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Winter’s Bite: The Hunted

It was in the middle of the night when we finally took of from that forsaken airport. I had been waiting for hours for the plane to be de-iced and fueled up, sitting in that tiny terminal. But now, we were finally up in the air, and I was getting off this cold, depressing island in the middle of nowhere Canada. I as I fell asleep, I thought about how I was leaving this place for good.

I grew up here on the island, born and raised in a small town called Milton. I hated always hated it here, everyone knew everyone’s business and people became bitter and desperate when they thought the country had forgotten about the. I tried to escape to the mainland at 18, went to work in the city as a courier, it was good work and I enjoyed it. Then Dad got sick; I had to return home to help take care of him. I worked the docks at the whale processing factory till that shut down, then as a climbing instructor in the mountains.

Dad passed away when I was 23, I would have left again but by that point I was trapped. I had met a girl and got her pregnant. We had moved into my Dad’s place after the baby was born, it was going well but rapid inflation caused expenses to soar. We needed more money to survive so off I went to work in the mines.

The mines paid well, gold and coal, respectively but it was hard, dangerous, and physical work. They were also in a far-off territory of the island; I would need to go out for three months at a time. Living in crew quarters and not being able to see my now wife and child was difficult, but we needed the money. A few years later, the first accident occurred, a cave in down the tunnel from where I was working. It trapped several miners; some never made it out. A year after that, poisonous gases killed several more.

Being home became more and more difficult. My wife started to become distant, and I barely recognized my son, he grew so much between work breaks. One day, after another three months on the job, I came home to an empty house. There was a note on the table saying she was getting off this island with our son and had emptied our bank account. The bank foreclosed a month later, boarding it up. I went back to work in the mine, just living permanently out of the crew quarters.

Then one day, the emergency sirens woke me from my bed. A toxic gas cloud had released through all three levels of the mine. Many men were killed, and the mine ultimately closed. I was hired on as security while many of the tools and supplies were stripped. There was only a small team of us, then less, and then finally the site was completely abandoned.

That’s what finally got me on this flight to the mainland, with the mine closed, there was no industry, but forestry and summer tourism left so the fully collapsed and most of the population left, save for a few in the service industry and tourism. It was winter so there would be no jobs for months, and even then, just temporary, low-paying jobs.

I was roused from my sleep by a bout of turbulence, the plane seemed to drop a few feet before stopping. The seat belt buckle-up light came on so the few passengers on the plane sat up and clicked in. A stewardess who had been passing the drink cart ran past to get into her jump-seat. She looked young and nervous. I looked across the aisle and saw an older man praying. As I was looking in his direction, a strange light from the windows caught my attention. It was green, white and silvery lights in the shy. I opened my window and saw the same phenomenon. It looked like the aurora borealis, but at this time of year, in this part of the country, that didn’t make sense. There was a strange crackling sound in the air, like running your socks over carpet and touching metal when suddenly, everything went dark.

There were screams of panic and terror as the plane fell out of the sky. The only visible light was from the aurora shining through the tiny cabin windows of the plane. My heart raced and I gripped the chair hard expecting these to be my final moments on this earth. In a minute that felt like hours, we hurtled towards the ground. I remember the sound of snapping wood, like someone breaking branches outside, and then a bang as I blacked out.

I woke up to the feeling of both extreme heat and cold. My eyes stung as I opened them, I didn’t know how long I had been out for, but the sun was starting to rise on the horizon. I instinctively unbuckled my seat belt and looked around. My head turned to where the old man had been, but there was just an open hole in the plane. Fire engulfed much of what remained of the wings and some of the cabin. The only person I could see was that of the young flight attendant I saw earlier, still in the jump seat.

I struggled to get out of my seat and head towards her, walking was difficult as it seemed the plane landed at an angle. Managed to fight my way to her and checked to see if she was still alive. She was still breathing but banged up pretty bad. Smoke filled the shattered cabin as I unbuckled her and pulled her from the burning wreckage. I looked around at the crash site, the tail of the plane had snapped off completely and lay near the top of what looked like the impact point. Suitcases and a few bodies littered the ground.

There was some light snow in the air and the winter was cold, we needed to find shelter in case a blizzard started up while we waited for rescue. I carried the injured woman over my shoulder, even though one side of my hurt. I likely had some injuries from the crash myself, but I didn’t have time to worry about that. I found a cleaning between the debris and headed away from the crash. A few hundred meters away, I found a small cave that would hopefully keep us safe. I placed the stewardess towards the back of the cave, where it would be the warmest and most sheltered while I went back outside to find wood to make a fire.

I always carried a book of cardboard matches with me from my time as a smoker, this time it might save my life. Around the plane crash, I found a lot of sticks and broken wood that would help get a fire going. I pulled some birch bark off a tree to use as tinder and headed back to the cave, I could always go back out to get more when I needed to. I picked up a few small stones and made a crude firepit inside the cave. I built up the sticks and tinder into a small pyre and struck a match, the tinder caught, glowed but ignite the wood.

“Why didn’t that work?” I said out loud. I made some more tinder and tried again.

“Common little fire,” I said to the fire gods, luckily this time the sticks caught too and there was a small fire to help warm us. I threw on a couple of the larger pieces of wood, some fir and cedar, and went to the back to check on my patient.

She was still out cold, so I carried her closer to the fire to keep her warm. She was wearing her blue stewardess uniform, a white button shirt, and a matching blue skirt. Not great clothes for winter survival, I didn’t have my jacket either. It was in the overhead

compartment on the plane. Hopefully rescue would come soon otherwise, I would go back to the crash and check the area for some warmer gear.

I noticed as I moved her, that she had a name tag that read ‘Stacy’. I decided to try calling her name.

“Stacy… Stacy… wake up Stacy.”

She started to stir, “Wha…. What happened? Who are you and where am I? Ouch.” She said, she said as she tried to move.

“Stay still, there was a plane crash, we survived but no one else did. My name is Max, I pulled you from the plane and brought you to this cave. Where does it hurt?”

“My shoulders and chest. My waist too, pretty much everywhere.”

“Ok, hopefully nothing is broken, it was probably from the seat belts. Just stay still and keep warm by the fire. I’m hoping rescue will come for us soon.”

“What are we going to do about food?” she asked.

“Well, I was thinking of checking to see if there is any edible food around the crash site, maybe look for some clothes too.”

“Could you check for some painkillers? Just something to get me through till I can go to a hospital.”

“I’ll see what I can find. Keep an eye on the fire, there’s some more wood beside you.”

I left the cave and headed back out into the snow. It wasn’t far to the crash site, there still wasn’t any emergency teams anywhere and it was daylight now. The smoke still poured into the sky; someone surely would have noticed it by now. There were still some flames, but a fair amount was smoldering now, I had to be careful not to get burned.

Seeing the devastation clearly now, in daylight, I was surprised we both made it out of there alive. I began rooting through the scattered suitcases on the ground, collecting a wool toque, some fleece mittens, a small pair of jeans, and a ragged sports vest. I found a backpack on the ground that was still in good shape, so I packed the clothes into it. I also found some still sealed airline food, a fish and a vegetarian one. There were a couple of intact sodas in the snow, a grape and a Summit soda. I didn’t have any luck with medication though. Last useful thing I discovered was a couple of tin cans, I could melt some snow with those for water if needed. My summers spent with my crazy trapper Uncle near the lake was coming back to me.

On the way back to the cave I gathered a handful of cedar branches to help make a more comfortable seating position that just sitting on bare rock and dirt. I also saw a few rosehip bushes just outside the cave, I remember my Uncle saying they have some medicinal properties for reducing pain and inflammation. I gave Stacy some of the clothes I found, the jeans, the vest and the toque while I attempted to heat up the food near the fire.

Luckily most of the clothes fit, although the jeans were loose. She put the jeans on underneath her skirt and used that to try to keep them on. I boiled some snow and crushed up the rosehips with a stone, then set it to boil as a tea in the tin can. The food was warm, I let Stacy choose which she wanted, she chose the vegetarian and the grape soda, I ate the other one.

It was now mid afternoon and there still was no sign of help. I was starting to wonder if maybe we should try to find our way out of there ourselves. We couldn’t have bee up in the air that long, we might still even be on the island somewhere. I left the cave again to get more wood and told Stacy to drink the tea, it should help with the pain. I also wanted to scope out the area to see if maybe there was someplace to go before night fell and it got too dark and cold to venture out.

I wandered out, away from the plane, collecting sticks and wood in my backpack and ended up at a small ledge. Looking out, I could see what looked like an orchard and a farmhouse in the distance. Just up the hill a bit, it looked like there were some burned down or collapsed buildings. I carried the wood back to see what Stacy might want to do.

“How are you feeling? Did the tea help?” I asked.

“Surprisingly yes, it tasted awful but I’m feeling a little better. Did you find anyone?”

“No, I did see a farmhouse in the distance we could walk to tomorrow and there were some damaged houses close by. There might be someplace to stay around there, or we could stay here tonight in the cave and just try to keep the fire going. What do you think?”

“I think we should check out the buildings, there could be a basement or maybe someone near by who could help us. Worst case we head back to this cave.”

“Ok Stacy, can you walk?” She stood up with a little difficulty but was able to move around without too much struggle. We packed up everything we could and headed towards the damaged ridge houses. It was only a few minutes walk from the cave when we found two burnt structures. We looked around to see if there was anything to salvage from it when Stacy found an entrance underground. I started to head in that direction when loud breathing caught my attention.

I turned, slowly, and was face to face with a large brown bear. It was scarred and had arrows stuck in it. Stacy screamed as the bear swiped at me. It knocked me down and ripped up my pants and light jacket I found. I had lacerations on my arms as it clawed and bit down on my left bicep. Stacy threw a rock at it and distracted it while I scrambled into the basement with her.


“What the hell was that?!” she cried, the sound of the bear banging on the cellar doors caused us both to jump.

“A big, angry old bear. Ahhh…” I said as I peeled the ruined jacket off my bleeding arm, blood drained out until I put pressure on it.

“Look around, see if you can find any first aid or cloth for bandages.” I said, trying to keep my cool. Panicking would certainly not help in this situation. She scoured around and then returned quickly.

“I found a first aid kit, there’s antiseptic and some bandages. Oh God, there’s so much blood.”

“It’s ok, just pour the antiseptic on the wounds and then wrap up the area with the bandages, just stay with me Stacy, you’re doing great.” She did as I asked and it helped slow the bleeding, allowing it to hopefully clot naturally.

I eventually sat up and looked around the cellar that kept us from becoming bear chow. There was a washer and dryer, a fridge, an orange case, and a few random plastic containers. The fridge didn’t have too much, just a can of peaches and a soda. The containers had a mouldy chocolate bar and some cloth. The washer and dryer had a pair of combat pants that didn’t fit either of us, and a jacket that could go over my ruined one.

But it was the orange case that would be the most helpful. It contained a flare gun and five shells. They would be useful to try to signal for help or to maybe scare away another predator like the bear. I loaded a shell into the gun and put the other four shells in a close pocket in the backpack so we could get them easier in an emergency.

We spent the night huddled together on the floor. It was a cold concrete floor and there was no place to sleep so when dawn broke, we were exhausted. During the night, we changed my bandages a few times, cleaning the wounds, and dressing them back up. It took a while, but it eventually clotted and stopped bleeding. We also stopped hearing the bear after a few hours. Hopefully, it moved on to eat something else. We ate the little food we had and decided we needed to get out of there; try to make it to that farmhouse.

When it was time, we gathered up all the supplies we could carry in the backpack, slowly peeked out the door and headed outside. There was no sign of the bear at that moment, but I kept the flare gun in my good hand just in case. It was still snowing, a little heavier than the previous day, so all tracks had been covered. We headed down a slope, past some more collapsed houses, and onto a frozen lake. There were a few cattails along the water, I collected those for some food and the heads to be used as tinder if needed. Cattail stalks are tough but edible.

As we travelled along the frozen river, it forked off in two directions. I could see a small bridge down one and guess that might be the correct way. My arm sore, carrying the pack added extra weight to my exhausted body but we needed to bring what we had. Since no one came looking for us, we weren’t sure if anyone was still living in that farmhouse, but we had to check.

We reached the bridge and climbed the bank to have a look, I was right, there was the farm I saw earlier. It had a barn, a silo and the farmhouse surrounded by an orchard. As we approached the house though, within a few hundred meters, we heard a howl. We stopped dead in our tracks searching for what made that sound. Suddenly, three more howls answered the first. There were wolves around; at least four of them.

We got low to the ground and slowly moved toward the closed in porch door of the house. Now within a hundred meters, we spotted the first wolf on the far side of the house. It had it’s back to us for the moment, so we quickly rushed to the door and tried to open it. Thankfully it was unlocked, and we hid inside as the wolf rushed past the door. Wolves don’t usually try to attack people, something strange was going on. We tried the door to get into house, but it was locked, looking around though, we found a prybar in the snow near a broken window. After a few good pulls, using my back for leverage instead of my bad arm, the door popped open.

“Hello? We need help, is anyone here?” Stacy called out.

We had entered the kitchen; wandering around the first floor, it looked like the place was abandoned recently and in a hurry. Drawers and cupboards were open, and some food supplies were still strewn about the counters. One of the first things I checked was if there was electricity and running water, unfortunately, there was neither.

What we did have was what looked like a working woodstove for cooking, a few cooking pots, an oil lantern and with fuel, and a hunting knife. We should be able to make some water and store it in some empty water bottles that were scattered about. We found some food, some oats, flour, more soda, a can of coffee, some salty crackers, tomato soup, Zak’s Snax trail mix, cooking oil, and some maple syrup. That should be enough food for a couple of days if rationed.

We scoured the rest of the main floor house, we found more mittens, a worn winter jacket, some wool socks, and a pair of women’s hiking boots. I gave all those items to Stacy to see if they fit, while went to the basement to see if there was anything useful there. I found a vegetable bin with some edible food, a first aid kit with some painkillers, we’ll both needed those now, and a box of wood matches. On the upper level I found an old hunting rifle with a few bullets in the chamber. At least we had a way to defend ourselves now.

I knew we needed water soon, so I filled up the cooking pots with clean looking snow and brought them into the kitchen. I made a fire in the woodstove and started the process of boiling it so it would be drinkable. Each pot could hold a few liters of water, so I would make as much water as possible while we had the fire going. I made the first batch and bottled it, when I went outside for more snow, a blizzard had hit. We were going to be here for a little while.

Stacy asked if she could use some of the water to wash herself, I gave her a couple of bottles while I made more. She was just going to sit in the tub and wash herself down, it was a good idea, I might do that later too. I just put on a new batch of snow to melt when I thought I should check on her.

I went upstairs to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

“Are you ok in there, Stacy?”

“Yes, come in.”

As I entered, the light from the lantern illuminated her body. She was naked, sitting in the tub with a small washcloth in her hand. As I approached, I could see dark bruising from the shoulder straps of the plane seat belt on her shoulders, down her chest and medium sized breasts to her waist where more bruising was located. She must have been in a lot of pain, but she tried not to show it.

“Max, could you wash my back? I can’t reach and with no running water, it’s very difficult.”

“Sure, no problem. Are you ok? You look pretty banged up.”

“I’m no worse for wear, considering everything that’s happened.”

I took the washcloth from her and started carefully washing her back with the small amount of water available. It was strange to be so close to someone I had only known for a few days. Growing up as I did, there were no clubs or bars to hook up for one-night stands. I couldn’t help but be aroused by the young woman naked in front of me. Apart from the bruises from the crash, her skin was soft and blemish free.

I ran my hands down her back, washing carefully around her midsection, where the seatbelt left bruising. My hands travelled further down to her lower back, above her ass cheeks. From the limited light and what I could see, they must have been very nice. I brought my hands back up along her sides, washing her hips and then she lifted her arms so I could get under them. My large hands brushed past her soft breasts a couple of times, but she didn’t protest. Finally. I figured we were done.

“Want me to get you too? I’m sure you could use it with your shoulder wound.” She asked.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to impose.”

“Impose? You saved my life. No imposition at all. Strip.”

I carefully undressed, my shoulder sore and raw from the bite wound. Stacy had to help me with my pants as I couldn’t undo the belt and button on them. She pulled them down and my erect penis popped free in front of her.

“Sorry, I’m so sorry.” I stammered.

“It’s ok, it isn’t surprising, me being naked and all. Here, take my place in the tub.” She stood up and turned to get out of the tub. In the dim light of the lantern, I could see her the dark hair on her pussy. Her legs spread open slightly to get out of the tub, I caught a brief glimpse of pink interior before it was covered again. She dried herself with a towel as I climbed over the tub wall and sat down.

As I reached for the washcloth, she grabbed it and insisted on cleaning me herself. She didn’t want me hurting my bad arm. Her gentle hands ran over my back, cleaning off the dried blood and sweat from the last few days. She had me lift my arms to get underneath them and then moved around to my front. I tried to protest but she wouldn’t hear it. Her hands and the cloth cleaned over my hairy chest and neck before heading down to my stomach.

Finally, for my lower half, she had me stand up so she could wash my butt and legs. She started on my backside, cloth going down and around my ass. Her hands lowered down my quads to my knees and my calves before she had me turn around to face her, my cock still hard and pointing at her. She just ignored it and travelled up my body from where she left off on the backside.

I figured we were done when all that was left was just my cock and balls, I could take care of that after she left. Instead, she poured more water on the cloth and reached between my legs, washing my balls.

“I’m not letting you go to bed dirty, Max.” she said.

“You don’t have to do this, I got it.” I tried to respond but she ignored me. She spent careful attention making sure my balls were extra clean before she started on my shaft.

Her hand and the cloth washed up and down my length, stopping to rub around the head of my cock. I was already hard, and the cleaning went on longer than I think it probably needed to. She kept working my cock with the cloth and her hand.

“Stacy, what are you doing?”

“Making sure I help you however I can.” Was all she responded.

“I’m getting close, you’d better stop.”

She didn’t answer, she dropped the cloth, leaned over, and stuck my cock in her mouth. I couldn’t believe it; I looked down at this 20 something year old flight attendant suck my cock in the dark of an abandoned house. I couldn’t hold back anymore. I grunted and felt the hot spunk shoot out into her mouth. She stopped moving as the first blast hit her mouth. Her hand came up to pump my shaft as I emptied myself into her mouth. I could feel her swallowing my load, I haven’t had someone do that in years.

When I was finally done, Stacy took my now softening dick out of her mouth and wiped her lips. She stood up and helped me out of the tub. When I tried to ask why she did that, she simply smiled and said she wanted to make sure her savior was comfortable as we both got dressed.


I went back downstairs to get the last batch of water and the fire in the stove had burned out. I poured the water into the bottles and sat down to read a book while it was still light out. Stacy eventually came down and joined me. The book was a ‘How to’ book on carcass harvesting, I thought we might need to hunt a deer or rabbit since there didn’t seem to be anybody around.

As the night rolled in, we used the lantern to see our way around. We ate a bit of trail mix, drank some water, and headed upstairs to bed. I briefly looked out the window and the storm had passed, for now. I could still see the wolves patrolling the orchard, which was concerning. We ended up sharing a bed together to stay warm.

We were disturbed from our sleep by the sudden flicker of lights in the house. We got out of bed to check why there was suddenly power. I pulled back the curtain on the window and outside was that same strange aurora phenomenon. I walked downstairs and turned on the radio, hoping to hear any news on what’s going on, but it was just quiet music playing. We looked around the house again to see if there was anything useful working now that could help us, but nothing was found. I left the radio on and headed back to bed.

When we woke up the next morning, all the power was out again. What was going on? I put on my jacket to have a look outside now that it wasn’t snowing. Stepping out the front door, I could see a road and then a radio antenna on top of an overlook across the field. I didn’t see the wolves this morning, hopefully the pack moved on. The air was cold and crisp, we wouldn’t want to stay out for very long if we did venture over there. I went back inside to talk to Stacy about what we could do today.

“So, we have two options,” I said, as she started a fire in the woodstove to make some coffee. “There’s a road in front of us we could follow, it may lead us into a town, or it could lead us nowhere.”

“Ok, what’s the second option?”

“There’s a radio transmitter station or something on a hill that might have supplies or someone working there. Maybe it can call for help if it’s working.”

“How’s the weather? Any wildlife we should be worried about?”

“Weather is cold but clear, I didn’t see any animals outside at all.”

Stacy said, “Let’s go to the transmitted today, if that is a bust, we can follow the road tomorrow if the weather is good.”

That sounded like as solid of plan as we could have right now. We finished off the trail mix and drank our coffee before packing up our backpack, grabbing the rifle, and heading out. Stacy carried the flare gun while I did my best with the rifle. I didn’t know how well I’d be able to shoot it, but hopefully even just the noise will scare away a wolf or a bear.

We walked along what seemed like a driveway, past the orchard of frozen trees. There was a small barn at the end of the laneway, but we didn’t stop to check it out. We crossed the road and headed up the side of a hill. It wasn’t steep but with the snow, it was slippery. You could sprain an ankle or fall walking up it. We made it up to the top and found a snowed over road which likely led to the transmitter station.

As we crested the final hill, the station in sight, something else walked between us and our goal. It was the old bear, it got on its hind legs, roared and charged at us. Stacy, reacting quickly, fired the flare at the bear, striking it in its side. The bear ran off towards the tower, we ran in the opposite direction. We must have got turned around in our flight because we were no longer on the unplowed road, we had wandered near a cave entrance, above the ground. We heard the bear roar someplace behind us, so we climbed up and entered the cave.

It was dark, I pulled out the lantern and saw that it went deep into the mountainside. I was worried the bear would figure out a way up here, so we decided to head deeper in. It got progressively darker as we ventured inside, there wasn’t much around, but a few chunks of coal knocked off the way. The good news was that the cave was tall enough for us to stand up in, but you had to watch your step not to trip. We snaked our way through the labyrinth of tunnels until we saw light up ahead. There was an opening leading somewhere.

Exiting the cave, we found ourselves at the bottom of a winding river at the base of a large hydro electric dam. Could this be the dam at Mystery Lake? If it was, that would mean I knew where we were, we might still be on the island. We carefully walked along the river, ascending as we went to base of the dam. It started to snow again as we walked the path leading to its’ back side. We passed some broken fences and headed up some stairs to try the door, but it was locked. Looking to the other side of the dam, over the chasm, there appeared to be a broken window that led inside. The only issue, there was no path or walkway leading to it, just a narrow ledge along the length of the dam wall.

“There’s no way I’m going crossing over that thing, I’ll slip and die.” Stacy said.

“I don’t think there’s another way, just hug the wall and go slow. I’ll be with you the whole time, ok?”

“There’s got to be another way.” Just as she said that a howl sounded from down on the ice, more wolves, and it sounded like they caught our scent. I could see the wolves sniff around and look up in our direction before charging off towards our path.

“I don’t think we can go back now; we have to go.” I said, not wanting to get attacked again.

“Alright, just go first and don’t let me fall.”

We squeezed around another broken fence and pressed ourselves up against the side of the dam, I went first, and Stacy stayed close behind. Those first few steps off the ground, looking over the lip several hundred feet down to the frozen water below was terrifying, but I couldn’t let Stacy see that. I just pressed forward, slowly inching my way along the wall while keeping my eye on Stacy. As I was shimmying along, I noticed a crack on the ledge just as I passed it.

“Watch out for that crack in the concrete.” I called out.

“Watch out for what….” She said, just as her foot slipped on the crack and a small chunk of the ledge fell out from under her feet. I reached over and grabbed her arm to keep her from falling. Pain screamed up my whole body, my arm was on fire as I pulled her back onto the still intact ledge. We were only a few feet from the end, so we hurriedly made it to the other end.

“You saved me.” She said, wrapping her arms around me.

“No worries, careful of the arm.” I realized the arm I held on to her with was the one that had been attacked by the bear. It was probably bleeding now, and we needed to get moving. “We should get inside before those wolves figure out how to get over here.”

We climbed a snowbank and fell through the broken window. Stacy landed on her butt while I, ever graceful, landed on my back, which probably didn’t help my current situation. I found our lantern and started to make our way through the massive structure. There were huge rooms with generating equipment leading to small, tight corridors all bathed in the glow of the lantern. It caused terrifying shadows on the wall, tricking your eyes with sudden movement and the uneasy feeling of always being watched.

We found a sign with an arrow point to the exit, following that corridor there were some steps and a heavy bulkhead door. When we climbed the stairs though, we stumbled over a corpse. It looked like a male who had been attacked by something. He had been trying to bandage his arms when he may have passed out or bled to death. The bloody bandages lay on the ground by his slumped hands. We carefully moved past and went through the door, closing it behind us.

The room we entered was massive, it must have been the main power generating room. There was light coming from a series of windows along one of the walls. I turned off the lantern and we looked for a way across to get to a door leading outside. There were electrical cables and debris everywhere, we were lucky that there was no power going through or we would have been toast.

As we moved through the large room, we noticed signs that a dog or wolf had been in there at some point. There were feces on the floor and hair scattered about. We moved quicker to the exit, just in case the animal was still around. Up some more stairs and around some consoles and workbenches, we found the door outside.

It was snowing harder out now, not quite a blizzard but it seemed like it was building towards it. I checked the sign out front and it was indeed the Carter Hydro dam so I knew there should be some shelter close by. We left the dam and followed some railway tracks and overhead wires for a while. There was a lookout tower up on a hillside, but I couldn’t see how to get to it. We came across derailed train cars and more signs of wolves. If I remembered correctly, there should be a camp office and the lake close by.

We kept following the overhead wires, the snow got worse and soon we could barely see more than a few feet in front of us. We needed to get shelter soon or we’d freeze to death out here. Suddenly, the wires split at a T-junction, one following the rails, the other heading off in a different direction. It had to be the lake, where else would it go out here. I followed my gut and Stacy was so cold she didn’t argue, and we trudged off into the snow. The sound of a flag, flapping in the wind was the first good sound in a while, we found the office. The front door was locked but Stacy found a backdoor that wasn’t, we barged in and slammed the door behind us.


The wind howled outside we looked around. It was much bigger on the inside than it looked outside. It was cold inside the building, so I found a small fireplace on the first floor and got about making a fire. I found some books on a shelf behind a counter and some broken wood chairs. I set that up and it started quickly. I could feel my arm throbbing, so I took off my coat, red blood dripped out.

“Oh my god, Max. What happened?”

“It’s the arm I used to catch you when you slipped, it ripped all the clotting from the bear wound.”

“We need more bandages, now.”

Stacy would a first aid kit by the backdoor, but it only had some painkillers in it. I suggested she rip down some of the curtains and turn them into makeshift bandages. It took a little while but soon she had me wrapped up again. I got up, a little weak on my feet to keep searching for useful items. Stacy wanted me to sit but we needed more food.

Digging through some drawers and filing cabinets didn’t yield much but there were a few things to eat. An energy bar, some flour, cooking oil, and a pack of tea. I found a skillet and I told Stacy how to make Bannock, a simple bread made of flour. It wasn’t much but we didn’t have much to begin with and we needed the calories.

After we ate, we headed upstairs to see if there was anything useful there. There were a few beds, a desk with some paper, another fireplace, books, and more wood. We couldn’t find any more clothing or tools which meant we just had to use what we had.

We spent a few hours rechecking what we had, and Stacy would check my arm to make sure it stopped bleeding again. The fire kept us warm as the snow raged outside. As night approached, I thought it might be a good idea to move the fire upstairs to keep us warm while we slept. I put in a piece of reclaimed wood from a chair and the pulled it out while it was lit to make a slapdash torch to bring the fire upstairs. I had already made a tinder bundle and books in the upper fireplace, so I just needed to get the flame up there. I was careful not to burn the place down as I transferred the fire. I threw some fir logs on the fire once it got going to help it last long into the night.

As we were about to settle into bed when Stacy asked if we could share a bed tonight, she didn’t want to sleep alone in the other bed. The beds weren’t big, but I figured it would help with heat. As I took off some of my clothes, I noticed that Stacy had stripped completely naked. She suggested I do the same since there was no way to clean anything that we were wearing. We had been wearing the same clothes for several days now and it might be nice to get them off for a little while. We had already seen each other naked already so why not.

I stripped naked and got under the blankets and Stacy joined me right after. She cuddled up close to me, wiggling her butt until she was right up against me. She took my hands and wrapped them around herself in a spooning position, holding them tightly against herself with her own. I could feel the naked warmth of her soft feminine body against me. Her skin was so soft against my rough, hard labored body. Still holding my hands, slowly slid my hands from her stomach up to her pert breasts. The contact immediately made my cock start to stiffen.

“Stacy, what are you up to?” I asked. She turned around to face me.

“I’m cold Max, I want you to help me feel warm.” She then leaned forward and kissed me. I tried to back away and protest, but she just held on to me. My willpower slowly melted away in that kiss and I moved my hands up to her breasts once again. She moaned and stuck out her chest for more. I was careful not to press them too hard, they were still a dark color from the crash, but I did suck her nipples into my mouth.

Meanwhile, her hands travelled down my body and located my hardening penis. She began stroking it again, like she did in the tub the other day. I moved one hand down and cupped her sex, slipping a finger inside her moistening slit. She spread her legs open wider at the intrusion, so I slipped in another. I slowly moved the two digits in her sex hole as she humped up against my hand. She leaned forward and kissed me again.

“Make love to me Max.”

With my shoulder as it was, she climbed up on top of me and lowered herself down onto my cock. She felt great, it had been years since I’d been with someone who hadn’t had a kid yet. She was wet and tight, her body moved up and down effortlessly. It was like she was gliding up and down on my penis. I reached up with my good arm and rubbed her breasts as she rode me.

Every so often she would take me fully inside her and grind around the bottom of my shaft. I could feel the inside of her pussy trying to milk the cum out of me, but I held off, wanting her to cum too. I moved my one hand lower and rubbed her clit as she bounced on my dick. That brought out a loud moan and I could feel her breathing increase.

“Are you close Max?” She asked.

“Yes, are you?”

“Oh yes, please cum in me.”

“But we don’t have any protection.”

“I don’t think it matters anymore. Just let go and enjoy this with me.”

I started thrusting hard up into her as she increased her movements down to me. It didn’t take long as soon I was pumping my seed into her young, fertile womb. As my cum entered her, she came too, shaking as the pleasure rocked her body. We slowed down until she laid down on my chest, my cock still embedded in her. I could feel my cum leaking out of her and dripped down my legs but I didn’t want to disturb her. I simply grabbed the blankets and covered both of us together. We fell asleep still joined together, our love mixture leaking on the bed.


In the morning, we woke up cold and hungry but still alive and together. We didn’t really speak about the previous night, we just got dressed and planned the day. Since there was little food left here at this camp office, I thought it might be a good idea to keep moving. My Uncle’s old trapper’s cabin would probably still be on the far side of the lake. He lived alone most of the year and if anyone had supplies stashed away, it would have been him. He usually had hare traps and deer around his secluded cabin, decent food sources for the long term.

Stacy checked my arm once more, it wasn’t bleeding, so we got packed up and went back towards the train tracks. I remembered his cabin was off the tracks right before the train tunnel to the muskeg. The air was very cold now, it felt like every day somehow got colder. I would have thought the sun had died if it weren’t lighting up the sky.

We reached the tunnel and headed right, into the snow. It was deep in some places, so you had to watch your step to make sure you didn’t sink in above your legs. I had the rifle out in case we encountered any wildlife and Stacy had the flare.

As we crested a hill, I could see the old broken barn on my uncle’s property. We had almost made it. From our blind spot, movement caught my eye. It was grey and bouncing through the snow, more wolves. Why were these things so aggressive? I backed up down the hill to a flat spot by a tree. It would be easier to shoot them on flat ground if they charged.

There were six wolves surrounding us, and I only had five rifle cartridges. One wolf charged at me, and I hit it in the front leg. It whimpered and limped off but the other five stayed locked onto us. Stacy aimed the flare gun and fired, but nothing happened. Did we forget to reload it after we last fired it?

“Stacy. Run! I’ll cover you.”

“Max, no! I won’t leave you.”

“You must, go back to the camp office and wait for me. I’ll be there shortly.”

“But….” She cried.

“Please. Go.” Stacy lowered her head, her eyes in tears and took off back the way we came. Two wolves tried to chase her, I fired one shot that killed one instantly, reloaded and wounded the other. With my back turned, one of the other wolves blindsided me and knocked me down. There was a struggle, I pulled out the hunting knife and stabbed it, but it tore my clothes and took a piece of me. The other two remained wolves looked like they were about to charge when their ears perked up, whimpered, and ran off.

I thought I had scared them off. I leaned against the small tree, catching my breath. A small pool of blood gathered beneath me, but I had survived. I was about to turn back towards the where Stacy had fled, when I heard the familiar sound of heavy breathing and then a roar. I turned to find the old bear, gnarled and angry, staring at me on its’ hind legs. I grabbed the rifle to finally rid ourselves of this threat. As it charged at me, I aimed true at its’ head and fired.


The bullet didn’t fire, the gun had jammed. I knew then I was done. The bear knocked me down at full force and mauled me. In my final thoughts, I hoped Stacy would be ok. I wondered why the world was like it was. In the violence of the moment, I drifted into the long dark.
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