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After the first very hot visit to her employers, she finds out what else awaits her and has to decide whether she can bear it.
My first visit to my employers was a test for both sides.

I probably passed mine, but Oriana and Simon also did their job more than well.

The dog was, of course, very close to the limit, but now they knew that I could adapt. I was still wondering whether anyone had been in the house. The timing of the mutt was far too perfect to be a coincidence. Sooner or later, I would find out.

Did I like being licked by the dog? Hard to judge considering the state I was in.

I was surprised in a weak moment.

I was so excited that every touch had gone through all my senses, and if I had been naked, I would have let Runo lick me until I screamed.

But I wasn't naked. I didn't come either.

My employers must have seen my arousal, and it turned them on so much that they came themselves within minutes, but they couldn't possibly know how hot I was.

They surprised me, and my body reacted.

Letting a dog satisfy me was not one of my priorities.

If I was going to come moaning with pleasure under a tongue, then I gave priority to Oriana and Simon.

In that exact order.

The dog could go to the back of the queue.

I already had an idea of how I wanted to do it.

I put on the same clothes that I wore on my first visit. Only my panties were more suitable for the visit than the first time.

I rarely wear perfume, but when I do, it's always a delicate citrus scent.

However, I also have something stronger that I only use very sparingly by spraying it into the air and walking through the cloud.

It smells nice directly on my skin, but too intense for my taste.

Today I sprayed it on my panties before I put my jeans on.

If the wild-licking dog was also planned for today, I would stop it.

If my employers noticed my perfume at all, it would be a hint of a delicate floral scent.

For the dog's nose, on the other hand, it would be an invasion of a strong chemical stench that the animal definitely couldn't stand in the long term.

Enough licking, my dear Runo.

Lick your balls and stay away from me.

For now.

“What would you never do?” Simon asked me right at the start of my visit.

The greeting at the door was similar to the last time; only the mutt kept his distance from my step as I had hoped.

“I don't know,” I replied because I thought the question was too general.

When Simon just looked at me in silence, I decided not to be intimidated.

I would have told an acquaintance long ago that his question was idiotic, but Oriana and Simon seemed to feel like my employers, so I took it as a question from my boss.

“If your question is about my worldview, we don't have enough time for an honest answer. But if you mean my job here, it's hard for me to say right now what I definitely don't want to see. I think there are things that are generally considered disgusting, and I feel the same way.”

“Like what?”

“If Oriana starts smearing you with her feces, I'm out.” Oriana's disgusted face relieved me.

Simon smiled.

“I'll try to be more precise with my questions in the future,” he said and made an inviting gesture towards the chair I was already familiar with, which was in the middle of the room this time. I sat down.

Simon stood behind Oriana and began to unbutton her blouse.

Today she was wearing a white blouse and a long skirt. She looked very pretty. Her breasts were plump against the fabric, and what I saw on her face was pure pleasure. I followed Simon's fingers, which were already unbuttoning the blouse and pulling it over Oriana's shoulder. Simon kissed his wife's shoulder tenderly and looked at me.

"We want more from you in the future and will try to discuss the upcoming sessions with you in more or less detail so that you can refuse in advance if something is not at all suitable for you.”

"Sounds good," I said and watched as Simon began to knead his wife's very firm breasts.

Did her boobs have something done, or were they that big from home?

Simon squeezed her nipples through the wafer-thin fabric of her bra, and Oriana whimpered slightly in pain but remained standing.

A little worried, I looked at her face only to realize that she liked it just the same. My own nipples made themselves known, and I envied Oriana at that moment for the sweet pain that was surely just reaching her vagina and causing the slightly burning tug in her clit.

“Please turn the chair around so that you are sitting with your back to us. We don't want to distract you too much from the conversation today.”

That was mean.

Very mean.

Regretfully, I did what he wanted. Was it a punishment or another test?

Oriana didn't look surprised, so I guessed it was a test.

I should have been relieved because I could control myself better, but the lust for the sight I was sure to see was overwhelming.

Because I couldn't see anything, I was probably even more aroused than if I were sitting 10 centimeters away from what was happening.

No, certainly not!

They made me hot and wet precisely because they were playing with me and I had to follow their instructions. I enjoyed the feeling and waited to see what would happen.

“Can you imagine watching us naked?” I kept quiet because I was breathless with lust.

Could I imagine it?

It would be a dream!

Oriana moaned behind me, and I heard noises that I couldn't place. Simon continued to speak, but I knew he was touching his wife.

“Of course we're prepared to pay 10% more for any further work.” There it was again. The reminder that I was a paid whore and where my place was.

“Without Runo's involvement, of course. That topic is for later, if you like.”

“The dog was never part of our deal,” I said calmly, although my pulse was already racing pleasantly.

He was fucking her behind me or letting her fuck him, and I couldn't see it, nor could I even tell what I was hearing.

When Simon moaned, I was almost certain that Oriana was giving him oral sex, but it could have been anything else.

It was unbearable!

“No. Runo was just a test,” Simon said, and I got the impression that he was trying to keep his voice steady.

“We just wanted to see how you felt about Oriana wanting to be fucked by a dog.”

What the fucking hell?!!!

Now I was glad that I was sitting with my back to them and didn't have to check my facial features. That was out of the question for me.

If they were looking for a dog-whore, they should have said so straight away so that I could refuse!

I heard movement behind me, and now I had no doubt that Oriana was almost choking on Simon's cock.

Was she so turned on by what Simon was saying that she was redoubling her efforts on his cock? Gurgling gasps and a painful whimper on her part accompanied the wet noises.

Was Simon trying to slow her down by holding her by the hair?

I wanted to see it!

He stopped talking, and I listened intently so as not to miss a moment.

Oriana gasped and tried to cough in between, but it all sounded very wet and choked.

Did he push her face mercilessly into his cock as he moaned and filled her mouth with his cum?

Did she enjoy it?

I certainly would have enjoyed the feeling that I was about to choke, and yet I wanted the sweet agony to never end and for him to ram his cock deep down my throat just once more before I had to swallow hurriedly to avoid choking on his load.

I realized I was drifting off into this beautiful fantasy that was taking shape behind my back when Simon moaned, and I couldn't hear Oriana's breathing because she obviously couldn't breathe.

I licked my lips at the thought of my face turning red while Simon's pumping cock was cutting off my breath, not Oriana's.

My body craved it so much. My body craved his cock as much as my mind did.

I didn't even realize when it was over because I felt like I had to swallow, and the taste of Simon's cum was almost present in my mouth.

Shortly afterward, I heard Oriana drinking something. The conversation seemed to be able to continue now.

“For 2 years we had an excellently trained dog that Oriana loved to play with. A friend of ours trained him. Unfortunately, she moved away, and our old Runo died in the meantime. She lived here and still visits us from time to time. Each time she teaches our new Runo something, but it will be a while before he can fuck Oriana like the old one.”

Oriana was moaning behind my back louder and louder now, and my own pussy was responding faster than my head.

I could hear her breathing getting faster and faster, and whatever Simon did to her elicited sharp cries of pleasure.

Talking about the dog must also have made her incredibly hot, and I had to admit to myself that it excited me too.

“What started out as fun with us is now her job. She runs a very special dog school. Maybe we could visit it together one day. I'm sure Oriana would love it.”

His wife gasped a ‘yes’ but I didn't know if it was the conversation or Simon's actions because she started throwing herself around on the couch and obviously came.

Was he fucking her with his fingers? A dildo? How hard? She was now howling in orgasm, and I wasn't even allowed to see it.

Simon continued to speak, but I struggled to understand his words because my whole body seemed to be feeling Oriana's.

I tried desperately to concentrate.

“We would also like to have you with us for the weekend when our daughter is at Grandma's. But we would like you to be naked all the time. Even if we have guests. Of course, everything comes with a financial bonus and is still in the future. Just think about whether you can imagine something along these lines. Also, think about whether you yourself might enjoy being fucked in front of strangers or by strangers at some point. We can assure you, it's very erotic.”

I couldn't say anything back to that at the moment because Simon's smile was like the satisfied grin of a cat that had just licked out its bowl of cream.

Would he soon be licking out my bowl of cream?

I bet that's exactly what he was thinking about.

“Of course, you can set the exact parameters of such an encounter so that they suit you. But maybe you like it without limits?”

The images that flooded my mind at this sentence made me even hotter, if that was even possible, and I answered with difficulty.

“I'll think about it.”

"Then that's all for today," said Simon, and the info session was over.

It was the hottest info session of my life.


2024-12-18 14:12:35
I love your comments Roxan:) Working on it:)

roxan brownReport 

2024-12-12 14:12:37
When's she going to take the dogs knot


2024-12-12 13:46:51
Good to know that you enjoyed it:)


2024-12-11 23:00:57
Methinks we are cumming to Runopolis!

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