Llisanya had had no idea where Cadwarra and Lady Vishra were rushing off to.
Leaving them behind in the corridor, Llisanya and her skimpy maid’s uniform entered the banquet hall and meandered though the high born guests, occasionally pausing to allow a baroness or a knight to help themselves to a glass of red wine. Still having a great many glasses on her tray, she continued through the crowd, balancing the drinks as skillfully as Fiona had taught her.
She was trying to keep her thoughts on her assignment but the sight of Cadwarra had upset her. Cadwarra was dressed in a gown so elegant that it was obvious someone else had bought it for her. She had trotted along chatting with Lady Vishra like they were best friends while Llisanya the servant had been obliged to walk three steps behind the Matron. Of course she knew it was all an act and she was not really a servant, but still, Cadwarra had walked along beside Lady Vishra and she...she had walked three steps behind. And she had come in through the servant’s door.
All those years Marshall Vishra had relied on her to do the nasty jobs had brought her little reward except for some silver coins and a lot of fucking from Marshall Vishra...free fucking.
She shrugged it off as best she could. If Cadwarra was rising in status why begrudge her? She also realized there was some advantage having a friend high up in society. Her pragmatism allowed her to realize there was great benefit and little drawback to her to have Cadwarra enjoy success.
Yes, it was fine, really, and Llisanya tried not to let Cadwarra’s success depress her. It was not like Cadwarra had taken some opportunity from her. She was a halfbreed and a halfbreed with Dark Elf blood. She was a slut that got fucked by her Daddy, she was a prostitute that charged five silver for her love and she was a murderess for hire. Whether Cadwarra was a distinguished guest or not was immaterial, Llisanya would never be invited to one of the Vishra’s soirées unless they needed her unique talents. Needed them as they were needed now, for instance.
How long had she been working freelance for the Vishra Family?
It had started back when she was still Fiona’s employee, six months after she had fucked the men that had wanted the surf & turf meal in the VIP room.
“You need to go see Lord Vishra” Fiona had told her. “He is a safe client so you will be on your own without need of a bodyguard.” Fiona had then unceremoniously pulled Llisanya’s shirt up to examine Llisanya’s swelling breasts, just to satisfy herself that Lord Vishra would be pleased by Llisanya’s chest.
Llisanya endured the inspection proudly, pleased by her recent development. Despite Fiona’s hopes that her youngest ‘star’ would remain near flat-chested, Llisanya’s breasts had undergone a minor growth spurt no sooner than she had started working at the brothel. Though still small, her breasts now stood unbelievably high, the skin occasionally itching from the rapid stretching out to contain the new titflesh that had grown underneath. Fiona jiggled and squeezed them. Despite the fact that the darn things hardly bounced, Fiona was satisfied that they were nice and soft, the way men liked them.
Fiona pulled Llisanya’s top back down. Why was she worrying about whether Lord Vishra would like Llisanya’s tits, she scolded herself. Really it was moot. There was a much more important reason that Fiona had chosen that Llisanya be the one to go to see Lord Vishra. “Have you got your dagger, Sweetie?”
Llisanya silently nodded and canted her hips to show her blade just as she had done for Fiona that first night.
The little Half Elf was so adorable when she did that. Fiona suppressed the urge to tell Llisanya she did not have to go. She should stay here and fuck the regular clients. But Lord Vishra had called with a very unusual request and it was not always in Fiona’s power to shelter the new girls from the nastiness of the world, much as she tried when she was able.
Fiona had sighed and told Llisanya “I think it is time for you to go see your client, Sweetie.” She patted Llisanya affectionately on the head and gave her a big Barbarian bear hug like she was saying good bye. In a way, she was saying goodbye...goodbye to the naïve girl who had once come knocking, hoping to be a maid. She knew Llisanya had already done some evil things but still...this next act would be the end of Llisanya’s innocence.
Llisanya had walked alone through the Qeynos Harbour area. She had followed Fiona’s directions. The door said “Cess Pool Access” and other things that scared Llisanya a little but she knocked hard like she was told to. An old man opened the door and in a voice failing with age kindly invited her to step in.
He seemed to like the tiny Half Elf. “Aren’t you just the prettiest thing...” he said in a voice that was once strong and decisive but was now failing him. He was bent and walked as if every joint tortured him.
Llisanya surmised correctly that he could only expect a few more weeks to live. “My name is Llisanya” she told him.
“You can call me Lord Vishra” he responded kindly.
He ran his hands all over Llisanya’s body, quite enjoying it. “I wish I was still man enough to fuck you, Llisanya. Fuck you good and hard like a whore deserves....”
Llisanya had not known what to say so she curtsied. He saw down her blouse. He reached out and pulled her top away from her chest so he could see her young titties a little longer. She liked that. Some girls were embarrassed when men looked at their tits. She was proud to show hers. She liked how they sat up high.
She liked Lord Vishra, too. She liked old men. She liked when they came to the brothel and fucked her. She made it obvious she liked to be fucked by the old men. Even though she never orgsasmed under them, they saw she enjoyed their cocks and they asked for her next time. The other girls got used to her being the favourite of the older clients. They were happy to have the younger men. The younger men came in, climaxed, then left quickly. The old men had trouble getting it up, so they took up too much time. The other girls let Llisanya have them. She seemed to know how to get them hard. She had learned a lot from pleasing Daddy.
Pulled into Lord Vishra’s weak arms, she had felt only skin and bone where powerful muscles once were. Llisanya ran her hands down Lord Vishra’s chest to his crotch but he did not get erect. She did her tricks designed to awaken him. After a while she understood he knew she could not arouse him. Those days were over.
The old man was so ancient that her pussy tingled to be near him. She wished he could get a hard-on and fuck her then send her home with lots of silver and call for her when he wanted her again.
“Fiona said you had a handy little knife” Lord Vishra instead croaked out in a voice barely above a rasp. “Let’s see it.”
Llisanya pulled out her dagger and showed it to Lord Vishra. She held it like an erection. It was her penis and she was as proud of her long hard thing as any young man was of his.
“Fiona suspects you have used that dagger before” Lord Vishra prompted as he began to unbutton her shirt, beginning at the top button and working down. “Tell me about that...”
While her blouse was being undone, Llisanya told Lord Vishra how she had murdered her Daddy. She did not divulge too many details so Lord Vishra asked more and more questions about the deed. She answered until he had the full story, even the part where she had spread her legs wide for the local weaponsmith to pay for the dagger she needed.
He had had her shirt fully unbuttoned by then and was playing with her skin hamsters as she spoke of her father’s murder in increasingly graphic details. She was not sure if her nipples were hard from Lord Vishra’s groping or from the exhilaration she felt from confessing to her heartless act of patricide.
Lord Vishra was not especially aroused by her story; he just wanted to be sure she knew how to kill. Her story complete, Llisanya had stood there for Lord Vishra to enjoy her as he wished. Vishra let go of Llisanya’s tits. They sat there while Vishra stared at them. “So young and so high...” he muttered to himself, admiring her magnificent mounds. Then he leaned down to suck on each nipple in turn, the left one first. He sucked a long time then switched to the right nipple.
Finally, his lips broke away with a loud smack. He batted at her tits playfully. He watched them deform under his playful swat then snap back into their natural shape without bouncing more than once. He was fascinated by how they jutted out. “Did Fiona explain what we required of you, today, Llisanya?”
Llisanya had silently nodded and Lord Vishra handed her a pouch of coins. “This should do, Llisanya. Don’t tell Fiona I overpaid you.”
She took the fee. She was nervous. She watched Lord Vishra try to undo his shirt. The buttons were too small. His arthritic fingers had trouble. His weak hands trembled. Llisanya understood it was only the palsy of old age that made them shake. She unbuttoned the shirt for him, revealing his old, worn out body.
“As you can see, I am old” he explained. “My body has failed me. Even those tree-hugging Wood Elf Druids in the Temple of Life cannot heal me. I can’t even get hard enough to fuck a willing doxy like you.”
He paused but Llisanya made no answer so he proceeded. He pointed to a place on his ribs near his heart. “You put the knife here, Llisanya. You drive the blade in fast. As fast as your Daddy drove into your virginity. Then you go out through the Cess Pool door. You go back to Fiona and tell her everything went fine. My clerk is in the next room. He will look after everything else. Remember to keep your knife.”
She had felt sorry for Lord Vishra. There was a new alchemist in South Qeynos; Sechus, she recalled his name. A Ratonga. Lord Vishra could have bought a painless poison from him. But Lord Vishra chose to die by a blade, as any old soldier would demand.
She was glad he died quickly but her dagger had scraped against ribs. She would refine her skill in upcoming commissions. Still, he was so very old and that made her so very horny. She masturbated quickly then left through the Cess Pool door back into the alley. Next time she was sent to knock on that door it was a much younger Lord Vishra that answered in his father’s stead.
Where had the years gone? How many men had she murdered for the second Lord Vishra? Four. Four, plus Bartrall and Williams...and a few more men for other clients. She always masturbated after.
Llisanya stopped daydreaming and brought herself back to her duties. The job tonight was more complicated than a knife to the ribs. She needed to keep her mind on her task. It was important she do it right.
She quickly spotted the junior Vishra brother, Triander. She headed toward him but in such an indirect path that no one would suspect she had a purpose in speaking to him.
She had only met Lord Triander once before. Marshall Vishra had sent her over as a birthday present. The Marshall had asked “how much would you like in payment for your services?” She had diplomatically responded she would be honoured to perform the duty for free. There was a silent understanding that she may ask a favour of Lord Vishra someday in return.
She had been pleased to discover Triander Vishra was not quite as blessed in cocksize as his senior brother. It had made it a little easier to make sure he fully enjoyed his birthday gift to the full length of his still large penis. He had fucked away on top of her, mouth fastened onto her erect nipple. He pounded her hard and fast. It had been quite pleasant.
Triander was speaking with another Lord so Llisanya continued to wind her way among the guests. Triander had spotted her but made no sign of recognition while saying to his companion “They’re both dead, Balthar. After all the time we spent searching for them, it seems they did us the favour of getting into a knife fight with each other over some cheap little tramp they had hired for a night of fornication. They woke up the whole neighbourhood over their scrap...even got my brother’s attention while he happened to be walking by on a pleasant evening stroll. I forget which one killed which one, but the winner then remorsefully committed suicide in jail.” Triander took a sip from his gin & tonic. “So that resolves that problem. Some things just take care of themselves.”
Lord Balthar did not hide the fact that the news was an immense relief to him. “Well, Her Majesty will be quite happy to hear that...although...uh...of course she will lament the death’s of two of her subjects...and two that had served as part of her bodyguard. Still, with her twenty-fifth birthday extravanagza next week, we can rejoice that any worries about Bartrall and Williams will not cast a pall on the celebration.”
“Of course” Triander agreed, shedding an amount of tears for the two dead men equal to Balthar’s. “But we really need to admit things are now simplified. They tried to blackmail Her Majesty. Had they gotten to Freeport there would have been no shutting them up about what they had seen.”
“Well, the real crime was they wanted too much money. We could have afforded to pay them a tenth of what they were asking plus an easy job at the palace so we could keep an eye on them, but they tried to extort too much”
Lord Balthar raised his glass in a toast to the happy resolution of a very difficult situation and added with a sneer of disgust “plus no one was going to tolerate promoting them to a peerage. Can you imagine the nerve of them asking for a Barony? Can you imaging anyone bowing to those two ruffians and calling them ‘Baron’ or “M’Lord”? In the end, two too ambitious idiots demanded so much that it was easier to deal with them in a more expedient manner.”
Though things had miraculously resolved themselves, Balthar silently kicked himself for the umpteenth time for hiring such unreliable thugs to fill two last minute vacancies in the Queen’s Guard during her diplomatic mission up into the Thundering Steppes. “I’ll give them credit, they did manage to find a hideaway and elude us for some weeks.”
“...Only to blow their cover by squabbling over who got to go first with a cheap cunt that had no doubt been used a couple hundred times already” Triander rejoined and then then got serious. “So, since you had hired Williams and Bartrall as part of the body guard heading up to negotiate with the Centaurs, I felt it correct to offer you the pleasant task of informing Her Majesty of this...tragedy. It will go a long way to you making amends with the Queen.”
“Indeed” Balthar agreed. “I appreciate you letting me get back into the Palace’s good graces like that. Rest assured I will ensure Her Majesty is aware that the Vishra Family were the ones to uncover that foolish pair.”
Triander bowed gratefully. “Most kind of you. And, of course, we can now proceed without fear with the treaty Her Majesty had so successfully...shall we say...negotiated with the Centaurs. I shudder to think of the diplomatic disaster and loss of face to the Crown had Bartrall and Williams been able to broadcast to all of Qeynos the nature of those late evening ‘negotiations’ between Her Majesty and the Centaur Chief.”
Balthar glanced around to make sure he would not be overheard. Seeing no one, he still lowered his voice. “Her Majesty did indeed use a unique form of diplomacy and while we may understand how effective it was, there are those plebeians out there who would not be as open-minded as we are.” He sipped on his 12-year-old brandy while entertaining himself with the image of their young queen kneeling under Chief Kraughl. “It would have all been so much simpler had Her Majesty been more discreet while sucking Kraughl off” he lamented.
Triander took a sip of his drink, too, and added in grudging admiration for his Queen “Did you seen that massive horsecock Kraughl was swinging about? I only saw it soft. Marr knows how big it got when Her Majesty started sucking on it. When Williams came to me with his clumsy blackmailing talk he told me he and Bartrall had stumbled in at the very point when Her Majesty had Kraughl’s full girth stuffed in her mouth, right to the back of her throat”
“So she had an entire third of it in her mouth?” Balthar quipped and the two Lords shared a chuckle, serious though the conversation was.
“Of course, it’s the sight of those bare breasted mares of his that I can’t get out of my thoughts.” Balthar went on. “When Kraughl and I returned from his journey to Qeynos last year he had a dozen wives running full stride across the meadow to greet him, all of them wearing nothing but joyous smiles of delight at his return.”
Balthar took another sip of his Brandy then continued “...I am most impressed with how many of the mares in his harem have two pairs of breasts instead of one. And then there’s his most beautiful mare, the one with red hair. By Marr, she looks beautiful with those three big perky pairs! I am not saying I would be willing to engage in bestiality, you understand Triander, but when I saw all those boobs bouncing and flying around at a full gallop towards us I couldn’t help but wish that I had been born a centaur!”
Balthar laughed at his own ribald joke, then became quiet. He had an image of his Queen shamelessly kneeling under Chief Kraughl and gobbling away on that huge equine piece of manhood. He also had an image of his ruined political career if he had not been able to keep that discreet liaison a secret.
Of course, Balthar knew he should have been aware of what his Queen was doing way before his guards had. He had had no idea Queen Antonia would be interested in such temptations as a fully erect Centaur.
Balthar thought about how some women are aroused by powerful males. Kraughl was certainly powerful, both physically and politically and Balthar was pretty sure the young Queen had totally enjoyed giving her Equine lover repeated blowjobs. He thought how much fun it would be to watch but quickly thrust the image from his mind before he got a hard-on in front of all the guests. He had his dignity.
Balthar pushed his indecent musings aside and reluctantly got to the painful business of repaying the Vishra House for getting him out of hot water. “Triander, as you know, Queen Antonia has held me responsible for those two unreliables walking into that particular tent while she was fully and enthusiastically in a...well let’s not be too crude... a heated round of female negotiation with the Lord of the Thundering Herd. You’ve been a good friend to get me out of this mess. Please let me know how I may repay you.”
“Why, what need is there for friends to talk of repayment?” Triander replied magnanimously. “But if you can see your way to voting in favour of our resolution tomorrow, I will be most grateful.”
Balthar bowed slightly, trying to hide his distaste for paying the price Triander was asking. Triander’s bill, if successful, would greatly cripple his family’s business interests but he had no choice. He sycophantically stated “passing the bill is the right thing to do and you will have my support. I fear, though, that Lord Russeau is applying his influence, and a great many electors are assuring him that they are considering a vote in favour of his position.” Inwardly, Lord Balthar hoped Russeau would succeed.
“Thank you for that bit of intelligence. It confirms what I was already afraid of. That’s why Russeau has been invited here tonight. If he is spreading false facts and emotional arguments counter to our bill, let him do it here so I can see what he is up to.”
“That’s very wise, Triander.” Balthar quickly shot back the last of his brandy. “If you will excuse me, I had best discuss this murder-suicide business with the Queen. I regret leaving your party, but the Queen must be informed.”
Triander was glad to see Balthar withdraw. He assumed he would inform the Queen of events then, humiliated to have to kowtow to Triander over the upcoming vote, would go home to sulk. Still, Triander was nothing but gracious in victory. “Of course, Balthar. Thank you for coming. I wish you could stay longer but we do serve the Palace, no matter the hour or the inconvenience.”
Triander watched Balthar depart. By the death of Williams and Bartrall that old fool had avoided disgrace for now but Triander was sure he would screw up again soon enough and the Vishra family would save his hide again...in exchange for another ‘small’ favour in return. It was incompetent courtiers like Balthar that were the real source of power enjoyed by the Vishra Family. For now Balthar was beholding to the Vishra Family and that meant the Vishras had his vote. Further, he would cease lobbying against the bill. That left only Lord Russeau organizing any powerful opposition.
He could see that old fart Russeau over on the far side of the room, starting to gather the more sycophantic members of the Queen’s Council together to convince them of the righteousness of a vote against the ‘Vishra Bill’, as Russeau was calling it. Some that were standing there were foolishly nodding and agreeing at whatever he was saying. This would need to stop.
Triander searched the crowd, trying to find Llisanya again without being too obvious. Why had she not come over to him yet? She was late in getting started.
He spotted the small little Half Elf at last under that huge tray of red wine drinks. She was ambling toward him in an indirect path, pausing occasionally to allow a lord or lady to help themselves to another glass or place an empty one on her tray. Quite a few Gents and a couple ladies cast an appreciative glance at her uniform. She had definitely outgrown it but such was her charm that such a poor fit merely enhanced how attractive she was.
It was typical at these gatherings that a few men might approach the Head Butler and designate a pretty servant such as Llisanya for ‘special attention’ with said lord in the privacy of one of the adjoining rooms. Alternatively, a wench might be directed to pack an overnight bag and anticipate she would be leaving early so that she might accompany a Lord back to his bed. Tonight it was one of the Head Butler’s myriad tasks to deflect such requests by anyone asking for an hour with Llisanya...as diplomatically as he could...so that Llisanya was free to do her part to keep Russeau from organizing any significant dissent to this Bill getting passed.
Triander searched the room to make sure the Head Butler was in attendance. He saw him over on the far side of the room speaking to Amber and Alweya. It seemed they had ordered special drinks and for some reason the Head Butler was delivering them himself. Whatever were they doing taking up the Head Butler’s time when he needed to be watching Llisanya?
Had he been blessed with Elven hearing Triander would have heard the Head Butler apologizing to Amber. “I am sorry the drinks are so late, Miss Amber, but we have had quite a few requests for cum cocktails tonight and the usual supply has been...ahem...greatly depleted. The Senior Bartender had to send two of the milk maids out to the stable boys to help augment the usual quantities.”
Amber was not pleased by the excuses and told the Head Butler so. He replied. “...I agree, M’Lady, that the drinks should have come faster, but one of the stable boys is gay, you see, so it took both milk maids and a bit of time to get him to shoot for them.”
“Oh, Jamison” Amber admonished the Head Butler “why did you not send out a good looking lad to jack him off? We were waiting so long for our drinks...”
Not wasting his time wondering what was troubling his niece, Triander looked about for his sister-in-law. She would need to stop her daughter from monopolizing the Head butler’s time. Lady Vishra was no where to be seen. She had been over beside Amber, now she was gone. So was that sexy little thing, Cadwarra.
He did finally spot his lovely wife Jemella dutifully keeping Lord Petras Asquinn from joining Russeau’s circle by hanging off his arm and hanging onto his every word. As was usual of late, Petras was already tipsy and too drunk to realize that everyone could see his hand was not so sneakily caressing Jemella’s breast. He was grabbing a huge hand full right there in the middle of everyone, squeezing and jiggling the soft boob like Jemella was a merely some passing servant whose comely figure had caught his eye.
Jemella did nothing to stop the familiarity, she just took a sip from her new favourite drink; a Ginger & Jackoff. Triander could see Jemella’s erect nipples were clearly showing through the fabric of her expensive silk blouse as she stood there being pawed. Jemella’s eyes briefly met Triander’s and she smiled wickedly. She knew her husband loved to watch her getting felt up by another man. For the moment, he forgot about Cadwarra and her big breasts. I’m gonna really fuck Jemella hard as soon as we get home tonight, he promised himself.
Triander smiled back at Jemella. He watched Petras drop Jemella’s one tit and blatantly help himself to a good handful of her other boob. But sadly, Triander had other things to do besides watching his wife enjoying the groping of lecherous man.
He saw that the Head Butler, to his credit, appeared frustrated to be dealing with whatever existential crisis Amber was having. At last he was able to extricate himself from Amber’s complaints. Clearly relieved to have at last been done with the middle Vishra daughter, the Head Butler moved on and resumed his more important duties. Fortunately no one was impeding Llisanya’s progress too much, so Amber’s interference had caused no harm.
Triander envied how his brother had the option to deal with difficult problems the way he got Llisanya to deal with Williams and Bartrall. How sad they could not get Llisanya to give old Russeau the ‘Bartrall & Williams Treatment’ . That was, naturally, out of the question; Qeynos Lords could not be going around assassinating each other...especially since Russeau would be voting in favour of the Revised Tax Laws next month.
At last Llisanya approached Triander, as if her ambling path had lead to him by chance. “Wine, M’Lord?” Llisanya curtsyed to the appropriate depth, drinks tray perfectly level and making no sign she knew who this Lord was. Since the Vishra Family was paying for her tonight she stayed down a little longer for Triander to enjoy the mammalian view her top revealed. One might as well please your employer by giving him a good eyeful.
Triander shot back the last of his gin & tonic. He placed the empty high ball glass on the tray while enjoying the glimpse down the front of last year’s birthday present. Llisanya straightened and waited, knowing they would need to talk quickly before someone came over to socialize with Triander.
To forestall such an interruption, Triander’s hand reached over to Llisanya’s chest and slid down her uniform into her cleavage. He dropped a silver coin between her breasts as was customary when a guest noticed a lovely server and wanted to enjoy her soft udders a moment. As long as the guest did not keep the server from her serving duties too long, no one had a problem with such a liberty.
Triander quite enjoyed the chance to feel up Llisanya but the real purpose for doing so was to stop anyone from coming over. It was obvious the Vishra Lord was taking a private moment to fondle a pretty servant and it would have been gauche to interrupt. It was the only situation when it would not be considered odd for a guest to speak to a servant.
“If you look over my shoulder, Llisanya” Triander spoke very quietly “you will see an old fart who has even more wrinkles than he has platinum. He is in the center of a crowd of lords, pontificating. He is dressed in a threadbare navy blue suitcoat that should have been cut up into cleaning rags a decade ago were he not so cheap as to refuse to pay for a new outfit.”
Llisanya studied the old man in the threatbare jacket while Triander continued speaking and fondling. “That’s Russeau. That’s your target. Take a good look at him.” Triander’s index finger and thumb found Llisanya’s left nipple. It rose to greet him while Llisanya watched Russeau’s mannerisms.
Russeau was one of those arm-talkers; the more excited he got on a subject the more his arms swung up or around, punching the air to emphasize each point he was making. The tumbler of single malt whiskey in his right hand flew about as he spoke but not a drop left the glass except for the infrequent pauses in his speech when he chose to sip some of it rather than take a breath.
“Lord Triander” Llisanya spoke. “I see the Head Butler is ready and I think I know what is expected.”
“Excellent, Llisanya. I will rely on you.” Triander reluctantly pulled his hand from her cleavage. He took a moment to straighten her bodice.
Llisanya took note of Triander’s kindness. Most of the other Gentlemen in the room would have left her uniform in disarray, boob half out, having been done with feeling her up. Lord Triander had adjusted her uniform automatically, without even having to think about it.
In appreciation for his kind act, she gave him another tit flashing curtsy good-bye and said quietly “If I remember correctly, your birthday is nearing. I must drop by on that day to wish you many happy returns.” She could make a birthday visit an annual thing, she realized. There was every reason to stay in touch with a Vishra lord.
And with that happy thought, she turned with her near full tray of red wine to serve more guests, gradually getting nearer and nearer to Russeau.
She walked past a very drunk Lord with his hand very unashamedly fondling a Lady’s breast in the middle of everybody. As he cupped the ample boob and lifted it to feel its weight he begged the Lady in alcohol-slurred speech “What do I need to do to spend some time in your bed?” The Lady responded “Well, I am almost sure my husband’s bill will pass tomorrow and if it does, he will be busy all day getting things formalized. If so, you could sneak over then, Petras, and we can screw all afternoon.”
As Llisanya continued toward Russeau, Lord Asquinn swayed drunkenly a moment then announced “Well, I guess I better vote yes, then...” and pulled Jemella close so he could feel her round, firm ass with both hands. Everyone could see Jemella was not stopping him.
Llisanya finally came close to Russeau. He was showing his frustration as he answered one of his audience’s counter-arguments. “...but that is exactly why we need to oppose the Vishra Bill, Lord Bowerbrook...” To emphasize his words his arm holding his glass of whiskey flung up into the air just as Llisanya’s tray full of red wine passed by. Whiskey glass collided with tray and three dozen nearby guests turned to see the pretty Half Elf server and old Lord Russeau drenched in a huge volume of red wine and a little bit of whiskey.
The Head Butler appeared from nowhere to tower angrily over Llisanya. “You stupid, clumsy girl!” he berated her in a furious tone. “How could you let this happen!!?”
Russeau was looking at his coat. “Butler! This little imbecile just ruined my best jacket!” He hrrrumphed angrily and tried to brush the wine off.
“Steady on, Russeau” Lord Bowerbrook cautioned in his very low distinctive bass voice “that was your drink flying around that caused the accident.”
Russeau was having none of Bowerbrook’s gentle council and clearly showed his impatience for it. “Don’t be daft, Bowerbrook! It was totally her fault.” In his rage he was forgetting he was trying to coax Bowerbrook to his side in tomorrow’s vote. “Any fool can see this girl was not paying attention. Nothing more than her brainless lack of care caused this!”
Such was the efficiency of the Vishra staff that a maid appeared instantly, bowed quickly to the Lords around her then began sweeping up the broken glass.
Llisanya stood there, curtsying repeatedly in abject apology to first Lord Russeau then to the Head Butler as he continued chastising her. “Are you so insipid as to not know to not walk into one of our guests, Girl?!” Exasperated with his incompetent maid, the Head Butler turned to Russeau. “Lord Russeau, please accept my apology. I assure you this girl will be disciplined.”
A second maid had appeared and was offering Lord Russeau a towel. He snatched it from the maid’s hand and angrily sopped up the wine staining his decades old jacket. He snorted at the Head Butler in a disgusted tone. “You plan to discipline this bone-headed twit? She needs to be dismissed, Man! Dismissed!”
“Of course, Lord Russeau. You are most correct and it shall be done.” The Head Butler bowed rapidly then turned to Llisanya. “Make a proper bow of apology to this Lord. You’ve ruined his suitcoat!”
Llisanya reflected that the wine may have actually improved the old, threadbare jacket but she made the proper bow, staying down the necessary amount of time. As calculated, Lord Russeau saw what this incompetent server was showing and admitted to himself that those were mighty fine tits that were darn near flopping out of her scanty top. His ire softened as eager lust eclipsed his annoyance.
The maid sweeping up the glass completed her task in an impressively speedy amount of time, bowed again and scurried off. A male servant with a mop stepped in and sopped up the wine all over the floor. The Head Butler was assuring Lord Russeau that he could have the coat cleaned in one half hour and returned in pristine condition if the Lord would follow him to a private room. “I will assign a maid to assist you until we have addressed our failings, Lord.”
Russeau seemed to be mollified by the Head Butler’s quick addressing of the situation. Still staring at Llisanya’s chest, he was wishing she would curtsy again. That inept Half Elf maid did not know how to carry a tray of wine, but that uniform she was wearing suggested she would be less inept in the bedroom arts. She was an all around nice little package and he knew he needed to fuck her good.
Russeau literally threw his used towel at the servant with the mop while he addressed the Head Butler. “Your suggestion is acceptable. Please show me to this room.” Indicating Llisanya, he quickly added “and if I may suggest, please assign this incompetent bimbo to assist me. I mean...that is...just so she will not be tempted to carry more wine about and drop it all over other guests.”
“Excellent suggestion, My Lord.” The Head Butler turned to Llisanya. “You heard him, you silly girl. Show this good lord to a private room. Attend to his every comfort while he is inconvenienced. I will send the Laundress without delay.”
The commotion over, the guests went back to their conversations and Llisanya lead Lord Russeau to a room suitable to the Vishra purpose. When she unlocked the door with a key specific to only that suite, Russeau assumed she was using the master key all maids would be issued in order to perform their daily duties.
They entered. The room had been prepared by Llisanya and the Head Butler. The bar was fully stocked with expensive potables, including Russeau’s favourite whiskey. The ice box held caviar, smoked oysters, black truffles and sundry other delicacies. The tub in the adjoining bath fit two. Bath salts and perfumed oils were at hand. Llisanya was pleased to hear Russeau eagerly lock the door behind them.
Once in private, it was acceptable for a maid to address a Lord. “I am so sorry, My Lord. Please forgive me my clumsiness. It was entirely my fault I ruined your clothes.” She curtsied again. Again, he got a nice view of her boobies.
Russeau was still a bit salty over the accident, despite looking forward to sticking his cock into the pretty little Ayr’Dal. “Well, it’s done” he snapped “and no amount of groveling will change that, you foolish girl. Just help me get this soaked coat off.”
She dutifully took his coat. She folded it reverently and draped it over the back of a chair while she asked “Lord, I am so soaked too, do you mind if I remove my uniform?” She looked straight at him. He noticed her big eyes staring saucily.
He was not fooled by her willingness to be nude in front of him. The lower class were so obvious: she would let him fuck her and then, supposedly out of immense gratitude for her affections, he would have a word with the Head Butler about not firing her after all. The girl’s scheme was so transparent.
He had played that game before. He would fuck her alright, then get back to lobbying with those other Lords for their ‘No’ votes. He would forget all about having a good word with the Head Butler over this idiot keeping her job. The nerve of her expecting a favour just for spreading her legs when she ought to be doing it for free under the circumstances.
“Yeah” he answered Llisanya finally and licked his dry lips. “You can take that outfit off.” He stepped toward her. “In fact, let me help.” He grabbed the front of her uniform with a grip quite powerful considering his age. He brutally tore the front open, grinning in enjoyment as he watched it rip fully, baring her entire chest. He expected her tits to spill out in full glory but the damn things just sat there, sticking out as if gravity and her breasts had never met. He ignored Triander’s silver coin as it fell to the floor.
“Looks like you’ll need a whole new uniform” he said with a mean laugh then added “that one didn’t fit anyway.”
Had he ripped her maid’s outfit while working for Fiona , Llisanya would have been docked the cost of it. Now it was really no big loss. She had outgrown it. The bastard had done her a favour: she knew how she could get the garment replaced with a correctly sized one for free.
She let the remains of her uniform slide down her legs to the floor. Naked but for her servant’s slippers, she stepped out of the ruined garment. “I am sure the Head Butler expects me to entertain you while we await your clothes being cleaned, Lord. I hope you like me naked.”
Russeau sure did. He looked her up and down. She was either obsessed about staying completely shaved smooth down there or had never grown any girl hair. He did not care which, that was a very pretty pubic area just above her gash; so soft and smooth and marble-white.
Llisanya continued to be the all-in-one combination maid & whore. “I am sorry, Lord, but your shirt and trousers have wine on them too. If I may...”
She removed and folded his shirt then she knelt and pulled his pants down to his feet. His erection popped up so close to her face that her eyes crossed while she studied it. It was just a little bigger than average. “My Lord!” she enthused “you are ready already!” She took the opportunity to casually reach down and retrieve her spilled coin.
As she resumed her feet, here was a diffident knock at the door. “That will be our Laundress, Lord. If you would withdraw from the door for modesty, I can deal with her.” She pushed Russeau a little insistently back a few paces into a corner, trying not to giggle as his hard willy swung comically about while he shuffled backwards with his pants around his ankles.
“Lift you foot” she commanded him and pulled the trousers from his right foot as he did so. “Now the other foot...”
Llisanya scooped up Lord Russeau’s clothes and opened the door nude. The very same Housekeeper that had dismissively refused to fetch the Head Butler earlier stood there in the stead of the Laundress.
“The Laundress is occupied for a few minutes” she told Llisanya “I will take Lord Russeau’s clothes.”
The Housekeeper was not only annoyed to find herself thrust into a subservient role to Llisanya, she was also annoyed to be acting as a delivery service to the laundry just because the pretty young Laundress had been sent to urgently help the milk maids collect some cum from any male servant they could find. If the Laundress did not return in good time...or was enjoying her unusual assignment too much...the Housekeeper would need to do the washing herself.
Llisanya passed the wine-soaked clothes to the Housekeeper. “Also, Lord Russeau has accidentally torn my uniform in his eagerness.” She tossed the destroyed outfit on top of Lord Russeau’s clothes. “I will need a new one. Size six.” She was relieved to be rid of her size four uniform even if it did draw several appreciative looks from the guests at the party.
“The Household Budget is not there to purchase new uniforms for temporary help” the Housekeeper snapped. Being in charge of the budget, the Housekeeper was certainly not going to frivolously spend several silver on an expensive replacement outfit for this demanding girl.
Llisanya did not back down. “Lord Russeau has inadvertently ruined my uniform and has willed it that I shall have a new one. Either tell Head Butler Jamison that you have refused the request of our guest or bring me a replacement.” The only answer was a huff and a slammed door, but Llisanya knew she would be getting a new uniform. She heard the Housekeeper on the other side of the door walking down the hall muttering “...what a bitch...”
Llisanya turned back to Lord Russeau, still in his corner wearing nothing but his hard-on. “My Lord, the laundry should only take thirty minutes, I am sure. May I suggest we begin our lovemaking? The clothes will be delivered by the time you are done with me.”
In answer, Lord Russeau reached out with both arms and lifted Llisanya’s small frame off the floor. He carried her over to the bed and dropped her on it. He climbed aboard.
Llisanya’s point of pride at Fiona’s was that she knew every trick to get the old gentlemen hard. The older the client was, the hornier she got achieving his erection. She would revel in her success when she saw the old penis swell and rise, ready for it to be pushed inside her.
Tonight Llisanya had the opposite problem. She needed to keep old Lord Russeau soft as long as possible. To her consternation, there he was erect and ready for a quick fuck. Then, presumably, the clothes would have arrived and off he would go back to the other guests to lobby for those all-important ‘No’ votes.
That would not do. Lady Vishra had promised her a staggering twenty-five silver for every half hour she kept Russeau in the room. Twenty-five silver. Llisanya knew that it would be a fine juggling task of keeping him interested and keeping him soft and keeping him there.
What a cruel dance Llisanya lead the old bastard on. He would seem to get hard and position himself for penetration but he was just not quite stiff enough to insert his prick into Llisanya. Llisanya was encouraging. “It will happen, Lord. We just need to relax”
Being soft he began thinking about returning to the ball room and lobbying those fools who could not see the need to vote ‘No’.
But then he seemed to finally get hard under Llisanya’s strokes. He decided to stay. He would only need fifteen minutes now that he had a boner. He knelt between Llisanya’s legs again as she lay on her back. She spread her alabaster thighs and smiled eagerly up at him. “Yes, Lord. You are so hard. Put it in and enjoy.”
But, again, he was not quite hard enough to penetrate.
He looked down at the sexy girl as she lay there wanting him, smiling and gripping his semi-erection. What was wrong with him tonight? It was frustrating that he could not stay completely hard. He just needed a few more minutes to get a boner then he would be quick and get back to the guests.
Llisanya worked on him. Finally, he was at full mast. He knelt between spread thighs. But his erection faded again despite all the attention Llisanya was giving it. He never clued in that Llisanya knew exactly where to touch an old fellow to first inspire then sabotage his hard-on.
While she toyed with Lord Russeau’s misfunctioning manhood, Llisanya’s Elven ears heard someone enter the next room. A male and female. She recognized the low distinctive bass voice but had trouble remembering who it’s owner was for a moment before identifying it as Lord Bowerbrook. He made a joke and she recognized Cadwarra’s pleasant laugh in response. Bowerbrook was soon sucking loudly on Cadwarra’s tits just as Russeau was sucking on hers.
Russeau’s fingers probed Llisanya’s slippery vagina and masturbated her. Still, an adequate erection did not appear. The Housekeeper had delivered the clean clothes some time ago now, along with Llisanya’s new uniform. The Laundry seemed to have taken more that the half hour that was promised but the clothes had arrived forty-five minutes ago. Well, maybe hour...or was it a bit longer?
Llisanya held Lord Russeau’s partially erect cock. She pumped it. It seemed to be ready, then it softened again.
Things were going much better next door. Llisanya could hear Cadwarra’s vagina ’schlicking’ wetly as Bowerbrook started fucking. “Your pussy feels like hot honey has been smeared all over my cock” he told Cadwarra.
Llisanya remembered the taste of Cadwarra’s pussy, laced with Diamander’s semen. She got horny thinking about licking Cadwarra again. She remembered the softness of Cadwarra’s breast in her hand. She heard Cadwarra cumming in the squeaking bed as Bowerbrook’s thrusts pounded her hard. He was really grunting and driving her deep while she panted “...fuck me...fuck me...fuck me!!”
Llisanya was envious. Cadwarra was having all that fun next door while she was doing all this work.
Lord Russeau was still not enjoying the erectile success which was occurring so easily in the adjacent room and he needed to get back to the party and all those potential ‘no’ votes but he was so near to getting a good hard-on. Llisanya was gripping his dick enthusiastically and it seemed to stiffen just a little. “Fifteen more minutes” he told Llisanya a little irritably “if I am not ready by then we need to give up.” He leaned forward and sucked on Llisanya’s firm tits. His erection grew in her hand and he positioned himself. Maddingly he softened in her grip even as he was about to thrust.
Several minutes went by filled with nothing but fruitless attempts by Lord Russeau to become properly erect. Cadwarra next door sighed contentedly as her fuck continued loudly. “It feels like you are driving a hot iron piston deep into me” she told Bowerbrook. She began to climax again loudly.
Russeau was still waiting for his prick to behave. Again and again he just never quite got fully tumescent. “Let’s just take a few minutes’ break” Llisanya suggested “that’s how you take your mind off things and your erection will appear naturally. Here, Lord, let me serve you some oysters...”
Russeau had a few oysters and when that did not work a few more. Llisanya heard Cadwarra cumming a third time. Then she heard Lord Bowerbrook cumming. Cadwarra told Bowerbrook she could feel his cock twitching inside her. The sensation made her giggle.
Russeau was hard now. He got back on top of Llisanya. Again, his erection deflated despite Llisanya caressing it lovingly.
“I know what will work” Llisanya suggested helpfully “lay your head on my breast and close your eyes. Just for a few minutes. Relaxing will allow your penis to grow.”
Russeau tried that. He even dozed for a few minutes, head pressing her tit flat. He woke. He saw Llisanya had fallen asleep too. She woke up when he optimistically spread her legs but still he was not hard enough to perform.
Russeau tried pumping his own dick to achieve some decent wood while Llisanya’s acute hearing told her the party was winding down. The hum of indistinct conversation lessoned in volume as guests departed. Llisanya imagined people saying good night to friends or offering rides home. “I have lots of room in my carriage” someone might say. There would be a few guests remaining, not wanting to end great conversations. A wife would be impatient. “Finish your drink, Dear, I‘m tired.” No doubt Lady Vishra was promising another extravaganza very soon. “Expect an invite” she would be assuring her guests as they took their leave.
Exiting their room into the hallway, Lord Bowerbrook’s bass voice asked Cadwarra “Can I see you again?” Cadwarra’s answer was diplomatic “Of course Lord, but I am afraid I belong to Marshall Vishra so it would be best to arrange things with him...” Their foorsteps faded as they headed back to the few remaining guests in the ballroom.
Soon Llisanya heard little noise from conversation in the great hall; just the clattering of empty plates being stacked and used cutlery being gathered.
Lord Russeau and his Human ears knew none of this. He got on top of Llisanya for one more try.
Llisanya gripped Russeau’s cock in just the right places. At last he had a full erection. She could not be so mean as to not let him finally have a hearty fuck, could she? Besides, she was horny for a lay with the old bastard. Jerking and playing with his ancient cock had made her so wet.
Llisanya wrapped her arms around Lord Russeau and spread her legs to show him the pink where his cock belonged. A girl can enjoy her work, could she not?
Happy to finally be sporting a rock hard pecker, Russeau rammed away on top of her, sucking on her nipples and kissing her with his long tongue. He rode her with a determination that resulted from the need to prove to the girl under him that he could indeed function as a man, belated though his performance may be.
He suddenly gave her three long deep strokes and growled triumphantly as he came, pushing his dick hard into her. She lay under him, taking gushes of hot, thick sperm from his pulsating stiffy. The steaming white ejaculate mixed with all her warm pussy juice. He gave her one last really hard ram then his dick softened and slid wetly out of her, shining with Llisanya’s lubricant.
Russeau did not linger on top of Llisanya enjoying any after-sex cuddles. He rolled off, sat up and took a second to catch his breath. “Finally fucked you” he muttered triumphantly as if he had just defeated a stubborn opponent in a joust.
Russeau got up from the bed. He was done using the wine-spilling bimbo and he had some important Lords to talk to. “Thanks for the fuck, whore, but I need to get back to my friends and associates in the main hall.” He was anxiously pulling on his fresh-laundered clothes so Llisanya rose and got dressed, too. The new uniform fit nicely.
Llisanya locked the door behind them when they left the room. The Housekeeper could clean up the mess they had made; the used dishes and pussy-soaked sheets.
The reception hall was deserted as Russeau and Llisanya entered. The guests were gone, the servants had cleaned up, the candle chandeliers had all been blown out.
“Oh, no...” Lord Russeau murmured in horrified exasperation as he beheld the deserted room. “How long did I snooze?” He exhaled a frustrated breath and muttered to himself “that damn Vishra Bill is going to pass.”
He turned and looked in grudging admiration at Llisanya, who was calculating how long she had kept Russeau in that room and how much silver she had earned. To her surprise he did not vent his anger on her. He just grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the dark hall. “Let’s go back to that damn room and have some more of those oysters in the bath tub. You owe me another fuck or two, you conniving bitch.”