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Maverick is the stepfather of Aria, her mother was killed in a car accident when she was little and her father was a drug induced one night stand. Maverick has been her father for her entire life and it has been just the two of them for years.
"You look lost in thought, Dad," said a voice from behind him.

He swiveled around on the couch to find his daughter, well stepdaughter technically, Aria, standing in the doorway of the dimly lit living room. The TV droned on in the background, casting flickering shadows on her youthful face. She stood at about five and a half feet tall, with flowing fiery red hair, emerald green eyes, pale skin with the right amount of freckles, she has the perfect mixture of curves and toned figure from years of many athletics including soccer, swimming, cheerleading, and softball, all while maintaining a 4.0 GPA, doing academic decathlon, singing in choir, and learning multiple instruments. In all, anything she tried she succeeded at, there was nothing she could not do. She just turned 18 last month and could have easily graduated last year but decided to stay for her senior year of high school, she always said it was because she got to be head cheerleader this year but there always seemed to be more to it. For now, she just stood there, wearing just an oversized t-shirt, at least that was all you could see, with a mischievous glint in her eyes that always hinted at trouble.

"You've got that look on your face," Aria said, her voice dancing with amusement. "You know, the one you get when you're thinking about something you shouldn't."

Her father chuckled, rubbing his stubbled chin. "What makes you say that?"

Aria rolled her eyes playfully. "Come on, Dad, it's written all over you. Plus, you're not even watching the game."

“Well, I guess I am busted,” Maverick stated flatly. Truthfully, I had been lost in thought, for some reason my mind had wandered to thinking about Aria’s mom, Evelyn or “Evy.” She and I had been high school sweethearts, everyone in town had thought that we would automatically get married and be together for ever. We were the king and queen of our school, after school we ended up at the same big college, UW Madison, I was the star recruit for the football team, and she got a full academic scholarship. We had our issues through college and weren’t together for most of it, my time being taken up with sports, even though I got a scholarship for football I still played basketball and baseball also, going into my junior year I was already being scouted by professional teams in all 3 sports, but that was also when it all came crashing down. I completely blew out my knee from a dirty hit in a football game. My PCL, MCL, LCL, and ACL all detached, you know those videos you see where the players leg is just flopping around, yep that was me. Sure, I had it repaired but I was never able to get back to the athletic prowess I had before the injury. I was able to finish my degree in History and I added a teaching certificate, which led to me getting a job at the local high school teaching and coaching the football team. Evy had gotten the academic scholarship and had the smarts to do it but started to party to much in her freshman year, then got behind and tried to keep up with some drugs that helped her stay up, which worked for a while until she crashed. She held on through sophomore and even part of junior year before finally succumbing to the drug use, she also found out at that time that she was pregnant, she knew it was one of the drug dealers she had been with but never followed up. That was also the day that she just stopped drugs, cold turkey, after 2 years of being away from me she found me and told me and made me promise to never tell anyone until after she was born and we were married, and in return she would stay with me for 1 whole month to detox from the drugs. After that I used some connections I had to get her back into classes and she was able to finish her degree even though it was only in general studies, 2 years later she went back and got her teaching certificate also and got a job teaching at a local elementary school. We got married when we were both 21, Aria was 10 months old, her biological dad was essentially just a sperm donor, and I adopted Aria as soon as I could. Everything was great for about 7 years, then it was discovered that Evy was having an affair, we did counselling and tried everything to stay together, but what I did not know was that she had started doing drugs again. Just after Aria’s 8th birthday, Evy left and took Aria while I was coaching a football game, just after the game I got a call that changed my entire life. They were in a really bad car accident, both were in critical condition at the local hospital, long story short Aria being a child bounced back fairly quick, Evy on the other hand never recovered, she died 2 weeks after the accident and only 3 days after Aria was released from the hospital, thankfully she had recovered 100%, sure she still had some bumps and bruises but it was all minor stuff. That was the 2nd day that changed my entire life, in a matter of 2 weeks I had gone from possibly losing my marriage, to the thought that Evy was leaving with Aria and I was losing both of them to their “new lives”, to possibly losing both of them to the car crash, and then finally losing my wife, my partner, and now I am a single parent.

Aria took the opportunity to plop down next to him, her energy filling the space, and pulling Maverick out of his memories. She smelled faintly of mint and vanilla, the lingering scent of her favorite shower gel.

With a sigh, Maverick muted the TV. The room fell into a sudden quiet, the only sound being the distant hum of the fridge and the gentle rumblings of a thunderstorm moving in.

"How about a game of Truth or Dare?" Aria suggested, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

Her dad raised an eyebrow. "It's been a while since we've done that. The last time we played that you were still a kid. You sure you want to?"

"Yeah," Aria said, her voice dropping to a whisper. "It'll be fun."

Her dad could not argue with that. Plus, it had been a while since they had just sat and talked like this. He nodded, and Aria's face lit up. She leaped off the couch and dashed out of the room, only to return moments later with a box of candles and a lighter. As she placed a few candles around the coffee table and lit them, their flickering light bathed the room in a warm, golden glow. The shadows grew longer and more mysterious, dancing on the walls as the candles cast a comforting ambience.

With the game underway, Aria says, “Truth.”

Maverick thought for a moment before asking, "What's your biggest fear?"

Aria's smile faltered slightly, and she took a deep breath before admitting, "I'm afraid of being forgotten, Dad."

“Forgotten by who?”, Maverick leaned in, his eyes searching hers as she took a moment to gather her thoughts.

"By everyone," Aria whispered. "What if when I leave for college, nobody misses me?"

Her father felt his chest tighten at her words. He reached over and squeezed her hand reassuringly. "You're not going anywhere for another year. And when you do, you will not be forgotten, I'll miss you so much it'll be like the sun went out of my life."

The room grew quiet again, this time not just from the absence of the TV. Aria's eyes searched her dad's, looking for something unspoken. Then, as if on cue, the lights flickered and went out. The sudden darkness was only pierced by the candles' flickering flames. Aria gasped, and her hand tightened around her dad's.

"It's okay," he said, his voice steady. "It's just a power outage."

The candlelight grew brighter, seemingly in response to Aria's fear. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. "Dare," she said suddenly, breaking the silence.

Her dad's eyes searched hers, his smile gentle. "I dare you," he began, "to tell me something you've never told anyone before."

Aria's heart skipped a beat. The darkness felt thick, as if it had wrapped around them in a protective embrace, urging her to be honest. "Okay," she said, her voice trembling. "I have this weird... I guess you could call it a superstition."

Her father leaned closer, the candlelight playing across his concerned features. "What is it, Aria?"

Aria took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I have this... thing," she started, "where I count the steps when I go up or down the stairs."

Her dad's eyes widened in surprise. "Why?"

Aria fidgeted with her hands, the shadows playing across her face as she spoke. "If I mess up, if I don't count right, or miss a step, I feel like something bad will happen." She paused, the words heavy in the air. "It started after Mom..." Aria trailed off, unable to finish her sentence.

Her father's expression softened, understanding dawning in his eyes. He pulled her into a hug, his arms a comforting presence in the darkness. "It's okay, Aria. It's just a way of dealing with things that don't make sense."

Aria felt the tension in her shoulders ease a bit as she leaned into the embrace. "I know it's weird," she murmured into his chest.

Maverick held her tighter. "It's not weird. It's just... you're still healing, kiddo." He takes a deep breath and says, “Ok, my turn, Truth!”

With the candlelight reflecting in her father’s eyes, and Aria’s heart was still pounding from her confession. “Okay, truth. What’s the most difficult part of being a single father?” her voice a soft echo in the candlelit room.

“Having such a beautiful, smart, and amazing daughter that I always worry about beating away boys with a shotgun.”

Aria giggled, burying her face into his chest. He chuckled, the tension of the moment easing. They sat there in the warm candlelight, the darkness outside pressing against the windows like a velvet curtain. Aria felt a sudden pang of gratitude for this game, for the way it was bringing them closer together, sharing secrets and fears that had been hidden away for too long.

Her father's arms tightened around her for a moment before he gently released her. He picked up the lighter, flicking it to life, and Aria watched the flame dance in the darkness. "You see, Aria," he said, "I've got my own fears too."

Aria looked up at him, curiosity piqued. "Like what?"

“Like I just said, beating away any boys that want to corrupt my gorgeous Baby Girl.”

Aria rolled her eyes at her dad’s corny humor, but she felt the warmth of his love in every syllable. The candlelight danced on his face, casting a gentle glow that made his eyes sparkle. Aria knew he was trying to keep the mood light, but she also knew that he was taking her feelings seriously and that he really feared some boy trying to corrupt her.

The candles flickered again as a sudden gust of wind blew through the open window. Aria's eyes went wide with excitement. "It's like we're in a horror movie!" she exclaimed.

“It’s ok, you will always be safe in my arms my dear daughter. I will never let anything happen to you.” He said with a comforting tone. Aria felt a tear roll down her cheek and she wiped it away quickly.

The candles cast eerie shadows on the walls as Aria took a deep breath. “Thanks, Dad,” she whispered. “You know what, let’s make this game a bit more interesting. Let’s make all our dares about facing fears tonight.”

“Ok, deal.” Maverick agreed with a nod, setting the lighter down, and leaning back into the couch. Aria’s heart was racing, not just from the sudden power outage, but from the raw honesty that seemed to fill the air around them.

“I dare you to tell me the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you,” Aria said, her voice steady despite the flutter in her stomach. She felt a strange thrill at turning the tables, making her dad the one to open up.

“Oh, that’s easy, that was when you and your mother were in the car accident. I was so afraid of losing both of you, in the end we only lost her. That was by far the most scared I ever was!” Maverick took a deep breath, his eyes reflecting the candle’s flame as they grew misty with the memory. Aria’s heart clenched, she had never heard him talk about that night before, not in such an open and raw way.

The wind outside picked up, rustling the curtains, and making Aria’s skin prickle with goosebumps. The house creaked and groaned around them, adding to the atmosphere of the moment. She felt a strange mix of fear and comfort as she snuggled closer to her dad. The darkness was thick and all-enveloping, yet she had never felt so seen or understood.

“Would you like to know the second scariest thing?” Maverick asked, his voice low and serious.

Aria nodded eagerly, her eyes never leaving his.

“The second scariest was when I had to tell you about your mom, both about her, “other life,” as you put it, and about losing her in the car accident. I didn’t know

how you’d take it, and I was terrified of breaking your heart. I know you were young and didn’t fully understand the parts about her infidelity and drug use at that time, but I knew you would ask questions when you were ready to hear the answers.”

The room grew quiet again, the candles casting an eerie glow that made Aria’s heart race. She had not realized how much her father had suffered alongside her. She felt a lump in her throat as she swallowed her own fear.

“But soon the second scariest will be when you leave me for college, it will be almost like losing you.” Maverick added with a quiver in his voice. Aria’s eyes grew wide, and she reached out to hug her father tighter. She had not realized how much her dad feared her leaving in the future.

The candles flickered again, casting shadows that danced around the room like ghosts of memories past. Aria felt a warmth spread through her chest, knowing that despite the fears they both harbored, they had each other.

“Well, turnabout is fair play, I dare you to tell me the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you.” Aria’s father said with a gentle smile.

Aria took a deep breath, the candlelight flickering on her nervous face as she considered her answer. “The scariest thing that’s ever happened to me was when I got lost in the mall when I was little,” she finally admitted. “I couldn’t find you or mom anywhere and I thought you had both abandoned me.”

Her dad’s eyes searched hers, filled with a mix of regret and pain. “Aria, Baby Girl, we never would have left you on purpose. You know that, right?”

Aria nodded, the memory still vivid in her mind. The panic, the tears, the feeling of being utterly alone amidst a sea of unfamiliar faces. It was a fear that had clung to her since childhood, even though she knew logically that it was irrational.

Her dad took her hand, his grip firm and comforting. "We would never leave you, Aria," he said, his voice filled with a tenderness that made her heart ache. "You're the most important person in the world to me."

Aria looked into his eyes and felt the weight of his words. The candles cast a warm glow across their faces, making it easier to see the sincerity in his expression. "Thanks, Dad," she murmured, her voice thick with emotion. "I know that now."

“How about the second scariest for you?” Maverick asked, breaking the quiet. Aria thought for a moment, her gaze flickering to the candles before returning to meet her dad’s eyes.

“The second scariest was when I found out about...” Aria paused, her voice catching in her throat. She had never talked to him about this before. “When I found out about Mom’s... other life, well when I started to truly understand it all. It was like everything I knew about her was a lie, and it scared me because I didn’t know who she really was anymore. Even more I was scared that maybe you did too, and you were keeping secrets from me.”

“Never, I have always and will always be honest with you. I have only ever loved your mother and you.” Maverick said, his eyes filled with conviction and a hint of sadness.

Aria nodded, feeling a weight lift off her chest. She had never doubted him but hearing him say it aloud made everything feel more real.

Realizing what he just said, he fumbled his words, “I mean I was always “in love” with your mother and only your mother. And of course I love you, you are my daughter, being “in love” with you would be wrong, right?” He said, not totally trusting his own feelings, it is possible he did feel more towards her. Aria felt a sudden warmth towards her dad, she knew he had feelings for her, she had felt them, at times in his hugs and even the little kisses he gave her. She also knew she had feelings for him, but she never knew how to articulate them. She knew he was attractive, even at almost 40 he still has a well-toned athletic build, and slight dad bod, most of his muscles are still well defined and toned, he isn’t overly muscular, just enough to know he is strong and healthy, he can still out perform most of the kids on the football team, that is why he is such a good coach, he has no problem getting in there and showing them what to do and how to do it. He has distinguished brown hair with graying temples, friendly smile, well-trimmed beard, piercing blue eyes, strong jawline, and a warm complexion.

“I know, dad, I know. I feel the same way, you are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. And I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like you were not enough, or that I was scared of you. I’ve had a lot of fears, but the one that really gets to me is losing you.” Aria’s voice broke, and she buried her face in her dad’s shoulder, letting her emotions overwhelm her.

Her father’s arms tightened around her, his own eyes misting over. “I’m not going anywhere, Aria. I’m right here, always will be.”

The candles continued to flicker, casting an eerie yet comforting glow across the room. Aria took a shuddering breath, feeling the warmth of her father’s embrace and the truth of his words. The power outage had turned into a strange kind of blessing, pushing them to confront their fears and deepening their bond in a way she had never imagined possible.

Aria looks up into her father's eyes, as she tilts her head her lips brush his and she cannot help but feel a jolt of electricity. She quickly kisses his lips as they pass. Maverick feels the same, and for a moment, their hearts beat as one. Aria pulls away first, the heat of the moment making her cheeks flush. She looks away, pretending to be engrossed in the flickering candles.

“I… I… I’m sorry Aria, I never should have done that. I never should have taken advantage of your vulnerability. Maybe the power outage and the candles are getting to me a bit.” Maverick said, his voice filled with regret. Aria felt her own heart racing, the sudden intimacy of the moment had left her feeling exposed and unsure, but yet sure that she wanted to feel it again, and she wanted it with her father.

“It’s okay, Dad, I mean, it’s not like we did anything wrong. It’s just a kiss. It’s not a big deal, right?” Aria said, trying to lighten the mood. She felt his grip on her tighten for a moment before he released her. “And, what if…,” her voices shakes, “what I mean is…,” her voice catches again, “well, it wasn’t bad was it?”

Her father took a deep breath, the candlelight playing off his furrowed brow. “Aria, you’re my daughter, it’s not appropriate for me to feel that way about you, even if it was just a moment of... I don’t know what it was. We need to forget it ever happened. Okay?” Aria nodded, though she felt a strange mix of disappointment and relief. The tension in the room was palpable, thick as the shadows that the candles cast on the walls.

The wind outside grew louder, rattling the windows and sending a cold draft into the room. Aria shivered, and her dad pulled her closer, the warmth of his body a comfort against the chill. The candles flickered wildly, casting eerie shadows across the floor as the storm outside grew more intense. Aria could feel her heart racing, not just from the cold, but from the conversation they had just had, the closeness of his body, and the touch of his hands on her body.

"I dare you," Aria said, her voice shaking slightly, "to tell me something you've never told anyone before."

Her dad's smile faded, and Aria felt his arms tighten around her. For a moment, she thought he might not answer, that the game had gone too far. But then, his voice was a low rumble in the quiet room. "Okay. I've never told anyone this, Aria, but when your mother passed, I was scared of losing you too." Aria's breath caught in her throat as she looked up at him. His eyes were wet with unshed tears, reflecting the candlelight like pools of liquid gold. "I didn't know how to be a single dad, and I was terrified I wouldn't be enough for you."

As she looks at him with tears in his eyes, she moves to straddle his lap and pulls her dad's head into her chest and shoulder. "Dad, you have always been an amazing father, I never wanted for anything, even when I thought I did. You were always there whenever I needed you. You never missed a sport event, concert, academic decathlon, you never missed anything. All the while you were working and keeping a roof over our heads and food on the table. I know it was hard sometimes, especially when I did need something, and you always made it work even though I know sometimes money was short. You are the best, most awesome dad a girl could ever ask for. On top of all of that, you taught me what a good man is. I know I will never settle for anything less than what you showed me, and that is maybe the greatest gift you could have ever given me." Aria's words resonated in the quiet room, filling it with the warmth of her love and appreciation.

Her father's arms wrap around her tightly, and Aria can feel his heart beating against her chest.

"Thank you, Aria," he says, his voice muffled by her shirt, he also realizes that she is wearing only underwear beneath her shirt. "But what if I haven't been enough? What if you need more than just me?"

Aria pulls away slightly to look at him, wiping a tear from her cheek. "Dad, you've been more than enough," she insists. "And if I ever do need more, we'll figure it out together." "Actually, Dad, on that topic, can we possibly talk about me needing something more?" Aria says, her voice tentative. Aria’s father looks at her with a mix of surprise and curiosity. Aria takes a deep breath and continues, "I think I might need to talk to someone, a therapist or something. I've been feeling... really confused about something."

Her father’s expression turns to one of concern. "What's going on, Aria?"

Aria's eyes dart around the room, avoiding his gaze. She feels the warmth of his arms around her, the comfort of his embrace, and yet, she is scared to tell him the truth, scared to tell her father that she is in love with him, yes, IN LOVE. The candles flicker, their shadows dancing on the walls like silent whispers of the secrets they hold. She takes a deep breath, her heart hammering in her chest. "It's about Mom," she finally says, her voice barely above a murmur. "There are things I don't understand, things that scare me, and I don't know how to deal with them." I will bring it up slowly and use mom as a doorway.

Her dad nods solemnly, his grip on her tightening slightly. "I'm here for you, Aria. Whatever you need to talk about, you can tell me." Aria feels a knot in her stomach loosen at his words. Maybe, he won't hate me. Maybe, he will understand.

"I know you've been honest with me about everything regarding mom, but there's something I need to tell you," Aria starts, her voice trembling. "It's about the way I felt when I found out about her... secrets." She pauses, taking a deep breath. "I was confused, and I'm still trying to make sense of it all. I know I was young and didn't really know what I was thinking, but how could she do that to you, how could anyone cheat on someone as amazing and loving as you? I thought it then when I found out and I still think that now. If you were my man, I would never even think of looking at another man!" Aria said filled with passion and conviction.

Her father’s eyes searched hers, a mix of emotions playing across his face. Aria felt a strange thrill at the way he was looking at her, like he was seeing her for the first time as a woman, not just his daughter. "Aria, that's a very heavy burden for you to carry," he said softly. "But I want you to know, I've never blamed you for how you felt. Your mother and I had our issues, and it was my job to protect you from them. It's not like I was perfect, I had my short comings. If a relationship has issues, it is on both people, it's a partnership, so it's always on both people." Aria nodded, feeling a weight lifting off her shoulders. She had not realized until this moment how much her mother’s infidelity had affected her view of relationships and men.

"I know you weren't perfect dad, but you definitely didn't deserve to be treated like that or go through that. Like I said, "If you were my man, I would never even think of looking at another man." Aria exclaimed with a fierce loyalty that she had not realized until this moment.

Aria’s father's face softened; his eyes filled with a warmth that Aria had not seen in a long time. "Thank you, Aria," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion.

"I mean it, Dad. I love you and would only ever want you, I do only want you!" Aria’s words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken emotion. She watched as her father’s gaze searched her face, his expression unreadable. The candles flickered, casting shadows across the room that seemed to mimic the tumult in Aria’s heart.

Her father cleared his throat, his voice thick when he spoke. "Aria, you don't have to say things just to make me feel better."

Aria felt a flush rise up her neck. Was she saying too much? Had she gone too far?

"I'm not saying it just to make you feel better, I mean it! I am going to give you a free truth here, Dad. I love you. No, I am IN LOVE with you! I realized it a couple of months ago but didn't know how to say it or what to do, for a while I thought I was going to end up in hell just for feeling that way. But it doesn't matter anymore. I LOVE YOU!" Aria blurted out her true feelings, her eyes wide with fear of rejection.

Maverick just stared at her for a moment, his eyes wide with shock.

Aria could feel the tension in the room thicken, the candles flickering becoming more erratic as if in response to the emotional turmoil.

Her father’s arms remained around her, but Aria could feel the tension in his body, like a coiled spring ready to snap. "Aria," he said, his voice low and unsteady. "What are you saying?"

“How about a dare for you then? I dare you to kiss me, and not just a peck, I want a real kiss. I know you’re scared about doing it, I know you’re scared about your feelings, but this is about overcoming fears, remember?”

Aria grabs her dad's head and kisses his lips, not a simple kiss either, this kiss is filled with the most love, emotion, desire, and need as she could muster. She pushed her tongue into his mouth to dart and dance with his. Aria felt him resist for a moment before his arms tightened around her, and she felt his mouth respond to hers with a passion she had never felt from him, or any other man, before, a passion that she had hoped for and only dreamed of. Aria’s heart raced as she felt him kiss her back with everything he had, his hands moving to cradle her face as their kiss grew deeper.

His hands began to roam Aria’s body, his thumbs brushing against the tops of her breasts through her shirt, sending shockwaves through her body. She felt herself melting into him, the years of hidden love and desire finally coming to the surface. The candles cast a warm, intimate glow across their faces as Maverick kissed her with a fierce love that seemed to burn away all the shadows in the room. Her hands found their way under his shirt, feeling the warmth of his skin and the muscles of his back. The wind outside had died down, the only sound was their heavy breathing and the soft sighs of passion escaping their lips. Aria had never felt so alive, so wanted, and so loved.

The candles flickered in the sudden silence that fell between them as they broke the kiss. Aria’s eyes searched her father’s, looking for any sign of regret or disgust. But all she saw was the same love and desire reflected in his gaze that she felt in her heart.

Maverick leaned his forehead against hers, his breath hot and ragged. "I don't know what to say," he murmured. "This is... this is not right, Aria."

"But it feels right," Aria whispered, her voice hoarse from emotion. "It feels like this is what we've both needed for so long. Like this is where we're supposed to be."

Maverick closed his eyes, his hands still resting gently on her waist. Aria could feel the tremble in his fingers, the struggle within him to do the right thing versus giving into what felt right in this moment.

"You know what, honestly, I don't care if it's "right" or not. It feels right to me, and I know it feels right to you. I felt it when you were kissing me. You promised to be honest with me, so tell me are you in love with me too?" Aria’s voice was a desperate plea, hope and fear mingling together in a heartbreaking symphony.

Her father’s eyes snapped open, the candlelight playing off his face revealing a torment Aria had never seen before. "Aria, baby, I... I don't know what to say." He took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling rapidly against hers.

Aria felt her heart pound in anticipation of his words.

"But you're my daughter," he added, his voice cracking.

Aria felt the warmth of his body against hers, the truth of her feelings unshaken. "But what if that's not all I am to you?" she asked, her voice filled with hope and desperation. "What if I can be more than just your daughter? I dare you to tell me the truth!", she nearly shouted assertively.

Her father's eyes searched hers, the struggle within him palpable. Aria could feel the tension in his body, his love for her warring with his fear of crossing a line that could never be uncrossed. "I've tried so hard to keep things...normal between us," he said, his voice strained. "But I can't deny that I've felt something more than just fatherly love for you."

Aria's heart soared at his admission. The room felt hot, the candle's flames seeming to dance higher in response to the passion that was building between them. Aria leaned in and kissed him again, her hand reaching up to stroke his cheek. "I don't want normal," she whispered against his lips. "I want this. I want you. I want all of you. I may not be a virgin, but I wish I could have given that to you also."

Maverick’s breath hitched; his eyes searched hers with a desperate hunger.

Aria knew she had him. With trembling hands, she began to unbutton her father's shirt, revealing the strong, firm chest she had only ever seen in her dreams. Maverick did not stop her, instead he leaned back into the couch, allowing Aria access to explore him with her fingertips, her eyes shining with a mix of love and lust. Her heart raced as she felt the heat of his skin, her body responding in ways she had never felt before.

Maverick’s hands found the bottom of Aria’s shirt and began to trace the soft skin of her stomach, sending shivers up her spine. Her mind was racing with thoughts, but one thought remained constant, she had to have him, she had to know what it felt like to be loved by him completely.

Maverick’s hand slipped under her shirt, his thumb circling her belly button gently before moving up to trace the underside of her bra. He then pulled her shirt off and let it fall to the floor.

Aria’s breath caught in her throat as she felt his touch, it was both electrifying and terrifying. She knew that once they crossed this line, there would be no going back.

Maverick’s hand paused, his eyes searched hers for any sign of hesitation, any reason to stop.

She leaned in and kissed him again, deeper this time, her hand reaching behind to unclasp her bra, letting it fall to the floor and releasing her young, beautiful, but modest C-cup breasts. Aria felt exposed and vulnerable but in her father’s arms she felt safe, she felt loved.

Maverick’s hand cupped her bare breast, his thumb brushing over her nipple, Aria gasped into his mouth. He broke the kiss, looking into her eyes with a mix of love, fear, and desire.

"Aria, are you sure about this?" Maverick’s voice was a gruff whisper, filled with the weight of his own doubt and fear.

Aria nodded, her eyes never leaving his. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life," she murmured.

Maverick took a deep breath and leaned in to kiss Aria again, this time with a fierce passion that made her toes curl.

Aria’s hand slid down his chest, over the bulge in his pants, and she felt her father’s erection, thick and hard, pressing against her hand.

Maverick groaned into her mouth, the sound sending a jolt of pure desire through Aria’s body.

Aria’s hands moved to unbuckle his belt, her heart racing as she felt the heat of him growing against her hands.

Maverick’s hand slid down to her pelvis, Aria’s own hand guiding him to her wetness. Maverick’s eyes went wide with shock and Aria giggled, her fingers finding her own wetness. His hand joined hers, her breath hitching as he began to explore the most intimate parts of her body.

Aria’s body responding to his touch. She felt herself getting wetter, her breath quickening as his thumb strokes her clit. Her hand slid away, leaving her dad to continue, her eyes never leaving his.

Maverick’s eyes are filled with a fierce love and desire, and she had never felt more wanted, more cherished. His hand slipped into her panties, his finger sliding inside her, Aria’s body arching into his touch. Maverick began to move his finger in a slow, rhythmic motion, her hips rocking against him in sync.

Aria’s body began to tighten around his finger, her eyes fluttered shut as she felt herself getting closer and closer to the edge.

Maverick’s other hand slid up to cup her breast, his thumb playing with her nipple as Aria’s breath grew shorter and shorter. Maverick’s thumb circled faster, and her body squeezed even more around his finger as she felt the beginnings of her orgasm.

Maverick’s hand paused; Aria’s eyes snapped open to find him looking at her with a question in his eyes. She nodded frantically, her eyes begging him to continue.

Maverick’s finger moved faster, her body responding in kind, her breath grew ragged as her orgasm crashed over her, convulsing in pleasure against her father’s hand. His eyes never left hers, his love and desire for her clear in his gaze as she rode out her climax. Her body went limp against him, his hand sliding out of her panties.

Aria’s heart was racing, her father moved his hand to stroke her hair. Aria felt a peace settle over her, she had never felt more connected to anyone in her life.

Maverick leaned down to kiss her forehead, his love and care for Aria never more apparent. He whispers in her ear, "I love you, Aria. I've always loved you, but now in a way I never thought possible."

Aria’s heart swelled with joy; his love was all she had ever wanted. She again guided his hand slid down to her velvety wetness, her body responding immediately to his touch. His finger slid inside again, and she let out a low moan of pleasure.

Aria felt her father’s hardness pressing against her thigh, her hand reached down to stroke him through his pants, this time his breath hitched at her touch.

Maverick leaned back, allowing Aria’s hand access to his shorts, her hand wrapping around Maverick’s erection. With their eyes still connected his hand slipped out of her panties, moving up to her neck, his thumb stroking her pulse point. She began to move her hand up and down his length with his hips rising to meet her touch. His hand tightened around her neck, not enough to choke her, just light enough to show he was still in control, her breath began to grow shallower. She felt his body tense, and his breath hitch as he neared release. His body going still as her hand stopped moving.

Aria felt Maverick’s warmth against her hand, his love for her in every beat of his heart. She began to look down at his erection, but she lifted her head forcing their eyes to connect again.

His eyes searched her’s, Maverick’s love and need for Aria clear in his gaze. He leaned down to kiss her, his kiss filled with the same love and desire she felt for him. Again, his hand slid down Aria’s body, sliding underwear down her legs as she lifted off his lap and back down. Maverick’s hand found her bare ass, fingers digging into skin. One hand slid around to her stomach, pulling her body closer to his leaving his erection pressing against Aria’s entrance, causing her heart to race.

Maverick’s hand reached between Aria’s legs, a finger sliding into her waiting cavern, causing her body to grip him. His hand paused, as his eyes searched for consent.

Aria nodded, and his finger slid out, she lifted herself up on her knees with her hand guiding Maverick’s erection to her entrance. As she sat back down, she felt the tip at her entrance, both of their bodies tense with anticipation. She pushed further down onto him; and her eyes went wide with the feeling of thickness filling her.

He never broke eye contact with her and began to move, Maverick’s hips rocking into Aria’s with a slow, deliberate rhythm that she felt all the way to her core. His hands slid up and down her body, his thumb finding her clit again, her body immediately reacting. His thumb began to rub her clit in time with thrusts. Maverick’s other hand gently guided Aria’s body to move with his rhythm. Her father’s lips found her neck, teeth grazed skin, his breath hot against her ear.

Her eyes slip shut with the feeling of his love inside and out. Aria felt Maverick’s thumb encouraging her clit, her sex contracting around his shaft.

His movements grew faster, their mutual love and need apparent in every stroke.

Her body began to constrict again, his thumb working expertly on Aria’s clit. Maverick’s breath grew ragged, his thrusts growing deeper and faster. His hand tightened on her body, his hips propelling into hers as his thumb circled her clit, her body responding to every sensation.

She knew he was close and so was she, but she did not plan on stopping. Aria looks into his eyes and uttered three words, “I dare you!”

That was all he needed, he had her permission. Aria’s body began to shake, just as Maverick’s warm cum began to fill her up. As their mutual orgasm sent wave after wave through each of them, they could feel the love and need in their synchronized heart beats.

Maverick’s chest heaving with exertion he leaned back, Aria’s body slumping against his bare chest.

As Aria’s mind returned, she thought about how she had never felt something so amazing, they were so connected, so in tune with each other. It felt more wonderful than anything she had ever experienced.

Maverick began to stroke Aria’s hair, his voice a hoarse whisper in Aria’s ear, "I love you, Aria. So much more than words can say."

Aria’s heart felt full, and she leaned into her father’s embrace, his arms tight around her felt like love enveloping her in a warm, protective cocoon. Aria had never felt more loved, more cherished, more alive than she did in Maverick’s arms.

As they sat there, Aria felt Maverick begin to grow again, with her body answering without delay. "I love you too Dad more than anything, I don't have the words to even explain my love for you." Aria whispered, her voice hoarse with emotion. As she felt him continue to stiffen still inside her she exclaimed, "I want to taste you this time."

Aria gets up and kneels on the floor in front of the couch in between her father's legs, for the first time she laid eyes on her father's exceptionally large erection. "Holy shit Dad, how did that thing fit inside of me?", said Aria with equal awe and lust.

With Maverick’s hand still on her head, and his member standing proud and thick. Aria leaned in, his hand pulling her head closer to the massive erection. Her mouth opened, and his shaft slipped between her lips. Aria felt Maverick’s hand on her head lightly grab a handful of hair.

"Mmmm" her father let out a lustful moan. "I want you to suck me rough and hard, stretch your throat. If we are going to do this, you are going to learn to take all of me and learn just how I like it. Agreed?" Aria nodded, Maverick’s hand tightening in her hair. Her eyes watered as he slid further down her throat, as if responding to his need, her throat relaxed to allow even more in.

"Make sure to take breaks to lick and suck my balls." Maverick’s voice was a low growl, Aria’s body responding to his dominance.

Her mouth sliding off his erection to his balls, Aria’s tongue licking and sucking as Maverick instructed. She felt his hand in her hair, and his grip tightening, he directed her head back up his shaft, back into Aria’s mouth. His hips began to move, his erection slide in and out of her throat making her gently gag. "That's it Baby Girl spit that saliva all over my cock while you stroke me."

Aria’s hand, wrapped around Maverick’s erection, moving in time with his hips. His grip on her hair growing tighter with every stroke. Her saliva coated him, with her hand moving in a tight fist around the length. His eyes began to roll back in pleasure, proclaiming his love for Aria in every moan and twitch. She felt his body tighten, and his hand in her hair. She knew he was close, and started moving her hand faster, her mouth working his rod with a passion and fervor she had never felt before.

Just then he pulled her head away, his erection pulsing in Aria’s hand. "I had to stop you, I'm not quite ready to cum yet. First you need to tell me how bad you want my cum and where you want it." Maverick’s voice was a mix of command and need, her body responding to his every word as if on instinct.

Her hand did not stop moving, her eyes looking up at his face. "I want it everywhere, Daddy," Aria murmured, her voice thick with lust. Maverick’s eyes darkened with arousal at her words. She felt his hand release her head, his hand moving to her chin. Maverick’s thumb traced Aria’s bottom lip while her mouth is slightly open. His hand lured her closer, his erection pressing against her chest. She could feel every beat of his heart through his shaft, and she loved it.

"You want it everywhere? I think you can do better at telling me how bad you want it. Do I need to make you beg for my cum?" Maverick’s voice was low, filled with a need Aria had not heard before.

She felt a thrill run through her body, Aria’s hand still stroking her father.

He drew her even closer and now his erection was sliding through Aria’s cleavage.

Aria’s eyes went wide. She could feel him on her breasts and in her hand as it slid up and down the shaft, she tightened her hand around him. "Please, Daddy, I need your cum," Aria begged, Aria’s voice a needy whine.

Maverick’s hand tightened on Aria’s chin, his eyes dark with desire. She felt him throb against her breasts, she could feel so much passion in every nerve of her body. She slipped him back into her mouth. He began to move again, his manhood sliding in and out of Aria’s mouth in a rhythm she had not felt before. His hand stroked her hair, with his breath hitching with every stroke.

"Beg me more. Release all that pent up desire and passion. Really tell me how much you need it." Maverick’s voice was a gruff whisper, his eyes never leaving Aria’s.

Her body responding to his command, her hand tightened around him, and her strokes growing more desperate. "Please, Daddy, please," Aria begged, Aria’s voice breaking with need.

"More!" demands Maverick.

Aria's hand pumps faster, her mouth taking him as deep as she can manage as her eyes water with the effort, displaying her love in every drop of Aria’s saliva and tear. Aria feels his breath hitching. his hips thrust upward, her mouth moving in rhythm. Maverick’s erection sliding in and out of her throat. his breathing grows erratic, her hand never stopping. Her eyes lock with his. She puts her love for him in every stroke. His body tenses, and his hand grips her hair tighter.

"Beg me more, and keep stroking, I'm getting close. Make me spray my cum where you want it."

Aria’s eyes water with the effort, her throat tightening around Maverick’s erection. Her voice is muffled with a mouth full of Maverick’s cock, "I want it all, Daddy, please give it to me," Aria gasps out. She feels his body tense.

"Cum for me Daddy! Give me your loving seed! I need it." Aria continues to stroke the massive cock with both hands. Maverick’s breathing becomes erratic, her hand moving faster and faster. Her mouth opens, and her tongue slides out to lick the tip of him. She feels his body tense even more. His erection is pointing directly at Aria’s face, she feels his warmth, his body jolts, she does not stop stroking. Her eyes never leave his, trying to convey her love for him in every movement of her hand.

"I'm about to cum Baby Girl."

"Yes Daddy, give it to me. Shower me in your cum. Paint me with it. Mark me as yours." Aria’s voice is a desperate whisper, her hand moving faster, Maverick’s erection swelling in her grip.

Maverick’s eyes open, "I'm... I'm...", he splutters unable to put words together.

"Yes, Cum, I want it! I need it! It is my life blood!" Aria's voice was a whimper, her hand fondling him with a desperation she had never felt before. His body jolts as his love for her reaches its peak.

Her fathers massive cock explodes in orgasm. Aria feels the warm, sticky cum shoot out and cover her face. She opens her mouth to catch as much as she can, letting the rest dribble down her chin and onto her chest. She feels his love for in every pulse from his cock, her hand never stopping. Aria’s eyes are closed, mouth open, the delicious seed filling her mouth. His love for her is in every drop, even her body is shaking with the force of his climax.

"Don't swallow, let it flow out of your mouth and down over your body. Then make sure to suck every last drop out of me." Maverick’s voice was hoarse with passion.

With her hand still wrapped tightly around his cock, her eyes snap open, her mouth remained open, his cum pooling on her tongue.

"That's it, gently spit it out of your mouth and let it all run down your chin to your chest and down the rest of your body. Then rub it in, it will mark you with my scent.", Maverick’s voice was a command, and her body responded to his words.

Maverick’s cum began to flow from Aria’s mouth to her chin, and her chest covering it in her father’s seed.

"Now tell me how much you love it.", he inquired.

Aria opened her mouth with more cum spilling onto her chest, yet her hand continued to stroke the massive cock, exhibiting love with every movement. "I love it Daddy," she murmured, her voice thick with passion.

"Did I paint you well enough to completely mark you as mine? or do you need some more?" Maverick’s voice was a low purr.

Aria’s hand moving slower now. Her eyes searched his, "Yes, Daddy, you've painted me so beautifully," Aria whispered, his cum a symbol of his love. She finally stopped stroking him.

"Good, now it's my turn for you to paint and mark me. Have you ever squirted before?" Maverick said his voice filled with curiosity, as he pulled her up off her knees, Aria’s body jolting at his touch. "You're not answering my question!"

"No, Daddy, I haven't," Aria admitted shyly,

Her father positions her on her back on the arm of the couch. As he kisses down her body making his way slowly to her clit. When he reaches her clit, he does not touch it and instead skips over to her left leg and kisses down the inside of her left leg before kissing and licking her beautiful pained toes. Aria's body tenses with anticipation, she feels his love in every kiss and lick. Her father finally kisses back up her left leg and across her groin without touching her clit to her left leg, he then kisses down that leg to her foot to kiss and lick those toes. Aria's body is on fire with need. She feels electric love in every kiss and lick he gives her toes. He finally kisses back up the right leg to her groin.

"How does that feel Baby Girl?"

Aria’s body arches off the arm of the couch, eyes closed in ecstasy, her voice is a breathy whisper, "So good, Daddy," she murmurs. Maverick’s kisses moving closer and closer to her button. She feels love in every caress. His tongue finally reaches her clit, her body jolts with pleasure, her eyes fly open, as she pants.

"Well, let's see just how far we can push you before you can’t hold your orgasm. I'm going to keep pushing you and you need to try with everything you have to not cum. Deal?"

Aria nodded, her heart racing with excitement and a hint of fear at the intensity of the challenge. Maverick’s tongue flicks her button, her body responds with a jerk. Aria grabs her father’s head to steady herself from the licks he gives her sensitive spot. She feels his hand on her thigh. His tongue moves faster, providing love in every stroke. Aria’s eyes close, and breathing becomes erratic. She feels Maverick’s thumb press against her sweet hole. He body tenses as he pushes his finger inside her wet tight box, first just straight in not focusing on any part in particular. His fingers start to move faster in and out in rhythm with his tongue on Aria's clit. Her body starts to convulse, and her hand clutches his hair tighter. His finger moves in and out of her pussy, her body responds to her father’s love, her hips move with his rhythm.

He pulls his head away and slows his fingers. "Hold back your orgasm yet. I know you can hold it for now. Let me know when I can pick up again." Maverick’s voice is firm.

Aria nods, her body trembling with the effort of holding back her climax.

Maverick’s eyes never leave Aria’s face.

As the trembling subsides, "Ok Daddy, give me more!" Aria gasps, her voice filled with urgency.

Maverick’s smile is wicked, as his tongue returns to Aria’s clit. His finger begins to move in and out of her slit with little restraint, and her body begins to respond again to his touch, her hips begin to move again, but this time he changes it up and pushes another finger inside and he curls them up and Aria shudders as his fingers find that spot, the illustrious g-spot. Now as his fingers go in and out of her, they are constantly massaging her most sensitive spot. Aria’s body jolts and her hand tightens on her father’s head. Maverick’s tongue flicks her clit, her hips rock up to meet his mouth.

Aria’s body begins to shake, her Dad slows down again and stops the motion of his tongue. "You almost lost it there."

"I know, Daddy. It's just so intense," Aria pants, her eyes searching Maverick’s.

"This time I won't stop, just keep trying to hold it until you can't and the "waterfall breaks". Can you do that?", her father asks while it also sounding like a command.

Aria nods eagerly, her body desperate for release.

Maverick’s tongue returns to her sweet button. It is as if she can feel his love in every lick, her eyes widen with pleasure. His fingers move in a come-hither motion inside her, it does not take long for her body to start tensing, his fingers move faster.

Aria grabs his head with both hands, she pushes him down onto her clit like she is trying to smother him. This forces him to not just lick her button, but he starts to suck on it while continuing to lick it. At the same time his fingers pick up an even faster and heavier pace on her g-spot. Her body starts to quiver as she can feel his love for her in every suck and lick and desire in every stroke of his fingers. Aria’s body is a tightly coiled spring. Maverick’s tongue moves in a circular motion around her clit, her body responding as her hips buck.

"I'm going to cum Daddy, I can't hold it much longer!"

As he takes his mouth away from her clit, he demands, “Yes, Baby Girl, let it out when you can't hold it any longer." Maverick’s fingers continue to work Aria’s g-spot, her body writhing beneath his touch desperate for release. Aria’s eyes fly open then shut, making a plea for release. His eyes never leave her face as he feels her body trying to milk his fingers.

"Let it out! When it starts push it out!"

Aria’s body tenses, her hips arch off the arm of the couch, Maverick’s touch driving her to the brink of climax. Aria’s pussy clenches around his fingers, her body jolting as the orgasm builds.

"Let it go! Cum for Daddy, Baby Girl!"

Maverick’s voice was a command, her body responds, and she starts to quiver as his touch drives her over the edge. Aria’s pussy spasms around Maverick’s fingers and her orgasm crashes through her body, love in every wave of pleasure, her body convulses. His hand never leaves her pussy, as she feels the explosion of her juices squirting from her pussy, but her Dad does not slow, it seems to fuel him as more and more juice squirts on his hand, his face, his hair, and dripping all over his body.

"Mmmm, yes..." He moans loving all of this, this must be his life blood. Aria just keeps squirting her love juice all over her father. This time she is showering him, she is painting him, she is marking him.

Her father’s face is a mask of pure bliss, Aria’s squirt in his hair, on his cheeks, and dripping down his chin. He can feel her love in every drop of her juice that hits his face.

Aria collapses utterly exhausted.

Her dad picks her up and lays her on his lap with her head on his shoulder. He lifts her chin to kiss her soft lips. "Want to taste your juices?" Her eyes grow momentarily large as she shakes her head yes. Maverick kisses her deep their tongues massaging each other, he even tastes a little lasting saltiness of his cum.

"How was that orgasm?", Aria’s father whispered into her ear.

With her body still trembling with the aftershocks of pleasure, her eyes gently flutter open, her cheeks still flushed, breathing ragged. Aria nodded, her voice a hoarse whisper. "It was... intense, Daddy.", her words filled with awe and love.

Maverick’s chest rumbled with a soft laugh, his embrace and voice are warm and reassuring, "How about we head into what is now our bed? I don't know about you, but I could use sleep. Good thing tomorrow is Saturday." His voice is gentle, his love in every word he speaks.

Aria nods, her body still trembling with pleasure, Maverick’s hand helps her stand. Her legs were weak, as her father lifts her up. Her arms wrapped around his neck, as his strong arms cradle her body. Her head lays on his shoulder, her breathing finally starting to return to normal.

They walked down the hallway, Aria’s bare feet leaving a trail of her squirt dripping on the floor. Maverick’s hands held Aria’s naked body, she could feel their new connection in every touch. Aria’s heart raced with excitement at this new dynamic.

Maverick’s room was dimly lit by the moonlight, as he lays Aria down on the bed, her body was sated. She feels her dad lay down behind her in a big spoon position. "I love you my Baby Girl", as he kisses her head. Then lays his head down and quickly falls asleep with her in his arms.

Aria could not believe what had just happened, her mind racing with the events of the night. Maverick’s warm body against her back, her hand moved to his arm, pulling it into her chest. Her thoughts swirled with the intensity of their shared secret. Her body felt love in every inch, his embrace a symbol of their unconventional love. Finally, her eyes close, and with their shared love her mind slowly drifted to sleep.


2024-10-31 08:20:36
Please limit comments to positive and/or constructive criticism, it is greatly appreciated. More is to come.

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