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Val goes home late at night through a dark forest on a dirt road. As her car breaks down she quicklöy notice she is not alone.
Hello there everyone!

I usually don’t write that much but wanted to give it a go, this is my first time writing something I publish so I hope you can all forgive for any bad grammar (English is not first language)

Anyway I hope you all can enjoy and share with me in my kind of kink

---Val and the Beast---

The headlights on her car was blinking, and the high beams she had on was barley shining a way forward into the dark.

Val hated this car and could not wait until she able to afford to get a new one.

This car was really a Frankenstein on wheels, it wasn’t really a singular car brand but most of them built into one.

If she had known what a piece of shit it was she would not have gotten it in the first place, but as she remember the crippling debts she was in she knew this was probably as good as she could get here as she got it next to free.

Still it was so unreliable, as she now was going up a hill the care was misfiring badly and at one point she was sure it would break down.

She over and over again prayed to whatever god or gods that would listen to her for her car not to break down here.

As reached the top she sighed in relief for another successful climb, getting stuck out here in the middle of nowhere on a dirt road in a dark forest was the best place to be stuck.

She tired to dodge all the potholes and rock spread all over the road, she suddenly felt that she bumped into something hard but choose to keep going as she was sure it was nothing.

The sudden violent vibrating of the car caused her to stop quite quick. Val swore to herself, wondering what was wrong this time as something always seemed to be wrong with this car. Tired she pulled to the side of the road safely. She hoped it was not what she thought it was as she didn’t want to stay here for much longer. The night was so dark and she was so far away from another person right now, she hoped she would not be stranded here as not even during the day the chances of someone passing by was almost zero.

She got out of her car and turned on her flashlight. The night was darker than usual tonight as the flashlight barley lit the way forward. She closed the door and started to inspect her the front tire. The tire was already shredded to her surprise, she had not driven that far after she felt the shaking. As she looked closer she noticed something sticking out of the tires, she careful reached for it and with a little force pulled it out.

She wasn’t sure what it was, but thought to herself it looked like black spikes. She wondered to herself if she had hit some animal, but could not remember what animals had this kind of small black spikes.

As she felt the cold creeping in she threw the spikes away and quickly went to the back to get the spare wheel so she could set off as soon as possible. She reached for the handle and pulled it, but to her annoyance nothing happened. She pulled more and more, harder and harder trying to get the trunk to open. She started to swear as she was getting more and more angry with this car as something always seemed to be broken.

She froze in place and stood up straight as she heard a roar behind her. With her body shaking she slowly turned around and stared into the darkness. She felt the fear spreading through her body as she stared more into it. In a full panic she ran for her door, but in her panic she could not get it open as she fumbled with the handle. She heard another roar and spun around, she carefully aimed her flashlight into the darkness. She could barley see anything in the barley light darkness stretching before her.

As she stood there shaking she suddenly thought she saw something, she tried to squint her eyes and made out what looked like a pair of yellow eyes moving closer to her. She leaned a bit forward to try to get a better view of them, but suddenly she noticed them came at her at high speed. Like shooting out of the darkness something she had never seen before jumped out toward her. It was bulky and muscular, a bit larger than a human with flesh colored red. Its head was large, skull like looking with a row of sharp large yellow teeth lining up in an evil smile with spike like quills standing from the top like its hair.

It grabbed her and slammed her into the car, its strong hands grabbing around her arms and continuing slamming her body violently into the side of her car. She felt the air get knocked out of her as it finally slammed her stomach first into the driver door. With is long claw like shaped fingers it started to rip through her pants, leaving scratches on her ass and legs. She tried to turn around and resist the monster, but it quickly tore through her cloths, leaving her entire underside naked and exposed. With one hand on her back pushing her body into the car the other hand forcefully grabs her head and slams it into the roof of her car. The monster let out a massive spine chilling roar that left her frozen in fear. As she was stunned the monster took its opportunity and thrusted its entire body forward, slamming its heavy body into hers and pining her against the car as its massive member pushed against her pussy. As it continued to push its body forward its cock started to get pushed into her. It was massive, bigger than anything she had ever taken or would ever think about taking in her life. The monster braced its leg into the ground and thrusted again hard into her. Val screamed out in pain, its was only half way in but the pain was so intensive she thought she was going to pass out. But she wouldn’t, Val had always been a big dick lover but this was on a whole new level, and something to painful for her body to ignore. It started to move, back and forward at a fast and steady pace. Each thrust going deeper into her, each thrust elevating the pain but also bringing some unimaginable pleasure.


She yelled out in desperation, but either the beasts didn’t care or didn’t understand her as each thrust just took it deeper and deeper inside her.

Her pleading stopped as it was replaced by her load moans. The pain was so intensive, but she felt an otherworldly pleasure she could not understand. The beast was now deep inside her, each thrust ramming into her cervix. Each thrust sending waves of pain and pleasure that made her entire body feel weak.

She felt herself being driven inside by it, a wonderful mixture of agony and pain that started to betray her body as she felt so intensive simulations from it. She could not resist the beast anymore as her pussy was dripping while her body was shaking from the orgasm she was achieving. Her pussy started to cramp down on the beasts cock, but it did not hinder the speed and pace from it. She felt so shamed and violated, yet she begs for the beast to rape her even more. She was sure the beast could feel her pleasure as it let out more loud groans its saliva was drooling down her back.

Every last drop of resistance in her body was driven out of her. She felt how his massive cock that felt like it was growing slowly for each thrust had slowly broken her.

Suddenly she felt a change in the monster. The beast was driving itself deeper into her, each thrust forcing its tip into her womb little by little. She could just feel it, she didn’t know how she knew but she just knew it was close to finishing


Her voice was so weak and broken as she tried to plead with the beast. She had no idea what it was or even if it was from this world, but a new fear spread inside her.

She was so weak but tried to fight him, but her body was so weak at this state it did nothing to stop him. She was starting to panic, again she didn’t know how but she knew it would impregnate her.

An ear deafening roar was let out by the monster as he one last time slammed his entire body weight down on her now weak and broken body. She almost felt herself pass out from the pain as his tip now forced itself into her womb.

It came, not several short shots into her, but a long massive stream of cum steady pumped directly into her womb. She clenched her fists and bit her lip wishing for it to stop, but it would not stop.

The steady stream of hot thick cum pumped into her womb, slowly inflating her belly.

After what felt like an eternity the monster quickly pulled his cock out of her and roared as it sprinted back into the darkness.

Val had no legs to stand on anymore as she slumped down on the road next to her car. Her arm was trembling as she laved her hand on her stomach.

She could not believe the sight before her as she looked down on her inflated belly, filled with so much cum and looking like she was several months pregnant.

She continued to slump down until she lay on the ground next to her car. She had no more energy to move as her body was still felling the pain and pleasure from its cock.

Not only that, inside her womb she could feel his cum move. She held her belly as she could fell millions of its sperm swarming her egg and trying to impregnate it.

In her final moments before she passed out she felt it, one of its millions of spears thrusting into her egg, impregnating her.


2024-10-23 23:12:43
Excellent story for your first time. You wrote this in a second language as well. Bravo! please write more.

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