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Melina and Ava get to know Cole better, and Ava gets some of her questions answered
I awoke to the soft murmur of quiet whispers, low tones drifting through the air. Melina was still resting on my chest, but the subtle vibrations told me she was awake—and talking to Ava. I kept my eyes closed, my breathing steady and consistent, remaining perfectly still as I tuned into their conversation. Old habits, ingrained over years of survival and vigilance, kept me from revealing that I was awake. Listening in silence, I let their words trickle into my mind, piecing together the context as their hushed voices wove through the calm of the morning.

The fire from last night had dwindled to embers, and the bedroom was now bathed in the streaks of pale morning light that filtered in through the icy windows. I could feel the warmth of Melina’s body against mine, shifting occasionally, as if testing the bounds of her strength. Ava’s voice carried hints of relief—and curiosity. Whatever they were discussing, I knew it involved me.


Ava had woken up first, the weight of the previous nights frantic events still heavy on her mind. She glanced over at Melina, still curled up on Cole’s chest, her breathing slow and steady.

Knowing she needed to prevent her friend from panicking when she awoke in such a vulnerable position, Ava reached over and gently shook her shoulder.

“Melina,” she whispered softly.

Melina stirred, her brow furrowing as she slowly gained consciousness for the first time since entering the house. Her eyes fluttered open, blinking at the unfamiliar surroundings, confusion clouding her face. Ava quickly brought a finger to her lips, signaling for silence. Melina’s gaze darted down as awareness crept in—she was lying on the chest of a man she didn’t recognize, and they were both naked, informed by his hard penis sandwiched between their bodies.

Her breath hitched, panic flickering in her eyes, and she instinctively tensed, starting to move. Ava leaned in, whispering quickly and soothingly, “It’s okay, Melina. Cole saved us. He’s keeping you warm.”

Melina froze, her rapid breaths slowing slightly as Ava’s words registered. For a moment, she stayed still, her mind catching up to her surroundings. Every muscle in her body ached, a full soreness weighing her down. She felt bone-deep exhaustion, despite just waking up, as if her very life had been drained.

“What… happened?” she finally whispered, her voice hoarse and uncertain. “The last thing I remember was the snow… the trees… everywhere.”

Ava kept her voice low and calm, quickly explaining the events of the previous night—how Cole had found them in the snow, saved their lives, and warmed them back to life. She glossed over some details: the mysterious house that seemed to shift at will, Cole’s uncanny strength, and the intimate moments she had shared with him.

Melina listened silently, absorbing Ava’s words as her gaze flickered toward Cole’s sleeping face. The steady rise and fall of his chest beneath her reassured her, even as lingering unease prickled at the edges of her mind. She didn’t know who he was, but for now, she accepted the truth Ava offered: he had saved them.

Her head fell back onto his chest, and she quieted


Hearing Ava’s quiet recounting of the previous night, I couldn’t help but notice the gaps in her story. She had carefully omitted certain details—details that might raise more questions than provide answers. I understood her reasoning. Melina needed reassurance, not the unease that the full truth would bring.

Deciding it was time to announce my wakefulness, I shifted slightly, the movement signalling to them that I was stirring. Slowly, I opened my eyes, meeting the deep brown eyes of the girl lying on my chest. Her eyes widened for a moment before softening, a tentative smile breaking across her face.

“Hey,” I whispered with a small, reassuring smile of my own.

“Hey,” she whispered back, her voice still hoarse but warmer now. “Thank you… for saving our lives.”

I nodded, acknowledging her gratitude simply, then glanced toward Ava. She was laying there on her side, sheet pooled at her hip, her small pert breasts drawing my eye. Her sharp brown eyes locked on me. There was a sly grin playing on her lips that made me shift again, suddenly more aware of the position Melina and I were in. The weight of her slight form against my morning wood, combined with Ava’s amused expression, made me hesitate.

“Sorry about that,” I said pointedly, directing the comment at both of them as I shifted slightly to create some space.

Melina just giggled softly, her cheeks tinged with a faint pink as she glanced over at Ava. An unreadable look passed between the two of them—an exchange that left me slightly off balance.

Another moment of silence passed before Ava let out a soft giggle as she slowly untangled herself from the blankets, her movements languid but deliberate. The morning light spilling through the small windows bathing her naked form in a golden glow, fine dust particles swirling lazily through the air. Her hips swaying, tight ass bouncing as she walked to a door to what I assumed was a bathroom.

Left alone with Melina, I felt the weight of her stare settle on me. Her dark eyes studied me intently, searching, as if she could uncover my motives or peer into the depths of my soul. I let her look, meeting her gaze steadily until, finally, she broke eye contact. A growl from her stomach easing the tension.

With a soft groan, Melina began to shift off of me, shuffling to the edge of the bed and slowly attempting to rise to her feet. But I could already see the tremble in her limbs, the lingering weakness in her posture. She wasn’t ready to stand, let alone walk. As she trembled, I moved quickly, catching her gently by her armpits, my hands brushing her breasts. “Easy,” I murmured, carefully lowering her onto the edge of the bed in a seated position.

“Wait” I said, stepping toward a dresser that now stood against the wall—another addition that hadn’t been there before. I sent up a silent request to the house, hoping it would grant me this small favor. Pulling open the top drawer, I couldn’t help my sigh of relief. Inside were two oversized white shirts and two pairs of simple black silk panties, as well as thin grey cloth shorts for me. I held up the clothes with a bemused expression, glancing back at Melina.

Breaking her out of her blatant stare at my body, she startled and blushed. Then noticing the clothes, she arched an eyebrow, her lips twitching into something halfway between disbelief and amusement. “Seriously?” her expression seemed to say, though she said nothing aloud. Wordlessly, she accepted the clothes and began to pull the shirt over her frail body, the fabric swallowing her slender form. The oversized nature of the garment gave her an almost childlike appearance, though the quiet muse in her eyes remained.

Once we both dressed, she reached up toward me with a grin that seemed to light up her pale features. “Carry me,” she demanded with a soft laugh, her voice still a little hoarse.

I couldn’t help but laugh at her sudden playfulness. “Of course,” I said with a smile on my face, obliging her request without hesitation. Scooping her up easily into my arms like a baby, I held her close and turned toward the closed door that led to the main room.

It was a small moment—a simple gesture—but as I walked, she nuzzled her face to my neck, pushing back the slight chill of the morning and the eerie silence that often filled this house.

As I pushed the door open with my foot, I wondered what the room would create up for me—no, for us—today. I stopped in my tracks, shocked by what I saw. The bare, windowless room I had grown so used to was gone. In its place stood a cozy cabin interior. Ornate stained glass lamps cast warm, colorful hues across the space. The fireplace and couch remained, as did my pool table, but the room had expanded. Now, a small kitchen sat where the front door had appeared, complete with a fridge, oven, and stove. A well-built wooden table with three cushioned chairs sat nearby, as if waiting for us to gather around it.

I glanced around, searching the room, and was surprised to find the cat curled up, sleeping peacefully in front of the embers of last night’s fire. The faint warmth still radiating from the coals seemed to fill the cabin, maintaining its comfortable temperature.

Wondering at the cat's sudden change in behavior, I carried Melina to the couch and gently sat her down beside the feline. She hesitated at first but then began petting it cautiously, her fingers grazing its fur. Eyes closed, the cat’s tail perked up and waved lazily in what appeared to be appreciation. Startled again by this uncharacteristic response, I shook my head and turned toward the kitchen to inspect the room’s newest additions.

Approaching the fridge and oven, I studied them with wary curiosity, unsure how they might function. It had been so long since I had lived in what most would consider a “normal” home, and I found myself momentarily at a loss. Before I could call out to Melina to ask what she might want to eat, Ava emerged from the bedroom.

Dressed in the second oversized shirt, her eyes immediately widened as she took in the transformed space. Her gaze snapped to me, full of unspoken questions about the cabin's magical metamorphosis. I shook my head silently and mouthed, Later. Her curiosity was evident, but she accepted the response, turning her attention to Melina, who remained focused on the white cat beside her.

“What do you want for breakfast?” Ava asked gently.

Melina’s voice was soft but clear as she turned to me and asked, “Can you make waffles?”

I turned to Ava, the question now written plainly across my face. She smirked knowingly and nodded. “Yes,” she answered on my behalf. Then, with an encouraging tone, she added, “Me and Cole will make them for you.”


As Ava walked past Cole in the kitchen, he whispered, “What are waffles?” His question surprised her, and she blinked, realizing another piece of this man’s strange existence was unfolding. Her eyes widened slightly as she whispered back, “Grooved pancakes,” knowing that some form of pancakes had been around for nearly two thousand years. Cole's eyes registered the word, and he let out a silent oh.

Ava couldn’t help but laugh, amused by the simplicity of the moment. She turned her attention to the counter, searching for the waffle maker. It was prominently placed on the counter, a curious and familiar appliance in this ever-changing space. As she peered into the fridge, she found eggs and milk but nothing else. Raising an eyebrow, she glanced at Cole, but he seemed confused by the fridge's cold light and its faint chill.

"It keeps food cold," she explained softly, watching him nod in understanding, the silent gratitude in his eyes clear.

She turned back to the counter, glad to have provided a small piece of clarity in his mysterious world. Cole wandered off to explore the rest of the kitchen and room, still lost in examining every new detail and decoration.

Ava stirred the bowl of waffle batter, wondering just how long Cole had been here—and more importantly, what he was. She glanced around the room again, remembering the barren space she had entered the night before. It was hard to compare what she had seen and what she was now experiencing. Shaking her head in awe, she began humming as she started on breakfast


I turned in a slow circle, my mind reeling as the world I had known for as long as I could remember collapsed around me. My monotony was shattered, my existence questioned—all in one night. My gaze lingered on Ava as she stirred the batter, her movements steady and grounding. Then I looked over at Melina, curled up in front of the fire, her small frame silent and still.

The cat now stood on the back of the couch, its gaze fixed on me with a glimmer of warning in its black eyes. It was no longer just an observer. That was clear: this newfound serenity was no gift from my captors. I nodded silently, acknowledging the unspoken truth in her eyes

As if the house had heard my thoughts, my attention was drawn to a glimmer of metal through the open bedroom door—a faint, gleaming promise of readiness. My chest tightened, not with fear but with resolve. I glanced down at Melina's sleeping form, fragile and vulnerable, and then back toward Ava, who hummed softly as she worked.

They had saved me from my prison in ways they didn’t yet understand. And when the time came, I would protect them with my life.

Breaking from these thoughts, I caught another look from the cat, her sharp eyes delivering an unspoken message: this was not the time to defend, but to comfort. The danger was coming, but for now, we were safe. Accepting this silent assurance, I reached out cautiously to pet her. Her eyes flashed in warning, but I didn’t pull back, my hand brushing over the top of her head and down her upper back. Another look told me this was the limit of her tolerance. I smiled, appreciating the trust of my eternal companion, however conditional it might be.

Turning my attention to Melina, I slid onto the couch beside her and gently gathered her into my arms, picking her up and settling her against my chest as I had the night before. Her small, fragile form rested easily against me, her chest pressed to mine as I pulled her into a hug. I let my hand trail through her black hair, soft as silk, and was rewarded with a sound almost like a purr. She nestled closer, her body instinctively seeking the warmth radiating from mine.

We stayed like that, wrapped in a loose embrace, until Ava’s smooth voice broke through our trance.

“Pancakes are ready!” she exclaimed brightly.

I turned toward her voice and noticed the table had transformed, now draped in a pristine white lace tablecloth. Plates, silverware, napkins, and a bottle of brown liquid were already laid out, awaiting us. The sight made me shake my head; the house was bold today, openly flaunting its sentience in front of our uninitiated guests. I could only imagine what Ava made of the table setting itself.

Scoffing at its audacity, I carefully picked up Melina, ignoring her weak protests that she could walk on her own. “I can manage, really,” she murmured, but I carried her to the table anyway, setting her on my lap as I sat in front of a single place setting.

Ava chuckled as she approached with a plate of pancakes. She placed one in front of herself, then two onto the plate meant for me and Melina. Her eyes met mine briefly, and a sly smile played across her lips as she leaned in just slightly. “My turn later,” her expression seemed to say, though no words left her mouth.

I gently brushed Melina’s hands away from the silverware and took over. Copying Ava, I carefully cut and buttered the waffle, dipping it in the thick brown liquid.

As I took my first bite, the warm, fluffy texture and rich taste of the maple syrup instantly overwhelmed my senses. My eyes widened due to its sweet taste. Watching me, the amusement and satisfaction was clearly visible in Avas eyes. The next bite went to Melina, who took it sleepily but with a small hum of bliss. She seemed to appreciate the attention, As I could feel her delicate features relax and her slim body settled into mine as she enjoyed the care.

Meanwhile, Ava’s gaze remained fixed on me, the intensity impossible to miss. Her sharp cheekbones, expressive brown eyes, and slightly upturned nose gave her a look of hawkish intelligence. There was a quiet understanding between us, she had questions and I had answers.

Between feeding Melina and taking bites myself, I often met Ava’s eyes. Each glance was filled with curiosity, though none voiced. Melina, still dazed and recovering, seemed blissfully unaware—of both her friend’s behavior and the house’s strange changes. But I knew the time for answers was drawing near.

After Melina ate her fill, her eyelids began to droop, and I knew she needed more rest to fully recover from her near-death state. Standing up I gently lifted her to my chest and carried her back to the bedroom, leaving Ava seated at the table.

As I entered the room, Melina's soft voice reached my ears, barely above a whisper. "I need to pee," she murmured, her cheeks tinting faintly with embarrassment. "And... I don’t think I can do it alone." Her vulnerability tugged at my heart, and without hesitation, I leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. “It’s okay,” I reassured her softly, my voice warm and steady. Carefully, I gathered her in my arms, cradling her light frame as though she were something precious. Step by step, I carried her toward the bathroom door nestled within the bedroom, my movements slow and deliberate to keep her comfortable.

The bathroom was simple, with a toilet on one side and a bathtub on the other, while a small, unadorned sink stood in the center. I carried Melina carefully to the toilet and gently set her down, after a moment, I reached to her hips and gently pulled her panties down. Then I started to step out to give her privacy. But as I began to turn away, I felt her fingers grab my shorts. Her gaze dropped, and a flush of embarrassment colored her cheeks.

“Do you want me to stay?” I asked gently, my voice low.

She nodded hesitantly, her vulnerability and desire clear. Understanding, I gave her hand a light, reassuring squeeze. Then, I moved to stand in front of her, my legs brushing hers.

After a moment, she leaned against the toilet back and started to pee, her head back and her eyes closed. I gazed down unabashed at her perky tits and flat stomach, my eyes unable to make out much between her legs in the darkness. Quietly, she let out a small moan at the relief I'm sure was long overdue. The moan combined with the view of her slender nude body led to my heart rate spiking and penis raising to full mast, a feeling of need filling me.

As she finished her pee, she opened her eyes and was met with my large member making a tent in my shorts in front of her. She hesitantly looked up and slowly reached out her small hand to caress it. She gently gave me a tender stroke, I let out a moan and she smiled.

“I want to show my appreciation,” she stated softly, her voice carrying a mix of gratitude and vulnerability.

I couldn’t help but grin, but as the weight of the situation settled in my mind, I realized this wasn’t the time. She was still far from fully recovered, her body fragile and in need of care, not potential strain. I knew she would allow me to use her if I pushed, but her current state demanded rest and I trusted that patience would reward me.

Gently, I grabbed some toilet paper and wiped her with careful precision, pulling her panties up after brushing against her sweet flower. Meeting her gaze, I said with firmness, “Get better—then we will talk”

A soft smile spread across her face, a glimmer of relief and desire shining in her eyes. As I lifted her back into my arms, she leaned against me with a faint sigh, her expression peaceful as she relaxed again.

I laid Melina carefully on the bed, tucking the blankets around her frail form. Leaning down, I pressed a soft kiss to her forehead and whispered, “I’ll be back soon.” A faint smile touched her lips as she drifted off to sleep.

Turning away, I quietly exited the room, shutting the door with care before making my way back to the table. Ava hadn’t moved, her piercing eyes tracking my every step. I sat down and took a sip of the water in front of me, steeling myself for what I knew was coming.

Ava’s piercing gaze didn’t waver, the seconds stretching as she weighed her words with care. Finally, she broke the silence.

“How old are you?” she asked simply.

The question surprised me, but I answered truthfully, “I don’t know, I can’t remember”. Her expression remained unchanged, but for a small frown creeping onto her full lips.

“What are you?”

“Something more than a man.” I responded simply.

She exhaled, her tone steady but loaded with weight. “Do you understand how difficult it is for me, having gone my whole life believing magic and fantasy are just the topics of children's books, to be faced with this? You are proof that some greater beings exist. Everything I’ve known—my personal views, my experiences, and my relationships—feel insignificant compared to what my mind conjures now.”

I nodded, "I do understand," I said softly. "I was human once too. I faced the same turmoil. Your old experiences are still meaningful—they shaped who you are."

Ava nodded, but her expression tightened as she countered, "But you don’t really understand. People today spend their time on useless and wasteful things—contrived jobs, shallow friendships, and meaningless pleasure. Your existence makes me realize I could never go back to that life. How could I sit with my friends, talking about boys, music, and clothes, working and studying mindlessly, without wondering about your past, your stories, and what else like you is out there waiting to be discovered? I’ll never be satisfied with my old life again."

I nodded again, this time in agreement, an understanding that came from centuries of reflection. Deep down, I’d never regretted choosing this life. Even with all its burdens, it was better than the alternative.

But Ava needed to know the truth. She deserved that much.

“This is my prison, Ava,” I said slowly, my voice heavy with the weight of the words. “I was condemned to spend the rest of my days in restless solitude here, alone.”

“What did you do?” she asked curiously, leaning in, her wide eyes searching my face for answers.

I hated to disappoint her, but I could only offer the truth. “I don’t know,” I admitted. “It’s been a long time, and most of my memories have faded” I let out a slow breath, forcing myself to continue. “I don’t remember my family, my friends, or any of the deeds that led me here. I didn’t even remember my own name before you asked.”

Her expression shifted to one of sadness, her gaze thoughtful. She seemed to wrestle with my words, as though weighing the possibility that whatever I had done might have been so terrible that I had to be caged in this cabin, kept away from the world.

She paused, her silence more telling than her words, before asking with an intensity that caught me off guard, “How did they take your memories,” “Why did our arrival bring your memories back?” Her questions spilled out rapidly, her curiosity relentless. “Is this house alive? How did it even find me and Melina in the first place?”

I laughed softly at her rapid-fire questions. "Good questions, the house is definitely aware, perhaps not alive. I don’t know how or why it found you, and I don’t know why your arrival seems to have spurred the return of some of my memories. It’s as much a mystery to me as it is to you." I continued, almost thinking aloud. "If I had to guess, I’d say the house was either compelled to find you—maybe by some powerful entity, or decided itself for my sake."

Her mouth fell open at my words, and the truths implied. Before she could fire off another barrage of questions, I held up a hand to reassure her.

"If a deity or being did cause our paths to cross, it has no power here, not now. As long as we’re in my domain, we’re beyond their reach. This may be a prison, but it is my prison, and there is good reason I am imprisoned and not dead.” I stated firmly

Her shoulders relaxed slightly at this, but her eyes still held that sharp, questioning glint.

I leaned back, letting my gaze drift to the walls of the cabin, which seemed more alive than I’d ever seen them. "The house has always been peculiar. It gives and takes depending on its mood. In all the time I’ve been here, it’s never created doors to other rooms, let alone something as elaborate as the kitchen or the table settings you see now. Normally, it just sticks to sparse furniture, small smoky windows, and minor adjustments—things that feel more like taunts than gifts."

I paused, glancing at her. "But now..." I gestured around us. "The house feels different. It’s more alive, more responsive. And the cat’s change in behavior? That’s a first."

She frowned slightly, her brow furrowing as she considered my words. "Do you think it’s because of us?"

I nodded, the pieces starting to fit together in my mind. "Yes, your arrival may have sparked more than just my memories returning."

For a moment, silence hung between us, heavy with unspoken thoughts. The crackle of the fire and the rhythmic sound of her soft breathing were the only sounds in the room.

"Then what’s next?" she asked finally, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I don't know," I repeated, my voice steady but tinged with regret. "I'm sure you're tired of hearing that," I added with an embarrassed laugh, hoping to lighten the moment even slightly. Ava's eyes softened, and her silence encouraged me to continue.

"We will keep nursing Melina back to health, and we’ll take this one day at a time. Unfortunately, I don’t know if you’ll be able to leave this place—if you’ll somehow be returned to where you were before you got lost in the woods." I hesitated, the weight of uncertainty settling between us. "I don’t think this house is connected to time and space logically."

Ava’s brow furrowed, and her lips pressed into a thin line. She leaned back slightly, crossing her arms as she processed my words. "So... we’re stuck here?" she asked quietly, the reality of the situation dawning on her.

I met her gaze, my expression apologetic but firm. "For now, it seems that way. But this place has already proven unpredictable. If there’s a way out, we’ll find it—together."

I exhaled deeply. "You and Melina weren’t brought here without reason. Maybe there's something we're meant to discover or... resolve."

She nodded slowly, and I took the moment to compose my thoughts, nerves tightening in my chest as I considered how to broach the subject of last night’s activities. Despite my hesitation, I knew it was important to address it, to ensure there was no misunderstanding between us. Taking a steadying breath, I began cautiously, my voice quiet but deliberate.

"About last night," I started, my words deliberate and measured. "I appreciate what you did, truly. But I want to assure you that nothing like that is necessary. Your companionship alone is more than enough for me. It's just been a long time since I've had human contact of any kind, let alone sexual contact" I hesitated, the weight of the unspoken lingering in the air as I searched for the right words to continue. "I..." The sentence faltered.

Ava’s expression shifted slightly, her posture straightening as she processed my words. Her lips parted, then closed, as though weighing her response. Finally, she looked directly into my eyes, her voice steady but soft.

"I understand your concerns." she said simply at first, her tone unreadable. "I did not feel manipulated or forced at all, if that’s what you’re worried about." She let out a small, nervous laugh, her fingers fidgeting with the edge of the tablecloth, then the words rushed out. "Last night was so chaotic. I acted on instinct, my head wasn’t really clear, and you saved us… and it was so hot in the cabin.. and your shirt was off.. and you are really beautiful.. I just wanted to feel you.” she finished with a blush, looking away shyly.

I nodded slowly, taking in her words. "I just want you to know," I said, my voice calm but firm, "your safety and well-being are my priority. You don’t need to feel any pressure to... repay me in any way."

"Thank you. For saying that. For making it clear. But I wanted you last night, and now, clear headed, I still do… Her words eased the tension I hadn’t realized I was holding in my shoulders. I offered her a smile, and she smiled back. “I want you too.” leaving it at that for now.

After a lingering moment of silence, Ava rose gracefully and walked toward the bedroom, her movements deliberate, the curve and sway of her hips partially obscured by the oversized shirt she wore. My eyes followed her, seemingly of their own accord, as she made her way to the door.

What have I gotten myself into? I wondered, a soft laugh escaping me despite the chaos of my emotions. "Could be worse, eh?" I muttered under my breath, glancing at my ever-watchful feline companion perched on the windowsill. She met my gaze with a look I hadn’t seen before—a mix of mirth, happiness, and something that almost resembled pride.

A thought struck me then: she deserved a name. I couldn’t very well keep calling her “the cat” around my guests, could I? "Snow," I decided aloud, the name coming naturally as I approached her. “Snow,” I repeated gently, testing it. To my surprise, her ears twitched, and her eyes seemed to brighten with recognition.

As I reached out to stroke her soft fur, she closed her eyes and began to purr softly under my touch, a sound that filled the room with a sense of calm and connection. The moment didn’t last long—her eyes flickered open again, clear and knowing. Taking the cue, I drew my hand back and offered her a small smile. "Snow it is," I murmured before turning away, leaving her perched in her usual spot as I headed toward the bedroom door.
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