We shouldn't have even been out that late in the middle of Winter but....
In 1995 we went out on a sunny February Saturday. We were riding with three of Johnnys friends. As usual I was the only girl so I was having fun getting flirted with and trying to read their sexual innuendos. I was so wasted, i rode with Craig to the last bar while Johnny ran to get gas. I never would've done that, but it was so cold, and the gas station was a few miles from the next stop. We still lived 15 miles from the next bar and it was already in the lhigh 20's, so when Craig suggested it, Johnny understood why I wanted to take him up on it.
I have always thought of Craig like a brother, but as Johnny left us Craig reached back, felt along my thigh and pulled me tight to him by my ass.I knew it was harmless, and I was safe, but knowing Cliff and Davey were watching, got me thinking about some of the things Johnny has told me. I smiled at them as I snuggled up closer to stay warm. I reached under his coat and whispered "Johnny says you think about me when you're fucking Theresa." I lifted my left ass cheek and felt his fingers move closer to my wet crotch, "Fuck yeah.. he said as he turned and smiled. "We all do Honey. Did he say anythiung else?" he asked.
The road narrowed and we fell in behind the other two, so I let his fingers find my pussy. I swung my left leg up and wrapped it around him I grabbed his hand and started grinding my pussy on it. "You put her on her tummy so you don't have to look at her? I asked. He nodded yes. "Ooooh" I gasped. I reached for his crotch and rubbed his bone, "It's the only way you can get hard enough to fuck her? Johnny says all men think about fucking another guys woman, so I laughed when he told me about you, but he swears you actually told him." I pulled my leg down and shoved his hand away as we pulled up and parked in front of the bar "Fuck her good tonight." I whispered as I climbed off his bike.
Cliff and I were sitting at a table by the fire watching Davey and Craig play pool with a couple chicks. Cliff was on his phone texting with his wife, I assumed, but he was smiling and checking me out too. I slipped my hand under the table and rubbed myself thinking about Craigs fingers, as well as Johnny's two other friends. Damn, I was stupid.sometimes ,but Johnny let me ride off with them when he's the one always telling me how all his buddies want me. I was lost in my nasty thoughts when I heard Cliff say "Sounds like your old man's here." I didn't think about him watching me, but when I looked up, his smile told me he knew what I was doing. "I'll get us all a drink." he said as he stood up. He giggled and shook his head when I pulled my hand from under the table looking . "Thanks" I said sheepishly.
Johnny stopped to talk to everyone at the pool table. Craig noticed Johnny holding my drink while one of the girls flirted with him, so he grabbed it and brought it over.."I won't say anything if you don't" he said in hushed tones. "But I thought you told hime everything" I snickered. "Deal" I said. "Ypu're welcome to tell him if you like Adair, but not when I'm around",,,lol. He kissed my hand, smiled seductively, and walked away. Cliff came back and sat with me. He leaned close and laughed. "That bitch, Betsy, is trying to get your hubby to give her a ride home.I'm sure Craig would like that" "Uh Huh, no way" I said. "Yaa, look, Craig's trying to set it up right now' he said with a shit eating grin. Johnny started walking our way, thank god.. "Shut up you shit stirrer" I cackled. He walked up behind meand started massaging my shoulders. "I hope you all behaved yourselves" he said as he bent over and kissed my neck. I noticed Betsy glancing our way but ignored it. Cliff noticed her also, so I figured Johnny did too, but he was still massaging me and it felt awesome, "you're friends were feeling a little froggy honey, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle" I softly moaned as he rubbed my neck and teased my ear lobes with his soft touch . "No." spurted Cliff. "Craig was feeling froggy, but Davey and I behaved ourselves." I laughed and told Johnny I'd tell him about it later.
We are friends with Kyle, the bar owner, so he let us hang out after closing while he cleaned up. Unfortunately, Betsy and her friend hung around too.We shared our party favors with Kyle and the party girls. That, Betsy bitch, as Cliff referred to her, kept flirting with Johnny but he didn't play along as we warmed ourselves by the fire.
When we got ready to leave, Craig, Mike and the two chicks took off heading west while we headed south. Cliff rode with us because he lived another 12 miles past our place. The mountain roads were frozen and a few miles out we hit a patch of sand and ice in a corner by a creek. I freaked out and sat up instead of leaning through the corner. Johnny tried to stay in the corner, but couldn't . We hit the dirt and that's all I remember. Cliff was ahead of us,and when he got to us, Johnny was laying in the road and I had tumbled unto a raging Winter creek. Thank God Cliff found me downstream and fished me out. Johnny had hit the bridge when the bike flipped and was knocked out. Luckily we knew a couple we rode with that lived close enough to come help us. Cliff went and got them and we loaded the bike up. Poor Cliff had to be freezing. We were both soaking wet but I had a heater. Johnny told him to come to our place because he'd never make it all the way home with wet clothes in 20 degrees.
When we finally got the bike unloaded and thanked our friends, I cleaned up Johnny's road rash while Cliff took a hot shower. Cliff was bigger than Johnny, so we had no pants for him. I told him to wear the towel for now and I'd bring him some bed linens later. Johnny did have a sweatshirt that fit him, so when Johnny hobbled out to get firewood, I brought it out to him. I put water on for tea and hugged Cliff as we stood shivering. by the wood stove. I thanked him for saving my life as we snuggled trying to get warmth. I told him he would forever be my guardian angel. When Johnny heard that, he smiled, and they both started laughing. "What's so funny" I asked? "Well, were alive for one thing baby, and believe me, Cliff is no Angel. In fact, he's the total opposite.He's boning two married women from the gym, that I know of. Isn't that right Mr Angel?" Johnny cackled. "You betchha, and when I thought you were dead in the road, I was hoping to add your widow too." He told us we went end over end at least twice. All he saw was headlight, tailight, headlight, tailight, so when he got to us, he really thought Johnny was dead. Johnny laughed, thanked him for saving me, and apologized for living. "No apology needed my friend, but a guy can dream, can't he?" Cliff was still hugging me from behind, but I was still shivering. He had his arms wrapped around my waist. I was wearing was a thin robe and every once in awhile his big forearms would brush across my hard nipples as I shivered. I don't know if it was intentional, but whenever I started to shiver, he would readjust his arms. I wondered in Johnny noticed, so I idecided to intentionally shiver a couple times when Johnny was looking. I had already determined that Cliff knew what he was doing, so surely, he wouldn't do it in front of Johnny. Boy, was I wrong! His arms brushed against my nipples both times and Johnny ignored it! Fuck, my vagina was dripping wet! My husband just watched his buddy feel up. I didn't know why or what to think! I was so turned on by this crazy situation! I shivered once while asking my husband if he'd make sure I started the tea kettle. He smiled and said "sure, but then I'm going to sit for awhile." As he turned to leave, he flicked my nipple with his finger and sighed. "I hope those are hard because your cold baby. You wouldn't want your guardian angel thinking devilish thoughts now, would you?" Cliff put me in a bearhug, his arms over my stiff nipples. 'Too Late for that I'm afraid" he told us. He was playing with my nipples as Johnny walked away! I felt his hard cock against my ass and then my feet leave the floor. I felt his hard cock through my robe as he worked me up and down on it a couple times. I was about ready to lift my robe so he could fuck me when I noticed Johnny watching us. "Put me down" I whispered. I smiled at my husband, then turned and kissed Cliff on his cheek. "He'll always be my guardian angel baby." I smiled at Johnny and asked him to bring my tea upstairs when it's ready. "I'll be in the shower honey" I felt two sets of eyes on me as I walked upstairs. "
Johnny brought me the tea while I showered and told me he was going to bring the Cliff's bedding to him. He told me he was gonna set him up on the couch by the fire and would be right back.."Okay, hurry back.baby." Johnny didn't come right back, but he jumped in the shower with me, he was rock hard. He stood behind me and soaped me up. "Cliff apologized for ratting Craig out, so I told him it was okay. If I didn't trust you, and my friends, I wouldn't have let you get on his bike. " Thanks for trusting me honey. So, did he tell you why he said that?" "No, I didn't ask, but he seemed bothered about whatever it was and probably didn't want to talk about it." I slapped his hard cock and gave him a quizzical look. "And that conversation gave you this raging hard on Johnny?" He kissed me. "First things first Adair. What did happen tonight?" "Oh, It was so innocent baby. He rubbed my thigh and grabbed my ass while we were riding. He did it right in front of those guys. I think he was trying to impress them, but it backfired., and he knew it. When we got to the bar, he apologized, and told me it was disrespectful to both of us." Johnny groaned as he rubbed himself against me and said "I know it baby. I'm so fucking lucky they respect me, If they didn't they'd probably make me watch them fuck you like they fucked that guy's wife the other night." "What? That was his wife? I didn't know that. I thought he was just a freak. He was so into it.They just took her from him? Why? I hope that's not the reason for this" I said as I slowly rubbed his hard cock. No, it was something Cliff heard Craig say. He heard him tell you if Theresa's ass was as nice as yours he wouldn't have to stuff her face in the pillow when he fucks her. So when you giggled, shook your ass and told him to imagine yours, Cliff kind of freaked. "How so?" I asked. "What did he say?" Johnny was fingering my wet pussy and whispered "I'll tell you later. Shit,we all wanted to fuck you at the bar, but I wanted you all to myself when we got home and now I can't. I'm sorry." We used our hands to get each other off before i got out. As I was drying off I asked Johnny if Cliff shares his women and he told me he didn't know. "But you know them, right? Does sandy know? Do they know about each other?" He laughed and said he really didn't know. " Are they hot Johnny? "Not as hot as you ,but yaa,,they're cute. Hotter than Theresa and April anyway...lol" "Do their hubbys know? "Fuck Adair, I don't know, ask him yourself." You know I won't. It's none of my business."
I slipped on some panties and a dry robe and helped Johnny dry off. I started for the fire but when I turned toward the living room I saw Cliff masturbating and reading one of Johnny's penthouse letters. The blanket was open and he was rubbing his big dick. I snuck back to our room and grabbed my lotion. When I got close enough, I tossed the lotton to him and hid in the hallway. He whispered thank-you and I left him alone. I had Johnny text him to let us know when it was safe to come out...lol
He texted back right away and told us he was embarrassed. Johnny said he gave him the magazines knowing he'd fantasize about me..
"What? You think he was masturbating thinking about me? " "Yaa, I do honey. Right before I got up something he read made him bring up Craig." "Craig" I asked? He smiled and said "Cliff confronted him about grabbing your ass, so Craig told him he always fantasizes about you when he's screwing Theresa. Then he asked me if I was okay with it? I told him they love you and know your off limits but they're always trying to get in your pants regardless." " Now I'm embarrassed" I whined.
He slapped my ass, grabbed my hand and started walking me out to the couch. I pulled back and shook my head no, He kissed me and whispered "don't worry baby. He's way more embarrased than you are and he doesn't know what we just talked about. He held my hand and sat me on the couch between them. Cliff offered mtesome of the bedspread and I told him no thanks. He laughed and said "It's clean. I swear. I lost all insperation when you tossed me the lotion, if you catch my drift. I giggled as Johnny pulled it over the our laps. "I better not feel anything sticky Cliff." He handed me my lotion and said "there might be some of this somewhere because it popped open when you threw it, but there are no bodily fluids." He slipped out from under it and said he was going to grab some shots and beers. Johnny laughed "Mi casa is su casa. Bring the bottle , brother." I decided to see if I could look and see what Cliff was rerading so I reached over and grabbed the magazine. Johnny was laying backwith his eyes closed gently stroking hair. The title of the magazine was " Hot and nasty wifes" The first story was titled "Old friend visits" She had never met him but he was in town for a few days, so they met him at his hotel for dinner" i reached for and started rubbing his dick under the covers as I read. "Johnny" I whispered. "Have you thought about fucking his sluts at the gym?" His cock got hard and he smiled without opening his eyes but he never opened his eyes. "Yep, just like Cliff was thinking about you." This guys wife in the story was flirting with his friend.even though it was the first time she'd met him. I started wondering if she was going to cheat. Was her husband blind to it , didn't care or encouraged it. It was getting me wet reading it. I felt a cold beer on my neck and turned to see Cliff smiling. He ran the can across my nipple ans he set it in my lap. He handed me one for Johnny and said he's be right back. Johnny asked me to do him a favor and grab his phone from our room.He was really too sore to move. I opened his beer and handed it to him as I walked away. I knocked on the bathroom door as I walkwed by and asked Cliff if he was finishing up where he left off? "Better there than on our couch." I mused as I walked away.
I returned to the couch and Johnny used his phone to stream a dirty moviie. I wanted to slap him but he was too beat up. "Turn that off please." I pleaded but he just closed his eyes and shook his head no. Luckily the bedspread coverd the three of us, so I made sure Johnny was comfy before I sat down. Johnny pulled my leg over his and started gently rubbing my thigh under the covers.I went back tto the story trying to ignore the movie. It turns out that the guy was getting angry but had mixed emotions about what to do. When they were invited up to hisfriends room, he declined, but his wife stressed that he might not see his friend for another 12 years, eventually convincing him to stay. I noticed movement behind me in the glass of a picture frame when I glanced at the movie. I looked closer and it was Cliff stroking himself. He was only wearing his skivvies and I could see him perfectly in the reflection. I grabbed my husbands hand and pushed it against my wet pussy. Iheld the magazine up nonchalantly so I could watch him play with his 8 or 9 inch tool. That's when I noticed him smiling at me in the reflection. I kind of yelled "Yo Cliff, your beer's getting warm" so Johnny wouldn't know his buddy was right behind us. Cliff came around and plopped down beside me., poured 3 shots and toasted Jus for surviving the wreck. The next round Johnny toasted to Adair's Guardian Angel and I toasted to Cliff writing my husband off for dead and saving his wife. The movie had this two little hot latina girls getting gangfucked. They were throwing them around and fucking them standing up. It was rough, hot and nasty. I had two hands on me. Johnny was rubbing my left thigh and pussy and Cliff was rubbing my lower back and ass. I wondered if Johnny knew what Cliff was doing. I figured he did but kind of felt like that wife in the story.
All of a sudden Johnny blurts out "I think my little spinner is way hotter than these girls! They never turned them upside down and ate them did they ? I was speechless but Cliff wasn't...lol. "Damn! How's that work? Johnny laughed. "I'd demonstrate if I wasn't so beat up. Think of my little wife here in a upside down 69.aaa' "Shut the fuck up!" I said angrily.
"Umm, so the truth comes out. You're one lucky sob Johnny! She can't weigh more than 100 pounds. Damn. Eating her like that is hot. I need to find a little spinner of my own." Johnny was still lying back with his eyes closed, pulling my legs open and slipping his fingers in me. He just smiled and nodded. "If she's really good she'll be sucking your cock at the same time." Cliff slipped his hand under my ass, using it to lift me. His hand was so big my whole ass fit in it. He slipped his other hand under my right thigh, and lifted me off the couch. I moaned a little when I felt him push me forward into Johnny's fingers. Johnny didn't say a word as Cliff slowly rocked me back and forth. I leaned back against him and whispered "102 and I love getting eaten." I didn't care if my hubby heard because he started it with his remark.
"Yep, Very lucky man, Johnny. True spinners are few and far between in my experience. I love the picture you've painted in my mind." he said. I pulled my panties open for Johnny as they got a rythm going. Cliff's middle finger was rubbing my dirty little butthole and felt so good as my weight pushed against it. I came as soon as I reached over and felt Cliffs huge cock. I grabbed it and Cliff slipped his finger in my ass. He worked me back and forth. Johnny worked his fingers deep as Cliff pushed me forward. It was too much, fingers in both my holes, and it sent me into a spasm. I jumped and shook as my cum drenched their fingers. I licked it off their hands before spitting it on Cliffs tool. Johnny didn't react when he shoved it down my throat. I was ready for anything at that point and so was my man!
The rest of the night was spent rewarding my guardian angel. Johnny directed the action. He made me the dirtiest little whore. Cliff tossed me around, eating, biting and fucking me every way imaginable! Johnny was too beat up from the wreck to join in the aerial antics but was healthy enough to join my angel for some DP'. Cliff fucked me like a ragdoll for hours after my man fell asleep. I loved it and I love Johnny for letting it happen. By the time Cliff left the next day I needed as much recuperation time as my husband...lol.
I may not go to heaven but I've definitely walked with the angels,