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A boy brings a mysterious Central-American stone idol home to show his best friend, the idol's strange magical powers leading to an outcome neither of them ever could have predicted.
I was doing a last bit of tidying in my room when the doorbell rang, and I tossed the single dirty sock I'd just fished out from behind my desk into my hamper before I turned and ran for the door. Not that I really thought Matias would care if my room was a mess, but I couldn't help myself. I hadn't seen my best friend in six weeks, and I didn't want him to think I'd just been sitting around in my room all summer, bored out of my skull without him to hang out with. Especially since that was precisely what I had been doing.

“Hey, Mati!” I greeted him as I opened the door, ushering him inside. “How was Guatemala?”

“Too fuckin' hot, dude!” He laughed, pounding my fist as he came inside, his backpack swung over his shoulder. “It was cool, helping build them a school and all, but Christ did I miss air conditioning!”

I laughed too, moving out of the way as he closed the door behind him and slipped out of his shoes. Mati and I were both five foot eight, both with slender, athletic builds, but that was where the similarities ended. I was about as stereotypically Nordic as it was possible to be, with blond hair and blue eyes, while Mati was purebred Colombian. He was looking even darker than normal, and quite a bit buffer, too, actually; I guess six weeks swinging a hammer in the Central American sun will do that to a guy.

“I gotta say, I'm a little surprised your parents are cool with you sleeping over tonight, with mine out of town at that wedding they got invited to,” I grinned. “Your mom suddenly find her chill while you guys were down south?”

“Oh, is that this weekend?” He asked, not even trying to feign innocent as he returned my grin. “Damn, Chris! Guess I must have gotten the dates confused. Oops!”

“Nice!” I laughed. I liked his folks, really I did, but him mom could be a little bit too Colombian, at times; calling her overprotective was like saying February in North Dakota was 'somewhat chilly'. “So, what are we thinking? Grab snacks and drinks from the kitchen, then all night Smash Bros. tourney?” I grinned.

“Sounds good to me,” he said, the glint of wickedness I saw in his eyes matched by my own, I was sure. We quickly gathered supplies and headed back to my room.

“Same rules as always?” I asked as I started up the game, certain that after six weeks Mati would be as anxious to get started as I was.

“Of course,” he confirmed. “But before we start, I gotta show you something I brought back with me. You're totally gonna get a kick out of this!” He said, taking his accustomed seat on my bed and pulling his backpack up into his lap as he started rooting around inside.

“What the fuck is that!?” I asked, laughing as I got my first clear look at the palm-sized stone statue he'd just unwrapped from inside a t-shirt.

“Weird, right?” he laughed too, handing it over to me. It was heavy, and had to be real stone. I didn't know much about art, but I knew enough to recognize the block-like style of Mayan carving. Or was that Aztec? Hell, maybe I didn't know as much as I thought I did. Central American, at any rate. I turned it side to side in my hand, not quite able to believe what my eyes were telling me. The figure was depicted sitting cross-legged, with hands extended slightly to the sides, palms up, all of which I thought was pretty standard. It was the fact that the figure's huge, hard cock reached all the way up between it's full round tits that made it unusual.

“What, is this supposed to be, like, the Mayan god of transsexuals, or something?” I asked with an amused grin, continuing to examine the figure, turning it upside down to see the lips of a vagina hidden behind the big, swollen balls. It had to be fake, right? I mean, it was obviously made of stone, but it had to be modern, something to sell to stupid American tourists.

“No idea, man,” Mati laughed, shaking his head. “The guy who sold it to me swore it was authentic, that he found it in the jungle, but if it was actually real there's no way he would have sold it to me for as cheap as he did. He told me the god's name, but hell if I could pronounce it, or even remember it well enough to try looking it up online once I got back to a computer after I bought the thing. It's supposed to be some god of gambling, or something. I guess you're supposed to put your finger on one of the hands, while you're offering someone a bet. If they agree, they put their finger on the other hand. That's supposed to get the god's attention, I guess, sealing the bet or something. And then when the bet's resolved, the god's supposed to bless the winner, and curse the loser.”

“No shit!” I said, finally handing the statue back to him. “No wonder you wanted to buy the thing. I take it you want to try it out?”

“Why not?” he grinned. “I mean, it's obviously fake, but just for a laugh. You game?”

“Sure!” I laughed. “Not like I'm not gonna kick your ass anyways!”

“Prove it, loser!” he laughed too, placing the statue on the bed between us, and I reached out to put my finger in the upturned left hand.

“I bet that I can beat you at Smash Bros., best two out of three, with the loser having to give the winner a handjob,” I intoned solemnly, formalizing our standard bet. Mati and I were both straight... but on a particularly memorable night about a year and a half previously, when our trash talking had been mounting to truly epic proportions, I'd challenged him with the bet for the first time. Honestly, I hadn't really even meant it at the time, I was just spouting off at the mouth, and I was shocked when he'd accepted. I won that first time, and though I had offered to let him off without actually having to do it, he'd insisted that 'a bet is a bet', and that he had to live up to his word. We did it again the next day, with Mati determined to win and even the score... which he did. It had just sort of organically become our thing, after that. We weren't gay, or anything... having to jerk the other one off was definitely a punishment, for failing at the bet. But getting jerked off by someone else just felt so much better, compared to doing it yourself... the risk was worth the reward, for both of us.

“Agreed!” Mati replied, equally seriously as he reached out to touch he statue's other hand.

“Fuck!” we both exclaimed, jerking out hands back from the idol in response to a sudden, stabbing pain. There was a tiny welling of blood on the tip of my finger when I looked, like the kind a diabetic gets when testing their blood sugar.

“What the fuck was that?” Mati asked, sucking the tip of his finger. I'd been about to yell the same thing at him, assuming he'd known what was going to happen and had tricked me into it, but he wasn't that good a liar; he'd been just as surprised as I was.

“Must be some sort of stupid prank, made to sell to tourists,” I said, grabbing the statue for a closer look at the hands. There were tiny marks of blood on each of the statue's palms, but I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to activate whatever devious little trap had been responsible for sticking us. “Must have been a one-time thing,” I shrugged, pressing down on both hands simultaneously to show Mati that nothing was happening.”

“Pretty stupid prank,” he scowled, then grinned. “But whatever... it's already stopped bleeding. And I can beat you with one finger tied behind my back, anyways!”

“Bring it!” I laughed, walking over to set the statue on the corner of my desk, then getting back into position beside Mati on the bed. It was close... really fucking close, one game a piece, nail-biters both times, and then on the third Mati barely squeaked by with the win.

“Fuck!” I swore, tossing my controller onto the bed in disgust.

My world became nothing but pain. I think I must have screamed, but I wasn't aware of doing it at the time. There was room for nothing else in my mind but the searing, all-consuming fire burning between my thighs. It slowly started to fade, and only then was I able to regain the presence of mind to look over at Mati, realizing that whatever had just happened to me, it seemed to have affected him, too.

“What the fuck?” I finally gasped. Mati was a bit quicker to recover than I was, rolling himself up onto his knees and fumbling for the fastenings of his jeans. I followed suit, certain that something must have just gone horribly wrong with my junk to produce that amount of pain. I finally managed to get my jeans and boxers pushed down my thighs, and I couldn't believe my eyes.

“Holy shit!” Mati exclaimed then, my eyes feeling like they were about to pop out of my skull as my gaze bounced rapidly back and forth between our dicks. We were both hard, which had it not been for the pain we'd both just experienced, wouldn't have been unusual; we both always got hard as a rock when we had one of our bets going, anticipating having the other one jerk us off. What I didn't expect, what I could never have expected... was that my previously six-inch erect cock now looked to be slightly less than five inches long, with Mati's prior five and a half inches seeming to have gained everything I had lost.

“No... no, this isn't possible!” I gasped, nearly falling off the side of the bed in shock as I tried to sit down, staring disbelievingly down at my crotch. It wasn't just a matter of the length, I came to realize, but the thickness, too. I looked a little bit... stubbier, I guess you'd say; I'd lost more length than I had width. Not by a lot, it wasn't like I suddenly looked deformed, or anything, but given how accustomed I was to the sight of my own dick, the change in proportions was definitely noticeable.

“Possible or not...” Mati echoed in much the same tone of voice, gesturing down at himself; the evidence was incontrovertible. We met each other's eyes for a long moment, then looked as one over to the statue sitting on my desk.

“We've got to fix this,” I said slowly, then looked over at him, down at the length and thickness of him, that he'd stolen from me! “You've got to fix this!”

“Hold on man, hold on. Let's just think for a minute, okay?” he said, holding his hands out to me in a stopping motion, trying to calm me down.

“What's to think about?” Some part of me knew I was losing my grip, but at that moment, I didn't care. “We'll make another bet, and you'll lose, and everything will go back to normal, okay?”

“Yeah, okay. We'll do that. No problem, man,” he said, still making those calming gestures. “I just want you to slow down for just a second, okay Chris?”

I was in no mood to slow down... but I started doing it anyways, closing my eyes, forcing myself to breathe. I guess it was working, because Mati started talking to me more like a normal person again, rather than like someone he was trying to talk down off a ledge.

“Okay, so... all I wanted to say is, as unbelievable as it sounds, I don't think we can deny that statue must actually be real, right?” Mati asked, waiting until I nodded before he'd continue. “So I think we need to be careful with it, not rush into anything. And I think we need to make really sure we don't, like... piss it off, or anything.”

“Piss it off?” I asked, not quite understanding where he was going with this.

“It's supposed to be a gambling god, right?” he continued. “We made a bet... and you haven't held up your end, yet. If it's got the sort of power it would take to do something like this...” He waved a hand sort of vaguely between us, indicating our junk. “I do not want to know what it might do if it thinks one of us is trying to welch on a bet.”

It took me longer than it should have to sort through the logic while still fighting through the shock, but I got there eventually.

“You mean you think I still need to give you a handjob,” I said. “You seriously don't think shrinking my cock is bad enough already?”

“I think better safe than really, really sorry, man,” he confirmed. “Maybe that thing has already done all it means to do... but given what it just did to us, do you really want to take that chance?” I looked over at the idol, just sitting there on the desk, so seemingly innocent.

“Fuck no!” I shuddered, vigorously shaking my head as I slid down off the bed and onto my knees on the floor. Mati quickly moved into position on the edge of the bed, as I reached out to take hold of him with both hands, starting to stroke. I hadn't even thought about it, I just automatically did what seemed to feel right... but suddenly I realized what I was actually doing, and froze. Every time before, when we were paying off one of our bets, we'd do it with both of us on the bed, with porn playing on my computer that we could both watch. It had never even occurred to me before to get down on my knees into such a submissive position, with nothing to look at except his cock right there in front of my face as I stroked him.

“What's wrong?” he gasped, opening his eyes as he looked down at me. I hadn't even realized he'd closed them.

“Nothing,” I replied, shaking my head to clear my thoughts. “But you should take your jeans the rest of the way off, they're in the way.” I closed my eyes, and found myself stripping out of my own clothes as well. We were both fully naked when I found the courage to open my eyes again, Mati standing next to the bed with his strangely-big cock sticking proudly up into the air, with me still down on my knees in front of him. It was all I could do to stop myself from licking my lips as I took his hot, hard pole back into my hands and resumed my efforts to get him off. What the fuck was wrong with me? Did that fucking idol do something to me? Beyond the obvious, I mean? Being down on my knees, looking up at Mati's big, thick cock, and past it to see the look of pleasure on his face... it felt good, somehow. It had sure as hell never felt that way before! Maybe it was because his cock was so much bigger, so much heavier in my hands. Or maybe it was because it was somehow my cock, too... that in some strange, metaphysical way, he'd taken some of my length and thickness, so touching him was somehow like touching myself, and it felt better because of that? I wasn't sure what was really going on, only that I wanted to stay right where I was, on my knees in front of him, while I worked to make him cum for me.

Christ! To cum for me? No, that wasn't right! I didn't think like that! To make him cum, sure, that was the bet. But I didn't want him to cum 'for me'! And yet, the very thought of it almost made me moan despite myself, and I realized that I'd instinctively started speeding up my stroking of his shaft when I'd thought it.

I was still trying to sort out all these conflicting thoughts, but after that first shock I never again stopped what I was doing. And when he started really gasping, and moaning, thrusting his hips into my hands... I saw that he still had his eyes closed, and I moved forwards, putting my face directly underneath his cock and opening my mouth.

“Oh, fuck!” he moaned one last time, and suddenly it was landing all over my face. It was so hot, and wet... and there was so much of it! I guess I couldn't really be sure, since I wasn't able to see what it looked like covering my face... but it sure felt like a lot more than usual! I squeezed the last dribble out from his head, letting it fall onto my tongue, then closed my mouth just in time before he opened his eyes. I don't know what I'd been expecting... I'd never tasted cum before, not even my own to see what it was like. But... it tasted strangely good, and I had to struggle to keep the smile off my face as I swallowed the little bit I'd managed to catch in my mouth.

“Oh, shit!” he gasped as he saw me, then started to laugh. “Looks like I kinda got you there, didn't I?”

“Just a bit!” I nervously joined in his laughter, taking my hands away from his cock and wiping away a bit that had landed across my left eye, acting like it had just happened by accident and that I hadn't done it to myself on purpose. I'd closed the eye in time, thankfully, but I didn't think I was going to be able to open it again until I'd gotten properly cleaned off. Mati helped me to my feet, and though I could still see perfectly well out of my other eye, I let him take my arm and guide me to the bathroom. Thank God my parents weren't home! There really was more cum than usual, I saw... a lot more, as I took a moment to look at myself in the mirror.

I shook myself out of my trance and turned to the sink, hoping that splashing water onto my face would hide my blush. Mati was still standing there in the doorway, watching me, and I'd forgotten all about him as I'd stood there like an idiot staring at his cum covering my face, my smaller than normal dick still completely hard and sticking up in front of me. Mati's had gone soft after cumming, but it didn't seem to be shrinking as much as it normally did. I couldn't tell without actually measuring, but from the look of it it seemed like it was staying about the same size flaccid that mine now was while fully erect. I finally finished getting cleaned off, and we made our way back to my room.

“I guess we need to do this, hunh?” Mati said with a sigh, staring down as he took hold of himself, slightly bouncing his cock as if testing the weight of it in his hand. “Ah well, it was nice while it lasted.” He dropped his cock, reaching out to place a finger on the idol's outstretched hand. “I bet... that the sky is purple with green clouds.” He turned to look at me, but before I could take a step closer to the idol to join him in the bet he suddenly screamed, tumbling to the floor and clutching at his groin.

“Fuck! Mati, are you okay?” I dropped to my knees beside him, unsure of what to do. He was rolling side to side, making the most terrible noise, but it didn't last long. Either it wasn't as bad as the first time around, or the first time had just felt longer to me, because I was experiencing it with him.

“That... isn't going to work,” he finally grimaced, gingerly taking his hands away from himself so I could examine him. He looked exactly as he had a moment ago, still larger and thicker than he normally was.

“What do you mean? What isn't going to work?” I asked, helping him up onto the bed.

“What she just did to me... I'm pretty sure that was a punishment, for trying to throw a bet,” he shook his head, breathing heavily.

“She?” I asked, putting heavy disbelief into my voice as I glanced back at the statue and it's big, hard cock.

“Oh yeah,” he said, nodding seriously. “Cock or not, she is definitely female. I could feel a sort of... sense of her, while she was hurting me that time. And she is pissed!” he shuddered. “Sorry, bro. I would have done it, if I could... but she isn't going to allow it. And if we try to cheat again, after already receiving a warning like what she just gave me...” He just shook his head, and the look in his eyes spoke volumes. “You have to make a choice. We can either leave things the way they are...”

“Or we can make another bet, a real one...” I finished his thought, swallowing in dread at the possibility. “And I can risk making things even worse for myself.”

“Pretty much,” he shrugged.

Fuck! How was I supposed to make that sort of a choice? Could I really just let it go? Just accept the loss of an inch of my cock? Just give it away, to my best friend? I didn't think I could do it. Mati would never try to lord it over me, he was too good of a guy for that... but I knew, every time I saw him, every time I looked at or touched my own dick, that it would be a constant reminder of what I'd once had, but lost. And not only that, but if I decided to just accept it and move on, it would be a reminder of my own cowardice, as well. A reminder that when I lost part of my cock, I'd lost my balls, too. But what if I did try to win it back, and I lost again? Better to live as I was now, with a slightly below-average cock, than to fail again and be left with one that was even smaller still. Only... it wasn't just about the size of my cock, was it? The idol really had done something to me, something to my mind! I'd never wanted Mati's cock before, but now? I was having to make a serious effort to keep myself from staring at it. I'd just made him give me a facial, for fuck's sake... and I wanted him to do it again! No... no, I couldn't just let this go. I had to try to get things back to the way they were before, if for no other reason than to get rid of these thoughts I was having. I stepped over to the desk, and put my finger on the idol's hand.

“I bet that I can beat you, best two out of three, loser gives the winner a blowjob,” I said. “Shit! No, not a blowjob, I meant- Gah!” I jerked in place, like I'd just had a shock of electricity run through my body.

“Umm...” Mati said, moving slightly closer but carefully keeping his distance from me as I recovered. “Something tells me, she didn't like it when you just tried to change your mind about the stakes of the bet like that?”

“No shit!” I gasped, shaking my head and scowling at the position I now found myself in, but reluctantly grateful as well, that I seemed to have gotten off so lightly compared to the punishment Mati had just received. “I don't know why I said that, but I think we're stuck with it now. And...” I gave an experimental tug of my hand, frowning as I found that my fingertip was somehow affixed to the idol's hand. “I don't think I can move my finger until you either accept the bet, or turn it down.”

“You think that's still an option?” He asked. “I could just turn it down?”

“I don't know,” I said, trying to think. There had been something about that jolt of electricity, or whatever it had been, the way it had felt as it was travelling through my body... “I think you're right, though; I could feel it that time, too, and she's definitely female. And I think... I think she's enjoying herself, watching us do this. I think turning down the bet may spoil her fun. And... I'm not sure that would be such a good idea.”

“I was worried you'd say that,” he sighed, lifting his finger and pausing with it an inch above the idol's hand. Then he pressed down, there was a sudden jab in my fingertip, and I could move away.

“Shit!” I swore, as Mati and I both sucked the blood from our fingertips again.

“Hunh!” Mati gasped then, and as I glanced over at him it was immediately clear what he was reacting to; he was staring down at his cock, which was suddenly completely hard once more. He started slowly stroking himself, smiling happily as he explored his newfound length and girth. I couldn't blame him; God knew I'd enjoyed stroking it, too!

“So much for recharge time... I guess she wants us to be able to do the bet right away,” I said, fighting to keep my eyes away from Mati's cock. Fuck! I'd already been having enough trouble not letting myself be distracted by it when it was still soft!

We fatalistically climbed up onto the bed again, and started another match. It was... not good. I was completely off my game. All I could think of, sitting there naked beside Mati, was how much I wanted to lean over and try sucking that big, thick cock of his into my mouth! I wanted him to put his hands on the back of my head, forcing me onto himself, holding me there and not letting me back away as he unloaded down my throat. The little taste I'd already gotten no longer felt like enough... I wanted him to completely flood my mouth this time, so I could really feel his thick, creamy load on my tongue before I swallowed it all. God, I had to stop thinking about that, had to concentrate on what I was doing... but I just couldn't stop, couldn't keep myself from glancing down at it, imagining what it would feel like in my mouth! The first match was a disaster, and the second one was even worse. I knew it was coming this time, but that didn't help with the pain. When I was finally able to sit up and look at myself again, I started to cry at the sight of the pathetic, skinny little three-incher that was now all I had left between my legs.

“Hey, it's okay. It's going to be okay,” Mati murmured, putting his arm around my shoulders and pulling me close. I let myself curl into him, nuzzling my cheek against his chest, as I stared down at his cock, unable to stop myself from licking my lips as I saw how much bigger he was now.

“I kept looking away from the screen, and down at your cock,” I admitted in a whimper, my tears tracing down his wonderful, firm pec. Christ, now that was something I was going to have to worry about thinking, too? And what the fuck was going on with my emotions, all of a sudden? Crying in front of him? Fuck! “I couldn't focus, I just kept looking at it, and thinking about it,” I said, nervously biting my lip. “And... I think it's suddenly just gotten even worse, now that you've gotten so much bigger again,” I admitted, reaching down to start gently fondling it. “I... don't think there's any chance I can win any of it back, now. It's too distracting. I think... I think it's yours for good. I think you're going to be this big, and I'm going to be this small, from here on out. I think I'm done.”

“Not quite yet, you're not,” he chuckled, his voice suddenly deeper, more... manly. I felt him run his fingers through my hair, and I couldn't stop myself from shuddering in pleasure at his touch. “You still owe me a blowjob, first, before you can be done!”

“I know,” I smiled shyly, ducking my head a little further against his chest and praying that he couldn't see my expression. I'd admitted enough already, I did not want him knowing how desperately I wanted to suck his cock! “I want to measure it first, before I suck it!” I gasped, surprised by my own words. Oh, God, where had that thought come from!? But it was true. I wanted so much to know exactly how big it was, before I tried taking it in my mouth.

“Get a ruler, and get on your knees!” he commanded gruffly, and I was already moving before I'd consciously realized what I was doing. It was almost like orders given in that rough, sexy voice completely bypassed my brain. I hurried over to my desk, grabbing a ruler out of my drawer before dropping obediently to my knees in front of him as he stood next to my bed once again. The idol was still keeping us both hard, but I reached up and started slowly stroking him anyways, just to make sure he'd be as big as he could possibly get first.

“Measure yours, first,” he ordered, just as I'd been about to lay the ruler along the top of his shaft. I blanched, not wanting a formal accounting of what I could already see, but I did it anyways, because he told me to.

“Three inches,” I announced meekly. And honestly, even that pathetic total may having been overstating the truth; I'd had to really press the end of the ruler against myself to get my tip to reach the three inch mark. I was afraid he'd say something, making my humiliation complete, but he remained stoically silent, and then it was his turn. I laid the ruler along the top of him, and without even pressing it against him the way I had when measuring myself, I could hardly believe my eyes as I read it.

“Seven and a half inches,” I announced in awe, then turning the ruler sideways and carefully spinning it around his girth. “And just under six around.” I continued, shaking my head. I was less confident about that last, given how hard it is to use a flat ruler to measure a round object, but it was close enough.

“Holy shit! Two whole inches bigger than I used to be! I know it sucks for you, dude... but this is fucking awesome!” Mati laughed, and I blushed as I set the ruler down beside me. I didn't know how to respond to that, but I was saved from needing to as I felt his hand on the back of my head, and I allowed him to pull me forward. I moaned as his thick, spongy cockhead slipped between my lips, hardly able to believe how big he'd gotten already!

No, not already, damn it! Fuck! 'Already' implied that he wasn't done growing yet, and I could not allow that to be true! I'd already lost half of my cock to him, I couldn't lose the little bit I still had left! I had to concentrate on that thought, I had to remind myself that this was as far as it could go. I could not afford to start wondering just how big he might get, if he took everything I had left. Fuck! No, God dammit! I tried not to think about it, but it already felt so amazing, sucking on it as big as it was, I couldn't help myself from imagining it getting even bigger. What would it feel like, to have it swell and grow while it was already inside of my mouth, forcing my jaw open even wider?

I whimpered around his cock at my inability to control my own thoughts. He was just so hard, so hot in my mouth as I swirled my tongue around his crown! I stretched my jaw to get him as far inside as I could, pressing him against the entrance to my throat until I nearly choked on him. I looked up at him, expecting to see his eyes closed in pleasure and surprised to find him staring lustily down at me, instead. I smiled shyly around his shaft, using my hand to squeeze and stroke the part of him I couldn't fit into my mouth, as I met that hot, intense gaze. He started varying the pressure he was putting on the back of my head, helping me bob up and down his length. I reached up to fondle his balls with my other hand, surprised at what I found; a quick exploration of my own confirmed it, and I pushed myself off of him so I could speak.

“It's our balls, too!” I gasped, rubbing the back of my hand across my mouth to wipe away the worst of my spit as I looked up at him in shock.

“Hunh... I guess we shouldn't really be surprised, but I wonder why neither of us noticed it before now,” he said, running his fingers through my hair as he stared lustily down at me. “It's probably for the best, though; it's bad enough your dick has shrunk to look like a little boy's, but you'd look absolutely ridiculous if you still had normal-sized balls hanging under it.”

“I guess,” I allowed, lowering my eyes in shame. It was all well and good for him to say that; he wasn't the one whose dick and balls had just shrunk to half their normal size!

“I wonder if my balls being bigger means I'm going to cum more...” He said, pushing forward with his hips a little, causing his wet, swollen cockhead to brush up against my lips again.

I didn't reply, other than to open my mouth and let him push himself back inside, but privately... I was anxious to find out. I hated myself for thinking it, but as soon as he'd said the words I did want to see if he was going to cum even more than he had the last time, when I'd taken it on my face. I wanted to feel it bursting into my mouth, so hot, wet, and thick! I wanted to hold it all inside, letting it fill my mouth. I wanted there to be so much of it that I couldn't even hold it all, so that it would leak out my lips as I worked to swallow his big, creamy load!

Oh, God, something was seriously wrong with me! By all rights I should have been hating what was happening, just getting it over with so I could spit out his cum and wash the taste out of my mouth as soon as possible. But there I was, slurping and sucking on his cock like an eager little whore, squeezing his base and fondling his big, heavy balls, enjoying every moment of it and fantasizing about swallowing the huge, tasty load he was going to reward me with for all my hard work!

The worst of it was, the more time I spent servicing that big, beautiful cock of his, the more trouble I had remembering that I wasn't supposed to be enjoying it. It just felt so amazing, being beneath him on my knees, with his cock shoved deeply into my mouth as he forced me up and down his shaft... I found myself almost regretting that he was eventually going to cum, because once he did it meant I'd no longer have an excuse to keep sucking on him.

It took him a long time to get there, so long my jaw was starting to ache, but once it finally happened it was even better than I'd imagined. He trembled and shook, catching himself with one hand on my desk and the other grabbing desperately into my hair to steady himself, as wave after wave of hot, steamy cum burst into my mouth. So much for holding it inside! I was swallowing as fast as I could, and still I could feel some of it leaking out around the sides of his cock, dribbling down onto my chin. It tasted really, really good, too. I just couldn't get enough! I wanted to swallow it all... and then go back for seconds just as soon as Mati was recovered enough to give me more!

He finally slowed down, and I desperately sucked the last few drops out of his shaft, swallowing greedily before eventually letting him fall from my lips. I kept one hand gently stroking him, enjoying the little tremors I was causing to run up and down his body, while I used the fingers of my other hand to scoop everything I could from my chin back into my mouth. The aftershocks I was causing finally became too much for him, and he spun my desk chair around, collapsing into it heavily. I smiled up at him, my hand still gently holding onto his cock, as I moved closer. He smiled down at me as I pushed his knees further apart, resting my cheek on his thigh as I continued slowly stroking him, softly kissing the tip of his cock.

“You're surprisingly good at that,” he said, grinning as he ran his fingers through my hair again. “I wasn't expecting you to swallow.”

“I think the idol did something to me,” I finally admitted, lowering my eyes from his, unable to stop the blush from rising onto my cheeks. “More than just the obvious, I mean. I think it did something to my mind.”

“You enjoyed it, didn't you?” he asked next, and I looked up into his eyes again. There was a sort of hunger, there, that I'd never seen in him before. “I could tell. And... you said this was permanent, right? You don't think you'll be able to win any of your cock back, so rather than risk losing even more, you're just going to let me keep it the way it is?”

I could only nod, suddenly unable to find the words.

“So, does that mean... you're always going to want to suck my cock?” he asked. I paused, reluctant to admit it... but he'd figured it out. I nodded again, giving him a slightly more insistent kiss to the tip of his cock as my reply.

Then suddenly, I had an idea! It was so hard, trying to concentrate with Mati's huge, heavy cock just sitting there in my hand, brushing against my lips. I closed my eyes, forcing myself to back away slightly as I ran the idea over and over through my mind, making sure I hadn't overlooked anything. I knew I had to act; I could feel that my sudden clarity of mind was temporary, and I had to move quickly before I allowed myself to become distracted once again.

I jumped to my feet, nearly tripping as I lurched for my desk. I had to close my eyes and take a deep breath, focusing all my concentration, as I placed my fingertip on the hand of the idol.

“You sure, dude?” Mati asked, standing as well. “I thought you said you were done...” His words were kind, protective even... but the look in his eyes was predatory, his big, thick cock appearing suddenly threatening as it hung softening but proud in front of him.

“I bet...” I began, my voice catching in my throat and requiring me to start over. “I bet that I can get your cock deeper into my mouth than you can get mine inside yours! Loser sucks the winner off and swallows his cum!” I gasped out, sagging with relief that this time I'd gotten all the words out exactly the way I'd intended, with no unexpected alterations or additions. It was a brilliant move, even if I did say so myself; my cock was only three inches long now, and I'd just had Mati's at least five inches deep in my mouth. He'd be able to take my entire dick easily, but there simply wasn't enough of it left for him to achieve a deeper penetration than I'd be able to do. I was especially happy with my choice of stakes; I'd already swallowed his, but just because I'd wanted to, and I knew he definitely didn't feel the same. I couldn't wait for him to have no choice but to return the favour in kind!

The look in his eyes was like he was warring with himself; he obviously understood exactly what I was trying to accomplish, and that if he accepted he would have no chance at all to succeed. Part of him obviously wanted to be a good friend and allow me to win back at least some of what I'd lost to him, but the other part, the angry part I could see lurking behind his eyes, wasn't too happy about the idea of having to suck me off and swallow my cum when he lost. Or maybe he just wanted to hang on to everything he'd gained. Not that I could really blame him for that; if I'd been the one whose cock had grown to such impressive proportions, I sure wouldn't have been in any sort of a hurry to give it up!

Staring jealously at that huge cock of his, I thought for sure he was going to refuse, but eventually friendship won out. He reached out to the idol, the familiar sting on my fingertip confirming that our bet had been recognized, Mati's cock stiffening almost instantly to attention again as I watched. He was still scowling, but he lowered himself quickly to his knees, taking my sad little dick easily into his mouth. It felt amazing, the first time I'd ever felt a mouth on my cock, as he pressed his lips deeply against me taking me all the way inside, but we both knew the outcome was already set; I simply didn't have enough of a dick anymore for him to be able to fairly compete.

It was my turn next, and I wasted no time engulfing that big, thick rod. I pushed myself even further than I'd managed while giving him his blowjob, since I didn't have to worry about being able to do it over and over again, and only had to reach my absolute limit once. I was painfully choking and gagging myself, and I closed my hand around his shaft just in front of my lips before I withdrew, marking my spot. I'd have to measure to know exactly, but I estimated my depth at six inches, maybe even a little bit more. Certainly way more than the pathetic three that Mati'd had to work with!

I wish I could say I was becoming accustomed to the pain, but that would be a lie. Mati and I both fell to the ground, curled up and moaning, as the idol adjusted us once more. I was just praying as it happened that it would fully reverse the last change. I had no hopes anymore of regaining the full six inches I'd had before this all started, but if I could at least go back to five again, that would be a hell of a lot better than the pathetic three I had currently!

“No! No no no no!” I screamed, shaking my head in denial as I uncurled myself to examine the results. It couldn't be! I'd won! But not only had I not regained my previous state... somehow I'd lost even more! I had barely even a nub left, no larger than the end joint of my thumb, my tiny little cockhead not even the size of my thumbnail, my balls shrunken to the size of peas.

“Oh, shit!” Mati gasped, as I looked over to see that he'd grown once again. He was staring, awestruck, between my legs. “How'd this happen? I thought for sure you'd figured out how to win some back!” he said, slowly shaking his head.

“I guess... I guess I wasn't specific enough. She must have decided to judge that one as a percentage,” I whimpered, the tears coming hot and fast as I started to sob.

“Hey, it's okay...” Mati said, moving closer and helping me to sit up, pulling my back against his chest and wrapping his arms around me. I just sat there, letting him hold me as I cried... trying not to notice the pressure of his huge, hard cock pressing against my ass and lower back.

“How is this possibly okay?” I almost screamed. “Look at me!” I forced myself to my feet, turning to face him. I couldn't bear the pity in his eyes as he sat there staring at what remained of my dick. I turned away again, still sobbing, and went for my closet. He had to see, had to understand how horrible this was, what I was feeling...

It didn't take me long to find what I was looking for; one of my dad's old porno mags that Mati and I had found out in the garage. We hadn't looked at the thing in ages, not since my parents had decided I was old enough to have a computer in my room, and we'd gained access to internet porn. But I had too many fond memories of masturbating to the girls inside to ever consider throwing it away. I flipped rapidly through the pages, looking for the girl I was thinking of.

“There, see? Look!” I announced, thrusting the magazine into Mati's hands. He was nearly as familiar with the girls inside as I was, but as he looked up at me in confusion I knew he didn't understand.

“Her clit!” I yelled, falling to my knees in despair. “Her clit is bigger than my entire dick, now!”

“Oh...” he said, looking down at the magazine again, like he was trying to compare. Like he even needed to compare; it was obvious for anyone with eyes.

“I mean... yeah, it is,” he said, shrugging slightly. “But you've got to admit, her clit is really big. None of the other girls in here have a clit that size.”

“Like that really helps!” I sobbed, shaking my head. “Yay, me! Not every girl has a clit bigger than my dick, only some of them do.”

“Come on, man. Why don't you come back over here? I know it sucks, but as much as I wish I could help, there isn't anything we can do about it, now,” he said, laying the magazine carefully on the bed, opened to the girl I'd shown him, as he stood up and started gently stroking his cock at me. “I bet you'll feel so much better, after you finish sucking me off again.”

“What!?” I gasped, looking up at him in shock.

“I mean, you have to do it anyways, it was part of the bet, remember?” he explained, giving himself long, slow strokes up and down his enormous cock, drawing my eyes like a magnet. “You don't want to risk whatever she might decide to do to you, if you don't follow through with it,” he smirked, a glimmer of wickedness in his eyes as he looked down at me. “And don't you want to measure it again, to see how much bigger it just got?”

“I guess...” I whispered, crawling slowly towards his cock as if it had hypnotized me. Who knows, maybe it had.

He stopped stroking as I finally got close enough, licking my lips as I grabbed the ruler from the floor. I didn't need to be told this time to check myself first.

“One and a quarter inches,” I announced, my fingers trembling as I reached up to touch him next, fighting against the impulse to start stroking him.

“Eight and a quarter long... six and a quarter around,” I moaned, the ruler tumbling from my fingers as I finally finished measuring, wrapped my hands around him, no longer able to resist. I slid my lips around his crown, Mati moaning in pleasure as I felt him grabbing my head with both hands this time, pulling me deeper. I started to stroke him while I sucked; he was big enough now, even with him pressed right up against the entrance to my throat there was still plenty of room for my hand to move up and down at his base.

“Play with your sad little dicklett while you suck my cock!” Mati growled, and I moaned onto him in pleasure as I reached down with my other hand to start doing as he'd ordered. I should have been angry, or at least embarrassed, hearing him ridicule me like that, but somehow I wasn't anymore. It was just so hot, taking the head of my tiny little dick between my thumb and forefinger, jerking it slightly up and down, while the thumb and forefinger of my other hand weren't even able to touch each other with my hand wrapped around his enormous girth.

I was completely lost in the enjoyment of sucking him off, so I couldn't be sure if it was taking longer than it had last time or not, but I knew he was getting close when he started pulling me harder onto himself, almost choking me with his cock. I looked up, and his eyes seemed to drill into mine as he held me there. His cum suddenly blasted into the back of my throat, but even as I sputtered and coughed, trying to swallow, I was unable to look away. It wasn't until he was completely spent that he finally broke our gaze, drawing himself out of my mouth as he stumbled back and sat down in my chair.

“You still haven't cum?” he asked, looking down at me in disbelief as I was still rapidly trying to masturbate the way he'd ordered me to. “I thought you would have shot off ages ago! I held myself off for a long damned time before you were able to make me cum this time around.”

“I...” I said, swallowing nervously as I lowered my eyes, looking at myself. I was still completely hard, not that you could easily tell the difference, I was so small now. But despite my best efforts, I just didn't seem to be getting any closer. “I'm trying, but I'm not sure if I still can,” I admitted, blushing in shame.

“Maybe I can help you out with that...” He mused, smiling down at me. He stood up, reaching for the corner of the desk.

“No, don't!” I yelled, but I was too late; he already had his finger on the idol's hand. He turned to look at me, that predatory gleam back in his eyes.

“I bet that you cum from having my cock up your ass before I cum from fucking you!” he breathed, and I felt my eyes widen to the size of saucers as I registered what he intended.

“No...” I gasped, slowly shaking my head in disbelief.

“Oh come on!” he grinned, shaking his hips, causing his cock to swing temptingly side to side in front of him. “You won't get a fairer shot to win some back! And you can't seriously tell me you aren't dying to know what it's going to feel like, getting fucked by this thing!”

I closed my eyes tightly, trying to ignore the distraction posed by his cock. He just had to go and say it in exactly that way, didn't he? Not what it would feel like, or what it might feel like... what it was going to feel like, as if it was already a foregone conclusion that it was going to happen.

I felt myself stand up, but I forced myself to stop, closing my eyes again and trying to think. The real kicker was, at that point, what did I really have left to lose? A tiny, useless little nub, was all. I'd never be able to fuck anyone with it, never be able to convince a girl to suck it, or likely even to touch it, unless maybe if I was paying her to. And even then, if my own attempt while I'd been sucking Mati's cock was any indication, it was unlikely I'd ever be able to orgasm from it again anyways. If I lost that last little inch, and was left with just a tiny little hole, would I really be any worse off than I already was? But on the flip side, Mati had been telling the truth; I was never going to get a better chance to win back some of my cock. I mean, how hard could it really be to not cum from getting your ass fucked? And I didn't have to last indefinitely, only a couple of seconds longer than Mati could. Other than what we'd done with each other, he was as much a virgin as I was; I couldn't imagine him being able to last all that long, not for his first time actually getting to fuck somebody! Surely, if he was the one doing the fucking and I was just the one taking it, it would be a lot harder for him to hold off his orgasm than it would be for me!

Meanwhile, the other thing Mati had said... I was really trying not to think about. As long as I could keep myself focused on the pain, that would help me not to cum... I just couldn't start thinking about how much I wanted it, about how much I was dying to experience that huge, hard cock ramming deep up inside of me until he filled me with his hot, thick seed...

Fuck! No, totally counterproductive! I was not going to think about that, God dammit!

I opened my eyes, took a deep breath, and reached out to the idol. I barely even felt the sting, I was so worried about what was about to happen. Mati, of course, was just standing there grinning at me as his cock sprung back up to attention under the influence of the idol. I guess he was entitled to a reaction like that; he wasn't the one about to get more than eight full inches of thick, rock-hard cock-meat shoved up his ass!

“I don't think she'll mind if you want to lube us both up a bit, first,” Mati suggested, hopping up onto his knees on the bed. “Just don't suck on it too much before you turn around, or she might think you're trying to cheat.”

I nodded silently, climbing up in front of him on my hands and knees, and taking him into my mouth. I pushed myself as deeply onto him as I could, generating lots of spit. He was already pretty much covered in it, after everything I'd already done to him, but I wanted as much as I could get as I gathered some onto my fingers and reached back to start rubbing it into my hole. Christ, he was big now! It had been one thing when I'd just been blowing him, but now that I was actually going to let him stick it inside of me...

He eventually pulled away, deciding that I'd had enough time to try to prepare myself. I shuddered in anticipation, twisting around to face away. As much as I'd have appreciated having more time to get ready, Mati was right about the idol's probable reaction if she thought I was spending too much time sucking on him before the main event, and that wasn't a risk I wanted to take. I could feel the bed moving as Mati crawled closer behind me, and I closed my eyes and pressed my face into a pillow. His hand touched my hip, applying gentle pressure, and I let him adjust my positioning to the way he wanted me. Then came another touch... I tried my best not to tense up as he began pushing against me, but that was easier said than done. God, he was big! He was taking his time, but just the same, I was not enjoying myself right then. Rationally, I should have considered that a good thing, but it's hard to remember to look on the bright side when you feel like your asshole is being torn apart and you're trying not to scream.

After what felt like about an hour, but was probably only a couple of minutes, he finally managed to get his head fully inside of me. I was breathing heavily, trying to force myself to relax as he started carefully thrusting, working himself deeper. It was unlike anything I'd ever experienced before, a feeling of pain, stretching, fullness... but oddly, also somehow rightness. It didn't feel good, not exactly... it just felt as if that was the way it was supposed to feel, like somehow I was exactly where I was meant to be, doing exactly what I was meant to do. It was an odd enough sensation that I was able to recognize that the idol must have been screwing with my mind again... but I guess she was doing a better job of it this time, because I was no longer bothered by her interference. I just wanted to let it happen, to let Mati do whatever he wanted with me, assured that everything would turn out alright in the end if I just let go and stopped fighting.

It wasn't long before the worst of the pain faded away, and I was able to realize it was actually starting to feel good. Really, really good, in fact; immeasurably better than my attempts to masturbate my useless little remnant of a dick had felt. There was something that should have bothered me about that, but it was like I was in a fog; all that mattered to me was how good it felt to have Mati's enormous cock moving inside of me, his hands tightly gripping my hips so he could pound himself into me as hard and fast as I'd been begging him to for the last several minutes. It wasn't until I felt the pressure building inside of me that my memories finally broke through, warning me of what would happen if I didn't hold back. But by that time, it was too late. The wave of pressure broke over me, making me shudder and gasp, as I looked down beneath my heaving body to see small jets of watery fluid ejected from the remains of my dick. There was hardly anything to it, as ejaculations go, but I had just cum... and Mati hadn't, yet.

I started to cry, pressing my face into the pillow again. I'd already lost, but the pain hadn't arrived yet, so I knew it wouldn't until after Mati had finished cumming in me. All I could do was wait, dreading the loss of what little of my cock and balls I still had left, and wondering how much bigger Mati was going to grow this time when the idol took them from me. I got the feeling Mati could have held out for quite a while longer if he'd needed to, but now that he'd already forced me to cum he didn't seem to see the point in denying himself any longer. He lasted a few more minutes, then suddenly tightened his grip on my hips, thrusting himself violently deep and holding himself there as his cock started to pulse. I screamed at the intensity of it, as I felt his hot, potent cum shooting deep up inside of me. Mati collapsed as he finished, driving me down onto the bed as he fell on top of me. It was then that the pain started; not just in my groin this time, but throughout my entire body, with an extra special helping of agony in my ass as I felt Mati's cock suddenly swelling up even more. I let out an entirely different kind of scream, for maybe four or five seconds, before it became just too much; I completely passed out, unsure if I'd ever wake up, or even if I'd want to, if that was the kind of pain I could look forward to if I did.

I awoke blearily, thoroughly disoriented, and half-convinced that the strange, disjointed memories I was having of the day before must have been a dream. It was only with effort that I was able to piece together that it was the next morning, from the quality of the light streaming in through my bedroom window, and that at least some of what I was remembering must have been real, because Mati was laying half on top of me in my bed. At least his cock wasn't still lodged up my ass anymore, so thank goodness for small favors.

It took me a while, my muscles feeling sore and weak from the ordeal of the previous day, but eventually I managed to work my way out from beneath him. He was still dead to the world when I stood up, teetering unsteadily on my feet and catching myself against the wall. It wasn't until then that I finally had the presence of mind to look down at myself, and what I saw quite literally took my breath away.

“No!” I gasped, dashing for my closet and nearly tripping myself once again. “No, no, no, no!” I pulled the closet door closed, and for a moment I wasn't able to make sense of what I was seeing. It looked like my cousin Ashley... but as I brought my hands to my chest, and the firm, round D-cup breasts I found there, the reflection in the mirror did the same. I stepped closer carefully, searching the image for something recognizable, something that was still me. I could see little pieces, here and there... my hair was the same shade of light blonde, but it was down slightly past my shoulders, now. The colour of my eyes hadn't changed, though their shape may have, slightly. My lips were fuller, my cheekbones more pronounced, chin narrower and softer, eyelashes longer and eyebrows more delicate. There was certainly a family resemblance to the face I remembered, like looking at someone who could have been my sister, if I'd had one; that was why I'd thought I looked like Ashley, at first. But it was me... a strange, new, obviously female me, but me just the same.

I reached down then, staring into the mirror in disbelief as my hand found the soft bush of my pubic hair. I'd been understandably distracted by the breasts, at first, but as I found the cleft between my thighs, I knew those were the least of the changes the idol had inflicted on me. My tears started to fall as I carefully slid a finger inside of myself, probing to confirm that the changes weren't just external. The idol had actually made me a girl!

“Mati!” I tried to yell, but my voice was too sore, and sounded strange to my ears. “Mati!” I tried again, stumbling my way back to the bed, and reaching down to smack him on the shoulder. He grumbled something unintelligible, but that was progress. I started shaking him, until he finally rolled over, and I found an entirely new reason not to be able to speak.

“Chris?” he asked blearily, blinking his eyes. “Oh, shit! Sorry! Uhh!” he floundered as he finally saw me, dragging a sheet in front of himself. I'd thought what I'd had to deal with the night before had been a lot... apparently, I'd been very, very wrong.

“Sorry, uhh... you must be one of Chris' cousins, I didn't know he had any family coming over today. I'm Mati. Uhh... Matias. Have we met?” he asked, and I could feel his eyes travelling up and down my body. I blushed, feeling like I should cover myself... but not really wanting to, for some reason.

“Mati, it's me...” I said, feeling my blush intensifying as the tears kept coming down my cheeks, brushing my new, long hair out of my face. He just kept staring at me like that... I found myself really wishing that he hadn't thought to grab the sheet. I wanted to know if he was reacting to my body the same way I suddenly found myself reacting to his. “I'm Chris, Mati.”

“No fucking way!” he gasped, his mouth dropping open in awe as he just kept staring me up and down. “Dude! You're a chick!”

“Gee, thanks, Captain Obvious!” I growled, and I suddenly started to sob. Fuck! The tears were bad enough, I didn't want to full-on cry, dammit! I was angry, not sad! I crossed my arms across my chest... and saw Mati's eyes go even wider. I looked down at myself again, noticing what the crossing of my arms had done to my breasts. I turned away from him so he wouldn't see me blush from the way he'd just been looking at me, stomping angrily back over to the mirror again. Or at least I tried to stomp; somehow I fucked it up again, and this time I went all the way down, landing in a heap on the floor. I screamed in frustration, pounding my fist against the floor, until suddenly Mati was there behind me, helping me to sit up.

“What the fuck, Mati!” I howled, the tears pouring down my cheeks, so much so that I couldn't even see the expression on his face any more. “I can't even walk right! Why can't I walk!”

“I think it's your hips. Girls' pelvises are shaped differently from guys'. That's how in crime shows they can always tell if the body's male or female, even if it's only a skeleton. That's why girls walk different, all swaying and sexy and shit. You're just not used to it yet, so you tripped,” he replied softly, and I could feel his thumb tracing over my cheek to wipe away my tears. For all the good that would do; I was making more of the damned things than he could ever hope to wipe away. “You may be a little bit overbalanced, too,” he said, glancing meaningfully down at my chest. “Come on, let me help you up.” Maybe it was because he was helping hold me, taking care of me... but this time when he looked at my breasts, I didn't mind if he saw me blush. I wanted him to look at them... to touch them, even, butterflies in my stomach wondering if he'd do it.

He lifted me easily to my feet, and I fell against him, wrapping my arms around his waist to steady myself.

“You're taller!” I gasped, my surprise at realizing I no longer even came up to his chin finally overcoming my preoccupation with the way my breasts were squishing against the firmly defined muscles of his chest. I leaned away slightly, trying to wipe my eyes for a clearer view as I looked up at him.

“A little bit, I think,” he agreed, and I felt him shrug more than saw it. “Maybe an inch or two. But mostly, I think you're just shorter, now. You look like you're about five-one, maybe five-two at the most. One more thing that's probably making it hard to walk right now, your legs being shorter than your brain thinks they are.”

“What!?” I asked, and I guess I must have looked pretty funny with my mouth gaping open, because he chuckled a little bit. That, finally, seemed to help the tears start to slow.

“Let's go over to the mirror. I'll help you walk,” he said, but 'helping' didn't work so well. He soon gave up, simply picking me up, carrying me over, and setting me back down again where I wanted to go. We wound up with him standing behind me, his arms wrapped around my waist to help support me.

“I can't believe that fucking idol actually made me a girl!” I whined, the tears threatening to start right back up again.

“I mean, it could have been worse...” he said, holding me tighter in his arms. “At least you're a fucking hot girl!”

“I am?” I asked timidly, my tear-blurred eyes searching for his in the mirror. It suddenly felt like my heart was trying to pound its way out of my chest, and I could barely think of anything except the way his cock was pressed up against the small of my back. God, did girls really feel like this all the time, or did the idol fuck up the transformation somehow? I'd been awake maybe five minutes, and I felt like I'd had more intense emotions crammed into that much time than I usually had in a week!

“Hell yes, you are!” he laughed. “Have you not taken the time to actually look at yourself, yet? Okay, actually, with that many tears, maybe you honestly haven't. Just take it from me for now, okay? You are smoking!”

“Tell me,” I said, pressing myself slightly further back against his chest... and against his cock. My eyes were clearing pretty quickly now, and I think he must have noticed, but I really wanted to hear him describe just what it was that he liked about my new body. He paused for a moment, his voice noticeably deeper and sexier sounding when he started to speak.

“Let's start with this tiny little waist of yours,” he said, and I strangled a moan as his hands found their way to what he was describing. “So slender, trim, and sexy. Especially with these nice, flared hips.” His hands moved again, and I had to suppress a shudder. “And this tight little round ass!” he continued. That time I couldn't help but moan, as he squeezed me tightly with both hands. “And that's not even mentioning these big, gorgeous round tits of yours!”

“You have to stop!” I quietly gasped, trembling in his arms as he reached around me to gently squeeze them in his big, strong hands. God, why on earth did that feel so good?

“I don't think you want me to stop,” he murmured, his lips finding the side of my neck as he continued fondling me. I sighed, reflexively leaning my head away from him to give him better access. His hands moved again, his right trailing down my abdomen, while his left crossed to my right breast, encircling me tighter under his arm. I started breathing heavily long before he finally reached his destination, gasping at the first brush of his fingertip against my clit, moaning loudly and trembling as his hand slid further between my thighs. He didn't stop until he was cupping the most intimate part of me completely within his palm.

“No, I definitely don't think you want me to stop,” he repeated, making me whimper and almost lose my footing again as he gave me a soft, slow squeeze with his hand. “You're already so wet... can't you just feel that? That heat, coming from between your thighs? I can feel it like a radiator against my hand! I bet you're just dying to take this sweet little pussy of yours out for a test drive, aren't you? Just as much as I am!”

“I'm scared,” I admitted, swallowing nervously and lowering my eyes from his in the mirror.

“Scared?” he asked, surprised. “Scared it's going to hurt, you mean?” I nodded. “Oh, I don't think you have to worry too much, baby! You already had me up your ass, last night!” he chuckled. “I promise I'll be as gentle as you need, but I'm sure if you can take me up your ass, your pussy isn't going to be a problem!”

“You weren't this big, last night!” I said, twisting around in his arms and reaching down for his cock. He was already hard with morning wood, but I started squeezing and stroking just the same. My movement had made him let go of my tit and pussy, but he adjusted quickly, grabbing and squeezing my ass, pulling me closer. It left the top of his cock pressing against my belly, while my hands were wrapped around his base. His cock was so big, and I was so short now, that the tip of him was all the way up between my breasts! He'd almost be able to fuck my tits without me even having to get down onto my knees, first. In fact... he probably could, if I just leaned down a little bit further... I closed my eyes, trembling, as the tempting images played though my mind like a movie. I could see myself squeezing his thick cock between my tits, spitting all over myself to make them slippery for him, as I bounced them up and down along his shaft with my hands until I finally made him cum all over me, completely covering me with his thick, hot cum! It was difficult to think of anything else... but it wasn't just the promise of sex that had me so excited. He'd called me 'baby'! I wasn't sure if he'd done it intentionally, or if it had just slipped out, but he'd said it. It wasn't something you call your best friend who's just suffered some sort of magical calamity; it was something you called your girlfriend... your lover! God, I so wanted to be his baby! In that moment, I wanted it more than anything!

“You asked me if I'd looked at myself,” I continued. “Well, have you looked at yourself? Have you even seen how much bigger you got, while the idol was busy turning me into a girl? Or have you been too busy staring at my tits?”

“I haven't just been staring at your tits, baby!” He grinned, the combination of that look in his eyes and the renewed use of the pet name making we weak in the knees. “I've been staring at all the rest of you, too. But... maybe you'd like to measure me again, one last time, so you'll know just how big the cock is that you're about to lose your virginity to.”

I couldn't even speak. There he went again, just assuming that it was going to happen. I hadn't said yes, yet! But as I stood there in front of him, feeling the strength of his hands as he squeezed my ass, and the heavy heat of his cock as I stroked him... I just started nodding, slowly at first, and more vigorously as I worked up the resolve to go through with it. I moaned as I imagined it happening, biting my lip, my hands squeezing tightly around that huge, wonderful cock! Then he did something that surprised me; he lifted a hand from my ass, placed a single fingertip under my chin, tilting my head up... and he kissed me.

Oh, God, did he ever kiss me! It was hot, and passionate, and there were tongues, and... and oh God in heaven, he fucking kissed me! I was torn, never wanting to let go of his cock, but desperate to fling my arms around his neck and pull him against me as I shoved my tongue into his mouth! I compromised, my left arm going around his neck, while I pressed the full length of his cock up against my belly with my right, rubbing the upper side as I pressed it against my skin. I couldn't think, I couldn't breathe, all I could do was explore the taste of him with my tongue. He finally pulled back, and though it took every bit of my willpower not to chase after him for more of that wonderful kiss, I let him withdraw. I was panting with desire, my breasts heaving against his chest; I could tell, because he could barely look me in my eyes for more than a second at a time before he had to glance down to look at them.

“Let me measure your cock!” I gasped, my body trembling with desire. “Please! I want to know exactly how big it is before you fuck me with it!”

He moaned at the words, grabbing my ass again and lifting me by his grip, carrying me back to the side of the bed. I lowered myself to my knees, but this time, with him to help support me, I was able to go slowly, kissing my way down his chest as I did it. I had to hunt around for the ruler a bit, which was embarrassing and not in the least bit sexy; somehow one or the other of us must have kicked it under the bed the night before. I finally found it, and hurried to take my measurement.

“N-nine,” I stammered, pinching my eyes closed and swallowing nervously at the thought of the monster I was holding shortly going all the way up inside of my poor little virgin pussy. “Nine and a half inches long, and... six and three quarters around. Oh my God!”

“It's going to be okay, baby!” Mati said, reaching down and grabbing me under my arms, lifting me easily to my feet and holding me comfortingly against his chest. “She might have some strict opinions when it comes to trying to cheat on bets... but she liked watching what we did to each other yesterday, I could tell. I don't think she'd have given me a cock like this if she hadn't also made sure to give you a pussy that was capable of taking it!”

I turned my head, glancing over at the figure still sitting inoffensively on the corner of my desk, then tilted my head to look up at Mati.

“Be careful with me, Mati,” I swallowed, trying to be brave. “Be careful, but fuck me. Fuck my fucking brains out with your enormous, nine-and-a-half inch cock!”

He kissed me again, and this time I lost myself to it completely, coming to my senses on my back on the bed, with Mati perched slightly above me, his cock laying heavily on my belly as he stared down at my pussy.

“I'm sorry I didn't have time to shave for you,” I said, blushing with embarrassment. As a guy, I'd never even considered shaving my pubes; neither had Mati, as far as I knew. But we'd spent enough time watching porn together that I knew what he liked; I was feeling guilty that he was going to have to put up with my bush until I had a chance to get rid of it. He glanced back up into my eyes, and suddenly laughed.

“What?” I asked defensively, crossing my arms over my chest. It had the exact same effect on my tits, and on him, as it had before, but this time I was feeling much more confident about it. I was loving it when he looked at me like that!

“Nothing, baby,” he smiled, leaning down to kiss me again. I resisted for a whole half a second this time, before I melted like butter. It didn't last nearly long enough, before he was backing away and talking again.

“Sorry, what?” I had to interrupt him, shaking my head. He smiled indulgently. Maybe he knew the effect his kisses were having on my ability to concentrate.

“I just said, you're about to let me have sex with you, baby. I'm hardly going to complain, just because you didn't have time to shave!” He smiled again, and I smiled back.

“Okay,” I said, reaching up to stroke his cheek with my hand. “I will try to keep myself shaved for you, once I get a little more used to this whole 'being a girl' thing. I can already tell, it's going to be... quite an adjustment!”

“I bet!” he smiled.

“No! No more bets!” I said. He met my eyes, and we both burst out into laughter. We only stopped when he bent his head down to my chest, suddenly sucking my nipple into his mouth.

I gasped, my back arching from the bed, random colours seeming to flow across my vision as he gently sucked and flicked his tongue. He drew away slowly, leaving me panting again as he started kissing his way along the flesh of my breast, towards the other side of my chest.

“You really don't need to, you know,” he murmured against my skin, and I blinked my eyes, trying to remember what he'd been talking about. “Shave, I mean. Maybe a little bit of a trim, now and then... but I kind of like your pretty little blonde bush.”

“Really?” I gasped in surprise. Maybe I hadn't really understood his preferences in that area as much as I'd thought I had. And then I was losing time again, as my other nipple disappeared into his mouth.

“Really,” he confirmed, once he'd finally released me again. He lowered himself a little bit further, then pushed himself up onto his knees. He adjusted his positioning a little bit more, and suddenly I was moaning as I felt the hard, spongy head of him pressing up against me between my legs.

“I would ask you to shave the lips themselves, though, if you wouldn't mind,” he continued, as if we were just having a normal conversation, and he wasn't slowly rubbing himself up and down against my pussy, gently coaxing my lips into spreading for him. “Maybe just keep a cute little landing strip, so I can still see a little bit of your pretty blonde pubes, but not have to worry about getting them stuck between my teeth when I go down on you.”

“You want to do that?” I gasped again, clutching his arm as he tested a bit more pressure against my opening. He pulled back right away, saving me from having to explain. It was the strangest thing, feeling myself growing hotter, and wetter, and somehow both tighter and looser at the same time. It was completely unlike having an erection... and yet, I seemed to have an inherent understanding of what was happening down there, and what the various sensations meant. I was getting closer, slowly opening to him, my body preparing itself to welcome him inside of me. He was just so huge, though! My body was churning along as rapidly as it could, but there were limits to how fast it could go.

“Absolutely!” he said, and no doe coming face to face with a wolf ever saw a smile quite so predatory as the one he turned on me. “Although... maybe not just yet!” He pushed in again, I gasped, and he withdrew. “I have other priorities, right now!”

“Don't stop!” I moaned, writhing slightly beneath him, and loving the way my movement drew his eyes to my tits. “Keep being careful, there's still a long way to go...” I then quickly specified. “But what you're doing right now is working. I can feel myself opening a little bit more, every time you push like that!”

“Okay,” he confirmed with a nod, and went back to it. As I'd predicted, it took quite a while... but finally, it happened. I may have accidentally deafened him a little bit, by screaming into his ear as I felt his swollen cockhead finally popping in... but he had it inside me, now.

He let me be in charge, guiding him with my hands on his hips, taking it slow and responding to everything I told him to do, or not to do. I found myself laying back with my eyes closed, so I could concentrate better on what I was feeling down there. I may actually have been concentrating a little too hard, for once... I felt a gentle pressure on my outer lips, and opened my eyes again to find that he'd finally made it all the way inside of me.

“You've got to be kidding me!” I gasped, staring down at where my lips were spread wide around him. “I actually took the whole thing?”

“Every... last... bit!” he chuckled, giving me a firm but gentle push on each word, making me moan happily at the pressure the movement was applying in just the perfect spot, deep inside of me. “Told you she wouldn't have given me a cock like this unless she'd given you a pussy that could handle it!”

I grinned, and started to laugh, pulling his head down towards me and attacking him with a rough, vigorous kiss.

“Shut up and fuck me!” I told him, staring deeply into his beautiful brown eyes. He grinned even wider, and he did.

My first time as a girl was absolutely incredible... but it's also really hard to describe. Every single sensation was completely new to me, and so powerfully, earthshakingly intense! I'd had no idea that girls could have so many different kinds of pleasure, all from the same thing! It was like I had a dozen different buttons all hidden up inside of me, maybe even more than a dozen, and Mati's huge, thick cock was hitting them all at different times and with different strengths as he thrust himself in and out of me. Cumming as a boy had all been pretty much the same, as far as I could remember. I'd experienced several different ways of getting to orgasm; masturbating by myself, or having Mati jerk me off when I won one of our bets, had been the most common, and then there was that one amazing time having him fuck my ass, last night. But at the end of the day, it had all felt pretty similar compared to the huge variety of sensations I was suddenly experiencing as a girl. I can't even say for certain how many times I came from it. I knew multiple orgasms were a thing, for girls, but how are you even supposed to count, when you have so many different types of them building and ebbing through you all at once? By the end, they were all just rushing through me in one huge, continual string.

“Please, Daddy, pleeease!” I was begging, my hands grabbing his ass, helping to pull him into me as hard and deep as he could go. I wasn't sure exactly when during the spectacular fucking I was getting that Mati had suddenly become 'Daddy' to me, but it just felt right. “Cum in me, Daddy, pleeease! I need it! Fill me, Daddy! Fill my tight, wet little pussy with your hot, thick cum!”

I went on like that for some time, until the feeling of him finally bursting inside of me sent me over the edge into my longest and strongest orgasm yet. I was really going to have to buy him some protective earplugs, or something, if I couldn't get my habit of screaming into his face when he made me cum under better control.

He collapsed on top of me, spent, with what felt like about a gallon of his cum pooled up inside of me. I just knew it was all going to come flooding out of me the moment he pulled out... but for the moment it was being dammed up by the tightness of my pussy around his still-hard cock, and I was loving it! I loved feeling so full! A sudden crack of sound, almost like a gunshot, interrupted my thoughts and made us both jerk to look at my desk, where the idol that been responsible for all this craziness was busily dissolving itself into a small pile of rocks. I gasped in disbelief, as an invisible wave of some sort of power seemed to filter through the room.

“Oh my God!” I gasped, turning to look at Mati a few inches above my face, his cock still buried deep inside of me. It was like a blanket of fuzz had suddenly been pulled off my brain, letting me think about everything I hadn't been able to consider, before. “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God! Mati, you just came in me!”

“Uhh, yeah...” he said sleepily, looking at me like I was crazy. “You just finished begging me to, remember?” Maybe his brain-fuzz blanket hadn't completely cleared, yet. Or, come to think of it, maybe he was just a boy, who had just finished cumming inside a girl. No need to blame his lack of awareness on magic, when simple biology would do.

“Mati, think about this,” I said, as patiently as I could under the circumstances. “I woke up and learned I'd been turned into a girl maybe an hour ago. Which means I haven't had a chance to get on birth control, yet! And you just came in me. Like... a lot!”

“Oh my God!” he gasped, suddenly getting it. He pushed himself up onto his knees, pulling out of me, and just as I'd known it would a virtual river of cum suddenly started flowing out of me and onto the sheets between my thighs.

“Fuuuuck...” I said, lifting myself up onto my elbows so I could stare down at myself, shaking my head in wonder. “If I wasn't so terrified that you'd just knocked me up, I'd be impressed!”

“Thanks, I think,” Mati smirked, lowering his eyes. It was hard to tell, with his complexion, but I think that for once it might actually have been his turn to blush. “Well, looks like I'm going out to get you a morning after pill, before I go back to my place.”

“Oh, right!” I said, suddenly feeling about a million percent better, and blushing again as Mati looked at me in confusion. I knew that it being his turn couldn't last. “Sorry, my bad. I guess I just kinda panicked a little bit, when I realized you'd really just cum in me. Totally forgot morning after pills were even a thing, for a minute there.”

“Ahhh. Yeah, I get that,” he said, turning to stare at the pile of rubble that moments ago had been a statue. “Any idea why it was still messing with our heads like that?”

“I think... maybe it was making sure we wouldn't get in our own way?” I said tentatively. “It's pretty clear that she wanted us to fuck each other... But I was pretty freaked out, when I first woke up. I'm not sure if it would have happened like this, if she hadn't been interfering a little bit. Like, making sure I didn't worry about getting pregnant until after you'd finished cumming in me. Stuff like that.”

“Makes sense, I guess,” he said, then turned back to look at me again. “But I think she's gone for real, now. And... we don't seem to be changing back.”

“Yeah,” I said, swallowing nervously as I looked up into his eyes. “I think... if she's gone, and we're still like this... this is probably going to be permanent.”

“Yeah, I think so too,” he said, dropping his eyes from mine. “Would you totally hate me, if I told you I think I'm glad?”

“You are?” I asked.

“As long as you still want to have sex with me, I am,” he said timidly, finally looking up into my eyes with a nervousness that I couldn't ever remember seeing there before. “Do you? Now that she isn't messing with us any more?”

“Of course I do!” I almost screamed, pushing myself up and throwing my arms around his neck. Then I backed off, looking deeply into his eyes again. “Do you still want to have sex with me?”

“You're kidding, right?” he laughed, running his fingers through my strangely-long hair, and pulling me into another deep and passionate kiss. Then he pushed himself up again, a wicked, sexy grin quirking the corners of his mouth as he stared down into my eyes. “Now that we've got that settled... how about you get up onto your knees, and lick all this creamy white girl-cum off my cock for me? I want to watch you taste yourself!”

“Yes, Daddy,” I answered submissively, by cheeks burning in sudden embarrassment at what I was about to do. But I just couldn't say no to him, not when he was looking at me like that! He backed away enough to let me out from under him, and I got up onto my hands and knees as he knelt in front of me, his huge, still mostly-hard cock pointing out at me like a missile. I swallowed nervously, getting my first up-close look at just how much I'd actually creamed on him. I'd been so much more focused on how much he'd shot inside of me, earlier... but he was covered in the results of the multiple orgasms he'd made me have. I leaned in shyly, giving him a first, tentative lick, and was pleasantly surprised. I'd always heard that girls taste all gross and fishy... and there was maybe a little bit of that, I suppose. But mostly, I just thought it tasted a little bit salty, like really good, fresh seafood, or maybe a less-concentrated version of Mati's cum.

Mati moaned above me as I got more into my licking, stroking his fingers through my hair, and then reaching down beneath me to play with my boobs. That soon had me moaning too, and I found myself regretting that there wasn't more for me to lick up, once I'd finished. That feeling was short lived, however, as he pulled me back up to my knees for another kiss, complete with plenty of fondling of my breasts and my cummy little pussy. He even scooped out some of our mixed cum with his fingers, feeding it to me, and then kissing me again. I could hardly even believe how hot I found it, when he did it that way!

We made out for a nice long time, before ending up cuddled on our sides with him behind me, my head on his bicep, his other arm draped around me as he played with my breast. It felt amazing, not just in a physical way, but to know that my body was such an object of desire for him like that. I was glad he was behind me, because I had what I was sure must have been the world's goofiest grin plastered across my face from ear to ear. Well... not just because of that; feeling his thick, wet cock pressed tightly between the curves of my ass was pretty spectacular, too!

“I really like your new voice, by the way,” he said, softly kissing the back of my neck.

“You do?” I asked, surprised by the unexpected compliment.

“It's totally sexy!” he confirmed, making me gasp as he accentuated his point with a sudden increase in the pressure of his grip on my breast. “Or at least it is now. Don't be mad, but... you kinda sounded like a laryngitic frog, when we first woke up!”

“Gee, thanks a lot!” I said, reaching back to slap him on the hip as I pouted. Pouted? I sighed quietly to myself. This being a girl thing was going to take some serious getting used to, but I couldn't deny what I was doing.

“You're welcome,” he laughed. “But I am glad that getting a few good screams out of you seems to have fixed it.”

“You were pretty good at making me scream...” I admitted, blushing again as I pressed myself back against him, giving an experimental wriggle of my ass against his cock. He moaned loudly, which made me smile. There were some parts of being a girl, at least, that I seemed to be getting a handle on pretty quickly.

“I'm glad you approve!” he said, and I could feel the grin on his lips as he kissed the back of my neck again. Then he sighed, loud and long. “But at the risk of ruining the mood... I think we need to talk about what you're going to tell your parents. Do you want me to be here, when they get back home tonight?”

“No... I don't think so.” I replied, letting out a sigh of my own. “Not that I don't appreciate the offer to run interference. But I think this is going to be one of those 'rip the band-aid off quick' type situations, and it'll be better if I'm alone with them when I do it.”

“Okay. Your parents, your call. But if you change your mind, you just let me know,” he said.

“Will do... and thanks,” I smiled, turning my head so I could gently kiss his arm before settling back into place. “How about you? What are you going to tell yours?” I asked.

“For now, nothing,” he replied, and I could feel him shrugging. “My changes are easier to hide than yours are.”

“Not if you ever go swimming, they won't be!” I giggled, my eyes going wide with embarrassment as I realized what I'd just done, slapping my hand over my mouth. God, giggling now? Thankfully, Mati hadn't seemed to notice, and I wriggled my ass against his cock again, hoping to distract him further.

“Maybe not,” he laughed. “I'll probably be okay if I just slouch a little bit when I'm around them for the next few weeks, make sure it looks like the change in my height is more gradual than it actually was.”

“You're more muscular than you were before, too,” I reminded him.

“I am?” He asked, and he sounded honestly surprised, which made me laugh.

“Trust me!” I said seriously. “I'm noticing that kind of thing, now!” Then it was his turn to laugh. “What I actually meant, though, before you distracted me talking about all your sexiness, and whatnot... is what are you planning to tell them about me? No amount of slouching in the world is going to hide what happened to me!”

“Well, if you're going to be my girlfriend now, we'll have to tell them eventually. But not until you've figured out exactly what you're telling your parents, first. We do not want them comparing notes, and coming up with any discrepancies!” He suddenly froze, and I could feel the nervousness radiating off of him like heat as he asked. “I mean... you are going to be my girlfriend now, aren't you?”

“I'd damned well better be your girlfriend, now!” I replied, twisting in his arms until I could see his face, and he could see my scowl. I couldn't hold it for long, smiling and puckering my lips until he kissed me, before I snuggled back into position. “Am I going to be your girlfriend now? Humph!” I repeated, making him laugh.

“Well, then... seeing as how that's all settled, and you are my girlfriend, now... and seeing as how I'm already going to be getting you a morning after pill...”

“Yeeesss?” I prompted. I didn't want to make it too easy for him, after all.

“Well, that probably means it would be okay for me to cum in your pussy again, wouldn't it?” he asked.

“Hmmm, let me think...” I pretended to need to consider the request. “Okay!” I grinned, flipping myself around so that I could look him in the eyes, and reaching down so I could grab hold of his cock. He wasn't all the way hard again yet, but he was getting close. “But only for today, Daddy! And only because I'm already going to be taking that pill anyways. After today, you either need to wait for me to get on birth control, wear a condom, or cum in a hole I can't get pregnant from!”

“I'm totally good with either of the last two options... but waiting?” he grinned, and I giggled again as he leaned in for a kiss. I still thought I sounded kind of silly... but from the way his eyes flared with desire as he heard it, and the passion he put into that kiss, I was the only one.

We had sex three more times that day, and it turned out to be a lot easier, after that first time having to be so careful. My hymen was still acting like it wanted to keep him out, but it soon became a pleasurable sort of pain, lessening each time as by body became more accustomed to accepting him inside of me. We did it with me on my back and him on top of me again for our second time, but after that I wanted to try experimenting a bit, and I'd watched enough porn that I knew exactly where I wanted to start. Doggystyle was incredible, his cock feeling like it was going even deeper inside than before, his hips slapping loudly against my ass and making my tits bounce almost violently beneath me as, burning pleasantly on my chest I begged him to give it to me as hard, fast, and deep as he could! He'd wrapped his fist tightly into my hair at my encouragement, pulling on it to bow my back and keep me positioned just the way he wanted me, and making me squeal and jerk as he periodically spanked my ass while fucking me. It took me quite a while to recover after that, even longer than it took for Mati to finish deflating and to start getting hard again, but once I had my wits about me once more I realized that Mati had been doing almost all the work up to that point. He wasn't complaining about it, but still, I decided to try cowgirl next to give him a bit of a break from all his hard work, and I absolutely loved the way it meant that he could keep squeezing and playing with my tits while I rode him, until I finally collapsed bonelessly onto his chest, my body trembling with the aftereffects of feeling him cumming deep inside of me once more.

My needy little pussy was begging me to keep him around for at least three more... but I eventually succumbed to reason instead, sending him out to go get me my pill. A shower was the first order of business, and as I stood there under the hot water slowly letting Mati's cum drain out of me, I started doing a little self-exploration. Who would have thought, the first pussy I ever touched would end up being my own! I quickly learned that I wasn't nearly as good at fingering myself as Mati was at fucking me... but of course, my tiny little girl-fingers couldn't reach nearly as deep inside of myself, compared to what his cock could do. My clit, on the other hand, that I could reach! And unlike when I'd still had my dick, I found I could make myself cum from it over and over again, without any breaks in between! I stopped only when my legs got so unsteady beneath me that I was afraid I was going to fall and crack my head open on the side of the tub. I may have kept going even then, but the water was starting to get cold too, so I took that as a sign. I stood for a long time in front of the mirror after drying off, twisting and turning, examining myself from every angle I could, eventually deciding that Mati was right; I was one sexy-ass little bitch! The thought made me giggle, and I reflexively slapped my hand over my mouth to stop myself again. But screw it! Mati didn't seem to think it sounded silly... and if I was going to be a girl, I could giggle, God dammit! I took my hand away and gave in to the impulse, giggling like a ridiculous little schoolgirl as I stared at myself in the mirror, and loving every second of it!

I went back to my bedroom, throwing on a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. Neither fit me very well any more, the boxers simultaneously too loose around my waist and too tight around my hips and ass, and the t-shirt stretching nearly to the point of bursting over my firm D-cup tits, my nipples poking out clearly against the strained fabric. I actually kinda liked that last part, and spent a while pinching and playing with them, seeing just how much I could make them stand out, before I finally forced myself to get down to the business of laundry and cleaning. I was still feeling a bit unsteady on my feet, but the more practice I got at swinging my hips while I walked the easier it became. I had to open every window in the house to get enough of a breeze blowing through my room to finally start getting rid of the smell of sex, but it worked eventually. Mati didn't take long to get back, bringing not only my pill but also two big boxes of condoms, different brands so we could see which one we liked more. It was really tempting to try one of them out immediately... which is why I wouldn't let Mati back into the house again when he came to the door. I didn't think that the idol was messing with us anymore, but I still didn't trust myself to be able to say no once I'd let him back inside. I kissed him on the doorstep, deeply and thoroughly, promising to call him later that night, or possibly the next morning if the conversation with my parents went as long as I was afraid it might, before regretfully sending him away. Then I went back to cleaning, tidying not just my own room but the rest of the house too, hoping my parents would notice as they came through the door and that it would put them in a good mood before I had to tell them what had happened to me. I finished getting dressed in the baggiest sweatpants and hoodie I owned, stole one of my mom's hair thingies to put my too-long hair back into a ponytail, and settled in to wait. I couldn't do anything about the changes to my voice, or my height, but I was hoping the clothes would buy me a couple of seconds. I wanted to at least be able to tell them that I needed to talk to them about something serious, before they realized on their own that something was wrong.

It... could have gone better. Sort of in the way that Vietnam 'could have gone better' for America. I don't like talking about the specifics, if there's any way I can possibly avoid it. I mostly told them the truth, but in my version I'd simply been clumsy, knocking the mystical relic that Mati had brought home from Guatemala off the corner of my desk and shattering it, at which point there'd been a huge blast of light, and I'd woken up as a girl. It covered the main points, without all that tricky sexual stuff between Mati and me that I really didn't want to talk to them about. Cutting the very long story of our conversation extremely short, my mom broke down in tears, my dad started yelling, angrier than I'd ever seen him. They were both in shock, and I don't entirely blame either of them for what happened because of that... but they did not react well. My dad, especially. He was clearly in denial, just flatout refusing to believe that it was true, insisting that it was some sort of idiotic joke I was trying to play on them both. I don't know what sort of 'joke' he thought could possibly account for the loss of six inches of height overnight, much less all the other changes I was telling them about but was still hiding under my baggy clothes, but that was what he was saying. I guess he was just desperate for any slim hope he could imagine that it might not be true, and I understand his reaction, really I do. But just the same, his stubborn refusal to accept reality was the reason I ended up in the most mortifyingly embarrassing situation of my life, completely naked in front of them both, my dad watching while my mom examined my breasts and pussy to see that they actually were real, and not some kind of trick. I couldn't meet either of them in the eye while it was happening, of course... which is how I happened to be looking in the right direction to notice the huge bulge growing in my dad's pants as he stood there staring at my naked body.

Thankfully, they both recovered from the shock over the next few days, and started dealing with things much better. Mom took me shopping, buying me bras and panties, girl clothes and some makeup, and started teaching me how to put it on. Honestly, after she got over the initial surprise, I think she was even happy she finally had a daughter she could do that sort of thing with. Dad was harder to read. He'd gotten over his anger, more or less... but I couldn't stop thinking about the way his body had reacted to me, when he'd seen me naked. He wasn't as big as Mati was now... but if I'd accurately judged that bulge I'd seen, he was still a lot bigger than either of us used to be! I started fantasizing about it all the time, about the fact that even though I was his own child, that I'd been his son until a few hours previously, he still found my naked body so sexy that he couldn't stop himself from getting hard when he saw me. I even started trying to tempt him into doing something about it, walking around the house in just my panties and a tight shirt with no bra anytime mom wasn't around. I really, really want him to just give in and fuck me already... but so far, still no luck. I haven't come right out and asked him to, of course. I do everything I can to try to tempt him, but the whole point is to make him want me so much that he caves in first, and makes the first actual move!

I'll admit, my motivation for trying to seduce him isn't entirely pure; I want a bit of revenge for the way he reacted when he found out what had happened to me, and I can't think of any more suitable punishment for him than tormenting him with my new, sexy body until he finally gives in. It would be like the ultimate admission from him that not only am I really a girl now, but that I'm one who's so hot that not even my own father can stop himself from wanting to fuck me! I know he wants it, I can tell by the way his eyes follow me around the room all the time... I just haven't been able to get him to admit it, yet. Just the other week, he finally got fed up enough with the way I've been flaunting myself at him that he took me over his knee and gave me a spanking. I was hoping he'd at least pull my panties down and give it to me on my bare little ass, maybe even 'accidentally' brush his fingertips across my pussy while he was doing it... but so far he's proving himself to be frustratingly uncooperative with my efforts. I could feel his hard cock pushing up against me through his pants as I lay across his lap, but the most I got was a slightly lingering squeeze after each time his hand hit my ass. It isn't nearly enough for me... but at least it's a start. Maybe I should start wearing just my t-shirt around the house, without my panties, and see if that will finally be enough to make him pin me down and fuck me the way I want him to!

My 'Daddy', of course, knows all about my fantasy with my actual dad; Mati doesn't mind. Even if he did, he wouldn't be able to say anything about it, not with the way things happened with his little sister. A couple of weeks after what happened with the idol, Mariana started accusing him of stuffing socks down his shorts whenever she saw his bulge. Against his better judgment, he took her quietly aside one day and agreed to prove to her that the only thing he had down there was himself, just to get her to finally shut up about it and stop trying to embarrass him... but that only made things worse. Once she saw the unbelievable size of his cock, she blackmailed him into fucking her with it. He didn't want to do it, but he couldn't see any way out of it; he could either do it, in which case she promised to stay quiet, or he could refuse, and she'd tell everyone that he'd forced her to have sex with him. And because she'd tricked him into showing himself to her, she'd be able to describe him so well that everyone would believe her if she did.

I was pissed, when he first told me about it afterwards... I told him he should have just given her exactly what she'd asked for, slamming himself all the way inside all at once, tearing her tiny little pussy to shreds with that enormous cock of his! He didn't, of course, too afraid of the consequences if he actually injured her... But he said that even being as gentle as he could she still hadn't managed to take more than a couple of inches, before the pain from trying made her give up, and she made him let her suck him off, instead. The fact that she'd been so completely shit at taking his cock helped calm my temper at what she'd done... but what really made me get over it was following her the next time she went swimming at the pool, and using my phone to sneak some naked pictures of her in the changing room. Then it was her turn to be blackmailed... and I made her suck my tits while Mati fucked me, then lick my cum-filled pussy until I came again on her tongue, every day for an entire month in exchange for not posting those pictures of her all over her school! It worked like a charm... but what I didn't expect was when she came to me after the month was over, all timid and pathetic looking, and asked me not to make her stop! Of course I agreed... and if she keeps eating me out so good the way she has been, I think I'm going to reward her by having Mati try fucking her again as a present for her upcoming birthday. Only this time, I'll be there to watch and help, so hopefully she'll be able to get more of him inside, and to last longer without giving up! Lately I've really been fantasizing about watching Mati cum deep inside his own sister... almost as much as I have been about my dad doing the same thing to me!

Her enthusiasm notwithstanding, I'm glad that Mariana isn't my only option when I'm in the mood for a little girl-on-girl. I'd begged my parents not to make me go back to public high school, where I'd be constantly having to deal with people who'd known me as a boy. I guess they felt guilty about how poorly they'd reacted to the news, because they agreed to send me to a private girls' school, instead. They really had to rush the paperwork, and I think my dad may actually have resorted to bribery, to get everything done so fast. I still go by Chris, or more often now, Chrissy, but now it's legally short for Christine, rather than Christopher.

Anyways, I was thrilled to be able to go to a school where not a single person knew who I was, or that I used to be a boy. And since it was a girls' school, there was no way anybody would even consider something like that as being a possibility! There were still some problems, of course; the school was full of stereotypical rich bitches, and they'd pick on me for any little imperfection they could find with my clothes or makeup, of which there were always many because I was still learning and adjusting. That all changed one day after gym class, though, when queen-bitch Brooklyn and her hive were all bragging about their boyfriends and the sizes of their cocks. I'd never realized, before I became one, how much filthier girls are than boys, when they think no one else is around to hear them! I tried not to get involved, but of course Brooklyn wouldn't let things lie; she just assumed that because she didn't like me, no one else would either, and I wouldn't even have a boyfriend. She didn't believe me when I said not only that I did have a boyfriend, thank-you very much, but that his huge, ten inch cock was much nicer than the one she'd described her boyfriend as having! (As it turned out, Mati had kept slowly growing for about a month after what the idol did to us, stopping at just a touch over ten inches. The idol goddess definitely knew what she was doing, letting him finish growing at the exact same rate his constant fucking had slowly been stretching me out, so even now we still remained a perfect fit, like a key fitting into a lock!)

Anyways, of course Brooklyn didn't believe a word of what I was saying. But then I showed them all a picture on my cellphone that I'd taken a while back, so I'd have something to masturbate to when Mati and I couldn't be together. It didn't show his face, or much of his fantastic, muscled chest and abs, but it did show me gently kissing the very tip of his huge, completely hard cock! Boy, did it ever send them all for a loop, seeing that! Brooklyn tried to recover, putting on her best slut act and telling me I simply had to let her take him out for a spin! I was getting real sick of her by that point, so I told her in my haughtiest voice that I absolutely did not under any circumstances share my boyfriend when I wasn't present! I told her she was welcome to join us for a threesome, if she wanted, but that I'd only agree to let Mati fuck her after she'd done a good enough job eating my pussy, first! I never thought in a million years that she'd actually take me up on it... but come Friday night, Mati and I somehow found ourselves on her front porch, with a little over four hours to kill before her parents would be getting home from their date night. Turns out, Brooklyn is a lot more pleasant to be around when she's eating your pussy on a semi-regular basis!

I've noticed that a lot of the girls at my school are like that... but Brooklyn is one of only a handful or so who have become our regulars. (Mariana doesn't count because Mati isn't fucking her... at least not yet!) There's no shortage of girls who want to try Mati's cock when they hear the gossip about how big it is, and that I'm open to requests to share... but for most, it's just a novelty for them. They all want to try it, once, just so they can say they did, but few of them have wanted to turn it into a regular thing. Mostly, after they're done paying their dues by eating my pussy and I let Mati have his turn at them, they realize pretty quickly that having a boyfriend with such a huge cock isn't all it's cracked up to be... not unless you're able to stretch yourself to accommodate him the way I can, at any rate! It's a complete waste getting fucked by a ten-inch cock when you've only got an eight-inch vagina! But there are a few of them who turned out to absolutely love getting fucked by that huge, thick cock of his, even if they can't quite manage to take the whole thing, and those are the girls who've ended up asking to be our regulars.

Other than myself, Brooklyn is unquestionably the most talented out of the group; she can almost get him all the way inside... of her pussy, at least! She isn't nearly as good with her mouth or her ass... but I love the way anal makes her cry and beg, so every time the three of us get together I make sure she takes Mati's first load up her pretty little ass, before she's allowed to give him her pussy, too, after he's cleaned himself off and recovered enough to go again! I'm the only girl we know, out of regulars and one-timers both, who can take him all ten inches deep... and I can do it in all three of my holes! It was a really nice surprise, the first time I tried to blow him after my change and we found out that the idol had eliminated my gag reflex during my transformation into a girl! I think she probably did something to my ass, too, but that part isn't as noticeable. And honestly, I like that it still hurts a little bit when he takes me that way! But even though I can take his entire length without too much trouble, Mati swears that my pussy and ass still feel really tight, even tighter than any of the other girls I've brought him to fuck, most of whom can't take him close to as deep as I can. He jokes to the rest of them that they're all talented amateurs... but that I'm a professional; that I was made for taking his cock! They laugh and roll their eyes, but he and I are the only ones who know, given the circumstances of how I became a girl, just how literal he's being when he says it.

We have parties with them sometimes, with invites reserved for our regulars only, no one-timers allowed! I get such a kick out of making the rest of the girls do all sorts of little competitions and challenges, to see who earns the right to be the next one taking Mati's cock. Even after all this time, I can hardly believe Mati's stamina; we can go for most of the night, enough that they all get at least one turn each, as long as I'm careful to arrange the contests to give Mati a long enough break after every time he finishes cumming in one of them. We don't have parties like that very often, since we can only hold them when somebody's parents go out of town and we can have sufficient privacy... but it sure is a lot of fun when we get to do it!

There is one girl Mati and I sleep with who's even better at taking his cock than Brooklyn is... but I've still got her beat, even if just barely. I really shouldn't talk about her, though... so I'm just going to call her Ms. Sexypants, and I won't describe her other than to say that she's twenty-seven, one of my teachers, and absolutely gorgeous! She's our one regular who doesn't come to our parties, obviously, since none of the other girls are allowed to know about her! It started when she asked me to stay late after class one day, and I thought it was just going to be about homework or something, but she closed the door and said she wanted to have a heart to heart. Turns out, one of the other girls (not one of our regulars, I knew that much, though I still don't know who it actually was) had been blabbing about my 'extra-curricular activities'. Only in the version she'd told Ms. Sexypants, she was afraid that my boyfriend was abusing me, that he was actually forcing me to have sex with him and other girls! She was just telling because she was just oh, so worried about poor, helpless me! Bah! I didn't believe that for a second! The gossipy little bitch was clearly just jealous, and had decided they wanted to try to get me in trouble, maybe by tricking Ms. Sexypants into going to my parents to tell them that Mati and I had been sleeping around with half the school. It took some convincing, but I eventually got her to believe that nobody was forcing me to do anything I didn't want to do. She and I had a good laugh about the way gossip can get distorted as it spreads, actually. Then, on that same topic... she asked if the other part of what she'd heard about my boyfriend was a lie, too? I grinned, and showed her the same picture I'd showed Brooklyn that first time. She was looking real intently at my phone when I showed her, blushing so sexily as she stared at Mati's cock... so after working up my courage, I asked if maybe she would like to try being one of the girls Mati and I had sex with, too? She laughed, asking if I knew how much trouble she could get in for even joking about something like that. I smiled, and pointed out that she hadn't actually said 'no'. It took even more convincing, from there... but now Mati and I take the bus over to her apartment at least once every couple of weeks. Like I already said, nobody can take Mati's cock the same way I can... but she comes closer than anyone else we've met, and she's real, real good at eating pussy! Out of all the girls we have sex with, she's the only one whose pussy I'll eat, too... I absolutely love sucking Mati's cum out of Ms. Sexypants' freshly-fucked little snatch! It's kind of a shame that she's the only one, actually; there are a couple of our other regulars that I'd like to do that with too, if I didn't know that it would get straight back to Brooklyn if I did. But she would insist that I do it to her, if she knew that I was doing it to anyone else... and Brooklyn is just a lot easier to get along with when she's kept firmly in her place; namely, with her pretty, crying face buried between my thighs, while Mati forces that enormous cock of his up her sexy little round butt!

I wonder sometimes, if the goddess responsible for all of this still has other idols out there somewhere, hidden in the Guatemalan jungle waiting to be discovered. I've tried to find any sort of record of her, online and in books about the Mayans, and Aztecs, and every other culture that ever existed even somewhat nearby. It's all interesting stuff, but I haven't found anything even remotely resembling her or her idol. If she is still out there, somewhere... I'd thank her, if I could. I realize now that she basically mind-raped Mati and me, to make us keep making and accepting bets until she was able to transform me completely... but looking back, what can I say? I'm glad she did it. I don't think it can still really count as rape, when you end up being thankful for it, afterwards. I still keep all the rocks from her statue, in a little wooden hope-chest on my desk. All except for one, that is, which by either coincidence or magic had ended up in a nearly perfect heart shape about the size of my thumbnail after the idol had shattered. That one had been in the hope chest too, right on top in pride of place, until unbeknownst to me Mati had taken it to get polished and mounted into a necklace for me, surprising me with it with for my birthday this year. I'd already been planning some pretty epic birthday sex, even before he gave it to me... but needless to say, I fucked him nearly half to death, in thanks for my present! I never take it off, and just touching the smooth stone with my fingers while I'm sitting in class immediately makes me start soaking my panties under my uniform skirt, as I think back to everything that's happened. It's still hard to believe it's real, a lot of the time... even when I'm busy cumming all over Mati's huge, amazing cock, part of me still thinks I must be dreaming it all! But as hard as it was to adjust at first, there's one thing I know is true; whatever the circumstances of how it had happened, I wouldn't give up my new life as a girl for anything in the world!


2025-02-04 17:23:03
I have no idea what would make you think something like that. If you re-read my story, I think you will find that every last woman mentioned has her own agency and motivations, and acts according to her own desires. (Except possibly Chrissy, at some points, while clearly under the influence of the idol, but that's different). The only possibly questionable thing I can see is if it seems like all women are sex-crazed maniacs, but that isn't the case at all; it's simply that any women who DON'T want to have sex with Mati and Chrissy when they hear the rumors aren't a very interesting part of the story, so they don't get mentioned specifically. But by all means, if you feel there is something specific that indicates otherwise, please state your reasoning clearly, rather than relying on vague and unfounded personal accusations.


2025-02-04 06:48:19
I suspect the author may have some harmful unexamined ideas about women

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