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A guy wakes up after a night of drinking to find that his roommate has secretly slipped him 24hour sex-swapping pills.
I honestly laughed out loud the first time I read the email. I was used to seeing all sorts of ridiculous nonsense, ads for penis enlargement pills, a cream that promised extra staying power, a smoothie powder that would supposedly have you cumming buckets... you name it, and it seemed someone out there was willing to try to sell you something for it. I was a marketing major, and I actually got quite a kick out of seeing how inventive they could be trying to advertise the things, so I made it a point of going through my spam folder every couple of weeks. But twenty-four hour gender swapping pills? That was a new one, even for me. And they actually included photos, too- supposedly before and afters, and I had to admit, if I hadn't know any better I almost would have found them convincing. I must have spent a good half an hour scrolling up and down through the five sets of photos they'd included, trying to decide if they'd photoshoped them, and if so which one was the original, or if they'd somehow found five pairs of men and women who looked just that similar to one another, siblings maybe, and paid them all for naked pictures. I eventually gave it up as a lost cause, beyond my ability to determine. But there was one girl in particular... that photo, at least, I'd decided was real, saving her to my "special" folder and having myself a very satisfying wank. Then later, once my roommate Blake got home from class, I enlisted him for an opinion as well. Being a computer science major I thought he might know some tricks for detecting the frauds, but no luck there- we ended up just having a good laugh over them, and screwing around for the rest of the night trying to convince each other to order a set of pills to give them a try.

And that was the last I thought about it for the next couple of months- until the morning after our last day of exams. I woke up tired and achy all over, my mind feeling slow and fuzzy like I was still somewhat buzzed, but after the amount we'd both had to drink celebrating the night before I didn't think much of it. It wasn't until I rolled over, finally awake enough to notice the unexpected weight on my chest, that I realized something was wrong and opened my eyes.

"Fuck!" I gasped, my voice unexpectedly high and girlish sounding as I stared down at the set of full, perky D-cup tits on my chest. I reached down in a panic, fumbling my way under the boxers I normally wore to bed. And sure enough, rather than the five hard inches of morning wood I was accustomed to waking up with, I instead found a set of soft, hot little pussy lips awaiting my touch. I let out a surprised little moan at the unexpected intensity as I brushed over my clit... but not even that could distract me from my anger as I suddenly remembered that email from months before and realized what Blake must have done.

I stood up, a little unsteadily with the unfamiliar center of gravity and shape of hips I was suddenly coping with, all set to storm down the hall to Blake's room to demand an explanation and apology for pulling such a stupid and dangerous prank- until I caught sight of myself in the mirror on the back of my door, and what I saw stopped me in my tracks.

"Fuck me..." I whispered, hardly able to believe what I was seeing. I was fucking hot! Not just, like, cute coffee shop girl hot. I was seriously, like, supermodel hot! My hair was still my same normal shade, sort of a dirty, honey blonde, but it was thicker now, more lustrous, running in sexy, sleep-tousled waves down past my shoulders, nearly to the middle of my back. My eyes, too, were still their normal blue, but they seemed so much bigger now, and brighter somehow. Full, pouty red lips, cheekbones that could cut glass... and my figure! Huge, gravity-defying D-cup tits, with pale pink nipples already erect with arousal as I stood there looking at myself. An almost impossibly tiny little waist, my formerly six-pack abs now softened but still just barely present, making me look athletic and trim. Hips.... God damn, those hips! And slender, toned legs that seemed to go on forever! I could just barely still see traces of my own features, here and there... but it was like I was my own beautiful, unbelievably sexy cousin, or something! I couldn't help myself- I slipped my thumbs under the hem of my boxers, easing them down, revealing a tiny blonde landing strip above the most succulent looking pink pussy I'd ever seen in my life! My inner lips, so tiny and trim I could barely even see them, were literally glistening with arousal as I stood there staring at myself in the mirror. I tested with a finger tip, just gently rubbing up and down between my lips a little, and couldn't stop another moan, my eyes fluttering closed in pure, knee-shaking pleasure. Fuck! How did that feel so much better than touching my dick? And that was just the outside! I hadn't even worked up the courage to try actually penetrating myself yet!

I tore my hand away from myself and hardened my resolve. Blake was going to get a huge fucking piece of my mind, for pulling something like this! Bad enough, slipping me mystery internet drugs without my knowledge or consent- but this was obviously so much worse than that! I mean, no sort of drug could do anything remotely like this! It had to be some sort of magic, or something- which was its own sort of mind fuck, coming to the sudden realization that magic must actually be real! But as screwed up as that was, it made a hell of a lot more sense than believing it was just some sort of drug. It would have made more sense if he'd slipped me some sort of hallucinogenic, and I was imagining all this... that actually stopped me for a minute, considering the possibility. But a few moments exploring my absolutely magnificent, firm tits convinced me that whatever this was, I was actually experiencing it, not just passed out and imagining it all.

I threw on my robe, struggling to get it to close properly over my suddenly prodigious chest, and stomped out the door and down the hall to tell Blake just what I thought of him and what he'd done to me. Or that was my intention, at least. Turns out, it's hard to really "stomp" properly, when you find yourself weighing maybe a buck ten soaking wet, and the unintentional, unavoidable wiggle in your hips keeps throwing you off your stride. But I got to his door eventually, and pounded angrily until I heard him on the other side.

"I'm up, I'm up!" he grumbled. "Just a minute!"

I stood there impatiently tapping my foot, working up a good head of steam and planning just what I was going to say to the bastard. But when he finally opened the door, and I saw him standing there in nothing but his boxers running his fingers through his hair as he tried to finish waking up... it was like taking a sucker punch straight to the ovaries, and suddenly I couldn't even speak.

"Oh shit... Mike?" he asked, eyes going wide as he stared me hungrily up and down, and all I could do was nod. "Oh my God! I can't believe it actually worked! Here, let me see!" He reached out, his hand slipping easily into my robe, finding my breast and giving it a squeeze.

"Hey! Stop that!" I exclaimed, the shock of his touch finally knocking me out of my stupor as I backed against the wall, batting his hand away.

"Oh come on," he grinned wickedly, slowly advancing on me again. "You can't tell me you don't want to explore a little, now that it's actually worked! Why else did you make such a point of showing me that email, when you got it?"

"No, I..." I objected, vigorously shaking my head. But he ignored me, his hand snapping out to grab the sash of my robe, giving it a yank. I tried to hold it closed with my hands, but he was faster, and so, so much stronger than me now! He pinned me back against the wall, his hand snaking easily in past my ineffectual guard, forcing his way down into my boxers. And as messed up as it was, it was just so intense, I couldn't help but moan.

"Yeah, you like that, don't you, you little slut?" he breathed heavily into my ear as he began rubbing up and down along my lips. "And already wet for me, too! Such a good, eager little whore!"

God... I had to concentrate! Why was it so hard to think? I was about to tell him to stop, I swear I was! I was going to scream for help, if that was what it took! But all of a sudden he slipped a finger inside of me, and I immediately lost all capacity for speech.

"Feels good, doesn't it... Michelle?" he asked, an impish glint in his eye. I swallowed nervously, but trying to deny it would obviously have been pointless, so I gave him the nod he was looking for.

"Yeah, I bet it does!" he grinned. "God, I can't believe how fucking sexy you turned out to be! I never really thought it would work, you know. Not really. But after you showed me that email, I just couldn't get the idea of you as a girl out of my mind. And I thought... why not? What did I have to lose? And if it did actually work... well, you always had kind of feminine features in the first place, to be honest, so I was hopeful you'd at least be cute. But fuck, dude! You are so much hotter than I was expecting! I can hardly believe my luck!"

"You... you really mean that?" I heard myself asking, and suddenly it wasn't just his finger inside me giving me the feeling of butterflies in my stomach. "You really think I'm hot?"

"Like you really have to ask!" he laughed, his other hand pushing my robe aside to take a bruisingly hard grip of my tit, making me gasp at the unexpected pleasure and pain. "But if you don't believe me, that's fine. Grab hold of my dick, and you can see for yourself just how I'm feeling about this 'new you'."

I shook my head, my eyes widening in shock that he would even suggest such a thing. But the more I thought about it, somehow the less crazy it started to sound. I could feel myself starting to blush, and I nervously bit my lip- and when had that become something I did, by the way? But before I could make up my mind one way or the other, Blake was slipping a second finger inside of me, and suddenly I needed to have my hand on his cock!

I was nervous and clumsy, not to mention hellishly distracted by what he was busy doing to me! But from the first tentative brush of my fingertips through his boxers, I could hardly believe what I was feeling. I fished him out quickly after that, and Oh. My. God! I already knew he was bigger than me, from accidental glimpses in the locker room, but I'd never seen him hard before! He had to be a full ten inches, and as thick around as my new, girlish wrist!

"Like that, baby girl?" He smirked, and I nodded dumbly, unable to find the words as I instinctively started stroking him. He was so heavy! And even using both hands at once, I couldn't cover him all. "Let me hear you say it, baby. Tell Daddy how much you love his huge fucking cock!"

"I..." I swallowed nervously, my eyelids fluttering closed for a moment from a particularly intense wave of pleasure between my thighs. "I love it! I love your huge fucking cock.... Daddy!"

"Good girl!" he praised, and it was just flat out ridiculous, the wave of warmth I felt in my chest upon hearing those two simple words. "What do you want to do with it, baby? Let me hear you say!"

I bit my lip, again unable to speak. Thankfully, he had mercy on me.

"You want to stroke it, baby girl?" he prompted. "You want to make it spray all over your pretty little face, and your big, firm tits?"

"Yes, Daddy!" I obediently moaned, reflexively tightening my grip on that huge, amazing cock, stroking faster. I had a vague feeling that something was wrong... but I just couldn't think! I just knew I had to please him, had to agree with everything he said! "I want to jerk you off! I want to make you cover me with your jizz!"

"And you want to suck it?"

"Ohhh, yes, Daddy!" I moaned, trembling as he held me pressed so tightly, helplessly against the wall. He'd started doing something different with his fingers, putting more pressure on a spot just inside and towards my front... oh, fuck! My g-spot, I realized. He was fluttering his fingers back and forth right on top of my g-spot, and it felt fucking incredible! It was all I could do to remember what I was supposed to be saying. "I want to suck it, Daddy! I want to suck your cock! I want to make you blast off into my mouth! I want to swallow your hot fucking load, Daddy! Every last drop! I want to swallow your fucking cum!"

"And you want to fuck it, baby?" he asked.

"I want it to fuck me, Daddy!" I specified, gasping for air. Oh God, I was so close! It felt so different, compared to what I was used to as a guy, but still I could tell. It was like an enormous wave, building up inside of me, higher and higher, searching for a beach on which to crash. Or like a balloon, stretching and stretching, nearly to the point of breaking, waiting for one little prick in just the right place before I could burst. "I want you to drive it up inside of me, Daddy! I want it deep! I want to take it all! I want you to take my tiny, tight little virgin pussy, and I want you to fucking ruin me, Daddy! I want you to pin me down, and I want you to fucking rape me! And no matter how much I scream, or fight, I don't want you to stop! I want you to fuck me, Daddy! I want you to fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck meeeeeee!" I came at last, convulsing and squealing, so much more intense than anything I'd ever felt as a boy! It was only Blake pinning me so tightly against the wall that kept me from falling into a heap on the hallway floor.

"Good girl!" he praised me again as it was happening, kicking up what he was doing between my thighs yet another notch, taking me from a squeal to a full-fledged scream. "Such a good little whore! Cum for Daddy, slut! Cum for me hard!" Then he kissed me, hard, right on the lips, shoving his tongue deeply into my mouth, even as the orgasm was still tearing through me. I froze in shock... but it was just too much to take. I closed my lips around his tongue, sucking eagerly, just like the dirty little whore he'd made of me. And the truth was... I fucking loved it! Every moment of it! And despite my orgasm easily lasting about five times as long as any I'd ever had before, I still felt it was far too soon as it ebbed gradually to a close, and he pulled away from our kiss.

"That first one was a freebie, since it was your first one as a girl, and you didn't know quite what to expect," he grinned at me wickedly, slowly slipping his fingers out of me at last, leaving me suddenly empty and wanting. He brought them up in front of me then, my eyes widening as I saw that they were absolutely drenched in creamy white girl-cum. And as he turned his wrist, presenting them for me, I didn't wait for the demand- I obediently opened my mouth, eagerly taking them inside and starting to suck.

"Such a good, good little girl!" he laughed as I cleaned him, then he withdrew, lovingly, possessively stroking my cheek with his hand. "As I was saying- that first one was a freebie. But from here on out, I expect you to ask, first. And you will not cum without my permission! Do you understand me, slut?"

"Yes, Daddy!" I whimpered, swallowing nervously, my imagination running wild with just what this new rule could mean.

"Good girl!" he smiled, patting my cheek. "Now... turn the fuck around, and bend over against the wall! You want me to fuck you, do you? Well... let's see if you're still singing the same tune as I'm beating this tight little cunt of yours black and blue with my cock, shall we?"

I gasped in shock, and he didn't wait for me to turn around on my own, grabbing me by my hips and twisting me violently around, pushing between my shoulder blades until my tits were squashed painfully against the wall, yanking my robe from my shoulders and tossing it aside. I instinctively tilted my hips, presenting myself for him, as his hard, hot cockhead began probing at my lips from behind. I whimpered piteously as it was happening- he was so much thicker than his fingers had been! But his threats (and my encouragement!) to the contrary, he was actually surprisingly gentle with me, taking his time to slowly, carefully stretch me enough to accomodate his head, then only gradually working his way deeper, letting me adjust as he went. It still wasn't entirely without pain- but that was unavoidable, given his size. And once he finally bottomed out- a feat I think we were both equally amazed I'd actually managed on my first time trying- the gentleness quickly vanished. But that was okay, because once he'd made it all the way inside, once I knew I actually could take him all, I was every bit as eager for the rough stuff as he was. And boy, did he give it to me, let me tell you! Five times. Five fucking times, he brought me to the very brink of orgasm, made me beg and plead for permission, until just as I about to lose my last shred of control and cum anyways, he finally ordered me to cum for him, letting loose an orgasm so absolutely fucking amazing, he had me literally seeing stars. And yeah... some part of me recognized that was because I was actually forgetting to breathe properly, and I was about to pass out. But hell... seeing stars is seeing stars, and it was incredible!

He finally pulled out, spinning me around and pushing me to my knees, shoving his throbbing, girlcum-covered cock into my mouth. I moaned eagerly, sucking for all I was worth and stroking him with my hands, until I earned the hot, steamy reward I'd been dying to receive. And there was so much of it, too! Way more than anything I'd ever produced when I was still a boy! I almost choked, trying to keep it all in my mouth to explore the taste, but once I gave up on that plan and started swallowing, it was okay. It was salty- but not nearly as bad as I'd been expecting, from the way I'd always heard girls complain. And anyways, whatever it may have lacked in tastiness, it more than made up for in the heat and thickness of it as I felt it sliding down my throat!

"Thank you, Daddy!" I smiled up at him from my knees, opening wide and sticking out my tongue to show him I'd finished my treat.

"You're welcome, baby," he smiled back, lovingly stroking his fingers through my hair. I started cleaning the rest of him with my tongue, then- all the parts of him I hadn't been able to fit inside my mouth directly. I felt bad about that... but it was my first time, and I hadn't even been able to work up to it properly, like if I'd been giving him a blowjob for real rather than just swallowing his load after he'd finished fucking my pussy, so I figured that was okay. But still... I was determined to get better at it, with practice. Scarily huge or not, I so wanted to be able to swallow Daddy's entire cock at once!

"Just what did you do to me, anyways?" I asked as I finished cleaning him, still gently playing with him in my hand as I stared up into his eyes. I glanced down, gesturing at myself with my other hand. "I mean... was it really just some sketchy internet pill, that did all this?"

"Nothing you didn't want me to," he grinned down at me, continuing his slow, loving stroking of my hair. "Besides, do you really still care how I did it?" he asked.

I paused, head tilted to the side, as I tried my hardest to think about it. I smiled. "No... I guess I don't," I giggled, just like the sexy bimbo slut I'd become. "I'm just happy that you did!"

"Good girl!" he said, pulling me to my feet and giving me a deep, passionate kiss. "Now come on- let's get you into the bathroom, so I can show you how to clean yourself out properly. Once I'm ready to go again, I'm going to teach you how to take it up this gorgeous little ass of yours, next!" He punctuated his words with a sudden, stinging spank, making me yelp and jump in surprise, following it up with a perfectly lovely little fondle and squeeze!

"Yes, Daddy!" I giggled again, feeling the blush rising in my cheeks. In both sets of cheeks, as a matter of fact, as the heat from Daddy's spanking was starting to diffuse through the flesh of my ass. I gave the one set a shake in his hand, while presenting the other set for a kiss. I got a laugh, a kiss, and a squeeze- and even a little jiggle, though my ass was so small and firm, there really wasn't much of that- as Daddy escorted me into the bathroom to help me get ready for round two. I was nervous- Daddy, as mentioned, was fucking huge, and my ass, also as mentioned, most definitely was not! But I knew from before that he would be gentle with me when it mattered. Mostly, I was just excited to learn a whole new way to pleasure Daddy's cock!

Daddy sat me on the toilet and withdrew for me to do the first piece of my business, and for the first time since I'd woken up the morning, I found myself with time to just sit and think. About everything that had happened... everything that was going to continue happening. And if I was going to be perfectly, completely honest with myself, I had to admit... maybe there was still a tiny, boy-shaped piece of my psyche, trapped deep down inside, screaming in panic. But... being a boy was just so hard! Always having to be the one putting in all the effort, hitting on girls, paying for dates. And even then, no matter what you did for them, there was no guarantee they'd actually put out! Being a girl was easy! I didn't even have to think anymore, I just had to do whatever Daddy said, and everything would be perfect! I hadn't even had to leave my damned apartment that morning, and I already had a boyfriend! Not that he'd actually used that word, yet... but I didn't think it would be an issue. I just had to ask him when he was in the right frame of mind, so he'd be willing to make it official- right after I let him cum inside my ass should do nicely, I thought. And that wasn't the only reason, either. I had never, never-ever-ever, cum so hard or so long with my penis, as Daddy had just made me cum with my pussy! Even when he'd just been using his fingers on me, it had been my best one ever! And once he'd started using that amazing, miracle cock of his... there was just no comparison! No, I'd already made up my mind. Whether it was a pill, or a spell, or whatever it had been that Daddy had done to me, I never, ever wanted to go back to being the way I'd been before! And I would do anything, absolutely anything for him, so he'd agree to keep me like this forever!

I finished and cleaned, then stood, taking a moment to twist back and forth in front of the mirror. God, but I was a sexy little slut! About the only way I could look any sexier... was if I had Daddy's cock inside of me, while I was posing! I giggled to myself, just thinking about it! I already knew, I totally wanted Daddy to take pictures of us! And videos! But there would be time for that later. Right then, Daddy wanted to teach me how to take it up my ass. And what Daddy wants...

"Daddy, I'm done..." I called through the door. He entered, saw me still preening in front of the mirror, and just smiled, walking up behind me and cupping my ass with both hands. I giggled, giving him a sexy little shake, and he stepped closer, sliding his hands around to fondle my titties as he leaned in to kiss the side of my neck, his cock already starting to rise again, slowly lifting between my thighs. God, I loved that I had that sort of an effect on him!

"You'll keep me like this forever, won't you, Daddy?" I asked, nervously biting my lip as I met his eyes in the mirror.

"You're sure about that, baby?" he murmured into my neck, pinching my nipples, still so tender after my multiple orgasms earlier, giving my titties a squeeze that had me trembling at the knees.

"I... I don't want to be a boy again! Not ever! I want to be your good little girl, always!" I moaned, leaning my head back against his shoulder, clutching at his hips with my hands.

"Good girl! I was just waiting for you to ask!" He bit me, just a playful little nip on the side of my neck, but it was enough of a surprise to make me squeak, at which he laughed. "Bend over, baby! I'm going to fill that tight little cunt so full of my cum, it's going to be leaking out your ears!"

"You are?" I gasped in surprise, but obediently bent over the counter as I'd been told, squashing my big, full tits firmly into the countertop for him, then reaching back to spread my cheeks. He started jerking himself, rubbing his head up and down against my lips as he worked to get himself the rest of the way hard. "You mean... you aren't going to put it up my ass?"

"Baby, we just woke up!" he laughed. "And we have the entire day ahead of us! I am going to fuck you in every which way imaginable, including up this absolutely gorgeous little ass of yours, until I literally cannot get it up to go again! But right this very instant... I'm going to make this pussy mine! Permanently!"

"But..." I bit my lip. "Daddy, I... I am a girl now... right?"

"Oh, you are every bit a girl, baby!" he agreed.

"But... I mean a real girl. As in, the has a period, can get pregnant kind of girl! But like you said, I just woke up this way! I haven't had time to get on birth control yet! If you cum inside of me right now..."

"Exactly," he smiled, nodding sagely.

"What?" I gasped, twisting around so I could look at him directly, instead of through the mirror.

"It just wouldn't have been right, if you'd been going back and forth, baby," he explained, and I gasped again as he decided he was hard enough, pushing himself inside. "If anything did take, you'd lose it the moment you switched back. Maybe not quite an abortion, I suppose, not in the traditional sense- but still far too close to one for me to be entirely comfortable with the idea." He took a nice, firm grip on my hips and started to thrust, making me moan as he began working his way deeper. Thankfully it went in quite a bit easier this time, as Daddy was being none too patient. "But if you're going to let me make you a full-time girl, the way you just asked me to... then I am going to fucking breed you, baby! I am going to knock you the fuck up, at the earliest possible opportunity, starting Right. Fucking. Now!" I grunted loudly as he accompanied his last three words with particularly hard thrusts. "I cannot wait to have you barefoot and pregnant, baby! I am going to make you fucking mine! I want you doing nothing but slaving over a hot stove, or my hard cock, for the rest of your life!"

My jaw dropped... not ideal, when you're getting pounded like your life depended on it, and I had to be careful not to bite my tongue. But... he could do it, I realized. I knew he was rich... well, comfortably well off, enough that he was able to afford this off-campus apartment for the two of us, without ever needing me to chip in for anything. But that was his own money, the "allowance" from his trust fund, as dumb as that had always sounded. His parents were proper-rich. And his grandfather was really rich. The computer science degree was somewhat of a lark, really. He liked it, and I knew he was good at it, but he'd just had to pick something, anything, to study in order to keep his family happy. They wouldn't abide idleness, so he'd have to get a job after graduation, but as long as he was doing something there was no expectation that he support himself purely on his own. He would have no trouble whatsoever, making me his kept woman...

"I want a ring!" I gasped- and it actually knocked him off his stride for a moment, freezing him in his tracks, until he met my gaze, grinned, and started fucking me again.

"I mean it, Daddy!" I moaned. "You want me barefoot and preggers... I can work with that! But I want it official! I'll be your obedient little cum-whore, behind closed doors! And thrilled to do it! But to the rest of the world... I want to be your wife!"

"The engagement will have to wait a bit, you realize," he smirked, giving me a resounding smack on my ass that had me yelp and tense in his hands. And from the look on his face afterwards, had obviously made me tense up in other places, as well! "Doesn't matter that I've been best friends with Mike since middle school... Michelle is coming out of nowhere, which for my family means minimum six months before I can even think about anouncing an engagement. Better if it's a year or more."

"Fine." I agreed. "Last thing I want to do is rock the boat between you and them. Just as long as I know, and you know, where things are going!" Besides... I knew his family, and the sort of pressure they could bring to bear. Once Daddy knocked me up the way he was planning to, I knew I'd be getting that ring a lot sooner than he thought.

"Oh, I know where things are going, all right!" he agreed, treating me to a lascivious teasing of my asshole with his thumb.

"Mmmmmm..." I moaned with unexpected pleasure. How was it that even that suddenly felt so good? "I didn't mean there!"

"Does that mean you object?" he asked, continuing his teasing.

"Well... I didn't say that..." I teased back.

He laughed, and withdrew his thumb. Briefly, at least. When it came back, it was warm and slippery with saliva, the teasing with more intent behind it, until he finally slipped it inside.

Long story short, between the extra stimulation of Daddy's thumb up my ass, and the extra duration he was able to achieve thanks to already having cum earlier, he broke his record without even trying. Seven. Seven amazing, earthshaking orgasms getting ragdolled on Daddy's cock! Plus a... something, to round it all off, when I felt that huge, hot load bursting up inside of me, shooting upward into my fertile, unprotected womb! "Orgasm" isn't even the right word, for what I felt when that happened! It isn't even in the right neighbourhood of the right word, for a feeling like that! Let's just say, it's a good thing I weigh so much less now, because Daddy had to peel me off the counter and carry me into his bed to recover. Or is that "our" bed, now? It had better be, honestly, or Daddy and I were going to have words!

"Daddy?" I asked some while later as I felt him pushing himself up from the bed.

"Shhh... you go back to sleep, baby. You need it. I'm just going to go hop in the shower real quick, then see about making us some breakfast."

"'Kay." I agreed sleepily. I knew I should be the one making breakfast for us... but I just wasn't up to it yet. "Ummm... Daddy?"

"Yes, baby?"

"It's a good thing you want me to be your good little house-wifey, Daddy." I mumbled, still half-asleep and not entirely sure what I was saying. "Because if you keep fucking me like this all the time, I'm not going to be able to work for a living!"

"Just the way I want it!" he laughed, bending down for a soft, slow kiss on my lips. "But just so you know, at least half of what you're feeling right now are the effects of the transformation itself. That part should fade over the next day or two, and now that you've agreed to let me keep you like this permanently, you won't have to worry about feeling quite this knackered ever again." He grinned. "I still plan on keeping you mostly knackered, mind you... but I plan to do it purely by fucking you half to death every chance I get, so it shouldn't hit you quite this hard from here on out. Now hush, baby, back to sleep. No waking up again until you smell pancakes!"

"'Kay." I agreed with a sleepy, happy giggle, straining upwards with my lips until I got one more laughing, parting kiss, then snuggling down to sleep. In my boyfriend's, soon to be my fiancé's, bed!

Yeah... screw "Mike", and his annoying, difficult life. "Michelle" was doing just fine, thank you very much!


2025-02-07 23:25:22
This could use an edit, especially regarding punctuation. With a little time and effort the dialogue could be much better. Still, a VERY arousing tale!
Wordsmithing 5/10
Storytelling and concept 9/10


2025-01-31 10:17:12
Hard pass on that dialogue.

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