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I can't believe my mom; she wants me to drop everything and come home because my brother is too young to take care of himself.

I hated getting calls from my mother. She was rarely sober and usually had a rambling sob story about what a cad her last husband is. This time she was bawling, and I could hardly understand her. “Honey,” she bawled, “I need your help.” My heart sank in my chest; just what I needed, problem solving for my mother. Sometimes I wished that we lived in another country.

“They’re making me go to some clinic for rehab,” she bitched.

“Rehab? Mother, what do you mean?”

“I was stopped for a DUI and the judge is ordering me to rehab,” she explained, making it sound like it was the judge’s fault.

“Thank God,” I thought to myself and then feigned concern. “I’m sorry mother.” My mother had been stopped at least twice before and the local municipal judge had only given her a slap on the wrist each time.

“It’s so unfair,” she continued. “That Judge Jefferson has had it out for me ever since I spurned his advances.”

“Mother, what advances?” I asked a little bewildered.

My mother was still very beautiful, and she attracted men like moths to a flame. Most of them flew away after being burned a couple of times, but a couple she’d married. Fortunately for her, she’d always picked wealthy men to marry, so now, after her third divorce, she had no money worries and lived in an exclusive area called Medina near Seattle.

“Honey, you have to come and take care of your brother,” she went on without answering my question.

I groaned inwardly. Ben was my half-brother, and he’d just turned sixteen. I’m ten years older than him and felt more like his babysitter than his big sister. I’d last seen him a year ago, and he had become distractingly good-looking for a boy his age. My mother was always complaining about the kids he hung out with. Of course, none of the trouble he’d gotten into was his fault, at least according to her.

“Okay mother,” I sighed. “When do you need me?”


“TONIGHT? You’re kidding right mother?” I exclaimed shrilly. “It’s a four-hour drive and it’s nearly five p.m. and the start of rush hour. I don’t have any clothes ready, and I haven’t eaten dinner. Why didn’t you call me before now?”

“Well, I have to report to this stupid clinic first thing tomorrow morning,” she whined.

“Mother, I’m sorry but I can’t leave on such short notice. I’ll head up right after work tomorrow.”

“Well, I supposed Ben can manage for one day,” she said doubtfully.

Before leaving work the next day, I told my boss that I had to take some emergency leave to take care of my little brother because my mother was going into the hospital. Just a little lie. Reluctantly he agreed after I promised to VPN to my office computer and work from Seattle.

I couldn’t leave until after six because my neighbor was out of town and couldn’t take care of my cat. I had to arrange to take her to a kitty care kennel and as soon as she saw me bring out the cat carrier she took off and hid. It took nearly an hour before I could get her out from under the bed without getting my hands shredded. Rush hour out of Portland was its usual awful mess, but at least I would miss the nearly perpetual traffic jam around Seattle when I got there.


After I let myself in to mother’s house, I hollered for my brother but wasn’t surprised that the house was empty. I took my suitcase up to my old bedroom and debated whether or not to try to find out where he was, but I knew that he would show up sooner or later.

I realized that I’d better go make sure that there was food in the house and headed down to the kitchen where I found a note on the counter from Ben that said I could find him at the Bradshaw house, and would I please come and get him?

I’d babysat for Tommy Bradshaw and remember his parents as being super-rich snobs. Tommy had been a little spoiled brat, and I wondered how he was at sixteen. I’d always charged the Bradshaw’s twice my usual babysitting rate because I hated the way Mr. Bradshaw let his eyes roam up and down my body. When he drove me home, and before I got out of his car, he would hand me a twenty-dollar tip with his eyes on my flat chest. I often wondered how big of a tip I would have gotten if I’d let him kiss me.

The Bradshaw house is gated with a call box and a camera to gain entrance. From the gate you can’t see the house as it is nestled in the trees down by Lake Washington. I had no choice but to buzz the intercom to get in. I pressed the button and waited but there was no response. It was a warm, humid night and I could feel the sheen of perspiration on the exposed parts of my body which didn’t help with my dwindling patience. I kept buzzing until I heard a “Yeah,” with a bunch of music pounding in the background.

“I’m looking for Ben Martin,” I said.


“BEN MARTIN,” I said louder.

“Just a minute,” said the voice.

After a couple of minutes, I noticed the camera on the gate swivel and look down at me. “Wow!” came a new voice. “Are you the stripper?”

I stared at the camera with a disgusted look on my face. “No, I’m not a stripper; I’m Ben Martin’s sister.”

“You’re Ben’s sister? Wow, he told us that you were hot, but WOW!”

I assumed that this was coming from a sixteen-year-old and I was getting annoyed. “Are you Tommy?”

“Uh no. I’ll get him,” he said before I could just ask to be let through the gate.

And then I heard another male voice exclaim, “Oh my god.” Then I heard a buzzing sound, and the gate slowly began to open.

I drove up the driveway and got out of my car. I was met at the door by a pimply teenage boy. The distinctive odor of pot escaped through the open door. “Tommy?”

“Um, I go by Thomas now.”

“Okay Thomas, is Ben here?”

“Uh sure, he’s out by the pool with Bridgett and some other kids. I’ll take you to him.”

He was making furtive glances at me and I kind of wished that I had changed clothes before coming over. My white blouse was tied in a knot above my bellybutton and showed off my (now more mature) cleavage quite nicely; just allowing a glimpse of my lacy white bra. With my white shorts I was showing off more skin than was advisable considering my current audience. The air conditioning was going full blast and if felt the chill as it the perspiration evaporated on my skin. I shivered and felt my nipples harden. I had to fight the impulse to cross my arms in front of my chest.

As we walked by a table full of various, nearly empty bottles of alcohol he asked, “Say, would you like something to drink? We’ve got vodka, bourbon, you name it.” He seemed to be very proud of his resources. “But if you prefer weed, we’ve got some pretty cool stuff; and I could probably get you something stronger.”

“No thank Thomas, I’m good.” I started walking through the throng of young people in skimpy bathing suits, half who looked stoned as they danced rather obscenely to the loud music. Most of them turned their heads to look at me and a few boys nodded their heads approvingly.

A skinny teenage boy came up next to me and grabbed my ass. “Wow Thomas this is the best-looking hooker yet,” he hollered to be heard above the noise.

I pushed his hand away as Thomas interceded. “No Max, this is Ben’s sister.”

“Wow, really? Where’s Ben been hiding you? You’re fuckin beautiful,” the kid said, looking me up and down. His pupils were as big as saucers, and I wondered what he was high on.

I grabbed Thomas’s arm and said, “Let’s go find Ben.”

Out by the pool, Ben was standing with several young people and as soon as he saw me, he got a big grin and said, “Hey sis.” He turned to a young blond in a tiny bikini. “Bridgett, this is my older sister.”

The cute blond looked me up and down like I was something on the bottom of her shoe and mumbled, “Hi,” rather sullenly.

I smiled at the flat chested teen and wondered if Ben was bonking her.

“Bridgett, I gotta go,” said my little brother. He leaned over and gave her a kiss. She grabbed his head and held it as she Frenched him back; I was sure to let the other kids, and me know that he was hers.

On the way out, Ben stopped and talked to one of the boys. Though trying to hide it, I saw Ben pocket a baggie with several white joints inside.

“What did you think of the party?” he asked after we got into my Honda.

“Well, I don’t recall ever being mistaken for a prostitute before.”

He lifted his eyebrows. “Oh, uh, sorry I should have told them that you were coming to pick me up. They were waiting for a, uh, a stripper to show up.”

“I’m surprised that you wanted to leave,” I said, but he just shrugged indifference. He watched me as I drove and I glanced at him and asked, “What!”

“I’m just glad to see you sis,” he replied with a grin. “You look great is all.”

“Um, thanks, I think,” I replied.

As soon as we pulled up to the house I said, “Ben, it’s after midnight and I’m exhausted. I’m going to bed. I’ll see you at breakfast.”

My brother seemed disappointed, but he said, “Okay sis, see you in the morning. Maybe we can talk?”

“Of course,” I yawned. “See ya in the mornin.”


I woke up at six-twenty the next morning and the house was quiet. I showered and shaved under my arms and my legs before pulling on a fluffy terrycloth robe. I sat down at my laptop to put in some work. It was nearly eleven and I was starting to get seriously hungry, and I heard Ben in his shower, so I threw on some clothes and decided to go down and cook some breakfast.

Ben showed up wearing a tight shirt and tiny shorts that made the most of his excellent physique. While we ate, we had a frank talk about our mother. After we finished, Ben pulled out a joint from his shirt pocket and lit it. He took a big hit and then held it out to me. Thinking that it might help me bond with my brother I took the joint from his fingers and inhaled deeply.

We finished the joint and he said brightly, “I’m going to go for a swim; would you join me?”

I didn’t really want to work anymore so I agree. “Sure. I’ll go put on my suit and meet you at the pool.”

The day was warm and sunny, and Lake Washington looked like glass. We could have swum in the lake, but the pool was heated, and the lake wasn’t. When I arrived in my bikini, Ben looked me up and down appreciatingly. I tried to suppress a smile. It was nice to have my body appreciated, even if he was my baby brother. I stood on my tiptoes and stretched with my arms above my head just to tease him. Pretending to close my eyes I watched him ogling my body through the slits. “Oh, that felt good,” I said and came down off of my toes and fully opened my eyes. Ben’s eyes were stuck at my chest level and so I added, “I’m up here Ben.” He just grinned.

“Come on, I’ll race you to the length of the pool and back,” he challenged. Without waiting for reply he stood and pulled off his shirt. It had been a couple of years since I’d seen my brother’s bare chest, and I was surprised how muscular he had become. His stomach rippled like a washboard. He quickly pulled off his cut-offs and I was in for an even bigger surprise; he wasn’t wearing underwear and was standing before me stark naked.

Without thinking I looked down at his groin and saw that my baby brother wasn’t such a baby anymore; he had an impressive package, a very impressive package. He grinned at me like he was expecting me to complement him but then after a moment he turned and dove into the water to give me a quick view of his tight buns. “Damn bro,” I thought to myself.

“Come on sis,” he hollered after surfacing.

The joint had taken affect, and I was feeling pretty mellow and decided what the hell. I was a very good swimmer, and I thought that I could beat him, so I dove in and started to race. Suddenly my ankle was grabbed from behind and I was pulled underwater. Caught off guard, I swallowed quite a bit of water and when I surfaced, sputtering, I saw my brother racing ahead of me. I took off after him but the lead that he had was too great for me to overcome. He reached the end of the pool and did a beautiful flip and was racing past me in the opposite direction.

Ben climbed out of the pool and stood there laughing as I swam up. “I won, you have to pay up,” he proclaimed.

I looked up at his face while trying to avoid looking at his penis hanging down between his legs. “That’s funny, I don’t remember agreeing to any bet,” I stated as I concentrated on climbing up the ladder without looking at his groin. Only when I climbed out of the pool did I look at my brother’s face. He had a big grin and was staring at my chest. I looked down and saw that the string around my neck had come undone and one of the cups had fallen down revealing most of my right breast.

Instinctively, I covered my breast with my left hand, and he quipped, “Nice tits sis. Well nice tit anyway.”

“Well, you ain’t gunna see the other one,” I replied firmly, and I brought both loose strings behind my neck to tie them together.

“Here, let me help you,” he offered and moved behind me.

I tilted my head down and lifted my shoulder length blond hair to let him tie it back in place. But instead of tying the top back in place, he quickly untied the strings in the middle of my back, pulled the top of the suit off and held it at arm’s length away from me. I turned around and reached for it with one hand while covering my breasts with the other arm, but he held it just out of my reach with a leer on his handsome, young face.

“Come on Ben, give it to me.” I grabbed his arm and reached for the top but couldn’t reach it.

“Sorry sis,” he said with a grin. “You lost the bet. I want to see both of them.” And then he flung the wet top into the middle of the pool where it lazily spiraled to the bottom.

“BEN!” I protested but he just laughed and grabbed my arm and pulled me with him into the pool. I felt myself grinning as I hit the water. It must be nice being a sixteen-year-old teenager when everything was a game. But it did make me feel young and reckless, even if he was my kid brother egging me on.

Both of our heads broke out of the water, and he was laughing. “Ben stop it!” I said, trying not to smile. I dove down with the intent of retrieving my top but just as I reached out for it, he again grabbed my ankle and pulled me away. I broke the surface sputtering a second time. My brother was nowhere in sight. I looked down and spun around expecting to see him underwater and then I felt him grab the strings on both sides of my bikini bottoms. He pulled and the rest of my suit sank to the bottom of the pool.

“BEN!” I screamed and spun around and looked down, just as he grabbed an ass cheek in each hand and popped up in front of me. “BEN STOP!” I screamed, but before he planted his lips against me. “stoff,” I mumbled against his lips. But he didn’t.

I could feel his erect manhood against my tummy, and I put my hands on his shoulders to push him away. He was stronger than I and he merely pulled his head back with a grin. I knew this was crazy. I couldn’t let my little brother kiss me. I had to push him away, but I couldn’t and so I protested, “Ben for God’s sake, I’m your sister.”

He grinned and flicked his head to clear the water from his blue eyes. “I know sis, but I’ve had sort of a crush on you ever since I was ten.” He reached out and removed a wet strand of my hair from in front of my face. “Actually, more than a crush; I’ve waited a long time for this,” he added softly.

My breasts were flattened against his muscular chest and I groaned, “Oh Jesus Ben.” As he

thrust his tongue into my mouth, but I finally pushed him away and said, “Ben this is crazy.” I then decided that the best course of action was to leave the pool and get dressed. As I went up the ladder, naked as a newborn, I turned and saw that he was right below me, looking up.

“Nice ass sis,” he commented.

I didn’t bother replying to the little twerp; I knew that I had a nice ass. I grabbed a towel, the only thing available to cover myself with, and wrapped it around me. Turning as my brother climbed out of the pool, I was about to admonish him and leave when I looked at his chiseled body and saw his ginormous erection. For a moment I was speechless.

“Jesus Ben,” I giggled. I knew that the pot was clouding my better judgement, and I giggled again as I stared openly at his thick cock that must have been eight or nine inches long.

He advanced toward me confidently. His cock was as hard as a steel rod and stuck out like a telephone pole and there was a blob of precum leaking from the slit. I’ve had several lovers in my life, but none of them were built like my kid brother. His muscled chest was smooth and hairless above his ripped stomach, but his cock was, well magnificent. I’m afraid that my mouth fell open.

Before I had time to blink, he was kissing me again and I felt my resolve dissolve. He maneuvered me to the lounge chair and before I knew it, I was on my back with the towel underneath me; my baby brother between my legs kissing me and I was kissing him back like there was no tomorrow. His tongue slid into my mouth, and I slid mine into his.

His cock was pressed against my pussy lips and with a small adjustment of his hips; he was inside of me. I gasped as his thick cock first spread my labia apart and then pushed into my tunnel, stretching the walls of my vagina, and sending sparks of pleasure from my groin to my toes. “Oh God Ben!” I exclaimed as he pushed in further.

Then he started pumping and I grabbed his tight ass and pulled him deeper into me. I imagine that I was being naïve, but I didn’t expect that my sixteen-year-old brother was so experienced and soon the friction from his cock had me moaning. The high from the pot was blocking out everything but the electricity shooting from my vagina. It felt like it was on fire as his thick cock slid in and out. The feelings were so intense that I felt tears in my eyes, and I let out a garbled, “OOHH GAWD!” as I dug my fingernails into his firm butt cheeks.

He started to groan, and I was afraid he was close to coming even though my own climax had just started to build. Then the little brat stopped pumping and buried his cock as deep as it would go, and I felt my brother’s sperm pumping into my womb. I lifted my hips to pump him dry and to keep the friction going so that I could finish my orgasm.

But in no time, I felt his body relax on top of me and I frantically whispered, “Don’t stop!” But then I realized that he was quietly snoring as he lay heavily on my chest while his cock shrunk inside of me. “Fuck,” I mumbled. “Boys!” I said irritated.

I pushed him off of me and he didn’t even wake up as he rolled to the side of the patio lounger. As I laid there listening to his soft snoring, I wondered what I’d just done. I couldn’t believe that I’d just had unprotected sex with my baby brother. It must have been the pot, I rationalized. I looked over at his handsome face, then down at his muscular chest before letting my gaze stop at soft manhood, now six inches long and coated with our white juices.

I was extremely unsatisfied and slid my fingers into my wet pussy. But my fingers were no substitute for his big cock and my frustration was getting in the way of any enjoyment my fingers could give me.

My fingers were coated with our juices, and I withdrew them from my pussy and sucked them clean, savoring the taste. Almost crazy from unfulfilled desire, I spread my pussy lips apart with my left hand and slid the fingers of my right back into my pussy, concentrating on my clitoris. It seemed to take forever before I had a less than satisfactory orgasm. I was annoyed with my brother and vowed to myself to never let it happen again.

I got up and went into the house and to the bathroom, still annoyed and frustrated. I took a quick shower to clean the chlorine from my body, but more importantly to wash as much of my brother’s sperm from my vagina as I could.

I was still mad at him, but couldn’t get the picture of his thick, long cock and how good it felt inside of me. After drying off, I dug my vibrator from my luggage and laid down onto the bed and had a much more satisfying orgasm.


I awoke with a warm body snuggled up to my back and it took minute to realize a hard cock was pressed between my butt cheeks. A hand was cupping my breast, and my nipple was hard against the palm. I felt a jolt of electricity travel from my breast to my groin.

I wasn’t ready to quit being annoyed with him and I asked, “Is this how you seduce a woman?”

I felt his warm, soft lips against my back as he mumbled, What?”.

“I said, is this how you seduce a woman?”

“Um, I uh…” he stammered.

“No, it’s not,” I said sternly. “It doesn't matter, cuz we’re not doing that again.”

“Ah sis,” he whispered as he cupped my breast with the nipple protruding between his fingers while kissing me on my shoulder.

“Fuck,” I thought to myself as my pussy got wet with desire. His lips sent tingles down my spine, and I sighed.

“Didn’t you enjoy it?”

“I did until you pulled out before I came,” I replied, trying to ignore the electricity emanating from my breast.

“I’ll go slower this time,” he promised.

I looked at the alarm clock and saw that only half an hour had passed. I was still high from the pot and felt my own libido ramping up as his fingers rubbed my nipple and his lips brushed the back of my earlobe, sending shivers down my spine.

“I love you sis,” he whispered as he spooned against my back his hard manhood squeezed between my ass cheeks.

His breath was warm on my ear and when he licked my earlobe again, I groaned, “Oh Ben what am I going to do with you?” He didn’t answer but lifted my hair and again kissed the back of my neck. “Oh fuck,” I moaned.

“Okay, okay,” I thought to myself. “We’ll do it one more time, but this time I was going to set the rules.”

I whispered, “Ben.”

“Yes sis?” he whispered back.

I twisted my head so that I could see my brother. “Tell me, have you fucked that cute little blond I met at the party?”

“Uh, why?”

“I just want to know how experienced you are.”

“Well sure; I’ve been with a couple of girls,” he answered cautiously.

“When you have sex with other girls, do they enjoy it?”

“I guess. They’ve never complained.”

“You guess!” I said with disdain dripping from my voice.

“Well Bridget seems to. She’s a screamer,” he retorted proudly.

“How many orgasms do you have when you have sex with her?”

“Uh one.”

“And how many does she have when you have sex with her?”

“I don’t know. One I guess.”

“There you go guessing again.” He had a sheepish look on his face as I continued. “You’re not doing a very good job if the girl doesn’t have two or three good orgasms each time.” I looked into his eyes and could see the thought process beginning. “How about we start over?” I suggested.

He shrugged. It was obvious that he wasn’t ready to give up his macho know-it-all attitude. “First off, you always make sure that your lover has an orgasm before you do, or at least at the same time.”

“Well, okay,” he mumbled.

“Personally, I expect at least three orgasms when I’m making love.”

He rolled his eyes, and then said, “Okay, how to I hold myself back that long?”

“Well for starters, you can use your tongue for the first one.”

“Well, okay. I don’t mind licking you, you know, there.”

I rolled my eyes, and then asked, “To orgasm?”

Again, he shrugged his shoulders. “Oh God, your hopeless. Maybe we should wait to talk about this when you’re older.”

“Come on sis. Tell me. It makes me hard just listening to this.”

What a surprise to me since I could feel his hardness between my butt cheeks. I rolled over, facing him and his eyes immediately went to my chest. “And that’s another thing,” I said. “Look at a girls eyes when she’s talking to you.”

“I’m sorry,” he said, trying to sound sorry, but obviously faking it while he kept staring at my breasts. “You’ve just got a couple of outstanding tits sis.” I rolled my eyes.

“This time you must go slower and let me come before you do,” I stated, and rolled onto my back.

Ben looked up at me with a cocky grin. Then he crawled between my legs and buried his face into my crotch. “Oh, you do know what you’re doing,” I stated as he sucked me clitoris between his lips.

I put my hands on the back of his head and moaned as his sweet tongue brought magic to all of the nerves in my vagina. He only had to lick and suck for about five minutes, when the orgasm tore through me like a tornado, lifting me up, swirling in the sky, and I screamed, “OH GOD BEN!” I tightened my grip on his curly blond hair and tried to bury my head in the mattress while lifting my hips against his mouth.

When my body stopped spasming he lifted his mouth from my pussy, and looked up at me. I lifted my head up to look back at him, I’m sure with a gratified look on my face. His face was all wet from my juices and he wasn’t smiling, he was grimacing. He brought his hand around, gently prying my fingers out of his hair with a quiet, “Oww.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” I blurted. “Did I hurt you?”

“Oh, I think not too bad. Do I have bald spot where you tore out the hair?”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” I said again and lifted myself up and kissed the top of his head. And then I put my hands under his arms and pulled him on top of me.

“You should be,” he pretended to be serious. “I might have trouble explaining to my friends about how my sister tore a chunk of my scalp out.”

I lifted my leg and reached down to direct his cock into my pussy, already wet from his mouth. “My God he has a wonderful cock,” I thought as he pushed it deep inside of me.

He slowly began fucking me, his older sister.

I could still feel the high from the pot as I around and grabbed his muscular butt cheeks as his thick cock sent electrical sparks from my groin to my toes and then up to my nose. After ten minutes I was panting. Who would have guessed that my own brother’s cock would feel better to me than anything I’d ever experienced. I curled my toes as the first really good orgasm tore through me. My brother, true to my instructions, continued a slow, steady pace.

“Oh Ben!” I moaned breathlessly as my body spasmed, and I lifted my butt against his groin. I screamed, “OH GOD YES!” as his wonderful cock was pushed even deeper inside of me, pushing me to another orgasmic high.

Ben kept slowly pumping and when my orgasm subsided, I whispered, “Stop for a minute. I need to catch my breath.”

“Sure sis,” he whispered into my ear, blowing his warm breath against the lobe.

“That was really nice,” I said. “Maybe you’re not a lost cause after all.” When I’d gotten my breath back, I said, “Why don’t you roll onto your back and let me get on top?”

Without a word, he pulled his woody out and lay on his back. I rolled over and stroked his cock a couple of times. “I don’t know if I told you, but you have a very impressive package. It feels really good inside of me,” I purred as I lowered myself down while guiding it in.

I put the palms of my hands on his smooth chest and began raising and lowering my hips. His cock was as hard as a steel rod and filled me up completely. I wondered if he was ruining me for other men. My pussy was just beginning to recharge when he whispered, “Sis, I think I’m going to cum.”

I stopped moving and said, “Just relax. Take a deep breath and relax.”

“Oh God sis, you feel so good,” he gasped.

“So do you,” I replied softly. I was certainly ready to continue as another orgasm had just been building when I’d stopped. Finally, I could feel him relax and I slowly resumed riding his cock. The nerves in my vagina responded most favorably as his pole reached deep inside of me.

His thick cock felt so heavenly that I began moving faster. “Oh sis,” he moaned and started to breathe harder as his big cock slid in and out; starting another electrical storm that made me scream. “Oh, now, now!” I encouraged. I wanted to feel his cum explode inside of me while I came. I wasn’t disappointed as he groaned loudly, and I felt a fresh load of sperm shoot into me as I screamed with pleasure. It felt like the head of his cock was pounding against my cervix bringing me to an unbelievable climax. We both were panting as he kept his groin raised to stay as deep inside of me as long as he could. I felt his body jerk a couple more times as the last of his sperm flowed into my womb.

I could feel his heart beating against my palm as I laid down against his chest and let our perspiration mingle. His breathing start to grow shallower and I moved away and onto my back. I could feel the wet sheet underneath me where his cum and my juices had leaked out of me from our earlier union.

Looking over I saw his eyelids flutter. “Oh no you don’t,” I said. “You can’t go back to sleep just yet.”

“What?” he asked drowsily.

“Ben, we need to talk.”

“Sure,” he said drowsily, and his eyelids fluttered again.

I shook him awake. “You know we shouldn’t be doing this.”

He seemed to awaken a little more and propped up his head on his arm. “Why not?”

“Because it’s just wrong.”

“How can anything that feels so good be wrong?” He began circling my nipple with his fingers.

“Stop that,” I complained, unconvincingly. He brought his head over my chest and sucked my nipple into his mouth. Oh God, I moaned as a new charge of electricity shot from my breast to my groin. I closed my eyes as his tongue teased both of my nipples which were already ultrasensitive and quickly became as hard as pencil erasers.

“What am I going to do with you?” I moaned as he started to lick the salty perspiration off of my chest and then down my flat stomach where he sank his tongue into my bellybutton. I shivered and ran my fingers through his wavy blond hair. His mouth moved lower as he kissed the shaved smooth skin in the V between my legs. Spreading my legs he moved between them. He stared at my swollen pussy lips for a moment, where I could feel his new load of cum leaking out, and then lowered his head and began licking. He probed his tongue in as far as he could as if my cunt was full of sweet nectar. I reached down and spread my swollen pussy lips apart as his pink tongue lapped up our juices.

“Oh fuck,” I moaned. He lifted his head and smiled, his face shiny. He sucked my clitoris between his lips, and I involuntarily lifted my hips against his mouth as a deep sexual moan escaped from my lips. “Stop. I can’t stand it,” I pleaded. But of course he didn’t and a long guttural moan escaped from my lips.

He didn’t need to lick for long before I grasped his head and pulled his face against my groin. “OH GOD! OOOHHH!” I moaned, loud enough for the neighbors to hear.

I was completely drained. My body felt like a wet rag, unable to move. “That was awesome,” I said weakly.

He got a big, wide grin after I complimented him. “You know sis, I had my first wet dream fantasizing about you,” he said.

I lifted my head to look at him. “I hope that you’ve never told anyone else that.”

“Just Thomas.”

“Tommy Bradshaw?”

“The last time you were here he told me that he wanted to fuck you. I told him that you were off limits. And then he looked at my face and said, “Wait? You want your sister for yourself, don’t you?” Ben smiled at me and added, “And then I said to him that you were my half-sister.” He looked over at me. “I’ve fantasized about this for a long time.”

“Was it as good as your fantasy?”

“It was better.”

“Good,” I said as I ran my fingers through his curly hair, realizing that this wouldn’t be the last time.
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