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Being a girl is so much more fun than being a boy.
Being a Girl

by Vanessa Evans

Part 3

Adventure 10

One pool day I got a little bored by mid-day so I went up to my room, showered and put on one of my ‘fall off skirt’ and a gypsy top. I planned to explore parts of the town that I hadn’t been to before and maybe have a few wardrobe malfunctions.

After a while, and one accidental skirt falling off, I found myself on a street that had a big, old building on it. It looked like it could be a church, but it was built on a hill with about 40 steps up to it.

There was a young tourist looking couple sat on one of the higher up steps and the way the girl was sat I could see her knickers covered pussy. That gave me an idea and I climbed up about half the steps and sat on one with my feet a couple of steps lower. I kept my knees together but spread my feet as wide as they would go.

Then I got my phone out and pretended to be doing something on it, but at the same time looking down in front of me through my sunglasses.

I watched as people walked by below me and was pleased when I saw a young guy stop and stare up at me. My arousal level rose but the guy walked on after about 30 seconds.

I was again pleased when, a couple of minutes later, the same guy returned with another guy, and both were carrying proper cameras.

I smiled to myself, ignored them and continued looking at them through my sunglasses.

They talked for a couple of seconds then both their cameras pointed up the steps. At first they looked like they were taking photos of the front of the building, but when I didn’t react I saw that their cameras had changed angles and were pointing at me, or should I say, my pussy.

I must have heard about 50 shutters going off before I decided to put my phone down and stretch my arms up in the air knowing that my gypsy top would ride up over my tits.

I stayed like that, now with both tits and pussy exposed, as I heard more shutter sounds, before lowering my arms and getting to my feet and descending the steps.

The young guys looked a little flustered as I smiled at them and said,

“Great view wasn’t it?”

They didn’t answer me.

I walked on thinking that I might go back that way later.

I came across a kids play area but there were no kids there. I guessed that they were either at school or their parents kept then at home because of the heat.

Anyway, I decided to rekindle my childhood memories and play on some of the facilities there.

Ignoring the handful of people sat on the seats around the area, I went and sat on a swing and started going back and forwards.

That was enough for my skirt’s rolled waistband to come undone, and because the skirt was so short I wasn’t sat on any of it, it fluttered down to the ground. The other thing was that the hem of my top rode up over my tits so I was exposed from tits to ankles.

I kept swinging whilst looking around to see if anyone had noticed. I didn’t see anyone until 2 tourist looking youths on what looked like hired bikes, rode through the play area and stopped right in front of me.

As they stared I opened my legs as far as they would go and ignored the youths apart from looking at them through my sunglasses.

They started talking to each other in a language, maybe German, that I couldn’t understand but after a minute or so they were still there.

I decided to get off the swing and as I did so I bent over with my back to them to retrieve my skirt. Putting it on, I still ignored them and went over to the climbing frame where I climbed up, giving the youths a great view of my butt up the tiny skirt, but the best was yet to come as, with my back to them, I leant back and hung upside down by my knees on one of the cross bars.

My now slightly slimmer waist was enough to loosen my skirt and it fell off again, and my top went up (down?) exposing my tits and covering my mouth and nose.

Thankfully, the length of my top was insufficient to cover my eyes and I watched the youths watching me.

Again, they spoke to each other in the same language as they stared at me. I smiled and bet that they were cursing themselves or not having their phones with them.

I let them have plenty of time for their brains to put the sight of my naked body deep in their memory then I pulled myself up and climbed down, again retrieving my skirt and putting it on before walking away.

As I walked I looked back and saw a few people looking at me.

A short while later I came across a shop that looked out of place in the surrounding, housing looking area. Every indication from the outside made it look like it was a sex shop. It even had skimpy underwear and girls toys in the window.

I’d never been into a sex shop before and didn’t know what to expect. As I stood there deciding I found myself doing a mental check that my little shoulder bag had my credit card and some cash in it.

I nervously went inside and was surprised to see hundreds of video lined up on one wall, the other wall being stacked with dildo, vibrators, skimpy girls clothes and bondage gear. I just stood and stared until a man behind the sales counter said,

“Is there anything in particular that you are looking for?”

Surprise disappearing, I replied,

“No, just looking.”

“Well if I can help you with anything just let me know.”

I ignored the videos, picked up a basket and went to look at the girl’s toys. Of course I’d seen lots of them in the videos online, but seeing them in real life was different.

I picked some of them up and wondered what it would be like to have them in my pussy. I decided to put a huge dildo and one of those remote controlled vibrators into my basket, giggling a little as I thought about wearing them at work.

I picked up a package with 2 silver balls in it. It was heavy and I wondered what they were until I read the packaging.

“Wow,” I thought, “they could be fun at work.”

I put them in the basket as well.

I skipped the clothing section deciding that I preferred the freedom of being naked, and stood in front of the bondage section.

I moved my jaw around when I saw a ball-gag and remembered wearing one at that club. I put one in the basket.

Then I saw the dog collars and leashes. There was a pink one with presumably fake diamonds embedded in it and I put those in the basket.

Finally, I saw some handcuffs, not the type you see in the movies, but pink, fur lined ones that the packaging said had a quick release that the wearer could use. They went in the basket as well.

I looked in the basket and wondered if I could really afford all those but the tingling on my chest and between my legs told me that I was getting them even if it maxed-out my credit card.

I turned to go to the sales counter and my skirt chose that moment to unfold and drop to the floor. I let out a little yelp and looked to the sales counter. Yes, the man was looking at me.

The surprise of it happening there made me blush as I put the basket down and retrieved my skirt. Putting it back on I again looked at the man who was smiling.

I thought about just leaving the basked on the floor and running out but my desire to have those toys got the better of me and I picked up the basket and walked to the sales counter muttering something about fasteners.

I put the basket on the counter but the man just stared at me for a few seconds then he said,

“I know you don’t I?”

“I don’t think so, I’m here on holiday.”

“I know, you’re that girl at the club the other night.”

“I don’t go clubbing.”

“You were at the Dungeon weren’t you?”

My face instantly caught fire and I thought,

“Oh shit, was he one of the men that gang-banged me?”

“Err yes,” I timidly replied.

“First time doing anything like that?” He asked.


“So did you enjoy yourself?”


“When are you going back there?”

“I don’t know that I am.”

“Well you certainly looked to enjoy yourself so you should really consider going back there. If you don’t go back I’m sure that you’ll regret it.”

“Maybe.” I replied.

As the man scanned my purchases my face started to cool down and I thought more about going back to the Dungeon.

When the man told me how much my purchases were I got another surprise, it was much less than I expected. I wondered if he’s given me a discount because I’d been to the Dungeon. I gave him my card and he processed the transaction then I left with him saying,

“You really should go back there.”

I headed back to the hotel, eager to play with my new toys.


Adventure 11

Another day at the pool I chose a lounger next to a guy who appeared to be on his own. It turned out that he was called Archie and he was a lone holidaymaker like me.

Archie was a bit like me in some respects, he liked being on his own but he also enjoyed company from the opposite sex. He also liked alcohol, or maybe he was drinking because he was a little nervous being sat next to a naked girl.

After the usual small talk Archie approached the subject of my nudity,

“So you like sunbathing naked do you Jade?”

“Yes, I hate the idea of having white bits, besides, it’s okay for girls to be naked in front of guys isn’t it?”

“It certainly is, I wish that more girls would have that philosophy.”

“Yeah, but is nice being in the minority, us naked girls attract a lot of attention and that makes us feel good and horny.”

“I can believe that, you girls are so lucky.”

“Yes we are.”

“So where do you get naked Jade?”

“Anywhere, everywhere, where ever I feel like it.”

“Don’t you get embarrassed, especially with you being shaved down there, you look like a little girl.”

“I like being bald down there Archie. It shows off my clit better, and there’s no hairs to get stuck in a guys teeth.”

“You have a nice clit Jade.”

“Thanks, you can feel it if you like, but I warn you I might cum if you touch it.”

“Can I?”

“Anytime Archie.”

“Do you like cumming in public Jade?”

“I like cumming anywhere Archie. Err Archie, can you answer a very personal question for me?”


“Are you a virgin?”

“Yes Jade, I am. I guess that you being a girl you lost your virginity years ago.”

“Not that long ago actually.”

“Do you know how to make love to a girl Archie?”

“I’ve watched lots of videos, lovemaking that is, not just fucking.”

“Would you like to show me what you’ve learnt Archie?”

“Can I?”

“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want you to Archie, come on. Grab your things, we’re going to your room.”

By the time the naked me and Archie walked into the hotel lobby I could see a huge bulge in the front of his swimming shorts. In the lift going up I put my hand on it and said,

“You have a big one hsven’t you Archie, but don’t worry if you cum too quickly, I’ll suck you until you get hard again then we can do it again.”

I felt a little wet patch on Archie’s shorts up near his waistband and I was kissing his mouth and holding his bulge as the lift doors opened. I giggled at the smiling young couple who were waiting for the lift then dragged Archie along the corridor.

As soon as we were inside hid room I pulled Archie’s shorts down and marvelled at the size of his cock. Okay, I hadn’t seen that many cocks, most of those that had fucked me had done so without me being able to see the cocks, or their owners, but to me, right then, Archie’s looked big, and he was circumcised which was an added bonus.

I dropped to my knees and started sucking, but not for too long because I suspected that he would go off like a rocket quite soon.

I pulled Archie over to the bed and on top of me, then guided his cock to my hole. He only thrust into me twice before he stopped whilst inside me and he said sorry as he shot his load deep inside me.

“Don’t be sorry Archie, it’s to be expected, but it’s not over yet, there’s plenty more to come.”

We just lay there, him on top of me, until he started to go soft then he rolled off me and said,

“I’ve got some viagra tablets if that will help.”

“Wow,” I replied, “I wouldn’t have thought that you would need viagra and it’s normal for a guy not to last long on his first time, but hey, if you want to take a viagra then we can fuck all night if you want.”

Archie got up and went and got a viagra tablet and swallowed it. He turned to me and I saw his cock that was still covered in both our juices. I waved him over and he lay next to me.

“I don’t know how long it will take for the viagra to kick-in.” Archie said.

“I’ve read that it takes about 30 minutes but I’m sure that we can find something to do until that time.” I said as I sat up and leant over to him and started licking and sucking his soft cock.

It only took a couple of minutes of my sucking and playing with his balls with my hand to get him hard again, and I was pleased that his pubic area was as bald as mine was.

“Can I fuck you again now?”

“Not yet Archie, I want to teach you how to eat me.”

“What? …….. Oh, you mean your pussy. That’s something else that I’ve never done.”

“Just lay there Archie and do what I tell you.”

I sat up, got into the 69 position and lowered my pussy to Archie’s face and I got a real close-up view of his cock.

“Lick all around me and suck on my clit.”

Cunnilingus came naturally to Archie. Either that or he’d seen videos of how to do it because he was pushing my arousal level up quite quickly.

Meanwhile, I was sucking and pushing my head down so that he was in my throat and it was only a couple of minutes before it was my turn to climax, me grinding my pussy down on Archie’s face as I felt my juices flood out of me.

When Archie started to push me up so that he could get some air, I rolled off him and said,

“That was good Archie, are you sure that you haven’t done that before?”

“No, honest, I haven’t even felt a girl’s tits before yours Jade.”

“Talking of tits Archie, how about you make love to mine, do what I’m sure you’ve seen done in videos. Then do the same to my clit.”

“Yes please. You have the biggest clit that I’ve ever seen Jade, even in the porn videos.”

“It’s not that big Archie, it’s just that it likes to come out to play a lot.”

Archie didn’t answer me, instead his mouth went to my right tit and his right hand went to my pussy. And for a supposed virgin, he was good because he made me cum again.

By the time I got my wits about me again, Archie’s cock was rock hard and he said that it was throbbing.

For the next few hours I taught Archie the limited knowledge that I had about having sex in different ways, and we established that Archie was good at pounding my pussy over and over for what seemed like hours at a time.

He made me cum 3 more times before he finally shot his load deep inside me again before collapsing on the bed beside me and falling asleep.

I just lay there as well, I needed some rest as well. As I lay there I thought about my sex life. I was really pleased how it had gone since I came on holiday. Okay. I’d had more gang-bangs than one-on-one encounters, but overall I’d been fucked a lot more times than I had expected, and my holiday was along way from being over.

I was also very happy that I’d been able to walk around public places totally naked, and expose my pussy and tits ‘accidentally’ in places where people didn’t expect to see a naked girl, lots of times.

All in all, I was over the moon about how my holiday was going.

I got off Archie’s bed and went out onto his balcony. It was dark and I could see into the rooms of the hotel opposite. In one room I saw 2 girls, just wearing knickers, who looked like they were getting ready to go out, and in another room I saw a girl riding a guy reverse cowboy.

Deciding that I was hungry, I went back into the room, picked up my towel and bag and quietly left Archie’s room.

Back in my room, I had a quick shower then put on a way too short, floaty skirt and another of my gypsy tops, and went out to find a cafe to get something to eat before having an early night.


Adventure 12

Another night, I tracked down a lot of cheering and found a bar that was advertising a wet T-shirt competition. I’d watched a few wet T-shirt competition videos and fantasized about entering one, the idea of stripping in front of dozens of horny guys really turns me on.

I went in, and before I’d made it to the bar a girl about my age stopped me and asked if I was there for the competition.

“No, err yes, when is it?”

“Five minutes, if you’re going to enter go through that door over there.”

I looked in the direction that the girl was pointing and saw dark blue door.

“Go for it Jade,” I said to myself as I headed to the door.

When I opened the door I saw 4 other girls and one middle-aged man. The girls were in various states of undress and I saw one girl cutting up a T-shirt.

“You here for the competition?” the man asked.

“Yeah,” I replied.

“A bit young aren’t you?”

“I’m 18.” I replied.

He threw a cheap T-shirt at me and said that there were some scissors somewhere if I needed them.

I looked at the other girls and realised that they were cutting their T-shirts so that it was easier for them to rip them off, so I did the same. Then I took my top off, put the T-shirt on then took my skirt off.

I’d seen that all the other girls all had knickers or bikini bottoms on and I didn’t want them to know that I had nothing on under my T-shirt. I guess that I was being a bit competitive, but at the same time I didn’t really care because all I wanted was to be naked in front of loads of screaming guys.

Anyway, the competition went very much like what I’d seen in the videos, in the first round I ripped the T-shirt so that everyone could see my bare tits, and I also bent over with my back to the audience and tweaked my bare butt letting them see my pussy as well. Something that the other girls didn’t do.

In the second and last round I ripped my T-shirt off as soon as I walked to the front of the little stage and my legs spent nearly all of the music tracks spread wide so that the audience could see all of my pussy. Again, something that the other girls didn’t do, only one of them getting totally naked, and none of them frigged to an orgasm during their last music track like I did.

I won and collected a nice little wad of cash the would easily pay for everything that I paid for whilst I was there.

I left that bar a very satisfied girl and wondering if I could find another bar that did wet T-shirt competitions.


Adventure 13

On one of my afternoons at the pool I soon had guys on either side of my lounger. It turned out that all 6 were together and I was in the middle of the only open space to accommodate them so they settled either side of me.

To start with I just let them perv on my naked front, although I did open my legs a bit more as I saw them approaching me. Then, after a quick swim I asked if one of them would be so kind as to rub some sunblock on my back.

I smiled as 2 of the guys got to their feet and came to me.

“Thanks guys, I’m sure that one of you could manage but it will feel good to have 2 sets of hands moving all over my body.”

I turned onto my stomach and it was nice, especially when they massaged the cream into my butt, their fingers going down to my pussy causing me to moan.

“There you go.” One of the guys said, then added,

“My name is Tom, and these reprobates are Lucas, Freddie, Aiden, Noah and Oscar; what’s your name gorgeous?”

“Jade, and it’s great to meet you all.” I replied as I turned over onto my back, spreading me legs as I did so. I continued “I know that’s it’s okay for girls to be naked in front of guys, but is it okay for guys to rub sunblock on all of a girl’s front?”

I think that all 6 guys replied that it was, all at the same time, so I added,

“Well it wouldn’t be fair for just one of you to do it so maybe you could take it in turns and all of you make me all slippery, with the sunblock that is?”

All of the guys stood up and stepped towards me so I said,

“Wow guys, I didn’t think that all of you would be that keen to put you hands on me. Tell you what, sort out who goes in what order and then have 5 minutes each, I promise that the last guy will enjoy it as much as the first guy.

“Wait, I’ve got a better idea, let’s go up to my room and you can do me at least 2 at once.”

“How about we move to those loungers round that corner where we’ll be out of sight of most of the people here?” Noah asked.

I thought for a second then smiled and replied,

“One of you bring my towel and things.”

I got to my feet and started walking towards the alcove that was probably meant for people wanting to sunbathe in a little quieter area. I adjusted one of the loungers so that it was flat, and after one of the guys had spread my towel. I lay on it with my feet spread wide.

As the guys were sorting out who got their hands on my front first I was doing 2 things. Firstly looking up to see how many balconies I could see, and therefore from how many balconies could see me; and secondly, would the guys gang-bang me right there?

Soon, one of the guys, Oscar I think, stepped forward and picked up my bottle of sunblock. I jerked a little as a blob of the cooler cream landed between my tits, then again as another blob landed on my bald pubis.

Then the hands touched my skin and I moaned a little.

I got the impression that Oscar had done something similar to some lucky girl before because he certainly knew how to massage tits, and then a little later, my pussy. I was just getting close when one of the guys announced that the 5 minutes was up.

Both Oscar and I groaned a little and I quietly said,

“Perhaps we could finish this later.”

Oscar smiled and moved over to let Lucas, I think, have a go at me.

“From the top please.” I said and Lucas obliged.

Lucas was also good at massaging tits but he like pulling and squeezing nipples more, not that I was complaining, quite the reverse, I found the bit of pain quite stimulating.

Lucas was also good at manipulating my clit and I orgasmed for him. He was still teasing my clit when his 5 minutes were up.

And so it went on, me cumming twice more before all 6 of them had covered my front in sunblock multiple times, although a lot of the slipperiness around my pussy was my juices.

Once all 6 of them had put sunblock on my front I started to thank them, then I had an Idea and said,

“Err guy’s, you have been so good to me but I haven’t been able to thank you properly.”

I got to my knees, sideways on the lounger and continued,

“You can spit-roast me if you want.”

It was only seconds before a cock was approaching my open mouth and another one was opening my pussy.

I lost count of the number of snacks that descended into my stomach and the number of cocks that entered my pussy, at least 2 of them unloading deep inside me.

At one point I turned my head and saw more bodies than the six guys, and at least 2 that I saw were naked pussies.

Satisfied with my gang-bang, I collapsed onto the lounger, only to be picked up by 4 of the guys, one to each limb. They carried me to the pool and threw me in.

“You ungrateful bastards.” I shouted as I surfaced, but in reality it was just what I needed to bring me fully back to life.

The response from the guys was for 2 of them to dive in and start groping me under the water. I just stood there and enjoyed it.

When we got out my lounger was back in the middle of the guys ones so I went and lay face up to soak up some sun. I noted that all the guys loungers were now much closer to mine.

We talked, all of them being really nice to me and buying me drinks every so often. We talked about girlfriends and naked girls, and I confess that I made up some of the stories about where I had been naked. I guess that the alcohol and the excitement of being naked with 6 clothed guys contributed to my imagination.

The results of the conversations was that they thought that I had been naked in some very public places with lots of people around and as time moved on the guys suggested that we all go and get some food and then go to a bar, or two, for some more drinks.

“Okay, I’m up for that,” I said, “just hang around for a few minutes and I’ll go and put some clothes on.”

“No need Jade, go like you are.” Oscar said.

“I can’t do that, I’ll get arrested.”

“But you’ve said that you’ve been naked in lots of public places Jade.”

“Well yes but ………. “

I didn’t want to confess that I’d exaggerated so I agreed.

“Great,” one of the guys said, “lets’ go and dump our things in our rooms then meet in the lobby.”

I decided to make the outing a little more interesting and in my room I put on my dog collar and a pair of wedge sandals. Before walking out I picked up my handcuffs and set off.

I was both nervous and excited as I walked back down to the lobby. I had to wait for few minutes for the guys to arrive, and in that time a coach pulled up out the front and 4 new arrivals walked into the lobby and stared at me as I stood there.

The first to arrive were Oscar and Aiden and I handed Oscar the handcuffs and asked him to cuff my hands behind my back. As he did so he said,

“You really do want some attention don’t you Jade? That collar suits you.”

I said nothing because the other started to arrive, most of them smiling as they saw me.

Once we were all there we set off. It was still light outside so I was in full view of anyone who cared to look. Walking down the street Oscar said,

“I guess that the nervousness and the fear of being arrested is turning you on Jade, but don’t worry, we will protect you.”

Oscar was right, I was nervous about getting into trouble with the authorities, but I was also incredibly horny which explained my hard nipples that he was probably referring to.

My wedge sandals helped with my horniness. I’d read somewhere that heels make a girl’s legs look great and I could tell they they were pushing my hips forward. It felt like I was pushing my pussy forward for everyone to see.

The guys let me lead the way, giving me verbal directions and all 6 guys were looking at my butt as I walked. I liked the feeling.

Other people were looking at me as well, some just a quick glance but some stopped and stared as we walked by.

We made it to a cafe and Oscar went in leaving the rest of us out the front. When he came back Noah asked,

“Will they let her in?”

“Yeah, no problems.” Oscar replied, so in we went.

As I sat down I asked Tom to release my cuffs so that I could eat, and I told him about the quick release mechanism. After a bit of joking about the guys spoon feeding me, Tom did release my right wrist but left the cuffs dangling from my left wrist.

Of course, only my tits were visible whilst sat at the table and after a while Aiden asked if I was cold.

“Here?” I asked, “how can anyone be cold here? What made you say that Aiden?”

“Well it’s just that your nipples are hard.”

“Jeez Aiden,” Oscar said, “they’ve been hard all day, she’s horny. You should lift your eyes higher than her pussy or butt occasionally.”

That started a conversation about my pussy and my butt. All of the guys saying what they thought about them, I guess that I should have been embarrassed, but I wasn’t. As they described my little bubble butt, my little tits with hard, dark nipples mounted on small, dark areolae, and my coin slot, bald pussy with my clit sticking out. All I felt was more arousal.

The waitress who served us did her best to ignore me and I wondered if she was a bit jealous.

Anyway, after we’d eaten and downed a couple of beers, we left and headed for a bar. As we walked out of the cafe, Oscar grabbed my wrists and put the other cuff on my left wrist behind me.

There were quite a few people wandering around and I felt quite vulnerable and very aroused.

It was night time by then so it wasn’t as easy for people see that I was naked, except when we passed a street light of brightly lit shop, but even then with the guys surrounding me I was sort of hidden a lot of the time.

In the first bar the light were bright and I wasn’t surrounded as much so most of the people there got a good look at me as we stood drinking and talking. Well, the drinking that I did was when one of them held my bottle to my mouth. They all wanted a go at that and my bottle was empty before theirs were.

The barman had seen me but, apart from a smile, he ignored me.

The conversations that we had always seemed to come back to my nudity and the guys kept asking me about the public places that I’d been naked. By then, we’d all had a few beers and I was quite ‘happy’, and I’d already made up a few more stories of my nude exploits, so my imagination was in top gear and I made up stories that to a sober person would have seen right through.

However, these guys were lapping up tales of me being naked at concerts, football games, demonstrations, parties, public swimming pools, carnivals, every public place and event that I could think off.

At one point Tom accused me of making it all up, which was true, but I replied,

“No, it’s all true. Okay, I did get stopped by the cops a couple of times but with these tiny tits and bald pussy I managed to convince them that I was just a kid and that my mummy was giving me a nude punishment. Stupid cops believed me.

Oh, I did get asked to leave a public swimming pool once when a girl lifeguard caught me frigging my naked pussy in the shallow end.”

The guys believed me and after another round of beers we moved on to another bar.

As I mentioned, I was starting to get ‘happy’, and with that came confidence. When we decided to move to the next bar, it was the naked me leading the way, walking as if I was fully dressed and in charge of the guys. I noticed a few people staring at me, and one stupid guy asked me why I had no clothes on,

“Because it’s hot.” I replied.

Another asked me who I belonged to.

“To all of them.” I replied.

In the second bar the barman was quite happy to have a naked girl in his bar, and he even cleared a section of the bar for me to sit on. Freddie and Noah lifted me up there and I sat there with my legs spread quite wide as we talked and drank some more. They guys again bottle feeding me.

All the time people, mainly guys were coming to the bar to get drinks and I realised that ‘my’ guys were stood all to one side of me so that the guys coming to get drinks often were stood right next to my bare legs, and therefore had a great view of my naked front.

Some of the guys that came to buy some drinks fingered me, and one even squat in between my legs and licked my pussy for a while. None of ‘my’ guys stopped them. On the contrary, they cheered them on.

Anyway, after a while in that bar I heard Oscar telling the rest of the guys that he didn’t want me to get too drunk because he didn’t fancy fucking a girl who had passed out.

“Hey, I heard that,” I said, “are you guys going to gang-bang me again when we get back to the hotel?”

“Do you want to be gang-banged again Jade?” Tom asked.

“Hell yes,” I replied, “you can do it right here if you want.”

I guessed that the guys weren’t as ‘happy’ as I was because they didn’t want to fuck me in that bar. Instead, they lifted me off the bar and we left and headed back to the hotel.

I don’t remember anyone commenting on my nudity as we walked back, nor in the hotel as we went up to one of the guy’s rooms.

What I do remember is my cuffs being taken off and me being on my hands and knees on one of the beds and all 6 of the guys taking it in turns to fuck my pussy and mouth.

I woke up just as dawn was breaking, laying across one of the beds on my back with my legs open and my right hand cupping my pussy. When I sat up I saw Oscar half in the bed that I was on, and Tom and Aiden in the other 2 beds, All were fast asleep so I quietly got to my feet, collected my cuffs and went back to my room.

I missed breakfast that morning and it was a much later bus that I caught to the beach but I was alert enough to have a wardrobe malfunction walking down the aisle of the bus.

As I sat on that bus I thought about the times that I’d been fucked and I realised that I’d had more gang-bangs than one-on-one fuckings. I had mixed feelings about that, On the one hand I was doing quite well at catching up with the number of guys who had fucked me, but on the other hand I wanted more experience of one-on-one fucking.


Adventure 14 - I went back to the Dungeon Club

Yes, my desire to be tied up, spanked and gang-banged got the better of me and I went back there. I decided to wear my pink dog collar to show that I wanted to be treated like a slave. I also wore a simple, floaty skirt and a thin, sleeveless T-shirt that showed my nipple bulges.

As I walked there, my mind was in turmoil, I couldn’t decide if I was doing the right thing. I stopped outside the door and my brain still couldn’t decide, but my aching pussy convinced me to go in and I did.

The first thing that I saw was the front of a naked girl who was hanging by her ankles and getting whipped by Candy, a.k.a. Mistress. The girl had red lines across all of her torso, including her tits. Her legs were spread wide and she screamed as Mistress landed the whip on her pussy.

“Oh my gawd,” I thought, “I don’t want that.”

I turned to get the hell out of there but stood behind me was that man from the sex shop.

“Well hello there, I just knew that you’d be back. Ready for a bit more fun are you?”

“Yes, no, hell, I don’t want to be whipped like that girl, just the thought of my pussy being whipped makes me want to throw up.”

“I can believe that, Mandy is a real pain junkie, I don’t know how she does it, but you don’t have to go through that, Jade isn’t it? You had the Flogger last time didn’t you, you looked like you enjoyed it, so what do you fancy this time?”

“I don’t know, I’m not even sure that I want to be here.”

“Well it would be a real shame for you to leave without even trying something. By the way, that collar suits you.”

“Thanks, maybe just over that vaulting horse for a few minutes, let everyone see me and see that I’m petrified.”

“Oh, you can expose your naked body in places that have a lot more people than there are in here, I think that you want something more, …… shall we say degrading.”

“I, I sort of like the idea of men taking my clothes off me and then touching me.”

“Ah, I understand Jade, I know just the thing for you. Have a drink at the bar and I’ll organise it for you.”

I saw the man wave to the barman and I went to the bar and was given a glass of something that burnt my throat as it went down.

I watched Mistress really whipping the upside down girl, although the girl was screaming the look on her face was one of lust, of wanting more.

After a few more minutes the whipping stopped and Mistress announced that the whipping had ended. There was a round of applause and Mistress announced,

“Ladies and gentleman, it would appear that we have another girl that would like to be used and punished. She came here a few days ago for her first time and now she has come back for some more. Before we get started with her, Mandy will hang around for a while so that you can abuse her body.”

The Mistress turned and looked at me.

“Jade, come over here.”

I finished my drink in one go then slowly walked over to Mistress.

“Jade,”Mistress said, “thank you for coming back here, I’m sure that you will leave here very satisfied and having acted out one of your fantasies. You have fantasized about strangers ripping your clothes off and then raping you haven’t you?”

“Well yes, but it was only a fantasy. I thought that maybe you could just order me to get naked and expose myself to all these people.”

“Oh Jade, we can do better than that. Gentlemen, she is all yours.”

It was then that I looked passed Mistress, then all around me, and I saw 7 or 8 men had formed a circle around me.

“What’s happening?” I asked, “what are you doing? I want to leave.”

“Oh no little girly,” one of the men said, “this is real, we are going to rape you.”

“No, no, please let me go. I wasn’t serious, please let me go.”

By then, the men were so close to me that I could have touched them, but it wasn’t me touching them, it was them touching me.

One man reached out and grabbed my T-shirt and I tried to pull away only to be pushed back towards the man.

More hands grabbed at my T-shirt and it was ripped off me.

Then it was my skirt, but that was a loose fit and when one of the men grabbed it, it descended down my legs leaving me wearing only my shoes and the collar.

The men were grabbing at my little tits and pussy and as I tried to get away I only ended up in the hands of the men at the other side of the circle.

On and on it went with me being groped and pushed, until I ended up loosing my footing and I went down onto my knees.

Then I saw one man get his cock out and push it at my face.

“No, no, please,” I said, “this isn’t what I came here for.”

More cocks appeared around my head and one found my mouth which automatically opened to accept it. I suddenly realised that my hands had reached up and were both holding cocks.

Hands pushed the back of my head and the cock inside my mouth entered my throat. It thrust in and out a few times before withdrawing. Then another cock entered my mouth and the same thing happened.

The cocks changing in my mouth were so quick that I barely had time to breathe and drool was leaking out of my mouth as I gasped for air.

Feminine instinct had told my hands to wank the cocks that they had found, and they too kept changing.

Finally, it stopped, but at the same time I felt something happening to one of my ankles then it was being pulled up into the air. Hands pulled me to my feet (foot) as one leg went higher and higher until my ankle was way above my head leaving my torso parallel to the floor and my spread open pussy exposed to everyone.

Balance wasn’t a problem as cock after cock invaded my mouth. Instinct again telling me to suck when I could.

Finally, one cock ejaculated in my throat and mouth, some of the cum going down my throat and some dribbling out of my mouth onto the floor.

Other cocks deposited their loads all over my face and some on my hair.

Then I felt fingers invading my pussy and me getting vigorously finger fucked. It may have started with one finger but it soon felt like five, them giving my pussy such a pounding that my body was moving back and forwards.

Different hands took over and I thought that I was going to split wide open. I orgasmed, over and over. More so as the fingers were replaced by cocks, some of them pausing movement as they unloaded deep inside me, all whilst I was still cumming.

Finally, all 7 or 8 men had cum inside me and I was left hanging there, putting one hand on the slippery floor to help with my balance. I hoped that it was all over, but Mistress thought otherwise as she moved in on me holding one of those magic wands.

“I don’t think that you’ve cum enough times Jade.” Mistress said as the wand touched my clit.

“Aaaaaarrggghh, yes I have, please stop.” I managed to say before I could feel another orgasm rapidly approaching.

Through the haze of more and more orgasms I could also feel more swats landing on my butt.

“I’m going to die.” thought crossed my mind, but of course I didn’t, somehow, I didn’t even black out and after what seemed like hours of torture it all finally stopped and my ankle was lowered to the ground.

I’m pretty sure that I could hear applause at that point but I was concentrating on becoming a person again. I was curled up in a ball on the floor sobbing, but I wasn’t sure why.

Okay, I’d been degraded, disgraced, humiliated, exhibited, flogged, fucked at both ends, my mouth, throat, jaw, my butt and pussy were all killing me, I had cum all over my face and in my hair and I had all my self respect and energy drained from me; but I was far from annoyed. I was actually starting to think that I wanted more.

My eyes opened and I saw the knee-length, leather heels that Mistress was wearing. I looked up, saw her bald pussy then her face. She was smiling.

“How was that Jade? What you came here for?”

“NO, yes, I don’t know.”

“I think that it was, and when you start thinking clearly I’m sure that you will be really please that you came here tonight.”

Mistress put out her arm to help me get up and my legs almost buckled as I put some weight on them. I was still holding Mistress’ arm and I used that to steady myself before letting go.

“Thank you.” I said, but I wasn’t sure if it was for helping me up, or for the whole evening.

I slowly shuffled over to bar, sat on a stool and downed the first shot that the barman put in front of me.

“You did good.” The barman said.

“Thanks.” I replied as I picked up the second shot.

“Sorry, but your top and skirt are ripped. I might be able to find you something to wear.”

“Don’t bother.” I replied, “I’ll walk back to the hotel like this (wearing only shoes and collar), I don’t care.”

“I could get you a taxi.”

“Naw, it’s not that far.”

Second shot in my stomach I got off the stool and left.

As I slowly walked, I ignored the comments that came from the people that I passed, but I do remember one girl asking me if I was okay and if I needed any help.

I’m sure that the old guy on the hotel reception desk stared at me but I ignored him and when I got outside my room I retrieved the key from under a plant pot and went straight to the shower.

As I started to feel a bit more normal I thought back at what had happened. It wasn’t at all like I imagined would happen when I went there, but yes. I had enjoyed it, and I had cum countless times.

Without even drying myself I collapsed on my bed and was out like a light.

I woke when the sun was well up. My mouth and throat were a bit sore, my jaw ached, my butt still hurt and had red marks on it and my pussy was also sore.

I missed breakfast again but I still went to the beach for the rest of the day and I saw a few people staring at my red butt with a shocked expression on their faces but that didn’t stop me having another amazing day there with lots of people seeing my little tits and spread pussy.


Back home in England

I really didn’t want to go home, but of course I had to. That didn’t stop me having a bit of fun during the journey. I didn’t dare wear one of my fall off skirts just in case it fell off in front of some officials, but I did wear one of my very short wrap skirts that I could wear in such a way that my slit got exposed as I walked.

Above that I wore a T-shirt that is very thin and shows the bumps made by my nipples. I didn’t want to show too much skin because I’d heard stories of girls getting thrown off planes for showing too much skin.

I’m sure that a few people got a surprise at the airports but wardrobe malfunctions weren’t my priority. That is until I was back on English soil. My first task was to go to the rest room and change my top to one of my gypsy tops and a shorter, more floaty skirt, I intended to have some wardrobe malfunctions travelling across London on the trains and buses.

I hit the underground at rush hour which I guessed would be ‘interesting’, and I was right. The escalators were ‘refreshing’ but the crowded trains were the best. I’d only taken a small carry-on case on holiday but I didn’t want to be parted from it on the trains so I stood with it between my feet.

This left my legs parted which gave easy access to the business men in their restrictive suits, a lot of them who would have been looking at young girls in their thin summer dresses all day and were feeling quite randy.

I’d never really been one for putting myself in a position where I could get groped before I went on holiday, in fact I’d always avoided travelling at rush hours, by my holiday had changed me and I was actually hoping that a stray hand or two would find their way up my skirt, and I wasn’t disappointed.

The crowded train, my very short, floaty skirt, no knickers and feet well apart was a perverts dream and it wasn’t long before I felt what was probably a trouser covered cock pressing against my silky, thin skirt covered butt. The guy took my pushing my butt back as permission for one of his hands to go down to my bare thigh, then slide up to my pussy where it fingered me and got very wet.

I wasn’t stood where there was a vertical pole to hang on to so I had to reach up to grab one of the ceiling straps. This meant that the guys sat near me could see the bottom half of my tits, my gypsy top having ridden up.

That was a very enjoyable 35 minutes for me, and probably the guys as well.

The last part of my journey home was the 10 minute walk to my block of flats. I’d just started that when I met Lucy and Harry from flat 2C.

“Interesting skirt you’re wearing Jade.” Harry said.

“Stop it Harry,” Lucy said, “it’s not Jade’s fault if the wind blows her skirt up revealing that she isn’t wearing any knickers. By the way Jade, nice all-over tan.”

“Hi there Lucy, Harry. Thanks Lucy, and don’t worry about Harry, I’ve had a lot worse than a perv of a neighbour saying that he’s seen up my skirt.”

“I’m only a perv if the girl in question doesn’t want guys to see her goodies, and you Jade, you like guys seeing your goodies don’t you?”

“HARRY.” Lucy said.

“It’s okay Lucy, Harry is right.”

“So where have you been Jade? Obviously somewhere hot and sunny.” Harry said, “it’s not been that bad here, a bit windy, but reasonably sunny, good rooftop sunbathing weather, will you be going up there soon Jade?”

“If the weather holds, yes I will.”

“Talking of rooftops Jade, this next Sunday afternoon there’s a residents party up there, assuming that it doesn’t rain, you can bring a plus 1 if you want, a good chance to meet the rest of your neighbours.”

“Thanks for the invite, I’ll be there. Is there a dress code?”

“Heavens no, wear whatever you want.” Lucy replied,

“I’m hoping that you will wear the same suit that we saw you in the last time we saw you on the roof Jade.” Harry said.

“HARRY, stop it. Leave Jade alone.”

“It’s okay Lucy,” I replied, “I’ve just had 2 weeks of guys perving on my naked body so Harry will have to try a lot harder if he wants to embarrass me. Besides, guys looking at my body makes me feel good.”

“So you will party naked on Sunday Jade,” Harry said, “that will please all the guys there.”

“So my naked body isn’t enough for you Harry?” Lucy asked Harry.

“Hey Lucy, you know that I love you with all my heart, and my cock, but it’s only natural for guys to appreciate an attractive, naked girl.”

“I know Harry,” Lucy replied, “and it’s okay for girls to be naked in front of guys, just so long as you keep your hands to yourself lover. Jade, you tell me if this one puts a hand anywhere that he shouldn’t and I’ll give him a huge dose of blue balls, mentally and physically.”

“Ouch.” Harry replied.

We arrived back at the block of flats and going up the stairs. Harry stood to one side to let us girls go up first and Lucy said,

“Perv,” before starting going up, and I went up alongside of her.

I’d noticed that Lucy’s skirt was quite short and I wondered if Harry could see Lucy’s butt as well as mine, and probably our pussies, but nothing was said and I was soon back in my flat feeling a little disappointed.

Oh how I wished that I didn’t have to come home.


Life soon got back to ‘normal’, my old routine, but the weather that week was reasonably dry and warm(ish), so on an evening I sometimes went for a walk wearing a fall-off skirt and a gypsy top. I started venturing into areas of the town that I hadn’t been to before and had a few wardrobe malfunction, but one time it backfired when my skirt fell off in front of a group of youths.

They surrounded me and wouldn’t let me put my skirt back on, and they realised that my top was slightly see-through and could easily be pulled up to reveal my little tits.

The youths were a little ‘unsavoury’, and I didn’t really want to be gang-banged by them. Fortunately. A police car drove slowly passed and stopped down the road. The youths scattered and I was able to pull my top over my tits, put my skirt back on walk away.

I didn’t know if the cops had seen me, but as I walked away I turned and saw them driving away as well.

I decided to limit my walks to more public places.

I also went up onto the roof a couple of evenings and lay on the lounger to catch the last of the day’s sun. One evening whilst I was up there 3 guys came up there. They were holding packets of cigarettes and lighters but they never lit up. When they saw the naked me all ideas of smoking must have disappeared as they came and sat at the foot of the lounger.

We had a long chat during which I discovered that one of them, George, lived in flat 3B with his girlfriend. George was happy that I was going to the rooftop party on the Sunday and his mate asked him if he and his girlfriend were invited.

After a good 30 minutes or so the sun was going down and it was getting a bit chilly so I put my dress on and left them to the fags.


The Sunday afternoon arrived and I had to decide what to wear. I contemplated going up there as I was right then, totally naked, then enjoying the freedom in front of all my neighbours but I decided that that was maybe pushing it a bit too soon.

Instead I decided to wear just a floaty, ultra short, silky skirt and a slightly see-through, sleeveless blouse that has a front tie rather than buttons.

When I went up there I discovered that a good dozen or so people were already there, standing and talking. Harry saw me and came over to me.

“You look amazing Jade, although I’m sure that you would have made a more stunning entrance if you’d left the skirt and top in your flat. Come, let me introduce you to everyone.”

And Harry did. There was a couple of guys there on their own. At first I thought that maybe they were gay and that they lived together but when Harry introduced them I quickly found out that I was wrong. One of the guys, Luke, was quite nice and after the introductions, he brought a drink over to me.

We chatted, the usual small talk, but I quickly discovered that he already knew that I liked sunbathing up there naked and he admitted that he was jealous that I could get away with it, complaining that if he’d been caught naked up there he was sure that someone would call the cops.

“Maybe they wouldn’t call the cops if you had a naked girl with you.” I said.

“Are you offering Jade?”

“Maybe, but you are right, girls can get away with a hell of a lot more than guys can.”

I then told Luke about the beach that I’d gone to on my holiday and how I’d wandered around totally naked.

I contemplated telling him more about my holiday but we got interrupted by Mike, who was organising some games. I took part in all of them, even the drinking games and I got a little ‘happy’ and Lucy told me that I’d had a few wardrobe malfunctions.

“I don’t care,” I loudly replied, “in fact I’ll get naked right now if anyone asks me to.”

Unsurprisingly, some of the guys there had heard me and there was soon a chant of,

“Get ‘em off, get ‘em off.”

So I did and I got a lot of cheering, even from the girls there.

With everyone there being ‘happy’, the games got a bit stupid, more like kids party games, but when played by half-pissed adults, they got sexy, especially with a naked girl playing, and soon, other girl’s clothes started coming off.

I don’t know if the girls were jealous of me and were trying to prove that they too could take their clothes off in public, of if they actually wanted to flash their goodies. Not that I cared either way, although I was a little jealous that I was no longer the only naked girl being stared at by the guys.

Luke came over to me and said,

“See Jade, I told you so, all this naked female flesh but there would be a few complaints if one of the guys stripped off.”

“No there wouldn’t Luke, you just stand there and don’t move.”

Then I shouted,


The guys there looked with stern faces, but a few of the girls started cheering and chanting,

“Get ‘em off, get ‘em off.”

Luke just stood there so I started to undress him. He protested a little, but he just stood there as I stripped him as naked as I was. Both me and the other girls were pleased to see that Luke had a hard-on that was pointing towards the sun.

I’d kept looking up at Luke’s face and seen that he was a bit embarrassed but that didn’t stop me, and when he tried to cover his cock with his hands I pushed them away.

Then I heard Lucy say,

“Go on then you two, get fucking.”

That prompted more cheering so I pushed Luke back onto the sun lounger then stood over him with my feet either side of the loungers.

I looked down at Luke’s face and saw that he wanted it as much as I did, so I turned to our audience and asked,

“Shall I?”

Unsurprisingly, the audience was nearly as keen for me to impale myself on Luke’s cock as I was, so I bent my knees and did just that.

We soon got a good rhythm going with Luke lifting his butt up each time that I went down on him. His hands came up and started playing with my nipples and I soon became oblivious to the audience.

I orgasmed first, but somehow managed to keep riding Luke’s cock until he grabbed my hips and held me down on him. By then I’d got my wits about me again and I saw that a couple of couples were also making out.

The party started to wind-down with people leaving. Luke invited me back to his place and he carried my skirt and top for me, but he put his jeans back on.

We fucked again as soon as we got into his flat then we talked and talked and fucked and talked.

I was relieved when he told me that he wasn’t looking for a relationship and I interrupted his sentence by saying that I just wanted a friend with benefits, lots of benefits. We laughed then had some more of those benefits before talking again.

When I told Luke a bit more of what I’d got up to on my holiday he again told me that he was a bit jealous, then he asked me if I wanted a sort of bodyguard whenever I went out with the intention of having some wardrobe malfunctions. Then he asked me if my bald, innie pussy with larger than average clit and nipples on smallish tits was anything to do with my desire to expose myself.

“Wow Luke, I never thought about that,” I replied, “I don’t have any insecurity problems and I really like my body just as it is. Maybe it’s something to do with my mother’s strict upbringing. I’m going to have to think about that.”

I did, well for a couple of seconds, then replied,

“I don’t know and I don’t care. I just know that I love sex and I love men seeing me naked, and any combination of both of those things. When I get old I’ll start to think about those things, but until then I’m going to fuck you as many rimes as I can Luke.”

“Good Jade, and I’m going to help you expose your amazing body as much, and as often as I can. Where shall we start?”

“At the moment I just don’t know, what I do know is that if I don’t get some sleep soon tomorrow is going to be a shitty day. Can I sleep here tonight Luke?”

“Anytime you want my new friend with lots of benefits.”

I snuggled up to Luke and tried to go to sleep but I kept thinking about guys who were staring at my bald and spread pussy on the beach or by the pool. I’d done some Kegel exercises just to peak their interest some more and I’d wondered what they were thinking. Were they thinking about what they would like to do with my pussy, or were they wishing that they had been born a girl and could have all the fun that us girls have. After all, it is a lot more fun being a girl.
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