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Being a girl is so much more fun than being a boy.
Being a Girl

by Vanessa Evans

Part 2

Adventure 2 - The Beach

There was only 3 good beaches that were easily accessible by buses and only one was clothing optional. That was the one that I decided to go to that first full day that I was there.

After getting some breakfast that revived me some more, I went back to my room and collected what I needed for a day at the beach. I kept the same skirt on but changed my top to a slightly see-through gypsy style one that is so short that it only just covers my tits. What’s more, I made it without any elastic around the hem. If I lift my arms up the whole top goes up leaving my tits exposed.

As I started walking to the bus station I decided that I was eager to have some wardrobe malfunctions and I partially unrolled the waistband of my skirt and waited.

The majority of people walking around were youngish people. It was such a turn on knowing that I had no control over my skirt and that at any second the waistband would come undone and the skirt would drop to the ground.

Through my sunglasses I looked at all the people approaching, some I didn’t particularly want to be exposed to but others, my clit tingled at the thought of them seeing me bottomless.

I was getting hear the bus station and starting to think that I hadn’t unrolled it enough when it happened. Right in front of a groups of young people coming my way.

Down the very lightweight, floaty skirt went and for a few seconds and a few steps, I ignored it, then I shrieked and turned to look for my skirt. Going back a couple of paces, I bent at the waist with my back to the group and my feet about shoulder width apart, and I picked up my skirt. I held it to my side as I pretended to work out how I was going to put it back on with just one hand as my other hand was holding my bag.

A couple of seconds later I bent my knees a little and put my bag on the ground then put my skirt back on.

All that time I could hear gasps from some of the girls, sniggers from the others, and laughs from the guys.

When the group got right up to me one of the guys said,

“Nice pussy.”

Another said,

“Look at that clit.”

And all of them were sniggering.

“Bloody fasteners.” I said to no one in particular, but knowing that they all could hear me.

I picked up my bag started walking again, the tingling in my nipples and clit being stronger.

The skirt stayed on me as I bought my ticket and waited for the bus. There was lot of people in front of me and I decided that the next time I wanted to go somewhere on a bus I’d get there earlier.

The bus filled up and by the time I got on, all the seats were occupied so I started following the guy in front of me down the aisle. Sitting people were overflowing into the aisle space and I had to brush passed some them. I didn’t realise until a good few seconds later that that contact with those people was gently tugging on my skirt and the rolling came undone.

I was about 4 rows further down the bus before I heard guy say,

“Excuse me luv, but I think that you dropped something.”

I’d taken another pace before I realised that he was talking to me and I just knew what had happened. I did my usual shriek then turned and walked back as the people in the seats and the guy that had been following me held up my skirt for everyone to see.

“Bloody fasteners.” I said as I bent to put my bag down, nearly putting my bare butt on one guys lap, then I stood back up, took the skirt off the guy who was holding it up nearly to the roof, and put it back on. At the same time thanking the guy.

As I’d reached up to get my skirt I felt my top rise up and my nipples get some air but it fell back into place as my arms came down.

I thanked the guy again then continued my walk down the aisle trying to suppress my smile.

As I mentioned, all the seats were taken so lots of people were stood in the aisle. The bus company catered for that and there were straps hanging down from the roof, and I could just about reach one, but of course that meant that my top had risen up and both my nipples were exposed.

I pretended not to realise as I stood sideways in the aisle with my tits very close to a seated guy. Surprise, surprise, the guy didn’t say anything and I kept looking down and seeing that his head was turned my way.

My tingling didn’t get any weaker as the bus bounced along. I couldn’t see, but I knew that my tits would only be slightly wobbling.

After about 10 minutes I felt the waistband of my skirt come undone again but I just ignored it, because there were so many people stood in the aisle I knew that the only people that could see that I was naked from my nipples down was the 4 people on the rows in front and behind me.

As I stood there I watched the couple in front of me. The guys face was right in front of my pussy and the girl sat at the window was also staring and smiling. I wished that I could see the people in the row behind me but I couldn’t. All I knew was that they were about my age.

On the bus trundled and about 10 minutes later it turned off the road and the people standing had to pull on the strap to stay upright. Unfortunately, because I wasn’t very tall, my grip on the strap wasn’t that good and my hand slipped off it, sending me backwards across the laps of the couple behind me.

“I’m so sorry,” I said, then a couple of seconds later “Oh shit, where’s my skirt?”

The couple started pushing me back to my feet and I saw that the couple on the other side were staring at my slightly spread, bare pussy.

“I’m so sorry about this.” I said as I scrambled to put my skirt on.

I’d just got it back on when the bus came to a halt and people started getting off.

I could see the sea and, like just about everyone else, I started walking that way.

The beach was amazing, the best that I had ever been on. The sand was fine, soft and warm, and gently sloped into the blue sea. I stopped walking and took off my skirt and top then started walking along the water’s edge. It wasn’t long before I realised that I was on the clothed part of the beach but I didn’t care. I was free of clothes and on a beautiful beach in beautiful weather.

I walked until I could see a naked person in the distance then stopped and spread my towel. There were a few other people around me including topless girls, but I was the only one totally naked for about 50 metres. Behind me at the top edge of the beach was a beach bar with tables and I saw a couple of guys looking my way.

I rubbed sunblock all over me then lay on my back with my feet spread and facing the sea. It felt amazing, not really sexual, just laying there, totally naked, in such an amazing place. I wanted to spend the rest of my life there. The only slightly bad thing was that my pussy still ached a bit but the warm feeling of the sun on it felt healing.

After quite a while I turned over, spread my legs and rested my head on my arms. Through my sunglasses I studied the people around me. There were people of all ages, just sat or laying there wearing their restrictive looking swimming costumes. I couldn’t understand why they would be wearing anything. That is, until I saw a middle-aged couple, both grossly overweight, and my body shuddered at the thought of seeing them naked. I smiled as I wondered how many years ago it was that they last saw their genitals.

I turned my head the other way, looking further along the beach. I could see both clothed and naked people then further along I could see another beach bar then rocks with a path gradually going up.

“I’m going to go for a wander along there before I go back to the cold UK.” I thought.

I straightened my head and looked at the beach bar. It was getting busy and some people were eating at tables. The 2 guys that had been looking at me had gone but a man and a woman sat at a table were looking my way. It looked like they were looking right passed me and out onto the sea, probably at some of the yachts that were anchored there.

I watched people coming and going, some of them girls wearing just thong or G-string bottoms. Some staying for a while and some purchasing drinks or ice creams then heading back the way they came.

I wondered if I dare go and buy a drink or an ice cream dressed like I was. Would I get asked to leave, would I get served, would I get served by the cool looking guy that I thought was a barman and he’d stare at my tits and maybe my pussy, would people make derogatory comments, would I care if they did?

I decided to find out.

Getting to my feet I picked up my purse and walked to the bar entrance. My heart was pounding, my nipples and clit hard and throbbing as I climbed onto the raised, wooden floor.

Sure, I could see a handful of people checking me out, but no one said anything. I walked over to the bar and stood behind a topless girl who was getting served, When she had finished she turned and walked away leaving the barman looking at me. Through my sunglasses I could see his eyes looking up and down me and I swear that my heart skipped a beat.

As I stepped forwards I asked for a beer and the barman just turned and went to get it. I was both relieved and excited that I was getting served in a beach bar whilst totally naked.

“That okay for you young lady?” The guy asked in a broad Yorkshire accent when he returned.

I smiled, relaxed a little and handed over my money. As I walked out and back to my towel I was feeling pleased with myself, and quite horny. When I sat on my towel looking out at the boats, I sat with me feet well apart.

I wanted to touch my clit for 2 reasons, one to find out if it was still a bit tender, and two, to tend to the throbbing that it was doing. Instead of doing that I held the neck of the cold bottle and pressed the body of the bottle against my pussy.

I gasped at the cold but it quickly made my pussy feel even nicer.

“I need to cool down.” I thought.

Once I’d finished the beer I took my sunglasses off and walked out into the sea. It felt amazing, warmer than the swimming pool at the leisure centre back home. I kept walking and when I was waist deep I bent and dived under then started swimming.

Okay, I’d been in the leisure centre’s pool wearing only a skimpy, thong bikini, and I’d even engineered losing the bottoms a couple of times, but swimming in the warm sea was a whole new ball park. I don’t know if it was because it was salt water not chlorinated, or what, but the feeling of the water rushing passed my clit and nipples was electric.

And what’s more, it was easier to just lay back and float.

I swam out and round a wreck of a little yacht, then along the coast a bit. When I realised that I was getting tired I wadded ashore and realised that I was nearly back to where I first entered the beach, There was no way that I was going to go back in and swim to where my towel was so I just brazenly walked back along the beach, but I didn’t stay at the water’s edge, no, I walked right down the middle of all the partially clothed people.

My pleasure of the sea water turned to the pleasure of people looking at the naked 18 year old girl with a bald pussy and tiny tits.

It was only when I heard a woman say,

“That girl’s mother should be ashamed of herself letting a girl wander around here with no clothes on.”

Then I thought,

“Oh my gawd, that woman thinks that I’m a little girl.”

I kept walking and when I got back to my towel I lay down and thought about what that woman had said.

“If she thought that I looked like a little girl then maybe other people did as well. Was my height, my bald pussy and tiny tits really making me look like a little girl? Was that why no one said anything when I went into the beach bar totally naked?”

Of course I didn’t have any answers, but I did wonder if I’d be able to get away with being naked and free in more places.

Whilst I was up on my elbows I watched a few people walking along the water’s edge. Some of them looked my way and stared for a few seconds before moving on. I liked that, but I was a little tired. The excitement of events since I got up and my shortage of sleep were catching up on me and I moved my elbows thinking that I’d just relax for a few minutes then pack up and go back to the hotel.

I have no idea how long I was asleep but I woke up feeling very hot. I also realised that my right hand was on my pussy, I wondered if I’d been masturbating in my sleep. Once I was fully awake I got up and walked into the sea and cooled off.

Back at my towel I packed up and decided to go back to the bus stop a different way. I’d seen people, who looked like they were leaving, walk down a path at the side of the beach bar so I decided to go that way.

Without putting my clothes on I set off through some trees and discovered a large car park.

“Sod it,” I thought, and didn’t stop to put my skirt and top on.

I smiled to myself and thought,

“I’m sure that no one would stop a little girl and tell her to go back to her mummy and put some clothes on.”

Although there were plenty of people coming and going in the car park, no one said anything, but a small group of young guys parking their motorcycles did stare at me until I was passed them.

I chickened out as I approached the bus stop and stopped to put my skirt and top on, but I did only lightly roll the skirt waist band. I was hoping to have the same fun on the bus as I had getting there.

Unfortunately I didn’t have any fun because there weren’t many people on the bus and I got a seat on my own.

Back at the bus station I started walking back to the hotel but I made a slight detour via part of the harbour and it was there that my skirt finally fell off me. There was quite a few people walking along and I wasn’t the only one who gasped when I became naked from just below my tits to my ankles.

I did my usual cursing at the hook as I put the skirt back on, then looked around and saw a few smiling faces still looking at me.

I made it back to the hotel without another wardrobe malfunction then went up to my room for a shower.


I’d really enjoyed going to that beach and I decided that I was going to go back there every other day, preferably with more energy so that I could explore the area behind and along the coastline.


Adventure 3

And that’s what I did on some of the days. Behind the beach, apart from the car park, is a mini forest of some sort of pine trees full of noisy crickets. I explored that area naked with my clothes in my bag and I passed lots of people walking along the many paths. In all my walks in that wooded area I never saw another naked person.

On 3 occasions that I went to that beach, I went for a walk along the shoreline. It was never steep, just lots of rocks. But there was a lot of of little sandy areas, some with access to the sea. Most of these were occupied by sunbathers, often as naked as I was.

On one occasion when I got to a largish sandy area I saw a couple of fully clothed guys holding what looked like expensive cameras. When I could see more I saw that there was 2 totally naked girls making out on a towel and the 2 guys were videoing them. A third fully dressed guy appeared to be telling everyone what to do.

I wondered if they were making a porno movie so I decided to stop and watch. It’s one thing watching porno videos on a laptop but it’s very different to watching them being made.

The girls were really making out, hands everywhere and when one girl got on top the other way around, I watched them have a very long 69, and as I stood there watching, my right hand had moved to my pussy and was idly toying with my clit.

My eyes were a little busy watching the action and I didn’t see the full dress guy (without a camera) walk over and stand by me.

“You look as though you’d like to join in, would you?”

“What? I’ve never.”

“Never been with a girl?”


“A girl virgin, that’s just what I’m looking for. The seduction of a girl virgin, do you think that tile will sell?”

“I have no idea.”

“What’s your name virgin?”


“I’m Hamish, the producer of the movie, so what do you think virgin Jade, would you like to spice up your afternoon?”

“What would I have to do?”

“Nothing much, walk out of the sea then let those 2 loveys seduce you.”

“Is that all?” I asked.

“Yes, but with that body of yours if you fancy a leading role in another movie I’m sure that I could set it up. Come and meet your impromptu lovers.”

“I haven’t said that I’d do it yet.”

Hamish had already assumed that I was up for it and as he started walking towards the 2 girls I thought,

“What the hell, may as well go for it. This is not how I planned for my first girl-on-girl but hey, …… “

“CUT.” The guy shouted as I started to follow him.

He then introduced me to everyone and explained his idea for the scene. I was to go into the sea until I was swimming, then turn and swim ashore where the 2 girls would pounce on me saying words like,

“Hello cute little girl, where did you come from?”

“Those are nice little tits, let me taste them.”

“I love hairless little pussies, they taste so sweet.”

All time the girls would be touching me all over. Then they’d ‘persuade’ me to lay down and they’d make love to me.

“Jade, I want you to act all surprised and at first be reluctant, but then just let the professionals seduce you. If you’ve never been with a girl I’m sure that you are in for a pleasant surprise.”

I didn’t know what to say, this just wasn’t how I was expecting my afternoon to go, so when Hamish told me to go for a quick swim, I just turned and walked out into the sea.

As usual, the warm sea felt great and I quickly relaxed, almost forgetting why I was there.

“OKAY JADE, YOU CAN COME BACK NOW.” I heard Hamish shout.

My reason for being there came back to me and I nervously turned and swam ashore. I tried to remember that famous James Bond scene of a beautiful girl in a white bikini walking out of the sea but couldn’t remember how she walked so I just did it and before I knew it the 2 naked, professional girls were in front of me.

They started saying similar things that Hamish had said and I just stood there while they touched me up. I have to say that they were very gentle and knew just where to touch me to make me feel good, much better than the guys who gang-banged me.

They ‘persuaded’ me to get down on a conveniently placed towel and their hands caressed my tits and pussy.

My nervousness quickly disappeared as my arousal increased.

Soon, hands were replaced by mouths and they knew exactly what to do to take me up there and before long I was cumming, my body jerking and shaking and me verbally letting everyone around know that I was cumming.

The thing was, those 2 girls didn’t stop. One of them moved and when I opened my eyes I was looking up at a very wet, bald pussy that was descending on my face.

For a split second, I panicked, but instinct took over and I opened my mouth and my tongue came out. I knew what I liked so I did it to that girl and I surprised myself when I got the impression that she was cumming.

The thing was, the other girl, who was still eating my pussy was getting me close to cumming again. Seconds later I went over the edge again and shortly after I just about got my wits about me again I heard Hamish shout,


The 2 girls got up and off me, leaving me just laying there wondering why I had never thought about making out with a girl before.

After a few seconds I realised that Hamish was talking to me.

“What?” I asked.

Hamish smiled and repeated himself,

“That really was your first time wasn’t it Jade?”

“With a girl, yes.”

“And those were genuine orgasms weren’t they?”


Hamish put his hand out to help me up then, handing me a little card, he said,

“Well thank you Jade, that was just what I needed. If you ever feel like getting involved again, give me a call, there’s always a need for beautiful girls as extras, and maybe there will be an opportunity for you to star in a movie.”

With that, Hamish turned and went to the 2 girls and started talking, leaving me just standing there on my own.

After a couple of seconds I picked up my bag and walked back up to the path then continued walking and wondering if I had just been dreaming.


Adventure 4

The days that I didn’t go to that beach I spent either at the hotel pool or wandering around the resort having lots of wardrobe malfunctions.

At the hotel I got into the habit of only wearing clothes when I went for breakfast and never once did I get any derogatory comments of get asked to cover up by the staff. I was a wonderful feeling walking around totally naked.

At the pool I always started out on a lounger on my own, but just about every time I started putting sunblock on me someone would come and offer to do it for me. If the guy was cute I’d let him do my tits and pussy. If he wasn’t cute these areas were off-limits.

One time it was a girl that offered. A girl that was on her own. She, Tilly, offered to do me if I did her, not those words, but when she did my front she caressed my tits and rolled and pulled my nipples causing me to moan. When she got lower on my front she put the lotion all over my pussy and made me moan as she rubbed my clit for a few seconds. As she was doing that she told me that I had a beautiful pussy.

This was the day after my encounter with the porno film maker on the beach and I decided to ‘go with the flow’ and when it was my turn to do her I did to her what I liked being done to me.

Her tits were a little bigger than mine and I spent quite a while massaging them and playing with her nipples. They felt so hard on top of her very soft tits.

As I was doing that I noticed that some guys were watching us and that encouraged me to do more to Tilly’s pussy than she had to mine. Tilly had taken her bikini bottoms off, which was all that she had been wearing when she came over to me, and I was pleased to discover that her pussy was as bald as mine was.

Tilly has small inner labia and a ring through her clit hood. Hanging from that ring is a little ball with little spikes on it. As I started rubbing the sunblock on her pussy I said,

“This is nice Tilly, any significance with the ball?”

“Yes, when I walk along without knickers on it bounces on my clit and makes me feel good.”

“Don’t the spikes hurt you?”

“A little some times, but a little pain can be nice.”

Tilly’s clit had emerged and I massaged plenty of sunblock on it causing her to moan. Then my left hand moved in and I finger fucked her as the little audience around us grew, and it wasn’t all guys.

I kept going until Tilly orgasmed, then I continued down her legs.

“Thank you Jade, I needed that,” Tilly said when she was thinking straight.

“You’re so welcome Tilly, I came here to make new experiences and you have just ticked one item on my list.”

Ignoring the audience that was slowly dispersing, I pulled another lounger next to the one that Tilly was on and we started talking.

Tilly was there on her own and was going back to England in a couple of days. This was nearly a week into my holiday and I wondered why I hadn’t bumped into her before, but I didn’t say anything.

After a while we were both getting a bit warm so we jumped into the pool, both of us still totally naked.

We swam a bit, talked a lot, kissed a bit and groped each other quite a bit. All the time there was a steady stream of guys coming up to us and trying to hit on us. After the second guy we didn’t answer, just turned to face each other and kissed. They usually got the hint.

We made plans to go out that evening and we met in the lobby before we went to a cafe to eat. Tilly was a bit surprised when she saw me in a dress that was ultra short and see-through with no underwear, but she smiled and linked my arm as we walked out of the hotel. Her saying,

“Damn girl, you really like to flaunt it.”

“It makes me feel good, all the guys looking at me.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean, I’d like to run around naked out here so that lots of guys could see me but I don’t have the courage.”

“Have you been to that nudist beach up the coast?”

“Yeah, but it’s not the same, people expect to see naked people on that beach. I want to be naked in places that people aren’t expecting to see me naked.”

“I know exactly what you mean Tilly, that shock factor that you see is a real turn-on. I went walking along the rocks and in the woods totally naked and the only other naked people that I saw were on the beach.”

“I wouldn’t have the courage to do that, I just lay there all the time.

By then we had found a cafe so that conversation ended. As per usual, the waiters ignored the fact that my clothes were see-through.

After the cafe we went to a few bars and got hit on in each of them. Tilly told me that she usually just told them to do one just as soon as the guys started trying to get her to go to their hotels.

“So you haven’t been fucked whilst you’ve been here Tilly?”


“Hell girl, we’re going to have to put that right, tonight.”

“But Jade.”

“But Jade nothing Tilly. You just stick close to me.”

I looked around the bar for the best looking 2 guys that were drinking together then said,

“Come on Tilly, you’re going to get laid.”

Leaving our drinks behind I took Tilly by the hand and walked up to the 2 guys.

“Hi guys, I’m Jade and this is Tilly, and I was wondering if you’d buy us a drink.”

“What?” One of the guys said.

“We’ll show you our tits if you get us a drink.”

“I can see your tits already, Jade was it?”

“Yeah, how about if Tilly shows you hers?”

“JADE, I can’t do that.”

“Yes you can Tilly, just get them out, look, it’s easy.” I replied as I pulled the top of my dress down below my tits.

Tilly looked embarrassed, but all credit to her, she slowly lifted her top up until her tits sprung free.

“There Tilly, easy wasn’t it? Now will you buy us those drinks please guys?”

“Show us your pussies and we will.” The other guy said and I heard Tilly gasp.

“Okay.” I replied and pushed my dress right down to my feet before stepping out of it and picking it up.

“No knickers girl. I like that.” Guy 1 said.

“Your turn Tilly.” I said.

Tilly looked at me and I could tell by her expression that she wanted to get naked but lacked the courage so I said,

“How about you let these 2 guys strip you Tilly?”

Tilly’s eyes went wide open, she nodded her head then she lifted her arms up in the air.

The guys wasted no time in striping Tilly and holding on to her clothes.

“Those drinks now guys.” I said.

“Coming up.” The guy nearest to me said and he turned and went to the bar.

Meanwhile, the other guy had started talking to Tilly and she as talking back to him, not even trying to cover her tits or pussy.

“Good,” I thought, “she just might get lucky tonight.”

We didn’t have to wait long for our drinks but in that time I did see lots of guys, and girls, looking at Tilly and me. When the guy got back and handed the bottles round, I saw that Tilly looked a lot more relaxed.

I looked at my guy and decided that I was going to fuck him so when we had finished our drinks I said,

“Would you 2 gentlemen kindly escort us back to our hotel, I’m sure that you wouldn’t want us to walk back there naked.”

“But …” Tilly stared to say but I put my finger over her lips to stop her.

The guy who was talking to her looked at me and I winked an eye. He smiled and said,

“It would be our pleasure ladies.”

As we walked, when Tilly got close to me, she whispered,

“This is so exciting, it’s like a dream come true.”

“You go for it girl, have some fun.”

The majority of the people who saw us just ignored us. It was only a handful of probably pissed people who said anything, and none of the comments were derogatory.

Back at the hotel the receptionist just raised her head then lowered it as we walked through the lobby. When we started climbing the stairs I said,

“Take big boy to your room Tilly and let him use your bathroom.”

Tilly giggled and gave me a knowing grin just before I grabbed my guy as we got to my floor.

“This way if you want to fuck me.” I said.

He followed me and we did fuck on my bed. I took charge and rode him for all my worth. After I’d orgasmed he rolled me off him, got me on my hands and knees and started pounding me from behind.

The guy had amazing rhythm and he went on and on and on, taking me through my second orgasm and nearly my third before I felt him cum inside me.

“Thanks blondie.” The guy said then things went quiet.

When I turned my head to see what he was doing I saw nothing, he had gone. I slowly got to my feet and closed the door before collapsing on my bed wondering if he was going back to Tilly’s room to join the fun there. I didn’t hear Tilly give him her room number, but maybe his mate had text it to him.


I woke up as the sun was rising and as I looked outside I wondered if Tilly had had a good time. Then I remembered that I didn’t know which room she was in, and if I’d bump in to her again before she left.

It was another beach day so I went to the bathroom for the 3 Ss then wrapped a sarong around me and went for some breakfast.

I had my usual exhibitionist fun on the bus going there and on the beach. Another great day and a developing all-over tan.


Adventure 5

Another day that I didn’t go to the beach, I put on one of my ‘fall off skirt’ and a gypsy top (I really like those so I’m going to make some more when I get home), and wandered around the town having multiple wardrobe malfunctions. Each time that I saw a guy, or guys, walking towards me, I willed my skirt to come undone and drop off, but I wasn’t lucky most of the time. The rolled waistband usually came undone when there were very few people around.

The fabric of those skirts, (all of the ones that I made). Is so light that I can hardly feel them against the front of my thighs as I walk.

I found this bar that was right beside the town’s beach. The beach wasn’t clothing optional so I mostly stayed away from it, but this bar had a line of loungers alongside the path that separated it from the beach. With the loungers in the recline position, I saw people laying there with their drinks and looking to the beach and beyond.

I’d just passed that bar when an idea hit me. I turned and went back to the bar, got a drink and went and lay on one of the reclined loungers. As soon as I sat on it my very short skirt rode up, and when I swung my legs up and onto the lounger my skirt was up around my waist leaving my pussy uncovered.

I lay back, spread my legs a little, enjoyed my drink and, through my sunglasses, I watched the people walking by knowing that all they had to do was turn their heads towards me and they’d see my wet pussy and bald pubis.

As I sipped my drink my feet slowly parted some more until my feet were touching the sides of the lounger.

Behind my sunglasses my eyes were going from side to side watchine the people passing by to see if they looked at me and if they realised that they could see my uncovered pussy.

I was amazed at the number of people who looked like they’d seen me but instantly turned their heads away.

“You can look if you want.” I kept thinking, but not many people did have a good look, and those that did look just stared for a while then walked on.

Nevertheless, I found being exposed like that very exciting.

I went back to that bar quite a few times after the day that I discovered it and I didn’t go to the beach.


Adventure 6

One morning that I wasn’t going to the beach I opened the balcony door and discovered that it was a little breezy. I smiled and dug out one of my very short and lightweight skater style skirts. My outfit for the day was going to be that and one of my see-through gypsy style crop tops.

After my bathroom tasks and breakfast I put on the outfit and went for a walk. I could just about feel the fabric of my skirt when it blew up and touched my bare belly, but I was sure that there were lots of times that it blew up and I couldn’t feel a thing. Of course, if I didn’t know that my skirt had blown up exposing my bare butt and pussy, I didn’t have to hold it down, after all, even with the skirt in it’s designated position I felt like I was naked from my tits down.

The wind also exposed my tits as well. The un-elasticated hem of my flimsy gypsy top was hanging straight down from my hard nipples leaving a big gap for the wind to get under, and it often did, exposing my nipples and the bottom half of my tits.

It felt so naughty and nice walking along busy streets knowing that the wind was causing me many wardrobe malfunctions.

Just the same as back in England, there are calm places and places where the wind gusts, and it was the later that I was looking for.

I found one such place near the corner of a building. There was a group of people standing there looking at a cruise liner in the distance. I couldn’t see what was so interesting but as I stood there in front and to one side of them, the wind did what I wanted and inverted my skirt and my top. My skirt wasn’t long enough to cover the distance between my waist and tits so I was bottomless with my tits uncovered for ages.

I watched the group of people and saw that the cruise liner suddenly became less interesting to most of them.

I did a similar thing in a few locations and lots of people must have seen my goodies, and that includes my clit because I always stood with my feet well apart.

The other thing was that the wind was tickling my pussy all the time and making me feel horny.


Adventure 7

I browsed around some of the tourist shops one day, sometimes just to get near some guys to see if they’d notice that they could see through my clothes (they usually didn’t), but none of the shops sold anything that I fancied. It wasn’t until I saw a little shop that just sold clothes, mainly ladies clothes, and they had a couple of nice summer dresses in the window.

I didn’t have any intention of buying anything but I wanted to try on one of the dresses.

There was only a girl, about my age, looking after the shop and she looked bored.

I browsed around the shop then went to the front window and turned to the girl and said,

“Can I try that dress on please?”

“Sorry, we don’t have a changing room, but you can return it if it doesn’t fit.”

“Can I not just try it on right here?”

“Err, I guess so, you could go behind that rack.”

“Could you get the dress for me please?”

The girl climbed up into the window and when she had the dress off the mannequin she turned to me and saw that I had stripped naked ready to try the dress on.

“Oh, okay,” the startled girl said when she saw the naked me standing right by the big glass door.

When she handed me the dress I saw that she was staring at my front, and she had that look on her face that I’ve noticed when someone fancies you, so I took my time, letting her get a good look at me.

I slowly stepped into the dress then turned my back to the girl and asked her to zip me up.

As she did so she put one hand on my waist and let out a little moan.

Zip up. I turned and smoothed the dress down then moved my hands back up to my little tits.

As I cupped my tits and tweaked my nipples through the fabric I said,

“It doesn’t feel quite right, there’s lumps in the fabric, here, I’ll show you.”

The girl lifted her hands then hesitated, reluctant to put her hands on my tits so I took hold of her hands and placed them on my tits.

I squeezed my tits through her hands then let go of them leaving her hands still on my tits. I was expecting her to move her hands away too, but they remained there, so after a few seconds I said,

“Can you feel the lumps?”

The girl then moved her hands, taking my nipples in her index finger and thumb.

“See, lumps,” I said, “and I’ve got another one down here, feel it.”

The girl looked terrified but lustful as her right hand slid down my front and found my clit through the thin fabric of the dress.

I moaned a little as her fingers touched clit and she rubbed it.

“Yes, that’s the lump.”

“It is big isn’t it. Much bigger than mine.” The girl said.

“Should you check it to make sure that it’s okay?” I asked.

With that the girl knelt in front of me and lifted my dress.

“Yes, it is bigger than mine, doesn’t it cause you problems?”

“Not at all, in fact all the guys like it and like playing with it.”

“So you’re into guys not girls then?”

“Weeellll, basically, but ….”

“So you wouldn’t mind if I made you cum, right here and now?”

I wasn’t expecting that, but I replied,

“I will never turn down an offer like that, regardless of who does it, but this is a shop, people come into shops.”

That didn’t stop the girl and before I realised it her hand was under the skirt and rubbing my clit. Unsurprisingly, it didn’t take long and I orgasmed just inside that big glass door.

Once I got my wits about me again I asked,

“Would you like me to return the compliment?”

“Thank you but no, when I tell my boyfriend about this tonight we will make love all night long.”

“Okay, your choice, but I have to tell you that I won’t be buying the dress.”

“That is okay, let me help you take it off.”

And she did, unzipping me then picking it up from the floor.

“Let me take one last look at you.” The girl asked.

So I stood there facing her with my feet about shoulder width apart for a good few minutes before she thanked me. I put my clothes on and left giving her a smile and a wave.


Adventure 8

One evening, I went to a bar that I’d seen on that first night before I got gang-banged. The bar was called ‘The Dungeon’ and from the outside it didn’t look much but the name intrigued me. I’d watched a few bondage and BDSM videos and wondered if the inside of that bar was anything like the videos that I’d seen. When I went in I saw that there were similarities.

Interspersed between the tables that had a few people sat at them drinking, were different areas that had what I assumed to be bondage equipment. One area had lot of leather straps and harnesses. Another had a table with a metal frame above it with ropes hanging down. Another area had a school type vaulting horse. Another had an old world stocks and the last area just had ropes hanging from the ceiling.

I just stood and stared, my brain having visions from the videos that I’d seen and also images of me being the girls that I’d seen on those devices. After a couple of minutes of me just standing there and staring, I heard a female voice,

“Hi there, have you come here to experiment?”

I snapped out of my daydream and replied,

“No, no, I was passing and was intrigued to see what was in here.”

“So which do you fancy trying first, stuck in the stocks or restrained over the vaulting horse and spanked?”

“No, no, I couldn’t. I’ve never been spanked.”

“Well tonight is your lucky night, What’s your name, mine is Candy, but you should call me Mistress.”

“Jade. But on the videos that I’ve seen the girls look to be in terrible pain.”

I wasn’t surprised at the Mistress name as I’d heard it on the videos,

“Most of what you see on those videos is just acting, I can promise you Jade, that I will stop it immediately if the pain gets too much for you. You can choose a ‘safe’ word and if you say it everything will stop immediately, so what do you say?”

“I want to, but I’m scared.”

“Tell you what Jade, come to the bar and have a drink. There’s one of the regulars about to do a stint, watch her and then decide.”

I did, no sooner than I’d got my drink than a naked girl walked out of a back room being led by a dog leash attached to a collar round her neck. Her wrists were cuffed behind her.

The masked guy holding the leash, led the girl to each table in the room and the people there took it in turns to spank her, fuck her and basically degrade her. But the thing was, each time she stood up she had a big smile on her face.

The other thing was that at one table whilst she was bent over getting spanked, she really did look like she was having an orgasm.

As I watched I could feel my nipples and clit tingling, and I swear that my juices were running down my legs as far as my feet.

When the girl’s ordeal, or not, was over she was led to a table, released and sat talking as if it had never happened.

“Right,” Mistress said, “Come with me.”

Without thinking I followed her to one corner of the room where she just said,


Again, without really thinking, I did as commanded. Once I was totally naked, Mistress put soft, velcro cuffs round my ankles and wrists, then she put a ball-gag on me. I’d seen them on porno videos and wondered how the wearer didn’t suffocate, but thankfully, this one had holes in it and my breathing wasn’t impeded.

I was then led to the middle of the room and told to sit on the stool that someone had put there. Two guys came and lowered ropes from the ceiling and attached the ends to the cuffs on my ankles and wrists.

Before I could really take-in what was happening, the ropes were pulled and my wrists and ankles started going up. I was hauled up into a spread eagle configuration with the small of my back just resting on the stool. I knew that everyone at my feet end could see all of my spread and very wet pussy.

Then I saw a guy walking towards me. He was dressed all in leather, and that included a leather mask. I got really scared when I saw that he was carrying some sort of whip. Which I later found out was a Flogger.

He stood to my right then someone standing above my head put a blindfold on me. I correctly guessed that the guy wearing the leather mask was about to whip me with that Flogger thing do I clenched my pussy muscles and waited.

Then I screamed as the Flogger landed on my butt. Not only did it hurt like hell, it send a bolt of electricity from my butt to my clit and up to my nipples.

As I waited for the next whack I was cursing myself for having walked into that bar, thinking that my butt hurt like hell, and wondering why the tingling in my clit and nipples had got a lot stronger.









When the whipping stopped I was left just hanging there and wondering what was going on. I heard a faint buzzing then something touched my pussy causing me to gasp and try to pull away from whatever had just touched me.

Of course that was pointless and whatever it was touched my pussy again. It was vibrating but it didn’t feel like any of my vibrators. Whatever it was was resting on my clit and raising my arousal level even more.

On and on the vibrating went until my arousal peaked and I screamed as I went over the edge. The only thing was that my scream came our round the ball-gag as hardly a sound.

My body and legs were moving as little as the ropes would allow as it jerked and shook, me trying to escape what most girls would probably describe as the ultimate humiliation, orgasming in front of a group of strangers, but for me, it was still humiliation, but also euphoria, the ultimate pleasure.

The vibrator didn’t stop and the orgasm went on and on and on for what felt like hours. then I heard Mistress speak.

“Ladies and gentlemen, as it is Jade’s first time participating I think that that is enough of the Flogger and the Magic Wand for today. She will have some very red marks across her butt for a day or so and may not want to cover it up or sit on it.

Now, as you can see, Jade is highly aroused and if she could speak I’m sure that she would be begging for some human contact so I offer you her body to do with as you want. Remember the rules guys, condoms must be worn.”

The pain from my butt made me wonder if I really did want ‘human contact’, but I had no choice, I was hanging there and couldn’t escape even if I decided that I needed to.

Within seconds I felt hands all over my tits, pussy and butt, invading me and rubbing my clit, but then my pussy was deserted for a few second before strong hands grabbed my hips and a cock entered me.

That cock felt big and it pounded in and out of me at a speed that was new to me.

No one could hear the grunts that I made each time his pubic bone hit mine because of the ball-gag, and because of the blindfold I couldn’t see who the owner of the cock was.

On and on it went until I thought that I may pass out, but I didn’t. Instead I orgasmed again.

As the waves of pleasure rolled over me I became aware of the hands still caressing my little tits, and that the cock had gone.

Then another cock entered me. It felt a bit different and the rhythm was different so I guessed that it was a different guy. I was being gang-banged again.

I was getting close to cumming again when the cock stopped and I felt a warm flood inside me but I couldn’t feel the condom. I hoped that he was wearing one.

The cock withdrew and it started all over again with a different feeling cock and rhythm.

It took only seconds for me to reach my peak again and as I started to come down from my high I realised that the cock had gone, and so had the hands.

I felt nothing physical other than the ropes, my aching muscles and a smarting butt. Mentally, I don’t think that I had ever been happier.

I became aware of people talking, voices that I didn’t recognise, then my blindfold and the ball-gag were removed before Mistress spoke,

“How are you feeling Jade?” she asked.

I was still incapable of speaking and after a few seconds Mistress continued,

“It looks like Jade is overcome with the pleasure that she has just received, Jade, nod your head if that is correct.”

My head went down and up 3 times before I found my voice and replied,

“Yes Mistress, that was, that was awesome, thank you.”

Meanwhile, guys were lowering the ropes in such a way that my feet were on the ground and my butt was on the stool.

“Thank you Mistress,” I said again.

“Come with me to the bar.” Mistress said in a gentler voice when my wrists and ankles were freed.

I tried to stand but fell back to the stool, I tried again and was more successful and I slowly walked over to the bar where 2 drinks were waiting for me. I quickly downed the shot then slowly started to drink the beer.

“So Jade,” Mistress said, “did you enjoy that? Do you want to do that again?”

“That was awesome.” I replied before my brain had time to think about it.

My brain kicked into gear and I continued,

“But I’m not sure that I want it to happen again, my butt hurts like hell.”

Mistress smiled and replied,

“That was a light whipping Jade, some girls are real pain junkies and want their butts, tits and pussies whipped so hard that they bleed.”

My body shuddered and I replied,

“Well I’m definitely not one of those girls, my butt hurts quite enough thank you.”

“But you did enjoy it didn’t you Jade, I saw that you orgasmed at least twice.”

“Well yes, but part of that was the gang-bang.”

“Have you been gang-banged before Jade?”

“Yes, a few days ago.”

“And did you enjoy it?”


“Well I could arrange for it to happen again Jade, how many men would you like to fuck you. 5, 10, 20?”

I was really tempted to say 100 but I was sure that 100 guys fucking me would kill me. Instead I replied,


“And when would you like that to happen?”

“I don’t know, I don’t even know if I really want to go through any of it again.”

“Tell you what Jade, you think about it and if you decide you want it to happen come back here.”

“Thanks Mistress.”

“Enjoy your drink and maybe I’ll see you again.”

With that Mistress turned and walked over to another girl who had just stripped naked and was being tied down on the school vaulting horse.

I finished my drink and left. As I walked back to the hotel I couldn’t decide if I wanted to go back there or not.


Adventure 9

Another day I decided to have a bit of fun with guy tourists and my phone. I walked along the quieter side streets and whenever I saw a group of guys walking my way I got my phone out and started taking selfies. When the guys got right up to me I said,

“Excuse me guys, but could you help me?”

The guys always stopped and asked me how they could help.”

“Well I’m trying to take some sexy selfies to send to my boyfriend who had to withdraw from the holiday at the last minute and I was wondering if you could take some sexy photos of me so that I can send them to him?”

Of course they agreed and I handed my phone over to one of the guys. As I backed away from the guys I unfastened my tie-wrap skirt letting it drop to the pavement, and pulled off my see-through top leaving me naked.

To some cheering from the guys I did some posing as, not only my phone was recording images, but some of the guys phones were as well.

After about half a dozen full frontal poses I turned my back to the guys, spread my legs and bent at the waist.

“Fucking hell, she’s dripping.” I heard one of the guys say, but I ignored him and did a couple more silly poses.

After I ran out of ideas I straightened up and turned to face the guys. Holding my hand out for my phone I said,

“Thank you so much guys, I’m sure that my boyfriend will enjoy looking at those photos.”

To a few comments and invites to join them on the beach, I got dresses then walked on, thanking them again.

I did that with 3 groups of guys that morning and a guy in the third group surprised me. As I was putting my clothes back on he said,

“Hey, I have an idea, something that will really get your boyfriend going.”


“Take your clothes off again, give me your phone and I’ll show you.”

Intrigued, I did so then for a few seconds I got a little worried as 2 of the guys came and squat down at either side of me.

“Put your arms round their shoulders.”

I did, and when they were there the 2 guys stood up, lifting me up off the ground. As they went up they both grabbed my leg that was nearest to them and spread me wide open.

I gasped in surprise then smiled knowing that my pussy was spread wide open for those guys to see.

“Wow, I never would have thought of that.” I said, “this is a spreadie isn’t it? Okay, get those phone cameras working and don’t forget to take some pics with my phone.”

“That’s one hell of a prominent clit that you’ve got there girly, I bet that your boyfriend loves chewing on that.” One of the guys taking the photos said.

“He does.” I replied, knowing that all it would take was one touch of my clit from any one of them to send me over the edge.

Three or four minutes, and about 50 photos later, the 2 guys lowered me to the ground, with me saying,

“Thanks guys, those photos will really make my boyfriend wish that he hadn’t cancelled.”

“Are you sure that you wouldn’t like to come to the beach with us?” One of the guys asked as I was getting dressed.

“Thanks for the offer guys, but I need to get back to my hotel to use the WiFi to send those photos to my boyfriend, and thanks again for taking them.”

I started walking away from the guys then I flicked the back of my skirt up so that they could see my bare butt before turning to look at them and blowing them a kiss,

I did go back to the hotel and spent the rest of the day improving my all-over tan and having some fun in the pool with the other young people who were there.

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