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My wife's much younger sister moved in to help care for our daughters, but she has plans for much more.
Author's note: None of the places or characters in this story actually exist, and all characters are canonically eighteen years old or older at the time of depicted events. Although obviously, if you prefer to imagine otherwise within the confines of your own mind, who am I to try to stop you?

I sighed coming through the door, rocking my neck side to side to work out a kink I'd somehow acquired during the drive, grateful to be home. The client meeting had gone even longer than expected, so I was careful to be quiet as I dropped my keys and wallet on the table by the door. I guess I wasn't quiet enough, however, because no sooner had I toed off my shoes than Julie made an appearance from the bedroom hallway.

“Ben! Good, you're just in time,” she whispered with a smile. “I just got them down, but they'll still be awake for kisses goodnight.”

“Thanks, Jules,” I smiled back, hoping it made it to my eyes. It had been a hard six months. A hard two years, really, but even worse after Amanda's cancer had finally won out. Julie had been a godsend, transferring to do her senior year of high school online and moving in to the guest room so she could take care of the twins while I was at work. Both sets of the girls' grandparents did as much as they could, of course, but they all had jobs of their own, too. I'd have been completely lost without Julie having stepped up the way she had... but she just looked so much like her sister sometimes, like a tiny blonde Barbie doll, especially when she smiled like that. I tried my best not to let her see how much it hurt.

“I put a plate in the fridge for you, by the way,” she continued, blissfully unaware of the memories her presence brought up for me. “I'm going to go hop in the shower, now that you're back. I love those girls... but I honestly have no idea how they manage to get so sticky all the time!”

“No problem,” I chuckled as I headed into the kitchen, Julie smiling again before disappearing back around the corner. I transferred my plate into the microwave and set it to humming, then made my way to the girls' room and stepped inside.

The girls had recently graduated to matching pink big-girl beds on either side of the room, but as expected Ava had abandoned hers the moment Julie had left them, crawling in with Mia instead.

“Daddy!” Ava announced, squirming onto her back and throwing her arms up from under the blanket. Mia had been closer to sleep, rubbing her tiny fists into her eyes as she smiled tiredly up at me.

“Love you girls!” I told then, kneeling at the side of the bed and leaning over to squish them both in a hug and giving them kisses on the cheeks, making them giggle. “It's bedtime already, but I'm happy I made it home in time to give you kisses before you fell asleep!”

“Stowwy?” Mia asked, looking up at me hopefully.

“Auntie Julie already read to you tonight, you little story-monster!” I told her, briefly tickling her to make her laugh. “It's too late for more stories tonight, it's time for sleepy-byes now. But I'll tell you what- tomorrow I don't have to work late, like I did tonight, so I promise to read you two stories. How's that?”

“Tree!” she demanded, holding out her hand and staring at it intently until she managed to get the correct number of fingers sticking up.

“You drive a hard bargain, baby girl,” I laughed. “But okay. Tomorrow I promise to read three stories, as long as you both go to bed now.”

That met with eager agreement, and after one more round of hugs and kisses it was time to leave. I knew better than to waste my time trying to convince Ava back to the other side of the room, and I left them there to cuddle each other to sleep as I closed the door behind me, leaving it open just a crack as always so they wouldn't be afraid of the dark.

Julie had been transforming herself into quite a little cook, of late. Tonight she'd made a macaroni and cheese casserole, with plenty of veggies and little chunks of hamburger mixed in. I could just imagine the mess it must have been, feeding that to the girls, but any sign of it had already vanished before I'd gotten home. And for me, along with the remainder of the casserole and an extra helping of veggies on the side, she'd made a nice, thick hamburger patty, with visible bits of chopped onion and peppers inside just the way I like them. I raided the fridge for lettuce and tomato, assembled my burger, and closed my eyes in delight as I took my first bite. I was famished, having needed to work through lunch, and ate more quickly than the meal Julie'd made for me deserved, but I was finally feeling mostly human again by the time I was done. I finished loading and started up the dish washer, then went to crash in front of the living room tv, waiting for Julie to reappear.

It had become habit for the two of us to watch tv or movies together once the girls were in bed. Sometimes she needed to do a bit of homework, too, but even then she preferred to do it sitting next to me on the couch when she could. But tonight... tonight was clearly something different.

“I hope you don't mind...” she said, drawing my eyes to her, and they nearly popped right out of my head as I struggled not to react to what I was seeing. “I thought maybe I'd borrow Mandy's robe, tonight.”

“No, that's fine,” I managed to choke out, trying not to stare at the way the soft red satin was hugging her slender curves. “Any of her clothes, and things... they're yours, if you want them. I should have told you that ages ago, if I'd been thinking.”

“You've had a lot on your mind,” she smiled, coming to sit next to me on the couch the way she always did. “What are we watching?” she asked, pulling her legs up under herself, leaning to rest her head on my shoulder.

“Nothing, really.” I shrugged, blindly offering her the remote, averting my eyes. God, those legs! I could feel the blush burning my cheeks, memories flooding back of all the times Amanda had come to me wearing that robe. She'd had another robe, too, a big comfy terry-cloth thing that covered her nearly to her ankles. That was the one she used to wear after taking a shower. This one she had always reserved for when she'd wanted to initiate sex, and just like when Amanda'd been the one wearing it, it reached barely halfway down Julie's thighs! “You want to pick something?”

“No, you go ahead,” she sighed contentedly. “Just nothing animated, and I'll be happy.”

I flipped a little and settled on a random cop show, hoping maybe that would help keep my mind from wandering to places I had no business letting it go. It seemed to be working, too. Until it wasn't.

“You don't need to try so hard not to look, you know,” Julie giggled maybe ten minutes into or show.

“What?” I gasped. I turned to look at her, and she pulled away from my shoulder enough that she could look me in the eye. But not for long, as she quickly lowered her gaze and started to blush.

“You really think I'd have worn this tonight if I didn't want you to look?” she asked, smiling shyly as she focused on a point about half way down my chest. “I've seen the way you look at me, sometimes, when you think I'm not going to notice.”

“I... God, Jules, I'm sorry, I...” I didn't know what else to say.

“It's okay,” she smiled a little wider, reassuringly, as she made herself raise her eyes again. “You don't have to apologize. I... I like the way you look at me, like that.”

“You do?”

She nodded timidly, lowering her eyes again. “I... think I need to tell you something,” she said, pausing and nervously chewing her lip until she was ready to continue. It was nearly a whisper when she did. “Near the end, once Mandy knew she wasn't going to be getting better, she made me make her a promise. That I wouldn't let you just shut yourself away, and let you turn yourself into some sort of hermit, never moving on. She told me to let you grieve, first... but she made me promise, once I decided enough time had gone by, that I'd push you to start dating again. That I'd make you start dating again, if that's what it took.” She took a deep, steadying breath, and met my eyes again. “It was the last thing she ever asked me for. And I intend to keep that promise. But I will be damned if I'm going to let some other girl have you, when I could be keeping you for myself, instead!”

“You can't be serious! Jules...” I began, but she ignored me completely, lifting herself up and spinning on one knee, dropping herself solidly into my lap, straddling my hips and slipping her hands around the back of my neck.

“I've never been more serious about anything in my life!” she breathed, her beautiful, soft blue eyes dilated wide as she stared into my own from only inches away. “I want this, Ben! And I know you want this too, if you'll just get out of your own way long enough to let it happen.”

“Jules, we can't! Just because you had your birthday last week...” I objected, my hands finding her waist through her robe. Just to keep her at a safe distance, I told myself. And I very carefully did not even glance at what that robe might now be revealing, with her knees spread to either side of my hips.

“Exactly!” she interrupted me. “I'm finally legal, now! And you have no idea how hard it's been, these last few months, forcing myself to wait until I was! Which, I'll have you remember, means I'm a whole two years older than Mandy was, when you started having sex with her!” She countered.

“That was different!” I said, vigorously shaking my head. “You were... what? Three years old when your sister and I started dating? I've known you almost your entire life! I've been more like an uncle to you than I have been a brother-in-law.”

“First of all, you being older than me is irrelevant, so let's get that out of the way right now,” she asserted. “Saying I'm old enough to have sex as long as I only pick boys my own age is like saying you have freedom of speech as long as you only say things the government agrees with. I'm either old enough to have sex, or I'm not. And if I am, then who I choose to have sex with is completely up to me.

“And as for knowing me my whole life...” Her tone softened suddenly, and she brought her hand around from behind my neck to softly stroke my cheek. “Yes, I've known you basically forever. Fifteen years of watching you, of seeing what kind of man you are. Watching you and Mandy falling in love, getting married, watching you dote over her when she was pregnant, and falling in love with each other all over again when you had the girls. Watching when you found out she was sick. Watching you hold yourself together for the girls, after she was gone. Fifteen years, Ben. How many girls get fifteen years to vet a boyfriend before choosing to be with him? If Amanda was still here, I'd spend the next decade trying to find a guy of my own who measures up to the example you set of what a man's supposed to be. But she's not, and I am. And you need me, Ben. The same as I need you. Not just for the girls- you need me for you, too. You can't keep going the way you have been. And I've already been your good little house-wifey, ever since Mandy died. I cook for you, and clean your house, and take care of your kids... In every way but one, Ben. And it's time, now. It's time for us to start giving each other what we both know we want. What we need.”

“This would change everything, Jules.” I told her, lifting my hand to stroke her cheek the same way she was mine. “There would be no going back, and I don't know that I'm ready. In fact, I'm pretty sure that I'm not. But even if you're right, about you, and me, and what we both need... even if you're right about everything, even if you knew this was going to happen, sooner or later... would you really want to do it now? When I look at you, part of me, a big part... can't help but see Mandy's ghost. Do you really want to do this, knowing that is hanging over us?”

She took a deep, slow breath, staring into my eyes. “Sometimes, even when you know you aren't ready for something... I think sometimes you just have to do it anyways, and have faith that you'll become ready, in the doing of it.” She leaned forward slowly, and kissed me.

Her lips were soft and warm, not at all tentative, but neither was she being insistent. She was just pressing her lips to mine, moving them ever so slightly in invitation to join her, but willing to give me whatever time I might need. Part of me hated myself for what I was letting happen, but the longer I felt her lips on mine, the more weight her arguments seemed to hold. And God help me, I did love her. Maybe not the same way as I had Amanda, at least not yet. But playing with the girls with her, and then curling up on the couch together after we'd put them to bed, were my favourite parts of my day. I couldn't even imagine trying to survive my life without her, not anymore.

But then she was pulling away, averting her eyes, her lower lip quivering. I'd waited too long, made her think I was never going to respond, made her give up on me. I panicked. In that moment, that fraction of a second, I knew I couldn't lose her. Not again! Anything but that! I slipped my hand into her hair at the back of her head, still slightly damp from her shower, stopping her from pulling away. Our eyes met, and time seemed to stop. And this time, I kissed her.

She responded eagerly in kind, moaning into my lips as I pulled her tightly to my chest, writhing against me. She trembled as I slipped my tongue into her mouth, clumsy with inexperience as she tried to figure out what to do with her own. But she was a fast learner, enthusiasm easily covering for any lack of technique. She was onto my shirt, then, yanking the tails up out of my pants and fumbling with the buttons. I wanted to rip that robe off her shoulders, to bare her completely! But I forced myself to wait, to not run too far ahead. She was so slender and firm in my arms, so sensuous and sexy, it was all I could do not to flip her right down onto her back on the couch and take her then and there! But doing this the right way was one thing; if I gave in to my lust of the moment and allowed myself to do it wrong, I knew I'd never forgive myself. So I waited, letting her control our pace, and it wasn't until she'd robbed me of my shirt and was lasciviously running her palms up and down my pecs that I finally permitted myself to undo the sash of her robe.

“God damn, baby!” I said. Or more accurately, maybe I should say I growled; the sight of her was activating parts of my psyche that hadn't gotten a proper workout in far too long, and my control of them was already tenuous at best. She was so slender and sexy... and freshly shaved, too, I saw, her trim little lips flushed a spectacular shade of pink with her arousal. “You are gorgeous!”

“You really mean that, Daddy?” she asked, making me glance back up into her eyes in surprise. I guess I must have looked like I disapproved, because she paled. “Sorry... was that weird? That was totally weird, wasn't it? Never mind, let's just pretend I never said that, okay?”

“It's not that.” I grinned, shaking my head. She'd referred to me that way plenty of times before, when speaking to the girls... but she'd never called me that directly, not like that! “It... I just wasn't expecting how much I'd enjoy hearing you call me that, is all. It caught me off guard for a second.”

“Really?” she asked timidly, biting her lip. “You like it?”

“You have no idea!” I confirmed seriously, making her giggle.

“Well, in that case... touch me, Daddy! Please! I want you to!”

“Oh, touching you is the least of what I'm going to do to you, baby girl! Believe you me!” I growled again, slowly dropping my hand from the back of her neck down to her breast. She was so perfectly firm and round, a perky little B-cup, just like Amanda had been before she'd gotten pregnant with the girls, just enough for me to really get my fingers into as I squeezed. She gasped happily, eyes fluttering closed, but I wasn't done yet; while she was distracted I slipped my other hand in under her robe and down to her cute little ass, grabbing hold and yanking her firmly up onto her knees. She squealed adorably in surprise, but only for a moment- the sound cut off abruptly as the shock of having her perfect, pink little nipple sucked deeply into my mouth cut her breath off completely.

“Oh, Daddy!” she moaned, wrapping her arms tightly around the back of my neck, pulling my mouth tighter into the flesh of her breast as she finally gathered her wits enough to find the words. She started struggling herself the rest of the way out of her robe, then, and I'm proud to say I was distracting her enough to give her a hell of a time getting it done. But I took pity on her and got rid of my shirt by myself, even if it meant temporarily releasing my grip on her to do it.

“My turn!” she finally announced some time later, seductively biting her lip as she forced herself back down into my lap. Her hand went straight to my crotch, her eyes widening as she got her first hint of what I had waiting for her there. “I want to see it, Daddy! I want to suck it!”

“Well, what are you waiting for, baby? I'm not about to stop you!” I laughed, kissing her again and fondling her breasts with both hands as she attacked my belt. It took her a minute to work out the fastening on my slacks and get the zipper down, but then she was sliding her way back down off my lap and onto her knees on the carpet, yanking my pants and boxers down with her. Her eyes grew wider and wider the more of me she revealed, until I finally sprung free, my thick ten inches staring her straight in the face.

“Oh, God...” she moaned almost worshipfully as she took me into her hands, shaking her head in disbelief. “Mandy told me about you... but it's one thing just hearing about it. It's something else entirely, actually seeing it, and feeling it, for myself!”

“She told you?” I asked in surprise.

“Girls tell each other everything.” she giggled and nodded. “Especially sisters. At least, Mandy and I did. I think, maybe 'cause she was so much older, and we didn't have a lot else in common, like music and school and stuff, gossiping about her sex life with you was a way for me and her to bond. Of course, at first I thought she was just lying, and bragging. I mean, who could believe something like this, without proof?” she asked, holding her forearm up against me for comparison, smiling and shaking her head again. I wasn't quite that long, though it was close, and I was wider than her wrist. “But she was so insistent, eventually I started to believe. Still... can't say it really prepared me, for seeing it live and in person!”

She leaned in then, and gave me her first tentative kiss on the tip, then looked up at me like she wasn't sure she'd down it right. I smiled down at her, softly, encouragingly stroking my fingers through her hair. She giggled nervously, and gave it another kiss. Then another, and another. She opened her mouth a little, giving the underside a playful little lick, and I started to moan a little. Not a lot, not yet- just enough to let her know I was enjoying what she was doing. Her mouth was so cute and small, she really had to stretch to get me in there without scraping me on her teeth, but she managed it. She could only go slightly past my head before she started to gag, but it still felt incredible. She kept trying though, and I'm ashamed it took me so long to realize what was happening.

“It's okay Jules, you don't need to keep trying to choke yourself on it,” I told her, cupping her jaw and stroking my thumb on her cheek. “Just use your mouth on the head- that's the most sensitive part anyways. For the rest, it's fine to just use your hands.”

“You don't have to say that just to make me feel better,” she said, pulling off me and hanging her head in shame. “I know I'm not doing very good yet... but I'll get better, I promise! I just need time to practice!”

“Hey, now!” I said, moving my hand to her chin and forcing her to look up at me. “You're doing great already, and don't you ever think different! Your sister could never get me much further into her mouth than you can, and believe me, never once was I disappointed by her, either!”

“You really mean that?” she asked, shy but hopeful. “You aren't just saying it?”

“I've never lied to you, Jules.” I told her. “I'm sure not about to start now.”

“Okay,” she smiled weakly, and I moved my hand back to her hair so she could give me another kiss. “But you can tell me, if there's anything I can do to be better at it. I want you to tell me!”

“Just do whatever feels good to you, sweetie,” I told her. “Have fun with it. I promise... it's all going to feel pretty amazing to me!”

That made her giggle, and she nodded as she went back to sucking on me again. No gagging this time, just slurping and swirling her tongue, which was already an improvement. She started getting more confident with her hands, too, especially as more of her saliva started running down to coat my shaft, making it more slippery and fun to play with for her. I couldn't take my eyes off her. No matter that she nearly had them rolling back in my head, I just couldn't look away from how beautiful she looked, not even for a second. She'd always been pretty, and so similar looking to Amanda at that age that it was almost scary. But seeing my thick, twitching cock filling that pretty little mouth of hers took her beauty to a whole new level. She took her time with it, obviously enjoying herself nearly as much as I was, but by the time she'd taken me maybe halfway there she started pulling back, and I could tell something was wrong.

“Is your jaw starting to hurt, sweetie?” I asked. “It's okay, you can stop if you want to.”

“It's not that,” she smiled shyly, continuing to stroke as she took her mouth off me so she could speak. “I'm just trying to decide. On the one hand, I really want to taste you, and see if you're really as yummy as Mandy always said. But on the other, I really, really want to try taking you inside of me, too! I can't make up my mind!”

“Well if that's all...” I chuckled, lovingly stroking her cheek. “Why choose? Keep sucking, baby. After you finish me off I am absolutely going to pay you back in kind! And by the time I'm done, I'll be more than ready for round two!”

“Yeah?” she smiled up at me.

“If Mandy really told you everything, then you know how long it's been since the last time she was feeling well enough for sex,” I grinned. “Trust me, baby... as pent up as I am right now, you'll be lucky if I let you get any sleep at all, tonight!”

“Sounds good to me!” she giggled, and happily dove back down onto my cock. I held out as long as I could, but now that she had a definite goal in mind she was really going at it with a will. She knew exactly the sort of effect she was having on me, too, her beautiful blue eyes twinkling with amusement as she stared up into my own, watching me respond.

“God, baby, you're going to make me cum!” I warned, careful not to give in to my instincts and grab the back of her head, allowing her to pull away if she wanted to. It didn't matter. She just sucked all the harder as my breath started catching in my chest, squealing with excitement as she finally made me burst, her eyes flashing wide. She choked a little as it hit the back of her throat, but she refused to withdraw, sucking desperately as pulse after pulse filled her pretty little mouth. Even then she continued to suck and play, making me writhe and gasp with my increased sensitivity, giggling at the way she was able to control me like that. It was only after I finally had to push her away that she relented, taking the time to swallow.

“God!” she smiled up at me, wiping the back of her hand across her lips. “There was so much of it! I guess it really has been a while for you, hunh?”

“I tried to tell you,” I chuckled, trying to catch my breath. And it was true, at least technically speaking. Never mind that I'd gotten myself off in the shower earlier that morning, as had become my habit ever since Amanda had no longer felt up to taking care of me herself. Julie would be learning what she had to look forward to soon enough- no sense risking scaring her away now! I reached down to take her hands in mind, guiding her back up to straddle my lap again. “So...?” I asked, nuzzling into the crook of her neck and caressing her hips with my hands. “What's the verdict? Do you agree with Mandy's assessment?”

“Umm...” she giggled, squirming happily and wrapping her arms around my neck, but shyly averting her eyes. “I don't know if 'yummy' is quite the word I would choose. I liked it, don't get me wrong! And it didn't taste bad... just kind of salty, is all. But I liked it because it was yours... because it means I did a good enough job sucking you off to earn it... and because of what it means, that you were willing to give it to me like that. Not because of the actual taste. Though I've gotta say, in terms of just the heat of it, holding it in my mouth, and the texture of it, swallowing it all down... those parts I liked just for their own sake, too!”

“Well, I can't ask for any fairer than that,” I laughed, giving her a squeeze and stealing a kiss. “Quick detour into the kitchen for a glass of water first, before it's my turn?”

“Water, yes. But... you don't have to, you know...” she almost whispered, biting her lip. “I did what I did because I wanted to... not because I was expecting you to pay me back. We can just make out and cuddle some more, if you want, until you're ready to go again, and you can put it inside me this time.”

“Are you kidding?” I asked, putting as much disbelief into my tone as I could, leaning back and skeptically examining her face. “It's a good thing we already agreed on a trip to the kitchen, then, because if you think you're going to keep me from tasting that gorgeous little pussy of yours, you're going to have to hold me off with a knife!”

She let out an adorable little snort of laughter in surprise, blushing in embarrassment at the undignified sound as she nuzzled against my shoulder.

“You really mean that?” she murmured quietly. “I mean... you're sure you really want to? You won't just be doing it because you think you owe me, or something?”

“So, so much, baby!” I reassured her, wrapping my arms tightly around her back, stroking her up and down. “But talk to me, first. You seem nervous... you've got to know I won't push you into doing anything you don't want to!”

“It's just...” She began, but broke off to chew on her lower lip for a while, hiding her face from me against the side of my neck. “What if you don't actually like me, you know... down there? Once you see it up close,” she whispered. “Or what if I taste... bad?”

“Oh, sweetie!” I exclaimed, squeezing her close. “That so isn't going to happen!”

“You don't know that!” she shook her head, her lower lip quivering, on the point of tears. “I've... I've tasted myself, on my fingers, after getting off! I just wanted to know, and... eughh, it was so gross! All fishy, and nasty, and... and I just didn't like it at all! And I know you won't either, I just know it! It's going to ruin everything, if you taste me down there! We can just have sex, okay?” she offered desperately, a single tear breaking free to run down her cheek, and she quickly wiped it away with her fingers. “I'll suck you off, and let you put it inside me, any time you want, I promise! Just... don't make me let you taste me down there, okay? Please?”

“If that's really what you want, baby, I won't force you. Of course I won't,” I told her, holding her tight and comfortingly stroking my fingers through her hair. “But... I hope you'll trust me enough to let me try. I always loved going down on your sister, and I'm willing to bet just about anything you care to name that you're going to taste just like she did.”

“But if I don't...” she began again, but I quickly cut her off.

“If you don't, then I still want to taste you, because it's you!” I insisted. “Maybe I'm not going to try pouring you all over my breakfast cereal, or anything... any more than you're going to try the same thing with my cum! But I very much want to eat you out, baby. And I can tell you right now, I'm going to enjoy myself every bit as much as you did, when you were going down on me! Because it's you! At least... I'm assuming you're not on your period, right? Otherwise you wouldn't have picked tonight to try seducing me like this?”

“I'm not,” she confirmed, blushing again and hiding her eyes.

“Okay, good.” I smiled, softly kissing her cheek. “I'm quite happy to still have sex with you when you are... that's why God invented towels and post-sex showers, after all! But going down on you when you're bleeding is where I draw the line.”

“Ewww...” she screwed up her nose in disgust, shaking her head. “Yeah, me too!”

“So we're in agreement, then,” I said. “Tonight, yes. When you're on your period, no.”

“I did not agree to tonight!” she exclaimed, but then her voice softened. “At least, not yet. But... I guess I will. On a trial basis only! And only if you swear, if you don't like it once you're down there, you'll admit you were wrong, and we can pretend like it never happened! Then we can just go back to making out, instead, until you get hard again, and we can try actual sex this time!”

“I guess I really don't have a choice, do I?” I asked.

“Not even a little!” she said, trying to be serious, but there were little hints of a smile she couldn't quite keep from leaking through. She was more than a little apprehensive still, that was clear, but there was anticipation, too. She was about to get her pussy eaten for her very first time... not even her nervousness about her taste could completely outweigh her excitement about that!

I sat forward, lightly patting her on her spectacular little ass to prompt her to stand, stripping myself the rest of the way out of my pants and gathering up shirt and robe as I stood. I draped the entire mess over my forearm, then gave that cute round butt of hers a playful little pinch, making her squeal adorably, before escorting her to the kitchen with my hand cupping her possessively. She giggled and leaned against my side, treating me to a playful little wiggle as she was filling her glass at the sink. I figured I'd best have a glass as well, before taking her back to my bedroom.

I closed the door behind us. Normally I left it open a touch, so I could hear the girls if they woke in the night, but the last thing I wanted was to risk them wandering in and having them see me fucking their auntie Julie. She understood the implications as well as I did, watching me nervously as I quickly dealt with our clothes, then joined her at the side of the bed. She was chewing her lip again, her arms crossed defensively as I tilted her chin up for a kiss. She was even shorter than her sister, which made kissing while standing a little awkward at first. But I did as I'd always done for Amanda, reaching down to grab hold of her ass and yanking her up into the air. She squeaked in surprise as I did it, then laughed into my lips and threw her arms around my neck to steady herself. I stepped slowly forward, easing her down onto the bed, refusing to allow our lips to part for even a second as I crawled into place on top of her. And that was all I did. I wanted to alleviate as much of her nervousness as possible, and the best way I knew to do that was to kiss her to within an inch of her life. Only after she was so robbed of breath that she was literally panting into my neck, her nails clutching desperately into my back, did I start easing my kisses slowly down the curve of her throat. Her skin was already glistening with a subtle sheen of sweat, and I licked it up greedily as I made my way back and forth across her collarbones. The firm, gentle slopes of her breasts were next on my itinerary, making her gasp and moan as I teased her, moving ever so slowly closer to her nipple, then darting across to repeat the process on the other side, over and over. She was literally whimpering with frustrated need by the time I relented, supporting myself on my elbows as I squeezed into her with my fingers, suckling desperately at one then the other.

I stayed perched there for a good, long time, long enough that I was starting to feel myself recover as I hung between Julie's soft, slender thighs, but that would have to wait. I somewhat regretfully moved on, slowly tracing a line down the centre of her skinny, toned little belly. She was ticklish, as it turned out, just like Amanda had been, so I had to be careful not to take my teasing too far. Her belly button, I think, was the point where her excitement finally overwhelmed her nerves. Certainly, that was the point where her fingers went from stroking through my hair to actively trying to push me lower. Still I made her wait for it, refusing to go one single bit faster as I kissed my way down to her waist, detouring across to her hips and making her mewl desperately at the delay, before progressing to her flat, freshly-shaven mound.

She was already trembling, showing off that she was every bit as flexible as Amanda had been as she invitingly opened her legs. God, she was beautiful! Her outer lips were flushed the most beautiful shade of pink, her inner ones tiny, delicate little curtains, her entrance itself looking almost like it wasn't even there at all, she was so tiny and tight. I leaned in softly, not touching her yet, just letting her feel the warmth of my breath. She sighed, eyes closed in pleasure, her head rocking side to side.

Normally, I'd have wanted to delay more, to explore the junctions of her thighs, to work my way ever so slowly closer to that cute, pink little button I could already see poking out at me, driving her crazier by the moment as I made her wait and beg for it. That had always been one of Amanda's favourite games, and the intensity it added to her eventual orgasm (once I finally gave in and allowed her to have one) had to be seen to be believed. But however distracted Julie was at the moment, I knew those worries of hers still had to be gnawing at her, and probably becoming even more intense the closer I came to my goal. Drawing things out, earlier on, had worked out well, helping her to relax; I didn't want to risk undoing all my good work, taking it too far.

So I kissed her, soft but firm, right between her lips.

She gasped, clutching at my head, her thighs closing around my neck. I didn't let that distract me. I just slipped both hands in under her ass, squeezing nice and tight, and started exploring with my tongue. As expected, she really needn't have worried. I made sure to let her know that with an enthusiastic moan, pressing deeper. I was careful, conscious of her virginity and not wanting to go too far or too fast, but by the same token I knew what would be coming; better to loosen her up a little now, doing it by stages, rather than trying to do it all at once with my cock later on. I kept my eyes either lowered or closed completely, partly because I wanted to concentrate on what I was doing, but mostly because I knew what would be waiting when I looked up at her, and I wanted to give it a bit more time, first. Sure enough, once I was ready she was waiting to meet my eyes.

“So?” she asked, nervously biting her lip.

“You must have been doing it wrong,” I smiled up at her, her juices liberally coating my lips. “Pussy is meant to be appreciated straight from the source! Or at the very least off my cock, or my lips! Not off your own fingers.”

“It's really okay?” she continued, still unsure.

“You are delicious, baby,” I told her, punctuating my statement with another slow, lascivious kiss between her folds. “Delightful. Delectable. Divine. Other synonyms, that I'm too distracted to think of right now.” I interspersed each word with another kiss, finally making her laugh.

“Let me try?” she whispered shyly, her cheeks flushing a beautiful shade of pink. “If it's really meant to be tasted off your lips, like you say...”

I grinned, eagerly crawling back up on top of her, but I paused with my lips half an inch away, staring into her eyes, letting her be the one to control the kiss. She reached up timidly, just the very tip of her tongue at first. Then again. Then her lips, soft and slow, gradually mounting in passion, until she finally relaxed back into the pillow.

“So?” It was my turn to ask.

“I'm not sure if it actually tastes better, or not,” she giggled. “But it sure is a lot more fun, tasting it on your lips!”

“Close enough!” I laughed, stealing another kiss. “Now, if you'll excuse me...” I began kissing my way down her body again, much faster this time. “As much as I love kissing you, it's your other set of lips I want to be making out with right now!”

She laughed, stroking her fingers through my hair, gasping contentedly as I returned to work. And when she suddenly came barely a handful of minutes later, it arrived so out of the blue that I think it surprised her even more than it did me. All I could do was tighten my grip on her ass, holding on tight and trying to avoid taking a knee to my ear as she thrashed her way through it. I guess once she was finally reassured about how much I enjoyed her taste, it meant she could truly relax for the first time and allow herself to properly enjoy what I was doing to her. It also meant my original plan, of getting her off once with my mouth before it would be time to penetrate her, went straight out the window with her howls. I didn't give her even a moment of reprieve, slathering her delicious little bits with my tongue even as her heels pounded against my back and her fingers tightened in my hair. I started using my fingers, too, carefully easing her into opening wider for me, curling up and forwards, fingertips feathering against the squishy, pulpy flesh of her g-spot as my mouth concentrated directly on her clit. I'd had plenty of practice with Amanda, learning every detail of what she liked and what she didn't, and I was gratified to discover all my little tricks working for her sister in exactly the same way. I kept it up through two more full orgasms, plus a handful of smaller tremors that were either preludes to or aftershocks from the larger ones, I wasn't entirely sure which. And when I finally crawled back on top of her again, she attacked my mouth like she was dying of thirst and I was the only source of water for days, any lingering reluctance to tasting herself on my lips long since forgotten.

“Give it to me, Daddy! Please!” she begged between rabid kisses. “I need it inside me! Now!”

“Just make sure you tell me, if it starts to hurt too much,” I told her. “A little pain may be unavoidable, for your first time. But the last thing either of us wants is for me to actually injure you, and for us to have to stop, and not be able to try again until you're healed up!”

She whimpered in need, clawing at my back and ass in impatience, but nodded her understanding. I reached down, rubbing myself against her a few times before slipping easily into place between her folds, then slowly, gently beginning to push. God, she was tight! But I'd done my preparation as well as I knew how, and I could feel her giving slightly to the pressure. I still took it easy, gently rocking forward and back, determined to take whatever time was necessary to spare her any avoidable pain. I hadn't known enough to do that, my first time with Amanda. We'd both been virgins, stumbling through the experience with no more knowledge of what we were doing than what we'd each separately managed to glean from watching porn. We'd still managed, more or less, but it had been considerably more painful for her than it had needed to be, and that was still one of the biggest regrets of my life. And not just because it had required a three day break afterwards before she was feeling up to trying again, either! But I was not about to make that same mistake again, no matter how much Julie was grabbing my ass, trying to urge me deeper inside when I could feel she wasn't actually ready for it yet.

We got it done eventually just the same, though by the time my head finally popped past the extreme tightness of her ring and I could start working my way deeper inside, she was so crazed with lust and need that she could no longer even speak. That was okay- I was perfectly happy to read the messages of her body, rather than relying on the imprecision of her words.

Her first penetrative orgasm arrived with no more warning than her first oral one, shortly after the top of my crown had begun brushing back and forth against the firmness of her cervix. She squealed and kicked, reflexively biting down on my collarbone as the intensity of what she was feeling shook through her. I stopped pushing deeper for a bit, focusing on just that spot until she was completely done and left laying almost bonelessly beneath me, the only proof that she was even still conscious the wide, satisfied smile gracing her pretty little mouth. I resumed probing deeper then, but even slower and more gently than before. All evidence so far indicated Julie was built just like her sister, and would be capable of stretching to accommodate my full length, but I remembered what a struggle it had been for Amanda those first few months, before she fully got used to it. I was going to make this the best experience possible, for both of us, and that meant delayed gratification was the name of the game.

She started coming back to herself just as I was finally managing to bottom out. I guess the feeling of me pressing against her lips was finally enough to penetrate that orgasmic haze she'd been revelling in until that point, and she lifted her head and opened her eyes to see if she was really feeling what she thought she was. I grinned, kissed her softly on her lips, and lifted myself far enough off of her that she could see. Her eyes went wide, her mouth gaping open silently, but only for the ten seconds or so until the next orgasm took her. That one had to have been more psychological than it was physical, triggered just by the sight of my full, thick ten inches disappearing fully inside of her tiny, pink little pussy. But an orgasm was an orgasm, regardless of the source, and this one was no less intense than the last. I slipped my hands under her back and grabbed hold of her shoulders, since with me holding myself above her like that I could no longer rely on my weight on her to hold her in place. But by that point, now that I was finally able to reach all the way inside of her, I could feel myself getting really close as well. I couldn't even wait for her to be all the way finished with her own before I had to ask.

“Where do you want it, baby?” I growled. Her eyes widened once again, her mouth working as if to form words, but all that was coming out was the high-pitched squeal of her orgasm. It took her a good, solid minute, my orgasm growing undeniably closer with every thrust, before she finally regained enough control to speak.

“Inside me, Daddy!” she begged, staring deeply up into my eyes. “I want you to cum in me! I need it!”

“What?” I gasped in surprise, the pure, unfiltered lust in her voice nearly enough to overcome the last shreds of my control, almost resulting in her receiving just what she'd asked for then and there. It was only by the barest skin of my teeth that I managed to hang on. “I thought you weren't on birth control?” I groaned with concentration.

“I'm not, Daddy, I don't care!” she whimpered, violently shaking her head. “I want to have your babies! Give it to me, Daddy! Please! Please, I'm begging you! Cum in me! Please, please, pleeease!”

“Oh, fuck!” I growled, the desperate need in her eyes and voice pushing me so far beyond my ability to resist I'd have had more chance flapping my wings trying to fly than I would have of denying her. I thrust into her hard, harder than I ever had yet, and she screamed into the night as the feeling of my hot, thick cum flooding into her depths triggered her into orgasm yet again. It was so close on the heels of her last one, causing her nails to dig so deeply into my back, I knew for certain it had to be her strongest one yet. But that understanding was only floating around at the outskirts of my mind, waiting to be processed later, when I had time. In that moment, the only thing I could think of was the need to be as fully inside of her as possible, forcing myself deeper than I'd ever been before, over and over again, pulsing wave after wave of my seemingly scalding-hot seed directly up into her fertile, unprotected young womb.

We finally collapsed together, sweat-soaked, panting, and spent. It was all I could do to support myself enough not to crush her... and I was entirely unprepared for the sudden scritch-scratching at the bedroom door and the plaintive cry of frustration that it was closed.

“Oh, shit!” Julie whispered, eyes going wide as I scrambled off of her. She rolled, making for my bathroom, but I caught her by her wrist.

“No hiding, that'll make it worse,” I whispered back, shaking my head. She bit her lip as she looked at me, but eventually nodded a nervous agreement. I hurried to the door, tossing her Amanda's robe again and quickly donning mine, waiting just long enough to make sure she had herself covered before opening the door.

“Hey, now,” I murmured comfortingly, dropping quickly to my knees and welcoming the girls into my arms. “What are you two doing up?” I asked, taking turns kissing them in their hair.

“Juwie huwt,” Ava said, both girls peaking around me in concern for their auntie.

“Oh, no sweeties, I'm not hurt,” Julie said, coming down to join me, quickly brushing her hair out of her eyes, then doing the same for the girls. “See? I'm fine! I guess you just heard me... yell, hunh? Did I wake you up?”

“Uh hunh,” they nodded seriously.

“I'm sorry about that...” Julie said, biting her lip as she furiously thought of what to say. “I, uh... I just had a little nightmare, is all. That's what you heard. I got scared, and I screamed a little, and... uh... that's why I'm in here, in Daddy's room. Because he was giving me hugs so I wouldn't be scared anymore. Right, Daddy?”

“That's right,” I smiled, grateful for Julie's quick thinking. I didn't like lying to the girls, but there were some things you just did not explain to kids their age.

“Huggews?” Mia asked, abandoning her hug of me and extending her arms to her auntie.

“That's right, huggles!” Julie extended her arms, all three of them giggling happily as the girls swarmed her, and I spun around so I could rejoin their hug from behind.

“Hey girls... I think maybe I'm going to ask Auntie Julie to sleep in here with me from now on, so I can keep her from being scared in her room all alone. What would you think about that?”

They thought about it a moment, looking at each other as if they were communicating on a whole other twins-only level that didn't need words, before Ava replied for them both.

“No scawwie,” she announced, she and her sister both nodding seriously.

“That's right, no more scaries,” I agreed, giving them kisses in their hair. “And if you ever hear any more of Auntie Julie's screaming, like you did tonight... you don't have to worry anymore, okay? You two can just stay warm and snuggly in bed, and go back to sleepy-byes, because you know she'll be in here with me, so I can give her huggles and chase away the scarries, to make sure she's safe.”

“'Kay,” both girls smiled, nodding sagely. Julie, meanwhile, was blushing a brilliant shade of pink, but staying quiet.

“Now, how about we get you both tucked back into bed?” I said. “It is way past little-girl bedtime, now!” They giggled and allowed me to take their tiny little hands, reaching back to pull Julie along with us. We got them both snuggled and tucked into Mia's bed together, and after several rounds of kisses and hugs Julie and I were finally able to make our escape.

“God...!” she exclaimed quietly once we were safely enclosed behind my door once more.

“It'll be fine,” I murmured reassuringly, pulling her into my chest and kissing her hair, holding her tight. “It was bound to happen sooner or later. And it could have been so much worse! At least I remembered to close the door earlier, so they didn't actually see us.”

“Still... I can't believe I let them hear me like that!” she scowled at herself, shaking her head. “I wasn't even thinking!”

“I consider that a sign of a job well done, myself...” I grinned.

“Not funny!” she grumped, thumping me in my ribs. But she couldn't keep from grinning a little herself as she stared up into my eyes. I stroked my fingers through her hair, and gave her a kiss. She can't have been that annoyed at me, judging by her response. And she didn't resist at all as I undid the belt of her robe and slid it from her shoulders, turning to hang it back on its hook on the door. I did the same with my own, and that was when I heard her gasp.

“What?” I asked, turning back to her.

“Your back!” she exclaimed, grabbing me by my hips and forcing me to turn away again. “Oh my God! Why didn't you tell me, if I was hurting you like this?”

“Is it bad?” I asked, smiling widely as I turned back to face her again. All she could do was nod, and I laughed as I lifted her chin for another kiss.

“Yay, me!” I chuckled into her lips. “Which isn't to say I ever want you to start doing that sort of thing intentionally, mind you! But any time I can make you cum so hard you forget yourself, and mark me up with your nails by accident... that, I just consider marks of my success.”

“Ugh, stupid boy!” she shook her head at me, and I think the disgust she was showing was at least mostly feigned, from her smile. “I can't believe you really just let me do that to you!”

“I had more important things on my mind,” I told her, kissing her again. “And honestly, I'd let you do a whole hell of a lot worse, if that's what it took to be inside of you again!”

“Was I really okay?” she asked, glancing down at my chest.

“You couldn't tell?” I replied, lifting her chin and staring down at her in disbelief.

“I mean... I know you came, obviously,” she fought my fingers, lowering her eyes again. “You shot so much of it, I couldn't help but know that! Or at least, it sure felt like there was a lot of it again! But... if half of what my friends say is true, boys can cum from just about anything! It's hardly an indication of resounding success, just because you came.”

“Well let me put your mind at ease, baby,” I told her, forcing her eyes back up to mine again. “You were incredible! So tight, and hot, and wet! And I absolutely love that I was able to make you cum so many times in a row for me like that!”

“You do?” she asked, smiling shyly.

“You have no idea!” I grinned. “You were so fucking sexy, baby!” I released her chin and reached down to grab hold of her hips, pulling her tight against me. “I love the feeling of your tight little pussy clenching down, your nails digging into my back as you cum all over my cock!”

“Speaking of...” she bit her lip, sinking slowly down to her knees. Quite a lot of it had been rubbed off onto the inside of my robe, and I'd have to remember to include it in our next load of laundry now, but there was still plenty of creamy white girl-cum coating my now mostly-flaccid dick. She approached from the side, her gorgeous blue eyes twinkling with amusement as she gave me a long, slow lick.

“Decided you like the taste after all, have you baby?” I moaned, lovingly stroking my fingers through her hair.

“It's growing on me,” she giggled. “But mostly, I'm just remembering Mandy telling me how much you loved it when she would clean you off with her mouth after you finished cumming in her. It sounded totally disgusting, at the time... but now that I'm actually the one doing it myself, I'm starting to understand the appeal.”

“She really did tell you everything, didn't she?” I chuckled.

“Well, she certainly tried,” she giggled again between licks. “But she could never really explain how amazing it feels, having you inside of me! And especially having you cum in me!” She shivered in remembrance. Then she looked down, biting her lip. “You, uhh... you aren't starting to regret that now, are you? Now that we're no longer in the heat of the moment, I mean? I didn't exactly give you a lot of time to think things through first, when it was happening.”

I reached down, grabbing her under her arms and lifting her to her feet, driving her back towards the bed and tossing her onto it with a squeal, crawling quickly up on top of her. Only when I was perched with my eyes bare inches away from hers did I give her my answer.

“I want you to have my babies too, Jules,” I said, pinning her back to the bed with a kiss before she could respond. Only after making out so long and so hard that we were both panting for breath did I finally relent, rolling us onto our sides and letting her rest her head on my biceps, holding her close.

“You really mean what you said?” she asked, biting her lip with her eyes lowered to my chest.

“I do.” I stroked my fingers through her hair until she met my gaze. “You were right; you have been my good little house-wifey, ever since Amanda passed. But somewhere along the line, you became a hell of a lot more than that. It's passed time I admitted that fact- to you, and to myself. I love you, Jules.”

“Love you too, Daddy,” she smiled, the most adorable mixture of pride and guilt in the quirking of her lip, then she sighed, absently stroking her hand over my ribs. “Mom is going to freak, when we tell her. Dad too, probably... but he'll at least see reason, once I sit him down and explain. It helps that you and he have always gotten along so well. And if you were good enough for one daughter, he can't suddenly pretend like you aren't good enough for the other one. At least once I get him over the whole age thing. But Mom is going to have kittens!”

“I can't say you're wrong...” I admitted with a sigh. I got along fine with Krista too, but it was true that I'd always been closer to Dale than I had been to her. She was not going to take this well.

“Maybe...” Julie bit her lip. “Maybe I should go on birth control after all?” she asked. “At least for a little while, until we can get her more used to the idea that we're together, now?”

“If that's what you want,” I told her, trying to keep my voice neutral.

“Then again, if I am going to have your babies, I kinda want to start having them as soon as possible, so there won't be so much of a gap between the girls and them, like there was between Mandy and me. And I am legal, now whatever Mom and Dad think. Barely-legal, maybe, but legal is legal. It's not like they can actually stop us.”

“Very true.” I chuckled.

“And you could chime in with an opinion any time here, you know!” She said, shaking me by pushing on my ribs. “Don't you even think you're gonna leave me to make this decision on my own!”

“I just didn't want to pressure you, if you had strong feelings about it and were already leaning one way or the other,” I told her, leaning in to steal a quick peck on the lips. “You're the one who'll actually be getting pregnant, after all, so that means your opinion carries extra weight on the timing, and I'm fine with whichever way you choose. But if it were up to me... I'd say we should get started right away.”

“Yeah?” she asked, wrapping her arm behind my back and pulling herself closer.

“Like you said, it would be nice if there weren't so much of a gap between the girls and however many other kids we end up having. You and Amanda made it work, and you ended up really close, once you were older... but as much as she loved her little 'sister-surprise', I know she always wished she could have had you there to grow up with her together, too.”

“Yeah... I think that's what I want, too,” she sighed.

“If it makes it any easier... it isn't like your mom wouldn't have kittens about this, just because we decided to wait a little.” I kissed her again. “That's happening no matter what.”

“You know... somehow, strangely, I think that actually does make it a little bit better!” she giggled. “If I know she's going to freak out no matter what, then it means I don't have to worry so much about the decision, because it wouldn't change her reaction anyways.”

“And who knows...” I continued. “Just because we start trying, doesn't mean it'll take right away.”

“With the amount of cum you can shoot?” she scoffed, shaking her head. “Odds are, you've got me preggers already!”

“Maybe so...” I laughed. “But even if you are, that's no reason not to try again!”

“Already?” she giggled excitedly, reaching down. I was still soft, but I'd recovered enough that I was starting to stir.

“Nearly,” I smiled. “If you just play a bit while we make out, it won't take long.”

“Gladly!” she kissed me, deep and hard. “But this time, I get to try being on top!”

I laughed, and returned her kiss even harder. It wasn't long before she was rolling me onto my back and crawling up on top, riding me slow and gentle until the first time she came, then begging me to roll her over and take her hard and fast to finish off. We shared a much-needed shower together, then cuddled up in bed spooning, my arm draped protectively around her, my hand clutching possessively at her perfect young breast. We were in for an uphill battle, convincing the rest of her family to be okay with this... but somehow, as strange as it may sound... I knew Amanda would have approved.


2025-01-26 06:36:38
Great story. I could almost taste Jules myself. The only detraction is how the guys in these stories are always hung like a horse.

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