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Hi! This is my first story here and actually the first one I’ve ever written.

Would love to hear what you think and hope you’ll enjoy reading it as much as I have writing it.

I’m here to learn and to have fun. Hopefully I can continue writing and publishing more stories here.
How the heck did we even end up here?

Just you and me, the last two standing, or sitting that is. Sitting by the fireplace in Jake’s family cabin. A spot where Jake spent countless Christmas mornings, filled with all those lavish gifts he grew up with and, I hate to say it about my own boyfriend, which might have turned him into just the somewhat entitled, out of touch person that he now is.

The crackling fire must have been accompanied by hot cocoa and soft plaid blankets for decades, but tonight is different. The entire living room is littered with empty beer and liquor bottles and on the coffee table that his mom probably serves her fancy canapés on, I can still see the traces of that white powder he so desperately tries to hide from me.

I’m glad it’s just us by now. The day started off lovely. The ride up here. Even with the occasional snide remark towards you. You’re a pro by now. Laughing them off with ease. Staring out the window as you try to remind yourself that these are in fact your oldest friends. Going way back to kindergarten. Despite your completely different upbringing. Your completely different background. Ambitions. Hobbies. Interests… Nostalgia is a powerful thing and for some reason, you guys still manage to be friends.

I’ve always liked you. Just as a person. Someone I can relate to. The odd one out. If it wasn’t for the way I looked. For those double D’s that just came in over that summer 3 years ago. For Jake taking a liking to me. For his friends’ girlfriends that I magically seemed to click with the first time I met them, even though I knew we basically had nothing in common. If it wasn’t for all of that, I never would have seen the inside of one of these lakeside cabins. The cabins I stared at from across the other side of the lake, from the campground my family has been coming to for years.

We aren’t all that different, you and me. And I can’t believe this is the first time we’ve ever actually talked. Just one to one. An actual conversation. About our childhood. Our ambitions. Our insecurities…

I love how you feel comfortable enough around me to really open up. And I wish I could make you see yourself the way that others must see you… But that might even be the problem. This group. The guys. They’re the last ones you’d ever want to show your vulnerabilities to…

Like I see you then… Your oldest friend’s girlfriend…
The other odd one out. The odd one out that luckily for her turned into an absolute knockout.
But deep down, she’s still the same insecure, wounded little bird, with a warm heart for like minded souls.

I’m glad the alcohol has numbed our minds just enough for us to forget about this afternoon.
When our first beer buzz of the day convinced us that skinny dipping would be a great idea.
When you needed the most convincing of us all. It must have been so awkward for you. The guys, sure, you’ve all been around each other long enough to have seen each other naked countless times by now. But us. The girls. Kate. Sasha. Me…

There’s something about rich people. Rich, beautiful people. I wish I had THAT level of confidence. Bordering on arrogance. I know I’m good looking. I know I have a body that most girls would kill for. But still it was Kate, Sasha and the guys that just jumped at the first mention of skinny dipping to strip down and make their way to the water.

“Come on. It’ll be fun” I said, as I pulled my shirt over my head and shimmied my skirt over my shapely hips. I pulled down my thong and unhooked my bra, facing away from you, before glancing back over my shoulder, covering my big tits with my arm.

“I promise” I added with a sweet smile and a nod, before running towards the water myself.

It didn’t take you long before you followed my example, stripped down and ran towards the surprisingly cold water.

We all just had an absolute blast, splashing around in the water. The surface luckily shielding our naked bodies from each other's view and almost making this the most normal thing we’ve ever done. You must have felt completely like the odd man out, when the three couples started making out and the guys got touchier than I was comfortable with in broad daylight and surrounded by our friends.

“Not here babe” I said shortly to Jake as he ran his finger up and down my slit under water

My face turned bright red as I realized you saw that little exchange between Jake and I and clearly distanced yourself a bit from the group. Luckily the other girls clearly felt the same way and we all managed to keep our cool and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon sun.

About an hour later we’d had enough and started making our way out of the water, our naked bodies coming back into view. I had to admit, we were a good looking bunch of people. Toned. Tanned. Well… Gingers don’t really tan that well, do they? You and I aren’t blessed with that level of melanin that the others clearly are. I cheat somewhat though, with some bronzer, making you stick out like a sore thumb, and inviting the ridicule of the rest of the group…

“Any paler and you’d be see through Nick!” Jake yells at you as you walk out the water, your back to us.

As you turn around our jaws collectively drop. Yes you’re pale. And no, you’re clearly not the gym rat that the rest of the guys are. But god damn… You are fucking huge.

You give Jake a little smirk as he walks out the water, his impressive chest and toned arms coming into view.

“Well I’d just stay off the steroids big boy” you shoot back with a little nod towards Jake shriveled member coming out of the cold water.


“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you talk back like that before” I say softly with a sweet smile, the fire reflecting in my gorgeous green eyes.

I see you scrape your throat and relive the moment, clearly not feeling as comfortable about it as you did earlier today.

“That wasn’t the smartest move, I guess” you say softly with a forced smile.
 “I’m sure I’ll feel the wrath for that for some time to come.”

“Yeah… He isn’t the best with people pushing back. I wish more people would though. I mean… I love him. But he can be a bit of a dick sometimes” I reply, hoping to put you more at ease.

“He doesn’t mean it like that. He’s just… He’s just Jake. I know he means well” you defend your oldest friend, that would never do the same for you.

“You’re a good friend Nick” I reply sweetly.

“We’re all good friends” you just shoot back nodding.

“I’m glad you came” I add on after just a few moments of silence, gazing into your eyes and trying to figure out what’s going on that head of yours.

I can see you having a hard time taking the compliment and just not knowing how to react.

“Yeah, I’m glad I did too” you just say shortly.
“The eternal third wheel. Or seventh in this case” you add on, forcing a little chuckle.

“I don’t see it that way.” I shoot back, shaking my head.
“Or let me rephrase, I think it’s really cool that you can look beyond that and just have fun with all of us. Because if you didn’t, we wouldn’t have this talk right now. And I’m really enjoying our talk.” I say, reaching out and giving your hand a little squeeze before pulling back.

“Yeah, me too…” you say cautiously
“You sure you don’t wanna go check on him? He was pretty hammered and s…” You say, stopping in your tracks, realizing you shouldn’t tell me about the drugs.

“Stoned? Yeah he is… And he’s got only himself to thank for that. He’ll be fine.
He made his choice. A night with me? Or drinking and snorting himself to the point he can’t even string together a coherent sentence. Easy choice, right?”

“Would be for me” you mumble under your breath, your cheeks burning up instantly as you realize you just said that out loud.

I smile sweetly at you, giving you a little look from across the coffee table, my perfectly toned legs shimmering in the warm light cast by the fireplace.

“Well you’re having a night with me, aren’t you?” I tease a little.

I can see your mind racing at a million miles an hour, trying to come up with a response to this side of me you’ve never seen and never would expect to see.

“Not really the kind of night you were referring to, was it?” You reply, swallowing visibly.

I lean back on my hands, my knee slowly swaying from side to side, Jake's long shirt I’m wearing obscuring your view in between my shapely legs, my big tits standing out proudly and instantly reminding you of the sight of my pierced nipples. Yet another thing you never would have expected from the mysterious little Hannah.

“I’m exactly where I want to be” I just reply softly.

“Me too” you shoot back with a sweet smile.

“How about you come sit a bit closer?” I ask, taking a little sharp breath as I surprise myself with that question.

“Okay” you just reply with a little nod, crawling your way towards me on the other side of the coffee table.

I sit up straight, cross legged, my oversized shirt flowing over my insane body, tucking a stray strand of my long auburn hair behind my ear.

I just gaze into your kind, clearly confused eyes, sitting right across from me.

“You’re a good guy Nick. Too good probably. I just want… I just wish you could see yourself how others see you.”

I can see how those last words trigger you, turning down your gaze and bringing you back to the decades of “playful banter” as they all called it, but which had a devastating effect on the way you see yourself, on the way you handle yourself.

My hands reach for yours, holding them tightly and waiting for your kind eyes to look back up into mine.

“How I see you…” I correct myself.

“You’re a good guy Nick. Too good.” I repeat, before slowly leaning over, my lips searching for yours and planting a soft sweet kiss on them.

“I think you’ve earned to be the bad guy for once… the guy that gets the girl… Just for tonight…”

“Hannah…” you say, stumbling a bit, leaning back and putting some distance between us.
“I… We…”

“Ssssstt…” I shush you, pressing my finger to your lips. “We’re not Nick and Hannah tonight. I’m not your best friend's girl. You’re not my boyfriend's mate. We’re not in his cabin tonight. Tonight. I’m just a girl.” I say before grabbing the hem of my boyfriend's shirt and pulling it up over my head, exposing my absolutely perfect pierced tits and that tiny white lace thong I picked out just for Jake.

“And you’re just a guy. A guy that can tell me to stop any time he wants me to.” I whisper softly as I lean back into you, my hand now sliding up your leg, finding its way into your loose shorts, finding their way up your thigh and right onto your hard cock, still imprisoned by your tight fitting boxers.

I press my lips to yours again, this time slowly parting and sliding my tongue into your mouth, moaning into our kiss as I start to free your cock from your boxers and tugging down your shorts, letting your rock hard cock spring free. My delicate fingers immediately wrap themselves around your thick shaft, starting to pump up and down your impressive length as my other hand gently cradles your big cumfilled balls.

“Just tell me to stop…” I whimper again, my lips barely leaving yours.

Our eyes are locked together for what feels like an eternity, until I finally see you give me just the slightest little nod. That’s all I need. All I need to know is that you want this just as badly as I do. All I need to see before I dip my head into your lap and take that big fat cock of yours into my eager mouth.

I moan into your shaft, sucking and stroking that big cock like I’ve been wanting to do this for years. I must have. The passion. The eagerness. The lust. Deep down this must have been on my mind for much longer than I ever would have wanted to admit to myself.

I can hear you let out a loud content groan, letting your head fall back and just enjoy the moment. Your best friend's girl giving the best blowjob you’ve ever had in your life. Her eager little mouth working your shaft just so perfectly. You never could have expected that this weekend would go this way. How could you?

My voice brings you back down to earth. Down from cloud 9. Down from wherever you floated up to while my mouth and tongue worked their wonders on your hard cock.

“Do you want to fuck me?”

6 little words that just sound so sweet as they spill from my perfect cocksucking lips.

“Yes” you say almost in a rapid grunt, as if you’re scared to death that I’m gonna change my mind.

We act rapidly. Our bodies getting into position as quickly as possible. Your big hands peeling my little thong from between my cheeks. Your hungry eyes taking in the sight of my plump, glistening pussy as I bend over by the fire. I take in the sight of you pumping your hand up and down your thick shaft as you crawl behind me and just can’t resist leaning in and and burying your face into my wet little cunt.

“Fuuuuuckkkkkk….” I whimper as my nails dig into the rug in front of the fireplace.
I can feal the heat reflecting off my naked skin. You hungry tongue devouring my sopping wet cunt.

“Fuck me… Fuck me Nick…” I beg you

You don’t need be asked a third time. I whimper softly as you pull back your amazing tongue, but just a few seconds later I can feel your cock teasing my wet slit, the big head of your cock pressing up against me. I look back over your shoulder and just give you that last little nod of encouragement you needed to push past that final boundary. To push that big cock into me. Into my warmth. Into my wetness. Into my all enveloping sex. Into my perfect, tight little cunt. Into that tight little cunt that Jake just loved to brag about. His perfect little slut. Now begging for your cock.

“Oh God….” I moan out freely into the empty living room. Not even consdering our friends. My boyfriend. Sleeping off their benders upstairs.

You waste no time in giving me exactly what I wanted. What I begged you for. Fuck me. And good God, that is exactly what you are doing. Your big hands on my shapely hips. Driving into me from behind. Fucking me. Fucking me hard in front of this fireplace. I can feel the anger in your thrusts. The frustration. The longing. The release for finally getting what you never knew you wanted. Well of course you’ve wanted this. That face. Those hips. Those legs. Those tits. Those fucking tits… But then again. It’s me. Hannah. The girl that just always has been so kind. So sweet. So… But here she is. Begging for your cock. Begging to be fucked. And you’re determined to give her exactly what she wants.

The sound of our fucking fills the cabin. Reflecting off the wooden beams above us.

“Just like that” I whimper under my breath as you keep driving and slamming that fat cock into my tight cunt. I rest my face on the soft rug, sticking my perfect ass up in the air as you tighten your grip on my wide hips. My hand finds it’s way in between my legs, right on my sensitive little clit, ready to take me home. To take us home.

“Just like that Nick. Just like that.” I keep encouraging you as I inch closer and closer to what I can only expect to be an absolutely insane orgasm.

“Just like… fuuck fuck… fuck… fuck…. Fuuuuuuuuuuucckckkkkkkkckck” I finally scream out. Way too loud for our own good. But there’s just no holding back. No holding back what has been building ever since I first pressed my lips to yours. I can feel your nails digging into my soft skin, holding on tight as I cum so fucking hard on your amazing cock. On that amazing cock that just keeps fucking me straight through this insane high. Straight through the biggest orgasm I’ve experienced in my young life. Straight through it all. Shivering on that cock. On your cock. On my boyfriend’s best friend’s cock.

“I’m gonna cum…” I hear you whisper under your breath, clearly trying to hold back for some time now.

No time to waste. Not taking any changes. I give your arm a little tap, feeling you pull out. I turn around swiftly and place my hand on your wet shaft, guiding you into my warm mouth and just stroking you home as I moan and coo into you. Not 2 seconds later I can hear the sexiest grunt I’ve ever heard above me, flooding my mouth with your thick, hot cum. I stroke you straight through, repaying the favor instantly, coaxing every last drop from your spewing cock as I swallow it all.

The sight before you is one that your wildest imagination could never come up with. Your best friend's girl, laying on her stomach before you, stroking and sucking every last drop of your cum into her eager mouth, smiling from ear to ear as she gazes back up at you.

I plant a few more soft little kisses on your cock, licking up every drop that still oozes from that little slit. I watch your chest rise and fall rapidly as you try to regain your composure and come back down to earth.

“I think there might be more of that guy in there than you think” I say with a cheeky little smile.
“And I definitely want more of that guy inside of me…” I add on, taking your cock back into my mouth and continuing to suck you off.

Getting you ready for round 2…


2024-12-09 03:43:44
OMG, started out a little slow but ended in a BANG!!! Lovely sweetie


2024-12-09 03:43:35
OMG, started out a little slow but ended in a BANG!!! Lovely sweetie


2024-12-09 03:42:58
OMG, started out a little slow but ended in a BANG!!! Lovely sweetie

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