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Identical twin sisters Julie and Jess experience their sexual awakening while growing up on the family pony-girl ranch.
Author's note: None of the places or characters in this story actually exist, and all characters are canonically eighteen years old or older at the time of depicted events. Although obviously, if you prefer to imagine otherwise within the confines of your own mind, who am I to try to stop you?

It isn't exactly what you'd call 'normal', growing up on a pony-girl ranch. Of course, it wasn't always like this; when my twin sister Julie and I were little, it was just a perfectly average, functional family dairy farm, about an hour outside of Austin, with an enormous, hundred year old farmhouse built for about twenty where the four of us lived. But then Mom got sick, and between the medical bills, the time Daddy had to take away from working to take her to appointments and take care of her, and the competition from all the bigger, more industrialized operations all around us, things started going downhill in a hurry. It was Mom who finally suggested the change, taking what had only previously been a hobby for her and Daddy, and turning it into a way to make a living.

Daddy would have been mortified to learn just how much Julie and I actually knew, I'm sure. He'd tried to protect us from it all for as long as he could, and he'd done a pretty good job, considering. But we'd found Mom's diary, in the spare room upstairs where he'd moved all her things after she died. He could never stand to be in there for very long himself... but he'd always said we were welcome to go in there anytime, and to take anything we wanted... or even just to hang out in there with all her things whenever we were missing her. We weren't even sure he knew Mom had kept a diary (it had been hidden away in the bottom of a box under a pile of old, worn-out work jeans), but that was how we learned how it had all happened, and that it had all been her idea. We found her old 'toy box', too, buried way in the back corner under all the heaviest boxes. We didn't even know that was what it was, until we were able to sneak a pair of bolt cutters in from the tool shed and finally managed to get the padlock off, but what we found inside definitely confirmed everything we'd been reading. We were innocent enough at the time that most of it still kinda freaked us out, truth be told... but we were old enough that there were a couple of things we both found more than a little intriguing, absconding with them back to our room to try playing around with them ourselves later that night, and we only grew more adventurous from there.

For all Daddy's efforts, he hadn't been able to keep us completely isolated from what was going on. He and Mom had announced that we weren't allowed to go out past the fence to the barns anymore, and there were enough trees forming a wind-break for the house to make observation of the rest of property difficult... but not impossible, especially not from the small, dusty window up in the attic. Julie even found us Great-grandpa's old bird-watching binoculars, which helped a ton! I can't begin to count the number of afternoons when we'd disappear up into our little hidey-hole after the bus dropped us off from school, taking turns staring down at all the nearly-naked pony-girls (and even occasional pony-boys!) prancing about in the sun under the direction of their trainers... with Daddy, in his omnipresent white cowboy hat, overseeing it all!

It was only last year that Daddy finally bowed to our repeated whining to be allowed to start learning the family business. For all our speculation, for all our endless hours spent peering through that attic window... Julie and I never could have guessed what went on inside the barns, where we couldn't see! He made us wait until the weekend, even after he gave in. Then Daddy took us out there himself, droning on about all the boring details, about how the rates we charged varied based on the length of stay, and the particular treatment package ***********ed, and how all that information and more was available at a glance once you learned how to interpret the color combinations affixed at the throat of the ponies' masks. Each pony had a number, too, next to their colors, which Daddy said you could type into our computer system to pull up their entire file. I don't think Julie was taking in any more of it than I was; our attention was riveted on the blonde pony-girl currently being strapped into a solid, well-supported wooden frame in the very center of the barn, the two dozen or so other ponies in their stalls all staring out at her as well. She was older, maybe in her forties, though it was hard to tell with the pony-mask obscuring most of her face. She kept glancing over at the three of us, chewing on her full, pouty lower lip, but I couldn't tell if it was nervousness or excitement in her eyes. She still had quite a nice body, if rather thicker and curvier than I liked best, with an absolutely enormous pair of milky-white tits, her huge, dusky nipples pierced with wide silvery rings. She was wearing the typical pony-girl uniform of extremely high-heeled, thigh-high leather boots, and long, tight leather gloves (ending in hooves, rather than fingers, of course!), rising nearly to her shoulders. Except her outfit was a shocking blood red, not the more standard black Julie and I normally saw prancing around in the fields beyond the barns, and her gloves had been secured wrist to elbow horizontally behind her back. Julie and I had spent so much time speculating over all the little rings on the gloves and boots of the pony-girls we'd seen; now we finally knew what they were for, as we watched the blonde being attached to straps tying her firmly into place.

“Julie? Jess? Think you girls can tear your eyes away from her breasts long enough to see if you can make out her color code from here? That dark red bar at the end, specifically?” Daddy was asking with a chuckle, briefly drawing our eyes to her neck before we went back to staring at the rest of her. “That red means this one has a private trainer, and that she's not to be touched by staff without invitation; that's him with her there, hooking her up in the mounting frame. Outside our little slice of paradise... her name is Daphne Metzger, and that's her husband, Scott. But while she's here, her name is Sugar-tits! Or just Sugar, for short.”

Scott looked like he was just finishing up, testing the restraints. He stepped around behind her, fondling her naked ass with his hand. She neighed excitedly, shaking her head and shimmying her hips, her two long, blonde pony tails, one real and protruding from the purpose-made hole at the back of her mask, one fake and dangling from the buttplug she was wearing, both swaying seductively. He started playing with her, reaching around to grab her tits, hard! She whinnied as his big, strong hands continued to squeeze, his fingers digging deep furrows in those huge, soft globes. He reached down between her thighs then, roughly rubbing her bald, meaty pussy. She neighed again, happily stomping her foot, as we watched. Then, suddenly, Scott was reaching down, undoing his fly, his thick, six-inch cock springing into view. Julie and I barely had time to gasp before he was taking her tail in hand to hold it out of his way, burying himself fully inside of her and immediately, violently starting to thrust. The stables erupted in sound, pony-girls neighing and stomping, knocking their hooves against their stable railings, communicating their excitement. And Sugar was clearly loving the attention from all those other ponies, neighing loudly and tossing her head, arching her back and leaning forward as much as her straps would allow, making sure she was really showing off the way her huge, soft tits were bouncing like mad from the force of the mounting she was so eagerly receiving.

“Sugar's been our best, most regular customer, ever since your Mom and I opened this place.” Daddy leaned towards us so we could hear him over the din, our mouths gaping open in shock as we watched. “Even moreso, recently, now that their youngest is finally off to college, and she doesn't have to worry about coming up with excuses for her and Scott to be away from the house for a few hours whenever she gets the itch. We always give her a really special rate, that nobody else gets. First, because Scott always does all the work for her, and they almost never stay the night, or even have their meals here, so having them here costs us next to nothing. And second, because she's a spectacular example for all the other girls, to show them how a real pony-girl is supposed to act. Nobody gets into playing her role like Sugar does... and the other girls love watching her, nearly as much as she loves being seen! That's why I wanted you girls to wait until today before I brought you down here, so she could be the first pony you saw up close!”

“I can see why!” I sighed, desperately trying not to rub my thighs together, or to give any other outward sign of just how aroused I suddenly was.

“And... the other girls?” Julie hesitantly asked. “The ones who don't come with a trainer of their own? Is it like this for them, too?”

“Green bars, for them. Or pink, for the ones who do have their own trainer, but who the staff are allowed to touch anyways.” Daddy nodded. “The answer is... yes and no. Red bars get as much or as little as their trainers decide to give them. Within the bounds of my safety rules, of course! For the green bars... there's a little more to it than that. A mounting like the one Sugar's getting right now is generally used as a reward; whether it be for their form while trotting, or speed on the harness track, or special effort to stay in character... you name it. We try to make sure every girl gets mounted at least once a day... but they do have to earn it, first; it means more for them, and they enjoy it better that way! And of course, the girls will spare no effort trying to simply seduce their trainers, too, in hopes of getting bent over the nearest fence rail while they're out on the farm! Quite a few of them enjoy it even more out in nature like that than they do tied up in the mounting rack! It's important to keep a close eye on that sort of thing, though. There's nothing wrong with it as long as it's getting spread around evenly... but nothing will ruin the morale of the stable faster than some new, extra-hot girl getting all the special attention, while all the others get left feeling neglected! Our ponies may not all look like supermodels- though there aren't many who are overweight, or not for long, at least, not with the way we work them out! I'll put our methods up against any gym in the country! But every single one of them wants to feel desired, wants to know she's the only one her trainer's thinking about while she's getting mounted! It really isn't complicated... but I've had to fire way too many guys who couldn't seem to get it through their heads! Which really sucks, because qualified help isn't exactly all that easy to find in the first place!”

“Really?” I frowned. “I'd think guys would be scrambling all over each other for a chance to work here, if this is what you have them doing all day!”

“Oh, there's no shortage of guys who would want the job, certainly!” Daddy smirked. “Though the fact that I have to rely on word of mouth, not putting out ads, is a limiting factor. We don't want to risk drawing the wrong kind of attention, you see! But just like how the clients all talk to one another out in the real world, and spread the word to other like-minded girls... if you're a guy with the right mindset to work here, you're pretty much guaranteed to hear about us sooner or later. It's the... screening process, that's tricky.”

I think Julie must have been as confused as I was, because Daddy took one look at us and laughed.

“Well, I guess I'm just going to have to get used to being blunt about certain things, if you girls really do want to learn how to help run this place! Frankly... a girl isn't going to pay the kind of rates we charge just to get mounted by a trainer with a small dick! She can get that for free, any time she wants it! So, I try my absolute best to keep the staff to eight inches or more... although I've been forced to make exceptions. I've been willing to go as low as seven on occasion, when numbers have been tight, as long as they really know how to use what they've got.”

“Oh!” I exclaimed, feeling myself starting to blush. Julie and I never had much to do with the ranch hands; they had their bunkhouse, over on the other side of the barns from our house, and we'd never been allowed to go over there even before the changeover to pony ranch. Not that there had ever been any question of any of them actually doing anything to either of us; they were universally kind and polite, gentle and protective of us, even, anytime any of them needed to come over to the main house for some reason. But as Mom had put it, there were simply things that grown men got up to when there weren't any women around, many of which were not appropriate for the eyes and ears of innocent young girls. But now, knowing what each of those men had hidden under their work jeans... I was starting to consider them in ways I never had before.

“And, uhhh...” Julie hemmed, looking down and rubbing her toe in the dirt, her blush even more pronounced than mine, I was sure. “What about the pony-boys?”

“Ahhh... so, you know about them, do you?” he asked, looking embarrassed, though not blushing quite the same way Julie and me were; that was something we'd inherited from our mom, along with our red hair and petite, trim little figures, not from our six-foot-four, blond Texan Viking of a daddy. “Guess I shouldn't be surprised, you two already knowing more than I thought you did,” he sighed and shrugged. “Well... those boys are the other reason it's hard to find enough qualified staff. Like you said, Jessie, there's no shortage of guys who want to mount pony-girls... but finding staff who are willing to do the same to the pony-boys is quite a bit harder.”

“Really?” I gasped, suddenly picturing what that must look like, as did Julie beside me.

“I've got one guy, Juan, who only does the boys.” Daddy continued. “We rarely have more than three or four over in their barn, compared to the couple of dozen girls we usually have here. And we can even go as high as forty here, in the summertime, when we have girls coming in from out of state and everybody wants to book in for longer than their normal stays. Our record is fifty-seven, when I once made the mistake of booking an entire sorority house for two full weeks in July, on top of all our regular bookings... but I swore I would never push our resources that close to the line again, no matter how much the boys all enjoyed themselves while it lasted! Mind you, we also have extra staff at that time of year; there's a whole regular group of them, mostly teachers, actually, who come back year after year, wanting to make some extra money while their real jobs are off for the summer. And possibly to work off a little frustration, too, after a year of dealing with you little terrors!” Daddy gave us a playful wink, making us giggle. I wondered briefly... but no. Surely Daddy wouldn't hire any of our teachers, not even just for the summer, whatever the size of their dicks!

“But as I was saying... Juan can't take care of the boys' barn all by himself. Not for lack of trying... but no one man could, especially since the boys all seem to need it so much more often than the girls do, to keep them happy and paying to come back for more. Which means I need some of the other staff to be willing to go both ways, and I only have a limited number who are. And it's certainly not a job I want to do myself! We can alleviate some of the pressure by having ponies mount each other, sometimes; both boy-on-boy and boy-on-girl, as long as we're careful to make sure that everyone we pick to do so agreed to it when they were choosing their treatment packages. Another reason it's so important to learn the color codes, by the way! It actually works really well as a motivating tool, having the pony-boys compete with each other, and knowing the winner gets to fuck the loser when they're done! Or offering the winner his pick of the girls, instead, if he happens to be bi rather than gay. Or even 'straight'... though those ones pretty much always come with female trainers of their own, who generally aren't willing to share their toys with other girls. And I'm not sure any guy can really call himself 'straight' when he regularly takes a cock up his ass, anyways! But whatever, to each their own; they can call themselves whatever they want, as long as their checks clear. We have competitions for the girls sometimes, too, with the winner getting mounted and the loser having to suck the cum out of her after. But it tends not to be quite as effective for them, as it is for the boys. The important thing is, whatever the specifics, we never want to rely on pairing them up that way. The girls and boys both come here specifically to be trained by our staff, not by each other; it's one thing to occasionally supplement that training, but we can't ever let ourselves start to depend on that, or we risk losing a whole lot of customers in a hurry!”

We watched in silence, after that. Well... silence from us; the rest of the pony-girls were still neighing and stomping in their stalls as they watched one of their number getting fucked for her life. It seemed to take quite a while, if the one time I'd given a boy from our class a handjob at a party was any guide, which Julie had repeatedly assured me it was not. Then Scott was cumming, Sugar trembling and neighing her pleasure, obviously cumming along with him as she felt herself being filled. I really had to admire her control, staying in character even during orgasm! Of course, from what Daddy had said she'd also had a lot of practice doing precisely that!

Scott must have worked something out ahead of time with Daddy, because that was when he looked over at us, waving us over to join him. Julie and I looked nervously up at Daddy, but he just chuckled and reassuringly waved us forward, so we went. Scott pulled out and introduced himself, not even bothering to tuck himself away first before shaking our hands. But I guess that was the kind of thing Julie and I were going to have to get used to, if we were going to start helping with the business the way we'd decided we wanted to. He started showing us how all the straps and restraints worked, cautioning us that some of them were different than what we'd be working with most often, since everything he used with Sugar was custom, not the stuff Daddy supplied at the ranch. I tried my best to pay attention, because I really was interested and wanted to learn, but my eyes just kept drifting back to his thick, glistening cock, still mostly hard and covered with Sugar's juices. I found myself unconsciously licking my lips, wondering if her taste would live up to her name, and gave myself a vicious pinch on my side to make me pay attention to what I was supposed to be listening to again.

Once we had her out of her straps Scott had us help Sugar down onto her knees, as he stepped around in front and offered himself to her. She devoured him eagerly, making happy little noises as she sucked him clean, while Scott just kept talking to us like nothing unusual was happening, one hand on the back of her head, fingers spread around where her ponytail came out of the hole in her mask, slowly fucking her mouth. He was congratulating us on deciding to take such an active interest in our father's work, commenting on the benefits and drawbacks of different types of outfits and harness arrangements he'd tried out with Sugar before settling on the current versions he liked best. It was a long conversation; looking down through the binoculars I'd never had the slightest idea there was so much variety to choose from, but Scott was clearly an expert, and he was enjoying the opportunity to share his knowledge on the subject. He talked to us for so long, in fact, that not only did he have time to go fully soft, allowing him to fit himself completely inside of Sugar's mouth, but eventually he started getting hard again, and started making her bob up and down on his shaft, never once so much as pausing in our conversation. He did take a break when he started to cum; I watched intently as he tilted his head back and closed his eyes, listening to the grateful moans Sugar was making around his cock as she hungrily slurped down his load.

Then things really took a turn, as he helped her back up to her feet, and offered Julie and me permission to play with her if we liked. Even without Daddy's explanation of what that red bar meant, I'd have understood just from his tone and the look of surprise in Sugar's eyes what a big deal that was. And, I mean... I didn't want to be rude! And it wasn't like it was my first time touching another girl; Julie and I had figured out a long time ago that getting each other off resulted in way better orgasms than doing it for ourselves! But this was definitely different. Touching Julie almost was touching myself; we are identical, after all! But Sugar's pussy hardly could have been any more different, with big, thick, meaty-looking brown lips, not the tiny, trim little pink ones Julie and I shared. And her tits were enormous! And pierced! I really like ours; they're firm and perky, just big enough to really get a good grip on with your hands. And we have adorable little pink pencil-eraser nipples, even if I do say so myself! But I will say, playing with Sugar's... it was a fun change of pace! I'd never trade ours for hers, not in a million years... but that didn't mean I couldn't enjoy playing with them while we had the chance! I was loving the way she was preening at our touches, nickering and tossing her head. And she positively beamed every time Scott said 'good girl, Sugar-tits!', or praised her as 'a good old mare', lovingly fondling her ass as he said it, for her obedience at letting us molest her that way. Julie was more adventurous than I was; she actually fingered her, scooping out some of Scott's cum and feeding it back to her, giggling happily as Sugar greedily sucked on her fingers. The most I could bring myself to do was to try lifting her tits by her piercings, watching her nipples stretch and listening to her neigh approvingly as I explored just how much of their weight she'd be able to stand being supported that way. The answer, amazingly, was 'all of it'! I still felt a little bad afterwards that I'd done that to her, even though she clearly seemed to have enjoyed it, so I kissed her nipples to make them feel better. Then, intrigued by the sensation of her piercings on my lips, I couldn't help but suck on them a little, too, moving back and forth between her enormous, hanging titties, taking her thick, succulent nipples inside my mouth one after the other, rings and all! I could hardly believe how heavy her piercings felt as I pulled on them and flicked them up and down with my tongue! Scott even encouraged me to bite her, which I did... but I couldn't bring myself to do it nearly as hard as she seemed to want me to!

Julie and I stopped each other before we could get too carried away, Daddy coming up behind us when he saw us withdrawing, taking over the conversation for us since we were both too blown away in that moment to form much in the way of coherent speech. He thanked Scott and shook his hand (pointedly ignoring Sugar like she was a piece of furniture, which from the look in her eyes I was pretty sure was exactly what she wanted), then he took us back to the house. We needed time to process, he said, and I couldn't say I disagreed. He also said he'd arranged things so he could take the rest of the day off, and would be hanging around downstairs in case we needed to talk, either one at a time or together. But that his expected plan was to give us the day to talk to each other, instead, and that starting tomorrow he'd talk to us about what sort of involvement we each wanted to have with his work.

Needless to say, Julie and I absolutely went to town on each other with Mom's toys the moment we got back up to our room! And we kept doing each other, barely even taking time out to eat and drink, until long past it was time for bed. She even slept in my bed with me, which we hardly ever did anymore... and which we had never done while we were both completely naked before, drifting off together while sleepily fondling each other's pussies. We were each in complete agreement; whatever Daddy said to us in the morning, when it came time to discuss his plan... our plan was to be as completely involved in his business from then on out as it was possible to be!

And that, in short, is how we ended up here, not quite a year later, leading up to our birthday and determined to mark the occasion in style. I'd won our paper-rock-scissors, so I got to go first; we'd waited until the sun had set, but not so late that everything would be completely shut down for the night. It had been a balancing act, but I knew we'd chosen wisely. Julie had helped me get dressed up at the house; all but the mask, since we'd decided on the blinded version for tonight, to avoid even the chance of any of the real pony-girls being able to recognize me by my eyes. And the tail, of course, since I still wasn't very good at walking with a butt plug in! I'd never felt more exposed in my life... never been more exposed, my entire body completely out on display except for what was covered by my boots and gloves, my forearms strapped tightly together behind my back. Julie and I had even shaved our pussies for the occasion, which had been a new experience for us both. It felt weird... but not bad, actually, especially with the warm Texas breeze brushing over all my exposed, delicate little bits!

“Last chance to chicken out!” Julie warned.

“No way in hell!” I grinned with more confidence than I felt. We only had two days to do this; this was our chance, and we both knew it.

“Okay, then,” she grinned back, lifting my plug and offering it to my mouth. I sucked on it eagerly, swirling it with my tongue to get it nice and wet. It still hurt a bit as she slid it inside of me, making me wince, but I managed not to squeal; I was getting better at that, the more she and I practiced, though neither of us was ready to let the other try fucking our asses, yet! Then it was time for the mask. She gave me one last look at the color codes, so we could both confirm we'd gotten them exactly right. My hair went first, pushed carefully in through the hole, then the mask itself, stretching uncomfortably over my head and face until Julie finally got it positioned properly. It would have been a lot easier for me to do that, not her; that's how the normal pony-girls do it, and then they get help with their gloves after the mask's already on. But the gloves take time to get on properly, a lot of it... and standing outside the girls' barn was the most vulnerable part of the whole plan. So, she'd had to be the one putting my mask on for me, just before we went inside, since I'd be blind from the moment it was on; we hadn't wanted to risk the extra time it would have taken for me to walk all the way from the house to the barn without being able to see. The last touch was my ball gag, to make sure my voice would remain disguised in case I couldn't keep myself to neighs and whinnies as I was cumming. I heard the door to the barn opening, Julie taking my elbow in one hand and my ass in the other, giving me an encouraging little squeeze. I took a deep, steadying breath around my gag, and allowed her to guide me inside.

Our whole plan started developing two months previously, when we'd first encountered 'Stud' during spring break. That was what the hands had all started calling him. Really, his name was Woodrow Blake, and he went by 'Woody'- a nickname that could not have been any more appropriate, given what we knew about him! He was nineteen, bi, in the engineering program at UT... and hung like a damned mule! Nine and three-quarters inches, and thicker than Julie and I could wrap our hands around! He had a wonderful body, hard and chiselled... and he was cute, too, without his mask on, which certainly didn't hurt! Julie and I had pegged him with our strap-ons half a dozen times each in the week he'd been here. And neither of us had been able to stop ourselves from reaching around to stroke that thick, luscious cock of his with both hands while we'd been doing it, whether we were technically supposed to or not... licking our lips in envy as we watched him spewing ropes of wasted cum into the sand in front of the mounting harness at the center of the pony-boys' barn. No matter how often we or the other hands had mounted him, he just never seemed to run out! And we'd been so jealous of the pony-girls, when the hands brought him into the girls' barn instead, and started lining them up for him one after another, wanting to see how many he could handle before he either gave up, couldn't get hard again, or passed out. We'd even gotten the chance to peg him again, while he was inside a pony-girl this time... the hands had all really enjoyed watching that, even the ones who usually didn't participate in anything involving the pony-boys! But what Julie and I had really wanted, hadn't been possible. We mounted the ponies, or made them go down on us... never the other way around! It would have been bad enough if we'd just been hands... but we were the boss' daughters! For us, it was completely impossible!

But after Stud went back to Austin, Julie and I had started to think... and to plan! When we saw his new reservation on the computer, coming in Friday night, gone again Sunday evening... we just had to act while we had the chance!

“Come on now, Cummy-pie, don't be shy!” Julie rhymed loudly, stirring the other pony-girls in their stalls, using the name we'd chosen for ourselves as she guided me further into the barn. It had taken Julie and me ages to decide on one that wasn't already taken. I'd originally wanted 'Kitten', or maybe 'Peaches' or 'Lollipop', something really cute like that... but Julie had vetoed all three of them immediately. And I had to admit... 'Cummy-pie' was a much better name! Tonight, that was me; tomorrow, it would be her turn. There were benefits to being identical twins, and with a mask on nobody would be able to tell a swap had been made, not even those few who could normally tell us apart.

I could tell from the sound just how excited the ponies were to be seeing Julie again, after they'd been expecting to be done for the evening. They always loved it when she and I came to take care of them; we couldn't cum in them, like the boys could, but being girls ourselves (and Daddy's only two female employees) we had a special sense for how to get them off! And they really enjoyed it when we worked as a team; one twin getting her pussy eaten, while the other did them with a big, thick strap-on from behind! Turns out, boys aren't the only ones who enjoy that whole twin-fantasy thing!

“You don't know how lucky you are yet, Cummy-pie...” Julie said, ostensibly to me, but really to the rest of the ponies listening in.“But we have a special guest over in the pony-boys' barn tonight... Stud is back this weekend!”

I hadn't thought to check ahead of time, but the scattered whickers and stomps from around the barn told me there was some overlap of our guestlist tonight from the last time he'd been in town.

“Ah... that's right! Cookie, Honeypuss, Sweetie-buns, Buttercunt... you four were all here last time, weren't you? Well, don't you worry your pretty, cock-obsessed little heads! I'm sure the hands already have a pool running, for how many of you sluts he'll be able to mount before he has to leave again Sunday night. Just make sure you all perform extra well for your trainers this weekend; you're all going to be competing for spots at the top of Stud's list! But as for tonight... Cummy-pie just got here, one of those just-for-the-evening trial offers Daddy's started offering recently, and I already promised her we'd give her a night to remember before she has to go back home, so she gets to go first. As for the rest of you, especially those of you who haven't seen Stud performing before... just think of this as a free preview, so you can see for yourselves why you don't want to disappoint your trainers this weekend, and end up missing out! And for a few of you lucky sluts... let's say, whichever of you I determine to have the wettest, sloppiest little cunts after you're done watching Stud mounting our lovely little Cummy-pie here... you'll get your chance to try him out for yourselves, tonight, as soon as he's ready to go again! Now... let's just get you all hooked up here, shall we, Cummy-pie? Then I'll go collect your date for the evening!”

So, Sweetie-buns was here again, was she? Interesting... She'd only just been here last weekend, too! She must have been a last-minute booking, and had just arrived, because she certainly hadn't been here when Julie and I had left to go start getting me ready. We would have made sure we'd fucked her first, if she had been! 'Sweetie-buns' was Lizzy Tanaka, twenty-three, a gorgeous little Japanese girl barely taller than Julie and me... and our brand new English teacher, last semester at school! I hadn't even known Japanese girls could blush that brightly, the first time Julie and I had come walking into the barn and seen her all ponied-up in her stall! She'd tried to shy away from us, when we came to get her out... but we hadn't been about to put up with that! Julie and I made sure she had an extra-special time that weekend, barely giving her a second on her own to rest, or to think! Of course, we'd definitely had to sit her down after her booking was done and she was back in her street clothes, eventually calling in reinforcements by bringing Daddy in to assure her that he didn't think we needed to be transferred out of her class, either; that he trusted we could all be professional enough to keep school-life and ranch-life separate and distinct. It took some convincing... ending with him eventually getting annoyed at how long it was taking her to agree, thrusting himself up out of his chair to tower over her threateningly and ordering her back out of her clothes! It was like she was in some sort of trance as she looked submissively up into his eyes, her hands flashing to the buttons of her blouse, fumbling in her haste to comply. Daddy hadn't even taken the time to get her back into her pony outfit when she was done; he'd just picked her up, thrown her over his shoulder, and carried her, caveman-style, back over to the barn for one last session, with him this time, to help her 'make up her mind'. Julie figured that must have been what she'd been angling for all along... If so, I suppose I couldn't fault her for it. But she definitely got more than she'd been bargaining for! She was so wobbly on her feet when they eventually came back out again that she couldn't even stand up by herself without Daddy's arm around her, his hand cupping that pretty little ass that had given her her pony name. It had been such a lovely shade of pink from the spanking he'd just given her while mounting her, the copious evidence of which was still slowly dripping out of her and making sticky rivulets down her inner thighs. Daddy had left her in our care again, and once she'd recovered the power of speech and been reminded of what we'd been asking her for in the first place, she'd agreed readily enough! Julie and I couldn't have been happier; we really liked her... both as a teacher and as the reluctant but surprisingly talented little pussy-licker she'd turned out to be! It would have been a real shame if we'd had to stop having her as one or the other. She wasn't technically our teacher anymore, since the change of semester... but Julie and I loved the way she still blushed a little every time she saw us, even if we were just passing her in the hall at school. And she'd been coming back to the ranch with gradually-increasing frequency all year long. Of all our ponies, I was really glad she was there to watch my first time... even if she had no idea it was actually me under that hood, or that I was about to be losing my virginity right in front of her as she watched! Julie and I got so much enjoyment out of watching her getting mounted, even when we weren't the ones using our strap-ons on her ourselves! I was thrilled that I was going to have the chance to put on a show for her, for a change!

I could feel Julie bending down at my side, guiding me into spreading my feet wide in my heels for her before she started on my restraints. Everything she'd said was part of the plan; me being there just for the one evening explained why I wouldn't be sleeping on a cot in a stall that night like all the others. Of course, after spending an evening with Stud Cummy-pie would just have to schedule an immediate follow-up visit, so Julie could have her turn with him, too! We'd even gone online, stolen a photo of some random girl whose fiery red hair, slender build, and perky B-cup titties were a close enough match to our own, using her to create a fake profile for Cummy-pie. The 'real' name we'd chosen was Mary Smith, so common it was guaranteed to frustrate any efforts to look her up online, just in case. She'd just recently turned eighteen, was a community college student and a former gymnast and high school swimmer and cheerleader... and although this part wasn't included in her profile, she was about to prove herself an absolute fiend for taking big, thick, pony-boy cock up her tight, bald little pony-girl fuck-hole!

Julie and I both wanted the full experience, which meant she was really going all out with the restraints, bending me slightly more than horizontal at my waist, essentially leaving me hanging from my shoulders and elbows, with my cute little tail-sporting ass thrust temptingly up into the air. She even got the waist-halter out, a padded belt she cinched tightly over my hips and secured to the posts behind me and to my sides, so Stud would be able to mount me as hard as he liked without me going anywhere! My only regret was that my nipples weren't pierced, so although I was able to wear the cute, tinkly little silver bells Julie and I had found in Mom's toy chest, we'd had to resort to using the nipple clamps we'd found as an intermediary, rather than attaching them directly the way they were clearly meant to be. I gladly would have gotten pierced for real, and so would Julie... but Daddy had put his foot down hard on that, the one time we'd suggested it, and neither of us had even considered disobeying him; even if we'd wanted to, there was precisely zero chance of us getting away with it with the way our braless nipples were always showing through the thin little shirts we normally wore in the Texas heat.

I was already sopping wet by the time Julie finally finished restraining me, but she spent several long minutes playing with my tits and pussy anyways, getting me even more ready, before she finally gave me a parting slap on my ass and left to go get Stud for me. I'm not sure how much of that was really for my benefit, and how much for the watching pony-girls... but I'd enjoyed it either way.

I felt so vulnerable, tied up and out on display, without Julie there to protect me if anyone walked in and saw me like that! They wouldn't... that had been the whole point of waiting this late in the evening, after all! But that didn't stop me from thinking about it! About some random ranch hand, finding me like that, walking over to me, touching, pinching... mounting me! Taking advantage the same way they would with any other pony-girl, without even knowing it was actually one of their boss' virgin daughters they were fucking! It would have been so much safer if Julie had been able to take me into the boys' barn, instead, so she wouldn't have had to leave me here like this while she went to go get Stud... but pony-girls were never taken over there, only the other way around. Breaking that rule would have been guaranteed to draw unwanted attention and scrutiny, which was the last thing we wanted to risk!

Thankfully, I didn't have to wait long before I heard the distinctive sound of the barn door once more, my tight little pussy dripping with anticipation at what was about to happen to me!

“My, my, my... what have we here, left all alone in the barn without anyone to look after you?” I heard. That voice, Daddy's voice, froze me in place more thoroughly than any number of restraint straps ever could! He stepped closer, his steps graceful and almost silent on the floor of the barn, strange for such a tall, heavily-muscled man. I'd never noticed that about him before, the way he could walk so quietly. His hand touched my neck, and I could feel him bending down beside me, confirming I was marked green. Which of course I'd had to be, given what Julie and I had planned. The ponies knew the codes just as well as the staff; they'd have known immediately that something was wrong, if my colors didn't match up with what they saw being done to me. Knowing then that he could do as he wanted with me, Daddy's big, strong hand quickly found my ass, kneading, squeezing... I moaned despite myself at that touch, trembling violently in my restraints as thoughts of what might be about to happen, what I had no way of stopping from happening, rushed through my mind. Then he was gone, stepping over to the small workbench over by the wall, by the sound of him.

“'Cummy-pie'?” he chuckled. He was checking the tablet we kept over there, looking up the number from my mask to see who this mysteriously late-arriving new filly was. “Well... not yet, maybe, but we'll soon see what we can do about that! We haven't met, but my name's Erik, and this is my ranch. Though of course you won't be needing to know that name, except possibly when you call to make your appointments. Once you're here, and dressed- or should I say undressed- a whinny and a stomp of your hoof will be all the communication you'll need. Or be permitted, until the duration of your booking's expired! I see here you spoke with one of my daughters, Juliette, for your intake interview, and to sign all your forms... all of which look to be in order, of course; my girls are nothing if not conscientious in their work!”

I heard the gentle clatter of the tablet back onto the bench, and then he was behind me again, both hands starting to explore me this time, and not restraining themselves to just my butt anymore, either!

“My, what a lovely, perky little pair of filly-teats you have here, Cummy-pie!” He growled his approval, grinding himself against my ass through his pants as he reached up around my sides to fondle my breasts, my thighs trembling uncontrollably at the unrestrained sexiness and desire in his voice and manner. Would he feel any differently if he know it was his own daughter he was taking such enjoyment in feeling up? “And decorated so nicely for me, too!” He gave one of my bells a gentle little flick of his finger, setting it to jingling sweetly. “I imagine Julie probably told you she was going to go fetch one of the staff boys for you... I can't imagine she'd have left you here alone like this, otherwise! But I must say... I'm glad I wandered in here, instead! I get so busy, simply running this place... but I do enjoy keeping my hand in, when I have the time! Especially with any of our newer guests, such as yourself! No better way to get to know one another, I've always believed!”

I heard the zipper, felt him lifting my tail out of his way. Then the hot, spongy flesh of his cockhead rubbing gently up and down between my delicate little lips, my vulnerable, defenseless pussy responding with eager lubrication (whatever I might have thought about it!) as he stroked himself against me, preparing us both...

Julie and I may still have both been virgins, technically speaking... but only because neither of us had ever actually had sex with a boy before! Unless you wanted to count using a strap-on on various pony-boys, I suppose. We were certainly no strangers to fucking each other, though! We had used, at one point or another, every single one of Mom's toys on one another... even that huge, scary-looking demon-shaped thing we found in the very bottom of her box! But I had never, ever felt anything like this before! My God, Daddy was huge! Or at least thick! But as he slowly began thrusting, grasping my hips, carefully working more and more of himself inside of me... I realized just how big he must be, too! He was going slow, being careful... but every time I thought he must almost be done, he just kept gently pushing and stretching me, slowly giving me more and more of that enormous daddy cock!

Not that his size was coming as a complete surprise, mind you; Julie and I knew he must be fairly big, at a minimum, just from the satisfied look of exhaustion on the pony-girls' faces after he was done with them, if from nothing else. But he'd always been careful not to let us see him directly, just like he never watched us while we were working, either. She and I had discussed our theories on the subject, repeatedly... but neither of us had ever suspected he might be this big! I couldn't tell for sure, not without actually seeing it... but he'd finally bottomed out, making me neigh into my gag and stamp my foot as he pressed himself fully against my ass, making me feel his entire length inside of me. He had to be at least ten inches; Mom's biggest dildo was only nine (Julie and I had measured) and this definitely felt bigger! Well... she'd actually had one toy that was even longer still, I suppose; an enormous, floppy, double-ended thing which Julie and I sometimes shared together... so I had some frame of reference for the depth he was reaching inside of me. That one wasn't even close to as thick as Daddy was, though, and not remotely as hard, either, so it felt completely different than the absolute monster of a cock that was inside me now!

Daddy gave me a few more exploratory thrusts, still slow but growing progressively more forceful, until it felt like he was bursting the air from my lungs on every one. Then, once he'd reassured himself that I could take it, he really started giving it to me!

My God, he was incredible! The rest of the pony-girls were really getting into watching, too; neighing and stomping like crazy, knocking their hooves against the gates of their stalls, throwing up every sort of unimaginable clatter they could manage as my bells tinkled beautifully, dangling off the nibs of my violently bouncing titties. I understood them completely, despite the inherently schizophrenic nature of what they were feeling; on the one hand, they were celebrating that one of their number was getting so well and thoroughly mounted, and that it was happening right in front of them where they could watch... while at the same moment they were complaining, each one wishing desperately that it was her getting fucked, instead!

My first orgasm arrived in absolute record time, and he didn't even slow down, much less stop a minute for me to recover, like I was used to Julie and me doing for each other! He just kept doing me, hard, fast, and deep... his hips slapping loudly into my ass, his big, heavy balls smacking roughly against my poor, vulnerable little clitty, making me squeal into my gag as she started pleasantly burning from the repeated abuse she was taking. And throughout it all his hands just kept moving, travelling back and forth between my tits and my ass, caressing and squeezing everything he touched, making me feel so sexy, so desired!

And he was being so vocal while he was doing it, too! Complimenting me on my body, praising me for being so tight, and wet... telling me what a good job I was doing taking his cock, asking me if I liked getting my tight little pussy stretched out that way, prompting my appreciative neighs and stomps... That was the job, of course; anybody could just fuck (assuming they'd been blessed with a sufficiently-sized appendage), but our ponies came to us for the whole experience! And Daddy, I was now learning, was a master at it! Which I supposed he ought to be, considering it was his ranch, and that he'd been the one who'd taught all the others their jobs. I remember being a little annoyed, when Julie and I had first started, that he'd farmed us off to go watch the hands instead of teaching us himself. I'd understood, of course; we were his daughters, and he'd wanted to maintain some degree of sexual distance, even given the demands of our new occupation. I'd still been annoyed, though... but not any more! This was how I was meant to experience the master at his work! Watching him doing somebody else... it just wouldn't have been the same!

I was still in a bit of disbelief that Daddy was using his own daughter's tight little virgin pussy this way, even if he had no idea that was what he was really doing... but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't feeling more than a little proud, too, of how much he seemed to be enjoying himself! What was happening was so wrong... but it wasn't like there was anything I could do about it! And if it was going to happen anyways... I wanted to at least be good for him! No... I wanted to be more than that. I wanted to service him, to please him... I wanted to be the best! I wanted to pleasure that huge, thick daddy cock like no one else! To take it deep, to squeeze it, and milk it, with the tight, wet walls of my tiny little teenage pussy! I wanted to earn Daddy's cum, for Cummy-pie to become his favorite little filly fuck-toy of all time! I wanted to see his face every single morning over breakfast, scrolling through our booking list for the day... hoping to see Cummy-pie's name again, and never, ever knowing it was his own daughter who'd secretly been the best little pony-girl fuck he'd ever had!

It was so dirty, having thoughts like that... but I just couldn't stop them from running over and over through my mind, driving me into orgasm after orgasm nearly as effectively as Daddy's thick, pounding cock! Was this how all the pony-girls felt, when they had a pussy full of their trainer's cock? Was this drive to please, to be the best, that I was feeling, part of what kept them all coming back for more? Maybe so... or maybe it was just the God-damned amazing fucking sex! I honestly don't even know how many times Daddy made me cum! The first few, I could keep track of pretty easily, wanting to give Julie an accurate account when I told her all about this later. But after they started arriving quicker together, eventually to the point where I couldn't even be sure where one stopped and the next began, I stopped even trying to count.

Daddy held out a really long time, too. Much longer than Scott had done, that very first time Daddy had brought us to the barn to watch. Longer even than any of the farmhands who Julie and I habitually worked alongside. I suppose some of that may have just been my flawed perception, given the state I found myself in... but I was pretty confident. And I was really starting to wonder what was keeping Julie! She should have been back ages ago, if she'd just gone to collect Stud for me!

But then I thought about it some more, and I could have kicked myself for not considering it when we'd been doing our planning! Of course it was taking a while! It was Stud's first night back with us, and Juan, if no one else, would definitely be taking advantage of that fact. He loved it when he got to fuck a guy with a nice, big cock... the bigger the better, as far as he was concerned, and Stud was the only client I'd ever seen at the farm who was hung even better than Juan was! Though neither of them, nor any of the hands, was a match for Daddy, I was now learning. If my estimate of his size was anywhere even close to being accurate, he was bigger than any of them!

Finally... when I'd all but completely collapsed into my restraints from the ordeal Daddy had been putting me through, and was seriously starting to worry that we might be there all night together... finally, it was time!

“Oh, here it comes, Cummy-pie!” he growled, firmly spanking my ass and making me jump; I was so far beyond being able to whinny or neigh anymore, but he didn't seem to mind. “Time to make that name a reality! Oh, yes! Oh! Oh, God!” He thrust into me deep, harder than he'd ever done yet, making me squeal into my gag as the padded waist-halter dug deeply into my hips, the huge, molten lava flood bursting up inside of me! Oh, God that was good! My eyes rolled back in my head (not that he could see them under my mask) as the feeling of my own Daddy cumming deep inside of me completely blew me away, interrupting the orgasm I'd already been right in the middle of, launching me to the absolutely stratospheric heights of the most intense one yet! My most intense orgasm ever!

“Oh, take it, you filthy filly whore!” he barked, spanking me again as he unloaded more and more of that potent daddy seed up inside of me. Even through the fire of my orgasm, I swear I could feel it as it was shooting out of him, the hot, thick fluid being forced deeper and deeper up inside of me as still more of it was pumping in from behind. “Take that cum! I'm going to fucking breed you, you little pony slut! This farm is going to be fucking full of the little fillies and colts you're going to give me out of this tight, wet little pony-girl cunt!” He groaned one last time, and then he was done, gasping and clutching at my ass to support himself as he tried to recover his breath, my own orgasm slowly fading over the next minute or so as well. It was an empty threat, of course. All the pony-girls were confirmed to be on some form of birth control before they were allowed onto the farm; we took that almost as seriously as we did the regular STD tests. For Julie and me too, now that we'd started working around so much constant sex all the time; Daddy was a realist, and virgins or not, he believed in his daughters being prepared. Which was a very good thing, considering the truly enormous amount of cum he'd just pumped up inside of my fertile young womb!

It was taking me a really long to get my breathing back under control, thanks to that stupid ball gag I'd been so insistent on! I was slowly getting myself back together though, when Daddy leaned carefully down over my back, his cock still buried deep inside his daughter's no longer virgin pussy. He must have been supporting himself with a hand on the wooden frame, to keep from falling on top of me, his other arm wrapping around my chest to start fondling my breast again, making my bell softly jingle as he brought his lips down to kiss my mask over my ear.

“Did you like that... Jessie-bear?” he whispered. “You like having your Daddy's hot, incestuous cum flooding this tiny little teenaged pussy? Filling you up with my seed? Breeding your needy little pony-whore cunt?”

I gasped, my blood turning to ice as I heard him using the pet name he'd had for me when I was little, and I started to tremble; the shock of his words, of learning that he'd known it was me, his own daughter, who he'd been fucking all along... sending me into one last, totally unexpected and unbelievably intense orgasm, every bit as strong as the one he'd triggered by cumming in me!

“Good girl!” he praised in a low, sexy murmur none of the others would hear. “That's it! Cum for Daddy! Cum on Daddy's cock!” Like I had a choice! He squeezed my breast even harder as I involuntarily obeyed his command... until I heard the sound of the barn door opening again, and he pushed himself up to stand straight. I could feel him twisting around to look at the new arrival... he did not pull himself out of me, however, for which I was eternally grateful as I continued uncontrollably cumming all over my daddy's huge, amazing dick!

“Ah, Julie!” he greeted her as if nothing was amiss, continuing to stroke and squeeze my ass through the long, drawn-out end of my orgasm and the ensuing aftershocks as he spoke. “There you are! And with Stud in tow, I see, which explains some things; I was wondering who left this new filly in here, all tied up and unattended! But not to worry; as long as I was here anyways, I figured I'd take care of this one myself! And your timing actually couldn't have been better; I just finished cumming in her, before I heard you at the door! So just give me another minute or so to enjoy this tight little pony-cunt's afterglow, first, and then I'll get her out of your way for you and let you get on with getting the next one ready for him.”

“Oh, no, Daddy... I can do that!” Julie gulped, and I hoped it was just twin-sensitivity making me realize how distraught she sounded at what she'd just walked in on, and not anything the rest of the pony-girls might notice. “You just go on back to the house! I'll get her all sorted out and taken care of for you!”

“Nonsense!” I could feel him shaking his head. “You've got plenty on your plate already! Where's that sister of yours, by the way? She should be out here helping you with all this!” God... he was enjoying this way too much!

“Uhhh... not sure,” she hemmed. “Haven't seen her lately. Doing homework up at the house, maybe? I'm sure she's around somewhere.”

“Well, I suppose I can't fault her for that. Can't have you girls letting your schoolwork slide, just because you're working for me now, too!” Finally he pulled out, leaving me empty and whimpering, not even the desperate nature of our situation enough to distract me from the unpleasant feeling of no longer having him inside of me. I could sense him tucking himself away behind me, careful as always not to let Julie see, hearing his zipper before he moved around beside me and went to work unfastening my straps.

“Are you sure you don't want me to do that, Daddy?” Julie tried again. “I'm sure you've got more important stuff you could be doing, and I really don't mind taking over now that you're done with her.”

“Not at all,” he said, and I could just imagine the way he must have been smiling and shaking his head. “I actually think I'm going to take this one over to the house, and make her a nice big cup of hot chocolate, let her relax a little before we send her on her way. She's just here for the evening, you know... and frankly, I can't possibly send her back to her car in the state she's in right now! It would be worse than letting her drive drunk!”

“Okay, then,” Julie sighed, the defeat and worry in her voice as obvious as the nose on her face... at least to me. I felt her coming up on my other side, helping Daddy with my straps. I knew she was thinking furiously, trying to find some way of getting me away from him before he could discover my true identity... and coming up as completely blank as I would have been, had our places been reversed. Not that it really mattered, except for how it was making her feel in that moment; the thing she was so desperately trying to keep Daddy from finding out, he somehow already knew!

Daddy wrapped his arm around my back to guide and steady me once the two of them had me freed, leaning me against his side with his hand tightly clutching my ass as he led me away. We got about ten blind, hesitating steps out the door of the barn before he simply swept me up into his arms and carried me the rest of the way. I had no choice but to trust that he knew what he was doing, and that nobody else was around to see; any other pony-girl, he'd have made walk! He sat me crosswise down in his lap when we arrived, the familiar sounds and smells of our kitchen all around us as he struggled with my gag and mask, finally getting them off for me and letting me look at him.

“I'm sorry, Daddy...” I began with a whimper, blinking in the light, but he shooshed me comfortingly with a fingertip over my lips before I could even get started.

“It's okay, baby,” he rumbled, holding me tight in his arms and pushing my head against his shoulder, kissing my hair. “It's all okay, you did nothing wrong. Neither of you girls did anything wrong!”

“But-” I began again, only to be shooshed once more.

“Let me explain my part, first, okay? Then you can talk,” he smiled reassuringly. “You know about the security cameras in there... but I guess I never told you there's a motion sensor, too. I have it aimed to just cover the arena, so the girls can still move around their own stalls without setting it off, but it's set up to send an alert to my cell if it ever detects movement after we're supposed to be shut down for the night. Which is how I knew to 'wander' in there tonight, when I saw Julie tying you up and leaving you all alone. To go pick up that 'Stud' you two like so much, I assumed at the time, and I see now I was right. But no matter, really. Your 'disguise', such as it is, may have been good enough to trick all those little pony sluts we had watching us tonight... maybe even most of the hands, as long as they didn't get too close to you, and as long as you and Julie really sold it with the way you both acted. But it was never going to be good enough to fool me! And even if it had been, it certainly wouldn't have the moment I saw these!” He lifted his hand, cupping the underside of my breast and giving me a gentle little jiggle, sweetly tinkling the bell I was still wearing dangling from my nipple. “You didn't think I might recognize your mother's wedding present from me, when I saw you wearing them?”

“Oh!” I exclaimed, feeling embarrassed not to have known somehow, but that was one detail Mom hadn't included in her diary. “We didn't know they were a wedding present... and you were never supposed to see them at all! Julie and I just found them in Mom's sex-toy chest, in the room with all her stuff, and we thought they'd look sexy.”

“They definitely did that... on your mother, and on you!” he grinned, making me smile shyly at the compliment and comparison with Mom. “They are real silver though, and they mean a lot to me, just like they did to her. So of course you and Julie are welcome to wear them, if you like, but just be really careful not to lose them when you do! And speaking of wearing them, before I forget; now that I've seen first hand how sexy you look, I may be willing to reconsider my stance on letting you get your nipples pierced, if you decide you still want to.

“But before you divert me too much further afield; I assume you're wondering how I knew it was you, and not Julie?” he asked, and I nodded silently. “Well, I didn't, not until I got in there. The cameras are good, but they aren't that good; I can only tell you two apart when I see you in person. And the mask was an obstacle, I'll admit; it could have tripped me up, if I wasn't prepared to cheat. But I have one other little trick for telling you apart, that I doubt you girls even know about.” He slid his hand down to my ass, and started tracing a little V-shape with his fingertip, over and over again, on the curve of my right cheek. “You probably don't remember, but when you were barely four years old you fell, playing out in the yard, and managed to find the one nasty, sharp little rock that your mother and I had somehow missed clearing out of your play area, hiding under the grass. You howled, let me tell you! As did your sister, and your mother, at the sight of all that blood on you! I would recognize this scar, and the adorable little tooshie it's attached to, anywhere! Though I must admit... it is much, much sexier than the last time I saw it naked!”

“And you just...” I trailed off. He didn't shoosh me this time... I just didn't know what to say.

“Couldn't stop myself from having my way with you, when I walked into the barn and saw you all ponied up and prepared like that? Even though I knew it was you?” he sighed, suddenly growing serious. “I suppose that would be the simpler version. But the truth is... I made up my mind before I ever set foot in that barn tonight. The moment I saw you girls on my phone I knew exactly what you were up to. And it turned my stomach, thinking of you giving your virginities to some random little pony-boy, whatever you thought of his cock! I just couldn't let that happen... not when it could be me, instead,” he sighed again. “I'm sorry, baby. It was selfish, and wrong, to do that to you, especially to do it without even talking to you about it first. You may technically have been giving me permission, with that green on your collar... but I knew that wasn't what you intended. I won't blame you if you hate me for it, baby... I won't even say I don't deserve it! All I can offer as an explanation is... I just couldn't let you go through with it the way you'd planned! I'm sorry, baby... but when I saw what you were about to do, I just had to have you for myself, instead!”

“I don't hate you, Daddy.” I whispered, nuzzling into his neck, hating to see him in such obvious distress, his eyes so full of guilt and regret. This whole situation was still so messed up... but how could I blame him for what he'd done, when I'd ended up enjoying it so much? Not to mention how flattering it was, that he'd wanted me so badly that he just hadn't been able to stop himself! And Daddy was right; whether I'd intended it that way or not, I had technically invited him to do it, by wearing that green on my collar. Would I really have done any differently, in his place? It wasn't like I'd never fucked Julie before, and that was mostly the same thing as what he'd just done to me. “I may not be sure of much, right now... but I do know that!” I sighed too. “I guess I just don't know what I'm supposed to be feeling!”

“Christ, baby!” he barked in a laugh, vigorously shaking his head. “You think I give a damn what you're supposed to be feeling? What either of us are supposed to be feeling? Screw! That! Shit! I care about how you are feeling, baby, not about how you're supposed to!”

“I...” I stopped, feeling the blush burning in my cheeks, almost as strong as the fear paralyzing my belly. But I had to, didn't I? After what had just happened... I at least owed him the truth, if nothing else! Come what may as a result. “I feel...” Freeze. Nope, no good. Okay; deep breath, close my eyes to concentrate, and try again. “I feel like I want it to happen again, Daddy!” I whispered. There! Success!

“You do?” he asked. I opened my eyes and looked up, and the hope I saw, tentative and shy, mirroring my own... melted my fear in an instant.

“Not right now, you big dummy!” I giggled, shaking my head. I couldn't smack him, with my arms still bound behind my back... but I could bonk his shoulder with my head, hard, as I saw the wicked hint of a gleam starting in his eyes, my cheeks flaming into what must have been a brilliant pink blush. “I think you might actually kill me, if you did me like that again without letting me recover properly, first! But... soon, Daddy.” I smiled shyly. “I promise, just as soon as we can... and after we've figured out what we're going to say to Julie!”

“Yeah... that may be just a bit of a problem,” he agreed, his rampant enthusiasm of only moments before fading into dread as he considered the scale of the task before us. “She knows that you and I had sex... and that you knew it was me while it was happening. She doesn't know I knew it was you... though she has to assume I'm about to find out, the moment I get your mask off. That much, it would be easy enough to write off as an honest mistake, if I just claimed your little deception actually worked, and I didn't know it was you. The trick is going to be, how do we go from there... to telling her we intend to keep on having sex with each other, moving forward? Ideally without her flying completely off the handle, calling every police agency known to man, and getting me carted off to prison for the next twenty years?”

“I'm less worried about that, actually,” I smirked; that was so not going to happen, no matter how badly we might botch the upcoming conversation with her. “I just meant we need to figure out how we're going to phrase our invitation for her to join us!”

“You think?” he gasped, and started scowling in concentration and thought. But I could see the wheels turning; he certainly wasn't opposed to the idea!

“Call it a strong hunch, at this point.” I giggled again. She and I had never actually discussed it, of course, not even in theory, not beyond pure curiosity about how big we each thought his cock might be. But there was no way she'd want to be left out, not once she knew I was getting regular fuckings as good as the one Daddy had just given me out in the barn! Part of me didn't want to ask her, wanted to keep Daddy all to myself... but that part of me is a stupid, selfish bitch, and she doesn't get a vote. “I think it would be more than that, if she knew how many times you just finished making me cum! Or if she knew just how big you are, for that matter! And just how big are you, by the way? Since I still haven't actually seen it yet, thanks to that stupid mask!”

“I'm actually kinda wondering about that myself, now that you mention it,” Julie replied, stepping out from around the corner, shrugging and grinning shyly in response to the looks we were giving her. “I texted Connor... he enjoyed watching Stud work nearly as much as Jess and I did, the last time he was here, and I figured I needed to get back to the house as quick as I could, so I came as soon as he got down to the barn to take over for me. Don't know what I was expecting... but it wasn't... this!” she said with a smirking grin, waving her hand in a circle at us, as if to encompass the entire situation we now found ourselves in.

“Uhhh... how much did you just hear, exactly?” I asked nervously, stalling. I'd wanted more time to think about how to do this, first, but now the moment was here. “Before you came around the corner?”

“Enough to put it together, I think,” she smiled, spinning a chair around and sitting down with her legs spread around it, crossing her arms over the top and leaning forward against the back as she stared back and forth between us. “I'm still a little fuzzy on the details... on exactly when and how Daddy figured out it was one of us he was fucking, for instance... though I think I'm starting to have a pretty good idea. And based on how little screaming and crying is going on right now, I think it's safe to assume you're both actually okay with everything that just happened out there... One might actually say more than okay with it, even, judging from the way the two of you are sitting all cuddled up like that still. So... put it all together with that bit I heard at the end... Is one of you going to ask, or are you going to make me be the one to do it?”

I grinned, glancing up at Daddy, getting his reassuring nod and a smile. I smiled too, happy to be the one to do it as I looked back at her. “Would you like to have sex with Daddy and me, Julie-bug?” My turn to use Daddy's old pet names for us.

“Just you try and stop me!” she giggled, popping out of her seat and throwing herself into my lap, nearly overbalancing all three of us as she threw her arms around Daddy's neck and attacked him with a big, wet, sloppy kiss straight on the lips. He managed to spread his legs out for balance and catch us all, just barely. He returned Julie's kiss, laughing with relief, then giving me one too before patting us on our asses to shoo us up out of his lap, where he and Julie could finish stripping me out of the rest of my pony-girl outfit. They left my nipple clamps for last, of course, Julie playfully taking them off for me with her mouth, making Daddy laugh again. Then it was her turn, and since she didn't have any clamps to take off, once we had her naked I just sucked on her nipples directly. Watching that got Daddy to make a happy-sounding moan for my troubles, rather than just a laugh like Julie had managed, along with earning us a lovely fondling of our asses while I was doing it. Then, once we were both naked, it was Daddy's turn; I'd at least had some warning, from feeling him inside me, but it didn't stop me from gasping just as loudly as Julie did when we finally saw that enormous python springing out of his boxers!

“Oh my God!” Julie sighed almost reverently as she tentatively took the soft, heavy flesh into her hands. “Just how big is it?”

“Your mom had that exact same look on her face, the first time she saw it.” Daddy chuckled. “Insisted on measuring, too, before she'd agree to try taking it. Eleven and a half, was her verdict. When it's hard, that is. Although, with the way her hands were shaking trying to hold her ruler at the time, who's to say?” he smirked.

God! I'd actually under-estimated just how big he was? I couldn't believe it! I'd had almost an entire foot of that thick daddy dick forcing itself up my tiny little teenaged twat, over and over again, just as hard and deep as he could give it to me... and I'd actually lived to tell the tale! No wonder Mom had been so sure this new business idea of hers would work out so well! I bet girls would pay just about anything, to get fucked by a cock like Daddy's! I knew I sure would!

“God, Jess...” Julie sighed again, slowly shaking her head. “Just how much of it were you even able to take?”

“The whole thing,” I murmured, equal parts shy and proud as I recounted my astonishing feat.

“No!” She gasped, her eyes going wide with disbelief.

“It's true,” Daddy confirmed with a grin, slowly stroking our hair. “I could hardly believe it either... and I'm sure it wasn't easy for her, but she managed every last inch! She was phenomenal!”

“Thank you, Daddy,” I smiled, my cheeks burning happily at such praise, as I leaned in and gave him a soft, slow kiss right on the head of his cock as he lay in Julie's hands. He was pretty much cleaned off already, from contact with his boxers, but I thought I could detect maybe just a hint of my own juices still... and I definitely liked it, one more reminder of what he'd done to me! Then I looked at Julie's expression again, and I just had to laugh. “What's wrong? Suddenly remembering we're twins, and that Daddy's going to expect you to be able to take it all, too?” She nodded apprehensively, and I laughed even more, wrapping her in a sisterly hug and kissing her cheek. “Don't worry! Daddy wasn't wrong, it was anything but easy, getting him in there! But it was so, so worth it, believe me! You're going to love it, just you wait and see!”

“Who said anything about waiting?” Daddy then grinned, reaching down to take us by our hands, pulling us up to our feet. Julie was still looking like somebody had hit her in the head with a frying pan, but she snapped out of it when Daddy started chasing us up the stairs to his room, pinching and spanking all the way, making us squeal. He pushed me down on the bed first, on my back, then Julie on top of me. He lifted her up to place her knees on either side of my hips, moving in behind her... then leaned down, and started to lick! Julie moaned and trembled happily, and I was jealous... but not too bad. Of course he hadn't been able to do the same to me, when we'd both been pretending that I was just another pony-girl, so I couldn't take it personally. Besides... the way things were going, it wasn't like there weren't going to be plenty more chances, from there on out!

Soon he was pushing himself up to his knees, his obvious enjoyment of tonguing her having gotten him hard again, and he started doing to her just the same as he'd done to me out in the barn. It was so strange, seeing all the same expressions on her face that I must have been making, behind my pony-girl mask. Although... it actually wasn't quite the same; his sex-talk was decidedly more lovey-dovey and reassuring with her than anything he'd been able to do with me, with the other ponies there to overhear. And he couldn't be as forceful, not without bouncing her up the bed and pounding her into his headboard, since he didn't have the restraints to help hold her in place. But Julie didn't seem to mind, and anything she was missing in roughness, I was confident I was helping make up for in cuddles and kisses. She certainly wasn't complaining, at any rate! I was already looking forward to my next turn, so I could try it that way, too!

By the time Daddy finally came in her, she was basically just a big sweaty pile of satisfied goo, flopping bonelessly down on top of me once he pulled out and let go of her hips. I had to ask for help getting her off of me, since I was still feeling the aftereffects of what he'd done to me, and was too weak to do it myself at the moment. Daddy laughed, pulling her off of me and wriggling his way into place between us, laying on his back with me on his left and Julie on his right. He cuddled us tightly to his sides under his arms, our heads resting on his chest, Julie and I sharing a soft, sleepy grip on that amazing, cum-slippery cock of his as he took turns kissing our hair.

But Daddy didn't let us stay there forever, only until we'd recovered enough to move again. Then he chased us up and into his bathroom, telling us to go pee to avoid UTIs (which I already knew, from caring for the pony-girls, but which I'd temporarily forgotten in the aftermath of everything that had happened). I felt my cheeks starting to burn as he walked right in on us while I was still midway through my turn sitting down... but I didn't really mind. I felt so... domesticated! Like a good little housewifey, sharing space with my man. Just like Mom must have used to feel, and I'm sure Julie felt the same. He had our toothbrushes in hand, and when I realized what he'd done I loved that he'd gone to get them for us, bringing them (and us!) into his bathroom, instead of sending us back to ours, even just to get ready for bed. I wiped and stood, joining Julie at the sink to wash and start to brush, as Daddy took his turn. He was so loud, draining that enormous snake of his! Julie and I couldn't keep from giggling as we stood there looking at each other in Daddy's mirror, mouths full of frothy paste. Daddy finished, stepping in between us. He at least washed his hands, first, before giving us firm, wet slaps on our asses, making us squeal. We just giggled even harder, rubbing gently up against his sides as he started brushing, too.

Then it was back to bed in the same positions as before, except with minty-fresh breath for kisses and pulling up the sheet this time, Julie and I again sharing a loving, possessive grip on our new favorite toy. We all shared our love for each other, wished each other good night, and settled happily down to sleep.

I was so comfortable and exhausted I was drifting off in moments, no matter how much I wished I could just lay there awake, luxuriating in Daddy's embrace. I had time for just a few stray thoughts before sleep arrived to take me. The first was that I no longer had any desire to play around with Stud, nor anyone else who wasn't my Daddy. I'd still happily peg him up his ass, and probably still stroke him off while I was doing it... that was still a nice cock, after all, and it deserved some special attention! But my pussy was for Daddy, now! All my holes were... or would be, once Julie and I had a chance to try sucking him off, and then eventually worked up enough courage to offer him our asses, too! Although it was definitely going to be a while before either of us was ready to try that!

The second thought was that 'Cummy-pie' was absolutely going to be making some new appointments, and soon! Not to play with any of the hands, of course, and certainly not any of the pony-boys! But I'd really enjoyed the feeling of all those horny, frustrated pony-girls watching Daddy mounting me, wishing like hell they were me... and Julie hadn't been able to experience that, yet. We'd have to be careful... way more careful than we had been earlier that night, looking back on the mistakes we'd made, if we wanted to make sure nothing went wrong! But it shouldn't be too hard to get Daddy to agree, as long as we put a big, glaring warning in Cummy-pie's file saying she was only to be touched by him!

The last thought was the best of all, and had me purring with contentment on Daddy's chest as I felt myself drifting off. Only it wasn't so much a thought, exactly, as it was just a feeling. Of comfort, and warmth, and satisfaction... and above all of love. Because it was love that tied the three of us together, not just lust. And if it was a different kind of love now, a physical kind of love, it would only make our love grow all the stronger, because it was based on the love that already existed there, before.

And yes, looking back the next morning, I realized just how wibbly-wobbly and repetitive my exhaustion had been making that last thought as I fell asleep. But as Julie and I got our first chance to wake Daddy up with a morning blowjob, then sharing his thick, tasty cum back and forth between us while he continued fondling us, I knew how true the sentiment behind that thought really was. We were in love, all three of us! Or if we weren't there yet, if we just loved each other, but weren't quite in love, then we were at least well on our way! I could feel that it was just a matter of time, for us to come fully to grips with everything that was happening. And if it was unconventional... even illegal... that didn't make it any less real! We could just never let anyone else find out about our love, was all. A sacrifice, certainly... but one that was unquestionably worth making, given what we all stood to gain.

But then, thinking back to my other thought from the night before, I suddenly remembered, and smiled; when we did want others to know about our love, even to witness our love... we could always use 'Cummy-pie', for that!
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