My teacher told me that he would divorce his wife and marry me.
I touched send. I wish I were there to see Mr. Aldrich’s face when he opened the message. I’m sure he’s in his peaceful home right now, listening to his wife’s joint pains. Maybe they’re planning on moving somewhere warm after he retires from teaching. But his peace won’t last long. When he click on the link in the message, the video will open. His eyes will bulge out of their sockets and his sinister face turns purple.
You filthy dotard! You didn't think I would do this, right! The video is a bit blurry, the image isn't clear, this is all I could shoot with my cheap cell. I could have done better if you had bought me that new phone you promised me.
But don't be happy! Your face is clearly visible in the video, old lizard! Everyone knows history teacher Curt Aldrich. They'll all see him caressing my legs under my tartan skirt, rubbing his goatee on my neck, one hand squeezing my small tits over my shirt, while I am on his lap! They can't smell the alcohol on your breath, but they'll hear the indecent proposal you whispered in my ear. You're a very naughty schoolgirl, little bitch, there is a way to improve your bad grades, I want you to be the teacher's pet.
The student girl in the video can also be heard protesting. Mr. Aldrich, what are you doing! Please come to your senses! I'm a chaste girl, I would never do this!
No one will believe this objection is our role play, old booger! They hear you say now, "You'll do whatever I ask, young school slut, or forget about passing my class."
Watch, old fart! Watch as you take off my shirt with your wrinkled hands, watch how you grin when my little tits are exposed! Watch as you gather my school skirt around my waist and finger my fuzzy pussy through the hem of my panties, while I'm begging you, “please don't!”
I'm sure you're sitting at home right now, with your blood pressure skyrocketing, wondering who else saw this video. I'll tell you. Everyone! It was posted on the school's social media account, and after tonight, the whole country will be talking about the old pervert teacher who molested his innocent school girl.
The whole world will see the schoolgirl begging for mercy as the evil teacher takes off her panties, fucks her pussy with his fingers, licks his fingers to taste her pussy juice, praises the girl saying her pussy is dripping with honey, pushes the girl off his lap and tells her to "do a good blowjob slut or forget about her diploma", the poor obeyed girl, takes his dirty dick in her hand with disgust, licks it reluctantly, "do it eagerly, slut!", the girl opens her mouth and sucks your dirty dick.
My face is visible too, but that's okay, Jason censored it like it was Japanese porn. The Jason you told me to stay away from. Yeah, that boy! He's a little weird nerdy but he knows his stuff.
If you think my anger towards you will pass easily, you're mistaken, old hyena! When I decided to destroy you, I had planned what came next. It was not difficult to set Jason cap. I was aware of how that fat, spotty nerd was secretly looking at me. All I had to do was smile at him.
He was right to be suspicious. I was the first girl in school who looked at him without disgust. Besides, everyone in the school knew that I was the team captain's slut and that I gave the whole team a blowjob every they won.
Nerds feed on hope. Even Jason thought a cool, hot slut like me would fall for him. When I asked him to help me with my math prep, he nodded without thinking like an eager dog. That night, I went to his house. His mother nearly fainted when she saw her son's first girlfriend at the door. I looked like a total whore in my yellow miniskirt and pink crop-top. Well, I was came to dirty her son's bed anyway.
While Jason was busy with my homework like an idiot, I moved faster than him. First I massaged his dick with my hand, caressed his balls, licked and sucked them, then I threw him on the bed, climbed on top of him and fucked him.
He was my slave now and doing whatever I wanted. Lick me, Jason. Finger me, Jason. Fuck me, Jason. He had to do it wherever I wanted, regardless of time and place. It was actually fun. He was just one of the dumb boys I used to get my achieve the goal.
And, now! Look at the counter in the corner of the video, old pig! It's already now been viewed over a hundred times. You're going to be famous soon, wave!
You seem to be pleased with my service. Your lustful eyes are on my job. You watch how your dick enters my mouth between my thin lips, how it slides over my tongue as it returns, covered with my saliva. You're not aware that my cell is recording your perversion from the coffee table next to us. You're a blackmailer who grabs a schoolgirl pigtail. Look you deep-throats me now.
If you haven't died of a heart attack yet, you're in luck, motherfucker! This is the hottest part of the video. The part where you grab my hair and pull it up and say, "Enough blow-job, little slut, now show me what your pussy does."
I say you "Please Mr. Arldrich, I am an innocent virgin, don't ask me to do this, I beg you don't ruin me!" and you say, "Bend over like a dog, slut, I will fuck your pussy from behind!" without caring that I was crying.
In case you forgot, it's all on video. You can't prove that all that flirting was just a role play, that I'm not a virgin, that I deflowered myself with the handle of my hairbrush a long time ago, that I'm a school slut who likes to hang out with boys, that I even have group sex at house parties.
Old pervert! How did it feel to use that innocent schoolgirl! She looked back, crying as she bent over. "Please don't, I'm a poor girl with dreams, I'm saving my virgin pussy for my future husband. Teacher please don't fuck my little pussy..." But her pleading only made you more horny. You knelt behind her and moaned with pleasure as pushed your dick into her sweet pussy. You liked how she pretended to be in pain and cried, "Oh Mr. Aldrich, your dick is so big, ohh, teacher, your dick is so hard." The girl said things like that every time fuck with you, so you thought it was real. You thought you were the perfect fucker with a great dick.
I've got news for you, old bastard! You're not! You're not good at fucking me! Your dick doesn't hurt my pussy. You know that, actually. That's why you spank my ass hard, pull my pigtails, and say dirty words while you fuck me. You scream when you fill my little pussy with your dick, "You're a teacher's fuck toy, you've to do whatever I want!"
You get burned, son of a bitch! Everyone knows you're about to cum. You stood up and massaged your dick while telling me to open my mouth. You squirted your dirty cum into my mouth, put the piece stuck to my cheek into my mouth with your finger, enjoyed looking at the wad of cum on my tongue and told me to swallow it all.
The video is almost over. The number of views has reached almost a thousand. Those who downloaded it have already started sharing it on porn sites. You'll be a trend-topic in a few hours. They will knock on your door tomorrow morning. As you leave your house with handcuffs on your wrists, cameras will surround you. Have you thought about what you'll tell them? I think you should start thinking. While you're in prison, your wife will go to her relatives. She won't even need a lawyer to divorce you. What judge would allow an old woman whose honor has been damaged to stay married to a pervert?
No one will ever know what happened after I swallowed your dirty sperm. I deleted those parts. No one will ever know that I stood up, hugged and kissed, threw my arms around your neck and said, I'm your little school slut, I'm your fuck toy, I'm addicted to your magnificent dick. I asked you when you were going to divorce your wife and marry me. You said, "Soon my sweety bitch, be patient." I sulked and said, "You're stalling me Curt, I don't want to wait any longer." You said, "My little toy, you know it's not easy," while you caressed my bottom. I got angry and pushed you away. Either your wife or me! Make up your mind Curt! I tried really hard to convince you to fuck your young schoolgirl. You were reluctant at first, you said honor, dignity, professional ethics. I made a lot of flirtations until I convinced you that it was okay to fuck me, we've been fucking for a year and I want to be your wife. I deserve it, I said.
Of course I deleted it all. No one will believe you in court, you liar!..
I look forward to seeing the day you decay, old lizard! When you're behind bars, I'll come visit you every week. I'll wear my sexiest clothes every time. Sheer blouses that show off my naked tits, super mini skirts without panties that leave half my ass exposed. I want you to see what you're missing by not divorcing your wife. You can see my shaved, bald, clean, pink pussy but you can't touch it. I won't let you forget that my pussy is always wet, warm and ready to be fucked.
Maybe there will be others with me. Maybe some boys from school. They'll fuck me right in front of you. You'll jerk off while looking at us through the unbreakable glass between us. Ahahah! I can picture you, Gargamel!
But the real blow is going to come from Coach Calvin. You know, that big, muscular, tall jerk you hate. Remember how you called him brainless? Yeah, I agree with you, Curt. Coach has no brains, instead he has a big, hard dick. Do you need to ask how I know? Because he's your backup. I've been fishing you and him with the same rod for a year.
Well, where has a coach ever not fucked one of the cheerleaders? You thought I was just your fuck toy, but I was play with every useful dick in school. Ahh Curt Aldrich, you really are a dreamer.
Maybe I'll come visit you in prison as Coach's bride. His marriage has been falling apart ever since his wife caught us in bed together. He swore he never fuck me again, but you know how men vow. Two days later, I turned him on so bad he bent me over and fucked my ass in the boys' locker room. Hehehe.
Why teachers so simp to young schoolgirls? How does it feel to live among youngs for years, turning a blind eye while they have all kinds of sex with each other? Are you in a garden where you are forbidden from picking even a single fruit? There are many juicy peaches on the branches, you want to taste one of them, right?
But you're right, it's normal for you to be triggered. It must be hard to live with scenarios in your head all day long. Our short school skirts, white shirts, socks, sneakers, ponytails turn on not just you, but all men. We are the most wanted cliché of the porn industry.
What's not normal is you making your dream come true, old goat! What's not normal is you fucking a schoolgirl. You fucked me everywhere, in every position for a year. You used me for all your fantasies, but my fantasy remained incomplete. You didn't divorce your wife!
You asked me why I didn't hang out with a boy my own age. I lied to you that day. Actually, I'm not in love with you, dung beetle! Boys my age are just starting out to life. I have to wait for them to work hard or for their fathers to die before I can find comfort and lux. But ripe pears like you can give me anything I want.
I'm every old man's dream girl. I was your fountain of youth your time machine, you could ride me and go back to your youth. I was your Hotel California or your Stairway To Heaven. I was your Abba, your Boney M. I was going to remind you of every feeling you had forgotten.
If you had married me, I would give you heaven on earth. I could be Mrs. Aldrich and our life would be so colorful.Your bed, our bed now. I would fill that bed with different guys every night and we have very fun.
Whatever. It's too late to think about that. Your journey to torment begins tonight. As for me, I have to find a new prey. In the world of foolish old men, that shouldn't be too hard to do...
Writer's note: I know, I know, a bunch of spelling errors and bad grammar, again. English is not my native, so you can criticize me. You can criticize me by your spanks, your belt or whip. You can criticize me with tight ropes and knots, hard sticks, tiny needles, drops of hot wax, or oddly shaped dildos.