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Did you find any friends on this forum? Carl did...

_ r u man or wom

_ You think?

_ u r old, fat, bald, ugly man

_ Are you looking in the mirror when you say this

_ no I'm imagining u

_ How do you imagine me?

_ a naked slut staring at the story screen

_ Which slut?

_ the slut in your PP, she's that u?

_ And you? Are you that big yellow dog in your PP?

_ he's a labrador

_ So?

_ i read your story about dogfuck

_ Did you like it?

_ you've no idea, it's all bullshit

_ Stories are not real.

_ if you were a wom interested in dogs, you would know, are you a woman, be honest.

_ I’m honest as much as you.

_ then I'll cast the first stone. I'm Carl and this is my number. Call and prove…

Wait, what are you doing! Idiot..! Carl, as your inner voice, I have to warn you, my friend. You raise to the bait. Was it necessary to give your own number? Couldn't you have used a disposable number? You opened your door to all the perverts in the world! Your number has been shared just now. Now you will be abused at all hours of the day. Oh Carl, you are so stupid! How dummy to think you will find a real woman on a porn forum site...

The phone rings!... It's him calling. She or he. We don't know that yet. Calm down, don't get excited, your blood pressure is rising. Slowly slide your finger across the screen and answer the call...

Hmm... A half-open blue curtain. The window is dark, it must be night there. It's night here too, we're on the same meridian.

Ahhh! You're looking at the screen before he shows you his face, idiot! He's definitely recording it, son of a bitch! Who knows what site you'll find your own face on as a laughing stock.

“You’re not a yellow labrador…”

A woman’s voice!.. accented but pleasantly melodic.

“I’m Carl… Duke's in the garden…”

You’re stuttering, pal, okay, I’m confused too, but calm down.

“Hmm, so his name is Duke… I thought I was chatting with him… Was that you?”

“Yeah… I.. I'm…”

Carl she's mocking you, still don’t get it? She’s not even showing her face. There’s nothing on the screen except a blue curtain, half of a painting on the wall, and the corner of a computer monitor.

“Hmm… I wish you were Duke…”

“If you wait I can call him… can you wait?...”

No way Carl!.. You sound like a loser. Even your voice has become thin. This is not your tone, buddy. Remember how you managed the workers at the construction area? What happened to your manly mood?

“I don’t know… should I wait?...”

I think she’s walking around the room while talking. The curtain has been replaced by a bookshelf. If you squint, you’ll see it. Fifty shades of humiliation… Naked whips… Oh, we have the same book tastes… I wonder where she's from?

“Where are you?”

Good… You finally said something useful Carl, if you control your breath a little, you'll be better.

“I’m home, of course..”

I swear she’s mocking you.

“I see… where is your home?”

“Are you asking for my address?”

Bravo Carl. The loser of the year award is yours. Tell her to show us her face!

"No... No... I just want to see your face..."

"I don't understand... Are you coming here to see my face?.. Carl, I'm sorry but I can't give you my address.."

"No... You got it all wrong... There's no address... Forget the address!... Okay?"

"Why are you yelling me?... My English is not good, but I'm sure you ask my address..."

"Please... Should we reset?.. Let's meet at the zero... I'm Carl... We chatted at sexstories forum..."

This isn't bad Carl... If it works, you'll save the match...

"About my story of dog..."

"Yes... That was great... You write well..."

"But, you said that's bullshit..."

Yes Carl, that's what you said. Now let's see if we can find a U-turn sign.

“Ehm… The dog’s dick doesn’t actually look like a vacuum cleaner hose. It doesn’t have accordion-like sharp corners on its dick and it's dick-head isn’t the size of a grapefruit…”

“So what?..”

“But, believe me, it doesn’t matter… Your writing style is great… It was a joy to read…”


“I swear…”

You’re the king of liars Carl… You stopped reading that crap halfway through. But it doesn’t matter. You’re doing well, keep going…

“Okay… I could be wrong about the dog dick… But you’re not good at BDSM stories either, Carl…”

“Is that so?..”

“It's not believable the subgirl chose "stop" as the safe word.”

“What would you choose…”

“My choice would be ‘fuck me’. Do you know why? When the abuse and violence I suffer really turns me on, I shout ‘fuck me’ but they don’t fuck me because that’s my safe word, bdsm ends, I beg everyone there to fuck me but they don’t… This is the most intense torture for a maso…”

“Are you a maso?”

“Noo!… Do you think I’m a pervert?.. Of course I’m not a masochist… I just like to be humiliated while being fucked… I’m a bit of an exhibitionist… Sometimes I randomly fuck guys in a public bar bathroom… And, I’m also my daddy’s fucktoy…”

“You’re definitely not a pervert…”

Carl, look what did you find? She is a treasure… A lively sexstory forum… Is she beautiful?.. Come on man, make a move, tell her to turn the phone to her face…

“Is Duke will coming?..”

“Uh, he’ll be here for food in a minute… You said, you're an exhibitionist but still haven’t shown your face…”

“Are you curious?…”


“Okay… But, until Duke comes, you’ll have to settle for this…”

She lay down on a bed with blue sheets. She showed her feet… Small, clean, well-groomed feet… Red-polished nails, thin ankles, soft, smooth round heels… Hmmm… Not bad…

“Am I just going to see your feet…”

“If you’re be a good boy, there’s a little more…”

Yesss, that's it baby... Show us your legs... yeah, definitely women's legs. Thin, long, smooth, feminine curves. Her skin is pale as if she hasn't seen much sun. She doesn't have athlete muscles but her shape is very well-formed, she obviously works out regularly. Or maybe she's younger than we thought... Her calves have lovely curves. We'll come across a skirt somewhere around here... No, it's just bare flesh. Maybe she's in her underwear. Even though she's got her legs together, her calves are barely kissing each other. She has a small thigh-gap, we like that. I wish you knew how to record. The legs are almost finished, now it's time for the panties. Let's see what she's wearing. Please it's be a sexy thong.

“Did you like it?...”

She’s asking you, wally, answer her… Come on Carl, wake up, she's waiting for you… Don’t forget to breathe…

“I… so…”

A pussy!.. Huh!.. Look here Carl…! Her pussy!.. She’s showing we her pussy!.. You lucky bastard!.. Wow!.. No panties!.. I didn’t expect that!..

“Why don't you talk…”

Her pussy is beautiful, admit it… Do you see the nice triangle of sparse ash-colored hairs?.. It covers the mound of her pussy like soft grass… Fascinating… Come closer to the screen Carl!.. I want to smell it!.. Delicious, fresh, the wet pussy smell!..

“You didn’t like me… My legs are skinny and my pussy is ugly…”

“No no no… they’re so beautiful… I love them, please continue…”

“Liar… If you liked it, you’d be jerking off right now…”

“Huh! Do you want me to jerk off?..”

“And, I want to watch it…”

Don't!.. I have to take control right here, Carl, I'm sorry. This is a trap!.. She'll record you jerking off and blackmail you!.. You can't look anyone in the face after that video sends the internet!.. Don't do it!.. Listen to me. Take your hand away from your shorts, right now!.. Why don't you listen to me!..

"Nice dick..."

"It's not big, but enough for me..."

"I think it's enough for me too..."

"You won't know until you try..."

"Maybe I'll try..."

You saw a pussy and your mind was blown… It's all over... I’ll think about how to cover it up while you jerk off in front of the camera… We can blame it on the AI… You'll say "it’s not me in the video..." okay? Everyone says the same thing these days…

“Do you want me to open my pussy lips for you?...”


She bent her knees and spread her legs to the sides. She held the camera in front of her pussy. Good angle, from here we can see over her pussy mound that she has nice tits and erect nipples. Judging by the freshness of her body, she is a very fit woman in her thirties. There is only one word for her pussy. Poetic…

Her pussy lips are swollen and red with blood. They are separated from each other, and it is possible to see her pussy hole clearly. It's soaked. Her cream is overflowing from inside and flowing like a thin stream into her asshole. In fact, there is a sperm-white liquid mixed in with that leak. It looks like she was fucked just before she called us. Carl, I still have a bad feeling, dude.

“I’m so horny, Carl… please let me join you..”

Her fingers came into view. The thin fingers of her small hand. She has long red-polished nails. We don’t like long nails like that, do we, Carl? They’re the nails of women who never do housework. Empty-headed, snobby women.

She put two fingers in her pussy. Now, she’s massaging her clit with her thumb. It’s so juicy. The fingers she put in and out of her pussy are soaked. I’m so horny here, man. If only you had a dick in your brain, I’d jerk off with you too, and yes, I’d cumming to your brain.

“Ohh… Carl, say dirty words to me…”

Yes do it Carl! I can help you! Call her a dirty slut!

“Do you like my dick, whore!”

“Uhh… Your dick is so hard… Are you fucking me with it?..”

“Yes, slut… I’m fucking your cute little pussy with my dick…”

“Ahhh… You’re fucking me so good… Please don’t stop…”

Don’t rush Carl… I’ll access your library and find you some better dirty words… How about this, you’re a cum bucket freak, bitch…

“You’re such a naughty slut…”

“Yes, I’m so naughty… I need punished...”

“I will, slut! Take your fingers out of your pussy! Now!”

Dude, don’t be stupid! Why are you stopping her when she’s just ready!

“Yes, sir…”

“Don’t cum before I let you!.. Now put one finger in your asshole…”

“Yess, sir…”

Huh! I got it. You're doing the master-slave things! Why didn't I think of that? Did you plan it when she says BDSM? Carl, you're a very clever bastard.

It worked! She puts her middle finger with pussy juice, up her asshole. What a tight asshole! I love it!

"Has anyone ever fucked your asshole before, slut..."

"There's only belongs to my daddy, he loves fuck my asshole, sir..."

"And you?..."

"Mmmhhh I love so much..."

"Your other holes?.."

"My pussy and my mouth are free for everyone... my uncles, dad's business partners, his club friends..."

"Who else?.."

"Everyguys... the boys at school, men at the bar, the construction workers, etc... and our dog!.."

Whoa! She's lying Carl! She's fantasizing but this is too much! We already know she has no experience with dogs! But she's good at making it up, I like her style... By the way, jerk off slowly. You're almost going to cum. Be careful, don't get your phone screen dirty!

"Can I rub my pussy, sir please..."

"No... Wait while your finger is in your asshole!.."

You're cumming Carl! So quick! I told you... But why are you squirting on the screen! Ok, you're cumming on the wet pussy hole in the picture, that's acceptable. But, are you sure your phone is waterproof? Uhhh! You cum well man...

"Are you cum, sir?.."

Stars are flying in your head. I see them all here. And there's a buzzing noise. Blood pressure is pounding in your ears. Are you okay? Are you better? Take a breath... Now that you're done, end the call. Your wife may come at any moment...

"Yess slut, I cum..."

Footsteps on stairs! Your wife woke up, you got caught Carl! Quick, hide that phone somewhere. Put on your shorts and wash your hands! Hurry up Carl! Who am I talking to!


Ah! Leslie's here already... Now I have to come up with a lie... Hi Leslie... I was just about to test the durability of my phone screen. Look, I'm going to throw it at the wall with all my might and see if it breaks.

“Hi Leslie…”

“Did you like it?...”

“Yeah, but my phone is ruined. Someone has to clean it up…”

“Do you want me to do it?...”


Leslie, Leslie, Leslie… Our beautiful wife. She took the phone, and how sweetly she looks into our eyes as she licks the screen clean. She still has one finger in her asshole and her pussy juices are almost dripping onto the carpet.

“Here… Your phone is spotless…”

“Where’s yours…”

“I left it on the bed…”

“So, the boys at school, men at the bar, the construction workers, your dad, his dog…”

“Hehehe… Did you like it?...”

“Overdose… But I liked it, it was hot…”

“How was my accent?..”

“Nice… provocative… and better than your dog story…”

“But, my story was liked by sexstories forum, lots of likes and comments… Huh! Where’s the Duke?..”

“In the garden, napping… Tomorrow I’ll start teaching him how to fuck you so you can write a more realistic story about dogs…”

Ahahah Carl, you made Leslie angry. Now she's going to hit you over the head with a frying pan, man, get ready. Tell her you're joking... Her face is already turning white... Tell her just kidding. Come on man. It was a joke!...

"I'm not kidding, my dear... I want to watch Duke fuck you..."

"Okay... I'm in... Why are we waiting until tomorrow, let's do it now, I'm ready. I'm horny, my pussy is burning with anticipation of being fucked and I'm fingering my ass..."

"One role-play for one night is enough... I'm tired, going to sleep..."

"What about me! Are you going to leave me like this! If you sleep, I'll take the Duke home and have him fuck me..."

"You can't... Neither of you have experience... You'll hurt the animal... Be patient, I'll teach you both..."

Carl, my friend, I have been your inner voice for fifty years, but I don't know who you are anymore. You and wife have lost control. That forum messed up both of your settings. Fantasies are great as long as they remain in the story, they open new horizons in the mind, they trigger secret desires, they sweeten your sex life... but my friend, they are not real... If you try to do the things that are written in those stories, your life will be fucked! Learn to separate reality from fantasy...

Hey, are you listening to me? Are you asleep? Carl, we have to talk about this, please don't sleep.



2024-11-15 07:28:16
@BrookLeen I'm glad you had fun, XOXO


2024-11-15 04:49:37
A pleasant read, fun writing

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