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On vacation in Mexico, a girl unexpectedly encounters her boyfriend's father late at night, having no idea where it would lead.
It all started the summer after my sophomore year of high school, when my boyfriend Juan invited me to come to Mexico with him and his family for his cousin's wedding. I was so excited! I had a heck of a time finally convincing my parents to let me go, but we were going to be staying at his family's villa, not at some sketchy tourist hotel, so eventually they agreed. It wasn't just the promise of a week in the sun that I was looking forward to so much, either. Juan and I had been dating for a little over six months, since just before Christmas, and I'd finally decided I was ready. A hot, steamy tropical vacation, combined with all the romance of a big, fancy Mexican wedding, would be just the setting for finally losing my virginity!

Not that Juan and I were completely inexperienced. I'd been letting him feel me up ever since our fifth date, and I'd even been letting him finger me for the last couple of months. But I'd drawn the line at paying him back in kind, mostly because I just didn't trust myself not to get carried away and do more than I intended to once I finally saw his dick! He was just so tall, and dark, and handsome... I could barely keep myself from jumping his bones even when he was keeping it in his pants!

The first day we arrived was like a whirlwind, getting a tour of the villa, being introduced to all the relatives who had already arrived. Only a few would be staying with us at the villa itself, most had their own homes in the nearby town, or were staying with those who did, but as the site of the wedding the villa was the hub of activity. The ceremony itself wouldn't be until our second to last day there, but already the preparations were in full swing, and I was quickly drafted into the cleaning and decoration committee with the rest of the female cousins. 'Cousins', by the way, apparently being a general term for all relatives between the ages of twelve and thirty, regardless of the distance or precise nature of their relation to the bride. They were all so lovely, and they made a real effort to include me by mostly speaking English, rather than making me struggle with my horrible Spanish, though I was trying to learn and practice as much as I could. I may as well have been wearing a flashing neon sign around my neck for all I was able to blend in with them, though; the one tiny, skinny little blonde girl, surrounded by a virtual sea of all these tall, curvy, Mexican women! Seriously... I couldn't believe how gorgeous they all were! Even the ones who were younger than me still looked like freaking supermodels! And the men, too! I mean, I still had a soft spot for my Juan... but he was so the ugly duckling, compared to his older cousins and uncles! And his father, Antonio? My God! I'd met his mom, Adriana, lots of times, and she was every bit as beautiful as all the rest of them, but his dad was always so busy with work I'd never actually met him before. And I swear, when my mom dropped me off at their place the morning before we left, and I first saw him stepping through the entryway to the kitchen to come greet me... I totally tripped over my suitcase and nearly landed straight on my face! He totally caught me, too, which made my embarrassment even worse, never mind when Juan's little sisters started laughing at me!

“You must be Elizabeth,” he had asked, his voice low and growly, his rich, thick accent so sexy sounding, that alone was making my nipples sit up and beg!

“Ummm... Lizzie's fine,” I had barely managed to choke out. The man was seriously movie star handsome! And not like average movie star, either! We're talking some serious Mexican Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Ryan Gosling type vibes here! I could barely even hear the rest of what he was saying to me over the sound of my own suddenly-racing heart!

Thankfully, after we arrived at the villa he and the rest of the men had mostly gone off doing boy-things ('cosas de chicos', one especially useful Spanish phrase I picked up quickly), while all us girls were occupied cleaning, so I only occasionally had to cope with forcing myself not to stare. Dinner that evening proved much more difficult. Not just because it was down to just those of us actually staying at the villa, which I'd known to expect, but because I'd somehow found myself seated directly across the table from him! God... it was a miracle I didn't leave a puddle on my chair after, just from looking at him! But somehow I made it through without embarrassing myself too badly, and it was finally time for bed.

My room was small, barely big enough for a bed, closet, and dresser, but it was comfortable. I made myself wait an extra couple of minutes first, just to make sure no one was going to come knocking on my door for a last minute conversation, then quickly opened my suitcase and started to strip. I'd bought myself just the cutest, sexist little red lingerie set, just for that night! I might not have much to work with, in the boob and hip department, but I was determined to show off what I had to best effect for Juan's and my first time! There was a mirror on the door of the small closet, and I stood there preening a bit, brushing out my hair, trying different poses, fussing and adjusting, making sure everything was laying just right. I put on a bit of my favourite perfume—not too much, because I knew Juan only liked it when it was subtle, not when it was too strong—then slipped into my sexy little red dress. It was a bit too revealing to wear to the wedding—I had my blue one already hanging in the closet, for that! But for tonight? My red one would be perfect!

I peeked carefully out into the hall to make sure the coast was clear, and found I had to let my eyes adjust to the dark. This wasn't the city-dark I was used to; this was country dark, which was a whole different animal! There were still tiny little bits of light, here and there—moonlight through a window, lamplight sneaking out the crack under someone's door—but it was dark! I finally decided my eyes had adjusted enough to risk it, and I eased my way out and closed the door behind me, my bare feet soundless on the polished wooden floor. That choice had been made out of necessity, not forethought, my suitcase lacking the room for yet another pair of shoes to match this dress, too. But I realized now that it was better this way, as I slinked my way silently across almost the entire villa to Juan's room. The room assignments had been Adriana's doing, of course; the distance between us a none-too-subtle hint that I was to keep my hands off her precious baby boy! Yeah, right! That was so not going to happen! I liked Adriana, I did... but what she didn't know, wasn't going to hurt her!

I slipped unnoticed into Juan's room, stage one of my plan complete! He was sitting on the bed in the dark, the only illumination the faint bit of moon and star light coming from the window over his bed, his hands clasped in his lap. God, I hope I didn't look as nervous as he did!

“Hey...” he smiled up at me, running his fingers through his hair. Normally I loved it when he did that. Tonight, it was just another sign of his nerves.

“Hey,” I smiled back, fighting like hell not to defensively cross my arms in front of my waist.

He moved aside a little, and I went to join him on the bed, neither of us able to meet the other one's eyes.

“God... you'd think we'd never done this before, or something...” he quipped, making me laugh quietly. We were probably pretty safe... the room next door belonged to his cousin Julio, and Juan had assured me he wouldn't tell if he happened to hear anything that night. But better safe than sorry, just the same.

“Yeah,” I chewed on my lip. “Maybe if we just start kissing a little, like normal?”

“Okay,” he agreed. I turned to him, and he ran his fingers through my hair this time. Progress, at least. He leaned in, and so did I. It was slow, and gentle... Too much so, really, like it was the end of our first date all over again. But slowly it got better, and he ran his fingers deeper into my hair at the back of my neck, and put his other hand on my waist. I wrapped one arm behind his back, and put my other hand on his chest, squeezing the firmness of his muscles under his shirt.

“You look amazing in that dress, by the way!” he murmured into my lips. “I nearly forgot to say.”

“Thank you,” I purred back, nibbling a little on his lower lip. “Just wait until you see what I look like out of it!” I froze, realizing what I'd just said, looking down and away as I felt the unbelievable blush rising up my cheeks. God, that was so not me! I was not that girl, so... so forward, and slutty like that!

Juan took my chin in his fingers, lifting gently, forcing me to look at him again.

“I can hardly wait!” he said, and kissed me again. It was harder this time, rougher... and I loved it! He lowered his hand again... but this time, not to my waist! I gasped into his mouth as I felt his hand starting to squeeze and play, making me tremble in his arms. God, I loved it when he touched me like that! My breasts may not have been very big, but they were firm and round, and so, so sensitive! Having him play with them was just my favourite thing ever, even more than when I let him finger me!

I tugged on his shirt a little, pulling it a bit out of his pants. Stupid me, sending the wrong signals and making him take his hand off my boob! He was undoing buttons, stripping off his shirt and tossing it aside. Then everything was okay again, his hand back where it belonged, and with the added benefit of getting to play with the firm, smooth muscles of his chest.

“How do I...” he asked, and it was only then that I realized that thing he'd been doing at the back of my neck under my hair had actually been him trying to undo my dress.

“There's a little hookie-claspie-thing, first,” I told him. “Then the zipper's under that. I can get it, if you want. It's kinda tricky if you haven't seen it before.”

“No, I can get it, I think, now that I know what I'm dealing with. Let me try,” he said, bringing his other hand up to join the fumbling. He did get it done, I'll say that much for him, even if it took him about ten times longer than it would have taken me.

“There! Got it!” he grinned, and despite myself I had to laugh at how proud of himself he was. “Now... will me efforts be rewarded? Do I get to see?”

I bit my lip, holding my dress up against myself with my hands, smiling and shaking my head.

“You first!” I told him. He grinned, obviously game. He stood up, quickly unfastening his belt and jeans, dropping them to the floor and stepping out. Ugh! The cheater! He was wearing black boxer-briefs, and in the dimness of the room that meant I couldn't see a thing!

“Your turn!” he grinned. I scowled at him, letting him know just exactly how unfair I was finding this all... but he just stayed there grinning at me, his male obliviousness shielding him effortlessly from the heat of my glare. So I stood, turned to face away from him, took a deep breath to steady myself... and lowered my arms, letting my dress slowly slip down to pool at my ankles, holding my breath in suspense and worry and hope.

“God damn!” he swore reverently, and that was finally enough to give me the courage to twist around at my waist. His eyes were just about popping out of his head, tracing me up and down so intently I could feel it like a pressure on my skin.

“You like what you see?” I asked, and he just looked at me like I was crazy, nodding slowly up and down. I giggled—actually giggled, like a little girl! I hadn't giggled like that in years! But I just couldn't help it, seeing him reacting to me like that!

I turned the rest of the way and walked over to him, slowly, swaying my hips. That didn't come naturally to me, not like it did to all those curvy-girl relatives of his I'd been spending my day with, but I could do it when I put my mind to it. He took me into his arms, hands on my hips, as I nuzzled into his chest, kissing my way up and down that slender little line of hair between his pecs. Sometimes it really sucks, being so short... but cuddling against his chest, while he bends down to kiss me in my hair, is not one of those times! I wrapped my arms around him, exploring the firmness of his back, while his hands went wandering, too. I moaned softly as he squeezed me through the soft red lace, my tiny, firm little butt such a perfect fit for his hands! I'd been really self-conscious about that, when we'd first started dating. My girlfriends had all warned me that Latino guys only liked dating girls with big, Latina asses! Maybe that's even almost true, statistically speaking... but for Juan, at least, I'd been relieved to find out that was definitely not the case!

My only source of frustration in that moment was that I still had no idea what was hiding under his boxers! I could feel him pressing against me, all hot and hard and ready... but how much time do we spend measuring things by holding them against our bellies? Without being able to either see him, or hold him in my hands, I'd really have no idea. And I couldn't just reach down and touch him! Ugh, that was so stupid of me! We were about to have sex, for crying out loud! Of course I could touch him, if I wanted to! But... I just couldn't make myself do it, couldn't make myself make the first move. So I just stood there like an idiot, uselessly kissing his chest and running my hands up and down his back, while he kissed my hair and fondled my half-naked ass.

“Okay... I know when I'm beaten,” he said, and I looked up in confusion to see him grinning down at me, shaking his head. “The dress was bad enough...” He kissed me on my forehead. “But just looking at that bra of yours, I know I'm gonna need help on this one!”

“Oh!” I giggled again, blushing. “It's actually not that bad, you know... Here, let me turn around and pull my hair out of the way, so you can actually see what you're doing! Then you can give it a try!”

It still took him a couple of attempts... mostly because he couldn't keep himself from leaning down to kiss my exposed shoulder and neck, rather than watching what he was doing. But finally I felt the tension around my chest give... and then his hands, slipping slowly in around my sides, easing under the soft, lacy fabric. I sighed happily, letting my eyes drift closed as I leaned back against his chest, slipping my straps from my shoulders as he squeezed and explored, letting the bra join my dress. I was enjoying it so, so much, especially with the continued kissing of my neck... but eventually I just couldn't take it any more. The feeling of that hot, tempting hardness was calling my name, pressing against my lower back, driving me insane! I swear I could feel the pounding of my pulse, throbbing almost like a second heartbeat through the flushed, needy flesh under my panties!

“Condoms?” I breathed. Or panted, is more like! Condoms were important! I'd already been on birth control for a couple of months, in anticipation of this day arriving sooner or later, but I was not taking chances! Condoms had been Juan's job, when I'd laid out my plan to him. I'd be the one doing all the late-night sneaking, since just in case we did get caught it would be better for me to be found in his room, rather than him in mine. But in exchange, making sure he got condoms that fit, and that we'd have enough to last us the week, was all up to him.

“In my bag,” he eagerly confirmed.

“Okay,” I moaned as he gently pinched my nipples the way he knew I liked. I forced myself to pull away, licking and biting my lip as I turned to face him. I tried to be sexy about it, backing away slowly, swinging my hips... and totally misjudged the edge of the bed! At least I didn't miss, and land my ass on the floor, but I still let out an extremely undignified shriek as I bounced unexpectedly down onto the bedspread.

Juan, meanwhile... I'm honestly not sure he even noticed, with the way his eyes were glued to my firmly jiggling boobs! It was actually the first time he'd ever seen them like this, I suddenly realized. I'd let him get little glimpses, here and there, when I'd been letting him feel me up. But mostly that had all been done under my shirt, not with me taking it off first. Now he was seeing them both, completely naked and without anything but the dimness of the light impeding his view, for the very first time.

“Condom, remember?” I reminded him, smiling and blushing happily at the effect I could see I was having on him.

“Oh! Uh... yeah. Right!” he smiled, turning around and dropping to his knees, rifling through his bag. I pushed myself further back on the bed, biting my lips and testing different arrangements of my legs, trying to arrange myself as seductively as I could, unsure which positioning would show off my sexy little red panties to best effect. Then Juan stood up, still facing away from me, and the boxers finally came off.

My breath caught in my throat. God, that ass! So firm, and round, and perfect! He was partly bent over, fiddling with himself in the shadows where I couldn't see, trying to get the condom on. And suddenly, I needed to be naked, too! I leaned back, lifting my hips, stripping my panties off as quickly as I could, tossing them aside. I could feel my cheeks burning up, but I so didn't care! I just needed him! Needed him inside of me, as quickly as possible! Then he straightened up, turning around...

I don't know what I'd been expecting, but it hadn't been that! I tried not to let my disappointment show, but... he couldn't have been even four inches long! And maybe the width of two fingers, side by side. And not his fingers, either. My fingers. My delicate, tiny, girly little fingers. He crawled up onto the bed, smiling nervously. So did I... but for all the wrong reasons!

“God, you're beautiful!” he whispered, moving into place above me. I was frozen, terrified I'd say the wrong thing, frantically trying to convince myself it would be okay. It wasn't his fault, I told myself! How would I have felt, if he'd rejected me? Because of the size of my boobs, or my butt... things over which I had absolutely no control! He was still the same lovely, beautiful boy he'd been thirty seconds ago. I really, really liked him! Maybe even loved him! How could I reject him now, over something so, so... well, maybe not trivial, let's be honest. But something so superficial! I wasn't like that, wasn't that kind of girl... was I? No, I decided. No, I wasn't. I wouldn't let myself be. Be so shallow, and selfish. Just because I'd gotten some preconceived notion into my head, from watching too much porn, alone in my room at night with my phone hidden under the covers with me? No way! And what had I been thinking, allowing myself to use porn as my measure of what to expect from a boy? Did I look like the girls in the porn I watched? Hardly! Most of them had boobs bigger than my head! But Juan still liked me, still thought I was sexy. He liked me for me! Did I owe him anything less?

I reached up to the back of his head, pulling him into a deep, hard kiss. If you don't trust yourself not to say the wrong thing... try saying nothing at all! And it worked, too. He responded eagerly, leaning into me, his firm, muscled chest squashing hotly against my breasts. I moaned into his lips... now that? That was something I liked! Maybe if I just kept kissing him, kept him pressed tightly down on top of me... if I didn't have to actually look at it, maybe how small it was wouldn't bother me so much. He reached down with one hand, supporting himself with the other, and started rubbing himself against my lips. I was still wet, from all the lead up earlier, regardless of how I was feeling about it now. And I'd given him enough training, from when I let him finger me, that he was able to find the right spot. I guess there were some good things, about his size... he didn't hurt, like, at all.

He started thrusting, and I tried my best to concentrate on how good it felt, having him on top of me, having his firm, sexy body holding me down, making me his. And it's not like having him inside of me felt bad, exactly. It was pretty much like fingering myself, and I came from that all the time! It just... it wasn't what I'd hoped for, was all. I'd been expecting stretching. Needing to be careful, taking our time. Working himself in gradually, to give me time to adjust, so it wouldn't hurt. I'd been expecting, above all, a sensation of being full! And I didn't get that, not the way I wanted it. It was still... good. It was, really. Or, if not good, it at least wasn't bad. It wasn't unpleasant. It didn't hurt... and it wasn't like I couldn't feel him. Just not as much as I wanted to. If he'd been able to last longer, it might even have been enough. Eventually. But it felt like we'd barely even gotten started when his breathing began to change, and he started losing his coordination. Then all of a sudden he was grunting into the pillow next to my ear, slamming into me hard. Almost before I'd realized what was happening, it was over. He nuzzled and kissed at the side of my neck, otherwise immobile.

“Did you...” he asked. Seriously? Could he not even tell? He'd seen me cum before, from fingering me. Did I look like he'd just done the same with his dick? I was so tempted to lie... and I might have, if I didn't care about him, too. If I didn't want to give him another chance. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, to make him feel inadequate, of course I didn't... but more than that, I wanted him to get better at it, for both our sakes. And that wouldn't happen, if I lied to him and told him he was better than he was.

“It's okay,” I said, shaking my head. I could do that much, at least, to preserve his ego. “The girls at school say it's like that, at first. That it gets better, with practice.”

“God... I'm sorry,” he said, timidly averting his eyes. “I knew you'd feel amazing, so much better than using my hand... but nobody warned me it would feel that good! I tried my best... but I just couldn't last.”

“It's okay, like I said,” I repeated, stroking my fingers through his hair.

“Maybe if we wait a little bit, and I can try again?” he suggested.

“Ummm...” I said, thinking. Truth was, I didn't want to try again. At least, not again that night. If I let him try and he couldn't get me off again, I didn't trust myself not to give in to my frustration and say something... unfortunate. “I think we'd maybe be pushing our luck, if I stayed here that long,” I told him. Not a lie, exactly—just not the whole truth. “But... you could finish me with your fingers, maybe? Before I have to go back to my room?”

“I can do that,” he smiled warmly, kissing me softly on the lips. I could tell, even if he was disappointed that I wasn't going to let him do me again, he was grateful for the chance to redeem himself. He pulled out and rolled away, peeling off the condom and tossing it in the trash can next to the bed, before turning back and cuddling up at my side. I expected him to slip his bottom arm under my neck, holding me close the way he normally did when I let him do this. But this time, he was the one scooting down. I was staring down at him in confusion, until he looked up at me with a grin, and sealed his lips tightly around my nipple.

I gasped, my eyes fluttering closed as my head flew back to hit the pillow. I don't even remember spreading my knees for him, but I know I must have; by the time I'd rediscovered the power of speech, he had two fingers going deeply in and out of me, his mouth taking turns between my breasts. I'd trained my boy well... this was something he knew how to do! The titty sucking was new, of course—but a very, very welcome addition! Honestly... it was making me feel kinda stupid, actually, that I'd been so resistant to letting him catch more than a glimpse, before now! I could have been letting him do this to me for weeks! Maybe months! I moaned my appreciation, running my fingers into his hair, caressing him as he nibbled and sucked and kissed. I relaxed into it fully, knowing there was no rush, no race to cum before he did this time. He would just keep on going, no matter what, until he either made me cum or I told him to stop. And I was so not going to tell him to stop!

It took quite a while... but that was a good thing, this time! I squashed the pillow into my face as it was happening, not trusting myself not to squeal. It's a good thing, too—even through the pillow, Juan was trying to hush me, chuckling at me and reminding me I needed to be quiet, all while doing everything he could to ensure I couldn't be, with what he was doing to me between my thighs! So unfair! But when I finally came down enough to regain some semblance of control, I was giggling and blushing like crazy at what he'd just made me do.

“Mmmm... thank you,” I purred, warm, soft, and content.

“I'm just sorry I couldn't do it like that for you before,” he said, softly kissing my lips.

“It's okay,” I told him, and it was. “You'll get better.”

“And if I don't?” he asked, looking away in obvious worry and shame.

“Even if you don't...” I smiled, reaching up to caress his cheek, turning him back to face me. So what, if his dick was too small, or if he came too fast to be able to make me cum with it? There were other ways he could give me what I needed. “As long as you keep doing what you just did for me... we'll make it work!”

“Okay,” he smiled shyly, kissing me again.

We cuddled and made out, but once he started getting hard again I decided it was time to leave. I was standing firm on my decision not to try sex with him again that night, and staying right there next to him, tempting him and refusing to give in, just struck me as cruel. I did, however, point out that he was more than welcome to masturbate after I left. I refuse to be one of those crazy girls who gets all jealous, or whatever, just because her boyfriend occasionally needs to rub one out! I even suggested, as nonchalantly as I could, that he might want to sneak off and do the same the following night, a couple of hours before I'd be coming over to his room again. I wasn't sure how much it would help... but it couldn't hurt, and I was willing to try just about anything if it would let him last long enough to make me cum from having him inside me!

I let Juan help dress me again, enjoying every little nibble and squeeze. We shared one last long, lingering kiss, then I snuck silently back out of his room. It seemed brighter than before, I guess because my eyes had had so much more time to adjust. I padded cautiously across the smooth wooden floor, alert for any sound or movement, but it seemed I had the hallways all to myself. Then I turned the corner into the living room, and everything changed in an instant!

Juan's father was there, sitting on the couch, wearing nothing but a sexy, black satin robe, fully open and displaying the most magnificent, thick nine inch cock I'd ever seen in my life! He was stroking slowly, the light of the porno he was watching on the big screen tv flickering silently over his skin. My jaw was hanging open in shock, unable to believe what I was seeing, the most enormous rush of heat and need blossoming between my thighs as I stood there staring at him! My God, that was a nice cock! It was everything I'd ever dreamed about, right there in front of me! I could just imagine how it would feel, easing me carefully open, stretching me so deep, filling me completely! Fuck me, but Adriana was a lucky girl! But what the hell was he doing out here stroking himself on the couch, instead of in their room, screwing her to within an inch of her life? It was so unfair! If Juan had a dick like his dad's, I'd chain him to my bedpost and never leave his side! What could she be thinking, to make her husband fend for himself like this?

He started speeding up a little, and I could no longer stop myself; I pulled the hem of my sexy, slutty little red dress fully up onto my hips, slipping my hand down into my panties and starting to play. I couldn't get back to my room anyways, not with Antonio occupying the entire living room, blocking my path. I'd just wait carefully in the shadows until he was done, and he went back to his room. And as long as I had to wait anyways... I just couldn't resist the sight of that huge, amazing cock! I bit my lip, my other hand desperately squeezing my breast through my dress, careful to remain absolutely silent!

I still don't know what gave me away. Maybe I wasn't being as quiet as I thought, or maybe it was just pure dumb luck that he decided to look around. Heck, for all I knew maybe he even smelled my pussy—lord knew I was wet enough now for that! But whatever the reason, I was caught as surely as a rabbit in a snare, staring helplessly into his eyes in the darkness. He was obviously just as surprised as I was, but he recovered quicker, his crooked finger beckoning me forward. I shook my head in denial—of his summons, of the situation, I wasn't sure what. But he repeated the gesture imperiously, and somehow I found myself slowly stepping closer, and closer, until I was standing bare feet away from him in front of the couch.

“Suck it, little girl!” he ordered, his voice a sexy, growly whisper. My eyes grew even wider, hardly able to believe what I'd just heard! No explanation of his presence, no apology for what I'd seen, no question of why I was out of my room, or why I'd been standing there watching him in the darkness. Just the authoritative, unquestionable command, making my entire body tremble with the desire to submit...

And I did. I couldn't believe I was doing it, even as I felt myself dropping to my knees! But I couldn't make myself resist, easing myself down into place, taking him into my hands. He was so huge, and heavy, and hot! I leaned ever so slowly forward, tremulously giving it a kiss. He reached out to me, gently stroking his fingers through my fine, blonde hair, making my eyes flutter closed at the pleasure of even so simple a touch. I kissed him again, and again, starting to lick. He tasted good, just a slight hint of sweat on his skin. I began stroking, exploring his weight, his heft! His skin was so soft, seemingly delicate to my touch, almost fragile, but with an enormous, rock-solid core just a fraction below the surface. I took him cautiously into my mouth, careful not to scrape him with my teeth; it wasn't easy, trying to stretch my mouth that wide, but I could mostly manage it as long as I didn't try to bob up and down too much. I swirled him with my tongue, sucking hungrily as I stroked him with my hand, the other reaching down to softly explore his balls. They were proportional to the rest of him, heavy and big, and somehow felt much hotter than his shaft itself. I rolled and bounced them in my hand, unable to suppress a girlish, muffled giggle at the way they felt, so unlike anything I'd ever imagined! He chuckled too, his warm brown eyes meeting mine as I looked up at him from between his thighs. My God, he was sexy! But I couldn't keep my eyes open for long, I just couldn't! I relaxed into the moment, my entire world shrinking down to nothing but that amazing, wonderful cock, giving myself completely to his pleasure and mine!

I have no idea how long I was at it. Honestly, I gladly would have stayed there til dawn! But all good things must eventually come to an end, and this was no different. I felt him tensing, felt the additional pressure of his hand in my hair. I opened my eyes again, silently telling him that I understood, that I wanted it! I refused to break our gaze, his hips jerking, the first huge, steaming jet striking straight to the back of my throat! I coughed a little, but still stared into his eyes, wave after wave of it flooding my mouth as I eagerly began to swallow. It was so thick, and hot! Salty, too, but not nearly as bad as I'd heard to expect. Finally he dribbled to his end, and with a final deep, hard suck to draw out his last, I withdrew. I swallowed one last time, then opened my mouth wide to prove it was all gone. I didn't know if girls really did that, in real life... but I'd seen it so often in porn, and in the moment it just felt right!

“Good girl!” he praised, my insides going all aflutter as he stroked my hair. “Now... into the kitchen for a glass of water, then back to your room!”

I bit my lip, blushing as I stood, obediently moving to do as I'd been told. But suddenly he was on his feet, grabbing me by my hips, spinning me back around! His lips found mine, his tongue forced deeply into my mouth, one hand on my ass, the other on my breast, the fingers of both digging deep! I moaned, trembling, clutching at his hips! Then he was done.

“Off you go, girl,” he told me, giving me a firm swat on my mostly-naked ass, before closing his robe and walking away without a second look. It took me a good thirty seconds to get myself back under enough control that I could walk again, then I went to do as he'd said.

Sneaking silently back into my room and closing my door, I couldn't believe what had just happened. How had I let myself do that? I'd never even sucked Juan's dick before, and now I'd done it to his father? A man I barely even knew? I should have felt sick, disgusted with myself, for letting myself cheat... but the moment I thought back to it, all I could feel was turned on! I stripped myself out of my dress, changing into my simple cotton panties and sleepshirt and crawling into bed. I tried to feel bad, tried to think of my sweet, kind Juan... but I just couldn't get Antonio's huge, amazing cock out of my mind! I reached into my panties, and started diddling myself like mad! Over and over I came, six, seven times, I wasn't even sure, until I was so outright exhausted I was finally able to fall asleep. But it was no escape. Even unconscious, visions of Antonio's unbelievable cock haunted my dreams.

The next morning was more of the same, back to work with the cousins, desperately trying to forget what had happened the night before. Until we were tidying up from lunch, that is, when I got my surprise.

“Do you ride, Lizzie?” Antonio asked me.

“What?” I gasped in disbelief, my mind instantly jumping to thoughts of bouncing on that huge, glorious cock!

“Horses. Do you ride?” he asked again. Oh! That made sense. The barn had been pointed out to me, during the brief tour, but I'd been kept so busy I hadn't had a chance to go exploring yet.

“Oh, uh, no,” I told him. “I've never had a chance to learn.”

“Well, that settles it, then; you are rescued from work for the rest of the afternoon, while I teach you to ride.”

“Excellent!” Juan grinned, excitedly rubbing his hands. “I'm coming too!”

“Nice try! You, my son, still have work to do!” Antonio chuckled, squeezing Juan's shoulder and giving it a shake. “Besides, it's about time I got to know this girlfriend of yours. Riding will give us time to talk, without you listening in! Go ask your mother what she wants you doing next.”

I could see Juan wanted to object, but knew he wouldn't, and I followed Antonio out to the barn.

“About last night,” I whispered once we were alone.

“Not until we're out on the trail,” he shook his head. “We'll talk then.”

I swallowed nervously and nodded my understanding, as he began my lesson. I would be riding Salvia, an old mare who he assured me was easy to ride and as docile as a lamb. She still looked plenty big and intimidating to me! But as Antonio taught me how to brush and groom her I slowly became more accustomed, and even managed to laugh rather than freak out when she started nuzzling me with her face, clearly enjoying the attention she was getting. He left me once I was more or less settled, keeping an eye on what I was doing but moving across the way to take care of his own horse, Trueno. That meant thunder, I knew, and from the look in the huge stallion's eye I sure was glad I'd be riding my friendly little Salvia instead! We got them all tacked up and saddled—or was the saddle already part of the tack? I still wasn't sure about all the terminology, most of which Antonio had been teaching me in Spanish anyways. At any rate, we got them ready to ride. He copped a real good feel of my ass as he was helping me mount—although to be fair, I really did need the boost! He bounced up onto Trueno with comparative ease, and I followed him out of the barn and along the trail.

It was a gorgeous day, sunny and hot, but with a lovely breeze blowing that kept the heat from becoming overwhelming. If it wasn't for how spectacular his ass looked in his saddle, I almost could have let the beauty of the countryside make me forget what we'd done last night! We finally came to a small, lush meadow, Antonio helping me remove Salvia's reins and saddle, attaching a long rope to her halter instead, tying it to a tree so she would be able to graze as she wished. Trueno got the same, but being a stallion he had to be tied over at the other side of the meadow, to keep him from interfering with her. That was the word he used, 'interfering', but there was a definite sexual connotation to the way he said it. He smiled at me, stepping up close, lifting my chin for a kiss.

I felt like Salvia.

“You're married,” I breathed against his lips, unable to resist his touch, but needing to make him stop. “Adriana...”

“Adriana...” he repeated, chuckling as he backed away slightly, running his fingers through my hair. “My wife has decided that it is no longer her duty to take care of her husband so often as she once did. I have warned her, that if she persists in refusing to do so, I will find another woman who will. She does not believe me. And so, she has no one to blame but herself.”

“Oh,” I gulped. He kissed me again, and this time not even my feeble attempt to protest would rise to my lips. He grabbed me hard and pulled me against him, his strong, thick fingers digging deeply into the flesh of my ass through my jeans. I moaned, trembling, my hands pulling out his shirt seemingly of their own accord, reaching underneath, caressing up and down his muscular back. My legs were growing weaker by the moment, and soon it seemed only natural to drop to my knees. He stroked my hair as I removed his belt, struggling to yank his jeans down to his knees, freeing him from his boxers and taking him eagerly into my mouth. He wasn't fully hard yet, which meant I could enjoy getting him much further into my mouth this time, but that didn't last for long. Then he was on his knees as well, and I was confused, but not upset since it meant he was kissing me again. Until he was undoing my jeans as well, jerking them down my hips, and I understood.

Suddenly he was behind me, pushing me down to my elbows, rubbing the thick, amazing heat of himself up and down my tiny, trim little pink lips.

“Condom!” was all I had the strength to gasp, twisting to stare into his eyes.

“No,” was his simple, incontrovertible reply. My eyes widened as he began to push, slowly and gently. I may not technically have been a virgin any more, after last night with his son. But this... this was losing my virginity for real! He was so big, so hard, I could hardly believe he could ever make it fit! But he was as patient as he was determined, thrusting gently in and out, minute by minute slowly easing me open enough to accept him. It became easier after that, though some dim corner of my mind that was still capable of rational thought knew there was still a lot to go. Oh my God! He was really taking me now, claiming me, making me his! I started rocking back and forth against his thrusts, even more eager than he was to get him the rest of the way inside! So eager, in fact, he eventually had to move his grip from my hips to my ass, holding me in place so I wouldn't hurt myself trying to take too much at once. This I understood, though he never said it, the language of our bodies our only words.

I may have made a little 'oopsie', the first time he made me cum. He was still about an inch and a half from bottoming out then, but he just felt so incredible as the wave finally broke within me... I may have slipped out of his hands, throwing myself back, forcing the rest all inside at once! It was a good thing we had so many hills between us and the villa, because even clasping my hands over my mouth I still let out one hell of a wail! I felt sorry for the horses, actually, who startled and stamped at the unexpected sound.

“Are you okay, Elizabeth?” he asked in the aftermath, comfortingly caressing my hips. It felt so good, I didn't even mind that he'd used my full name. In fact, in his deeply accented voice, I think I even kinda liked it.

“Yes, Daddy,” I purred happily, so full of endorphins I'd slipped right into porno-talk without even realizing.

“We're in Mexico, Gatita Mía,” he chuckled. “The correct response is 'sí, papi'.”

“Sí, Papi,” I repeated with a giggle, biting my lip and gently resuming my movement. “What does that word mean?”

“Gatita?” he asked, smiling as he carefully resumed his own thrusting as well. “It means 'kitten'. Gata is cat, gatita is kitten. Gatita Mía is 'my kitten'. Do you like that, Gatita Mía?”

“Sí, Papi!” I purred again, lowering my chest to the grass to better present my pussy for him. He eagerly accepted what was offered, giving me his full depth now that he knew I could take it. But as he started getting more and more into it I just had to push myself up to my knees, quickly stripping myself of my shirt and sports bra and tossing them aside.

“Squeeze my titties, Papi, please!” I gasped. He needed no more invitation than that, grabbing tightly and pulling me to lean back against his chest, bowing my back as he began thrusting harder and faster into my pussy.

“Play with your clitty, Gatita Mía!” he ordered me, bending down to nibble and suck on my earlobe as he spoke, making me gasp. “Cum for Papi!”

“Sí, Papi!” I moaned, immediately reaching down as I'd been told, rubbing myself in quick little circles the way I liked best. God, this was incredible! What he was doing to my titties, the way I was playing with my clitty, the feeling of that huge, thick cock pounding inside me... I felt like any part of it would have been enough to make me cum all by itself, and I was getting to have all three at once! It was barely thirty seconds before he had me cumming for him again, and it didn't stop there! Though after that very first one I was at least able to do a better job muffling myself, to not frighten the horses. I'd completely lost track by the time he was ready to join me, having become little more than a twitching, moaning puddle of need in his arms as he finally let loose inside me! I came again instantly, my strongest one yet as I felt that steaming hot release filling me up, flooding deeply up into my unprotected, fertile teenage womb! God, I really hoped I could rely on my birth control to be doing its job! If Papi had shot even half as much as it felt like he just did, I'd be getting knocked up for sure if it failed!

We stayed there a good long while after we finished, just relaxing together with Papi holding me tightly in his arms, kissing over my shoulder while we waited for him to soften and fall out. He stood once he did, and though my cheeks felt like they were on fire I couldn't think to deny him when he told me to lick him clean of my cum. There was a lot of it, too! An untold number of orgasms had made me cover him completely, some of it leaking all the way down onto his balls! I should have thought it was gross... but I didn't, not when I was licking it off of him! God, what had he done to me? I was a good girl! I was! I wasn't... this! But whatever I may have thought I was, before this, that didn't seem to matter any more, not when Papi was around.

He helped me back to my feet, playfully snugging my panties back into place for me, taking far too long rubbing me. 'To make sure they're fitting right', he said, but really he was just making me squelch and gush into the thin cotton fabric. He pulled my jeans up too, and they were tight enough he really had to yank, lifting me completely off my feet, making me squeal and laugh. He even insisted on being the one to do them up for me, though he let me put on my own bra and shirt while he got himself put back together again as well.

“Papi?” I asked nervously, pointing at the very obvious grass stains we both now had on our knees. “How are we going to explain these?”

“By earning them, Gatita Mía,” he chuckled. “Come with me. There's work to do yet, before we can be getting back.”

And work it was! He led me to the far side of the meadow, midway between where we'd tied the two horses, where a small spring briefly trickled from the side of the hill before vanishing again into the thirsty ground. Rocks had been piled up to create a small pool, but had fallen apart over the winter since the last time he had been by to check, as he'd apparently known they would. By the time we had a functional pool again, we more than had our alibi. We let the horses enjoy our efforts, then saddled and bridled them and headed back for the villa, and a return to our other kinds of work. We never once spoke about what we'd done.

I was definitely not used to having such a late supper, but I was finding there was something to be said for going almost straight from the dinner table into bed. Again I waited until I was sure everyone had turned in for the night, but this time I wore only a pair of my cute little cotton panties and my sleep shirt, instead of my lingerie and dress. That had been fun for our first time, but it had turned out to be more trouble than it was worth, especially having to get back into it all after we were done. I darted quickly but silently through the halls, breathing a sigh of relief as I closed Juan's door behind me.

“Missed you today,” he said, lifting himself from his bed where he'd been sitting and pulling me into his arms. He was wearing nothing but his underwear, and I took full advantage to squeeze his ass, just as he was doing to mine.

“Me too,” I nuzzled into his chest, struggling mightily with my guilt, but resolved not to hurt him by ever letting him know what I'd done. “I never knew weddings could be so much work!”

“Just be glad it's my cousin Liliana getting married this time,” he chuckled. “She wanted a small wedding! When it was my cousin Alejandra's turn last year, it was twice this bad!”

“I shudder to think!” I giggled, giving him a false little tremor to make him laugh. “Ummm... were you able to try what I suggested, this time?”

“I did,” he blushed shyly. “I just hope it works!”

“One way to find out,” I smiled, stretching up to my tiptoes, kissing him on the lips. I pushed him gently backwards until he was sitting on the edge of his bed, straddling him as I climbed into his lap. He stroked my hips as we kissed, but it was like he was suddenly shy or something. “I like it best when you're the one to take it off for me, you know,” I murmured into his ear, giving him a teasing little bite on his earlobe, just like Papi had done to me earlier in the day. That did the trick all right! My shirt was off in a flash, Juan sucking hungrily on my nipples, squeezing and kneading my ass through my panties. But as much as I was enjoying myself, I didn't want to let it go for too long. The goal for the moment was just to get me sufficiently wet, not to get Juan so keyed up that he burst the moment he was inside!

“Put on a condom,” I told him, crawling out of his lap and laying down on his bed. He was up quickly, stripping the rest of the way and grabbing a package from his bag. I watched intently, licking my lips as I took in the beautiful curves of his naked ass in the moonlight, but I left my panties on this time. Just like my shirt, I wanted him to be the one taking them off for me.

He turned back and crawled into bed above me, and I resolutely kept my eyes on his. Even when he stroked my hips, pulling my panties slowly up and off my legs, I wouldn't look away. Seeing it would ruin it. I just spread my knees and kept staring into those beautiful brown eyes, until he was inside of me and had started to thrust. I clasped my arms around him, closing my eyes now, concentrating on the sensation, doing everything I possibly could to try to will myself into orgasm. It didn't work. It was better this time, much better. He lasted two, maybe even three times as long as on our first attempt. But I still couldn't get all the way there.

“Fuck...” he swore in disappointment and exhaustion, breathing heavily against my neck as he lay on top of me. At least he knew this time, and hadn't had to ask.

“It's okay,” I said, reassuringly kissing his shoulder and running my fingers through his hair. “I told you, it's okay. I know you can always get me off, one way or another. Maybe this is just what feels best for you, and something else is what feels best for me. There's nothing wrong with that, as long as at the end of the day we both get what we need, which I know you can always give me.”

“Yeah,” he sighed, and I knew he still felt bad about it. “Ummm... Lizzie? Do you think... maybe, instead of going straight to my fingers this time... maybe I could try using my mouth on you first, instead, and see if I can do it like that?”

“You want to?” I was surprised. All my friends said guys didn't like doing that, that it tasted fishy and gross. Before I'd tasted myself on Papi's cock, I'd always assumed they were right. Oh my God! Papi! I'd cleaned myself out in the bathroom as much as I could, when we'd gotten back from our ride, but there was no way I'd gotten it all! The remains of his cum was still in there, filling my womb!

“Totally!” he grinned, pushing himself up enough that I could see his expression.

“Ummm... okay, then,” I timidly agreed. I couldn't very well say no, could I? Not without explaining why. Oh my God... was Juan about to taste his own father's cum in me? “Get rid of your condom, first. I don't want it falling off when you go soft and making a huge mess.”

He quickly did as I'd asked, then got back into place on the bed. I bit my lip as I stared down at him between my thighs, evaluating his expression as he got close enough to smell me, but so far at least he was definitely eager. He leaned down for his first lick, then another, then dove right in, and I had to hold the pillow over my mouth to stifle my moan. Oh, God that felt good! Better even than his fingers! Still not nearly as good as Papi's cock, mind you... but what on earth could compete, compared to that? Yeah, Juan was definitely going to be able to make me cum like this, no doubt at all! And if I tasted different than I should have, because of Papi's cum? Well... it was Juan's first time doing this too, so how would he even know? It was actually really kind of hot, now that I was thinking about it. Juan eating his father's cum, sucking it out of my freshly-fucked little cunny-hole, slurping out that big, hot and messy load...

I squealed, yanking the pillow back in front of my face, my thighs clamping hard around Juan's head as I jerked and shook. God, there was something seriously wrong with me! Getting my pussy eaten had been really good, bordering on incredible, even! But it had been the thought of my boyfriend unknowingly devouring his own father's cum that had pushed me over the edge! And Juan just kept going, too, licking and sucking hungrily as I covered his face with my juices. It just wouldn't stop, until I finally had to push him away, my poor little clitty not able to take any more for the moment.

“Wow...” he smiled up at me, happily licking his lips. God, he was a mess! “Correct me if I'm wrong, here... but that looked like a really, really strong one!”

“Uh hunh!” I gasped my agreement. Oh, that had been a good one all right. Before Papi had started giving me even better ones to compare it to that afternoon, I would have said it had been my best one ever! Juan kissed me again, gently, right on my clit, making me tremble and moan again. He crawled up the bed then, plopping himself down beside me and wrapping me in his arms, cuddling me into his chest. That was just what I needed, letting me kiss and nuzzle until I started coming back to myself.

“So, uh... I have an idea, now, if you're willing” I told him eventually, my cheeks blushing. “Will you be able to get hard again, for a second try tonight?”

“That's not seriously a question, is it?” he grinned, pinching me lightly on my butt and making me giggle.

“Okay then. In that case... once you're ready I want you to put on a fresh condom, and then I want you to start eating me again. I want you to get me really close, and when I say, I want you to stick it in me, and we'll see if I can cum while I have you inside me this time.”

“That sounds amazing!” he instantly agreed. “Are you ready now? I noticed you were getting kinda too sensitive at the end there.”

“Good question.” I wasn't sure either, so I reached down to give myself a testing little rub, followed by a couple of gentle slaps to make certain. “All good,” I smiled. “Ready when you are.”

“It won't be long,” he promised, and we started to kiss. He wasn't wrong, soon getting up and putting on a new condom, then moving down between my thighs again. It was every bit as amazing as the last time, though it did seem to be taking me a little bit longer. I think it may have been because his tongue was getting tired. He seemed to be doing more sucking than flicking this time around, and though both felt equally incredible, I think the flicking was better at actually pushing me towards orgasm. Either way, I could tell it was just a matter of time until I'd be getting there, and my biggest struggle was making sure not to relax too far into it, so I wouldn't forget to tell him when.

“Now! Stick it in me now!” I finally gasped, and it was like somebody had just stuck a cattle prod up his ass, he was up to his knees and inside of me so fast! I started rapidly vibrating my fingertips across my clitty, not quite trusting him to get the job done himself, and determined to make this work this time. He didn't mind, grabbing me by my hips and going at me hard. “My titties!” I moaned. “Squeeze my titties!” He did as I asked, and yeah, that was definitely going to work. It still wasn't nearly the same thing as when Papi had done the same thing, thanks to Juan's much, much smaller cock, but the triple stimulation was definitely going to finish the job his tongue had started. It was maybe two more minutes before I got there, squealing into the pillow and thrashing so much I nearly threw myself right off the end of his dick. Juan collapsed on top of me, panting every bit as heavily as I was.

“You can keep going,” I purred with satisfaction, clumsily stroking my fingers through his hair. “You don't have to stop just because I came.”

“I guess you couldn't tell, with the condom on,” he chuckled. “I came too. Maybe you didn't know this about yourself, but your pussy turns into a fucking vice when you cum, Lizzie!”

“Sorry,” I winced in sympathy, imagining how much that must hurt. It wasn't my fault, dang it! I couldn't do anything about that!

“Don't apologize!” he corrected, eyes wide and vigorously shaking his head. “It's a good thing! Incredible, even! I want to do it that way all the time!”

“Yeah?” I asked, happy that my suggestion had worked so well for me, but even moreso that it seemed to have unexpectedly worked so well for Juan, too!

“Absolutely!” he smiled. “In fact...”

“I don't know about three in one night!” I giggled, though I was pleased I was inspiring that sort of desire. “We do have to get some sleep tonight, you know!”

“Never mind about me, then,” he shook his head. “Just let me go down on you again!”

“You really want to?” I asked shyly. “Even if you know you won't be getting another one yourself?”

“When have I ever done anything that would make you doubt that?” he asked seriously, and I had to admit he was right. For months already he had been fingering me to orgasm any time I asked, without ever getting anything in return except the enjoyment of getting to do it for me. It was long past time I changed that.

“Lose the condom, then lay down on your back,” I told him, and though I could tell I'd confused him he quickly moved to do as I said. I hoped he was getting rid of them thoroughly, taking them to the bathroom to flush in the morning, or something, not just leaving them in the trash where Adriana might see—but that wasn't my main concern at the moment. I leaned down to kiss him first, deep and hard. Then I swung up on top of him, straddling his shoulders and pressing my creamy little pussy right onto his face, collapsing on top of him and sucking his spent little dick straight into my mouth!

“Mmph!” he gasped in surprise, but as I wiggled my hips I felt his hands grabbing my ass, pulling me even tighter onto his mouth as he started to lick and suck. I giggled around his dick and tried to concentrate, wanting this to feel as good for him as I knew it would for me. It was... strange. I could fit the whole thing into my mouth, for one thing, which I absolutely could not do with his father. It was small, and floppy... and cute. I actually kinda liked it, the way I could swirl it around and play with it inside of my mouth. In my pussy, not so much. There, despite our recent success, I definitely preferred one that was much, much bigger! But in my mouth? Yeah, I could get used to this. Being able to play however I wanted without feeling like I was about to choke and die, or constantly worrying about hurting him with my teeth? Not better than Papi, only different, but fun for sure!

The delay before he was able to start getting hard again worked in my favour, letting me get most of the way there before he was able to rise and start to join me. He still came first, but that didn't matter doing it this way, and I quite happily swallowed it all down. There was much less of it than Papi produced, but I was relieved that in taste at least the two of them were nearly identical. I continued playing while Juan finished me off, loving the way I could make him gasp and moan by torturing his oversensitive little cockhead with my tongue. I made sure to really rock and buck my hips as he made me cum, too, totally covering his face with it—a fun little present to remember me by, I thought!

I spun around then, giggling as I kissed him, teasingly licking bits of my cream from his lips and cheeks. Then I swooped up my shirt and panties, took a careful peek out into the hall, paying particular attention for unexplained light coming from the direction of the living room this time. But when I saw there was none, without even bothering to get dressed again first I dashed naked out into the darkness, not stopping until I got to the bathroom near my room! I closed the door before turning on the light, blinking blindly in the brightness as I studied myself in the mirror. God, I really was a mess! But I felt wonderful, giggling happily as I went pee, drank a glass of water, and gave myself a quick hand-wash of all the important bits. I dried off, turned out the light, then dashed the rest of the way to my room. I didn't even bother with my shirt, but I was still so wet I knew I needed a fresh pair of panties if I didn't want to be leaking all over myself in the night, so I quickly pulled some on and climbed into bed, cuddling my spare pillow in my arms as I settled down to sleep.

It couldn't have been more than five minutes later, while I was still running the events of the day through my head and unable to fall asleep yet, when I heard my door quietly opening. Naughty boy! Juan knew I was supposed to be the one doing all the sneaking, not him! I turned to scold him...

“Gatita Mía... I have a present for you, my sweet little kitten!” Papi closed the door behind him, letting his robe fall slowly to the floor. I guess I wasn't the only one giving out presents that night. I swallowed nervously, but I could not look away from that thick, swinging meat in the darkness! He stepped closer, pulling my blanket down, smiling wickedly when he saw I was wearing nothing but my tiny, cute little panties. I looked up at him... and obediently opened my mouth. He chuckled, easing himself into place with one knee slightly above my head, feeding me his cock. God, he was so big! Even mostly soft still, I could fit only a fraction of him into my mouth. He slipped his hand into my hair under my head, lifting me slightly, his other hand finding my breast. And then, as I began sucking more intently, sliding further down. I moaned as he slipped his hand into my panties, gasped when he entered me with his fingers. I started stroking with one hand, but the positioning was too awkward for two, so with the other I began squeezing my breasts.

I expected him to pull back after I had him hard, so that he could fuck my pussy instead. But he didn't do that this time, not until he'd made me cum on those thick, magical fingers first, gasping and moaning around his cock! Then, then it was time for him to fuck me again! He pulled off my panties, climbing into bed on top of me, easing himself carefully inside. I'd tightened up a lot since that afternoon, my recent adventures with his son notwithstanding, but it still felt quite a bit easier this time around. Although to be fair, it's entirely possible that had more to do with our positioning than anything else, his hot, seductive kisses thoroughly distracting me from any residual pain.

“Te quiero tanto, Gatita Mía!” he moaned. I knew that one! 'I want you so much, my kitten!' But I knew a thing or two myself, things my high school Spanish teacher had never taught me.

“Cógeme, Papi!” I purred, staring deeply up into his eyes as I stroked my hands up and down his strong, muscular back. “Cógeme fuerte!” Fuck me, Daddy! Fuck me hard!

He grinned at me, surprised and pleased, and oh, so eager to do as I'd asked! My bed turned out to be surprisingly sturdy, hardly a squeak even with the way he was giving it to me now! I bit him—not too hard, not enough to leave marks for Adriana to see! But I bit him on his shoulder, trying to restrain my need to moan. And that worked okay, for the lead up... but from the first time he made me cum, it was definitely the pillow for me! Oh, that poor, poor pillow! Over and over again he made me cum for him, twitching and gasping, shuddering around that wonderful, marvellous cock! But finally I could tell he was close.

“Cum in me, Papi!” I whimpered and begged. “Please, cum in me! Fill my pussy with your cum! Let me feel it inside me!”

He groaned, shaking head to toe as he finally unleashed, rocketing me right along with him! I squealed, biting and chewing that pillow yet again, the incredible heat of his release seeming to grow and grow within me until it had infused my entire body, becoming part of me. I trembled long after the orgasm itself had passed, holding him tight in my arms, never wanting to let him go! He didn't push, didn't try to pull away. He just kissed me and cuddled me, waiting patiently for my mind to come back to me, until I could remember where we were, and why he had to leave. He was so considerate he even helped me back into my panties, which was a very good thing because without him there was no way I could have managed it on my own, and I would have made an even bigger mess of my sheets than we already had. He tucked me in, gave me one last kiss, slipped back into his robe and was gone. I was so completely satisfied and exhausted, I was asleep before he had even finished closing my door.

The next few days followed much the same patterns. There were no more horse rides with Papi, nor any other kind of excursion that might draw the wrong kind of attention. Daylight hours were spent cleaning, decorating, and as the big day got closer occasionally helping with cooking, although that was mostly a tía-job, cousin-level help being restricted to peeling and chopping vegetables. Then after supper I would wait until everything quieted down before sneaking into Juan's room, letting him eat me and fuck me a couple of times, before scurrying off to the bathroom, cleaning up, and returning to my room to wait for Papi to arrive. Assuming he wasn't already there waiting for me when I returned, that is, which he often was. We never talked about where I'd just been, or what I'd been doing. We never talked about anything, really, except for what I wanted him to do to me, and what new position I wanted to try while he was doing it! But we didn't need to talk, not really, and he always left me feeling desired, proud, and unbelievably fulfilled!

The day before the wedding was the party before the party. The cleaning and decorating was complete, the fridges were all full, everything that could be prepared ahead of time had been done. That meant massive pool party, finally giving me the excuse to pull out the unbearably cute and sexy little white bikini I'd been dying to show off all week! There were games, barbecue, and beer, though that last was being strictly regulated by the tías so nobody would be showing up hungover to the wedding. The bride and groom were there too, my first chance to meet them, Liliana looking absolutely radiant in her dark blue bikini and floral wrap, her fiancé Manuel looking muscular, handsome, and just a little bit blown away by all the fuss. I spent pretty much the entire day either in the pool, or out on the deck reapplying my super-strength sunscreen I'd brought from home. I definitely did not have the innate protection shared by my hosts, and had to rely on alchemical assistance to keep my pale white skin intact under that much sun.

The party went late, and supper even later. Is it possible to become addicted to orgasms? Because I was jonesing for my fix! Being out in the sun all day surrounded by so much gorgeous, tempting brown flesh certainly hadn't helped matters any, nor had the way I kept catching every male relative Juan had surreptitiously staring at me when they thought I wasn't looking! I couldn't blame them, really. I knew I was looking good in my tiny little white bikini! But even if I wasn't really their type, for most of them I was still the only female present they weren't biologically related to, so of course I was getting looks! By the time I was finally able to sneak into Juan's room, I was so desperate for it I pushed him straight down onto the bed, yanked off my panties, and just sat on his face! Only after he'd made me cum three times in a row did I finally calm down enough to start taking care of him, as well, giving him two more rounds of our usual eat-and-fuck routine before I was ready to sneak back to my room.

Papi was already there waiting that night, and he got treated much the same; I pushed him down, sucked him until he was hard, then climbed aboard and rode him like my life depended on it until he gave me his cum! He cuddled me so wonderfully in the aftermath, stroking my back and ass, whispering to me in beautiful Spanish from which I could only occasionally pick out a word. Unlike any of our previous encounters, he stayed there with me until he was hard again, rolling me over onto my back and kissing me deeply as he made love to me. That was the only word for it. It wasn't sex, or fucking, not this time. It was slow, and gentle, but not a single whit less passionate or intense! I cried as it finished, huge, sobbing tears of joy, which he kissed softly from my cheeks until they went away. He whispered to me again, stroking my hair, and though I could barely understand a word I knew he felt the same as I did, but still he had to go. I clutched my pillow to my chest in the darkness, unsure if I'd dreamed it all.

The next day was the wedding, and if I'd thought the preparations had been intense that was nothing compared to the day of! The villa was a beehive of activity, cars and trucks arriving constantly, ferrying food that was being prepared in every house in town, it almost seemed. Finally the cousins were given permission to go get themselves ready, boys to one half of the villa, girls to the other, whether they had been staying there in the villa with us or not. Someone had pinned a sheet across the hallway to the living room, for privacy, but beyond that it was basically just a huge chaotic locker room, doors left open, cousins in every state of dress and undress dashing back and forth squealing to each other in frenetic Spanish. I managed to make my way to my room and get myself dressed, but trying to put on my makeup was a whole different matter. I waited my turn for access to a mirror, but the moment one of the cousins got a peek into what I had in my makeup kit, a piercing squeal and a stream of utterly incomprehensible Spanish made me the immediate center of attention. I tried to protest, telling them I was fine, and that I could do it myself—suddenly 'no habla', even from the ones who'd been speaking to me in English all week. I got sat down on the side of a bed, and was given no choice but to comply and trust as a team of girls got to work on me, some of them conferring over what was being done to my face, the rest conspiring together on my hair. I wasn't allowed even a peek at myself, not until they were completely done. And I'll admit... I was gorgeous! I don't know what they'd done, but I hardly even looked like myself. All of a sudden I was a beautiful, sexy Mexican girl, who just so happened to have unusually light skin and blonde hair for some reason. I thanked them all profusely, in English and Spanish both, as much as I was able. They just laughed, giving me careful hugs and cheek kisses, to not mess up what they'd just done to me. I wished I could have returned the favour somehow, but what they were all doing to themselves was so far outside of my skill set, I just had to sit back and try to take notes! Eventually everyone was ready, but we all still remained hidden behind the sheet, squealing and gigging to each other until it was time for us to all make our entrance as one.

The next little bit was sort of a blur. We exited from behind the sheet in a beautiful pastel flood, the boys in their suits waiting to take us by an arm, escorting us outside to our seats, a few uncles there as well to make the numbers match so no girl would have to walk alone. The wedding itself was beautiful, the priest speaking calmly and slowly enough that I was able to make out more than half of what he was saying, and I understood all of the most important parts as Liliana and Manuel exchanged vows. They kissed—the crowd exploded into cheers, and there were tears aplenty, myself included. The new couple escaped down the center aisle, laughing and waving, for Liliana to go change out of her huge, gorgeous wedding gown into something more fitting for dancing, I was told. Everyone stood and began to mingle, while the boys set about moving the seats from the ceremony out to the prearranged surrounding tables, so the dinner and dance portion of the evening could begin.

Turns out, the tiny little white girl was a popular dance partner! With Juan and Papi, of course, but others as well. I'd barely manage to steal a bite to eat before some new cousin or uncle was coming up to me, asking me for a dance. I could never resist—the food was all wonderful, but I could eat later! It was such a wonderful, perfect evening, and it lasted long into the night. There was beer, wine, and of course tequila, but I stayed far away. I knew no one would stop me, whatever my age, but I had far too big a secret rattling around in my brain to trust myself getting drunk! I was quite happy just to dance. And as the night wore on, and the music turned softer and more romantic, I even got to cuddle up and share a few nice, slow dances with Papi, too, and not just with Juan. Didn't even raise any eyebrows, either, since by that point everyone was dancing that way, whoever they found for a partner. I was one of the last ones out on the floor, determined to outlast everybody else so I could still have my nightly fun after, but before long I was literally falling asleep on my feet. It got so bad, Papi eventually had to stop our last dance, laughing and swooping me up into his arms and carrying me off to bed, Juan coming along to open doors for him along the way. They took off my heels for me, but wisely left to go find one of the few remaining female cousins to come help me out of my dress. It was the only night of the whole trip I didn't get to have sex with either of them, but I was so happy and sleepy after so much wonderful dancing, I hardly even noticed, and was quickly out like a light.

Our last day was bitter-sweet. Everyone was still on a high from yesterday's excitement, but it was a little sad to have to take everything down and either throw it out or put it all away. At least that part went much faster than the setup, and we had everything settled and the villa back into shape for us to leave by mid-afternoon, just as scheduled. The border crossing was substantially more annoying in this direction, but we eventually got back to their place, Adriana, Juan and his sisters going inside, while Papi would be driving me home. I climbed out and got back in to the passenger seat, then we were on our way.

“I've been thinking,” he said, once their house was out of view behind us. “I want you to come and work for me, at my company. A summer job, for now, until school starts again. Part-time, during the year.”

“You do?” I asked. Of all the things I thought he might want to talk about now that we were finally alone, a summer job hadn't even been on the list. “Doing what?”

“You'll be my personal assistant. Office work. Keeping my schedule, taking phone calls, that sort of thing. Officially.”

“And, uhhh... unofficially?” I asked, thinking I understood now where this was going.

“Unofficially, I think you already know what your responsibilities will be, don't you, Gatita Mía?” he asked, reaching across the center console to squeeze and caress my upper, inner thigh.

“Sí, Papi!” I exclaimed, moaning happily at his touch. Thank God! I'd been desperately afraid that the end of our trip would mean the end of him and me, and I was so relieved that he already had a plan!

“Good girl!” he praised, leaving his hand where it was as he drove. “Also, you need to break up with my son.”

I sadly nodded my head. I knew that, at least part of me did. I think maybe I'd known that since Juan's and my very first night together, even before Papi and I had ever done a thing.

“He's such a good, sweet boy,” I sighed. But that was part of the problem; Juan was definitely a boy. My time with Papi had taught me—I needed a man! “I don't want to hurt him.”

“All the more reason,” he continued. “If you could be satisfied only with him, it would be different. But if that were the case, you never would have been with me, whatever you walked in on me doing that first night. Juan deserves someone who can be with him, and only with him. The longer this goes on between you two, the harder it will be for him in the end.”

“I know,” I sighed again. “I don't think I can do it right away, though. I don't want him thinking that me breaking up with him has anything to do with what happened at the wedding, for several reasons. Not least of all, if I did it right now he might start thinking about who else I was spending time with this week, other than him.”

“I agree,” he nodded. “In addition, if you did it right now it would be too strange for me to still offer you the job; I would be expected to side with my son, whatever the reason for the breakup. I think a month will be enough. After a month, once you've had a chance to prove your worth to the company, it won't be strange for me to keep you on, even after your relationship with him has run its course.”

“Okay,” I agreed, thinking. “Ummm... I don't suppose there's any chance we could steal away for a quickie right now, is there?”

“I only wish!” he laughed, squeezing tighter on my thigh. “Adriana may have brought this on herself, but I'm not prepared to shove her nose in it, at least not yet, not before I'm ready. Going out for one of my 'late night walks' at the villa was one thing. Taking a five minute drive with a beautiful young woman that suddenly turns into an hour and a half with no good explanation would be something else entirely!”

“Yeah, I was afraid you'd say that,” I giggled bashfully, just happy that he'd called me beautiful.

“And here we are,” he said, pulling up outside my house. “One moment.” He pulled out his cellphone then, typing rapidly before handing it over. “Give me your number.”

I looked, and saw that he had listed me as Gatita Blanca. 'White Kitten'. Or, given the context, possibly 'White Pussy' was more accurate. I laughed, quickly typing in my digits and handing back his phone. Either meaning was fine by me. He quickly sent me a text, vibrating my pocket, so I had his number too, now.

“You need to be careful with anything you text me,” he warned. “Adriana may not believe I'll ever replace her, but that doesn't mean she's above snooping.”

“Si, Papi!” I smiled. I undid my seatbelt, peering through the window to make sure my parents weren't at the window to see, then leaned towards him, grabbing his crotch and giving him a soft, slow kiss on his lips. “When is my first day at work?”

“Tomorrow!” he laughed against my lips, grabbing my breast and returning my kiss. “Definitely tomorrow! And since you live so close, it only makes sense to share the commute. I'll be here at seven thirty to pick you up!”

“Si, Papi!” I repeated, kissing him one more time before I withdrew, opening my door and stepping out to the curb. Papi came out as well, retrieving my suitcase for me and carrying it up to the door of my house. I got my key out and let myself in, calling for my mom and dad so they could come meet him real quick. I did introductions, and Papi did a wonderful job of pretending to be just my boyfriend's father. There was the obligatory joke from my dad about hoping I hadn't been too much of a hassle, Papi insisting what a pleasure I'd been—and God, did that ever make me blush, at the double entendre! Then he was off, leaving me to recount a highly, highly edited version of my week to my parents!

That had all happened six months ago, now. I'd waited a month before breaking up with Juan, and it was every bit as difficult as I thought. I'd told him that although I really, really liked him, I just wasn't in love with him, and that if that hadn't changed in seven months together I didn't think it ever would, and that we needed to break up. It was as close to the truth as I could manage, and the least hurtful way to do it that I'd been able to come up with. It still hadn't gone very well. But he was dating somebody new now, Valeria, a cute Mexican girl who was two years behind us at school. I didn't know her very well, and wasn't sure if they were having sex yet, but they seemed really happy together, and I was glad. I hoped Juan would be putting all the little tricks I'd taught him to good use!

I, officially, was a single as it was possible to be. I think that had helped Juan get over any resentment he might have still had over our breakup, knowing that he had found someone new, while I was still alone. Of course, being 'alone', technically speaking, didn't mean I wasn't having sex. It was a rare day indeed that I wasn't getting bent over Papi's desk at work, getting absolutely rag-dolled on that enormous, magnificent cock! I'd been really scared to try it, but I was even taking it up my ass for him now, eagerly dedicating my entire body to my Papi's pleasure! As his personal assistant, he'd even taken me on a pair of 'business trips' down to the villa in Mexico. There was no better feeling in all the world than waking up gradually in Papi's arms, feeling his cock rubbing softly up and down along the cleft of my ass, probing between my thighs, entering me, claiming me for his own all over again while I was still half asleep! God, I had loved that! Although I will admit, floating weightless in his arms while he did me in the pool, and walking out to the grass to ride him in the hot Mexican sun, were a really, really close second and third!

He's going to divorce Adriana. And yes, I know that's what all men tell their mistresses... but Papi is really going to do it. He'd asked me to call his lawyer to make the appointment for him, and he'd shown me the papers when they were ready, just needing to be dated and signed. He was just waiting for Juan, at least, to be off to college first. It wasn't reasonable to wait for the girls as well, but for Juan, given his and my history together, Papi felt it was important that he be off at college, well started on building his own life, before we dropped the bomb. And it wouldn't hurt that it meant I'd be a little bit older, and wouldn't raise quite so many eyebrows when he had me move in with him to replace her, as well. Adriana was going to go absolutely nuclear when she found out... but like Papi said, she really had no one else to blame for this but herself. I'd taken her lesson to heart; if you didn't want your man going out to supper, then you'd damn well better keep him well fed at home! I was never, ever going to say no to Papi! And I was already being rewarded for it; he'd promised me a huge, fancy Mexican wedding of my own, just as soon as we reasonably could! And once we were all official and married and everything, he was even going to let me go off my birth control, and put his baby in me! I'd squealed happily at the news, bouncing up and down and throwing my arms around his neck, responding the same way I do to everything he tells me;

“Sí, Papi!”
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