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While this story has some hot scenes that can be enjoyed without reading the first part, Iyou'll enjoy this story more with the background of how the raft became central to their education.
The next morning, I went over to her place as planned. Kit had secured a good stout piece of rope that would clearly be better than the grape vines we had used to initially secure the raft. However, Kit was totally beside herself and couldn't wait to tell me what she had learned the previous evening. So now this is mostly Kit talking - at least as best I can remember.

Kit said she arrived home and put her still damp clothes on the line after changing into some dry ones. She related our adventure as we had both agreed we would, including her 'stupid' fall into the brook. Then, her mother said that they had been invited over to have dinner with her cousin Molly's family. What luck, she thought. Now I can ask her all the questions I would never ask my mother. When her family arrived, Kit knew that the usual pattern was for the adults to have a few drinks and talk while the kids were expected to entertain themselves with their own drinks, maybe a snack, and possibly a board game. Kit didn't want to be forced into a board game, so she gave Molly a subtle 'I need to talk look', which Molly immediately recognized and invited Kit up to her room - ostensibly to listen to some cool new record.

Once up in Molly's room, Molly put on a record, and Kit made sure it was loud enough to disguise anything the two were saying. Then Kit started in with her story of our building the raft, but most importantly with what we saw the couple doing in the clearing that second day. "Oh my God", said Molly, "That's what's called a sixty-nine position. I had heard other kids talk about doing that, but I thought it was just talk. That no one actually, ever really did that. It must have been really hot for you to watch that. Did you feel anything down below while you were watching?"

"Yes, I did feel a bit funny down there while we were watching, and Nellie said he felt something he'd never felt before also, but what I want to know is why would people do something that looks so gross?"

"Well," said Molly, "Apparently it feels real good for a girl to have someone's tongue lick their vaginal lips and the area up above on their slit. Maybe you haven't realized it yet, but it feels good just to touch yourself down there, and if you do it enough you can even give yourself an orgasm. I guess it's even better with a tongue than with a finger."

"Have you ever done that?" asked Kit. "And what's and orgasm anyway?"

"I've touched myself just to see how it felt, but never somehow dared to follow through. An orgasm is a sort of a spasm that supposedly feels really good for both boys and girls. Boys have an orgasm when they shoot out the stuff that makes babies. You know about that don't you?" Kit nodded 'yes' , but then said that she thought both she and I had had an orgasm earlier today, but I'll tell you about that later. Kit said at that Molly's jaw dropped and her eyes got real big saying. "So this story gets even hotter I guess." Kit said she just wanted to learn more about the sixty-nine first.

Molly thus continued, "There are lots of ways that a boy can shoot his stuff other than being inside a girl like he was trying to make her pregnant. A guy can rub himself to have an orgasm, and most guys apparently do it quite a bit after they are old enough. But I guess it feels even better if his thing is in a warm, wet mouth. So, the sixty-nine position allows both the boy and girl to give each other pleasure at the same time."

"But what happens when the boy shoots all his yucky stuff into her mouth?" asked Kit.

"I don't know for sure, but I guess some girls actually swallow it, or maybe they spit it out. I know it's different from pee. Did you watch long enough to see them finish?

"We watched until both of them went sort of rigid and made some seemingly satisfied moans and groans. And a little before that, the boy stopped what he was doing and said something to the girl who nodded but kept right on with what she was doing. After they went rigid, I didn't see her spit anything out."

"Seems that the boy was checking to see if they were going to have their orgasms at the same time", observed Molly, "But what else did you need to talk about".

Kit then launched into the story of my stripping her naked to get her out of her wet clothes. "Oh my God, so he really saw all of you", said Molly.

"Yes", said Kit, "But he didn't look very long at either my top or my crotch, and he didn't make any comments - even about my nipples that were bigger and harder than they had ever been."

"I guess your nipples were so hard because you were cold", said Molly.

"Then he started to rub me to up and down to help get me warm. And when he rubbed my thighs, I had that same feeling down there that I had when we were watching the couple in the sixty-nine."

"So it seems he turned you on a bit with his touch."

"I guess that's what he did, but it got even better before we were through", said Kit, and then she narrated the whole session we had in the clearing. Molly apparently said OMG about a dozen times as the details came out. Molly confirmed that both of us had indeed had orgasms, and by then Molly was squirming about as her excitement level built up. Kit finished by saying that she understood what happened when I shot my stuff, but wanted to know why she got so wet between her legs, but not from her pee.

Molly answered Kit by saying that she got wet there because she had been really, sexually aroused from what she had done to me. Molly said that wetness, 'girl juice' she called it, made it easier for a boy's thing to go into her without being painful.

And then Molly admitted that Kit's tale had made her really wet like she had never been before and all she wanted to do was touch herself down there. Kit then said Molly loosened her shorts and put her hand inside her panties and started rubbing while also moaning slightly and breathing faster. Then she asked Kit to turn up the music as she realized she was about to have her first orgasm and didn't want anyone to hear her.

By the time I had listened to all of that from Kit, I was again quite hard. But then it got even better because Kit said Molly was going to meet us at the start of the trail to the river. She hoped her boyfriend, Jason, would also be along. Kit said that Molly had not allowed Jason to do more than just feel her breasts a bit over her clothes, but now she wanted to 'catch up' with us and perhaps show us a few more things we could do.

So we walked over to the start of the trail and met Molly and Jason. Molly was wearing a thin t-shirt and her breasts were quite evident. I didn't know much at that point, but I did know that most girls Molly's age always wore a bra, but it didn't appear Molly was wearing one. This was also the first time I had a bit of a reaction just looking at a girl, but I noticed that Jason couldn't take his eyes off of Molly. Molly seemed to smile at Jason's reaction, so I guess that was what she intended when she left that bit of clothing off.

After introductions, we headed down along the river. We pointed out where we had built the raft and noted the clearing. To save having to tell Jason the whole story, at this point, we just said we had stopped there to dry off. We then went on to the first crossing, which everyone made no problem, using the sticks we had left the day before. We carried those sticks to the second and longer one-log crossing. Again, since none of the sticks broke, we all made that without a problem as well.

The old clearing was a good landmark, and there we turned down to the river to find the raft. In addition to the rope, Kit pulled a large metal ring out of her pack along with a few screws and a large screwdriver. Ever the junior engineer, Kit quickly screwed the ring onto the raft so that there was a solid place to tie the rope. The raft secured, we went back up to the old clearing. Maybe Kit already knew what Molly had in store, but I think I was almost as surprised as Jason when Molly took charge.

Molly started in with, "Jason, yesterday Kit fell in one of the creeks after they abandoned the raft. She ended up becoming so cold that she couldn't walk, so Nellie stripped off all her clothes, and gave her his dry ones. But the big thing is that, before they were all dressed again, back at that other clearing they had given each other orgasms. And that's without even knowing what an orgasm was.

Now Jason, I am sure you know about orgasms, and have probably given yourself a few, but now I feel it's time that I catch up to my little cousin when it comes to sex stuff. I also want to give a few tips on how to best make girls feel good so that you, Jason, can make me feel good. I also hope this will help Nellie make Kit feel good as well."

By the time Molly had finished, I was pretty hard, but it appeared that Jason's boner was about to rip his shorts. "O.K." said Molly, "The first thing guys need to know is how to touch a girl's breasts, boobs, tits, or whatever you choose to call them." With that, Molly stripped off her tee, and her beautiful, teen breasts were revealed. These were the first ones I had ever seen. To me, they looked huge with areolas as big as a 50-cent piece. Her nipples were not erect, but that would soon change.

Molly then placed her hands under her breasts and gently stroked upwards until she had brushed her nipples. She repeated, and that was all it took to make her nipples stand out - just like Kit's the day before, although that was the cold and not any stimulation I had provided.

Then Molly told Jason to do the same to her breasts. With slightly shaking hands, Jason mimicked Molly's motions, which elicited a contented moan from Molly. "Keep it up Jason," Molly said, "You certainly learned fast." Jason continued, and then Molly puckered up her lips and asked Jason to kiss her while he continued his ministrations to her boobs. After a minute or so of kissing, Molly broke off the kiss and said, "There's a place besides my mouth that you can kiss, namely my boobs." Jason looked a bit unsure, but tentatively placed his mouth on one of Molly's boobs, eliciting another contented sigh from Molly. "And don't forget, I've got two of them, so go back and forth."

I was, of course, totally focused on what Molly and Jason were doing, and had grown quite hard as a result. Then Kit, who was standing off to my left, said, "I guess you like what you see over there, but how about taking a look over here?" With that, I turned and saw that Kit had taken off her shirt and was indicating that I should be giving her the same treatment Molly was receiving from Jason. Before I turned, however, I noticed that Molly and Jason had gone back to kissing, which had seemingly become quite passionate - what I would soon learn involved tongues and was called 'frenching'.

Turning to face Kit, I started stroking her little mounds, and sure enough, soon her nipples were just as big and erect as they were when I had seen them the day before when she was so cold. Kit also let out some contented sighs, and I felt I could do this endlessly. But our reverie was interrupted by some cries from Jason.

He had broken the kiss and was saying something about how it was so embarrassing, but he just couldn't help himself as he jerked his hips up and down. When he turned around, he had a big wet spot on his shorts. Clearly, what he had been doing with Molly was too much for him and he had shot his stuff into his pants.

Once his breathing returned to normal, he just said, "How will I explain these stains when we return home?"

Taking total charge of the situation, Molly just said, "I know what we were doing was way more than we had ever done before, so it was only natural that you lost it like you did. I will actually take it as a compliment that just my kissing along with feeling and kissing my boobs got you off. I'm sure you will recover soon and can do it again with your pants off. As for any explanation needed when you get back, you can just wade through one of the brooks, and we'll say you were even more of a klutz than Kit because you fell in even when your pole didn't break. Does that sound better?" Jason weakly nodded, yes, but seemed relieved that Molly wasn't going to hate him for what had happened.

I turned back to Kit and picked up my stroking where I had left off. Kit again sighed, but then commented, "Molly has always seemed to be able to take control in other situations, but I can't believe how well she handled that one. I wonder what else she has in mind?"

Well, we didn't have to wait long before Molly said it was time to move onto the next stage of sexual arousal. With that, she pulled off her shorts, lay back, spread her legs, and invited us in for an anatomy lesson. Molly wasn't completely shaven, but she had apparently trimmed her pubes, so her treasures were fully visible. Molly first pointed out her vagina (she just said "hole") and then the inner lips and outer lips that surrounded her hole. She grazed them lightly with her fingers and said that felt really good. She also said that rubbing the insides of her thighs first was a good way to approach starting to stroke her vaginal lips. Then she stroked upwards and showed us her little clit, which she said would grow bigger with the right attention. Molly said that attention could come from fingers or from tongues. Finally, Molly dipped her finger into her hole and showed us a glistening gob of her 'girl juice', as she said what Jason had been doing to her, plus this naked anatomy lesson, had her pretty well aroused.

Then, she looked at Jason and said, "It seems your little thing has already recovered from your first cum, and I bet you'd be more comfortable with you shorts off." Jason hesitated at first, so Molly said, "Nellie, looks like you have the same problem, so you might as well take yours off as well." That was all the encouragement I needed, and Jason soon followed. I could see that his boner was bigger than mine, but not that much bigger even though he was three years older. Now we were all naked except for Kit who decided to follow suit even though she looked a bit uncertain about what Molly had in mind next.

That uncertainty didn't last long as Molly told Jason to start on her thighs and then work to her lips and ultimately to her clit. Jason moved over, knelt next to Molly, and hesitatingly started to massage her thighs. Molly quickly offered advice, which Jason followed, so soon Molly was again eliciting contented sighs. Feeling he was doing well, Jason slowly moved on to Molly's lips and here he seemed to get it right the first time because Molly's signs became louder. After a few minutes, Molly moaned and said, "Put a finger in my hole, push it in and out, and then I'll guide your thumb to my clit." With that, Molly started writhing around on the grass, and it was all Jason could do to keep his had positioned where Molly wanted it. Soon, Molly came and came hard with several loud screams plus a whole lot of moaning and gasping to the point it was hard to tell if she was in ecstasy or in pain.

I looked over and could see the Kit was transfixed on that scene. I could also see that she was a bit wet between the legs, so I tentatively put my had on her thigh, which produced a sigh and an affirming look from her. I thus started to follow the same sequence that had so enthralled Molly. Kit kept nodding her approval as I proceeded. She said, "Oh, this is so much more intense than yesterday because the slow build up is making me feel better - even if after yesterday I didn't think anything could feel any better." When I reached the point where I put a finger in her hole, she didn't hesitate to take my thumb and place it on her clit - the little bump I had felt yesterday without any idea of its significance. In the end, Kit's orgasm wasn't as loud as Molly's, but her moaning and breathing indicated she had come hard as well.

So now, we had two totally satisfied females, but two very aroused males. While I had gotten Kit off, Molly had watched approvingly and said, "Good, now you guys know how to pleasure a girl, and you better be sure to do that any time a girl gives you pleasure. But now it's time for us girls to take care of you. The ideal is that you both have simultaneous orgasms, but that is sometimes hard to achieve, so separate is better than leaving one or the other out.

"Now, short of actually fucking, there are several ways a girl can give a boy the pleasure they deserve, assuming they have given the girl some pleasure as well. The simplest is the hand job where I rub Jason's cock just like he probably does at times by himself. Guys say that a girl's hands feel so much better than their own, that it is a different experience. And Nellie, it seems that your first orgasm was by a girl's hand, so you don't know how lucky you are."

With that, Kit reached over and began to stroke by fully erect cock. Molly seemed as though she was about to say something more, but my reaction to Kit's touch was, after all the visual stimulation, to just say 'faster', and I quickly came in three squirts. After I calmed down, Molly said, while that was likely very satisfying, a warm, moist mouth would feel even better. All Kit could say was "Yeech! I don't think I could ever do that." To which Molly soothingly said, "I can understand you may not be ready to do that quite yet, but lots of girls do ultimately find it's a good way to give pleasure without the risk of becoming pregnant."

Molly then said there were two other ways that a girl could cause a boy to come. This caused Kit to say quietly to me, "I think Molly must have been studying for this moment for a long time, I guess it was my telling of yesterday that brought it all out." While Kit said it quietly, Molly heard what she said and replied, (and remember this was years ago before internet porn) "Yes, one of my classmates had found her father's stash of porn magazines. This was after her mother had made him move out and initiated a divorce because he was cheating on her with several other women. Anyway, I guess he was obsessed with sex and had all the how-to manuals and magazines he could buy. Apparently, he kept them in a separate storage shed, so her mother didn't even know they were gone when she took them. We girls had a number of interesting sessions in that shed where I and the others learned about these things."

Molly then continued, "It may seem totally gross, but we all have a hole in our rears, and a boy's cock can fit in there. And apparently it also feels good for the girl, and again she doesn't have to worry about pregnancy. I'm not quite ready to try that, and I suspect neither are you three, but I would like to try one other way, and I'm sure Jason would be willing. It's called 'tit fucking'"

With that Molly lay back down and motioned for Jason to lie down on top of her with his erection in the middle of her chest. "I don't have the biggest boobs, but I think I can push them together enough that Jason will receive just the stimulation he needs to get off. I'll just have to clean off anything that doesn't end up in my mouth. With that, Jason did as he was told and started pumping between her tightly pressed boobs. Jason's immediate groan indicated that it was working, and again it didn't take long before he was speeding up, grunting more loudly, and then letting out a big 'ahhhh' as he pumped white semen all over Molly's face and neck. Mouth wide open, Molly caught some in her mouth and pronounced it "actually quite good."

Jason climbed off of Molly with his cock hanging flaccid after his second release. Molly noted that it would probably take him a good while before he was ready for any more action, but she looked at my straining boner and said she'd like to try getting me off with her mouth. "I can understand that Kit isn't quite prepared to go that far, and I know I wouldn't have been at her age either, but now I guess I'm ready to give it a try. Are you willing to be my first Nellie?"

I nodded and moved over next to Molly, and then she totally surprised me by saying, "I'm so hot again, I need you to get me off as well. This time perhaps with your tongue. Oh, and maybe we should even try a sixty-nine. And you've actually seen one, so you should know what to do."

I said, "Well, at the time I didn't even know what they were doing, so I'm hardly an expert, but I do know that the guy was on the ground with the girl on top." "OK then," said Molly, "Lie down and I'll get on top."

So Molly positioned herself over me, spreading her legs on either side of my head, and my young eyes were feasting on a close-up view of he wide open hole surrounded by he well-moistened lips. Just as I was tentatively stating to probe her hole with my tongue, I felt her warm mouth envelope my totally hard cock. What a feeling, and I could only hope I could make Molly feel as good as she was making me feel. Emboldened by what Molly was doing, I stretched my tongue as far into her hole as I could, wiggling it back and forth for, I hoped, even greater effect. Molly continued to bob up and down on by cock and the newly- familiar feeling began to build. Suddenly, Molly pulled off, and I thought I had done something wrong, but she just said, "Start licking up higher and try to find my clit while also putting two fingers in my hole."

I complied ,and soon my tongue felt a little erect bump and Molly let out a huge groan before going back down on me. She increased her pace, and I increased to match hers. Soon I realized I was about to come, but somehow felt that Molly was just as close. As I felt my stuff jetting into her mouth, her legs clamped around my head and she started shaking so hard I could barely keep my mouth in contact with her clit. I did manage to keep my fingers in her hole. This was apparently more than sufficient as I heard a little 'pfft' sound and was 'rewarded' with a shower of her girl juice all over my face. Her shaking continued but gradually she rode out her orgasm. As we both calmed down, I saw her try to swallow, but I guess it's not so easy to swallow upside down - especially when you're trying to swallow something you've never swallowed before. So, she turned her head to the side and spit out most of my cum.

Coming back to reality, I saw both Kit and Jason staring at the scene with mouths agape and Jason with another full erection. They were lying down on the slope above where molly and I were, but their heads were raised up so they could see. Almost without thinking it seemed, Jason's hand went and began to caress Kit's left boob. Kit responded with a satisfied sigh as her nipple again became erect. She reciprocated and put her hand on Jason's cock and began stroking like she had stroked me. I felt a slight pang of jealousy, but had to admit that Jason must have felt the same way as he watched me with Molly. So I let the two pleasure each other. Soon, Jason leaned over and took Kit's erect nipple into his mouth while using his hand to bring the other nipple to full hardness. Kit let out a few more sighs and sped up her jerking. I looked over at Molly who was smiling like the teacher that she was as she saw her students demonstrate that they had mastered her lessons.

Kit was clearly enjoying what Jason was doing to her boobs but decided to just take matters down below into her own hand while her other hand kept jerking on Jason's boner. Given that this was Jason's third time in less than an hour, Kit had to keep going quite a while and kept her from full attention to her own stimulation. Finally, Jason began to pant and groan, and Kit picked up her pace on herself. In the end, it seemed that it was the feel of Jason's cum on her skin that sent Kit over the edge.

Once those two had calmed down, Molly again took charge. "OK, I think that's enough instruction for now. You've all learned your lessons well, but now I'm going to keep Jason for myself, and Kit you can keep Nellie. I didn't know we'd end up doing quite this much, but I did put some towels and washcloths in my pack. Let's put on our shoes, gather up our clothes, and go back to that first brook and wash up before we head back."

We all dutifully followed Molly's instructions. At the brook, we reminded Jason that he had to get his pants totally wet to cover up for that little mistake. We then made sure we could all tell the same "sanitized" story of our trip to secure the raft. We also agreed that, once the flow in the river had diminished, we would come back with four paddles and try to paddle it back to where Kit and I had built it. Of course, we would pause in the clearing again, and Molly indicated she night be able to secure some protection so that we could take things to the next level....
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