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Dressmaking was never so erotic.
Cadwarra, Diamander and Amber finally got home to Cadwarra’s apartment about noon. It had been quite a time with all the rat killing and Gnoll fighting of the previous days. Amber and Diamander had enjoyed the new sights during the voyage from the Antonica docks to Qeynos Harbour. Cadwarra had made the trip numerous times as ship’s barber and simply enjoyed the peace and quiet and the familiar rolling of the vessel at sea. She knew two of the mates from days past and discussed currents and winds with them like she was an old salt.

Once home, Amber removed her chain mail and, now wearing nothing, plopped down unembarrassed on the bed for a nap.

Diamander removed his armour but wore underpadding, which covered him modestly. He looked for something in the pantry to make a dinner with.

It seemed Baltazar knew how to pick locks because Cadwarra found a note on her dinner table from Lord Vishra.

”Amber and Diamander, welcome home. Do not forget that we have a soirée tonight. Please do not miss it.

Cadwarra, I will need to speak to you regarding some unusual correspondence you have received which has fallen into my hands. I have told Lady Vishra that I have added you to her guest list this evening so that we may discuss this further at that time. Please see Daniel Clothspinner-Willington at Clothspinner & Co. at two o’clock in North Qeynos. He will see that you have an evening gown suitable for the occasion. I have taken care of the cost, just ensure you give him a good tip. I am sure you will know what tip would be appropriate.

Marshall Vishra”

Concerned, Cadwarra showed Diamander the note. Like Cadwarra, he was not sure what size tip would be appropriate for a rush order on a Clothspinner dress. Amber listened to Cadwarra and Diamander speculate on what amount would be correct but since the two grown-ups did not think to ask her what tip she usually gave at Clothspinners, she just inwardly rolled her eyes at their naïvety.

As for some of Cadwarra’s mail making its way to Marshall Vishra’s desk, Diamander seemed not to be surprised. “You should have learned by now that when you are this close to my uncle your mail will be directed through him” he admonished her. Belatedly he added “Write nothing you do not want him to see.” Cadwarra thought someone might have mentioned this earlier.

Cadwarra left directly after that, already late for the appointment at the dressmaker shop. As soon as she left, Amber, still nude on the bed, stretched languidly and arched her back to make her breasts more prominent. She was thinking of the way Diamander had taken charge when Cadwarra had spotted the Gnolls in ambush. His decisiveness was very attractive. It made her want Diamander to fuck her; to introduce her to a world of strong, capable men and take her away from those self-indulgent immature boys she partied with. She lay there leaving no doubt in Diamander’s mind as to what she wanted.

She asked Diamander “aren’t you tired? We should have before Mama’s event tonight.” Her thighs were slightly parted expressing a clear invitation that the tone in her voice also conveyed.

Diamander pretended to not perceive her desires. “I’ll get a nap in, but we need to eat something. There will be nothing but hors d’oeuvres and cocktails tonight”

“There will also be boring associates of my father’s. Powerful men Papa will expect me to smile at and laugh when they tell me their ‘humourous’ anecdotes for the umpteenth time. Half of them will try to get me into a private room to bed me.” She did not want dirty old men, she wanted Diamander. She wanted him now.

Amber parted her legs a little wider. She was pleased to see Diamander’s eyes drift down to her intimacies and linger, just as they had lingered on them in Papa’s office when Papa’s lackey, Llisanya, had dumped her on the floor in that state of near undress. She had liked to see his hungry gaze fixed on her that night. He was giving her that same wanting look now, despite his efforts to hide it.

As if in sympathy, the couple next door started screwing, evident by the squeaking of their bed. Diamander heard them and became aroused. Everyone did it, he thought, why not he and Amber?

But he thought of Cadwarra. If only she were here Amber would not be lying there like a horny slut, rolling about blatantly offering herself to her own cousin. He should wait for Cadwarra to get back and fuck her. Next door, the female started to moan.

“It looks like there is a shoulder of ham, some cheese and mustard and hard boiled eggs here” Diamander suggested from over by the ice box, for the moment tearing his eyes from the display of pink between the white thighs of his naughty kinswoman. Despite his desire for her, he determined to resist Amber’s incestuous temptation. “I could make us a cold plate” he offered.

Remaining on her back, Amber changed position slightly, her smallish breasts moved invitingly on her chest. Her tall nipples swayed like the masts of a schooner rolling at anchor. “A cold plate?” she said in a disappointed tone. “I was hoping for something...hotter, Diamander.” The male next door started panting, the bed’s squeaking increased.

Diamander was pulling out a platter to place the meal on. Was he really so obtuse, she marveled? Any of her school chums would have been on top of her ages ago, hard dick out and probing incompetently for her love tunnel while slobbering drunken kisses on her breasts.

Diamander stopped preparing the luncheon and looked at Amber, lying uninhibited while she waited for him to come over. The sounds of a female orgasm were heard through the wall. He saw Amber’s eyes pointedly flick down to ensure he was hard. He resisted the foolish impulse to place an arm across his crotch to hide his erection. It would have been pointless and would have made him look foolish. He stood there, letting her see how hard she had made him. He realized he was fooling no one by pretending he did not understand her request for something ‘hotter’.

He went over to her. He climbed onto the bed and got on top of her. Pleased, she pushed her teen breast up to him, inches from his lips. The high, erect nipple slipped into his mouth and he sucked on it, rolling it around with his tongue, gripping it with his lips and pulling on it. Amber sighed and cradled his head in her hands, lying back and allowing Diamander to enjoy the salty taste of her teat. Next door the female’s orgasm subsided but she was clearly still enjoying the fuck.

Amber reached down and ran her hand over the bulge in Diamander’s leggings. The thing was big, bigger than any of her schoolmates could boast. She wondered if this was Papa’s size and she had to feel sorry for her mother if that was true. No wonder Mama sometimes told Papa to go make sure his mistresses were happy.

Curious to closely examine an exposed Vishra cock, she undid Diamander’s laces and revealed his quantatious manhood for her inspection. This was what he was thrusting into Cadwarra all the time to make her moan so? Amber had found a great deal of respect for Cadwarra seeing her fight those Gnolls out in Antonica, but taking Diamander’s big thing repeatedly as she had done was an even more impressive feat.

Amber bravely decided that if Mama and Cadwarra could take huge Vishra cocks, she could too. She decided she would not waste her time with foolish boys anymore. She spread her legs as wide as she could, smiling invitingly up at Diamander as he positioned himself for his first thrust into his cousin.

As he pushed forward, fully penetrating her, Amber giggled from the pleasurable sensation of feeling a thick cock go so far into her. Had he been more experienced with women Diamander would have known the giggling was that of a young girl delighted to find out how pleasing her newest lover was. Instead, Diamander looked down at her, afraid she was giggling at his lovemaking technique.

Amber, experienced with inexperienced boys, saw the doubt on his face. “That feels so good” she assured him and Diamander, self-confidence returned, began moving with restored lust for his little, cockteasing cousin.

Amber lay under him, taking the full length of his prick and running her hands all over his muscular arms and shoulders. His strong physique aroused her. She was touching a man instead of a boy and, reveling in the difference, she creamed her pussy juice all over his shaft.

It was a good fuck. She loved the feel of his cock being pushed in so deep. She would need to thank Cadwarra for teaching him. A series of small but pleasant orgasms began and she started to mew.

Diamander knew he could not hold off very long. There was something erotic about looking down and seeing your cousin under you, letting you have a fuck on top of her. He knew it was wrong to fuck his own relative but...her body, her pretty eyes, her gulping gasps as her legs wrapped around him.

Her calves hooked the back of his thighs and desperately pulled him close. He kept moving his prick in and out, in and out, going faster and faster. He watched her face contort in intense pleasure. He was nearing climax, too. Surely the lovers next door could hear how wet Amber’s pussy was but he was too near to cumming to care.

Knowing he was approaching, he felt too guilty to fill his own cousin with his cum. Instead, he pulled out and aimed his cock at her torso. She did not give him permission to do that, but made no protest. Having not had sex since he and Cadwarra had done so in that same bed several nights ago, he was surprised by the distance and height his climax shot his sperm. A bit fell on Amber’s breasts but most of it shot out way past her chest and shoulders, splatting on her face.

It was not the first time someone had painted her cute features with warm semen but it still surprised her. She lay there, giggling at the unexpected quantity of the eruption, her orgasm shaking her.

Long streams of cock-spit fell across cheeks, chin and forehead. Some dropped in her hair. A little got into her eye and she raised her hand to wipe it off as her climax subsided. She left the rest of Diamander’s sticky, white jism where it had landed. The High Elf next door was repeating loudly “Baby...oh, baby!” as her male’s grunting softened into a throaty, exhultant moan and the bed ceased squeaking.

Diamander collapsed on the bed beside Amber, one arm around her naked waist. He watched her panting chest rise and fall rapidly, dappled by glops of his sperm. Her nipples stood incredibly long and high.

He held her but with his orgasm complete he felt so evil to have taken advantage of his young relative. Amber, on the other hand, was turned on by their familial intimacy. She turned her head and looked contentedly at Diamander. The sperm in her hair sparkled as the afternoon light from the window fell across her. She was done spreading her legs for those teen boys at Arleena’s parties.

They heard the male next door taking his leave of the High Elf woman. He promised to be back that night. There was the sound of the front door closing then that of a chair being pulled up to a desk and the High Elf started scratching quill across paper. What was she writing, Amber wondered. A letter? What was so important that she had to write it down now instead of enjoying the aftersex glow of a good fuck?

”It is my sad duty to advise you...” began the High Elf’s latest report to Lord Vishra.


Cadwarra found Clothspinner & Co. easily enough; it was beside her bank, the Central Hold, where she rarely had occasion to make deposits. She had withdrawn most of what she had, hoping such a small sum would be an adequate tip. She would have had more had she not been obliged to get Amber’s armour out of hock

“I have a two o’clock appointment” she told the receptionist “with Daniel Clothspinner-Willington.”

Daniel Clothspinner-Willington the Third came out from the back immediately and bowed. Cadwarra had expected him to be a real girly-boy but found him a rather handsome and manly sort of fellow. He was the sort of man she would have hired to make her a good set of plate armour rather than an evening gown. Though a little concerned that such a testosterone burdened male could possibly do a good job on a costly dress, she resigned herself to trusting to Marshall Vishra’s greater wisdom in the choice of the best available clothier.

“Thank you for choosing Clothspinner & Co., Lady Cadwarra. For 497 years this firm has been the unparalleled source of Qeynos’ finest in Ladies’s apparel. We have a longstanding relationship of several generations with the Vishra family and I promise we will serve you as loyally as we have served all the other Vishra ladies and mistresses over all these decades.”

Cadwarra self-consciously allowed Clothspinner-Willington to kiss her hand, puzzling as to whether she was indeed a ‘Vishra mistress’ and what that might entail. “It’s my pleasure, Master Clothspinner-Willington” she answered, hoping that was the suave thing to say.

“Please call me Daniel” Clothspinner-Willington offered and placed a hand on the small of her back to politely direct her to his studio in back of the sales area. “Lord Vishra had a few suggestions as to the style of dress you might like but he advised that he was confident in your good taste as to the best gown.”

As they walked, Clothspinner-Willington gave her small, fit frame a very obvious up-and-down. It was a very professional appraisal but Clothspinner-Willington was still a man and as such he quipped “I already have a few ideas what I would like to do with you.”

Cadwarra was too naïve to understand the double-entendre. She followed the tailor into the measuring room. A servant girl appeared out of nowhere carrying a tray. She was dressed perfectly in a very expensive looking Clothspinner dress. Cadwarra surmised that the Clothspinner establishment did not suffer their staff to wear anything BUT a Clothspinner garment. The girl set down the tray near Cadwarra and departed. It was Cadwarra’s first High Tea.

“Your staff are dressed so elegantly, Master Daniel.”

Clothspinner-Willington answered as he poured the tea. “Thank you, Lady Cadwarra. We offer our employees a 70% discount on our merchandise.” He explained further as he set the silver teapot down “we can’t have them wearing knockoffs and mass-produced frocks from off the rack over there in a certain un-named dress shop in South Qeynos, can we?”

Cadwarra agreed politely though she had no idea what dress shop was over there in South Qeynos. She could list all the armourers in South Qeynos, though.

Clothspinner-Willington pushed the tray a smidge toward Cadwarra. “I recommend the cucumber sandwiches, My Lady, or the salmon. My wife makes them. The bread is from Voleen’s Bakery, warm out of the ovens before dawn, the cucumbers hand-picked from the Willington gardens and the salmon fresh caught this morning off Cold Wind Point. The biscotti are also from Voleen’s and are delightful: Lady Vishra herself insisted we add them to our High Tea.”

The cuke sandwiches were delicious but the biscotti were hard and dry. Clothspinner-Willington percieved Cadwarra’s lack of sophistication and subtly drew her attention as he dipped his biscotti in his tea.

Cadwarra, now comprehending, dipped hers too then had a bite. The combined flavour of tea, almond, orange zest and vanilla exploded all over her taste buds like a penis unapologetically spurting its burgeoning quantities onto her tongue. Later, when she told Diamander about the sensation, she swore she had almost had an orgasm.

“I believe we had best begin” Clothspinner-Willington said as he put down his teacup and rose. “I hope your aren’t shy; I will need to measure you in the nude.”

Cadwarra was invited to step up onto a stool. Clothspinner-Willington deferentially took her clothes one by one as she disrobed, averting his eyes until she stood comfortably naked for his tape measure.

The master tailor then examined Cadwarra’s body unabashedly. A delightful shiver ran up her spine as Clothspinner-Willingtom swept his gaze down her nakedness. She allowed him to see everything.

He, for his part, could not have been more pleased to be working with such a figure. He admired her narrow waist, her gently curving hips and her magnificent breasts, all perfectly proportioned. “My lady” he assured her “I can confide it is truly an honour to be working with such a body, like a sculptor working with the finest marble. I am tempted to not charge Lord Vishra for the privilege.”

Cadwarra was sure he would charge Lord Vishra, notwithstanding the effusive compliment. Fee or not, the master got to work recording her measurements in a most professional manner.

“Bust....” The tape wrapped around her at breast level, the nipples partially covered by the tape.

“Waist...” He measured the narrowest part of her abdomen, she had the cutest belly button.

“Hips...” He wrapped the tape around her pelvis, so perfectly rounded for birthing babies.

Clothspinner-Willington dangled his tape around his neck. “Cup size...” he studied her breasts. “C-cup plus a little more” he predicted and then squeezed both breasts simultaneously. “Yes” he confirmed “C-cup plus a good bit more. Almost a D.”

He kept his hands on her boobies a while longer. “Very nice mammaries, Lady Cadwarra. Any husband would be pleased to play with them the entire wedding night.”

“Thank you, Master Daniel. I rather like having them.” The mention of a wedding night made her think of her fiancé, Fayt. She remembered the first time his fumbling hands had fondled her bared breasts in the sylvan seclusion of the midnight forest. He had been fascinated by how soft they were and squeezed and probed them until the first light of dawn, kissing her yielding mounds and sucking her nipples.

Recalling that night, Cadwarra stood watching the master dressmaker fondle her love bumps just as Fayt had done. Her nipples rose in answer to Clothspinner-Willington’s liberty, sad though her thoughts of Fayt now made her feel. Fayt was long gone.

Not knowing her bittersweet thoughts, the master dressmaker remained all business as he studied her nipples, risen to proud glory. His thumbs gently brushed over them, pushing them down to lie across their areolas only to pop back up as his thumbs slid off them.

“Purely as a professional question, Lady Cadwarra, would you mind advising if your nipples’ usual state is soft or erect? It may be pertinent to our fashion decisions, you understand?”

Cadwarra stopped thinking about Fayt and the Time of Turmoil and returned to the present. “Well, Master Daniel, when they are covered, they tend to be soft. As you can see, they get hard rapidly when they are exposed and men take the opportunity to kiss them or even suck on them...” The quaver in her voice hinted at her anticipation.

Clothspinner-Willington recognized an invitation when he heard one. He leaned forward and kissed each brown nipple. He took a second to feast his eyes on them again, then took the left nipple in his mouth to suck on for a good long time, tickling the very tip with his tongue. He finally let it drop from his mouth. The areola was shrunken to half it’s unexcited size, all wrinkly and pushing its long nipple up delightfully high.

“Indeed, it is easy to get them hard” he agreed. “I think we can assume your nipples are frequently announcing your thoughts, as we tailors like to put it, and we will make fashion decisions accordingly.”

“Oh, certainly, Master Daniel.” Cadwarra was selfishly sorry Clothspinner-Willington had not continued sucking, but of course he had only sucked on them to see how they looked erect and had stopped when he had accomplished that. The dress needed making, she reminded herself. She would just have to get Diamander to suck on her tits later.

Clothspinner-Willington reached around and ran his hands all over Cadwarra’s round, firm rump. “My” he enthused “such a magnificent derrière.” He pulled her hips close to him. He kept rubbing her butt. She could feel how hard he was. “What I would like to do with your ass!” he told her.

“Yes” Cadwarra nodded as she pushed her body forward so Clothspinner-Willington could make a more accurate appraisal of her backside. “I suppose we should ensure the gown compliments my rear end.” She noted her femininity was inadvertently jammed against the tailor’s bulge but that could not be helped if he was to make a professional appraisal of her posterior. Why were his hips grinding into her like that?

Clothspinner-Willington wanted to run his hands all over Cadwarra’s adorable ass for a half hour longer. He reluctantly decided they had best get on with the task at hand; the gown needed to be ready in time for the Vishra soirée tonight. Clothspinner-Willington ceased his caresses and returned to his professional duties.

Still nude, Cadwarra spent a pleasant hour more at Clothspinner’s. They had a long discussion about hem, bust, collar, material, length and all sorts of other fashion considerations. They finished the High Tea sandwiches. Cadwarra expressed amazement at how quickly the gown would be made.

“We have access to several magic spells with which we can accommodate rush orders such as this” Clothspinner-Willington boasted. “The gown should only take 30 minutes: you are welcome to wait.”

When Cadwarra left the dress shop, she went back to the Central Hold to re-deposit her unused ‘tip’. Marshall Vishra could have saved her the time to twice line up at the teller’s wicket if he had just told her the ‘appropriate tip’ involved burying Master Daniel’s eager erection between her ample breasts and allowing him to titfuck her until he floodged an impressive volume of cum out from between her boobies. Long ropes of Clothspinner-Willington’s sperm had fallen across her chest. Sticky rivulets ran down her breasts and divided into twin rivulets that flowed around either side of each nipple. Millions of Clothspinner-Willington sperm cells were denied the chance to become Daniel Clothspinner-Willington the Fourth in Cadwarra’s womb. Instead, the cum dripped from her underboob like jism stalactites.

She was gifted with a complimentary Clothspinner towel which she was pleased to use to wipe up Master Daniel’s luxury. Her breasts flopped around under the towel as it sponged up all the man seed. “I get a lot of complimentary towels from Master Clothspinner-Willington” the servant girl told Cadwarra conspiratorially as she handed Cadwarra the boxed up gown and some extra biscotti to take home.

As she headed back to her apartment, Cadwarra was just vain enough to gloat at the envious looks other women gave her as she walked along with a distinctively labelled ‘Clothspinner’ box, brand logo splashed across the lid. She considered going around the block several times just to show off, but realized such ostentation was beneath a Paladin-in-Training.


In accordance with Lady Vishra’s direction, Llisanya knocked on the Servants’ Entrance in the rear of the Vishra Mansion at six o’clock, her maid’s uniform in the carpet bag she was holding. She was not happy to once again be acting in the role of a lowly servant, but she consoled herself that the Vishra Family was paying well, as usual. She was also glad that she was back to working for Marshall Vishra rather than behind his back, Lady Vishra having made these arrangements on his behalf.

The door was opened by a prim woman dressed in the fashion of a senior servant. She looked at Llisanya a little annoyed. “If you are delivering the oysters, Girl, you certainly took your time getting them here, didn’t you?” The woman swept her hand to indicate the alley off to the right. “Your employer should have made it clear to you that groceries are to be brought to the pantry entrance. That’s the next door down to your right.”

Llisanya gave a quick curtsy. It was neither too shallow nor too deep, in accordance to the station of the slightly higher rank of the domestic she was addressing. “My pardon, Ma’am, but I am to report to the Head Butler to assist at tonight’s gathering.”

The woman’s expression became a little less stern, but remained unfriendly. “I am sure you misunderstood your instructions” she said. “there is no need for you to interrupt the duties of the Head Butler.”

“Begging your forgiveness, Ma’am, but my instructions were to report to the Head Butler.”

The Housekeeper was obviously not used to mere maids correcting her. “Wait here” she instructed Llisanya icily “the Assistant Butler will straighten this out.”

Llisanya had to wait twenty minutes for the Assistant Butler to come. He was a short, portly man in his forties. He did not seem any more pleased with her than the housekeeper was. He was used to determining all manpower requirements in the running of the Vishra House and was resentful of an additional servant girl appearing out of the blue to assist at the reception tonight without his knowledge.

“Follow me” he snapped, wondering who had gone over his head and hired this dolt. “I will need to ensure you know your duties.”

He proved to be quite judging. “I can already tell you that you are wearing too much makeup” he huffed at her then rhetorically demanded “who do you think you are going to seduce tonight? Your task will be to serve and clear, not flirt with the young men in the kitchen until you find one stupid enough to marry you.”

“Yes, Master Butler.” Llisanya declined to inform him that she wasn’t wearing any makeup. She genuflected a little deeper than she had done for the housekeeper, as required by his rank. She hoped a quick flash of cleavage would put him in a friendlier mood.

The Assistant Butler saw her top fall forward as she curtsied. He could see her tits were large and firm. Unfortunately, she straightened back up before he got a real good look. She saucily looked directly at him as if mocking him for not getting to see all she had to show. She had gorgeously huge ‘fuck me’ eyes, notwithstanding her impudence. “I will need to ensure that you know your duties” he cunningly told Llisanya. “We’ll use my office.”

Llisanya was not fooled. The Butler’s ‘office’ was a storage room full of dry goods. They barely fit in the room and he stood so close Llisanya was hard put to keep the tips of her breasts from brushing against the Assistant Butler while he viciously shot question after question at her.

He grilled her on the shape of glass required for a claret as opposed to a sherry; which spoons are required when serving Vichyssoise versus Caviar and the correct order one serves dinner plates to a table full of Duchesses, Countesses and Marquesses.

It was obvious he was trying to destroy her self-confidence. Llisanya envisioned this lout reducing some little serving wench to tears by berating her when she got one detail wrong in her answers. Then he would comfort her and tell her not to worry; no one would know she did not know her job. He would cover for her, he would assure her. He would then give her a comforting hug in a fatherly manner...while his hand slid up to undo the buttons on the back of her uniform.

He did not destroy Llisanya’s self-confidence. There was no question that Fiona’s training had not prepared her to answer. She just wished the fat prick would stop inching forward while she correctly listed the order by which all seven forks were placed at a formal dinner setting. Eventually, she was unable to back up any further. The Assistant Butler had her breasts crushed against him. They pressed into his fat stomach as he towered over her while firing more serving questions at her.

Frustrated by his inability to make this new hire cry he gave up interrogating her. He was acutely aware how soft her tits were, crushed into his paunch. If she would just co-operate, they could have a good hard fuck but she was wasting all this time. He would now, unfortunately, need to make it a quickie, instead, then get back to the tasks he still needed to complete before the guests started to arrive.

He tried another approach. “I assume you remembered to bring your own maid’s outfit.”

“I did. Yes, Sir.” Llisanya held up her carpet bag.

“Good to see you at least did that right. I will need for you to change into it for my inspection.”

Llisanya pretended innocence. “Certainly, Sir. Where shall I change?”

“Here is fine. We haven’t time to go looking for the stately boudoir you feel you so richly deserve. Just get changed instead of wasting more time; I will turn aside.”

Of course, he did not ‘turn aside’. He got a good eyeful. He was plainly rigid by the time she had shucked her street clothes and pulled her maid’s outfit out of the carpet bag. His sure liked what he saw.

Llisanya was angry that the Assistant Butler was keeping her from getting her task started; the one Lady Vishra had hired her to do. He did not strike her as the kind of asshole who would be satisfied with a fast blowjob so she would be further delayed while he fucked her. She wondered if there was a way to diplomatically ask Lady Vishra if she could increase her fees a slight amount as compensation for the extra fuck she now needed to do. She decided such a request would not go over well and resigned herself to this letch humping away in this storage room with her, all for free.

She wished this was a job similar to the one performed at 13 Tranquil Way the other night but she had not brought her dagger and Lord Vishra might object to someone slicing his Assistant Butler’s throat open, anyway. She took some pleasure at the thought that Lady Vishra would be furious when informed that her staff had unduly interfered with the completion of Llisanya’s assignment this evening.

The Assistant Butler was enjoying the sight of this temporary maid in the nude. Mistaking her silent rage for bashfulness, he took pleasure in seeing how uncomfortable she was to be naked in front of a real man. She need not be so nervous, of course. As long as she let him fuck her, there would be no problem. If she was as good a lay as he anticipated, maybe he would even hire her full time so he could dick her whenever he wanted. That scullery maid that had stupidly rebuffed him a few days ago would be dismissed to make room for her full time employment.

He reached up and squeezed both of Llisanya’s breasts. “You sure grew some beauties.” he admitted as he pulled on her nipples, drawing them out a long way, loving the way her breasts stretched. Llisanya stood there, angrily allowing him to grope and twist. Still holding onto her nipples he juggled her tits, watching how they jiggled as his hands moved them up and down. Then he wobbled them sideways, grinning to watch them quiver.

He released her breasts and delighted in watching them bounce back into their proper shape. He lowered one hand to her pussy and inserted two fingers into the warmth beyond her vulva with as much liberty as if he were Lord Vishra himself. He moved his fingers in and out, still grinning at her as he finger-fucked her snatch.

The door to the storage room suddenly opened with no warning knock. The Assistant Butler turned, a reprimand ready to fly from his lips. Who was this fool? His staff knew enough not to interrupt him when he was vetting a new female employee.

The reprimand died when Lady Vishra leaned into to storage room and looked at the two of them. It was clear to her what the Assistant Butler was doing to Llisanya. Too late, the Assistant Butler removed his penetrating fingers. Llisanya’s pussy made a loud, distinctive “squoo-litch’ as his digits exited her depth.

“Butler?” Lady Vishra spoke calmly. “If you are finding the time to fondle serving wenches, I trust the preparations for tonight’s affair are all complete.”

“Oh...y-yes, M’Lady. All will be ready. I am just ensuring our temporary help, here, is qualified to be serving’s seems to pass muster. I was showing her how to get into her liveries.” He indicated the maid’s uniform Llisanya held in her hand. He bowed desperately, clearly hoping to impress Lady Vishra by his obsequious deference.

In the cramped room it was difficult to execute the bow correctly but he would have managed had Llisanya not anticipated what he was about to do and leaned forward imperceptibly so that his shoulder brushed her bare tit as he straightened back up. The tit bobbed up and down once as the Butler looked askance at what he had just done in front of the Lady of the House.

“Assistant Butler” Lady Vishra scolded him, pretending not to know that Llisanya had engineered the accidental touch deliberately “please do not feel up your staff. Do you understand? They are not to be distracted from the duties the Vishra Family requires of them this evening.”

The Assistand Butler was clearly flustered. “Of course, My Lady. I-I assure you my touching of this young maid just now was unintended. Purely an accident.” He foolishly bowed again, managing not to touch Llisanya’s breast a second time despite her best attempt to lean forward once more and again sabotage his grovelling efforts to impress the Lady of the House with his correct manners.

The hapless butler waited for Lady Vishra to say something else but Lady Vishra had no more to say to him. She looked at Llisanya as if she had only just realized that this servant girl was someone you could interact with. She showed no sign she knew Llisanya.

“Why did you not report to the Head Butler as we had instructed the Temp Agency to tell you?” Lady Vishra was barely hiding her annoyance at the poor start to what was a very simple task.

Llisanya played her part well. “Yes, Mistress” she curtsied deep in the cramped quarters so that her naked body pushed the male domestic off balance. “With apologies, My Lady, I indeed asked for the Head Butler. The Assistant Butler felt he should deal with me, instead.”

It was a slight break out of character; a real servant girl would have taken Lady Vishra’s rebuke silently. Llisanya deviated from her role because she was angry at the Assistant Butler and hoped he would get in trouble by her ratting on him.

Lady Vishra indeed turned an annoyed look on him. “The Head Butler was required to be summoned in this regard. He has assigned her special serving duties and we have now lost a half hour just because you wanted to try out some new beaver instead of performing your duties.”

The Assistant Butler was clearly uncomfortable. “I...I understand, My Lady. It won’t happen again.”

“No, it won’t.” Lady Vishra snapped. She curtly ordered Llisanya to get into her maid’s uniform, adding “it doesn’t help that you temporary workers are always running around in the buff keeping our manservants’ minds off their work.”

She watched Llisanya dressing. She had been right to check on the Assistant Butler. Thank Marr she had stopped him from wearing out Llisanya’s vagina when Llisanya had more important fucking to do this evening...and with a man of higher station than this base servant.

Llisanya did up the last button of her uniform. It was a bit small. Her skirts were very very short, her breasts were barely contained in her bodice. Lady Vishra instructed her to spin around. Her skirts flew up, showing thigh right up to her ass; showing the Assistant Butler what he was no longer going to have tonight.

“She seems adequate” Lady Vishra informed the Assistant Butler, pretending that Llisanya’s uniform was not unbelievably revealing. She turned to Llisanya. “I am going to see the Head Butler right now, follow me...three paces behind, mind you, Girl.”


2024-09-27 12:10:04
@Riche1122 - I am glad you particularly liked this chapter. lt's good to get positive feedback. Thank you for following the adventures of Cadwarra et al, l appreciate your support.


2024-09-24 17:39:17
It is a delightful chapter with the cousins, dress measuring, and the closet inspection. They even had a *cruise back on the boat to Qeynos. Enjoying your story and remembering when I played EQ. Thank you.

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