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Cadwarra' and Amber wear dresses that meet the fantasies of any normal male. Cadwarra and Vishra discuss the political situation up in the Thundering Steppes while she pleases him. Some characters utter in-character homophobic remarks. Deal, it's Norrath.
Despite her lack of experience in other aspects of life, such as telling the difference between rats and mice, Amber Vishra knew how to behave at a soirée. “Just stand next to me” she told an uncomfortable Cadwarra “Mama will come over as soon as she gets a chance and formally welcome you to the Vishra mansion. Then we can mingle.”

Both Ladies looked resplendent in their new Clothspinner gowns. Amber’s had long sweeping skirts to her ankles. As she moved the skirts’ material swayed so as to cling and mold oh so briefly around thigh or hip or buttock, giving the men just a tantalizing hint of one part of her shapely young figure then another. Her bosom was fully covered but in a material so transparent she may as well have been topless. The material clung to her breasts quite invitingly and several of Papa’s associates came over to request a dance...and get a better look at her tits.

Amber figured they just wanted to feel her young newbies brushing against their chests while they waltzed with her. She graciously declined each invitation by indicating she was keeping the Lady Cadwarra company until she had been properly introduced to the Matriarch, then, she promised, she would come look for them and have that dance. She implored them not to leave the gathering until she had done so.

She hoped that at least half of them would have found a more willing dance partner by then and would have disappeared into one of the many rooms available for such opportunities. She wanted Diamander some more, not one of Papa’s pervy old cronies.

Amber made sure to introduce Cadwarra to every one of the men that came over, partly hoping they would hit on the well-endowed Feir’Dal and leave her alone and partly hoping poor Cadwarra would be spared such unwelcome attention.

The men all complimented Cadwarra’s gown as they bowed graciously to this new debutante, captivated by her beauty.

Indeed, Cadwarra looked stunning in her new dress. Clothspinner-Willington had suggested forest green for the colour trimmed with dark grey. She wore a silk choker of black and matching black gloves up past her elbows. Her arms were otherwise bare to her shoulders. Her long hair had been done up very elegantly by the servant girl while she had waited for her gown to be finished.

Cadwarra’s breasts perched in a quartercup bralette above a synched corselet. The quartercup left most of her breasts exposed, covering only the boobs below the nipples.

“You need the bralette of the gown to cup each breast just enough so the breast jiggles tantalizingly in its cradle but cannot fall out of your top.” Clothspinner-Willington had explained that afternoon. “Each breast will be securely held in place by the bralette, but the illusion is that the breast seems to be threatening to spill out at any moment for all to enjoy. The men at tonight’s affair can’t help but notice your endowment.”

The quartercup bralette itself did not cover her nipples. They were covered by a very open lace not structurally part of the quartercup. The lace was there to pretend to hide her nipples. It did no such thing, of course. Every man that came over could see her little soldiers under the shear lace. They were ‘announcing her thoughts’.

Like Amber’s, Cadwarra’s skirts fell to her ankles. There was a long slit on the right side. When she moved a plentiful glimpse of thigh would show. “But why insist on such long skirts when you have a slit in the skirts up to my hip” she had queried Clothspinner-Willington. “I assume you think I should show some leg. If so, why not just save on material and make the skirts way shorter”

Clothspinner-Willington had been amused by the lovely Paladin’s frugal inclinations. He had heard that Cadwarra was a part of that fracas out in Antonica the other day and her practical bent with respect to her dress decisions suggested she rightly belonged in a suit of armour.

Thus deciding this Paladin was a Lady deserving of respect, he had taken the time to explain the purpose of a slit in a long skirt. “Lady Cadwarra, imagine, if you will, a hypothetical man sees a naked woman walking on one side of the street and he sees another lady properly clothed walking on the other side of the street. The properly clothed woman has on a long dress with a slit in the skirts such that as she walks a very, very brief glimpse of her lower limb very occasionally is shown. Very occasionally. Now, tell me, M’Lady, which woman does that hypothetical man look at?”

Cadwarra had not followed where Clothspinner-Willington was going. “Obviously, the naked woman” she had answered. “I mean, that is how Tunare intended the male mind to work.”

Clothspinner-Willington smiled politely. “Tunare is much too clever for such simplicity. I fear you ladies almost always get the answer wrong. The man looks at the lady so briefly flashing a little thigh, not the unclad one. Every man does. He is intrigued by what may be revealed, not by what is revealed. And that’s why I recommend we give your gown long skirts to your ankles with a high, elegant slit on one side such that occasionally, very occasionally, you will show a little thigh and the men will notice you and become...interested.”

Cadwarra had blinked, puzzled. “I see” she had lied.

A heavily pregnant girl waddled over to Amber and Cadwarra to interrupt Cadwarra’s recollections of her pleasant afternoon in the dress shop. She was hardly older than Amber. Cadwarra thought her quite pretty, big swollen belly and all. “Hello, Amber” the Waddler said, kissing Amber’s cheek. “Good to see you.”

“Good to see you, too, Alweya.” Amber indicated Cadwarra “Alweya, this is Cadwarra. Cadwarra, this is Alweya; one of Papa’s mistresses.”

Cadwarra air-kissed Alweya’s cheeks, not sure if “congratulations” was the correct thing to say.

While they exchanged pleasantries, Amber added quite conversationally “Cadwarra has bedded Papa, too. Not only has she bedded Papa, but she is also doing the jiggy with my cousin Diamander pretty regular.”

The way Amber spoke, Cadwarra got the impression it was intended as an accolade not a condemnation and quite contrary to the way she spoke in Papa’s office when she first met Cadwarra.

Alweya actually looked pleased to hear Cadwarra was bedding the Marshall. “Oh! Do look after Lord Vishra for me!” She proudly patted her huge tummy. “As you can see I will be quite busy as soon as this little girl is born.”

Amber put her hand on Alweya’s swollen belly. “How is my little sister doing?” she asked.

“Kicking, can you feel her? Cadwarra, you feel her, too...I mean...if you want.”

Lord Vishra’s little daughter truly was a kicker. Cadwarra kept her hand on Alweya’s belly a long moment, wishing the child a happy life. She thought of someday having a child kicking in her own tummy. She suddenly wished she and Fayt had made a baby.

“I love your dress” Amber told Alweya before Cadwarra was finished feeling the kicks and pondering what ifs.”Where did you get it?”

“It’s a Clothspinner!” Alweya beamed proudly then slyly asked Amber with mock cleverness and an increasingly excited, sing-song voice “I think yours is a Clothspinner, too-ooo, Am...berrrr!”

“Yes, it is!” Amber responded with equal excitement.

The two girls suddenly grabbed hands and jumped up and down screeching ecstatically. “Cadwarra is also wearing a Clothspinner!” Amber shouted, half turning toward Cadwarra while still jumping.

The two jumping girls enthusiastically grabbed both Cadwarra’s hands so Cadwarra started to screech and jump up and down, too, feeling a little foolish for doing so. As Clothspinner-Willington intended, her breasts jiggled attractively but did not spill free of the gown.

Everybody finally stopped jumping. With a mischievous grin, Alweya asked the naughty question Amber had not dared to ask Cadwarra. “Did Master Daniel try that silly line on you about how he needed to measure you in the buff? Did you get a complimentary Clothspinner towel for”

Cadwarra merely blushed and that got Alweya and Amber giggling, jumping and screeching even more. “We all fell for that trick the first time” Alweya confessed and lowered her voice to quietly add “he sure likes titfucking!”

It all ended when a serious older man came over and intoned “Amber, Alweya, are you two going to introduce me to your beautiful friend?”

Amber remembered her dignity and, returning to her hostess duties, told the older man “Uncle Triander, this is Cadwarra. Cadwarra, this is my uncle, Triander Vishra, Diamander’s father.”

Uncle Triander smiled brightly at the mention of Cadwarra’s name and took her hand. “So, this is the young Wood Elf that has straightened out my son’s faggotry by pining him down and forcing him to try some good female-on-top bed wrestling.” He shook Cadwarra’s hand gratefully, glancing briefly down to admire her lace covered nipples then looking back up into her pretty face. “Well done, Young Lady! My wife and I knew he was cured when we saw him with that manly haircut you gave him. We were worried he would never get over that foolish cocksucking phase of his.”

Cadwarra tried to be modest. “Why, thank you, Lord Triander. I am sure any girl could have introduced him to the pleasures of sleeping with a woman.”

“Oh, you are too humble, Miss Cadwarra. That body of yours worked magic on my confused boy, you must concede.” Uncle Triander thought a moment. “Perhaps I need to introduce you to a friend of mine whose son is equally misdirected. He’d forget all about his queer, cocksucking boyfriend if we can just get him to lie with you for a good hard bit of humping.” Uncle Triander gave her body an appreciative once-over, leading Cadwarra to suspect he wouldn’t mind a ‘good hard bit of humping’ with her, too.

Uncle Triander changed the subject. “Diamander needs to bring you around to our home to meet his mother. Jemella has been pestering me to arrange a get-together to meet her son’s lover.” He took a quick look around the room but did not spot his wife. “She is around here somewhere. She’ll need to come say hello. We’ll organize a dinner party.”

Someone hailed Triander from across the room, beckoning him jovially. He let go of Cadwarra’s hand and waved back. “Please forgive me, Ladies. I need to go convince Lord Balthar over there to change his vote on a very important issue. I would rather stay with you three enchanting girls, of course, but politics take precedence.”

Uncle Triander took one last look at Cadwarra’s perfect nipples then promised her “I will have my wife send out a dinner invitation, Miss Cadwarra. We’ll include my friend’s deviant son. You could maybe work your magic on him after he’s had a little wine. If we sit him next to you, you can rub thighs with him and get all handsy under the table then talk him into accompanying you to a cozy room we will prepare...that should straighten the boy out.” Without waiting for Cadwarra to agree to the planned conversion therapy he bowed to the trio and hurried off.

Cadwarra mulled over Uncle Triander’s words, she was not sure she should be sexually assaulting any other young, misguided funnyboys, seeing as how much trouble Marshall Vishra had needed to go to to clear her of her previous rape charges. She also anticipated that the three Jurors would have talked about her to the other nine and she would find herself with many more Jurors to please as thanks for her second acquittal.

She scanned the room for Lord Vishra, hoping he could advise her, but he did not seem to be in the crowd. She saw Diamander across the room chatting with several young men around his age; socially positioned young scions of the wealthy and powerful houses of Qeynos whom the Vishra family was obliged to flatter.

Cadwarra’s Elven hearing easily discerned what someone was saying to Diamander about her. “Really, Diamander? You and that big-chested Wood Elf are screwing? You aren’t just using her as a beard? We always thought you were a bit ‘light in the lavender loafers’, you know? Are you really fucking her brains out? Is she tight? What kinky stuff does she like? Does she suck cock? Swallow?”

The young lad asking was a tad younger than the rest of the group. A slightly older young man chastised him. “Really, Shockley, that’s a bit personal. Show some respect for the lady.” The younger lad asked no further nosy questions, having been properly scolded.

This brief exchange amused Cadwarra. Her experience with females was that they would stand there and discuss the size of their husbands’ cocks and their boyfriends’ sexual preferences until the wine ran out. They would boast unashamedly how they callously refused their partners’ repeated overtures for sex.

Men were different, she had observed. Once past a certain age, they started to have self-imposed limits on how much they said in public about their lovers and their lovers’ bodies. Cadwarra, benefiting from her acute hearing ability, found males to be the classier gender in this regard. They might quietly discuss their love life with a best friend while hunched over a pint in the most secluded gorange of the tavern, but details such as Shockley had asked were not divulged.

Cadwarra’s reflections on the nature of maturing young men were interrupted by a very attractive woman in her late thirties approaching the trio of ladies. Amber and Alweya gave her a curtsy so Cadwarra did a curtsy, too. It was a very awkward genuflexion due to Cadwarra’s lack of instruction on such matters. The woman either did not notice Cadwarra’s poor execution or at least acted like she did not.

“Good evening, Mama” Amber said.

Lady Vishra ignored the revealing material not hiding Amber’s cute buds from male guests, unsurprised by her daughter’s exhibitionistic fashion choices. She did, however, make a mental note to ask Master Daniel which of his foolish apprentices allowed her teenage daughter to talk him into sewing such a naughty little number for her to wear .

“Good evening, Honey” Lady Vishra greeted her child. “I am so glad you made it. Your Papa told me you were stuck out on the Antonica dock due to those horrid Gnolls.”

“Yes, they were horrid, Mama!” Amber then added boastfully “but there’s less of them now.”

“You poor thing. But we need to talk about more pleasant topics on this lovely evening. Come to lunch tomorrow, I need to hear all about it then.” Cadwarra did not feel Lady Vishra was being condescending to her daughter. Cadwarra suspected Lady Vishra was a wife who realized she would best serve her husband if she knew everything she could possibly learn about things like unexpected Gnoll attacks or which ships had brought what cargo into harbour that morning.

Lady Vishra turned to Alweya to gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek. “So glad you made it, Dear. You aren’t too tired are you, being so close to your due date?”

“Thank you, Lady Vishra. I had a short nap this afternoon because I did not want to miss this evening. I trust you and your new daughter are feeling alright as well?”

“Thank you, my Dear” Lady Vishra patted her own stomach, still flat in her early months “we are both doing fine.” Lady Vishra beckoned over a servant with a tray full of champagne. She looked at Cadwarra while waiting for the drinks to weave their way through the crowd. “Girls, do you two mind introducing me to your friend?”

“Mama, this is Cadwarra.”

Any vestige of resentment Lady Vishra had had for Cadwarra dallying with her husband and her other lovers disappeared. The little Elf was impossible to dislike. She decided Cadwarra was just the cutest thing. No wonder her husband could not keep his mitts off her. “Miss Cadwarra. At last we meet.”

The Vishra Matriarch gave Cadwarra a formal embrace and, looking at her dress, asked theatrically “My Dear, is this a Clothspinner gown?” As a good hostess she was giving Cadwarra a chance to announce modestly that it was indeed a Clothspinner gown. Lady Vishra already knew it was. Not three hours earlier, she had seen the bill come in for Cadwarra’s garment, accessories and hairstyling included. The total was outrageous, especially considering she had not yet approved Cadwarra as one of her husband’s designated mistresses. And yet she had to admit Cadwarra looked so beautiful in the gown.

“It’s perfect” Lady Vishra announced of Cadwarra’s dress when Amber and Alweya enthusiastically confirmed it was a Clothspinner on Cadwarra’s behalf. She gave it another admiring up-and-down. “My husband will want to see how beautiful it is” she assured Cadwarra then spoke of outstanding business. “He has asked me to make sure I bring you to his office to sit in on a meeting. He is wrapping up some business regarding all these vicious Gnoll attacks. Some farmers were killed, you know?” She looked straight at Cadwarra and added “I understand that you were there when Amber and Diamander fought off that terrifying Gnoll ambush.”

Apparently, some people had got the impression that Cadwarra just happened to be out in Antonica picking daisies or something and that the two Vishra cousins had fought the fight alone. Out of the corner of her eye Cadwarra saw Amber was a little embarrassed to have been so boastful about her own part in the incident that she had rendered Cadwarra’s part in the battle greatly diminished. Cadwarra did not care; of course Amber wanted to impress people. Besides, Amber had done very well.

She let Amber have her moment. “Indeed, I was there” Cadwarra answered simply. “We were in a sticky situation but Amber and Diamander were so amazing. Those Gnolls never had a chance, really, with all that Vishra courage they faced.”

Lady Vishra was impressed that Cadwarra had not corrected her daughter’s obviously lop-sided account of the slaughter. “My brother-in-law just told me you are a likeably honest woman, Cadwarra. I think I agree.”

She took Cadwarra by the hand. “Let’s go get you to see my husband so you can finish off whatever tedious business you have to discuss. Then you both can come join the gathering and let everyone admire that magnificent bosom you are showing.” Lady Vishra spoke about Cadwarra's breasts as if she was discussing Cadwarra’s chainmail hauberk or iron mace.

“I hope you are grateful to your mother for those huge breasts she gave you” Lady Vishra admonished Cadwarra “they seem to be most adequate for producing a good amount of milk and feeding a baby or two.”

Not bothering to remark further why Cadwarra’s breasts needed to ‘feed a baby or two’ and ignoring the tray of champagne that had finally arrived, Lady Vishra lead Cadwarra and her mother-given boobs out of the massive reception hall toward a long corridor. As they left the party, the last thing Cadwarra overheard with her Elven hearing was Amber unabashedly asking the waiter “Can you get the male servants to make the Lady Alweya and I a couple of Jizz Fizzes? Let me know if we need to assist...”

As Lady Vishra lead her along the corridor, Cadwarra was amazed by the dozens of servants hurrying back and forth carrying trays of cocktails and canopies. A pretty Half Elf servant girl caught her eye. Her maid’s outfit had skirts a little too short to hide a sexy thigh and the scoop neck front was a little too low to cover a copious amount of breast. It took her a moment to realize it was Llisanya who hurried by with a tray full of goblets of red wine. Llisanya went by without acknowledging Cadwarra.

Whatever was Llisanya up to, Cadwarra wondered as she turned her head and watched Llisanya rush on, ass barely covered by her skirts. Why was she working here? Was she short of coin?

Wanting to stop Cadwarra’s stare from drawing attention to Llisanya, Lady Vishra took Cadwarra’s upper arm to gently coax her to resume their journey and ignore the servants. “How often have you fucked my husband?” she bluntly asked Cadwarra, deliberately making Cadwarra forget all about Llisanya. Servants passing nearby behaved as if they had not heard any such question about Lord Vishra’s extramarital love life.

Cadwarra was quick enough to know Lady Vishra already knew the answer to her question; she was just testing Cadwarra. “Well, just the once” Cadwarra confessed truthfully. Trying to keep up with Lady Vishra’s pace she added. “he has also seen me nude several times and a couple other times he felt me up and that was quite nice.”

In her rush to keep up with Lady Vishra, the slit in her skirts momentarily parted wide, letting those same passing servants have a full-length glimpse of exposed leg. Well trained in their duties, they took no notice of how much her skirts had revealed.

A young page was following right behind the older servants. He was treated to the same view. The show he had of Cadwarra’s sculpted lower limb was as brief as Clothspinner-Willington had intended but the boy, for just a tiny moment of pure bliss, saw the most overt display of female temptation he had yet to see in his young life. Cadwarra’s entire leg from ankle to thigh was bared to his sexually precocious eyes.

It took him a mere split second to take in all that he had seen before the skirts fell back into place. Knowing he was wrong to have looked, he quickly tore his eyes away from the Lady. But the madding thoughts and lusting urges a boy experiences when he sees his first flash of female flesh, no matter how fleeting, sent an electric thrill though his sexually maturing body. He had never even kissed a girl, never ever seen one naked, and there now was all that skin to behold! His mind clearly not on his work, the poor boy tripped and landed face down, spilling his appetizers everywhere. Cadwarra turned in surprise at the cacophonous clatter just behind her but Lady Vishra again gently pulled her along.

Of course, Lady Vishra had heard the clatter as well. She pretended not to notice. She felt a little sorry for the page, though, fairly new to the household. He was a nice looking Wood Elf lad. It was only natural a healthy boy like him would take note of a pretty lady like Cadwarra. Nonetheless, he would be in for quite a dressing down from the Head Butler for allowing such a distraction to interfere with the completion of his tasks. She made a mental note to remind the Head Butler that the lad’s work had been most exemplary prior to this little blunder and to not be too harsh.

As they left the embarrassed page picking himself up, Cadwarra realized she should not be boasting about Lord Vishra so. She stopped rambling and apologetically told her hostess “I do hope I have not interfered with your own pleasures taken with your husband, Lady Vishra.”

“Oh, Miss Cadwarra. With that big cock of his I often encourage him to enjoy himself outside the home. It gives me a rest. Please understand, I am not saying I have agreed that you may be one of his official mistresses but you have already impressed me in the short time we have known each other. Provided it is not too often, I have decided to let him know he is allowed to take you to your bed on occasion. You do know how to grip the base of his penis if you need to prevent him driving too deep, don’t you?” Cadwarra puzzled over why such a grip was necessary, she had taken him right up to the hilt without too much effort...mostly.

Lady Vishra did not wait for Cadwarra to form a reply. She needed to make sure some ground rules were set. “Since we are on the subject, I know I need not caution you that it is not polite to let my husband stick that big cock of his in you in my house, no matter how much you might want him to. Fucking my husband in my house is a good way to become persona non grata.” Not one passing servant showed any sign that they had heard Lady Vishra’s words.

Lady Vishra looked at Cadwarra to ensure she was paying attention. “Pardon my frank speech, Dear, but since my husband has asked me permission to put a son in you and I have just decided to agree, I do believe we need to develop some rules of conduct. Alweya was very good at understanding this and reports affirm you are an intelligent girl as well.”

Cadwarra was puzzled. This was the first she had heard about a proposed pregnancy. Shouldn’t she have been part of the discussion? It’s not like babies just happened by accident. Both parties need to intend to make a child in order for conception to occur, everyone knew that. The mind boggled at the thought of a world where accidental pregnancies could happen! Who would look after all those unplanned babies?

Lady Vishra’s next words broke into Cadwarra’s musings. “The Druids at the Temple of Life have cast your horoscope and confirmed you will only birth sons. We have too few Vishra sons right now, and sons grow up to be so useful...especially the bastards who have everything to gain by being loyal and nothing to gain by being disloyal.”

Lady Vishra saw Cadwarra’s confusion. “We have not proceeded much further with this initiative so this may be the first you have heard of our wishes” she explained. “Discussions have been very preliminary. We haven’t even begun the first draft of a formal proposal to you about making us a Vishra boy; we’ll need to hammer out a fee structure and establish legal obligations and education costs and such, but that won’t take long. We would have been able to offer a finalized contract proposal to you in a mere matter of weeks but now, with these Gnolls causing all this trouble, this task will probably be lowered in priority from its rightful place of highest importance.”

Lady Vishra reached down and patted Cadwarra’s childless belly. “That’s why you need to know the trick of gripping the base of my husband’s big dick. Naturally, we women know that one time should be enough to get you in the family way but you know how men are; he’ll want to have his pleasure with you several times, just to make sure. We do not want you too sore, Poor Thing.”

Cadwarra did not know what to say to all this maternity talk so she awkwardly changed the subject. “Lady Vishra, that young servant back there won’t be punished, will he?”

Lady Vishra smiled kindly at Cadwarra’s concern for the clumsy page. It augered well for her capacity to be a caring mother. “I leave that sort of thing to the Senior Domestics” she assured Cadwarra. “I am sure he will only be given a stern reprimand, is all. He can’t be ogling our guests, you see, just because they are wearing a Clothspinner gown.”

Without slowing, she looked at Cadwarra woman-to-woman. “You seem concerned for him. Does he attract you? Do you like them young, Miss Cadwarra? Since he seems to have taken a fancy to you, I can have him sent around to your apartments for your use, if you wish, before your belly gets too big. Despite his youth I am sure he will be able to perform as a man; you already having an impressive reputation for teaching the virgins and all.”

“Oh, that would be most kind of you, Lady Vishra, but I am happy with Diamander. His penis is the perfect size, you know?” Cadwarra instantly feared that that last statement was rather inappropriate but Lady Vishra merely observed “oh, I am so happy you’ve found a lover of satisfactory proportions.” She gave Cadwarra a knowing smile. “Proper proportions are so hard to cum by.”

They arrived at a closed door. Lady Vishra knocked and without waiting for an invitation opened it and hustled through, dragging Cadwarra behind her. There was a strange “whoosh!” of air as they stepped over the threshold.

Cadwarra was amazed to find they were in Marshall Vishra’s actual office, several blocks away from the Vishra Mansion, not some study she had assumed he maintained in the Vishra Manor. “Don’t be surprised” Lady Vishra chuckled when she saw the puzzlement in Cadwarra’s expression “I am sure this is not the first magic door you have stepped through.” Cadwarra had never even heard of magic doors.

“We’ve just had it installed” Lady Vishra boasted as Marshall Vishra rose to greet his wife with a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you for bringing Cadwarra, my Dear. Forgive me taking you away from our guests. I know you have hostess duties this evening but I need Cadwarra’s assistance in dealing with these blasted Gnolls.”

“Of course, my Love. Some things must be attended to. And I knew you would want to see how beautiful Cadwarra’s gown is.”

Thus prompted, Lord Vishra turned his admiring eyes onto Cadwarra, taking in with a sweep of his eyes the beautiful formal wear she wore so elegantly and the barely covered nudity it did not conceal. The sight of her nipples awoke his desires for her. Clothspinner-Willington had outdone himself, the Marshall thought.

He kissed Cadwarra on the cheek “You are always beautiful, Cadwarra, but this evening you positively shine!” Vishra turned to his wife. “My Dear, I assume she has been turning heads all evening.”

“Absolutely” Lady Vishra agreed and spoke to Cadwarra “Several Lords have inquired as to who you were and if you as yet had found a gentleman worthy of having you as a mistress.” Lady Vishra smiled apologetically at Cadwarra. “I am afraid I have responded on your behalf and let everyone know you were very likely about to become a ‘Vishra Mistress’. I hope I have not been too presumptuous in that regard.”

Though startled by these words, Cadwarra performed a quick curtsey, making it as deep as Alweya’s cursty to Lady Vishra had been. It was still not as graceful as it should have been but it was acceptable. “Of course not, Lady Vishra” she blurted out.

Cadwarra had no idea what responsibilities came with being a “Vishra Mistress” nor did she know if that meant she belonged to Lord Vishra or Diamander. And would Uncle Triander be expecting a piece of ass, too? Despite the quickening of her heart and the tingling between her legs at the thought of all the influential Vishra cock she might be enjoying, she still lamented that things were getting complicated. And what about this talk of a Vishra child or two at her breast?

It seemed Lady Vishra had everything planned already. “Welcome to the House of Vishra, Cadwarra. We will, of course, need to move you to a better neighbourhood. A Vishra Mistress cannot be seen in lowly quarters and your enlarged entourage will need more room. Don’t worry about arrangements. We own several excellent apartments that would suit. I’ll pick one of the ones that are currently vacant and Amber will see to it that your things are transported over. Then I will appoint some suitable servants...subject to your approval, of course.”

Lady Vishra regretted moving Cadwarra out of her present abode since she had just acquired the services of a reliable informant in the bed next door but it could not be helped. She should have realized earlier that this minor setback would occur. The loss of her informant was only a small inconvenience, though. He and his monster cock could now spend more time in her bed, now that she considered it. She suddenly remembered its size and became very needing of it between her legs.

As for his loss as an informant, Lady Vishra already knew which servant she was going to install as a who would allow her to keep an eye on her husband, her nephew, her sex-starved daughter and Cadwarra’s growing belly. Yes, this would work out quite nicely.

Since everything was in order, at least to her satisfaction, Lady Vishra changed the subject. “I am afraid that Cadwarra and I have had an informal chat about the possibility of her conceiving us a male child. I hope I did not let the cat out of the bag.”

The Marshall took that news in stride. “Well, perhaps tonight was a good time to broach such things to Cadwarra. Certainly, there is little harm done in informing Cadwarra that we hope she can make us a son.” He turned to his newest mistress. “I trust you would be willing to consider our formal proposal as soon as we can finalize it? It will be a generous offer.”

“Oh, of course, Lord.” Cadwarra’s answer sounded sincere, but she was nonetheless taken aback by how rapidly this situation was moving. On the other hand, she remembered the kicking inside Alweya’s belly. How lovely it had felt. How Lord Vishra’s son could kick inside her!

Lady Vishra could see no further gain from her lingering longer and she had hostess obligations back at the party. She told Lord Vishra “try not to be too long, Dear, everyone is asking about you and Triander is trying to get that bill passed but there is a growing faction that is baulking at the budget amounts and that horrid man, Russeau, is trying his best to sway those on the fence to vote ‘no’. That is not to say we have any concern; I have a distraction positioned to get Russeau isolated.”

“I knew I could depend on you, My Love.” Vishra gave his wife an affectionate kiss inspired not just by love but by admiration for her resourcefulness. “Let me know if there is anything I can do, otherwise I know you will look after it.”

“Leave it with your brother and I” she assured her husband. Anxious to get back to her duties, Lady Vishra turned back to the magic door and with that same strange “whoosh!” was gone.


Vishra, having been standing since his wife had arrived with Cadwarra, walked over to Cadwarra and put both hands on her waist. He took another long look at her gown and the body underneath it. “I do not know what this gown has cost the Vishra Estate” he told her, looking her semi-exposed figure up and down “but I assure you it was well worth the price to see how absolutely stunning you are in it.” His hands moved back and forth over her ribs as he kissed the top of her boobs bubbling out of her corselet. He loved how her nipples were visible under the open lace, designed to titillate rather than conceal.

Seeing those nipples standing proud as they pointed up to him, he was sorely tempted to ignore his duties and his social obligations and spend an hour fucking Cadwarra right there on the training mats.

Such pleasures would regretfully have to wait for later, he sternly told himself. This Gnoll business was still a priority and then there were family matters that needed resolution. He squeezed Cadwarra’s left breast affectionately then let go of her lovely body and gave her an affectionate kiss. Vishra sat down behind his desk. “Have a seat, Mistress-Paladin.”

Cadwarra’s splendid breasts wobbled as she sat but to Vishra’s disappointment did not spill forth in full glory. How silly to hope they would fall out, given that Clothspinner-Willington’s dress hid nothing from the eyes, anyway.

“Clothspinner-Willington knows how to design the perfect dress for a beautiful woman” he complimented her.

“Thank you, Lord.” Cadwarra was pleased the Marshall liked it. “It was so kind of you to buy it for me. I would not have been able to afford it with the three silver I have in the bank. It must have been worth quite a few gold.”

The fact that Cadwarra thought the cost of the dress was a mere ‘few gold’ was endearing. Her innocence in these things was what he found so attractive in her. Vishra stood and came over close to Cadwarra’s chair. She could see how hard her dress was making him; she could see how big he was. Cadwarra reached over and caressed his cock through his trousers. “Your erection is so beautiful, Lord Vishra. Permit me to suck it?” She was so excited her mouth was dry. “Let me thank you for this gift.”

“You have a knack for knowing what I want, Cadwarra.” He pulled the full magnificent length of penis out and without a word rubbed the knob on the lips of his newest mistress while she sat there letting him. He pressed the girthy shaft hard against her cheek.

Cadwarra kissed the long, thick cock up and down then licked it until it shone with her saliva, the knob hovering above her forehead. A gleam of jism appeared on the tip and sat there like a cliffdiver pondering whether to stay there and enjoy the view or to jump down into the depths of Cadwarra’s throat.

So much for getting right to business, Vishra thought. “I best come quickly, Cadwarra, we have business to discuss. Pump it, please. Pump it ‘til I fill your mouth.”

Cadwarra obediently gripped his shaft and began by jerking it slowly. Seeing that first little bit of pre-cum still on the tip, Cadwarra went down on him in time to feel a huge load fill her mouth. Surprised at how little it took to get Vishra to orgasm, she held his load in her cheek, looking up at him as if asking what he wanted her to do with his penile emission. A last few drops of nut oozed out of his cock yet the cock did not soften.

By Marr, Vishra thought, I’m still hard and still horny! What a dress this was: to get him as horny as a virgin teenager. “Dont swallow yet!” he told her.

Vishra gripped Cadwarra’s pointed ears and started to fuck her face by pulling her head back and forth, too aroused to be gentle. His cock rammed into the back of her throat, fucking hard, hoping to cum again quickly.

She liked how rough he was being with her. She recalled how Trandall had choked her as he fucked and she wanted Vishra to do that, too. Some of Vishra’s cumload dripped out of Cadwarra’s mouth as his cock pushed in and out. The cum landed on her the tops of her boobs. Cadwarra’s chest was soon slick with a mixture of Vishra semen and Cadwarra spit.

Seeing his cum slathered all over her bare skin like that, seeing drops of it running down off her breast top into her cleavage, Vishra’s second climax began. A generous load splashed onto her tonsils. “Gulp it down” he ordered her and she gladly obeyed, like a mistress ought to. At last, his cock softened.

His flacid dick fell from her lips. He did his trousers back up. “Thank you, Cadwarra. I needed that. We have much to discuss but as soon as I saw you in your Clothspinner gown, I feared I would not be able to resist your body before we began.”

While Cadwarra did his leggings up, he kissed her forehead. Even though she did not seem annoyed by how selfish the Marshall had been, he felt the need to apologize. “Please forgive how selfish I was being in satisfying myself so fast but we need to discuss several things. I promise, once Amber and Lady Vishra get you settled into your new quarters I will come by and bed you as you properly deserve.”

He took a breath of satisfaction and for a third time studied Cadwarra’s gown. The dress remained incredibly tempting the way it failed to cover her assets, but thanks to Cadwarra’s accommodating blowjobs he would now be able to begin the important business. “We have several things to cover, Cadwarra.”

Cadwarra watched Vishra take his seat again, swallowing a bit more cum she had in her mouth. Cadwarra’s skirts had fallen open but she did not adjust her dress to hide her thigh from Vishra’s eyes. The slit in the dress was so high a tantalizing glimpse of her mousy brown pubic hair showed.

Such wanton exhibition was exactly what he enjoyed from his mistresses. Though he loved Cadwarra for knowing he would enjoy the sight of such an expanse of skin he needed to get several things out of the way and return to the party. For the moment at least, he successfully kept his eyes from her naked limb. There was a time to dally with your mistress and a time when your wife needed your support back at the party.

He began with the family matters that were weighing on his mind. His tone was gentle but his words were still a rebuke. “Cadwarra, I should tear a strip off both you and Diamander for darn near getting my daughter killed out in Antonica. I am pretty sure you both know what folly it was to walk into that trap.”

Crestfallen that Vishra was ignoring her bare thigh, and not expecting a scolding, Cadwarra hung her head. She felt like a schoolgirl called on the carpet by a headmaster that was letting her know how disappointed he was in her recent conduct. Like Cadwarra, that hypothetical schoolgirl would know she was not really in trouble because she was the class goody-goody with straight ‘A’s. Besides, she was having sex with the Headmaster in his office after class. He would soon forgive her so he could take her uniform off and play with her pretty breasts. Cadwarra, like that fictitious student, knew she would be forgiven sooner than later; she just needed to get the ‘headmaster’ to come over and play with her tits then fuck her.

“Never mind feeling bad, Cadwarra.” Like that fictitious headmaster, Vishra was trying to be stern but he found it hard to be angry at a beautiful woman that was showing all that leg. Seeing how his words had hurt Cadwarra, Vishra continued in a conciliatory manner. “According to Peckett’s report you and Diamander kept your wits. I expected no less of you two. Well done.”

“Thank you, Marshall.” Cadwarra still kept her eyes to the floor, still feeling terrible she had failed Lord Vishra.

“Look at me, Cadwarra.” When she complied by lifting her beautiful eyes up, Vishra leaned anxiously over his desk and asked “tell me, did my daughter behave like a Vishra? To hear her talk, you would think she killed every Gnoll in Antonica all by herself. How much has she exaggerated?”

“Everyone is a hero in their own life” Cadwarra answered diplomatically. “But, I surmise she exaggerated.”

“I am sure she did.” Vishra’s pleasant chuckle eased the tension. Cadwarra knew he was not too angry with her. For once Vishra seemed to be a father worried for his little girl, not an influential servant of the Queen. “So tell me. How did she do? I need you to be honest. Tell me what happened, Cadwarra. Paladin-to-Paladin.”

“I think you can be proud of your daughter, Lord. She was scared and crying but still fought bravely. She killed maybe half a dozen Gnolls when they were attacking me. I had cast several ‘Taunt’ spells at the Gnolls but I drew too many. While they were piling on me, Amber had the sense to help Diamander and start stabbing at their backs and save my life.”

The Marshall relaxed. Only at that point did Cadwarra realize the stress he was putting himself under over the fear that his daughter had not acquitted herself like a Vishra. He seemed pleased to hear how bravely Amber had fought. “That’s very good, Cadwarra” he summarized. “Thank you for protecting my daughter. Just next time don’t be so careless.”

“Yes, Lord” Cadwarra said, feeling forgiven.

Vishra’s next question was asked in a tone that left Cadwarra in no doubt as to its importance. “What do you think? Is she worth training in the arts of combat and weaponry?”

Cadwarra was touched that the Marshall was relying on her judgment in this regard. Cadwarra had never considered Amber’s suitability for martial arts but her answer came quickly and with a surety that surprised both Cadwarra and Vishra. “Oh yes, Lord. Absolutely! She showed her mettle out there.”

Vishra looked pleased. “Excellent, Cadwarra. You now have a protégé. The more she trains with you, the less time she will have to be jumping on every boy that catches her eye. Her training needs to start as soon as you get back from the Thundering Steppes. Let me know what you need from me as regards her training and you will have it.” He swept his hands to indicate his combination office-and-training room. “That includes my private facilities.”

And with that, Cadwarra was now a trainer. It was very humbling. She had seen Amber go in a few minutes from a silly child moaning about ‘mouse blood’ to a brave youth frantically doing her part in a frightening, lop-sided battle. But she might still not take well to training and that would reflect badly on Cadwarra. Amber’s training was a huge responsibility and Cadwarra did not want to let Marshall Vishra down. And what was that other thing he said?

“...Why am I going to the Thundering Steppes, my Lord?”

The Marshall looked at Cadwarra a moment. She was surprised when he spoke Gnollish. “I have the letter you wrote to the Splitpaws while out defending the Antonica dock. Where did you learn to speak Gnollish, Cadwarra? Your knowledge of the language is quite impressive.”

Cadwarra was equally impressed by Marshall Vishra’s command of Gnollish. Though his accent was quite thick, and he had made two very slight grammatical errors, he was clearly fluent in Gnollish.

“I learned Gnollish when I was of the Splitpaws” Cadwarra answered in perfect Gnollish.

Vishra nodded. Having confirmed Cadwarra spoke Gnollish better than he could, he switched to common, not wanting to get a sore throat from all the growling and yelping required to speak Gnollish properly. “Alright, I will certainly need to hear more about that later, Cadwarra. It sounds like a good story to hear while we are cuddling after our lovemaking.” He then added “you do seem to surprise me.”

“Thank you, Lord.”

Vishra set aside his role as Cadwarra’s lover and resumed his office of Royal Marshall. He was not amused that Cadwarra had missed the criticism in his remark. He was sorry he had hurt her when he had reprimanded her earlier, so this reprimand was even more gentle. “That was not a compliment, Cadwarra. It is important I am fully aware of your talents.”

“Talents?” Cadwarra asked. She had no talents.

Vishra theatrically waved some papers at Cadwarra. Cadwarra saw one was a copy of the aforementioned letter she had sent to Seeress Bloodhackle. She guessed the other was Bloodhackle’s reply.

“Cadwarra” Vishra spoke gently “being able to contact a high ranking Splitpaw Shaman in her own language is a talent. Having her send back a prompt reply is a talent. In future, I need to know what all your talents are in case I need to someday make use of them. Don’t go worrying about being seen to be boasting, your duty is to keep me aware of your abilities.”

His words upset Cadwarra, kind though he was trying to be. She felt a little better when she caught him glance down at her naked limb. His eyes lingered. He definitely liked what he saw. Determined not to be tempted, he raised his gaze from her lap and handed Seeress Bloodhackle’s reply to Cadwarra. “Have a read.”

Typical of Seeress Bloodhackle’s brevity, the letter was very short.

Groomer Cadwarra,” the letter read “I am so glad to hear from you. I trust you are well and successful in Qeynos. As for your interest in what those accursed Underpaw are up to, I am loathe to commit to writing. If Qeynos is indeed anxious to know what is happening, we will need to meet muzzle to muzzle. I can tell you all I know. By this letter and my signature, you have safe conduct to our den.”

The Seeress had then added a ps at the end. “Bring your barber tools. My fur and paws have never looked as good after you ran away.

“What do you make of it, Cadwarra?”

“I see the Underpaw are still not being friends with the Splitpaw. And I think something serious is going on if Seeress Bloodhackle is willing to co-operate with us but will not allow any intelligence about the Underpaw to be sent in writing.”

“And who are these Underpaw, Cadwarra? I have never heard of this clan.”

“They live below the Splitpaw in deep dens. They rarely come to the surface but still need some goods from above. Any such trade with topside needs to go through the Splitpaw and conflicts over prices and 'handling charges' have caused friction. Also, they are huge. Monstrous. Which is why the Splitpaw are so leery of them.”

“So you see now why you are going to the Thundering Steppes? We need to know all we can of what this new clan is doing. I had thought this Gnollish belligerence was something local; a little trouble with a minor Packleader. Now knowing that is not the case, we need to go see Seeress Bloodhackle and find out all she is willing to tell us. Obviously, she has specified you to be our envoy.”

Cadwarra nodded but remained silent. She could see the Marshall had more instructions. He continued. “You are authorized to tell them all that you know of this Darkpaw business and convince them that it is to our mutual benefit that we, too, know what is happening with this ‘Underpaw’ clan. Explore what mutual arrangements would benefit us both. Naturally, with such responsibility, it is best we recommend to the Queen she designates you official Ambassador.”

“That’s quite an honour, Marshall.”

“It seems circumstances now allow me to double that honour, Cadwarra. You will also be Ambassador to the Steelhoof Centaurs. What do you know of the Centaurs up there in the Steppes?”

“Very little. I’ve seen them from a distance but the tension between the Gnolls and the Centaurs prevented me from interacting with them.”

“You will get a chance to interact with them now. We are preparing diplomatic letters to Chief Kraughl of the Steelhooves for you to deliver.”

“I see, Lord.”

“Good. Your task with the Herd is simple; you can confirm to Chief Kraughl that the individuals that had figuratively held some embarrassing information over all our heads have met a fatal end and we are therefore now able to ratify our treaty. As a courtesy to Kraughl you will not know what this embarrassing information is and you should admit so to the Chief, thereby putting his mind at ease.” Vishra gave a rueful laugh at that point. “Trust me, Cadwarra, you do not want to know more.”

Naturally, Cadwarra’s curiosity ensured she did want to know more but she understood that some things had best not be known. She allowed Vishra to go on.

“Once you have informed Chief Kraughl of this excellent news and advised him that the Treaty Documents will be brought to the Steppes by Lords Triander and Balthar, I need you to then go on that fact-finding mission to the Splitpaw.”

“You can depend on me, Lord.”

“I am sure I can, Cadwarra.” Vishra looked at Cadwarra with great admiration. She was not just pretty, she was intelligent and honest and unhesitating to venture up into the wilds of the Thundering Steppes solely on his orders. He silently congratulated himself on spotting her potential that day she had stood naked in front of himself and his clerk. Soon she would birth his son, what a boy she would deliver!

“You will leave in a few days, Cadwarra, once your papers are ready. Do you have any questions?

“No, Lord.”

“Good. Let’s move on to the next thing on the agenda, painful as it is.”

Vishra became a father again. Something was upsetting him as he struggled to begin. Cadwarra waited. Whatever Vishra next wanted to say did not come easily.

Vishra picked up the report he had received only a few hours ago from Cadwarra’s neighbour. He looked at the words that had most hurt. “...they were definitely enjoying each other’s bodies....”

Though he was usually not at a loss for words, what he next said came out indelicately. “Amber and Diamander had sexual intercourse this afternoon. In your bed. While you were at the dressmakers.” His frown as he spoke left Cadwarra in no doubt that this news greatly troubled him. A father did not wish to know such things about a beloved daughter.

“They can’t be doing that” he added unnecessarily, as if embarrassed by Cadwarra’s silence. Here was Vishra’s only weakness; he was a loving father whose wild middle child had greatly disappointed him yet again.

Cadwarra had an image of Amber lying back with her legs spread, orgasming under Diamander as his perfect-sized cock moved in and out of her. She felt guilty that she did not share Vishra’s concerns over such youthful indulgence. When males and females shared dangers, as Diamander and Amber had out in Antonica, one should expect ‘feelings’ to happen.

Would Tunare mind if two first cousins celebrated her, Cadwarra pondered. It was only one bawdy encounter. Amber and Diamander were simply celebrating Tunare together before time would bring them to marriages with other, better suited partners. They would see each other at family gatherings and maybe remember wistfully how good it had felt to embrace each other in the more licentious days of their youth. That was all. Lord Vishra was having an emotional response to the news of Amber and Diamander’s lustful bedding, which was understandable, but it was still an emotional response. Vishra did not understand youths should indulge once in a while.

“Is there anything you wish me to do to rectify this, My Lord?” she asked delicately.

“Thank you, Cadwarra. Please just keep fucking Diamander. We need to keep him reminded of the pleasures of sex with a good woman and the more you keep him happy the less Amber’s body can tempt him.”

“Oh, yes, Lord. My pleasure.”

“Thank you.” Vishra took a deep, emotional breath and continued. “The rest you must leave to me. I have already taken action to separate them for a week or so while they have a chance to individually reflect on their misdeed. Amber will remain with you as long as her training proceeds; Diamander will be departing for New Halas early tomorrow morning upon the tide. We have a problem up there that he will need to sort out. If he is successful it will redeem him a bit. When he returns in a week or so, I may know better how to deal with his..” -and here Vishra choked up a little- “...betrayal.”

Vishra again paused to regain his composure then resumed. “As for my daughter being such a slut...I will let her mother know what she has done. She will need to deal with Amber.”

Vishra moved some random papers around on his desk as if to signify that there was no more to discuss about Amber and Diamander’s indiscretion. “Let’s get back to your assignment to convert Diamander into a ‘real man’. Notwithstanding that he has become so horny for females that he has even taken advantage of my over-sexed daughter, we have the more important question: has he now fully overcome his misguided craving for”

Cadwarra surmised that Vishra was in no mood for politely round-about answers. She recalled the previous admonition that she should not let her reluctance to boast prevent her from speaking the truth to the Marshall. She was therefore direct. “My Lord, he screws me every night. He usually instigates our lovemaking. If I may brag, I have had no trouble bringing him to orgasms. Sometimes we do it three times or more a night.”

“Thank you for that accomplishment, Cadwarra. Well done. I think we can say that your ten plat fine has now been forgiven.”

“Thank you, Lord. That is a load off my mind.”

“You earned it.” Vishra again glanced down at Cadwarra’s deliberately exposed thigh. All these troubles and problems in both politics and family and here was Cadwarra being nothing but an asset and a solution to deal with all these difficulties.

This was why he needed mistresses. Vishra, like many powerful men, knew that when everything piles up on a person, one needed to walk away for a few minutes and forget one’s obligations in the arms of a comely woman. Once returning to the onerous problems with a fresh attitude, those problems seemed to have regained their proper perspective.

He knew he truly did not have time to enjoy more physical love tonight, but he needed a distraction. Perhaps he was being irresponsible but he impulsively pushed his chair away from his desk, the wheels squeaking a little as the chair rolled back. He would no longer ignore Cadwarra’s half-naked body. “Let’s stop talking about unpleasant things for a short time, Cadwarra, I need you to help me relax.” He patted his lap. “Come sit with me.”

She obeyed as a mistress ought. Vishra felt intense affection for Cadwarra as she perched on his knee, arm around his shoulders. He stroked her bare thigh and kissed the bulging tops of her lace-covered breasts. He tasted his cum where it had dried on her boobtops. He folded the lace down off her nipples and they popped up to say hello. He kissed the left one. His hand wandered under her skirts onto her buttock while his other arm held her by the waist. She felt how stressed he was. She hugged him, crushing her bare bosom into his face.

He sighed, partly in regret. “You are my mistress, now, Cadwarra. As such I will should be more honest than I have been with you.”

Cadwarra detected a note of contentment when Vishra uttered the words “you are my mistress, now”. She gave him a peck on the cheek. “I always assumed you were honest with me, My Lord.” She liked his hand on her bare ass. She kissed his lips. She slipped her tongue into his mouth and licked inside then gently broke her kiss to look into his handsome eyes. “Tell me what you have kept from me and I will forgive you.”

“Thank you, Cadwarra. That makes it easier to discuss the wine that mysteriously appeared in your pantry. I had your neighbour sneak it in while you and Diamander were out practicing with your pikes.”

“Oh? That wine was yours? It tasted very good. We were wondering where we could get more.”

“It was meant to taste very good. It was a very expensive vintage so that Diamander would drink lot’s of it. A potion was mixed in it, you see? I was lead to believe the potion would end Diamander’s obscene desires for sucking cock.”

Cadwarra was only a little hurt that such a thing had been done. Diamander did need to be cured. “It seems to have awakened his proper needs for female love, Lord. I feel no need for an apology when you were working for your nephew’s benefit.”

“Thank you for your understanding, Cadwarra.” Vishra moved his hand off her ass and around to her muff, stroking the soft pubic hair affectionately. “But there is more to tell...I had been misled as to the effects of the potion. Llisanya did me the great service of investigating the wine fully and reporting her findings to me. She had discovered that the wine does not suppress homosexual desires at all. It just makes the imbiber attracted to women. That is why you and Llisanya were kissing and eating each other out.”

“Oh” Cadwarra interjected. “I did enjoy that.”

“And I am sorry I did not get to watch” Vishra confessed candidly then got serious again. “What Llisanya discovered was that the attraction for females that the potion induces is temporary. I assume your desire for a woman has now disappeared?”

Cadwarra was slow to answer. “Ummmmm....yes. Sort of, Lord. I still feel physical affection for Llisanya, though I do not feel any attraction for other pretty girls walking by me.” She pondered this a moment. “May I suggest that though the potion may have physical affects that wear off there is still an emotional effect that arises not from the wine but from the experience enjoyed during the encounter inspired by the wine. I suspect that may affect Diamander’s need for me. His lust for me is a strong as ever.”

Lord Vishra pulled his hand off Cadwarra’s beaver and slid it up to her left breast. He squeezed it. He enjoyed feeling how firm it was. Most of the breast was mammary gland with only a small amount of the volume being fat or ligaments. The breast felt very spongy under his repeated squeezing. He looked forward to tasting her milk when she was breastfeeding their son.

His fingers flicked both nipples, enjoying how they stood up so high and thick. Still, they could not take his mind off the worries he had for his nephew’s poor choice in life style. He asked the important question. “Are there any indications Diamander’s homosexual perversions have subsided?”

Though she hated to give him bad news she was truthful. “I regret to say I doubt that has occurred, Lord. I notice that Diamander looks at the handsome men instead of the pretty women as we walk past other couples. And when we walked home from my trial he scooped the cum of my Jurors out of my quim and ate it up with a pleasure I have not seen in him when he licks his own cum off my clit. Notwithstanding, he still has affection for me and that affection includes the physical affection of waking me early for a bout of lovemaking before we start our day.”

Cadwarra was quiet for a short second then a new thought came to her. “I think it is promising that that morning when he raped me was before we started drinking the wine. May I suggest we do not discount the progress made being solely due to the potioned wine? Diamander seems to have had some amount of heterosexual desire to start with. I mean he raped me twice in twenty minutes that morning.”

Cadwarra’s observation seemed to cheer Vishra up a little. “Well, that is an encouraging point, Cadwarra.”

Vishra felt a little less stressed. Not only was it good to hold a beautiful mistress in his arms, but once again, Cadwarra had shown great intelligence. He found intelligence very attractive. Thus relaxed, his erection began to grow. Cadwarra felt it under her ass and dutifully moved so as to rub her butt over it. She swung a leg over to straddle her lord, facing him. Her lovely pussy showed, all ready for his use.

Vishra knew they did not have time to fuck and there was one more piece of business they need to resolve...but Cadwarra’s tits were sitting there in his clutches, soft and firm and sporting nipples that could crack a diamond.

He threw responsibility to the wind. He reached between Cadwarra’s thighs again and inserted three fingers into her snatch. She was incredibly wet. “We have one more item to discuss but I will need to fuck you first, Cadwarra.”

Cadwarra rose off Vishra’s lap and undid his laces. He had come twice already but there he was with his huge dick sticking up ready for Cadwarra to bring herself down on it. She positioned herself and lowered her hips.

She allowed the penetration to proceed slowly. The tip of his cock spread open her labia and she push it deeper into her vagina. Inch by inch she felt the girth fill her until finally every inch of his huge cock was fully inside her. She was proud she did not need to grip the shaft as Lady Vishra had suggested, though there was some discomfort from his size. She began to move up and down on top of him, his thick shaft wet from her pussy.

“You are correct, Lord, that we need to get back to the guests. May I suggest you introduce your last agenda point while I do all the work on top of you? We do owe an obligation to your wife to get our meeting done as quickly as possible.”

Vishra appreciated Cadwarra’s efficiency. As he enjoyed the feel of Cadwarra’s vaginal walls molding around his cock and sliding wetly over his hard penis he broke the good news to her. “The Training Board has reviewed your possible qualification as a certified Paladin and are quite impressed by you. All appears in order but for your heal spells still being substandard. To that end, the old Druid needs to see you at the temple of Life tomorrow at eleven in the morning.”

Cadwarra continued to ride on top of Vishra’s lap, moving a little faster as she sensed Vishra was approaching ejaculation. “It will be nice to see the Old Druidess again” she answered.

“Good” Vishra agreed. He then added “so all that remains, then, is the support of the Chairman of the Training Board. That’s Lord Bowerbrook. When you get back to the soirée, I will introduce you. It will put you in good stead if you chat with him pleasantly. Have a couple dances, let him look at your get what I mean, I am sure.”

“Oh, I understand” Cadwarra answered. Was it Vishra’s imagination that Cadwarra’s pussy became noticeably wetter as soon as he suggested she flirt with another man? Well, let her have her fun, he conceded, she would be exclusively his once she was impregnated. Except, of course, she would need to keep Diamander happy...for the good of the boy’s cure and to keep him away from Amber.

Vishra soon made a small, contented grunt and Cadwarra knew he was cumming inside her. He made two more thrusts up into her body then became soft and flopped out of her. His dick glistened as it lay there.

Dutifully, Cadwarra quickly did up his pants. Was this the third time tonight she had done up his laces? “I do not want Lady Vishra to be angry at our long absence” she apologized for the haste.

The Marshall concurred and gave Cadwarra an affectionate kiss. “I’ll leave you to freshen up then I’ll see you back at the party. By the time you get there, I will have found Lord Bowerbrook for you to meet.” He hurried off through the magic door with that now familiar ‘whoosh!’. Cadwarra was alone in his office.

She wandered out into the vestibule hoping against reason that there might be some water or soap around.

The Clerk was working late. He did not seem surprised to have the pretty Wood Elf wander in; Vishra mistresses wandered into the office on occasion. He thought she looked lovely in her Clothspinner, even if it was obvious she had just been fucked in it.

Cadwarra greeted the Clerk pleasantly then requested of him would he be able to provide her a cloth and some rinse water? “Lord Vishra’s cum is all over my bare chest” she explained with no hint of shame. The Clerk took a good look at her near exposed breasts. They did appear to be slathered with drying cum.

She must not have been the first girl who needed Lord Vishra’s fuckjuice washed off her before going back out in public because the clerk calmly fetched a washcloth and soaked it in a bucket of cold water. When he offered the cloth to Cadwarra she merely pushed her boobs closer to the Clerk. “Would you like to do it?” she offered. She liked the Clerk

Accepting the invitation with alacrity, he washed her chest, starting from her shoulders and proceeding down to the exposed tops of her breasts. Last, he pushed the cloth a little ways into her cleavage. Like Vishra had done earlier, he marveled at how soft but firm her boobs felt. Driven to an act of foolishness by his arousal, the cloth swept deep under her lace coverlet until he could feel her high nipples bend under his fingertips.

“I don’t think Lord Vishra got any cum down there” Cadwarra told the Clerk helpfully.

“Well, let’s just make sure” the Clerk replied and flopped Cadwarra’s left breast out of her coverlet. He lifted the cleaned tit up to his mouth, cupping the mammary-packed breast in his palm. At last, after enduring all the other men that got to play with Cadwarra’s tits in his presence, it was his turn. He fastened his homely face onto her nipple and sucked. He had a raging boner. He pulled the slit in her skirts open and pressed the bugle in his trousers against her bare thigh, grinding slowly.

Cadwarra realized the Clerk had long finished wiping the cum off her bosom and was now just indulging himself. “I know you are enjoying me” she told him “and I don’t mind, but I must get back to the party. You can have a further minute or two then I need to go make Lord Bowerbrook’s acquaintance.”

Her left nipple dropped from his mouth. “Ah yes...the Paladin Certification Board” the Clerk replied. “It will be best to be in Bowerbrook’s good books until your certification.” He pulled her right tit out to sit there next to it’s bared twin. He started sucking on that one.

Cadwarra gently pulled his unattractive face away from her boob. The Clerk was not willing to release the tit. It stretched out in his sucking mouth until the nipple finally popped free and the breast snapped back into its natural shape.

“I’m sorry. I need to go, Clerk.” She casually pulled the lace back up over her exposed breasts. “You being so helpful all these times we’ve met, I will let Lord Vishra know that I am willing to celebrate Tunare with you sometime if he is alright with that.”
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