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Ray is waiting for his mother to get home for a promised dinner together but she is late.
Ray was lying face down on his bed with his headphones on, intentionally ignoring any other potential noise in his home. Particularly, he was pretending to have an excuse to ignore his mom, who should have been home by then. She had promised to be home in time to make supper but had left food in the fridge just in case. Ray was old enough to know this meant she was most likely not going to make it home.

At the very least, she was going to be too late for supper as it was already past 4:00 the last time Ray looked at the clock. It was petty, but his only retaliation against his mother’s constant broken promises was to pretend like he did not care. Whenever she did get home, she would call for him and he would not answer. When she came to his room she would see him listening to music and know he was not bothered by her tardiness at all. At least that was what he hoped.

Unluckily for Ray, the track happened to change while his mother was closing the front door and he heard it. Now instead of being able to actually ignore her, he had to pretend. He picked up the CD case from his night stand and pretended to read the track list just before she entered his room. “Raymond?” she cooed softly. His ears twitched under his headphones but she could not see them. “Come on, stop pretending to ignore me.” She sat on the edge of his bed.

He could feel her presence as his mattress sank, but he really could not hear her. She continued to speak as if he could. “This is all temporary, you know that right? As soon as Monica and Celia are safe, I won’t have to check on them every day.”

Ray finally sat up. He was glaring as he rolled over to face his mother. She took the headphones off his head before he said anything. “Why are you more of a mother to Celia than me?” he grumbled.

“I’ve only gone over to their house a dozen times. I’ve been raising you since you were born. I know it feels like I am neglecting you, but you can’t be this selfish. They need me.”

“No, they need someone, but it doesn’t have to be you.”

“It’s a delicate situation. You’ve seen Celia at school. You’ve seen the bruises her father leaves on her. How can you not be sympathetic?”

“It’s not my job to be.” Ray folded his arms.

“Well it is mine. That’s the whole point of working at a women’s shelter; to offer support.”

“But not every single day,” Ray whined.

“It’s not ever day. It’s been at most twice a week for 2 months.”

“But it’s every day we have plans,” he argued. “I only get to see you between school and work we never hang out anymore. It’s not even the arcade or a diner, it’s just supper.”

“And this is their life and future. Do you know how hard it was for me to get Monica to trust me? If I don’t answer when she calls, she’ll never trust the shelter again. I know you’re mad, but you throwing a tantrum because I wasn’t around for a mere 2 months is not more important than getting them out of that situation. Can’t you be a little more mature and empathetic?”

“Isn’t your empathy what landed you with this stupid job in the first place? If this is what empathy does to you, then you can keep it.” His mother was about to scold him when her cell phone began to ring. She checked the caller ID to gauge its importance before excusing herself from the room to take the call. Ray scoffed when he saw Monica’s name on the front screen.

Monica was one of the women who had come to his mother’s shelter with her daughter a few years back, running from her abusive husband. His mom had worked hard to transfer Celia to Ray’s school and get Monica a job nearby. Then, as soon as she had an apartment of her own instead of living in the shelter, Monica called her ex-husband and had him move in with her again. She thought he would not be able to abuse her if she was the bread winner in the family.

She was, of course, completely mistaken and now Ray’s mother was working harder than before to setup a place far away where Monica and Celia could escape to. It kept getting delayed because Monica kept trying to threaten her husband with her plans to leave as an attempt to scare him straight. Every time she did, he would either lash out and punish her and Celia, or he would pretend to repent just long enough to learn where they were going and ruin their plans.

Ray could hear the panic in his mother’s voice as she tried to coax Monica to tell her what was happening. It was obvious from her shouting that Monica was shouting too. The last time Ray heard it get this loud, Monica had locked herself and Celia in the bathroom to make the call while her husband tried to break down the door. Ray was not sure if his mother was exaggerating but she regaled the story to him as if she had arrived just in time to keep him from killing Monica and Celia.

Ray followed his mother downstairs, intending to continue their conversation when her phone call ended, but it never did. She was still talking on the phone on her way out the door, having put her coat back on one arm at a time while switching the phone from hand to hand to keep from dropping it. Ray was waiting to hand her purse to her when she realized she had forgotten it and reopened the door. She winced apologetically but did not speak at all, more concerned with not interrupting whatever Monica was saying.


Ray waited 2 whole days without seeing or hearing from his mother. He was not even sure if she had made it to Monica’s apartment safely and he feared the worst. She had not been home either or there would have been food for him in the fridge. The house remained untouched for what felt like the longest 2 days of Ray’s life.

When he heard the familiar sound of his mother’s car in the driveway, Ray sighed with relief. Before he reached the front door, it had been replaced with anger. He opened it, planning to launch into a tirade about his mother’s irresponsibility, but fumbled when he saw she was not alone. He knew who Celia was from school and recognized her immediately. She was in the middle of saying something but stopped the moment the door flew open.

Ray glared at his mother but she put her finger to her lips, warning him not to say a word. He watched in confusion as Celia marched into his home like she belonged there. She went right past him and to the stairs. “The room at the end of the hall,” Ray’s mother called after her.

“What is she doing here?” Ray demanded as soon as he was sure Celia was out of earshot.

“What do you mean?” his mother feigned innocence.

“Why isn’t she at her home?”

“She can’t go back there alone,” his mother answered.

“Then why isn’t she at the shelter with Monica. Where is Monica? Why can’t they go home?”

“Monica is dead,” his mother hissed in a low whisper. “Charles stabbed her. We’ve been at the hospital since Monday.”

“No.” Ray shook his head, refusing to believe her. She had to be joking. “Is he in jail?”

His mother shook her head. “The police had to shoot him. He’s dead too.”

Ray glanced at the stairs where Celia had disappeared. She did not look like she had just lost both her parents. She looked calm and almost stoic. She had been laughing outside the door, he heard her. How heartless of a daughter was she? “She’s coping,” his mother could sense what Ray was thinking. “I took her to get supplies before we came here. We didn’t bring anything from her place. The clothes she was wearing had blood on them. Just now we were talking to keep her mind busy and I was trying to talk about cheery things.”

“That’s creepy, just let her sulk at the shelter,” Ray muttered.

“Weren’t we just talking about empathy?” his mom recalled their last conversation.

“That was 2 days ago. Your empathy has kept you away from your family and let a stranger into your home? How long is she staying; a day, a month?”

“Forever,” she cut him off.

“No.” He shook his head again. “She’s not your responsibility.”

“She absolutely is. I am all she has left.”

Ray continued shaking his head. “You can hardly take care of one child.”

“Damn it, Raymond, stop being selfish!” she snapped at him.

“When were you going to tell me?” he argued.

“I called you.”

“I don’t have a phone,” he reminded her.

“I meant I called the house. I left a voice mail.”

“You told me not to check voice mails because they are probably all related to your job,” he hissed.

“I was gone for 2 days. You didn’t think that might have been an exception to my rule?”

“I didn’t think to check.”

“The light is blinking.”

“I'm not used to looking for it. Why didn’t you call when I was home from school instead of in the morning?”

“I wasn’t keeping track of time,” she sputtered.

“Clearly getting in touch with me was not a high priority for you.”

“Raymond, that’s not fair.”

“Life’s not fair.” He shrugged.

“Raymond, people are dead. Get over yourself.”

“How am I supposed to do that? I’m stuck raising myself here.”

“It was 2 days. You’re goddamn spoiled. It’s ridiculous. Look her in the eyes and tell her you don’t care at all after what you just heard.”

Ray turned to face the stairs. “I'm sorry your parents died, but can you like, not take advantage of my mother like a freeloader?” His mother realized too late that Celia had come back downstairs. She looked at her for instructions, wondering if she was being kicked out.

She swatted her son on the back of his had as she ran to hug Celia. “Don’t listen to him. You’re welcome to stay as long as you need to. No, you are staying. You’re part of this family now.”

Ray’s eyes bulged for a second. He looked like he wanted to shout at Celia but her stoic expression as his mother clung to her, trying to comfort her, made him hesitate. Instead he walked past them up the stairs. “You think she’ll be a good mother to you?” he spoke without turning his head. “That spot used to be mine. One day she’ll trade you in for the next sob story too.”

His mother looked furious, like she wanted to hit him again, but she could not reach him without letting go of Celia and she refused to do so. Celia remained stoic. It was not apparent if she did not understand Ray’s hostility or just didn’t care. She had more important things on her mind. There was nothing cruel enough he could say that would make her situation worse.


Over the next month, Ray saw very little of his mother or Celia. She was not going to school so he was always awake before her and she was always in her room when he returned. His mother refused or forgot to make food for him anymore, forcing him to buy instant foods from the convenience store on the way home. She worked late and did not call for him when she got home. He stopped leaving his door open and began blasting his music without headphones to make sure he could not hear anything going on outside his room.

On the fifth week since he started confining himself to his room, Ray was playing on his game console when the TV in his room suddenly changed hues. He got up from his bed and hit the picture box from the side, trying to reset the electronic components within as he had many times before. Instead the screen went completely blank. He could tell from the buzzing sound and the static when he touched the screen that it was still on, but it would not show any picture. It was effectively junk.

Sighing, he gathered his console and its wires up into a heap and left his room. He trotted down the stairs loudly, hoping that anyone around would hear him and rush to leave the way he did for them. He was almost shocked when he saw Celia on the couch watching TV when he reached the bottom step. One look at her stoic expression and he realized his mistake. If she was capable of caring enough to avoid him, she hid it well.

“Get up,” he shouted as he circled around to the front of the couch. Her eyes shifted from the screen to him momentarily. Her eyebrow raised, confirming she as surprised to see him, but she did nothing else to respond. The screen was nothing but commercials and she did not look invested at all, but she still did not move.

Ray took a moment to look her up and down. She was much skinnier than the first time they had met, back when she was living at the shelter with Monica. Her clothing looked stylish, thanks to his mother, but being brand new they did not seem to fit her; a jean jacket over a tight black top that barely reached her waist. She had a skirt and leggings, completing some sort of punk or goth look.

Her gaunt face held no expression, not even the haunting look of trauma his mother claimed she had whenever she spoke to him about her. She was pretty enough for someone not wearing any makeup. The lack of any fat on her skinny bones was not something Ray was into but he had friends who told him Celia was their type so he knew what her good points were. The slight protrusion of her hip bones or the bangs covering her forehead were particularly of interest.

When Ray took the remote out of her hand, she did not even try to stop him. He switched the channel to 3 and set about attaching his game console to the VCR. She watched the blank screen at first and then watched his game booting up. An hour later she was still watching him as he played Legend of Zelda.

Annoyed more by her lifelessness than her actual presence, Ray paused the game and turned to face her. “Can you just go away?”

“Your mom wants me here,” she retorted.

“I mean leave the room. Well yes, get out of my house, but first let me play in peace.”

“I'm not bothering you,” she argued without raising her voice or changing her tone.

“Yes, you are. Your very existence bothers me.”

“My father would agree with you,” she spat back.

“Haha, that’s right. Pity works wonders on my mother. Too bad I don’t have her bleeding heart.”

“What do you want then?” she asked.

“Excuse me?” he was confused by the question.

“What will it take for you to put up with me?”

“You want my pity, and my support? You want to live in my house and leach off my mother forever and you want me to welcome you?”


“I’ll tell you what you can do. You can suck my dick.” Ray un-paused the game while rolling his eyes. He knew she was just desperate not to get kicked out but hearing her beg made him feel justified in his treatment of her. She was using his mother’s pity to freeload. It did not matter if she really had no where else to go and really did need help, she was still taking advantage his sweet mother; his mother who would never abandon a child in need unless it was her own.

Ray smirked when he felt the weight next to him on the couch disappear. Finally she had got the picture that he wanted her to leave him alone. All it took was cussing at her. When she stepped in front of the TV, he thought she was just trying to annoy him on her way out of the room, but then she did not leave. Instead, she knelt down in front of him, between the couch and the coffee table. He was curious what she was doing but was also trying to pay attention to the screen.

He only realized something was amiss when he felt her hands on his waist. He almost jerked away but had to pay attention to the screen for the moment. By the time he was able to pause the game again, she had already worked his fly open and was fishing in his trousers with her skinny hands. He had missed his chance to react adversely and now seemed to have been intentionally letting her touch him for some time. Weighing the options in his head, he procrastinated until she actually gripped his cock with her hand.

He immediately put his hand on her forehead and tried to push her away from him. As her back was against the coffee table, she did not move at all. She began stroking up and down his shaft, which had already started to grow. A tingling sensation ran from the tip to the base and he let out a huff of air, betraying his excitement. On its own, the rapidly growing organ poked out of his fly. Celia pulled her hand with it and continued to stroke up and down. Ray felt like she had to be an expert at it. Perhaps she had a boyfriend at school or perhaps her father was even more of a scumbag than his mother had let on.

At the moment, Ray felt like the scumbag though. He could not have known Celia would take his words seriously, but he had more than ample opportunity to correct the misunderstanding but had not. Part of him wanted to see just how far she would go before he inevitably had to tell her he was just joking. Cautiously he removed his hand from her forehead, attempting to hide his initial aversion. Celia thought it had a different meaning as she could now lean forward enough to put the head of his cock in her mouth.

Ray gasped as he felt wetness overwhelming him. It was the single most exciting thing he had ever felt. It covered the whole head and eventually the shaft as well. He reached out toward her face instinctively. When she reared back in surprise he quickly grabbed her head by the sides and pulled her back. He did not like the cold feeling left behind when his shaft left her mouth. Her cheeks bulged a little as his cock slid deeper into her mouth but she quickly adjusted.

Her tongue felt warm and smooth as it glided along the bottom of his shaft. When the head of his cock reached the back of her throat she let out a slight huff of relief. Ray let go of her head and let her pull all the way off and spit his cock out. She gasped and spat saliva onto her chin, heaving to catch her breath and not lifting her head at all. Ray began to worry she had hurt herself putting his whole cock inside her mouth.

After what seemed like forever with his cock shrinking in the cold air as her saliva cooled on it, she looked up again and put her lips around the tip. Gripping the base with her fist, she pumped her head forward, leaning on her knees. Rays eyes rolled back a little bit as he lost himself in the feeling. He eventually just leaned all the way back and closed them. This caused his cock to pull out of Celia’s mouth but she practically lunged forward on her knees to return it to the warm of her dripping orifice.

After pumping all the way to the back of her throat again, she finally sat back, letting it glide out. It felt slimy just pulling her saliva out past her lips. Ray groaned in annoyance and put his hands on her shoulders, urging her to lean forward again. Obediently she returned her lips to his head and then pushed down the shaft. When the tip reached her throat she began to pull back but his hands on her shoulders held her slightly. It was not enough to keep her down but it conveyed Ray’s reluctance for her to spit him out again.

She stayed posed on her knees for a moment, letting him back in the warmth of her mouth. When she tried to pull back again, he tightened his grip on her shoulders. Sighing through her nose, she leaned forward instead, pushing the head past her throat and into her esophagus. Immediately she gagged and nearly threw up, but there was no room left for anything with his cock blocking the way. After gathering herself she scooted forward on her knees, burying another inch of his cock into her throat. From the outside she could feel the bulge in her neck moving.

She waited a long time, trying to catch her breath through her nose alone. Eventually Ray opened his eyes and sat up, no longer just basking in the feeling. As Celia had moved forward on the floor, Ray’s cock slid even deeper into her throat as he scooted to the edge of the couch. He did not even seem to realize how deep he was. Before she had stopped him at the entrance to her throat and now he was gliding in with even more ease as the head was already past her esophagus entrance.

It was not until Celia’s lips touched the base of his cock that he realized how deep he actually was inside her. Rather than pushing into her mouth as he thought he was, he was actually all the way down her throat. “Are you okay?” he asked while trying not to grin at the sight of her neck bulging. He moved her head back and forth slightly just to confirm that he was indeed fucking her actual throat. Her eyes began to water and her face turned red but she nodded. “Just for a little bit,” he muttered as he began to pull her head back and then slide it back on. He made sure the tip of his cock never left her throat, unsure he would be able to get back in if he did.

Ray could feel the ring of her throat tightening around his shaft every time she gagged on his cock. Saliva squirted out of the corners of her mouth and ran down her chin and neck, soaking her top. Luckily it was black or he probably would have been able to see through it. “Just a little more,” he urged her as he tried to get as far into her throat as he could. Once again her lips were pressed to the base. He could even feel her teeth digging in slightly. Celia’s whole body jerked as she felt his cock stiffen inside her. She felt spurt after spurt of hot fluid exiting the tip and stopping in her clamped throat, unable to travel much further.

Finally, after a whole minute of cumming straight into her esophagus, Ray began to pull out. Celia practically vomited his cock out when it began to soften. Ray expected her to either fall backward or stand up, maybe even leave the room to get cleaned up. Instead, she wrapped her fist around his slimy shaft again and continued to pump it up steadily. The head even slapped her cheek as she struggled to breathe without gasping too much.

When she was confident his cock had stopped shrinking and was actually getting hard once more, she put her lips around it again and practically dove down until it reached the back of her mouth. She pulled back and tried again. It took three tries in total but she finally got the head into her throat again. He heard he gagging and felt the ring in her throat squeezing but it was almost immediately replaced by the feeling of envelopment as she stood up and jammed her head toward his crotch, shoving his cock into herself to the base.

He was shocked and slightly concerned. Her sweat drenched hair whipped around her as she pulled back, making sure the head of his cock remained in his throat, then rammed it down her throat again. He was sure she could not breathe anymore and was on the verge of throwing up. Ray watched in admiration as she desperately tried to please him by fucking her own throat with a stranger’s cock. For a moment he wondered how deep she could go if she were throating a dildo instead.

Eventually he put his hand on the side of her face and began to rub her temple playfully. “That’s good enough,” he spoke softly. Immediately she collapsed against him. With a heave, she pulled herself up one final time and spat out his cock like she was puking. She laid her head next to his cock and continued to stroke it with her fist, slapping it across the bridge of her nose as she struggled to breathe without hyperventilating. Her chest heaved and her ribs hurt but she just laid still rubbing his cock on her face like it was comforting her.

Eventually Ray could not keep from cumming again. Celia was slightly surprised but managed to aim every drop at her own face. She even opened her mouth and tried to catch some on her tongue but it mostly painted her cheeks and nose. When his cock started to soften, she finally let go of it and sat back on her knees, looking up at Ray expectantly. He reached out to touch her face and even moved the semen around a little. When she blinked he smeared it into her eyelashes. “You look amazing,” he gasped. Her eyes widened in confusion. “Like a slut bathing in cum,” he added but winced when he regretted it.

“I can do this every day,” she offered. “Your own personal slut. I have other holes too, or do you prefer seeing me covered in your cum like a toy you own.” She used both her pinkies to pry the corners of her mouth open and spoke with her tongue out. “I ‘an ‘wallow ‘oo (I can swallow too). I’m already stealing food from your table. How about you feed this greedy slut more than she can handle?”

Ray was both impressed and disgusted by the whore in front of him. He touched two fingers against her tongue and tested if she would move away. When she didn’t, he pushed into her mouth and scrapped along her tongue. When he got to her throat he wiggled his fingers, drumming against her uvula. “I’m ‘onna ‘uke (I’m gonna puke).” She warned him.

“That’s okay. You’re my toy, right? You’ll let me do anything to you.” She nodded and moved her head forward in the same motion, jamming his fingers down her throat. Almost immediately they were pushed back out as she finally did puke. Maybe it had been a while since she had eaten, or maybe she controlled her gag reflex, but only a little bit of bile actually came out.

Ray felt his cock stiffening. He had no idea before this moment that he had a fetish of a skinny girl throwing up but now he knew. He stood up and grabbed Celia around the waist, lifting her into the air and tossing her at the couch while rotating her. She landed upside-down with her head hanging off the cushion. Before she could comprehend what was happening, Rays stick cock had slid into her mouth and throat again. In this position she had no way of stopping it as it forced back into her esophagus, making her gag again.

She was not surprised in the slightest, and even began massaging her neck from the outside to sooth it. When he pulled back she expected him to leave the head in her throat as usual so it would be easier to glide back in again. This time she was shocked as he pulled completely out, letting her head fall when her neck was no longer supported by his shaft inside of it. She was so unprepared, she was unable to prevent a torrent of puke from following up her esophagus and out of her mouth. Ray held her steady by the ankles as puke ran up over her inverted face and into her hair. When it began dripping onto the floor, she ripped her ankles free of his grip and turned herself upright. “I'm sorry,” she cried.

Ray was not mad at her at all. In fact, his cock was still twitching staring at her messed up face. She blushed as she stood up and made a beeline to the kitchen. She put her whole head under the faucet and turned it on, washing everything away at once. She even grabbed the spray nozzle and shot a jet of water straight down her throat to sooth the burning of her bile.

Ray had cleaned up the floor when she finally shut off the water. She noticed her shirt was soaked and first removed her jean jacket before pulling her top off over her head. When she turned around she came face to face with Ray who reached out and touched her bare chest. He particularly felt around her pointed areolas; the water had been cold.

She blushed as she put her jacket back on to hide them from him. “Next time you should be naked,” he announced as if it was the most normal thing. She jolted in shocked but quickly calmed down. She gripped the hem of her skirt as she felt a twinge in her loins. It took her a moment to realize she was actually turned on by the idea. She did not know much about sex and did not care. She was more concerned with keeping a roof over her head and could not even fathom getting emotionally attached after witnessing the death of both her parents.

However, it was hard not to feel some way about getting her throat fucked, to the point of being sick, by a boy she knew hated her guts. Maybe that’s what it would take to get an emotional reaction out of her from now on. Hate was the only thing she was able to feel over this past month and she wanted to test if she could feel something else through it. She did not know how many more times she wanted to do this, but she was eager to at least experience it one more time, just to see if it helped her feel anything.

Ray was surprised but not upset when she opened her jacket again, revealing her bare breasts once more. He circled around behind her and cupped both of them at the same time, letting the hard nipples stick out between his fingers as he massaged them. She moaned as they stumbled back to the couch and sat down, her practically in his lap. He had returned his cock to his pants but she could still feel the bulge pressing her butt from behind.

She reached under the hem of her skirt and rubbed her inner thighs. She kept moaning and twitching, stopping just short of masturbating while imagining getting abused by a boy that hated her. She did not care what he did and she expected he was gonna have to do more than make her choke on his cock next time. She was used to getting beaten senseless by her father and she suspected Ray would have to do at least that much before she would ever tell him to stop.


2025-01-12 17:16:13
great story"!
please write more!


2025-01-12 17:16:08
great story"!
please write more!


2025-01-12 17:15:49
great story"!
please write more!


2025-01-12 17:12:41
great story"!
please write more!

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