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While babysitting for her aunt and uncle, a girl finds something she never expected on their computer, leading to a huge surprise.
I've always loved babysitting for my auntie Tammi and uncle Taylor. Although, if I'm going to tell this story properly, I guess I should be precise; we aren't actually related, not officially. But Tammi's been my mom's best friend basically forever, all through middle and high school, roommates at university, maids of honour at each other's weddings. Our families are closer together than to any of the people we're actually related to. And I've been their go-to babysitter since just after baby Cassie was born (Mom and Dad got started on having kids quite a bit earlier than they did, obviously). Cassie's an adorable and very rambunctious three now, and she was always thrilled when her big cousin Lizzy came over to take care of her during her parents' twice-monthly date nights. It had become habit for us to brush our teeth and change into our sleep clothes early, then cuddle up on the couch together watching kids movies until she passed out. I'd carry her to her room and tuck her into bed, then watch some more grown-up movies by myself or play around on the computer until either Tammi and Taylor got home or I was ready for bed myself, at which point I'd go crash in the guest room until morning when they'd drive me home after breakfast.

But about six months ago I discovered an entirely new reason to enjoy babysitting for them. I'd been messing around on the computer after Cassie had gone down, bored out of my mind but not yet tired enough to sleep. The game I'd been playing had been acting kind of slow, and I'd been trying to figure out why—that was when I noticed the huge, hidden folder that was taking up so much space on their hard drive. I new I shouldn't go peeking... but my curiosity got the better of me, and I opened it up to find tons of video files. Picking one at random, I was shocked to discover a video of my aunt Tammi dressed up in a slutty little schoolgirl outfit, her long, blonde hair done up in bouncy little-girl pigtails, down on her knees and sucking uncle Taylor's enormous, swollen cock!

I must have forgotten to breathe for a solid thirty seconds, I was so enraptured by what I was seeing! He had to be at least nine inches long, and so thick around, aunt Tammi's fingers couldn't even reach her thumbs as she wrapped it in her hands! She was jacking him off at his base as she bobbed up and down on as much as she could fit into her mouth, gagging loudly as it pushed against the entrance to her throat!

I'd never really masturbated before that night. I knew the theory, of course... and I'd tried, a little bit, just to see what all the fuss was about, but I'd been thoroughly underwhelmed by the limited results I'd managed to achieve. But that night, sitting there in the computer chair, watching aunt Tammi obviously enjoying herself so much, her huge, round titties nearly bursting out of her skimpy little outfit, and seeing the look of pure bliss on both their faces... I felt a warmth like I'd never felt before. My hand started moving before I'd even realized what I was doing, reaching up under my oversized sleepshirt, and down inside my panties.

I sighed loudly, trembling, as I began to explore, shocked by the moisture I could feel seeping out to coat my lips. It all felt so much better than when I'd tried before! Uncle Taylor started using his hands, too... one on the back of aunt Tammi's head, encouraging and controlling her, the other reaching down inside her shirt to squeeze her breast. My shirt had to come off completely then, as I started using my other hand, going back and forth squeezing my titties. Mine were so much smaller than hers, or my mom's... but it felt incredible, my nipples like firm, fiery little pleasure buttons as I squeezed myself in time with what uncle Taylor was doing to aunt Tammi on the video. I started picturing myself in her place... I even opened my mouth, letting my tongue hang out, imagining how amazing it would feel to have that huge, hard cock plunging between my lips!

Not having any prior experience, it's no wonder my orgasm came as such a surprise. I nearly fell right out of my chair... and I did give myself a solid whack right on the bone of my shin, as my legs started flailing uncontrollably and I kicked the desk! I managed not to scream and wake up Cassie, thank God, but only just. I sat there in the aftermath in nothing but my cute little pink panties, quietly whimpering and rubbing my shin where it hurt, blinking tears from my eyes. And still... the video kept playing. I bit my lip, knowing I shouldn't... but I started touching myself again, mewling and twitching at my sensitivity, but I just couldn't stop myself, not when aunt Tammi was still devouring that enormous, perfect cock! I came again, under a little better control that time... or at least, with a better appreciation of the sensation of welling heat that warned me that it was about to happen, so I was able to push my chair back first and not smack my shin against the desk again. I was maybe half-way to a third, when uncle Taylor got there ahead of me; he pulled away a little, taking over stroking himself, holding the end of his cock about an inch away from aunt Tammi's luscious red lips, her long, sinuous tongue dancing over them in anticipation. The first jet, impossibly huge and thick looking, shot directly into her waiting mouth. She moaned loudly, clutching and squeezing at her tits through her outfit, as he followed it up with more and more, finally squeezing out the last few drops directly onto her tongue. Only then did she close her lips and swallow, before opening again, wide and proud, displaying her empty mouth. Uncle Taylor praised her as his 'good little slut', stroking her cheek with his hand, Tammi purring and nuzzling happily into his touch, before he stepped away to the camera and ended the recording.

I whined in frustration, clawing clumsily at the mouse in my desperation to cum again, backing up to the point of that first, enormous shot of cum bursting into aunt Tammi's mouth. I paused it there, concentrating on that one frozen moment, and returned frantically to my masturbation. I had my best orgasm yet, imagining that huge, thick load bursting into my mouth, instead of hers! It left me sweating and panting in the chair, my panties absolutely soaked in my juices, not to mention what I'd just done to my fingers! I slowly regained enough control to exit out of the video and put everything back the way I'd found it, picking up my shirt and stumbling into the bathroom for a much-needed shower. It was a good thing I kept some fresh clothes in the dresser in the guest room, that's for sure! I crawled into bed, exhausted, a little bit damp from the shower, but clean. Or at least, physically clean... after what I'd just seen, and done, my mind was anything but! I rolled onto my side, clutching a pillow to my chest, absentmindedly licking my lips as I ran through it all again and again, a low but stubbornly persistent heat pulsing like a second heart between my thighs as I slowly, fitfully drifted off to sleep.

Needless to say, babysitting hasn't been the same ever since. And the next time I went over, I was prepared! My special little thumb drive lives inside of a rolled-up sock buried in the toe of an old tennis shoe in my closet, now. It's a bit paranoid of me, I know... but Mom is way too big a snoop for me to trust leaving any of my pilfered videos on my actual computer! It travels back and forth with me to Tammi and Taylor's place, as well, since every time I come over it seems like there's at least one or two new videos to add to my collection.

I was laying in bed in their guest room, eyes closed, hand in my panties, still thinking about their most recent video that I'd just finished watching for the third time that night, before I'd finally closed down the computer and stumbled my way into bed. It had been another in what I thought of as their 'basement collection'; this one had aunt Tammi tied standing up, starfish-style, with soft red ropes at her wrists and ankles attached to the support pillars down in the unfinished basement, while uncle Taylor had done her hard and fast up her ass from behind! I moaned quietly as I thought about it, about the look of ecstatic pain and pleasure on her face as she took that enormous cock up her sexy, round little butt, until he came deep up inside of her ass! It wasn't the first anal video I'd seen... but I'd worked my way through watching all their videos by then, and anal was something they only did very occasionally, so it was a special, extra-naughty treat for me to see. It made me feel so hot and dirty, just thinking about it! And especially knowing, since it was a new video, that she'd taken it up the ass like that sometime in just the two last weeks, since the last time I'd been over!

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening and aunt Tammi's drunken giggling. I smiled briefly, then forced my expression to go slack. Sure enough, not a minute later the door to my room opened slowly, Tammi checking that I was asleep. The door closed again, and I allowed my grin to return. They'd be having sex after date night either way, I'd come to realize over the intervening months, but if they thought I was sound asleep it meant they wouldn't concern themselves as much with trying to stay quiet while they did it, so I'd be able to hear more while I was listening in.

I didn't have to wait long, Tammi's giggles and squeals, punctuated with an occasional loud slap on her ass and the accompanying shriek, telling me they were doing it doggy-style; I knew from their videos that uncle Taylor really enjoyed spanking her in that position, more than in any other. I started playing more intently, my pillow nearby and ready for when I'd need to muffle myself. It was hard not to speed up, especially when I could hear Tammi starting to cum... but I'd already made up my mind that I was going to try stretching it out and denying myself that night, going for one really strong orgasm to coincide with Taylor's, rather than several weaker ones alongside each of Tammi's the way I normally did it. I could already feel it building, making me back off until I was just barely teasing my clit, hovering on the edge. Taylor's final loud grunt, and Tammi's shrieking, trembling wail as she felt that hot, thick seed bursting up inside of her, pushed me over the edge. I rolled over, burying my face deeply into my pillow, legs trembling as I vibrated my fingertips across my clit beneath me, the pleasure crashing over and through me in wave after wave.

I finally had to stop, unable to take any more. I rolled back over gasping, bringing my fingers to my mouth, smiling as I licked them clean, loving how naughty and dirty it made me feel! I readjusted my panties and pillows, quickly settling down, certain the endorphins I'd just flooded myself with would soon have me drifting off to sleep the way they always did.

But no sooner had I gotten my heartbeat back down to normal than I heard what I could swear was the sound of the tv out in the living room. That couldn't be right, could it? Not at that time of night. Maybe I'd already fallen asleep after all, and hadn't even noticed that it was morning now? Cassie was a devious little monkey; it wouldn't be the first time she'd woken up early and gone out to watch cartoons while she waited for everybody else to wake up. I sighed, but rolled over and forced myself out of bed. If I was going to be the babysitter, it meant that at least occasionally I had to do some actual babysitting. I just hoped I could convince her to go back to bed, so I could do the same.

I stumbled down the hall, yawning and rubbing my eyes, the dull gleam coming from the tv screen confirming that I hadn't been imagining things, though the volume was low enough now that I could no longer hear it. I stepped around the corner, an annoyed reprimand for the little imp ready on my lips... but what I saw froze me in my tracks.

I sank back around the corner, quiet as a mouse, peering out at my uncle Taylor sitting on the couch. I couldn't see what he was watching, since the tv was mounted on the same wall I was currently skulking behind, but I could guess; his robe was wide open, his huge, hard cock pointing proudly skyward as he stroked it slowly up and down.

I strangled a moan, my hand instinctively finding its way under my sleepshirt and into my panties. God, he was big! Seeing it on a screen was one thing, but now, in real life... he was using both hands, one above the other, and still he wasn't covering the whole thing! What I wouldn't give to be my auntie Tammi in that moment, so I could just go join him and take over...

I don't know how long I stood there, barely peeking out around the corner. I new I didn't dare let myself cum, there was no way in hell I could keep quiet if I did! But I was so close already, swallowing reflexively as I salivated at the sight of it, dreaming of taking it into my mouth, of tasting it, my panties already soaked straight through and clinging wetly to my skin.

Then, suddenly, his eyes glanced over, meeting mine, and he jerked in shock. I gasped, wishing I could vanish, or flee, or anything except stand there stupidly with my hand in my panties as he stared at me. He should have yelled, swore... he at least should have covered himself back up under his robe. But he did none of that. And what he absolutely, positively should not have done, was to continue slowly stroking his magnificent cock as he stared directly into my eyes.

“Come here,” he whispered, his voice low and gravelly, trembling with command, and making me tremble in places better left unnamed.

I shook my head slowly, biting my lip, knowing I should back away... but it was already taking every ounce of my control just to stop myself from rushing forward.

“Come here,” he repeated. “You should at least see what I'm watching before you decide if you want to leave.”

I swallowed nervously, took a step. Then another. Before I knew it I was at the side of the couch, gasping at what I saw on the screen.

“You found our videos,” he said, and all I could do was nod in shock, realizing my guess had been wrong after all. He wasn't watching a video of himself and Tammi... that was me on the screen! I was on the chair in the office like always, my sleepshirt on the floor beside me, my firm little titties fully out on display, my panties down to my knees as I furiously masturbated my pussy. God... they must have a nanny cam set up in that room! How had I never even considered that possibility, knowing how much they enjoyed filming themselves? The video of me had been taken a month ago; I could tell, because the angle caught the computer screen, too. It showed Tammi riding him cowgirl style in their bed, complete with cowboy hat, belt, and boots... and the cute little white tassels dangling from her nipple clamps, bouncing around all over the place as she threw herself violently up and down his cock! That one had instantly become one of my favourites, the... enthusiasm of my reaction to my first time watching it now playing out on the screen for uncle Taylor to see.

“So... we both know how much you enjoy looking at it...” he said, wickedly grinning up at me. “Now you just have to decide... is that all you want? Or would you like to touch it, too?”

I gasped, my eyes breaking from the screen to find his, then looking down to stare again at his cock. Could I really go through with it? Or, maybe a better question... could I live with myself afterwards, if I knew I'd been given the opportunity, and didn't?

I stepped around the edge of the couch, standing directly in front of him, chewing on my lip... and lowered myself to me knees. He smiled, taking his hands away, letting his cock smack heavily back onto his abs, sidling himself closer to the edge of the couch and laying back, spreading his knees. I crawled a little closer, reaching out a hand. His skin was so soft! That was what struck me most of all. I'd expected firm, and warm, and gotten both... but soft surprised me. I lifted him carefully, feeling the huge, thick weight of him in my hand, the way his skin slid so easily over the steely core within. God... Now that I had him right there in front of me, with the size of my hands for comparison, I think I'd underestimated, before—he had to be closer to ten! I brought up my other hand as well, unable to resist the lure of those big, heavy-looking balls. I cradled them in my hand, lifting and bouncing them gently as I started stroking him. I was so nervous I would do something wrong... but the more I got into it, the more he seemed to be enjoying it, the more confident I became.

“Give it a kiss!” he commanded softly, and by that point I didn't even question it. I leaned in, softly kissing the underside of his head. He tasted ever so slightly salty, like sweat. I kissed him again, and again, slipping my tongue out, giving him a tiny little lick as I did it. I wasn't ready to suck on him, not the way I'd seen Tammi do so often in their videos... but I knew I was working up to it, the heat between my thighs driving me relentlessly onward. Soon I was kissing my way fully up and down his shaft, even down to his balls. They were so much sweatier than his shaft, which should have been gross... but somehow wasn't. So much hairier, too, which tickled my nose and made me sneeze! I was mortified! But he just chuckled softly, and stroked his fingers into my hair, guiding me back to kissing him again. I think it was that simple reassurance, so gentle and loving, that made the difference for me. I worked my way slowly back up his shaft, and this time, when I reached his crown, I opened wide and took him inside.

He moaned quietly, which made me giggle proudly around his shaft, that I was having that sort of effect on him. I tried to go deeper, but it was a lot harder than aunt Tammi made it look! I could barely manage a couple of inches before it started making me gag, and I had to resign myself to working exclusively on his head, leaving the rest of him for my hands. He didn't seem to mind, repeatedly stroking his fingers through my hair and caressing my cheeks, softly moaning and murmuring 'good girl!' I swear, I nearly creamed my panties right then and there, the first time he called me that! I don't know why it had such an effect on me, but I loved hearing those words! Maybe it was because I'd heard him saying the same thing to Tammi so often?

“What have we here?” The unexpected words from the hall sent a spike of ice through my heart, and I jerked my head and hands away from uncle Taylor's cock, staring bug-eyed at my aunt Tammi as she lounged up against the same corner I'd been hiding behind earlier, looking sexy as hell in her red satin robe.

“Oh, don't stop on my account!” she laughed, eyes sparkling as she pushed off the wall and undulated her way towards us.

“Sorry, babe. Thought you were asleep,” Taylor smiled up at her, seemingly completely unconcerned that he'd just been caught getting his cock sucked by the babysitter!

“I was,” she smiled back at him, coming to rest with her hip crooked on the arm of the couch, the position revealing as extraordinary amount of slender, toned thigh. “But I got cold without you behind me, which woke me up, so I decided to come see what you were up to. And I sure am glad I did!”

“I...I...” I stammered, shaking my head, heart hammering a million miles a minute and unsure what I could possible say.

“Relax, sweetie,” Tammi said, smiling down at me reassuringly. “I'm sure this comes as a hell of a shock... but Taylor and I have known you've been watching our videos for quite a while now. Granted, we were planning on waiting a while still, before we tried talking to you about it...” She raised an eyebrow at her husband, smirking at him.

“Sorry,” he shrugged back with an insouciant grin. “Honestly, I really didn't plan this. I was just still too horny, and couldn't fall asleep, so I came out here to get off again before I was going to slip back into bed with you. But when I caught her hiding behind the corner, watching me with her hand down her panties... I just couldn't help myself!”

“Well, I suppose I can't really blame you, when faced with temptation like that!” Tammi laughed. “Nor can I blame you!” she smiled down at me again. “God knows I've never been able to resist that big, beautiful cock of his, either!”

“You... you really aren't mad?” I asked, hardly able to believe my ears.

“Not at all, sweetie,” she said, slipping down to her knees beside me and wrapping me in her arms, kissing my cheek. “Like I said... we've been planning to talk to you about this, sooner or later... Your uncle Taylor may have just jumped the gun a little, is all. But now that we find ourselves here anyways... all that remains is to figure out what all you're going to want to do about it.”

“What does that mean, exactly?” I asked, feeling like my brain was still running about two steps behind and desperately trying to catch up.

“Well, it'll probably be a long discussion,” she smiled, stroking my hair. “Or more likely, several long discussions, until we pin down all the ins and outs. But for the time being...” she glanced over at Taylor's cock, licking her lips, drawling my eyes along with hers to where he sat, once again slowly stroking it in his hand. “I'd really like to watch you finish sucking my husband's cock for him. And if you're willing... I'd really, really like to eat your pussy for you while you do it!”

“Seriously?” I gasped, half convinced I must really have fallen asleep after all, and that this was all just a wonderful dream.

She turned me back to face her, palms softly cupping both of my cheeks... and kissed me. And this was no soft, familial peck, let me tell you! Her tongue invaded my mouth, wrestling with my own, her huge, firm tits pressed tightly against my much smaller ones. She finally broke away, and I nearly toppled over, robbed of breath and equilibrium both.

“You have no idea how much I've been wanting this, Lizzy!” she gasped, her breasts rising and falling hypnotically under her robe. At least I wasn't the only one that kiss had effected so strongly! “Ever since we found out you've been watching our videos! The last thing we want is for you to feel pressured into doing something you don't want to do! But as long as you do want to...” she left the words unsaid, but the look in her eyes spoke volumes.

“Okay,” I told her, nodding solemnly, feeling the blush mounting in my cheeks but excited beyond all belief about what was about to happen.

“Really?” she gasped. “You mean it?”

“Like you said... we're going to have to have some long conversations about what else I might, or might not, be okay with,” I giggled shyly despite myself, glancing down and away. I already knew it would have to be something pretty extreme for me not to be okay with anything they suggested! “But for tonight... Yes, I absolutely want to finish sucking his cock while you eat my pussy!”

“Yay!” she squealed, wrapping me in another hug, bouncing like a little girl in her excitement. “And... it's okay if you call him Daddy, if you want, instead of uncle Taylor. I know how much he'd like that,” she smiled, bashfully lowering her eyes, blushing brightly. I smiled, too. She called him that a lot, in their videos; I felt honoured by the invitation to do the same.

“Would you like me to finish sucking your cock for you now, Daddy?” I asked, giving him my cutesiest little-girl voice and echoing Tammi's bashfulness.

“Just as soon as you and your big sister finish stripping each other naked, first, baby girl!” he replied with grin.

Tammi and I giggled together, kissing again and quickly setting about doing precisely that. God, her body was so hot! Which I already knew, of course; I'd studied every inch of her in minute, erotic detail through their videos. But just like my first time seeing Daddy's cock, now that I was seeing her for real, touching her, feeling the weight of those huge, firm breasts in my hands, hearing her moans as I took those thick, succulent pink nipples between my lips... it was just something else entirely. And then it was her turn, and I thought I was about to pass out as she pressed her mouth to my small, round breast and began to suck.

“God, you're sexy!” she purred into the flesh of my breast, her hands roaming my body as I did the same to her. “I swear, you look exactly like your mom did at your age!”

“You and mom?” I gasped, still so blown away by everything that was happening, I wasn't sure she was actually implying what I thought she was.

“Oh, not for a long time, now,” she smiled. “Not since before she and your dad got together. But way back in the mists of time, when we were your age?” she smirked, her eyes glinting wickedly. “You couldn't have kept us off each other with a firehose!”

“I can't believe it!” I sighed, shaking my head, completely incapable of reconciling the image of my stuffy, conservative mother with the adventurous teenage lesbian Tammi seemed to be describing.

“Maybe not yet!” she grinned. “But just give me half a chance to show you what I can do to you with my mouth, and you'll understand soon enough why she could never say no to me, either!”

She darted in for another kiss, making me moan with the intensity of it, adjusting our positioning as she eased in between me and Daddy. She sat, legs straight out, guiding me into straddling her, then squirmed her way down until she was laying flat on the floor, grinning up at me expectantly. I could feel my blush rising in my cheeks once again, but I allowed her to pull me down, my eyes rolling back in my head at her very first kiss on my lips.

“Careful, sweetie!” Daddy chuckled, catching me by my shoulders before I could fall over. “She's just getting started... you should at least let her make you cum first, before you decide you're going to pass out!”

“Unnngh!” was about all I could manage as a reply, but with his help I was able to lean forward again and get his cock back in my mouth, with him sitting even further forward on the couch so Tammi could look up from between my thighs and see, the way she'd asked for. I'm sure I wasn't doing a very good job... I did my best, but with the assault Tammi was waging on my poor, defenceless little clitty, I was doing well just to keep from biting him! Honestly, he ended up doing most of the work all by himself, taking my head in his hands and thrusting up into my mouth like I was a glorified sextoy. It was actually surprisingly hot, just being used like that! And thankfully he didn't seem to mind, but I promised myself I'd do much better next time, when I wasn't so distracted!

Clearly, I had a thing or two to learn when it came to sex. Even simple things, like, say, what an orgasm was. I'd thought I knew. Had been sure I knew. But clearly I'd been wrong, because if what I could do to myself with my fingers was an orgasm, then what Tammi did to me with her mouth was a freaking earthquake! I squealed and shook, my entire body feeling like it was on fire as wave after wave of pleasure pulsed out from between my thighs. She carried me all the way through it, giving me feathery kisses and licks, her slightest touch triggering smaller, lingering shocks. Then, once I was finally done, she started building back up on me all over again. I moaned, in pleasure, pain, or panic, I wasn't even sure, and just tried to bring whatever concentration I still could to the task of making Daddy cum, certain that was my only hope for escape.

Not that 'escape' was really the appropriate word. I knew, even as disoriented as I was, that a single word from me would cause them both to stop, instantly. Our relationship may have been in the midst of monumental changes, but underneath it all they were still my auntie Tammi and uncle Taylor; they would never, not in a million years, do anything that would hurt me, or make me do something against my will. But making them stop like that was the last thing I wanted to do! Not unless I really, really needed to would I even consider it! And so I just focused on Daddy's cock, licking and slurping, squeezing and stroking, seeking that hot, wet burst of cum that would signal permission to take a break from the astounding, mind-numbing pleasure Tammi was making me feel!

Finally, finally it was time! I knew the signs of Daddy's impending orgasm nearly as well as I knew my own, after watching him so often in their videos, and both his and mine were oncoming like freight trains. I tightened my lips... both sets of lips, really, since I was desperately trying to hold back, not wanting to cum again before I felt Daddy bursting into my mouth. Then Daddy was grunting, the hot, thick, salty fluid flooding my mouth, and I was swallowing as fast as I could and trying not to bite, everything happening all at once as I came all over Tammi's pretty little face. It seemed to go on forever, but I knew that had to be a trick of my mind. I slowly pulled off of his shaft, laying my cheek on his thigh, as Tammi's gentle kisses eased me down.

“Okay there, baby?” Daddy asked, softly stroking my cheek.

“Uh hunh!” I moaned, grinning like an idiot and unable even to open my eyes. I felt Daddy taking over, first pulling me up into his lap, straddling him, then wrapping me in his arms and standing up, carrying me.

“Kitchen, first,” Tammi corrected, which I guess meant he must have been headed toward the bedroom. “She's going to want a glass of water.”

“Yummy!” I somehow found the strength to protest, not wanting Daddy to think I didn't appreciate the gift he'd just given me.

“I couldn't agree more!” Tammi laughed as she walked beside us, her hand rubbing up and down the curve of my ass. “But you can't deny it's salty-yummy! Daddy won't feel insulted just because you need a drink of water after. I always do!”

“'Kay,” I reluctantly bowed to her logic. It was pretty salty, after all, though no less yummy for that.

Properly hydrated and taken care of, and after Tammi had washed her face at the sink, Daddy carried me to their bed. I got the middle, on my back, languidly twisting side to side for kisses as I slowly recovered my wits.

“That was amazing!” I told them.

“I know, and you're welcome!” Tammi preened proudly, making me giggle at her playful egotism. “But seriously though... if you think that was good, just wait until you have him inside you!”

“I can hardly wait!” I sighed happily, mostly looking forward to it, but also grateful I'd have some time to adjust and get used to the way things were now before I had to worry about that.

“Oh, you don't have to, you know,” Tammi said, and I turned to look at her in confusion. “I mean, you have to wait a little while, obviously. But Daddy should still be good for at least one more tonight. Won't you, Daddy?”

“With this little beauty to look forward to, if I can?” he grinned, making me gasp as he took my pussy into his big, strong hand and slowly gave me a squeeze. “Count on it! But only if you're sure that's what you want, sweetie.”

“Umm...” I stalled, unsure what to say, and having a hell of a time trying to think with him holding onto my pussy like that! For lack of any better ideas, I eventually settled on the truth. “I'm not sure yet, honestly. Part of me really wants to say yes... part of me is terrified you're going to tear me apart! And most of me... doesn't know what to think!”

“Well, let me put your mind at ease before anything else,” Tammi said. “Yes, he's huge... but whenever you decide you're ready, he isn't going to do you the same way he does me, in our videos. Certainly not at first! He knows how to be careful, and gentle... I just prefer it when he does me hard, is all! A little bit violent, even, if I'm being completely honest! Especially when we're going to the effort of filming it, for us to watch again later. And he knows that about me, so that's what he gives me, and that's what you've mostly seen. But he would never do that to you, not on... umm, I guess I never actually asked, come to think of it. But am I correct in assuming it would be your first time?”

“Umm... yeah,” I admitted shyly, my cheeks starting to heat again.

“It's nothing to be embarrassed about, sweetie,” Daddy said, lifting his hand from my pussy to my chin, turning my head so he could give me a soft, slow kiss on the lips. “Believe it or not, we were virgins too, once upon a time; we remember what it was like. It's all the more reason for you to take your time deciding, is all it is. We may occasionally push boundaries a little bit... Tammi, especially...”

“Hey!” she interrupted, unsuccessfully trying to pout, unable to restrain her grin. “I resemble that remark!”

“Yes, well...” Daddy rolled his eyes, making me giggle as he continued. “Pushing boundaries is one thing, and breaking them is another. We will never try to make you do something you say 'no' to, sweetie!”

“Well... it's still going to take you some time to recover first anyways, right?” I asked. “No matter what I decide on for tonight, I have some time before I have to make up my mind?”

“Definitely.” He confirmed with a grin. “Even when I was still your age, I couldn't recover quite this quickly! And once I am ready to go again, if you do end up deciding the answer is no for now, that's still perfectly all right! What else do you think Tammi is here for, after all?” That made me giggle, and earned Daddy a laughing smack on his chest from his wife.

“Okay,” I agreed. “In that case, lets just keep cuddling and kissing for now, then, and we'll see how I'm feeling once you're ready again.”

“And in the meantime, you could maybe roll up on your side to face me, and let Daddy rub his cock against that pretty little ass of yours to help you decide?” Tammi suggested.

“See what I mean about pushing?” Daddy grinned, all three of us breaking out into laughter again.

“Like you said... pushing is okay, as long as we avoid breaking,” I smiled shyly, obediently rolling onto my side. Daddy wasted no time sidling up behind me, slipping his arm under my head for me to rest on his big, strong bicep, his other hand tracing my body up and down between my hip and my breast as he nuzzled and kissed my neck. Tammi took care of the kissing department, and God was she ever good at it, lovingly stroking her fingers through my hair, pulling me close as I did the same to her. By the time Daddy was ready again, his thick, hard cock rubbing temptingly up and down along the crack of my ass, I could hardly remember why I'd ever even been in doubt about my choice in the first place.

“Be careful with me, Daddy!” I murmured quietly, pressing myself harder against him so I knew he'd understand what I meant. I wasn't quite sure of how we were going to go about things, but Tammi took care of that; she lifted my upper leg up onto her hip, draping my calf down behind her thigh, then reached down past me to take hold of Daddy's cock. He backed away slightly under her direction, letting her angle him down until the top side of his shaft was brushing along my lips. I was surprised when she then slipped her hand between him and me, blocking access. But as she started gently stroking and fingering me, and I felt the incredible heat and thickness of him laying so heavily on the softness of my inner thigh, it made sense; far better to get used to her fingers, first, before I tried taking Daddy's much thicker cock!

It was a long, frustrating process, but as I felt how resistant I was to stretching I was grateful Tammi seemed to know what she was doing. I almost giggled, actually, at the thought of how much better it would be if every girl about to lose her virginity had an experienced helper like Tammi along for the ride! She finally managed to get his head to slip fully inside of me, and though I gasped and trembled at the unfamiliar sensation, she'd done enough prep work on me that it wasn't actually painful. I did still feel like my vagina was about burst apart into shreds at any given moment, especially once he started slowly thrusting and gradually working himself in deeper. But I knew that worry was just an illusion in my mind, caused by feeling so many different things I'd never felt before, and experiencing them all at once like that. In fact, I even grew to like that sensation, of being so stretched, and full—at least, I did once I started getting used to it a little bit more!

He just kept going and going, taking his time, being careful, but ever easing deeper. I could hardly believe how deep he was already, and still I knew there was so much more to go! He was touching places my fingers never could have reached, and every last one of them felt incredible! It wasn't long before I started to feel the pressure building inside of me, in some ways so familiar, but deeper, more profound, like he was tapping into a well of pure pleasure I hadn't even known existed, deep inside my core. I closed my eyes, gasping and trembling, waiting for the wave to break.

“Do it, baby!” Tammi excitedly murmured her encouragement, kissing me softly and lovingly stroking my hair. “Be his good little girl, and cum on Daddy's cock!”

I whimpered piteously, my eyes flashing open again as I felt the inescapable rising of the tide. Then it was happening, the breath suddenly gone from my lungs as my entire body went into spasm, locked in Daddy's arms with his huge, amazing cock slowly thrusting inside me. My vision blurred, tunnelling down, as my entire world became the orgasm rushing through me.

Finally I could move again, a huge, wracking breath bringing me back to earth. Daddy slowed even more, cuddling and stroking me, as did Tammi. I smiled shyly, rolling her onto her back and pulling myself up on top of her, Daddy's cock slipping out of me as I went and slapping wetly against his abs. I could feel their confusion and regret... until I lay my head between Tammi's magnificent boobs, looking over at Daddy, and lifted myself up onto my knees, sticking my butt up into the air and giving him a temping little wiggle of invitation.

He chuckled his understanding, stroking my ass with his hand, and quickly rolled himself up and into place behind me. He was in me again in moments, reaching down with his hands to adjust the positioning of my knees, moving them slightly forward to make my ass stick out at him even more. I was in absolute heaven as he started squeezing my firm, round little butt... my best feature, I'd always thought, and I was so happy to have the proof now that he liked it, too! I closed my eyes again, luxuriating in the feeling of Daddy having his way with me, softly kissing the side of Tammi's breast as she cuddled me and stroked her fingers through my hair. Daddy was reaching even deeper, now, in the new position, though I could tell he still had an inch or two left to give. He was gradually starting to use more force on me, too, tightening his grip on my butt and speeding up his thrusts. I knew I still wasn't ready for the kind of violent, bestial fucking I'd seen him giving Tammi in their videos... but what he was doing already felt phenomenal, and I could hardly wait until I would be ready for more!

A sudden, unexpected spank on my ass made me squeal and jerk, then sigh in pleasure as Daddy returned to squeezing my newly-sensitive flesh.

“You like that, baby?” he growled. “You like it when I spank this pretty little ass?”

“Uh hunh!” I gasped, nodding vigorously between Tammi's tits.

“Let me hear you say it, baby!” he commanded, following up with a slap on my other cheek.

“Unnh!” I moaned, trembling as he kneaded my ass with his big, strong fingers, using his grip on me to help his thrusting. “Ohhh, I love it, Daddy! I love it when you spank my pretty little ass while you're fucking me!”

“Good girl!” he praised, his words sending a flood of warmth rushing through me even more than the pressure of his fingers digging into the flesh of my butt. “Now... I think it's time we see just how much of this cock you're able to take!”

He didn't give me time to respond. He just tightened his grip on me even more, and started slowly, relentlessly pushing into me. I gasped, reflexively trying to pull away, my hands clutching at Tammi and the sheets. He held me in place effortlessly, stretching me more than I'd ever thought possible. But finally... I felt his hips pressing against me. I twisted around to look back at him, my mouth gaping open in shock. He grinned, pushing in another half inch or so against the firm roundness of my butt, until I could feel bone pressing on bone.

“God...” I gasped, hardly able to believe I was really taking the entire thing! And that was it for me. He wasn't even moving when it happened this time—but just knowing I had the full ten inches of him all the way up inside of me, filling me, stretching me... that was enough. I came again hard, my whole body shaking, my legs trying to kick out from under me. It was only Daddy's steel-like grip on my hips that kept me from throwing myself right off the end of his dick! But hold on he did, all the way through it and out the other side, until I finally recovered enough to look back at him and give him a sleepy, thankful smile. He grinned, relaxing his grip into a loving caress, and I gave him a nod, silently telling him I was ready for him to start moving again. He went slow at first, gentle and tentative, testing that I was ready. But that was so not what I needed anymore! I threw myself back onto him, hard, bottoming myself out completely, my ensuing squeal leaving no room for debate about just how much I loved taking his cock that way! He clued in quick, laughing and tightening his grip again, and starting to give it to me like I was asking for. I still wasn't taking it quite like Tammi could, of course—that was going to take practice, before I was ready for him to give it to me the way I really wanted him to! But I was really, really enjoying what I was getting, just the same!

Then Tammi started to move beneath me. I turned back to look at her in confusion, but she just paused briefly for another kiss, then continued squirming further up the bed, until she came to rest with her back up against the headboard, her beautiful, shaved little pussy directly under my face. She looked down at me, nervously biting her lip, as she tentatively spread her legs wide.

I felt my cheeks starting to blush again. We hadn't actually talked yet, about whether that was a thing I was going to be willing to do. And in theory we should have, before she asked me this way. That explained her nervousness, I was sure; she knew she was being bad—she just couldn't help herself! But what was I going to do, say 'no'? Like hell! Even if I didn't already owe her, for the way she'd done the same for me earlier... I wanted this! So, so bad! I'd been wanting to taste her pussy almost as much as I'd been wanting to feel Daddy's cock inside of me, ever since I first started watching their videos! Which wasn't to say I was above teasing her a little, for being such a naughty girl and asking for it mid-sex when I was feeling all horny and more likely to let her push my boundaries, rather than talking to me about it first like she knew she should have!

I lowered myself down slowly, bracing myself on my forearms against the vigorous bouncing Daddy now had me doing, my eyes flickering between her pussy and her face, watching her. She was still chewing on her lip, but it was in eager, impatient anticipation now, not out of nervousness. I started tentatively, just a little kiss, and was shocked by the volume of her sigh at such a simple touch. I did it again, a little more firmly, then followed up with a short little lick. Pussy is definitely an acquired taste, but I'd had plenty of time getting used to my own, sucking it off my fingers, and Tammi's tasted no worse than that. And the fact that it was hers, rather than mine, and that I was getting it straight from the source, made it even better. I started getting more adventurous; licking, sucking, sliding my tongue up and down her lips, circling her clit. Trying out everything I'd felt her doing to me, out in the living room earlier. I wanted to keep teasing, the way she deserved... but by that point, I just couldn't hold back. It didn't take me long before she was gasping and moaning nearly as much as I was—though I was definitely starting to pull ahead again the longer Daddy spent fucking me!

And it was definitely a fucking he was giving me now, not just sex. It was actually even more than I'd asked for. Probably a little more than I was ready for, truth be told—it'd be a minor miracle if I woke up in the morning without bruises inside me, honestly! Not that I was going to ask him to stop! Or that I could even blame him, not even a little. If I'd been in his place, thrusting my enormous, ten-inch cock balls-deep into the tight little virgin babysitter, while I watched her eagerly devouring my wife's hot, juicy little pussy... Well, who was I to judge if he let himself get a little carried away?

I was panting and moaning, my firm little titties bouncing vigorously on my chest, his big, full balls smacking heavily against my clit with every thrust. Tammi even had to help hold my head steady to keep me from accidentally hurting her with my teeth, such was the intensity of the pounding he was now giving me. But I wouldn't have changed a thing. Especially not when I recognized the sounds they were both starting to make, and I felt the familiar heat building within me once more.

Tammi was first, squealing and thrashing, pulling me tighter into her and violently rocking her hips, grinding her hot, creamy little pussy all over my face, covering me with her mess! I was right on the verge myself—but I so wanted to hold out, to wait for Daddy! I was whimpering and trembling, my eyes clenched tight, when finally he let go. He slammed into me hard, over and over, driving himself as deep as he could reach, that hot, thick Daddy-cum shooting straight into my depths, filling me, flooding into my deepest, most secret and special place, rocketing me into my strongest orgasm yet—my strongest orgasm of my entire life!

I slowly started coming down from my high, Daddy still holding himself deep inside of me, squeezing and caressing my ass, Tammi lovingly running her fingers through my hair as I lay my cheek against her soft, firm thigh.

“God...” I purred, my entire body suffused with warmth and love... and cum! “Oh my God!” I gasped, the reality of what we'd just done finally breaking through my post-orgasmic haze. I stared up at Tammi in shock, then twisted to look back at Daddy. They both had such simple, satisfied pleasure on their faces, I couldn't understand how they weren't panicking like I was.

“You came inside me!” I accused.

“Un hunh!” He smiled, still too lost in his own residual pleasure to comprehend my tone.

“No, you don't understand!” I gasped, the tears welling in my eyes as I contemplated what that hot, wet feeling deep inside of me could mean. “I'm not on birth control! You might have just gotten me pregnant!”

“Don't worry, sweetie.” Tammi cooed. “It's going to be okay!”

“But what if it isn't?” I sobbed, the first tears breaking free. “Oh, God! I can't be pregnant! I just can't!”

“Lizzy, stop!” Tammi commanded, taking my messy, cream-coated face in her hands and forcing me to look at her. “What do you think they make morning-after pills for, if not for situations just like this?”

“I...” I gasped, caught off guard. I'd been so caught up in my panic, I hadn't been able to stop and think. “Oh...” I said.

“Yeah. 'Oh...'” Tammi smiled, softly stroking my cheek. “I think we'll leave Daddy here, don't you? Just to avoid any awkward looks. But you and I'll go get you a pill first thing tomorrow morning, before I take you home. And we'll set up a clinic appointment so we can get you on proper birth control as soon as possible, too. Not that Cassie wouldn't love to have a little baby brother or sister to play with... but probably not the best idea, so long as you're still going to school, and living with your mom and dad.”

“Yeah... probably not.” I smiled shyly, wiping away my tears, embarrassed now by my obvious overreaction.

“We're sorry, sweetie...” Daddy said, comfortingly squeezing my butt as I twisted around again to look at him. “We really should have had this conversation first, before we had sex, to save you all that worry you just went through. All I can say is... you had me really, really distracted, and I wasn't thinking very clearly at the time.”

“All things considered... I think I can probably just take that as a compliment, and let it go,” I giggled. He and Tammi laughed too, Daddy giving me another soft, playful swat on my butt, Tammi scurrying back down beneath me again, kissing me and wrapping me in her arms. I was a little shy about that at first, having her kiss me while my face was still covered with her creamy white girl-cum, but she didn't seem to mind. In fact, if anything, she actually seemed to be enjoying it, which finally helped me relax and give myself fully to her kiss.

“Not that I want to rush you, or anything,” Tammi murmured sexily into my lips between kisses. “But when you decide you're ready to let Daddy pull out... do you think you could spin around, and let me have a taste of him in your pussy?”

“And maybe have a taste of myself on Daddy's cock, while I'm at it?” I continued with a bashful grin.

“You really have been watching a lot of our videos, haven't you?” she smiled, a light blush rising in her cheeks at the reminder of everything I'd seen. I knew having her suck his cock clean for him after he'd just finished cumming inside her was one of Daddy's very most favourite things.

“No...” I giggled, shaking my head. “I've been watching all of your videos! Multiple times each! I, uhh... I guess I actually have a little confession to make; I don't just watch your videos when I'm here, after Cassie's asleep. I've sort of been... stealing them, and putting them on a flash drive, so I can watch them when I'm at home, too!”

“You little minx!” Tammi laughed. Then she looked up at her husband, her eyes widening. “Wait... you knew, didn't you? How did you know that?”

“How did you not?” he replied with a grin. “Though I suppose I understand you being so distracted by the other parts of the videos of her, you didn't notice the flash drive she always mucks around with after she's done.”

“No, I did not,” she smirked, rolling her eyes, then giving me another kiss. She didn't bring it up again, but I could tell by the glint in her eye what she was hoping for.

“Okay, Daddy, time to pull out,” I laughed. “As much as I'd love it if you could stay in there forever... somebody has definitely earned getting a taste tonight, like she wants!”

He laughed, gave me one more pat and a double-handed squeeze, then slowly withdrew.

“Unnnh...” I moaned. “Okay... that sucks! I feel so empty, now!”

“You get used to it,” Tammi consoled, rubbing my back. “And it goes away quickly, as you tighten back up again. Probably even faster for you, actually, since I assume you're so much tighter to begin with!” She looked questioningly up at Daddy, getting a smile and a nod to confirm her guess as I twisted around to see his response for myself.

“Well, I've never had to push a baby out of mine...” I replied shyly as I nuzzled into the side of her neck, proud that Daddy thought I was so tight, but not wanting Tammi to feel bad about it. “And a tiny bit looser or not, you don't need to be a mind reader to know how much Daddy still loves it, watching your videos!” I giggled, my cheeks burning bright with my rising blush. “And you taste really good, too!”

“Thank you, sweetie! So do you!” she murmured, squeezing me tight in her arms and turning to kiss my cheek. Then she reached down, slipping her hands in underneath Daddy's to give me a nice, firm squeeze on my ass, pulling gently upwards towards herself. “Now... no more stalling! I am dying to see how that taste changes with a pussyful of Daddy's cum in you!”

I laughed, lifting myself to my elbows and stealing one more quick peck on the lips, then spinning myself around, lowering myself to her waiting mouth.

“Mmmmm...” I moaned as her tongue began to explore. “This is nice! If I have to feel so empty afterwards, this is for sure the way to get over it!” I looked up at Daddy, smiling widely, and expectantly opened my mouth. He laughed, crawling forward, delivering me what I needed. My cum tasted good, even if I did say so myself! So much better on his cock than just on my fingers! I couldn't get any more of him into my mouth than I had when blowing him earlier, and I could still hardly believe I'd somehow managed to fit the entire thing inside my pussy! I eventually got him totally cleaned up though, even if I had to do almost all of it by licking, rather than actually getting it into my mouth for sucking. I decided that meant Tammi was done, too. She was quite clearly willing to keep going, and it still felt amazing, just like the first time she'd done it to me... but there was just no way I could handle letting her push me into having another orgasm right then, not before I'd had more of a chance to finish recovering, first!

We took quick turns in their bathroom to clean up, Daddy first by himself, then Tammi and me together, when she took a private, quiet moment together to make sure I really was okay with everything that had just happened, and that they weren't inadvertently making me feel any pressure to go along. I reassured her—rather thoroughly, actually, eventually making her laugh and push me away from our kiss, blushing a beautiful shade of pink. Then it was back to business, as she told me how important it was to always go pee after sex, to avoid UTIs. Washed and ready, we held hands and went back out to meet Daddy again, snuggling down into bed together. I got the middle again, with Daddy cuddled up behind me, his cock smooshed between my butt cheeks and his arm wrapped around me cupping my breast, while Tammi nestled in from in front, her fingers absently stroking my hair as I suckled on her nipple, the two of them slowly kissing each other further up the bed above my head. I could still hardly believe everything that had just happened... but God was I ever grateful that it had! I'd definitely have to talk to them in the morning about the possibility of making 'date night' a once-a-week thing, instead of only twice a month! If I had to wait two full weeks before getting my next fix, it was going to drive me insane! And on that note, summer vacation would be starting in just another few months. What were the chances of Mom and Dad being okay with me being a live-in nanny, until I had to go back to school in September?

Yeah, I was definitely going to have to make that happen! I was getting wet again just thinking about it... playing with Cassie all day, then getting fucked and cummed in by Daddy every night? God... that would be perfection! Realistically, of course, Tammi and I would have to take turns. Tonight had been special, because it had been my first, but I couldn't expect to be the center of attention like that every time! Though if Daddy's performance so far was any indication, I doubted that needing to share him would be much of a hardship, for either of us! The only really difficult part would be figuring out a reason they would need a nanny, since Tammi had been a stay at home mom ever since Cassie was born. But I was sure I'd be able to come up with something, and I still had a couple of months to figure it out. If push came to shove, I suppose I could always just give up on the 'nanny' part altogether, and simply say I wanted to play with Cassie more while I wasn't in school for the summer. I'd do anything it took, as long as it would get me into bed with Daddy and Tammi every night!

It was with visions of nightly fuckings dancing through my mind that I felt myself drifting off to sleep. I tried to fight it off, wanting to stay awake to enjoy all that warm, squishy closeness a little bit longer first... but there was just no way. I was so exhausted and satisfied, and so comfortable, held tightly in their shared embrace, there was nothing I could do to stop it. I felt myself surrendering to bliss, slipping slowly deeper into sleep... the potent warmth of Daddy's cum filling my fertile young womb, love and lust for them both filling my heart. It really was a shame that I'd have to go with Tammi in the morning to get a pill for me to take... I could hardly wait until I'd be in a position where I could ask Daddy to knock me up for real!
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