stop him.
“Cum in me, Mitch. Fill me with your seed, make me yours.” She increased her pace; she was on the brink now. Mitch couldn’t hold back anymore.
“I’m cumming!” he yelled out, his cum shooting straight into the girl’s womb. Shot after warm shot covered her insides with his white fluid. The feeling of his jerking cock and the warmth spreading inside her caused Katelyn to cum as well. They both groaned in intense pleasure. The feeling of a true lover’s embrace is fulfilled by an act of lust.
As they came down from their orgasmic heights, Katelyn could feel his cum leaking out from her overflowing pussy. It was dripping down his cock and making a puddle on his pubic hair, but neither of them wanted to move. They just basked in the afterglow of their lovemaking until one of them finally spoke.
“I hope you liked your Christmas gift,” Katelyn said, looking him in the eyes.
“My what?” he asked, confused.
“Your gift, I didn’t tell you. I’m on the pill now. You can cum in me whenever you like.”
“Really, how did you pull that off?”
“I have my ways,” she said with a smile, “I think it might make it easier for some quickies if the chance arises.”
“You are full of surprises. And I meant what I said, "I do love you.”
“I’m full of a lot of things right now,” she joked, “but I love you too.”
They stayed in bed for a while, Mitch’s cock eventually shrank and fell out of her. A glob of cum followed after but neither minded. Katelyn bent down and cleaned him up with her mouth and fingers before they returned to his living room to watch the night’s festivities. They didn’t bother dressing and they enjoyed the feeling of their skin against the others.
Midnight approached and the two lovers sat naked on the couch together. Mitch had opened a bottle of champagne and they snacked on popcorn, a truly refined combination. They watched TV as the ball dropped in Times Square and counted down with the crowd. As the clock struck midnight, they kissed passionately as ‘Auld Lang Syne ‘played on the speakers. They hoped this year would be even better than the last.
“Ready for your New Year’s gift?” Katelyn asked.
“Didn’t I just get a gift?” He responded.
“That was for Christmas, this is for tonight.” Her voice was slightly slurred from the alcohol, the champagne must have gone to her head.
Katelyn went to her bag and pulled out a small bag with tissue paper in it and handed it to Mitch. He pulled out the paper and found a small tube of lubricant. Confused, he turned and looked at her.
“You’ve been my first real kiss, first in my mouth, and the first in me. I wanted to give you my last first thing. I want you to be the first in my ass.”
“We don’t have to do this. I’m quite happy with what we’ve already done.” He said, not wanting to pressure her.
“Please, this is the best night to do this. I want to feel you in there too.” She reached up and pulled him down for a kiss; his cock responded immediately and was standing at attention. She walked over to the back of the couch and bent over it. He walked behind her, his hands running over her tight, small ass and he wondered if he’d even fit in there.
He popped open the bottle of lubricant and dripped some on his cock, spreading it with his hand. He then spread open her ass cheeks, looking at her small starfish, and dripped some on there as well. He looked down a bit further and could see the white flakes of his cum still outlining her pussy hole. Soon, another hole would be the same.
“Are you ready?” He asked, his cock pressed up against her lubed ass.
“Yes, I’m ready. Take my last virginity.”
He applied pressure to her backdoor, but it didn’t open. He pulled back and added a bit more force, he was able to put some of his head in. Sliding out and then back in, he added more pressure and slipped the whole head inside. He looked down and saw her gripping the back of the couch with her fingers.
“Is this hurting? Do you want me to stop?” He asked, concerned.
“It does a little but keep going. Don’t stop.” She was determined to give herself to him fully tonight, no pain was going to change that.
He waited a short time and then pressed further into her, getting a third of his cock into her tight channel. The tightness was incredible, he had done anal with a couple of girls in the past, and none were as tight at this. He continued moving in, inch by inch, stopping each time, until he was fully inside her back exit.
“That’s it; you’ve taken it all, Kate.”
“It feels like I’m sitting on a telephone pole. Keep going, I want to feel you cum inside here too.”
Mitch started slowly fucking her ass, the lubrication helped him slide in and out, but she was still very tight. He held onto her hips, and he moved inside her. He noticed that she was no longer gripping the couch, her hands were more relaxed, and she was slightly thrusting back onto him. He pushed as deep as he could into her but didn’t take more than half of his cock out of her before pushing back in. These were gentle strokes, just enjoying the sensations and feelings of his young lover’s ass.
For Katelyn, it no longer hurt, and it was such a strange feeling having something moving in and out of her asshole. It was very different to something in her pussy; less pleasure but strange. She pushed back against him, feeling it dip deep into her chute before pulling back out. She needed some pleasure for herself, so she used one of her hands and started playing with her pussy. Her fingers going in and out of her other hole and rubbing her clit, causing rippling sensations over her whole body.
Mitch watched his girl finger herself and it turned him on to no end. He thrust a bit harder into her butt, bringing himself closer to cumming. Katelyn’s moans told him she wasn’t far behind either. He kept up the rhythm, plunging back down into her dark depths until he felt himself get close.
“I’m almost there Kate, you?”
“Keep going, I’ll get there!”
He thrust a couple more times until he couldn’t hold back anymore. He thrust one final time as deep as he could into her bowels and coated them with sperm. She could feel it when he came in her ass; she rubbed her clitoris harder, pushing her over the edge as well. They both cried out in orgasmic pleasure. Then they slowed down, catching their breath.
Mitch slowly pulled out of her battered backdoor, it was gaped open and his cum was leaking from it. It was an incredible sight to see. His cock was covered in lube, cum, and flecks of brown, so he suggested they both jump in the shower together. Katelyn liked that idea, so they headed to the bathroom.
They took turns washing each other, soap and shampoo suds were everywhere. They laughed and played around like kids. Katelyn kept grabbing Mitch’s cock, washing and trying to stroke it. Mitch would rub her small tits and slip a finger into her pussy. It was getting late though, so they got out and dried off before heading to bed.
This was the first time they would get to sleep together. Katelyn got under the covers, and Mitch joined her; they kissed again, her hands back on his cock. It started to rise once more. Mitch was surprised he had the vigor to get it up again. Katelyn kissed him gently on the mouth before her head disappeared under the covers.
He was enveloped in her mouth shortly afterward. He could feel her working hard on his cock, taking all of it into her mouth and throat. It was the first time she’d been able to do that and it felt amazing. He watched the bedsheet go up and down as his cock was serviced by her now expert mouth. This was a far cry from her first time in the shower several months ago. He felt her cup his balls, rolling them around in her hand while the other stroked his shaft as it exited her mouth.
He knew he was close and tapped her head to let her know. She picked up the pace and sucked as hard as she could. When she felt him swell up, she shoved his cock as deep into her mouth as it could go. His cum was sprayed straight down her throat. He groaned at the overwhelming feelings caused by his cum-hungry lover. When he finished, she crawled back up beside him in bed. Happy with how her night went.
“Why are you so happy?” He asked.
“I’m naked in bed with the man I love, and I got him to cum in every hole I have tonight. No girl could feel any more satisfied.”
“I love you, you crazy nymphomaniac.”
“I love you too, coach.”
They fell asleep in each other’s arms for the first time. They knew she’d have to leave tomorrow morning, but they would enjoy this night. This was their first time sleeping together; it wasn’t going to be their last. As they drifted off to sleep, they hoped that their future was doing this forever.