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If you watch too much porn where white sissies submit to BBC, there is a danger you may become brainwashed.
How does a happily married, middle-aged, straight, white guy end up with a black cock in his mouth?

Let me tell you a story ………

Picture the scene ….

A busy, city-bound commuter train at 7.45am Wednesday morning, with most of the seats already taken.

One of the window seats is occupied by an average, middle-aged, office worker on his routine, daily commute.

Clive is his name. A slim, well-dressed, mild-mannered, white male who is average in every way, with a mortgage, a loving wife and two young school-kids.

Just another ordinary Joe on his way to his boring yet secure office job in the city.

But Clive has a secret. He’s become addicted to internet porn.

At first it was fairly innocent lesbian porn, where horny young babes with eager, hot tongues would lovingly pleasure each other’s vaginas.

He’d found that vids of regular couples having ordinary sex were far too bland, but when two rampant males were going at a horny and willing, young nymph, well, that was certainly better.

Soon it became two well-hung, young studs who’d enthusiastically take care of a mature, horny milf.

A married milf, cheating on her husband behind his back.

Would his own wife ever do such a thing, he’d asked himself? She certainly had a high libido, and was very nubile and sexy for her age.

Nah, he’d finally concluded. She’d never open her legs for anyone but him.

But when he was alone in his den and surfing those cuckolding porn sites, such thoughts made his cock grow much harder than usual. In fact, harder than it had ever been before.

He liked that feeling, and his internet searches sought out ever more perverse scenes of cuckolding and cheating. Of neglected wives who’d offer themselves to assertive and forceful young men.

And there were plenty of sites along that theme. Dozens of mature, white wives giving themselves to controlling and potent, young bulls.

Young, black bulls, with big, thick, black cocks which seemingly stayed rock hard for hours.

Domineering and arrogant black bulls who treated those cheating, white wives like trash.

They became his favourite, go-to entertainment.


But some of the white wives were assertive, and met their black bulls on equal terms.

These were the white wives who’d openly told their husbands they were going to seek out and take a black lover. And when their wimp husbands hadn’t regained control by crushing such wanton notions, that’s exactly what these white wives would go and do.

Taunting their husbands, boasting they were being regularly serviced by an Alpha, black bull ….. who would sometimes bring a few of his friends.

The husbands of these wives were wimps, accepting this new situation with barely a word of objection.

‘Could I accept such a situation?’ Clive had asked of himself, hoping he’d never have to face that dilemma.


But the question remained, and seemed to demand an answer.

Would he remain craven and silent, knowing his wife was regularly and willingly opening her legs for a domineering and arrogant, young, black bull ……. or bulls?

If he spoke out against such outrage, the devastating fallout may cause him to lose the wonderful home and family he’d so diligently worked so hard to create.

He wouldn’t want to go back to square one. He may have to allow his wife her indulgence.

But would she then want unfettered, free reign?


Some of the sites he’d been watching of late had strong tones of hypnosis, with ASMR whispers of suggestion and inducement, which were gnawing at Clive’s sense of self-worth.

Yes, he recalled them now. Multiple times, over and over, insistent whispering voices which told him he was a weak and worthless cuckold …… that his wife deserved better sex than he could possibly provide …… that her slim and sexy body was worthy of much greater attention …..

A gentle mist of serenity seemed to pervade his whole being as those whispering voices told him he was helpless and worthless. Perhaps he was ….. or perhaps that’s what he wanted to be.

They became his subliminal mantra …

“You know you are weak-willed and useless, so why even try crawl out from under your lowly status. Just relax and go with the flow, and let superior beings decide your future and fate for you.”


Allowing a superior a third party would certainly remove the stress of making those tough decisions.

But adopting such a notion would surely allow malignant forces to steer him towards a very slippery and dangerous slope.

He then physically shook his head to clear it of such perverse notions, but later that night when alone in his den, he went back to those very same hypnotic vid-clips


“You know you’re a useless and pathetic loser, and it’s only a matter of time before an Alpha Master steps in and takes charge of your life, and you will meekly let it all happen. It will set your wife free …… free to seek out and explore her own levels of gratification. You think you’ve tested her limits and boundaries, but they’re all in your head, and a weakling like you won’t even come close ….

…… her sexual red lines are much more blurred than you know,

…… and are certainly much more distant and fragile”


But there were risks, another vid of whispering voices had warned him …… If her first real taste of rampant, big, black cock is far more ‘orgasmic’ than her wildest fantasies had shown her, there’s a real risk she’ll end up being addicted ….. and should that happen, and it probably will, she’ll want to share the thrill of her black-cock addiction, and you’ll find yourself wearing the same restraints as all the other weak-willed, cuckolds ….

…… the shackles of black cock domination ……..


And so it was ……… that fateful Wednesday morning on the commuter train ……

Clive had fallen into another deep and dark muse …….

Have I really been brainwashing myself, he silently asked? Have those hypnotic whispers been turning me into a submissive and willing cuckold, just like all those other pathetic husbands I’ve been watching on the net? Those sites certainly contained a strong theme of black superiority over white.

And what about those cuckolds who’d been emasculated …… even feminized?

Could I end up being tied to a chair in the corner of my own bedroom, dressed in pink panties and sporting a blonde wig and red lipstick, and obliged to meekly watch on as a couple of intimidating and fearsome, black thugs each took turns to service my wife?

And what then of those black thugs? …… By allowing them to use my wife as their fuck-toy, they’d already taken advantage of my weakness.

Would I also end up kneeling at their feet?


“Excuse me, may I sit here?”

The sudden question tore Clive from his tortured and perverted, dark muse.

“Yes …… yes, of course,” he answered, adjusting his posture to accommodate this sudden intrusion. The adjacent vacant seat was about to become occupied ….. and unnervingly, by a tall, brawny and bling-laden, young, black guy who’d posed the muse-breaking question.

“Busy today, huh?” the young, black guy stated ….. and as he sat himself down he seemed to purposely cause his thigh to bump into Clive’s as he did so.

“Yes, yes it is,” Clive quietly answered, without diverting his blank stare from straight ahead, as he disturbingly felt a slight twinge in his loins.


The two men sat side by side in silence for several long minutes.

“Off to work?” the young, black guy suddenly asked.

“Yes,” Clive quietly answered, unable to suppress a deep gulp for air immediately after. This young man’s presence was slightly unnerving, and Clive wasn’t inclined to engage him in conversation.

“I’m already at work,” the young man surprisingly continued.

“Mmm”, Clive hummed a blank response from his straight forward gaze, not grasping any significance in his words, nor wanting to.

“Didn’t you hear me, man? I’m already at work,” the young man pressed.

“I hear you,” Clive answered, totally oblivious to its meaning, before turning his blank stare towards the window.

“Fishing,” the young man continued, leaning across and quietly breathing the word directly into Clive’s ear.

Clive tried to ignore this brazen invasion of his personal space, but as this this young man continued to hold his face at Clive’s ear, he felt a hand on the lapel of his jacket, then slowly ease its way into the confines of its hidden depths. Clive froze in abject horror and stunned fear, as he felt a firm thumb deliberately toying with his nipple through the fabric of his shirt, causing the stirrings of a perverse and unwanted erection..

“Fishing for a man just like you,” the young man continued to breathe in Clive’s ear.

Clive remained totally motionless and frozen in fear, with a silent, blank stare out through the window, as the trespassing manipulations continued inside his jacket.

“My, my, you are an easy bitch …. now gulp down my bait,” the young man breathed a taunt in Clive’s ear ….. then, after an unnerving, long pause where neither man moved ……..

“Congratulations, you just have done, … swallowed it, hook and line and sinker.”

Clive felt another, even stronger, sharp twinge in his loins. This intimidating young man was pushing all of Clive’s buttons …. buttons which Clive hoped no-one would ever find and then push ….. he knew they could bring him undone.

“Relax, man,” the young man continued his breathy instruction into Clive’s ear. “You’ve nothing to fear from me,” as the intruding hand then removed itself from inside the depths of Clive’s jacket.

Clive continued to keep his head turned away from his accoster, staring blankly at the passing scenery in fear and silence.

Clive then heard several distinctive swooshing clicks of a smartphone taking pictures, but still daren’t turn his head to investigate what was going on.

“Here, you can have this back,” the young man eventually spoke. “I believe it belongs to you.”

Clive turned his head to face this intimidating young man, only to realise he was being handed his very own wallet. “Hey, what the hell?” Clive exclaimed, as he frantically began to search through its contents.

“Don’t worry, it’s all there,” said the young man…… “I’ve already got all I need right in here ………. Mr Clive Rampton of Switchworth Avenue,” as the young man read from the screen on his smartphone.

“What do you want?” asked Clive, having assessed his dire dilemma and ascertained the full contents of his wallet were still intact.

“Your phone …. Unlock it and hand it over ….. come on, man …. give it ….. give it to me now.”

The menacing bark and vigour in this compelling demand didn’t give Clive much of an option, and he quickly fished out a smartphone from his jacket side pocket, pressed his finger to its unlock and passed it over.

The young man skilfully scrolled through its cache of stored contents. “Nice kids, Clive, all grown up and at school, yes? ….. And your wife ain’t half bad either …… sure looks cute and sexy to me.”

Clive’s mouth made a guttural noise as if to speak, but the young man held up an index finger in an unmistakable instruction for Clive to stay silent. The young man continued scrolling through the phone, until the contact list displayed exactly what he was looking for. The HR department of Clive’s place of work. He pressed a finger to the screen, and made the call.

“Good morning to you too,” Clive’s accoster confidently spoke into the phone. “My name is Doctor Welbourne from the Springborough Medical Centre. I have your Mister Rampton here with me at the moment. He came to see me very early this morning with a severe migraine and an acute case of laryngitis. Obviously, that means he can’t talk, which is why it’s I who’s calling. I’m afraid Mister Rampton won’t be able to make it into work today, and probably not at least until Monday. But my colleagues and I are confident he should be Ok by then. I do hope you understand …………. Yes …. Yes, I will ……. And thank you for being so understanding.”

“They’ve sent you their very best wishes, Clive. Such a nice gesture, don’t you think?” the young man said, as he slipped Clive’s smartphone into his own jacket pocket.

“What do you want? Why are you doing this?” Clive asked in angst and desperation.

“Oh Clive, Clive, Clive you clueless old fool. Didn’t you know? This is what all wimp, white husbands dream of, night after night, wanking their little, white cocks to pictures of powerful, black men taking charge …… watching them use their huge, angry, cum-sticks to breed their haplessly horny, white wives …… then making cuckolds just like you clean up the mess.”

“I’m not a cuckold,” protested Clive, suddenly showing some backbone at the implications of those unnerving words …… for him to be a cuckold, his wife must have ……… no, surely she hadn’t …… had she ? …… Did this young, black man know something? …… Was it possible she’d gone and done the unthinkable behind his back?”

“Are you sure you’re not a cuckold, Clive? Are you really, really sure?” as the young, black man’s hand grabbed onto the top of Clive’s thigh.

“My wife would never …… has never .... ” Clive’s words trailed away.

“Maybe she has, maybe she hasn’t, who knows. But I bet she’s got a dildo hidden away somewhere …… Has she got a dildo Clive, have you ever seen it?”

“No,” yapped Clive in indignant denial. “No, she certainly does not.”

“But I bet you wish she had. Would you like to see her use it ……. Maybe use it on yourself?”

“No, I would never ……. “ Clive’s words trailed away.

“But you have seen it, though, haven’t you, Clive? Do you know where she keeps it? Come on, tell me where she keeps it.”

“I …. I ….I ……” Clive began to flounder, as his cheeks began to flush a bright red.”

“Does she know that you know, huh? ….. Have you ever made it buzz when she’s not there?”

“No, I can’t … I didn’t ….. “ Clive’s non-answer not making any sense.

“Of course you have, Clive ….. curiosity got the better of you and you just had to feel it buzz. Have you had it in your mouth, Clive. Have you tried a little suck?”

“No, I’ve never …….. I’m not like that.” Clive’s firm answer seemed to have a ring of truth.

“But you’ve held it in your hands? …. Then did you hold it to your lips?”

“I’m not answering any more questions. I don’t like talking this way about my wife.”

“Of course we shouldn’t be talking about your wife. I mean, just ‘cos she’s got a dildo, it don’t mean to say she uses it. You do keep her satisfied, don’t you Clive? Doing your duties, and not wasting your efforts on porn, eh, Clive? No, she’d have to be crazed, super horny to even think about going to all that much trouble for a dildo ……. Being home on her own, locking all the windows and doors, closing the bedroom curtains, retrieving the dildo from its hidey-hole …. giving it a thorough wipe …. placing it on the clean cloth she’s laid out on the bedside cabinet …. making sure there’s plenty of tissues in the box she’s placed on the bed where she gonna do the deed. Maybe even put down a towel …. then stripping down to her undies and getting herself settled and comfy on the bed. Re-setting the position of the pillow. It seems a lot of work just for an ordinary dildo. But experience must have taught her all that messing about is worth it, especially if it’s for a big, black, nasty dildo. Do you think she’s got one of those hidden somewhere and you don’t know? A huge, black dildo which really stretches her out … one that gives her mind-blowing, toe-curling, orgasms. She’d keep that a secret for sure.”

The claiming, black hand which had been resting on Clive’s thigh then grabbed hold of Clive’s limp cock through the fabric of his trousers before the disturbing story continued.

“I wonder how she got so horny in the first place, home all alone, just doing the housework. Her imagination must’ve started running wild. Now, let’s see …. if she works that dildo slow and sensuous, which is how black bulls breed their bitches, then maybe her thoughts were all loving and sweet, and her black bull was gifting her a lovely, black baby. But what if she’s super horny and desperate, and in need of some urgent relief. I bet she’d just grab that dildo without a care and let rip. But what if that big, black dildo then senses her mood, and she gives that dildo some spiteful vengeance of its own …… making it abuse her …. making it thrash in and out like she hates herself …. raping and raping like a crazed, angry thug .… ‘till it makes her cum like a train. ….. Wouldn’t that be a sight to see, eh, CIive? I bet we’d all flush bright red then, eh? …… Watching her cum on a huge, raping dildo …..… hey, now there’s an idea …… I should send some of my crew round your place right now …. your kids’ll be at school …. she be home all alone …. I’ll tell ‘em to push her around a bit, test her resolve, see if she caves … What do you say, Clive, eh? Say the word and I’ll make the call.”

“No,” squawked Clive, then pleading, “Please don’t.”

Clive knew this young man could be capable of anything.


Both men then sat side-by-side in heavy silence, with Clive still dwelling on the disturbing picture this young man had just painted …. Clive already knew his wife owned a big, thick, black dildo …. He doesn’t know where she keeps it and has never seen it, but a few months ago he saw the empty package in the trash ……..

And what if this young, black guy was right …. that sometimes when his wife was home all alone, for no reason she suddenly became horny …. did she really use that big, black, nasty thing on herself, even in the middle of the day ….. and did she use it all slow and sensuous …. or maybe, just like this young man had said, she was so desperate and horny she simply wanted to be ravaged … making that big, nasty dildo use her brutal and rough …. like it was an unstoppable, sex-deranged, rapist …

Clive was now taking long, deep breaths, not knowing if they was from terror or despair or humiliation. That claiming black hand which had grabbed onto Clive’s limp cock was now grasping a fully bloated erection.

“You obviously liked what you heard,” the young, black man taunted, “which proves you’re the easy meat I thought you’d be. A weak, worthless, white man who’s gonna be my bitch,” as the black hand gave Clive’s hard cock a firm squeeze.

“No,” whispered Clive though his dry, desperate lips, the word so weak to bore no conviction.

The claiming black hand then massaged and kneaded ….. deliberately taunting Clive’s hardness ……. and not only did these callous manipulations keep that throbbing cock hard …. they brought it ever closer to unloading.

When Clive started showing signs of distress, and when an involuntary, low moan slipped out from his dry lips, the manipulations on his cock suddenly stopped, and Clive’s impending lewd climax was thwarted.

“We’ll be arriving at the next station very shortly, and that’s when you’ll stand up and come with me.”

“No I‘m not. I’m not going anywhere with you,” Clive offer in lame defiance.

“Suit yourself, but I can have some of the brothers at your home within minutes. I’ll make the call and get them there now ….. see if your wife’s in the mood for some fun,” as he pulled a smartphone from his pocket.

“No, wait,” Clive spat quickly, halting the young thug’s cruel intentions. “What is it you want from me?”

“Like I just said …..we’re getting off together at the next station.”

“But I don’t understand. Why? What’s this all about?”

“You don’t have to understand anything, you dumb, useless fuck. Just do as you’re told, and that’s it …. Now, come on, stand,” the young, black man then ordered, as the train began to slow. “We’ll be at our stop in a couple of minutes.”


Several short minutes later, Clive was sitting on the back seat of a car with a cloth bag over his head, being driven to an unknown destination.

The car-ride seemed to last almost an hour, but Clive couldn’t precisely be sure.

Towards the end of the journey, there was time enough for the black thug to make an unnerving phone call to Clive’s wife.

“Hi, Mrs. Rampton ? …….. Hi, yeah, my name is Derek Starkmore from Com-Jobs Engineering ….. Yeah, that’s right .. where your husband works …… No, no, everything’s fine, he’s Ok. It’s just that I need a word with you in person. Has Clive mentioned the Saxonbury – Mayer account with you at all? ………. No, no, that’s great … in fact, it’s exactly what I was hoping to hear. We’re in the midst of a take-over bid, and it’s all been strictly hush-hush, if you know what I mean ………. Yeah, only a *********** handful of our own people know anything about it …….. Yeah, yeah. ……… So that’s why I’m calling. As soon as Clive arrived here this morning, we’ve had to send him off to their mining operation at short notice. We need his well respected eyes to check out what’s happening up there …….. Well, that’s why I’m calling. We’ve flown him up there on very short notice this morning. You should’ve seen us, all rushing around like fruit loops …….. Ha, ha, yeah well, this is where the bad news comes in …… we think that with all the groundwork Clive needs to check out, it may well end up taking a few days, and we don’t expect him to finish his work until Saturday, maybe even Sunday. Are you able to cope without him until then? If not, we could figure out some sort of special arrangements, but to be honest, they’d be so complicated I dread to even think ……….….. Are you sure? ………. No, there’s an on-site mess hall with lashings of free food, and his lodgings are fully furnished and has all the official work gear he’d ever need. ……..………. Oh yes, whilst he’s away, he’ll be well taken care of, I can certainly assure you of that ………. Oh, Ok, no, that’s great, your Mom sounds like a real sport …… yeah, thanks …… In fact, tell your Mom from me I think she’s an absolute star.……. Yep …….. But please, please, Mrs. Rampton, this contract is worth millions, plus a lot of jobs are at stake, and there’s only a handful of people in the whole world, well, and now you, who know what’s going on, so please, strictly no phone calls or discussions, yes? And one last thing, Mrs. Rampton ….. Oh, Ok, …. Lynda ….. Yeah, that’s right, Derek…. Just one last thing, Lynda ….. if there’s any problems or issues which arise with you at home, this number is the one to call for any company contact or assistance. We like to look after our well regarded staff and their families, but until Clive returns home and we’ve got these precious contracts signed, then this number is the only one to call, yes ? ………… Yes, and you too ….. there’ll be a big fat bonus coming Clive’s way, you’ll see. Ok, bye Lynda ……. Yeah, thanks, bye.


“Hear that Clive? …. You’re now all mine for five glorious days …. and also, four very long nights.


After being manhandled out of the car, then steered and frogmarched up a stairway, the cloth bag on Clive’s head was finally removed.

Clive blinked at the sudden influx of light to his eyes, before focusing on the interior of this plushly carpeted, large and brightly lit room, which appeared to contain nothing more than a bar fridge, a large, free-standing wardrobe, a mirrored dresser with a stool …. and an oversized, satin sheeted bed, ….

But what gave Clive the shivers and didn’t bode well, were the two professional-looking video cameras on tripods, both of which were pointing straight at the large bed.

“You like watching aggressive, black-cock porn, yes?” the young man posed to Clive. “Well today is your own chance to shine …….. now strip.”

“I’m not stripping for you, not now or for anyone.” Clive firmly stated, realizing this whole situation had become way out of his control.

“Suit yourself,” said the young man, as he fished a smartphone from his pocket. “One quick call and your wife will be brought here to join us.”

“No, wait,” Clive spat again. “What do you want? Money? My car? Name it and it’s yours.”

“I want you to strip, you dumb, useless fuck …. And you’ve got three minutes, starting from NOW.”

That final bark was like the decisive bang of a starting pistol, and although he hated to admit it, Clive felt there was now no other option but to comply. Within two minutes he was standing in only his jocks.

“Take a seat,” directed the young, black man, as his hand indicated the stool in front of the mirrored dresser.

The young, black man then brought his hands together in two resounding, loud claps, and when one of the three doors opened, a young and slim black woman walked in and quickly made her way over to Clive.

“You know what to do,” the young man stated, “Now get to work”.

The young, black woman immediately slid open one of the drawers in the dresser, and lifted out a large tray of various lip-sticks and make up.


Twenty minutes later, Clive’s appearance had been totally transformed, with a full, slutty make-up make over, which was topped off by a blonde, curly wig. When he looked at his reflection in the mirror, even Clive had to concede he could barely recognised himself. He looked exactly like a street-walking hooker.

“Excellent, excellent,” the young man spoke as the young woman stepped away, having apparently finished her work. The young man then addressed his words at Clive, “This is only the first step of many, but there’s no doubt your transformation into a cheap, slutty whore has now begun.”

“Stand,” he then ordered, obliging Clive to rise to his feet. “Just a little bit more enhancement for now, so we can start to get down to early business.”

The young man swung open the doors of the wardrobe and plucked out a long and flowing bright, red dress.

“Try this for size. It’ll go well with your ruby-red lipstick.”

Clive was totally ashamed and embarrassed, but as he took hold of the red dress for the first time, and when his pastel office hands felt the soft, silky, smoothness of its cool fabric, he couldn’t prevent his cock from slowly engorging ….. and as he held the red dress in both hands for the longest of moments, with his fingers gently toying with its fine, silky smoothness, the thoughts inside his head seemed to make time stand still, even as those many thoughts were churning over ……… He realised that if he meekly, almost willingly, added yet another symbol of femininity to his already glammed up looks ….. all at the perverted request of this controlling, black thug who was now holding him captive …. his whole life would probably change forever ….

Is this what he wanted for himself? To be one of those wimpy, middle aged, married men who meekly capitulate at the first intimidating lunge of aggressive, black thuggery. Was he going to obediently gift-wrap myself, only to be unwrapped by malicious hands, and then be played with and used like a toy? He’d be a mere ‘thing’ and ‘fair game’ in the hands of this young and controlling black thug …. and possibly for several others more as yet unseen. They’ll surely be fiercely determined to commit whatever perversions they had in mind ….. And on top of that, it seemed he was going to be stuck there for five whole days and four long nights. That’s quite a long time, he thought. So, how many other thugs, black or otherwise, are gonna show up and want to play with his captor’s brand new toy? Maybe even showing up several at a time?


It was at that very moment, as he mulled that final thought …… he realised his slowly building erection had become so fully bloated and engorged, it was now at the point of being painful.

No, no, no, this wasn’t supposed to happen, he silently chided himself. This whole thing is a horrible mistake.

“You obviously like this dress,” the young black guy observed ….. “But there’s no need to put it on just yet. Here, hand it back and I’ll re-hang it in the wardrobe while you remove those ghastly Y-front jocks that you’re still wearing. I need my white boy naked for his next assignment.”

Mindless, and still half in a daze from his profound and erection producing, dark muse, Clive handed back the dress, then eased the waistband of his jocks over the tip of his painful erection, before bending over and sliding them down onto the floor.

“That’s a good boy ….. so obedient, so pasty white, and so naked ….. You know what that means, don’t you, white boy?” the young, black guy drawled his words with the sneer of contempt. “It means you’re about to take the next step on the road to your destiny. Well, the destiny I’ve chosen for you. ….. stupid white boy ….. now, get down on your knees and open your mouth. I’ve got something you’ve been wanting for a while.”

Clive meekly dropped onto his knees and opened his mouth and clamped his eyes shut ………….…… he didn’t want to see whatever was coming ……

But he could still hear …. And when the light tread of approaching footsteps on the carpet came up close and then stopped, he heard the unmistakable tink-tinkle of a belt buckle being undone.

Clive was quite literally about to get his first taste of a whole new way of life.

And all of this because he’d accidentally discovered his wife had secretly bought herself a big, thick, black dildo.

Sometimes, 2 + 2 really does add up to 5.

End of part one


Part Two

So …………

Clive had been making his routine morning commute on a very busy, rush-hour train, when he was targeted and accosted by a slick and well-practiced, young, black, con-artist. But Clive had only himself to blame when he allowed himself to be brazenly yet effortlessly abducted from that busy morning train in broad daylight.

He’d fallen into the habit of watching hypnotic “black supremacy”, “submissive cuckold” and “forced feminization” porn. Unfortunately for Clive, he had found these notions very arousing, causing a small part of his subconscious brain to accept these perversions as being desirable and normal.

He truly believed he was a worthless, submissive wimp who deserved to be dominated and controlled …..

And with his wimp aura oozing out into the open, when he’d cross paths with a cunning and depraved, predatory psychopath, the trap was sprung.

Now here he was ….. a helpless and very vulnerable captive.


With his face all glammed up with cheap, slutty, make-up and wearing a curly, blonde wig, Clive really did resemble a cheap and slutty whore.

Totally naked, and down on his knees, with his eyes clamped shut and his mouth wide open, waiting in nervous anticipation.

And because of the subconscious conditioning of those insidious hypno videos, he was also sporting a fully bloated erection.


As he knelt on the plush carpet, patiently waiting, with his mouth gaped wide open and eyes clamped tightly shut, he could hear the tink-tinkle of a belt buckle being undone, right there in front of his face. He was fairly sure what was gonna happen next, but his guess wasn’t quite on the mark. He felt something being pushed into his wide open mouth, but it felt like a big wad of soft, cloth-like fabric. Then he felt fingers pressing upwards on his chin, obliging him to close his rag-stuffed mouth. Still not daring to open his eyes, he heard the ripping sound of duct-tape being peeled off its roll, before a strip was then applied across the full width of his closed mouth …… and then another strip, and then another, then one across the bottom of his chin, with the ends then pressed firmly up onto his cheeks.

This oral constraint obliged Clive to then breathe through his nose, which he found was more challenging than was comfortable, and within seconds he started to panic. His natural instinct was to open his eyes and raise his hands to remove the tape, which is when firm, controlling hands grasped hold of his wrists and pulled them frontwards.

His whole body toppled forwards, with his chest slamming into the floor, as he held his head sideways to avoid smashing his nose into the carpet, as his erection was squashed under his belly.

His wrists were then dragged backwards, and with more ripping sounds of duct tape, he felt his wrists being tightly bound together behind his back.

Laying face down on the carpet, barely able to move, and with his rag-stuffed mouth duct-taped shut, he was truly struggling to breathe through his nose.

But then he heard a swoosh and a loud thwack, as he felt a burning, hot sting on his ass …… and then another thwack …. then another …. and another ……. hard thwack …. thwack … thwack …………….. then it abruptly and thankfully stopped.

Frantic MmmmMmmmMmm’s came out from Clive’s gagged mouth, ever louder and more frantic with each lash of a leather belt, as he wriggled and squirmed on his stomach, flailing his legs as tears quickly formed in his eyes.

Clive thought he was going to pass out. His lungs were forcing air in and out through his nostrils with such desperate vigour, it sounded like the rapid strokes of a carpenter's saw as it was cutting through a thick piece of timber.

His nostrils were getting hot …. almost as hot as the burning, red sting on the tender globes of his ass, as tears rolled down his flushed cheeks.

“Do we understand each other now, eh, white boy?” asked the gravelly voice of his young, black, captor. “Is it crystal clear in your mind who is in charge?”

Clive frantically nodded his head ‘yes’ , rubbing a tear drenched cheek on the carpet as he did so.

The young, black guy could see Clive was still really struggling to breathe through his nose, so he stooped down and partially ripped away some of the duct-tape from his mouth.

“This will be the punishment you will receive for disobedience from now on. I’ll give you a small taste from time to time to remind you, but if you ever cause me to give you a real dose of punishment, you’ll get that treatment for a whole, complete hour, understand?”

Again, Clive frantically nodded his head in understanding. He sure as hell couldn't stand a whole hour of that shit.

“Well then, white boy, earning a gold star for learning your first lesson, it’s time to get your reward,” as Clive’s captor hoisted his torso upright and back onto his knees, and removed the remaining wadding from his mouth. “Eyes open or closed, I don’t really care, but I don’t want to feel any teeth, understand?”

Clive again vigorously nodded his head, knowing from this moment onwards, he’d better damn well do exactly as he was told.

Clive’s captor was pleased to see that despite the harsh and painful punishment he’d just dished out, the gag had caused a severe case of oxygen deprivation, which in turn had caused Clive’s cock to remain in throbbing erection. And with his dishevelled wig and his tear stained cheeks, which had smeared his slutty make-up all over his face, giving Clive the appearance of crack-whore, gutter-trash skank. Exactly the look of a defeated and grovelling wretch which turned on Clive’s cruel captor, and caused him to also have a raging, hard boner which was raring to go, and wouldn’t need much stimulation to unload.


Clive kept his eyes open in mesmerized awe as the first fully erect, black cock he’d ever seen in real life slowly entered his wide open mouth. Then, without even thinking, Clive’s lips automatically enveloped this intruding, black shaft, as he instinctively and immediately started to suckle and suck on its warm hardness.

Clive was now officially a submissive, black-cock sucking sissy.


After a couple of minutes of sucking on his first, hard, black cock, Clive felt the firm, open, black palms on either side of his head oblige him to make much quicker back and forth movements. He also felt the hard cock thrust harder and deeper into the depths of his mouth, as it then started to tense.

Even though Clive had guessed what was about to happen, the several copious jets of jitz which flooded the back of his mouth were much warmer and more intense than he’d expected. And when he tried to pull his head away from the source of this sticky, hot gush, strong hands held it firmly in place.

Clive started to slobber and gasp, his mouth still filled with the intruding, black shaft.

He tried and tried, but the restraining hands wouldn’t allow Clive to pull away, as he continued to slurp, gag and gasp.

Eventually, his mouth was so flooded with his own slobber and the black thug’s cum, he couldn’t help but start to gulp ….. an automatic survival reflex which resulted in globule after globule of the flooding, gooey slop to start sliding down his throat and into his stomach. And with each gurgling gulp, just like warm custard, those gooey globules of slime slithered down through his gullet.

And as he knelt naked in front of this young, black, thug whose warm, gooey cum-juice he was now swallowing, Clive realised he still had an erection ….. a throbbing, hard erection …. which was now leaking pre-cum as it lewdly bobbed up and down with each gulp.

Was he so hopelessly aroused because this was what he’d always hoped for ….. to be forced to swallow black thug cum ? ….. Oh lord, he thought, am I really that easy?

“Yes, I am,” he concluded. “I’m no better than all the other dumb, pathetic, cock-sucking whores,” as his throbbing erection continued to bob up and down with each gulp.

He realized he’d been so spineless, that not at any stage had he even tried to put offer resistance …… not when he’d been accosted ….. not whilst he was being abducted ….. not whilst his face was being dolled up like a tart ….. and not whilst stripping himself naked and then dropping to his knees

In fact, in the two hours since he’d met this overwhelming and aggressive, young, black thug, he’d meekly done everything he’d been told .…. and now he was swallowing his hot, slimy cum-juice.

It didn’t bode well for being held captive for the next five days inside a room which contained a large bed and two video cameras ….. and at the mercy of this violent and sexually depraved lunatic.

A helpless captive for the next five days …. not to mention the next four very long nights.

He knew he wouldn’t be leaving this room with his tender ass-hole still being a virgin.

His only hope was his ass-hole would understand, and do its best to relax and play ball.


End of chapter 2


2025-02-02 16:18:05
yes, add more, every white bois dream come true.

Juicy Lucy 1Report 

2025-01-26 09:09:36
Please continue.

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