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Marie trades sex for cigarettes, and learns a lot of intimate family information.

I watched my granny sucking Keith’s dick in the bathroom quite a while, maybe five minutes, until she pulled back and it left her mouth with a wet “Pop!” She turned toward me and asked, “Want to know what oral sex feels like, Marie? I like girls, too.”

Keith offered, "I’ll buy you a car, if you do it with her and let me watch once a month, like your mom does. Please?”

My shocked response was, “Gah! Um … ah …”

He added, "A nice new car. Maybe a convertible?"

I was overwhelmed and thought a moment. I replied, “I uh… can we talk about it later?”

Gran wiped herself, then stood from the toilet and pulled up her panties. She said, “Sure. I’ll leave you two in peace ‘til breakfast. Throw your clothes in the washer. My house is clothing-optional.” She licked his lips and said, “His hardon needs some relief, and his bedtime snack is between your legs. Just sit on towels before you do anything wet and sticky.”

She giggled, squeezed one of my breasts gently, and winked at him. It felt oddly nice. Gran kissed my lips and licked my teeth briefly, before she walked upstairs. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. Incest was a nasty idea, and she was triple my age! Still, I was aroused and unsure of what I really wanted.


Heidi French kissing her granddaughter was very exciting! I eagerly anticipated watching them make love, but noticed Marie was quite stressed out. I had a boner and then some from Heidi’s skillful fellatio, but concern for Marie overrode my arousal. I suggested, “You’re safe. Nobody will force you to do anything. How about we get a snack and relax on the couch?”

She looked relieved and said, “Sounds good.” I followed her to the kitchen nude, and she glanced at my softening groin several times. I opened the fridge. I should have expected Heidi would have a dozen bottles of wine chilling, but no beer. The only food was a bottle of mustard and half a bag of limes. I sighed as my young and sexy new lover asked, “I’m out of cigs. Can I get some of Gran’s?”

I looked in the pantry where she kept them and only found an empty carton. I groaned and complained, “She’s out of cigarettes, out of beer… there’s nothing for breakfast tomorrow, either. Unless you want macaroni with limes and mustard?” She giggled a bit. I thought a moment and said, “I guess we need to go shopping.”

I dressed, then we walked three blocks to a convenience store holding hands. I suggested, “I’ll buy you a pack of cigs, if you let me play with those nice little boobs and get me off with your mouth again?”

“Um, but then I’d just run out tomorrow. Umm. . . a carton, ten packs, if I let you screw me?” The expression on her face showed she was horny and eager for more.

“How about a carton, if I can have your hot little pussy all night, and all I want tomorrow?”

She kissed me and smiled. “Deal! Uh, I was wondering something. Sometimes my dad would say Mom was a dynamite girl, but Auntie Hope is a musket girl, and Granny is a cannon. What the heck does that mean?”

I chuckled and explained, “In bed your mother goes off easy, like dynamite, but it takes a lot of work to make Hope cum. Like a musket, once they’re done, both are done for a long time.”

“And Granny?”

I sighed, “Whoo! Finishing your gran off usually takes a long, long time, and more than one guy; like a cannon. She can’t climax unless somebody fills both her kitty and butt. But when she cums, it’s like an earthquake! I’ve never seen anybody else pop off so hard! When she squirts, sometimes it hits the ceiling! I wanted her to live with us, except she screams at the end. One time at a hotel, we even broke the bed! Hahaha!”

“And uh, um. . . and what kind of girl am I?”

“From what we did in the back seat, I think you’re a revolver.”

She looked quite confused. “Revolver?”

“It’s easy to get you off, and you can cum over and over. Revolvers are great! I hope you’re at least a six-shooter?”

“Heheheh!” She blushed and admitted, “More like a machine gun! Hahaha! Ah… one night I did like a dozen times!”

I brazenly asked, “How about tonight we try for twenty? I usually try to make it quick for your mom. But I can do it for an hour or so, three times a day, if somebody lets me. Maybe an hour and a half.”

“Really? WOW!”


At the store we each took a basket. We got eggs, bacon, bread, cereal, and milk, plus a few snacks. When we reached the liquor section I asked her, “What kind of beer do you like?”

“I ah… um… I’m too young to drink. I’m a good girl.”

I snickered, “Hehehe! Right! So, what kind? You're only eighteen, but your gran won’t care, and I won’t tell your mom.”

She blushed and turned away from me a moment. “Um… they’re out of Heineken, but Miller and Pabst are okay.”

“I’m not a PBR fan. Miller it is.” I picked up a twelve-pack. Near the front I asked, “Do you want the VS 120s your Gran likes, or do you want to smoke Mistys, like your mom?”

“What are those? The green ones at the top, in the odd shaped box?”

“Nat Sherman 164 menthols. They’re really long, and I heard they’re strong, too. Do you want to try ‘em?”

“Yeah, please?”

I asked the cashier, “Cartons of VS 120 menthols and Nat Sherman menthol, please? One each.”

He pointed to the clock, which showed 10:45. “We stop selling beer at nine, and she’s too young for cigarettes.” He shook his head slightly, until I told Marie, “Sorry, I guess you and Heidi need to wait ‘til morning.”

His facial expression changed drastically as he asked, “Heidi? Did I see you in a movie with Heidi Hiney? Errr… Heidi Hanson?!?! YOU KNOW HER???”

I nodded and suggested, “I’ll ask if she can come say ‘hi’, and give you an autograph tomorrow. You work tomorrow night?”

He hurriedly got the cigarettes and set them on the counter. “Yeah, nine until six in the morning. That would be great!”

Marie whispered in my ear, “And condoms.”

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