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This story is about how a late-night sexual encounter with an unexpected house guest forever changed my husband's and my relationship.
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The Unexpected House Guest

by slick_chick

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"Jesse? Is that you? What the fuck are you doing in my bedroom?" I asked the shadowy figure that was standing at the foot of my bed in my unlit bedroom, when I had finally woken up enough for my brain to start to function properly.

Thanks to the dim, yellowish light of a nearly-full moon gently glowing through my sheer-curtained bedroom window, I was able to recognize that the shadowy outline of a person standing at the foot of my bed was not my husband, Rick, who had been out of town on a business trip for the last week, and was supposed to finally arrive back home sometime tomorrow afternoon.

Instead, the unexpected house guest who was standing just feet away from me in my darkened bedroom was Jesse, the college-age son of my middle-age neighbor, Beto, who just happened to live directly across the street from me and my husband.

I wasn't that scared, because I knew Jesse pretty well. My husband had hired him to keep our yards mowed and edged, and to take care of our small vegetable garden in the corner of the back yard, as well as to do some other landscaping stuff around our moderate-size home, on an as-needed basis.

And so, Jesse and I were always interacting with each other. And he struck me as being a good kid, with a positive attitude. He was always respectful towards me, and never had a bad thing to say about anyone.

Jesse was 19 years old, and was a handsome-looking Hispanic kid of Mexican descent. He was about 5' 9" tall, and had that kind of young, muscular build that screams athlete.

And whenever Jesse was around our house, and my husband wasn't around, I would find myself secretly staring at that young man's tight butt and the noticeable bulge that his package inevitably made at the front of his snug-fitting pants, as well as fantasizing about what it might be like to actually have sex with him.

Back then, I was a 43-year-old, 5' 2" tall, white woman, and a stay-at-home mother of two, whose adult kids had already flown the coop. My 25-year-old son, Jim, and his 23-year-old sister, Susie, had moved out of the house, and were both living on their own now--thank God!

For the sake of this story, it's important for you to know that, at this point in my life, I was also a super-horny white woman, since my husband, Rick, had completely quit having sex with me just a few months before. It seemed like he was always too tired to have sex with me, or too busy with work-related issues, or he was traveling out of town on business to meet with clients, like he was doing right now. Lately, Rick always had some kind of excuse not to make love to me, and that definitely didn't make me a happy camper.

So there I was, lying on my back by myself in my queen-size bed that night, at around 2:00 o'clock in the morning, having a wonderful super-erotic dream. Actually, at that very moment, I was in a half-asleep state, masturbating under the bed-covers, when I finally woke up enough to realize that there was a man standing at the foot of my bed, watching me masturbate.

And I almost-instantly realized that the shadowy figure of a man who was watching me masturbate was not my husband.

That's when my pussy-rubbing right hand came to an abrupt stop, even though it was still resting on my crotch, as I said to the uninvited man, "Jesse? Is that you?"

"Yes, ma'am. It sure is," the man softly replied.

"What the fuck are you doing in my bedroom?" I demanded harshly.

Just for the record, I had worn a loose-fitting T-shirt to bed that night. And I had the crotch-material of my white, cotton granny panties pulled all the way over to one side, so that I could expose my bare pussy to my previously-groping hand.

"I'm watching you masturbate," Jesse calmly replied, waited a beat, and then added, "Just like I'm doing."

That's when I realized that the shadowy figure that was Jesse had his right hand down in his own crotch, and I could tell that he was moving his arm all around.

"Oh, my God! This can't be happening!" I cried out into the bedroom, outwardly playing the role of a well-respected, conservative, married woman--while, at the same time, I could feel my own pussy betraying me, as it started to tingle in anticipation of what might happen next. What I hoped would happen next.

I did tell you that I was feeling super-horny, right? And that I had spent a lot of time secretly staring at the pants-covered "naughty parts" of Jesse's young muscular body, as well as fantasizing about having sex with him?

And ironically, that was exactly what I was dreaming about that night. The very same erotic dream that had caused me to wake up enough from a deep sleep to start masturbating under the covers, while I was continuing to actively fantasize that I had somehow managed to seduce Jesse into actually having sex with me.

"Oh, it's happening, alright," the all-too-real shadowy figure that was Jesse replied, as he calmly walked over to one side of the bed. And then, after fumbling around with his fingers for a few seconds to try to locate the switch, he managed to turn on the lamp that was on the night stand, next to the bed. And the lamp instantly lit up the whole bedroom in a soft-white light.

At that point, I finally saw that Jesse was in fact fondling his dick, which he had pulled out of the unzipped fly at the front of his blue jeans. And he now had a rapidly-stiffening hard-on that I couldn't take my eyes off of.

Jesse's long, super-dark-skinned, erect penis had turned out to be much more sexy-looking--and intimidating--than the slightly-smaller, lighter-skinned version of Jesse's erect penis that I had been fantasizing about in my dream, and during my subsequent masturbation under the bed-covers.

"Julie, I want you to pull back the covers, and show me your pussy," Jesse demanded in a very even tone-of-voice, acting nonchalant about what he was saying to me. He was behaving as if he had come over my house to ask me if he could borrow a cup of sugar, or some milk.

"Why?" I protested, in a last ditch effort to play the role of the conservative, married, Christian woman. "I thought you'd be interested in having sex with some girl around your own age, instead of someone like me, who's old enough to be your mother," I halfheartedly argued with him.

"You don't understand, Julie. You're the one I want to have sex with. And it's because you are old enough to be my mother.

"What you don't know is that, up until Mom passed away a few months ago, we used to secretly get together to fuck, at least two or three times a week. And that was pretty easy for us to do, since Mom and Dad had been sleeping in separate bedrooms for several years. And fortunately, Dad was a very deep sleeper."

Of course, at first, I was shocked to hear Jesse admit to me that he was having an on-going sexual relationship with his own mother. That he was literally a "mother-fucker."

But once the initial shock wore off, the one unexpected thing that Jesse's taboo confession ended up doing was mentally turning me on even more than I already was, while he was continuing to describe his sexual relationship with his own mother to me.

"You see, my mother--God rest her soul--found herself in the same situation that you're in right now. My father quit having sex with her. And that was long before she ever got sick, and ended up in the hospital. And once I found out about it, I decided to take up the slack.

"Believe me, my mother never complained about it, either. In fact, she's the one who seduced me into having sex with her that very first time, when she accidentally walked in on me in my bedroom one day, while I was jacking off.

"Instead of turning back around and walking away, like I thought she was gonna do, Mom went ahead and walked into my bedroom, and she stood right beside my bed, facing me. Then she grabbed hold of my hand, and placed it on her own crotch, and she told me that she needed me to fuck her, since Dad wasn't having sex with her anymore. Then she quickly reached over and grabbed hold of my dick, and she--"

"--How do you know Rick's not having sex with me?" I suddenly asked, intentionally interrupting Jesse's story, because frankly, I really didn't want to hear anymore about how he had sex with his own mother. I had already heard way too much, as far as I was concerned. And I felt guilty about getting turned-on by Jesse's depraved Oedipus-like story. And I also felt envious of his dead mother, which I know may sound crazy to you, but I couldn't deny how I felt at the time.

"Your husband told me so, himself. He's the one who gave me a copy of your house key, before he left town, so that I could confront you in the bedroom, just like I'm doing right now. What do you think he's doing right now?"

"Sleeping," I said confidently.

"No way, pal! Not with that cute little secretary of his in bed with him at the hotel room. He's probably fucking her brains out.

"Now, pull back your covers and show me that nasty, middle-age pussy of yours. You know you want to," said Jesse, nodding his head at me.

Without taking my eyes off of Jesse's dark-skinned dick for more than a few seconds, I reached down with my left hand and pulled the bed-covers down towards my spread-apart knees, while leaving the palm of my right hand slightly-cupped over my vulva.

And by the way, my whole crotch-area was--and still is--covered by a thick patch of dark-brown pubic hair, some of which was poking out on either side of my cupped right hand, just like it does on either side of the wide crotch-material of my granny panties.

"It's kind of old and ugly," I warned Jesse, shrugging my shoulders a little bit, trying my best to act nonchalant about everything, just like he was; despite the fact that my heart was racing, and the muscles in my legs were trembling. "I mean, I don't shave it at all anymore," I explained, stating the obvious, "and it's a little bit wrinkled up, and--"

"--But it also doesn't ever get pregnant. Now, does it?" Jesse replied, cutting me off mid-sentence.

I just kept quietly staring at Jesse's stiff, horizontal flag pole of a dick, while I thought about his remark for a moment. And then I finally said to him, "Well, no, it doesn't."

"Of course, it doesn't," Jesse quickly agreed. "That was one of the best things about fucking my own mother, instead of a girl my own age. Just like you, Mom was already well past the age of hitting her menopause. And so, not only could Mom and I fuck like rabbits any time of the month, since she no longer had those bloody periods to deal with, but we could also fuck without ever having to use any birth control.

"And I never had to worry about the possibility of getting Mom pregnant. Or about the possibility of getting some weird venereal disease from her. Because the only other man that my mother ever fucked was my father. She admitted that to me herself, also swearing to me that she was a virgin on their wedding night, believe it or not."

"So was I," I hesitantly admitted, not really knowing why I was confessing something so intimate and personal to Jesse, as if he were a Catholic priest that I was sharing a confessional booth with. But that realization on my part didn't stop me from continuing to confess to Jesse, "And my husband is the only man I've ever fucked throughout all these years."

"Up until tonight," Jesse calmly remarked, making me blush with embarrassment.

I was literally speechless for a few seconds, as I was considering the ramifications of what Jesse had just said to me. I knew that I was on the verge of breaking my marriage vows, and being unfaithful to my husband for the first time ever.

But I was also feeling so exceptionally horny at the time that I didn't really care. I was just yearning to feel a nice, warm dick in my pussy--even if it wasn't Rick's dick.

I mean, considering the circumstances, can you blame me? The only "dicks" I had felt inside my vagina over the last few months were all either hairbrush handles, or various other types of cylindrical-shaped objects, like cucumbers, zucchinis, or personal vibrators. And those room-temperature "penis substitutes" can't even begin to compete with the awesome feeling of a nice, warm, throbbing, real live penis.

"You've got a nice-looking dick on you," I complimented Jesse, just because I didn't know what else to say to him at this point.

"I'm glad you like my dick, Julie. Now please take your hand off your pussy, and show it to me, like I asked you to. 'Cuz I know you want to. I'll bet your pussy's already nice and wet right now."

I slowly removed my hand from the front of my hairy crotch, and Jesse unbuttoned the waist band of his jeans, and then pulled his pants down around the middle of his thighs, so that I finally got to see his sexy-looking balls.

My God, his balls were huge! But Jesse's erect dick wasn't exactly small, either. It had to be a good six or seven inches long--which was more than long enough for it to easily reach my cervix, and do its job.

"Oh, my God! Your balls are so sexy-looking!" I automatically remarked, unintentionally blurting out the first thought that came to my mind, without really intending to.

"You really think so? Well, prove it!" Jesse challenged me, while he continued to stare at my hairy pussy. And then, he immediately told me to reach over and start playing with his dick.

I hesitantly reached across to wrap the fingers of my left hand around the firm shaft of his blood-engorged dick. Besides being dark-skinned, Jesse's penis wasn't circumcised, like my husband's is. That only made this whole experience feel even more surreal--and sexually exciting--to me. That, and the fact that this was only the second bare, erect adult penis that I had ever touched and felt with my hands.

And as soon as my fingers first touched Jesse's now-fully-erect penis, I spontaneously orgasmed, right in front of him, with my hips bucking up and down on top of the mattress, and everything. It had been way too long since I had had my hand around a man's dick--much less a taboo Hispanic penis that didn't belong to my Scotch-Irish, red-headed husband, Rick.

"Yeah, that's it, Julie," Jesse praised me, as he witnessed me spontaneously orgasming in front of him. "Now, I know you want me to fuck you. Don't you, Julie?"

"Oh, hell yes!" I enthusiastically replied, while my orgasmic sensations were finally subsiding. I no longer felt like making any attempt to try to hide my raw sexuality from Jesse. After all, he had just finished watching me orgasm my ass off, just from the extreme level of mental sexual excitement that I was experiencing, as a direct result of me initially touching and feeling Jesse's bare erect dick with my fingers.

"Well, first, I want you to reach down with both hands, and pull your pussy-crack wide-open, and show me your clit, and your piss-hole, and your fuck-hole. Can you do that for me, Julie?"

I didn't respond verbally to him. Instead, I spread my legs even farther apart, so that I could put one hand on either side of my pussymound, and pull my pussycrack wide-open with my fingers, which automatically caused the dark-reddish-colored, glistening, bean-size head of my clitoris to prominently stick out from the end of its nearly-two-inch-long protective hood.

At that point, Jesse finally removed his shoes, and pulled his pants and boxer briefs all the way down to his ankles, before stepping out of them entirely, and leaving them crumpled up on the floor, by the bed.

Then he moved back around to the foot of the bed, and climbed up into the bed with me, while lying on his stomach between my spread-apart legs. This put his face just inches away from my held-wide-open pussy-crack. I knew that he could smell my "womanly aroma," and clearly see every part of my wet crack.

"I hope you don't mind my hairy pussy," I explained to Jesse, feeling very vulnerable, "I used to keep my pussy shaved, back when I was younger. But that was only because Rick liked it that way. Did your mother have a shaved pussy?" I asked without thinking, before quickly realizing that I had just unintentionally brought up the subject of Jesse's dead mother again.

"No. Her pussy was even hairier than yours."

"Wow! I find that hard to believe."

"Why? She was Mexican, through and through. The only parts of her body that my mother ever shaved were her legs, and that little mustache that would try to grow across her upper lip. So, unlike you, Mom even had hairy armpits to go along with that super-hairy pussy of hers. And hairy pussies turn me on much more than shaved ones do. That's just one more reason why I prefer having sex with older women."

Then, as I was just about to confess to Jesse that I had hairy armpits too, just like his mother did, he suddenly switched topics to ask me, "Would it be okay with you if I touch your clit?"

"Damn it, Jesse, quit teasing me! Go ahead and touch my clit already!" I barked back him.

"No!" he barked right back at me. "I wanna touch your piss-hole first."

Jesse then proceeded to stick his fingers into my held-wide-open pussycrack. And he manually and visually explored it, until he quickly found my piss-hole, at which point he placed the padded tip of his middle finger directly over my urethral opening, and then told me, "Now, I want you to pee a little bit for me."

"You're kidding, right?" I balked.

"No, I'm dead serious! Now, do what I told you to do, or I'll leave right now, without even fucking you. You wouldn't want that, now would you?"

"No," I confessed honestly.

The last thing I wanted at that moment was for Jesse to leave my bedroom without fucking me. However, in hindsight, my rational mind later realized that, at this point in our sexual encounter, there was no way that Jesse was going to leave my bedroom without fucking me first--or raping me, if I had tried to put up any resistance.

"Okay, then. What are you waiting for?" Jesse goaded me. "Start pissing, damn it!"

I struggled to release a couple of small spurts of urine up against the tips of Jesse's fingers, after which he surprised me by shoving his urine-coated, held-together fingers up deep into my well-worn vagina.

I sucked in a bunch of air and gasped loudly when he did that to me, because it caught me totally off-guard.

Then Jesse got up onto his knees, and moved in towards my crotch, preparing to mount me missionary-style. While doing that, he reached down with his right hand, and began feeling out my little clit.

He continued doing that, as I felt the head of his dick being rubbed up and down my wet crack, and then finally penetrating the entrance of my vagina, to slowly slide up into my tingling pussy.

At that point, I pulled my hands and fingers away from sides of my held-wide-open pussy, letting my blood-engorged pussy-lips naturally close up around the warm, rigid shaft of Jesse's dick.

"Does this feel good to you, Julie" Jesse asked.

I hummed back, "Uh-huh," quickly nodding my head at the same time.

"Good" was the understatement of the year at that moment. Jesse's firm, young dick felt fucking awesome to my old, sex-starved pussy! I found myself foolishly wishing that our raw, animalistic intercourse could have lasted for several hours. But my rational mind knew that I would be lucky if Jesse managed to last for a few precious minutes, before shooting his wad inside me.

"Do you wanna know what Mom and I used to like to pretend, whenever I was fucking her?"

"Sure," I automatically replied, as I was struggling to keep paying attention to what Jesse was saying to me, instead of mentally focusing on how fucking awesome his taboo dick was feeling inside my vajayjay.

Jesse continued explaining to me, "Mom and I both used to pretend--and act as if--I was getting her pregnant. That really seemed to crank up the mental turn-on factor for both of us, and made our orgasms much stronger. What do ya say? Do you wanna do that with me?"

"I'm already doing it," I honestly admitted to him, feeling quite embarrassed. "Hey, I can't help where my mind goes, once I get turned-on."

"Well, neither can I," Jesse admitted, as he began to slowly thrust away at my pussy with those large, sexy, Mexican-sperm-filled balls of his gently slapping up against my butt-cheeks on each inward thrust.

I was just passively lying there on my back, with my legs spread as far apart as I could comfortably get them, and with the open palms of my hands on top of the bed, on either side of my hips, while I was letting Jesse have his way with me--that is, until his slow, methodical thrusting soon began driving me nuts. My sex-staved pussy was crying out for more stimulation.

"Do you think you could hump away a little bit faster?" I asked Jesse coyly. "You're gonna to have to, if you wanna make me cum again. Did you make your mother cum while you were fucking her?"

"Are you kidding? That woman used to squirt all over the place! In fact, she used to have to spread out several thick towels underneath her hips and her legs, right before she would let me mount her and start fucking her. How 'bout you? Do you need me to stop, so that you can spread out some towels on the bed?"

"No, I'm not really much of a squirter, thank God! My cum is usually very thick and whitish-colored. Rick used to joke with me that my cum looks just like sperm. And he's right, you know? Because my cum really does look like sperm. Actually, it looks just like I'm slowly ejaculating sperm out of the rear of my pussy-crack."

Meanwhile, Jesse had kept on humping away at my pussy at a moderate pace while I was telling him about my sperm-looking cum, before he finally stopped humping temporarily to remark to me, "Wow! I'd like to see that for myself sometime--that is, if you'll let me have sex with you again. Who knows? Maybe next time, you'll even show me your titties," Jesse added, as reached over to place his hand on my chest, and then gently squeezed one of my T-shirt-covered, puffed-out, erect nipples with his fingertips.

"I'll show you my little titties right now--just as long as you'll promise to play with 'em and suck on my nipples, while you're fucking me."

"Sounds good to me," Jesse agreed.

And I pulled up the whole bottom front part of my thin cotton T-shirt to wrap it around my neck, totally exposing my super-small, 'AA'-cup size breasts to my new lover, Jesse, for the first time ever.

I felt very self-conscious about doing that. Because my tiny breasts look like they should belong on the chest of a 12-year-old girl going through puberty, instead of gracing the chest of a middle-age woman, like me.

And Jesse started humping away at my pussy again, as he reached up and began playing with my tiny breasts, which are really not much more than glorified, puffed-out nipples sitting on top of my virtually-flat chest.

But seeing and playing with my breasts really seemed to excite Jesse at lot. And he verified my observation, when he confessed to me, "My mother had small breasts, just like you do. They're a real turn-on!"

"I'm glad you think so. My husband's not really thrilled with 'em."

"His loss," Jesse remarked.

And then, he rammed the head of his dick up against my cervix and just held it there, while he let out his soft "cum grunt," right before his rhythmically-pulsating penis began releasing his whole wad of sperm directly against the neck of my uterus, as he was forcefully whispering to me in my right ear, "Take my sperm, you fucking whore!"

And that only served to make me cum even harder than I already was, just from pretending that Jesse was in the process of getting me pregnant. It had been at least a decade since Rick had managed to make me cum that strongly during intercourse.

After Jesse had finished getting his rocks off deep inside my pussy, he abruptly pulled his dick out. And then, he got up out of the bed to start putting his boxer briefs and pants back on, all the while acting as if nothing special or exciting had just taken place between us.

"Where are you going, Jesse? I thought you were gonna spend the night with me. I mean, you said you loved my little titties. And the truth is I still need some more of that sexy, Mexican sperm of yours in my pussy. Please don't leave right now..." I begged Jesse, feeling quite alarmed about this unexpected turn-of-events.

And that's when I heard a pair of hands slowly and softly clapping from across the room. And then, my husband's voice suddenly speaking out from the bedroom doorway, "Bravo! Great show, you two! I've got the whole thing on video. Julie, I want an uncontested divorce, you fucking whore!"

"Fuck you! And the secretary you rode in on!" I snapped right back at my 45-year-old husband.

"What on earth are you talking about?" Rick asked. "You know I don't have a secretary."

"That's not the point! The point is that, up until tonight, I've been faithful to you throughout all these years--even though I know you've been cheating on me for the last several months. Don't deny it. I've got proof," I said, lying through my teeth.

Then, I continued to boldly threaten my husband, "So, the only way that I'll agree to give you an uncontested divorce is if you get the fuck out of this bedroom and this house right now, and let Jesse sleep with me for the rest of the night!"

"Hey! That wasn't part of our deal!" Jesse complained loudly to Rick from across the bedroom. "You'll have to pay me at least $500.00 more, if you want me to sleep with your wife all night long."

I was in shock when I heard those words coming out of Jesse's mouth. And I was pissed off that I had fallen for his lies, and that he was just "doing me" for the money that my husband had paid him.

Rick just stood there at the bedroom doorway and silently glared at Jesse, who finally begged him, "Come on, man? I could barely stand having sex with Julie that first time. And if I go ahead and sleep with her, I'll have to kiss her, and cuddle up with her, and pretend that I'm really into her--which I'm definitely not. I mean, I can't help it if I don't find flat-chested cougars attractive."

My eyes were shooting daggers at Jesse, while I was listening to him confess to Rick how he really felt about having sex with me. And I seriously felt like strangling Jesse to death right there in my bedroom. But of course, I didn't want to spend the rest of my life in prison. So, I lashed out at him verbally, instead.

"Fuck you, Jesse! Get the fuck out of here!" I screamed at Jesse, as loudly as I could, unleashing my rage on him like a cannon burst, while being painfully aware that I had a vagina full of his sperm, and that I couldn't really do anything about it at that moment--even if I wanted to.

Jesse barged past Rick at the bedroom doorway, and he left the bedroom and the house.

Once I heard the front door of the house slam shut, I abruptly switched my attention--and my rage--back towards my cheater of a husband, who was still standing at the doorway.

"I want you to fuck me, Rick. Take off your damn clothes, get into this God damn bed, and fuck my sloppy-seconds pussy right now!

"I mean, it's either that, or I won't give you that uncontested divorce that you say you're wanting.

"You see, the truth is, all I'm wanting is your sexy dick in my pussy right now! Do you think you're man enough to pleasure your own wife?"

"Of course, I am!" Rick stated defensively, as he approached the side of the bed, and took off his clothes. Then he asked me point-blank to suck his dick, which was already partially-erect when I first laid my eyes on it, while he was undressing.

"I've got a much better idea," I coyly said to my shitty husband, after I had my hand wrapped around the shaft of his circumcised penis. "Why don't you eat my pussy, instead? You haven't done that in years!"

"But it's got Jesse's jizz all over it," Rick complained, while he was rudely pointing his index finger at my bare pussy.

And so, I replied, "Now, whose fault is that? You're the one who obviously paid Jesse to fuck me. Where did you think he was gonna end up squirting his sperm? Come on, Rick. You're a man. So why don't you man up and eat my pussy, you fucking whore of a husband!

"And who knows? If you do a good enough job, you might even make me cum--which is something you haven't done in years, by the way!"

"You mean, you've been faking your orgasms all this time?" Rick asked me, with his mouth wide-open in obvious disbelief, as he was climbing up onto the bed to lie on his stomach with his head between my spread-apart thighs.

"Well, duh!" I sarcastically replied, and then grabbed the back of Rick's head with both hands, and forcefully pulled his mouth and nose into my freshly-creampied crotch.

Just a few seconds after I felt Rick's tongue being inserted and actively moved around inside the crack of my sticky pussy, I orgasmed my butt off, just from the thought that my husband was now licking up and tasting some of Jesse's sperm, that was mixed in with my own cum from that earlier unexpected encounter.

And after my third strong orgasm of the night finally wound down, I thought to myself, Take that, you cheating mother-fucker! I'll show you who's really in control of this relationship.

Rick finally pulled his wet face out of my pussycrack, and he moved his body over the top of mine, supporting himself up on his two arms, while he was attempting to mount me in a missionary-style intercourse position.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked sarcastically.

"Rubbing the head of my dick up and down your crack to get it wet, so that I can mount you, and start fucking," Rick answered matter-of-factly.

"I didn't say you could mount me yet. Now, did I?"

"Well, no but--"

"--but what?" I asked, cutting Rick off. "I'm not gonna let you mount me until you promise me that you're gonna play with my little titties, and suck on my nipples the whole time that you're fucking me. Do we have a deal?"

"Oh, come on, Julie!" Rick balked. "You know that your little boobies don't really excite me very much."

"But getting my 'little boobies' played with, and sucked on, does excite me a lot--especially while I'm fucking at the same time! And that's something you've never even thought about. Have you? And you wonder why I've had to fake my orgasms over all these years..."

"Okay, you've got a deal," Rick eventually agreed, as he inserted the tip of his throbbing penis up into my vagina, and then leaned over my chest and began sucking away on my left nipple while he was thrusting away at my pussy.

I praised him for his cooperation, "You see? That's not so bad. Now, is it?"

My husband didn't answer me. He just kept on sucking my left nipple so hard that it felt like he was going to suck it right off my chest.

Then, a couple of minutes after Rick had begun thrusting away at my pussy, I felt his dick suddenly start to rhythmically pulsate inside my vagina, while he was ejaculating like crazy. He even cried out and got very vocal during his orgasm, which is something that I hadn't heard him do in years.

And of course, during our intercourse, I was naturally pretending that Rick's ejaculating sperm was getting me pregnant--and I orgasmed my ass off underneath him. That was my fourth strong orgasm of the night, and I nearly lost consciousness for a few moments.

After my husband pulled his dick out of my pussy and rolled over onto his side, I explained to him, "That last orgasm of mine was very real and very strong, in case you couldn't tell."

"Oh, I could tell, alright. I could feel your pussy squeezing away at my dick, while I was cumming inside you."

"So, are you sure you want a divorce, Rick? Because what I think you really want is to watch other men have sex with me in front of you.

"And if that's the case, I'm good with it, believe it or not. You don't realize how awesome it felt to have another man's dick--and especially his sperm--in my pussy tonight. Even if Jesse was just doing it for the money you were paying him, and not because he really liked me enough to want to have sex with me. And so, the real truth of the matter is, I'd gladly fuck another man in a heartbeat. But only if that's what you want me to do."

"God, you know me better than anyone else in this world."

"So, do you have someone in mind that you want me to fuck in front of you?"

"Yeah. Jesse's father, Beto," Rick quickly replied, without even giving it a thought first.

My husband’s way-too-rapid response to my question told me that he already had Beto lined up in his mind to be the next man to fuck me.

Then, Rick continued describing to me why he wants Beto to fuck me, “His wife died a few months ago, and I'm sure he hasn't been getting any pussy since then. At least, I never see Beto with a woman.

"And so I asked him the other day if he was getting any pussy. And he admitted to me that he hasn't had sex with a woman ever since his wife passed away. And unlike his son, Jesse, Beto just happens to find you very attractive and super fuckable, by the way."

"It's too bad I don't feel the same way about him," I remarked. "But I have to admit, Beto's one hell of a nice guy! And I'm pretty sure his dick works just fine--even at his age. So, when do you want me to let Beto have sex with me in front of you?"

"I don't really want to be there, while you guys are doing the dirty deed together. With your permission, I would prefer to secretly shoot the whole thing on hidden camera, and then watch the video later, in private--"

"--while you're jacking off to it. Isn't that what you really mean?" I jumped in to finish Rick's sentence.

Rick just stared at me with this mouth open.

"Hey, I wasn't born yesterday," I explained to him. "I know how much you love watching porn. And what better porn is there than watching your own wife having sex with another man?

"So, you have my permission to secretly create videos of me having sex. But only if you promise me that those secret videos will never get posted online anywhere out on the Internet, or be shown to any of our friends or family members. In other words, this has to be kept secret between you and me for the rest of our lives. Do you promise me that?"

"Of course. It's the least I can do, considering what you're going to be doing for me."

"I'm not just doing it for you, Rick. I'm doing it for me, too. I guess you and Jesse were right about me after all."

"What do you mean?" Rick asked.

"I mean that, after all these years of being faithful to you, tonight I finally realized that--deep down inside--I really am just a fucking whore. And now, I'm more than ready to take my pent-up horniness to a whole new level. I'm so happy that you've decided to come along with me for what I am positive will be a wild ride. So, where do you want me to fuck Beto, and when?"

"How about tomorrow night in our bedroom? That would be the easiest for me, because the hidden camera's already set up for filming you and Jesse tonight. Plus, for some unknown reason, it's a real turn-on for me to have my wife fucking another man in our own bed."

"Yeah, right. Like that doesn't turn me on, too," I commented to my husband as sarcastically as I could. "Just get Beto's ass over here tomorrow night, and I'll show you how much that turns me on."

"Would you do me a big favor?"

"What's that?"

"Could you suck Beto's dick at some point, while you guys are having sex tomorrow?"

"Sure. But only if you let him spend the whole night with me, naked in bed, without you showing up at the bedroom doorway and interrupting us. That way, I can let him fuck me first, and then afterwards, while we're lying in bed together, I'll suck his dick to give him another hard-on, so that he can fuck me a second time--which I'm sure he will."

"I'm sure he will, too," my husband agreed. "Like I said, he hasn't gotten any pussy in months!"

"Try 'years,'" I said to Rick.

"What're you talkin' 'bout?"

"That's what Jesse told me. His father hadn't had sex with his mother for several years before she died. They even slept in separate bedrooms."

"My God! I wonder if he even remembers how to fuck!" Rick stated, and we both cracked up laughing.

It had been a while since I had heard my husband laugh uncontrollably like that. And that only helped to reassure me that I was right about his not really wanting to divorce me.

After our laughter died down, I finally said to Rick, "So, I suppose you want me to suck your dick right now..."

"How did you ever guess?" Rick sarcastically replied, as I casually grabbed hold of the flaccid shaft of his sperm-coated penis, and swooped down onto the end of it with my wide-open mouth.

And while I was sucking and licking away at Rick's dick--and as I felt it respond by rapidly growing and stiffening in my hand and mouth--I thought to myself, Wow! This is going be so awesome! The last time I fucked three times in one night was on my wedding night, 25 years ago. And that was also the same night that Rick got me pregnant with Jim.

I pulled my mouth up off of Rick's dickhead to say to him, "Rick?"

"Yes, sweetie."

"I want you to fuck me again. But this time, I want you to try to get me pregnant."

"What on earth are you talking about, Julie? You reached menopause several months ago. There's no way you can get pregnant!" said Rick.

"Just humor me, okay? I want you pretend that you're getting me pregnant, while you're fucking me. And I'm gonna do the same. Trust me. It's a real turn-on! You'll see," I promised him

And of course, my husband ultimately gave into my request, and he agreed to pretend, right along with me.

What my husband didn't know was that I actually had a menstrual period a couple of weeks earlier, believe it or not. It surprised the crap out of me when it happened! It had been nearly six months since I had what I assumed was my final menstrual period, but this was a real period nevertheless. And it lasted for a full five days, just like my periods always did, before I ever reached menopause.

Not only that, but I was feeling extremely horny tonight, which is how I always used to feel whenever I was ovulating as a pre-menopausal woman. And that made me highly suspicious that I might actually be ovulating and fertile tonight--maybe for the last time ever.

Just think about it for a moment. I had already let myself get fucked twice by two different men tonight. And I'm not using any birth control. And there I was, with my hand wrapped around my husband's now-fully-erect penis, getting ready to take yet a third wad of sperm deep inside my pussy--ideally, right up against the neck of my possibly-fertile womb. Talk about tempting fate...

But I was living proof that when a woman gets feeling horny enough, she'll throw all caution to the wind, and fuck like a rabbit, just to experience that next string of earth-shaking orgasms--no matter what the future consequences of not using any birth control might turn out to be.

After all, that's how this previous-virgin got pregnant on her wedding night.

And just for the record, I'm the one who reached down and pulled the condom off of Rick's penis while he was right in the middle of fucking me that very first time, and taking my virginity.

Looking back on it now, I realize that I removed the condom from Rick's dick mostly because I was ovulating and feeling extremely horny that evening. But I also did it because I was very curious to find out what it would feel like to have Rick's bare penis--and especially his sperm--inside of my vagina.

And Rick was also very curious. Because up until that night, just like me, Rick had been a virgin too, believe it or not.

Afterwards, I tossed the box of leftover condoms into the waste basket by the bed in our hotel room. And then I went ahead and let Rick fuck my fertile pussy two more times during our wedding night--which of course, he was more than happy to do.

By the way, just in case you were wondering, I kept my whole pubic area clean-shaven back then. I didn't stop shaving my pubic area until a couple of years later, a few months after I had my daughter, Susie. At that point, I was so perpetually tired that there really wasn't any time left in the day to worry about unimportant and mundane things, like keeping my armpits and my pussy shaved. Heck, it was hard enough just to keep my legs shaved, so that I wouldn't embarrass Rick or myself when we went out in public, while I was wearing a dress or a skirt.

Ironically, that's when Rick finally admitted to me one night that he actually preferred that my pussy be left in its naturally-hairy state. Go figure.

Fast forward to nine months after my unexpected sexual encounter with Jesse that night in my bedroom.

I had just turned 44, and I was busy giving birth to a new baby boy at the hospital.

Rick was right by my side, coaching me through the whole ordeal. But just as soon as he saw the baby's head pop out of my vagina, it was obvious to me, from his negative reaction, that Rick immediately realized the baby wasn't his.

And so did I, when the nurse finally placed our new baby in my arms. It was painfully obvious to me that Jesse was definitely the baby's biological father, and not my husband, Rick.

"This is all your fault, you know?" I eventually leaned over and forcefully whispered in Rick's ear. "You're the one who had the brilliant idea to pay Jesse to fuck me that night on hidden camera, so that I'd give you an uncontested divorce. Well, I hope you're happy now!" I said as sarcastically as I could.

"I hope you are too, sweetie," Rick sincerely replied, whispering in my ear. "I mean, thanks to me, how many other men have you gotten to fuck throughout the last nine months? Well, how many?"

"I'm not really sure. But it's been a bunch," I whispered back to him.

"You betcha. Thirty-two men. But who's counting?" Rick stated matter-of-factly, still whispering in my ear to keep our conversation as private as possible, what with all the post-birth nurses that were scurrying around us. "That's nearly a different man every week. And I've had the privilege of watching you have sex with every one of them, on video.

"And each time I jack off while watching those taboo videos of yours, it turns me on so much that I can barely stand it. And it makes me orgasm my ass off! Just like you always do, whenever you're having sex with other men. So, I have no regrets. And neither should you."

After thinking about what Rick had just said, I told him, "I think my only regret is that I still haven't gotten to watch you fuck another woman on hidden camera, like you promised me you'd do."

"I'm sorry. I forgot to show you the video. That's all. Please don't get mad at me, but I fucked your best friend, Emily, around six months ago. She came over to the house one afternoon, while you were out grocery shopping."

"How on earth did you get someone as straight-laced as Emily to let you fuck her?"

"I offered to pay her, of course. Just like I paid Jesse to fuck you that night. I've learned that desperate people will do just about anything, if you offer them enough money.

"But for some reason, you friend, Emily, didn't want the money. She just wanted me to fuck her."

"Wow! That's what I call desperate!" I commented sarcastically, as I was laughing.

"You can say that again!" Rick snapped right back, and we both laughed even more--that is, until our newborn baby boy began crying in my arms.

One of the nurses came and whisked our newborn baby away, to take him to the hospital nursery ward.

Once Rick and I were alone together in the hospital birthing room, I said to him, "By the way, I talked to Emily a few weeks ago, and she told me she was pregnant.

"And I thought that was really weird, because Emily has been a card-carrying lesbian, ever since I've known her. But I'm one of the few people who actually knows that Emily is gay, since she prefers not to flaunt her lesbianism in public. So, I naturally assumed that she must have gone and gotten herself artificially inseminated."

"Wow!" Rick remarked, shaking his head slowly from side to side. Then, after a short pause, he finally said, "Believe me, Julie, there was nothing artificial about Emily's insemination. But at least, now I know why Emily didn't want me to pay her."

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