Guy continues to deal with the situation at hand as Chelsea craves more.
About an hour later, Colton came by. He said, “It looks like we can send all the hands over to the Henrys tomorrow.”
“I called Lance about it, and he said tomorrow morning would be good; to have the men plan on being there around 9 and he would give them all directions as to where all the cattle were. So, are you going to ramrod them tomorrow?” I asked him.
“Yeah, I’ll go over with them, should make things work smoother. I’d better get going, I need to pick up Jennifer in about an hour, see ya tomorrow...oh, hi Chelsea, bye Chelsea.” he said as he went out the door.
“I guess I haven’t had the opportunity to tell you that Colton asked Jennifer to marry him. She wants to think about it. Colton said that she still felt close to her husband and didn’t want anyone to think she was rushing into another relationship too soon. I think that’s why he is in a hurry to go see her tonight...see if she has made her decision yet.”
“I sure hope she doesn’t string him along for a long time, that would be devastating for Colton. I guess, I need to call her and go out to lunch with her soon...I really like her.” Chelsea said to me.
I put General out into the back yard before we started dinner. “I think that we are going to need to work on this little problem with General. We can’t have him take you down every time he thinks he wants to fuck. It wouldn’t be good if he were to take down some woman guest that might stop by. I’ll work with his obedience training and see if maybe we can control him.”
“Jodi called today and wanted to know if we could get together for an evening soon. I told her I would talk it over with you. You wanna have them come to visit here this time, maybe this weekend on Saturday and Sunday?”
“I wouldn’t mind, but do you think you’re up for another marathon with Mark?” I asked her.
“Oh yes, now that I know what to expect, I think it will be easier. I was also thinking about maybe asking Cindy if she and Mike might like to come out on Saturday night too...what do you think about that idea. Maybe having a pool party would be fun. That way, we could all be together and keep an eye on each other...what do you think, too much?”
“No, I think that would be ok, but you need to call Jodi up and see how they feel about it, then ask Cindy what they think about it. I don’t know if any of them would be up for more people or not. I know I’d like to see Cindy with nothing on her but me. She is quite a looker and built like a brick shit house.”
“I’ve heard that Mike isn’t bad either...I was told his cock was like one of those summer sausages you see at the store. I’d like to try that out myself.” Chelsea giggled. “I’ll give them each a call tomorrow and see if I can get it set up. We will have to figure out something to do with General, he might try to get in on the action too.” she laughed again.
“I’ve been thinking about that since I got home, maybe I need to have a kennel built to put him in when we have company. That way there wouldn’t be any embarrassing situations that we didn’t plan on. I think I can get Meyers Fencing to get one put in before the weekend...I don’t think they are very busy right now...I’ll check it out in the morning.”
Every time I corrected or gave General a command, he did it right away. So, I think that maybe he thinks that Chelsea isn’t the boss, and he can do whatever he wants when I’m not around. I need to work on that situation, but I think a big, comfortable kennel needs to happen.
Chelsea went on to bed, she said she was tired out and wanted to get rested up for the weekend. I decided to watch an old western movie and just kick back. General curled up on the other end of the couch and snoozed.
It was a beautiful evening outside. The movie I was watching I had seen at least a dozen times throughout the years. General was sleeping soundly, snoring. I stepped out onto the patio and decided to go for a swim...the evening was so perfect. I stripped off my clothes and dove in. The water felt good. As I slowly swam on my back, I could see the billions of stars that all seemed to be shining brightly tonight. Ther were absolutely no clouds, so the sight was totally unobstructed. As I looked, I could see two or three satellites shining as they cross the night sky. The people in the city rarely ever see a sight that is commonplace here.
I heard something moving around the pool. I looked up and saw General standing at the side of the pool panting. “What do you want, dog? Are you a swimmer? I swam over to where the cement steps went down into the water. “Well, come on in boy, let’s see if you like the water. Slowly General tested the water and moved into the pool. Soon, he was paddling around in the water. We both stayed in the pool for close to 30 minutes more. When I got out, he did the same. He shook all the excess water off his body, then ran around the back yard as fast as he could run. I grabbed a towel from the hutch and dried off, then put my boxer briefs on. General continued to run around the yard and succeeded in drying himself off. We shut the house down and went to the bedroom. He got in his bed and went to sleep. I crawled in bed with Chelsea and quickly fell asleep also.
The thing about having a ranch is that you need to get up early because there is always something to get done, then something after that, something after that, and so on and so on. I love early morning, it’s cool and quiet. You can hear things several miles away, like the birds, the cattle lowing, the horses feeling frisky in the early morning air and all the other sounds that come from the wild animals that live here.
I left Chelsea sleeping when I came downstairs. I think this new lifestyle we are living is taking a toll on her energy. I wonder to myself sometimes if this is a passing fad or something that is going to become an integral part of our lives. I guess only time will tell. I must be honest, I’m not real crazy about several aspects of this lifestyle.
Don’t get me wrong, I like the strange pussy, but like a guy, I really don’t care for someone else fucking my wife...enjoying her virtues. Oh, I’m going to handle it because I do love Chelsea, and this is what she wants to do. I guess this is what you call a conundrum, damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
From the front windows of my home, I can see that the men are getting ready for the day. Colton will be taking them all over to the Henry ranch to help gather the cattle and get the head count. I hope they can complete it today so that we can keep moving forward on the purchase. I don’t want anything dragging this thing out. They are loading the horses in the trailers; I guess I will go out and talk to them all before they leave for the day.
Colton now has something better to work toward. He will soon have his piece of the pie, so to speak. “Morning, Colton, are all the men going over this morning?” I asked.
“Yeah, there’s nothing pressing around here, and I think with our crew and Henry’s crew we can get the round up done today. It will probably take most of the day tomorrow counting them all. Are the horses all being included in the sale?”
“Yes, Lance said he didn’t want to have to deal with any of the livestock, except the dog. I’ll be over after a while, Ed left me a message on my cell sometime last night, that he wanted me to stop by this morning to give him a little more information he needs for the contract. By the way, how did your date go last night, did she give you an answer?”
Colton smiled wide at me and said, “She sure did, it looks like I’m getting a wife. She said she is in love and doesn’t want to take the chance of losing her chance of happiness.”
“Congratulations, my friend, I’m happy for you. Any idea when the event will happen?”
“Nothing definite yet, but we’re looking at a couple of months from now. We need to go see her parents and tell them. That’s one thing I don’t have to worry’re the only family I have left, Guy. They live near Amarillo in a little town named Childress. I guess we’ll be going up there for a weekend soon. Hopefully, I can learn more about her past, she isn’t very free with that information, but it doesn’t really matter to me, we all have a past.”
“That’s a good way to look at it Colton, the past can’t be changed, it’s just that...the past. I’ll be seeing you later, the four of us will have to get together soon and’ll be on me. I think that Dancy’s Roadhouse is going to have a band soon, maybe we can go over there for drinks, dinner and dancing. I’d like to get to know Jennifer better.”
“You got it Guy, well we had better get on our way and get this thing done so we can get it closed. Talk to you later.”
I watched as the 4 trucks and trailers left the yard. The sun is just peeping up and the day has begun. As I walked back toward the house, Pedro showed up, nudging me as we walked along. I think this is the first time I’ve seen the little bastard without a hard on in a couple of weeks. I would imagine he is missing getting serviced by Chelsea since General showed up. I need to go by the fencing company while I’m in town and get a kennel installed.
I go to the kitchen to get another cup of coffee and find Chelsea doing the same. “Good morning, dear, did you get rested up?”
“Yes, I did, I don’t think I woke up all night, I feel much better this morning. What do you have going on today?”
“I got a voice mail from Ed; he needs to see me this morning to get more information for the contracts on Henry place. Then I’m going over to Myers Fencing and see if they can come out today and install a kennel for General...where’s he at?”
“Oh...he was in here sniffing my pussy again, so I put him out in the back yard. At least he listened to me this morning.”
“I think that’s where he needs to be during the day...oh this morning Colton told me that Jennifer said yes. They are looking at a couple of months till the wedding. He said they are going to go up to Childress and see her parents and tell them. He’s a happy guy. I told him that the four of us need to get together and celebrate their engagement, maybe over at Dancy’s when they have a band.”
“I’m up for that.... I’m very glad for him, I know we won’t be sorry for bringing him in on the ranch. I’m going to give her a call later and congratulate her. Reminds me, I need to make a few calls about this weekend and see if it is going to happen or not...I’ll let you know. Will you be home for lunch?”
“I doubt it, I’ll probably go over to Henry’s and see how the round up is going...I’ll have lunch over there with the guys. I’ll see you sometime after lunch. I need to work on the breeding books before we take over the Henry ranch. I’ll see you later.” I told her as I got ready to leave.
She kissed me and said, “See ya later cowboy.” Then slapped me on the ass.
As I left for town, Chelsea followed me out the front door. Pedro was still hanging out there. As I drove out, I could see that his cock had come to life when she came outside. It’s easy to see what he has on his mind...little bastard.
Town was busy when I got there. It didn’t take me long to finish at Ed’s office. He said he would have all the contracts ready as soon as he had the head count on the livestock.
I went over to Myers Fencing to check on getting a kennel built. Fred told me that he has a crew he can send out this afternoon and get started. He said they should be able to finish it sometime tomorrow afternoon. I stopped at the bank and talked to Harry to see how things are progressing there. He told me that everything was fine. The board is ok with moving forward.
I left there and headed out to Lance’s place. I was a little late for lunch. It won’t hurt me to miss a meal. Lance told me that they should have the cattle all penned by around 4 o’clock and we should have a good head count by tomorrow afternoon. He also said, “Colton told me that Jennifer said yes. I think they are coming over this evening to look at the house. He looks like a happy camper to me. I’m glad for him. Things are going in his direction for a change. He’s had a disappointing life in a lot of ways. He deserves to get a break. It’s damn nice of you to give him the opportunity you’re giving him. Of course, it’s what your dad wanted too.”
“I’m glad for him too. Did you get that house in town tied up?”
“Yeah, we will close on it next week sometime.”
“I’d better get back over to my office and finish up my breeding program spreadsheet before we close. Ed and Harry want to see my plan. Take care Lance, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
I left there and went home to work in my office. I got a glass of iced tea from the kitchen and settled in my office for some work when Chelsea showed up.
“I talked to Jodi today; she said that she and Mark would be agreeable to have another couple involved. I then called Cindy. She and Mike are up for it too. So, it looks like we’ll have an orgy...sounds sexy don’t it...I can’t wait.” Chelsea said with a dreamy smile on her face.
“Sounds great,” I said as I sat down at my desk. The fact that I didn’t sound really excited about the whole thing caught Chelsea’s attention right away. When she questioned me about it, I told her that this land deal had me pre-occupied and that I had a lot on my mind. She accepted my explanation and went on about her day. It will be ok, I know. I must get the jealousy and the visions of other men banging my beautiful wife out of my mind.
The next morning Ed called me and told me about a glitch in the title for the Henry ranch. “As I read the abstract, I found that when Lance bought the ranch from the Bowie Foundation, there was not a clear title after the transfer. I have been on the phone with the Foundation office in Austin explaining what I found. They are researching it and said they would get back to me later this morning.”
“So, what’s happening? Can we get this fixed?” I asked Ed.
“I think so, they seem to think that somehow the Foundation failed to bet the Deed transfer into the packet with all the other paperwork when it was sent to be recorded. When they figure it all out, they will let me know how to get it fixed. You may have to make a flying trip to Austin and pick up the form and bring it back here to the courthouse and get it recorded. If you go pick it up, it will speed things up considerably.”
“Ok Ed, let me know what I need to do, and I’ll get it done. I don’t need any delays getting this damn thing closed.”
I went to the kitchen and found Chelsea there preparing breakfast. “Are you ready, I have your plate ready?”
“Yeah, I guess so.” I replied. “Ed called this morning, I may have to go to Austin today and pick up some paperwork to try to get the title straightened out on the Henry place. Do you want to go? I’ll probably have to stay overnight.”
“I don’t think so. I have a lot of things to get done if we’re going to have guests this weekend. I don’t think that I can afford to be gone for a day or so. I want this weekend to be a lot of fun. I have told our guests to plan on arriving on Friday afternoon and plan on staying until sometime on Sunday. Do you think that we can get rid of all the help around here for the weekend.”
“Well, let me look into it. Since all the men are working over at Henry’s yesterday and today, maybe I can give them some bonus time off for the extra work. I think that everything around this place is caught up with. I’ll let you know after I talk to Colton. Also, the fencing company will be out this morning to start on the kennel for General. They will have it finished sometime tomorrow, in time for the weekend.”
“Oh, thank you Guy. I was afraid General would have to be loose around here and cause some problems. I don’t know if any of our guests are into this sort of thing.”
“If I have to go to Austin, he will be loose while I’m gone…think you can handle him?” I said smiling.
I think Chelsea caught my drift and slapped my arm. “Oh, I think I know how I can keep him under control.” She said with a wicked smile on her face. “At least I will feel a lot safer to have him here when you are gone.”
When I finished breakfast, I went to Colton’s office and questioned him about giving the men the weekend off. He seemed to think that would be a good idea, as they have put in quite a bit of extra time during the past couple of weeks. For the get together that Chelsea has planned, I think we need a little more privacy than usual.
Ed called just before noon and told me that the Foundation had found the error and was drawing up the paperwork to correct it. They should have it late today or first thing in the morning so I should plan on getting there before they close today. If it was ready, I could drive back tonight and if not, I could bring it back in the morning.
I went to the house to pack an overnight bag so I could get on my way. Chelsea helped me pack and made me a sandwich.
“So, are you sure you don’t want to go dear?” I asked her.
“No, I need to get ready for the weekend…I’ll be fine…go get this done so we can get this deal closed.” She said to me as she kissed me on the cheek and patted my ass. “When you get back, I’ll be ready for a good roll in the hay with you.”
I grabbed her and gave her a tender kiss as I squeezed her fine ass. “See you in the morning, probably sometime around 11 am or noon.”
I filled my truck with diesel and left. I should be in Austin by 3:30 or so and if the afternoon traffic isn’t too bad, I should get to the Foundation offices well before 5.
Meanwhile, at home, Chelsea was planning a trip to town to the grocery store and a few other stops she needed to make. She took General with her just to keep him out of trouble. There was plenty of room in her Expedition for him in the back seat and he seemed to have been trained to ride quietly. He laid down and slept while she ran her errands.
It was late afternoon when she finished her errands, so she headed home. She stopped at a rest stop outside of town to let General do his business…then continued home.
Colton was just leaving the ranch when she arrived. She stopped to say hi to him and congratulated him on his upcoming marriage. “Hi Colton, I just wanted to tell you congratulations…you don’t know how happy I am for you.”
“Thank you Chels. It’s taken a long time for me to find someone, and she makes me very happy.”
“I really want to get to know her and become good friends. We will all have to get together soon and celebrate.” Chelsea said smiling.
“Did Guy get away; he called and told me what was going on?”
“Yes, he called a little while ago and told me he wouldn’t be back tonight, they hadn’t finished all the paperwork today, so they would finish it in the morning then he would be here.”
“Well, I’d better go, I’m supposed to pick up Jen and take her to dinner. I’ll see you soon.”
Chelsea went on to the house and let General out. Pedro was hanging around with his cock hanging out…Chelsea shook her head and ignored him while she unloaded her Expedition. After she was unloaded, she called General and went inside and began to put things away.
General had started to pay attention to Chelsea. He was following her around trying to sniff her pussy. She noticed that he had a rosebud showing and knew that he was wanting to breed her, so she put him out in the backyard and closed the sliding screen. He hung around whining for a bit but eventually went out toward the back of the yard and stretched out under some of the shrubbery.
It took her another hour to get everything put away and finish a few jobs around the house. She got a bottle of rosé and poured a glass, then went out onto the patio. It didn’t take long till General showed up. He hugged him and rubbed him behind the ears. “Well, boy, are you ready to make mama happy?” she asked him as she grasped his head with both hands.
“You’re going to have to give me time for a couple of glasses of this relaxer first, big boy” she said to him while still scratching his ears. While she scratched his ears, she noticed that the fence company had been there and started constructing the new kennel. She walked out to look at it. It was all formed up for the cement floor and most of the posts had been set.
As she walked back to the house, General ran out in front of her. She had never noticed before how big his balls were. They hung down a couple of inches and were swinging as he ran along. She remembered that every time he fucked her, she had felt something banging against her clit. At the time, her fleeting thoughts dismissed the question and concentrated more on the pleasure he was giving her. General was noticeably anxious; he could smell the beginnings of her arousal and wanted to get to it. He wasn’t a big believer in foreplay. But when she told him to “SIT” he did so, without question.
Chelsea continued to sip on her wine and observe General as he watched her. After a couple of glasses, she said, “HERE” General. He responded immediately. She reached under him and grasped his protruding cock and began to jack him. Remembering those big balls, with her other hand she gently held them and caressed them. They were so big and full her hand barely was able to hold them. She felt like a nasty bitch as his chunk of meat grew and grew in her other hand. His cock throbbed, leaking precum and providing a lubricant to jack him off with. Chelsea could faintly feel a pulse in his balls as she caressed them.
Chelsea began to feel the wetness increasing between her legs. “Okay General, let’s go inside where it’s totally private, Okay boy?”
She got to her feet and went inside, locking the door behind her. She walked around the house and made sure all the doors were secured, then went up to her bedroom. She closed the terrace door, locked it and closed the draperies. She lowered the lighting and stripped her clothes off. General was sitting, being a perfect gentleman, so unlike the way he had acted when they first brought him home.
Chelsea put a soft, thick blanket on the floor and brought a chair up and sat it on the blanket. She sat in the chair and called General to her. She hugged him, scratched his ears then began to jack him off again. Shortly, his cock was huge and wet with precum.
“Ok boy, are you ready?” she said as she got down on her hands and knees.
General went behind her and began to lick her drenched pussy. She felt his tongue go inside her and tantalize the inner walls of her hole. Soon, his tongue was probing her ass, tickling all the nerve endings that surrounded it. Then he mounted her. He began probing slowly, his huge cock searching for the entrance to the hole that would give him his pleasure.
After a few minutes, he found the mark and pushed it all inside her in one thrust. It felt so good to her to feel his hot meat stretching her pussy to its limits. Then, the jackhammer began. No man could come close to giving her what she was receiving from General. As his cock pounded her needy pussy, she could feel it swelling larger and larger. She could feel the probing dog meat, spray her insides with it’s hot cum, lubricating her even more than her own juices were. Those big balls were bumping her swollen clit with every stroke, pushing her over the edge to a nice orgasm.
She started to feel the ball start pushing at the entrance to her pleasure hole…again it felt huge. General kept pushing it further between her engorged lips then to the entrance to her tunnel. She felt the pressure push his cock further, through the hole and inside her. Her first orgasm was beginning, the swollen knot was rubbing the right places, pushing her further and further toward that extasy she was yearning to feel. Now she knew that the dog’s knot had her, she knew it would not come out. His pumping was slowing. His head was laying on her shoulder while his saliva ran over her shoulder then onto the floor.
She could feel his hard cock throbbing as it sprayed his fertile seed into her belly. She was beginning to feel full, like the first time. She dropped her head so she could look between her tits. She could see his big balls hanging down and pulsing as they delivered his sperm laden semen to the cock that was filling her belly. She could see her belly beginning to distend somewhat as it filled with cum. It was so hot; her body was feeling like there was a fire inside her.
She let her head and upper torso move down to the floor. With one hand she reached between her legs and felt the backside of his huge knot, those big pulsing balls and the thin tube delivering all the doggie cum into her depths. She could feel the rhythmic swelling of his cock each time a jet of cum went through. She grasped his balls again and felt them heaving, pushing a constant stream of hot semen into her womb.
At this point she did not know how many times she had cum. She was in, what she considered to be, the twilight zone…a place of total harmony and pleasure. She looked between her tits once more and saw her flat belly, hanging down. She knew that she was full, and the pressure of the fullness was causing feelings of pleasure to places deep inside her.
She felt the knot begin to shrink. General swung his leg over her back and was standing ass to ass with her, while the jets of cum weakened and the large knot continued to shrink. Soon she felt his cock pop out of her stretched vagina. General walked off and laid down. He was busy licking his cock, cleaning himself up while his bitch leaked his thin hot cum slowly out of her full belly onto the floor.
Chelsea slowly got to her feet and went to the toilet in her bathroom. She sat down, leaking copious amounts of doggie cum into the bowl while feeling lightheaded and totally satiated. She hardly realized it when she laid her head back on the toilet and dozed off while her pussy drained.
Sometime later, she awakened to General standing in front of her licking her thoroughly fucked pussy. Her belly had gone back to normal. She sent General to his bed and went into the shower and cleaned her body, inside and out. She went to bed naked and fantasized about the coming weekend, soon falling into a deep sleep.
Chelsea was up early the next morning. She had a lot of work to do to get ready for her guests, which would be arriving tomorrow evening. That barely gave her enough time to clean the house and prepare the guest bedrooms, much less getting a lot of the cooking done ahead of time, even though she surmised that there would probably not be a lot of solid food eaten. She smiled at her evil thoughts.
She felt confident that she could put General out the front door and he wouldn’t run away. The men building the kennel had arrived to finish the job. Pedro had come up to the house when he heard Chelsea putting General outside.
She had become a connoisseur of balls since she noticed Generals the previous day. Chelsea rubbed Pedro’s back and ears and immediately his cock became rock hard. “Poor fella, too bad there are so many people around this morning, otherwise I’d relieve you. She knelt and reached back under Pedro and grasped his huge balls. “Wow, no wonder you fill me so full, those things are huge.” Chelsea smiled and went back into the house to get started for the day.
Meanwhile, Guy had left Austin headed home. He called Ed and told him he would be there in a couple of hours and would bring the papers to him before he went home.
“Good,” Ed said, “I’ll get them over to the courthouse and get everything recorded so we can proceed. Thanks Guy, you’ve been a real help.”
It was about 1:30 when Guy dropped off the paperwork to Ed and went home. As he parked in the driveway, he saw Pedro lying in the shade of the big Elm tree out in front of the house. He opened the door and was greeted by a very happy General. He petted the dog and went inside.
Guy found Chelsea in the back yard, cleaning the patio and pool area. “It’s good to be home,” he said as he kissed his wife. “Looks as though you’ve been on a cleaning binge while I’ve been gone.”
“Yes, I have…I’m about finished, the patio area is the last of it.” She said.
Guy walked up behind Chelsea and put his arms around her, cupping her breasts. “Well, I don’t have anything to do for the rest of the day, what say we go upstairs and have a little fun?”
Chelsea looked over her shoulder at him and said, “I don’t want to have any sex between now and the party tomorrow. I want us to be at our peak, you know what I mean, like be horny and ready to go.”
“I don’t think I’m going to have that problem, but, if that’s what you want, it’s okay with me. I’m going out and see how the kennel is coming along.”
“I think they are done; I saw the trucks pull out about an hour ago.” Chelsea told him.
They both walked out to the kennel and were quite surprised at the size and quality of it. The chain link fence was 6 ft tall, and it looked to be about 50 ft long and 30 ft wide. There is an enclosed shelter in the back corner. One unique thing about it is that it sits outside the wood privacy fence, but there is a chain link gate that has been installed in the wood fence, so one will not have to go outside the yard to get into it.
“I think this looks great,” Chelsea commented. “When we have company, this will be a good place for General.”
We walked back to the house and discussed the party tomorrow. “There will not be any of the ranch hands around for the weekend. It looks as though they are all going to a rodeo down south of Austin and Colton and Jennifer are going to Childress to tell her parents about the wedding. So, anything goes. After everyone arrives, I’ll go down and lock the front gate so no one will just drop in.”
“Fantastic,” she said smiling, “I was kind of worried about maybe someone would be around and maybe get curious about what was going on up here. Thank you, Guy, this makes my day.”
As I checked out her sexy body I asked, “So, do you want to give me my reward for being a good boy?”
“Nope, I don’t want us to be fucked out by party time. Also dear, I have a 15-pound brisket I want you to smoke. Except for breakfasts, it should be enough for the weekend. I figure that tomorrow night we can have smoked brisket, pinto beans, potato salad, sour dough bread and corn on the cob. Then on Saturday night, I can put barbeque sauce on the meat, pork and beans, rolls and salad. We can have just finger food at noon on Saturday. I just have to make the potato salad and I’ll be finished with the food. I won’t have to be cooking the whole weekend.”
“Sounds like you have it in control Chels. Let’s go to Sonic tonight and grab a burger, sound good to you?” I asked her.
“Yes it does. Why don’t we grab a good bottle of wine when we come home and get in the hot tub. We haven’t done that in a while…but…only talk, no sex.” She smiled at me as she shook her finger at me.”
“Okay, my dear….no sex.”
We decided to take my truck, that way we could put General in the back end. Of course, Pedro thought he should go too…but that wasn’t happening.
We had a good evening. After burgers, we got home and got into the hot tub, sipped wine and just talked about anything that came up. It has been a while since we did this, so it was a relaxing evening.
Friday morning and it’s a beautiful day. The only thing I have to do is go up to the north range and check the cattle. That will only take me 3 hours or so. The ranch hands are leaving around noon today to head down to Austin for the weekend. Colton told me he would be out of here around 10am. I think that Chels told me that our guests will start arriving around 5pm.
I still don’t know if I’m ready to watch another Guy fill Chelsea’s pussy with cum, much less two guys. But I will be fucking their wives so I guess I can’t have my cake and eat it too. I’m still just a little apprehensive about the whole thing, but it’s a little too late to shut it down; I’m just going to have to let this run its course. In the meanwhile, I’m going to go with the flow and enjoy all the strange pussy I can fuck.
I’ve had my coffee, so I think I’ll go back upstairs and see if Chelsea is up yet. I just want her to know where I’m going to be in case she wants me for something.
When I walk into the bedroom, Chelsea is still in bed. It’s been warm at night, so she sleeps naked and on top of the covers most of the night. When I walk in, I just stand by the bed and admire her. The sun is lighting up the room. She is laying on her back with her toned legs spread wide. Her tits are laying almost flat. Her body looks fabulous…no fat at all, just lean and toned. As I stand there, I close my eyes and imagine myself laying between those fine legs fucking her. I’m nibbling on one of her nipples and she is moaning loudly as she comes. I have to shake my head and bring myself back to reality before I have to go somewhere and jack off.
I think she senses me standing there staring at her. As she stretches, she says, “Good morning cowboy, like what you see?”
“You bet,” I reply, “Just thinking about getting a quickie before I leave.”
She just shakes her finger at me and says, “You’ll get plenty before all this is over, and it all looks good.”
“Okay…. I just wanted to tell you I’ll be up on the north range checking the cattle. I should be back here by noon or a little after. I’ll have my cell with me. By noon this place will be deserted. Oh yes, I did start the brisket. I think it will be finished around 3 or 4 this afternoon. I put the remote thermometer in it so if you want to check it a couple of times I wouldn’t mind.”
“I’ll do it…see you later lover.” She told me blowing me a kiss.
The morning was uneventful, and I finished riding the cattle around 11:30 and headed home. I put my horse away and parked the trailer before I went to the house. Chelsea was wearing her Daisy Dukes and a halter top when I got there. “I have to say you are one fine looking woman ma’am. Do you mind if I use your facilities?”
“Not at all cowboy, come on in.” she said as she kissed me. “I think everything is ready for tonight. I went to Walmart and picked up some lube and condoms, in case anyone wants them. And that’s all I can think of. Can you think of anything I’ve missed?”
“No, I can’t. I’m going up and take a shower and get ready. How is the brisket coming along?”
“I think that maybe another hour or so before it’s ready. I’ll check it again when I’m dressed.”
“Why don’t I come up and shower with you, I mean I think that we can have a good time without the sex, what do you say?”
“Sounds good to me.” I told her smiling.
I went out to the mud room and pulled my chaps off and hung up my work hat before I went upstairs. When I got there the shower was on and steam fogged the glass. I stripped off all my dirty clothes and got in…Chelsea was standing in the steam smiling at me as I came in.
“Took you long enough,” she said.
“Oh well,” I said as I took her in my arms. She looked at me with desire in her eyes as she kissed me, shoving her tongue as far in my mouth as she could. I felt her hand grab my hard cock and begin stroking it. I couldn’t keep my hands off her beautiful tits and ass while we kissed.
She pulled back slightly, looking deep into my eyes and said, “I want you to fuck me. I’ve been dreaming about you all morning and I want you inside me…I don’t care about later; I want you now.”
Chelsea sat on the bench in the shower and pulled me to her, taking my cock balls deep inside her mouth. It feels so damn good to have her like this. After a few minutes I pulled her to her feet and pushed her against the wall, lifted one leg and pushed my stone phallus deep inside her hot cunt.
“Hey……Guy……” she said breathing hard, “I’m going to cum…. cum with me my love…I want to feel it.”
No sooner had she finished talking, I felt her pussy clamp down on my ejaculating cock. We both melted into each other as our orgasms shot through our bodies. We kissed and pulled apart…I could see long strings of my thick cum stringing from her pussy almost to her knees. It looked so damn sexy. Chelsea reached down and scooped up a gob of cum with her hand and licked it all up and swallowed it all. “I love you Guy…please don’t ever doubt it and don’t ever think I’m lying to you.”
“Chelsea, I do believe you and I won’t doubt you…I just get a little jealous…I said just a little, but I have it under control…and I do love you…only.”
We kissed again and finished our shower. It took us a little while to get dressed. I finished getting ready before Chelsea, then went downstairs to check on the brisket.
The brisket was just right when I got there so I took it off the smoker and into the kitchen to let it rest before I sliced it up. I opened a cold beer then started slicing. By the time I finished, Chelsea was there. She divided it up and packaged it into portions for the weekend. She got all the food out for tonight then joined me. We had about half an hour before our first guests arrived. She reassured me again that all of this was only sex…nothing more. Mike and Cindy were the first to arrive.
Chelsea answered the door and welcomed them. As they walked in my mouth watered as I watched Cindy walk across the floor. Cindy is around 6 ft tall, blonde, 36D tits and not an ounce of fat on her body anywhere. Absolutely a total knockout. I did not remember her looking this fine. She walked directly to me and gave me a thoroughly wet and tongue filled kiss as she grabbed my ass and squeezed. I glanced at Chelsea, and I believe Mike was trying to fuck her right there…he was all over her. I can tell right now that this is going to be one crazy weekend.
In just a little while Jodi and Mark arrived. Same opening scene. Mark was kissing Chelsea and squeezing her ass and Jodi attacked me with a lot of gusto…my cock was hard. Chelsea introduced Jodi and Mark to Cindy and Mike. They seemed to hit it off right away.
“Well, everyone, dinner is served. I thought I’d get this out of the way to start with so everyone could visit some and get to know each other.”
Chels had it all laid out on the kitchen bar so everyone lined up and filled their plates before going out on the patio. I excused myself for a few minutes so I could drive up to the front gate and lock it. When I got back, I picked up a plate and went out and joined the group. Chelsea had taken General out to the kennel and put him away while I was gone.
We all had a great time as we ate dinner. Everyone joined in a good conversation while we ate…laughing and getting a little personal from time to time. The group had loosened up quite a bit by the time dinner was finished and the dishes were put away.
Mike was the first to get things started. He said, “That pool looks great, ok if I get in?” he asked me.
“That would be fine,” I said, “that’s what it’s for.”
Mike peeled all his clothes off and jumped in. Within minutes, Chelsea and Jodi had stripped, Cindy was slowly getting naked, and Mark and I had peeled off and headed to the pool. As I walked to the pool, Cindy grabbed my hand and pulled me to her. “I’ve been thinking about you all day Guy, I want you first tonight.”
“Cindy, you look totally different than I remember you. You have gotten so….so….so……. damn sexy. I can’t wait to make love to you. Let’s join the others for now and let them pair up.”
“Just don’t forget, you’re mine tonight, Guy.”
With that being said, we went to the pool and jumped in. The pool party lasted for a while, then I noticed that Mark had hooked up with Chelsea and Mike had taken Jodi. Everyone had left the pool except Cindy and me. I went to the steps and held my hand out to Cindy. We walked to the house, stopping to get towels to dry each other off with. We stood on the patio, kissed and let our hands roam freely. I led her into the living room and to the couch.
As we entered, I saw that Chelsea and Mark were on the love seat. We sat down on the couch and began to make out. After a few minutes we were both very worked up. I could feel that Cindy was soaked.
“I need to ask you a question.” I told her as she lay back on the couch, “do I need a condom or where do you want me to finish?”
“Put it inside me, I’m on birth control so fill me. I want to feel skin against skin, and I want to feel the warmth of your cum.
Cindy was lying on her back, legs spread wide with one leg on top of the back of the couch and the other with her foot on the floor. For a moment I paused and hungrily looked at the beautiful woman willingly inviting me to come inside her. So many thoughts were ricocheting inside my brain. I remembered back to several years ago. Cindy was attending Rice University in Dallas. She had tried out to be a Cowboy Cheerleader and got picked. I remember watching her perform at the games and how her natural beauty was unsurpassed by the others, and now I was about to fuck that gorgeous woman.
Her voice brought me back to reality, “Guy, I can’t wait, I want to fuck you real bad, I want you now!”
As I moved over her, she grasped my hard dick and guided it to her waiting hole. The head penetrated her wanting pussy and slid inside her till I felt my balls rest on her tight ass. Her legs wrapped around my ass, holding me deep inside her.
She began to thrust her ass up to me as I was slamming my cock into her. I could hear the slap of our skin every time I bottomed out inside her. Cindy’s orgasm hit her like a ton of rocks and when it did, it was all I could do to stay on her as I continued to pound her hot pussy.
Immediately I could feel the increased wetness between her legs. I could hear the slosh-slosh sound as I fucked her. My senses overloaded and I blasted a huge blast of fertile semen directly into her womb. My cock swelled as it continued spewing it’s hot load inside Cindy’s flat belly. When my balls were empty, I collapsed on top of her. I could feel our hearts beating heavily as I lay there, completely sated.
As I lay there, I could hear Chelsea having an orgasm with Mark. She kept saying over and over, “GIMME THE CUM, GIMME THE CUM…I WANT THAT BIG COCK…. GIMME THOSE BALLS MARK…..OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, I’M CUMMING…OH SHIT AM I CUMMING…….”
Then I heard Mark, “HERE IT COMES DOLL….HOLD ON…..TAKE MY BIG COCK YOU LITTLE SLUT…..AHHHHHHH YEAHHHH….HERE IT IS YOU FUCKIN’ CUNT AAAAAAAHHHHHHH YEAHHH….I’M FILLING YOUR HOLE UP WITH MY BABY BATTER……Oh shit you’re a good fuck Chelsea, definitely one of the best fucks I’ve ever had….I can’t get enough of you.”
“You fuck me so good Mark…I can’t believe how hard you stay, I’ve never had a man stay hard enough to not fall out of my pussy after he cums…..that fucker is still hard as a rock…..go for it, keep fucking me….I want it…give it to me…..”
I must admit, it was hard hearing her tell him what a stud he is. Cindy wrapped her arms around me and said, “I’m sorry you had to hear that Guy, but you have to consider the circumstances lover….she is in the heat of passion and will say things that fit the occasion…don’t take it personally, I know how solid you two are and I also know that you are still somewhat unsure of being involved. Believe me, Guy, that will pass.
“Now, lover,” Cindy whispered in my ear, “Sit your ass back on this couch and let me suck your balls out the end of your big dick…I want to get a mouthful of, as your wife puts it, “the sweetest cum in Texas”.
I sat back as Cincy got on her knees between my legs and began sucking my semi hard cock. I know one thing for sure, her mouth and tongue are very talented. It didn’t take long till it was standing at full attention. While she performed her magic on me, I looked across the room and could see Mark fucking my wife.
From my vantage point, I could see Marks white ass between her widely spread legs. He was fucking her hard, skin slapping on every stroke. While fucking, he was sucking her beautiful breasts. Chelsea had a look on her face I had seen a thousand times, that wanting look he always had as she strived to have her orgasm. She opened her eyes and saw I was watching her being screwed. She smiled at me and winked, then mouthed the words, I love you Guy, I do love you…. then went into a squirting orgasm while Mark continued pounding her pussy.
Cindy had me on the edge as she shoved her index finger up my ass. My balls tightened and she took my cock down her throat; I began to spew my spunk. She gulped my cum down. I did not think it was possible for me to cum this much so soon after having climaxed not 10 minutes ago. She held the last squirt of cum in her mouth as she milked the remainder from my softening cock. She pulled her mouth off of me and sat back on her heels, opening her mouth to show me my cum on her tongue, then swallowed it all as I watched. “Damn Guy, she wasn’t lying…that’s the sweetest cum I’ve ever tasted. This could become habit forming.”
Cindy straddled my legs and sat on my lap. She wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a very sensuous kiss that I felt all the way to my toes. I smiled at her as I played with her sensitive nipples, “I think………..I will do something to you that will drive you wild…..Chelsea loves it and I think you will too. Stand up.”
Cindy got up off my lap as I slid down onto the floor on my back. I moved out from the couch about a foot or so then told her, “Okay, you beautiful thing, spread your legs and sit on my face as you lean over onto the couch…. I’ll take care of the rest. Cindy spread her legs wide and put her puffy lips down to my lips and tongue. I pushed my tongue deep into her cum filled pussy and began to lick her swelled clit. I felt her tense slightly then settle down on my face. I could taste our mixed juices as I licked her clean. I reached around with one hand and took a nipple between my fingers and squeezed hard. She immediately began to cum, her juices mixed with mine, rushed into my mouth. I gulped her cum down, and continued working on her huge clit…it was huge and was like a tiny cock. I sucked on it hard and felt her orgasm tear through her body from head to toe. I continued to work on her pussy for a while, giving her another 5 orgasms. When she dismounted, I said to her, “Let’s go out to the patio and have a drink and some snacks, I think I need it if I’m going to continue tonight.”
Cindy smiled, took my hand and helped me up off the floor. We took a couple of Silver Bullets from the cooler and sat at the table.
“Cindy, having sex with you is fantastic…I’ve had so much fun so far. Damn I like fucking you, it’s better than I ever dreamed.” I told her.
“You ain’t no slouch yourself Mr. Marlowe.” She said, “Chelsea always said you were one hell of a lover and now, I am a total believer. That’s why I put the moves on you before that Jodi could grab you. Through the years Chelsea has always said there wasn’t another man could fill her life like you do, and I can see why. After being in this lifestyle for a while, I have learned that your spouse is still the most important person to you, even after fucking other spouses, no one can take their place. It took me and Mike a while to realize it. After that, the petty jealousies went away. Don’t worry about Chelsea, she will never leave you and you can take that to the bank.”
About that time, Mark and Chelsea came out onto the patio. One thing I could clearly see was my wife was totally satisfied and had been thoroughly fucked.
“Is everyone having fun?” she cheerfully asked.
Cindy spoke up quickly, “I’ve been having a ball…or maybe two,” she said as she laughed.
Chelsea and Mark each took a beer from the cooler and sat down at the table with Cindy and me. Chelsea winked at me and smiled as she took my hand and squeezed it.
It wasn’t long before Jodi and Mike emerged from the house. “We were wondering where everyone was at,” Mike asked, “it’s so quiet in the house we thought everyone has left.” He and Jodi grabbed a couple of beers and sat down.
“It looks like everyone needed a little break,” I said taking a long slug of the Silver Bullet.
Everyone was in a great mood and were freely talking about the past few hours. After a couple of beers Mike got up and took Chelsea by the hand, “How about you and I go get acquainted?” He asked her.
“Love to.” She replied as they walked away hand in hand.
Jodi was staring directly at me smiling. I thought to myself, why not. I stood and walked around to where she sat, took her hand and said, “Well Jodi, how about you and I go upstairs?”
She took my hand and said, “Thought you’d never ask Guy.” I led her away heading upstairs to my bedroom. As I looked back, Cindy was smiling at me as she got out of her chair and took Mark by the hand and headed toward the pool.
When Jodi and I got to my bedroom, I asked, “Want to get in the shower and clean up before we go to bed.”
Jodi grinned a wide grin as she followed me to the bathroom. As I got the water adjusted, she came up behind me and wrapped her arms around me and squeezed. I turned around and kissed her on the lips, a long and sensuous kiss as I squeezed her beautiful ass.
Jodi broke our kiss and began kissing me down my chest, kneeling in front of my semi-hard cock. She took it in one hand and my balls in the other, parted her lips and greedily sucked my growing member into her hot mouth.
Jodi was in the process of reminding just how good it felt to be in her mouth. I grasped her head with both hands and began to face fuck her, pushing my cock into her throat. Jodi was taking it all down her throat every stroke, keeping constant eye contact with me. I could see the desire to please me in her dark eyes as she looked into my soul. As I looked down at her, I could see her big tits in lightly jiggling in the background.
All the sensory input my brain was receiving plus the visual input pushed me over the edge. I pushed my cock deep into her throat and started spewing my load into her belly. Jodi had to pull back to get a breath of air while I continued to pump my sweet cum into her mouth. When I finished, she showed me her mouth full of cum just before swallowing it down. As she kissed me, I could taste cum on her tongue. After showering I led this naked beauty to my bed.
I decided to pleasure her as well as she had pleasured me just minutes before. “Jodi darling,” I said as I lay in the middle of the bed on my back, “I want you to move up and sit on my face so I can give you as much pleasure as you just gave me.”
She smiled as she lowered her pussy to my waiting mouth. This has always been my favorite way to pleasure a woman. It gives me easy access to every pleasure spot on her body, enabling me to give her long intense orgasms.
I started working her body over from her big breasts all the way to her ass. I heard her moan loudly then felt her body tense, then she began rotating her hips on my mouth as an intense orgasm spread throughout her beautiful body. Her nipples were hard as crystal, her abs were taught, and her juices ran freely from the tight pussy I was devouring.
I continued eating her wonderful sex, sending her to 4 more orgasms. At the end of the last one Jodi fell over onto her side breathing very hard and mumbling something I could not understand. She seemed to be in another world. I got off the bed to grab the blanket we had pulled off the bed. I stopped for a moment and admired this beautiful woman. My cock stood, yet one more time…I couldn’t pass this up…I wanted her again…I wanted to fill her with my seed.
I pulled a pillow to the middle of the bed and helped Jodi move onto it, face down. Her beautiful ass was higher than the rest of her body, her inflated lips are slightly parted showing her pink flower. I mounted her from the back pushing my cock deep inside her. I put my hands on her ass as I slowly fucked her. I could hear Jodi’s moans as my cock bumped her cervix time after time. In this position I could watch my thick cock penetrate her and disappear, then become fully visible again before it slid back into her depths.
I could feel Jodi beginning to climax and again a sensory overload caused me to unload my balls inside her. She was so tight, it felt as though my cock was being squeezed by a hand. Cum continued to flow into her body, filling her pussy. I pulled out of her and laid on the bed beside her. Jodi opened her eyes and looked at me smiling then moved off the pillow and came to kiss me. I removed the pillow and pulled up the blanket and covered us as she snuggled up to me. In a matter of minutes, we were both asleep.
Rays of the morning sun woke me. I had a terrible need to piss so I slowly eased out of bed so as not to wake Jodi. In this morning light she looked beautiful. One of the things I like to do is admire beautiful naked women. I never tire of it. When Chelsea is lying there like that, I just can’t get my eyes full enough. This time, Mother Nature’s call overrode everything…. I had to go.
I decided to shower and get dressed. Right now, the last thing on my mind was getting another piece of ass…I had had enough.
I quietly left the bedroom and went to the kitchen. There was no one down stairs so I decided to clean up the mess and cook breakfast. One thing I know is that when the smell of bacon drifts through the house, it will bring anyone out of the deepest sleep.
I had finished frying the bacon and sausage and had started hash-browns. I had biscuits in the oven, gravy on the stove top and the eggs ready to scramble. In a short while Chelsea appeared, spry and chipper with a big smile on her face. “Good morning honey, “she said cheerfully, “how are you this morning…and I mean, how are you…really?”
“Chelsea, I’m fine…really. Early last night Cindy and I had a really good conversation about you, me and this lifestyle. She told me that you two had talked and what you had said. Chelsea, I do love you, probably more than you will ever know, and I know you still love me. After last night, I believe that I am over my doubts…my doubts about why you wanted to get into this. I felt as though you were tired of me and were looking for a way out…but I know differently now. It all came together last night. So, let’s have a good time with this and enjoy it for what it is, just sex, nothing more. I just don’t want to make a steady diet of it, like all the time. Maybe once a month or so, okay?”
“I agree darling, I don’t even care if we don’t do it but once every 3 or 4 months. You and I always have good sex and that won’t change. This is kind of like a little mini vacation.”
Chelsea and I enjoyed a long, cheerful kiss then I went back to breakfast. The others started appearing one by one. It didn’t take me long to finish preparing the food. I put it out buffet style and let everyone help themselves then come out on the patio and be seated. We spent a couple of hours just talking among ourselves. The girls cleaned up the kitchen then we all decided to take a horseback ride.
I went down to the stables and started saddling the horses while everyone else was dressing for an outdoor excursion. I told Chelsea that I am going to take everyone up to the beach. This should prove to be an interesting day.
The group showed up at the stables with the saddle bags that Chelsea had packed with sandwiches and some beach towels. I put the bags on the horses, and we were ready to go. Everyone had some experience with horses, so we got on the trail easily. The ride up to the beach takes about an hour at the speed we were moving.
As we rode across the ranch, we saw a lot of the ranch’s wild animal population. When we arrived at the beach, everyone was in awe. Comments like, “This place is so beautiful and private.” “I would never have thought of finding a place like this.” “I can’t wait to jump in. I sure wish this was mine.”
After everyone dismounted, I hobbled the horses and loosened the cinches. Just off the sand is some very thick and tall grass and the horses immediately began grazing. Everyone had taken their clothing off and dove into the clear cool water. The day was clear and hot, it was a great place to cool off amongst other things.
Things began to, what you might say, heat up. Everyone had paired up and occupied their own large beach towel. Suddenly, the silence was broken by a loud “hee haw”. Everyone was startled, but I wasn’t. I knew it was that damn donkey and sure enough he came trotting into the middle of everyone with his cock about half hard.
Chelsea immediately got up and was trying to send him away, but, he had his nostrils full of the scent of hot pussy and was not about to go anywhere but here. Jodi and Cindy got up and went over to Pedro and began petting him and making over him like he was a dog. Chelsea explained that he had been a resident of the ranch for several years and thought he was part of the family.
Mike and Mark were grinning widely as they checked out his, now hard, cock. “Why don’t you girls try that rod on for size,” Mark said pointing at Pedro’s erection.
Chelsea and I didn’t say a word about what we knew because we didn’t know how these people would react to what Chelsea did with Pedro and, for that fact, General. Soon, however, we found out.
Mark continued to goad the girls into taking some donkey cock. It wasn’t long before Mike joined in. I could tell that Jodi was genuinely interested, even though she didn’t outright say it. While all three of the women petted and scratched Pedro, she was the one that reached under him and felt his hard rod.
“Ohhhhh, that thing is extremely warm. I can just imagine what that would feel like...ummmm.” Jodi said.
Mark quickly said, “You want to give it a try it’s not a lot bigger than a really hung man’s cock...maybe a little longer. ”
“Ohhhh....I don’t knoooooow.” she said.
Jodi ran her hand along the length of Pedro’s cock, all the time smiling from ear to ear. “Chelsea, is he tame, is he like a pet?” she asked.
Chelsea smiled as she looked over at me and said, “Yes, he’s just a big teddy bear...loves everyone.”
Jodi was still unsure and asked Chelsea, “Would it make you guys mad if I got him to fuck me...I think I’d like to try it?”
“It’s not going to matter to Guy and I, what about you guys?” she said looking at Mike and Cindy.
Cindy spoke quickly, “We’re ok with it.... hell, I might just try it myself if it’s ok with everyone.... you gonna try Chelsea?”
“I might if you guys do, is it ok with you Guy?” she said looking over at me.
I smiled and said, “You can do whatever you want. I just know that damn donkey is going to be one happy son-of-a-bitch.” Everyone laughed at that comment.
Jodi said, “Guy, you know how animals breed, have any ideas how we go about this?”
I looked around and located a downed oak tree that looked like it would work. It was wide enough for Pedro’s front feet to stand up on. I grabbed a couple more of the big towels out of the saddle bags and walked over to the tree and laid out the towels.
“Ok, Jodi, you come over here and lay down and let me see how it looks.” she laid on her back on the towels with her feet on the ground. I adjusted her to be like the tree that Chelsea had used when I first caught her. “Now, Jodi you need to spread your legs pretty wide so he can get between them.”
When she looked like she was set, I told her to grasp his front legs once he was over her body. I took hold of Pedro’s halter and led him over to Jodi and coaxed his front legs up on downed tree, on either side of Jodi. He knew exactly what was going on. Almost immediately he began searching for her fun hole, probing around it and squirting pre-cum all over her pussy.
I reached out and took his cock and guided it to her soaking wet cunt. He gave a thrust and pushed about 10 inches of his pole into her waiting pussy and began to hump her. She was holding on for all she was worth as he gave her the fucking of her life.
At first she was saying, “OH NO....IT’S TOO BIG...I CAN’T HANDLE IT....GET HIM OFFFFFF.” Then after he had pumped her a few strokes and her pussy stretched to fit him it was more like, “Uhhhhhh...I think it’s........oh my that feels good.... oh, shit I’m cummmmmming....”
Once her pussy had sized to fit him, she started having orgasm after orgasm. After a short time, Pedro unloaded his big balls inside her. Copious amounts of cum squirted out around his cock as he continued to plunge his big rod into that warm pussy. Finally, he his balls were empty, and his cock popped out, going semi hard. He backed off the tree and stood close by watching everyone.
Jodi just lay there for a time trying to catch her breath and regain her composure. “I’ve never been fucked that good in my whole life...damn that was good...I’m going to want to do that again.”
After hearing that Cindy couldn’t wait. From where I stood, I could see that she was dripping wet. Pedro had to have a few minutes to regain his stamina so in the meantime, Mark and I helped Jodi off the log and got Cindy prepared. All three of us men were sporting maximum hard-ons after watching Jodi get banged by Pedro and the anticipation of watching Cindy take that piece of meat between her legs.
Cindy was ready and so was Pedro. He had sauntered up and smelled and licked her wet snatch. I pulled on his halter and got his front legs up on the tree. I told Cindy to use his front legs to hold on to and we were ready to go. I rubbed the head of his cock on Cindy’s wet pussy…he immediately deposited a big gob of pre-cum on her pussy then pushed about 10 inches or so of that hard pulsing donkey dick inside her. He then began to fuck her hard.
Cindy adapted to his size very quickly and began to experience the many pleasures he had in store for her. Within minutes she was having her first orgasm. Then she was experiencing a climax every 3 or 4 minutes…. screaming her ass off in bliss.
I glanced over at Mark and watched as he was stroking his cock with his eyes glued to Cindy’s pussy. Mike was on top of Jodi fucking her sloppy pussy at a steady pace. Chelsea was standing behind me jacking me off as she watched. This little donkey fuck show had everyone turned on.
I grabbed my wife and pushed her up against a nearby tree. She leaned forward and spread her legs wide as I pushed my hard cock into her wetness still watching Pedro pound Cindy. Mark unloaded a load on Cindy’s tits about the same time I filled my wife’s cunt with hot jizz. Cindy was moaning loudly as Pedro began to cum, still pounding his cock into Cindy’s wet hole.
Pedro pulled out too far and his gushing cock came out and began to spray thick white donkey cum all over Cindy’s body. I smiled watching it thinking that she looked somewhat like an iced cinnamon roll. Pedro backed off one more time to recover.
I whispered in Chelsea’s ear, “You gonna fuck Pedro?”
“She smiled and said, “Well everyone else has I guess I might as well try it out too.” She gave me her devilish look as she went over to help Cindy off the oak and take her place.
Pedro didn’t seem to be ready for another round so Chels laid back and began to masturbate herself. She was pinching her nipples and rubbing her swollen clit, running a slow stream of girl cum out on the tree. Mark was still standing close stroking his resurrected cock, admiring my naked wife that was like laid-out like a maiden that was about to be sacrificed to the gods. I have to say, she looked beautiful and so exotic.
Pedro must have caught a sniff of horny female in the air. His cock became extremely rigid as he ran to Chelsea and mounted her just before Mark got to her. He jumped his front legs up on the tree and moved in between her spread legs. I could see his cock pulsing, spraying pre-cum all over her just before it disappeared between her toned legs. He began fucking her, slowly pushing inside her then quickly pulling out then repeating the process time after time. Chelsea had motioned to a dejected Mark to move around to where she could get a hand on his hard member…then began to jack him off very deliberately.
Pedro continued to skewer Chelsea while she jacked Mark off. After a few minutes of watching the donkey cock pound Chelsea’s pussy and her attention to his cock he blew a huge load of his baby batter all over her tits and belly. He fell back onto the ground exhausted. Chelsea grasped Pedro’s front legs and began to thrust her hips up to meet Pedro’s thrust. In a matter of minutes, Pedro began to cum, filling Chelsea’s flat belly full of his hot seed. His cock softened and popped out as he pulled off her. She climaxed by rubbing herself off, while I watched a huge amount of very thick white goo ooze out of Chelsea’s stretched out hole. For the first time I saw her dip her fingers in and suck the cum off them…licking them clean. I looked around the area and saw that Mike had rolled off Jodi and they were both snoozing. Mark was still laying on the ground with his dick in his hand. Chelsea was continuing to enjoy licking donkey cum from her fingers and Cindy was laying in the grass sleeping as Pedro’s thick jizz leaked out from between her spread legs. I was still standing stroking my cock about to cum. Minutes passed and I finally satisfied my sexually overloaded brain by leaving a load on the ground.
I was feeling exceptionally good after the events of the afternoon. I walked over to the creek and dove in. The cool water felt great and helped to calm down my oversexed brain. I rolled over on my back and floated with the gentle current, staring up into the clear blue sky. I think I floated about a hundred yards down the creek then got out and went to wake up all the sleeping beauties.
It was still a sight to behold…three women leaking thick white cum that had been well fucked by a horny donkey and a couple of guys that had had a sensory overload and a fucked-out jack ass…. then there was me, a happy grinning voyeur. “Okay all of you, wake your asses up, we need to be heading back to the house, come on, wakeup!” I yelled at them.
One by one they all came back to life. I looked at them and said, “I think you all should go take a dip in the creek and clean up a little and get dressed, I’m going to get the horses ready to head back to the barn. We need to get on the way soon, so we get there before dark.”
Everyone listened to my suggestion and walked over to the creek and jumped in. Soon they were all laughing and carrying on. The girls were teasing the guys about being outfucked by a donkey. I gathered the horses and got them ready for the ride home. I’m sure that the conversations later will be very interesting.
Everyone dried off and got dressed. We gathered up all the blankets and packed them in the saddle bags and mounted up and began the ride home. Everyone was in great spirits and talked incessantly about the donkey fucking all the women and how hot it was. I looked around to see if Pedro was following and saw that he was still stretched out on his side sleeping. I think this was the first time I ever saw that little bastard worn out.
Chelsea asked me if I was going to wake him up. I told her he would find his way home sooner or later…and laughed.
We arrived back at the stable just before sundown. I think the weekend was catching up with everyone. The chatter had slowed down and it seemed that everyone was done in. Chelsea and I put the horses and tack away the walked to the house, holding hands.
Things were quiet when we got to the house. I think everyone had gotten hungry and found the sandwiches in the saddle bags and chowed down. The conversation was sparse. By nine o’clock the other two couples headed off to their own bedrooms and went to bed. Chelsea and I found a nice bottle of wine and went out on the patio and sat down on the chaise lounges.
It was a beautiful night. I don’t know how many billion stars were shining, but it was a beautiful sight to behold. We finished off the bottle of wine and went to our bedroom, showered and went to bed and pressed our naked bodies together before we dozed off into a restful sleep. It was a very fun and interesting weekend. I know we won’t be doing this real often, but still, I look forward to the next time.
The morning was uneventful, except that Pedro had arrived back sometime during the night. As the girls went to their vehicles, he had to get one more sniff of their sex before they got away. Jodi and Cindy both stopped and scratched his back and rubbed his head. I drove down and opened the gate so they could leave and when the men got back, they will be able to get in. All in all, it was a great weekend, I had finally come to grips with my jealousy. (But…. I still don’t like seeing my wife get fucked by other men.)