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A man comes home from work on his birthday to find a large cardboard box waiting for him with a bow. What could possibly be inside?
I sighed loudly as I stepped through the door and closed it behind me, leaning back against the solid wood and closing my eyes. Home, finally. It had been a long and annoying day at the end of a long and annoying week, and I could feel the stress leaving my shoulders like taking off a heavy coat now that it was finally over. A hell of a way to spend my birthday so far... but the rest of the evening was definitely looking up!

I smiled at the thought, pushing myself away from the door and making my way to the kitchen, tossing my wallet and keys on the counter, plugging my phone in to charge. Then I poured myself a much-needed drink. Only one, though; Jen should be getting home soon. I might not know exactly what her plans were for the evening, but she always made a point of doing something extra special for my birthday. There was no way in hell I was going to risk getting myself drunk, and not being able to properly appreciate whatever that would entail!

Even better, Cassie wouldn't be home until Sunday, going straight from school to her 'friend' Emma's for the weekend. Cassie hadn't actually come out to us yet, and I hadn't broached the subject with Jen, but I was pretty certain. I loved that girl. She was bright and lovely, and I was downright proud of my role as her semi-official stepdad-type-person. Jen and I had no intention of ever getting married and risking screwing up the good thing we had going, but Cass introduced me to people as her stepdad, and after eight years with her mom, watching her grow up, I certainly thought of her as my daughter! I'd miss her while she was gone... but sometimes, a guy just wanted to be able to fuck his girlfriend as loudly as he wanted, without worrying about what her daughter might hear and think in the next room!

I made my way into the den, and froze. There was a large cardboard moving box sitting upright in the centre of the floor, dimensions about three by three by five. It wasn't wrapped, but had a large red bow affixed to the facing side.

“What have we here...” I grinned, stepping in for a closer look. There was no card that I could see, but as I watched the bow suddenly popped off and fell to the floor, revealing a neatly cut circular hole, covered with black fabric from the inside. I pair of delicate fingers appeared through a slight gap in the cloth, nails freshly painted a bright, seductive red. The fingers gave me a cute little wave, beckoned me forwards, then withdrew back to where they had come from.

I laughed, gleefully stepping up and unzipping my pants. Looks like Jen had decided to leave work a little early, to prepare my surprise. And what a surprise it was! Jen and I have always had an active sex life, and we quite regularly watch porn together, including glory hole porn on occasion. But I'd never detected any special interest on her part, not any more than for any of the other things we watch. You sure wouldn't have known it by the way she went after me, though, not even waiting until I was fully inside the box before she had me in her mouth!

I moaned loudly, not sure how much the box might interfere with her ability to hear me, and wanting to make sure she knew how much I appreciated what she was doing. Jen gives a wonderful blowjob. She can't quite get even half of me into her mouth, though at nine thick inches that's hardly cause for complaint. And whatever she may lack in depth, she always more than makes up for in enthusiasm! Today was no exception. In fact, she was devouring me even more desperately than usual, almost like her life depended on it. God... we would really need to start making this glory hole thing a regular part of our routine, if it was going to get her this excited!

I closed my eyes, crossing my arms to rest on top of the box, and just let her work, knowing I was in for a ride. It always takes me quite a while to cum, and even longer from oral. Not that I don't love it, I do! It's just that in terms of actual completion, it's a long road to get there. Which Jen actually quite enjoys, as a matter of fact. She loves sucking my cock, just for the joy of sucking it, and has told me on more than one occasion how happy it makes her to be able to do it for as long as she likes without worrying about me cumming early and ruining her fun. That's an exaggeration of course, but not much of one. When she does eventually decide she's had enough oral play, she pretty much always switches to using her pussy, instead, to actually get me off.

Which is what she was doing, I realized, as she pulled off of me and the box started rocking a little. I was surprised she'd swapped over so early, knowing her, but I was far from disappointed. We'd have all night and all day tomorrow free from interruptions, after all; I was confident I could get her into that box again!

I gave her an extra loud moan as she sank herself onto me, and this time the additional volume wasn't even feigned. She felt so much tighter than usual! It must have been the restrictions of being in that box, bending over and throwing herself back against me. Whatever, I was just going to enjoy it while it lasted! It was sort of a shame I couldn't have my hands on her hips, or pulling her hair, the way I normally did when I took her in that position. But hey, change is good for you every once in a while, right? And I was really loving how vigorous she was being, tossing herself up and down my cock, making the entire box shake, even without me being able to help!

Then I heard it, the sound of keys in the front door, and my heart froze. Cassie, having forgotten something she needed and coming home to get it?

“Happy birthday, babe!” Jen called. “You here somewhere?”

My jaw dropped... and I grinned, looking down at the box. So, this was that kind of surprise! It sure had been a while. It wasn't nearly so easy getting Cass reliably out of the house these days as it had been when she'd been younger, and we'd been able to just pack her off to camp or to a sleepover Jen had arranged without any input from her.

“In here!” I called back to her, my mind whirring, wondering just who it was that Jen had arranged to come play with us this weekend. No... I didn't want to know, not yet. I'd let it remain a secret as long as I could. Whoever it was, she'd frozen for a moment too, upon hearing Jen's voice. But she was throwing herself onto me with a vengeance, now! “Just enjoying your surprise!”

“Surprise? What surprise?” Jen asked as she stepped around the corner, gasping as she saw what was taking place. “What the fuck! Who is that?”

“What?” I asked stupidly, too caught off guard to fully realize the implications of what she was saying. But my brain started catching up as I saw her expression. I pulled quickly away from the box, turning to face her fully, my cock standing proud and covered with creamy white girl-juices.

“Ummm...” we heard a distressingly familiar voice. It couldn't be... but as the box moved, tipping to the side, out came crawling Cassie, naked but struggling herself into her little kimono-style robe. I tried not to look... but maybe not as hard as I should have. My God, her body was incredible! Which I suppose I already knew, in an intellectual sort of way. She was five-two, skinny, with long, wavy chestnut hair nearly down to her pert, round little ass, all just like her mother. I love long hair like that, and Jen had been growing hers out for me ever since we first got together. Cassie had started growing hers out too, right around the same time... but I'd always just assumed she wanted to be like her mom. It had never occurred to me before that moment just how like her mom she may have wanted to be; that she may have been doing it for me!

Cassie's breasts were a little bit smaller, C-cups rather than Ds, and somewhat firmer and perkier with youth. Different, certainly... but every bit as spectacular as her mother's were, in their own special way. And seeing her naked like that... and especially seeing her bald little pussy, flushed that glorious shade of pink and covered with her creamy juices from the sex I'd just unknowingly been having with her... it was almost more than I could take! And then I noticed that she was looking, too, biting and licking her lips, and I hurriedly tried to tuck myself back into my pants. Not easily done, when you're my size and as hard as I was.

“What the fuck, Cass!” Jen was accusing angrily as I was still trying to tuck myself away, wincing in discomfort as I angled myself off towards my hip, finally getting myself back out of sight. “What the fuck do you think you're doing?”

She was pissed! And understandably so, of course. But Jen never swore, outside of an erotic context when she was having sex with me. And she especially never swore, or even raised her voice, to Cassie!

“I...” Cassie began, wrapping herself in her arms now that she'd gotten herself covered, lip quivering, the tears brimming, then starting to fall.

“Oh, no! You aren't getting off that easy! I want a God-damned answer, Cassandra Marie! What the fuck possessed you to do something like this?”

“I...” she whispered through her blubbers, tears falling freely as she started to shake. “I... saw your videos.”

“Our videos?” Jen repeated, her face blanching, as I'm sure mine must have been. There could only be one thing she meant. “You went snooping in our room?”

“I wasn't snooping, I promise!” Cassie wailed, vigorously shaking her head. “I just... I was looking for Harry Potter!”

“What?” Asked Jen, beating me to the same question by about half a second.

“We wanted to have a marathon, Emma and me,” she explained. “But I couldn't find the fourth one anywhere! I thought maybe you had it in your room, but I still couldn't find it. And then I saw that dvd wallet, on the shelf in your closet...”

“And that's when you decided to snoop?” Jen demanded.

“Not snoop! I really was just looking for that dvd!” she sniffled, guiltily staring at her toes. Which she had also painted that sexy shade of red, I now noticed. “But when I saw they all had dates, and some had letters... I was too curious, I had to see.” Then she looked up, still guilty... but with a spark of challenge in her eyes. “A.B.?” she asked. “Amélie Bouchard. That's what A.B. stands for. You guys had sex with Emma's mom?”

“That was a long time ago!” Jen said, suddenly on the defensive. “Before you and she were even really friends. Amy and I just met at a parents' night at your school, and got to talking... it was just after her divorce... And anyways, we were all consenting adults! We didn't do anything wrong! And it isn't any of your business, anyways! You never should have seen those videos in the first place!”

“And S.E.?” Cassie said next, more confidently. “Suzie was my babysitter, Mom! I can't believe you guys actually had sex with my babysitter!”

“It... that was complicated,” Jen tried. But Cassie was clearly having none of it.

“What is it you really want here, Cass?” I asked, hoping to distract them both from the fight that was clearly brewing before Cassie could reacquire enough confidence to drive it completely out of hand. I even managed to keep my voice fairly calm, I thought, though I definitely wasn't feeling that way. Cassie took several deep, steadying breaths, getting the worst of her sniffles under control. She tried rubbing her eyes of her tears, too, though not very effectively; I could still see some falling, if perhaps not quite so many as before.

“I want you to have sex with me, the way you did with all those other girls!” she said, looking me straight in the eyes as she said it. And whatever else was going on, whatever she may have been feeling... I knew she was absolutely, dead-set determined about that!

“I don't have sex with other girls, Cass,” I said seriously, and she just scoffed, rolling her eyes. “No, I mean it. I don't. We do. You mom and me, together. We have sex with other girls sometimes. Ignore the fact that you're her daughter for a second... that I consider you my daughter! If I was to have sex with you, like you're asking... that would be cheating. I don't do that! Not ever! The only reason I had sex with you while you were in that box was that I thought, at first, that you were your mom... and then, when I heard her at the door, and realized you weren't, I thought that she'd arranged this for me as a surprise, for a birthday present. But I do not cheat... and that's what it would be, you and me having sex together.”

She took a moment to consider what I was saying, chewing on her lip as she looked back and forth between her mother and me.

“Okay,” she finally agreed, resolutely nodding her head.

“Okay?” Jen echoed, her recent anger seemingly forgotten, or at least put aside for the time being, just needing to confirm that we were all on the same page now.

“Okay,” Cassie nodded again. “But, uhh...” she blushed, timidly lowering her eyes as she turned to look at her mom. “You might have to teach me how to do it right... I've never actually gone down on another girl, before!”

“What?” Jen gasped, jaw hanging open in shock. I'm sure I looked similar as Cassie returned her gaze back to me.

“I've never actually had sex with a boy before, either,” she admitted, smiling shyly. “But that part was pretty easy to figure out... insert tab A into slot B, repeat as needed,” she giggled, turning back to her mom again. God, I'd always loved that giggle. She didn't do it much anymore, now that she was older, but it was still every bit as adorable as I remembered. “But I think there's probably more to it, if I'm gonna eat your pussy good enough to actually make you cum!”

“You can't be serious!” I said, Jen still too astounded by what Cassie was saying to make the objection herself. “And... did I really just hear you say you just gave me your virginity, while you were in that box?” God! No wonder she'd felt so tight!

“Well... that was the plan!” she giggled again. “I'm not sure if it still counts, if I had to stop before I could make you cum.”

“It counts...” Jen said, slowly shaking her head to knock herself out of the stupor she'd been in. “Cass...”

“I want this, Mom,” Cassie interrupted her, stepping closer to her, taking her shoulders in her hands and staring hard into her eyes. “Okay? I'll admit... I was mostly focused on getting Daddy to fuck me. Who wouldn't be, especially after seeing what he's been hiding between his legs this whole time? But watching those videos, of you guys sharing other girls together... I wasn't like I was exactly turned off by the thought of going down on you, too, you know!”

I nearly choked. And 'Daddy'? Where had that come from? She'd never even called me 'Dad' before, much less Daddy! But... I knew, didn't I? Cassie may never have called me 'Daddy' before... but Jen certainly had, in some of those videos we'd made. As had plenty of our 'friends'. And what was wrong with me, that I suddenly wanted so badly to hear Cassie saying it again? Only... maybe breathier? Or in a high, orgasmic squeal, the way her mother did, when I made her cum? Fuck... I was so going to hell!

“You weren't?” Jen asked dumbly, eyes wide. Cassie just stood there, smiling, softly stroking a stray strand of hair behind her mother's ear. Then she stepped forward, wrapping her in her arms, and met her in a full-on kiss on the lips.

“Mmph!” Jen yelped, but Cassie didn't relent, and after a second or two Jen slowly started to respond. I could tell she was still nervous, and hesitant... but she was kissing back. And when Cassie finally pulled away, turning to look at me, next... her mother's arms stayed around her waist, holding her in place.

I didn't speak. I just stepped forward, taking them both into my arms. Cassie got kissed first, because Jen was still looking like she'd just been poleaxed, and needed a minute to recover. Then it was her turn... and then their turn with each other, again. I'm not sure which of us actually made the first move, Cassie or me, but suddenly we were working together to undo the buttons of her mother's blouse. It didn't take long after that, the trail of clothes we left behind leading directly to Jen's and my bedroom.

We shouldn't have done it like that. We should have all sat down, fully clothed, for a calm, rational discussion of all the possible pitfalls and complications of what we were contemplating. But that isn't what happened. Cassie was definitely the driving force, guiding Jen slowly but relentlessly all the way to the foot of our bed, pushing her down, then crawling up after her like a cat stalking a mouse. I was right behind her, hands glued to that phenomenal little ass as she bent down for her first taste between her mother's thighs. I'm not sure which of them moaned louder as she first made contact with her tongue, but whatever remained of Jen's restraint vanished in an instant as Cass started licking her; she twined her fingers deeply into her daughter's beautiful chestnut hair, pulling her tight into her pussy, directing her exactly where she wanted her.

Then it was my turn. I moved Cassie's knees up a little first, until that cute little ass was really popping out at me, and she was at exactly the height I wanted. I slid into her slow but deep, all the way down at once, making her tremble and moan into her mother's pussy, causing a gratifying second set of moans as a result. I loved causing little chain-reactions like that, when we were sharing a girl together. I grinned, looking up into Jen's face, but she already had her eyes closed as she lay back onto her pillow, luxuriating in what Cassie was doing to her. No matter. I had plenty to look at, right under my hands!

I took it easy at first, mindful that Cassie had said today was her first time. I assumed she'd at least used her fingers before, or maybe a toy, since she hadn't seemed to be in any sort of distress when she'd pushed herself onto me in her box. But still, I wanted to err on the side of caution. She responded eagerly, meeting every thrust with one of her own, until finally I was giving it to her as deep and hard as I ever did to her mom. Not fast, though. No... I was determined to make this last!

Cassie was the first to cum, but not by much. However nervous she may have been about her first time eating pussy, she was clearly a natural. Or maybe Jen was just way more turned on by the idea of having sex with her own daughter than she was willing to admit. Either way, after that first pair, the two of them seemed to just keep feeding back and forth on each other's orgasms, and I quickly gave up even trying to keep count. That was one of the things I most loved about Jen, her ability to cum so easily and repeatedly... and I was thrilled to find out she'd passed that trait along to her daughter, as well!

I drew it out as long as I could, but I couldn't resist that tight, wet little teenage pussy forever.

“Where do you want it, baby?” I asked her, my fingers digging tight into that spectacular little ass as I slammed into her from behind, finally allowing myself to speed up as I could feel my orgasm approaching.

“Inside me, Daddy!” she squealed into her mother's pussy, trembling with the aftereffects of her most recent orgasm, and with anticipation for what I was about to do to her. “I want you to fill me up with your cum!”

“Don't you dare!” Jen gasped, eyes going wide as she stared up at me. “You know she isn't on birth control!”

“I don't care!” Cassie wailed. “You know you're always saying how much you wish you'd had more kids! That you hadn't let Dad pressure you into getting your tubes tied after you had me!” She twisted around, abandoning her mother's pussy to look me in my eyes, panting with exertion and licking her lips. “Give it to me, Daddy! Please! I need it! Fucking breed me, Daddy! I want you to knock me up! Put your baby in me!”

I growled inarticulately, tightening my grip, giving it to her as hard as I could now. Jen could object as much as she wanted... there was no way I could turn down a request like that from my gorgeous, sexy baby girl!

“Take it, baby!” I grunted as my hips impacted violently against her ass, my cock throbbing deep inside of her as I let myself go, filling her. “Take Daddy's cum!”

“Daddyyyy!” she squealed with fulfilled desire, just like her mother always did, the heat of my thick, potent seed pushing her instantly into one last orgasm of her own, obviously the most intense she'd had yet. I felt like I was cumming buckets, jet after jet, filling her completely, draining myself directly into her fertile young womb. I felt unsteady on my knees, only my grip on her pretty little ass keeping me from falling to the bed.

“Oh my God!” Jen moaned, shaking her head. “What were you both thinking? I can't believe you actually just did that!”

“It's okay, Mom,” Cassie purred in satisfaction, turning back and giving Jen another soft, slow kiss on her clit, making her gasp. “You know how much I've always wanted to have babies of my own... and who better than Daddy to give them to me? He's an amazing dad! I should know!”

“But, I mean... you're still in high school, for crying out loud!” Jen objected again.

“I'll have graduated before I give birth, even if Daddy knocks me up today!” Cassie countered. “And I'm only two years younger than when you got pregnant with me!”

“That wasn't the same...” Jen tried.

“Sure,” Cass agreed. “You picked the wrong guy, and got knocked up by mistake! Which is why you and Dad barely even lasted until I was five!”

“I've never thought you were a mistake!” Jen gasped in shock at her daughter's words, reaching down to stroke her hair, cupping her cheek. “Not ever!”

“Well... thanks, for that,” Cassie shyly replied. “But you can't tell me I was exactly planned! This is different, Mom... I want this! I want it more than anything!” she crawled forwards, pulling herself off of me, collapsing beside her mom and pulling her into a hug. I followed, snuggling tightly in behind her, draping my arm over her waist and caressing Jen's hip with my hand.

“Are you really okay with this?” Jen asked me next, nervously biting her lip as she looked me deep in my eyes over her daughter's head. “Not the getting her pregnant part—I'm still really not sure I'm okay with that! But I mean all of... this!” She waved her hand up and down over us, indicating what she meant.

“I won't try to say this whole thing wasn't one hell of a surprise,” I told her. “But I love you, both of you, more than anything! And... I trust Cass,” I nuzzled briefly against the back of her neck, making her giggle and squirm happily between her mom and me. “If she says this is what she wants... I trust she's taken the time to think it through. That she's sure... even about the pregnancy part.”

“I still don't know...” Jen said, chewing on her lip.

“Just think, Mom...” Cassie spoke up. “I could tell, from your videos, just how much you enjoy yourself when you have another girl to play with! And I know how rarely you've been able to, recently, from the dates on your videos. If you agree, it means no more needing to sneak around, only getting to do it every once in a while, when I'm out of the house. You and Daddy will get to have me every night, from now on!”

“Ungh!” Jen grunted, wincing her eyes closed. “I can't believe I'm actually going to say 'yes' to this craziness!”

“Yay!” Cassie squealed in excitement at her mom's answer, reluctant though it may have been, pulling her even tighter into her hug and attacking her with a deep, passionate kiss on the lips. Old enough to have my babies, perhaps... but Cass could still be such a little girl at times, squealing like that! It was fucking adorable!

“I'll tell you what I can't believe. I can't believe you said this was actually your first time going down on a girl!” I chuckled as I watched the two of them making out, Jen slowly relaxing into the intensity of her daughter's kiss, and gradually working up to respond in kind. “I thought for sure you and Emma had been an item for a while now!”

“Me and Emma?” Cassie gasped in shock, abandoning her kiss and rolling to her back so she could look me in the eyes. “No, we're just best friends! Not that I wouldn't have, if she'd ever expressed any interest, mind you... but Emma's totally straight!”

“No girl is totally straight...” Jen contradicted, nuzzling against the side of her daughter's neck, her hand seductively stroking her slender little belly. “You just need to approach them with the proper bait!” She grabbed the base of my cock then, wiggling me mock-threateningly over her daughter's hip to demonstrate exactly what she meant.

“Mom!” Cassie gasped in surprise.

“What can I say?” Jen grinned impishly. “I've always had a thing for tall, leggy blondes... and Emma's gorgeous! Do you really think she wouldn't be willing to have a little 'fun' with you and me, if it meant we'd be willing to share Daddy with her in exchange?”

“Well... maybe,” Cassie allowed, but as Jen kept looking at her, eyebrow raised, she laughed. “Okay, probably! But not right away, okay? I finally just got the two of you all to myself! I want some time to enjoy this, before we start thinking about inviting anyone else to share!”

“Fair enough!” Jen laughed in turn, snuggling tighter and kissing her daughter's cheek. “And just so that we're clear, if we do ever invite anyone else, it'll just be for a visit! But if we're really going to do this, then you, little missy, belong to Daddy and me permanently, now!”

“I'd better!” she giggled happily, turning to face me this time, reaching down to join her mother's grip on my cock. We made out slowly but passionately, Jen scooting tighter up behind her and kissing the back of her neck as they cooperatively worked me up to go again.

Needless to say, never in my life had I been given such an astonishing surprise... but laying in bed with my two beautiful, amazing girls, knowing that at that very moment a brand new life could be about to take root inside my stepdaughter's slender little teenage belly, imagining what our future would bring... it was by far the best birthday gift I ever could have received!


2025-02-05 04:24:40
Great story , well described and well written and very enjoyable .

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