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Wild cosplay mice and kitties, helicopter rides, and news at work
The lobby of the conference hotel was absurd, adorable chaos. Girls in all kinds of colorful costumes with cat or mouse ears were running everywhere, chasing each other, giggling wildly, playing a complex game with rules that seemed to be changing constantly. Any costume seemed to be fair game as long as it was topped with cat or mouse ears. There were quite a few fairies and princesses, cat or mouse versions of various anime characters, medieval barmaids, pirates, cheerleaders, a few complete actual cat or mouse costumes, and a lot of girls simply wearing pajamas with cat ear headbands or mouse ear hoodies.

A girl in pajamas and a mouse ear hoodie raced by with a giant foam cheese wedge on her back, chased by three girls in short skirts and cat ears. When they caught her, they held her while she squeaked in protest and they took several pink bows off of her, presumably some kind of point system.

Jim and Mei stepped around them, then around a tug-of-war between a dozen mouse girls and a dozen cat girls, then around several lightsaber-wielding jedi mice who were fencing with a group of ninja cats.

Then a loud gong sounded, followed by an announcement of "Cat nap!" on the loudspeakers, and all the cat girls, including Mei, collapsed to the ground, pretending to sleep. The bravest among the mice darted in and took pink bows from the cats, squeaking as they scampered away. The mouse girl with the cheese wedge was up again, grabbing the cheese and running, making a break for the escalator up to the mezzanine, several other squeaking and giggling mice racing after her.

He smiled down at Mei as he waited for her. Her eyes were shut, still pretending to sleep. Then he couldn't help but glance around at the other nearby cat girls on the floor. One nearby was particularly hard to resist staring at, with her wild hair dyed light brown, a darling lovely sweet face, perfect skin, and damn what a sexy slender body. She was lying on her back with her long shapely smooth legs slightly apart, and her skirt had ridden up so he could see her panty-covered crotch.

She caught him staring and meowed angrily at him in protest, pulling her skirt down. Other nearby cats angrily whispered "cat nap!" to remind her to be quiet. He could feel her eyes on him, glaring. His eyes slowly traveled up her slender body, past her tiny waist and perky little tits, and he finally met her gaze. She gasped and stared, her angry expression quickly changing to that familiar look of stunned wonder and rapidly growing desire. Mei giggled; her eyes must not be as closed as they looked. The other girl still had her hands on the hem of her skirt where she had modestly pulled it down. Slowly, she pulled it back up, revealing her crotch to him again, her sultry eyes still fixed on him, panting now. Then she spread her legs wider and squirmed sexily at him, subtly thrusting her hips his way.

The gong sounded again and the cats began to rise. He offered his hand to Mei, helping her up. The other girl was still on the floor, staring up at him. Then she reached her hand up toward him too. After he helped her up she didn't let go, pressing close and clinging to his arm, staring eagerly at him, her eyes wild, sparkling, predatory.

"I'm Jim," he said, smiling and gazing into his new pet's lovely huge eyes, inches away.

She answered with a long, drawn-out meow, somehow full of meaning, the sound of it and her eyes communicating her urgent desire for him, and maybe also saying give me a litter of kittens. He managed not to laugh, the sincerity of her meow utterly convincing despite how absurd the whole situation was.

"You have to check her collar," Mei whispered. "See, here it is. Her name is Yi Nuo."

Jim walked to the elevators with the two adorable kitties on his arms, shaking his head and smiling at the absurd, hilarious, insane adorableness of it all. Mei hadn't been exaggerating. It was the olympics of adorableness, and Yi Nuo had to be a gold medal contender, a world-class athlete of cuteness, her joyful lively energy perfectly matching Mei's. "Thank you, Mei," he said, smiling down at her. "You were right. This is awesome."

They got in and Mei pushed the button for the top floor. As the doors were closing they heard loud meows and footsteps approaching. Before the doors even closed Yi Nuo was already kissing him passionately while lifting up her skirt and bringing his hand to her crotch. Her panties were soaked. She pressed his hand against her urgently, squirming and moaning into his mouth. Then the doors opened again. The elevator hadn't moved. He heard gasps, and looked to see two more girls in costumes that almost exactly matched Yi Nuo's. Both had dyed hair, one matching Yi Nuo's light brown color exactly, the other white. Both had slender sexy bodies like Yi Nuo's, and adorable gorgeous faces that were now transitioning from the shock of finding their friend making out with a stranger to lust as they made eye contact and became his.

Mei giggled and grabbed the two, eagerly pulling them into the elevator then pushing them close to Jim, where they stared into his eyes, inches away, their bodies pressed against his, while Mei reached up to check their collars and announced their names were Liling and Huiqing.

The elevator stopped at the mezzanine. When the doors opened, a crowd of mouse girls just outside squeaked in alarm and scattered everywhere at the sight of Jim's four kitties. All except one. It was the pajama mouse girl with the giant foam cheese wedge. She was frozen in place, staring at Jim, lust rapidly growing in her big beautiful eyes. What a sweet, adorable little thing. Just off-the-charts cute. He wanted to cuddle up with her in her cozy pajamas and just pet her and feed her cheese.

The other mice were squeaking urgently at her, beckoning to her to run away. Instead she dropped the cheese wedge and slowly began to walk toward Jim, transfixed. With loud alarmed squeaks, several other mice dashed in to grab her arms and pull her back. She couldn't reach him. She was struggling against the other mice, panic in her eyes. Mei held the elevator as Jim held out one of Leizu's white cards to her. She couldn't get her hands free, but she managed to lunge forward and grab the card in her mouth. Then she scampered off with the rest of the mice.

As the elevator doors closed and his new pets crowded in around him again, he wondered if one or two of those other adorable mice had been enthralled. He wasn't sure; it had all happened so fast. There had been so many adorable faces, so many sexy bodies, shapely slender legs everywhere, short skirts whipping around, flashes of tight perky asses in panties, a glimpse of one exceptionally sexy midriff as a shirt rose up during the melee, and a lot of squeaking and gasping and excited eyes. Yeah, he probably did enthrall a few there. Hopefully if so they'd share that card. Tearing his lips away from Liling's, Jim mentioned it to Mei.

She leaned in again to whisper to him. "Don't worry, I'll go check after you leave. Mei-kitty has a lot of hunting to do anyway for her owner. One little mouse doesn't seem like enough of a meal for him." The others, hearing her, meowed their agreement then returned to their passionate make-out session, their hands and lips all over him. One of his hands had been guided back to Yi Nuo's crotch, this time under her panties, the feeling of her hot slickness making him groan in anticipation. Huiqing had his other hand and was guiding it down to her crotch as well.

Then the doors opened on the roof and they composed themselves. He wondered if he could bring them with him in the helicopter. He remembered Diwei's little helicopter only having two seats in the back, so probably not, and anyway they couldn't do much with the pilot right there. But he was wrong on both counts. The helicopter waiting for them was bigger, and the pilot now walking over to meet them was a gorgeous woman, maybe late 20s, with stunning almond eyes and a lusciously feminine body. He caught her eye as she approached and felt those quick twitches around his eyes again, then saw her gasp and stare as she became his.

Then he remembered they had told him he was getting a ride to work from someone they thought could assist him the way Chenguang had. Yes, he could see it now. The way she looked at his kitties was so much like Chenguang, that confident, knowing, lustful look, like she knew exactly how to blow their minds and couldn't wait to do it, like she thought of them more as her own potential conquests and him as a tool to that end.

She introduced herself as Chao-Xing, gripping his hand firmly, her eyes on fire with lust and excitement. His fingers were still wet from Li Nuo's pussy. Chao-Xing looked down at her palm then raised her hand to her nose and sniffed, grinning excitedly as the smell confirmed what she already suspected, having seen them quickly disentangling themselves from each other when the elevator doors opened.

"Are your three little… pussy cats coming along?" she asked, again hungrily looking their squirming bodies up and down. Their arousal was as plain on their breathless wild-eyed faces as Jim's was on his tented pants.

"Yes, if that's ok, and if you can give them a ride back after. I think they'd love to… ride… in a helicopter."

"Oh my god," she breathed, "Ride, in a helicopter. Yes! This is going to be so hot. Get in."

Jim thought back to his commute to work yesterday morning, fucking those soccer girls in the back of the darkly tinted van in rush-hour traffic. He had thought that was the craziest, hottest commute ever. Now he was going to sky-fuck his way to work with three ridiculously adorable girls he'd just met who only said meow. This week had started out over the top, but it just seemed to keep finding new tops to go over. And it was only Tuesday morning.

Jim and his kitties put in the earplugs Chao-Xing handed to them and waved goodbye to Mei. Apparently this helicopter didn't have that nifty headphones communication system for all the passengers like Diwei's. Oh well, he didn't speak meow anyway. He settled into the middle seat and pulled Yi Nuo onto his lap while the other two crowded close on either side. Their hands and lips were all over each other, Yi Nuo grinding urgently against his erection, but they managed to keep their clothes on until they were flying.

Then as soon as the helicopter rose, Yi Nuo did too, crouching and reaching under her skirt to pull her panties down and off while the other two got his pants undone and yanked them down past his thighs. She stretched out her arms to hold onto two handholds above the doors on either side, squatting with her knees out wide, and lowered herself down toward his waiting shaft, held in position by Huiqing.

Jim pushed her skirt up so he could see as her gorgeous ass and dripping wet pussy descended on him, loving how this position stretched her out, exaggerating her slender hourglass proportions to the point of seeming almost unrealistic. Too fucking hot to be true. But so true, actually happening right now. He watched in awe as his actual cock began to press into that sweet little pussy framed between those gorgeous ass cheeks, the slick heavenly sensations overwhelming him as her tight wetness surrounded him, her loud meows of shock at the pleasure of it drowned out by the noise of the helicopter, her body clenching and quivering as she got used to the feeling.

Then she began to push farther, urgently needing him deep inside her. Finally he bottomed out, deep inside this sex kitten, this wild lively adorable creature he had just met, fully joined with her. Just two minutes ago he had first seen her lying on the hotel lobby floor, pretending to sleep, legs slightly splayed out, that panty-covered crotch so enticing. And now he was balls deep in her. What a conquest, and what an insane place to do it, flying above morning rush-hour traffic and past skyscrapers. He looked out as they passed a skyscraper fairly close and wondered how many eyes were looking back, if any of them could really see anything inside the helicopter as it sped by, or if they'd even believe their eyes if they could.

Yi Nuo was thrusting deeply on him now with genuinely catlike grace, arching with every upthrust and flexing her hips back down on him to push as deep as possible on every downthrust. Beautiful, luscious, sensuous thrusts, wildly pleasurable, urgently intense. He caressed her body, marveling at her gorgeous shape, skin, and movements. He needed more time with her. He wasn't going to let himself come, although he knew he could, and soon. Anyway he had sensed she wasn't quite fertile yet. She and Liling both needed more time to be fully fertile. Luckily at least Huiqing was fertile already. Not quite at peak fertility, but very close.

He reached around to play with her clit, making her gasp and clench on him, stunned again by the incredible pleasure he delivered. As always, his hunches were right about exactly how to touch her, and she was soon getting close, speeding up her thrusts, pounding on him so urgently, so sexily, that he had to use all of his control to hold back. Chao-Xing was watching in rapt fascination, utterly captivated, her own hand busy in her pants, glancing back at where she was flying every few seconds. He caught her eye and poured his desire into his gaze, telling her with his eyes that he wanted to do this to her too, that he couldn't wait to take her, conquer her sexy body, and put his baby in her womb. Then Yi Nuo was coming, coming so fucking hard on him, and Chao-Xing joined her, gasping and writhing in her seat as Yi Nuo bounced out her final delicious thrusts onto him. He was close but he still held back, despite how insanely sexy it was to watch those two come.

Liling was already up. She quickly switched places with Yi Nuo. She squatted over him and he felt like he could almost come just from the sight of it as she approached, her tight perky ass framing the sweetest little pink pussy, her tiny waist, shapely thighs, and above all that adorable face. And this little sex kitten was in heat, urgently in need of him, wet and squirming with desire. Finally she got him in position and he felt her incredible tightness surround his tip. God what a sight, what unbelievable pleasure. She pushed a little further and he felt resistance. A virgin. She pressed harder but nothing happened. Her hymen was strong. Jim put his hands on her hips, thinking he'd stop her, save this for later, let Chenguang help.

But then he saw the fire in Chao-Xing's eyes as she realized what was happening. She was so turned on by it, just like Chenguang, fucking thrilled at the chance to pop a cherry, her eyes wild and predatory, her hand plunging back into her pants. She made the helicopter dive, causing Liling to become almost weightless for a second, making her have to push down just to stay connected with Jim. Then suddenly Chao-Xing reversed course, the engine roaring as the helicopter quickly rose higher, driving Liling down, spearing him through her hymen and the first incredible inch into her heavenly little pussy. As always, there seemed to be no pain.

Liling was overjoyed, beaming, turning back to him, trying to reach his lips with hers. He wrapped his arms around her delicate body and held her gently as they shared a tender first kiss and she squeezed his tip with her pussy. Then they both gasped into each other's mouths as Chao-Xing did it again, dipping then climbing quickly, driving Liling's wonderfully tight slickness another two delicious inches onto his cock.

The euphoric, fiery look in Chao-Xing's eyes was priceless, and familiar. She really was another Chenguang. It had been such a thrill to relax and let Chenguang use her powerful masseuse muscles to fuck him into other women, the fact that she enjoyed the conquests as much or even more than him adding a crazy extra layer to the experience. Now it was the same thing with Chao-Xing, except she was using her helicopter. Her flying got steadily wilder and he wondered if people on the ground would worry as they bobbed up and down above the city, each lurch of the helicopter driving him into the deliciously tight embrace of his second sex kitten's formerly virginal pussy.

He found Liling's clit and began to circle it lightly, avoiding direct contact, as always having a correct hunch about just how to touch her to make her come as hard as possible. She wasn't quite fertile yet, so again he held himself back, using all his self-control, knowing he'd have her again later somewhere much more comfortable without clothes in the way, but definitely still with the cat ears. Soon she was close, gasping and clenching her pussy on him, and Chao-Xing knew it, pausing and flying smoothly for a second as Liling hovered on the brink of orgasm, drawing out the peak, making it last, and letting the pressure build up so the eruption would be more powerful. Then she began bouncing the helicopter again, hard and fast, jabbing Liling onto him deeply over and over as Jim sped up his strumming of her clit, sending her crashing into a glorious crescendo of pleasure, screaming out happy meows, her sexy slender body bucking and thrashing on him over and over until her orgasm was spent and she collapsed on his lap, trembling and grinning ear to ear and giggling, nuzzling his neck, kissing, squirming and clenching on him, full of adorable lively joy, absolutely radiating satisfaction.

He recognized a few buildings ahead. They were already approaching his office. He gave Liling a last kiss then guided her off him to switch places with Huiqing. Chao-Xing handed back wipes to clean off the blood from Liling's cherry. They were prepared as always.

He was still close, so fucking worked up from holding on as those two little sex kittens came so beautifully on him. But again he made himself wait, exerting all of this control through the pleasure of initial penetration of Huiqing as she lowered her shapely tight body onto him, that rush of conquest and the overwhelming pleasure of her slick heavenly pussy gripping his shaft, welcoming him, drawing him in to where he somehow knew her fertile egg was almost ready for him. And that luscious skin under his fingers as he caressed and explored her. And the thrill of doing it here, hovering above crowded rush-hour streets and sidewalks, and above his office, where his coworkers might be glancing out the window up at him, watching idly, perhaps wondering why that helicopter had been bouncing in the sky as it approached, and why it was now circling overhead.

God, what a sexy body shape, what an incredibly adorable face framed by that punky dyed white hair, her sexy lips eager and passionate on his as she arched back and kissed him, her eyes unfocused as she finally bottomed out on him, gasping and panting, absolutely overwhelmed with the pleasure his cock was delivering to every inch of her. It was almost too much, almost impossible to hold on. But he did. He wouldn't need to wait long.

Huiqing was absolutely in heat. She had been so turned on since the moment she saw him, after seeing him walking off with her friend Yi Nuo on his arm and running after them, after the shock of seeing her making out with this stranger when the elevator opened. As soon as she saw his face, she had instantly understood why Yi Nuo was throwing herself at him, instantly needing him too, her pussy juicing, her breath ragged, her whole body throbbing with need. And then his conquest of her two friends had been so hot, somehow taking her desire that she thought was already maxed out and doubling it. And she knew she was fertile, just knew he was about to put a baby in her, right here, in the fucking sky, of all places. Literally in the heavens, to match the unbelievable heavenly sensations. How the fuck could a cock feel that good? She was moving on him, gasping with each slow deep thrust, and Chao-Xing matched her rhythm perfectly, bobbing the helicopter to accentuate her thrusts while Jim reached around and began strumming her clit quickly side to side. Fuck, his fingers were magic too, just the right speed and pressure, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her.

He pulled her hard down on him, needing her to pause that unbelievably pleasurable thrusting so he wouldn't come, so he could wait for her to catch up, and he strummed faster on her clit. She was getting close, his cock pressed deep inside her fertile sweet channel, strumming her clit faster as she clenched and squirmed on him, tightening, gasping, almost there.

Then Chao-Xing surprised him by flying wild again, causing Huiqing to thrust on and off off him in sudden deep strokes, the pleasure pushing him violently over the edge. He blasted off, pulsing out his climax inside her bucking body as she felt it and went even wilder. He pulled her hard against him again, fighting the helicopter's wild motion to press fully inside her for a moment, gripping her tightly to hold here there with his cock in that perfect most pleasurable spot, adding another jolt of pleasure on top of his already powerful orgasm, and then the glorious release, the next spurt of his orgasm powerfully blasting his come into her, right where he knew she needed it, right through her cervix, soaking her waiting egg, drenching it with his eager swimmers. He let her resume thrusting and seconds later she was coming too, arching and pounding her body on him, her wild white hair flying as she threw her head back in ecstasy, coming so hard, so utterly consumed with passion, so utterly satisfied, her mind completely blown by the pleasure and power of it, as he just watched in awe.

Then the joy hit her, as her epic orgasm was just starting to fade, and she turned to him, happy tears welling up in her adorable sweet eyes, and it hit him too, filling him completely. She was bearing his child. This precious darling lively sweetheart, this angel, this gorgeous sex kitten he had just met, had his baby in her womb. It was so good, so right, the joy just washing over him, her eyes mirroring his feelings exactly, their connection so deep as they wept with joy together, the other girls joining in with hugs and tender caresses.

Chao-Xing set them down on a rooftop helipad a block from his office. He hugged his three kitties goodbye, handing them all contact cards so they could get information on his preferences, and so they could coordinate with Mei, joining in her hunt for more adorable cosplay girls for him. He was hooked. He couldn't wait to finish with Yi Nuo and Liling later when he knew they'd be fertile, but even more than that, he wanted more recruits like them, as many as he could get. Lively adorable wild cuddly kitties and mice, all in heat, all fertile, all dying to make a litter with him. Herds of them. Swarms of them. Still unable to hear each other over the helicopter, he settled for telling them with his eyes, pouring his lust into his gaze as he locked eyes with each of them in turn and mouthed the word "more." The hungry, intense, determined, almost predatory looks on their faces told him they understood. His kitties would hunt for him. He gave them all a last hug and watched them fly bravely off to battle, then walked to work.

At his desk a while later, Jim happened to remember Leizu's oddball comment that he had a meeting with his boss at 8:30. It was 8:29. There wasn't any meeting on his calendar. He looked up. His boss was walking toward his desk.

"Jim, I've got some news for you, got a minute?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"We have a new client, a fitness center chain based here but trying to expand internationally, and they're in a crisis. They listed what they needed and it's exactly your skillset, plus fluency in both English and Mandarin. They'll pay fifty percent more than your normal consulting rate plus some absurd speedy completion bonuses for a few milestones. Here, check out their offer. It's crazy. An accounting emergency, I guess. I didn't say yes yet, wanted to check with you first."

Jim looked over the offer, not at all surprised to see it was from Qiao's company. It would include new flights home via Sweden that left early Saturday morning and got him home around the same time as his original flights. A Korean Airlines flight to Stockholm, three hours there for an "in-airport meeting," then back on the same plane continuing home. Wow, they had already solved the Swedish tourist girls problem. He met those girls less than an hour ago. Mei had given the Swedish girls white cards, so they must have gotten in touch right away during their shuttle bus ride to the airport.

His boss watched him, seeming surprised that he wasn't jumping at the opportunity yet. "Jim, it's up to you, but just know there's more to this client than meets the eye. They were introduced to us by a seemingly unrelated investment group in Beijing, maybe to test us out. We hope so anyway. That Beijing group would be a dream client for our China expansion plans. You know what I mean. Powerful, not just rich. Make these people really happy and you might end up a hero with the higher-ups."

So this too was Fei Fei, using Qiao's company to disguise her hand. He hated to be her puppet, to be so easily manipulated, but he also couldn't think of any legitimate reason to say no. It was a gift, really. A paid vacation. They wouldn't have any actual accounting work for him. They'd tell his boss he did a fantastic job anyway, make him sound like a hero. They wanted more of his time, so they were removing him from work for the rest of the week, but thoughtfully doing it in a way that would help his career. And they had solved a real problem for him with the flights home via Sweden. And oh my god, the choice of Korean Airlines. They knew him so well. Visions of Korean Airlines flight attendants filled his head. What were they planning for those flights?

"Alright," he said. "I'm on it. Rest assured, I will make them very happy."

"Great, I'm sure you will. I'll let them know you can start in an hour or two, as soon as you're done handing off your other projects to Steve and Nick. Then when you're ready they said they'd send a helicopter to bring you to their office."

At least his projects would be in good hands. Steve and Nick were great, really competent accountants who also happened to be his two closest friends at work. They weren't at their desks yet, so he idly checked on those flights via Sweden to see how much they might have cost at the last minute like this. They weren't listed. In fact, Korean Airlines didn't fly from Shanghai to Stockholm. Of course they didn't; neither of those airports were a hub for them. No, this wasn't just a ticket on a regular flight. This was a charter. A whole plane arranged just for him. And for that long of a flight, it had to be a huge plane. Why?

The answer was obvious. They were going to fill that huge plane with hundreds of gorgeous fertile strangers. Probably some of the models Kai-Ming was flying in from the West would use it as their flight home. And of course there would be Korean Airlines flight attendants, and who knows who else. It would be the grand finale of the week. A flying fuck-fest send-off. A mile-high mass-impregnation spree over the fucking north pole. An early Christmas present, a Christmas white with sperm instead of snow.

Nick arrived and Jim started briefing him on the projects he'd take over. Steve still wasn't there. It wasn't like him to be late. Then finally Steve arrived, together with two other colleagues, Jake and Manuel, the three of them all grinning like idiots, not looking embarrassed at all to be late.

Steve's attention kept wandering as Jim briefed him. He seemed giddy, daydreamy, not at all like himself. Jim looked closer and saw what looked like lipstick on his neck. What the fuck?

"Steve, I need to talk to you privately. Let's go to a conference room."

Inside, he closed the door and turned to his friend. "Steve, spill it. What happened? Who is she?"

He stared back, stunned. "What? Who? I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yeah you do. You're not yourself. And that's lipstick, isn't it?"

"Shit. Ok. Yeah, probably is. Fuck. Jim, it's crazy. I don't know if I can explain it. I don't think I can make you understand. I don't even understand."

"It's ok. Whatever happened, you can trust me, I won't tell Sarah. I've got your back."

They sat down and Steve spilled his story. He, Jake and Manuel had met for breakfast at their hotel. The small breakfast room was crowded with no empty tables, but three women had invited them to share their table, and they had hit it off with them amazingly, then went for a walk with them in a park nearby and ended up pairing up and making out, then making plans to meet for lunch today and again for dinner tonight. Jake's date was a college soccer player from Shenyang, Manuel's was a secretary at a modeling agency, and Steve's was an Indonesian model with the same agency.

Citra. Wing-Yee. And one of the soccer players from Leizu's team. Chyou or Fen, since he had already seen Leizu at breakfast in the penthouse. What the hell were they doing? Planting spies in his life to keep tabs on him, it seemed. This was not the deal. This was not leaving him alone after this week.

"Jim, you don't understand, her skin, her lips, the way she moves, it's just crazy to touch her, I can't believe it, she's so fucking wild, so gorgeous, I've never felt anything like this, it's just so…"

"Stop. No more. I don't want to hear any more of this. I won't tell Sarah. But don't tell me any more. If more happens, I don't want to know a damn thing about it. Fuck, Steve. I hate this. I'm happy for Jake and Manny, but you're married. You're a dad."

Steve hung his head, looking ashamed. There was a long, awful silence. Then, composing himself, he looked back up at Jim, stony-faced. Distant. Like he didn't care what Jim thought. Like a fucking stranger. A cold stone wall had sprung up between Jim and his best work friend.

"Steve, you're an adult. I'm not going to interfere or tell you what to do. You are responsible for your own choices. Your hormones don't control your actions. No matter how much your body wants something, you're the one deciding whether to act on it. I know how you're feeling about her. No, believe me, I really do. But don't let that be an excuse. Don't pretend it's out of your control. You control your actions."

He paused. Steve's face still hadn't changed. Fuck. He tried again, digging deep this time. "Look, I just need you to know one more thing. Steve, I look up to you. I mean it. You're a rock. A role-model. As a husband and as a dad. Catherine too. We both look up to you and Sarah as a couple, how good you are to each other, how great you are as a parenting team."

Jim was looking at Steve, but he said the next sentence to… it. He needed it to know that doing this to his friend's marriage was not ok. This was unforgivable. He would never cooperate again if it did this. He might even fucking kill himself. Jim focused his mind on the words, pouring all of his sincerity into them as he slowly spoke, trying to make it listen, showing it he was serious, that this was a line that could not be crossed. "If you blow up this marriage, it will fucking destroy me."

Steve blinked, taking in Jim's words. There was a long silence. Then something seemed to give, and his friend was suddenly back to himself, tears welling up in his eyes, telling Jim he was right and thanking him over and over again.

It took a while to get them up to speed on his projects, but he was done before lunchtime. He said his goodbyes and packed up his things, not expecting to return to this office anytime soon, if ever. Hard to imagine saying yes to another work trip to Shanghai after this week, no matter how much his company wanted him to go. As he left to walk back to the building with the helipad, he called Leizu.

"Leizu, you're violating our deal. You can't do this."

"What? How?" She sounded genuinely confused.

"Three of my friends from work met women this morning. De***********ions matching Wing-Yee, Citra, and a player from your team, I'm guessing Chyou. Are you planting spies in my life? The deal was not to bother me after this week."

"Shit. Jim, I swear, this is the first I'm hearing about it. This is not ok. You're right. I will fix it. I knew she was working on getting girls into relationships, but she didn't say anything about this. I'll call her right now."

"Who? I thought you were in charge." As soon as he spoke, he already knew the answer. Of course Leizu wasn't in charge anymore. She was a mere peasant, just like Jim. There was only one person it could be. The master strategist, his new arch-villian, the arrogant genius pushing her peasant pawns around on her global chessboard.

"Not anymore. It's Fei Fei now, but she still should hold to our deal. I'm going to give her an earful. Thanks for telling me."

He hung up, feeling a little better, and rode the elevator up to the helipad.

His helicopter was already approaching. He could clearly see Chao-Xing, a huge excited grin on her face, and was there also someone in the back? It was hard to tell. He held his hand up to block the sun, squinting up as the helicopter approached, a little relieved at how hard it was to make out anything inside. Finally as it landed he saw them clearly. Two heads, both in hoodies with mouse ears, looking out at him. His cock lurched in his pants, rapidly hardening. More cosplay girls already. Cuddly adorable sexy mouse girls. Oh, hell yeah. He was going to make them squeak so hard, all the way to the university.

The door opened and they gasped as their eyes met. Damn, they were so fucking cute, sitting there, mouths gaping at him, their adorable eyes filling with lust, their sexy slender bodies squirming in their cuddly soft pajamas, glancing between his face and his rapidly tenting pants as he paused, savoring the anticipation. They were both at absolute peak fertility. Right fucking now, these two strangers, these two insanely adorable cosplay girls were both ready to bear his children. The helicopter was too loud for words, and he'd probably only get squeaks anyway, so he checked for collars to learn their names, tenderly stroking their lovely faces and necks as he did, making them shiver and gasp in response. No collars. He'd learn later this meant they were "Wild Mice," a scandalous slutty subculture of the mouse faction.

He shrugged, hopping in and sitting between them. They immediately cuddled close to him, their fingers beginning to teasingly explore his thighs as their lips hovered inches away, their breath hot on his skin, their desire thick in the air, so intense and contagious, their eyes pleading, desperate.

The helicopter rose quickly and the three passengers rose even faster into wild passion, kissing, groping, ripping their pants and underwear off. It had to be less than two minutes from when he first made eye contact to the moment he began alternating thrusts into those two wonderful tight little pussies, one facing him with her knees on the seats on either side, and the other standing behind her, facing away, crouching and reaching out to the sides to hold onto the handles above the side doors. A deep delicious thrust into the one facing him, aided by a perfectly timed bounce of the helicopter, then he'd just slightly slouch down past her, pushing his cock down until it lodged in the other mouse girl's entrance, then let her and the helicopter do the work of thrusting her body down onto and off of him again, then he'd scoot back up and repeat the process.

It was a very short flight, but oh my god did they make the most of it. Switching pussies over and over, the helicopter doing at least half the work, delicious wild urgent pleasure, the feeling of conquest so powerful because it all happened so fast, so soon after he met them. He was pushing deep into their delicious, unprotected, hyper-fertile bodies, staring in wonder at their lively adorable sweetheart faces, and loving the thought that the creative goofy joyful energy they shared with Mei would make his babies' lives so bright. The excited squeaks of their approaching orgasms were drowned out by the noise of the helicopter as it bobbed and weaved in circles over the university, the crowds below probably looking up and wondering if the pilot was drunk, or it was about to crash.

Very soon they were close, all of them. There was no reason to wait. He was going to do it, knock these sweet little mouse girls up together, right fucking now. And he knew what would happen next. They would scurry back to their nest and recruit more mouse girls for him. More. Oh my god, yes. So many more. That thought was what pushed him over the edge, crashing into a powerful orgasm, spurting inside of one of them and then quickly switching to the other to blast his seed into her fertile womb as well, then resuming alternating between them, pounding his seed home into their wombs as they began to gasp out their orgasms seconds later, the thrill of feeling his hot cream pulsing into their fertile bodies driving them quickly over the edge. They came beautifully, adorably, their mouse ears shaking with it, their sweet eyes clenched tightly against the pleasure, then breaking out in huge grins, so immensely satisfied, so happy, falling onto him, cuddling him tight, and showering his face and neck with kisses.

Then they both gasped, looking up at him, and they all knew it had worked, that driving purpose was completed, and the joy took them. Unbelievably intense, so beautiful, so right, so powerful. He petted them tenderly as they clung to him, giggling and squeaking giddily, all of them just glowing with shared bliss as the helicopter approached a landing pad on the roof of a university building. Cosplay girls; who knew? Oh my god, he wanted more, so many more. Sweet beautiful satisfaction, pure happiness. Another unforgettable greatest moment of his life.

Mia was there on the roof waiting for him. They scrambled to get dressed before opening the door. From Mia's smile, he was pretty sure she could tell or guess what they had been doing. He climbed out, grinning sheepishly at her after she surveyed the disheveled blissed-out mouse girls in the helicopter. He gave them pink contact cards, the ones that were for recruits he had already knocked up, and they waved goodbye, with a lot of adorable kissy faces and finger hearts. Mia helped straighten out his clothes, smiling knowingly, then led him inside. Finally, it was time to get some answers.


2024-10-09 20:45:30
All character face pics are now up to date through chapter 15 at, and I also made a lot more pics available free.


2024-10-01 13:38:05
Chapters 12 through 14 are almost ready. It looks like it will be another week at least, maybe two. If you can't wait or just want to support my work, you can subscribe for early access at

In the meantime, I've been writing chapter 15 and catching up on posting pics. There are now free chapter summary collage pics for all the women in each chapter through chapter 11 on my DeviantArt page, Galleries tab, Summary pics gallery. I also just added a few more free pics to the Story scene pics gallery through chapter 8.1.


2024-09-28 03:03:00
These stories are great. Need more.

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