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This is the first of a planned series of stories. I hope you like it and if there's any Demi-humans you want to see in a future story feel free to post a comment and I'll consider it.


Please note that this story, as with all my stories, is completely fictional and the themes expressed in it are a work of fantasy. Any resemblance to any real person or event is a coincidence.
Ever since the Demi-human rebellion started the city has been flooded with refugees and soldiers. At first business was at a near standstill but as things settled down the money started rolling in. Rich lords and nobles, soldiers far from home and missing their wives, construction workers assigned to fortifying the city, and even the odd refugee, they all came to me. Even before the war I was known far and wide for the services I offered. Each of my girls had been carefully chosen for their looks, their skills, and even their magical abilities. Whether they come from the common folk, the slave markets, or even the daughters of nobles too poor to pay a dowery, they all receive the best care money can buy. The finest cloth and tailored dresses, a chef trained in the royal’s palaces, education in the arts. All are provided to my girls in exchange for their bodies.


It costs a lot of gold to maintain that kind of lifestyle but my customers are willing to pay, many just come to enjoy the company or to be relaxed with music, massages, and a soak in the bathhouse. Those who come to me through an exchange of coin, like those from the slave markets, are freed only when they have paid off their debts. My girls, or courtesans as they like to be called, enjoy the security I provide and most chose to continue on after their contracts have ended. I have nearly 30 girls working for me across two different houses, one in the lower city and one in the middle city. The courtesans in the lower city house are mainly made up of slaves and is where the poorer, more sexually active clients are found. The middle city house is frequented more by those seeking companionship, someone to accompany them on a picnic in the park or a trip to the theatre. Many of the courtesans there have their contracts bought out by men looking for a wife and so I am often at the slave markets looking for suitable candidates to fill my houses. Although recently I have also been looking for an attendant, someone to assist me in my daily needs. And the increase in demi-human slaves accompanying the nobles around town has caught my eye.


A slaver I have done business with a few times several times waves me down from across the busy market so I approach his stall. He has his usual collection of men, women, and even children, but set aside in a smaller cage are sat two Cat-kin girls.

“Do you like them? Beast-kin slaves are all the rage at the moment with the nobility, especially the Cat-girls. They make very good maids.” The slaver says as he notices me staring at the two beast-kin.

“Let me take a closer look at them, I’ve been thinking about getting an attendant and one of these might just do.” I reply. The slaver nods to one of his burly guards nearby who then steps forward to unlock the cage. The guard stoops inside and drags the two girls out, forcing them to stand in front of me and the slaver.


The girl on the left is dark skinned with pitch black hair which snakes down her body in intricately woven braids. The tops of her ears and the end of her tail are tipped with white fur. Her face is round and despite the strong, defiant look in the brown cat-like eyes, is quite delicate looking. She stands maybe a head short of 6 feet tall and her body is clearly curvaceous even though it’s hidden beneath a shapeless rough spun slave’s dress.


The other girl is a near exact opposite in every way. It’s clear she is from another Cat-kin tribe and her pale white skin stands out even more so next to her dark-skinned counterpart. She’s shorter too, standing at nearly 5 feet in height. A fiery mane of matted curly red hair flows over her head, covering her downcast face. The tips of her pointy ears can just be seen poking out the top of her hair and her tail is striped with red and brown fur. Her dress is far too large for her and hangs loosely off of her skinny frame.


“How much?” I ask as I circle the two slaves, examining them with genuine interest.

“70 gold pieces each.” The slaver replies. “But for you I can sell them both for 120 pieces, and that includes their slave marks.”

70 gold is a lot for a slave, especially for Beast-kin one, but his offer for both is tempting, even more so with the price of slave marks thrown in.

“Let me see their marks first and then I might just take you up on that offer.” I counter. The slaver smiles and nods to the two slaves.

“You heard him, show him your marks.” He orders in a commanding voice. The girls move at once, pulling down the tops of their dresses to reveal their chests.


Emblazoned in the middle of their chest is a runic circle which glows a red light. With the order complete the glow fades until crimson red runes can be seen. I lean forward and examine both of them.

“These are quality runes; you don’t see many like this.” I compliment, turning my back to the girls and facing the slaver once more. My hand pulls out a leather coin purse from beneath my coat and from within I take out 12 lengths of string, each one threaded through 10 gold coins. I hand the coins over to the slaver and they disappear into a small strongbox behind his stall. He then pulls out a small ritual dagger, an athame, from a sheath on his belt.

“You know the right of ownership transfer.” He says handing the athame hilt first to me. I take the dagger with my right hand and run the blade over my thumb. Blood wells up from the wound as I turn back to the two slaves. I trace my thumb over each of their slave marks in turn, the runes glowing briefly as the ritual is completed. I hand the athame back to the slaver and he hands me a thin strip of cloth which I use to bandage my thumb.

“Keep quiet and follow me.” I order my new two slaves before thanking the slaver and heading back into the throng of the market.


The slaves follow a few feet behind me as I wind my way through the narrow streets, making my way towards the house in the middle city. As I approach the guard stood outside spots me and quickly straightens up, standing to attention as I pass him with a brief nod. Entering the building I am immediately greeted by the Madam of the house, Kris. She was one of my first ever courtesans and now oversees the running of both houses and ensures all the courtesans receive their training.

“Good afternoon, sir. I see your trip to the market proved successful.” She says, barely glancing at the two slaves behind me.

“Yes, two new potentials for my attendant. Could you see that they are properly bathed, fed and clothed before sending them up to my office. Oh, and could you send Emma to me, I could use her abilities with healing magic.” I reply, indicating my bandaged thumb. Kris nods her head and ushers for the two slaves to follow her as I head towards the stairs, stopping at the foot of them.

“Keep that one’s braids in, I like how they look on her.” I say, pointing at the dark-skinned slave.



“There you go sir, all healed up.” Emma says, letting go of my now healed hand. I flex my fingers, bending my thumb which now shows no sign of the cut. She bobs a curtsy before leaving my office, pausing briefly to hold open the door as Kris and the two slaves enter.

“Here you go sir. Bathed, fed and clothed just like you requested.” Kris says before following Emma out of the door. The two beast-kin girls are now clean, their skin rubbed raw from the baths. Their rough spun slaves’ dresses have been replaced with simple silk robes. The smaller of the two looks the most different. Her previously matted red hair is now shiny and hangs down her back in long twisting curls. Her golden cat eyes look hesitantly around the room, taking in the large fourposter bed and the empty fireplace. The other slave still has her hair in braids but now they look sleek and elegant. Her brown eyes stare straight forward, looking at a spot just over my shoulder.

“What are your names?” I ask, putting only a little fragment of command into my voice.

“I’m Annabelle, sir.” The redhead says instantly, her voice filled with nervous energy.

“Halle.” The girl brusquely says a second later, her eyes still fixed straight forward.

“Annabelle and Halle, those are some nice names. Now take off your clothes.” I say, standing up and moving round my desk towards them. Annabelle looks at me in surprise but her hands fly quickly to the silk sash around her waist, undoing the knot. Halle pauses a second, a look of defiance on her face, but as the runes on her chest begin to glow white, she too begins to untie the sash around her waist. Both girls then shrug off their robes, letting the material drop to the floor.


Halle’s body is perfectly curvaceous and will be the envy of all my other courtesans. Long thin legs lead up to her wide hips which flow up into her slender waist. A short tangle of black hair pokes out between her legs. Her breasts are large and round with two perfectly round areola, the skin several shades darker than her already dark skin. As I move behind her, I trace my finger down her back, stopping as it brushes the hairs at the beginning of her tail. My hand moves further down and grabs her plump ass. She lets out a yowl of indignation and hisses in annoyance but doesn’t pull away.

“Good, you’re starting to learn.” I whisper into her ear before turning towards the skinny Annabelle. As I pass behind her, I can see her visibly shaking with nervous energy. She jumps as my fingers brush against her ass and tail. Not that she has an ass to speak of. Unlike Halle, Annabelle is completely flat. Her ass, her chest, and even her hips, there’s not a single curve on her. But she’s not just flat, she’s skinny. I can just see her ribs poking through her pale, freckle smattered skin. Her nipples are small but pointy and I’m surprised to see not a single hair between her legs.

“Now do not fret girls. I will not start you out as whores just yet.” I say moving to stand in front of them both. I see Halle glance briefly at me and her hardened expression softens ever so slightly. “You will take turns being my attendant. You will ensure my day is organised and runs smoothly. You will accompany me wherever I go and make sure I am satisfied throughout the day.” With that Halle’s expression darkens again, a scowl forming across her face as she now stares directly at me.

“When you are not working as my attendant you will be getting educated in reading, writing, mathematics, art, and music. By the time you leave my service you will be considered highly educated, even amongst the nobles.” I continue, ignoring Halle’s glare.

“Leave?” Quavers Annabelle in a high pitch tone.

“Yes, once you have earned enough to pay off your dept to me, I will release you from your slave marks.” I explain. “As my attendant you will earn 20 bronze pieces a day, 15 will be used to pay off your dept and the remaining 5 will be paid directly to you. You each cost 60 gold pieces and your education will also cost 60 gold, therefore your total debt to me is 120 gold pieces. That means as my attendant you will be working for me for…”

“Four and a half years.” Halle yells in shock, her upper lip curling in disgust to reveal her long pointed, fang like canines.

“Yes, that sounds about right. That was some impressively quick calculation.” I reply. “Four and a half years working for me here. A place where you are guaranteed a cozy bed, warm meals, tailored clothes, and a fine education. Or would you rather I sell you on to someone else who will probably just turn you into a whore, beating and fucking you until your body breaks, disposing of you in some gutter for you to die. I pause there, watching as Halle’s face pales and relaxes slightly as realisation sets in. She may not be free or where she likes but she is safe, far safer and better treated then many would for her kind.


After explaining several more things to them I lead them over towards the large bed.

“This is always my favourite part, the first fuck. Have either of you been fucked before?” I ask as the two girls climb onto the bed. They both shake their heads, Annabelles cheeks turning almost as red as her hair as she sees me begin to remove my clothes.

“Excellent, I do quite enjoy taking a girls virginity.” I say as I climb onto the bed after them, kneeling beside them to make a rough triangle.

“Now Halle, you did that impressive calculation earlier so I’ll let you pick who goes first. Shall I fuck you or Annabelle first?” I ask Halle, watching as her face closely as she ponders the question.

“I’ll do it, I’ll go first.” She says after a few seconds’ pause.


I instruct Halle to lay back on the bed, her head propped up by a couple of pillows. Annabelle kneels beside her, an almost curious hunger in her eyes as she watches on. I move up between Halle’s open legs until my erect cock is resting against her. I lean forward over her, my face now only a couple inches from hers. Her brown eyes stare up at me in anticipation as with one hand I guide the tip of my cock inside her. Her lips part and eyes widen as she lets out a low gasp. I slowly push my cock further inside her as I continue watching her face as I take her virginity. With my cock now fully inside her I lean further in and kiss her. She freezes in surprise as my lips press firmly against her soft, warm lips. I hold the kiss for a few seconds before leaning back, glancing briefly at the eagerly watching Annabelle. I grab Halle’s waist and begin thrusting in and out, slowly at first but gaining speed with each thrust. Halle’s breathing becomes heavy, her chest rising and falling rapidly as I continue fucking her. My hands move from her waist to grab her bouncy tits, squeezing them between my fingers. Her nipples are hard and I pinch them between my thumb and forefinger. This only makes her breath even heavier, turning into low moans of pleasure. Her pussy feels so good around my cock, unlike any of the humans I’ve fucked. Usually, my stamina means I can last 15 minutes but I know it’s barely been 5 and my balls are already bursting with pressure. Unable to hold it in any longer I thrust forward. I feel my cum explode from the tip of my cock, shooting out inside her with incredible force. I slowly pull back and as my cock slips out of her pussy it is followed by a small trickle of cum.

“Oh wow.” Annabelle whispers as she stares intently at Halle’s pussy.

“Your turn. Switch places.” I say, smiling at Annabelle. Halle rolls over, sitting up, and Annabelle immediately takes her space. As she spreads her legs I can see her pussy already glistening with anticipation.


I repeat the same first steps with Annabelle as I did with Halle, pushing my cock inside her as I lean down for a kiss. My lips brush hers when suddenly her arms and legs wrap around me. Her kiss is full of passion and energy, her tongue pushing to explore my mouth even as I do the same with mine. With her legs wrapped around me it’s difficult to thrust in and out but I manage to make small movements in and out. This only seems to drive her into even more of a frenzy but after a minute or two I’m finally able to break away.

“Looks like you’ve got a lot of energy, let’s try something else.” I say, trying to catch my breath. I pull out and lay down on the bed, instructing her to straddle me. She swings her leg over and straddles me, her hands on my chest and pussy pressing up against my cock. She lifts herself up and allows my to slip my cock back inside her.

“Go on then, ride my cock.” I say, giving her the chance to take over.


She begins bouncing up and down, her hands still on my chest as she tries to find a rhythm. I can tell this is her first time, her lack of experience shows. She keeps slipping off of my cock or coming down on it too quickly and hard. I don’t care though, her pussy feels just as good as Halle’s and that more than makes up for her inexperience. As she begins to settle in, slowly finding her rhythm, she lift her hands from my chest. Her face is a mask of pure ecstasy; her mouth is open wide, tongue stuck out, loud moans of pleasure emanating from her. Her hands run through her hair as she almost screams in pleasure. With her arms raised I can how skinny she really, several of her rips now poke through her pale skin and I could of sworn I seen her stomach bulge as the tip of my cock filled it.

“Yes, yes, yes, yes. YES!” She screams as an orgasm rips through her body. Her arms fall limply to her sides and she collapses forward, her face resting on my chest.

“Please, please don’t stop. Not until you finish inside me like you did Halle.” I hear her whisper. I was going to anyway but hearing her beg for it pushes my already bursting balls past breaking point. I thrust up inside her and cum erupts from the tip of my cock. Annabelle purrs in happiness as the torrent of cum fills her.

“Thank you.” She whispers as I roll her off me, sitting up to see Halle still sat silently watching us.


I lay comfortably on the bed as the two girls pick up their robes and put them on before heading towards the door. As it swings shut behind them I hear Kris’ voice telling them to follow her to the dorms. Now feeling somewhat peckish I decide to get dressed and head down towards the kitchen for something to eat, plus one of the evening shows was about to begin and they were always enjoyable. Entering the main room I spot several of my courtesans wandering between the tables, serving food, drinks and sitting down next to the dozen or so customers already here.

“Hey there.” I hear a voice call out from behind me. I turn to see an old associate of mine sitting at one of the quieter tables. He waves for me to join him so I settle down in the seat next to him.

“Where those Cat-kin slaves I saw earlier. Pretty little thing redhead was.” He says conversationally.

“Yes, I am trying them out as my attendants.” I reply, curious as to where he was taking this.

“How much for a night? Never been with a Beast-kin, always wanted to try one though. In fact, when I was younger I wanted to travel the world and try to fuck as many Demi-humans as I could.” He says, laughing loudly. I was about to reply when music starts playing from the other end of the room. We both turn to see two girls appear on the stage and begin dancing. My friends attention was now completely caught by the dancers but my mind was racing.


‘To try as many as he could’ he had said. The idea to fuck all the different Demi-human filled my thoughts. It would be simple, easy in fact. The rebellion had caused an influx in the slave trade and I knew my slaver contacts would be more than happy to source whatever species I desired. Wolf, Deer, and Cow-kin, even Elves, Orcs and Vampires. I could have a house just for Demi-humans. I had the money. I have a plan.


2025-01-03 08:13:00
Interesting start to the story. I'm looking forward to reading more and seeing what kinds of demi-humans there are, starting with the two cat girls. Thank you.

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