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After a day of drinking at his sister's birthday party, a man has an unexpected evening encounter with his niece.
Author's note: None of the places or characters in this story actually exist, and all characters are canonically eighteen years old or older at the time of depicted events. Although obviously, if you prefer to imagine otherwise within the confines of your own mind, who am I to try to stop you?

I was tossing and turning on the couch in my sister's basement, trying like hell to fall asleep, and failing miserably. We'd just celebrated her fortieth birthday with a huge pool party and barbecue in her backyard, with too many guests, music that was much too loud, and way, way too much alcohol. An indulgence for which I was now paying the price, my body rebelling and simply refusing to let me fall asleep like I was telling it to.

It was far from the first time I'd spent the night on Annie's couch. I'd been trying to come over as much as I reasonably could for the last couple of years, wanting her girls to have some sort of stable, positive male influence in their lives after the divorce. Paul was a decent enough guy, really, but their marriage just hadn't worked out, due in no small part to his job as a petrochemical engineer sending him to every godforsaken corner of the globe for weeks, even months at a time. Of course, that hadn't been the only factor; Annie had called me to come over the night she'd been served with the papers, drunk completely off her ass, and told me things about their marriage I'd never wished to know about my own sister. But Paul being gone so much certainly hadn't helped matters any, and so I made an effort to do what little I could to help out and be there for her and the girls.

I had the tv on and turned down low, hoping the drone of the white noise would help me nod off. It wasn't working. About the only thing it did was to prevent me from noticing the approach of my niece Lizzie until she was standing right next to me at the arm of the couch.

“You can't sleep either?” she asked, causing me to start in surprise, craning my head to look up at her. Her younger sisters still had their bedrooms upstairs next to Annie's, but Lizzie, wanting more privacy as she got older, had recently asked to trade rooms with what had been her mother's home office in the basement.

“Guess not.” I replied, studiously lifting my eyes to directly meet hers, and not staring at her firm, round B-cup breasts barely hidden beneath the thin little sleep shirt she was wearing. I don't think she had any idea how much effort it was taking me to do that; I'd had plenty of practice, after all, with the tiny little red bikini she'd been wearing all day at her mom's party.

“Oh, is that the original Halloween?” she asked, glancing over at the tv. “I've always meant to get around to watching that one. Can I watch it with you? As long as we're both up anyways.”

“May as well.” I sighed, starting to push myself to sit up. “I'm clearly not getting to sleep anytime soon.”

“No, you stay there!” she interrupted me with a hand on my shoulder, pushing me back down and scurrying around to the front of the couch. “I'll just slide in there next to you!”

She was crawling in under the blanket before I could think of a way to object that wouldn't hurt her feelings, or worse, reveal the real reason I didn't want her getting into bed with me. At least I was still wearing my shorts and t-shirt to sleep in! She scooched herself back until she was pressed tightly up against me from shoulders to ankles, running her hand through her soft, shoulder-length blonde hair to smooth it out of her way between us, nuzzling her cheek on my biceps as she tried to get comfortable. She was such a tiny little thing, just like Annie; she and her girls all took after our mom's side of the family, not our dad's the way I did, which meant I was the next best thing to a full foot taller than her. Which didn't stop her from feeling like an absolutely perfect fit for me, cuddled up against me the way she was. All I could do was to drape my other arm around her slender, sexy little waist, doing my best not to notice how firm and hot that cute little teenage butt of hers felt, pressed tightly against my crotch.

I couldn't stop myself from getting hard, but other than that I was doing okay, and I didn't think she'd noticed. But then, after about twenty minutes or so, Lizzie started moving. I almost thought I was imagining it at first, that she was just trying to get more comfortable. But she didn't stop; she just kept on slowly rocking her hips, just a little, grinding herself against me. And if I'd still had any remaining doubts, when I peered down at her face I saw she was sexily biting her lip. God, she really was doing it on purpose! Rubbing her cute little ass against my stiff, swollen cock!

I should have called her on it, made her stop. Or at the very least I should have ignored it, pretended I hadn't noticed, maybe even feigned sleep. What I should not have done was to rub her slender, sexy little belly through her sleep shirt in response. But that's what I did. I hadn't done anything overt... it wasn't like I'd reached up and grabbed her breast, or anything, like every instinct I possessed was screaming at me to do. I'd at least managed to restrain myself from doing that! But she clearly understood the impulse driving the movement of my hand on her belly, even if I'd limited what I'd allowed it to make me do; she turned her head, softly kissing the skin of my arm, and began rocking her hips a little faster.

It was a silent game of one-upmanship, after that. She'd press back harder, kiss my arm more intently. I'd squeeze her tighter under my arm, increase the distance I was stroking my hand up and down her belly, drawing ever closer to her breast, but never quite violating that last barrier of propriety. But when she finally licked me, no longer content with just giving me kisses, but instead delivering a long, lascivious tracing of her tongue all the way down my biceps, I could hold back no longer; I reached up, took hold, squeezed tight.

She gasped, eyelids fluttering, trembling in my arms as I gripped her through her shirt. She was every bit as perfect as I'd imagined; on the smaller side, as befitted her age and height, but firm and full and round, her small, erect nipple pressing stiffly into the palm of my hand as my grasping fingers probed the yielding flesh of her breast.

Then she was no longer rocking. Pulling away, in fact, and I was terrified I'd gone too far at last. Until I felt her hand, slipping down into the newly-created space between us, finding my cock! I moaned quietly into the crook of her neck, fearful of her mother or sisters being able to hear, but nevertheless needing her to understand how she was making me feel! She responded in kind, equally quietly but with no less obvious desire. She started to stroke, I started to knead. We both started breathing heavier, the heat of our shared arousal mounting quickly under our blanket.

I still might have been able to keep things from going any further, had I not then given in to the need to reach down under her sleep shirt, pulling it up with me as I found her breast again. Once she felt the sensation of skin directly on skin, there was no stopping her; she immediately started fumbling with the fastenings of my shorts, eventually needing to twist around to face me so she could bring both hands to bear on the task. Which just so happened to finally bring her lips into range for a proper kiss. Needless to say, it was much, much better than just feeling her lips against the skin of my arm! She was talented at it, too, much more than I'd have expected from a girl her age. Certainly more than any of the girls I'd been with when I'd been a teenager! But even as aggressively as we were suddenly making out, she was still able to reserve a sliver of her attention for what she was doing with her hands; she got me undone, eagerly reaching inside. I'm not sure which of us gasped the louder, me at the feeling those slender young fingers exploring my cock, or her at the size and heft of what she found waiting for her there.

She took her hands back briefly, grabbing the hems of my shorts and boxers both, and I lifted my hip off the couch for her as she started yanking them down my thighs. Then she was back, but with only one hand this time; the other was lifting the blanket, her beautiful blue eyes growing wide as saucers as she got her first true look.

“Wow...” she murmured in obvious awe, staring down at her hand softly stroking my shaft, her fingers not even able to reach her thumb as she closed her hand around me. “Just how big are you? Have you ever measured?”

“A touch under nine and a half.” I told her, loving that unique combination of desire and fear in her eyes as she stared down at me. She bit her lip, finally lifting her gaze again to stare deeply into my eyes. What I wouldn't have given in that moment to listen in on the thoughts clearly racing through her mind! But whatever momentary debate she'd just been having with herself, it was over quickly; she was moving again, turning back around to face away from me... then reaching down with both hands, wriggling her hips as she pulled her cute little powder-blue panties down to her knees, before grabbing hold of me once more.

She controlled the pace; I had no choice but to let her, if we were both going to stay quiet enough not to get caught. It took quite a while. I didn't know if she was still a virgin or not, but judging from how tight she was she certainly may have been. Still, she got it done eventually, and once she had the head past her entrance the rest slid in with comparative ease. Until the last two inches or so that is, when she had to bury her mouth against my biceps again, biting hard to keep herself from screaming as I slowly stretched her deeper. But not once did she complain, or give me even the slightest hint that she wanted to stop. And once we did finally get her stretched out enough to take me properly, it took her no time at all before she was enjoying herself every bit as much as I was!

We adjusted positions slightly as we went, but not very much. I would have loved to get her up onto her hands and knees for a proper doggy-style fucking... but it's probably better that we didn't. She was already having to keep her hand over her mouth to keep from moaning too loud, especially once I wrapped my bottom arm in under her neck more, reaching that hand around to grab her breast. It put only negligible pressure on her neck... but you wouldn't have known that from watching her! She must have really loved the feeling of being restrained under my arm like that, even if it was mostly just an illusion. So what else could I do? I lifted her upper leg, slipping my other arm in underneath and hooking it around the back of her knee, before reaching up to grab hold of her other breast, as well, encircling and pinning her even more fully in my arms. She really loved that! I was a big fan as well, of course... but I was going to be limited to just the one orgasm; I counted four of hers before I was finally set to join her.

“God, I'm so close, baby!” I growled as quietly as I could.

“Not yet, Daddy!” she mewled, violently shaking her head. “I'm so close to another one! Just give me one more minute! I want to cum for you again when I feel it shooting inside me!”

“I'll try...” I groaned. I closed my eyes, grit my teeth, and tried to think of anything except the tight, wet little pussy so perfectly gripping my cock.

“Now, Daddy!” she finally gasped. “Give it to me now!”

Not a moment too soon! I thrust into her hard, every muscle in my body seeming to contract at once, my fingers digging deeply into those perfect little teenage titties as I delivered my hot, creamy load deep up inside of her! She bit my arm, wailing into me as she came one last time, trembling hard, her amazingly tight little pussy clenching and quivering, milking me of every last drop I had to give.

We came down slowly, every little shudder and breath one of us would make sending the other into an aftershock of pleasure. Finally we were able to disentangle ourselves a little, and we returned to much the same position we'd started out in. Although I was still fondling her breast, this time.

“Are you okay?” she asked timidly, softly kissing my biceps again.

“Am I okay?” I retorted, the fading of my orgasm bringing with it an enormous flood of post-coital guilt. “I should be asking you that! I mean... Christ, Lizzie! I can't believe I actually just did that to you! You're still in high school, for God's sake! My own niece!”

“Shhh!” she softly cooed, repeating her kiss. “You didn't do anything wrong! If anyone did... it was me, for choosing to seduce you like this, instead of just sitting you down and flat out telling you what I wanted, instead. I was just so scared you'd say 'no', is all, if I tried it that way... I couldn't make myself take that chance.”

“But...” I begain again.

“But nothing!” she interrupted me, vigorously shaking her head. She twisted around at the waist then. Not enough to dislodge my still-hard cock from her tightly-grasping little pussy, mind you... but enough that she could, just barely, look me straight in the eyes, letting me see the tears of such intense emotion welling within. “You did nothing wrong! Okay? I mean it!” she stressed. “You think I didn't want this? That this just happened, by mistake? I've been wanting this... for a long time now, longer than you realize! You have no idea! Do you have even the slightest clue of how hard it's been for me, trying to deny the way I feel about you all this time? Knowing this could never happen between us, just because of some stupid accident of birth, and you being my uncle? Do you think I don't notice the way you look at me, when you think no one's watching? How you're always sitting next to me, and finding excuses to touch me? That I don't already know you feel the same? And today, feeling your eyes on me, playing together in the pool all day, feeling your wet, slippery skin sliding against mine... I just couldn't take it anymore! I just couldn't! I had to come out here, I had to lay next to you... I had to finally take my shot! Or did you really think I just wandered out here in the middle of the night, just because I couldn't sleep?”

I gawped, unable to find words. She smiled, slowly, stroking my cheek, then kissed me the same way. I held her tighter, putting every ounce of love and devotion I had for her into my kiss, hoping against hope that she would understand what I couldn't bring myself to say. She smiled again as she broke away, twisting back around again to cuddle more comfortably into my arms. She seemed content for the moment just to be held, giving me the time I needed to think and adjust. In a strange sort of a way, I wasn't even all that surprised by what she'd just admitted to having done. She'd always been a precocious and self-assured little thing, right from the time she'd first started to talk. Why should I ever have expected anything different, just because it was now a matter of sex?

“Oh, God!” I gasped a few short moments later, the blood freezing in my veins as the sudden realization of what I'd overlooked came crashing down on me like a ton of bricks. “Lizzie... please tell me you've still been taking your birth control!”

“You're just thinking to ask me about that now?” she giggled again, giving me a little wriggle of her hips, making me moan at the shivers of pleasure she'd just sent racing through my overly-sensitive cock.

“Lizzie...” I threatened.

“What?” she teased impishly. “You going to give me a spanking if I don't tell, Daddy? 'Cause I would love that!”

“Don't you think I won't!” I warned, but her playfulness was proving infectious, and I felt myself smiling despite myself. I gave her a pinch on that cute little ass, instead of the spanking she deserved, making her squeal adorably in her efforts to stay quiet, but that was all.

“Yes, Daddy. I'm still taking my birth control. Religiously!” she grinned, taking pity on me now that she'd successfully made me smile. “And I'm not about to stop, now that I've finally gotten what I want! So... maybe you could start coming over a little more often, now? And start spending the night more, when you do?”

She was blushing, averting her eyes, suddenly looking more vulnerable than she had in all the time since I'd first seen her standing at the side of the couch. She was putting on a brave front... but she was still so young, with all the insecurities and sensitivity that I had to expect. And I'm ashamed to say, I chickened out a little, narrowing in on the easy part of what she'd said, what she'd been saying, while I allowed myself to think over the rest.

“So... 'Daddy', is it now?” I asked.

“Is that okay?” She seemed to shrink in on herself even more. “Do you... do you not want me to call you that?”

“Quite the opposite, baby,” I admitted with a sigh, softly kissing the side of her neck. “I'm struggling with myself a little, feeling guilty for just how much I enjoyed hearing you call me that!”

“Yeah?” she asked, smiling shyly now, her blush growing even deeper.

“So much!” I confirmed, squeezing her breast and giving it a playful little shake, making her giggle. “You just make damned sure you don't say it anywhere your mom or sisters can overhear you!”

“Promise!... Daddy!” she giggled again.

“Good girl!” I praised with another kiss on her neck, and you would not believe how much those simple words suddenly made her preen happily and proudly in my arms! “As for that other little idea... it would be tricky, at best. The only reason your mom isn't already down here waving a kitchen knife is that she had even more to drink than I did; she passed out so hard, it would take a direct act of God to wake her up anytime before dawn! I'm not opposed to coming over more often, of course, but even if I do, I really don't think we can rely on getting away with this again. But... what would you say about coming over to my place, to work for me on the weekends, instead?”

“Like... being your maid or something, you mean?” she asked, starting out with a big smile, then frowning sadly as she considered it further. “I would love that, Daddy... especially if you bought me a sexy little French maid's outfit for me to wear for you while I do it! But... I seriously doubt mom would go for something like that!”

“Hmmm.... now there's an idea! You all dressed up and sexy, me stalking up behind you and ravishing you while you're trying to clean!” I nipped playfully at the side of her neck, making her squeal and giggle again. “But actually no; I meant working at the university. We normally only hire undergrads... but it's strictly grunt work, cleaning lab equipment mostly, basically whatever annoying, tedious crap we feel too guilty to make even the grad students do. Nobody will look at me sideways if I engage in a little nepotism, and assign one of the slots to my niece a bit before she'd normally be eligible. And my place is only a couple of blocks from campus; it would only make sense for you to stay with me while you're working, rather than commuting all the way back and forth from your mom's place every day.”

“Seriously?” she gasped, twisting around so she could look me in the eyes again. “You mean, I'd actually get to sleep with you? Like, all night long? Without having to worry about getting caught in the morning if we do?”

“Don't get me wrong... if you agree to take the job, it is an actual job, and you'll be expected to treat it as such! You'll be working your cute little butt off, believe me! But when you come home to me at nigh-mphh!” I was interrupted by a kiss, deeper and more passionate than any we had yet shared, which I had not previously believed possible.

“So... I take it that's a 'yes', then?” I mumbled into her lips when she finally withdrew her tongue from my mouth far enough that I could speak again.

“Yes!” She exclaimed against my lips the same way, still quiet in deference to her mom and sisters, but no less emphatic for that. “That is a definite and enthusiastic 'yes', Daddy!”

“Glad to hear it, baby,” I grinned. “But on that note, and as much as I really wish I didn't have to insist... time to get back into your own bed, before one or the other of us ends up falling asleep out here on the couch. If your mother comes down here in the morning and finds us in bed together, she's going to start chopping off pieces of me I think you'd miss!”

“Fair enough!” she giggled, kissing me again. “But just promise me you'll get started on arranging this job thing you're talking about as soon as you can, okay Daddy? Because after tonight, I cannot wait to be able to have sex with you again! Especially if it means I get to actually sleep with you after!”

“Believe me, baby! You cannot possibly be looking forward to that any more than I am!” she giggled, shaking her head in denial. We kissed for a little bit more, until I eventually softened enough to slip out of her, which we took as a sign. She climbed up out of the couch, turning to face me so I'd have an unobstructed view of her gorgeous, cummy little shaved pussy as she playfully shimmied her panties back up into place.

“Have you ever tasted yourself, baby?” I asked, flipping the blanket away and turning onto my back, displaying myself. She bit her lip and slowly shook her head, eyes widening as she saw that I was completely covered in her creamy white juices after the number of times I'd made her cum for me. She was as nervous as she was surprised, glancing back and forth between my cock and my eyes, trying to decide if I was serious. Slowly she sank down to her knees at the side of the couch, leaning in, giving me a first hesitant lick with just the very tip of her tongue. She slowly grew more sure of herself, and if the beautiful pink blush on her cheeks was any indication, she was even starting to enjoy the taste! Soon she really started getting into it, licking and sucking hungrily, crown to base, even taking one ball then the other fully into her mouth, rolling them with her tongue as she cleaned me. Shockingly, I felt myself starting to get hard again. Not since I'd been her age had I been able to recover that quickly! Lizzie noticed, and immediately decided to take advantage; she grinned impishly, taking me into her mouth and slowly starting to bob. Soon she was crawling up onto the couch with me again, straddling my knees this time, her cute little panty-clad butt sticking sexily up into the air as her shirt slipped down off her hips. I moaned quietly, reaching down to stroke my fingers through her hair in silent encouragement. Not that she needed any; she seemed to be enjoying herself nearly as much as I was, eagerly taking me as deeply as she could, squeezing and stroking the rest of me with her hands.

Getting hard again was one thing, but actually being ready to cum again was something else. I thought for sure she would give up, complaining of a sore jaw, and I wouldn't have blamed her. From my experience, most women claimed they enjoyed sucking cock, but it was a rare one who was willing to actually do it for more than about five minutes at a time. But Lizzie never complained, never gave even a hint that she was having anything less than the time of her young life!

“I'm going to cum, baby!” I finally warned her, after what must have been at least a full half an hour of her devoted efforts. I was praying she wouldn't pull off... but I owed her the warning, and to let her make the choice. My faith was amply rewarded as she redoubled her efforts, her moans of ecstasy as I finally unloaded into her mouth nearly as loud as my own. She kept me in her mouth long past the time I'd finished, playing with my thick, creamy seed on her tongue, squishing it around and around my too-sensitive cockhead, making me moan and clutch my fingers in her hair. She finally swallowed, finishing with a soft, giggling kiss on my crown, before flopping down on top of my chest. Our next kiss was just a touch salty, but I didn't mind; I considered it nothing but a subtle reminder of what she'd just finished doing for me. My hands found that pert little ass, squeezing tightly as we made out. I wasn't going to offer to go down on her at the moment, not with the enormous load I knew I'd deposited inside of her earlier, no matter how much she'd just earned being taken care of in kind... but I promised myself I would more than make it up to her, the next time we were able to be together! We broke apart slowly, lovingly caressing each other's cheeks and hair, our eyes speaking the words our mouths didn't seem able to form. Then she was gone, disappearing silently back to her room, leaving nothing but the scent of her lingering on my skin to prove that she'd ever been there at all.

I shut off the tv, pulling my shorts and boxers back up and tucking myself safely away, closing my eyes and wrapping myself in my blanket again as I relaxed happily back into the couch. The endorphins were already taking hold, guiding me softly into sleep. I could still hardly believe everything that had just happened. It was one thing to learn that Lizzie had actually been having the exact same dirty fantasies about me that I'd been fighting so hard against having about her... But unlike me, she'd actually had the courage to act on them, and thank God for that! Maybe it was wrong... but it sure didn't feel that way. I loved that girl! I always had, from the moment I'd first seen her in the hospital cradled in Annie's arms. Regardless of what anyone else might say, I couldn't deny, it simply felt right! It felt real! And as long as she continued to feel the same way about me that I felt about her... this was going to happen, and I would be damned if I'd let anything or anyone stand in our way!

Rex AllenReport 

2025-02-28 19:12:45
Good story. My ex-girlfriend told me she fucked her uncle and loved it.

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