A mother can't resist when she unexpectedly catches a glimpse of her son's cock.
Author's note: None of the places or characters in this story actually exist, and all characters are canonically eighteen years old or older at the time of depicted events. Although obviously, if you prefer to imagine otherwise within the confines of your own mind, who am I to try to stop you?
"Kade, come on, you're going to be late for school!" I called up the stairs, waiting until I heard movement before returning to the kitchen island for another cautious sip of still-too-hot coffee. That boy... he'd already been in and out of the shower, so there was no doubt that he was already awake. Probably primping his hair again, knowing him. And how had that ever become a thing, by the way? When I'd been his age, it had been fifty-fifty for boys to even bother running their fingers through their hair on their way to school! Not that I could contradict the results from all that extra effort... no one could deny that my son was one attractive young man! But it could be more than a little annoying, trying to get him out of the house on time some days.
"Morning!" he yawned as he finally came down the stairs and into the kitchen. He passed behind me at the isle, on his way to pour a quick bowl of cereal for himself...
"Kade!" I gasped in surprise, eyes fluttering closed as I reflexively pushed back into the firm grip of his hand through my skirt. "You're going to be late!"
He leaned in close, his other hand snaking around my waist, sliding slowly, seductively upwards to take hold of my breast, squeezing me tightly through my satin blouse and thin, lacy little bra. "Pep rally first period," he murmured, the movement of his lips against the back of my ear sending shivers down my spine. "We have time."
I moaned, biting my lip, my soft, D-cup breast like putty in his hand as I tried to find the words to object. But the words wouldn't come... they never did. He withdrew his hand then, moving it to press between my shoulder blades, making me lean over and brace myself on the isle as he pulled my skirt up onto my hips and yanked my sexy little red thong down to my knees. I moaned again, louder this time, as I heard the zipper and he quickly found his mark; his hot, swollen cockhead teasing at my tender little lips, gently spreading me open. My pussy was responding eagerly, regardless of how I felt about it, offering him a soft, wet embrace as he took me by my hips and began slowly but relentlessly pushing forwards, stretching me, not stopping until he'd buried all eleven inches of that thick, magnificent cock fully up his mother's tight, needy little cunt! He pressed in hard, grinding against my ass, making me whimper piteously at the unbelievable depth of his penetration. He withdrew slightly and started to thrust, his hands sliding slowly up my sides and possessively taking hold of my full, heavy breasts, his strong fingers digging deeply, gripping my tits like handles as he started fucking me faster and harder, using my body as his own personal sexual playground, the same as always. I sighed in pleasure despite myself, trembling and closing my eyes, utterly helpless in the face of what my own teenage son was doing to me!
I feel like I need to explain. It had all started six months previously, a Saturday just like any other. I was doing laundry while Kade was up in his room, ostensibly working on his homework but really just playing video games, I was sure. So I didn't feel guilty about using the basket full of laundry in my hands as an excuse not to knock, just opening his door and stepping into his room, fully expecting to catch him playing and to give him a piece of my mind. And he sure was 'playing', that much I'd been right about... but not on his computer! He was half laying down, propped up on pillows against the head of his bed, naked as the day he'd been born, headphones on and staring at the screen on his desk, using both hands to slowly stroke the biggest, most beautiful cock I'd ever seen in my life!
I froze. And I do mean froze, completely. My brain was sending frantic signals to the rest of me, telling me to turn around, to run, to at least close my eyes, for God's sake... and I did none of that. I just stood there, mouth hanging open like an idiot, hands clenching painfully on the handles of my laundry basket, feeling a sudden heat like nothing I'd ever experienced spreading from between my thighs, utterly besotted by the sight of my son's enormous, perfect cock!
"Mom! What the hell?" Kade yelled, finally catching sight of me in the corner of his eye and scrambling to cover himself with his blanket.
"Sorry! Sorry!" I gasped, his exclamation finally having broken me out of my stupor. And still, I couldn't quite bring myself to look away. Even after he had himself tucked away, I kept staring at the blanket, imagining I could still make out the shape of him underneath, so huge and strong and proud. I could already feel the blush rising hot in my cheeks... one of the many hazards of living life as a redhead, I'm afraid. When I get embarrassed about something, there's just no hiding it. Kade was so lucky that he took after his dad's side, so tall and dark and handsome! At least... he took after him in most things. Lord only knew what trick of genetics had gifted him with such an amazing cock, but he damned sure hadn't inherited it from his father, I can tell you that!
"Did you need something, Mom?" he asked. And boy, did I ever! It had been years since the last time I'd gotten properly fucked, ever since the divorce. Oh, who am I kidding... the last time I'd really gotten my needs met had been long before that! And mostly, that had been okay. I still had my toys, after all, and the idea of trying to start dating again after so long off the market honestly made me queasy. But that was before I'd been so abruptly reminded of just what I was missing, right there in front of me like that, staring me straight in the face.
"I...no..." I stammered, still only partially recovered. "Laundry! I have your laundry..." I lifted the basket in front of me, holding it like a shield.
"Oh, uh... okay," he said, stripping off his headphones and laying them aside. He was blushing too, I saw, though not nearly as much as I was. Perversely, seeing that actually made me feel a little better about my own reaction. "You can just put it down... I'll deal with it in a little bit."
"Okay. Sure," I nodded too quickly, desperate now to get away. The problem being, Kade was a typical teenage boy; the only reasonably-clear spot on his bedroom floor, other than the area where the door swung open and shut, happened to be right next to his bed. I tried not to let it get to me, the thought of coming even closer to him while that massive, mouth-watering erection of his was just laying there under his blanket, so impossibly, temptingly close.
I set down my burden, and I think I would have been able to escape if his headphones hadn't chosen that precise moment to emit a piercing, feminine squeal. I glanced over at his desk then, I couldn't help it... and I gasped in shock. I knew MILF-porn was a thing... but I'd always assumed it was something for dirty old men, themselves much older than the women being featured. It had never even occurred to me that my own son might be into that sort of thing! And not only that... the woman on the video was a redhead, busty but otherwise petite... if you closed your eyes a little and leaned your head just right, she almost could have been me! And that was definitely no dirty old man bending her over and giving it to her hard from behind... that young, muscled stud couldn't possibly be more than twenty-two! That was when I saw the video title... my son had been watching incest porn? Oh my God! Had he just been stroking his cock, fantasizing about fucking me?
"Do you like that, mom?" Kade asked, and I swung back in shock to face him, my blush mounting even more as I realized I'd just been caught staring yet again.
"No, I..." I tried, but for the life of me I couldn't find the words to finish that sentence.
"It's okay, Mom. There's no shame in admitting what turns you on," he smiled reassuringly up at me. "Whatever that might be."
"What are you talking about?" I asked, confused and needing to run away, but somehow his calm, reasonable voice was holding me transfixed.
"I think we both know what I'm talking about, don't we?" he asked. "You took me by surprise, when I first saw you... but I saw the way you were looking at me, before I noticed you there." Then he slowly, slowly started pulling at his blanket. And I may as well have been a deer caught in the headlights, for all I was able to look away from the revelation of that magnificent, throbbing cock.
He swung his legs down off the bed and stood up, and finally I was able to find the strength to take a step back. And it was just my stupid luck that I managed to trip on an unseen something on his floor, and that he had to rush forward to catch me by my arms, steadying me. And for the first time since I'd seen his cock, I was not staring at it like a dumbstruck virgin on her wedding night. And I know... I was surprised, too! But I somehow found myself staring up into his eyes, instead, those same deep, beautiful blue eyes that had first attracted me to his father, all those years ago. He was so tall, and strong... nearly a full foot taller than me, making me feel so dainty and powerless as he held me effortlessly.
"Touch it, Mom!" he commanded in a soft, low whisper that had things deep inside of me clenching with need. But I slowly shook my head.
"It's okay. I want this, Mom. And I can tell you do, too. It's okay," he whispered again. He slid his hand down my arm, taking my hand, slowly guiding me toward his crotch. And God help me... this time, I didn't resist.
"Mmmmm..." he moaned, and that, even more than his whispers, set my heart to racing. God... he felt incredible! So hard, and huge, and heavy... and his skin was so soft, sliding easily over the solid core of him as I gently began to stroke. I was able to look down again, now that he'd closed his eyes, and it somehow looked even bigger, in contrast to my small, delicate hands. I tried wrapping my hand fully around him, and there had to be a good inch and a half, at least, separating my thumb and forefinger on the other side. I wasn't sure what that translated to, in terms of actual circumference... but I knew it was huge, and I couldn't stop a little tremble of anticipation and dread as I imagined what it would feel like, forcing its way up inside of me...
I guess I was a little too focused on my staring, because it took me completely by surprise when Kade grabbed hold of my hair, forcefully tilting my head back and leaning down for a firm, vigorous kiss on my lips! I gasped into his mouth, trying to pull away... but he was relentless, the tip of his tongue probing insistently. And when his other hand reached behind me to grab my ass, yanking me roughly towards him and causing his cock to press against my stomach, the difference in our heights meaning that it reached all the way up to poke the underside of my tit... well, a woman has her limits!
I couldn't let go of him completely, not even with him pressed so tightly against me. But I threw one arm around the back of his neck, pulling him down to me as I abandoned all attempts at restraint, welcoming his tongue into my mouth, even sucking on it like the eager, needy little whore he was making me become! Then it was finally his turn to gasp in surprise! But I didn't have the upper hand for long, as his hands started to roam.
I hadn't been wearing much, for doing chores around the house. Just a t-shirt and an old pair of pyjama bottoms, with boring but comfortable cotton panties underneath. I rarely bothered with a bra when I wasn't going out, which in retrospect may have had something to do with my sudden predicament. But that thought was just a niggling little nothing floating around the back of my mind- the rest of my thoughts, and my entire body, were focused exclusively on my son.
My t-shirt disappeared first, and that was all, for a while, as he squeezed and played with his newfound toys. I was just trying not to fall over, he was making me so weak at the knees with the way he was experimenting with my nipples... but that's still no excuse for squealing like a little girl when he suddenly grabbed my ass in both hands and lifted me into the air, finally bringing them into range of his soft, sucking lips. And that, finally and regretfully, was enough to make me relinquish my grip on his cock, simply because I could no longer reach. I still only needed the one arm wrapped around his neck to steady myself... but with the way he was sucking on me so desperately, and with both of his hands occupied holding me up, I couldn't help but play with my other breast myself.
He eventually set me back down again, and it was only seconds before I was as naked as he was. I was just glad it had only been two days since I'd last shaved! I doubt it would have mattered to him, from the way he was pawing so needily at my pussy, hot and sopping wet after everything he'd already done to me... but it mattered to me, that he experience me at my best. But then he was easing me down into his bed, his hot, thick cock laying heavily on my belly as he climbed on top of me, and I guess it was finally enough to break through the fog of desire clouding my mind.
"Kade..." I gasped, my hands pressing up against his shoulders. But he kissed me again, hard, muffling me with his lips as he reached down between us. I struggled, pushing harder, trying to shake my head as I felt the firm heat of him against my lips. No, we couldn't... not this one last thing, it was too much! But then it was happening, my trim, tiny little lips stretching wide, wider than they'd ever been... except for once, giving birth to the same beautiful baby boy who was now all grown up, and about to make me his!
I trembled and shook, and even once he finally backed away from the kiss enough for me to speak, I simply couldn't. He was amazing! Filling me so deeply, so completely, in a way I hadn't even known I needed! I had to make him stop, I had to! But I just couldn't do it. I physically could not make the words come out in the face of such incredible, indescribable pleasure!
He was slow, and careful, gently stretching me to what I was sure was my limit... and then further, and yet further still! By the time he finally bottomed out, I was little more than a gasping, trembling puddle of need! And then, after several long, drawn out moments of making out and pressing as deep as he could go, reassuring himself I actually could take the whole thing without being hurt... he started to thrust again. He worked up to it gradually, but with the way I was instinctively clutching at his ass, encouraging him to take me harder and faster, he couldn't resist forever. And God help me, as I was getting absolutely rag-dolled back and forth on my son's enormous, amazing cock... I was loving every second of it!
I'm not even sure how many times he made me cum. It had been so long for me, I was so unused to getting fucked at all, much less by a monster of a cock like his... there were a couple of times he made me cum so hard I swear I think I literally forgot how to breath for a moment, and passed out completely! And when he was finally ready to join me, bursting inside of me with such a phenomenally huge load of hot, incestuous seed, launching me into what had to be the single strongest orgasm of my entire life... I was done. Thank God he had the presence of mind to roll us over so I would be on top, before he could nod off and crush me in his sleep. I wasn't instantly sleepy in the aftermath, the way he was... but it took me a solid hour before I regained enough control of my body to peel myself off of his softened but still-massive cock, slipping down off his chest and curling against his side under the crook of his arm, softly kissing his sweat-slickened skin as I eventually nodded off to sleep beside him.
And in all the six months since, I'd never once been able to come any closer to telling him 'no' than I had on that first fateful afternoon. It didn't matter how much I tried, how much I promised myself that this time I would find the strength to tell him that it was wrong, that we had to stop. The moment I felt his hands on me, or I caught so much as a glimpse of that unbelievable cock... my willpower vanished like smoke, as if it had never been.
And now here I was again, helpless as a butterfly pinned to a board, impaled on my son's enormous, throbbing cock! And God if it wasn't every bit as amazing as that first time had been! It had been quite a while since the last time I'd actually passed out from him fucking me... but that had more to do with me building up tolerance and stamina, not a judgment on him! If anything, he'd actually been getting better at it, the more opportunity I gave him to practice, which simply had to be experienced to be believed. Hell, I was experiencing it, several times a day, and I still hardly believed it could be true!
"You love that, don't you, you little slut?" he demanded, somewhere around orgasm number four.
"Uh hunh!" I moaned despite myself. I'd long since learned how pointless it was to lie; it only would have resulted in me having to go to work with a stingingly sore ass, after the spanking I'd have earned for myself if I tried.
"Let me hear you say it!" he ordered next, as he so often did.
"I love it!" I gasped, struggling to find the breath to respond the way he expected. "I love my son's huge fucking cock! You fuck me so good, Kade! I love it! I love the way you make me cum all over your amazing fucking cock!"
"Fuck yeah, you do!" he growled, his fingers tightening even further into the yielding flesh of my tits, making me whimper in mixed pleasure and pain. "Such a good little whore!"
He finally unloaded, making me squeal desperately through my own final, strongest orgasm as his hips pounded hard against my ass, his cock pulsing so forcefully inside me as he delivered jet after jet of hot, thick cum, filling me completely! God, I just could not get enough of that feeling! He gave me a firm slap and a squeeze on my ass, his way of wordlessly praising me for being such an obedient little fuck-doll for him. He stayed inside after he'd finished, pressed tight up against my ass and possessively kneading my tits, his thick, hard cock still periodically twitching inside of me with the aftereffects of his pleasure, each time triggering a trembling little residual pseudo-orgasm of my own. But all too soon he was pulling out, helping ease me down to my knees.
"God..." he chuckled as I got to work. "Even after all this time, I love it that you still blush like that when you're cleaning your cum off my cock!"
"Shut up!" I grumped and pouted, giving him a firm thump on his hip with my fist... but I couldn't keep the smile off my lips for long as I went back to claiming my treat. I'd been shocked, the first time he'd asked me to do it for him. Told me to, really... but I consoled myself with the fiction that it had been a request. But now... I honestly couldn't even imagine what I'd do, if he ever told me 'no' when I went down for my well-earned taste! Still didn't stop me from blushing a brilliant shade of red though, from feeling so naughty and dirty while I was doing it!
He helped me back to my feet once I'd finished, kissing me deeply then cuddling me against his chest.
"You realize I'm going to have to go change my panties, now," I groused as I stroked my hands up and down his sides. "I picked these ones special, for you to strip me out of when I got home from work later! But if I wear them now I'm going to leak all over and ruin them!"
"Worth it!" he chuckled, reaching down to pinch my still-naked ass, making me jump and squeal again.
"Ugh!" I rolled my eyes, failing to fight off a chuckle of my own. "Now hurry up!" I said, glancing at the clock on the stove. And to think, I'd always heard that boys his age were supposed to cum quickly! "Pep rally or not, you really will be late if you don't get a move on!"
"In a minute," he smiled, lifting my chin with a finger and meeting me in another kiss, soft and gentle this time. "Love you, Mom," he murmured against my lips. And it really was love, too. Not just lust, not just sex. For all that we had plenty of those as well, for all that he liked to take control, to use me... at the center of it all, it really was all about love.
"Love you, too, baby!" I sighed contentedly. "Now hurry up, enough stalling!" I stepped away and to his side, delivering a nice, hard slap to his spectacular, muscular ass.
"Careful!" he warned with a laugh and a wink as he reached down to force his still mostly-hard cock back into the confines of his jeans. "You remember how it turned out for you the last time you started a spanking-fight!"
"Don't you dare!" I gasped, dancing two steps away and protectively covering my rear with my hands- not an easy feat, with my panties still stretched between my knees! Then again, it wasn't like I hadn't had practice of late. He just laughed, closing the distance and sweeping me back into his arms for one last kiss and an extended fondle of my ass, then grabbing an apple from the bowl on the counter for breakfast and heading on his way.
I sighed as I watched him disappearing out the door and reached for another sip of my coffee, grimacing at the now barely luke-warm liquid and emptying it into the sink. Ah well... I'd been meaning to cut back on my caffeine intake anyways. I stripped the rest of my way out of my panties and darted back up to my room. Or our room, now, I should say. I swear, if Kade was going to keep making me late like this, I was going to start dragging him into the shower with me, rather than letting him sleep in while I got dressed and ready for work! Not that that didn't have its own risk of making us late... but if he was going to end up fucking me in the mornings anyways, better to let him do me in the shower so I'd still be able to clean myself up after! The other girls at the office were going to be terrible, too, staring at me with that knowing look in their eyes when I came in late, trying to get me to tell them about the new man they were all convinced I had in my life. It could be worse, I suppose- at least I'd finally convinced Kade to only do me up my ass on Friday nights now, to give me the weekend to recover so I wouldn't be walking so funny around the office anymore. I sighed, rifling through my underwear drawer until I found a pair of red cotton panties. The shade wasn't quite a match for the bra I was wearing, the way my thong was- but these ones I didn't care if I leaked into, so they would have to be close enough.
And that right there was my secret, the lie I kept on telling myself over and over again. Because no matter how much I tried to tell myself I was going to make this stop, that I was going to finally put an end to it all... I kept on wearing my cutest, sexiest little bras and panties for my son. Because the truth was, in my deepest heart of hearts... I didn't want this to stop. It wasn't just his sexually aggressive nature overwhelming my ability to resist, whenever I allowed him to get too close. Maybe it had been, at first. Maybe if I'd been stronger, right at the start, none of this ever would have happened. But it was too late for that, now. Right or wrong... that just didn't matter to me, not anymore. Not enough for it to make any sort of a difference. I loved him. God help me, but I did. As a mother loves her son, of course... but as a wife loves her husband, too! I remembered that feeling, from the early days of my marriage to Kade's father, before everything had started going downhill. I remembered... and I was determined. Whatever I might tell myself to the contrary, trying to assuage my own guilt... I knew, I would never, ever do anything to mess this up! This time, I would do anything it took. To be his, and to make him mine. To keep and preserve our love, as forbidden as it may be, forever.
And I knew, as I felt the warmth of his gift to me pooled deep up inside of my womb, and as I thought of the overwhelming love and care he always shared, even after the very roughest of the fuckings he gave me, and despite any of the most humiliating things he made me do and say in service of his own pleasure... I knew, he felt exactly the same way.
Thank you so much for your comment! I'm afraid you're wrong on one small detail though; I'm actually a guy, not a woman. I write from the perspective of either, just whoever has the better, more interesting point of view for the action and relationship dynamics I want to explore. Glad you enjoy my style though! Enjoy!
I love your writing and I love this story. Only a woman could write of sex this way - lovely and obscene all at once. I've written some mom-son stories but no matter how I try, I can never combine lust, love and perversion as beautifully as you do - you turn fucking into poetry - magic!. I will be sure to read more of your work!
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