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This is the second of my fantasies about a woman in my life that I've turned into a standalone story. It's unrelated to the previous one other than being about the same person.
I awoke to a strange smell of damp, feeling chilly and uncomfortable. I could feel cold air over all of my body. I struggled to open my eyes, feeling groggy and a bit weird. Eventually I managed to open them and found myself in an unfamiliar place - was I dreaming? I was lying on something cold and uncomfortable in a dimly lit, stone walled room. Looking down I saw I was in the underwear I had gone to bed in, but I was definitely not in my bed anymore. Instead, I was lying on top of a rusted metal bedframe without a mattress and the wire base and springs were digging into my bare back rather painfully. Where the hell was I?

As I managed to focus my eyes more I could see another person lying the end of the bed. She was slumped lifelessly against the stone wall with her arms behing her back and her head tipped over, blonde hair obscuring her face. The woman was wearing pyjamas but her small feet were bare. I tried to prop myself up, feeling a little weak and struggling to push up of the wire as my elbows slid through the large gaps.

"Hey" I called out to the woman "wake up!"

She didn't respond. I eventually managed to get myself sat up and reached out towards her. As I did so, I realised around my wrist was a heavy iron shackle, secured with a padlock. A length of chain attached to the shackle and extended behind me. Looking back I could see it was bolted into the stone wall. The chain was sufficiently long for me to reach out and put my hand on the woman's shoulder. I shook her.

"Hey!" I said again, more forcefully "Are you okay?"

The woman's head slowly turned, not looking up initially, while she processed her situation for a second or two, I assumed experiencing the same confusion I had just passed through myself. Then she jumped and pushed herself into the corner of the bed with her feet, curling her legs up, making herself into a ball desperately trying to get away from me and she apparently struggled to move her arms. She stared up and me, with a terrified expression on her face, and it was only then that I recognised her.

"Vicky!?" I asked, surprised.

Vicky was a friend of my spouse whom I had met not long after we started dating. She was a polite, unassuming woman in her thirties who had known my wife since her student days, having moved from Belfast to our home town. She was petite and slim built with natural golden blonde hair and had brown eyes, large relative to her other facial features, almost resembling a Japanese anime character. She was wearing cotton pyjamas, comprising long trousers and a long sleeved, button up top with a high cut collar made of a gingham print fabric. I didn't know Vicky terribly well, but we were familiar enough, having spent plenty of time in each other's company with our spouses. Yet, Vicky still looked confused and fearful.

"Where am I? How did I get here?" she pleaded in the mellowed Northern Irish accent she still retained.

I took my hand of her shoulder and held my palm up to her, trying to convey that I didn't mean her any arm and to illustrate through my shackle that I was as much a captive here as she was.

"I don't know." I answered her, trying to remain calm "I just woke up here."

"Why aren't you dressed?" she asked suspiciously, noticing I was almost naked.

"It's how I went to bed." I responded, feeling a little self conscious as my state of undress before her. I motioned my head towards her "You?"

Vicky, looking down, noticed what she was wearing and nodded her head.

"Same. I can't move my arms." she said relaxing a little and leaning forwards.

I looked behind her back and could see she was restrained with hand cuffs. They were rigid and apart from a slight gap around her wrists, afforded her no room to move her hands or arms significantly.

"Do you know how we got here?" she asked me, her voice calming a little but still clearly unsettled.

I had no answer. I remembered going to bed as normal on Monday evening and the next thing I remembered was waking up here next to her. I rubbed my cheeks for a clue as to how long we might have been here. I could feel some stubble but not much.

"I don't know, but I'd guess we haven't been here more than a few hours." I answered, looking around for more clues.

"How do you know?" she asked.

"Five o'clock shadow." I answered.

As scary as our situation was, I couldn't resist a good mystery and my mind immediately began to channel every detective show I'd ever seen... Columbo, Poirot, Morse; perhaps just as a way of managing the stress of the situation. I assumed, based upon our surroundings and the damp smell, that we were below ground - maybe in a basement of some sort. I knew whoever had brought us here must have been known to both of us - the chances of two people being kidnapped at random and knowing each other were astronomical (I guessed). Unfortunately my powers of deduction didn't go further than that. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a loud cry from Vicky who was, unlike me, not anchored to the wall and who had got up off the bed and walked over to a blue, rusted, metal door at the far side of the room, perhaps 5 meters away from where I was chained up.

"HELP!!" she yelled at the top of her voice.

Her cry echoed around the room before it fell silent. We both listened carefully but heard nothing in response.

"LET US OUT!!!!" Vicky cried out again, almost hysterically, as she dealt with the stress in her own way, banging the door with her shoulder.

Again the only response was silence. She turned around to face me and kicked the door with her heal defiantly before she began to sob. I didn't really have any words of reassurance for her. I tried to walk over to her but found that the chain length was insufficient and I was only able to get to the far end of the bed. I stood there and looked around, feeling increasingly cold in only my boxers. The stone floor chilled my feet as I turned around surveying the room. There was a single flickering incandescent bulb hanging from the ceiling but no light switch was apparent. Next to the bed frame was a small, solid wood table. In the centre of the room was a circular drainage grate. Apart from that, there was nothing - other than the door which Vicky was still standing next to.

The door itself had no visible lock but there was a handle was mounted nearer the top than the middle - far too high for Vicky to be able to reach it with her hands cuffed behind her and I couldn't even get close to it. At the bottom was a slotted hatch and a tray - like the sort of thing prisoners would have food passed through on. I could see something on the tray but couldn't work out what it was in the dim light. The whole construction looked like a bit of a DIY addition to the door.

"Hey, what's down there?" I called to Vicky pointing at the base of the door.

She turned and looked then squatted down, wobbling a bit as tried to balance with her hands behind her back.

"Umm, it's a plastic pot..." she answered, "...and an envelope."

"Can you pick them up and bring them here?" I asked, intrigued as to what new light these clues might shed on our situation.

"Ummm, not sure. The pot is on a wire going outside..." she answered sounding a little intrigued herself.

"What sort of wire?" I asked, confused and frustrated that I couldn't just go over and investigate for myself.

"Like a steel wire, it's looped around the lid. I don't think I can get it off." Vicky turned carefully in her squatted position, trying to pick up the items with her bound hands.

After some fumbling she eventually stood up and walked back over to me, turning around with just the envelope in her possession.

"The wire was too short and it wouldn't come off." she said as I opened the envelope and removed the paper from inside.

"What sort of cup was it?" I asked as I unfolded the paper.

"Like a specimen cup... y'know like you get at the doctor's." she replied.

I read the short note and then held it for Vicky to read herself rather than reading it aloud. I now understood the nature of our situation more clearly. Vicky read the note too.

"That's sick! YOUR SICK!! she yelled at whoever our captor may be, before commenting to me "It's not even possible if you're chained up over here."

The note had contained the first "clue" in what I now surmised was a twisted, "escape room" presumably designed for the gratification of whoever had drugged and kidnapped the pair of us. The note instructed that in order to receive a key, presumably to our shackles, we had to provide a sample of semen in the aforementioned specimen cup.

"It is possible. It would require teamwork." I said cryptically, waiting for Vicky to realise exactly how this particular challenge was intended to be played.

After a few seconds the penny dropped that the only way would be for her to ferry the required specimen between it's source and destination, and that with her hands tied such as they were, it left only her mouth as a practical of transportation.

"Oh." she said as she contemplated the option presented to us.

She almost looked like she gagged a little at the idea of it. I presumed that she have never performed such an act before. I started to consider our options in my head. Of course cooperating offered no guarantees, there was no reason to trust that our captor would keep their word or that we would gain anything by playing along with the sick game. On the other hand, what options had we, other than to wait for rescue... which was no more guaranteed.

There was also the ignominious truth that the prospect of performing this act with Vicky, regardless of our circumstances, held some attraction in my mind. I had always thought that Vicky was cute and now I had a mental image of ejaculating into her mouth which was unhelpfully causing some upheaval in my boxers. I had no idea what Vicky's thinking was nor how to even begin to sound her out on it.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and she sat down next to me. We looked at each other.

"Do you want to do it?" she asked, surprisingly forthright.

I shrugged trying to play it cool, or at least not give any indication that I was secretly hoping she would be willing.

"Do you?!" I put the question back to her, secretly encouraged she was even considering it. Vicky always struck me as fairly prudish - even her nightwear seemed more Mary Whitehouse than Miley Cyrus - so the fact that she hadn't shut down the idea immediately surprised me.

"I just want to get out of here." She replied, half answering the question.

"That's no guarantee." I said.

"How would we..." Vicky asked, stopping short of vocalising it, "... you know?"

"I guess..." I hesitated, not sure there were many options. Maybe she just wanted me to say out loud what she was already visualising, "I guess I would just jack off into your mouth."

"I guess so." she replied, sounding resigned to the idea.

"So we're doing this then?" I asked, hardly believing that she was going to allow it.

Vicky just swallowed and nodded, looking down at the ground rather than at me.

I hesitated for a moment, feeling a bit self-conscious, but realising I just had to get on with it. Looking away from her, I put my hand into my boxers and started to tug on my no longer flaccid cock, coaxing it into further swelling.

"I won't look." Vicky said still staring at the floor.

I thought for a moment and having her watch me was all the more exciting. I wanted to expose myself to her and see the look on her face as I masturbated.

"No, it's okay...I mean... you're going to have to do more than just look so..." I answered, standing up enough to slide my boxers off and down to my ankles.

My cock now bigger, I felt less insecure about Vicky seeing me now. She looked out the corner of her eye at my hand as it moved up and down my semi, tucking her hair behind her ear then slowly, perhaps subconsciously, turning to see more clearly. My shaft began to harden exponentially now that she was watching me and I gripped more tightly, rolling my foreskin back to expose my swelling pink glans to her. In spite of the cold, my balls were hanging large below my ever towering erection. I noticed Vicky bite her lower lip every so slightly as her eyes remained trained on my almost fully aroused sex. I noticed as Vicky squeezed her thighs together a bit while I worked myself towards the goal and I wondered if something was also stirring in her loins as she watched. A small trickle of pre-cum dribbled out of my pee-hole and down my glans.

"Where should I...go?" Vicky asked as my breathing became more laboured.

"Just here" I said, spreading my legs and pointing to the floor between them.

Vicky got off the bed and hesitantly knelt where I had instructed her. I looked down at her pale, innocent face, partially obstructed by my swollen manhood upon which her big brown eyes were locked and my excitement spiked

"I'm almost there." I warned her, squeezing my corona as it passed through my fingers, moistened by pre-cum.

Vicky opened her mouth sticking out her tongue and I stood up, pushing my cock down so that it was angled into her waiting orifice. I felt her warm breath exhaling on my primed shaft and that was all that was required to tip me over the edge. I grunted loudly and twitched as I shot a long thick rope of cloudy white semen into Vicky's ready mouth. Vicky's reflex was to recoil, but I moved forward and quickly pulled her head back into place just as I felt my balls rise up preceding another blast. This one shot onto her curled tongue, where it was beginning to pool. A third spasm precipitated another flow of thick fluid running out over my bell-end and dripping down into Vicky's waiting vessel. Holding the back of Vicky's head in one hand and my shaft in the other, I pressed it down onto her tongue to wipe the tingling tip and squeeze the remaining cum inside my urethra into her open mouth. She pulled her tongue back in and closed her mouth, making an involuntary gagging movement, before breaking free and rushing over to the door. She collapsed to her knees and I heard her spitting loudly before coughing.

"Eughh" she exclaimed in disgust, coughing again.

Clearly she did not appreciate the taste of cum.

She stood up, spat onto the floor and wiped her lips on her shoulder. Her face was red, and tears trickled down her cheeks.

"Sorry." she said "I just didn't like the taste, and it makes my mouth feel tingly."

"It's OK" I reassured her "Not everyone does. But it's done now."

Vicky peered down at the cup and replied in a dispirited tone "It's only a third of the way to the line..."

I hadn't realised there was a line. Vicky hadn't mentioned that in her earlier de***********ion of the container. Apparently there was a target to met and just one load wasn't going to be sufficient. Unfortunately though, one was all I had in me right now. My cock had already started to weaken and was dangling limp over my balls as I sat on the bed. I reached down and pulled my boxers back up as Vicky came back over.

"We need to do it again." she said resolutely.

"I know... I'm just not able to right now." I replied.

"Oh..." she replied, "how long do you need to... be ready?"

I shrugged. I'd been married for a decade, ejaculation intervals were measured in days not minutes, so I really had no idea.

"Dunno." I replied.

"Can I..." Vicky began before pausing to think, uncertain perhaps whether to even say what she had intended, "...can I do anything... to speed things up?"

While the pressure to perform wasn't particularly conducive to a quick recovery, the suggestion that Vicky might be willing to help in some way certainly was! I wasn't sure exactly what she had in mind, so I wasn't sure how to answer her as she looked back at me, her cheeks still a little flushed and tear stained.

"Like what?" I asked, curious what she might propose.

"Whatever it takes." Vicky replied, with a resentful tone in her softly spoken lilt.

I was immediately buoyed by her determination and the prospect that she might be willing to do some of the things I had been imagining since she first offered to assist.

"Maybe if I had some... visual stimulation?" I suggested looking up at her with some trepidation, "something to look at, y'know?"

Vicky's heavy cotton pyjama top, buttoned up to her neck, and her matching loose fit bottoms revealed nothing of the body which lay underneath. I knew she had a nice bum, I'd seen her in tight fitting jeans and one time on holiday, in a swimsuit. I wondered what lay underneath her top. It was clear she didn't have a bulging rack, but I was curious what she did have. Vicky looked back at me and her face was one of ill-disposed resignation.

"I'll need some help with the buttons" she said, rolling her eyes.

My hands shook a little as I stood in front of her. Starting at the collar, I worked my way down, undoing each button in turn. Her expression slowly began to morph through to discomfort, then insecurity and finally embarrassment as I reached the last button and her shirt hung open slightly, allowing me to see her sternum and her stomach with her little 'innie' belly button. Vicky's belly was fairly flat with only the slightest hint of fat that, if anything, made her look cuter. Her breasts however, did not become apparent until I began to open up her shirt, dropping it off her shoulders so that it hung around her arms, prevented from falling off her entirely by her restrained hands. Vicky looked down, as if to check what I had revealed, then looked back at me, almost as though she was awaiting approval that this would be acceptable and sufficient.

"Wow" I said, causing her to almost crack a smile before quickly suppressing it.

Vicky's breasts, much like the rest of her body, were petite. Each one protruded from her chest shaped like the roof of a circus tent, and was crowned with a puffy, little brown areola. They looked almost pubescent, not quite fully developed, which made Vicky seem all the more forbidden as I lusted over her. As I gawked, the cool air now flowed over her initially flat nipples and I saw them becoming erect before my eyes. Each one began to extend slowly, eventually standing significantly proud of her fleshy mounds. I liked what I saw, I started to think about what they would feel like in my hands and in my mouth. My cock started to gain rigidity once more as I gazed at Vicky's beautiful, little pert tits. I licked my lips, just wishing I could plant my mouth on them and flick my tongue over her long hard teats.

"I think it's working." I continued

Vicky glanced down at my crotch to see the increasing bulge reforming inside my boxers.

"Good" she said "are you ready to go again?"

As hot as Vicky looked to me, there was no escaping the reality of biology. It was going to take a bit more time before I would be able to supplement my earlier contribution. But I figured I may as well enjoy myself while we waited. I pulled my underwear down again and exposed myself to Vicky once more. Sitting down and taking my semi in my hand I began to stroke it as she stood over me supervising.

"Not quite" I answered.

Vicky sighed, "If it will help... you can touch."

The offer alone caused a sudden surge of blood to my cock and it instantly grew firmer and larger in my hand. I nodded silently and Vicky sat down next to me, shuffling in closer her bare upper arm touching my own. I desperately wished her hands were free so she could stroke my cock for me. I reached over slowly and put my hand on her breast, holding it there. Vicky let out a little wincing sound as my cold hand shocked her warm skin. A first I didn't do anything, nor did she. I just kept masturbating and she kept staring in anticipation, perhaps with some apprehension, at my once more fully stiffened member. As my hand slid up and down my shaft it ached a little, not ready for the stimulation it was receiving so soon after it's last exertion. After a little while, I began gently palpating Vicky's breast in my hand, squeezing and kneading it. My gentle fondling didn't go unnoticed by Vicky, who began to inhale and exhale a little more obviously as my touch stimulated her erogenous zones, forcing her into a state of arousal whether she wanted it or not. I stopped squeezing and began to trace my fingers around her puffy areola and over her erect nipple, folding it over then letting it pop back up.

"Mmmm" I heard Vicky sigh quietly under her breath as I teased her sensitive, engorged teat and she struggled to suppress her natural reaction.

I wasn't sure if she was even aware she had made a sound, but I knew she was turned on by the nipple play. I stretched my arm to reach over to her other breast and proceeded to grope it just as I had the first. I watched Vicky's face for any indication of whether she was getting off on that too. She didn't make any further sound, but I saw her bite her lip once more as she stared at my aching trunk. Caressing Vicky's perky little tits while she watched me jerking off was incredible and as I got off on the experience, I almost forgot where we were and the reason we were even doing this. But I still wasn't anywhere near being able to cum again. I knew I needed more. I wanted more. I grunted as I squeezed my shaft harder and stroked faster.

"Lick my balls" I commanded, surprising myself at the order and causing Vicky to look directly at me with a shocked expression, "please, I think it will help."

I continued aggressively tugging on myself while looking into her deep brown eyes. Vicky could see how hard I was trying and she was willing to do what she had to as well. She leaned down over my thigh, her erect nipples pressed into it as she stuck out her tongue and began to lap my scrotum. I moved her hair out of the way so I could look see her face as she did it. Vicky kept eye contact with me as she prodded my testes with her extended tongue.

"Like that?" she asked pausing.

"Yeah, put them in your mouth." I replied, still furiously fapping, beginning finally to feel the build up of a potential orgasm.

Vicky dutifully obliged, taking one into her warm mouth. Wrapping her soft lips around it she sucked more of the loose skin of my sack inside her, caressing it with her tongue. I was very pleased I had literally just shaved my balls prior to going to bed, so I felt every little caress of her tongue on my smooth skin.

"Fuck that feels so good Vicky, oh yeah, just like that!" I encouraged her as she moved onto my other testicle. As she sucked down on it, it was like she magically refilled me with cum and I was taken by surprise.

"Oh shit, I'm going to come again!" I announced, pushing myself up off the bed sufficiently to angle my cock down, albeit painfully, into Vicky's mouth as her body still rested against my thigh.

I shuddered as I unloaded into her mouth for a second time. Vicky kept her eyes closed as two blasts of slightly thinner fluid coated the inside of her mouth and some of her pearly white teeth and I squeezed out as much as I could of what remained. This time Vicky licked my stinging pee hole with the tip of her tongue to catch every last drop.

"OK" I said sitting back down.

Vicky closed her mouth and got up, walking over to the door then carefully lowering herself down on her knees. I watched her spit the contents of her mouth into the specimen jar.

"Eurgh, yuk" she said, standing up again but not gagging this time.

She walked back over to me, pausing at the drain in the floor to spit some more, trying to remove the taste, before kneeling down between my legs yet again.

"Okay, once more should do it." Vicky said perfunctorily.

"I can't" I protested as she immediately started to to lick my nuts again "not now, I don't have it in me."

"You've got to!" she insisted, looking up at me almost angrily, as if I were holding back out of choice or just not trying hard enough, "It's our only way out!"

"I'm sorry, it doesn't work like that!" I said "maybe in an hour or so?"

Vicky paused momentarily, looking desperately at the wilting source of what was, in her mind, her only escape. Then, with a look of determination, she angled her head, lifted my softened shaft with her lips and pulled it in her mouth, sucking and licking it attentively. I lay back on my elbows, propping my head on the stone wall to watch as Vicky spontaneously started to blow me!

My semi may have been limp, but it still felt great as she moved it around in her mouth with her tongue, probing it. She used her lips adeptly to somehow retract my foreskin, just as she had seen me doing to myself earlier. Then she ran the tip of her tongue around my corona and over my pee-hole again. My glans was super sensitive, so the touch of her saliva covered tongue nipped a little, but I didn't resist. I was still spent, my cock barely erect and Vicky had to work on me for a long time. Not that I was complaining and Vicky for her part was patient and determined.

"Ohhhh Vicky you're incredible" I effused as she pleasured my exhausted organ "that feels so good."

Any pretence that I was a reluctant participant in this whole endeavour was fast disappearing, but I didn't care. The delights of being fellated so skilfully by a woman who I had assumed didn't know the first thing about it only a few moments ago was like a truth serum to me. I lost all my inhibition and began to divulge exactly how I felt about her.

"Oh don't stop, oh Vicky you're so fucking hot, fuck I've wanted this for so long..." I blurted as I closed my eyes and imagined that my cock was sliding in and out of the ass I'd seen in her bathing suit that one time, "...fuck I'm gonna cum so hard in you. Would you like that?"

"mmm hmmm" Vicky encouraged, my cock filling her mouth completely.

She had been unwaveringly sucking me off now for what I guess was about 20 minutes and she seemed happy to play along with my dirty talk if it achieved her goal. Her hard work was paying off. My cock was once more like granite and she was sliding it in and out of her lips rapidly. But I wanted her to take it deeper. Moving one of my hands onto her head, I pushed her down as she took me inside her, so that much more of my shaft passed through her lips and into her mouth. She instinctively tried to withdraw but I applied force, not enough to stop her backing out, but enough to slow her down. I started to guide her, slowing her strokes but increasing her travel and Vicky allowed me to guide her motions. I began to press her more firmly onto my straining shaft, forcing her to take ever more of me, to the point where my bell-end pressed against the back of her throat and she gagged. Vicky coughed and spluttered out phlegm which ran over my balls. A strand dangled from her mouth before slowly descending towards the floor by her knees, eventually detaching. I relaxed my grip and she came up for air.

"Argh" she exclaimed looking up at me with bloodshot eyes, coughing again before adding "that was horrid."

"Anything it takes?" I reminded her coldly and without remorse.

Her grit impressed me as she took my implement of torture straight back into her mouth again and voluntarily deep-throated it until she gagged and sobbed a second time, then a third. But her commitment was beginning to pay off as I began to feel a familiar tingling sensation in the tip of my cock and I knew I was about to spurt. I grabbed Vicky's hair to prevent her taking my cock into her throat again, prompting a muffled yelp of pain. It seemed harsh but there wasn't time and I did't want to risk my load accidentally shooting down her oesophagus after all her hard work. I held her head at the top of her stroke, her lips were wrapped around my glans, and I rubbed my saliva and phlegm coated shaft firmly by hand as the last remnants of everything in my balls emptied into Vicky's plugged orifice.

"Arghhh" I grunted as I came inside her, my hips spasming multiple times while I unloaded. Although I had cum twice already, this time felt like the most intense. My cock kept twitching in Vicky's mouth, feeling like I was firing extra little shots inside. Vicky sucked down hard, trying to extract every last drop from within me, before finally releasing her grip, dropping my quickly wilting cock onto my balls. This time she got up and didn't rush to the door. She walked calmly over and knelt down gracefully, now accustomed to the affect having her hands tied behind her back had on her balance. Then she stood up and waited.

"Okaaay!" Vicky announced belligerently at the door "We did what you wanted, now LET US GO!"

Nothing happened.

"Arggghhhh!!" Vicky screamed in frustration and banged her head against the door.

"Hey!" I called out to her "You'll hurt yourself!"

Vicky turned around to look at me. Her eyes were red, her hair crumpled by my manhandling of her by it, tear stains were still apparent on her cheeks and saliva trickled down her chest which remained completely exposed as her pyjama top hung from her arms. She had been taken from her home against her will and locked in a dungeon, coerced into performing sex acts she didn't want to do and was now coming to the realisation that all she had just endured may have been entirely in vain. I realised that hurt didn't begin to describe how she was feeling.

She walked back towards me in silence, deflated. She didn't spit into the drain this time. She just sat down next to me as I pulled my boxers up once more. I reached around her and lifted her pyjama top back over her shoulders, covering her back up and doing up her buttons. I ran my hand through her hair and tried to straighten it then wiped the tears from around her eyes, trying to restore her dignity.

"About those things I said to you..." I said, feeling guilt for the way my talk had dehumanised her earlier, "... I got caught up in depravity of all of this. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter." Vicky replied despondently.

She lay down on her side on the wire sprung base of the bed, curling her legs up onto it. I lay down behind her and rested my hand on her thigh. It never occurred to me that was a rather intimate position to adopt. I guess given what we had just done, I had somewhat lost track of the true nature of our relationship: one of casual acquaintance. But Vicky didn't protest. She just accepted it. Maybe appreciating a comforting touch as she came to terms with her situation. Maybe just broken. After a little while we both fell asleep.

I don't know for how long we slept, but when I woke up Vicky had rolled over forty five degrees and was propped against me, I guess it was more comfortable taking some pressure of her shoulder in her restrained position. Her arms were pressing into my belly and her hands between my legs. My own hand was no longer on her thigh but was resting on her tummy. My other arm was outstretched over the edge of the bed frame and Vicky's head was lying on it like a pillow. As physically uncomfortable as the bed and indeed our whole position was, it felt nice to have Vicky snuggled up against me. I slipped my fingers between the buttons of her pyjama top and touched the soft, warm skin of her belly, tracing my fingers in and around her navel. As I secretly explored her body, I contacted the waistband of her trousers. I paused momentarily, wondering what Vicky's bush might feel like, if she even had one, or if she was clean shaven. I imagined the latter as it was my preference and I wanted to slip my hand further down to feel her mound but before I could do anything I was thankfully arrested in my scheme by the sound of metal grating on metal, followed by a clunk. It came from the other side of the room. Vicky began to stir and I removed my hand from it's incriminating position up to Vicky's shoulder and shook her.

"Wake up!" I whispered in her ear softly, trying not to scare her for a second time.

Vicky's eyes slowly opened and she twitched, startled, before remembering where she was and who she was with, realising to her dismay that it had not all been a terrible dream. The peaceful contented look I observed on her beautiful face moments ago, was replaced by one of disappointment.

"I heard a noise by the door" I continued.

Vicky tried to sit herself up and I assisted her by supporting her back and arms. She got to her feet slowly and I stood up behind her as she walked over to the door.

"It's the key!" she announced jubilantly as she got halfway across the room, rushing from there to the door.

She squatted down facing me and I heard a metalic sound as she dropped the key into the metal food tray multiple times in her haste to pick it up. Eventually the look of concentration on her face changed to one of satisfaction as she returned to me successfully having retrieved it.

"There's no lock in the door" she said.

I wasn't surprised the key in question was not for the door. I suspected there was going to be far more to this twisted escape room. Vicky sat down on the edge of the bed and I took the key from her hand to examine it. There was no way it would fit the padlock around my own shackle, it was completely the wrong shape. However it did look like it might fit the handcuffs Vicky was wearing. I put it into the lock and wiggled it around, but no matter what angle or depth I tried, I could not make it turn in the lock.

"It doesn't fit." I said.

Vicky's face once more looked disheartened, as she again came to terms with the possibility that everything she had endured thus far had been for nought. I examined the small brass key in my hand. While it didn't surprise me that our captor was toying with us, why bother giving us the key at all if it did nothing. I looked around the room then noticed something about the small, wooden bedside table I hadn't observed earlier. Although the front panel had no handle on it, it did have a small hole with a surround that matched the brass colour of the key. It was actually a door. I leaned down and inserted the key in the hole and turned it. A satisfying click sound was followed by the cabinet door swinging open. Vicky peered over as I got down onto the floor and retrieved from within the cupboard a large manilla envelope with a tie string. I unwound the string and pulled out a thin, black sheet of plastic. At first I didn't realise what it was, then I noticed the plastic was not a uniform black but had some lighter areas. I held it up to the dim light in the ceiling and confirmed that it was, in fact, an x-ray.

I tried to set asside the distraction that this immediately narrowed down the list of possible suspects to those we knew with access to such things. Instead I focussed on the image. It was a pelvic x-ray but it had one unusual feature - in the centre was the glowing outline of another key, the light shining through it from behind. I moved the film around trying to illuminate the areas of lower contrast around the skeletal structure. While I knew that men and women had different bone structures, not being a doctor I had no idea how to discern between the two. However, there was sufficient detail (or lack of) in the surrounding soft tissue areas to indicate this x-ray was that of a female and I knew who.

"I think there's another key inside you." I said, holding the film up to the lightbulb so Vicky could see clearly.

She screwed up her face skeptically.

"I don't feel anything..." she answered "but... I guess it's pretty small."

I sat down next to her, put the x-ray down on top of the bedside table and looked at her.

"Do you want to find out?" I asked.

A familiar look of horror followed by resignation came over her and she stood up in front of me turning her head away so she didn't have to look me in the eye for what she knew had to come next. I pinched the loose fitting fabric of her cotton trouser legs between my fingers and thumbs then pulled them down for her, letting them drop to the floor. Underneath her trousers, Vicky had on a plain white pair of cotton panties.

I put my hands on the outside of her thighs just above her knees, and ran my palms indulgently up her smooth, sexy legs in parallel, sliding my fingers under the hem of her shirt until they came into contact with her elasticated underwear. Hooking my fingers around the top and through, I began to draw her panties down over her hips. As they slid out from behind her pyjama top, they began to reveal Vicky's neatly trimmed bush, followed by the beginning of her tiny little pussy. She had small outer lips, covered in a layer of hair that was slightly darker than her golden blonde locks. Between these, larger, crinkled labia minora protruded out. As I slid her panties down further, I could see those dark pink flaps glistening, coated in a glaze of Vicky's personal secretions. Her panties suspended halfway down her thighs I paused, examining an obvious sticky, damp patch - I liked to think a result of the nipple play she had enjoyed so much earlier.

It caused me to wonder if there was perhaps a way to make this a little more pleasant for her. Continuing to pull her smalls down to Vicky's knees, I let them go and they dropped to the floor on top of her pyjama bottoms. I imagined telling Vicky how pretty I thought her pussy looked, smelling her infused panties and sticking my tongue out of my salivating mouth to run it through her enticing, meaty lips. But I controlled myself... somewhat.

"Ready?" I asked, looking up towards her.

She nodded her head silently, still looking away from me. I put my hands back on her hips and positioned her closer to me, so that she was straddling one of my legs. Then I cupped her snatch with my hand, feeling her heat radiating from it. My fingers sank between her lush, moist lips. I pressed the muscles at the base of my thumb into her mound and began a deep massage of her vulva and clitoris, as I drew my middle finger slowly through her moist slit, gently feeling for the entrance to her pussy. I knew I was taking a liberty in blatantly try to stimulate Vicky sexually through the procedure, but at the same time I wanted to minimise any discomfort for her. She didn't fight me, instead her breathing became deeper and as my finger slowly penetrated her, she let out a barely audible moan.

I slid my finger deeper inside her, looking up at her as I did so, continuing to massage her sensually. Her head was now tilted back as she looked up at the ceiling. I placed my other hand on the back of one of her thighs and slid up to her bare bottom, stroking her skin and groping her cheek firmly in my hand. Vicky responded with another quiet moan, and I felt her muscles contract around my finger as her pussy generated more of her special sauce. I leaned in towards her mound and inhaled, delighting in her intimate scent as I felt around inside her. My finger was now all the way in and there was no sign of any foreign object, but as I probed her, the tip of my finger came into contacted with a soft spongey area.

"Mmmmmmm" Vicky moaned as my finger passed over it, unable to contain the pleasure it caused her.

Her head tilted down and I could see her eyes were closed and she was pursing her lips. I withdrew my middle finger from her, placed my index finger next to it and slid both back insider her simultaneously, stretching her wider. At the same time, I ran my thumb through her labia, moistening it as it headed towards her clit, which I then began to rub directly. I felt around with my fingers for Vicky's g-spot again and began to stroke it purposefully. Vicky immediately lost all self-control as I flagrantly masturbated her in this dungeon of depravity.

"Yesssss!!!!" she exclaimed, "yeah, right there, oh that feels so good, ok keep doing that, please!"

I was astonished at how quickly my intimate touch had overcome Vicky's inhibitions. She began to pant as I fingered her now purely with the goal of getting her off. She leaned over and rested her head on my shoulder, her warm breath flowing over my neck as she revelled in her rapidly approached a climax.

"Oh yes, oh yes, don't stop, just like tha....aaaattttttt hahahaha" Vicky yelled as her orgasm took hold of her

I pulled my fingers out from between Vicky's legs just as they gave way and her body shook. I was able to support her with the hand that was on her bum so that she collapsed down in a relatively controlled manner onto my leg. Her head slumped down against my chest as she quivered in multiple waves of after shocks. If could feel her warm pussy on my thigh, dribbling her juices down my leg as she rested on me. I wrapped my arm around her and stroked her head, holding her in a moment of vulnerability as she basked in the euphoria of her afterglow. I ran my hand down her restrained arm and onto her silky smooth ass, tracing back up her crack with my finger.

"It wasn't in there" I said.

"No." Vicky acknowledged. I looked down at her as she continued to rest her cheek on my chest contently.

"That only leaves one other place." I said, stroking her ass again.

Vicky again nodded silently, knowing what she had to allow me to do next. I placed my palm on her ass and spread it, stretching her crack wide open. Then taking the hand I had been fingering her pussy with moments earlier and still slick with her juices, I traced my middle finger over Vicky's clenched asshole.

"I'll be as gentle as I can" I assured her, drawing circles around her puckered sphincter. Squeezing my arm tighter around her I whispered into her ear "try to relax."

I pressed my finger into her tiny little butt hole and Vicky made a sound of discomfort. She was tight as a drum.

"Take a deep breath, then exhale slowly." I suggested.

Vicky did as I suggested, as she did so, I felt her ass hole relax and I pressed my slippery finger inside it. Vicky screwed up her face as I began to penetrate her.

"That's it, just breathe." I coached her, "Try again."

She repeated her breathing exercise and I was able to slide my finger beyond her inner muscle into her rectum. As I did so, I could feel Vicky rock her hips. She was grinding herself against me as I moved my finger around inside her. I wasn't sure if she was consciously doing it or if it was just an unconscious distraction from the discomfort I was causing her, but I encouraged it, pulling and pushing on her hip with my free hand. Each time she rocked away from me, I pressed my finger a tiny bit deeper inside her ass until suddenly I felt something hard with my finger tip. That had to be it!

"It's in here" I announced in a celebratory tone.

"Great." Vicky replied sarcastically, her head still pressed against my chest as I simultaneously comforted and violated her.

I pulled my finger out of her ass hole to a sigh of relief from Vicky as it withdrew.

"I can't get it at this angle" I said, "I need you to get onto the bed."

Vicky did as she was told and stood up, I helped to balance her as she got onto the bed on her knees, then bent over laying the side of her head on the thin metal wires, presenting her ass to me perfectly. Fuck, I just wanted to eat her out like that! Her pussy and ass looked irresistible as I examined her. Vicky's taint had a small white scar that radiated from her pussy a little towards her anus, presumably an injury from childbirth.

"Sorry, this is probably going to hurt" I said, wanting to prepare her for the fact that I would need to get two fingers inside her to have any chance of retrieving the key.

"Just do it." Vicky replied, resolutely.

I positioned her palms, as best I could given her restraints, on each of her cheeks and encouraged her to try to spread her ass wide for me. Then I leaned over her crack and building up a large amount of saliva in my mouth, dribbled it between her cheeks so that it ran down her crack and into her barely gaped hole. I ran my middle finger through my spit and began to tease her hole, just like I had done earlier. It winked back at me as I stimulated it. At the same time with my other hand, I put my fingers between Vicky's sticky wet labia and felt for her clit, beginning to rub it again presumptively.

"What are you doing?" she asked, surprised at such a brazenness.

"Trying to distract you from what comes next" I answered "like how you were doing earlier."

Vicky blushed, embarrassed that I had been aware of her earlier self-pleasuring against my thigh and said nothing more.

"Just breathe like before, I'll be as gentle as I can." I assured her as I massaged her clit and anus with my fingers. Vicky inhaled as deeply as she could, her lungs somewhat more constricted by the position she was now in, then she let out a long slow breath. Once again I pressed my lubricated middle finger into her relaxing little hole.

"mmmm" Vicky moaned, this time seemingly in enjoyment at the combined anal and clitoral stimulation.

"That's it, you're doing really well, that's one almost fully in" I encouraged her.

Vicky inhaled again and as she did so I pushed harder against her enlarged and sensitive little button, causing her intake of air to stutter. I pulled my finger out of her ass. Her hole remained open for a few seconds and I could see her pink inner parts as I spat into it. Vicky exhaled slowly again this time expressing her pleasure as I continued playing with her clit.

"yessssss" she sighed under her breath as I pressed both the tip of my index finger alongside my middle one into her ass this time.

It resisted the stretch at first as I tested the water.

"mmmm" Vicky groaned a little this time, clearly more challenged by two fingers.

I rubbed more forcefully on her pleasure spot, just holding the tips of my fingers in position pressing into her taut ass hole. I could see Vicky's thigh muscles beginning to twitch as she started to pant more rapidly at my clitoral stimulation. I knew she was getting close to a second orgasm. The next time she exhaled, I pushed hard, forcing my two fingers inside her ass, to a yelp of pain as they traveled full depth in a single movement, traumatising her narrow hole.

"Arggggghh" Vicky cried out in pain as my fingers skewered her, but it was short-lived.

I was already tipping her over the edge flicking her clit furiously and no sooner had I passed my fingers through her unyielding sphincter, Vicky clenched hard on them as every muscle in her little body involuntarily tensed up. I could feel the metal handle of the key and I pinched it between the tips of my two fingers while Vicky began to shake violently. Then as the blast wave of her climax radiated through her body and she began to express her uncontainable elation, I yanked my fingers out of her ass.

"AHhhhhhhh" she yelled, her pussy ejecting a blast of her own cum over the back of my wrist as it spasmed.

I looked at her face, her eyes had rolled back and I was unable resist taking advantage of her again. I leaned in and took a celebratory lick from Vicky's oozing pussy, over her little taint up to her gaping asshole, pressing my tongue into it as she closed up around it. She tasted delicious and her pure scent was intoxicating, I could have buried my face in her pussy and ass for all eternity and in that moment I was happy to be in captivity with her!

I don't think Vicky had any awareness of what I was doing to her such as she was, mid orgasm, but I lapped my tongue the length of her crack multiple times, before finally inserting the key into her hand cuffs and releasing them. As Vicky twitched through the aftershocks of her orgasm, her hands fell to her sides and she collapsed down onto the uncomfortable wire bed frame, finally free. I placed the cuffs on top of the x-ray on the bedside table and sat down on the edge of the bed, picking her panties and pyjama bottoms off the ground. I handed both to her and coming back to her senses she eagerly pulled them on, keen to cover herself up.

She got up off the bed walked over to the door, now able to reach the handle she turned it and the unlocked door simply swung open. Beyond it, I could see a hallway. Vicky turned back to me.

"Come on!" she said, not realising the key which had opened her cuffs did not fit the padlock holding my shackle in place.

"I can't" I replied, holding my chained arm up, "doesn't fit mine."

Vicky looked back to the open door longingly then turned back to me, clearly torn.

"Go!" I commanded her, "Get help!"

She looked at me and paused to think for a moment, then nodded.

"I'll be as quick as I can!" she assured me.

I nodded and she walked warily out of the door into the hallway and beyond my sight.

I lay down on the uncomfortable bed and closed my eyes. I had a huge boner from the excitement of what I had done to Vicky just a few moments ago and I began to fantasise about the events of the last few hours. Then as I lay on the bed, I became aware of a presence next to me. I opened my eyes and looked up. It was Vicky, standing over me.

"What are you doing?" I said, "I'll be fine, go and get help!"

Vicky said nothing. Instead she just looked at me and began to slowly unbutton her shirt again before sliding it off her shoulders and dropping it to the floor. Then she put her thumbs into her waistband and pulled her trousers down so that she was standing in only her cotton panties. My erection kicked up a gear and strained against my boxers. She reached down and started to pull my underwear down my thighs, manipulating my cock with her hand to clear the elastic. I was confused. I couldn't believe what was happening and wanted whatever she was about to offer me, but at the same time I was worried about missing out on our chance for freedom and I wanted her to go and get help.

Standing next to the bed, without a word Vicky dropped her own panties. At last I could see this breathtaking petite woman naked from head to toe and no longer cared about escape. I was content to stay here with her forever! Her whole body perspired from her earlier exertions. Her pert breasts were crowned with those long stiff nipples and her prominent mons was covered in neatly trimmed dark blonde hair. Between her legs, Vicky's beautiful labia glistened with little droplets of her juices and her pink engorged clit stood proud, red and inflamed. Vicky climbed over me on her knees and straddled me, her hot little tits positioned above my face as she lowered herself down. Unable to resist, I reached up and took one of her teats in my mouth, sucking and licking it as Vicky reached behind her back and grasped my huge throbbing cock with her delicate little hand. She aligned the tip of my shaft with her pussy, running it back and forth through her wetted slit a couple of times, before at last lowering herself down on to it silently. My cock stretched her wide as it penetrated her tight little hole and her facial expression conveyed the challenge that it was for her as she carefully impaled herself upon me.

"Ahhhhhh" Vicky groaned as she struggled to take my thick rod, yet enjoyed the pleasure of being filled almost beyond her capacity.

Then she began to rock her hips back and forth, sliding my cock up and down her warm welcoming passageway. I could feel my glans impacting her cervix as my full length penetrated deep within her. I grabbed both her plump ass cheeks and gripped them in my hand roughly, encouraging her to ride me faster while I tried to suck on her nipples as they moved around above me.

"Oh fuck Vicky!" I whispered "you're incredible, oh thank you."

Vicky said nothing. She just continued to ride me, her breathing becoming more rapid. I doubted I would be able to hold out much longer.

"Slow down, you're gonna make me cum" I warned her as she bucked her hips ever faster, pushing through the pain she was probably experiencing.

But Vicky didn't slow down. She lowered her chest, continuing to gyrate, placing her head next to mine and stroking my hair.

"Come inside me." she whispered in my ear. "I want you to."

I didn't need a second invitation and nor did I have time to analyse the situation. I only knew one thing, coming inside Vicky was all that mattered to me in this moment. Not where we were. Not how we got here, nor if I would even get out. All I wanted in that moment was to fill her hot, tight snatch with every last drop of cum I could muster. I wrapped an arm around Vicky's back and pulled her tight against my chest, sliding a finger down between her cheeks I pressed the tip of it into her asshole once more as I succumb to the strokes of her tight pussy up and down my shaft, releasing one final load with a loud grunt.

My hips thrust upwards and the muscles in my tummy contracted as I ejaculated deep inside Vicky. My cock spurted several times, unloading what felt like gallons of my cum into her. Eventually the spasms subsided and I relaxed back down on the bed, just basking in the pleasure of my cock being inside her. Vicky kissed my cheek and sat up, before slowly sliding herself off my still hard cock and climbing back over me, all without saying another word. She blushed as I stared at her naked body standing over me. Turning her back to me, Vicky pulled her panties back on as my cum began to trickle out from between her swollen pussy lips. Then she pulled her trousers on, followed by her shirt, which she butttoned up.

"I'll be back as soon as I can," she finally said, turning around "I promise."

I nodded, unsure what else to say and with that she left again. As my cock wilted I pulled my boxers back on and sat on the bed mystified. Was it some sort of variation on stockholm syndrome? Had she just felt the same desire I had and decided that this was the only time it could ever happen? If so it was a hell of a risk to take... definitely not in keeping with her character. In spite of the moments where the physical pleasure of what I was doing to her couldn't really be resisted, Vicky never gave the impression she was a willling participant in anything we did. Everything seemed to be performed under duress. Except for that. That she did of her own volition. Maybe the whole ordeal had just broken her completely and she had lost her mind?

I don't know how much time passed, but after a while I heard voices in the corridor outside and the sound of radio chatter. I looked to the door and two police officers came into the room carrying a blanket and bolt cutters. They helped me up and cut the padlock off my shackle freeing me, all the while reassuring me that I was now safe. One of them wrapped the blanket around me and led me out of the room. As we exited, I noticed a hand written note attached to the wall on the far side of the corridor, opposite the door. I hadn't been able to see it earlier but now I could read it:

"He cums inside you or he dies. You decide."

Above the sign was a CCTV camera pointed through the doorway towards the bed frame.

The police officers lead me up some steps and we emerged into the daylight. I struggled to see at first, my eyes overwhelmed by the bright light, but as they adjusted I could see we were standing on a grassy hill. There was no sign of any construction other than the bunker we seemed to have emerged from. On the hillside, two police vehicles were parked up with their doors open. Behind one of the doors, wrapped in a blanket matching my own I could see Vicky. The police officers were keen to escort me into the other vehicle but I broke free of them and ran over to her.

I wrapped my arms around her and she hugged me back.

"Thank you." I whispered "Sorry you had to make that choice."

She leaned back and turned her head to look into my eyes.

"I'd make the same choice again." she replied.

-- The End --
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