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Little fantasy story I wrote, taking inspiration from others on this site. Hope you all enjoy xx
Sophie woke up feeling warm and nurtured, as if her whole body was at peace. She could feel the wolf still embracing her, its large paws reaching around her and covering her breasts. Between her legs, she could feel stickiness of the wolfs cock which was covered in both precum and her own secretions from her ovulating vagina. It was resting against the entrance to her pussy, where it had been all night. Sophie felt glad and reassured by this, that both her and the wolfs mating parts had got to know each other during the night and were now completely familiar with each other. She reached her hand down and felt around her pussy and his cock and felt the stickiness. She then brought her hand up to her nose to smell and the scent was of pure sex. The wolf had woken at this stage and was lazily licking Sophie's neck and back, taking in more of taste and scents. Sophie could feel her stomach tighten and rumble, but this time not exactly out of lust. She hadn't eaten properly since she found herself in this strange land, and today that would have to change.


She needed some nutrition to set her up for the day and realised there was a source quite close to her. A wicked thought entered Sophie's mind as she crawled out from where she and the wolf lay. The wolf was still lying there, and Sophie got down in front of him. Their eyes locked together, and Sophie was looking at him in pure lust. She folded her arms under her boobs and posed with them at the big wolf, who responded by licking his lips. She then leaned back, bringing her hands up to play with her hair and pushed her chest out at the wolf, who began to stir at this sexual display. Sophie then leaned forward and presented the wolf with her boobs, and he needed no second invitation. The wolf reached in with his snout and began sniffing and lapping away with his rough tongue at Sophie's amazing tits. The wolf was licking deeply and thoroughly around Sophie's nipples which responded by hardening and then he went in and under her boobs, making sure to get the sweat which had built up there. Sophie giggled and was rubbing around the wolfs head with her hands, reassuring him as he went to work on her breasts.


While the wolf was mesmerized by Sophie's amazing tits, she took the opportunity to look down and over at his wild cock. She saw it was peeking out from its sheath and hardening in response to the pheromones the wolf was taking in from her bosom. Her plan was working, she thought. Sophie then pulled the wolf up and looked into his eyes, a knowing and lust filled look. The wolf licked his chops, and Sophie went down and moved under him. His cock was straining and pulsing, almost afraid at what she was going to do with it. This made Sophie more determined as she moved in, grabbing her lovers’ wild penis from just behind its base in a firm grip. She could hear the wolf panting and knew she had him in her power. His senses had been flooded with the scent of Sophie's breasts and now she was down there, inspecting his cock. Sophie then opened her mouth wide and moved her luscious lips over his throbbing member, lapping away at the tapered head as she did so.


The wolf winced at this touch, whining slightly as Sophie suckled and licked his sensitive cock. She was determined now, on a mission for this wolfs hot load. She thought back to the night before, how she believed this wolf had been saving his cum just for her, and she needed it now more than anything. Her administrations to this cock were having the desired effect as more of it grew out from its sheath. It was truly massive, Sophie thought. It must have been at least 11” fully erect and she felt every inch of that locked and cumming inside her the previous night. She kept up her assault on the wolf's cock, sucking and licking with purpose and now the knot began to form. The wolf's hind legs were shifting and bucking, not knowing what to do with the sheer pleasure Sophie's mouth and tongue were doing to his cock. Sophie cupped the knot with her free hand and began to gently stroke and squeeze it ever so lightly. The penis was flexing and pulsing in her mouth as she swallowed as much precum as she could. The wolf's whining grew more and more intense as the natural conclusion was drawing near. He couldn't do anything about this lusty female who was under him and having her way with his intimate parts. His tongue was lolling out of his mouth as he gave in to her, feeling suction and lapping at his cock and in complete bliss.


Sophie knew exactly where this was heading and redoubled her efforts, she needed her wolf to cum and pump his load into her mouth. The wolf gave out a deep, sustained whine and Sophie felt the knot bulge in her hand and then the wild, hot penis pulsed and flexed and then jet of his delicious cum unloaded in her mouth. Sophie swallowed it all and the wolf's cock pulsed and flexed again, sending another jet of cum down her throat. Sophie kept up the suckling as the wolf whined and howled pumping jet after jet of his hot semen into her mouth while she lapped away. The wolf was cumming so hard and so much was coming out that Sophie, try as she might, couldn't swallow it all. Some leaked from the sides of her mouth and then she accidently gagged a moment and released the cock from her mouth in order to swallow it all. As she did, the wolf's wild red cock pulsed and a massive jet of his cum landed flush on Sophie's face. Sophie was surprised by this and then another jet of cum splashed onto her face and began to dribble down and onto her breasts. She quickly got a hold of herself and latched her mouth back around the wolf's cumming penis and sucked more and more of his cum out of him. The wolf was in a daze, mewling and whining as Sophie continued to drink his cum. She loved the saltiness of it and how liquidy it was. The wolf was panting now as Sophie sucked and licked, his cock now eternally flexing and cumming into her mouth.


Sophie kept this up as long as she could, trying to get as much of the nutritious cum out of the wolf as possible. The knot began to shrink though, and Sophie could taste less and less semen shoot out from it. Eventually, after a few dry pulses in which nothing came out, Sophie relented and released her hold of his cock. The wolf whined and almost collapsed down beside her; his sensitive cock still exposed to the world. Sophie licked her hands, savouring the cum that had spilled there, before returning to the cock. She crawled over and on top of the wolf and wanted to be sure and began cleaning around the sides of the shaft, getting the last remnants of cum out from him. She returned to the head and placed her mouth over it. Again, the wolf whined, and his legs bucked and kicked up in the air. Sophie sucked and licked, getting every possible drop she could out from the wolf's massive cock as it beat a retreat back to its sheath. When she was satisfied, she kissed the very tip and smiled. She then stood up, basking in the morning air. The wolf's semen had dried onto her face and breasts, but she didn't care. She took it as a sign of their connection and would gladly let him drown her in his cum. She knew the nutrition it provided was a stop gap though. She needed a proper meal, and soon.




With the wolf laying prone and dozing, dreaming probably of mounting lusty bitches in the forest, Sophie got dressed into her now dried clothes and decided to look for a proper meal. The wolfs cum was nutritious enough, but Sophie knew she needed more, and soon. She set off and decided to go back towards the river where the best chance of finding something to eat was. Again, Sophie wanted to follow it downstream, hopefully towards some form of civilisation where there might be foodstuffs and shelter. Continuing down, she still found no sign of civilization, but the foliage was getting denser and there seemed to be a lot more flowering plants. In the late morning sun, Sophie could still smell the wolfs cum which had dried on her face and breasts. It empowered her, made her feel confident and was definitely turning her on more. She was in the last day of her ovulation cycle, and she could feel the wetness build up there the more she thought about the previous night. How the wolf defended her from the bear and stood guard for her, their unsaid bond based on the chemical signals both were giving off and then finally, their eventual mating. It had all felt so right, so natural and ever so erotic. Her pussy contracted a tiny bit as she thought of the wolf knotting her and pumping his load into her. Her mouth went dry dreaming of that, but as she rounded the bend of the river, something caught her eye.


Right there, was a row of bushes with what appeared to be blue fruit on them. She ran over to them in her excitement and knelt down to inspect them. Blueberries! Sophie knew exactly what they were as back home, before whatever this was, she would have them daily with her oatmeal at breakfast. Gently taking one, she put it up to her mouth and took a small bite, just in case. They were blueberries alright. Sophie began to pick them as fast as possible, stopping only to pop one into her mouth. They were so sweet and chewy, just ripe she thought. Soon she had filled the pockets of her lab coat, and she then laid it out and began to gorge on them. She had seen that there was a big line of these bushes, so didn't care to moderate her intake. She had a rough day yesterday and a night of hot, heavy sex so she was ravenous. As she ate though, she knew that the blueberries were making a mess on her hands and face, with some even dribbling down her cleavage. After she felt like she had eaten enough, the thought of bathing entered her mind. She was dirty, sweaty and her face and hands were a mess. She knew she had to take care of herself every chance she got as who knew when she would be rescued or even if she could find any form of civilisation. Looking around, she saw no sign of any bears or other possible dangers, so Sophie stripped off and dipped into the river.


As she waded into the river, she could feel how cold it is and how unused to the temperature her body was. She had found this whenever she swam at the beach and knew she was best off just diving in and dunking herself under so her body could adjust to the temperature. Taking a deep breath and making sure the river was deep enough, Sophie dove in. It was so cold! She thought, but knew she would adapt. She took some gulps of the water too, knowing that from yesterday it seemed good enough to drink and the water was very clear in this section of the river. Her body began to adjust, and Sophie began to enjoy the experience more and began swimming around playfully. She noticed some rocks downstream and swam over to them. It felt so good and so liberating, swimming nude in the river. Just her and the elements around her and a sense of belonging washed over her. The sun was beaming down and there was a gentle breeze and sense of calm washed over Sophie. Approaching the rocks though, she noticed something between two of them. It appeared cylindrical in shape and was made of wood, but definitely not something you'd find in a tree. Coming closer, she thought she saw something inside it too, blocked at one end. When she got close enough, she saw it was a fish, wriggling against the end which had been trapped off. A jolt hit Sophie; this was manmade! It was a trap used to hunt fish and it had indeed caught something. Carefully, Sophie picked it up, noticing the weight and how well made it was. There was no string or anything modern on it, just wrapped in vines and other organic materials. Her luck was in, she thought. She would need to find a way to gut and cook this fish and she decided to take the trap too – hoping that whoever made it would understand her need.


Sophie swam back to where she had put her clothes, just under a rock to prevent them from blowing away. She waded out of the river and felt clean but suddenly so cold. Her body shivered and she felt her nipples stand on end and goosebumps cover her skin. Carefully putting the trap and the fish on the ground, Sophie tied her hair forward and began wringing it of water. Suddenly, she sensed something in the air. She looked up and there he was, the wolf, her wolf. He had something in his jaws, a hare or jackrabbit by the looks of it. Both of them had gotten lucky it seemed. Sophie froze under the gaze of the wolf, who dropped the now dead jackrabbit to the ground. Her nude body was being inspected by the wolf. Her chest was heaving with her juicy pink nipples pointed and super sensitive. Sophie's heart was pounding in her chest as she looked at the wolf. This was just like the day before, Sophie naked, wet and vulnerable and the wolf gazing at her. Her pussy was tingling, and she could feel her stomach tighten. Again, just like yesterday, the wolf sniffed the air towards her and approached. Sophie stood perfectly still as the wolf circled her, inspecting her body. Again, he stopped at Sophie's tight butt and began sniffing in at her. Sophie spread her legs slightly for the wolf and could feel the moisture build at the entrance to her fertile pussy. The wolf leaned in and again took a lick just at the top of her thigh. Sophie got it now, when the wolf did this yesterday, he had been tasting the secretions from her ovulating vagina, making sure he knew how to track her and protect her. This turned Sophie on even more, knowing that connection she had with the wolf was a deep, driven lust. The wolf circled in front of her, and again, moved his nose in towards Sophie's vagina and began sniffing, taking in her scent and what that was communicating to his brain. The wolf took a few steps back, his eyes locked on Sophie's mating parts. “Hello” Sophie said, breaking the silence. Then, with purpose, Sophie kneeled down. She could see it then, the wolf's dark red cock was peeking out of its sheath, flexing at her, needing her. She got down further, letting nature take its course, and got onto all fours. Her pussy was now dripping wet, expectant of that amazing wolf cock and knot, the need to breed taking over all aspects of her body.


The wolf stalked towards her, sniffing in towards that amazing pussy whose scents and flavours dominated his instincts. Sophie felt his cold nose go right in at her pussy and the wolfs heavy breath as it sniffed in deeply at her. There was something so amazing about this, she thought. How the bond between her and the wolf was based on their scents and how much the wolf enjoyed taking in hers. Then she felt it, that amazing, wide tongue as the wolf began lapping at her pussy. The wolf was relentless, digging his tongue deep into her folds and then strongly licking up and towards her asshole. Again, and again the wolf would go in, twisting his snout to get more purchase and angles of Sophie's dripping cunt. Sophie was writhing in ecstasy at this, a sharp squeal being exhaled from her lungs as her body unwittingly succumbed to orgasm. The wolf though wouldn't stop, he kept going, digging in at Sophie and drooling and slurping all around her labia and tickling her sensitive clit on occasion. It was almost as if the wolf was showing her something, his skill and dominance in pleasuring his mate, just as Sophie had done that morning. Maybe the fluids Sophie was secreting from her pussy was what he needed to nourish him, both of them trapped together in an endless cycle of lust.


Just as Sophie had rolled through her third or possibly fourth orgasm, the wolf stopped. Peeling himself away from Sophie's now ultra-sensitive pussy. He must have been coated in her scent and secretions, Sophie thought, turning her on more now, knowing just how much of an aphrodisiac this must be to the wolf. Just as she was regaining her breath though, the wolf mounted her. She could feel his weight and tried to support it, but buckled under, weak from the orgasms she had just gone through. This though turned into the wolf's advantage, as her pussy then pointed up and rubbed against his red, hard wolf cock. Just as nature intended, the wolf humped forward and entered into Sophie's furnace-like pussy. The air was pushed from Sophie's lungs as she felt that first push and throb of penetration. She tried to steady herself, but the wolf humped again, and again, and again. Sophie was prone now, ass and pussy up and face down in the grass and dirt as the horny wolf fucked her hard and heavy. She could feel the piston-like pumps filling her with more and more of his raging cock as her stomach tightened and her head was spinning in pleasure. No sooner than she could adjust though, she felt that familiar hard ball at the base of the wolf's cock try and drive into her. This jolted Sophie back to life as her lust demanded, needed the wolf to knot her, to lock herself to him and visa-versa and let the wolf cum deep into her and let his doggy semen hunt down her egg.


Pushing herself up, she arched deep and back, just as the wolf thrust forward and with a squeal, the knot pushed itself into its rightful place in her fertile pussy. Just like before, she now felt the wolf steady its humping. He was growling and shifting his paws around in satisfaction at this. Sophie could feel the knot begin to expand as the wolf humped forward more, ensuring the entirety of his penis was locked in Sophie's mating parts. She could feel those massive testicles rest against her now, once more ready to pump their load deep into her waiting uterus. There was that pinch, just at her cervix and then Sophie felt the red-hot wolf cock contract and then expand. The first jet of cum hit her hard, filling her insides with that liquidy warmth. Another orgasm built up in her as her hands gripped onto the grass and she felt that warmth and glow spread around her body just as the second jet of semen hit her. The wolf was panting hard and heavy, his cock flexing and grinding as it pumped Sophie full of semen. Sophie screamed in pleasure as again, another orgasm rocked her world, and the wolf kept pumping more and more of his cum into her. The knot, the wonderful knot, was flexing, contracting and expanding right there on her g-spot as Sophie's welcoming pussy demanded more and more from the wolf's now quivering testicles. A mating session this hard hadn't been on the cards for Sophie this morning, but now that she was here, beneath the big wolf as he pumped her full of his doggy cum, she didn't care about anything else. About finding civilisation, other people, a way out. This was what she now demanded. Hot passionate sex and all the wolf cum her body could take.


The wolf then did something unexpected. It began to twist around moving over Sophie while still locked and pumping cum into her. It's cock slightly twisted too, sending Sophie over the edge again, but now they were butt to butt, locked by the wolf's throbbing knot. Sophie thought this was so hot, how the wolf was now standing guard over her again as he bred her, on the lookout for any dangers or predators that would threaten his mate. The connection between Sophie and the wolf only grew from this, their compassion and lust symbolised in this act of sex. The wolf stood there, panting away as his cock spewed more cum into Sophie, who was now mewling and tingling in the sheer pleasure of it all. Her face in the grass and at one with nature, feeling the pulsing cock flex and contract at the pleasure of her warm pussy.


Sophie didn't know how much time had passed, the sex had been that good, but she felt again the wolf soften as the last of its load was expended in her. The wolf then shifted and with a soft plop, its sated cock was now released from her pussy. An emptiness hit Sophie, but it was replaced by the familiarity of that amazing tongue, which was now lapping away at her sensitive pussy, a way of saying thank you and to try and seal his cum inside her. Regaining her strength, Sophie then crawled over to her wolf's exposed and sensitive penis. It was almost like the wolf knew what was coming and was unable to stop this lusty female from having her way with him. Sophie grasped the base of his spent cock and then licked her lips. She opened her mouth and then lightly closed it around the tapered head of the wolfs penis. The wolf immediately began to whine. Again, Sophie started lapping away at the tapered head with her tongue while the cock was in her mouth and sucked ever so lightly. The wolf's hind leg began kicking again, unsure what to do with the pleasure of what Sophie was doing to his most sensitive parts. Sophie loved this, the taste, the connection, the control. Just what she was doing to such a powerful and amazing creature. She loved the taste of their combined juices and duly swallowed what she could, then began lapping up and down the sides of his penis, listening to his whining and mewling as a sign of affection and what she was doing. She sucked and licked more, ensuring that her wolf felt wanted and taken care of by her. She then moved off and lay back on her hands, her large breasts pushed out. The wolf turned and without a thought, began licking in at those amazing tits, across her sensitive nipples and around the sides, slavering over them as Sophie giggled and laughed at his touch.


This was it, Sophie thought. A life she had never expected, nor dreamed of. Her pussy was raw and full of doggy cum, and she and her attentive lover were out in the wilds, enjoying each other’s bodies – their scents and flavours. A true connection forming between them both. When the wolf had finished playing with her breasts, he began licking her face, kissing her with affection, but Sophie knew that if she stayed like this, and she very well could, that they wouldn't be able to eat or properly survive. Kissing the wolf on his snout, she got up and gathered her clothes and the trap with the now dead fish inside. Suddenly though, the wolf let out a bark and a growl. Sophie saw its ears stand on end and then she heard some rustling and movement from the long grass just downstream. Walking out from behind some trees, Sophie saw her. A woman was standing there. She seemed to have a two-part covering on made from hide or furs. Her hair was tinged blonde and wild, and her olive skin was covered in what seemed like paint in different markings. She was staring at Sophie's nude, just fucked body and seemed to be indicating something. She was pointing at the trap Sophie was holding. Thinking quickly, Sophie lowered the trap to the ground and held her hands up. “Hello?” Sophie said. “I'm sorry, I didn't know it was yours, I just...” but then woman cut her off. “Umm janga fetto!” she said, in an accent that Sophie didn't recognize at all. “Sorry, what?” Sophie responded. “Umm jango fetto! Mei runta fang!” the woman said, confusing Sophie even more. The woman stepped forward and Sophie's wolf began growling. Sophie saw that she was holding something, it seemed like a spear or weapon, she thought so started saying 'shhh' to the wolf to try and calm it. But then the wolf suddenly got down in a sitting position, its ears lowered and submissive. Then from around the back of this woman, Sophie saw another bigger, greyer wolf...


To be continued....



2025-01-21 03:50:11
More player comes to the scene. Please continue the story.


2024-10-29 14:55:25
I would recommend you add some balls and musk details. So far Mr. Wolf has a wonderful cock, but Ken Doll balls haha

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