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This final set of stories is set some years on from the events of the previous three volumes (which I would suggest reading first in order to understand many of the references). It will be the final volume I will release and I have very much enjoyed bringing the series to, I hope a fitting conclusion. Enjoy.

Chapter 1 - The Kara Kindred

Chapter 2 - The Chloe Coincidence

Chapter 3 - The Anna Approach

Chapter 4 - The Sophie Sequel

Chapter 5 - The Danielle Dilema

Chapter 6 - The Danielle Desire

Epilogue Part 1 - The Danielle Diagnosis

Epilogue Part 2 - The Chloe Consolation

Chapter One - The Kara Kindred

I lived in Budapest for 3 more years before I eventually accrued enough experience to become attractive to a long haul carrier. This enabled me to move back to the UK (although sometimes I felt I spent more time away than I did at home) and it also allowed Danielle and I to finally settle down together. When I eventually popped the question, she told me she'd think about it! But it didn't take her too long to accept my proposal, perhaps down to the obscene diamond engagement ring my new salary enabled me to present her with in order to close the deal. Surprisingly to me, for her part Danielle took it all quite seriously, ending her trysts with Chloe, committing to "do things properly" now we were Mr & Mrs. I never told her about the random night Chloe and I had spent in Budapest and, while I did still think about Chloe from time to time, for a long while it was just Danielle and I. It seemed that we had matured into a more pedestrian lifestyle. There were no more threesomes (or foursomes for that matter), we just enjoyed being together, the two of us, in our new house in suburbia.

It was nearing our third wedding anniversary when we received an invitation from Kara to celebrate her 50th birthday in the Caribbean. Our wedding was actually the last time I had seen Kara, owing to my work schedule always getting in the way of significant family events (my move to another carrier having relegated me to the bottom of the seniority list for holiday preferences). It was even longer since Danielle and I had fooled around with her and I suppose if I'm honest, as time marched on, I no longer had quite same lust as I had for Kara's younger self.

Kara was now divorced. Boring Tim had apparently shacked up with his "Executive Assistant". While this was more than a little clichéd, I had to give Tim some credit as I'd always assumed he was a bit of a melt. Although I'd never met her, Kara had told Danielle that his new squeeze was in her twenties and a 'bit of a looker'. Go Tim! Kara had done alright out of the proceedings to be fair, getting the house, the girls and the dog, along with an unspecified cash settlement as agreed in their prenup.

Miraculously, I was able to align the proposed birthday trip with my assigned annual leave. I was looking forward to a relaxing week, some quality time with Danielle and just getting caught up with Kara and my nieces who had no doubt grown up a lot since I last saw them.

Our flight to Princess Juliana Airport was scheduled to depart at 7am from Heathrow. The plan was to eat together at Kara's house before heading to the airport the night before. We'd check our bags, then sleep at an airport hotel before heading straight to the gate, rather than having to get up hideously early in the morning to drive to Heathrow and face the long morning check-in queues. The twins had a gymnastics competition at their school in the afternoon so we had originally planned for us all to go and support them before heading back to Kara's, however it turned out that Danielle had to make an business trip to one of her salons in another part of the country and her return flight was delayed so she would now not be getting back to London until later in the evening. As a result it was just me and Kara providing encouragement as Anna and Sophie both competed against other teenage gymnasts at their exclusive private school in the country (paid for by Tim's child support).

I wasn't particularly looking forward to the event as I had no interest in, nor did I know anything at all about gymnastics. I hadn't seen Anna or Sophie since they were 12, so I was also concerned I might not even recognise them when they took their turns on the various pieces of equipment positioned around the large sports hall. Fortunately the whole event was strangely Olympian in professionality, with TV screens also dotted around the hall showing the mostly adult spectators in the tiered stand the various simultaneous events, complete with graphics giving the child's name and the elite school they were competing on behalf of. It was quite a different world from the school sports days Danielle and I were used to! Kara, like most of the other parents, enthusiastically pointed out each of her daughters anytime they made an appearance. She also provided a running commentary on their respective performances and critique of their technique, so I could be in no doubt which of the competitors were Anna and Sophie.

However, I was somewhat unprepared for the sight before me. In the 3 years since I had last set eyes on my nieces, they had transformed from little girls to young women. In sequinned lycra team colours, their now tall and slender feminine figures were displayed. Their long smooth calves and now muscular thighs were totally exposed, rising to toned shapely glutes shrouded in the skin-tight fabric of their leotards. Both girls had obviously begun to develop breasts which, although pressed into their chests by their tight fitting sportswear, were unmistakably erupting. Each had their long hair neatly tied back and their faces subtly made-up to accentuate their natural youthful glow and flawless skin. Anna and Sophie no longer had the appearance of cute twin kids, instead their bodies had morphed into beautiful creatures of mysterious but forbidden sexual allure.

Rather uneasy at the thoughts I was now having about my nieces, I looked away, only for my eyes to meet yet more nubile teenage figures clad in form fitting lycra. The gymnasium was filled with blossoming young women, whose attire revealed every newly formed curve and crevasse of their supple, honed bodies. As they performed their gravity defying routines, the stretching fabric would occasionally flash, perhaps half-imagined yet nonetheless intimate, outlines in their shadows and creases as they contorted their bodies. There was no escape from the stimulation and I couldn't help myself!

As my eyes surveyed the room, I was reminded by Kara to pay attention to what Anna and Sophie were doing. At least in this setting I was free to gawk without judgement. However, as I looked at my flourishing nieces, straddling and balancing on equipment and swinging from ropes, I could feel a movement in my jeans. I shifted awkwardly in my seat trying to tuck it away and focus on conversing with Kara. But she was engrossed in the competition and the scoring, voicing her dissatisfaction with the judges anytime she felt a score was undeserved. Eventually, with little choice about it, I resigned myself to my growing state of arousal as I ogled Anna and Sophie's graceful, athletic figures and fantasised about what might lay underneath their skimpy, glittering clothing. As the blood continued to flow into my cock, I eagerly anticipated moments when one of their contortions might cause a leotard to ride up between their legs, perhaps revealing a little more of one or other of their toned cheeks, necessitating a finger to be slipped under the hem to draw it back down. As my manhood swelled uncomfortably in my restrictive denim, I captured some of the events on my phone, telling Kara I would show the video to Danielle later. She seemed unconcerned, focussed as she was on the technicalities of the competition.

The afternoon finally drew to a close with a medal presentation and both girls ultimately collected one for their school. I have no idea which activity they were awarded them for as I had entirely lost track of the competition despite having been fixated on the twins routines for most of the event. After Kara debriefed the afternoon with a few fellow parents, we returned to her car which was parked outside the grand, Edwardian building on a long gravel driveway that lead from the absurdly large main gates. As we walked down the driveway, the stones crunching underfoot, I expressed to Kara my surprise at how much her daughters seemed to have grown up.

"Yeah" she replied wistfully, "they really make me feel old!"

"Cause fifty is young?" I poked sarcastically, if somewhat cruelly.

As we walked I heard the sound of feet running up the drive behind us and turned to see Sophie sprinting towards us, trailed by Anna. Kara turned and embraced them both.

"Great job team!" Kara announced.

Both girls were now covered by school tracksuits which at least meant I didn't have a boner when the girls released Kara to then embrace me. I was surprised they did, I had assumed might be a little shy given how long it had been since I last saw them, but they brimmed with an air of confidence only learned with a private education and hugged me as one would a long lost friend.

"Uncle!! Where's Auntie Dani?" Anna asked looking around.

"Her flight got delayed, she's coming later on" I replied "she was really gutted to miss the competition."

I rode in the front of the car next to Kara and the girls sat in the back, enthusiastically reviewing the event in great detail, with Kara chipping in throughout to offer tips on each girl's performance and areas for improvement. I remained silent, saying only that I thought they both did very well. My impartial words of encouragement were politely accepted before the analysis continued. As I had no idea about gymnastic nomenclature, most of their discussion went over my head. All I really registered was how much the twin's accents sounded like they belonged in some sort of period drama, how much of that could be attributed to their schooling versus growing up in the affluent home counties of England, I wasn't sure.

When we arrived back at their house, we were greeted by an older and altogether more lethargic Melville who licked the girls hands, ignored me and then plodded off back to the kitchen. I was told the dog sitter was going to be picking him up in the morning. The girls immediately headed upstairs to wash up and change before dinner and I followed Kara into the kitchen to help her prepare the meal. Danielle had texted to give an updated ETA for her flight which meant she would be missing dinner as well.

"I'll go pick Danz up from Gatwick after dinner" Kara said "you can stay here with the girls and we can get cabs to Heathrow when I get back."

"Uuh okay" I replied, not really seeing any more logical alternative.

"Don't worry, they'll just watch TV or be on their phones" Kara laughed, sensing my awkwardness "you won't need to make any conversation!"

Once I had done as much as I felt I could to help Kara, I excused myself to go and find the toilet, walking up the stairs towards the main bathroom. As I neared the top of the stairs I could hear the girls in conversation speaking loudly over the sound of a hair dryer.

"Seriously!? When he was round for dinner last week!? Mum was like literally following the two of you around!" I heard one of them say as I approached a door which was slightly ajar "Did he show you his too?"

"I only showed him it for, like, a second! Not yet..." said the other "He said next time we're somewhere private. I don't know what I would do if he did!"

"Well, that will be never with mum around! You've watched videos though... tell me you have?" Anna asked as I walked past, glancing through the slightly opened door.

"Well, yeah of course but..." Sophie replied before stopping as she saw me passing.

"Is the bathroom down here?" I asked her, pretending not to remember.

Sophie was standing in a plush white dressing gown, the type you would get at an upmarket spa or hotel. It was tied at the waist, but still had a plunging neckline. I could see where her newly forming breasts just began to ascend from her chest and I caught myself staring obviously. Anna was sitting on the edge of the bed next to Sophie drying her hair, bent over inspecting her toes. As a result her matching dressing gown had fallen open a little, exposing more of one of her burgeoning breasts. She turned off her hair dryer and sat up to look at me when she heard my voice.

"Yes, it's the third door on the left" Sophie replied before smiling coyly.

I walked quickly down the hall to the bathroom before my blushes became apparent. As I stood over the porcelain, I could faintly hear their conversation continue down the corridor.

"Do you know how to do it?" one of them asked.

"Only from what I've seen online, but it doesn't look that hard." another replied "What do you think it tastes like though?"

"Charlotte says Henry's..." I didn't quite catch the rest before the hair dryer kicked in again.

Having finished peeing, I stood over the bowl stroking my flaccid shaft rhythmically as I thought about the twins in their leotards and the tantalising glimpses I had caught of their budding breasts just moments ago. I imagined what they might have been talking about and the lucky young boys who would be the first to feel their shafts gripped by Anna and Sophie's delicate, if inexperienced, hands. My cock swelled and hardened.

I took out my phone and replayed the videos I had made that afternoon, pausing and zooming in on the areas of their bodies I found titillating. Nearing orgasm, I found a frame where I thought Anna had a slight cameltoe on display and zoomed in on it as I gripped my shaft tighter. I imagined what her bald virgin slit would look like. After about minute of fapping I ejaculated into the toilet. I wiped myself down with toilet paper and flushed, feeling guilty.

At dinner I caught up with all three girls. The gymnastics chat had subsided so I was able to participate more in the conversation which covered school achievements, holidays, plans for our imminent trip - Anna wanted to swim with dolphins - and Sophie's new "boyfriend". The last topic was shared gleefully and insensitively by Anna much to Sophie's embarrassment. I moved us onto what films they had enjoyed recently trying to save Sophie's blushes as Kara prepared to depart to fetch Danielle.

The twins disappeared upstairs and after washing up the dishes and tidying the kitchen I went to the lounge and sat down on the sofa in front of the TV. I turned on Netflix and found something of interest to watch. About thirty minutes later I got a message from Kara saying Danielle's flight was still on time and she expected to be home before 8pm. As I was replying to the message, both Sophie and Anna appeared and sat down next to me on the sofa, one either side, a little too close for comfort.

"Hey" Anna said "what are you watching?"

"The Breakfast Club" I replied "an eighties movie."

"What's it about?" Sophie asked.

"It's about some school kids who have to go to detention on Saturday, they are all from different cliques but they get to know each other and become friends" I answered.

"Sounds boring!" Anna pronounced. "would you like to see more gymnastics?"

I paused the movie and turned to look at Anna. She was wearing the same thin cotton T-shirt and jogging bottoms she had been at dinner, but it was obvious she had now removed her training bra, as the outline of her unsupported breasts protruded through the thin white tee. She got up off the sofa and standing between me and the TV, leant forward, placed both hands on the floor and rolled over to a handstand holding it briefly, before gracefully completing the roll to return to a stand. Of course the manoeuvre resulted in her loose fitting top falling down over her face as she stood on her hands, exposing her chest to me. As she stood up her t-shirt fell back again, catching atop her small protruding mounds and she turned to face me. She smiled confidently as I stared, unthinking, at her bare chest. Her nipples seemed to be a little inset but her areolae puffed up from her pubescent breasts. After an implausibly long delay she grabbed her top and pulled it down covering herself up.

"Ooops!" She said, unconvincingly covering her face in faux embarrassment.

I wasn't sure what to say. Should I reprimand her or ignore it? I was about to suggest that she shouldn't do any more gymnastics without her leotard when Anna spoke again.

"Well I guess you've seen mine, so... you need to show me yours!" Anna crowed

I laughed out of embarrassment, now even less sure what to do or say, having undermined any position of authority I might have clung to despite my staring.

"Yeah!" Sophie chimed in "you do have to."

"Fine!" I answered, to looks of apparent surprise that their abysmally transparent set up had worked.

I took hold of my T-shirt and pulled it up revealing my hair covered chest for a moment before covering myself up again.

"NO!" they both groaned in unified disdain.

"What?" I asked, innocently.

"You need to show us your... you know." Anna said, bashfully, her confidence crumbling.

"Yeah, you saw her booooobs" Sophie seconded "we've never seen a... dick before."

She almost choked on the word, like she'd never said it aloud before either. I considered the situation I was in and how terribly this could play out.

"No." I said trying to maintain some self-control "I didn't ask to see that Anna, you did it on purpose."

"But you wanted to see them didn't you?" Sophie challenged "you were staring at us earlier."

"No, well..." I started, realising she has me bang to rights "...I... that's not..."

"Please just let us look, we're just curious" Anna pleaded "we'll never tell anyone, we promise!"

I thought about it for a moment. Regardless of their age, I was their uncle and in a position of trust. I knew Kara would eviscerate me if she ever found out. I guessed Danielle would probably divorce me. I did the only thing I could reasonably be expected to do given the situation I was faced with... I undid my belt buckle.

Both girls knelt on the large sofa on either side of me. Taking a breath before committing, I unzipped my fly and undid the button, then I pushed my briefs down along with my jeans, tucking the waistband under my balls to reveal everything to my teenage nieces. Both of them peered at my flaccid cock saying nothing. I waited a few moments (knowing the clock was now ticking on an erection) before reaching back down to tuck myself back in.

"Wait!" Sophie interjected "can I just... touch it for a minute? You can touch my boobs if you want!"

Without warning she lifted her T shirt up over her head and discarded it revealing her small training bra. I tried to resist the urge but the blood was already departing my brain en-route to my cock and the opportunity was too irresistible to pass up.

I nodded and she reached out her hand. As she got close to making contact, the blood pumping into my limp dick caused it to move, beginning to slowly swell and rise. Sophie's hand recoiled nervously a little. As I enlarged, I took her small hand in mine and placed it around my shaft. At the same time I put my own hand on her chest and felt her small soft breast through the fabric of her cotton bra. As she sat there, holding my pulsing erection, she was so entranced that she didn't notice me pulling up her bra expose her little breasts. Just like Anna, Sophie's chest had filled out and her areolae where pink and puffy. I gently took up all of her warm, smooth flesh in the palm of hand, carefully running my fingers over her soft nipple. As I did so, I guided her hand to grip my growing hard-on tighter and to draw back my foreskin to expose my glans to her. She licked her lips and swallowed her saliva.

"Can I touch it too?" Anna asked, once more lifting her t-shirt assuming the same deal.

I momentarily stopped fondling Sophie's breast and took Anna's hand, guiding it to cup and then gently massage my testicles.

"Be real gentle, okay?" I said softly to Anna who nodded.

I let them each continue their motions of exploration for a moment before resuming my own enjoyment of their tiny racks. Licking the tips of my fingers, I gently caressed their nipples, coaxing them into protruding so that I could play with them between my fingers. Both of their breathing deepened as I awakened their erogenous zones by flicking their now small but nevertheless erect teats.

"Want to swap?" I suggested.

Both girls were keen to touch the parts of my genitals they had not yet explored so they happily traded places. I encouraged Anna that she could grip my now fully erect shaft more positively than she had been my balls.

"It got so big!" Sophie commented, my cock now at full mast.

"So did you both" I said, still massaging their breasts sensually and delicately.

I enjoyed the experience for a good while, with neither of the twins in a hurry to stop what they were doing. As they got more comfortable they took it in turns to touch my shaft and balls, and I occasionally guided them on how to stimulate me more effectively, showing them how I liked my shaft to be stroked. I also allowed my own hands to wander further afield over their uncovered upper torsos, stroking the length of their bare backs and flat toned stomachs, and running my hand down onto their bottoms, still covered by their joggers, as they knelt on the sofa either side of me.

"What does it feel like?" Sophie asked while Anna stroked my now pulsating member.

"It feels nice" I replied, downplaying how incredible the feeling of her little hand tugging me of actually was, "you're really good at that Anna."

Anna smiled proudly at the encouragement as her petite fingers drew my foreskin down over my glans and stretched it back on itself yet again. I was so aroused that this time a small trickle of pre-cum flowed out from the tip of my shaft and run down over her thumb. She let go and withdrew her hand.

"Did I do it?" she asked, in a curious, rather than disappointed, tone.

"No" I laughed "that's just..."

I considered what to say next, unsure exactly what her experiences of puberty had thus far been, or how comprehensive her expensive education was with regard to sex.

"'s like... have you ever had a dream about a boy and woken up feeling a bit damp between your legs." I said, looking at her and trying to put it delicately.

Anna immediately blushed, taken aback at my knowledge of her recently acquired bodily functions. Sophie picked up my shaft and traced her fingers over the tip, smearing my pre-cum over my glans and causing me to shiver at the pleasant sensation. I was keen to feel just how wet the girls now were for myself but didn't want to chance my luck. I decided to play the long game, using my knowledge of their earlier conversations to move things along instead. Anna resumed rolling my balls between her small fingers as her sister coaxed a little more of my pre cum from the tip of my now rock hard erection.

"You can taste it, if you want to." I said casually "some girls think it's really delicious."

Anna looked at Sophie, whose eyes widened at the suggestion, and she raised her eyebrows as if to say to Sophie this was her chance. Sophie didn't say anything but after a moment, she leaned forwards onto her knees raising herself up off her hind legs and lowering her face to eye level with my formidable manhood. She opened her mouth and I felt her warm, moist breath pass over my engorged, sensitive bell end. Anna held my shaft upright for her sister as it passed into Sophie's open mouth and her lips closed around the tip. I felt her tongue make contact as it explored my head, her mouth filling with saliva as she did so.

I ran my hand from the front of her body, teasing her engorged areolae and hard nips, once more over onto Sophie's bare back, and down her spine towards her bottom, pausing at her waistband. I contemplated reaching inside but instead played it (somewhat) safer, running it over her joggers and down onto her now accessible toned glutes. My fingers were between her legs, and squeezing her ass at the same time I gently felt her up through her lounge wear.

Sophie let out a faint whimper, muffled slightly by my cock in her mouth, doubtless her first experience of anyone other than herself touching her pussy. I massaged firmly through the fabric and she sighed quietly in pleasure. My cock pulsated with excitement as I groped one virgin niece and fondled the bare chest of the other. I wanted to suck on Anna's inviting nipples and wondered about asking her if she would like me to.

Just as I was about to suggest Sophie slide more of my elongated shaft into her warm, wet, saliva flooded mouth, I heard a car door slam shut outside. Kara and Danielle were back! Both girls heard it too. Sophie jumped up like a startled deer, releasing my cock which flopped onto my stomach, and rushed to put her bra back in place and T-shirt back on, fleeing out of the room. Anna was more cool. Releasing my scrotum and unhurriedly pulling her T-shirt back down over her bare chest. She stood up from the sofa, her nipples now protruding quite noticeably under her T-shirt.

"This is just between us" I told her somewhat panicked as I packed myself away "make sure Sophie knows that!"

Anna nodded and smiled, walking calmly out of the room, to follow her sister up the stairs. I had just managed to zip myself back up and resume the movie as I heard Danielle and Kara enter through the front door. I turned to look back over the sofa as Danielle entered the living room. She bent over the sofa and kissed me.

"Hello!" she greeted me

"Hi" I replied "long day huh?"

"Yup! I need a shower and some food before we head out." she sighed.

"Why don't you go have a shower and I'll heat up some left-overs" Kara offered.

I turned off the TV and followed Danielle down to the guest room in the basement. I'm not sure why she went down there as we weren't staying the night, but it was perhaps a little more secluded from the chaos of last minute packing going on upstairs. For some reason Sophie and Anna had been distracted from their packing task, I can't imagine why! Kara was now chastising them while also trying to complete her own packing. In any case, being downstairs in the spare room gave Danielle and I some alone time together. After turning on the shower in the ensuite she returned, in just her underwear - a black lace high rise thong and push up bra combo.

"Do you think we have time?" she teased, removing her bra and tossing it at me.

I yanked off my t-shirt and quickly undid my trousers for the second time that evening, dropping them to the floor. Danielle walked over towards me in her panties and embraced me, my still erect penis pressed against her panties and she smiled.

"I think we do!" she said answering her own question.

I took both her hands and raised them above her head at the same time pushing her up against the wall. I pinned her crossed wrists there as I kissed her, pressing my body up against hers, taking charge of her as though she were my prisoner. With my other hand I reached down and awkwardly fumbled both our underwear down just far enough. Moving my hips I rubbed the tip of my cock, still wet from Sophie's saliva, between Danielle's moist lips, then positioned it towards the entrance to her pussy as we made out passionately. With a single abrupt motion, I penetrated her fully, the entire length of my shaft, pre-heated and lubricated by her teenage nieces, slid deep inside Danielle. I commenced thrusting vigorously, pressing her back against the wall as I did so. I was already set to come before I entered her, so it took a lot of concentration to hold back for what I deemed an acceptable period of time. In order to extend my endurance, after a few minutes of fucking her against the wall, I pulled out and spun Danielle around. Spreading her legs, I bent her over, head resting on her arm against the same wall, and entered her from behind in another violent motion.

"Ohh fuck yes!!" Danielle cheered with glee as I repeatedly pounded her roughly, my thighs clapping loudly against her ass cheeks, "yes yes yes yes"

She reached between her legs and began to furiously rub her clit, racing to reach orgasm before I did. A task she completed admirably.

As I slid in and out of her, I closed my eyes and imagined Sophie's warm moist mouth around my cock, her and Anna's cute budding breasts and puffy nipples, and the tight toned glutes I had glimpsed briefly earlier in the afternoon.

"Yes yes yes yes yes!!!!" Danielle cried out in sync with my thrusting as she began to climax. That was my cue. In my head I pictured a fully naked Sophie and Anna, their hairless pussies and perfect, athletic, virgin bodies, intertwined together, making out. This was what I fantasised about as I blew up inside my wife. I came hard. Unloading what I had been hoping to release into my niece's mouth just a few minutes ago.

Spent, I pulled out and spanked Danielle's ass hard to a shriek of delight. She loved it rough.

"Someone was eager!" Danielle said.

Then she walked into the ensuite and entered the still running shower. I put my clothing back on and headed upstairs to try and avoid any suspicion but need not have worried as Kara was entirely pre-occupied with trying to corral her household into readiness. Danielle's dinner remained, still unheated, in the fridge so I put it in the microwave to warm it up, thereby alleviating Kara of one of her tasks. However by 8:30pm, miraculously, Danielle was showered and fed, Sophie and Anna had completed their packing and Kara had summoned the taxis to convey us and our baggage to Heathrow.

As Danielle and I journeyed together in one of the cabs, my sexual desires satiated, I reflected on the events of the evening and felt a renewed sense of guilt at all that I had done and fantasised, as well as worry about what might happen if any of it were to come out. Yet, at the same time as listening to Danielle talk about her business trip and her plans for her company, I occasionally caught my mind wandering to more inappropriate thoughts of Anna and Sophie. I realised this may not be the relaxing holiday I thought it was going to be...

Chapter Two - The Chloe Coincidence

We managed to complete the task of bag drop relatively quickly and by 9:45pm we were queuing in the lobby of the hotel waiting to check in for the night. Danielle and I were at the front of the queue, patiently waiting for the reception staff to process the two women already at the desk. Behind us was Kara with Sophie and Anna in tow, each engrossed in their phones. I looked around the lobby noting the location of the lifts and the bar and turned back to check on the progress of the pair at the desk. One of the women was of average height with dark hair, wearing a burgundy sleeveless yoga top, butt hugging leggings and trainers. Next to her stood a much shorter, blonde haired woman wearing tight skinny jeans, a hoodie and a pair of converse. 'Nah... couldn't be' I thought to myself as I tried to get a better view.

"Okay there you go, you're room 304, which is on the third floor" I heard the desk staff say as she handed a key card to them "the lifts are just over to the left, would you like any help with your bags?"

"No we'll manage thanks" a familiar sounding voice replied.

As the hotel employee wished them a pleasant stay, the shorter figure turned and bent over to pick up her bag from the floor, her hair obscuring her face from view.

"Do you want to go get a night cap before bed?" the taller women asked her companion.

"Uh, yeah okay if you want, I'll take the bags up first and meet you in the bar?" the familiar voice replied.

Both women turned around and I confirmed my suspicion. My eye's met Chloe's first, she then looked to Danielle, who looked back to me and smiled. I focussed on Chloe's expression, trying to ascertain whether she intended to acknowledge us or if she preferred not to. I suspected she was possibly trying to work out the same with Danielle and I. I made a casual smile - something between the smile you would give a stranger at a bus stop and the sort you would give to a passing an acquaintance. My attempts to subtly discern the nature of the situation were waisted however.

"Chloe!!" Kara boomed from behind me "long time! How are you?"

Chloe tucked her hair back nervously behind her ear as she looked at Kara.

"Hi" she said "yeah, good thanks, how are you all?"

Chloe's travelling companion looked at each of us in turn, obviously trying to work out if she'd met any of us before. She had an athletic build with a pretty face, a pale complexion and large eyes. Her chest seemed large relative to her frame but not overly so. Her sleeveless top revealed muscular yet still feminine arms and fairly broad shoulders. She had long legs but a shorter torso and had about a foot on Chloe overall. She had the appearance of someone who was at ease in a gym.

What proceeded was a somewhat awkward set of pleasantries, whereby it was determined that each of us was 'good' before Chloe remembered, a few seconds later than she should have, to introduce the person she was travelling with. It turned out she was called Sarah. Chloe blushed a little as she made the introduction, making clear that this was indeed the same Sarah from her school days. Then we had to explain to Sarah (and Anna and Sophie) how we all knew each other. While my previous working relationship with Chloe was quite easy to explain, the statements that Danielle was my wife and Kara was my sister in law probably didn't shed any further light as to how they had come to know Chloe, but nobody seemed particularly bothered. There was a moment of silence as we each tried to work out what to do or say next and I decided to tempt fate one more time.

"So are you coming or going?" I asked, fully anticipating them to be on their way to Saint Martin just like us.

However the universe, it seemed, was just teasing us and Sarah replied that they were on their way to India having flown into London earlier in the evening. Sarah was a Yoga instructor and was going to do some sort of special training with an Indian guru. It sounded a bit hippy to me but each to their own.

"We were going to get a drink at the bar before bed if you wanted to join us?" Sarah asked politely.

"Thanks" I replied "but we have quite an early start tomorrow", suspecting that a conversation involving alcohol could only become more awkward.

"Yeah I need to get this pair to bed" Kara said, sensing the tone for once in her life and motioning to Anna and Sophie, who had now returned to staring at their phones and didn't even register the infantilising comment from their mother.

"We could do ONE drink!" Danielle said, looking at me with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Next please!" the receptionist announced in a loud voice, seeing the queue growing behind us as we conversed.

I walked towards the desk and pulled Danielle along with me. Sarah and Chloe said goodbye to us and I watched Chloe heading for the lifts, bags in hand, while we were checking in. Danielle persisted with the suggestion that we should go speak to Chloe and Sarah, clearly quite keen to understand how they had come to be reunited and whether their relationship was more than just plutonic. For my part I was more hesitant, while I was keen to reunite with Chloe, I didn't want us to disrupt whatever she might have going on with Sarah. In the end I didn't manage to disuade Danielle but said I might join her at the bar once I'd taken our bags upstairs, but I was quite tired.

"Don't interrogate them!" I warned her as each we went our separate ways.

Kara, true to her word, took the twins up to their room and we didn't see any of them again until morning. I conveyed Danielle's carry on and my backpack to our room and flopped onto the bed for a minute. I took out my phone and searched down my list of messages to find the last conversation with Chloe. It took a while to find, the last message was the end of our discussion regarding whether or not to tell Danielle about our secret rendezvous in Budapest some years ago. I had favoured not mentioning it since seeing Chloe without Danielle and without her knowledge somehow felt more like cheating. Somewhat odd given Danielle was seeing Chloe regularly without me knowing, I know. Nevertheless we had agreed to keep it to ourselves and that was my final direct communication with Chloe. I started typing a new message...

"Think I'll give drinks a miss but if you need rescued from an interrogation let me know and I'll come and get Danielle. Nice to see you again. Happy for you and Sarah."

I thought twice and deleted the last sentence, not wanting to presume their relationship was something it wasn't. Before I could hit send I noticed that Chloe was typing, so I waited... then she stopped, no message arrived. I hit send. A few seconds later she was typing again. I looked at my phone, trying to think of a good reason to excuse Danielle. My phone vibrated as the message arrived.

"I'm not at the bar..." the message stated.

I wasn't sure if that was better or worse... Sarah was probably being grilled by a Danielle with a drink in her hand. The ellipsis was a little leading I thought. Was she going to send another message or was she trying to imply something? I looked at the screen for a minute or two but there was no indication of more typing.

"We're in 214 if you want to..." I typed pausing, heart racing a little, to think about the right phrase "...catch up?". I hit send again.

"I don't think we should." the response came back quickly.

Chloe had well understood what 'catching up' really meant for us and she knew from my earlier message that it was only me in the room at that point. I thought about what to reply for a little while, but eventually decided there was nothing much more to say. I put the phone down and kicked my shoes off. Flipping back through my video library I found the video Danielle had made with Chloe that first time they got together. Just as I was about to play it, there was a quiet knock at the door. Danielle didn't have a keycard but I was surprised she was back so soon - a little worried actually - ordinarily once she's at a bar Danielle is there until last orders! What might she have said to Sarah?! I got up and opened the door. It was not Danielle.

"Hi" Chloe said, once more nervously tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Hi" I replied confused, inviting her inside and closing the door "I didn't think you were coming".

"I wasn't... but I did want to." she replied in a contradiction "I mean Sarah and I are... finally! You know? It's really good. But..."

I looked at her trying to interpret her jumbled response.

"I don't want to get in the way of anything..." I started

"No!" Chloe interrupted "I know that. I've just wanted to tell you something... something I realised... tell you both really!"

I wasn't sure where Chloe was going with this but I just stood and gave her a moment to think.

"Getting together with Sarah after all those years... I'm sooo happy! But... I also missed you, both of you! And I think that's because I really did have some feelings for you, even if I didn't really know what they were at the time... does that make sense?"

In all honesty I wasn't really sure. Chloe had been pretty clear that while she enjoyed the sex, emotionally she was attracted to girls, not guys. I was aware she had a soft spot for Danielle but as far as I knew that was only ever a casual thing. While I had once held a bit of candle for Chloe, I'd accepted that all we had was a physical thing to be enjoyed every now and again.

"I'm not sure I get what you're saying?" I answered.

"I...I think about you a lot. I missed you" she replied

I cocked my head to the side, trying to process what she was telling me, but as I did, Chloe stepped towards me and standing on her tip toes, looked up at me, tilting her head the opposite way, inviting my approach. I couldn't resist, I leaned in and she planted her lips on mine, putting her petite hand behind my neck to support herself. She opened her mouth and I felt her tongue enter, probing for mine. I put my arms around her back and pulled her close to me, lifting her up. We made out passionately for several minutes. I was flabbergasted. Her actions, her uninhibited kiss conveyed a real desire for me. I didn't understand what switch had flipped in Chloe's head, but somehow this felt like more than just a sexual expression.

We continued to kiss as I pulled her hoodie off, separating only momentarily to allow it to pass over her head, before immediately resuming tonsil tennis. Underneath, her simple vest top and visible bra straps were revealed. We took it in turns removing elements of one another's clothing only pausing to allow Chloe to kick off her all-stars. Eventually we were each down to our underwear and had migrated to the end of the bed, our clothes strewn in a line from the door to where we currently stood. Holding her close I fell backwards onto the soft cushioned mattress and Chloe lay atop me. We continued kissing, hands running up and down one another's bodies. I stroked her warm back and smooth hips, intentionally staying away from the more predictable areas, enjoying this more intimate embrace. Her hands ran through the hair of my chest and up my neck and face. My cock had ballooned and was pressing between her legs. I moved my hand onto the padding of her bra and pressed firmly to stimulate her through the foam. She didn't stop kissing me but reached behind her back with both arms and released the catch, then slid a strap off each arm one at a time, tossing it to the side of the bed. She lay back down on me, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into me and her long stiff nipples pressed into my chest as she once again placed her tongue inside my mouth. I had at one time fantasised about sex with Chloe that was like this. It wasn't mechanical or sadistic, but passionate and caring. The thought that Danielle could return at any moment never entered my mind.

Eventually Chloe's hand slipped between our legs and into my pants. Finding my erect cock, she grasped it and began to stroke it back and forth, all the while her lips remaining in contact with mine. My hands flowed over her bare back and down inside her panties, squeezing her soft smooth cheeks. I slipped her underwear down around her thighs, then rolled her over onto her back. Now that I was on top I sat up and pulled her panties off her legs entirely, discarding her final item of clothing by throwing them to the side of the bed. I pulled down my own briefs, freeing my straining member - it was so hard it ached. As I knelt over her naked, fragile form, she looked back me - staring into my eyes. I could see both nervousness and complete trust. She brought her knees up and spread her legs and I lay down between them, propping myself over her with my elbow. She nodded silently and I guided my hungering erection between her warm, slick labia, to the entrance of her flowing wet pussy. She smiled at me and I slid myself inside her, leaning forward to kiss her as I impaled her.

Chloe whimpered as my sizeable girth stretched her passageway, still seemingly unaccustomed to large objects, wider than it had been stretched in some time. Thankfully she was so wet there was little resistance as I penetrated her, but it was clearly a challenge for her to accommodate me, even at this stage in her life. She was as tight as I remembered her being and the welcome stimulation this brought was incredible. I stroked my hands through her long blonde hair from her temple as I begin to thrust in and out of her in the missionary position. Chloe wrapped her legs around my thighs and her arms around my back, stretching her tongue deep inside my mouth and moaning in pleasure and excitement. My thrusting was slow and rhythmic, trying to remain gentle and tender as we seemingly made love to one another. As the stimulation began to take effect on Chloe she stopped kissing me and tilted her head back, exhaling in pleasure with her eyes closed. I took the opportunity to kiss her neck and ear lobes, licking the inside of her ear with the tip of my tongue, before kissing down towards her flushed chest as I continued to satiate her desire.

I could feel the urge to cum building inside me as Chloe's vaginal muscles contracted with each stroke. I wasn't touching her clit but I could tell she was also building towards a climax. Her cheeks and chest were red and her hands were gripping my back tightly, I could feel her short nails pressing into my skin and she was panting loudly.

"Yes... oh yeah, oh yeah... oh it feels so good... ahhh you're gonna to make me cum!" she whispered in my ear as I repeatedly filled and withdrew from her undernourished pussy.

She was right. I felt her legs begin to quiver around my thighs and she laughed loudly as her face turned beetroot from the explosion triggering inside her. I felt her muscles contracting around my cock and heard the sound of her copious secretions being forced from inside her and out onto the bed. I held back as long as I could - clenching my pelvic floor - until I could resist it no longer. I fired my load at the top of my in-stroke, depositing my cum deep inside Chloe. I collapsed onto her, my head laying on her shoulder as I spasmed and fired a second and third spurt into her and she continued to convulse at the aftershocks rippling through her body. We lay there holding one another in the bed, me still inside her, as we came down off our respective highs. I kissed her again and she reciprocated.

"I need you in my life." Chloe said finally breaking the silence with a bombshell.

"Chloe," I said, softly "I'm married... I know this was incredible but..."

"I want Danielle too!" she interjected "I love you both and I love Sarah."

"How would Sarah feel about that?" I asked.

Chloe didn't immediately respond and I surmised the reality of our tryst being nothing more than a one off had begun to dawn on Chloe as the euphoria of her climax subsided. I stroked her hair and kissed her cheek.

"What the three of us had was amazing" I said "but all good things come to an end, it couldn't last forever. Sarah was the love of your life that got away right? And now you have her... don't risk losing her again because you want to have your cake and eat it."

I rolled over and lay next to Chloe on the bed, cringing at my cliché filled words of advice. She got up silently and began to get dressed again, retrieving her bra from the side of the bed and putting it on first. I leaned over and retrieved her panties from the floor.

"I probably shouldn't keep these ones" I said, tossing them over to her.

Chloe smiled as she untangled them and stepped inside, pulling them up over her crotch, which was still glistening and dribbling with my cum. We wandered around the room picking up our respective garments and donning them once again. After we were both fully dressed she made her way towards the door.

"It was nice to... catch up" she said, opening the door "I'll miss you."

"I don't think the universe is done bringing us together" I replied, hopefully.

She turned, hugged me and walked out of the room with a smile that concealed what I sensed was a real sadness, that this phase of our lives was over just as she had finally worked out how she really felt.

I washed up and changed into my pyjamas before climbing into bed alone. I texted Danielle to tell her I was going to sleep but got no response. At about 12:45am I was awoken by another knock at the door. I sat up and was immediately stunned by excruciating pain in my lower back! I managed to stumble up, somewhat hunched over, and hobbled towards the door as subsequent louder knocks were made. I opened the door to Danielle, propped against the doorframe, smelling like she had bathed in gin.

"What took you so long?" she asked impatiently.

"Well it's 1am and I've done my back in" I replied curtly, although Danielle's inebriated condition meant she was entirely oblivious to my ill-humour.

"How'd you manage that?" she asked staggering into the room.

"Dunno" I replied impatiently "probably lifting your suitcase!"

In reality it had most probably been caused by my lifting of Chloe as we cavorted around the room. I returned to the bed, groaning as I sat down, and wincing as I attempted to lie down. Danielle discarded her purse on the floor and flopped onto the bed facedown next to me, the movement of the bed as she impacted it causing me further shooting pains.

"I did something bad" she said in a serious voice while at the same time giggling.

I really didn't want to know what she had told Sarah about us and Chloe, but I could imagine it probably wasn't the sort of thing she was expecting to hear from a stranger in a hotel bar.

"Tell me all about it in the morning" I said, figuring a drunk Danielle conversation would be beyond even my own patience levels given the pain I was in.

"SARAH..." Danielle announced loudly before changing to a whisper " Chloe's girlfriend. They met again at a school reunion..."

Danielle looked at the headboard of the bed for a moment.

"hey!" she finally announced "that's just like us!"

"Uhuh" I replied in a monotone voice.

"SARAH..." she announced again in her loud voice before switching inexplicably to a quiet once "...likes girls too. How great is that?!"

"Brilliant." I replied sarcastically, trying to roll onto my side to see if it would give me any relief either from the back pain or the more excruciating conversation of my drunk wife.

"So... I fingered her in the ladies" Danielle whispered quietly and casually, before sniggering loudly.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" I asked in a more accusatory manner than was justified given what I'd just done.

I was really more concerned about the impact of this on Chloe and Sarah, although even in that regard I recognised I was hardly beyond reproach.

"I'm sooo sorry!" Danielle sobbed, swinging from hilarity to despair "I'm a terrible wife!"

I rolled back over to face her, once more in pain although wondering if the alcohol on Danielle's breath alone might be sufficient to take the edge off. I put my arm over her and comforted her.

"You're not a terrible wife." I said, trying to decide if it was better to confess to her when she was drunk or sober.

I decided best to pull off the bandaid now rather than wait and chicken out again in the morning.

"I slept with Chloe..." I blurted "...tonight and one time in Budapest when she came over on business."

Danielle opened her eyes and looked at me, trying to process the information in her intoxicated brain. After a long delay she eventually spoke.

"Why didn't you tell me?" she asked.

"I don't really know" I said, not able to answer the question "I guess we thought since you weren't there it was sort of unfair. Was it?"

"Not about then! I meant tonight" she replied "feeling up Sarah was fun... but if I'd known you were having sexy-time with Chloe I'd have ditched her!"

Danielle returned to looking at the headboard.

"Or maybe invited her along...?" she contemplated aloud.

Relieved that Danielle didn't seem particularly bothered about either of my nights with Chloe, I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. Of course I had not confessed to the far greater transgression with Anne and Sophie earlier in the evening but I felt that was something I'd probably have to take to the grave... there was no way I'd get a pass on that one!

Danielle fell asleep quickly and began to snore. I lay in the bed for another four hours occasionally drifting off only to be awoken by a jarring pain anytime I moved in my sleep. At 4:45am with Danielle still out for the count I got up and made my way to the gym to try stretch myself out before spending eight hours sitting on a plane.

Upon entering the deserted gym I realised I had no idea what I was doing or how to improve my back. After some cursory Google searches I found some yoga stretches that supposedly helped lower back pain so I eased myself down onto a mat and tried to replicate what I saw on photos and videos. As I was wincing in pain on my hands and knees on the floor, I heard the door open and somebody else walked in. I peered under my arm to see, upside down, Sarah walking towards me. The universe strikes again!

"I don't know WHAT you're trying to do, but that isn't it!" she mocked and laughed heartily "Would you like some help?"

I chuckled and explained my back pain (without explaining what had caused it!) and Sarah knelt down next to me. She explained what I was supposed to be trying to do and why, then demonstrated it for me, followed by having me try as she corrected my form. She placed one hand in my front and another on my back applying pressure to correct the shape of my spine which immediately made things easier to hold and a bit less painful. I wobbled a little and she put a hand on the inside of my calf to encourage me to widen my stance a little.

"There, that's much better, now try to hold that as still as you can, you need to engage your core. Don't lock your knees... don't you have any glutes?"

"What are those ones again?" I asked, having forgotten what little I learned in P.E. decades ago.

"These!" she said, her hand slapping my ass in a manner that I was fairly sure would be considered inappropriate for a Yoga instructor. (However I do now have Sarah to thank for me knowing what glutes are.)

"Uh okay... how do I do that?" I asked taken aback and not really sure what she meant.

"Okay, take a break" she commanded.

I knelt back down on my knees and was surprised to be able to move in a little less pain than a few minutes earlier. Sarah adopted the same position as I had been doing on the mat next to me.

"Right, put your hand on my bum just above my thigh" she said casually as though she was asking me to pass her a towel.

"Huh?" I said bewildered.

"It's okay, here" she said, reaching over to take my hand (while somehow defying gravity and balancing with just her other hand on the floor). She placed my hand on her right bum cheek and squeezed it.

"Glutes off." she said, hyper extending her knees as I presume I had been doing earlier.

"Glutes on." she continued, this time bending her knees a little. I felt through her lycra leggings, the muscles in her legs and bum engage as she did so, her ass felt tight.

Sarah repeated the demonstration a few times, each time encouraging me to squeeze and feel her muscles working. As she did so, I looked at her fit body, her biceps were bulging a little and in her head down pose, her thin Yoga top had slipped down a little exposing a completely flat stomach. Her sports bra compressed her generous breasts which bulged a little from the top. As I felt up her ass with my hand my cock began to swell.

"Now you try." Sarah instructed kneeling down on the mat.

My hand probably remained on her ass longer than it should have before I snapped out of it. I got myself back into position making an effort not to lock my knees and replicate the muscle usage I had felt on Sarah.

"Okay let's see" Sarah said as she placed her hand on my butt and felt it firmly. Having considered the hotel pool as an alternative form of pain relief, I was wearing only a pair of arguably too short swimming shorts. So as she ran her hand down over my ass, her fingers were soon touching the bare skin of my upper legs.

She squeezed and prodded my bum, making noises of approval, before gripping my inner thigh and squeezing it too, feeling my muscles (or lack of). Her hand slid further up my leg as she assessed me. She didn't stop at my shorts, running her hand up the open leg. I had no underwear on, so as she reached the very top of my inside leg, the back of her hand grazed my balls. I inhaled in surprise but she didn't move her hand, she just left it there, my ball sack resting against it.

"How does that feel now?" she asked ambiguously.

"Ahh I'd say okay..." I answered, thinking there was still a chance she was talking about my back and hadn't noticed what her hand was touching.

"Well let's see if I can do better than that..." she replied in an overtly provocative tone.

Her hand moved off my leg but remained inside my shorts, and she cupped my scrotum, gently manipulating my testicles in her cool hand. My cock, already semi-erect, began to harden faster.

"Umm... is this a typical form of Yoga instruction?" I asked.

"No." Sarah replied in a whisper "this is reserved for students who fuck my girlfriend."

As she said it, she clenched her fist tighter around my nuts and pulled down on them, stretching my scrotum threateningly for a few seconds before releasing it. Next Sarah pulled my shorts down around my thighs. My hands were keeping me from face-planting so I was unable to grab my shorts in time to stop her before my still enlarging cock dangled freely in the air underneath me. Grasping my still somewhat malleable shaft in her hand and sitting cross legged at my side, she began to stroke it like she was milking a cow.

"Uhhhh..... wait!! What if someone comes in!?" I said as my legs began to shake.

I'd been holding the pose for a little while, my muscles were tiring and the feeling of Sarah tugging me off in the middle of the hotel gymnasium caused me to lose concentration. I collapsed onto my knees. My cock became completely rigid in her hand as she manipulated it. I turned to look at Sarah. Her free hand was inside her leggings which had been pulled taught in the crotch as a result of her cross legged position and I could see she was playing with herself and the back of her hand pushed against the legging fabric as she fingered her pussy. When she withdrew her hand, all her digits were glistening in the gym lights and I wondered if she had possibly been fisting herself. She raised her lubricated hand behind me and I felt it running up my perineum and between my cheeks, then I felt her finger, or possibly fingers, forcing their way into my sphincter. All the time, she encircled my throbbing boner, her hand oscillating back and forth. As her digits penetrated deeper inside my rectum I began to feel a new sensation. Sarah had started to massage me internally with the tips of a fingers and it felt like that moment at the beginning of an orgasm... but it just kept on going as she somehow stroked the base of my cock from the inside.

"Oh shit!" I exclaimed "that's sooo good!."

Sarah smiled at me knowingly, as though she understood exactly what she was doing, with the casual air of a professional simply administering a treatment. I focussed on her well defined bone structure and unblemished face, then looked south towards her bulging breasts, protruding from her sports bra just visible above the neckline of her yoga top. She saw me looking.

"You want to see my tits don't you?" she teased "Your wife wanted to see them last night too, when she was fingering me."

Sarah had no way of knowing Danielle had already told me about their encounter, so the revelation, as she used my body for her amusement, perhaps did not have quite the shock factor she had hoped it would have at that moment. I was instead absorbed in an almost out of body experience of pleasure and my response was as surprising to me as perhaps it was to her.

"Yes, and I want to finger your pussy too!" I announced followed with a sigh as she tickled my prostate in just the right area.

"Let's hope we have time!" she replied.

Sarah let go of my raging hard on but to my surprise the sensations of pleasure remained almost as intense as she forced her fingers deeper into me, gaping my asshole further. The pain was secondary to the amazing feeling that I can only liken to that moment just before you cum, but continuous. With one hand now free, she took out her phone and began to record me. At that moment I didn't care, as long as she didn't stop what she was doing. Then it began to happen. The sensation intensified and I felt my testes contracting up towards me, the shaft of my cock felt like it recoiled before ejecting a shot of milky fluid on to the mat underneath me. Sarah began to pump her hand in and out of my ass pressing against my prostate each time. A second spurt of cum hit the floor below me as I groaned in delight. Then a third blast, each time my cock twitching and recoiling as a larger puddle than normal formed below it. Then a fourth squirt?! I couldn't recall this much cum ever flowing from my cock. Sarah didn't stop though, she continued to fist my asshole, massaging my insides to elicit blast after blast of sticky white fluid. Five! six! SEVEN! I felt her hand grasping my shaft once more, tugging me off violently as she continued milking. I grunted loudly with each shot of my now fully automatic weapon. I think I reached 10 spurts before the flow eventually stopped. My cock had already started to soften even as I continued ejaculating. She strangled it tight and pulled down on it, draining it like a tube of toothpaste, before removing her fingers from my asshole. A huge puddle of my cum covered the mat.

Sarah picked up her phone again, filming the aftermath and my exhausted red face. My cock burned a little inside, like it did the time Danielle sounded it. Sarah meanwhile pulled her top and sports bra up over her head, her tits flopped out of it and jiggled pleasingly. They were quite ample for her otherwise athletic frame, and had pretty little pale pink areola and small nipples. Then she lay down, pulling off her shoes, leggings and panties so that she was entirely naked on the floor. Her confidence surprised me, but then I supposed it took a lot of confidence to let your confused best friend play with your boobs as a teenager.

"okay, your turn, show me what you've got" Sarah said, spreading her legs to expose her wet pussy to me.

Unlike the other girls, Sarah still had some hair down there. The majority of her lips appeared to be waxed, but an intentional area of neatly trimmed pubic hair remained over her mound leading to the top of her slit. I pulled my shorts up and moved over onto her mat, avoiding the puddle on mine. I got down between her toned and muscular thighs without delay and began to lick and kiss her inside legs, reaching up at the same time to massage her voluptuous breasts. She was the picture of perfection, the sort of figure you assume has been airbrushed in glossy magazines. There was not a hint of cellulite despite her being well into her thirties - in itself that must have made her a freak of nature. Sarah moaned in enjoyment as I teased around her pussy. Taking a hand off one of her breasts I ran it through the hair on her mons, before using my thumb and forefinger to part her labia and reveal her little clit. I could tell her vagina was more capacious than Chloe's. So as I moved my tongue toward her clit, I brought my other hand down from her chest and inserted 3 fingers into the slick slippery hole, rhythmically thrusting them in and out as I lapped her clit with as much of the length of my tongue as I could. Her thick pubic hairs tickled my nose a little as I did this. I allowed the saliva in my mouth to flow out, down her parted lips to her opening, easing the insertion of my fingers deeper inside. Sarah was now breathing heavily.

As she lay naked on the floor, Sarah placed a hand on my head, pulling it against her vulva, and closed her thighs around it. I added my little finger to the three already stretching her pussy wide and pressed my hand inside her up to my third knuckles. My thumb now reached down onto her butt hole. She wanted to see 'what I'd got' so I decided to try ol' faithful. I inserted my thumb into her sphincter as far as I could and moved my hand back and forth quickly like a machine gun. Sarah squealed with delight at the sensation as I grasped the wall between her vagina and asshole with my thumb and fingers.

"MMMM oh yeah, that feels really good" she encouraged as I kept flicking my tongue over her clit which was now quite hard "I'm getting really close, can you put your whole hand in?"

Surprised at the request but nonetheless keen to please, I withdrew my thumb from her asshole and tucked it in behind my fingers, pushing hard into her gaping pussy until my entire hand was swallowed up inside and her hole closed up around my wrist.

"Ahhhhhhhhh" Sarah called out as I stretched the inner walls of her passage with my full hand.

I began to quickly move my arm back and forth a small amount, vibrating her internally but not sufficient to pull my fist out.

"I"M CUUUUUMMMMMIIING!!" She called out in multiple protracted syllables, as a jet of fluid burst out from her and down my forearm. Her legs compressed around my head and her whole body shook violently with me trapped between her strong thighs unable to withdraw my head or hand. She rolled around on the mat, her arms flailed out as she came hard, one of them landing in the puddle of my ejaculate. She smeared it down her swollen breasts as she gripped onto them during the rolling aftershocks of her intense orgasm.

Eventually Sarah went limp and her legs dropped to the floor releasing my head. I pulled my fist out from her pussy and watched as her gaping opening slowly closed up. She lay there on the floor, completely naked for a minute or so. I looked at the time on the news ticker showing on the TV screen in the corner of the gym. It was 5:15am and I had now cheated on my wife with the 4th person in 12 hours. I was going to hell. At this point, snapping a photo of naked Sarah on the gym floor to enjoy later didn't even register as a liberty. Sarah winked at me as I took it and picked up her own phone. Then I remembered she'd been filming me too.

"So... who were you planning to show that video to?" I asked nervously.

"Hmmm who indeed?" Sarah replied, considering the options "Fortunately for you I didn't exchange numbers with your wife, so I guess only Chloe will get the pleasure."

I breathed a sigh of relief momentarily then realised that outcome was not necessarily any better.

"She told you everything about us?" I asked.

"Yeah, old news, she told me about all of her previous 'boyfriends'" Sarah replied using air quotes.

I inferred from this that Chloe had, in fact, not told Sarah 'all about' everything. Certainly not about her orgies with Danielle, Kara and I.

"So do you and Chloe have an... 'open' relationship?" I asked, adopting air quotes myself. I was curious as to why Sarah had been so blasé about allowing Danielle to finger her when Chloe had seemed unsure about how Sarah would react to her feelings for Danielle and I.

"No, but when Chloe didn't show up at the bar I was certain she was with you. The way she talked about you... it was obvious." Sarah replied pausing for a moment before continuing "I was jealous and I wanted revenge, so I didn't resist when Danielle started drunk flirting."

I had assumed Danielle has been the initiator.

"When I asked Clo' why she ditched me, she told me what you two had done. Then I told her what I'd done." Sarah confided before adding "To think I laughed when she basically suggested swinging with you both... doesn't seem so crazy now!"

Before I could explore the idea further with Sarah, we heard the sound of people talking in the corridor outside. Sarah grabbed her clothes and frantically tried to assemble herself - lycra is not a material designed for getting into quickly! She finally managed to pack her volumous breasts inside her sports bra just as two men walked into the gym and headed for the weights. We walked out together silently, leaving two sticky puddles behind. We headed back to our respective rooms. My back felt much better.

When I returned to the room Danielle was still asleep on the bed. My phone buzzed a few minutes later and I opened the message.

"She's a pretty great instructor huh? C x"

The message included an eggplant followed by a droplets emoji. Sarah had showed Chloe the video.

Chapter Three - The Anna Approach

At 6am the phone rang with our morning wake up call. I was in the shower already but it roused Danielle from her slumber. When I came out we spoke a little about the night before. Danielle, remembering most of the events and our conversation, acknowledged it was "a bit of a crazy night" - that was an understatement! I wasn't sure whether to also tell her about my encounter in the gym that morning but I decided it was better she heard about it from me, now, rather than from Chloe or Sarah later. I downplayed it, mentioning only a handjob, hoping Danielle wouldn't think too much of it, but I got the silent treatment for a bit. Danielle eventually explained that since I wasn't drunk, that made it a greater transgression than what she had done with Sarah the night before. I found the logic questionable but decided to just accept the free pass on Chloe, apologised and bided my time over a frosty breakfast. A few hours later, in the departure lounge, she seemed to have let go of it and was back to her usual self.

We didn't see Chloe or Sarah again but I messaged Chloe before breakfast. They were already waiting to board their early flight to Delhi. We had a short exchange about how much we'd both enjoyed last night then Chloe suggested she might try to talk to Sarah about her desires. I said we'd be open to hooking up again, if Sarah was into it. I was speaking for Danielle but was pretty sure she'd be okay with it!

Kara and the twins appeared about 10 minutes before our flight was called for boarding.

"How'd you sleep?" Kara greeted us.

"Yeah, fine" I replied

"Did you have a drink with Chloe and Sarah?" she asked.

"Nah" Danielle replied "just an early night."

I guess Danielle lied to avoid getting into it in front of her nieces, but whatever the reason, I was content not to share the details with Kara.

Our flight departed on time and was fairly uneventful. I finally got to finish watching The Breakfast Club and had plenty of time to reflect on what I should do about Anna and Sophie. I decided last night had been a lapse in judgement on my part, not to be repeated. Next time I was alone with them I'd apologise and tell them it had been a mistake and it wouldn't happen again.

Our first day in Saint Martin was filled with fun and pretty chilled group activities. We played games in the pool, sipped cocktails on the beach (mocktails for the twins) and did some snorkelling together. It was fun, I was glad to find there was nothing awkward about my interactions with Anna or Sophie, in fact if anything they were more relaxed around me, speaking to me less deferentially than their old-school education had instilled in them, instead teasing and mocking me as a friend.

It was hard to be around them in their holiday swimwear however. I imagine back in the school swimming pool they would have been required to don far more modest one piece bathing suits (no doubt in Castleton green school colours) but no such rules applied here in the midday sun. Here they bathed in significantly more revealing two pieces. Keen to show off both their newly developed assets and their individuality, each wore a different style and colour of skimpy bikini top and bottoms. What they had in common however was that they both exposed the girl's vernal bodies to a greater extent than I had ever seen them before. The gymnastic training that both had undertaken, toned and shaped their buttocks into perfect little peaches, which were revealed almost entirely save the insubstantial covering of fabric only barely containing their cheeks. Their flat, toned stomachs both with cute little 'innie' navels led up to the blooming breasts which had tempted me only a day or so earlier. Sophie's were veiled in a strapless wrap around top which pushed them together creating a little cleavage. Anna's were covered only at the front by small triangles of fabric. Both somehow held as much, if not more allure than the night I had seen and felt them completely uncovered.

Perhaps it was the nature of the clothing that sexualised their pubescent frames all the more. I caught myself staring on a regular basis and had to remind myself to look elsewhere or resume eye contact. It seemed Anna, in particular, found ways to intentionally get herself in my eye-line. Often choosing to exit the pool at the foot of my deck chair (despite the steps being at the opposite end) or taking an opportunity to adjust her bikini just as she passed me, pulling the fabric away from her chest or butt to further expose herself momentarily. I found myself with a semi for almost the entirety of the day despite my best efforts to focus my attention elsewhere. Thankfully Kara and Danielle seemed oblivious.

At one point, as we lay on beach towels listening to the waves lapping against the shore and soaking in the sun, Anna asked me to help apply some sunscreen to her back. Fortunately Kara was also present and told Anna that I did not wish to do that and that her sister should help her. Whether Kara genuinely believed that or was protecting her naive and innocent daughter from a man whose sex drive she well understood, I do not know! But the thought of straddling Anna and rubbing lotion on her back, my boner couched between her ass cheeks, was a difficult image to put out of my mind.

The final test prior to dinner was a game of pool volley ball in which Anna and Sophie both insisted on sitting on one of our shoulders while playing. After the first round in which just the girls played, I was eventually roped in and of course Anna insisted on being on my shoulders. The next ten minutes of her strong smooth thighs gripping the side of my head (my hands holding them in place) while she surreptitiously ground against the back of my head giggling and sighing (notionally at the game) finally caused me to go into full boner, my shorts tenting under the water. I had to remain in the pool for a while after the girls vacated. Something that did not go unnoticed by Danielle as we got changed for dinner.

"That final volley ball game get you worked up?" she said, laughing.

"I just needed a little rest after all the exertion." I lied "Not as young as I used to be."

"Uhuh" she said unbelievingly "nothing to do with the massive boner in your trunks then"

"You could tell?" I whispered, mortified, and concerned that the walls between our three adjoining rooms were not that thick.

Danielle roared with laughter before heading to the ensuite to shower off.

"Need any help with it?" she called back suggestively.

To be fair to her, Danielle was amazingly relaxed, accepting there was little I could do to avoid being turned on by pretty teenage girls innocently bouncing around in swimwear and she was happy to help relieve me of the built up tension. So Danielle and I arrived a little late for dinner.

When we eventually turned up at our table, Kara, Anna and Sophie were already seated with drinks and appetisers and were perusing the extensive menu. Fortunately the twins were now wearing T-shirts and shorts (and bras!) which helped me to focus on the food and conversation and avoid any more embarrassing bulges. Over the course of our meal, Kara set up a WhatsApp group so that we could exchange the various photos we had taken so far and we deliberated how to spend the following day. It was decided the girls would spend the morning being pampered and I would be free to do my own thing for which I was grateful. I'm not a big fan of spa's and massages so I was relieved to get a moment that I wouldn't have to be "on guard" around Anna and Sophie.

It was well after 9pm when we finished our meal. Kara told Anna and Sophie that they should return to their rooms while the grown ups had a nightcap at the bar, as they wouldn't be allowed in. Danielle, as always, was keen but I was running on fumes after my lack of sleep and was keen to get a good nights shuteye. I said I'd accompany Anna and Sophie back upstairs and Kara and Danielle could have some quality sibling bonding time. I figured it would give me an opportunity to have the chat with Anna and Sophie alone. The twins and I headed back into the lobby towards the lifts and Kara and Danielle followed the sound of the music blaring from the bar-come-nightclub. When the elevator doors pinged open I stepped inside with Anna and Sophie following me in. With the doors closed and the elevator in motion Anna was the first to speak.

"Can we do stuff again tonight?" she asked excitedly as Sophie smiled broadly.

"No I'm sorry" I started my rehearsed apology, to looks of surprise and disappointment "what we did in London was wrong, I'm your uncle and you're both too young for that, I shouldn't have allowed it. It's my fault and I'm sorry that I led you astray like that."

"But we wanted to do it!" Sophie protested

"That's not the point Sophie. I'm the adult and should have known better. If your mum found out she would literally murder me. Sorry" I said again, holding my ground.

Anna and Sophie didn't say anything further before the lift pinged again and the doors opened on our floor. We walked down the corridor towards our rooms. As the girls entered theirs, making one final appeal for me to come inside, we said goodnight politely, then I unlocked the door to Danielle and I's room and entered it. Kara had booked three rooms next door to one another, hers and ours adjoined a middle room which the twins were sharing. All of them had large balconies overlooking the hotel pool and outdoor bar. I opened the sliding door of the balcony and sat down in the warm evening air, listening to the music playing in the distance. It was a ***********ion of 80's and 90's pop and club music which appealed to me. As I was about to retire to bed I heard a knock at the door.

Returning inside, I opened the door to the corridor and found no one there. I closed the door but then heard a second quiet knock. It was coming from the internal door to Anna and Sophie's room. Then my phone buzzed. It was a WhatsApp notification from a number I didn't recognise. Opening the app I read the message: "Knock knock...". No sooner had I read the text then another message popped in. It was a photo, a selfie of Anna taken earlier in the day in her bikini, smiling at me. Her wet, sun-kissed body glistened in the bright afternoon light. I walked over to the door and paused, considering the temptation before me.

As I stood there I looked at the door knob then back at the picture on my phone for a minute. The music from the bar carried into the room through the open balcony door. Bronski Beat's 80's synth and drum machine heavy refrain seemed implausibly timely as I stood at the doorway considering two paths: 'Run away, turn away, run away, turn away, run away' they sang... I put my hand to the door latch, released it and slowly turned the handle, cautiously opening the door to the twin's bedroom. I'd made my decision.

The door on the other side was already fully open. In the doorway, Anna stood before me bare footed in her night dress, or perhaps just an oversized t-shirt. The light from my room cast her shadow on the floor and illuminated the twin beds behind her sufficiently for me to see Sophie asleep on one of them. I stepped backwards allowing Anna to enter my room. She softly closed the door behind her and turned back to look at me. I swallowed as I looked at her. I could see the outline of her nipples poking through the fabric of her nightwear which draped pleasingly over her little unsupported breasts and came down to just above her knees. She smiled at me. I took several steps backwards until I was standing at the foot of the king size bed then lay down on it looking at the ceiling fan above my head. I put a thumb into each side of my waistband, and pushed my shorts and briefs down, silently exposing myself to my teenage niece once again. Anna did nothing at first, I felt my penis twitch and begin to rise towards the ceiling as I anticipated the events to come. Eventually I felt Anna take hold of my shaft tentatively, feeling it once more in her delicate, warm hand as it slowly stiffened. Then she began to stroke it just like I had showed her the previous evening.

In short order her hand gripped me tighter, with greater confidence, as she withdrew my foreskin from over my glans. With her free hand, she cupped my exposed testicles and gently moved them around her palm like marbles.

"Am I doing it right?" she asked sounding uncertain.

"Yeah, you're doing it right" I answered, keeping my eyes shut "that's it."

Anna continued to jerk me off on the bed for a while. Then I became aware of her breath on my cock. I opened my eyes and looked down. She was kneeling on the bed next to me, her face at eye level with my vertical erection, and she was biting her lower lip as she stared at it in her hand.

"Do you want to taste it like Sophie did?" I asked

Anna nodded, continuing to stare at it.

"Okay" I said.

Anna leaned forward and opened her mouth to accommodate my straining 'muscle' and closed her soft, moist lips around it. Just like Sophie's had, Anna's tongue began to lick around the tip and shaft and her mouth filled with her warm saliva. I pushed my hips up off the bed slightly to slide my cock further inside her mouth. She drew back a little and I lay down again.

"Try sliding it in and out of your mouth" I explained to her as I placed my hand lightly on the back of her head, and pressed down, encouraging her to take more of me into her mouth.

She resisted a little, but I was in a state of arousal that demanded satisfaction and was thinking little of what might make her uncomfortable. I pressed down more firmly compelling her to take my long rigid phalus deeper inside. Then I relaxed, allowing her to slide up it again. I repeated the motion until she began to do it of her own accord.

"That's it" I encouraged "that feels really good."

As her lips passed over my corona I felt my cock twitch and Anna immediately sat up with a look of distaste on her face.

"Something came out... is that it done?" she asked sticking her tongue out in disgust.

"No, not yet" I answered, realising she could just taste some of my pre-cum "you don't like the taste?"

Anna shook her head.

"That's okay , not all girls do..." I said sympathetically "...sometimes they let guys finish on their boobs instead, would that be okay ?"

Anna nodded so I asked her to take off her night dress in order that it didn't get messy and to swap places with me on the bed. She stood up and pulled her gown up over her head, revealing that in addition to no bra, she was not wearing any panties either. Anna stood before me completely naked with a self-conscious look on her face that reminded me of the first time I'd seen Danielle naked. Her nipples were poking out, and her areola noticeably puffed up from the rest of her pert breasts which hung before me temptingly. My eyes panned down her body to take in the sight I had longed to see. Her smooth, hairless mound lead down to a tiny and equally smooth slit. Her outer lips were plump with no visible inner labia. She stood legs together with a small thigh gap just below her pale, untouched pussy.

"You're beautiful Anna" I said eliciting a smile as she lay down upon my bed.

I knelt over her, picked up the limp wrist at her side and positioned her hand back onto my shaft to begin stroking it again, which she resumed obligingly. I continued to encourage her in her strokes and as she concentrated again on performing her duties correctly, I reached down, taking the entirety of her left breast in my right hand and massaged it firmly. Then I slowly ran my my left hand over her belly, moving slowly toward her mound

"Is that okay?" I asked as my hand reached down in between her legs.

Anna looked back at me silently. I touched her vulva gently, stroking it and feeling the warmth radiating from it. As I did so she closed her eyes and tipped her head back, inhaling, as she experienced something she had never felt before, her intimate regions stimulated by another person for the first time. As she continued to stroke me, I slipped my index finger between her smooth lips and up her already moist slit until it came into contact with a small, but detectable clitoris. Anna let out a shudder of delight then bit her lower lip again dropping my cock as she was overcome by the sensations for the first time. I wondered if she'd ever even touched herself before.

She was really wet and my finger made a squelching noise as it moved between her labia. I teased her clit ever so gently as I released her breast and took hold of myself to begin to masturbate over her perfect, innocent body. Without much warning, the stimulation, both physical and visual caused me to erupt over her. The first blast shot over her face, landing on her temple, closed eye lid, nose and lips. I managed to redirect myself for the second shot which covered her chest, right breast and nipple. A third, weaker shot, dripped down onto her left breast.

She opened one eye to see what had happened. I kept my fingers between her legs and continued massage her pussy. I took out my phone and photographed her naked, semen splattered body, taking close ups of her little breasts which seemed to have swollen somewhat, her face and her glistening pussy as I fingered it. She didn't move other than her chest rising and falling.

"You're so sexy Anna" I praised her, wanting to make the child on my bed feel like a woman "do you want to taste some real cum?"

She shook her head.

"That's okay" I said, reaching over to the night stand to get a tissue.

I wiped her face down first, then followed that with her tits. As I cleaned the cum from her erect nipples she shuddered at the stimulation, they were clearly very sensitive. Looking at her incredible athletic body, layed out before me to explore, I wondered something.

"Anna, I have a gymnastics question for you" I said "can you put your feet behind your head?"

Anna looked up at me smugly and pulled each leg up one at a time, tucking each foot behind her head. She rolled back and smiled proudly at her achievement. I smiled, looking at her now slightly parted labia, bald taint, and her little exposed ass hole, now revealed to me.

"Wow!" I said "that's soo cool! Having you lick me earlier felt so good - would you like to know how it feels?"

"You want to lick me?" she asked "down there?"

I knelt down at the end of the bed, and pulled her lightweight body towards my face. I placed my lips on her pubic mound, planting a gentle kiss. Then I moved down slightly, kissing her inner thighs in turn. Then I moved to where her lips were spreading due to her unusual position, and kissed again. Each kiss caused her to giggle a little. As I moved further down, I didn't kiss her perineum, instead I stuck out my tongue and placed the tip against her asshole, licking from there up her taint, between her parted labia pressing deep between them to finally contact her now swollen clit.

"Mmmmmm" she moaned as I completed the full lick

I returned to her asshole to do the same again, this time licking around and about it before moving over her taint, up a down a few times, finally proceeding back to her pussy and clit.

"Are you licking my bum?" she asked between moans of pleasure.

"Yes, do you like it?" I answered softly.

"Yea mmmmmmmmmmmmmm" she replied as I probed her nether regions delicately but purposefully.

I placed a hand on each of her thighs and used my thumbs to spread her outer labia wider, revealing Anna's tiny inner labia. They were so small that if I didn't know any better I'd have assumed she'd had cosmetic surgery to trim them down. I placed my thumbs on those, stretching them wider to completely expose her virgin hole to inspection. Over the entrance to her vagina, a thin layer of skin partially obstructed her opening. I stuck out my tongue and licked it specifically, more for my own titillation than Anna's, then I gently pressed the tip of my tongue into the little gap to see how far it might stretch. Anna groaned a little. Looking up I saw her glistening clitoral hood, Stretching my finger I was able to place above and retract it to fully expose her tiny shining clit. I collected saliva in my mouth and placed my tongue directly on Anna's unprotected pleasure centre. Anna almost immediately began to breathe more heavily, then began panting. Within only a minute or two she was overcome with the stimulation.

"Ha, oh, oh, oh what's happening?!" she called out in alarm as I flicked my wet tongue back and forth over her uncovered clit "ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Her muscles strained in her arms, legs and belly as Anna experienced what I would soon discover was her first ever climax. I looked at her as she lay stunned on the bed, her legs now resting over my shoulders.

"How was that?" I asked her as she recovered.

"I... what was...I've never felt like..." she said, confused "how did you do that?"

"Never?" I asked, surprised "you never, you know, touch yourself down there, for fun?"

Anna blushed at the suggestion.

"Well yeaah... I've tried it" she confessed blushing more "but that never happened!"

"Well, THAT was an orgasm." I answered like a teacher training his student "if you are patient you can give yourself one, just take your time and focus riiight here."

I brushed my finger over Anna's still erect clit and she pulled away. I placed my palm on her mound reassuringly then using my little finger only, slid it inside her now oozing wet pussy, being careful so not to risk breaking her hymen with too much force. It was the tightest I've ever felt, even tighter than Chloe. Anna contracted on my finger as she felt it slide into her and her face looked stunned.

"Or try this." I said, feeling for her g-spot with my pinkie.

Anna lay on the bed as I fingered her and I sat over her so I could put my mouth on one of her little nipples at the same time. I loved how stiff it was compared to her spongy areolae. I could almost fit her entire breast inside my mouth. She giggled as I suckled on her newly developed teats and began to moan in pleasure again. I was excited at the prospect of giving her a second orgasm when I realised the music had stopped outside. Releasing her nipple from between my lips, I looked at the clock and it was after midnight.

Abruptly stopping my stroking, I gently eased my finger out from Anna's tight pussy. I stood up and handed Anna her night dress.

"Your mum or aunt could be back anytime now" I warned.

Anna slowly got up from the bed and begrudgingly pulled her gown over her head, once more veiling her perfect body from my view. I put my arms around her and hugged her. My semi pressed against her as I held her. As I did so, my hands slid down, reaching under the fabric to grasp each of her little bare ass cheeks, squeezing them firmly. They were just the right size to fill my hands. I thought momentarily about lifting night dress up at the front so I could press my cock against her bare dripping pussy but I resisted the urge.

"You're so sexy Anna" I said once more "you know I love you right?"

I said it because I didn't want her to take my kicking her out abruptly as an indication I didn't care about her, but then I heard myself say it and realised it sounded a bit creepy.

Anna nodded silently. I let her go and she walked towards the adjoining door back to her room.

"Remember, this is our little secret okay?" I said, spanking her bum playfully and gently as she walked past me.

"Okay." she replied, opening the door quietly and returning to her room.

I noticed a little wet patch on the bed where Anna had been lying but there was nothing much I could do. I just closed the balcony door and pulled my shoes and clothes off, getting under the sheets and turning the lights off. Ten minutes later there was a beep and the door opened. I got a lump in my throat as I realised how close I had cut it and what might have happened if Danielle had caught me eating out my niece on our bed.

In dim moonlight I saw Danielle stagger across the room, stripping off as she did so. Eventually she managed to get all her clothes off and climbed into the bed next to me. She reached around and her hand slid down to find my semi. Saying nothing she grasped it and began to tug me off. I knew she was horny, her stiff nipples pressed into me. I reached back between her legs and began to finger her already slick pussy as she moved in to kiss me. She tasted of gin. My cock firmed up quickly in Danielle's well practised hand and she breathed more heavily as my fingers probed between her legs. She pulled me onto my back and climbed over me to mount the column she had erected, reaching behind her back to guide it into her ready passage and she lowered herself down. She began to rock back and forth vigorously, the bed creaking as she did so. Silent until now, Danielle began to moan as my full girth stretched her hole pleasingly and she rocked for maximum penetration. Already having satisfied myself over Anna, Danielle was able to continue riding me for a good while and she became louder as she began to approach an orgasm from that alone. In the dim light I could see her tits bouncing up and down above my head before she grabbed one and pulled her nipple taught, running her free hand through her hair. The clapping sound of Danielle's thighs bouncing against my own was loud. Combined with her groans and the subtle squeak of the bedframe, if anyone could hear it, there was no mistaking what we were doing.

"Ah, ah ah oh fuck, fuck, FUCK! YES! OH YES!!" she announced as she bounced up and down on my enduring shaft, rocking the bed.

Glancing behind Danielle I noticed something. The door to the adjoining room was being held ajar. I had not latched again after Anna departed. One (or perhaps both) of them were watching and listening to Danielle and I having sex!

I reached up to Danielle and pulled her close to my chest causing her to lean forward on her knees. I imagined this would afford whoever was watching a clear view of my cock sliding in and out of Danielle's dripping pussy. I closed my eyes and pictured Anna's naked, nubile body as Danielle rode my shaft. Reaching behind her ass, feeling for Danielle's ass hole, I imagined it was Anna's ass I was about to slide my finger inside. I pressed my finger into Danielle's exposed asshole, triggering her as I knew it would.

"FUUUCCKKK YEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!" Danielle cried as her orgasm took control of her muscles, rippling through every one. She collapsed on top of me, my hard-on still deep inside her, fully loaded, with my finger still hooked inside her ass.

She lay on me motionless and silent and after a few moments I heard our door bump shut quietly, followed by a lock turning on the other side. Then I peered down at Danielle. Her eyes were closed. She had passed out.

Rolling her off me to one side of the bed, I reached found my phone and opened up WhatsApp. I attached the photos of Anna's desecrated body which I had taken earlier on and sent her an accompanying message.

"These aren't for the group chat. ;-)"

I hit send then returned to the photo album to look at the pictures of the innocent, slight figure lying on the bed. I took hold of my slippery shaft, coated in Danielle's secretions and began to jerk off next to my unconscious wife, wondering where it would all end. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but it felt so good!

As I got close, I stood up and walked around to the other side of the bed. Danielle's mouth was open and she was snoring lightly. I held my cock over her face and stroking rapidly came over it, covering Danielle's nose and lips in my load. Cum dribbled down into her mouth and Danielle licked her lips, still out cold. I wiped the tip of my shaft on her cheek and got back into bed next to her.

Chapter Four - The Sophie Sequel

The following day, as had been agreed over dinner the night before, the four girls hung out in the morning, visiting the spa and doing a couple of other activities which I wasn't particularly interested in. I had the morning to myself, so just I chilled out, watching some movies on my iPad by the poolside. There was a brief interruption when Anna sent me a candid photo of, I think, Sophie's naked behind in the changing rooms. I had to take a break from The Martian to return to my room to jerk off to it. Her cute little under-butt and toned but hip-less thighs were so hot. I remembered how Anna's smooth bare cheeks had felt, nestled in my hands as I had hugged her the night before and I fantasised about sliding my cock up and down Sophie's tiny little crack as I stared at the photo of her exposed little ass.

After a morning on my own I rejoined the girls for a late lunch / early dinner and we spent the rest of the afternoon into dusk on the beach. Sophie and Anna were once more in their bikini's but my experiences with Anna and the relief I had gotten earlier in the day from the cheeky snap of Sophie seemed to temper my lust somewhat. Anna too had calmed down a little and was no longer stalking me quite as doggedly. After a light snack at the hotel buffet Danielle & Kara were keen to get to bed earlier than they had after their session last night. The twin's protested and despite my offer to 'watch them' by the pool, eventually they were forced to comply with Kara's instructions to go to bed and 'leave your uncle in peace'.

I went upstairs with Danielle but didn't immediately join her in bed. She was actually keen to sleep, so I sat out on the balcony again, this time listening to light jazz emanating from the bar below and reading a fairly predictable and formulaic spy novel I had packed. As I read I was conscious of Kara's voice next door in the twin's room. Their balcony door was also ajar and I could hear her telling the twins they could stay up late if they wanted to but not to make any noise because people were sleeping next door. I resumed reading my book and must have fallen asleep because the next time I checked my phone it was almost 11:30. There was also a WhatsApp notification which had come in a few seconds ago. I assume this had woken me. The message was from Anna.

"Are you still awake?" it read.

I looked back into the bedroom and could see Danielle fast asleep on the bed. Peering over the edge of our balcony to see the doors on Kara's I could tell her room was in darkness, but the lights in the twin's room were still on.

"No" I replied, trying to be funny.

"Want to come and play with us?" Anna replied.

I looked back at Danielle.

"Pretty risky. Your aunt might hear." I responded adding a sad face emoji.

My phone buzzed again. It was another picture. A selfie of Anna and Sophie, lying next to each other on one of their beds. They were both naked but Anna had added silly icons over the key parts of the image to preserve their modesty.

I looked at the gap between our respective balconies. It was probably traversable but there was no way I was going to try it. Then I looked back at Danielle, still sleeping. I crept back inside our room and moved slowly and quietly towards the adjoining door.

"Turn off your lights" I typed, before sending the message with a winking emoji.

A few seconds later Anna confirmed they were off and I quietly turned the handle on the door, conscious of every creak and squeak, looking back nervously at Danielle who didn't stir. Pulling the door open, it was dark in the twin's room and I couldn't see either of them, I stepped inside, quietly closing the door behind me but I couldn't shut it properly as there was no handle on this side to open it again. As I waited for my eyes to adjust to the lower light, I also closed the internal door on this side, locking it.

"Okay" I whispered "you can turn the lights on now".

I was momentarily dazzled by the bright lighting when it came on, then as I looked around the room I set eyes on both Anna and Sophie. Sophie was standing by the main door operating the light switch, she had put some pyjamas back on. Anna was lying under just her thin bed sheet and the contours of her body were easily distinguishable and her breasts were obviously free. When I set eyes on her, she tossed her sheets to the side to reveal she was not wearing any pyjamas at all. Both girls laughed more loudly than I was comfortable with.

"Shhhh" I said, raising my finger to my lips, treating them like children to be reprimanded again.

Both of them sniggered under their breath as Sophie walked over to stand next to Anna's bed. I walked towards them both and sat down on the bed. I placed my hand on her side and began to stroke her warm, naked form soothingly, just occasionally grazing the side of her breast with my thumb or wrist. Anna explained that she had told Sophie about her orgasm last night and that she had been trying to give herself another one to let Sophie see, but she hadn't managed to yet. Anna also said that she didn't want to touch Sophie the way I had touched her because that would be 'like eww, gross!'

"It's not gross, lots of girls practice on each other, everybody does it they just don't talk about it..." I lied, borrowing from the Cruel Intentions playbook.

Both girls looked surprised but seemed to buy into this revelation.

"and it's not like movies or what you see on the internet" I said, in a soft spoken voice "it takes time to... build up."

"How come you were able to do it so fast?" Anna asked.

"Well I've had lots of practice" I answered, uncertain if she was referring to my or her orgasm, hopefully the latter, "but I can show you how."

I looked at Sophie as I said this and she nodded. Getting off Anna's bed I sat sideways on the edge of Sophie's instead. I put some pillows to the side of my lap and instructed Sophie to take off her pyjamas and lay across my lap. After a nod of encouragement from Anna, Sophie did as instructed. She pulled her pyjama top over her head. The limited support for her chest removed, her little boobs flopped down again with a pleasing bounce. Then, after a hesitant pause, she bent over and pulled her pyjama shorts down. Just like her sister, Sophie was still completely devoid of pubic hair. Her vulva had large plush labia majora and a small slit. However, unlike Anna, Sophie's inner lips did protrude ever so temptingly from her outer ones. She got up onto the bed and obediently lay across my lap. I got her to move up until my legs sat in the small of her back and her head lay flat supported by the pillows. I was now easily able to place my right hand between her thighs and separate them.

Anna stood before me and watched attentively. I put my hand on Sophie's forehead and stroked her head, as I licked my fingers on my free hand. Reaching between her legs, I pressed my fingers into her labia and began to gently rub back and forth, feeling for the opening to her vagina and trying to coax her clit into emerging. At first, Sophie looked nervous, her fists clenched up at her chest, as though getting a medical examination. It took a while but as I worked at her, she eventually began to relax and the feeling of pleasure seemed to overcome any nerves she may have had.

"How does that feel Soph'?" I asked, still stroking her head.

Sophie didn't answer in words, instead she just sighed wistfully. Anna meanwhile had started to copy me and was standing, massaging herself in the same way, clearly enjoying it. I could feel Sophie getting quite moist between her legs and I could also now feel her aroused clit protruding at the top of her lips. As I massaged her labia, I began to press my finger ever so gently into her until I felt a little resistance. Then I withdrew and stroked upwards and onto her swollen clit which I depressed firmly. Sophie began to breathe more heavily.

"Show me where feels best to you..." I instructed her "...if you want me rub you harder or softer, or faster or slower"

Sophie took my hand, moving it up slightly.

"There..." she replied "but harder"

I did exactly as she requested, pressing firmly onto the rigid structure just above the tip of her clit. As I did so she immediate tilted her head back grabbed her breasts instinctively.

"AAHHHHH" she sighed loudly.

I put my free hand over her mouth and began to rub with greater intensity over the target area. Muffled moans of delight came out of Sophie as she began to experience what Anna had the night before. Anna meanwhile, peering attentively between her sister's legs, was continuing to masturbate, still chasing after her own elusive orgasm, but not yet reaching the levels of pleasure Sophie was. Sophie's toes were curled and her legs stretched out, hyper extending at the knees. I could feel her rapid breathing as she exhaled through her nostrils on my hand which was still covering her mouth.

"MMMMMMMMMMHHHHHHHH" Sophie cried out as I pressed down on her mouth to suppress her cries as her first orgasm took hold.

Her pussy made squelching noises as she ejected her secretions onto the bed and her legs shook causing the bed to rattle - there was nothing I could do to silence that. Anna was paying less attention to herself now and was instead fascinated to watch her sister's inaugural climax. Unprepared for what she had just experienced, a little tear ran down Sophie's red face and I teased her wet, sensitive labia, before finally withdrawing my hand from between her legs and uncovering her mouth, to gently massage her wonderful little breasts. She lay on top of my lap, shuddering occasionally as she processed the experience and my fingers stimulated her hard nipples.

"How was it?" I asked softly, after a few minutes.

Sophie smiled and nodded silently. My cock had swollen in my shorts and was pressing against her back as she lay over me. The two sisters looked at one another and smiled, acknowledging their now shared experience.

"We decided..." Anna started off "we want you to show us how to... do it...properly... like you and Aunt Dani."

I was taken aback by the announcement and didn't know what to say. Of course I was more than ready to deflower them both right there but there was also a part of me that realised that to do so would be to take something from them which they could never get back. I remembered how incredible the experience had been for Danielle and I our first time. So I hesitated.

"Why me?" I asked them both "Wouldn't you rather do it with someone special, your own age?"

"Aunt Dani told us you were her first" Sophie replied basking the afterglow from her position on my lap "she said you were really kind and she was glad she did it first with you."

"Yeah. And we saw how much she enjoyed it last night" Anna chimed in.

Sophie glared at her as though she had said the quiet part out loud.

"I see." I replied noncommittally "I did wonder which of you was watching us last night."

Both girls looked away from me like children who had just be caught red handed.

"You know you shouldn't spy on people." I chastised them as if I had an ounce of moral authority remaining.

A slightly awkward silence ensued that I broke by continuing the previous topic.

"So are you sure about this?" I asked, running my hand up the side of Anna's leg "you only get to lose your virginity once."

"We're sure!" she replied without hesitation.

I looked at Sophie who nodded confirming her agreement. I asked which of them wanted to be first and Anna volunteered. I wanted to make sure they both understood what they were asking for and what to expect so I explained what would happen and how it would really feel - the last thing I wanted was hysteria at the sight of blood or unexpected pain waking Kara and Danielle! After a suitable briefing, I fetched some towels from the bathroom and put them down on the end of Anna's bed. I got Sophie to sit down on the bed so that Anna could lay down in her sister's lap with her legs spread at the foot of the bed. With both girls in place, I knelt down and once again inspected Anna's labia to reveal her intact hymen then I began to lick her pussy. My tongue wandered over it, flicking her clit and sucking on her tiny inner lips, pulling on them gently between my teeth. I also strayed down onto her taint and lifted her legs over her body to reveal her ass hole so I could tease it with my tongue. Anna moaned in pleasure and I looked up at Sophie who was watching on in fascination.

"Why don't you give your sister's boobs a little massage" I suggested.

Sophie looked at her a sister uncertainly but Anna, in a state of great arousal, eagerly nodded so Sophie hesitantly placed her hands on her sibling's breasts and began to fondle them gently. Looking up at Sophie playing with Anna's breasts as Anna's head nestled between her own gave me an instant boner-boost as tongued Anna's virgin hole. After a few minutes Sophie got into it and she was gently kneading her sister's engorged breasts and playing with her nipples to quiet moans of pleasure from Anna.

"Would you like a little kiss from your sister Anna?" I asked as I concentrated on her now hard clit.

"Mmmmm hmmmm" she replied almost oblivious to the ask.

Sophie, looking surprised, but keen to support her sister, bent over and while continuing to massage Anna's little breasts, moistened her lips and planted them on her sister's. Anna's eyes were closed and as soon as she felt her lips make contact with her sister's, she sighed and began kiss her back! Sophie's eyes widened but she allowed her sister, clearly deep in fantasy, to continue making out with her passionately. Assessing that Anna was as ready as she would ever be I stood up and reached up to take hold of one of Sophie's hands. I placed her finger in my mouth and licked it then moved it down onto Anna's now prominent clit, making a circling motion so that Sophie knew how to distract her sister from the pain.

Pulling down my shorts and briefs, I aligned the tip of my throbbing, straining shaft with Anna's veiled passageway. Looking down on it, the contrast in size was apparent. Even the tip of my cock dwarfed Anna's tiny little pussy. Spitting on my hand I spread saliva over my glans and applied gentle pressure to her opening which at first went unnoticed. With her feet on the edge of the bed, I pulled against Anna's raised thighs to gain purchase as I readied myself to break through. Just before I did so, I leaned over and picked up the pillow from the other bed which Sophie had been lying on and passed it to her. Sophie, seeing it out of the corner of her eye, took hold of the pillow ready to smother her sister if need be.

I pushed forward and held onto Anna's thighs to hold her in position and stop her moving away. The pain was instantaneous as I pressed against her, stretching her hymen and constricted opening. Anna immediately stopped kissing Sophie and let out a yelp of pain then covered her mouth remembering she was supposed to be keeping quiet. Although I had begun to stretch her, the head of my shaft was not even inside. I hadn't expected her to be quite so tight and had to bear down on her again more forcefully. This time I overcame the resistance and forced the entirety of my glans beyond her opening and inside her clenching, virgin hole. Anna shrieked loudly in pain before Sophie managed to cover her face with the pillow and contain the noise. Anna's muffled groans continued as I paused waiting to see if Danielle or Kara had stirred. After a moment or two, with no sound of any movement from either adjacent room, I began to move the head of my shaft back and forth inside Anna's tight wet pussy, encouraging Sophie to continue rubbing her sister's clit to try and distract her from the pain. Initially Anna just made noises like an injured animal, but after a few minutes and continued stimulation by her sister, the experience was becoming less unpleasant for her. Sophie had removed the pillow and was once more making out with her sister and massaging her breasts in turn. For myself, the sensation inside such a young, tight hole was like being a teenager again, the first time I had penetrated Danielle. I was enjoying the incredible stimulation of Anna's stretched little pussy encircling me tightly. I was getting close to orgasm and thought about what it would be like to push the rest of my cock fully inside my young niece and blow my load there. But I knew the potential consequences of that were too serious to contemplate. Content that I had done the job I was asked to do and before it got too much for me, I withdrew from Anna's no longer innocent pussy. As I did so, I could see it was covered in a pink fluid, a mixture of Anna's blood and the wet secretions of her youthful pussy. Her hymen was torn and bleeding onto the towel below and she winced as I pulled out.

"Are you okay Anna?" I asked concerned she may be regretting her decision.

"Yeah... it hurt more than I was expecting" she replied

I resisted the temptation to say I told her so and looked at Sophie, who was still holding onto one of her sister's breasts but looking a little nervous.

"Time to swap places Sophie" I said, wondering if she might have changed her mind.

Anna turned to face her and encouraged her that although it was sore, she was glad she had done it now, and wanted to try again later.

"I'll help you" she reassured her sister.

Sophie was convinced by Anna and she swapped places with her, lying down on the towel already stained with her sister's blood. I knelt down once more so that I was able inspect Sophie's pussy in greater detail. Placing my thumbs on her protruding outer labia I stretched them apart to locate her clitoris and hymen. It was already wet from her earlier stimulation, possibly also from the make out session with her sister. Interestingly, Sophie's hymen was not visible anymore, presumably having broken as a result of some sporting activity a while ago. I pushed my finger inside her dripping wet hole and felt how tight she was as I began to massage her g-spot and clit at the same time. Then just as I had with Anna, I lifted up her legs up to expose her taint and ass hole to me. As I fingered her, I stuck out my tongue and began to lick her sphincter and perineum. The alien sensation immediately caused Sophie to giggle and sigh in pleasure while her sister played with her breasts and the two kissed again. I enjoyed rimming Sophie for a good while, my cock pulsating between my legs as I knelt on the floor fantasising about what fucking her in the ass would feel like. I could feel my balls aching and knew that penetrating Sophie without immediately ejaculating inside her was going to be a real challenge.

I stood up, and ran the blood stained tip of my cock through Sophie's tight little slit, wetting it in her copious flow. I slid it back down again, brushing over her taint and against her saliva covered sphincter, gently pressing, imagining what it would feel like to take her anally, to repeat the brutal assault I had made on Chloe's virgin asshole with my teenage niece. But I resisted the temptation and refocussed on what I had been asked to do. I slid my sensitive glans once more up to the entrance of Sophie's narrow, unspoiled couloir. Just as I had with Anna, I braced against Sophie's thin but toned and muscular thighs, so that she couldn't wriggle up the bed. Anna recognised what was about to happen and stopped manipulating her sister's pert, little teats, instead placing her hand over Sophie's mouth as I rammed my way inside her, stretching her open as my shaft slid deeper into her than I had intended. Sophie cried out in pain as my girthy member ploughed into her about halfway before I stopped. The lack of a hymen had made entering her far easier than her sister and the excess force had caused me to gape her far wider than Anna. Sophie groaned as I withdrew a little to ease her discomfort. But I was so turned on at the experience, my labido took over and I began to thrust inside her more vigorously than I had done with Anna. Recognising her sister's discomfort, Anna reached down and slipped her fingers between Sophie's parted slit to masturbate on her behalf. She released her hand from Sophie's mouth only once Sophie had become more accustomed to my thrusting. Then she grabbed one of her breasts, manipulating Sophie's red, erect nipple between her finger and thumb as if trying to milk it. Somehow, intuitively, Anna knew exactly what Sophie wanted to feel and Sophie's eyes rolled back in their sockets. Until that point I didn't think it was possible for Sophie's pussy to be any tighter, but as Anna furiously rubbed her sister's clit, I began to feel Sophie's muscles constrict around my shaft all the more as another climax came upon her. My hard-on was on a hair trigger and I knew I had to pull out immediately or risk unloading inside Sophie as she came. Only the second orgasm of her life and it was huge. She squealed in glee, her whole body shaking while her sister relentlessly flicked her bean. Anna managed to get her hand back over Sophie's mouth but not fast enough to completely stifle her cry. Sophie's face and chest flushed and I saw a little flow of squirt shoot from her urethra and land on the towel. Eventually she had to grab Anna's hand and pull it away from her aching clit, unable tell her to stop because of Anna's hand still gagging her mouth.

Sophie lay back on her sister's chest and snuggled her face into Anna's soft, bare breasts. I looked at them, my cock bursting to release my load, and Anna eventually took pity on me.

"Hey Soph, do you want to taste it too?" Anna asked her sister, who was still twitching in her lap, referring to how she had tasted a little of my pre-cum a couple of nights prior.

Sophie was able to nod. I moved around to the side of the bed next to Sophie's face. Anna helped her sister sit up a bit and Sophie opened her mouth sticking out her tongue. Anna then confidently took hold of my shaft and began to stroke it from base to head. The confidence she had gained over the course of three sessions together was remarkable. No longer timidly holding it for fear of doing harm, this time Anna gripped it firmly in her little hand and oscillated to and fro with purpose. She would squeeze tighter as her thumb and forefinger ran over the point between my shaft and head. It probably took less than thirty seconds of Anna's masterful handjob before I nutted across Sophie's face. Anna quickly directed my cock onto the tip of her sister's tongue so my second shot covered it in a thick creamy pool. I had been waiting so long a third blast also shot into Sophie's mouth. Sophie closed her mouth and swirled my cum around inside it before gulping and smiling.

"I like it." she said turning to her sister and smiling, wiping the excess off her face and licking her fingers.

Anna screwed up her face in disgust and they both giggled then hugged one another. Finally satisfied, I pulled my shorts up and appreciated the view of my twin nieces naked and cuddled up together on the bed.

"How was it?" I asked them.

"I'm still sore." Sophie admitted and Anna nodded in agreement.

"Yeah it will be for the next few times until you stretch out" I said, before adding "but if you want me to help again this week I'd be happy to."

They both smiled and nodded in agreement.

"And you can practice on each other in the mean time" I added winking, "you might find you like the taste of girls?"

They both looked at each other uncertainly at first but Anna had mischievous glint in her eye and Sophie shrugged her shoulders.

"I guess." she said hesitantly.

I didn't want to leave. I wanted to climb into bed with them and keep training their inexperienced young bodies, to feel their flawless soft skin against mine and suck on their budding little breasts. I wanted to feel my cock inside their tender, tight pussies and finger their tiny little assholes for the first time. But I knew I had to go. We had 5 more days here and I was confident there would be more opportunities to induct them into their sexual awakening.

"I better go back to your aunt" I said "I hope you both sleep well."

I got up to leave and Sophie jumped up too and wrapped her arms around me.

"Thanks" she said.

I felt her bum in my hands as I hugged her, squeezing it tight, and stroking my finger over her still wet asshole. It was a perfect fit just like Anna's had been the night before. She giggled in pleasure as I teasingly pressed my finger against her anus. Her nipples were still hard and pressed into my stomach.

"You're welcome Sophie" I said as I gripped her cheeks, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

Anna blew me a kiss as I walked away. I switched off the lights and carefully snuck back through the connecting doors to my own room. I thought about locking ours, but there was something hot about the thought of being watched again by my nieces. Danielle lay motionless on the bed, only her chest rising and falling slowly in deep sleep. I stripped off completely and realised in the dim bedside light my cock still had some blood on the shaft. I went into the bathroom and tried to rinse it off, but every time I thought it was clean, I dried off and noticed another spot. Eventually, after several attempts it was as clean as it would ever be, so I climbed into bed. Danielle didn't stir and I closed my eyes. As I lay in bed, wide awake, I remembered a quote from Macbeth which I'd studied at school as a child.

"Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood, clean from my hand?"

The sounds of my English teacher reciting this line wouldn't stop echoing in my mind. Fuck! What the hell had I just done?!!!

Chapter Five - The Danielle Dilema

I hardly slept the entire night. All I could think about were the potential consequences should Kara ever find out that I'd violated both of her daughters. It could destroy my relationship with Danielle. Hell I could probably be arrested! I'd loose my job, I'd be on the news... my heart raced as I played through disaster scenarios in my mind. Yet I couldn't stop myself thinking about those beautiful, pristine, naked bodies and how I had been the first man to conquer them. I felt simultaneous shame and excitement, regret and desire.

I considered confessing to Danielle. We had pretty relaxed rules and had each explored different partners before. It was consensual after all, the twins had basically seduced me. But I had a suspicion she might feel differently about me corrupting her teenage nieces. Maybe if it had only been the blow job, or even fingering Anna, but actually popping their cherries...? She might tell Kara, or worse.

I must have eventually fallen asleep somehow. When I woke up it was after 9am. (I normally didn't sleep that late but I remembered seeing the alarm clock saying 5am so got at most 4 hours, probably less.) I could hear the shower in the ensuite as I came to, so I knew Danielle was up. Maybe it had all been a dream? I checked my phone and my message history confirmed what I feared. In the cold light of morning the realisation of what I'd done the night before was all the worse.

I felt sick. I got out of bed and pulled on a dressing gown before walking out onto the balcony for some fresh air. It didn't make me feel any better. I approached the glass railing and peered down, momentarily contemplating a drastic solution. As I looked down at the pool deck below, I spotted the familiar sight of Anna and Sophie, both lying on sun loungers absorbing the morning sun. They were once again in their bikinis, but they looked different to me today. Yesterday I had looked upon them as forbidden fruit, holding an exquisite alure of innocence and naivety, manifest physically in their still developing forms. Today, I recognised their tempting bodies for the sirens that they really were, and perceived as they exhibited themselves, both women had a new awareness of the power they truly held over me and my sex, a realisation born of my own folly.

I returned to the bedroom knowing that I had to confess my foolishness to Danielle, pray that she would forgive me and not tell Kara. I was confident of neither. I sat on the bed, pondering exactly what I might say, as I heard the shower shut off. A minute or two later, Danielle walked into the bedroom naked.

"Morning!" she said cheerfully as I looked up at her.

"Danielle" I said, in a serious tone "I need to tell you something."

Danielle smiled back at me, seemingly oblivious to my forlorn expression.

"Sure, but how about you tell me after you order some room service? I was thinking we could have a bit of a lazy morning" she said, winking at me suggestively.

"It's serious!" I insisted, frustrated at her flippancy and inability to sense the tone "Can you sit down for a moment?"

She smiled again as she sat down on the bed next to me, as though she were humouring a small child.

"I..." I paused, realising I had no idea how to say what I had to say "I.. did something really bad, I wish I could undo it but I can't and... I love you sooo much but I need to tell you this or it will eat me up inside... I hope you can find some way to forgive me..."

I waffled on trying to work out how, exactly, to explain what I had done while Danielle looked back at me enigmatically, with no discernible expression on her face.

"I..." I paused again for a longer time, choking on my words before finally blurting it out "I slept with the twins last night."

Danielle said nothing. She just stared back at me in silence, motionless, her face blank.

"With Sophie and Anna." I added, filling the void as though there were any other twins she could have confused them with.

After a few more seconds, Danielle's face began to change, she bit her lip and closed her eyes, squeezing them shut and turning away from me towards the mirror. I felt sick to my stomach seeing that she couldn't even bring herself to look at me.

"I know it was a terrible thing to do! You have to believe me, I'm so sooo sorry." I pleaded.

As I looked at her face in the mirror, what appeared to be a smile began to form on her face before the emotion Danielle was trying to contain suddenly exploded.

"THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE!!!" Danielle exclaimed between fits of laughter.

Did she think this was some sort of sick joke I was playing on her!? Was it a defence mechanism, was she in denial?

"Danielle! I'm serious" I exclaimed.

Her laughter eventually subsided and she turned back to face me.

"I know you are!" she replied still smiling "I saw you go into their room last night."

I was dumbfounded, Danielle knew!? She was okay with it?! I tried to process what she was saying and she realised I didn't understand.

"Whose idea do you think it was?" Danielle asked rhetorically. "I gave them some good advice when they asked me about my first time."

She put her hand on my knee patronisingly and continued, "I knew you'd treat them good and besides, I'd rather I knew which younger women you are screwing!"

I didn't know what to say. I sat speechless, relieved, thankful to have such an amazing wife but also simultaneously furious with her for letting me feel like I had. I had, albeit not seriously, thought about jumping off our balcony for fucks sake!

"I can't believe you!" I started incredulously "How could you just sit there and..."

"What were they like?" Danielle interrupted, throwing me off my tirade.

"Huh?" I replied, unsure what she meant "They were... inexperienced."

"No shit!" Danielle mocked "I mean what were they LIKE...?"

She added a syllable to the final word and tilted her head to the side. I raised my eyebrow, trying to work out if she was actually looking for a blow by blow (no pun intended) account of the affair she herself had directed.

I started to describe Sophie and Anna's bodies as I remembered them, their little budding breasts and bald, untouched pussies, but Danielle interrupted, reminding me that she had been in the spa changing rooms with them both a few hours ago so already knew exactly what they looked like naked.

"How did they feel?" she asked "Did you kiss?"

I realised she was looking for me to convey the experience to her like I had described my first time with Chloe. Sensually and erotically.

"We didn't kiss" I replied "but they kissed each other. I think it really turned Anna on."

Danielle got down on the floor and undid my dressing gown. Taking hold of my flaccid cock she put it in her mouth and began to suck on it, massaging my balls in her hand. I continued to try and describe last night, completely inadequately.

"They both got so wet and they tasted a bit like I remember Kara tasted" I continued trying to turn Danielle on with my de***********ions "especially when I licked their cute little asses for the first time..."

Danielle made a sound of satisfaction as I recounted the sensation of exploring then conquering each girl. My cock had swollen inside Danielle's mouth and she was no longer able to contain it all. She was now gripping my saliva covered, semi-erect shaft in her hand and stroking it as she reached down and rubbed her clit to my story.

"Anna was so tight! When I eventually popped her and got inside it was incredible, it felt like the first time we did it, all those years back in my bedroom." I narrated my experience to Danielle.

My cock was now fully hard and Danielle was sucking me off while she fingered herself. Her eyes were closed as she imagined me penetrating Anna and Sophie in turn while they kissed and fondled one another's naked and aroused bodies, just as Kara had once done to Danielle as a young girl.

"What was Sophie like?" she asked, pausing her fellatio to spit on her hand and grip my shaft tight, rapidly tugging me off.

"It was easier getting inside her, and she didn't bleed, but she was just as tight." I answered as Danielle worked on me.

"Haha!" Danielle laughed and paused pleasuring herself and me "there was an incident with a hairbrush a year or two ago. Sophie called me in the middle of the night saying she was bleeding 'down there'. I was about to call an ambulance when she finally 'fessed up to 'trying something' and I worked out what she had done. She made me swear never to tell her mum.".

"So technically I wasn't her first?" I asked.

"Technically, no." Danielle replied, before returning to sucking me off.

"She did swallow though." I said.

Danielle looked up at me as she sucked on my dick with a glint in her eye at the thought of young Sophie enjoying her first taste of cum as much as Danielle had all those years ago.

"Anna helped me to cum in Sophie's mouth" I told Danielle, as I felt myself readying another load for her own.

Danielle stood up, pushed me back onto the bed and straddled me. Reaching between her legs she slid the tip of my cock through her wet lips, teasing her clit with it while she played with one of her nipples. Then, nestling my shaft against her slit, her labia splayed over the back of it, she ground her pussy back and forth along its length. Her clit occasionally popped into view as she slid over my glans to moans of pleasure at the sensation.

"Anna's the confident one" Danielle said as she continued to grind against my cock "but it sounds like maybe Sophie could be the freak in the sheets!"

"Yeah, I could tell she really liked it when I teased her ass hole" I said, reaching around Danielle to press my finger into her sphincter a little.

"You licked her ass?" Danielle asked excitedly.

"Yeah, she liked it" I replied "she tasted so good."

Danielle sighed in pleasure at the feeling of me probing her ass and pushed up onto her knees, once more reaching between her legs to lift my cock upright and position it below her dripping pussy. She squatted down again and I felt the tip of my rod slip between her labia and into her warm slick pussy. My bell end was compressed as it passed through her opening and I enjoyed the sensation as she bore down on my rock hard cock, taking it entirely inside her, stretching her wide. Something I had not dared to try with Anna or Sophie.

"Ooohh yeah... fuuuuckk!" Danielle groaned as she enjoyed the feeling of being filled by my girthy rigid member.

"That feels so good" I said as I entered Danielle... "I wish I could have gotten all the way in with them!"

"Next time." Danielle replied in an exciting confirmation that she was happy for me to keep 'mentoring' Anna and Sophie. "I'll put in a good word for you. Maybe one of them will let you put it somewhere else?"

Danielle began to ride me. I closed my eyes and imagined my cock slipping into Anna's parted, stretched ass with her sister eating her out and Danielle watching. I was almost ready to cum at the thought, when suddenly the door between our room and the twin's flew open without warning. I looked back, ready to put on a good show for Anna or Sophie.

"Have you seen Anna and...." Kara stopped mid sentence as she stood in the room looking at Danielle and I naked, fucking furiously on the bed before her.

"They're by the pool" I answered, grabbing one of Danielle's tit's and thrusting my cock back inside her as she turned to see Kara walk in. Danielle didn't even pause, she just kept bouncing on me.

"Soz! I should have knocked." Kara said, laughing as she turned around to leave.

"It's not like you haven't see this before" Danielle replied "stay if you like."

It was true, Kara had watched Danielle and I plenty of times before and had been an active participant. I didn't mind her watching us, but was not going to continue the earlier topic of conversation!

"Yeah" I encouraged her "the girls are fine."

Kara, needing little convincing, sat down on a chair opposite the bed to watch our private sex show. Danielle turned back to face me and continued riding. I pressed my finger deeper inside her asshole as she bounced up and down on my cock to louder expressions of enjoyment, perhaps made for Kara's benefit.

Kara, who was only wearing a swimsuit and sarong when she entered the room, had discarded the sarong and pulled her swimsuit aside to masturbate while she watched us. For someone who had just turned 50 years old she was still in remarkably good shape. Sure there were a few more lines, but she still looked the part in a bathing suit. Her figure was almost as trim and muscular as the day I had first set eyes on her - the twins clearly got their build for gymnastics from their mother.

Danielle and I kept going for a few minutes and I could begin to hear Kara's moans before she got up off her chair to get a closer look. As she approached me, her fingers concentrating on her clit, I reached out and stroked her bare inner thighs with my hand. It had been years since I touched Kara like this and I could tell from her expression that she was delighted to be on the receiving end again. I ran my hand up her inside leg and placed it on her exposed pussy as she continued to play with herself.

I ran my middle finger gently through her protruding inner labia while she played with her clit. They were moist. Danielle reached over and stretched the front of her sister's swimsuit down to release one of Kara's tits. It flopped out, supported by the spandex neckline riding up underneath and Danielle leaned over to take her sister's nipple in her mouth and suckle it.

After teasing Kara's labia for a little while, I slid two of my fingers into her pussy, stroking her g-spot. Then I added a third to stretch her further. Kara began to moan and I considered whether she would enjoy a fisting like I had done to Sarah. But I didn't get a chance to try.

"Do you want to suck his dick?" Danielle asked, dismounting me and moving up the bed presumptively. She swung her leg over to kneel just above my face. Kara didn't hesitate, she knelt on the bed and immediately took my cock, still covered in Danielle's syrupy juices, into her mouth. Danielle squatted down pressing her pussy onto my face and I slid my tongue between her glistening sweet lips, allowing her delicious juices to drain into my mouth.

Feeling Kara's expert cock sucking skills once more was amazing. She may have aged but with age comes experience and she was even better than I remember. She worked her magic on my straining, pulsating member, expertly teasing and pleasuring every part of my shaft from base to tip. She occasionally stopped to suck on my balls for extra credit while rapidly tugging me off with her hand. It was hard to concentrate on my task of attending to Danielle's needs with Kara entirely devoting herself in my service. Her tongue danced over my tingling glans and around my corona. Her lips clamped around my shaft compressing it as she sucked hard, pulling a vacuum in her mouth that felt strong enough to drain the cum right out of me before I even orgasmed. Her hands massaged my balls gently and playfully at the same time.

I tried my best to stay focussed on Danielle, probing her wet hole as deep as I could with tongue, then withdrawing so I could suck on her firm clit. As Danielle began to inch closer to climax and I struggled to hold mine back, she bent forward so I could more easily concentrate on her clit. This meant she was able to reach between her sister's thighs and access her clit. It also meant both her orifices were presented to me to begin probing with fingers.

"Ohhh fuck!!" Danielle exclaimed as I sucked down on her clit and flicked my tongue over it rapidly, while simultaneously fingering her ass hole and pussy.

Hearing this, I doubled down on the pace and force of my stimulations causing Danielle began to pant and cry out. I knew she was approaching the precipice and not a moment too soon.

"Shit I'm gonna cum!" I warned as Kara's lips passed over my engorged glans and travelled back down my shaft once more. I heard her respond with muffled moans of delight as Danielle's fingers hit the spot for her.

"ha ha ha ha haaaaa ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Danielle called out, her thighs gripped my face like a vice and she gushed down my lips and chin as her body shuddered in orgasm, her quads twitching in her legs.

At the same time, I felt my cock draw back like the hammer of a revolver before springing forward as a shot of cum erupted inside Kara's mouth. She clamped down around me to ensure she got every last drop as two more salvos fired into her parched mouth for the first time in years. To Danielle's credit, throughout her own frenzy, she had managed to continue tending to Kara's clit and as the two of us came down off our respective highs, Kara released my cock to let our her own cry of delight as her sister finally triggered an intense orgasm for her.

"Yeaaaaahhhhhhhh" Kara cried out, as though she had just won a prize, before laughing loudly.

Danielle lay back on the bed next to me and Kara lay down on the opposite side, her swimwear still out of place, just like old times.

"Well we haven't done that for a while." Kara joked after basking in the serene afterglow for a few minutes.

We lay on the bed for a little while and chatted in a way that felt more like those summer days when we would hang out together, naked, unguarded and relaxed. We revealed to Kara my night with Chloe in the hotel and my yoga session with Sarah. Danielle described fingering Sarah in the toilets at the hotel to Kara's great amusement.

"You're such a dirty slut" she teased Danielle.

"Fuck off bitch!" Danielle retorted "you're the one abandoning your kids by the pool to have an orgy with your sister and brother-in-law!"

"Oh shit!" Kara laughed, obviously just remembering that Sophie and Anna could appear at any moment.

"You know, I really hope, (when they are much older!) that they get to do the fun shit we used to get up to!" Kara continued.

"Like how much older?" Danielle asked "I mean I wasn't much older than them when you corrupted us!"

"At least 25!" Kara laughed (although I wasn't sure she was actually joking).

"How do you know they haven't done it already?" Danielle said, flying closer to the sun that I would have preferred.

"Who with?" Kara asked incredulously "there's a reason I pay for them to go to a VERY expensive all-girls school!"

"YOU pay?" I mocked.

"There's a reason Tim pays for them to go to a very expensive all-girls school!" Kara parroted her earlier statement "I really should go and check on them though."

"You should probably reassemble yourself first!" Danielle reminded Kara as she got up off the bed, still uncovered.

Kara re-arranged her swimwear and headed back to her room, closing the door behind her. Once I was sure she was beyond earshot I turned to Danielle.

"She can NEVER know!!" I beseeched Danielle.

Danielle only laughed as she got up and began to don her own swimwear which made me nervous! Who knew what Danielle might say to Kara when next drunk! I jumped into the shower to wash up and after pulling on my own trunks and a t-shirt, headed down to the pool to find the ladies.

We spent the remainder of the morning lounging by the pool. Over lunch Kara presented Danielle and I with the gift of a couples massage, she said to thank us for 'being there for her' - we both knew she was really just thanking us for letting her participate earlier that morning. The slot was booked in for the afternoon and Kara was going to take the girls on an outing so it would just be the two of us. Despite not really being a fan of massages - ironically I found being touched by a stranger a bit socially uncomfortable - it was nice to do something together with Danielle.

We went down to the spa in our hotel robes at the allotted time and were shown into a large room. Panoramic glass windows looked out over the sea and two massage tables were the main features in the room. A display of assorted oils, towels and other items sat on a small table to the side. Upon entering, the member of staff showing us in, instructed us to remove our gowns and lay down on the tables under the towels. She left the room and said the masseuses would be there in a few minutes. I felt uncomfortable undressing in front of the big window, even though it only looked out onto an expansive empty ocean. I felt more uncomfortable lying naked on the plinth with only a towel over me when two attractive young women in white trousers and grey tunics walked in. Their name badges indicated that they were our massage therapists. They spoke in soft, calming voices with an undulating inflection, explaining that we were booked for a full body massage before offering a choice of options related to essential oils and the type of music or nature sounds we might like to listen to. I had no idea so let Danielle choose. I was more concerned about lying on my back, covered only by a thin towel in the presence of two pretty twenty-somethings who were about to start touching me.

"Okay, now if I could just ask you both to roll over onto your front" one of them gently requested.

They each held our towels and averted their eyes to preserve our modesty as we rolled over, then folded the towels over to cover only our buttocks prior to commencing the massage. Neither initiated conversation but their presence made it difficult for Danielle and I to talk, it felt as though we were rudely ignoring them, like they were 'the help'.

At first it was odd having a young, female stranger, rubbing oil on my neck, shoulders and back as I lay looking at the floor, in silence, knowing Danielle was next to me. But after a while I relaxed and began to feel the benefit as my apparently tense muscles were loosened off skilfully. Danielle let out the occasional sigh of satisfaction as her masseuse seemed to accomplish the same for her.

"This is so relaxing" Danielle said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah" I agreed.

Neither of the staff said anything.

The massage continued down my back and spine to my lower back. I expected that the stranger's hands would stop at the towel, but they did not, instead pressing and kneading muscles in what I considered to very much be my butt, NOT my back. She also began to work on my thighs and glutes, her hands forcefully sliding up my leg and squeezing my bum. Danielle started to make small talk with the two therapists, questioning them on their length of tenure with the hotel, their favourite treatments and whether they ever got any 'creeps'. On the final point both remained professional and declined to answer. The whole experience struck me as a bit odd but I just tried to go with it.

Finishing up on our legs and feet, the masseuses shielded us with the towels again and turned their heads, instructing us to once more roll over onto our backs. A moment or two later they turned to face us again and repeated the ritual of folding the towels to preserve our modesty, with Danielle being supplied with a second rolled towel for her chest.

The massage resumed and I quickly realised that it was a lot less awkward when you were looking at the floor. Looking up at the pretty young face who's hands were currently running over my chest and shoulders was a significantly more awkward experience, at least from my perspective. While the girl administering my massage remained professional throughout, nevertheless I began to feel things moving under my towel and stared at the ceiling hoping to avoid any embarrassment. Although I can't imagine they hadn't seen it all before countless times.

"So..." Danielle pondered aloud " people ever ask for happy endings?"

The therapists looked at each other and smiled before refocussing on the job at hand. I glared at Danielle for asking such a question!

"I've never been asked." replied the girl administering my treatment.

"I have." admitted Danielle's before adding "but it's strictly against hotel policy!"

"So did you do it?" Danielle pressed, ignoring the earlier statement.

"It's strictly against hotel policy." she repeated, but I caught her colleague smile back at her wryly, as did Danielle.

Danielle turned her head to look at the girl who was currently working on my legs.

"I'll tip you two hundred dollars to do it." Danielle propositioned the seemingly less experienced of the two.

This time it was her colleague's turn to smile wryly, as I continued to glare at Danielle, blushing and fearing security would be summoned to eject us immediately.

My masseuse didn't say anything, but the next time her hand ran up my inside calf, it didn't stop at my knee, it continued. It continued up my inner thigh, then under the folded towel covering my upper legs and I felt her fingers slide between my legs and my testicles, the back of her hand coming into contact with my slightly enlarged cock. I inhaled sharply as she made contact.

No sooner had she grazed my cock and balls, her hand slid back down my leg as though it were a perfectly innocent and accidental consequence of the massage. But my semi, currently dangling between my legs was now swelling unstoppably with blood and beginning to rise up under the towel. Her hand once more passed up the length of my inner leg and under the towel. This time there was definite cupping and her finger stroked my perineum.

Danielle, seeing the towel beginning to levitate, reached across the gap between our tables and whipped it off me, fully exposing my rapidly hardening shaft to the young woman. The girl watched, her hand still holding my sack, as my cock came to stand at attention before her eyes. Then she turned, dipped her hand in the bowl of oil behind her, placed it around my rigid phallus and began to stroke it.

The other girl meanwhile, had continued to massage Danielle as though nothing unusual was going on next to her whatsoever. She glanced occasionally at her colleagues technique, but made absolutely no comment.

"I'll tip you two hundred to give me a happy ending too" Danielle said, before whipping her towels off too.

Without pause nor any indication of surprise, Danielle's masseuse, who had been standing at the top of her head working on her shoulders, now ran both of her oiled hands over Danielle's exposed breasts and nipples, over her stomach, meeting between her legs, where she squeezed Danielle's labia between the forefingers of each hand. Danielle sighed in pleasure and turned back to watch me as the skilled young therapist administered her relaxation treatment to my towering erection.

Our session was booked for an hour, and for the remaining 25 minutes, the young women unhurriedly and attentively pleasured Danielle and I as though it were a standard part of the treatment. Both skilfully edged us toward orgasm, backing off when we got too close, attending to other areas momentarily such as Danielle's breasts and nipples or my balls, which ached as though full to bursting.

As the hour approached, as though perfectly choreographed, both women skilfully initiated our respective climaxes with ease. Danielle's therapist, parted her labia for the first time in 25 minutes to make direct contact with a clit that was engorged and sensitised. Danielle, who had been craving direct stimulation but had so far been frustrated, almost immediately exploded into multiple orgasms as the girl relentlessly rubbed the tip of her strong finger over Danielle's raw bean. Meanwhile, my cock, lightly stroked by an oiled hand for the duration, was gripped firmly and aggressively jerked, my glans rippling through tightly clenched fingers until I blew multiple streams of milky cum into the air, which landed over my chest and on the wrist and hand of my clinician. She reached behind her for a pile of tissues and wiped me down gently and carefully.

Having achieved their goal, both ladies silently replaced our towels and wishing us a lovely day, walked out of the room nonchalantly.

"I wonder if they do room service?" Danielle pondered aloud as she removed a wad of bills from her purse and placed them on one of the massage tables.

We returned to our room and Danielle went straight into the shower to wash the massage oil off her body. I stepped out onto our balcony to enjoy the sunshine and found the twins also sunbathing on loungers on their own balcony. Kara was also laying out on hers.

"Hey" I said, smiling.

All three women turned, sunglasses on and smiled suggestively.

"Enjoy the massage?" Kara asked.

"It was great, thanks!" I replied enthusiastically.

Enquiring how their afternoon had been, Sophie excitedly recounted how amazing swimming with the dolphins had been. As she effused, Kara got up from her lounger and a moment later appeared next to Sophie and Anna on their balcony.

"Why don't you girls get changed and we can go with Aunt Dani to check out the mall?" Kara suggested.

While her suggestion was met with limited enthusiasm from either Sophie or Anna, Danielle suddenly appeared on our balcony in only a towel.

"Did I hear the word mall?" she asked.

Kara tried to persuade her daughters it would be fun but both seemed determined to continue working on their tan instead. Something that surprised me, teenage girls not wanting to go shopping?!

"Why don't you and me just go then?" Danielle suggested to Kara.

Danielle also suggested I could be left to "supervise" the girls. I guessed Danielle was really suggesting something quite different so I smirked back at her as she spoke to Kara. Ultimately, Kara agreed and after Danielle got dressed both women departed for some retail therapy.

As soon as they had gone Anna spoke up.

"Would you mind helping me with my sun screen Uncle?" she asked me.

This time, Kara wasn't present to block the request. I made my way around to their balcony and in the few seconds it took to get there, both girls has removed their bikini tops to expose their flourishing breasts to the sunshine for the first time. I took the lotion from the table beside Anna and applying it first to my hands, I then began to spread it over Anna's bared chest. I massaged her soft, pert mounds, as though kneading little balls of dough into bread rolls, one in each of my hands. Anna's breathing deepened as she grew aroused at the stimulation of her now erect nipples and swelling breasts. I continued working her, my hands passing up and down her stomach and shoulder, gliding easily, lubricated by copious amounts of lotion. I emulated what I had seen Danielle's masseuse doing only a few minutes earlier. Each time I passed over her engorged nipples, I took them between my fingers and squeezed them causing Anna to moan in pleasure. So unaccustomed to this level of stimulation was she, I wondered if she might achieve an orgasm purely from my nipple play, so I kept focussing my attention on her now very sensitive teats.

Sophie meanwhile, had been watching closely and upon seeing her sister's pleasure at the attention I was giving, she insisted that I apply some lotion on her skin too. Something I was only too happy to do. I once more squeezed the bottle out onto my hands and commenced smearing it over Sophie's budding little titties. Applying the same technique as I had with Anna, in little time Sophie's nipples were also standing proud. The slightest flick or graze elicited sighs of pleasure, and when I squeezed or twisted them between my thumb and finger, Sophie moaned as though nearing climax. However, despite my best efforts, I was unable to trigger an orgasm in either Sophie or Anna purely by playing with their nipples.

"Do you want to take your bottoms off to?" I suggested "To... avoid any tan lines down there."

My attempt to get them both naked was both blatant and contrived, but both girls complied happily. I assisted Anna first, pulling her bikini down from around her waist I exposed the inside of the material between her legs. It was coated in a sticky deposit emitted from her heavily aroused sex as I had massaged her. Running my finger through it, I offered some up to Anna's lips.

"Taste this Anna, some girls prefer their own flavour to boys." I suggested.

Anna looked uncertain but stuck out her tongue and tentatively licked my fingertip a little. Considering for a moment, she then took the rest of my finger in her mouth and sucked it clean.

"Hmm" she said philosophically "that was nicer."

Sophie was watching her sister. I smeared a little more of Anna's pussy juice from her bikini onto my finger and offered it up to her sister. At first Sophie screwed up her face, but with a little encouragement I convinced her to lick her sister's lube from my finger, sucking the remainder off myself.

"It's nice" Sophie said.

"There's plenty more down here" I said, running my finger through Anna's wet slit over her slippery, sensitive labia.

The girls looked at each other, trying to gauge one another's reaction to what I had implied. They both slowly drew a shy, cheeky smile and covering her breasts with her arm (to avoid being seen by anyone at ground level), Sophie moved over to sit on the end of the same lounger as Anna was lying on. Anna obligingly raised and parted her knees giving her sister easier access. I could see her inner thighs were also glistening with her own secretions. As Sophie lent over, bringing her head closer to Anna's pink, swollen labia, she looked up at me for guidance.

"Just stick out your tongue, and gently lick up here" I said, tracing a line over Anna's slit, "Anna will tell you what feels good".

Sophie, hesitated for a moment, looking back up at her sister for permission, then did as I had instructed. Anna immediately responded in moans of pleasure as her sister's tongue parted her tingling lips and caressed them.

"Oh yeahhhh" Anna exclaimed as Sophie's tongue passed over her swollen, protruding clit "that's so good Soph!"

Sophie repeated the motion over and over, each time to the delight of Anna. In the mean time, I applied a little more sun screen from the now almost empty bottle and began to massage Anna's hairless pubic mound. I ran a finger down either side of her slit, squeezing her clit between them, then spreading her lips apart to further expose it to Sophie's approaching tongue. After a little while, Sophie took over, spreading her sister's pussy wide so she could focus her tongue on the area that seemed to elicit the greatest response from her twin. Soon Anna was panting and moaning in glee as she neared orgasm, while I once more returned to fondling her pert little breasts. Eventually Anna could take no more and her body began to shudder. She grabbed Sophie's head and pulled it into her snatch as she came hard on the lounger.

Eventually released from between Anna's thighs, Sophie looked up. Her chin was covered in a combination of saliva and the gooey result of Anna's orgasm. She wiped it with the back of her hand then licked it clean.

"Okay..." I said "...your turn Sophie. If you want to?".

Sophie stayed low and climbed back over onto her lounger again, lying down expectantly looking over at her now satisfied sister. Anna seemed less eager but moved into position dutifully, aware that she owed her sister one. Anna took hold of Chloe's bikini bottoms and pulled them off, inspecting them briefly. I reached out and guided the hand holding them towards Anna's mouth. Anna looked at the little pool of her sister's making and tentatively stuck out her tongue, touching the tip to the sodden gusset of Sophie's bikini. After taking it in her mouth and realising it tasted similarly pleasant to her own, she lapped up the remainder from Sophie's bikini and more enthusiastically scooted down between her sister's legs. Anna did not require instruction, she immediately set to work cleaning the trail of Sophie's earlier emissions from her inner thighs and labia and then with her little finger, spread Sophie's pussy wide to gain access to the as yet unreached areas. Sophie, initially peering down at her sister flopped back onto the recliner, flipped her sunglasses down and (I imagined) her eyes rolled back behind her shades. Anna competently ate her sister out just as Sophie had done for her only a few moments ago and I likewise resumed my enjoyment of Sophie's soft, little breasts.

My cock had been protruding in my shorts ever since I laid eyes on the twins, topless in the sun. As I watched Sophie's excitement building, approaching climax, I began to long for one of their delicate hands to take hold of me. But I denied myself and just allowed them to enjoy the experience together. I was so turned on, I wondered if I might just cum in my shorts at the sight of these young debutant siblings pleasuring one another. I reached over Sophie and picked up her discarded bikini bottoms, inhaling her scent and licking what remained of the damp patch on them. My cock throbbed in my shorts. Anna was still bottomless, kneeling over the lounger, bum in the air as she tended to Sophie, her backside within arms reach. I stretched around behind her and ran my fingers through her warm, wet snatch. Bringing my fingers to my nose to smell her, then placing them in my mouth to taste her too. As I did so, Anna started to pant more loudly.

"yes don't stop Soph, haaa don't .... stop.... " she exclaimed as her body shuddered and I head a squelching sound from her pussy contracting in orgasm.

Sophie climbed up onto the lounger atop Anna, momentarily forgetting she had nothing on and likely flashing her bare ass to anyone looking up through the glass balcony railing from the ground below. The sisters snuggled up together and stroked one another as they basked in the tranquility of their respective experiences. I gently caressed each of their naked bodies all over.

"Seems like you don't really need boys at all" I said, causing them to smile wryly, content with the forbidden sapphic pleasure they had now discovered. "but if you do want to keep practicing, I'm pretty ready right now."

I motioned down towards the protrusion in my shorts, like a tent pole holding up a canvas sheet.

"Would you like to clean off the sun screen in the shower?" I suggested as I got up in order to wash off the massage oil from earlier in the afternoon.

I walked through the twin's bedroom, back into my own and pulled off my clothing, discarding it on Danielle and I's bed. The naked twin girls followed me into the bathroom. Our room had an ensuite with a double rain shower that I turned on and stepped into. My nieces stared at my still rigid cock as the water ran over my head and down my own naked body. Both followed me into the shower without delay. I picked up my shower gel and squeezed it onto each of their hands. The girls moved in close and began to lather me up, moving their hands over the entirety of my body. Anna was first to ensure that my rock hard shaft was stroked from base to tip in soapy water and I almost exploded right away but managed to reign myself in. Sophie, not to be outdone, gently applied lather to my balls. Both beauties moved in close, pressing their young, slippery bodies against mine and I reciprocated in lathering them up to remove the sunscreen. We enjoyed rubbing up against each other for several minutes in the warm water. Sophie and Anna took turns to grasp my shaft in their petite hands and stroke it. Once the soap had dissipated and we were all rinsed off, I started to be more directive.

At first, I turned Anna around and positioned her hands, palms down on the shower wall, spreading her legs apart. Then I positioned Sophie in the same way next to her sister. I turned off the shower and standing behind them both, my hands wandered over their bodies more firmly, grasping their breasts and ass cheeks, pulling and squeezing them in an authoritative manner. I gently spanked both their asses prompting giggles then groped between their legs self indulgently as though they were dolls to play with.

"You've been naughty girls, haven't you?" I said playfully as I inserted one of my digits into each of their tight pussies and began to finger them simultaneously "Do I need to punish you both?"

"Yes uncle" they replied in unison, moaning simultaneously.

I moved toward Anna on the left first and withdrew my finger from inside her hole. I guided the tip of my shaft between her cheeks and ran it up and down her ass crack, enjoying the feeling of her smooth wet buttocks gliding over the head of my cock. I occasionally pressed it against her anus, fantasising again about just forcing my way inside her back passage like I had done to Chloe. Then I moved my cock down over the entrance to Anna's pussy and started to apply pressure, slowly but unrelentingly forcing my head inside her untrained vagina once again. Anna whimpered a little in discomfort as she was penetrated for only the second time. This time I went deeper than I had the night before. I reached around with my hand and squeezed one of her tits as her pussy stretched to accommodate my straining shaft. At the same time I continued to finger fuck her sister next to her. Then when I felt I should go no deeper, I withdrew partially. I thrust back and forth with increasing velocity and depth. Anna groaned in combined pleasure and pain a few times before I withdrew entirely to give her a break. Then it was Sophie's turn.

Taking a step to the side, I took my finger out from inside Sophie and aligned my boner with her pussy, running it up between her ass cheeks and over anus just as I had with Anna. I again teased myself about the possibility of one day teaching these innocent little babes to take it in their asses, before sliding my bellend back down over the opening to Sophie's inexperienced passageway. I did the same to her as I had to Anna and stretched her gently but resolutely several times to help her grow accustomed to being fucked. After repeated back and forth between each girl, both of them were taking pleasure from the sensation of having their pussies filled by my solid rod and I was getting to the point where I could no longer contain myself. I desperately wanted to thrust full bore into one of their little holes and cum deep inside them, but I knew there was no way they were on contraception and the last thing I wanted was a teenage niece becoming the mother of my illicit child.

I withdrew and instructed the twins to turn around and kneel down before me, which both did. Knowing that Sophie liked my cum and Anna didn't, I took Anna's hand and placed it on my cock, still lubed with each of their pussy juices, so she could jerk me off.

"Open wide Sophie" I said as I pointed my loaded weapon at her mouth.

She did so just in time, as Anna's dainty fingers passed over my corona, gripping tightly and stretching my foreskin back, I shook and groaned, and shot a huge rope of warm cum straight into Sophie's gaping mouth, followed by two more eruptions, then a final trickle onto her sticking out tongue. I had to stop Anna from continuing to stroke my sensitive glans as Sophie swallowed down all that I had unloaded into her mouth and then sucked what remained directly out of my softening member.

The three of us stepped out of the shower together and I handed them each a towel to dry off with.

"Hope you had fun" I said as I wiped myself down and tied my towel around my waist, reminding them "remember this is our little secret, okay?"

Both of them nodded as they wrapped their towels around their bodies, once more hiding them from my sight. Sophie and Anna returned to their own room to get dressed and I too donned some clean clothing. When I walked into the twins room they were both wearing very short shorts and tight fitting, cropped tank tops which shaped and accentuated their little breasts beautifully. Their bikinis were hanging up in the bathroom, having been washed clean in the sink. Looking at my nieces, I started to feel a stirring in my shorts once again and I wondered how long Kara and Danielle would be away for.

"Y'know, there's a special kind of sex you haven't tried yet." I said to looks of intrigue.

Chapter Six - The Danielle Desire

Over the next few days, I had multiple opportunities enjoy Anna and Sophie's vernal bodies, newly awakened to desires that only a few days ago they hardly knew they had. While I never did manage to convince either of them try it in the back door, we had several threesomes over the remainder of week long holiday and I once, albeit briefly, took Sophie in public in the swimming pool while Kara sunbathed next to us! I had been watching the twins having a water fight and seeing their tits bouncing around had given me a hard on. With Kara snoozing in the sun, I waded over to Sophie, pulled my boner out of my trunks and pushed it up between her legs from behind. She squealed in surprise, but then she just casually pulled her bikini aside and let me inside her. I only managed a few gentle thrusts, with Anna aware of what was going on, before some kids arrived with their parents and I had to abort, much to the amusement of both girls, who refused to reveal to Kara what caused them to spontaneously erupt in laughter for the rest of the day.

Sadly it was over all too soon though, the last day came and we had to pack our bags and return to the airport. I wasn't sure when I'd next see the twins, but I was very clear that if they needed any tips, they could always send me some videos! In reality I suspected by the time we next met they would both have boyfriends their own age and have racked up enough experience with younger men to no longer have any interest in their aging uncle.

On the flight back, Danielle and I reflected on our advancing years, made all the more palpable now that Kara was in her fifties! We talked about the things we still wanted to do together, our bucket list of places to go, things to do etc. Eventually we began whispering about some of the things we might still like to try in the bedroom. I wasn't sure there was much left we hadn't already done but I wanted to please Danielle and was open to whatever she might suggest. At least I thought I was. That was until she actually told me what her dirtiest secret fantasy was. She turned to my ear and whispered softly.

"I've always wondered what it would be liked to be spit roasted and DP'd by two guys." she said under her breath.

I wasn't sure if she was winding me up at first. I snorted, then I realised she looked serious and a little embarrassed at my reaction. I quickly tried to recover

"Okay" I said seriously.

I had intended my response to convey that I understood it was a serious fantasy and that I was not laughing at Danielle as she confided something personal to me. However Danielle interpreted my okay rather differently.

"Really?! Wow! You. Are. Amazing. I was sure you'd feel threatened and say no." she replied.

Faced with a shower of praise and gratitude I hardly felt able to row back. I had now, unintentionally, consented to the idea of another man not only having intercourse with my wife, but at the same time as me! Well, I assumed that at least. I wasn't sure which would be worse: me, Danielle and another guy; or Danielle and two other guys! What the hell just happened?!

I pondered silently in my mind whether there was a way back. Maybe she'd just forget about it after the flight. Then I began to consider the past week. I was married to a women who was so determined to fulfil my desires, that she had been okay with me not only fooling around with her sister, my former colleague, my former colleague's partner and a current (at the time) colleague, but most recently she had actively directed her sister's virgin daughters to ask me to deflower them!! How could I possibly now refuse to grant Danielle one fantasy in the light of all of that!

A while later, having thought of nothing else all the time Danielle was engrossed in a movie, I turned back to her.

"Who with?" I asked.

"Huh?" Danielle replied, not knowing what I was talking about. It had obviously not been playing on her mind for the past 30 minutes as it had mine.

"Who would you want to... do that to you?" I asked, quietly.

"Oh... well aside from..." Danielle inserted the name of some movie star that I can no longer recall and laughed "...I don't know, who would you want to do that to me with?"

Well at least I now knew that I was party to this endeavour. I had literally no idea who else though. I didn't have many male friends. I definitely didn't have any male friends I'd be willing to invite into our bedroom, besides, I wondered if it would perhaps be better if the other person was someone I didn't know (and ideally would never have to make eye contact with again!).

"I don't really know anyone." I said, hoping that might be a roadblock to the whole plan.

"Maybe it would be nice if it was someone we didn't know, like a total stranger, that would be sexy as fuck!" Danielle replied, a little louder than I might have liked, but nobody seemed to pick up on it.

"Maybe." I replied noncommittally, trying to work out how exactly one approaches a total stranger to ask if they would like to spit roast one's wife.

Then it occurred to me: a way that I might be able to combine another of Danielle's kinks, namely, exhibitionism.

"Have you ever thought about dogging?" I whispered.

Unusually for Danielle, she blushed a little as she nodded, as though embarrassed that I had somehow extracted another of her secret fantasies from within her mind. She squirmed a little in her seat and leant over to my ear.

"Just you saying it makes me feel a bit horny..." she confessed under her breath, "...but I don't know if I could actually go through with it."

"You sort of have done already." I replied cryptically, prompting a confused expression on Danielle's face.

I explained (Danielle practically had to lip read I was so quiet) how Sophie and Anna had watched the two of us through the door between our rooms one night. As I told her, Danielle moved around in her seat and I knew that just the thought of having been watched like that was making her wet. The risk of being found out in public was a real turn on for her, the notion that she had already been unknowingly watched must have been doubly so. A moment or two later, Danielle excused herself and was gone for about 10 minutes. I knew exactly what she had been doing in those 10 minutes when she came back. Her chest and cheeks were flushed and she had a big smile on her face. I wished I had been able to accompany her this time, but with Kara and the twins a few rows down, it would have been far too obvious. I gave her a knowing look and she grinned back at me as she sat down once again in her seat.

The rest of the flight home was uneventful and for the next few days I was rostered to fly out to Phoenix, Arizona and back. As there is very little in Phoenix in terms of sights and culture, I knew I'd have a bit of time to think how to go about fulfilling Danielle's wish. The first thing I needed to do was find a location. As always the internet is the gateway to every weird and wacky perversion imaginable so it didn't take long to compile an implausibly long list of places popular as dogging spots. I was astounded to discover one such location was barely 15 minutes from our home! I decided that was too close for comfort and didn't want to risk being rumbled by one of Danielle's salon customers or the owner of the newsagents I bought my paper from!

A week or two later, having discussed the options with Danielle and once I felt I understood enough about the subculture, we took the plunge. I posted the time and location we intended to be at, using our pseudonyms (John and Claire) and then the following night we set off in a hire car. This may have been an unnecessary level of Hitchcock-esque paranoia, but I decided we couldn't be too careful our first time. The location I had picked was the overflow car park in a large public nature reserve about 20 miles from where we lived. We were going there after dark so I was confident it would be deserted, other than those who were there to watch us, assuming anyone came.

We arrived 30 minutes early and parked up. As hoped, the place was empty. It was late summer so the light faded earlier but it was still a comfortable 18 degrees outside. In accordance with what I had read, I turned on the interior light to the estate car we had rented and I wound down the windows. Then, we waited.

I'd folded the rear seats down and laid a blanket out to create a space where Danielle and I could perform the act but as the clock struck the hour, the car park remained empty.

"Should we just go home?" I asked Danielle, hopefully.

"Well after all that, I'm horny as fuck, so we're not going anywhere until I get some!" Danielle retorted in her usual delicate manner.

I had been concerned about the potential for 'performance anxiety' but the fact that I was now under no pressure whatsoever meant that I was actually up for a bit of public indecency. Danielle climbed into the back and undid the buttons on her blouse and pulled her skirt off. She lay on the deck in her underwear, blouse open, revealing her amazing tits, couched in sexy black lingerie. I climbed into the back too and, after removing my top and pulling down my jeans, we began to make out. I ran my hands over her body, fondling her through her underwear and licking her tongue with mine. Danielle rubbed my cock through my briefs, before reaching inside and pulling it out. She continued to jerk me off as I slowly removed her blouse, then her bra and finally her panties, so that she was entirely naked and spread eagle in the back of the car. As I reached down to remove my underwear I caught, out the corner of my eye, a figure standing at the window. Looking around, I realised there were in fact three people and a vehicle was now parked on the other side of the car park. How I had entirely failed to hear the car arrive I was unsure, I must have been so engrossed in making out with Danielle. One of the people outside was female, the other two were male. I assumed the older female and the gentleman standing next to her were a couple themselves. The other man, who looked younger, was standing alone on the opposite side of our car and he was openly masturbating - staring at Danielle as he did so. Danielle, now also aware she was now being watched, had reached down between her legs and was also masturbating for his enjoyment.

Trying to ignore the strangers' presence, I returned my attention to my naked wife who was lying before me playing with her pussy and massaging one of her breasts. I took hold of the other in my hand and leaned in to continue making out with her. She stopped touching herself and gripped my still hard shaft to stroke it for me. Danielle's eyes flitted around as the 3 strangers observed us, clearly she was turned on by it. After a little while I shuffled down and began to eat her out. Danielle was as wet as I'd ever seen her. As I licked her dripping, freshly shaven pussy and engorged protruding clit, she moaned in pleasure and squeezed her tits with both hands. After going down on her for a few minutes, I encouraged her over onto her hands and knees, so that I could lick her ass. It was part of the routine we had planned. I spread her cheeks wide and tongued her sphincter, trying to give the audience as good a view as we could given the limited space. I could hear sounds of pleasure from outside the car. It sounded like more people had arrived but I decided to just concentrate on Danielle for now and not look. As I probed her anus with the tip of my tongue, I reached between her legs to find her clit again and began to rub it. Two men now stood at the tailgate peering in at Danielle's facial expressions as I rimmed her, both had their cocks in their hands, visible through the glass to Danielle who I think was enjoying the view. I looked to my side and saw the older couple too, both still watching, the man had his hand down his companion's trousers, and the younger guy from earlier was practically leaning in the window on the other side to get a closer look at Danielle's asshole as I licked it, his own tongue hanging out.

"Fuck me" Danielle instructed, when she felt the time was right to move onto the next act.

I took my hand from between her legs and positioned her side on in the confined space so that I could get my cock to slide into her wet pussy. It required some contorting on my part too, but I was able to thrust enough for her enjoyment. I reached up and took hold of one of her tits while Danielle simultaneously reached to down between her legs to rub her clit again. I held one up so that they were spread wide for the people around us to see my cock sliding in and out as she flicked her clit.

"Oh fuck, oh yes! fuck me, fuck me!" Danielle cheered as I filled her hole with my decidedly not stage-shy cock.

We were getting close to the finalé as we had only planned a short introduction to this new hobby, incase we weren't feeling it. But Danielle, clearly highly aroused by the whole experience decided to improvise.

"Can they cum on me?" she asked.

I thought about it for a moment. My first instinct was to say no. Watching her was one thing, but a bunch of unknown men unloading on my wife was a whole other ballgame. But then it occurred to me that, at some point in the near future, one of them may get to put their cock in her mouth, pussy or asshole, so I had to be okay with them just spunking on her.

I reached up, pulled the internal release on the tail gate and it swung up. Danielle rolled over onto her back and shuffled up so that her head was hanging out the back, resting on the bumper beneath the balls of the two men jerking off there. The guy who had been peering in the window now came around the back to stand next to them for the better view. I moved up too and re-inserted my rigid shaft inside Danielle, continuing to ram her hard as she played with her clit and tits. Danielle stared up unblinking at the three strangers dicks standing over her.

"You can cum all over me if you like" she said in a sexy voice, licking her lips.

The three men began to fap furiously as I pounded Danielle, gripping her thighs to gain stronger purchase. Danielle moaned and panted in delight as I sensed her orgasm approaching. Mine was building too and as I felt her muscles contracting I allowed myself to unload deep inside her with several grunts.

"Ahhhhhhhh fuuuuckkkkkk!!!!" Danielle cried out, her eyes rolling back and her body shaking violently. She squirted over me and the guys watching began to unload ropes of cum one after the other over her face. A shot from one guy landed on her tits, trickling down over her erect nipple, but most of it plastered her face and went into her wide open mouth.

Danielle panted as she began to come down off her climax. She licked her lips and wiped some of the stranger's semen from around her eyes. I withdrew from her and she reached down inside herself with her clean hand to extract some of my own load, licking her fingers of it. I passed her the wipes we had brought to clean up with and she cleaned the remaining cum off her face and tits. After exchanging polite, if a little bizarre, compliments and expressions of appreciation to us, the audience began to disperse. The couple got into the nearby car and drove off. One of the men who had unloaded over Danielle's face didn't leave until she had fully dressed, continuing to masturbate while enjoying watching her wipe her breasts clean, pull her underwear on and button up her blouse. He passed comment about how hot she was, as though I wasn't even there! Danielle thanked him and acknowledged how good I was at getting her off. She was a class act.

Once we were alone in the car, windows up and light off I asked her what she thought of the experience.

"It was intense" she replied "like way more than just playing with myself in public... seeing the people watching turned me on sooo much!"

"And having those people bukkake you?" I asked

"Were you okay with that?" she asked, concerned "it was just something in the moment, seeing all those cocks! I've never seen more than one at a time.... and knowing they were jerking off at me...I felt so powerful, like a godess, fuck I just wanted to feel their thick, hot cum on my face!! Sorry if it was too much."

I reassured her that while it was unexpected, I was willing to let her do what she wanted and I knew I'd need to get over some stuff if we were going to let another guy join in.

"Just thinking about that, that you'd do that for me, turns me on so much. You're the best." Danielle said as we journeyed home.

Over the following months, we did several performances and even attended others' to see if we could learn anything new. As we became more familiar in the local scene, Danielle got more adventurous. Although I remained more reserved (relatively speaking). At one session we were amongst quite a large group of observers and after the couple had finished, Danielle offered to mamade a group of unfamiliar boys. They were clearly in their late teens, maybe early twenties, just there for the spectacle. They were taken aback by the offer but bravado meant none could refuse. Danielle sucked each of them off in sequence, eventually allowing them to bukkake her again. One of the lads got stage-fright and couldn't finish, being mocked relentlessly by his mates. I wasn't jealous of them, Danielle was clearly just using them for her own enjoyment and I'd gotten used to that. I was enjoying watching one of the regulars myself. A woman, somewhat younger than us, who I found particularly attractive and who would sometimes let me finger her as she sucked off her partner. She had a tiny little pussy that she meticulously waxed bald and it reminded me of Anna and Sophie's little adolescent slits.

On another night, when we were performing, a woman and her partner asked if I would fuck her while he watched. Danielle gave me permission and after donning the necessary protection, I took the stranger on the bonnet of her car, while her man watched. Afterwards I asked him what it was like - aware that I may soon be in his position - he said that it turned him on to see his wife being pleasured by another man. I always imagined that people who went dogging were weirdos, the sort of folk you would avoid talking to. But in reality we met some nice people. Couples who seemed to love each other and just enjoyed sex. Single men and the odd single woman who were just normal people, who you could have a friendly chat with afterwards. They just enjoyed real life porn.

The guy who came to our debut, who had watched Danielle dress afterwards, became a bit of a regular at our shows and we struck up a conversation with him a few times. He called himself Steve, said he was civil servant. His job was boring but this gave him a bit of excitement to look forward to in the evening. Danielle liked him, eventually letting him play with her boobs if there weren't too many other people around. She confessed that she thought he was 'decent looking'. So I asked her the question.

"Would you want to do it with Steve?" I said, as we made our way back from a session.

"I... I guess so" she said hesitantly "if you'd be okay with it?"

I took a breath and told her that I would be. But that I didn't want it to be in public. I said I wanted it to be private, in a hotel somewhere nice. I also made clear that this wasn't like our threesomes with Kara and Chloe. I had no interest in men and didn't want to do anything with Steve myself. Danielle could decide what she wanted to do and it was a one time deal. One night, then we'd never see him again.

Danielle graciously accepted my restrictive terms but also said we had to be up front with Steve about it too, which seemed fair. We knew Steve's handle on one of the dogging forums, so I was able to DM him to make the invitation. Suffice to say the prospect of screwing Danielle hardly needed consideration and Steve replied within the hour to confirm he was up for whatever she wanted to do.

I explained the arrangement at length, in a bullet point list, almost like a contract. The sex was to be unprotected, that was 'Claire's' desire, so he would need to obtain a dated certificate showing he was clear of STDs (which also implied he would have to reveal his identity). We would meet in the hotel lobby at the appointed time and I would escort him to our room whereupon he was to shower with Claire. I would be present at all times. Claire would do as she wished with him and this would include her choices of oral, anal or vaginal penetration or a combination thereof. I would not undertake any sexual act with him although we may simultaneously gratify Claire, again entirely at her discretion. 'Steve' was willing to accept every condition. To say I was uncomfortable with what was about to go down was an understatement, but I was determined to get over it for Danielle to get the chance to live out a fantasy she thought she never would, one she was prepared to give up in order to be faithful to me. For our definition of faithfulness anyway.

On the night of the event, we checked into our hotel room in the city. Danielle had chosen somewhere memorable so we had a suite at The Shard. We had enjoyed drinks together in the bar at the top and Danielle had returned to our room to change while I went to the lobby to await Steve's arrival. I was dressed smartly in a dinner jacket. When steve arrived he was in a shirt, jeans and brogues. Civil servant casual I surmised. I shook his hand.

"Hi Steve, thanks for coming." I greeted him, as though he was interviewing for a job.

"Hi John" he replied. I was momentarily confused then remembered it was my pseudonym.

I escorted him to our room and let him in. Our suite had a seating area which led into the bedroom. Before taking him in to see 'Claire', I stopped him there, like I was a bouncer or bodyguard protecting my mark.

"Do you have the test results and your ID?" I asked.

Steve handed me a discrete envelope bearing the logo of a health clinic along with his drivers license. I looked at the name on the driver's license and it turned out he really was called Steve. I guess not everyone in the dogging scene is quite as paranoid as me. I confirmed the results of his tests were clean and handed his documents back.

"Thanks" I said, gesturing him through to the bedroom.

As we entered, Danielle was standing in the middle of the room in one of the hotel robes. She approached Steve and smiled.

"Hi Claire" he said, practically salivating already.

"Hi" Danielle replied "we're glad you could make it."

Danielle handed him a glass of Prosecco which he gulped down a little nervously. I knew how he felt! Taking his empty glass from him, she placed it with hers on the dresser. Then she undid her robe and dropped it to the floor, revealing her completely naked body. The blinds to the glass wall remained unclosed and Danielle effectively bared herself to the entirety of the London skyline at the same time. This was exhibitionism at a whole new level. Steve swallowed hard as he looked at her, while Danielle proceeded to undo his shirt buttons. She worked her way down and after removing his shirt, she knelt down to undo his belt buckle and jeans. Meantime Steve managed to slip off his shoes. I sat in the corner watching my wife undress another man. Soon Steve was standing in only his underwear next to Danielle, with a noticeable bulge forming.

Steve was not what I imagined Danielle would have looked for. He clearly kept himself in shape but he seemed like a fairly ordinary bloke. I wasn't really sure what attracted Danielle to him but I didn't feel too threatened by him at least. As Danielle pulled Steve's boxers down, she exposed his swelling cock. To be fair, he was well hung, I will give him that. Perhaps that was Danielle's primary interest. Danielle stood up and taking hold of Steve's still semi-flaccid member, lead him by it towards the bathroom. Her hand on his penis for the first time, Steve noticeably firmed during the short walk. I followed them both into the bathroom to see Danielle turn on the shower and guide her play-thing inside with her. I sat down on the edge of the bathtub opposite and watched Danielle, just as she had asked me to earlier.

Danielle began by smearing shower gel over her breasts, encouraging Steve to assist with his hands which he was more than happy to do. After lathering them, kneeling down, Danielle placed Steve's now full erection between her soapy breasts and squeezed them together, sliding them up and down over it. Looking at the two of them in the shower, Danielle titty-fucking this other man's cock was unexpectedly arousing to me and I began to feel my own dick growing. Every time Steve's bellend popped out from Danielle's cleavage she planted a kiss on the tip, but no more, which I have no doubt drove Steve crazy!

Satisfied that he was as hard as he was going to get, Danielle released Steve's cock and stood up, grasping his vertical hard-on and pushing it to a horizontal position between her thighs. Thrusting her hips back and forth, his manhood now popped out from between her glutes as she thigh fucked him, allowing it to glide tantalisingly through her pussy lips but never enter it. I knew Danielle would be oozing over his shaft now as her labia ran along it. Every now and again she would let his cock slide fully out from between her legs and spring back to attention, then she would take hold of it again and run his exposed tip through her pussy lips, back and forth over her sensitive clit, moaning in pleasure as she masturbated with his bell end like a dildo.

Danielle continued to cock tease Steve for several minutes, holding his hands firmly against her breasts, before finally allowing Steve a little free-roam time. Releasing his shaft, she placed one of his hands between her legs, telling him to touch whatever he wanted to. Steve took the opportunity to finger Danielle's pussy, soon kneeling down to spread her lips and examine her more closely than he had ever been able to before. Danielle didn't fight him as he inserted two fingers inside her warm moist hole and thrusting them in and out.

"You can put a finger in my asshole if you like" Danielle's voice echoed around the bathroom unexpectedly.

Steve didn't need told twice, reaching around with his other hand to spread Danielle's cheeks, I saw through the shower screen, his finger feeling around for and then eventually locating Danielle's sphincter and watched as he slowly slipped a soapy finger into her rectum.

"Mmmmm" Danielle moaned loudly "that feels so good."

Upon hearing Danielle's words of encouragement, Steve smiled up at her and moved his fingers in and out of both of Danielle's holes rhythmically.

The feeling of watching Danielle with another man was an odd one. When I had watched her being pleasured by other women it was nothing but a complete turn on to me. I often went back to replay the video of Danielle's first time with Chloe and jerked off to it. But watching her with a man... it was still sexy observing her from a distance, like a real life porno, but there was also an element of jealous anger that I'd never felt before. I still had a hard on as I watched Steve fingering and groping my naked wife in the shower, but at the same time part of me really wanted to punch him in the face! Even the episode with the lads in the car park wasn't as bad. In that instance I think Danielle was taking advantage of them. But this seemed much more like Steve taking an unacceptable liberty, as though Danielle was being used by another man! I had to keep reminding myself how often Danielle had been willing to put aside her own jealousy for the sake of my gratification.

I undid my trousers and began to stroke my cock as Steve turned Danielle around and her tits up pressed against the shower screen. As our eyes made contact, she mouthed the words "thank you" to me through the glass while a kneeling Steve spread her cheeks and began to eat out her pussy and asshole, his pulsating erection and balls dangling between Danielle's spread legs.

I hadn't paid a huge amount of attention to Steve earlier, but now presented with it, as it were, I could see his cock was long. He probably had almost an inch on me, but it was also thinner, in keeping with his lankier build. As with our public displays, Danielle and I had planned and agreed the activities of tonight in advance, and now that I was paying attention to the dimensions of Steve's anatomy, I realised why she specifically wanted him to be the one in her ass when we got to the main event.

Having had her fill of Steve's tongue probing her orifices, Danielle turned off the shower and stepped out. Steve followed and they dried themselves off next to me. I felt a little uncomfortable continuing to jerk off with another man standing over me so I stopped and just watched Danielle as she methodically patted herself down with a towel, mentally preparing for the next act of the evening in which Danielle wanted me to watch the two of them from a chair in the bedroom. She was going to ride him on our bed.

Once they were both dry, Danielle instructed Steve to go and lie down on the bed.

"Are you okay?" she asked, once we were alone in the bathroom.

I nodded silently and she knelt down kissed me, then she placed her mouth around my cock and started sucking me off. Her warm saliva coated my shaft and I felt her tongue flick over my exposed glans as it passed back and forth through her lips which encircled it tightly. The sensation was only momentary, just enough to restore my boner to full rigidity. Then, like the cock tease she was, Danielle unceremoniously let go and walked back into the bedroom.

I followed her out in time to see her climb onto our bed and fill her mouth with Steve's ball sack, as she tugged him back to full erection with her hand. As I passed behind her to reach the chair, her ass in the air, I could see how turned on Danielle was. A faintly milky stream of juices were oozing out from between her labia, now squeezed together between her legs, and were dribbling down her thigh. I ran my finger up her leg and through her wet slit to gather it up then I sat down on the chair and took hold of my cock again, coating it in Danielle's juices, stroking it as I imagined sliding deep into Danielle's slippery wet snatch.

As I stroked, Danielle let go of Steve's cock and sat up, swinging one of her legs over both of his.

"Do NOT cum inside me" she commanded, as she once more took hold of his shaft and lined it up with her vagina "tell me if you get too close!"

"Okayyaaaahhh" Steve replied as Danielle lowered herself down, her pussy gripping his shaft as he slid inside.

Danielle moaned as she knelt down and filled herself with Steve's extensive manhood. Her pussy squelched as it slid deeper into her. Eventually she was sat on her haunches over Steve's legs, his cock fully engulfed in her dripping passage.

"Ohh fuck!" Danielle groaned as the last inch or so penetrated deeper inside her than I was able "you're so fucking huge!!"

Steve smiled smugly as Danielle began to rock back and forth on him, getting as much depth as she could before sliding herself back up his shaft again. He grunted in pleasure as she rode him.

"mmmmmm" she sighed as she bounced up and down on the bed, Steve's boner ploughing inside her to new depths.

I listened to the sounds of delight and watched as her breasts bounced up and down. Her thighs clapped against Steve's, each time followed by shout of pleasure as Danielle brought herself closer to climax. She alternated between leaning back and placing her hands behind her on Steve's legs to help push herself up and down on his shaft and placing her hands on his chest as she bucked her hips back and forth to maximise penetration. Regardless, Danielle moaned and groaned as she fucked another man for the first time since we got back together.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuuuckkk yeeessss" she cried as she neared a purely vaginal orgasm, but it was not to be.

"Fuck! Stop." Steve groaned "it's too much"

Hearing the warning, a frustrated Danielle quickly dismounted and grabbed hold of Steve's shaft near the base, gripping it tightly with her fingers and squeezing it to cut off blood flow temporarily. It was enough, a small trickle of pre-cum emerged from the tip but that was it, she managed to stem the tide and deny Steve's orgasm.

"Ahh fuck" Steve said, breathing heavily "that was close!"

I was glad it was over. I had continued to tug myself off as Danielle had been fucking Steve and I was undoubtedly turned on watching her getting off like that, but I was desperate to be the one inside her not him. Now it was time though.

Danielle instructed Steve to go cool himself off with a cold shower blast and she motioned me to take his place on the bed. It was weird getting onto a bed that was warmed by another man, but I was eager to play a part in the night's entertainment. As planned, I knelt near the top and Danielle, getting onto all fours, took my cock in her mouth once more and began sucking it. I was so turned on by this point that I couldn't get any harder and was determined to reassert my control somehow. I grabbed Danielle's hair and held it tight, pressing my shaft down her throat I held her head in place until she began to gag. When I released her, she coughed up phlegm over my cock and it dribbled down her chin. I smeared it over her face and pulled on her hair, forcing her to take my cock down her throat again. Now I was in control.

When Steve returned, Danielle was coughing and spluttering over my dick as I fucked her throat.

"Lick this little whore's asshole" I commanded him.

Steve looked momentarily uncertain what to do, but ultimately did as he was instructed. Kneeling on the end of the bed, he spread Danielle's cheeks and began to lick her ass.

"Do you want two cocks inside you, you greedy fucking slut?" I asked Danielle as I withdrew my throbbing shaft from her throat.

After coughing up more saliva Danielle nodded and made a noise of agreement.

"Where do you want the other one?" I asked.

"In my ass" Danielle replied

"In my ass what?" I teased, pulling her head towards me and ramming my shaft into her mouth again.

"In my ass, please sir." Danielle spluttered when I next pulled out of her mouth.

I looked at Steve, who had already taken the initiative and was kneeling level with Danielle's butt, cock in hand, stroking himself back to fully erect. I gave him the nod, and he pressed his now clean and unlubed cock against Danielle's sphincter.

Danielle yelped in pain, having been unprepared by even a finger or two. The limited lubrication of Steve's saliva from the rimming and the fact that his shaft was somewhat thinner than Danielle's ass had been trained to accommodate was all that enabled him to force his way partially inside her. Obviously in some discomfort himself, he withdrew and spat heavily into Danielle's crack and then onto his hand to coat his rod prior to the next attempt.

As he tried again to enter her, Danielle still not quite ready for it, cried out in pain but I filled her mouth with my own raging stiffy to silence her. Steve's swollen member forced Danielle's ass to open and he slid inside, her passage enveloped his head and about a third of the shaft. Steve began to thrust back and forth going deeper on every stroke, until his thighs were smacking against Danielle's and her rectum was filled with the full length of his sizeable phallus.

Danielle's eyes rolled back in their sockets as she was spit roasted and overcome by the pleasure-pain she enjoyed so much. The muscles in her throat contracted around my glans and I slapped her tits as they dangled below her, grabbing one of her nipples and tugging hard on it.

This was too much, the orgasm Danielle had to abort to avoid Steve coming in her only a few minutes ago suddenly detonated inside her out of nowhere, unexpected even to her I think. We were all caught off guard. Her entire body, arms and legs seemed to convulse, even as both her mouth and ass were each still plugged with a primed cock. A jet of squirt shot out of Danielle's empty, unstimulated pussy and impacted the bed sheets with a rippling sound. I pulled out of Danielle's mouth and she began to cry out a long continuous cry.

"Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh" she called as she collapsed down, her anal climax seizing control of her body.

It was too much for Steve who, collapsing on top of her, grunted and spasmed as he finally unloaded deep inside Danielle's quivering asshole. The sight of Danielle coming this hard was one of the hottest things I'd ever seen in all the times we had been together. I stepped down off the bed and pointed my cock into her mouth, which was open as she tried to catch her breath. I stroked myself a couple of times and it was enough to cause me to unload into her mouth. Danielle didn't initially react, my cum just trickled out of her lips. After a few seconds she returned from an almost catatonic state and swallowed, smiling at me.

Steve pulled out of Danielle causing her to screw up her face in discomfort as his bellend passed through and popped out of her red raw sphincter.

"Sorry, it was too sudden, I couldn't pull out fast enough" he apologised.

"It's okay" Danielle reassured him "I don't mind it in my ass"

Danielle's sudden anal orgasm and our subsequent blowing our wads wasn't part of our original plan, so we needed to take a short intermission before the last act. Danielle's ultimate fantasy was to be penetrated in the pussy and ass at the same time. This was the bit I was most apprehensive about as it meant me and Steve being in close proximity. I really wasn't at all comfortable with any sort of... 'contact sports'.

Danielle got up from the bed and went into the bathroom picking her bath robe up from the floor. Unusually she closed the door, I guess she wasn't quite as comfortable with another guy watching her doing her thing in there. There was an awkward silence as I sat on the bed with Steve on the other side, recovering from his introduction to Danielle. I had a good idea of what he was feeling.

"Claire's pretty amazing" Steve ventured, breaking the silence "you're a lucky man."

If he only knew the half of it! Luck didn't begin to describe the strange alignment of circumstances that had directed not only Danielle and I together, but also our various partners. I just smiled and nodded. I heard the sound of the toilet flush and a moment later Danielle emerged from the bathroom, once more in her robe.

"Well I'm good to go again..." Danielle said suggestively, walking towards us running her finger down the visible part of her cleavage "but I suppose you boys will need a little recovery time?"

I looked over at Steve who was man spreading over the end of the bed. His now less substantial dick was hanging flaccid over his balls as they rested on the bed. My own hard-on had subsided and I knew it would take a little while to return to full strength. I nodded to Danielle and she lay down on the bed between us. Then she untied her robe and opened it to once again reveal her naked body. We each reclined next to her, both looking at Danielle's perfect bare breasts exposed next to us, her little pink nipples stood erect, drawing us both in. Enchanted, taking a breast each, we placed our mouths over Danielle's engorged teats and began to suck on them as though there were milk to be extracted. My head was a little close to Steve's for comfort but I was focussed on how the movements of my tongue over Danielle's swollen areola and firm nipples could cause her sigh in pleasure. As I sucked, I took hold of her breast from the underside and squeezed it, again as though trying to milk her. Danielle exhaled as I did so. The two of us continued to focus ourselves on our respective breasts, with regular noises of pleasure from Danielle.

After what I imagine was about ten minutes of fondling and teasing Danielle's exposed breasts, I reached down between her legs and began to slide my finger gently over her protruding clitoris, making slow figure of eight patterns over it as I continued suckling at her chest. As I looked down, I saw Steve's hand moving up Danielle's inner thigh. She spread her legs apart expectantly, inviting his hand inside. Steve inserted two fingers inside her and his hand began to move subtly and gently back and forth. I surmised her was stroking her g-spot with his fingers. Steve knew what he was doing. This stimulation, combined with everything else we were doing multiplied Danielle's arousal levels and her nipples seemed to become even harder. Her chest flushed and she started to arch her back.

"Mmmmmmm oh yesss, that soooo good." Danielle sang out almost lyrically between quick breaths "oh yeah right there... oh you're gonna make me cum again"

As she said these words, I stopped caressing her clit and moved my fingers onto her outer labia, gently massaging them instead. This reduced the sensation Danielle was experiencing to a much duller level. At the same time I flicked Steve's palm a couple of times to get him to pull his fingers out of Danielle's pussy.

"Ah, don't stop, I'm so close" Danielle protested.

I stopped nibbling on her delicious nipple and looked up at her from my position above her breast.

"I know you were" I said, smiling mischievously.

Danielle's breathing slowed and her chest ceased to rise and fall quite as much. As her impending climax seemed to ebb away, I returned to kissing and kneading her breast. Avoiding her nipple for a while, licking around it only. Then I began to move my fingers back from her outer lips, slipping them between her inner lips and up towards her still erect clit. I grazed it gently back and forth, barely contacting it. With my hand out the way Steve once more moved his towards Danielle's snatch and, catching on quickly, gently probed the opening to her vagina with the tip of his index finger, barely entering it to begin with. Instead he drew lines from it, down over her perineum towards her anus, then back up, gently caressing her taint as he passed over it. We each began to slowly build up the stimulation. I increased the pressure on Danielle's clit and Steve slid his fingers back inside her, resuming his teasing of her g-spot. Over a period of minutes as Steve and I worked together, Danielle was once more clenching her fists and toes and breathing rapidly.

"OOoooooffffuuuuuuucckkkkkk" she groaned we both sucked hard on her nipples and worked at her pussy in unison "yes! yes! yes!"

I knew Danielle well enough to edge her to within a hair's breadth of orgasm, yet not quite push her over the edge. For forty five minutes we brought her to the brink and then backed off. Just at the moment when I knew she was ready to explode, I stopped, and Steve followed my cue. We worked Danielle to the point where she begged for the release

"Pleaaaseee....nooo.... I need to cum, I can't take it anymore" Danielle pleaded with us as we yet again denied her the release.

The time we had spent tormenting Danielle, had given us both a chance to recover. My cock was once again throbbing as I delighted in hearing my wife's moans of pleasure. I could see Steve's member too had returned to full service, pressing against Danielle's thigh.

"Then let's do it" I said looking into Danielle's eyes.

Her face, forlorn in frustration immediately lit up and her eyes widened! I backed off and Steve moved away as Danielle sat up. We had worked out the positions to adopt in advance. I lay down on the bed and Danielle straddled me, laying her body down on top of me, her breasts pressing into my chest. I could feel her hard nipples poking into me. She reached down and grasped my straining shaft, aligning it with her now dripping wet pussy. I very gently began to slide myself inside her, aware that she was a live explosive at this point. My cock slipped easily into her contracting but slick passage. Danielle groaned as I stretched her vaginal walls wide and filled her with my rock hard, shaft. I grunted as my foreskin withdrew back over my glans as she bore down gripping me with her internal muscles and my sensitive head rubbed within her. Now in position, I pushed my legs up, carrying Danielle's weight and lifting her butt in the air.

Steve understood the assignment and stepped over both of us, squatting down over Danielle's ass. He pointed his erection down towards Danielle and pressed it into her crack. Danielle placed a palm on each of her cheeks and pulled them apart as taught as she could, presenting her gaped asshole to Steve once more. Steve gripped his shaft and pushed it inside her, squatting more as he forced his way through her puckered sphincter and began to fill her rear passage.

It was a strange sensation. As Steve's long shaft violated Danielle, I could feel it moving along the back of my own, the inner walls of Danielle's pussy the only barrier preventing our cocks from actual contact.

"Ooooohh fuuuck meeeeee!" Danielle exclaimed as she felt for the first time the sensation of both her holes being filled simultaneously by two cocks, something she had fantasised about for so long.

It was an exclamation not an invitation, but nevertheless I was happy to oblige, as was Steve. We both began thrusting in and out of Danielle at the same time. Sometimes our strokes were in sync, sometimes we opposed one another. Neither approach made much difference to Danielle's enjoyment. She cried in delight the whole time, panting in my ear throughout. I occasionally felt Steve's ball sack slapping against my shaft but I didn't care about the glancing blows because I knew how incredible it was for Danielle and how much she was enjoying her fantasy becoming reality. I reached my hand between our stomachs and slide it down to find Danielle's hard clit with my finger, as I began to flick it back and forth the volcanic orgasm we had unrelentingly edged her toward was immediately awoken.

"OHHHH please, oh please, oh I'm begging you, don't stop, don't stop! Oh shit! oh fuck!! oooohhhhhhhhhh" Danielle screamed into my ear as we kept pounding her in both holes "ooooooohhhh fuuuuuckkkk I'm cuuuuuummmmminnnggggg!!!!"

Her whole body convulsed violently as she erupted, squealing in glee as we ceased our pounding and each rammed our cocks as deep into her as we both could reach, holding them in there. I felt a flow of her squirt shoot out of her and trickle down my inside legs, followed by several more. Tears streamed down Danielle's cheeks, her climax totally overwhelming her, physically and emotionally.

My legs gave way and Danielle collapsed down onto me, yanking Steve's cock out of her anus. I remained inside her as she twitched and shivered through the aftershocks, feeling every one as her muscles contracted around my still loaded canon. As she regained her composure, Danielle put her lips on mine and slid her tongue inside, making out with me for a few seconds as I held her to me.

"That was incredible!" She said, rolling off me to look up at Steve who was still kneeling on the bed "did you cum again?"

Steve, still erect, shook his head. Danielle immediately sat up and began to suck him off, gripping his long shaft and stroking it in a twisting motion from the base to tip whenever she took a break to suck on his dangling balls. She was an expert and was able to get him off within seconds. He grunted and twitched as he unloaded inside her mouth. Danielle stuck out her tongue showing him the pool of his semen cupped upon it. Then she used her fingers to dab some and rub it over one of her nipples as she swallowed the rest. She completed her titillating little celebration by lifting her breast to her outstretched tongue so she could lick the remaining cum off her glistening nipple.

"Thanks Steve" Danielle said "you were great!"

"Thanks Claire" he replied, smiling at her. "this was incredible!"

Danielle didn't say anything, she just smiled back at him, silently communicating it was time for him to leave. He got off the bed and began to redress himself.

"Thanks for the invitation John" he said, as he pulled his jeans back on.

I nodded at him as Danielle turned back to me, still laying on the bed and looked down at my still stiff cock. I had managed to hold off, wanting to enjoy something alone with her. As Steve left the room in silence, closing the door behind him, Danielle's hand gripped my shaft, stroking me firmly as she licked my exposed bell end gently with her tongue.

"What's yours?" she asked, making small talk between licks

"What's my... what?" I asked, not understanding what she meant.

"I told you my secret, dirtiest fantasy and you made it happen." Danielle explained before licking my bell end again "Tell me. What's yours? Be honest, I'll let you do anything you want."

Over the years, Danielle and I hadn't exactly shied away from fairly out-there sexual expression. Bondage, incest, voyeurism, water-sports, you name it, we'd done it! So as I lay there, I could honestly say that I didn't have any secret unfulfilled desire. The things I fantasised about, I had actually done! The other people I fantasised about... well Danielle had actually let me 'do'! There was only one thing I could think of at that moment and it really wasn't something Danielle could grant. Something I'd been fantasising about ever since we got back from the Caribbean.

"Well..." I said, hesitating as to whether I should even say it.

Danielle looked up at me and nodded encouragingly.

"You know how much I like a tight ass..." I said, as Danielle smiled back at me "I've been thinking about the twins' ever since we got back."

"I see" Danielle replied, her hand still gliding up and down my shaft "I don't think that's something I can arrange tonight" she answered after a pause.

I wasn't sure if I had freaked her out, that my fantasy was actually with her nieces rather than her, but if it had she didn't show it.

"I know." I replied "honestly, you've given me more than I could ever dream of, it's not important!"

"I'll see what I can do" Danielle said strengthening her grip on my cock "their young little asses would be sooo tight..." she continued, feeding my fantasy before spitting on my boner to lubricate her firm strokes.

" would be really painful for them though, taking your huge cock in those tiny little virgin assholes" Danielle continued exploiting my tendency to be aroused by causing pain "I'd like to watch you coming deep inside those cute little butts though!"

The mental picture created by Danielle, combined with her strangling strokes over my boner, finally tipped me over the edge and I erupted. My cum shot into the air and landed over me and down Danielle's wrist and fore arm. She wasted no time in licking up each droplet as she found them.

As we showered off together, Danielle reasserted that she hadn't just been talking dirty to me and if either of them would be okay with it, she would like to see my fantasy fulfilled.

The following day we arose, Danielle was hoarse with a bit of a cough, either from my abuse of her throat or the beginnings of a cold. I felt exhausted. It had been an intense night, for both of us! We checked out and headed home together discussing when the next opportunity may arise for us to see the twins again. But it would turn out that the universe had other plans.

Epilogue Part One - The Danielle Diagnosis

Danielle's youth-filled face flushed as she stood in the middle of the room in only her underwear. She looked at the floor rather than make eye contact. My attention moved from her radiant face slowly downwards over her pristine, innocent body. The closed window blinds cast diagonal bands of alternating sunlight and shadow over her slender form as she reached behind her back to unclasp her bra.

"You're beautiful" I said, causing her look up and smile as the bra slipped down from her sizeable rack.

I focussed in on her hard nipples. One in vibrant pink, illuminated in a band of sunshine, the other hiding in the dark. She dropped her lingerie to the floor and after tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear, she held her stomach nervously, uncertain what to do with her arms. Doubtless the insecure teen was fighting the instinct to cover her bared breasts from my piercing gaze. She was a vision of perfection, her body seemed to have an angelic glow as I approached and knelt down before her in worship. Reaching up I moved her arms back to her side then slid my forefingers inside the waistband of her electric pink thong, causing her to giggle quietly. She stopped and held her breath as I began to pull it down, my face at eye level with what I was eager to reveal. I moved slowly, exposing first her smooth, almost hairless mound of flesh just below her belly. It had only thin wisps of soft blonde strands, barely visible even up close. I placed my lips there, and pecked her softly. She exhaled as she felt my touch for the first time. Continuing to pull on the elastic, her underwear slid further down over her hips and revealed the very beginning of her slit, couching a tiny little bump of pinker skin, under which lay a portal to realms of pleasure she scarcely knew existed. On either side of it, silky smooth lips of pale flesh now basked in the sunlight. Once again I leaned forward and planted a gentle kiss, this time directly upon her shrouded clit.

"Mmmm" Danielle whimpered as she felt, for the first time, a stranger touching the most intimate and sensitive part of her inexperienced young body, "I think I need to go."

"It's okay." I reassured her.

I continued to pull down on her thong and it finally gave way, stretching over the widest part of her burgeoning hips before dropping to the floor. I looked down between her feet and saw on the inside of her underwear, a round damp spot, telling of a state of arousal and anticipation which had preceded my advances. Despite her apparent nervousness, she had been turned on even as she was undressing for me. Then I looked back up, at the sight I had longed to see ever since I set eyes on this girl in French class all those months ago. Her neat, smooth slit extended down between her legs. Her inner labia almost fully obscured from view. I encouraged her to widen her stance and I moved forward, extending my tongue, preparing to finally taste her, when suddenly I felt a drop of something on my forehead.

I looked above me. Danielle's bulging bust had gone. In her place I saw only dark clouds overhead. Another raindrop fell from the sky onto my face, causing me to blink and look back down at the ground. My vibrant fantasy collapsed and I was teleported back to into the cold, grey reality in which I now lived.

Directly before me was a hole in the ground, surrounded by a border of uniform green imitation turf. Suspended over that hole, supported by two planks of wood, was a walnut casket. Standing next to me, a minister read from a bible. As the spits of rain developed into a shower, some of the people around me began to extend umbrellas while others stood stoically, just allowing the rain to fall upon them.

Among those sheltering from the rain, huddled together on the opposite side of the open grave, stood Kara. Either side of her were Sophie and Anna, each with an arm around their mother in solidarity. Behind them an older gentleman with a cane stood with his hand upon Kara's shoulder and on the opposite side. Standing next to Sophie holding her hand, a young man dressed smartly in a black suit and tie. Although I had never met him, I surmised that the elderly man, gazing vacantly into the distance, was Kara's father. The boy holding Sophie's hand was also unknown to me but that this was her boyfriend was easily inferred from interlocked fingers. The entire group was dressed in black. The twins had matching short black pleated skirts, black tights and white blouses wrapped in black cardigans to keep warm in the cool Autumnal air. Kara wore a long straight skirt and suit jacket. Were it not for the twins golden locks, the whole ensemble would have had a bit of an Adams Family vibe but as we were at a funeral it was not entirely out of place. I looked around the gathered friends and family and noted many faces that I was certain I had not seen since Danielle and I's wedding day. Here we were, not five years later, 'death do us part'.

Once the coffin had been lowered into the ground by the grave diggers and I had deposited a handful of dirt onto the polished casket, the minister prayed. Then as a lone piper played Lochaber No More, it was over. It felt so anti-climactic. I had, in the prior weeks, naively expected burying Danielle's body to bring some sort of relief or closure to the 18 month ordeal, but if anything I felt worse. As the gathered mourners drifted away from the graveside and the undertakers patiently waited for the family to return to the funeral cars, I felt as though I was being pressured to desert the love of my life in a damp, dark hole in the ground, while the rest of world was content to move on without her. What I really wanted in that moment, was simply to climb into the six foot hole with her.

As we drove away from the cemetery I stared out of the car window replaying the final unexpected plot-twist in our relationship. I wondered if somewhere out there a parallel universe existed where Danielle's mother had not been a chain smoker, where Danielle had not poisoned her own lungs for years of her childhood, where the cough she had developed that night in The Shard had been the cold we assumed it was, where Danielle had not been diagnosed with small cell lung cancer age 42. But that was the universe I found myself in and while admittedly it had done me a few favours over the years, today it just kicked me in the balls.

We pulled up a hauntingly familiar gravel driveway to a large town house that I had mixed feelings about returning to after nearly thirty years. However it was (despite Kara's best efforts to convince her father to move to something smaller and closer to her) still in the family and the obvious location for Danielle's wake. Unlike most of the previous times I had rung the front door bell, this time I was not greeted by a naked Kara. The person who opened it was dressed in a white shirt and black trousers. I have no idea if they were hired help or a guest but I handed them my coat without thinking and they graciously hung it up for me. I walked through the grand and largely unchanged entrance hallway into the kitchen. In the centre I saw the large island upon which Danielle had once lain naked, covered in ice cream, while I licked it from her teen body. Today it was covered in silver platters of canapés and surrounded by busy caterers. I made polite conversation with members of my family and some work colleagues of Danielle's while they enjoyed the food. I didn't want to eat. After what seemed like a reasonable time period, I excused myself to 'thank some other guests'. I left the kitchen and escaped up the stairs.

As I climbed the opulent staircase, I remembered the sight of Kara and Danielle bouncing up and down it excitedly, their naked backsides wiggling as I followed behind them toward the next sexual exploit of the day! I walked along the corridor to what used to be Kara's bedroom. Knocking, then after receiving no response, pushing the door open I peered inside. It was unchanged. The beanbag from where I viewed Kara's shower performance in the mirror. The bed that the three of us would lie in fondling each other. I could hear Danielle's teenage cries of delight in my head as she climaxed time and time again on that bed. I walked further along the corridor to the bathroom where we had spent many an afternoon in the jacuzzi tub. Where teenage Danielle had first let Kara shave her pussy and 'performed' in the shower to an audience. Every room of this house reminded me of Danielle and the fact that there would be no more 'first times' for us. No more 'us' at all.

I made my way back downstairs, spending a few more minutes making small talk with people I really had no desire to speak to. Kara seemed to be managing it, as were Sophie and Anna - although from what I overheard they mostly just had to nod politely whenever some aging relative passed comment on "how big they had gotten" since they last met. After forty five minutes of it I had to get out of there again! I opened one of the large patio doors quietly and slipped into the sprawling back garden. I walked down a path to the far end and found a secluded area hidden from view by some tall shrubbery. I couldn't recall ever being here before, so it was perfect. I sat down on a swinging bench, just as the evening sun, low in the sky, began to disappear behind a building. Alone and quiet, I began to contemplate the future without Danielle.

I'm not sure how long I sat there but it was obviously long enough to be missed. I heard footsteps coming down the path and looked up to the gap in the foliage to see Anna, Sophie and her suitor appear. I smiled at them and stood up as the three approached.

"Hi" I said, extending a hand towards to the young man with whom I was yet to speak "I'm Sophie's uncle"

"I'm James sir." he responded, taking my hand and nodding his head deferentially. He was certainly of public school upbringing.

"Nice to meet you." I replied.

"Mum's looking for you." Sophie said.

"Some people are starting to leave." Anna added.

"Okay, thanks" I acknowledged "I'll be inside in a minute".

Anna looked to Sophie and unsubtly motioned with her eyebrows that she and James should go back inside.

"Okay, see you in a minute." Sophie said before turning to James and making a similar gesture.

The two of them walked back towards the house leaving Anna and I alone in the cold.

"How are you doing?" I asked her, sitting back down on the swing bench.

Anna shrugged and sat down next to me. She laid her head on my shoulder.

"I miss her" she said quietly.

"Me too." I replied, putting my arm around her shoulders and reaching over to place my other hand on her knee reassuringly.

"So... James seems nice?" I said trying to change the subject "how long have he and Sophie been a thing?"

"Officially... like a few months I guess" Anna replied, "but really like forever... he was at nursery with us both".

Anna's tone was down-hearted.

"You're not a fan?" I asked.

"No! He's soo nice, I've always... I mean... we've always liked him." Anna responded awkwardly and I immediately understood the problem.

"Ah" I said knowingly "I see."

Anna's cheeks blushed a little.

"I don't think I can really give you much advice there... that was your Aunt's department." I said, hugging Anna closer "I'm more about the practical instruction." I continued, winking.

Anna looked back at me and cracked a little smile.

"Actually... Aunt Dani DID give me some advice." she said.

"Oh? What was that?" I asked.

"A threesome." Anna replied matter of factly.

I tipped my head back and I laughed out loud. That was exactly the sort of advice Danielle would have given her nieces! It was exactly the advice their mother had given Danielle!

"Well..." I replied after composing myself, "...I can promise you one thing: James has definitely thought about it!"

"You don't know that!" Anna argued.

"He's a teenage boy and he's dating a girl with a beautiful twin sister. Believe me, I know!" I reassured her, before enquiring further "What did Sophie think about the idea?"

There was a pause, while Anna stared at her feet before she eventually responded "She doesn't even know I like him."

I hugged Anna and rubbed her knee sympathetically, kissing her forehead. I looked down at her and she stared back at me with sad eyes. What came next took me by surprise. She stretched up and placed her lips on mine. In all our holiday exploits I had never kissed either Anna or Sophie. For some reason, to me, that felt more intimate than the sex, a first, reserved for someone really special. But here, sitting on the swing in her grandfather's garden, Anna was looking for intimacy. For a connection she couldn't have with the boy she liked or the sister she would normally have confided in. A connection she would have no longer with her Aunt. We were both sad and felt alone in our respective worlds, so we connected. I knew how twisted it was, making out with my niece at my wife's funeral no less, but in that moment, it was what we both needed.

As our lips met, I felt Anna's tongue slide inside my mouth. As it entered, I began to stroke it with the tip of my own. My hand, which had been on her shoulder, moved over neck onto her cheek and I pushed my other hand between her thighs, sliding over her tights slowly up her inside leg. We made out for a while. I felt comforted by her kiss and I think she did too. As my hand moved to the hem of her short skirt, Anna opened her legs so that I could reach all the way underneath. I made contact with her warm crotch. Between the thick tights and I presumed her underwear, I couldn't feel a great deal. But I pressed and rubbed between her legs firmly, causing her sighs of pleasure as we continued to exchange saliva. I moved my hand off her cheek and reaching around her neck, single handedly unbuttoned her blouse slightly, exposing her chest. Anna's breasts had developed significantly in the last couple of years and my fingers slipped into her cleavage to stroke one. Anna inhaled as my cold fingers touched her warm skin, but was audibly delighted when I reached inside her bra and found her aroused nipple.

Throughout the past few minutes of fondling, my cock had swollen in my pants and was noticeably erect. Anna had seen it bulging and had been rubbing her hand over my trousers. Then all of a sudden she stopped. At first I was concerned she was having second thoughts but I needn't have been. She pulled herself up onto my lap, grinding her bottom over my rigid cock, as the the swing we were sitting on rocked back and forth. We were no longer kissing but Anna continued her lap dance for a few minutes, tipping her head back over my shoulder affording me an excellent view down her open blouse. I ran my hands up and down her thighs as her gyrations drove me me wild!

"God I want to be inside you so much!" I begged.

Anna stood up off my lap, reached under her skirt and pulled her tights and panties down far enough for me to see them wrapped around her legs, but her skirt covered her backside from my view. I unzipped my own fly and puled my dick out of my pants. Taking it in her cold hand, Anna lowered herself down onto my unlubed hard-on with a groan, as I stretched her pussy open for the first time in nearly two years.

In a single motion she took me fully inside her, my shaft gliding up her tight but slick passageway. It felt incredible as she resumed rocking the swing back and forth with her long athletic legs. Being back inside my niece after such a long time was like coming home. She felt as good as she had done the first time I had broken her in and I suspected, Anna at least, had not had a great deal of practice since my initial instruction (based upon the strangling grip she was exerting on my shaft as it impaled her). I undid some more of her blouse buttons so that I could lift her bra and grab a breast in each hand, squeezing them both firmly.

"Mmmmmmmmm..." Anna moaned under he breath as the swing creaked and squeaked in the background, "...I missed this!"

"It feels so good being together again." I agreed, caught up in the moment and the feeling of pleasure pumping through my swollen member as it throbbed inside Anna's dripping pussy.

I was beginning to feel the tension in my groin build and I could tell I was getting close. I knew I still couldn't risk coming inside her, but before I had a chance to tell Anna to stop she stood up. My cock stood erect and wet in the cold breeze and I was afraid it would quickly lose its rigidity, but then Anna did something that re-invigorated me immediately. She bent over the table in front of the swing and flipped her skirt up over her back present me her shapely, muscular hips, her bare, toned butt and her glistening, wet and now hair covered, pussy lips. I was relishing the prospect of pounding Anna's tight teen pussy more forcefully doggy style, but Anna had a different plan. Placing a hand on each of her smooth white cheeks, she spread them apart to expose her little, unsullied, asshole to me. I almost exploded over her right there and then at the prospect of finally taking her in the ass. It to took some self control not to immediately ram my raging boner straight up her tempting hole.

"Are you sure Anna? It will hurt a bit." I warned, trying to show some care for my niece despite my burning desire to fulfil my fantasy.

"I know, I can take it, I just want to feel something other than sad" she replied in a moment of candour "besides, Aunt Dani asked me to before she..."

I couldn't believe it! Even from beyond the grave, Danielle was selflessly fulfilling my desires. If I was a better human being I may have protested more but I wasn't. Anna had clearly consented and was offering herself to me with my departed wife's blessing and at her direction. So I seized the opportunity. I moved forward and guided the moistened tip of my erection down Anna's parted crack, pressing it just below her little puckered hole. I spat between her cheeks and my saliva flowed down the crevasse, pooling at the dam created by my bell end. I traced a finger down her now wet crack and around the perimeter of her anus, flicking back and forth over it to Anna's pleasure. Then I pressed slowly into her tight sphincter. It took some force to overcome the initial resistance but I managed to insert my forefinger fully inside Anna's rectum causing her to moan. I wasn't sure if it was enjoyment or discomfort but I began to slide my finger in and out rhythmically, ultimately pressing a second digit in alongside the first. At this, Anna pulled away, scraping the metal table legs over the concrete slab below as she squirmed in pain. But I was locked in. My desire had overtaken me and I was determined to have what Danielle had wanted for me.

I withdrew both fingers from Anna's untrained asshole and leaned on her back. I reached up to her mouth and covered it with my hand, anticipating the noise she might make and not wanting to risk drawing attention from the house. With my free hand I took hold of the upper part of my shaft, still lubed with Anna's pussy juice, and pressed it forcefully into her ill-prepared asshole. As my bell-end invaded her saliva-covered sphincter, Anna let out a muffled cry of pain and bucked desperately to try to move away from me, dragging the metal table further over the concrete with a loud scraping sound. My cock now partially inserted, I pinned her body to the table, my forearm pressed into the small of her back. Anna's torso secured and her mouth still covered to subdue her shrieks of pain, I rammed forward, driving my rock hard rod up her inadequately sized rear passage. Anna wept in agony as her insides were forced to accommodate my plus-sized member. Anna's taught anus clenched hard around me, almost cutting off circulation as I abruptly violated her. Danielle had gifted me the secret fantasy I had asked her for all those months ago.

I began to thrust vigorously, my legs bouncing off Anna's now filled-out, womanly hips. I wasn't sure whether it was the physical stimulation of actually being inside her which caused me greater arousal or the excitement of suppressing Anna's desperate cries of agony as her tears ran over the back of my hand. Either way, after only a minute or two I was unable to hold back any longer. I plunged into Anna's ass one final time and no longer having to control myself, I ejected my load deep into her limp body, grunting and collapsing over her as multiple spasms discharged my cum within her.

I lay atop my fantasy conquest, my balls drained and my spent member still deep inside her, as she sobbed silently at her ordeal. I moved my hand away from her mouth and pushing myself off the garden table I withdrew (as gently as I could) from her savaged, raw hole.

"Owww" she whimpered, as my swollen glans popped out from Anna's traumatised sphincter and it slowly contracted shut.

Anna pushed herself up off the table and quickly pulled her tights and panties back up, straightening her skirt down over them. As she turned around to face me, she wiped her tears from her eyes with the back of her hand then fixed her bra and buttoned up her blouse, hiding her ample cleavage from my sight. I tucked myself back in too and went to hug her but she turned away from me and walked as quickly as she could, in obvious discomfort, away from me in silence. I wasn't sure if she just didn't want me to see her crying or if I had gone too far. Perhaps she regretted her decision?

After a moment, I followed her up the garden path back inside. I stopped to greet some of the remaining friends and family I had yet to speak with and those who were leaving, but the whole time my eyes were on Anna, limping like an injured fawn through the guests towards her sister. Sophie embraced her sister, clearly seeing that she was upset. Anna must have said something because Sophie looked directly at me, eyes wide and open mouthed. I saw Anna slowly pull herself up the stairs, supported by the banister, before I was intercepted by Kara who wanted me to thank some work colleagues of Danielle's for coming.

For the next hour or so, guests slowly filtered out the door until the only people left were the caterers busily clearing away their equipment and Kara who was fussing over her father. I suspected he was just something else to focus on and distract from her own grief. She hadn't really talked to me much about her feelings since Danielle passed away, but I knew how hard she would be taking it. I figured, since she had offered to run me to my hotel in her Dad's car, I'd get an opportunity to talk to her then. One which she couldn't escape from.

I retreated to the sitting room and collapsed onto a wing back chair facing the fireplace. I loosened my tie and undid my top button. I took out my phone and typed a message to Anna, asking if she was okay and apologising for being rough. She responded quickly and said that it had hurt even more than she imagined, but she had wanted something to distract from the sadness. She was just 'embarrassed about everything'. Uncertain if she meant her confession about James, our kiss or her tears, I reassured her that she didn't need to be embarrassed about anything.

No sooner had I finished typing a response then I heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it!" I heard Kara shout, no doubt grateful for another temporary distraction.

"Hey!" I heard Kara exclaim as she opened the door followed by conversation that was too distant to make out. It lasted for a few minutes then I heard Kara walking up the stairs calling back "He's in the sitting room, on the right."

I sighed, not relishing the prospect of exchanging pleasantries with yet another sympathetic mourner and a late one at that! I heard foot steps, heels on the tiled floor, approaching and I stood up from my chair to greet whoever it was.

"Hey" said a familiar voice

"Chloe!" I exclaimed as I turned to see her standing in the middle of the room "you came!"

I walked towards her, she threw her arms around me in a remarkably uninhibited display of emotion. I hugged her in return and we stood for a few seconds in a caring embrace before she relaxed her grip and I followed suit. Chloe was wearing a suit jacket and white blouse with a straight, knee length black skirt and white tights underneath. I assumed this was funeral chic (given the similarity to Kara's ensemble) but I was surprised by the bold contrast between her tights and the dark skirt and heels. It projected a newfound confidence. The heels were particularly unusual for Chloe, I was used to seeing her in converse but I guess they wouldn't really be funeral appropriate footwear. They gave her a little extra height and I wondered if she had perhaps put on a little weight - it was hard to say. She still looked pretty good for a woman who I guessed was nearing her forties, she had a youthful face and her hair, now cut short and straightened rather than long and dishevelled, made her seem younger.

"Yeah, actually I was at the cemetery earlier." she replied.

"I didn't see you?" I said, puzzled.

"I stayed near the back" she answered "didn't want to intrude."

"You're practically family!" I reassured her "Danielle would have wanted you there."

Chloe smiled back, acknowledging my effort to make her feel welcome.

"Thanks, but I'm not really though. Besides, bit of an awkward question to answer 'How did you know Danielle?'" she continued "that's why I waited 'till now to drop in, sorry it's a bit late."

"No! I'm glad." I replied.

"How are you doing?" Chloe asked.

I'd been asked that same question so many times today, but Chloe was the only person to have asked that I thought would really understand the honest answer. So this time I didn't just say 'okay'.

"Like half of my life just evaporated." I replied.

Chloe looked back at me, I could see she was welling up and fighting back her own tears.

"Arghhhh" she laughed, struggling against the water works "sorry! I thought I'd managed to get them all out before I came here."

I was about to give her another hug when Kara appeared at the door.

"Sooo... I was thinking I should really stay here with the girls tonight..." she began "...y'know? In case they need me. It's been a tough day for them. And with James staying over as well... I shouldn't leave them with my Dad. Maybe Chloe could drop you off?"

I looked at Kara suspiciously, realising that this was most likely just another effort to avoid being alone with me for fear of actually having to talk about Danielle.

"Yeah, sure I can drop you." Chloe nodded, "Who's James?"

"Sophie's boyfriend." I replied "Kara is just labouring under the dubious belief that he hasn't already had his wicked way with at least one of her daughters."

"Thanks Chloe!" Kara said after pulling a disapproving face at me.

Kara then made an excuse about going to check on her father and said she'd see me at the airport the next day (we were all travelling back on the same flight).

"I can get an Uber" I said to Chloe as she turned back around to face me "you don't need to..."

"No! I want to" Chloe interrupted "if you're happy?"

I thought about it for a moment. The truth was I was really glad Chloe was here and I wanted a chance to speak with her. Out of everyone, I thought she could best relate to how I felt just now because I figured she was probably feeling the same way. I thanked her and asked her if she would give me a few minutes to say goodbye to Sophie and Anna before we left and she was happy to accommodate me. I left Chloe sitting by the fireplace and I headed upstairs.

Uncertain in which room the twins were sleeping, I walked along the corridor listening for any sound that would give me a clue. I knocked on the door of what I seemed to recall was a guest bedroom and getting no response I peered inside and saw James laying on the bed with a pair of headphones on and his eyes closed. I wasn't sure if he was asleep or just in musical isolation but I closed the door and continued walking along the corridor. As I passed Kara's old room, I noticed the door was completely shut. It had been ajar when I took my earlier wander around the house so, given Kara was still in the kitchen with her father, I assumed this was the girls' room. It sounded quiet inside so I knocked on the door.

"Hey it's just me" I announced.

"You can come in" I heard Anna's muffled voice on the other side of the solid door.

As I swung it open, I was able to hear the sound of the ensuite shower running and could see only Anna in the room. She was standing next to the dressing table folding her cardigan neatly. She had removed her tights, untucked her blouse and let her hair down. Stepping inside, I also noticed a pile of clothes on the bed which I assumed to be everything Sophie had been wearing that day, including her bra and undies.

"Close the door" Anna instructed as I walked into the room.

"Hey" I said in a soothing tone "are you okay?"

Anna smiled at me, putting me more at ease.

"I'm fine, sorry about before" she said "I was just a bit... overwhelmed."

"You don't need to apologise" I reassured her "I shouldn't have been so rough with you, I just got carried away!"

"No, you weren't! I mean you were but... it hurt but it also felt kinda good." Anna tried to articulate what her Aunt had referred to as 'pleasure-pain' "Was it okay for you? Did I do it right?"

"Anna it was sooo good. Thank you for doing that for me." I effused, thinking back to the feeling of having my manhood strangled by Anna's bottle-tight rear.

"You're welcome" she replied "I really wanted to do it for Aunt Dani"

At this moment I realised that as we had been speaking, Anna had been unbuttoning her blouse and I had been subconsciously tracking her hands, it now hung open revealing her bolstered cleavage cupped in her white lace bra, her smooth toned stomach and navel visible just above the waistband of her skirt.

The jeopardy of the situation suddenly hit me. Kara could appear at any moment to find me in her daughter's bedroom, door closed, one partially undressed and the other naked in the shower. Far from being worried though, I felt excited, like I had in the Caribbean when Kara had been asleep in the room next door as I was initiating my nieces into their sexual awakening.

"Well thank you anyway" I said, my gaze now having locked in on Anna's exposed tits "I hope you're not too sore?"

"It still hurts a bit. What was it that made it so good?" Anna asked.

I thought for a moment, pondering what answer to give as Anna slipped her blouse off and began to fold it neatly as well.

"Well physically it just feels really good being inside something so tight..." I answered "y'know, like it feels good when you put in more than one finger when you're playing with yourself"

Anna nodded, with a little blush as though she were embarrassed that I knew she masturbated, or that I mentioned it.

"And there is something more than a little naughty about..." I paused to consider how to say 'ass fucking your niece at your dead wife's wake' delicately, "...well everything we did and..."

I hesitated as to whether to confess to what had really been the most arousing part of the whole thing but decided I owed her it.

"...well, the truth is that it turned me on to hear you in pain." I said.

Anna looked taken aback. It was my turn to blush a little as I confessed my predilections to my young niece. I hadn't realised how comfortable I had become in talking openly about these sorts of things with Danielle but now that I was sharing them with somebody else I felt self-conscious.

"Your Aunt and I... we enjoyed using pain as part of our sex lives." I tried to explain "she really enjoyed it, but I shouldn't have assumed it was okay to do the same to you."

"How?" Anna asked, quizzically as she reached behind her back and unclasped her bra, slipping it off her arms and placing it over the back of the chair next to her.

I stared at Anna's beautiful, now fullsome breasts. They floated, gravity defying, from her chest. In truth she didn't need the bra at all! (Although she did look good in it.) Anna stood there topless before me, indulging me and allowing me to ogle her. She smiled seeing how much I was enjoying watching her and bit her lower lip in a sexy way. Then she slipped her short black skirt down over her hips allowing it to drop to the floor before stepping out of it.

Unknown to me, Anna had already removed her underwear. So she now stood in the middle of the room, completely naked, enabling me to take in her entire athletic form after two years of development. Her hips had filled out and her legs were long, slender and seemingly smooth as silk. But between her legs, something else had changed since I last saw her unclothed, Anna had grown a carpet of pubic hair. It was darker than her long flowing locks and while neatly trimmed it covered her entire vulva, although I could still make out the cleft of her petite little slit.

"Show me." Anna said taking a further step towards me.

My cock, already growing from gazing at her matured breasts, began pumping in my pants as my heart rate increased and the blood filled it rapidly to a fully stiffened protrusion. It strained against my briefs causing an obvious bulge. Her invitation was irresistible and I moved towards Anna, reaching around to place my hand on her smooth, firm buttock. I stroked it gently, lightly touching and squeezing her glutes.

Anna's breathing became heavier. I placed my other hand on one of her unsupported breasts, again gently fondling and caressing it. I encircled her soft nipple with my thumb, swiftly teasing it into a fully erect state. Anna closed her eyes. I ran my palm up her breast onto her chest then around her neck, gripping it slightly.

"It's about giving up control." I whispered, as I squeezed her throat gently.

She took long, slow breaths as I leaned in, placing my lips next to her ear. I released her neck and ran my hand up over her chin, to cover her mouth, gripping it tightly and blocking her nostrils.

"It's about trust... " I whispered in her ear as I impeded the flow of air to her lungs "...and submission."

Anna's eyes widened as she realised she was unable to inhale. I relaxed my grip and she took a deep breath. At that moment, I lifted my hand from her butt and spanked it hard, I'm sure hard enough to leave a mark.

Anna squealed in shock but I suppressed the noise with my hand.

"You see, if you balance pain and pleasure..." I continued, reaching around under her butt, pulling her close to me and slipping my fingers between her labia.

I rubbed my fingers through her hairy pussy lips, feeling them moistening as I did so. Anna began to moan as I stimulated her. She was still very inexperienced and so it took little time for my touch to warm her up.

"...and time it just right..." I whispered as she began express her pleasure more audibly

"Hah haa oh mmmmmm" she whimpered as my fingers glid through her wet lips, dancing around the entrance to her pussy. Then, as I slid two of my fingers inside her craving hole she let out a more sustained groan "hhhaaaaaaaa"

Just as her climax was building, I pulled my fingers out of her and used them to pinch one of her nipples, twisting and tugging on it. Anna let out a shriek of pain, once again muffled by my hand around her mouth.

" can deny someone the orgasm they crave." I completed my sentence as Anna recovered from the unexpected shock of having her nipple assaulted, immediately returning my hand to her pussy to resume fingering her.

"If you do that two, three, four, five times..." I continued, now touching her clit directly and flicking it with my thumb as my fingers stroked her g-spot "...edging someone closer and closer..."

"Mmmmmm oooooohhh" Anna moaned, her mouth still covered.

Her fists began to clench and I saw her chest and cheeks becoming flushed. I knew she was about to come, so I pulled my fingers out of her pussy and took hold of a tuft of pubic hair, yanking it hard.

"Arghhhhhh" Anna's stifled cry was followed by blubbering and I realised I had actually ripped a few hairs out of her swollen labia.

" can make for the most intense orgasm you can imagine." I concluded, taking my hand off her mouth.

Anna wiped her watering eyes and inspected her bush, rubbing it with her hand. Regretting that I had caused her more pain and she had still not has an orgasm, I knelt down on the carpet and pulled her towards me, intending to eat her out until she came this time. But just as my tongue ran through her warm, soft, lips I heard a door open.

My heart skipped a beat! My head was buried in Anna's crotch as she stood naked over me. There was no defence! I turned my head to the bedroom door and breathed an audible sigh of relief as I saw that it was still firmly closed and there was no sign of Kara. I peered around Anna's legs and saw Sophie emerging from the ensuite, wrapped in a towel, her hair still tied up.

"Seriously?" she asked "Once today wasn't enough?"

I stood up, eliciting a look of disappointment and frustration from Anna as she realised she had once again been denied what she was hoping for! I let out a guilty laugh - unsure of Sophie's take on what we had done.

"Don't let me interrupt" Sophie said, letting her hair down and rummaging in the suitcase that was on the bed.

"I just came to say good night." I answered.

"And fell tongue first into my sister's vagina?" Sophie jibed sarcastically.

"I have needs too you know!" Anna retorted angrily.

Sophie was taken aback. I don't think she had meant anything by her quip but it seemed Anna was genuinely riled by it.

"The number of times I've had to listen to you getting off with..." Anna stopped.

I wasn't sure if she stopped because she couldn't bring herself to say James' name or because she didn't want to reveal that she was in fact jealous of Sophie.

"Woah! I was kidding..." Sophie replied in a conciliatory tone, "I didn't even know you could hear us!"

"Well I can. Just as well mum's room isn't on the same floor" Anna continued.

"Sorry if it made you uncomfortable?" Sophie said quietly, looking both confused and embarrassed.

An awkward silence followed as Anna clammed up. I decided to give her the push I thought she needed.

"Why don't you tell Sophie about your Aunt's suggestion?" I said.

Anna glared at me.

"What suggestion?" Sophie asked looking at her naked sister quizzically.

"Nothing, it doesn't matter." Anna replied, still glaring.

I looked at Sophie and Anna in turn.

"Sophie, how would you feel if Anna had got together with James in the end, rather than you?" I asked.

As Anna's face turned beetroot, slowly the penny dropped with Sophie and her confused expression changed to one of compassion for her sister.

"Really? I had no idea. You never said anything." Sophie said after a long silence.

Anna shrugged.

"You felt that way all this time? Do you not want me to be with him?" Sophie pressed.

"No!" Anna insisted "I just feel like it used to be the three of us together and now it's the two of you together... and me."

"Maybe there is a way it could be the three of you again?" I interjected "your Aunt had an idea..."

Anna looked directly at me and mouthed the word "no" silently to me.

"What?" Sophie asked "tell me!"

"How would you feel about a threesome Sophie?" I asked her.

Anna covered her still beaming face and held her head in her hands, unable to look her sister in the eye. Sophie looked back at her and then at me, then she unwrapped her towel and dropped it to the floor, exposing herself fully. Just like her twin, she too had developed significantly over the last couple of years, but unlike Anna, Sophie was completely clean shaven.

Sophie walked over to her sister and naked, she wrapped her arms around Anna.

"I think I'd be okay with that." she answered.

Anna looked up.

"Really?" she asked.

"Yeah... I mean if James is... it's kind of turning me on thinking about the three of us, together like that" Sophie confessed.

Anna threw her arms around her sister and bear hugged her. Their breasts squeezed together pleasingly and I enjoyed watching the girls in their naked embrace. My cock began to firm up again looking at the two of them and I visualised them making out and playing with each other.

"Sex with his hot girlfriend AND her hot twin at the same time?" I said "Trust me, he'll be into it! You might just need to... help him out."

"What do you mean?" Sophie asked, turning towards me but keeping her arm around her sister's shoulder.

"Well, he might get a bit of... stage fright" I said, winking "or maybe the opposite, he might struggle to control himself."

"Ohhh" Sophie giggled

"I mean, have you guys actually done it yet?" I asked, taking in the beautiful full-frontal I was getting of the pair of them.

I focussed in on Sophie's, clean shaven little snatch. I could see her inner lips still protruding slightly, just as I remembered them from before.

"No. I mean we've done 'stuff' but we've not actually done 'it'..." she explained cryptically ", I've sent him some nudes on Snap Chat and when we were younger, I once pulled down my pants so he could look cause he'd never seen a girl's before."

I was taken aback at how apparently reserved Sophie had been, given it had been so long since I had initiated her and Anna, I expected her to have done more with her boyfriend as a result. But then Anna had always been the confident one. Sophie was a follower not a leader.

"Aunt Dani said I should give him a blow job for his 18th." Sophie added after a pause.

"So how about the two of you don't bother with pyjamas tonight..." I suggested, assuming they were sharing Kara's old bed, "...then when your mum has gone to bed, you could always invite James in for a sleep over, like old times. Sort of."

"A sleep over?" Anna mocked, causing both girls to giggle "we're not eight years anymore!"

"I noticed. Whatever. Invite him in, then just tell him he's free to touch either of you... wherever he wants." I continued stepping towards the girls, looking them up and down suggestively.

I reached out my hand and placed it on Sophie's smooth pussy, stroking her as I also placed my other hand on one of Anna's breasts.

"If he's nervous, you might need to show him what feels good to you..." I said, suggestively, "...give him a steer."

Sophie caught on to what I was doing, placed her fingers over mine and pressed them down harder so that they sank between her lush inner lips. Anna followed suit, taking my hand and guiding it down between her own legs. I stood massaging both girls clits simultaneously as they closed their eyes and enjoyed the attention. Both began to breathe more heavily.

"You might need to help him get a boner if he is nervous." I kept instructing them.

Sophie understood the assignment. She unbuckled my belt and pulled my trousers and briefs down around my knees releasing my spring loaded cock, which popped out before them. She took it in her hand and began to stroke it. Anna cupped my balls and started to fondle them just as I had taught them to do months ago.

"Mmmm, yeah that's good, that will get him up for sure." I encouraged them "but you know what would really turn him on?"

"What?" Anna replied.

"If you two kissed a little bit" I said.

The girls obliged. Sophie turned to her sister, drawing her closer with the arm that was still around her shoulder and placed her lips on Anna's. The two girls began to make out as I continued to probe their pussies, my fingers penetrating them and stroking their respective g-spots. Their arousal levels built and they were both soon passionately making out, taken up in the moment as they took turns stroking my straining shaft and massaging my aching balls. I could feel the pressure building up inside me and I knew I was going to come soon. I really wanted to watch them getting each other off, like I had done on holiday, but I knew there wasn't time as Chloe was waiting for me downstairs and Kara come up at any moment.

"Ahhh fuck you're going to make me cum!" I blurted out as I struggled to hold off as I looked at the two perfect intertwined bodies, passionately kissing one another.

At once, Sophie knelt down and took my shaft into her mouth, and not a moment too soon. I grunted loudly and exploded a massive spurt of cum into her, jerking a couple more times as I ejaculated again. I supported myself on Anna as my legs weakened momentarily. She leant in and gave me a hug while her sister continued to suck my dissipating boner dry, swallowing my cum down eagerly.

"Mmmm" Sophie announced as she licked around my sensitive glans.

I pulled my trousers up and tucked myself back in. Realising that I had still not satisfied Anna despite the day's build up, I left them with one further piece of advice.

"And if it's all too much for James and he finishes too soon, you can always help each other out like I taught you." I winked.

Sophie smiled at me and took Anna's hand, leading her over to the bed. She pushed her onto it surprisingly dominantly and Anna wriggled back to let her sister climb up as well. Raising her legs up, Anna spread them wide and Sophie bent down between her thighs to lick her sister's hairy pussy. Her own butt was sticking up in the air, her wet lips caught the light temptingly and Sophie's tight little asshole winked back mockingly at me. I had just cum hard, but even so I felt the urge to tap that beautiful teen ass just as I had done her sisters. Alas though, I had already been in their room too long and Chloe was still waiting. I went over to the bed and kissed Anna on the cheek as she moaned in delight at her sister's proficient cunnilingus. Seeing as Sophie was engrossed in her task, I playfully spanked her ass and ran my hand through her soft, slippery labia.

"See you both tomorrow" I said, licking my fingers "hope you don't sleep well!"

I carefully exited the room, making sure the coast was clear and closed the door properly behind me. Walking down the corridor I chuckled to myself as I passed James' room. He had no idea what a night he was in for. It made me think of those summer days spent with Danielle and Kara right here in this place and for the first time a memory of Danielle actually made me feel happy, rather than just sad that it would never be repeated. I made my way back down the stairs, pausing at the large mirror halfway down to ensure I looked presentable.

"Hey, sorry, that took a bit longer than expected" I said to Chloe as I entered the sitting room.

She bounced up off her seat and turned to face me, smiling.

"Not at all!" she said "Are they doing okay?"

"Actually, all things considered... they're holding up well" I answered.

"It's nice that you have a good relationship with them." Chloe reflected thoughtfully, "for them and you."

"Oh yeah" I agreed "yeah... we're pretty close!"

Epilogue Part Two - The Chloe Consolation

I said goodbye to Kara and thanked her Father for allowing the use of his house for Danielle's wake. In fairness to him, he was pretty gracious considering Danielle was really the daughter of the guy her mother had cheated with. I guess he was decent enough to know Danielle wasn't responsible for her mother's infidelity and he wanted to support Kara in her grief. Honestly, for all Kara seemed to fuss over him, the guy seemed pretty compos-mentis, if a little frail. He offered to let me sleep on one of the sofa's if I wanted to stay the night however I thanked him and told him my ride to my hotel was waiting. I arranged to meet Kara with the twins and James in departures the next morning and then I returned to the hallway where Chloe was waiting.

"Do you have a coat?" I asked.

"No, it's in the car," she replied "you?"

"Nah, didn't bother" I answered.

We walked down the long gravel driveway together and the crunch of the small stones underfoot made me think of something that gave me pause.

"Did you forget something?" Chloe asked, as I stood on the driveway staring blankly towards the open gates.

"The opposite actually" I replied, snapping out of it, "deja-vu."

Chloe looked at me with no idea what I was referring to. I decided to just lay it out. If there was anyone who I could be completely honest with today, it was her.

"Chloe, the last time I walked down this drive with someone I cared about, I was foolish and ended up loosing her. I'm very fortunate that the universe gave us another shot. But I don't want to make the same mistake twice. I loved Danielle, I still do, but the truth is I love you too and I think two years ago you tried to tell me that you felt the same way. I didn't get it then, but I do now. I don't want lose you too." I unloaded my feelings on Chloe unedited and looked into her eyes as I spoke. Then I held my breath.

Chloe reached out and took my hand in both of hers, smiling back at me.

"You won't." she assured me, squeezing my hand.

"That thing you said earlier, about part of your life 'evaporating'? I get it." Chloe looked up at the starry sky above us, " Danielle was big part of the story of my life and now that she's gone... it feels like I've lost those chapters forever."

I nodded, in complete understanding.

"You're a part of my story too" Chloe continued, looking me in the eyes, "a complicated part for sure! But I want you in my life."

I sighed in relief, that she still felt the same way as she had in the Heathrow hotel room what felt like an eternity ago now.

"I think it's possible you can fall for more than one person, the three of us proved that!" Chloe continued "And Sarah knows everything now, about you and me and Danielle and she understands... Life just got in the way for a bit. But you I don't want to lose you either!"

As exciting as it was, the prospect of being involved with Chloe (and I maybe even Sarah) again, I felt a twinge of sadness that I wouldn't share it with Danielle.

Throughout the drive to my hotel, Chloe and I reminisced about how fate had caused our lives to intertwine. We laughed about the IBM Christmas party with Chloe explaining how she had to try and wipe my cum off herself in a tiny toilet cubicle before getting back into her dress - sans knickers! She described her first night with Danielle and how her "proper first time" with another woman had felt. I had watched the video plenty of times but hearing Chloe tell it first-hand made me understand how significant an experience it had really been for her. Then we both got turned on as we shared our favourite memories of our 'menage-a-quatre' in Paris with Kara and Danielle.

"What about Budapest?" I asked Chloe as we pulled up outside the entrance to my hotel "That was... unexpected!"

"Yeah" she replied, shutting off the engine, keeping her hands on the wheel "for me too."

She bit her lip as she stared out the windscreen for a few seconds, thinking.

"It was just the physicality of it. It was so erotic having you dominate me that time in London, that experience was..." she thought some more, " carnal... and addictive. I'd just never felt anything like that before and when it was done, after a while I kinda' needed it again. Y'know?"

"Forcing myself on you like that... yeah it was exhilarating!" I replied with a cheeky smile.

A horn sounded behind us, it was a taxi trying to get past in the narrow turning circle. Chloe started the car engine again and held up her hand in acknowledgement.

"We should meet up when we're both back in London." I said.

"Yeah" Chloe replied "just text me and let me know when."

"I will." I replied.

"But if I struggle to find a date, it's not because I don't want to" she added insistently, "life is just busy right now okay?"

"Okay." I said. I opened the car door and put a foot on the pavement, but then paused.

"You're not busy tonight are you?" I asked.

"No." she replied, smiling.

"Do you want to come up?" I asked.

"I thought you'd never ask." she said, nodding and tucking her hair back behind her ear.

As impatient taxi driver blasted his horn again I got out the car and Chloe went to park. I waited in the lobby for 5 minutes, starting to wonder if she had changed her mind, but I needn't have worried. A few moments later she walked up the steps and through the revolving door. I got up from the seat I was waiting in and approached her.

"Do you want to get a drink?" I asked, motioning towards the bar.

Chloe shook her head, so we headed towards the lifts. My room was on the third floor and we rode the lift up with another couple of guests in silence, our earlier conversation not being one we wished to carry on in public. As the doors closed behind us I continued where we had left off.

"So... does it turn you on? Pain I mean." I asked, already fantasising about tying Chloe up and caning her nipples.

"Not really, I think gentle touches give me more pleasure, but the feeling of having no control - that drove me nuts." she answered "I wanted to feel that again. When I heard you where flying the plane... it was like it was meant to be. Kismet."

We entered my room and I made Chloe a coffee from the Nespresso machine. She kicked off her heels and curled her legs up on the sofa as she drank it, her skirt riding up revealing more of her white nylon covered thighs in the process. I hung up my suit jacket and sat down at the other end of the two seater, taking off my tie and kicking my shoes off as well, I turned to face her.

"Last time was different though right?" I said "It felt... 'more'"

Chloe nodded, looking intently into her coffee cup.

"All the other times," she said, still staring at her coffee, "I was having great - amazing - sex with friends I cared about. Last time..."

"...last time you were making love." I finished Chloe's sentence for her, recalling the intimate time we had enjoyed together. I felt my penis begin to fill with blood as I looked over at Chloe and remembered stroking her blonde hair and kissing her little ears as I had penetrating her in the hotel room nearly two years ago.

Chloe put her coffee cup down on table and turned back to look me in the eye, biting her lip

"I don't want to be alone." I said "will you stay the night?"

Chloe leaned over and I moved in closer to her.

"Yes." she replied softly, "I'd like that."

I leant in and after a pregnant pause, I kissed Chloe on the lips. I placed my hands on the sides of her face, running my fingers through her hair. I pressed my tongue into her mouth and stroked hers with mine. Opening my mouth wider, her tongue ventured inside. We exchanged saliva for a few minutes, before I reclined back and Chloe moved up onto her knees to lay down on top of me. As she moved over, she pulled her suit jacket off and threw it onto the floor. I wrapped my arms around her back and held the back of her head in my hand as we continued to make out. For several minutes we kissed, then we took a break. Chloe lay her head on my chest and I stroked it as she cuddled into me. We were content to lie there, totally at ease, comforting one another for a little while.

"Kiss me again?" Chloe requested, looking up towards me, "like you kissed Danielle."

I did as she asked. This time as our lips met, I imagined I was kissing Danielle. I don't think it made any difference to my technique but for several minutes more we just made out. Chloe undid some of my buttons and slid her hand inside my shirt to run her fingers through my chest hair and nipples. I was determined to take the night slowly and enjoy every moment of it before I had to return to a empty house on my own. It wasn't Danielle I was kissing, but Chloe was my closest link to her and the only person who I thought really understood how I felt. Perhaps if you are reading this, you'll think what I was doing was disrespectful, twisted even, but I knew that's not what Danielle would think about it. She would be glad that Chloe was here with me and that we could console one another.

After a little while longer Chloe got up off the couch and I sat up, looking up to her. She reached around and unzipped her skirt, allowing it to slide down her legs to the floor. Her blouse was long enough to still cover most of her panties but that wasn't what I was drawn to. As her skirt fell away I realised that Chloe was not wearing tights as I had assumed. She was instead wearing long white stockings and matching suspenders! They stretched to just over halfway up her thighs, leaving a gap of bare pale white flesh between them and the bottom of her blouse. It was incredibly sexy!

Chloe began to undo her buttons, unconventionally starting at the bottom and working her way up. As she undid the bottom one, it was like a white curtain being drawn back to reveal her white silk and lace panties underneath. I followed her hands as they moved on, revealing first her trim belly before finally undoing the top ones to expose a white lace bra just as her blouse fell open. It was more of a shelf, the cups only covering the bottom of half of her breasts. I was impressed at how the bra made her breasts look. I knew she had almost nothing there (and I didn't mind that, actually I thought it was kind of sexy in it's own way) but somehow she was getting a boost that made her look as though she had gone up a size or two. Normally Chloe's bras were there to pad out her tops and make her look less flat, I could look down them and see her nipples inside, but tonight, it looked as though it was actually supporting something.

"Wow!" I said "you look incredible! That bra looks great on you."

"Thanks" Chloe replied opening her blouse up so that it hung either side of her breasts to give me a good look. Her long pink nipples were protruding just above the white lace trim, teasing me. She ran her hands over her exposed chest and tummy towards her pussy.

I put may hands on the back of her thighs and ran them up, under her blouse tails to the little shelf below her glutes, then over her soft, toned cheeks, slipping them underneath the lace back of her panties and squeezing them firmly. Her butt felt fuller too, in a good way, as I manhandled her ass, squeezing and pulling it apart. I drew her closer to me so that I was almost kissing her cute 'innie' navel. Then something caught my eye. Just at her panty line Chloe had a small scar. I guessed it was maybe ten centimetres long, following the waistband of her underwear just below her belly. I traced a finger along it and looked up at Chloe who just looked back at me, to see if I would put two and two together.

"Is that...?" I started to ask, not entirely sure if there were other surgical procedures that would result in the same sort of scar. But the discovery cast Chloe's apparent increase in breast and butt size in a whole new light.

"Too posh to push!" she joked, with a nervous laugh at the end.

I was about to congratulate her when the most obvious question belatedly popped into my head!

"Like I said, life got busy." Chloe continued as I sat stunned, not daring to ask the question. "Her name is Keiko."

Chloe pulled up her sleeve to show me some Japanese kanji tattooed on the back of her wrist. I remembered her having weeb tendencies back at IBM. She pointed at them.

"It means 'memory', or 'old times'" she explained.

"When?" I asked, managing just a single word.

"She's 12 months" Chloe couldn't help but smile.

I did the maths in my head, it was a simple sum, twelve plus nine equals twenty one. The answer to the sum though... that was complicated. Twenty one months ago I was flying out to the Caribbean from London!

I wasn't sure how I felt about this? To have a child and not be told, I should feel angry about that but honestly I was glad. I had no clue how Danielle would have taken it. I was angry with myself. What had I been thinking in that hotel room?! It's not like a woman in a long term relationship with another woman would have any reason to be on birth control!! I considered all this without saying anything.

"Are you okay?" Chloe asked after a moment.

Then I realised that I was. Chloe and Sarah had a daughter that Chloe, at least, seemed happy about. Danielle and I had been able to make the most of our last months together without that bombshell. I stood up and kissed Chloe on the cheek.

"Congratulations." I said quietly, detaching myself as though I was not involved in the event in anyway. I think that was what Chloe expected of me.

Chloe wrapped her arms around me and I held her for a moment. Then I took her hand.

"Shall we go somewhere more comfortable?" I asked her.

"Okay." Chloe nodded.

I led her to the bedroom of my suite, removing her blouse and placing it on the chair next to the bed. I laid her down in the middle of the king size bed supporting her back as she reclined so that she could undo her bra before she lay down. I lifted it off her chest and placed it next to her blouse along with my shirt. Her breasts unsupported, I could see they had in fact grown significantly. She was still small by any objective measure, but she was no longer pancake chested. Instead, as she lay down, her breasts were like rolling hills above a flat plain. On top of each, she retained a puffy areola and her long nipples stood upright like watch towers upon each summit. Her breasts were even more alluring to me now than they had been before.

I pulled off my socks and belt, and lay down next to her. We kissed again, and my hand wandered up and down her body, stroking and caressing it gently. First her cheek and neck, down onto her chest, glancing over her erect teats before I cupped her enlarged assets. I stoked Chloe's stomach and probed her navel with my finger, encircling it gently before reaching down to her panties. I allowed the tips of my fingers to slide under the waistband and trace the scar line, but no further inside. I reached between her open legs and ran my hand up her inside thigh towards her silk veiled opening. As I traced my fingers over her panties, the thin material allowed me to feel the contours of Chloe's prominent labia, gliding over their corrugations to her great pleasure.

"mmmmmmmm ahhhhhhh" Chloe sighed as I teased her with my hand while stroking her tongue with my own.

My manhood was fully erect in my trousers and I was desperately keen to have her lay hands on me, but I resisted, determined that we would both enjoy the delayed gratification of a long, slow session together. So I continued, gently stimulating her for several minutes, building her excitement. Occasionally pausing to lick or nibble on her ear, or kiss her neck and chest, only touching her nipples briefly and lightly, tracing my fingers around her areola or stroking her protruding labia only through the silk barrier. Her panties began to moisten as she became ever more aroused and dribbled from her hungering sex.

"Lick my nipples." Chloe petitioned me.

I acceded to her request and slid myself down the bed a little, so that I was eye level with her now undulating breasts. Sticking out my tongue, I began to lick them, initially only the pale flesh around her areola, then spiralling inwards, over the puffy uneven surrounding land, to finally scaling her alert watchtowers.

"Ooohhh yessssss" Chloe moaned. I heard a faint squelching sound from between her legs as her muscles contracted and forced more of her secretions to collect in her sodden silk-wear. My hand moved over the smooth, saturated fabric and gently applied pressure to her engorged lips inside, pressing the material between them slightly to Chloe's delight.

After flicking my tongue back and forth over her sensitive erections for a little while, I planted my mouth over a breast and sucked on her pink teat. As I did it, I detected a sweet flavour permeate my mouth. Chloe giggled as it happened letting out a sigh of pleasure as her milk escaped into my mouth. Seeing that she didn't feel uncomfortable, and finding the taste pleasant, I sucked again a little more gently this time, and felt a warm steady flow of sweet flavoured milk pass over my tongue. I continued to suckle from her breast and she squeezed the other one with her hand. I stopped drinking for a moment and watched as, after massaging her breast for a moment, a thin stream of milk sprayed from her nipple up into the air, landing on her stomach. Watching Chloe lactating was both arousing and fascinating to me. I squeezed her other breast and watched her express further streams of milk in all directions over her little body, which I gladly licked clean, to moans of pleasure as my tongue tickled Chloe's body.

"You can keep drinking if you like" Chloe said as I fondled her some more "I feels tingly, I like it"

I didn't need a further invitation. It was sexy and intimate drinking Chloe's breast milk from her swollen nipples and I alternated between each breast, learning the intensity of stimulation required to keep her aroused and at the same time producing a steady flow, either through massaging or sucking her. I licked up any overspray from her tummy and boobs as I squeezed it out of her. As I drank my fill, I continued stroking her body with my hand, focussing more and more between her legs and with greater intent, while still not venturing inside her panties. Chloe particularly enjoyed the feeling as I pinched her meaty lips between her now sodden silk undies and rubbed her flesh between my thumb and forefinger, pulling on them until they slipped from my grip.

After I had my fill of nursing Chloe's maternal breasts, I moved down to the end of the bed. Lifting her calf I raised her leg and rested it on my shoulder. Removing her suspenders and placing a palm on either side of her thigh, I slowly rolled the sheer stocking down the length of her leg and off her foot, exposing Chloe's cute little toes. I placed the four smallest ones in my mouth and sucked them, licking the curled up under sides with my tongue, leaving her big toe for now.

Chloe moaned in delight as I hit upon a new erogenous zone for her. Then I put my lips around her big toe and stroked it with my tongue.

"Mmmmm that feels nice" Chloe encouraged as my fingers massaged her tiny saliva covered little toes.

I slipped her big toe out through my lips making the noise a child makes sucking a lollipop, then licked the sole of her foot before commencing a trip up her inside leg, kissing from her ankle slowly and methodically all the way to the top of her inner thigh, where my cheek pressed against her soaking wet panties. I detect the intoxicating smell of Chloe's yearning pussy as my nose got close. I wanted to bury my face in her thick juicy lips, but I still had work to do. Chloe shivered as my breath stimulated her clean shaven outer labia now visible either side of her panties as a result of me playing with them.

I repeated the whole ceremony with her other leg, sensually removing her suspenders and stocking, sucking on her toes, this time one after the other from smallest to largest, tickling them each with my tongue, before finally kissing my way up her inside leg. By the time I placed my final kiss on Chloe's leg (my lips just touching the crease between her leg and exposed vulva) she was wild with desire.

"Fuck! I want you inside me." She announced with surprising insistence given her life choices to date.

But I was burning with desire too. My pulsating member strained inside my tight dress trousers. With every heart beat, each throb stimulated me and caused me to edge closer before Chloe had even placed a hand on me. My foreskin pulled taught around my heavily swollen glans and I could feel pre cum squeezing out of me.

I slid my hands up the outside of Chloe's legs over her hips and like a reflex reaction she propped herself up into a bridge obligingly. I slipped my fingers inside the elastic and I at last pulled down her final item of lingerie. She grabbed a pillow and positioned it in the small of her back as she lowered herself back down. Her panties were now stretched between her thighs near my face. I could see a pool of Chloe's thick, creamy secretions in the gusset, and the same white frosting coated her engorged vulva. I pulled the panties over her knees and she lifted her legs once more to aid me in removing the silken veil, before finally spreading them wide to present me with an enticing invitation.

I raised the panties to my nose and mouth as I had done with several previous trophies, inhaling to take in Chloe's raw, undiluted scent that was such an aphrodisiac to me. I licked her delicious cloudy syrup and swirled it in my mouth enjoying the contrast in flavour compared to milking her earlier. Her cum was much less sweet than her lactations, a sharper taste but nonetheless delicious, and her aroma, as I inhaled deeply through her sodden panties, was irresistible.

I knelt down towards her readied organ and extended my tongue, lapping up Chloe's juices from those large dripping wet lips. As I did so, my tongue parted her rumpled labia minora, so that I could pinch each one between finger and thumb and stretch them out fully like wings. Chloe let out giggle of delight as I began to explore her, inhaling loudly when I pulled on her delicate, inflamed lips, exposing her soft pink vestibule which shimmered in the bedroom spot lights. It was crowned with a small, smooth, glistening pearl, standing proud and erect from its hood of skin where her labia met. Below that Chloe's dark, unexplored passageway begged me to stretch her with my straining hard phallus.

I moved in on her clit with my tongue as I spread her wide with two fingers, licking it up and down to calls of joy from Chloe, finally relieved from the frustration of my teasing.

"Ohhhhh that feels amazing" Chloe effused "oh, yes right there, yes just like that ... oh god don't stop!!"

I reached up with my free hand to take hold of one of her breasts again and squeeze it roughly (now that she had something I could grab on to). When I did, this new sensation for her seemed to increase her excitement.

"Ooooohhhh yeesssss!" she called as I kneaded her tender new tissue firmly.

Chloe's pussy excreted another trickle which ran down my chin as I kept licking her clit and the insides of her labia. My tongue occasionally ventured partially into her opening to taste and tease her all the more.

"Oooohh yeah, I'm soo close, ooh shit" Chloe struggled to form the words and I saw her stomach muscles contracting.

But I wasn't ready to let her orgasm without me. I backed off and swung her legs into the air side by side. Chloe wrapped her arms around them, holding them aloft and I placed a palm on each of her now accessible glutes, pulling them apart to give me unfettered access to her entire undercarriage. Knowing how frustratingly close she was, I moved quickly to begin licking all over her puckered anus and sensitive taint.

"Ahhhhh" she sighed, accepting the new sensation as a consolation for her aborted climax, "mmmm deeper" she whispered as I pressed the tip of my rolled tongue into her tight asshole.

"Okay, just try to relax it" I said, barely able to penetrate her clenched rear entrance.

I used my thumbs to gain better purchase either side of it as Chloe focussed on relaxing her sphincter, managing to spread her open a little more and force my tongue deeper inside her. My nose pressed into her pussy and I enjoyed the combined taste of her ass and her heady scent.

"Oohhhhh that feels soo good" Chloe moaned as I penetrated her anally (albeit with a far smaller part of my anatomy this time).

"Do you want me to... do it to you again? Tonight." I asked tentatively and hopefully, as I swapped my tongue for a finger, sliding it fully inside her asshole and wiggling it around playfully.

As I fingered her rectum, I resumed licking her pussy lips which were now pressed tightly together by her thighs, probing for her buried clit.

"No..." she replied " gentle with me tonight, like our last time."

I was a little disappointed at the answer but was willing to give Chloe whatever she wanted to make this night special. I withdrew my finger, unzipped my trousers and managed to pull them off before I took up a kneeling position, my legs either side of the pillow Chloe was lying on. I reached inside my tight briefs, extracting my rock hard member I began rubbing the tip between Chloe's thighs and her compressed labia, pressing it against her perineum and anus then back up again. The sensation as my glans passed through her tight slick labia and pressed into the divot of her lubed, stretched sphincter was overwhelming. I desperately wanted to push my head inside her forbidden passageway, but I resisted the desire to violate her tonight.

"Take me" Chloe begged "I want to feel you inside me!"

Glad of that invitation at least, I wasted no time in obliging her. With her legs still together in the air, now resting against my shoulder, they squeezed her pussy like a vice making entering her an even more sensational experience than usual. This was a little consolation in the face of not being permitted to feel the grip of her asshole around my shaft, however, after a little light resistance, I glid inside her with ease, stretching out her warm, welcoming orifice to accommodate my thick pulsing rod.

"Yeeeessssss" Chloe exhaled as the long period of waiting finally ended and she felt me filling her, pushing the limits of what her petite frame could accomodate. We were one again and I was glad she had opted for the c-section!

Her internal muscles tensed around me, as I was once more admitted to Chloe's exclusive establishment. But I didn't remain there for long, I withdrew and shuffled up the bed towards her head, as she flopped her legs onto the mattress in frustration.

"Come on!" she protested.

"Patience." I said patronisingly "I want you to taste yourself."

Lifting her head, I offered Chloe my cock, now coated in a thin layer of her creamy, white pussy juice. Chloe opened her mouth obediently and I put it inside. Sucking me off skilfully as I supported her, Chloe's tongue probed my glans and she used her hand to retract my foreskin back on itself, stretching it a little uncomfortably to expose my corona, so she could caress it with the tip of her tongue and grip it in her lips as it passed through. As I rocked my shaft in and out, I pulled her head closer, causing her to gag a little as the tip of my hard-on caught the back of her throat. She fought me as I held it there against her will. She coughed and spluttered phlegm onto it as I relaxed my grip.

"Eurgh" she said as she spat what remained onto my shaft and smeared it up and down with her hand.

Realising she didn't enjoy the experience of deep throating like Danielle did - or at least was less able to endure it - I resolved not to do that to her again. Instead I let Chloe drive for a little while. She was in fact quite adept when it came to oral, which I was surprised at.

"You're so good at that" I said as she combined strokes and tongue movements into a synchronised stimulation that rivalled even Danielle's expert skills in this department.

"When you refuse to sleep with any of your boyfriends, you have to find some way to keep them around..." Chloe answered as she moved position to take my balls in her mouth, pulling my pants down and continuing to tug me off.

Another spurt of my pre-cum dribbled over Chloe's thumb and she licked it clean. I lowered her head gently back onto the bed and lay down next to her to kiss her again, discarding my briefs on the floor. Both completely naked, my boner rested on her thigh and I reached down to rub her clit as we made out again. Chloe's over-stimulated and under-satisfied body didn't take long to build towards climax as my finger moved back and forth over her firm protruding pleasure spot. Her breathing began to intensify once more and her whole face and chest flushed, signalling how close she was. Not separating our lips or tongues, I climbed between her legs. Chloe wrapped them around my thighs as I lay on top of her, my cock knocking on the door of her pussy once more. I ran my hands up her thighs and over her hips, up the side of her stomach and over her breasts, teasing her rock hard nipples as I went. Then I slid them over her shoulders and up her arms as she extended them out as though she were about to make a snow angel. Our hands touched and our fingers interlocked at the precise moment I entered her. Chloe exhaled slowly as I sucked on her neck and licked her ear.

"Aaaaaah" she whispered under her breath as the length and breadth of my rigid organ penetrated her fully once more.

She squeezed her legs tightly around me, using them as leverage to pull herself up from the bed, driving me deeper inside her than I thought she could accomodate. Then she relaxed her muscles and I withdrew almost entirely. As I reached the end of my out stroke, our lips met again and we caressed one another's tongues before I once more slowly and sensually drove my tingling manhood inside her. Again Chloe squeezed her legs together increasing the depth of my in-stroke and causing her to once more exhale a note of unadulterated pleasure. Our motions and emotions synchronised, I continued thrusting in and out of her, our hands grasping one another's as our respective orgasms approached. This was a shared expression of both joy and grief that only the two of us could ever understand. We were entwined at a physical and a spiritual level tonight.

"I'm....." Chloe held her breath as I felt her muscles contracting around my cock and her body began to quiver. Then she released and exhaled "...coming!!"

Silently Chloe's entire body shook as I felt the familiar contractions within my own body, as though a slingshot were being pulled back. In that moment I knew I didn't want to pull out and I was certain Chloe didn't want me to either. Reached the end of my travel, deep inside her I stopped.

"Me too!" I grunted as my cock jerked and I blew my load into the depths of Chloe's pussy once again. Her legs, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, constricted me tighter forcing me deeper as my cock recoiled and my second spasm unloaded another deposit within her, followed by a third final ejacultion. Chloe continued to twitch, her legs still wrapped around me and our hands still firmly interlocked. Her eyes remained closed and I saw a single tear run down her cheek as I kissed all over her panting, perspiring face. After a minute or two she opened her eyes and she released me. I rolled over, withdrawing my still hard cock from inside her flooded pussy. Chloe removed the pillow from under herself instead resting her head upon it. Rolling onto her side we shared it as we spooned in the afterglow of our experience. She had infused the pillow with her aroma as she perspired and leaked onto it over the course of our cavorting. I held her close and my still partially erect manhood pressed against her swollen labia which dripped with my cum as it flowed out of her. I stroked her hair and my hand ran up and down Chloe's entire body while she silently drifted off to sleep in my arms. We were lying on top of the duvet and I didn't want to disturb her in this near perfect moment of peace together, so I reached down and pulled the throw from the bottom of the bed over our naked bodies and I too fell asleep, holding her.

When I awoke, I had no idea what time it was. The blackout curtains had been shut and amidst the events of the night before I had forgotten to set an alarm. In my stupor as I began to come-to, I wondered if I had been dreaming. I looked around and saw myself in an empty bed, covered in only the throw. There was no visible sign of Chloe. Then I rolled over and it hit me, her familiar, natural eau de perfume that had infused the pillowcase confirmed that what I remembered from the night before had in fact happened. I lay for a few moments, thinking back on everything we had done, then I had a momentary panic - what time was it!? Looking at the clock on the bedside cabinet I was relieved to see it was only 6:45am and I had plenty time to get ready to leave.

I walked around the room undressed, gathering my things and packing them into my trolley bag and suit carrier. As I retrieved my phone from my jacket I felt something in the side pocket. I reached inside and felt the familiar texture of smooth silk as well as a piece of paper. Removing Chloe's panties, the paper fell to the floor. I placed them under my nose and inhaled, savouring the memory triggering smell as I bent down to retrieve the small piece of paper. As I picked it up I realised it was a wallet-sized photo of a smiling toddler on front of a birthday cake with candles. On the back of the photo, a simple handwritten message: "Thank you. Cx"

I placed the photo along with Chloe's stained lingerie into my bag and went for a shower, hoping to process everything that I had done and found out the night before. One shower was not enough for that.

After checking out of the hotel, I headed to the terminal where I had agreed to meet Kara. I found the four of them at a coffee shop just prior to security. As I approached I caught James yawning.

"Late night James?" I said, taking the opportunity to wind him up a bit.

Anna immediately turned away from me, clearly trying to suppress a laugh and I caught a smirk from Sophie as she stared into her coffee cup.

"Ehh no, not too late." James replied sheepishly.

"How did you sleep?" Kara asked, her tone sounding a little like she was comforting a child.

"Actually quite well, eventually." I answered truthfully, "Shall we head through?"

The five of us made our way through security screening and the duty free labyrinth (losing Sophie and James to the designer sunglasses area), eventually exiting into the departure lounge where we found a place to sit until our flight began to board.

"How are you doing?" I asked Kara as I sat beside her.

Anna had her earbuds in and was focussed on something on her phone.

"I'm fine" Kara replied casually "y'know, given the circumstances."

"Are you though?" I pressed "You haven't said very much since..."

"You don't need to worry about me." she interrupted "I think I'm going to grab a bottle of water or something. Can you look after Anna for a few minutes? Do you want anything?"

Kara was off her seat and walking away before she finished the sentence. The idea the Anna needed looking after was patently silly but it was just an excuse to leave me behind with her and avoid any further conversation on the subject of how Danielle's death was affecting her.

"Where's she off to?" Anna asked, removing an ear bud as she noticed her mother beetling off.

"To get a water." I replied "Sooo, how was your night?"

I was keen to understand what the twins had got up to with their friend after I had to leave so early. Anna smiled and looked around to see who might be within earshot. She took out her remaining earbud and moved in a little closer So she could talk quietly, looking down at the floor.

"It. Was. Ahh-mazing!" she answered in a low voice.

I listened carefully to understand what she was saying in the noisy terminal environment. I looked at her and she back at me, beaming.

"What happened after I left?" I asked, recalling my last view of them: Sophie presenting her nubile, hairless slit and puckered asshole as she knelt licking her sister's deprived pussy.

"After you left, Soph' gave me the most intense..." Anna lowered her voice even further "...orgasm. It felt sooo good!"

"Sorry I left you hanging but my ride was waiting." I apologised, not technically telling her any lies. I didn't want to distract from the tale by going into exactly who I left with. I reckoned I didn't have a lot of time to top up the spank bank before Kara returned. "Then what? Did you invite James?"

Anna confirmed with a nod, "After we were sure mum had gone to bed, Soph' DM'd him aand asked if he wanted to come and chill for a bit. He didn't want to at first 'cause he said he was in bed already but he probs didn't want any drama from mum. We told him she was knocked-out for the night and he caved."

"How did it go down?" I asked, immediately regretting trying to sound like one of the kids. Anna gave me a look of disgust.

"We found some old playing cards in mum's dresser so we decided to play strip poker... 'cept we didn't know how to play poker so in the end we played twenty one instead." Anna explained as I listened attentively.

"What were you wearing?" I asked, recalling I suggested they shouldn't be wearing anything.

"We were in our pyjamas - shorts and vest tops - and James had a t-shirt and boxers" she replied.

I imagined the twin girls in short, tight, bum hugging, thigh exposing shorts and clingy vest tops accentuating their newly developed chests. I realised that the jeopardy of strip blackjack was actually a far sexier move than just being blatant about their intentions up front. I had to give them credit, the twins had inherited their mother's penchant for seduction!

"He was a bit reluctant at first" Anna continued, "but I told him to man-up and he gave in! Soph' won the first round, so he had to take off his t-shirt first. Obvs he was pretty chill about that - he's actually swol!"

I wasn't entirely sure what "swol" meant but assumed from the way Anna stressed the word 'actually' she probably meant ripped or good looking.

"What did you take off? Were you wearing anything under your vest?" I asked, picturing the scene.

"No! You don't need to, it's got support built in..." Anna stage whispered " was actually cringe but I just took it off!"

I imagined Anna pulling her vest up over her head to reveal her incredible, mature breasts as she sat next to her hormonal teen friend on the bean bag. I unconsciously looked down at her chest, but there wasn't much to see as she was now wearing a hoodie. Nevertheless Anna noticed and coughed to get my attention back.

"Soph' was dealing the next round and I could see he kept glancing over to my boobs." Anna paused to snigger, "so I was like, 'eurgh just look already James, all girls have them!' - it was soo funny, he went bright red! He did properly look though."

As Anna recounted the story I thought back thirty years to that same bedroom and my own experience with Kara and Danielle as a sex-crazed teen boy. It brought a smile to my face.

"Then Soph' was like 'are you getting a boner looking at my sister James?' - just teasing but he didn't know what to do, he just denied it and tried to cover it up" Anna kept narrating.

I felt a bit sorry for James as I thought about him sitting there tenting in his briefs at the sight of his girlfriend's sister's tits.

"But she told him it was okay if he was, cause she knew he couldn't control it and I said I for real wasn't bothered. I think he relaxed a bit then. When he moved his hand away to pick up his cards I could totally see it in his boxers!"

I started to feel a hard-on of my own beginning to swell in my jeans at the thought of it all, remembering Anna as she had stood topless before me in her skirt last night.

"Who won the next round?" I asked, eager to hear more about how the evening progressed before Kara re-appeared.

"Sophie, AGAIN!" Anna replied incredulously "Funny that she was the one dealing the cards huh? James said he wasn't going to take off his boxers with me in the room. So I just went for it and pulled off my shorts right next to him. I told him he'd seen mine so now he had to show me his! Soph' said if it made him feel better she'd take her pyjamas off too, so..."

Anna stopped for a moment as someone walked past us wheeling their suitcase and I waited with baited breath to find out if James took the opportunity that had presented itself.

"...he did!" Anna completed her sentence with glee, "When he stood up, his boxers stuck right out and when he pulled them down... it sprang out!" Sophie smirked again at the thought, "He went red again when he I was looking at it, but we were all standing naked in the room together."

The mental image of Sophie and Anna's completely naked bodies filled my mind as my semi began to push up against my briefs and the less elastic denim, thankfully constricting it so it was not outwardly visible.

"Then what happened?' I prompted as Anna with some urgency, as she was momentarily distracted by a message on her phone.

"I was so turned on seeing him looking back at me, not just Sophie" she replied "so I asked him if he wanted to feel my boobs. I got really wet and my nipples were sooo hard feeling his hands on me."

My cock throbbed in my pants as I thought about Anna's oozing, hairy labia swelling as James fumbled with her breasts and firm, erect nipples.

"Soph' said he should kiss me, like he was kissing her. I was so excited!" Anna disclosed, swapping her crossed legs as she said it and taking an intake of breath. I could tell she was becoming as aroused telling the story just as I was hearing it!

"Shit! That's so hot, you're turning me on" I confessed "what did he do?"

"I know, me too!" She moaned quietly, her cheeks a little flushed, "he asked me if I wanted to and I said yes. When he came closer to me I felt his cock touching my leg as we kissed and he kept squeezing my boobs. Sophie was going to give him a blow job but..."

Anna looked around again, double checking no-one was in ear-shot. I did the same then leaned in.

" soon as she touched him he came all down my leg." Anna revealed covering her mouth in amusement, stifling her laughter as best she could.

Poor James, I could well understand his position and knew he must have been mortified. After regaining her composure Anna resumed telling the story.

"He just kept saying sorry and pulled his boxers back on to leave. I felt soo bad for him caused we had laughed! Sophie gave him a hug and said not to worry and I said I didn't mind cause I'd enjoyed him touching me. He was really going to leave, so I just grabbed his hand and put it between my legs so he could feel how horny I was too. I was just going to let him feel but then Sophie started moving his hand in all the right ways... it felt sooo good."

I moved my own legs a little to reposition my raging hard-on as Anna's tale caused a little pre cum to flow to the tip. I swallowed hard. Anna bit her lip as she paused retelling and just recalled the experience, I could see her clenching and relaxing her thighs, trying to stimulate herself as she fantasised. I knew how she felt. I fantasised about slipping my hand into her leggings and finger blasting her while she stroked my cock right there in the airport.

"Then Soph' licked some of his cum off my leg and off his dick. While we kissed, he is such a good kisser... my legs went to jelly. They gave me a really loud orgasm standing up while we made out. Stuff even came out of me onto James' hand and on the floor."

Fuuuckk! I thought to myself... wishing I could cum right here myself.

"You squirted?!" I said, rather much louder than I had intended.

Anna glared at me and looked around, as did I, but nobody seemed to have heard or taken any notice.

"You squirted." I said calmly and reassuringly in a very quiet voice.

Anna nodded, grinning from ear to ear, still rocking gently in her seat.

"We cleaned up in the bathroom together and promised to let him have another go when we got home. He said it was the best night of his life! I can't wait to be with him again! Sophie is the best sister ever for letting me kiss him!" Anna gushed excitedly under her voice "I can't wait to..."

Anna abruptly stopped talking and sat up as Sophie arrived with James in tow, carrying a bag from duty-free.

"What did you get?" I asked trying to deflect focus from what we might have been conversing about so intently.

"Just some new sunglasses" Sophie replied "where'd mum go?"

"She went to get a drink" I replied, as Sophie sat down and focussed on her phone. Although I'm not certain she even registered to my response.

"Check this out" she said, showing her phone screen to her sister, "what d'ya think? I got two!"

Before I could enquire as to what else she may have bought I saw Kara approaching with a bottle of water in hand.

"Hey, did you see the boards?" she asked.

I had been so engrossed in Anna's story that I hadn't been paying any attention. I looked up at the screen and saw that our flight had a forty minute delay.

"Forty minutes isn't too bad I guess" I replied.

"Okay... guess I've got time to go to the bathroom then" Anna said, getting up from her seat and scuttling off much like her mother had a few minutes earler. But I was pretty sure I knew exactly what Anna was off to do and it seemed like a good way to pass the time, so I excused myself and headed to the gents. On the way I sent Anna a WhatsApp message: "I bet I can guess what you're doing right now..."

Closing the door in the stall and locking it, my phone vibrated and I checked the screen. It was a reply from Anna, with a video attached.

"Did you guess right?" it said as the 10 second video showed Anna's face before panning down to show her leggings around her thighs and her buried fingers in her hairy pussy as she masturbated in the cubicle. I undid the fly on my jeans and grasped my still hard cock, beginning to stroke it. A few seconds later, as I began to feel my orgasm build rapidly, using my free hand I recorded myself ejaculating and sent it back to Anna in reply.

In the end our flight was delayed by a couple of hours for reasons unknown, but I was in no rush to get back to an empty house. The delay also resulted in James' parents being unable meet him at Heathrow that day, much to Sophie (and Anna's!) delight Kara arranged for him to stay with them overnight and would drop him home the next day. It was late afternoon when I eventually got home, having refused Kara's offer to stay with them. I decided I just needed to rip the band-aid off quickly, so I got an Uber back to our place. Well, just my place now.

The house was eerily quiet as I walked up the stairs to deposit my luggage. Cold too - no heat on for a couple of days made it feel like the house itself was also moribund. I walked a aimlessly around for a while then lay down on our - my - bed. I could still smell Danielle on the sheets, which I hadn't washed since she had been taken into hospital for the last time a couple of weeks ago. To be fair I hadn't really done a lot of sleeping in it since, spending more time by her bedside or on the sofa. There was a white plastic bag of Danielle's possessions lying on the floor, provided by the hospital after she had passed. I emptied it out onto the bed. Rummaging through the pile of clothing I found her phone. Its battery was flat, so I plugged it into the charger on her nightstand. After a few seconds it's began to buzz and ping with weeks worth of unanswered messages and notifications.

I lay down on the bed and waited. Eventually it settled down. I knew Danielle's passcode so was able to unlock it and I flicked through her photo album. There were lots of us, going back years. Of course there were also ones of Kara, the twins, some friends I didn't recognise and a few of Chloe and Danielle together which I hadn't seen before. There weren't lots, but the ones that were there were quite different from what I had expected. There were hardly any nudes or suggestive ones, except those Danielle had already shared, but there were a smattering, spread across the years when Danielle and I were long-distance, of the two of them just doing ordinary things, things that friends do. There was one however, that stood out. It was a selfie, taken by Chloe as Danielle slept. They were both in bed and Danielle had her head on Chloe's chest. Danielle looked peaceful and content and Chloe looked as happy as I'd ever seen her. The three of us really had something special and that made me smile. Then another image jumped out. It was from almost a year ago, in amongst all the ones of Danielle and I, a single photo of Chloe, and in her arms a baby.

Danielle had known?

I flicked the photo album away and my thumb hovered over the WhatsApp icon. How long had she known? What had Chloe told her. Why hadn't she mentioned it to me? Did she know the kid was mine? After a brief internal debate with my conscience I held my thumb down on the icon and ***********ed the delete option to remove the app so as to avoid any future temptation. (I immediately regretted it, but it was too late.) The rest of Danielle's secrets, whatever they may have been, had now gone with her to the grave. I think it was the least she deserved from me.

I switched into her Music app and started to play Danielle's most recent playlist. It was trash, but it made me feel like she was still in the house as I listened to it and closed my eyes.

I was rudely awoken to find it was morning by someone shaking me.

"Wake up!" a familiar voice implored me as I struggled to open my eyes in the bright light. Squinting, I managed to confirm that it was Anna.

"How did you get in?" I asked, still a bit out of it, trying to remember if we had planned something for the day that I'd forgotten about.

"Everyone's downstairs!" Anna insisted, pulling on my arm.

I had no idea what time it was but the expansive playlist had stopped so I must have been out of it for quite a long time. I managed to get to my feet and followed Anna down the hallway. I still had that weird feeling when you aren't yet fully awake, trying to work out where I was, as I was dragged downstairs by Anna. At first I didn't see anyone, then I looked into the living room and could see Sophie and James sitting on the sofa watching something on the TV.

"Hey" I said "what are you watch..."

I didn't manage to finish my sentence before realising, to my horror, what was on the TV screen! I recognised Danielle's and Kara's voices, followed by my own, as Sophie watched her mother delicately shaving her aunt's pussy, followed by a close-up of me fingering Danielle's ass to orgasm. I felt paralysed, desparate to stop them watching any more of our private film, but completely unable to move or do anything.

"That's private!" I managed to blurt out, impotently and to no effect as James and Sophie continued to watch.

"How do you think I learned to shave mine?" Sophie replied turning around and leaning over the back of the sofa "but you and mum huh? eww gross!"

As she turned around I noticed that neither she nor James were clothed. Sophie's perfect little boobs hung over the back of the sofa, her nipples standing erect. James reached round and began to squeeze them in his hands as Sophie groaned in pleasure. Had they been getting off to our sex tape?!

"Come on!!" Anna insisted apparently nonplussed by what was going on, dragging me out of the room before I could do anything more "They're in the kitchen!"

Once more following Anna, she led me into a familiar kitchen. Inside I could see two figures, both naked, one was laying on a large marble topped island in the middle of the room while the other had their back to me and was spooning something over the first. I heard another familiar laugh and realised the teenage girl on the table was the spitting image of Danielle, albiet a some decades younger! The other, a woman in her twenties with disheveled hair and no breasts, walked around the island and sat down on a bar stool between the legs of Danielle's teenage doppelganger - as though she were about to perform a pelvic exam.

"Just relax" said the woman, who I now recognised as Chloe, "I'm going to taste the cherry flavour, it's going to make you feel funny - in a good way"

She leaned over and began to lick between the young girl's legs.

"Does that feel nice?" Chloe asked "do you want me to try a different flavour?"

"No... keep licking my cherry, it feels so good" the girl replied, beginning to pant.

"Why don't you try the vanilla?" Chloe asked me as I stood over the island.

I looked down at the girl lying on top of it. Her breasts were covered in ice cream, melting and running down the sides, it almost seemed to be flowing from her nipples.

"Like what you see eh?" the girl teased, "Do you want to touch them?"

As she repeated the phrase I Danielle had mocked me with as a young boy, I recognised her, it wasn't Danielle's double, it was Danielle aged sixteen again! I could see her with greater clarity than I was ever able to conjure from my memory. Her voice sounded exactly as it had the first time she had undressed for me. I bent over and placed her familiar nipple in my mouth, sucking on it and enjoying the delicious vanilla flavour she was covered in.

"That's it" Chloe said "just keep sucking like that, we're going to give you your first orgasm Danielle, is that okay?"

"Mm hmm" Danielle replied as Chloe spooned more ice cream onto her pussy and proceeded to lap it up from between Danielle's smooth slit, to moans of pleasure.

All of a sudden I realised we weren't the only ones in the kitchen. Standing next to me was Kara, but she too looked like she had when I had first met her back in her twenties. Seated next to Chloe, between Danielle's legs, was Sarah. Sarah was now spreading Danielle's pussy for Chloe so she could press the bulbous plastic handle of an ice cream scoop into Danielle.

"It's too big" Danielle moaned in a mixture of pleasure and disappointment "I can't take it."

"You can do it Aunt Dani" Sophie encouraged, as she stood next to her sister on the opposite side of the countertop from myself and Kara. Anna was massaging her aunt's ice cream covered breasts.

"Sophie, help your Auntie." Kara instructed.

Sophie reached down and began playing with Danielle's clit as Sarah pulled her perfect bald labia even wider. Chloe focussed on the task and twisted the ice-cream scoop as she pressed it harder into Danielle's pussy.

"Ahh, no it's too big!" Danielle protested in pain as Chloe squeezed the makeshift dildo, lubed with melted ice cream, deeper into her tight teenage vagina. "I'm still a virgin... please... don't!"

Chloe stopped what she was doing and moved away, as did Sarah while the twins stopped touching their young aunt, leaving Danielle lying on the island looking deflated. I felt a strong desire not to let her down.

I moved down to take up Chloe's position between Danielle's legs, I was naked and had a full erection that I rubbed up and down Danielle's pussy.

"It's okay, I'll be gentle" I assured her as I lined my throbbing cock up with her tight opening.

Danielle moaned in pleasure as I slid inside, stretching her open just the right amount as I broke her skin. I began to thrust in and out while the audience around us watched on. Each took turns playing with Danielle's tits and rubbing her clit while I drilled her purposefully on the marble table top. I could feel myself getting close, watching her tits bounced as I pounded into her on each in-stroke and she slid up the marble a little.

"Yyyyyyeeeeeeeeesssssssssss!!" Danielle let out a scream as she orgasmed violently, shaking her arms and legs.

I felt her twitching pussy constricting my cock but I kept going, continuing to pile drive her as Chloe leaned in from the side to lick her clit.

"Ahhhh no too much" Danielle protested as her post orgasm, hyper sensitive clit continued to be stimulated "no no no ahhhha ahhhh ahhhhhhh aahhhhhh"

Her muscles spasmed as we forced her into a second orgasm which rippled through her virginal, inexperienced body. Danielle sprayed me with her squirt, covering the floor in a pool of it as is ran down her lips and taint and trickled between her glutes where they pressed together on the edge of the unit.

I pulled out and lifted her legs up passing them back to Kara and Chloe to support, so that I could see her back door. It was covered in Danielle's squirt, tempting me to enter. I aligned my still loaded cannon with her ass hole, winking at me as the waves of aftershocks pulsed through Danielle's body and I began to push inside her. Finger blasting her pussy and rubbing her raw clit with my thumb at the same time as I tried to penetrate her clenched anus.

"Argh it's too much, ahhhh" Danielle called as her nieces sucked on her swollen red nipples and I pressed her engorged, burning clitoris into it's third explosion.

My glans passed through Danielle's sphincter just as her third orgasm caused it to relax momentarily and I was able to slide deep into her little teen ass one final time.

"Ah ah ah ah ah" she called as I filled her rectum while she quivered from yet more shockwaves of her third orgasm.

Then I felt something I'd only ever felt once before. Standing next to me as I ass fucked my future wife, Chloe had pressed her fingers into my own ass and was massaging my internals just like Sarah had done in the hotel gym!

I could feel my self approaching the point of no return and I couldn't resist it any longer. I wanted to keep feeling the sensation forever but when I could hold back the tide no longer I yanked my cock out of Danielle and began to spray my cum over the assembled group. It covered Danielle's thighs and down the arms of Kara and Chloe who had been holding her legs. But Chloe still had her fingers in my rectum and was continuing to pump cum out of me like a soap dispenser, it sprayed between Danielle's legs onto the faces of Anna and Sophie who were still teasing their delirious aunt's engorged nipples. Finally kneeling below me, and reaching up between my legs, Chloe directed my wilting member towards her face and coaxed yet more ropes of runny cum all over herself, squealing with glee as she licked it from her lips

As Danielle recovered from her ordeal, she too took time to lick the cum of each of the other women, like an animal licking it's offspring clean, before finally turning to me.

"You made me feel things I've never felt before, things I didn't know I could feel!" she said, pulling a luminous green thong on over her dripping wet pussy.

She hopped down off the counter, no longer covered in ice cream, and walked away from me towards the door. I wanted to follow her but seemed to be stuck to the floor, unable to move. She opened the door and walked down the recognisable gravel driveway.

"Wait for me!" I called after her. But she didn't stop walking away, her hips swaying and her cute little butt jiggling as she walked

"I did." Danielle replied as she turned the corner at the end of the drive. Looking back to me, she blew me a kiss and took a drag from a cigarette, before walking behind the hedge out of my sight as the door closed.

I awoke to find myself still lying on our bed. As I came-to, realising I had all been dreaming, I could hear the tinny sound of a familiar Simple Minds song, released the year of Danielle and I's birth, now playing on Danielle's phone.

I checked my own phone, it was 11pm, I'd been asleep for a few hours. There was also a new message from Sophie containing a video. I opened it to watch a short selfie she had filmed only a few minutes ago, of herself riding a boy who I presumed to be James, reverse-cowgirl no less. Over her shoulder, in the background, Anna was kneeling over his face covering her mouth, mid climax, as he pulled on both of her nipples.

I set the video on loop, reached into my trousers to find my already rock-hard cock and started to jerk myself off watching my beautiful sexy nieces with their new play-thing, happy in the knowledge that Danielle's legacy would live on.

--- The End ---

Tell me your troubles and doubts

Giving everything inside and out and

Love's strange, so real in the dark

Think of the tender things that we were working on

Slow change may pull us apart

When the light gets into your heart, baby

Don't you, forget about me

Don't, don't, don't, don't

Don't you, forget about me.

- Simple Minds (1985)
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