I get help building some furniture, and experiment with a new elf
Now that my house was a home, I found I had a lot of free time on my hands. I tracked down Auni, the kid obsessed with bugs, and got a dissertation on how to catch them using his homemade smoke bombs. Halfway through his breathless de***********ion of the various bugs that could be found in the valley, he said something that caught my attention.
“Sorry, back up a second, Auni. You said there are bugs that have medical effects?”
“Oh yes.” The kid beamed. “Those ones are worth the most. There’s a wasp in the high forests with a sting that paralyzes for a short time. Very useful for the doctors. There’s a moth that pupates in the rocks to the east. I think it has psy… psycho… active? Effects? The cocoons are valuable, but the adults won’t tell me what it’s used for. Every cocoon I collect sells almost immediately, though.”
“Huh. Interesting. Any idea where I could learn more about these bugs?”
“Check the library! I’ve got to go, Mr. Jack. I’ve got a lot of mail to deliver!”
My furniture was functional, but it would be nice to have chairs to sit in that didn’t give me splinters. I could upgrade my tools and workbench, but I’d much rather pay someone like Tina to make the furniture for me. For that, I needed money. I could make the most money from these special bugs, but I had to learn about them first. To the library, then.
The library, if you could call it that, was on the edge of town. I had passed it every time I ventured into Bening, but this was the first time I bothered stepping inside. Books and I don’t generally mix. I was met at the door by a stuffy librarian.
“You must be Jack,” she wrinkled her nose at me, and cast a disparaging look up and down. “You’re new, so I’ll give you the rules. Don’t take any books out of the library. Have clean hands before you read. And stay out of the forbidden section.”
I nodded along. “Sure. I’m here to learn about bugs. Unless that’s forbidden knowledge?”
The librarian sniffed. “Back aisle. Under E for entomology.”
I thanked her and followed her directions to the rear of the library. There were only a few books filed under entomology, and I flipped through them curiously. Along with decently-rendered woodcuttings, I found exhaustive uses for the various insects, but nothing about the moth cocoons.
There had to be more information somewhere. For a product in such demand, there had to be information available. Maybe it was forbidden. I leaned out of the aisle and checked for the librarian. She was deep in conversation with a villager, and not paying any attention to me.
Well, what she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her, right? I slipped across the aisle and stepped over the ropes sectioning off the forbidden section. The information here couldn’t be that forbidden, if the security was so lax. I scanned the shelves, searching for bug books, and found what I was searching for almost immediately.
“Insects and Their Creative Uses” was a thin journal, and a quick search through the pages turned up the rock moths. I scanned the entry and my eyebrows rose. The cocoons were psychoactive indeed, but the moths themselves had an additional side effect. They were both an aphrodisiac, but breathing in a dried and crushed moth made someone highly suggestive. It wasn’t surprising the villagers were only interested in the cocoons.
“Ahem! Mr. Jack, I explicitly told you to stay out of the forbidden section!”
I snapped the journal shut and turned to give the librarian a polite smile. “Sorry, is that what this is?”
“You climbed the ropes, didn’t you? It’s forbidden for a reason!”
“Sorry. It won’t happen again.”
“It certainly will not,” she huffed. “You are banned from the library!”
That seemed like an extreme reaction, but I had the information I wanted. I didn’t argue as she escorted me out of the library. Now that I knew what the rock moths were used for, I was more interested than ever.
It was getting late in the afternoon, but I didn’t have anything better to do. I set off to the east, heading toward the rocky cliffs that jutted up out of the forest. It was nearing sundown when the ground started climbing steeply upward. Boulders that had tumbled down from the cliff face studded the landscape. It seemed like a good place to find moths.
The sun set, and the moon rose before I saw so much as a flitting wing. Then, with moonlight flooding between the trees, I started seeing little flickers of movement. Moths were crawling out from cracks in the rocks and setting out to do whatever it was moths did.
It was easy enough to catch a few of them before they could get airborne. I trapped them in a scrap of cloth, and started the long journey back home.
The next morning, I woke up late, unused to the luxury of sleeping on an actual bed. I puttered about, making breakfast, while I debated what to do with the moths. It didn’t take a genius to know dosing someone with moth dust was unethical, but on the other hand, it wasn’t like I’d be ordering Kitana to do anything she wouldn’t do on her own.
The delicate moths hadn’t survived the trip home in my pocket, which was just as well. I crushed them to a paste and spread it out on a shingle to dry in the sun. I took a trip down to the pond to swim and get clean, and by the time I got back, the moth paste was dry and powdery.
Perfect. I felt myself starting to get hard as I contemplated what I would do with Kitana when she returned in two days. What I really needed was some proper furniture. Fucking the girl over the table was fun, but not particularly ergonomic for either of us. I wanted a way to tie her up properly, and that meant a saddle bench of some sort.
Back to woodworking, then. I had an idea of what I wanted in my head, but my limited experience in making furniture wasn’t allowing me to produce the results I wanted. My measurements were off, the angles weren’t lining up, and I couldn’t get anything smooth enough to avoid splinters.
Finally, frustrated with my lack of progress, I decided I needed help. It was evening when I made it back to town, and I found Tina outside her furniture shop, in the process of locking up.
“Hey, Tina!” I called to her. “I know you’re closing for the day, but I’ve got some furniture questions.”
The slim girl gave me a beaming smile. “I love furniture questions! How can I help?”
I opened my mouth, then realized there wasn’t any good way to describe what I was trying to build without also describing what I’d be using it for. “Um, it’s complicated,” I said lamely.
She gave me a sympathetic nod and rested her hand on my arm. “Woodworking can be like that,” she assured me. “Don’t worry, we’ll sort it out! Once you know the tricks, everything gets much easier. I could come by your house tomorrow, if you like. It’s my day off.”
“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“Of course! Think of it as a welcome home gift. I’ll see you tomorrow!”
I thanked her and waved goodbye, trying to keep the grin off my face. Tina was going to be shocked when she learned what I was trying to make, but at least we wouldn’t be in public for her to make a scene.
I spent the rest of the evening getting a new batch of lumber cut out and roughly dimensioned so tomorrow would go smoother, then went to bed. The next day, I was out in front of my house checking over my wood pile when I saw Tina coming up the path.
I waved at her, and she returned it cheerfully. She had on a dress that came down to mid-calf in a bright floral pattern that brought out the blue of her eyes, and she carried her leather work apron bundled up under one arm.
“Good morning, Tina,” I smiled at her and gestured toward my stack of rough boards. “I hope you don’t mind getting splinters. I’m still kind of new at this.”
“Every splinter is just an incentive to get a better finish on the next board! I don’t mind them at all. So, what are we working on?”
“Well,” I hedged. “It’s mostly in my head, I guess. Something to sit on. It’s hard to describe.”
Tina clucked her tongue. “That’s your first mistake. New plans are always easier to make once you draw them out. Why don’t you sketch it out for me?”
This was the moment of truth. I fetched a few pieces of peeled bark and a blackened stick to draw with, and sat down at my rough table with Tina. I started sketching, then saw there was a stain on the table next to Tina’s elbow, where Kitana had dripped from her wet pussy. I felt myself getting hard. I was abruptly more interested in the way Tina’s breasts pushed against the fabric of her dress than in the bench I was trying to draw.
“What a curious piece of furniture,” Tina said wonderingly. “I think I see what you’re trying to make. You would sit here, and lean forward? I guess these would be handholds, and these footrests?”
I let her take the sketch from me, trying not to feel nervous. “That’s right. And adjustable, if possible.”
“It wouldn’t be too hard to do this. I have to ask, because I’ve never seen something like this before. What is it for?”
“It’s, um…” my mind raced as I tried to come up with an explanation other than, ‘to tie Kitana down so I can fuck her more easily’. “A chiropractic bench. To help relax your muscles after a hard day’s work.”
Tina tilted her head to the side, a small frown on her face. “I would think this seat angle would be too high, then? It would make your back bend and your hips stick up high, wouldn’t it?”
I caught the grin before it began. She really was totally innocent. “That’s why it’s adjustable,” I lied.
“Oh, right. I suppose that’s so! Well, I think we have enough here to get started! I bet we could have this built before noon.”
That seemed optimistic to me, but she was the pro. I followed her out to my workbench, and we started laying out cuts. It quickly became apparent that Tina outstripped my woodworking ability by several orders of magnitude. Her saw cuts were clean and precise, her measuring and marking swift and accurate.
A project that would have taken me all day just to fail again, we had almost finished in two hours. The last step was making it adjustable. I was using an augur to bore out holes for the adjustable foot pegs when Tina brushed her hand across her forehead and leaned back with a sigh.
“Once you finish that hole, it’ll be all done. I’d love to try it out when we finish. I could sure use some relaxation!”
“Yeah, that’d be great,” I said, hiding my smile. “You could be the first person to try.”
She laughed happily. “This is thirsty work. You have water inside, right?”
I nodded. “There’s a jug on the counter, fresh from the spring this morning.”
“Perfect. I’ll be right back.”
I nodded, and leaned into the augur, drilling the hole deeper. The bit was sharp, and flakes of wood peeled out of the hole with every turn of the handle. Then I heard a crash from inside, and Tina gave a cry of surprise.
I jumped up and ran to the door, worried that she had somehow hurt herself. I found her sitting on the floor next to the broken jug, her floral dress soaked from the waist down.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
Tina gave me an embarrassed smile. “Sorry, I seem to have broken your jug. I’ll replace it. I just got a little dizzy for a moment. I should have taken a water break sooner! It’s hot out.”
She started to get up, and reached up to the counter to pull herself to her feet. Her hand came down on the shingle covered in moth powder, and her effort to stand dragged the shingle off the counter. It flipped down and smacked her square in the face. Powder burst over her and she coughed as she breathed it in.
“Oh! I’m so clumsy! Sorry, Mister Jack!”
I held my breath and backed up to the doorway. “It’s no big deal, Tina. Really.”
Tina made it to her feet and brushed at her clothing. “What is this stuff? It tastes funny.”
“Rock moth powder.”
The girl’s hands froze mid-brush and she stared at me, her blue eyes huge. “What?” she asked in a tiny voice.
I could see her pupils beginning to swell as the powder took hold. Her nipples were standing proud against her wet dress already.
“Tina, listen to me,” I said calmly. “You’re going to be fine. It should only last for a few hours.”
“Oh no,” she whispered. “No, no, no!”
“Yes. It wasn’t meant for you, but here we are. Take a deep breath and stay calm.”
She complied, breathing in deeply, and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, the panic was starting to fade, and a fresh blush was rising in her pale cheeks. “Mr. Jack, I think I’m starting to feel better.”
“Good.” I was hard as a rock and my pants were uncomfortably confining. “I’m afraid I lied earlier, Tina. What we made isn’t a chiropractic bench.”
Tina walked to the doorway and squinted as the bright sun stabbed at her flared pupils. “What is it, then?”
“It’s a bondage bench. Do you want to try it out, still?”
“Bondage? Like…” her voice dropped to a throaty whisper. “Sex stuff?”
“Yes. Exactly.”
She looked at me, her eyes huge. “I’m a virgin, Mr. Jack. I’ve been saving myself for marriage!”
I was surprised. She had made it to her early twenties without getting fucked? With an ass like hers? Well, those plans were about to get ruined. “I promise you, Tina. I won’t fuck your pussy until you ask me to.”
She gulped. “What… what if I don’t want to?”
I stepped up close to her, wondering how suggestive the dust had made her. If I said the wrong thing, I might mess things up. Better to just feel my way carefully. “Sex is wonderful, Tina. You’ll love the things I can do to you.”
Her breathing was a little ragged now, and she looked up at me with color high in her cheeks. “Yes. It is wonderful.”
“You won’t regret anything that happens today, and you’ll want more.”
“I’m going to want more,” she murmured in agreement.
“Help me carry the bench inside. We wouldn’t want you to get sunburned.”
“Okay. Sunburn is bad.”
I led her out to the bench, and she stooped down to help pick up her end. For such a small girl, she had a lot of strength in her. We got the bench maneuvered through the door and into my little house. It filled the open floorspace, and I realized I’d have to build an addition at some point.
I turned to shut the door, and when I came back, Tina had her leather work apron off and was undoing the buttons down the front of her dress.
“I’m so hot, Mr. Jack,” she said softly.
I watched as her dress dropped to the floor. Her tits were small but perfect, and sported long, dark nipples. She didn’t have much body fat, and I could see the outline of her abdominal muscles shift as she brushed a hand up her flank.
“You’re beautiful,” I told her.
Tina blushed and bit her lip. “Thank you, Mr. Jack.”
“Get on the saddle,” I said gruffly.
She blinked at the change in my voice, and hurried to comply. I socketed the footrests in place, and adjusted them upward until her hips were tilted back. The design of the seat had her legs spread, baring her pussy to the cool air. She had a wispy public bush, the golden hairs almost invisible against her skin.
“Are you comfortable like that?” I asked her.
“I feel very naughty,” she giggled. “You can see everything, can’t you?”
I could. The pink star of her asshole was directly on a level with my hips, slightly turned up to my gaze. “And I like everything I see. Let’s adjust your handholds, now.”
Tina helped me get the handholds pushed into place, and she leaned forward, almost lying horizontal with her face at the same height as her hips. The bench gave her support at the shoulders and waist, but left her breasts hanging down without interference. I brushed my fingers against her nipple and she twitched in surprise, then let out a breathy moan.
“Oh! That feels good!”
I grinned. “You like it, don’t you?”
“I like it,” she agreed eagerly.
“Good. You’re going to like this too.” I went to my shelf and retrieved the neatly coiled rope sections.
“What are those for?” she asked.
“This is a bondage bench, Tina. I’m going to tie you down.”
She stared at me for a long moment, then swallowed and nodded. “I’d like that.”
“I thought you would. This won’t take but a second.”
I lashed her wrists to the handholds, then shifted around to repeat the process on her ankles, then again at her knees. When I finished, she couldn’t move more than an inch or two in any direction.
“Mm. This is comfortable,” Tina murmured. “But I’m still so hot!”
“I have something that can help with that.” I stood up behind her and stripped out of my clothes. My aching dick swung free, as hard as I’d ever felt it. Maybe I hadn’t avoided all of the moth powder myself.
When I came around to Tina’s front, she sucked in a breath when she saw I was naked. “Oh, Dragon. That’s big!” Her arm twitched as she tried to reach up and touch my dick, but was stopped by the bonds.
“Have you ever sucked a dick, Tina?”
She shook her head no.
“You will like doing it. Open your mouth.”
Tina’s mouth felt hot around my cock as I pushed it past her teeth. She moaned happily as I sank down to her tonsils, then she coughed as my head hit the back of her throat. Her back arched as she tried to escape, then she pushed her head forward eagerly to try again.
“Relax your throat. Swallow. You don’t need to gag.”
The angle was right, but try as I might, I couldn’t get my dick to fit down Tina’s throat. The girl was just too petite. Maybe in time she could learn to relax enough, but even with the powder coursing through her, she couldn’t manage it.
I drew out reluctantly. “That isn’t going to work. Do you want me to fuck you yet?”
Tina looked up at me with her watering blue eyes and shook her head no. “This is fun, Mr. Jack, but I don’t want that.”
“Hmm.” For some reason I was reluctant to just order her to accept it. Corrupting Tina felt like a challenge I had to overcome myself, without the help of a drug. I walked around behind her and knelt down. Her cunt was at a perfect height, and I could see the nub of her clit peeking out from the top of her pussy.
She glistened with her arousal, and the aroma wafting from her made me suddenly hungry. I leaned in and started eating her out. Tina cried out and tried to press back into my mouth, but couldn’t move more than an inch. I pushed my tongue into her cunt, and felt the delicate membrane of her virginity. She hadn’t been lying about that.
Tina’s moans filled the house as I licked down to her clit and lapped at it gently. She was much more sensitive than Kitana, and just a few brushes of my tongue was enough to set her off. Tina shook and screamed as an orgasm washed over her.
“Ohhhh!” she moaned once it was over. “What was that?!”
“You’ve never had an orgasm before?” I asked in disbelief.
“Is that what that was? Oh, Dragon, that felt amazing!”
“You can also orgasm from having sex. Even better.”
There was a moment of tense silence, then Tina shook her head. “Oh gosh. Can’t you just do that again?”
She had come so quickly from my first efforts that my neck wasn’t uncomfortable yet. I shrugged. “Sure, but let’s mix it up.”
I tongued at her slit for a few minutes, making her squirm and moan happily. Then I straightened up a bit and pressed my tongue against her asshole. Tina gasped. “Oh! Don’t do that! That’s dirty!”
“But if it feels good,” I said, “I don’t mind.”
“Ooooh. Okay. If you don’t mind, you can lick there. It does feel good. Ah!”
I spread her ass cheeks with my hands and pushed my tongue as deep into her sphincter as I could. Her hot insides flexed around my tongue as I wiggled it and the muscles in her thighs went tight.
“OH! Dragon!”
I attacked her ass with gusto, making my tongue stiff and plunging it repeatedly into her ass. Then I reached under her with a hand and gently massaged the skin right above her clit. She was too sensitive for direct stimulation, but the combined efforts of my tongue and fingers was enough to drive her crazy.
Tina fought against her bonds as she shook through another wrenching orgasm, then she slumped against the bench, panting and whimpering. “Oh, oh, oh! That was so good! I love this bench!”
“You can come by and use it any time you like,” I said. “There’s one more place that I can give you orgasms from.”
“Where? You have so much knowledge, Mr. Jack!”
“I can fuck your ass.”
Tina turned her head back to look at me, wide-eyed. “You can? People do that?”
“You’ll love it,” I grinned. “Just relax. It might hurt at first, but you’ll get used to it quickly.”
Her flared pupils stared back at me for a long moment, then she nodded. “I’ll love it. I loved your tongue there.”
“Good! Just one second.”
I leaned over to the counter and grabbed the little bottle of oil I used for cooking. I pushed two fingers into Tina’s ass, and she squealed, then moaned. “I love it!”
I shook my head in bemusement. This moth powder was some good shit. No wonder that book had been in the forbidden section. I spread my fingers a bit and her asshole gaped wide enough for me to pour a liberal amount of oil directly into her ass. Tina giggled at the sensation, then moaned as I pulled my fingers out.
“Here comes my dick,” I said. “I’ll go slow at first, so you can adjust.”
I gave my dick a quick splash of oil, then pressed the head against her asshole. I could feel her sphincter open up willingly as Tina relaxed, following the commands I had given her. It took some effort still, but I managed to push the head of my dick two inches into her ass. Then I stopped and leaned over her slender back.
“How does that feel?”
“So tight,” she moaned. “It hurts, but it’s already getting better.”
I stroked a hand down her ribs, dragging my nails against her skin. Goosebumps raised along her flank and I felt her sphincter flex on the head of my dick. I grunted and reached around for her breast. Her nipple was long enough to stick through my fingers. Even hanging down, her tits weren’t big enough to fill my hand all the way.
It was all I could do not to flex my hips and slam myself into Tina’s ass. I focused on her nipple, rolling it between my fingers and tugging it away from her chest. She moaned and tilted her head back to look at me. Her eyes were shocked wide open and she panted with her tongue hanging out of her mouth.
“It is starting to feel good, Mr. Jack,” she whimpered.
“Good girl,” I grunted. “I’m going to give you a little more now. Take a deep breath.”
I waited for her to breathe in, then I flexed my hips forward. She had loosened enough for me to slip in another two inches, then her ass tightened on me again, dragging me to a stop. The breath she had taken whooshed out of her and her brow furrowed in pain.
“Oh, Dragon. It hurts, but it feels so good! You’re so deep in me!”
Point of fact, I still had half my dick outside of her, but, like they say, one step at a time. I leaned forward a bit more and caught the point of her long ear in my teeth. Tina went stiff as a board and flexed her back beneath me. I could feel her muscles trembling and a high-pitched cry wrenched from her throat.
Holy shit. This slut had sensitive ears. I felt her opening her ass again, and I pushed forward. This time, I didn’t stop until I was all the way into her, balls deep in her ass. She shuddered and sobbed out a moan, half pain and half pleasure.
“That’s it, girl,” I growled. “Take my cock!”
“I love it,” she moaned. “I love it, I love it, I love it!”
I pulled out a few inches and slid back in, still moving with slow patience. Tina bucked beneath me, fighting the ropes as she wailed. Her insides were hot and tight around me, and her sphincter was like a vise at the base of my dick.
As she grew accustomed to having eight inches of hard dick up her ass, she started to relax more, and her panting whines turned to delicious moans of lust. I started moving faster, and Tina pushed back against me, eagerly taking my cock.
“Yes,” she panted. “Yes! Harder! I love it! I want to orgasm again!”
“Good girl,” I grunted. I let go of her tit and straightened up so I could grab onto her tiny little ass. My cock looked impossibly large sliding into her. If I wasn’t actively fucking her, I wouldn’t have thought it possible.
Slowly, I drew out until just the head was still inside her. Tina moaned, babbling as she begged me to fuck her more. I slammed forward and she squealed, rearing back as far as her bonds would let her. I braced myself on her hips and started fucking her hard.
Tina’s words broke up into nonsense as she was jolted against the bench. Her head wobbled loosely on her neck as her tiny body took the pounding I was giving it. I saw her toes curl, then the muscles in her thighs went rigid.
I could feel her asshole clamping down on me, and it became difficult to slide back and forth, even with the oil coating her insides. The sensation was starting to push me over the edge, and I gritted my teeth, holding back my rising cum. Tina flexed her back and her knuckles went white on the handholds. Then her head fell back and she let out a piercing scream.
I came hard in her ass, shooting stream after stream of cum into her bowels as she shook through her orgasm. I drained my load into her, pressed as deep into her ass as I could reach. Eventually, the pressure of her ass was too much for my sensitive dick, and I pulled out of her slowly.
Tina’s gaping asshole flexed open and closed repeatedly as her orgasm sent aftershocks through her. I slumped back against the counter, panting after breath. A small bubble of my cum rose up out of her asshole and dripped slowly down the side of her leg.
I startled as my door banged open. Kitana stood in the doorway, her face flushed and an excited smile on her face. She had a bundle of carrots clutched in her hand.
“Master Jack! I’m on my lunch break, and I thought we could…” she trailed off as she took in Tina tied to the bondage bench, her gaping asshole clearly visible from the doorway.