Marshall Vishra saw the last departing guests off alongside his wife.
The evening had gone quite well. He had gotten a favourable update from Triander as to very few Lord’s being swayed toward voting against their bill. With the added comforting fact that there was no sign of Llisanya and the interfering Lord Russeau it boded well for a successful vote tomorrow. Llisanya had earned her pay.
He saw no sign of Cadwarra and Bowerbrook amongst the last guests. He wondered how they had hit if off. He had somehow lost sight of them, having not seen either since he had introduced Cadwarra to Bowerbrook mid evening. Did Bowerbrook seem disposed toward certifying her as a Paladin despite her weak performance in the art of casting heal spells?
She had obviously enchanted Bowerbrook. She graciously accepted his invitation to a waltz and stepped out onto the floor with him. Vishra had got dealing with the other guests and lost Cadwarra and Bowerbrook in the mass of other dancing couples.
“Amber and Cadwarra told me ‘good night’ half an hour ago and went home.” Lady Vishra supplied as they stood in the now empty ballroom. The servants came in en masse to clean up. “They said they had a wonderful time” she added. Privately, she finished the statement in her head “...had a wonderful time showing everyone their titties.”
As if reading her thoughts, Vishra made a suggestion to his wife “I trust you would not mind speaking to Clothspinner & Co. about Amber’s breasts being clearly visible to all our guests?”
Lady Vishra had nodded in agreement. “They’ll be getting a stern note.”
As they left the room for the servants to put in order, Vishra commented “Chef seems to have made way too much food. Some of those plates are barely touched.”
“ I told him to make extra, Dear. Staff made a huge effort to ensure everything went well tonight. They deserve a little party of their own.”
They turned a corner. Lady Vishra added “He’ll get credit for everyone having midnight snacks but he'll tell them he can't always be making extra and not to expect such a spread every time we have guests. It’s all arranged between Chef and I.”
Marshall Vishra reflected that this was why he let his wife run the House. He had other problems to address. He took a deep breath and let his wife know what Diamander and Amber had done on Cadwarra’s bed. He asked her to deal with Amber in that regard.
Lady Vishra had already been told of Amber's transgression by her own next-door informant. Still, she pretended to be shocked and surprised as her husband told her the news. “Why would Amber do that” she demanded. “That silly little girl could have grabbed any handsome male servant to provide her with what she wanted...” Lady Vishra sighed theatrically then assured her husband “I am seeing her tomorrow at noon luncheon. I will deal with her then, Love.”
“I am sorry to tell you that distressing news at the end of such a perfect evening” he apologized to his wife “but I felt you would be best able to deal with Amber. I am afraid there is more I need to do tonight and will not have time to prepare for Amber’s temper tantrum when she discovers she has been found out.”
“It’s best a mother looks after these things” Lady Vishra agreed. Putting thoughts of that unpleasant discussion aside until tomorrow, she put her arm around her husband affectionately as they walked down the corridor. “Must you work late? I had intended to make you forget all about the piece of tail you got from Cadwarra earlier this evening.”
Vishra studied his wife, suspicious she had been spying on him and Cadwarra during their ‘meeting’. He decided she had simply made a shrewd guess. “You’re my number one piece of tail” he assured her and squeezed her milk-swollen breast. “You best go have a good sleep because I will come looking for you tomorrow after the vote. I assure you I will not be thinking about Cadwarra then.” She laughed that delightful laugh he had first heard the night he met her. He kissed her cheek affectionately and headed to the front door of the manor to deal with Diamander.
Vishra had enough to do tonight without needing to speak to Diamander. He had considered having Triander deal with his son regarding this incestuous act with Amber but in the end the Marshall felt he would need to deal with it himself. He would separate the two cousins by sending Diamander off on an out-of-town task that needed addressing. The problem was of Diamander’s making, anyway. He would update his brother tomorrow about the disturbing thing their children had done.
Diamander stood waiting outside the Mansion. Toward the end of the party, the Marshall had asked him not to go back to Cadwarra’s apartment but to wait for him in the street outside. Diamander just wanted to go home and lay his head on Cadwarra’s breast.
Cadwarra had looked so lovely that evening. Diamander’s were just one of the many pairs of eyes that had followed her back and forth across the dance floor. She could not waltz any better than she curtsied but it did not matter to all that admired her. Her gown seemed designed for waltzing. The skirts flowed to the music and swept around her body as she turned to follow her partner’s lead, hiding her many missteps. The slit in the side frequently opened a scandalizing amount to reveal her bare thigh as she waltzed.
Her frequent exposures resulted in her having an unending line of partners, one after another. Each partner danced too close for Diamander’s liking. Shockley at last had asked Cadwarra for a turn.
Diamander had not liked the way Shockley was holding Cadwarra. The little prick was clearly trying to get her to brush her breast tips on his chest while simultaneously eyeing her exposed bosom. Cadwarra seemed not to be aware of what Shockley was doing. Her tits touched his tunic then touched again. Seizing his chance, Shockley had pulled her hard against him, gleefully squashing Cadwarra’s breasts flat into his chest.
Though Cadwarra did not appear uncomfortable with this inappropriate liberty, Diamander was not happy. He had cut in. Cadwarra had politely thanked Shockley as she partnered up with Diamander and gave him a bright smile.
Uncle Vishra had then cut in on him, explaining that Cadwarra needed to meet Lord Bowerbrook. Cadwarra gave Diamander an affectionate hug then left the dance floor to chat politely with Bowerbrook and Vishra.
Bowerbrook soon had Cadwarra back out onto the floor. Cadwarra seemed delighted to have a partner that could dance so well. She made less mistakes. After a few more waltzes the musicians launched into a polka. Bowerbrook broke into the faster step.
Cadwarra knew how to polka. She easily followed as Bowerbrook swung her around, occasionally lifting her off her feet, skirts flying open to show all that leg. He seemed to be trying his best to make Cadwarra’s breasts fall out of her dress as she landed. They quivered and jiggled in the bralette but did not spill out.
They were breathless at the end of the polka, grinning and laughing. Bowerbrook had given Cadwarra a look and asked her something. Cadwarra looked pleased and answered something back. She had then nodded in assent and accompanied Bowerbrook to the exit leading to the private rooms.
A maid was stationed there. Cadwarra leaned into Bowerbrook, pressing her breast into his ribs while the maid bowed and handed a key to Lord Bowerbrook. She directed the amorous couple to one of the unoccupied rooms.
Diamander knew Cadwarra well enough to see that she was quite excited to be bedding Bowerbrook. He understood. Cadwarra was not supposed to be exclusively his but he had still felt a little jealous. Diamander looked around to ensure that this union with Bowerbrook was ok with his Uncle, but Uncle Vishra was nowhere to be seen.
He had just decided Cadwarra must have been given permission to screw Lord Bowerbrook when Shockley slunk up to him crabwise, leering at Cadwarra’s lovely round ass as she was lead to her room. Right at the moment Shockley reached Diamnder's side, Bowerbrook’s hand licentiously pulled the slit in Cadwarra’s skirt wide open, baring half her ass. Bowerbrook saucily squeezed her right cheek. Cadwarra giggled and eagerly pulled her Lord-for-the-Hour down the hall as her dress fell back into place. Cadwarra and her ass disappear around a corner.
“That lucky bastard is gonna have his hard prick balls deep in your girlfriend in less than five minutes” Shockley had salaciously predicted.
“She’s not my girlfriend" Diamander corrected him. “She is allowed to do what she wants.”
Shockley paid no attention to Diamander’s clarification. “As soon as Bowerbrook is done pounding her gorgeous ass through the mattress, maybe you could arrange a threesome for us?”
“Pardon?” Diamander asked curtly, not hiding his annoyance with the obnoxious Shockley. A threesome with this twit was the last thing he wanted to discuss. Despite his acknowledgment of Cadwarra’s sexual freedom, he was trying to process the fact that Cadwarra was going to a private chamber to fuck another man. Shockley’s intrusive comments were most unwelcome at that moment.
Shockley misinterpreted the coldness in Diamander’s tone. “Stop being coy, Diamander Vishra. Don’t say you wouldn’t consider a fun little orgy; I fuck her while sucking on your hard dick. Then she becomes the middle of a Wood Elf sandwich by willingly spreading those perfect thighs for a double penetration from both of us. We finish off by titfucking her and blasting our loads all over her big boobs.” Despite Diamander’s clearly rising temper Shockley concluded crudely “Lastly, I lick your sweet cum out of her cleavage.”
Waiting for the Marshall out on the street, Diamander had still not calmed down about Shockley’s lewd proposal. He had no interest in that ghet sucking on his cock or eating his sperm. He needed to not let Shockley’s lack of tact bother him so. He willfully pushed his anger at Shockley from his thoughts. He cordially said his goodnights to some late departing guests as they walked by on their way to their nearby House. That polite exchange helped.
As the couple walked on toward their mansion. Diamander wished he could head home too and climb into bed with Cadwarra. He would ask Cadwarra how things had gone with Bowerbrook. As long as she had a good time, it would be alright, he rationalized. He would then fuck her a couple times himself once Amber had gone to sleep.
He pondered how to deal with Amber. Shortly after Cadwarra and Lord Bowerbrook had headed to their assigned room, Amber had done the same with one of Uncle Vishra’s business associates, Earl Marshford. Marshford had stopped fondling Amber’s breasts long enough to take a key from the maid but was so anxious to start humping that he did not pause to have the maid tell him which room he had been given. Fortunately for her overly-hasty lover, Amber had made him pause so she could hear the room number. They hurried down the hall, his hands all over her as she pressed her body close to him, opening her mouth for his wet, sloppy tongue even before they were out of sight of the many guests.
Well, Diamander thought, at least Amber won’t be horny for a screw from him tonight. In the morning he would firmly explain to to her that they must never have sex again.
Thus resolved to do the honourable thing, Diamander pulled his thin coat close, trying to stay warm. Though he was not sure why his uncle wished to see him, he was somewhat disquieted by the serious tone Uncle Vishra had used.
At last, the Marshall came out of the Mansion. He had a quite somber look. They stood in the cold fall air talking very seriously. It was revealed to Diamander that the family knew that he had been intimate with Amber.
Diamander was embarrassed. This was worse than the last time he had let down his family. Uncle Vishra had merely been angry when he had heard about Diamander licking Cadwarra’s face clean of some stranger’s cum in broad daylight. Diamander knew this most recent trespass was worse by far.
Uncle Vishra pronounced judgment. Diamander was being sent away. He should be grateful that he was not being exiled permanently. He was to go to the City of New Halas in the Everfrost lands to deal with a problem. The sailing was upon the early tide. It was best he not go home and take his leave of his pretty Wood Elf bedmate or his oversexed cousin. Once he had dealt with the issue in New Halas, he could return to Qeynos and apologize to his parents.
Diamander could only mutter “I understand, Uncle. I am sorry I let you down.”
“An apology is not enough considering the damage your butt-fucking ex-boyfriend is doing up there in New Halas” Marshall Vishra had scolded him. “The reports from my agents cite a number of uncomfortable truths he is saying about you and a number of nasty untruths he is saying about Cadwarra. Every one of his inebriated utterances makes our family look bad. Grab him by the scruff of the neck and remind him of his non-disclosure agreement with me about your foolish carryings-on before you discovered Cadwarra’s pussy.”
Diamander could only nod obediently while his uncle repeated his instructions most unnecessarily. “Tell him to stop talking about you every time he gets drunk in the Raven’s Loft and tell him to stop blaming Cadwarra loudly and publicly for curing your faggot behaviour. If you want to prove yourself worthy to be a Vishra just sort this business out and get back here. Maybe by then I will know what I am going to do with you and Amber. For now, just head out. My Clerk has packed all you need. Baltazar and your bags and your tickets will be waiting for you on the dock” Marshall Vishra took a deep breath, as if needing to calm himself. “You will be on The Prize of Prexus, Diamander. It’s as safe a ship as you can travel on during these dangerous times at sea.”
Diamander nodded obediently.
Vishra pulled something out of his pocket and showed it to his nephew. It was a ring. Not a very impressive looking ring.
“I’ll need to you wear this on your voyage” the Marshall explained and handed it to Diamander as if it was something precious. “It is a very valuable possession of mine and I will need it back. I got it from my father who got it from his father and so on for at least two centuries. It cost a great deal in gold and effort and even a bit of blood shed by those who were reluctant to part with it. “Put it on.”
Diamander slipped the ring on his finger. It was too big at first, but it shrank to fit his finger; a true sign it was magic. “What does it do?” he asked his Uncle.
Vishra spoke very clearly. “It stops you from forgetting. Maybe you won’t need it, but you have a chance to help me confirm something I have long suspected about The Prize of Prexus. Just keep it on at all times until you report back to me. You can relate all you have not forgotten.”
While Diamander puzzled over such odd words, Vishra looked hard at his nephew as if in warning. “I know how tedious those voyages get, Boy. I’ve decided Llisanya is going with you...for your own good. She will be instructed to look after your physical needs during the trip. That way there is no temptation for you to revert to your pre-Cadwarra butt-grinding ways with any willing sailor. You’ll do no cocksucking onboard The Prize of Prexus when the Vishra Family has paid for your ticket.”
Chastised, Diamander bowed and left for Qeynos Harbour.
Vishra turned and went back into the Manor. He walked pensively along quiet, dim halls, wishing he could postpone his work until the morning. He headed to his office through the magic door and sat down at his desk with a sigh. It had been a difficult conversation with Diamander. Why did that young nephew of his like cock so much?.
As with any other High House, the Vishra servants in the Downstairs had ways by which they knew what the Upstairs was intending to do. Sometimes Downstairs knew what Upstairs would do even before Upstairs knew what Upstairs was intending to do.
Tonight, as the servants sat down to enjoy a feast of the many platters of hors d’oeuvres and delicacies that the guests had not finished, they spoke about it. Someone had displeased Lady Vishra and Lady Vishra had instructed the Head Butler to give that someone the sack. Everyone guessed it was that new page whose head had swiveled just for a fraction of a second to look in the wrong direction at the wrong thigh.
“It was the Lady Cadwarra” the Assistant Butler divulged as he joined the other servants. “He looked at her and then dropped a whole tray of very expensive oysters all over the very expensive carpeting.”
The Assistant Butler sat down next to the pretty little maid Jenna, perhaps a little too close. “I suspect that Lady is banging all the Vishra men” the Assistant Butler continued “and he looked at her as boldly as a jay. He’ll be let go for sure!”
Several bottles of expensive potables had been opened for the guests but had not been fully consumed. Everyone was sampling the many different vintages left in the heels of the bottles. The Assistant Butler helped himself to a claret and explained enigmatically as he poured “he’s a Wood Elf, you see.” He turned and poured some of the wine for Jenna when he saw her cup was empty, hoping to get her tipsy. He was surprised Jenna had not been taken home by one of the Guests tonight but seeing his chance he was sure he could get her to his bed. She would not be refusing someone as powerful as an Assistant Butler if she knew what side her bread was buttered on.
As he filled Jenna’s cup, he perused all the treats sitting on the table. He was very annoyed that there were no oysters remaining and blamed it on those spilled in the corridor by the ogling Page. Resentful at the lack of oysters, he started spouting racist opinions of Wood Elves. “Woodies never make good servants; they are too horny to ignore a pretty Lady as she walks by in one of those slutty Clothspinner creations, tits falling out.” He set the emptied bottle down with a thud as if to emphasize that point. “There is a reason they are called WOOD elves” he guffawed. He was the only one who laughed at his tasteless joke.
Jenna had not wanted any claret nor did she wish to talk about stupid racial theories with a big smelly man who was rudely brushing his thigh against hers. She wished that fat blowhard would shut up so the women could go back to discussing all the pretty dresses. They had just been talking about which one had been the most daring and which one drew the most male gazes. Lady Amber and Lady Cadwarra’s gown’s were being mentioned quite frequently.
At the far end of the table, the male domestics were drinking a very old brandy and discussing Lord Asquinn and his wondering hands. They all agreed Lady Jemella was too good for that drunk and that Lord Triander should have kicked his butt. Having come to a consensus on the matter, someone asked “was there any caviar left? No? Well, pass me a lobster tail, then, will you?” The lobster was passed around as one of the valets asked “who was that incompetent temp server with the skimpy uniform? The one that was spilling wine all over the guests? By Bristlebane, that little cockteaser had a nice rack!”
Those were the lucky servants who had done their jobs without leering at any flesh-flashing Ladies. They finished their snacks and headed to bed.
The unfortunate Wood Elf Page who could not keep his eyes off of all that womanly flesh was not so privileged. He stood nervously in front of the angry Head Butler in a nearby room. The poor lad knew his crime: he had ogled the exposed thigh of one of the Vishras’ female guests. He had then tripped over his not-yet-fully-grown-to-manhood boner, spilling an entire tray of expensive Coldwind Point Oysters all over the equally expensive Maj’Dul rug.
The reprimand from the Head Butler was not gentle. “You would think yourself unfairly punished if I told you those oysters will come out of your pay, wouldn’t you, Kivan?”
“No, Sir” the poor Page conceded, eyes respectfully lowered. “I did spill them. I am sorry, Sir” He kept his eyes on the floor while the dressing down continued, knowing that with a mere thirteen copper in his coin purse he could never pay for the oysters.
“And what were you doing with your eyes bugging out of your skull as the Lady Cadwarra went by?” the Head Butler demanded. “Have you not learned that that displayed flank of hers was not for you to be looking at? That dress she was wearing was so the Lords could enjoy a good long look at her body, not you. A mere waiter such as yourself had best learn to not notice such things as the uncovered limbs of female gentlewomen!”
The Page stood there accepting his dressing-down, guessing he need only endure a bit more scolding before the Head Butler would end the misery by announcing he was dismissed from service due to his utter unsuitability.
The Head Butler was silent for a long moment. “Alright, Kivan” he finally summarized, a little more gently. “I think you know you need to improve, but someone in this House has put a good word in for you, so you must have been doing your duties at least halfway decently up to now. Tomorrow morning, you will rise early and report directly to the Lady Vishra. It seems she has a special assignment for you. No doubt it will be some difficult, unpleasant chore befitting your less than stellar behaviour tonight. If that is the case, you will do your punishment diligently, without complaint, and be glad you were not fired. Understand?”
The Page bowed in compliance. Seeing the Head Butler dismiss him with a curt gesture, he dutifully retreated to his quarters, both surprised and relieved he had escaped without loss of employment.
The Head Butler watched the lad go. He had hated to be so hard on the boy, but he needed to do better than he did tonight. The reprimand was for his own good.
Of course, if he had been thinking, if he had been less busy with Llisanya and Lord Russeau, he should have known to pull the youth off serving duties to help with the needed supply of semen for all the cum cocktails the ladies were ordering. The lad was cute enough and Lady Amber was right; he could have used this boy to jerk off the fag stable boy, then get a milk maid to jerk the page off. Having been attended to by the female servants and with his sexual desires temporarily satisfied by his ejaculation, the lad could have resumed his serving duties without having his mouth agape at every pretty guest that flounced by.
Well, the Head Butler conceded, he would do it that way next time. He also made a mental note that next soirée he would need to ensure none of the stable boys masturbated or otherwise spilled for three days beforehand. That way there would be assured a good fresh quantity of the needed semen for this new bunch of drinks that had so recently become fashionable among the highborn women of Qeynos. The Ladies Amber and Alweya had been pleased with the Jizz Fizzes that had finally been delivered to them, when all was said and done, but the speed of service had not been satisfactory and thus he had lost face. A Head Butler could not afford to lose face too often.
Vowing to do better in future, the Head Butler’s thoughts turned briefly to the frustrating job of organizing adequate staff to be available for the routine duties tomorrow morning. A great many of the young maids had caught the eye of this Count or that Baron and been taken home for the night. They would not be returning to their regular duties until those Lords were done enjoying them, hopefully by mid-morning.
He would go see which maids had not been chosen for a fucking. Once he knew the staffing levels that would be available tomorrow he could determine which morning tasks would need to be delayed until staff levels were back to the correct numbers.
His night nowhere near over, he would then be meeting Lord Vishra’s Clerk for ales at the Lions’s Mane Inn to update each other on the evening and exchange any vital intelligence each had to share. Before he did so, however, he needed to find the corpulent Assistant Butler and inform him his services were no longer required. He never liked dismissing staff, even when they deserved it, but this time it would be a pleasure just to see the face of that heel when he found out Lady Vishra had ordered his employment be terminated for cause.
Several of the younger female staff would be glad to see the Assistant Butler and his wandering hands escorted out the servants’ door. He would look after the termination of employment himself so that everyone would know that he, the Head Butler, had done the firing. This was what that Dark Elf author, Nikkolo M’Achiavelli, was talking about in his book The Prince/i]: you show your staff you are the one who can fire anyone; thus instilling fearful respect in them, [i]and you fire someone everyone hates anyway; thus earning their unending gratitude.
“It is good to be feared and loved” M’Achiavelli had written. It was sage advice.
Upon reaching his office, Vishra sat at his desk, still feeling very uncomfortable about his daughter and nephew being carnal. The thought of them tangled like that disgusted him. He wondered if Amber was ever going to behave.
Vishra pondered whatever to do with Diamander. No doubt Amber had been the sexually aggressive one but Diamander should have had the strength to decline her temptations. He brooded on that for several minutes.
There was a polite knock and the Clerk entered with a cup of coffee. “By Marr” Vishra exclaimed as he gratefully took the drink. “Are you still working?” His voice betrayed his fatigue.
“Yes, Lord” the Clerk bowed slightly. “I had some paperwork to catch up on. I anticipated you would have items to wrap up after the soirée and would possibly need my help.” The clerk added “I hope I have not been presumptuous.”
Vishra tried not to look too pleased with his Clerk but inwardly he reflected how lucky he was to have him. The Clerk’s father had served his father. Both fathers had grown old in their positions. As both had declined in capacity, it was natural that each relied on his son to occasionally help with things. The two maturing boys helping their fathers had slowly become two young men helping their fathers. Young Lord and Young Clerk had taken over his father’s tasks in such a gradual way that neither knew which day it was when they had effectively replaced their fathers as Lord Vishra and his Clerk in all but name.
“Thank you, Clerk” Vishra merely answered. “You are correct that I would need your help tonight. That cousin of Llisanya that you have learned so much about? I need you to see that Baltazar and ‘Captain Robson’ bring her to me immediately. After, please swing by Lord Bowerbrook’s apartments and if he is still up, perhaps he would help me open an exquisite bottle of Kelethin Whiskey and have a few glasses with me. Lastly, go home and get some sleep. I will need you fresh tomorrow to prepare Cadwarra’s commission for her Embassy to the Steelhooves. I’ll need Her Majesty’s signature on it by the end of the day.”
“Certainly, Lord.” The mention of Cadwarra brought back to the Clerk the memory of her firm, warm breasts and how soft they were as he washed them. He exited the building and headed to South Qeynos to wake up Baltazar. If he rushed he would be only a little late to meet the Head butler at the Red Lion Tavern. He hurried on, thinking all the way over to Baltazar's about Cadwarra’s big round nipples.
Kivan, the still-employed Page, shucked his servant’s uniform. Unable to afford even roughspun pajamas, he climbed naked into bed. He pulled his single blanket up over his pubescent body.
As he did every night, he slept alone. Tonight the bed was especially lonely. The Head Butler’s scolding all but forgotten, he could not get his mind off of the Lady Cadwarra. Those skirts had flown open at just the most perfect time for him to see it all. Perhaps Tunare’s hand had opened those pleats to remind him that he had not yet lain with a girl; never celebrated Tunare with one. Perhaps the Goddess was torturing him for that failing by showing him the sight of that which he could never have.
Lying under his worn blanket, his sexually agitated thoughts went around and around. He closed his eyes to sleep and all he saw was that exquisite thigh exposed for the most precious of moments. He had never seen such beauty. There was even a hint of round, full buttock as Lady Cadwarra had strolled along beside Lady Vishra, unaware of all that she was revealing. As any Lady would do, she had not even noticed him as she passed by. Ladies paid no mind to those of his station in life.
He put that sad thought aside and fixated on the memory of Lady Cadwarra’s leg moving rapidly to keep up with Lady Vishra. Smooth, toned muscles had flexed as she swung her bared appendage forward and her skirts fell back into place. Her modesty was restored, ending the joyful flash of leg that so briefly commandeered his aroused gaze.
He imagined how soft and hard those rippling muscles would have felt had he put his hand out to touch the Lady Cadwarra under her skirts. He would run his hand up from her knee to her hip. As if a real memory, he could practically feel her silky smooth skin, the firm warm flesh, the fit muscle flexing under his daring touch. She would look down at his groping familiarity and, seeing who it was, would smile forgivingly at him. “Oh, Kivan” she would say with a tremble in her voice “your hand feels so nice. Go higher still...”
Of course, he had not done such a foolish thing as to touch a woman like that and Lady Cadwarra had not smiled down at him. Instead he had nearly broken his nose as he tripped face first into the carpet while Lady Cadwarra had walked on, unaware of the lustful desires she had provoked in his virgin loins.
In the solitude of his cold bed, he reached down and stroked his boyhood, tumescent with sexual frustration. He rubbed the knob rapidly but the pleasure was so intense he had to stop. He went back to slowly jacking the erect shaft. He lay there daydreaming of the Lady Cadwarra and her perfect nipples just sitting there under that lace that hid nothing. He had seen they were long and thick. He was doomed to always remember them long and thick; to always be tortured by the image of them burnt into his brain.
He fantasized what if he had her in his bed? A boy could dream. His pumping fist moved a little faster as he imagined folding the lace of her bodice down to fully expose her large diameter nipples.
His older brother had said that when a girl got horny she would let you suck on her tits. He imagined sucking on Lady Cadwarra’s. She would quake with excitement at his brazen uncovering of her nipples and they would sit there in his sight, saying ‘hello’. She would hold his head close to her breasts as first one thick stalk then the other would poke between his sucking lips. He would lick them. He would taste them. He would push them around with his tongue. He would make them bend over but they would spring back up. She would coo with pleasure.
She would caress his forehead lovingly as he sucked. She would tell him he was the one she had always wanted. She would invite him to undress her and would he please, please, please just push his cock into her and tell her how much he loved her.
“I love you, Lady Cadwarra” he whispered in his empty room and he pumped hard as he imagined she would tell him that she loved him. She would not mind that he was a virgin; she would enjoy him no matter and he need not worry about pleasing her by doing it right. She just wanted him to put it in and enjoy.
His hand moved rapidly under the blanket, choking the chicken. He was titillated by that snippet of conversation he had overheard of Cadwarra’s sexually frank admission to Lady Vishra that the Lord Vishra had had his liberty with her ‘just the once’. He was simultaneously scandalized and aroused that a young, unmarried maiden like Lady Cadwarra could and would actually sleep with a man who was not her husband. How daring. And to tell his wife what had been done!
Knowledge of Cadwarra’s libertine ways had the effect of an aphrodisiac on Kivan and he pumped like a madman, sexually agitated to know of her forbidden dalliance. By her own matter-of-fact admission she had disclosed that she had often been naked for Marshall Vishra to see, outside of wedlock. Would that she would be naked for him to see outside of wedlock!
Such shocking behaviour by such an innocent lady made him jack even faster. He was really going to town on his hard prick as he thought how Lady Cadwarra had not blushed to admit she had allowed Lord Vishra to have her body, using her as he would his bride! Kivan arched his back as he stroked rapidly, lifting his hips off the mattress.
He was, of course, disappointed that he would not be her first lover but he told himself it was ‘just the once’ that Lord Vishra had been between her legs. She was almost a virgin, then, really. And a Lord had his rights. So that was okay.
He changed his pumping to a longer, harder stroke. He imagined the naked Lady Cadwarra lying there spread-eagle under Lord Vishra as he drove into her maidenhead, taking her virginity. Kivan was sure she would have been reluctant to lose her virture before marriage. No doubt Lord Vishra had pressured her, maybe even forced her down, so it was not her fault that Kivan would not be her first. She was so beautiful and so pure that he would not judge her.
Excited by the ‘knowledge’ that Lady Cadwarra had been taken against her will, he adjusted his strokes to include the tip of his cock. His foreskin slid up the shaft. It felt good sliding over the the top of his erection. As he pulled his anteater back down then up over his knob again, he promised himself that he would be the first that she really loved and he would be the first that would have her consent. He imagined Cadwarra parting her legs wide for him just as she had reluctantly done for Lord Vishra but this time she would be begging for it.
Thinking how perfect the Lady Cadwarra would look lying naked and waiting for him, he jacked as hard as he had ever jacked. He was darn near giving himself blisters. He frantically worked away, alone in his bed with only his dreams of the caresses of the near-virgin Lady Cadwarra to stave off his sexual loneliness.
As his full balls flew around under his pumping hand, slapping on his thighs, he decided that he would tell Lady Cadwarra that he forgave her for being a fallen woman; for not being able to resist the forceful seduction of Lord Vishra. It was not her fault; you could not refuse a great lord when he was pinning you down as Lord Vishra must have surely done.
From now on, Lady Cadwarra would promise, he would be the only one. She would then answer his kisses with her own. They would wrap their bodies around each other and swear eternal fidelity. He would then slip his cock into her and move in and out, pleasing her like no other lover could.
Alone in his bed, he could not hold off any longer. His cock spasmed and exploded with little warning in a huge, churning blast of cum. It fell across his abdomen and stomach and dripped between his fingers. White sticky jism was everywhere except inside Lady Cadwarra.
In the aftermath of his orgasm, he admitted despondently that he would never fill that perfect Lady with his seed. He was glad to find his sexual urges dissipated as his hard-on softened. Embarrassed by his foolish fantasy about the Lady Cadwarra, he let go of his soft cock. It flopped across his belly, lying in the large glops of cum that had flowed in an intense climax from it mere seconds previous.
He closed his eyes. He needed to get to sleep. But it was only minutes until his lustful thoughts of the Lady Cadwarra returned, along with his stiffening cock. He imagined Lady Cadwarra lovingly lapping up his semen and swallowing it, grinning up at him from the delicious taste going down her throat.
He lay there, soon becoming just as horny as he was before his self-abuse produced his prodigious blast of nut. He thought again of Lady Cadwarra’s jiggling breasts that near bubbled out of the top of her stylish bodice as she strode past him. She wasn’t even trying to hide her tits! No wonder Lord Vishra had taken advantage of her, tempting him as she was with her exposed jigglers. She was asking for it. Asking for it!
He reached down to jerk off again, daydreaming that the Lady Cadwarra would suddenly open his door with her breasts jiggling for him, half falling out of her dress. “It took me so long to find your room, Kivan, but I so needed you that I did not give up searching.” She would quickly get nude and slip into his bed.
He would then wrap his arms around Lady Cadwarra’s warm nakedness as she snuggled in close, giggling as he pulled the blanket back over them. He would rub his erection all over her tummy then slide up to squeeze it between her tits. He would then rise to try to push it into her mouth but she would not let him do that. She would confess she had never sucked cock before. She would finally relent and do it because he so wanted her to. She would part her lips to devour his throbbing erection, gulping his sperm down as he filled her mouth.
The cum he imagined going down Lady Cadwarra’s throat merely shot out of his penis into thin air and landed, as it did for his first cumshot, all over himself, the two loads mixing together.
Again, he tried to get to sleep. He needed to sleep so he could report to Lady Vishra early, as the Head Butler had instructed him. Sleep did not come. He whacked off to even more shameful fantasies about the Lady Cadwarra...his perfect lover. He came continuously through the night. Well before dawn his testicles were nearly empty. Very little cum came out but he kept beating his meat regardless, unable to forget Cadwarra in the corridor with her flawless thigh and those perfect nipples on those incredible tits that jiggled there under that revealing lace...
Sprockfuddle woke. It was dark in the jail cell. He guessed it was the middle of the night. Arabella was still sleeping in the next cot, snoring softly on her back. Her blanket was down around her waist, leaving her indigo breasts lying there on her naked chest, protuberant from making milk all night. Sprockfuddle looked at those engorged beauties as they rose and fell while their owner quietly enjoyed her uninterrupted dreams.
He was too tired to get particularly aroused, though. He lay there, thinking he should get back to sleep. It was at least four or five hours before all that horrid breakfast porridge would arrive and he could have a few enjoyable minutes of making nasty comments to the jailers about it’s bland flavour and poor quality. He was beginning to suspect they were entertained by his culinary criticisms and devised ways to make the gruel worse just to see what he would say. Maybe so, but it was one of the only two pleasures he enjoyed in the cell so he kept making the sneering remarks.
The other pleasure he had was dicking Arabella whenever his huge three inch salami got hard.
It had become a game. He would stealthily crawl out of his cot and noiselessly creep over to the sleeping Arabella. He would sweep the covers from her nakedness and, jumping on top of her lovely body, force his cock into her cunt before she could push him off. Once he had his penis inserted, he just held on in a bear hug while she bucked her pelvis and angrily yelled at him to get off of her. It was the perfect arrangement: she did all the work and he orgasmed.
He knew Arabella loved it, though she did a very convincing job of pretending that the sexual assault was not consensual. It was all an act, though. Women who slept naked were clearly asking for it.
A couple of times he was not sneaky enough as he crept over to her. She would wake up and be able to fend him off until the guards brought breakfast and spoiled all Sprockfuddle’s fun. Despite the infrequent failures, things usually ended with his sperm being shot into Arabella while she called him an ‘angry little asshole’. She usually assured him that she was not able to cum with such a small pecker so he could stop grinning about his ‘manly success’.
This night, thinking about the fun of screwing Arabella, Sprockfuddle gave up trying to get back to sleep. Those tits did look good. Maybe he did want a fuck...
He was about to creep over to Arabella when there was a loud turning of the jail door key. The heavy door to the cell area swung open with a loud bang deliberately intended to wake the prisoners. “Can’t a Gnome get some sleep?” Sprockfuddle complained. He could not hide his annoyance.
Three jailors entered. They ignored Sprockfuddle, not deigning to explain to him why they would disrupt their own sleep just to bother prisoners in the wee hours. “Arabella Farquharson, you’ve been found innocent by Captain Robson.”
Armstrong had his usual sheaf of release forms and one pencil. “Please sign these documents” he told Arabella. “This page acknowledges that you were not mistreated in anyway, this acknowledges that you will reimburse Qeynos for the cost of your porridge...”
Armstrong stopped his long litany before he had begun and looked at the beautiful, naked Arabella. The blue of her skin was almost a rich purple in the low light cast by the wall torches. She had sat up in bed and was looking at her Human Jailers in an irritated manner that just made you wanna go over and slap a better attitude into her. Her blanket had fallen to her lap. Her breasts were dripping the milk they had spent all night making. They hung there full and round and firm, indigo skin stretching under the lactic load her mammaries held. Her long snow white tresses fell across her bare shoulders. Her matching white pubic beard was plainly seen above her edge of the jail blanket lying low across her shapely thighs.
Armstrong could almost taste the pussy he could plainly see. It knew he wanted one more fuck with Arabella before she left his “care” that morning.
“Oh, nuts” Armstrong simply said. He pushed the papers through the bars and dropped them on the floor, pencil landing on top of the pile. “Just sign all those papers later. Me and the boys want to take you for a ‘bit of crumpet’ in the jailors’ coffee break room, if you follow my meaning. Then it’s time you and your parole officer got out of our hair.”
“My parole officer...?” Arabella asked but her question was drowned out by Sprockfuddle’s exasperated cry. “But I was just about to fuck her!”
The jailors laughed at Sprockfuddle’s protest. “Don’t worry, you angry little asshole; we’ll take care of that for you!” They laughed even harder.
The three guards took Arabella naked into the coffee break room. They laid her on the sturdy table that they had used for her several times prior. Her so-called parole officer was waiting there. He was some Wood Elf named Baltazar. He protested Arabella getting gang-banged before her release; he had to get going and this was going to take too long.
Baltazar was ignored. Each Jailer took his turn on top of Arabella.
Armstrong went first. He pulled his hard dick out, too horny for a fuck to be embarrassed to have everyone see his erection. He forced Arabella’s unwilling legs apart and stuck it in then moved back and forth enthusiastically. She grunted each time he rammed her.
It felt good to have his cock in her tight wet twat and the way she grimaced painfully in answer to his thrusts confirmed he was more than she could handle. “Squeal like a little piggy for Daddy” he told her as he drove his big Human prick into the depths of her tiny gash, grinning at the way he was hurting her. He liked how her breasts were squirting milk at each thrust; a half dozen thin sprays released hot nourishment from the many pores of her nipples as all that liquid arced high in the air.
Armstrong came too soon but it sure felt good. He had been quite annoyed when this Wood Elf fellow had wakened him in the small hours just to have Arabella released. As cum flowed out of his twitching cock he reflected that the pleasure of a fuck with this little Dark Elf bitch made up for the lost sleep.
Armstrong stayed inside Arabella a little bit longer and made a couple more pushes while he finished emptying his balls. When he was done, he pulled out so his two subordinates could have a go in Arabella’s snatch as well. He wished he could give it to her twice and cursed his aging abilities to stay erect for a follow up screw. He regretted he did not have one of those All-Night-Long charms Llisanya had given him the evening of the Steak & Lobster Dinner. That was some night, he thought as he stepped back from between Arabella’s spread legs.
The second jailer took position. His cock was already good and hard but his entry was delayed by Arabella defiantly crossing her legs again and scowling at him as if she had a right to deny him.
He slapped the little bitch around a bit to get her to co-operate. She seemed to decide to start co-operating. He pushed her still reluctant thighs apart. He ignored Armstrong’s cum shining in her white pubic hair. His erection swung about as he gave her one more hard backhand then knelt between Arabella’s open legs. He aimed his cock at her open slit, lips spread nice and wide to reveal her pink inside parts. He pushed his dick straight into her and started humping, grinning at the angry curses Arabella hurled his way.
He leaned forward to kiss her, pushing his tongue in her mouth and fencing with her own tongue. She angrily expectorated into his mouth, hoping that would disgust him enough to make him stop tonguing the back of her teeth. He seemed to like it and reciprocated by immediately spitting her saliva back. He put his hands on her throat and yelled “swallow it, you whore!” He kept fucking.
She swallowed obediently and opened her jaws wide to prove she had eaten it all. He spit directly into her mouth and she ate that, too. Having her do that made him start to cum. His spunk soon joined that of Armstrong’s inside her tight, wet vadge.
He stopped abusing her as his orgasm ended. He let go of her neck. His limp dick dropped out of her cooch as he stepped back, panting from the effort of pleasuring a feisty slut.
The third jailer got on top of Arabella as soon as his coworker got out of the way. He was a big man and Arabella’s little Dark Elf body seemed to disappear under him. He was so impatient from waiting his turn that he did not have time to abuse her properly before he stuck it in. His dick shot sperm inside her long before a competent lover would have been done. Arabella did not say anything but her sneer made it obvious she thought little of a man that could not last longer than he had.
When the assault was over, Arabella lay there panting. Yet again, she had had to endure all those males putting their big filthy disgusting Human cocks in her tight fuckhole. She was humiliated by how she had been defiled. Further, she was scornful that they weren’t men enough to go around a second time. Real men would have not stopped taking turns on her until dawn. They hadn’t even made her cum. What faggot losers.
Baltazar had quite an erection from watching the show. He had a foolish urge to fuck Arabella as well until he saw that she was so full of cum it had poured from her slit when the last jailer pulled out. She was using a nearby napkin to sop up the huge amount of cum still dripping from her hole. No, he decided, if he was going to fuck her, he would fuck her later, after she had had a nice clean bath. “Okay” he said “if you boys are finally done, we need to get going.”
“Maybe they want some more” Arabella reproached Baltazar then added a belittling remark aimed at the jailers. “Real studs know that you have to give it to a female prisoner at least twice or you aren’t much of a man.” There was a moment it looked like the jailers would act on her suggestion, but Baltazar insisted it was time to go.
Seeing how Arabella had been so co-operative, they gave her all her stuff back, even her dagger and the thirty silver she got for servicing Penley’s patrol. “We’ll see you next time” they told her.
Arabella and her ‘parole officer’ walked out into the dark streets of Qeynos. There was no sign of dawn being near. A few high-falluting Lords and Ladies went by, dressed like they had been at some fancy soirée, otherwise the streets were deserted. She guessed it was 3 a.m. A passing guard, seeing a Teir’Dal walking about Qeynos in the night, asked for Arabella’s non-existent citizenship papers. Baltazar had other papers from Captain Robson which seemed to satisfy the guard.
They proceeded to the Harbour District. They walked down some nonde*********** alley to a door that said “Cess Pool Access. Restricted to Qualified Persons...” There was a lot of other nonsense on the sign which Arabella did not read.
Baltazar knocked. This was the second time Marshall Vishra had had him do something with this mysterious ‘Cess Pool’. Despite his annoyance to be working at such an hour he was curious to see what was so special about a cess pool. He was just as surprised as Arabella when Vishra himself answered the door in a formal dinner jacket and hustled them inside. The three stood in Vishra’s office. All the times Baltazar had been in that huge room he had never guessed that that secret door was there.
Vishra addressed Balthazar with a sharp tone. “I’ve been waiting more than a little for you to get this Inky here. Did you waste an hour of my time fucking her instead of doing your job?”
“No, Lord.” Balthazar bowed, showing no special concern at suffering such an accusation. “The jailers all needed to take one last turn on her before they released her. I am sure I could have stopped them had I mentioned I was in your service, but I assumed ‘Captain Robson’ wished your name be kept out of it.”
Vishra nodded agreement with Baltazar’s decision. He had no doubt Baltazar was being truthful about the farewell debauchery but was glad to have Arabella confirm the facts, regardless. “They had small dicks and weren’t men enough to have a second round of violating me before they let me go” she rudely complained to Vishra then added spitefully “with their little wee-wees I couldn’t even get an orgasm from the rapes. There is no humiliation better than having your assaulters see you cum, you know.”
Beyond making note of Arabella’s odd opinions about what makes a rape enjoyable, Vishra ignored Arabella’s interjection. He had business to conclude with Baltazar before he dealt with her. He indicated to Baltazar two packs sitting on the floor near his desk. “Those packs are for my nephew, Diamander and for your favourite wrestling victim, Llisanya. They will be sailing this morning aboard The Prize of Prexus, bound for New Halas. Their tickets are in the sidepockets. Diamander is already on the dock.”
He handed Baltazar a coin purse for his troubles and continued. “Take the bags and go find Llisanya. Try my Mansion, first; she is likely still there. Get her to the dock in Qeynos Harbour in two hours. Give Diamander and Llisanya their packs and wish them a ‘bon voyage’.”
Arabella wondered if Llisanya knew yet that she was heading to Everfrost. She suspected she did not.
Baltazar bowed and took up the two packs. They were heavy. Once he had the loads balanced on each shoulder the weight was bearable. Baltazar exited via the front door.
Vishra turned to study the tiny Arabella. She certainly was beautiful with those almond eyes and high cheekbones framed by her long white hair.
His resourceful clerk had found out quite a bit about her, including the curious feature that her breasts were constantly lactating despite never having popped out a baby. He glanced down at her chest and wondered if her tits were currently full or if that was their size when she had been nursed to empty. Maybe later he would have time to find out. It was late and he still had so much to do.
Arabella, in turn, was studying him. This was as close as Arabella had ever gotten to Marshall Vishra. He was handsome. She could see he had a nice big Human cock with with she could be misused. She hoped he liked slapping sluts. She had enjoyed tonight’s rough play and wanted more.
“So you are Llisanya Farquharson’s cousin” Vishra said.
Arabella had no idea how Vishra knew that, aside from their common surname. Long ago, her family had not been pleased to learn some ne’er do well younger brother, a remittance man, had up and married a Wood Elf. To everyone’s relief, the marriage had ended three weeks after the brat was born. Ever since, the Farquharson House had gone to some lengths to hide that branch of the family. Arabella was not pleased that some nosy Human had discovered the family secret. “Fourth cousin, once removed” she therefore corrected the Marshall impudently,
Vishra showed annoyance at her tone. “We can be friends, Little Miss Fourth-Cousin-once-Removed or I can tell Master Jailer Armstrong that you were making false rape accusations about him. I’ll remind him that such lies warrant a long stay in the cells.”
Rebuked, Arabella made a small bow. She loved being full of the repulsive Human cum that was currently in her quim. Maybe Vishra would like to add some if she was a little more pleasant. His cock would be smeared with other men’s jizz. The thought of that titillated her. She decided she could and would be nice. “Of course, My Lord. Please forgive me. I forgot to mention that I had consented to the gang raping. My Parole Officer watched the whole show and can confirm I even suggested everyone have another go around.” She gave Vishra a direct look that conveyed how horny she was and added “no sane Dark Elf female would turn down a chance to be pinned down and unilaterally penetrated...repeatedly.” She was clearly aroused. “It would be real quick if you wanted a piece.”
“Thank you for that clarification about your consent, Teir’Dal, and it’s very tempting to accept your invitation and participate in your degradation but such pleasures will need to wait; we have things to discuss.”
A little disappointed, Arabella replied politely “How may I help you, then, My Lord? Is there a particularly poor quality piece of armour whose value I can inflate before selling it for you on consignment? A weapon of extraordinary quality I can arrange to steal from a reluctant seller? The harness of the horse of some jousting opponent I can sabotage prior to an important tournament?”
Though amused by the practices to which Arabella had just confessed, Vishra wondered if the occasional uses that this group of black marketeers provided ‘in the well’ were worth the dishonest dealings suffered upon the good residents of Qeynos. He would ponder that another day. “You were arrested hiding in a dark corner suspiciously close to where a crime of great repugnance occurred. Some members of the Qeynos Guard, Thorsona and Bauer, were robbed, tied up and sexually assaulted in their own home. I would like to know all you can tell me about your part in the crime and where I might find the main perpetrator, a sex offender identified by the victims as being recently released from custody.”
“I was not aware of such a heinous crime, Lord Marshall. I just happened to be standing around in that particular location, minding my own business. Armour and weapons sales are slow of late and I reckoned I could pick up a little extra coin pleasing the males that walked by my chosen spot.”
Arabella unbuttoned her leather jerkin down to her navel to display her breasts to Vishra. “So many men are willing to pay five silver for me when they see these, Lord. I was not hiding in a dark corner; I was merely ensuring my customers would have some privacy while they play with these fun-bags.” She added a half-truth. “I made thirty silver that night from men passing by.”
Vishra could see Arabella’s breasts were firm and well shaped. In the presence of a powerful man, her nipples were clearly awake. Pearls of milk formed on the very tips, growing in size. When gravity overcame the surface tension, the drops fell to the floor. More drops formed to replace them and they too fell. Vishra had to concede Arabella’s tits were well worth five silver...for those not powerful enough to demand her love for free. He had no desire to take a woman who had been fucked by three other men just an hour ago, but a blow job might be pleasant.
Vishra quickly dismissed the self-indulgent thought. They needed to stay on the matter at hand. “So you know nothing about that nearby burglary and assault, Dark Elf?”
Arabella said nothing. Marshall Vishra seemed disappointed. “I was hoping you knew something about the prime suspect in this heinous sex crime, seeing as how you previously were seen by several neighbours in the prime suspect’s bed shagging away all day with the door a common whore.”
Marshall Vishra waited for Arabella to speak. Again, she said nothing.
Getting no reply from her, he sauntered over to his desk and closed a file as if signifying the matter was closed. “Well, Miss Arabella Farquharson, it is good to know you had nothing to do with that disgusting incident.” Vishra turned and shouted through an open door “Clerk, seek out Captain Robson and have him take this prostitute back to her cell. It seems she has nothing with which she can help us.”
No sound came from the adjoining vestibule but Vishra’s threat was clear.
“Oh....My Lord...” Arabella now spoke up. “Thank you for reminding me. remember a Wood Elf customer hiring me for the day and at his insistence we left the door open and put on several shows for passers-by. forgotten.”
She pretended to fan herself as if she was suffering a fainting spell. “It’s the jails, you see. It dulls your mind and befuddles your memory. I do recall the young that my thoughts are clearing. I crave your forgiveness. I had quite forgotten him for a time .”
Vishra ignored Arabella’s near fainting spell. “How sad for him that his lovemaking was so forgettable” he retorted dryly then pushed a hard chair her way. “Sit down.”
She sat while Vishra continued. “Let’s stipulate that this pervert, thief and exhibitionist was indeed your partner in crime and that his name reported by several patrons at Fish’s Ale House...’Falco the Faggot’.”
Arabella remained dutifully silent. Vishra took a moment to glance down and enjoy the view of her bared breasts but went on with business. “Let’s also stipulate that you know where to find him and that maybe we both would like to ensure he leaves Qeynos permanently before he is found by the Guard and incriminates not just yourself but also a certain cum-eating High Elf who was seen by the observant patrons in Fish’s Ale House to be accepting the sex crime victim’s very feminine looking coin purse prior to committing fellatio on Falco the Faggot’s immense pecker right in the middle of the tavern.”
“No doubt the High Elf felt it was too lovely a cock not to commit fellatio on it” Arabella suggested. She wondered what was all this about Falco having a huge cock. She had had it inside her several times; it was an unremarkable size.
Vishra was clearly disgusted by the topic of public acts of homosexual cocksucking and did not seem to appreciate Arabella’s input. “I don’t care what happens to a couple of queers, mind you, but after this blowjob, this High Elf fag was then observed passing coin to a very useful Half Elf acquaintance of ours. I wish very strongly that the Guard does not come looking for our Half Elf friend just because this fool exhibitionist Wood Elf lover of yours in some way incriminates my friend and your fourth-cousin-once-removed through that High Elf pansy that sucked a Wood Elf cock.”
Vishra took a moment to catch his breath. He realized how complicated he had made things. He looked at Arabella. “Are you following me, Miss Fourth-Removed?”
“Yes, Lord” Arabella lied.
Vishra gathered his thoughts and went on. “To my relief the High Elf cocksucker has disappeared and so has your fag client, Falco. Fine. But your fourth cousin does a lot of work for me and I do not want your fag Wood Elf friend reappearing and implicating her in this whole sordid business.”
Arabella was trying to keep things straight while Vishra was rambling on. All she knew was Vishra needed her help protecting Llisanya who was tenuously connected to the crime. Llisanya’s trip to New Halas would keep her away from the Guard while all this trouble was settled but it needed to be settled. Arabella also perceived she would be getting immunity from Marshall Vishra for her part in the crime. That was handy. She waited for Vishra to go on.
He finally came to his point. “So do you think you can find Faggy Falco and get him out of Qeynos and get him to stay out of Qeynos?”
Arabella replied in a voice that sounded more confident than she actually felt. “Oh, yes. I should be able to find him, Lord.”
To Arabella’s relief, Vishra did not ask for Falco’s location or she would have had to admit she was lying about knowing his current location.
The Marshall was very clear in his next sentence. “Your task is to get Falco out of Qeynos as soon as possible. Handle it how you wish, just make sure Falco is never seen facefucking High Elf homos in Qeynos again. Ever!”
Arabella just nodded.
Vishra handed Arabella a pouch of coins. It was a nice heavy pouch, bigger than the one she had seen him hand to Baltazar. “I need this all completed by the time Llisanya gets back from Everfrost. Use what coin you need to get the job done then keep the rest.”
Arabella understood: make Falco disappear before he got Llisanya arrested as an accomplice; it did not matter how he disappeared. She rose and tucked the payment away. “He will be gone, Lord.”
“Good” The Marshall now had a few free minutes. Curious, he reached out to her unbuttoned leather jerkin and pulled it further open. Her breasts filled his hands. He kneaded the lovely mounds.
Arabella’s breasts leaked quite a bit of milk He told himself he should not play too long. With his wife and one mistress pregnant and with Cadwarra soon to also have a swollen belly he would have six fully packed milkbags of lactating mammaries to feed on. He should let Arabella go. He needed her to get to work. But he kept fondling. She had nice tits.
Arabella saw Vishra growing an impressive bulge in his trousers. The thing was truly huge. She wanted to see it. “If you were to unlace my leggings” Arabella said helpfully “I would be naked for you. I would be helpless under you as you force me to comply to your puerile male needs. Your penis would hurt so much.”
Arabella was certainly attractive, but Vishra had coupled with Cadwarra a mere few hours ago and, further, this Dark Elf had to get going.
Arabella was disappointed to have Vishra refuse her offer by closing her jerkin back up. He began to button it up. “If my Clerk were here, I would let him take you up on that offer, Arabella. That clever fellow had all sorts of research on you the day you were recorded into the jail records, including what you are like in bed. I am sure you’d get a satisfying fuck from him.”
He was finished buttoning her. He gave her tits one last squeeze through her leather armour. “...But my clerk is not here and you need to go find that queer, Falco. Maybe his purportedly immense cock will satisfy you.”
Rejected and still wishing for an orgasmic fuck, Arabella left via the Cess Pool door. Keepimg to the shadows, she trod quietly through dark, deserted streets to a safe house she knew of. M’Tun maintained it and she therefore was loathe to use it in case this was one of the very, very rare times M’Tun would be required to sneak into Qeynos and straighten out one of his henchmen. To her relief the house was empty. Thick dust was undisturbed.
Given nothing but water since she had been arrested, she was sorely wanting to enjoy a shot of M’Tun’s expensive whiskey but was afraid he would notice some was gone. She sat and pondered the situation without a drink to help her muse.
Had she truthfully told Vishra that she had no idea where Falco was she would have been back in jail with Sprockfuddle and his tiny prick and all that tasteless porridge. To avoid that, she had committed to Vishra to finding Falco but she had no idea where he would be.
She could of course take the coin the Marshall had given her and run off to Kelethin or Neriak or wherever. She could start anew.
But Qeynos would have Ambassadors in those cities. Vishra could use them to make her life miserable. Besides, she was doing well in Qeynos. Lastly, she wanted to see Vishra’s cock sometime. That was quite a bulge. Her violation by his Human endowment would be so degrading.
Sexually frustrated, she pushed aside thoughts of big cocks and considered what she should do if she found Falco. The Marshall was clear he did not care what happened to Falco but she had no intention of killing poor, foolish Falco. It was the easiest way to get the job done, but it would have been like killing a helpless puppy.
Such kindness, so rare in a Dark Elf, was going to make it harder for her to get him to disappear from Qeynos. She wished she was tougher, like her heartless sister who routinely killed any lovers that bored her. And Llisanya could slit a throat in her bed easily and be calmly sipping a wine in the Mermaid’s Lure a half hour later. She envied that but she still would not be killing anyone.
Finally reconciling herself to the task of getting Falco out of Qeynos alive and on his way to Freeport or somewhere, she stood and quickly cast her “Call of Hero”. She waited longer than she knew she needed to. Despite her patience, Falco did not magically appear as he should have. She knew there were only two reasons the Call had failed; either Falco was dead or he was no longer wearing the amulet that allowed the spell to find him. Knowing Falco, either explanation was possible.
With no idea where Falco might have gone, she sat back down and thought hard. What facts did she have? All she knew was that after her arrest, Thorsona and her boyfriend had ended up tied up in that townhouse while Falco had headed to Fish’s Ale House. By all reports Ellister had sucked his ‘immense pecker’. What ‘immense pecker’?
She pieced the story together. It seemed that after her arrest by Penley, Thorsona and Bauer had returned to disturb Falco in the midst of his robbery. He had somehow subdued them. So, she concluded, Falco had not only stolen the bo staff from Thorsona he had found a nice hoard of coin as well. Then he had done something perverted to his captives. Then he had gone to Ellister to waste all his stolen coin buying one of Ellister’s cock-growing charms that certain loser males thought would help them get women into bed. Somehow Ellister had managed to suck his now huge cock, probably as part of the price of the charm. The public blowjob would have been remembered by everyone there, hence his new sobriquet ‘Falco the Faggot’.
Then Falco had disappeared. Then Ellister had disappeared. Oh, and then the bo staff had disappeared. She had no idea where Falco may have gotten to. Perhaps Ellister would know. But where was Ellister?
Arabella made an educated guess. If she was Ellister and wanted to hide from the Qeynos Guard she would go see a certain someone she knew of lurking in the Down Below. There was a good chance Ellister would go there, assuming he had the coin to pay the price that was demanded for such refuge.
If she could find Ellister he might know where Falco and his new ‘immense pecker’ were. Sprockfuddle’s bo staff would be with Falco. Once she had ahold of Falco it would be easy to get him to M’Tun and then on his way to Freeport. Then she would simply walk the bo staff back to the well where she would resume her regular sales activity and enjoy a little peace.
Resolving what to do, Arabella rose and opened M’Tun’s arms closet. There was a good assortment of daggers and stilettos but she had her own. What she needed was something to fend off the kind of critters one would encounter in the less traveled parts of the Down Below. She chose a short spepar which was good for both stabbing at a safe distance in confined spaces should she encounter an aggressive insect or outsized rodent. M’Tun would know she had taken it but as long as she returned it he would only be slightly annoyed...she hoped.
She left the safe house and strode quickly through the still-dark streets. There was a glimmer of dawn on the horizon. She wanted to get to the Down Below grate in Elddar Grove before it got light and some officious guard demanded she show him her papers.
Vishra poured two tumblers of Kelethin whiskey. “I’ve been saving it for some good company” he told Bowerbrook. He added ice cubes. Even in a rich House such as Vishra’s ice cubes were rare. Bowerbrook expressed pleasant surprise at seeing actual ice cubes. The magic ones just weren’t as good.
“The Prize of Prexus came into port yesterday from Everfrost with a hold full of ice” Vishra explained to Bowerbrook. “Our Housekeeper got a good price on a huge block of ice cut out of a glacier just a week ago.”
Vishra handed one of the glasses to Bowerbrook They clinked their drinks.
“I appreciate you inviting me” Bowerbrook said, settling back comfortably into a soft chair. He sipped his drink and looked approvingly at Vishra. “By Marr! That is a good whiskey!”
Vishra sat down in one of the other comfortable chairs. “I am glad you came to share it with me, Bowerbrook. One can’t enjoy a good whiskey alone.”
“Your clerk just caught me before I was about to turn in. I was glad of the chance to come thank you for introducing me to Cadwarra. What a charming little Sweetie!”
“She is lovely” Vishra agreed. “I am glad you two hit it off.” He sipped a bit more whiskey then asked the question he was anxious to have answered. “Speaking of Cadwarra, can I presume to ask, on her behalf, is there any concern with designating her a certified Paladin?”
“She needs to brush up on her heal spells, of course, but you can consider her to be a Paladin” Bowerbrook assured Vishra. “How could I refuse after that great sex she had with me?”
Bowerbrook failed to see the very fleeting surprise on Vishra’s face. He was too busy smiling at the memory of his fuck with Cadwarra as he went on singing her praises. “I really appreciate that little favour, Vishra, lending her to me. You’ve always been a considerate friend.”
Vishra was glad to see Bowerbrook had not seen his surprise. Cadwarra had bedded Bowerbrook!? That would explain why she and Bowerbrook had disappeared for so long. “ fucked her?” was all Vishra asked as casually as if he had asked if they had played a game of chess together.
“Well, of course I did, Vishra! I am not going to turn down such a beautiful little Feir’Dal after she told me that you had directed her to make me happy. Really, it was more than I expected as thanks for passing your student but it was a most appreciated gesture on your part.”
Bowerbrook’s cock hardened as he recalled how Cadwarra’s nude body writhed under his driving hips, his prick slathered by a flood of Cadwarra’s pussy juice. As she panted under him, pushing her hips up, pulling his body to her, he had reached and cupped her big melons in his hands. The feel of them had started his orgasm all too soon. His orgasm had filled her.
He should have kept her in that private room longer, but it was late and courtesy obliged them to return to the party. Courtesy be hanged, he now thought, he should have kept her in that private room longer. He had not had enough of her. He wanted to feel those firm girl bubbles again very soon. He wanted to pump more jizz into her.
Vishra made a mental note to explain to Cadwarra that having sex with Bowerbrook was not what he had meant when he told her to “have a couple dances and get him to like get what I mean, I am sure...”
That adorable Feir’Dal had misunderstood the phrase “you get what I mean”. How could he have been so stupid as to not just let her know that all that was required was to dance close with Bowerbrook and laugh at a few of his jokes. Maybe she could let her breast push against his chest as they waltzed so he could feel how soft it was. Vishra took a long pull of his whiskey. By Marr! She wasn’t supposed to screw Bowerbrook!
Vishra sighed in resignation. Pretty Cadwarra, diligently doing exactly what she thought Vishra was asking her to do. It just made her more attractive to him.
Bowerbrook was swirling the whiskey in his glass still thinking what a great fuck Cadwarra was. The ice cubes clinked as he sat thinking of the casual way Cadwarra had lain back naked on the bed and parted her legs. He had seen what she was letting him have and he had filled it with his cock after only a very short bit of foreplay.
Cadwarra had moaned as he was humping away on top of her, watching her big full breasts rolling about on her chest while his shaft slide in and out of her girl warmth. Long tall nipples swung this way and that until he clamped his mouth down on one to keep it still while he kept fucking. She had closed her eyes as she came, lifting her legs to wrap them around his waist so he could go in deeper. He had said that silly line about warm honey and she got even wetter and said something stupid back about a piston. What an orgasm she had had!
Bowerbrook realized his host was waiting for him to speak. He needed to think of something to say. “I really must return the favor” he extemporized. “How may I do that? Just name it!”
Vishra looked over at Bowerbrook while Bowerbrook silently rebuked himself for making such a wild promise. It was just a fuck, he thought, nice though it was.
“You need not feel you should return the favour” Vishra protested. “I am glad you enjoyed Cadwarra. I have just made her my mistress with every intention to impregnate her as soon a practical. Before that, I figured you would like to try her out.”
Bowerbrook took a long pull of his whiskey. It was a strong drink and his slight tipsiness made him magnanimous. “By Marr! That is very generous of you. But speak up, Vishra, let me return the favour.” Bowerbrook could not believe he had just said that. Was his mouth moving on its own?
“Well, I had not considered a need for a return favour, Bowerbrook, but since you’ve broached the subject...”
It was too late to take back the offer now. Bowerbrook knew he had to carry on. “Name it, Vishra. If I can do it, the favour is yours.”
Vishra hesitated a split second before asking. He was sure he would get it, but the favour was such that Bowerbrook would ask for a favour right back. Still, he so wanted this pretty little...‘favour’. “I heard that your kid sister, Arleena, had a birthday last week and I believe she is now of age. Any chance she would be interested in meeting me some afternoon over a pleasant bottle of wine?”
“Oh, Vishra. You do ask a lot.” Bowerbrook nonetheless chuckled in his deep bass voice and clinked whiskey glasses with Vishra. It was not a bad idea to fix Vishra up with his sister. He knew one of Vishra’s mistresses was ‘due to drop’ soon. As often happened after a birth a young mistress might leave the ‘arrangement’ to devote her full time to raising the child. If Alweya did that Vishra would be in the market for a new mistress. He thought of his kid sister with Vishra. He admitted it was a good match.
“Leave this with me, Vishra. I suspect she will be interested in a tryst with a powerful Lord such as yourself when I explain the advantages.” Bowerbrook’s tone wasn’t as optimistic as his words. “There is the problem of my father, though. He thinks Arleena is a virgin and means to keep her that way.”
“...Which is why I am hoping you can act as go-between for Arleena and I. As for your Dad, you know Llisanya. She has a way with older men. We can enlist her help in keeping him happily distracted while I am with Arleena. Certainly, your Old Man will be quite pleased with Llisanya.”
“Alright, then. I can broach your overture to Arleena tomorrow afternoon when she gets home from school. All we need do after that is set up a convenient time. We’ll introduce Llisanya to my father as a new maid. He’ll want to try her out. We’ll tell Llisanya to stretch things out so you can have as much time with Arleena as you two want.”
The two men shook hands on it. Bowerbrook took another good pull of his whiskey. It would be nice if this lead to Arleena being Vishra’s longterm mistress. A partnership between the Vishras and the Bowerbrooks would be quite a bloc in Council when it came to voting.
All that was fine, then, but Bowerbrook could not stop thinking about Cadwarra’s body. “Do promise you’ll bring Cadwarra along to keep me company while you are with Arleena. I want to get my hands on those magnificent breasts one more time before you knock her up.”