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Michelle is a single mom raising her teen son James. James has a problem with his girlfriend because his giant cock hurts her. Michelle discovers this and tries to help, leading to a lust-filled encounter.
Let me give you a little background. My name is Michelle. I am 38 years old. I am half Japanese and a petite 5’3” 110 lbs woman in great shape. I own a Yoga and Pilates studio. Because of my heritage and the fact I stay I work out so much people think I am 10 years younger. I got divorced around 4 years ago after 13 years of marriage and am now a single mother to my teen son, James. I date occasionally, but no real relationships have blossomed. I’m not lonely, but I do get very horny, especially after some hot Yoga sessions. I often take care of myself when I get home, often enjoying alone time while my son is at practice or with friends after school.

James is a very handsome boy and plays hockey in school and basketball on a summer league. Some Division 1 colleges are looking at him even a year before he is ready to apply. Physically he looks more like his dad. Around 5’10 and very toned and muscular. He’s had a girlfriend on and off for about a year but recently they broke up again. Not sure if this time was for good. He is reluctant to talk about it, despite us being a very open family where we discuss even more intimate issues. Since James’ father moved out to Oregon and moved in with a woman we rarely see him, so I have taken on the role of mom and dad, including dealing with things like sex and protection. James and I are fairly comfortable at this point being open. I even told him about the two men I slept with over the past few years so he felt more comfortable opening up.

That Friday started out pretty normal. My son was showering and getting ready for school. I was making him some breakfast. He left his phone on the table so I went to move it. When I picked it up I am not sure what got into me, but knowing his code, I decided to look in his pictures. I was curious if he was seeing any other girls or something. Looking at the pictures one grabbed my attention. I opened it up and I almost gasped out loud. There was James standing taking a picture of himself naked in front of a mirror. What really caught my eye was that he had a huge dick. When I say huge I mean it was not hard and still appeared to hang down halfway down his thigh. At least 6-7 inches. It was thick as well. I heard the shower shut off and quickly closed the picture folder and set the phone back down. I went back to making his breakfast, trying not to think about what I saw.

When he came down I tried to act normal. Part of me wanted to say something since it isn’t safe to have pictures like that. Especially if he was sending them to girls. But I knew better.

“Good morning Mom.”

“Good morning sweetheart. Sleep well,” I stammered.

“Um, yeah. You ok? You look kinda flushed,” He exclaimed.

I gave my best reply of “Um…yeah. I, I was just stretching this morning to get ready to teach a class at 9.”

I served him some toast and orange juice, which he gobbled down in a couple minutes. Then grabbing his book bag he gave me a kiss on the cheek and ran out to catch the bus.

I stood there partly relieved he left, and partly ashamed for what I did. I cleaned up from breakfast and went to throw in some laundry before really getting ready for my morning class.

Collecting my laundry I noticed a pair of my thong panties wasn’t where I left it. I swore it was on top on the laundry basket yesterday. I had a thought that maybe James took it. Would he actually get off on his own mom’s underwear, I thought? Something inside was churning. Part of me had this disgusted feeling that while I was fantasizing about my son, he was fantasizing about me. What disgusted me more was that it turned me on immensely. I mean I knew some of his friends from the team thought I was attractive. I heard them call me a MILF on more than one occasion and James often commented how hot his friends thought I was. Even james told me I looked hot a few times when I got dressed up to go out, but in that son to mom “You look hot Mom” sort of way. Or so I thought at the time. I was so hot and bothered from these thoughts I had to get off before work. I went into my room and with a non-stop image of my son’s huge cock emblazoned on my mind and imagining him with my panties wrapped around his cock, I used my dildo, pulling my thong aside and fucked myself until I exploded. I was almost paralyzed with a mixture of absolute lust and shame at the same time.

I decided to run an experiment. I placed the thong I was wearing – with remnants of some of my juices –in the laundry basket, placed in a specific position so I would know if it was moved.

That night I was all worked up with a feeling of anticipation and dread of what I would find out. I mean how would I handle it?

After James came home he went to take a shower. I quietly went up to his room and found his phone on the bed. I wanted to see what other pictures were on there. Of course I paused at the naked picture in front of the mirror. It was as magnificent as the first time I saw it. I started to feel a wetness between my legs. I kept scrolling and looked at some folders he had set-up. One that I opened was labeled W, nothing else. I opened it and saw some pictures of hot women in lingerie, yoga pants, and the like. Typical boy’s stuff, I thought. What wasn’t typical was that there were many pictures of me, mostly in Yoga pants and sports bras. Granted this is my usual go to outfit for comfort and for work, but some pictures looked like they were taken when I wasn’t looking. Oh My God! My son was creeping on me. Again I felt weird. Partly upset and partly turned on. The shower stopped and I quickly closed up the phone and quietly ran downstairs.

When it was time for dinner I called up to him come eat. He came down a few minutes later and we had dinner. We chatted about normal things like how his day was and if he got grades yet from his mid-terms. Inside though I was all worked up. I wanted to yell at him and get off at the same time. I decided to let it go until I could figure this out.

Following dinner James headed up to finish his homework. And I cleaned the dishes. A short time later I went upstairs and took a look at the laundry basket to see if my underwear had been touched.

Opening the top of the basket sure enough the thong was moved. He had put it back in approximately the same place but it was definitely moved. I decided to go casually talk to him and see where the conversation goes. I changed into a sports bra and yoga pants I was wearing in a more than a few of the pictures on his phone. I thought I might get more of a reaction from him.

I knocked lightly on his door and he said “come in.” I walked in and I could immediately see his eyes widen at the sight of me in my outfit. I went over and sat beside him. He was wearing long basketball sports shorts and no shirt. I wasn’t sure how to approach the subject, so I tried to bring up his girlfriend Casey.

“I am worried about you. You barely spoke to me about Casey,” I noted

“Mom, it was just issues and it’s hard to talk about…especially with you,” James said.

“Remember we can talk about anything,” I reminded him. “No need to be embarrassed or afraid.”

“Mom! It had to do with physical things between us. She wasn’t happy and I got upset,” he stated.

“Sweetie, Physical? Like ‘sex’ or like abusive?” I had to ask.

“No mom, not abusive. It was just…yeah, kinda sex related. She didn’t like it with me. Maybe something is wrong with me?”

“Ok no need to be worried. I am sure everything is OK. What was the problem?” I asked

“She said it was painful when I know..we did it.”

“Ahhh, I see. Why do you blame yourself?” I asked

“Well she is kinda small. She’s you mom, but even shorter. She said I was…um…to big, and it hurt. We got into fights about it. Maybe there really is something wrong with me?”

“Wrong..with you?” Oh hell no. You and your monster cock are perfect, I thought to myself.

“James, some guys are bigger than others…down there. And some women, are petite and cannot handle that. It is certainly not your fault. And not a medical issue,” I noted

“Mom, I don’t think you understand. Even the other guys in the locker room said I was freakishly large. What If I can’t make any girl happy?”

“Ohhh sweetie…um…no. I guarantee than is not the case,” I said.

“Well mom, you don’t really know, do you?” he asked

Oh yes I do, I thought, reminiscing about that photo.

“I turned to him and put my hand on his leg. “Sweetie, I know I am your mom, but do you want to show me what you mean?”

James freaked out a little. “Oh My God Mom! I can’t show you my penis.”

“It’s ok honey. I just want to ensure you it’s normal. I mean I have seen penises before. Come on let’s get this over with.” Not sure what was getting over me, but now I am actively trying to see his cock.

“Seriously Mom?!!...Are you sure? This is weird.”

“Yes James. Come on. Stand up and let’s see it,” I demanded

I moved aside and my son got up and stood there about two feet from me. He slowly untied the drawstring of his shorts and again asked “Are you sure about this mom?”

“Yes, absolutely. No need to be embarrassed,” I tried reassuring him.

“OK, don’t laugh.” He said.

“I would never laugh at you sweetie.”

He paused for a second and then turning his head aside pulled down his pants and let them fall to the floor. I audibly swallowed hard and stared at the enormous cock in front of me. Like the picture it was flaccid, but it hung there halfway down his thigh. It had to be 7-inches easy. I felt myself getting wet and tried to act as motherly as possible, but that was getting impossible to do with this huge piece of meat hanging there. I wanted to touch it, feel it. I wanted to make it grow in my hands and see how enormous it would get hard.

I stammered, but was able to say “Wow! Um sweetie, I understand why it hurt her. You are definitely bigger than most guys. Certainly the biggest I have ever seen.”

“Mom..really? Do you need to see a doctor of something?”

“Doctor? Oh no. Son, without being creepy you should be proud. That is …um..I mean, you are so handsome…and oh god, I don’t know what to say.” I felt myself turning red.

My son broke the tension. “Mom, thank you. But what if a woman is scared and won’t be with me?”

“I looked him in the eye and sated “Oh, you won’t have to worry about that. Plenty of women would love to have that.”

I then said, “Honey, if you are concerned why don’t we measure it and that way see if there are changes we can mention to the doctor, if that’s the case.”

James somewhat agreed. “Really? That seems weird, but...I mean OK if you think so.”

“Stay here and I’ll get a measuring tape,” I said

I came back a minute later with one of those flexible fabric measuring tapes. I was dying to know how big this monster was.

“OK honey stand still.”

I placed the tape at the top of his penis where it met his pubic bone and stretched it to the tip. I swear I felt his penis twitch a little.

I tried to act normal, but I couldn’t help myself. I said it. “Holy shit! You are 7 ¾ inches soft.” I felt a wave of electricity shoot through my body and I swear I was soaking my thong.

“OK honey, we should really see how big it is hard.” Yes I actually said that, and immediately regretted it. But too late to go back now.

“Mom! What?!!! Are you nuts.” He was not going for it.

“Honey I am serious. I want to know if maybe there is some problem when it’s hard.” Like he will buy that load of shit.

“But mom…I mean with you here? This is weird.”

I tried to relax him. “Sweetie, come here and lie down. I will help you. We’ll do the measurement and never speak of this again. Ok?”

“I mean..ok. But this is embarrassing. And how do you expect me to get a boner with my mom here.” He actually said that. So I responded. “ Lie back honey. I have an idea.”

I left the room and came back within a few seconds. Sat down beside him and said “Here. Maybe this will help.” I held up the thong he had obviously used earlier.

He turned bright red and just looked paralyzed. “Take them”, I said with some force in my voice

He hesitantly reach out and took them. I then put my hand on this thigh and gently scratched my nails up and down.

“Go ahead and smell them. I have a secret to tell you.” Here we go I thought.

He looked at me, then hesitantly put them to his nose. I stared at him with a look that was a mix of desire and gotcha!

“What secret mom?”

“I know you took these panties from my laundry. And others too. Haven’t you?”

“Um, mom, what? I of course not…” I interrupted him “I also know about the photos of me on your phone.”

“Oh My God mom you were in my phone?!!”

“It’s ok sweetie. To be fair, it kinda turned my on that you think of me as attractive. It’s been awhile since I have been with a man and I saw that photo of your dick and I...I got kinda turned on. In fact I think you can smell the result on my thong.”

My beautiful, sexy son just stared at me, then the thong, and put them back to his nose.

I continued to rub his leg and said “Now I want you to get hard for me. I want to see that enormous cock of yours grow. I even wore this outfit for you to help. I know you like it.”

I Stood up and spun around slowly…pausing as I faced away from him so he got a good look at my ass.

He tried to speak. “….”

I stopped him with a finger to my lips. “I want you to tell me if you think I am sexy.”

“Mom..I mean..yeah, of course” he stammered.

“No I want to you to say it!,” I demanded “Tell me how you find your own mother sexy”

After a moment and another sniff, he looked at me and said “Yes mom. I think you are sexy. You are fucking hot!. My friends always say so and after hearing that over and over I started noticing it more too.”

I was pouring wetness from me. I sat down next to him and said “Good. Now that that’s out I think you are sexy too. I masturbated to thoughts of you as well. And… I have to see how big this thing gets.” And as I said that I slowly wrapped my hand around his cock. He looked at me with a mix of fear and pleasure. I started stroking it. I licked my lips slightly and told my son how much I loved him and how much I want him to be happy.

I felt his cock start to thicken and harden. He was staring at me up and down.

“James. Go ahead and touch me. It’s ok,” I said.

He reached out slowly and I took his hand with my free hand and placed it on my tit. He started squeezing gently, then harder. I said “Do you want to feel my ass?”

“Oh god mom, yes. Please,” he replied without hesitation. I stood up, letting go of his cock, and turned bending slightly so he could get a good grab. “Go ahead. It’s all yours’ sweetie.”

He groped my ass and started heading down between my legs. I encouraged him with a “That feels good, please keep going. You can touch me ‘anywhere’,” I emphasized. And he did. He slid his hand between my legs and felt the heat and moistness seeping through my pants. His cock had now grown to almost full strength. I turned and stared at it and said “oh my god honey, that is the most magnificent thing I have ever seen.” I wrapped my hand around his fully hard shaft. It was so thick my hand wouldn’t fit all the way around. I said “hold on”, and grabbed the measuring tape. I measured and my mouth dropped open when I saw it was a solid 10-inches long.

“See why it hurts her?,” James asked

“Well she is young and tiny. Sweetie I have to try something.” And with that I bent over and licked under the head of his cock. It flinched. I heard my son say ‘Oh God…yes!” And with that I placed my lips around the swollen head of his monstrous organ. As I slowing farced it deep into my mouth and towards my throat I could hear James cry out in pleasure “Oh god Mom! That is unbelievable…. You are so hot mom…. I can’t believe this. My friends make fun of me for having a huge dick.”

I paused, breathing hard “They are just jealous sweetie. If they had cocks that big I would have fucked them all.” James’ eyes widened, and I went back to working on his beautiful meat organ.

I continued to force his cock as far back into my throat as possible, gagging and allowing my spit to coat his glistening member. I retracted and used my hand to lube his cock. Then I looked up at him and said “Oh James, I have to do something. I want that inside me so bad.” His eyes widened as I stood up and pulled down my yoga pants exposing my cleanly trimmed pussy. Just a thin coating of hair above and cleanly shaved everywhere else. “James, I am going to show you that this is made for pleasure and no real woman should be afraid of it.” I climbed up on top of my teen son and positioned myself over his rock hard 10-inch cock. “Mommy has to have this inside her…NOW!” I exclaimed.

“But mom….you sure about this?” Asked James with his mouth hanging open and lust in his eyes.

“Yes James. You came out of this same pussy and so this monster will fit back inside it…. Just relax and let me do the work,” I told him

I lifted myself on my knees and placed the head of his cock at the entrance to my dripping pussy. I rubbed it a few times on the folds and slowly…ever so slowly..allowed myself to push down.

Both of us sighed in pleasure as the first few inches made its way inside of me. I rocked up and down slowly to allow my soaking wet pussy to lubricate him even more, easing it further and further inside with each down thrust. I was able to take his cock about halfway at this point and whispered “You are stretching me out so good.”

I started to speed up. Up and down, each time taking him slightly deeper. No way I could take the whole thing but damn if I wasn’t going to try.

Both of us start moaning in unison with each thrust. I lowered my arms onto his muscular chest and braced myself as the ever quickening assault on my pussy intensified. I swear he was getting harder and bigger inside of me. As I continued for about a minute or two, I felt the wave of electricity start to hit me. I was going to cum. And like a lightning bolt it hit me like no other orgasm ever. “Oh god James, I’m Cuming…I’m cumming……Ahhhhh, I’m CUMMMMMMMMINNNNNGGGGG!!!”

Wave after wave of pleasure rocked my tiny body and I literally couldn’t move for about 30 seconds.

“Oh baby…see how much pleasure you can give a woman?”

I then lifted myself back up on my knees and said “Now it’s your turn. I want you to feel the same pleasure,” I told my son. And I started rocking up and down once again. Soaking his cock with my juices and feeling it run down the sides. I picked up speed and James reached out and grabbed my waist. Then he reached up and grabbed my breast with one hand, while holding my waist firmly with another. “Oh god mom..that feels so good….I am going to finish soon”, he gasped.

I continued to thrust harder and harder, deeper and deeper. “Son, I want you to cum inside me. I want to feel you explode inside of me!” I commanded.

He put his hand back on my waist. I twisted, and grabbed his large balls with my hand while I continued to rise and lower myself. Massaging his balls, I feel them start to contract. His cock get stiffer and thicker inside of me. I tell him “OH God, you are stretching me out!”

“Cum inside of me baby..DO IT!” I demanded. And with that he looked into eyes and yelled “Oh God,I’m cumming, I’m cumming…Yes, oh it cums….AAARRGGGGHHHHHHH!”

I felt the first splash of cum slam my cervix, followed by at least 3 more giant pumps of boiling hot cum, followed by a few smaller ones. It felt like he unloaded a gallon inside of me. Unbelievable I thought since he obviously had cum earlier with my thong. Ahhh, teens and their hormones. God bless them.

As his breathing slowed and I felt his cock start to soften ever so slightly, I collapsed on his chest. We didn’t need to say a word. We both knew what we had just done. After a minute James quietly stated “I love you mom.” I reciprocated with “I love you too James. This will stay between us. Nobody can ever know sweetie.” James promised.

After another minute, I lifted myself off of him. His still enormous, yet half deflated cock slipping out on my and his cum and mixed with mine poured out. I couldn’t believe what we had just done. We both knew it was wrong. I can never let this happen again.

We fucked 5 more times over the next 3 days


2024-12-13 05:34:23
A friends brother has 11.5 inches and his cock swells in the middle to just under a coke can , he gape's me everytime


2024-12-08 15:26:02
Great story! and I hope to read more of this series as soon you post it.


2024-12-02 18:41:27
my mom coaxed my brother to fuck her, he also was big, about eight inched and thick, they had sex twice that first night, i was peeking in her bedroom door, they had sex again the next night and three more in a row, now they fuck 3 or 4 times a week, he is eiighteen and mom is 35, i began playing with myself while watching them, i now lust for his cock also, one of these nights when mom is out in going to seduce him and feel what she feels>

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