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His first time with two cheerleaders.
            NOTE: This story is an accurate account of my first personal experience with the opposite sex. While my memory is excellent and the story is accurate, the specific details are described as accurately as possible twenty years after the events. I've filled in gaps and dialogue as best as possible to fully complete the story. Names have been changed for obvious reasons.

            I had first noticed Chanelle two years prior in our eighth-grade science class. She had definitely changed in the following year and a half. She went from wearing baggy shirts and overalls to more form-fitting shirts and tight jeans. She had become a cheerleader, which is probably why my attention went from just noticing her to being interested in her.

            The real problem was that I was much quieter and introverted, while she was an extroverted social butterfly. While I may have been involved in sports, most notably the football team, I wasn't like most jocks. I didn't drink or party, nor was I really interested in the social aspect of high school. I preferred to keep to myself, spending much time in the computer lab. I was a creative and athletic nerd who chose to be a loner. I really didn't talk to girls unless they initiated contact.

            Chanelle was the first of my peers I looked at differently from the other girls I'd previously crushed on, though I wouldn't say I actually had a crush on her. What I felt for her was fueled by an adolescent hormone-induced haze.

            Whenever the cheerleaders wore their uniforms to school, I tended to stare, especially at Chanelle. My interaction with her began on one of those such Fridays.

            I was at one of the lunch tables in the cafeteria after school, playing Magic: The Gathering with a group of friends with whom I spent most of my time around. I felt someone tap on my shoulder, and when I turned to see who it was, my mouth went dry. I immediately felt my face burn.

            The five-foot-five girl had her dirty blonde hair done up in blue and white ribbons. She had silver glitter on her cheeks, and her hazel eyes stared into me.

            "I would like to talk to you." Chanelle had a hand on her wide hips.

            "Okay." I had no idea what to do as I couldn't come up with any idea of what she might want from me.

            "It would be best to take care of this in private." Chanelle held her gaze.

She made my heart accelerate. She wore her blue, silver, and white uniform, similar to a tank top and a blue pleated skirt. Her thick thighs were distracting me as I imagined what might be hidden under that short skirt.

            "Nick, come with me." She set her hand on my forearm, and goosebumps appeared all over my arms.

            I swallowed. "Alright." I got up and told my friends I'd be right back before following the curvy cheerleader through the cafeteria. She led me down the hallway adjacent to the Senior courtyard and stopped in front of the auditorium on the tile laid out to look like the keys on a piano. I had been fixated on her butt and the backs of her sexy legs as I followed behind her. Since it was after school hours, we were alone.

            "Were you looking up my skirt?" Her words hit me like a blast of cold air.

            "What? No!" My face flushed immediately. I did everything in my power to keep from looking up at her face, my eyes drifting all around the hall.

            "I don't mean just now. I mean earlier, in class. I saw you leaving. When you went to put your paper on the teacher's desk, you turned toward me. I was still at my desk and about to get up when I saw you look. I know you sure as hell weren't looking at my face. Just tell me the truth, Nick." Both hands landed on her hips.

            "Sorry." I stuffed my hands in my jeans pockets and stared at my feet.

            "Did you like what you saw?"

            "Huh?" My head snapped up to find her with an actual grin.

            "Jeez, Nick!" She grabbed my hand and dragged me down the hall, pulling me through the double doors and into the gym entrance.

            We stopped in front of the soda machine, where there was an option to either go down the concrete stairs to the gym floor or walk straight across to access the upper bleachers. The gym was unusually empty, but she stood beneath the stairs for the upper bleachers to give us a lot of privacy, even if anyone was using the gym.

            I was perplexed and had no clue what she could want from me. I was actually afraid to say anything to her because of that. We hadn't spoken but maybe a few sentences to one another since we began attending school together in seventh grade.

            "Nick, I'm not mad. I promise I won't bite; I just want to talk to you." She stepped closer, and I could smell vanilla. "Honestly, I thought maybe you were looking because you liked me or something." She touched my hand.

            "I'm sorry, Chanelle. I shouldn't have."

            "I'm not upset." She squeezed my hand. "Please look at me." She let go of my hand and took a step away from me.

            I lifted my head and involuntarily gasped. Suddenly, my face was on fire, and I felt like my chest would burst. She held the front of her skirt up so I could see the royal blue underwear she had caught me peeking at earlier.

            "There, now you can tell me if you like what you see. Just in case you didn't get a good enough look under my desk." I noticed her right knee bent, pushing her leg out slightly, presumably to make sure I didn't miss anything.

            "Yes. Okay. You're hot." I tried to control my breathing and started chewing on my bottom lip. My eyes were glued to her bare legs.

            "Finally!" She let go of her skirt and grabbed my hand again. She moved it beneath her skirt and pressed it against her bare hip with her hand.

            I almost forgot to breathe. Her skin was so soft and warm. I clenched my jaw and refused to move my hand, afraid I would lose the feel of her skin on my fingers if I did. I opened my mouth, intending to speak, but couldn't find my voice.

            "It's okay, Nick. You can touch me." She put my other hand under her skirt on the opposite side and moved so we were pressed close together.

            "I've never…" I felt light-headed. The feeling of her body against mine was making it very difficult for me to focus. The sensation of her soft skin under my hands was driving me crazy. I was amazed I didn't pass out right there.

            "I know you're a virgin, Nick. Your beliefs on sex before marriage are well known. Girls do talk." Chanelle wrapped her arms around me.

            "No, it's just… I haven't been this close to a girl since I was a kid. I've never touched a girl like this before. I'm honestly not sure what to do right now." The scent of vanilla coming from her hair was making me dizzy.

            "Do what feels natural." She licked my earlobe, and I shivered.

            "Okay." I barely got the word out of my mouth. I moved both my hands to where I was cupping her big butt. A butt I had stared at and fantasized about for over a year. My fingers pressed into her cotton panties, and I bit my lip. Her backside felt so soft and warm in my hands.

            "Your hands are really soft." She whispered before kissing, then nipping my neck.

            "Thanks." I just kept lightly squeezing and touching her butt with my hands.

            "It's good to know how much you enjoy me." She leaned back and looked down between our bodies.

            It took me a second, but I gasped when I realized what she meant. I let go of her and stepped back, trying to hide the front of my jeans.

            "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." My hands started shaking.

            "Don't, really, it's okay. I'd say it's a good thing." She grabbed my hands. "Relax." She held my hand and fished into my front pocket, pulling my pen out. She took my left hand and wrote her phone number on the back of it.

            "Oh." Was all I could muster.

            "Call me tomorrow, okay?" She kissed my cheek. "You should come over sometime."


            "Yup. Now, go back to your card game. I have a bus to catch. We're doing the basketball game tonight." She gave me a hug, and I immediately hugged her back. "Don't forget to call tomorrow."

            "I won't. I promise."

            "Thank you, sweetie. I'll see you later." She left me standing in the gym entryway.

            I was stuck wondering what had happened. Chanelle and I weren't friends, so I had no idea why she had approached me in the first place. It's not as though I had hit on her by doing what I did. I had just looked under her desk in an impulsive moment.

            She was the first girl who had blatantly made a move on me. I'd never been hit on before, or at least I'd never noticed if I was being hit on. She had me; I just didn't know it yet.

            After I got home, I didn't tell anyone what had happened with Chanelle. I was sure she was playing me for a fool, and I didn't want my family or friends to know about it. Chanelle had a particular reputation, and I was sure there was no way I was her type. The fact that she had shown some interest in me and let me touch her the way she did made me willing to see it through.

            I did call her as promised the following day. She did most of the talking, unable to allow more than ten seconds of silence to linger. It was mostly just her chatting about teenage bullshit, which didn't surprise me, considering who I was talking to.

            She gave me her address and told me to come over the next day at one in the afternoon. She informed me that her friend and fellow Sophomore cheerleader, Randi, would accompany her. She had clarified that her mother would be gone until the evening.

            At sixteen, I wasn't smart enough to tell someone where I was going if I left the house on a whim or to bring someone with me. Going into an unfamiliar home with two fifteen-year-old cheerleaders seemed like a wonderful idea in my naïve mind.

            I didn't really know Randi, and she didn't have a known reputation like Chanelle. From my observation, she was quieter and a little mousy. She seemed nice enough and was undoubtedly not aggressive like Chanelle. While I could certainly see Chanelle pulling some sort of teen prank on me, I didn't get the sense that Randi would be involved with such a thing.


            Unsurprisingly, my mother didn't even question me when I left the house in the middle of a Sunday afternoon. I hardly went anywhere; she just let me go when I did. Like many teenagers, I never ran off or got into trouble, so she was never worried about me. Little did she know I was off to visit a well-known wild girl at her house without adult supervision.

            When I showed up, I didn't even get to knock on the front door before Chanelle came out of the sunroom. She wore one of her uniforms with short sleeves and an open back. It was primarily blue with silver, black, and white accents and solid white sleeves. It had PIRATES in block lettering across the chest. Her skirt was blue and pleated with matching silver, black, and white trim along the bottom hem.

            "Hey Nick, we're in here." She held the door open for me.

            "Alright." I walked into the sunroom and set my backpack down. There was a ton of sunlight, obviously. There was a small gray leather loveseat near the far wall. There were four lounge chairs across the front wall. A television stand against the wall separated the room from the house, and the door to said house was right next to the entertainment center.

            I half expected to see Randi in a matching uniform, but I was relieved when I saw her wearing a simple pair of navy blue jeans and a gray Alameda Cheerleading sweatshirt.

            Randi walked over and hugged me. "Hey, Nick. You might remember me from Pre-Algebra first semester last year."

            "Yes. We also had a few classes together in eighth grade."

            "So you do remember me." Her smile caused butterflies to invade my insides. She was only an inch shorter than Chanelle but definitely slimmer. She had straight, long, dark brown hair and beautiful blue-gray eyes. She had the body you would expect a high school cheerleader to have.

            I turned to look at Chanelle. "Listen, if you brought me here to play some sort of prank on the fat kid, then I shouldn't be here."

            Chanelle laughed, and it caused chills to run down my back. "No, Nick. I can promise you that my intent is nothing of the sort. I know I come off a little rough sometimes, but I would never do something like that. I'm not a bully."

            "Nicholas?" Randi grabbed my hand. "I want you to know that I would never be a part of something so mean." She squeezed my hand.

            The use of my full first name got my attention. I didn't like people addressing me by it, especially my peers. It felt too personal, but she had clearly used it to let me know she was being sincere.

            "Thank you." I couldn't stop looking at Randi. She seemed so much different than Chanelle. She just had a sweet and kind aura around her.

            "How cute. Now, I know that the two of you are virgins, but I didn't bring him over here to set the two of you up." Chanelle grabbed my forearm and jerked me away from Randi. I noticed Randi blushed at Chanelle's comment, just like I had.

            "Are you going to tell him why you brought him over then?"

            I looked back and forth between the two girls. "What's going on?"

            "Chanelle likes taking boys' virginities. I told her it was a bad idea and that you wouldn't do it." Randi sat in one of the chairs.

            "Excuse me?" I felt like I'd been punched in the gut. She knew full well that I was personally against sex before marriage, yet it appeared not to deter her from inviting me over for that very reason anyway.

            "Nick, you need to relax. You don't have to do anything if you don't want. I was just hoping I might be able to change your mind." Chanelle moved over to me so we could talk face-to-face, and I suddenly felt smothered, so I stepped back.

            "Hold on. Just wait a minute." I stuck my hand out to keep her from moving closer. "If that's all true, then why is Randi here?"

            "What better way to get you to change your mind? Every guy fantasizes about having two girls at once. There can't be a better way to lose your virginity, right?" Chanelle smiled and tucked a loose bit of hair behind her ear. "Plus, Randi here is a virgin, too, so maybe you would feel better about it if you got hers."

            My brain spun out of control. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. There had to be something I was missing; either that or I was actually going insane. I looked at Randi and noticed she looked less than pleased that Chanelle had just offered her up as some sort of perverted trade.

            I didn't love either of them, so I didn't see how I could agree to Chanelle's ridiculous plan. Randi was very sweet, so it seemed incredibly wrong with her involved. While Chanelle had been the star of several of my masturbation fantasies, they were just that, fantasy.

            "I'm sorry, Chanelle, I just can't do that." I picked up my backpack and prepared to leave.

            "Wait!" Chanelle set her hand on my shoulder to stop me.

            "I'm not going to change my mind. I won't break my moral code."

            "I respect that, I really do. However, there are other things you can do without breaking your code. We don't have to have sex to have fun." Chanelle found my hand and slipped her fingers between mine. I felt a jolt of electricity shoot up my arm.

            "What do you mean?" My voice cracked.

            "Well, I know you enjoyed touching me." Her voice was as soft as silk. "Would using your soft hands on me be against your moral code? What about if I were to touch you?" She took her other hand and carefully cupped my groin. My chest pounded.

            "I suppose that would be alright." I suddenly remembered how her skin felt in my hands and wanted to touch her again.

            "Touch me then." She pecked my lips.

            Apparently, that was all the motivation I needed. My hands went straight under her skirt and grabbed her big butt. I had two large handfuls of her bare butt cheeks, and I began massaging her soft flesh out of some instinct I didn't know I had.

            Chanelle moaned and buried her head against my shoulder. She let go of my crotch and wrapped her arms around me, pressing her body against mine.

            Then, I came up with an idea spurred by one of my most recurring fantasies. I let go of her butt and hugged her.

            "Do you have any baby oil?" I whispered into her ear.

            Chanelle pulled her head back and looked directly into my eyes. I shivered at the sudden eye contact. For the first time, I noticed gold flakes scattered throughout her hazel green irises. Looking people in the eyes typically made me very uncomfortable, but I was too lost in being so close to her that I didn't notice.

            "I think so. Why?"

            "Would it be okay if I gave you a massage?"

            "Really? Yes, of course. I would love that." She let go of me and bolted into the house.

            I was acutely aware that Randi was still in the room with me. I felt my face flush again as I turned towards her.

            "That was interesting." She smiled at me.

            "I'm sorry. You know, you don't have to stay. I'm not going to do anything with you, I promise."

            "Oh no, I'm definitely curious to see what happens." She stood up and moved over to me. She took my hand and set it against her left cheek. I carefully caressed her face without hesitating. She closed her eyes and sighed, rubbing her cheek against my hand.

            "What was that for?" I kept my hand on her soft cheek.

            "I just wanted to see how soft your hands are." She set her hand on top of mine.

            "You're nothing like her, so what on Earth are you doing here?" My hand moved away from her face to her upper arm.

            "We've been friends since first grade. I just kind of go along with her most of the time. She can be rather bossy. Besides, I never worried that I would have to do something I didn't want to." She wrapped an arm around the middle of my back. "I know you're quiet, and you think you go unnoticed around school, but you're wrong. We girls know more about you than you think."

            "Nobody pays me any attention, especially girls." I stared down at my feet.

            "Again, you are wrong." Randi hugged me before kissing my cheek. "If you weren't so focused on one specific girl, you would notice."

            "I'm all ready now," Chanelle announced her presence.

            I turned to where her voice came from and damn near fainted. She had a bottle of baby oil in one hand and towels in the other. My shock was due to what she was wearing, or more what she wasn't wearing.

            The cheerleader uniform was replaced by a black push-up bra and a royal blue thong. I had never seen a girl so close before or with so much skin exposed. My immediate reaction was to turn beet red.

            I watched Chanelle spread a large blue and purple beach towel on the floor. She rolled up a medium-sized green towel and set the other two on the floor next to the large one. She carefully placed the rolled-up towel on the floor at the far end of the beach towel.

            My eyes became fixed on her bare ass as she moved around to set everything up for her massage. I had been drawn to bigger butts before, but I'm pretty sure that Chanelle solidified it for me. The jiggle and bounce of her bare butt and big thighs had me mesmerized as I salivated.

            "Let's get this show on the road." Chanelle handed me the bottle of baby oil and winked at me. She laid down on the towel, face down, and rested her head on the rolled towel. She had her hair up in a ponytail to keep it out of the way.

            I looked at Randi and held up the bottle to get her to help me.

            "Oh no, this was all your idea." She sat back in the lounge chair.

            I turned back to Chanelle's prone body on the floor, where she was clearly waiting for me. I knew it had been my idea, but seeing her like that, almost naked, with her round butt so bubbly and sexy, knowing that I would be touching her, caused me to second guess myself. I nearly lost my nerve.

            "Come on, Nick." She practically whined as she wiggled her hips, causing her big butt to jiggle.

            "Alright, alright." I took a deep breath and dropped to my knees on her left side. I unhooked the clasp of her bra before pouring any oil on her to get it out of the way. She proceeded to shimmy the straps off her shoulders, leaving her topless.

            I poured oil into the palm of my right hand and rubbed both hands together to warm up the oil before touching her. I started between her shoulder blades, carefully working my hands over her shoulders.

            I worked the upper part of her back first, then moved to one arm, then the other, making sure to get deep into the muscles of each arm. I moved to the center of her back and slowly worked down and out to her sides. The flesh between her ribcage and her hip was by far the softest part I'd touched at that point.

            My technique was to rub with my open hand, then push down with the heel and my thumb in a half-circle motion to knead her taut muscle and push out the tension, along with any knots I found.

            I stopped when I got to the waistband of her panties and scooted down closer to her feet. I began with her left ankle and carefully worked my way up her strong calf. When I made it to the bend of her knee, she parted her legs, giving me more access to her body. My heart started beating even faster.

            Her thigh was very muscular and fleshy, and I spent extra time rubbing down that part of her. I spent a lot of time rubbing the back and outside of her thigh, avoiding touching the inside of her thigh for as long as possible, both to tease her and because I was still incredibly nervous. I finally shifted to her inner thigh and discovered that the higher my hand moved, the warmer her skin became. I finished by putting both my hands across her leg's width and pushing upward to knead the muscle. I stopped at the top of her thigh, and she groaned. I repeated the same process on her right leg.

            Chanelle had been letting out quiet little moans and groans as I rubbed her body. She got louder and more vocal when I did her lower back and thighs.

            I knew what to do next, and I was nervous as hell. I swallowed hard, took a deep breath, and went in head first. I pushed her legs together and straddled her knees so I was sitting on her legs. I had my knees on either side of her thighs, with my weight pinning her against the floor.

            I went straight at her plump butt cheeks, squeezing, kneading, and rubbing the thick, soft flesh. It was by far the most incredible experience in which my hands had the pleasure of participating. She made a lot more noises as I massaged her big round butt. I unwittingly spent a very long time fondling her ass. I never wanted to remove my hands from that part of her body.

            "I think it's time for the front." I dug my fingertips into her flesh, squeezing her butt before climbing off her legs.

            Chanelle let out a long, exaggerated groan before rolling onto her back. My face burned again when I noticed she had moved her bra out of the way, and I got my first look at her bare breasts.

            They were definitely more prominent than what would be considered average, and they had flattened out on her chest. Her nipples pointed at the ceiling. They were a rich pink color with areolas that were a tad larger around than a silver dollar and a shade lighter than her pink nipples.

            "I'm flattered that you like my tits so much, but you aren't done yet, not by a long shot."

            "Right." I started just below her neck, moving across her upper chest, avoiding her breasts at all costs. I skipped over them, going down to her tummy and the bottom of her ribs. Her stomach was amazingly soft, and I found myself lingering just above the waistband of her skimpy underwear.

            I warmed up the oil, closed my eyes, took a long, deep breath, and cupped her bare breasts. They didn't quite fit into my large hands, just a hair too big. They were softer than her stomach, like nothing I'd ever felt in my hands.

            Chanelle closed her eyes and moaned as I massaged her beautiful breasts. The feel of her in my hands and the lovely sounds escaping her lips was like heaven. I never wanted it to stop.

            After more than five minutes of playing with her full breasts, I finally removed my hands from them. She opened her eyes, whined, and pouted. I moved myself down next to her legs.

            I spent a little time on her calves before moving up to her thighs. I wedged myself between her legs so I could rub them just as I had when she was on her stomach. My confidence suddenly made an appearance.

            I set my left hand on her right thigh and my right hand on her left thigh. I had my hands centered with my thumbs pressing the insides of her thighs. I pushed down and moved my hands up, stopped, forced them down to just above her knees, and slid up again. I continued this pattern, inching higher up her legs each time.

            I finished by grazing the crotch of her panties with my thumbs, and my hands jerked away out of reflex.

            Chanelle's eyes flared open. "Nick?" She gasped.

            "Yeah?" I was just staring down at her. Her face and chest had flushed, and she was breathing heavily.

            She reached up and grabbed my hands. She moved them to the waistband of her underwear, pushed them down, and looked right into my eyes.

            "Please. Go ahead. It's okay." She nudged my hands.

            I hooked my fingers under her panties and pulled them down past her curvy hips, along her thick legs, and off her. I tossed them aside, not paying attention to where they landed. I kept my eyes away from what was before me, stalling again.

            When I finally did look up, I bit my lip. Seeing a girl's privates in person was so much different from in the pages of a magazine. My mouth was suddenly very parched. Her slit was nearly the same rich pink color as her nipples, and there wasn't a hair to be seen. It was easy to see the moisture glistening on her lips with so much natural light in the room.

            At that very moment, I was paralyzed. I had never seen that part of a girl's body before, much less touched one there. I had seen porn before, I'd read a ton of dirty stories, and I'd combed through a multitude of research material on the subject, yet I was still unsure of how to proceed.

            "Be gentle." Chanelle opened her legs to let me know what I was supposed to do next.

            I placed my left hand on her leg and gingerly moved my right hand toward the valley of her thighs. I traced my index finger from the top of her pink slit down to the bottom, trying to get a feel for her first. She moaned and arched her back, causing her hips to lift off the floor.

            Generally, I already knew where everything was located, so I figured my best option would be to rub her little magic button. I took the tip of my index and middle fingers and applied pressure to the pink bump at the top of her lips. She yelped and jerked her hips at me.

            Her stomach began to heave as my fingers moved in rapid circles, all the while maintaining downward pressure on her pulsing clit. I was able to feel the speed of her heartbeat beneath my fingertips. The way she was responding to my touch gave me yet another idea.

            I moved my body backward and leaned down between her thighs. I moved my head in and flicked her erect clit with the tip of my tongue. She squeaked, so I encircled her nub with my lips and sucked it into my mouth. I drug the top of my tongue over her clit before going back to flicking it, moving my tongue as quickly as possible.

            I brought my right hand up, crossed my index and middle fingers, and slid them inside of her. It was so warm and wet as she squeezed around my fingers, and the feeling of the inside of her pussy was like nothing I could've imagined. I slowly started moving them in and out, twisting like a corkscrew as I pumped them into her.

            Chanelle grabbed the sides of my head and pulled on my short hair. She held my head in place as she pushed her hips up against my mouth.

            I went from flicking her clit, to sucking on it, to licking it, varying the way I stimulated her to see what generated the best reaction. I got the most intense response from sucking on her little bundle of nerves. I continued to pump my fingers into her slippery pussy as I sucked and suckled her clit. She became much more vocal, moaning, groaning, grunting, and gasping as I experienced a girl for the first time.

            My focus was channeled into keeping both my tongue and fingers going until she made me stop. I was determined to ensure that Chanelle would never forget the day she coaxed me to her house. My fingers were going as fast as I could move without my arm cramping up on me.

            After several more minutes, she let out a guttural howl as her hips started to buck. I felt her tighten around my fingers, so I caught her clit between my teeth and lightly pinched down.

            "Oh God!" She moaned and let go of my head. She grabbed at the towel under her as her thighs clamped tight around my head. I couldn't hear or see a damned thing at that point. Everything I felt from her was amplified because of it. I could feel her as she went into orgasm, and I didn't stop moving my fingers. Her thighs spasmed against my head, her pussy rippled convulsions over my fingers, and her clit throbbed between my lips.

            It took her a few minutes before she relaxed her legs and released my head. I pulled myself back when she let me go, my fingers slipping out of her as she fell back onto the floor. They were coated in a semi-translucent, thick, and sticky fluid. Bringing Chanelle to orgasm had excited me more than anything I'd ever seen before in my life. I examined my fingers and decided to stick them in my mouth. I had no idea what a girl tasted like, and I figured I should find out. It was tart and a little sour, almost like a combination of pickle juice and lemon juice.

            My first look at the curvy girl laid out in front of me was definitely a sight to behold. She had her eyes closed as she was breathing heavily. I could see her stomach and chest rise and fall with each of her breaths. Her face, neck, and chest were flushed entirely red. Her thighs continued to twitch, and her leaky, swollen pussy visibly pulsated and spasmed.

            I stared in awe at her naked body for a minute before standing up and finding the nearest chair, which happened to be situated right next to a girl whom I'd forgotten all about with my head stuck between Chanelle's legs. I looked at Randi, and half smiled as I blushed again.

            "Are you sure you've never done that before?" She smiled.

            "I read a lot."

            "Apparently. Do you have any idea how incredible that was to watch?" She inhaled sharply and bit her bottom lip.

            "I just did what I thought she would enjoy." I set my hands on my lap.

            Randi got up and straddled my lap. "If that's the case, then I would love a massage if you're okay with that." She looked deep into my eyes, set her hands on my chest, and chewed on her lip.

            "Okay." I swallowed as my nerves went haywire again.

            "Excuse me." Randi jumped when Chanelle touched her shoulder. "I'm not done with him yet." She was still naked, and my own body was well aware of that fact. I was sure Randi was able to feel just how aware I was.

            She climbed off my lap and moved out of Chanelle's way. I tried to pay attention to what Randi was doing, but my eyes got trapped in the vortex of Chanelle's naked body. She had her hands perched upon her wide hips and grinned at me.

            Even after everything that happened, I was still amazed by the sight of such a sexy girl completely nude right in front of my eyes. I got to see her bare breasts in their natural position, perched high upon her chest and sticking out like two perfect perky flesh cantaloupes. My guess had correctly been that she was an already well-developed C-cup.

            "Nick, now it's my turn to do something for you." Chanelle reached out at the front of my jeans.

I almost freaked out and shoved her hands away, but fortunately, I managed to restrain my flight instinct. I took another deep breath and leaned back in the chair.

            Chanelle undid and unzipped my jeans. I lifted my hips to allow her to pull them down as she had intended. I wore regular cotton gym shorts as underwear instead of traditional boxers, so while my excitement was concealed, it was plain as day just how much I had enjoyed what I'd done to her.

            After she managed to remove my shoes and get my pants out of the way, she climbed on my lap so her naked crotch was pressed down on my erection through my shorts. She leaned in and started kissing behind my ear and the side of my neck as she ground her hips back and forth over my lap. I closed my eyes and clutched her waist.

            My head started swimming into a fog. I could feel the heat of her crotch through my shorts; her lips were causing chills to roll all over my skin, and her lips were making me dizzy. My fingertips pressed into her skin as I started breathing much faster.

            Chanelle nipped at my neck before climbing off of me. She grabbed my shorts and yanked them down in one swift motion. I opened my eyes to find her face between my legs, and she smiled up at me. She grazed her fingertip over the head of my erection, and I gasped. She wrapped her warm fingers around me and slowly moved her hand up and down.

            I was suddenly lost in her touch. I had never been touched by anyone like that before, let alone by a beautiful girl. It made me light-headed, and I grabbed at the arms of the chair.

            She removed her hand, and my senses returned for the time being. I opened my eyes and looked back down into her sparkling hazel eyes. She licked her lips and winked at me before opening her mouth and taking the head between her warm lips.

            All my willpower evaporated as her mouth engulfed my entire shaft. My hands went right to her head without thinking. I weaved my fingers into her long, wavy hair and caressed her head. I let her do whatever she wanted, lost in the feelings she had stirred deep inside me. I was about to close my eyes when Randi's movement caught my attention.

            The slim brunette stood directly behind Chanelle and flipped her hair as she smiled at me. When she knew she had my attention, she began to undress for me. She pulled her sweatshirt over her head, letting me see her light pink satin bra. Then she unbuttoned her jeans and winked. She wiggled her hips and pulled at the top of her jeans, teasing me with a smile on her face.

            I bit my tongue when Chanelle swirled her tongue around my head. I kept my eyes on Randi, though, not wanting to miss anything, but my body flinched. I focused on the feel of her mouth around me and kept my eyes on Randi giving me a show.

            Randi unzipped her jeans and slowly slid them down her lithe legs. She kicked them off, and I saw that she had on a pair of satin boyshort panties that matched the color of her cute bra.

            It was becoming more and more challenging to focus on Randi with what Chanelle was doing to me. It felt like what dreams were made of, wet dreams, to be more specific.

            Randi unhooked her bra and shucked it off, proudly showing off her incredibly perky breasts to me. They were half the size of Chanelle's, but I doubt she would need a bra to keep them in place. Her nipples were almost the same color as her underwear, surrounded by puffy areolas that were barely pink enough to stand out from her smooth skin. She put her hands on her slightly flared hips and pushed her bare chest out at me.

            She turned around and bent forward just a little bit. The sight of her tight little bubble butt hugged by her pretty pink panties was just too much visual stimulation for me, and I lost it. I shut my eyes and pulled on Chanelle's hair to warn her of what was coming.

            Chanelle cupped my scrotum as I tensed up and pulsed inside her mouth. She held her tongue against the bottom of my entire shaft and gently moved it against me as I exploded.

            My head shattered in a cascade of electricity and fireworks. I lost sense of everything around me. The only thing I could feel was her mouth around my convulsing erection. My ears started ringing, and I held onto her hair as I rode it all out.

            After the world made sense again and things returned to focus, I opened my eyes to find my hands were empty. Chanelle was sitting back on her heels with a massive smile. She hopped to her feet when my eyes found hers, and she climbed on my lap, sitting sideways across my legs. She locked her hands around the back of my neck.

            "How was that? Did you like it?" She kissed my cheek.

            "Are you kidding me? That was the most incredible thing that's ever happened to me." I wrapped my arm around her back. She was still naked, and I could feel her bare bottom sitting on my spent shaft.

            "Good. That's not something I do often. But I figured since you were nice enough to do the same for me, then you deserved it." She kissed my neck before sliding off my lap and grabbing a towel, which she proceeded to use to clean herself up between her legs.

            I noticed that Randi had laid herself on the towel face down, precisely like Chanelle had started. Her head rested on the rolled-up towel, and she was wiggling her feet, which made her cute little butt jiggle ever so slightly. She still had her panties on, and I just couldn't get over how sexy her cute little bubble butt looked in that position.

            Chanelle put her thong back on and simply sat cross-legged on the floor where most of the sunlight poured through the many windows.

            I got up and moved over to Randi, kneeling down beside her. I set my hand on the middle of her back, and she peeked over her shoulder.

            "Do you still want a massage?" I gently rubbed my hand over her back.

            "Absolutely." She laid her head back down.

            "His hands are really amazing and so freaking soft." Chanelle chimed in. I could see her grinning like a clown from where I was.

            I grabbed the bottle of baby oil and followed the same procedure I'd used with Chanelle, except her bra was already out of the way. Randi's body was very different from Chanelle's.

            Randi was thinner and much tighter. I could feel the lean muscle in her arms, legs, back, and tight tummy. Her butt was firm, with just enough softness below the skin to feel fantastic. Her breasts were springy and stayed in place even when she was on her back. They weren't big enough yet to flatten themselves out.

            I spent more time working on Randi than I had on Chanelle, leaving her underwear untouched. I decided that I wouldn't remove them unless she asked me to.

            The other significant difference was that I wasn't wearing pants, though. All that incidental rubbing of myself against her warm skin from moving around so much had me again at full attention. Thankfully, even though I knew she could feel me against her legs, her hip, and her butt, she didn't say a word.

            Chanelle suddenly appeared near Randi's head, and she kissed her. This brought Randi back into the present as she grabbed Chanelle's head and kissed her. My jaw hit the floor.

            Rumors were floating around school about how Chanelle liked girls, but I'd always figured they were just made-up rumors. She had just shown me that I was wrong, and they were true. I stared in shock and excitement.

            "Nick." Chanelle stared at me. "You didn't finish with her." She chuckled.

            "I felt it would be disrespectful to remove her underwear without her permission."

            "What a gentleman." Chanelle teased me.

            Randi sat up and groaned. "Be nice, Chanelle. I loved it; I feel so relaxed now. And he's not as perverted as you. Thank you, Nick."

            "You're welcome." I averted my eyes away from the two topless girls right next to me, suddenly aware that I was missing my pants.

            Randi grabbed my hand. "Nick, would you please lie down on the towel for me?" She guided me to where she had been and laid me on my back.

            I laid my head on the rolled-up towel and saw Randi standing next to me. She smiled down at me before taking her panties off and stepping so her feet were on either side of my head. I could see directly up between her legs to her beautiful honeypot. I had no time to admire her charms before she knelt down and hovered over me.

            I could feel the heat emanating from her crotch, and the scent of her arousal drifted down into my nostrils. I grabbed her thighs and pulled her the rest of the way down, positioning her smooth lady parts right over my hungry mouth, making sure my nose was unobstructed.

            Randi giggled, then moaned when my tongue slid over her slippery lips. She wasn't as tart as Chanelle, closer to the flavor of white grapes without the sugar. I pushed my tongue into her, and I felt her legs tense up.

            Without being able to get my hand between her legs, I had to rely on my lips and my tongue to give Randi her reward. I decided to try something different with her, licking around her tight opening, then swirling my tongue around her little clit. She yelped and squealed, so I focused on her hard trigger.

            I attacked Randi's pulsing nub with my tongue, using every trick I could think of to keep her guessing. I flicked, licked, sucked, and swirled, so she thrust her hips down against me.

            She reacted much quicker with much more body movement than Chanelle. She moaned and let out little squeaks but was relatively quiet.

            I was suddenly surprised to feel something hot and slippery around my exposed erection. It felt great, and I quickly deduced that Chanelle was using her hands, with plenty of baby oil, to play with me. I wasn't going to complain, but it meant I had to focus more on Randi to ensure I got her off before I was too lost.

            It took me less than ten minutes of flicking and rolling my tongue to send her over the edge. Her legs squeezed around my head, and I felt the spasms of her pussy, so I made sure my mouth covered her entire slit and let all her sticky nectar seep into my mouth.

            I wasn't sure what Chanelle did with her hands because I couldn't see her; all I knew was that it felt wonderful. What I do know is that she got me to blow a second load that nearly rivaled the first, and somehow, she managed to time it to mere seconds after her friend's orgasm.

            My eyes were closed, my face covered by Randi's still-twitching crotch, and I was rather light-headed, trying to keep my nose clear so I could breathe. After I was finished spasming, I laid back, completely relaxed, expecting that I would pass out at any moment from pure ecstasy.

            Randi moved off my head and laid down right next to me. She set her hand on my stomach, softly kissed my lips, and laid her head down on my pounding chest.

            When we made eye contact, Chanelle winked at me, then leaned her head down towards Randi's lower half. I was unable to see her face when Randi gasped and shivered against me. I could feel her entire body tremble against mine.

            Chanelle popped back up with a devilish smile on her face. "I wish I had time for more than just a little taste, but it's time to clean up. My mom will be home in less than an hour." She stood up and left the room. I couldn't help but stare at her bare ass, jiggling until she disappeared through the doorway into the house.

            Randi kissed my cheek. "I really need to get dressed."

            "Me too." We both sat up in unison.

            It had begun to get dark, and I hadn't realized how much time I'd spent with the two girls.

            "Nick, can I tell you something?" Randi was gazing at me.

            "Of course." I had no idea where this was going.

            "I've never let a boy do that to me before." She blushed with a shy smile.

            "Well, I'm honored. I'd never seen a girl naked in person before today. Everything that happened today is completely new to me."

            Randi and I were dressed when Chanelle returned in tight blue jeans and a black Alameda Cheerleading hooded sweatshirt.

            While Randi did give me her phone number, it all ended up just being a one-time occurrence. I even kept the whole thing to myself for several years afterward.

            Randi was very friendly when we happened to pass in the hallway at school, always smiling and saying hi. Regretfully, I never did call her.

            Chanelle acted no different towards me than she had before. The following year, when we ended up in the same Chemistry class, she would subtly tease me about it during class whenever she got the chance.

Douglas WiseReport 

2024-11-02 14:02:44
great first time story so lucky that it was two for your first time playing

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