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A man can't resist the advances of his son's sexy teenage girlfriend.
Author's note: None of the places or characters in this story actually exist, and all characters are canonically eighteen years old or older at the time of depicted events. Although obviously, if you prefer to imagine otherwise within the confines of your own mind, who am I to try to stop you?

I pushed myself up from the couch with a groan, stretching and rolling my shoulders as I went to answer the door. I probably should have gone to put on a shirt first... but screw it. It was Saturday, and I was enjoying the air conditioning after just finishing moving the lawn. Whoever it was, they could just deal! And God help them if they were interrupting my morning without a good reason!

“Oh! Hi, mister Swenson. I guess Connor didn't hear the doorbell?” It was my son's girlfriend, looking radiant as always in a cute, pink floral summer dress.

“Hey, Chrissy. Sorry, Connor isn't here.” I said, confused, as I looked her quickly up and down. Damn, was she ever wearing the hell out of that dress! At eighteen, Connor seemed to be at loggerheads with me more often than not lately, but one area where we definitely saw eye to eye was our taste in women. Chrissy was petite, blonde, perky... in both personality and body. She reminded me quite a bit of Megan, actually, Connor's mom. Back in the pre-divorce, pre-psycho-bitch-from-hell days, that is.

“Oh. He just run out to the store or something?” she asked.

“No, I mean he isn't here, here. Or at his mom's place either, for that matter; they're at a wedding out of town this weekend. His mom's cousin. I think? Or maybe the cousin's kid? Wasn't really listening. One of the great perks of being divorced is that I no longer have to pretend to care about her shit. You two got your wires crossed somehow on the dates he'd be away?”

“That would have required him thinking to tell me he was going to be away in the first place!” she scowled cutely.

“Damn...” I sighed. Connor was a good kid, most of the time, but it was like he just didn't think sometimes! “Well, come on in out of the heat for a while, at least. It's murder out there today!” I stepped back, gesturing her inside.

“Thanks,” she sighed too, stepping in and letting me close the door behind her, bracing her hand against the wall as she slipped out of her sandals and nudged them aside with one delicate little foot, her adorable pink painted toenails drawing my eyes. “I won't stay long... I just need to cool down some first, before I can face the idea of getting back on that bus again.”

“Stay as long as you like,” I told her, commiserating. She lived over on the other side of town, just a few blocks from where Connor lived with Megan during the week, and where they both went to school. Connor had asked me a few months back if she could start coming over when he was spending the weekend with me, so the two of them could have some 'alone time' out from under the prying and hyper-critical eyes of his mother. I had definitely understood. “There are some cold sodas in the fridge, I think. And still a couple of slices of last night's pizza, if you're hungry.”

“It's too hot to eat,” she smirked. “But if I'm not back in a couple of minutes, it means I climbed into your fridge and closed the door behind me! Don't come get me until it drops back under thirty out there again!”

I laughed, and went to go reclaim my seat on the couch. She was back from the kitchen momentarily, standing slightly off to the side watching me scroll for something to watch, passing a cold aluminum can along her brow.

“Finding anything good?” she asked, moving to sit down beside me. She set her phone on the coffee table and transferred the can to the cleavage of her fantastic, B-cup breasts, the sudden cold making her nipples pop out so firm and proud it was a wonder they didn't burst straight through the thin fabric of her dress. Not that I noticed, or anything!

“Not really.” I shook my head, readjusting my positioning as subtly as I could, tugging down the hem of my shorts.

“Well... maybe we could find something else we could do, instead?” she suggested bashfully, setting her soda unopened next to her phone and lowering her eyes, a beautiful pink blush rising in her cheeks as she timidly reached over to place her hand on my knee.

“What?” I gasped dumbly as I twisted towards her on the couch, hardly able to believe what she seemed to be suggesting. Chrissy didn't reply, she just continued looking down, blushing harder, smiling shyly and starting to gently rub further up my leg.

“What about Connor?” I protested, the first of many objections that were springing to mind in that moment.

“Connor...” she scowled, almost spitting the name. “Is, as of this moment, single! I have had it with always being treated like an afterthought! In fact...” She withdrew her hand from my leg and grabbed her phone again, thumbing rapidly before setting it back down with disgust. “There, it's official now,” she smiled impishly, quickly returning her hand to my thigh.

“And I can't say I blame you,” I allowed, slowly shaking my head. “Sucks for him, obviously, but I can't say he didn't bring it on himself. And I certainly understand the impulse to go out and have some... fun, after a relationship ends. Maybe get a bit of revenge, even. But... with his own father? I know he's been kind of an inconsiderate dick to you lately... but does he really deserve that?”

“This isn't about what he deserves,” she said, briefly raising her eyes to mine with a self-conscious smile before looking down again. “It's about what I deserve.” She moved her hand again, to my inner thigh this time, her eyes widening to saucers as she got her first taste of what was waiting for her there. “And you can't tell me you haven't been thinking about it, too! I've seen the way you look at me, when you think I won't notice! It always made me feel so sexy, knowing I can turn you on like that! And you're so hot! Honestly... I would have tried hitting on you ages ago, if I hadn't already been dating Conner at the time! But that's over, now... so you don't have to stop at just looking, anymore!”

I turned to face her, reaching out to her long, blonde hair at the back of her head, grabbing tight, giving it a firm jerk downwards. Not enough to really hurt her, of course, that wasn't my intent; but enough to get her attention, and to bounce her eyes straight back up into mine once more, her cute, pouty little mouth gaping open in surprise.

“I'm not my son!” I warned her, my voice deep and gravelly as I stared deeply into her pretty, startled blue eyes. I wasn't trying to make it that way, it just came naturally with what I was feeling and saying. But I didn't try to fight it, either; I knew the effect that voice could have on a certain type of girl. And from the sudden quickening of Chrissy's breath, the heaving of her firm, obviously bra-less young tits under her dress, I knew I hadn't been imagining things when I thought I'd noticed the signs. “Fair warning, little girl! You may be about to bite off more than you can chew!”

“If that's supposed to scare me off...” she breathed, almost panting with sudden arousal. “It is not having the desired effect!”

“So tell me, then!” I grinned wickedly. “What is it, exactly, that you think you deserve?”

“For starters...” She bit her lip, but bravely refused to let her eyes waver from mine. “When I take a hot, sweaty, smelly bus all the way across the city to see my boyfriend... leaking into my panties the whole way here- the new, cute little pink ones I bought special, just for him- I expect him to at the very least be here to have sex with me, the way I've been looking forward to all week!”

“Show me!” I growled. She swallowed nervously, but slowly started moving, twisting herself up onto her knees on the couch to face me directly, leaving them slightly spread, sitting back on her heels. She reached down with both hands, pinching her dress at her waist, raising it tentatively.

“You weren't lying,” I told her approvingly, reaching down with my other hand, deliberately and slowly, making her wait. Her eyes tracked my hand every step of the way. She moaned as I finally made contact, her eyes fluttering closed as I gently started rubbing her through the soft, thin fabric. “These are some very cute little panties! Sexy, too!” They were quite simple, which I liked. It's so easy to overdo it, when you start adding in lace and frills and all that other nonsense. But these ones were just simple, tiny pink cotton. Chrissy was a tiny little girl in the first place, but she looked like she'd bought them a size too small on purpose, tight and thin enough to reveal everything! They had little red hearts on them, and a single tiny red bow just under the band, like a present.

“Thank you,” she murmured shyly, trembling adorably as I started exploring her more thoroughly. She hadn't been lying about how excited she'd been on the bus ride over; I was very much enjoying playing with the dark little wet spot she'd made, teasing the small, delicate folds I could feel underneath.

“Thank you Daddy!” I corrected her archly.

“Thank you, Daddy!” she repeated obediently, gasping as my fingers found an especially sensitive spot. “Ohhh, I love the way you're touching me, Daddy!”

I still had my grip on her hair, and I used it then, pulling her roughly forward into my kiss. She moaned into my lips, opening eagerly as I thrust my tongue into her mouth, meeting it with her own, sucking on it hungrily. Her dress fell onto my wrist again as her arms encircled me, pulling herself tight, leaning into me, on top of me, nearly pushing me down onto my back in her efforts to smoosh her fantastic, firm young breasts against my chest. I regretfully pulled my hand from between her thighs and let go of her hair, grabbing her by her waist and getting a lovely, lilting squeal out of her as I pulled her roughly into my lap straddling my waist. That was better... but that dress still simply had to go! She was so focused on kissing me she wasn't being much help. Which again, I actually kinda liked, wrestling it off of her and tossing it aside. I grabbed her by her fantastic little ass, yanking her up to her knees, my mouth finding her breast.

“Oh, Daddy!” she moaned, wrapping her arms tighter around my neck, pulling herself into me as I kissed and sucked, nibbled and bit, my fingers squeezing deeply into the firm young flesh of her ass. She was perfect! Her tits may only have been B-cups, but they were firm, full and perky, with tiny, pale pink areolas, and cute little nipples barely bigger than pencil erasers, so wonderfully erect between my lips! I traded back and forth, wanting neither side to feel neglected. I could have stayed there for hours... but there would be time to revisit them later. There were other, more pressing matters that needed attending to.

I lifted her in my arms as I stood, setting her carefully down to her feet. One look from me was all it took for her to understand; she nervously bit her lip, obediently sinking herself down to her knees.

She played a bit at first, rubbing and exploring, but she couldn't deny herself for long. It took her a moment to work out the fastenings on my shorts, but she got it figured out soon enough, slipping her fingers in under the band, yanking shorts and boxers both down at once.

“Oh my God, Daddy!” she said in a hushed, reverential whisper, eyes wide as saucers as she looked me slowly up and down my length, shaking her head in disbelief as she took me tentatively into her hands. She was so cute and tiny, her fingers couldn't even come close to reaching her thumbs on the other side. “Just how big are you? Have you ever measured?”

“A touch over nine and a half,” I told her, inordinately pleased by her reaction.

“Wow...” she smiled, then suddenly giggled, glancing naughtily up into my eyes. “Connor was barely five, when he let me measure him! And not nearly this thick, either! I guess he must take after his mom's side of the family, hunh?”

“I wouldn't know,” I chuckled in my surprise, wryly shaking my head. Only five, eh? Poor kid. I guess I'd always just kind of assumed he must take after his dad, but I'd certainly never asked him, or tried sneaking a peak to find out.

“Mmmm...” she purred happily, closing her eyes as she delivered her first soft, slow kiss to the tip of my crown. “I am definitely trading up!” I laughed, choking off in a gasp as she slipped me into her mouth. I was surprised I even fit. And God she looked pretty, with my big, thick cock filling that tiny little teenage mouth! She couldn't take much of me, barely three inches total before she started to gag. And there clearly wasn't even a chance of her being able to get me any further than that, into her throat. But anything she may have been lacking in depth, she was more than making up for with enthusiasm! She was pretty good at it, too. Surprisingly good, given her age and relative inexperience. Certainly much better than Connor's mother, who had somehow always managed to scrape me with her teeth on the rare occasions I'd convinced her to go down on me. Chrissy seemed absolutely fascinated by my balls, too; lifting them, rolling them in her fingers, gently bouncing them and testing their weight in her palm, all while she continued sucking me and stroking my shaft with her other hand. It felt terrific, and I made sure to tell her so, in between my moans. And best of all, though she couldn't quite keep herself from letting her eyes flutter closed in pleasure from time to time, she kept making the effort to look up at me, letting me see the unrestrained lust and devotion in those big, beautiful blue eyes! But as much as were were both clearly enjoying ourselves, there was only so long I could allow that to go on. I reached down, grabbing her under her arms, lifting her back to her feet, then quickly moved my hands to her ass, squeezing her tight as I lifted her straight up into the air, cute little feet left dangling. She squealed and threw her arms around my neck to steady herself, pinning her lips to mine in a passionate kiss, legs wrapping around my waist. I was really learning to love the sound of that cute, girlish little squeal! Then I reluctantly leaned back. I hated the need for a pause... but certain things needed to be said.

“Are you familiar with the concept of a safe-word?” I asked her.

“Uh hunh...” she swallowed, looking into my eyes with obvious trepidation. Oh, she knew what they were, all right! She wouldn't have been looking nearly that nervous, if she didn't!

“Good, then I won't have to take the time to explain how they work. Yours is 'pineapple',” I informed her. “Say it a few times now, so you won't forget it later, if you need it.”

“Pineapple,” she said. “Pineapple, pineapple, pineapple!”

“Good girl!” I praised, squeezing my fingers a little tighter into the flesh of her ass. “Now, from here on out... don't say it again, unless you mean it!”

She nodded, biting her lip, and I set her down. I spun her around, taking her hips in my hands, guiding her up onto the couch on her knees. She leaned forwards without prompting, crossing her arms on the back of the couch to brace herself, wriggling seductively. I took a moment to simply squeeze and caress that spectacular, tiny little round ass in her cute pink panties... then I grabbed them, roughly yanking them half-way down her thighs, making her gasp at the suddenness of it. It's one of my favourite things in the world, seeing a sexy young girl with her panties stretched between her thighs, ready to get fucked... and none had ever looked better than she did in that moment!

“Wait...” she moaned as I took hold of my cock and started rubbing it slowly up and down her tiny, moist slit, squeezing and caressing her hip with my other hand. “Just let me run to Connor's room real quick, to grab a condom first!”

“No,” I growled, continuing unabated.

“What?” she gasped, twisting around to gawp at me.

“I'm clean. Are you?” I asked.

“Yeah, of course,” she admitted, chewing nervously on her lip.

“Then my answer is still no!” I repeated, smiling down at her as I started to press. She trembled and gasped, staring straight into my eyes, still in disbelief that I'd denied her request for a condom. But that was the entire point of a safe-word; I could ignore anything she said she wanted, secure in the knowledge that she could overrule me at any time if I went too far. And on this matter, at least... she was choosing not to say that word!

My God, she was tight! But wet, too, and those gorgeous, tiny little pink lips spread for me welcomingly enough. I took quite a bit longer than I normally would have, erring on the side of caution at every turn; she'd just finished telling me how much bigger I was that what she was used to, and the last thing I wanted to do was risking hurting her, and not having her want to do this again! But eventually, I bottomed out. I gripped her hips, pressing myself hard against that cute little ass, making her feel my entire length. She moaned and arched her back, trembling in ecstasy. Clearly, all worries about me doing her raw had already been forgotten. I had no reference point to judge her reactions fairly... but I was pretty sure she was actually excited by it now, feeling the unbelievable intimacy of skin-on-skin in her most special, secret place.

I started thrusting, gently and slowly at first, working her up to it, gauging her reactions. It was immediately obvious she preferred it on the harder side of things, just like I did. I was still relatively careful with her, making sure to give her plenty of time to adjust, but soon enough I was giving it to her good and hard, bouncing her back and forth against my grip on her hips, driving the air from her lungs with adorable little gasps on every impact against her ass.

Her first orgasm snuck up on me. Apparently she was one of those girls who tended to keep things in... at least until it was time to let them out! Then, there was no hiding it; she squealed and shrieked, clutching and clawing at the couch, bucking herself nearly out of my grip. But I was having none of that; I tightened my grip and rode her all the way through it, every step of the way, giving her everything I had. And when she finally recovered enough of herself to reply, twisting around again to look at me with a silent, panting expression of pure gratitude and lust, I knew I'd made the right call.

That first one seemed to have broken the dam; she was nowhere near as shy in the lead-up to her second or third, panting, gasping, telling me how good it felt, how close she was, encouraging me and begging me to make her cum again. God, I love it when they're vocal like that! And I gave it right back to her in turn, telling her how amazing she felt, how tight, and wet, and what an incredible job she was doing taking my cock so hard and deep. Positive reinforcement is important, when you want to encourage such behaviour in the future!

Soon enough, it was time. I wished I could hold out for just one more, because I could tell she was starting to climb that hill again... but I knew myself too well, knew I'd already used all the tricks I knew of to delay. This was happening, and soon.

“Beg for it, little girl!” I demanded, giving her a quick, firm smack on her lovely little ass, making her squeal and reflexively clench down on my cock, hastening me still closer. We'd long since established that she loved having her ass spanked while she was getting fucked. “Beg for Daddy's cum!”

“But...” she gasped, twisting back to look at me once more, her gorgeous, slender chest heaving to gather enough breath to speak, her beautiful blue eyes panic-stricken. “I'm not on birth-control, Daddy!”

“All the better!” I grinned back at her through my surprise. No wonder she'd wanted me to put on a condom! “I always wanted to have more kids!” One of the many reasons I'd divorced Megan, when she'd arbitrarily and unilaterally changed her mind about our plan to have more, after Connor had been born.

“Oh, God...” she trembled, biting her lip. This would be the time she used that safe-word, I knew. I really shouldn't have been teasing her, pushing her far enough that she'd have to use it. I knew better than that, for Christ's sake! But the fantasy of knocking up such a gorgeous young teenage girl was just too much for me to let go of on my own. And so I wouldn't blame her one little bit, when she said it; I would gladly pull her back down to her knees and unload into her mouth, or all over her face and tits, instead, when she did.

Only... she didn't.

“Cum in me, Daddy!” she wailed, pinching her eyes closed, no longer able meet my gaze as she was saying it. “Please, I need it! I need your cum inside of me, Daddy! Please!”

“You sure about this, baby?” I gasped in surprise, muscles clenching, desperately trying to hold back after the enormous boost forward hearing those words had given me.

“Please, Daddy!” she moaned, licking her lips, opening her eyes once more, staring directly into mine. My God, she was beautiful! And so sexy it hurt! “I need it so bad! I... I want you to breed me, Daddy! Please! Shoot it all the way up inside me! As deep as it'll go! All the way into my unprotected, fertile teenage womb, Daddy! Please! I want you to knock me up! I want you to put your baby in me! Please, Daddy! Please! I need it!”

Like I really had a chance in hell of holding out against that!

The pressure built, my fingers clenching down into the soft, firm flesh of that perfect little ass, making her squeal. Then it was happening, my hips jumping forward with a mind of their own, slamming roughly against her ass, rocketing my cock even deeper inside of her, hard. Then pulsing, instinctively timed just as I was bottoming out, finally, finally unleashing myself into her warm, wet embrace.

She joined me instantly. Maybe she'd been closer than I'd realized, or maybe it was just that it was her first time ever feeling that hot, wet flood shooting into her, instead of just into a condom. But whatever the reason, it was definitely the strongest orgasm she'd had yet! Which contributed even more to the intensity of my own, her tight, clenching walls milking me for everything I had to give.

It seemed to go on for half of forever, she and I feeding off each other in an unbelievable feedback loop of euphoria. But finally, we were spent. Trembling, sweaty, and exhausted, I reached down to her, lifting her upright to her knees, wrapping my arms around her and spinning us around, collapsing to the couch with her in my lap, still fully impaled on my cock.

“My God...” she whispered, laying her head against my shoulder, crossing her arms on top of mine over her waist, sleepily nuzzling up and back at my cheek.

“You can say that again!” I said wryly, making her giggle as I turned to nibble gently on her ear.

“I can't believe I actually let you cum inside me!” she sighed happily, shaking her head at herself in amused disbelief. “I've never, ever let a boy do that to me before! Not without a condom!”

“Neither can I, actually,” I chuckled. “I thought for sure you were going to use your safe-word, and tell me to pull out!”

“Oh!” she gasped, eyes wide, her face going ashen.

“Don't tell me you forgot!” I demanded, my heart skipping a beat in my shock.

“Umm... maybe not forgot...” she admitted sheepishly. “But... maybe I wasn't exactly thinking of it, either, at the time. Or if I was... I was only thinking of it as an emergency 'stop completely' button. Not as a 'stop... but then start again once I have you in my mouth, instead' button.”

“Shit...” I sighed, apologetically stroking her sides. “I'm sorry, baby! But thank God for the morning-after pill! I guess we'll be grabbing you one before I take you home. It was one thing when I thought you were choosing not to use your safe-word, and you'd decided you wanted me to cum in you! But if you just forgot, in the heat of the moment...”

“Or... maybe not?” she offered, twisting enough that she could shyly look up at me. “You would take care of me, wouldn't you? If you did get me pregnant?”

“Take care of you?” I repeated, not sure I was really hearing what I thought I was.

“I mean... you make good money at your job, don't you?” she asked. “Connor always said you do. And... I've always kinda dreamed about being able to be a stay-at-home mom...”

“You will not be a stay-at-home mom!” I told her in no uncertain terms. Then I softened my voice, and grinned. “If, however, you wanted to consider being a housewife... then that is something we could discuss.”

“And that's different than a stay-at-home mom?” she smirked, her eyes twinkling wickedly.

“It couldn't be more different!” I assured her seriously. “Women used to be housewives! For thousands of years, women were housewives, and everything was going swimmingly. I mean... there were famines, and plagues, and wars... and life was honestly pretty terrible in general, compared to the way it is now... but men and women faced that terror together, as partners. Partners with different roles, due to intrinsic physical differences between them, but partners just the same. Then, all of a sudden and out of nowhere, feminism reared its ugly, blue-haired head... and it's been making men and women both absolutely miserable ever since! Women didn't want to define themselves based on their relationship to their husband anymore. They started considering it insulting to be called a 'housewife'; they wanted to be called 'homemakers', instead. Which was already bad enough, right there. They were taking the single, essential aspect of their job de***********ion, being a wife to their husband, and taking it completely out of their title, throwing it away, paying it no more mind! Is it any wonder that the divorce rate skyrocketed, right around the same time this was happening? Eventually, it got even worse. The term 'homemaker' fell out of favour too, because it implied that women were responsible for keeping the home, and doing the chores, and having a meal ready when their husband got home... as if that were all somehow unreasonably onerous to expect of them, when they were the ones staying home all day. The feminists started saying that keeping the home was a shared duty; that men were expected to put in a full day's work, and bring home a paycheck, and then put in an equal share of the work at home, too. Which makes a certain amount of sense, if the wife is also working outside the home, and putting in just as many hours as her husband is. But the feminists never made that distinction; men were to share the housework no matter how many, or how few, hours the wife spent working outside the home. And that's where we find the creation of the 'stay-at-home mother'; a woman whose entire focus is on her children, and not on her husband, the way his focus has remained on her. It's an absolute disaster of a way to run a relationship! And horrible for the children, too! The last thing a kid needs when they're trying to grow up into a competent, successful adult is to have their mother hanging over their shoulder every minute of every day, trying to protect them from the world! Kids are as resilient and independent as you allow them to be. Put a roof over their heads, clothes on their backs, food in their bellies, and tell them they're loved. That's all you really need... and anything more than that, like what you get from your typical child-centred stay-at-home mom, is as likely to do more actual harm than good! And the result of all this? An enormous proportion of men are now flat out refusing to get married, at all, because the women they would want to marry simply don't exist any more! So most men wind up lonely and alone, and most women end up passing themselves around, sharing a tiny number of highly successful, attractive men, growing ever more despondent that they can't convince any of them to settle down with them and be faithful. And why would they, when there's always a dozen more women just like them, right around the next corner? So yes, baby. Being a housewife is very, very different from being a stay-at-home mom!”

“Hunh...” she said, laying herself back against my shoulder again, chewing it over. “Not that you feel strongly about it, or anything!” she smirked, and I smiled too, acknowledging her point- yeah, I'd definitely just gone off on a bit of a rant. “But I'll admit, I never really thought about it that way. It kinda is right there on the tin, isn't it? Right in the words themselves.”

“Words matter. Our choices of words, matter!” I agreed. “More than most people think they do.”

“You know... I would have a requirement or two...” she said flirtatiously. “If I'm going to be your good little housewifey like you want...”

“Is that so?” I grinned. I slid a hand up from her trim little belly, finding her breast. They may only have been B-cups, but they looked so big and full on such a tiny little girl! And I loved the way they fit so easily into my hands!

“Uh hunh!” she moaned appreciatively, swallowing to steady her voice. “Like, for instance... you have to promise you'll keep fucking me the same way you just did! Always! Even if I'm preggers and almost ready to pop, and we already have a whole passel of kids running around underfoot! You have to promise to fuck me anyways, any time I need it! Which I'm warning you right now, if you can keep making me cum the same way you did today, is going to be a lot!”

“A passel?” I chuckled, pinching her adorable little nipple, making her squeak. “Speaking of word choice... does anyone say the word 'passel' anymore?”

“I do, so shut up!” she grumped, smiling, as she reached down to playfully smack my thigh. “And, uhhh... okay, I can't actually think of any other requirements right now, with you playing with my boob like this! But there are some! Whole bunches!”

“Passels, even!” I teased again, getting another smack. And it was in that exact moment that I first consciously realized... this wasn't just post-sex flirting we were doing here. She was actually being serious... she wanted to be my good little housewifey... and she was outlining her terms for how that would look! Even more shockingly... I found myself wanting that, too! God, I must have been insane... but I couldn't deny it, not now that I'd realized what I was feeling. I suddenly wanted her, needed her... and not just sexually, either! I needed what she was offering! A true partnership, exactly the kind I'd just gone off on such a vociferous diatribe about, the kind I'd always dreamed of... the kind of relationship no woman my own age had ever offered me before! Not unless they were lying to me, like Megan had done, to get what they wanted! And this one... this beautiful, young, sensual, stunning young woman... was practically begging me to let her give me exactly what I'd always wanted!

“And... I think I probably should go on birth control, just until I graduate.” She continued sadly, then giggled, suddenly drawing my mind back from the fog to where it had just vanished. Had I missed something, in between passels and birth control? I hoped not, but I couldn't exactly ask, not without admitting I'd just allowed my attention to drift from what she had been saying! “I never wanted to, before, but I am not going back to using condoms! Not after how amazing it was, feeling you cumming in me like that! But... I think we can skip the morning after pill, if you agree, just this once. If you've already gotten me pregnant, on our very first time together... I think I'm prepared to accept that as the universe sending us a message.”

“And how about all the other times I'm going to be having sex with you this weekend?” I asked, still a little lost in my sudden realization, but slowly coming to grips with the idea that this could actually become real! My words caused her to whip her head around in surprise, making me chuckle. “Your parents are expecting you to stay the night again, aren't they?” I grinned. It had been a whole big thing. Connor coming to me, while Chrissy first had to convince her parents she was old enough to have sex if she wanted, and then that if she was going to have sex, it was better that she have it someplace safe, with plentiful access to condoms, rather than in the back seat of some car, or trying to do it in her room while constantly being interrupted by her younger siblings. Of course we'd then all needed to meet each other, to convince them I wasn't some drunken degenerate, and that I would look after her like she was my own while she was under my roof. Which I actually still would, come to think of it... though obviously not in the way any of us had meant it, at the time! “And that doesn't have to change just because you aren't with Connor, now. Which means I get to have you all to myself until I drop you off tomorrow night! And you are sadly mistaken if you think I'm going to have you cuddling naked on my couch, and sleeping in my bed, and you think I'm not going to be having sex with you every single chance I get!”

“So, uhh...” she swallowed nervously, but with a bright, excited smile creeping up behind. “Maybe a pill after all, before you take me home...”

“I think we'd really be pushing our luck, if we didn't,” I agreed with a grin, then sighed. With the possibility of this being real... came reality! “Plus... we really should slow this down a little, and get to know each other better first, before we start taking risks that might end with us having babies together!”

“Afraid I'm going to turn out to be a closet feminist, like you were describing?” she quipped, but I could detect more than a hint of serious worry hidden behind the cavalier manner, fear that I might not be as committed to what she was proposing as she was.

“No, honestly, not even a little!” I laughed, reassuringly squeezing her in my arms. “You and I may not have been dating long... or at all, actually! But I think I've gotten to know you pretty well, since you've been coming over here to spend time with Connor. And a lot more, in the last hour or so! So no, I'm not worried that you're a secret feminist sympathizer. Nor that you're going to turn out to have some other terrible, hidden personality flaw that would ruin any chance of a relationship between us... But then again, I did choose to marry Connor's mother, at one point in time... so my record for making good decisions when I've just gotten my dick wet is not exactly flawless, historically speaking!”

“She isn't that bad,” she rolled her eyes, and I just stared. “Okay, so she is pretty bad,” she agreed then, giggling, and I nodded.

“But even if you and I turn out to be perfect for each other, we still owe it to ourselves- and to any kids we may eventually produce- to slow down just a little, to make sure,” I told her. “It won't hurt either of us to wait just a little before you start popping out the kiddies!” I grinned, teasingly tickling my fingertips across her slender little belly, making her squeal and squirm adorably. “And in the meantime... I am definitely on board for birth control, when it means I get to keep cumming inside of you! At least until you graduate, and we're ready to make this official and start telling people, and I can have you move in.”

“A year, then,” she sighed. “Well, I can live with that, I guess, just as long as I still get to come over every chance we get, until then.”

“That long?” I asked, surprised. “I thought you were a senior, like Connor?”

“He's a year ahead of me, I thought you knew,” she smiled, shaking her head, then paused, lowering her eyes. “Does that... bother you? I am still legal, I promise! I'm just a year behind 'cause I got held back in kindergarten. Didn't play well with others, apparently. I didn't like sharing my toys.”

“Neither do I," I told her, giving her a playful tweak of her nipple to let her know exactly what I meant.

"Never, Daddy!" She squealed and squirmed adorably. "I'm all yours! I belong to you, now, and no one else! Forever!"

"Good girl!" I praised, comfortably cupping her breast. "And no, it doesn't bother me. It's for sure not what I'd consider a problem.” I gave her another comforting little squeeze in my arms and a kiss on her cheek. “You're still the same amazing, beautiful, sexy young girl you were thirty seconds ago,” I told her, making her smile and blush at the compliments. “Means a longer sneaking around period than I would have preferred, is all... but we'll make it work. Speaking of which... you do realize we're going to have to keep this from Connor, too, don't you? Which is going to mean no coming around on weekends he's here?”

“I figured,” she sighed sadly. “Not that he doesn't deserve having me rub his nose in it, for the way he's treated me lately... but if I couldn't even trust him to let me know when he was going out of town, we definitely can't trust him with this!”

“My thoughts exactly,” I confirmed. “But on the plus side, any time he isn't here...”

“Yeah?” she asked, doing an absolutely abysmal job trying to hide her excitement. “Like... even on weeknights, you mean?”

“As long as you can do it without making your parents suspicious,” I told her. “I don't imagine you'll be able to sleep over on school nights, of course... not unless your parents are way more lax than I'd be, in their place! But I'll get a key made for you, so you won't have to wait for me to get home from work if you come over straight from school.”

“So I can practice being your good little housewifey?” she asked with a flirtatious, shy little smile. “And have supper ready and waiting for you when you come through the door?”

“If you like,” I grinned, already picturing it, her obvious excitement at the idea thoroughly contagious. “But if not, I'll be more than happy with you being ready and waiting for me when I come through the door, instead!”

“That works too!” she giggled, squirming happily in my lap. “Awww...” She pouted suddenly; my cock had finally softened enough to slip out of her as she moved.

“Soon, pet!” I laughed, kissing her cheek again. “I might not be a teenager anymore... but with a sexy little thing like you providing my inspiration, I'll be ready to go again before you know it!”

“Yay!” she squealed, and I laughed. She stood, now that she was no longer held in place on my cock, finally stripping her cute little pink panties the rest of the way down her legs, before climbing into my lap straddling me so we could go back to properly making out again. And sure enough, it didn't take me long at all. She rode me that time, her firm, round, barely-legal titties bouncing vigorously in front of my face as she threw herself up and down my cock, my hands tight around her tiny, sexy little waist.

By the time I finally took her to bed that night... scratch that. I mean, by the time we were finally really for sleep that night, already having made several trips to the bedroom over the course of that afternoon and evening... we were both so satisfied and exhausted that we could barely move. She cuddled naturally into the crook of my arm as I lay on my back, a perfect fit; her pretty, blonde head rising rhythmically with my breathing as she lay partly on my chest, her slender leg thrown negligently over mine, her delicate little hand softly but possessively clasping my cock.

“Night, Daddy!” she whispered, turning just enough that she could kiss my chest. “Love you!” It was the first time she'd said it.

“Love you too, baby!” I replied, shocked by how intensely I already meant it. “Night.”

Fuck, waiting was going to be hard! I knew we needed to, at least until she graduated... maybe even a little longer than that, to avoid ruffling any more feathers than necessary. But as I was drifting off to sleep with this miraculous, beautiful, perfect young woman cuddled up beside me, one who actually wanted to do for me all the things my ex had always fought me over... I could already see the path of our lives stretching out before us. And yes, there were going to be some inevitable bumps in that road... I was not looking forward to Connor's reaction when it was finally time for him to hear the news! But sure as I knew there would be bumps, I knew we'd get through them... together.

I ducked my head, softly kissing Chrissy's beautiful blonde hair. She murmured appreciatively, already too far gone into sleep to respond. I laid back and closed my eyes, and joined her in moments. Come what may, I somehow just knew; she and I would find a way to make this work... together!


2025-01-23 22:26:42
Very well written. I enjoyed it very much.

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