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This story is a work of fiction, and all characters are 18 and over. This is the first installment of a series and spends some time building up the characters and their relationships before jumping into anything sexual. It also contains no actual sex, just masturbation and exhibitionism. Thanks for reading.
“Dude call your uncle and see if we can get the cabin?” Insisted Jake. He and Peter were back home from college for summer. They had been best friends since middle school and had moved to the same city for college. And now they were back in their hometown and planning how to make the best of the break. Having the cabin would mean a weekend in the middle of the forest with a private pool for them and their friends. Nothing could sound better to a couple of 19 year olds.

“He said yes,” exclaimed Peter raising his hand for a high five.

“Awesome! When?” Asked Jake.

“The weekend after next. Want to call the girls and while I call Eric?”

“On it.” Jake was on his phone dialing the number for Sophie before Peter had even said it. Sophie was an olive-skinned petite girl with long curly dark hair and large brown eyes. Jake had had a crush on her for years, but nothing had ever happened.

“Sophie? Yeah we got it, weekend after next,” said Jake as soon as she picked up. He couldn’t understand anything happening on the other end except for a lot of shrieking and noise. He could practically see Sophie bouncing up and down. “Can you also tell May?”

“I heard you,” answered May. “She put you on speaker phone.”

“Of course she did, you are coming too right?”

“Of course,” she answered in a sweet voice.

May was Sophie’s best friend and they were always together. May had long black straight hair, piercing green eyes and a very cute smile. She always wore baggy clothes but Jake suspected she was hot underneath it all, just somewhat shy. The pool would be a good opportunity to test that theory.

“Wait the weekend after next?” Asked Sophie, “that’s when Anna will be visiting. Can she come?”

“Who is Anna?” Asked Jake.

“My cousin, she just graduated high school and she’s cool I swear.”

“I’m sure we’ll find the space for her,” replied Jake, hoping this girl would be as good looking as her cousin.

“I’ll start planning right away, see you soon,” said Sophie and hung up.

Peter came back then saying that Eric was coming. Eric was Peter’s roommate and since Peter and Jake had had spent a lot of time with him over the last year. He was a tall blond guy that spent half his time in the gym and the other half in the library.

“Eric said yes.,” Peter said

“So did the girls,” Jake replied, “and they are bringing Sophie’s cousin.”

“It’s shaping up to be a great weekend.”

The date came and Jake and Peter drove up to the cabin together. It was a three room place with a large living room and a private pool just through some glass doors. They had barely unloaded the food and drinks and were looking for their swim suits when the girls busted through the door ready to jump into the pool.

In typical Sophie behavior she ran past them, threw the shirt she was wearing to the side and cannonballed into the pool without even saying hello. May came behind her hugged Peter and Jake and then stepped outside to the pool area followed by Anna.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Anna,” she said with a smile.

“I’m Peter, this is Jake.”

“Cool. I’m going to the pool too, you should come.”

Jake had been staring. Like her cousin, Anna had large brown eyes, olive skin and dark hair. But where her cousin had long bushy hair, this girl had a pixie cut. Instead of a petite and tight ass, this girl had curves. And in place of Sophie’s smaller B cups, this girl's boobs had to be at least a C.

“Close your mouth dude,” said Peter smiling. But Jake wasn’t done staring, for as soon as Anna got in the water, May removed her hoodie and pants. She was wearing a one piece black swimsuit that would have been better placed in a swimming meet than in this cabin but that didn’t stop her D cup breasts from being on display.

“So that’s what she had been hiding,” Jake whispered.

“Come here you two,” shouted Sophie from the pool as the girls splashed around.

Peter and Jake went to change into their bathing suits. But before coming out of the bathroom, Jake stared at himself in the mirror. He was a runner and had always been slim with thick legs. All that shirtless running during the spring had been enough to change his typically pale skin into a bit of a tan. He hoped that would be enough to catch the eyes of at least one of the girls. So he ruffled his brown hair and came out to the pool wearing his orange swim trunks to find Peter and the girls splashing around.

“Now that you are here, let’s play chicken fight!” Said Anna when she saw him jump into the pool.

“Ok I guess,” he said. He joined them and ducked underwater for Anna to climb on his shoulders and took the chance to peek at Sophie’s white and red striped bikini.

Sophie climbed onto Peter’s shoulders and the fight began, with both guys holding onto the girls legs while they in turn pushed each other to try to topple the other pair. It wasn’t long before Jake lost her grip and Anna fell backwards.

“I demand a rematch!” Anna shouted.

“Any time,” said Peter as he made a victory lap with Sophie on his shoulders.

Jake dove back down for Anna to climb up and as soon as he came up, she said: “I need you to grab me like this,” and placed Jake’s hands on her thighs. The feeling of his hands on her soft skin made some blood flow into his groin, but he focused on the chicken fight. With this new grab they won a few rounds and it was now him and Anna that were doing victory laps. May had refused to play and was happy cheering on everyone from a corner of the pool.

“Final round,” announced Sophie annoyed. “Whoever wins this one wins it all.”

“You’ve got no chance,” replied Anna.

And they started fighting again, but Sophie had a plan. She wasn’t trying to push Anna, she was circling and reaching and suddenly she found her target, the string from Anna’s top. Sophie pulled the bright pink string and it got untied with no effort, exposing Anna’s boobs. Jake looked up but it was too late, Anna had covered up with her hands. That left her defenseless and Sophie pushed hard, making Anna fall.

“You are such a cheater!” said Anna coming out of the water but still holding her chest.

“No one said that wasn’t allowed. Anyway we win it all. But now that you aren’t wearing a top we should sunbathe. There’s only like half an hour of sun left.” So Anna, Sophie, and May stepped out of the pool and went to lie down with their backs the sun. Anna and Sophie had untied her bikini tops to not get tan lines on their back, but May had kept her one-piece suit in place. Meanwhile Jake and Peter stayed in the pool looking at the girls and talking.

“Did you see her boobs?” Asked Jake under his breath.

“Not really, I think I saw a dark nipple but it was so quick, I couldn’t really see anything,” Peter answered.

“I hope we get to see some more of that this weekend.”

“This is not a bad view my friend,” responded Peter. And Jake knew his friend was right. They were looking at three very different but very attractive girls and they could stare at their assess as much as they wanted. Sophie’s petite tight ass was covered by a small triangle of red and white fabric. Anna’s ample backside was almost completely exposed because she had tucked the bright pink fabric in between her ass cheeks to minimize the tan lines. And staring at it, Jake could almost see through the dark fabric of May’s one piece.

“I guess that’s an old swimsuit, it’s turning see through,” whispered Jake.

“It is, but that’s not where I’m staring. Look at the white,” responded Pete as quietly as his friend. And sure enough, Jake could see the contour of Sophie’s pussy hugged by the red and white stripes. That was too much for Jake to look at without getting an erection, so he pitched a tent inside his orange trunks.

“Guys the sun is setting down, we are going back to take a shower,” announced Sophie.

“The three of you at once?” asked Peter smiling.

“Wouldn’t you like that?” Responded Sophie, sticking her younger out. “No perv, one by one but we are all headed in before it gets too chilly. You should both come out.”

“In a minute,” said Jake. And then turning to his friend he added, “as soon as I manage to get this thing under control.”

“I don’t mind if they see it, after all they caused it,” said Peter and he walked out of the pool sporting his own tent under his blue trunks. Jake couldn’t help but notice that Peter seemed to be as turned on as he was. And he also had a decent sized dick judging by the size of the tent.

Images of his three friends laying in the sun kept flashing through his mind and those were interrupted by the feeling of Anna’s thighs on his hands. He also kept imagining what Anna’s nipples might have looked like in the pool. It took a long time for Jake’s erection to go away.

When he finally came back in, everyone had already showered and changed into their nightwear except Sophie, who was just coming out of the bathroom. Jake almost ran into her and she was only wearing a towel.

“Sorry,” he said, “ I didn’t see you there.”

“Liar, you were trying to get me to drop my towel and get a peek at the goods.”

“No, I swear,” he stammered. But that isn’t a bad idea, he thought.

“Sure, whatever you say,” she replied, rolling her eyes as she walked away to get into her pajamas. Jake couldn’t help but stare again. The towel was short and he could see her legs almost to the point where they rounded up to become butt cheeks, an inch higher and he’d have seen her naked ass.

He rushed into the bathroom and hopped into the shower. The water was warm and relaxing and he took off his trunks and stared at his cock, which had sprung back to attention. It was a 6.5in cut cock with a thick vein on top and a shiny head that seemed to be trying to burst. He began moving the fingers from his left hand along his neatly trimmed pubes as they made their way down to his balls. His right hand grabbed onto his stiff shaft and began pumping up and down, slowly at first but moving a little faster with each stroke.

He really needed to cum, there had been a lot of teasing that afternoon and he was as horny as he got. Jake kept massaging his balls with his left hand as he moved his right hand's attention to his now red and swollen head. He stroked his frenulum with his middle finger and gave the whole head a gentle squeeze. A tingling feeling in his balls told him he was close and he pumped as fast as he could from tip to pubes and back again. His right hand was a blur as his left tightened around his ballsack. His abdominal muscles contracted and he felt the heat rise up his swollen cock. Then release came, and he shot three long ropes of cum into the shower and then a few more dibbled down his hand and dick.

Glad he had masturbated in the shower, Jake quickly cleaned up the mess and finished washing. He dried off and put on his boxers, shorts and the t-shirt he slept in and headed to the kitchen. Where his friends had almost finished cooking dinner.

“That was a long shower. Were you masturbating in there?” Asked Sophie. Jake felt some warmth on his face and hoped he hadn’t turned red but decided the best way to move past the embarrassment was to ignore the question.

“So where’s Eric?” He asked Peter.

“Apparently, his flight got delayed and it’s a long drive but I think he should be here soon.” Peter replied as the doorbell rang. “Speak of the devil…”

“Hi Girls, I’m Eric.” He said as soon as he crossed through the door. All three girls swallowed hard as they saw his thick and strong arms and chiseled chest apparent even through his t-shirt. Anna in particular could not stop staring. I’ll never compete with that, thought Jake as he set the table.

“Now that you are here, we need to figure out where everyone is sleeping,” said Peter, “there’s a room with a king bed, a room with a full bed and a room with two twins. I think two people per room is best but that has a girl sharing a room with a guy and I don’t know if you all agree to that.”

“Can’t the three of us just take the King bed?” Asked May.

“That’s be too tight,” chimed Anna. “Id rather share a room.”

“I think Peter and I can share the king ,” suggested Eric, “we are roommates already so that’s probably the least awkward.” They all nodded.

“If it’s ok with May, I think I’ll share the full with Anna. She doesn’t know you all that well, I don’t think it’s fair to have her share a room with this guy,” added Sophie pointing despectively at Jake.

“I’m not that bad. I promise I’ll be a gentleman,” he replied.

“I know you will be,” added May, “I’m ok with that.”

They all ate together, chitchatting about college classes and obnoxious professors. When they had finished and cleaned up, Anna came back from her room with a deck of cards and asked who was up for a game of poker.

“Sure, what’s the buy-in?” asked Eric.

“I was thinking it would be strip poker,” Anna replied.

“I don’t know,” replied Peter. “I’m only in if we are all.”

“Of course, and we’ll set some rules to make it fair,” added Anna. “Rule 1: only people playing can be in the room, no one watches for free. Rule 2: the person who loses the hand loses one article of clothing. They have to stand and remove it for all to see and throw it on a pile behind them. Rule 3: you can leave the game when you feel like you’ve exposed enough. That is, only as long as the hands haven’t been dealt. If you are dealt in, you play and if you lose you pay. Sounds fair?”

Jake looked around and everyone seemed to be wearing their pajamas except Eric who was wearing shorts and a T-shirt. He counted 3 or 4 articles of clothing if he assumed the girls were wearing bras so it seemed fair.

“I’ll play,” replied Sophie.

“Me too,” said Jake right away.

“I’ll join you,” said May to Peter’s and Jake’s surprise.

Peter and Eric looked at each other, shrugged and then Peter said, “I guess we are playing.”

They all sat down in a circle on the floor of the living room, close enough to pass the cards around. Anna dealt the first hand and Jake was the first to lose.

“Remember, stand and strip for all to see,” said Anna. So Jake did just that, he stood up in front of everyone and removed his t-shirt exposing his lean torso and threw the T-shirt behind him.

“That would have been much more exciting if we hadn’t just spent all afternoon in the pool,” said Sophie.

“It’s only the first hand,” replied Anna, “it’ll get more interesting later.” She passed the cards to Jake who dealt a hand in which May lost. She was wearing an oversized t-shirt and long fluffy pants, and everyone was wondering if the shy girl who always hid her boobs would opt to show her bra or panties. May’s face turned bright red, but she didn’t hesitate. She stood up and dropped her pants in a single motion stepping out of them and pushing them behind her. She was wearing light blue cotton panties with grey dots that caught Jake’s eyes immediately. He couldn’t see much more as she sat back down with her knees together, stopping any prying eyes from looking too closely.

Peter dealt next and he lost after he thought he had a straight but was missing a card. He sighed and kept his end of the deal, showing everyone the same well defined muscles he had displayed at the pool.

The next hand had a tie between Eric and May as the worst hands both with a pair of tens. After much arguing about who would lose, the group decided they both needed to lose some clothes. Eric went first and he stood and almost peeled his shirt off revealing a body that was impossible to get without years of training and discipline. His pecs and abdomen were hard as a rock and outlined as if they were made with a chisel. His arms where thick and his popping veins made them look straight out of a magazine. He also didn’t have a single hair on his torso or arms. Everyone was staring at him, until he sat down.

“Your turn,” he said looking at May.

She went bright red again, but just like the last time, she didn’t object. She stood up and removed her oversized t-shirt, tossing it to the back. Her bra was on display as it struggled to contain her D cup breasts. It was cream colored and not designed to be sexy, but it still pushed her tits together in a way that made Jake yearn to stick his dick between them. He also had a peek at her panties again while she was removing her top.

May sat down, attempting to hide her face behind her long hair. She tried to cross her arms to hide her tits, but that only pushed them closer together so she gave up. Jake expected her to say she was done with the game before risking to get more exposed but she said nothing and waited for the next hand.

“We need to make the cousins lose,” Jake said ,” they are still fullly dressed.”

“Good luck with that pervy boy,” said Sophie and lost the next hand.

She stood up and reached under her t-shirt, unhooking her bra and pulling it off without taking off her pajamas. Everyone booed, and said it wasn’t fair.

“Hey it’s not against the rules, I stood up and took something off in front of everyone. You all could see I took it off and then I threw it behind me,” argued Sophie.

“She’s right you know,” replied Anna. “I’ll allow it but I will tighten the rules for next time.” They all booed some more, but they let Sophie sit back down and keep playing. As disappointing as that had been for Jake, Sophie’s nipples where threatening to poke through the thin fabric of her pajama top so it wasn’t for nothing.

The next hand was a close one, but Jake beat Sophie agin triple 4 to triple 3.

“Karma!” Exclaimed Peter as soon as the cards were revealed.

“Fine,” said Sophie standing up again. She pulled at the string of her pajama shorts and untied it, letting them fall to the floor. Her white lacey bikini hugged her petite ass tightly and was only see through enough for Jake to make out that she had shaved her pubes into a landing strip. As she sat back down, she crossed her ankles giving Jake an uninstructed view at her panties. Blood rushed into his dick and he felt a strong urge to hide his erection. Trying to be inconspicuous, he tucked his throbbing dick in the waistband of his boxers hoping that would be enough to hide it.

But as they played the next hand he couldn’t stop staring at Sophie’s panties hoping she’d take them off. And after making a stupid mistake he lost. It was his turn to strip, but with his dick tucked in his boxer’s waist band he couldn’t remove his shorts without showing everyone the tip of his cock. Panicking, he turned around giving his back to everyone and lowered his shorts exposing his boxer covered ass, but gaining enough time to hide his throbbing cock. He thought it had worked but he realized the futility when he sat down and was pitching a tent large enough for a whole troop to camp under.

May stared at his tent openly, Sophie sneaked glances and Anna was basically licking her lips. Jake could have also sworn that Eric and Peter were very interested in what he was hiding under his boxers.

The next hand was another tie, this time between Peter and Eric.

“How come you don’t lose on your own,” said Peter.

“Less arguing, more stripping,” interjected Anna.

Peter stood up and pulled his shorts down. It seemed that just like Jake, he was enjoying the view. His cock was trying to escape from the tight red briefs he was wearing and they could all see the outline of his hardening manhood against the fabric. His dick looked a little smaller than Jake’s at about 5.5in but very thick. When he sat back down, he pulled on the front of his underwear, letting his cock bounce straight up. Everyone was quiet as they all stared at Peter, but it was Eric’s turn now and they all shifted their eyes to the muscular blonde.

Eric stood up and they all saw his muscular torso again before he opened the button of his shorts, pulled down the zipper, and started to shimmy out of the tight fitting bottom. As it came down, they all saw Eric was wearing the tiniest black bikini. His legs and butt were just as toned as his abs and the bikini barely hid his rapidly inflating cock. But the material held everything in place as Eric tossed his shorts backwards and sat back down red faced.

“All three men are down to their underwear,” Sophie remarked.

“We'll see you naked soon,” added Anna a sing-song, “and I’m still fully dressed. It’s like you aren’t even trying.”

“Watch out for Karma,” Jake replied, “or you’ll get it twice in a row like Sophie did.” He exchanged a look with Peter, they both knew how to cheat at cards and it was time to use it. So Jake dealt and sure enough Anna lost.

“I told you,” Jake said with a smile.

“I’m a woman of my word,” replied Anna and stood up pulling her pink pajama shorts down. Her bright pink thong hugged her round hips beautifully and unlike the rest of her friends, she turned around modelling her underwear for everyone to see. She sat back down with her knees apart and Jake could see a small dark spot where her thong covered her pussy. Jake’s cock got even harder, and twitched a little. It was Peter’s turn to deal and he made Anna lose again.

“You guys are cheating!” exclaimed Anna.

“You wound me madam,” replied Peter with a fake British accent. “It is not me, but Karma that dealt you those hands.”

“I can’t prove it but at least you won’t be dealing again for a few rounds.” Anna stood up and pulled her pajama top off. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and her perfectly round C cups were on display for all to see. Her dark brown nipples were proudly sticking out surrounded but quarter sized areolas of the same color that contrasted beautifully with her olive skin. Jake’s cock jumped again at the sight, and beside him Peter shifted too, trying to get more comfortable. An hour ago, Jake wished to have seen Anna's tits and here they were for him to stare at with nothing to cover them.

Eric dealt the next hand and he himself lost with a pair of 3s. He sighed and stood up with all eyes on him. He hooked his thumbs on the sides of his bikini and pulled down quickly, keeping his legs straight so that his body blocked the view of his cock. But as he stepped out of the small bikini he straightened up and let everyone see him completely naked. He was clean shaven all over, without a single hair below his eyebrows. After it was freed from its prison, Eric’s cock was growing rapidly for all to see. It’s already at 8in and still growing, thought Jake staring. It was the largest he had ever seen, cut and with a nice round head with a protruding edge. It grew to its full size, bending slightly to the left as they all stared.

“Guess I’m out then,” said Eric, breaking the spell.

“Not if you don’t want to,” Anna replied, her eyes still fixed on Eric’s throbbing cock.

“But I’m all out of clothes.”

“Let’s add another rule then. Rule 4: when you are out of clothes you can bet actions. You can continue to play if you promise to do something in front of everyone else, and we all agree it’s a fair exchange for someone’s clothes. Nothing involving others, strictly solo. And just to make it interesting, rule 5: no one can promise the same action someone else has already promised. Agreed?”

They all nodded.

“So what do you promise to do if you lose again?” asked Peter.

Eric thought about it for a second and said: “I’ll put the head of my dick in my own mouth.” Everyone’s mouths dropped.

“You can self suck?” Asked Jake.

“Not all the way down, but I can put the head in. You’ll have to make me lose again if you want to see though.”

“New objective acquired,” said Sophie.

“Very bold choice,” said Anna, “anyone think it’s not enough?” Everyone shook their heads, so Eric sat back down on the floor with his large cock standing proudly in front of his toned abs.

Sophie lost the next hand and removed her shirt in front of five pairs of staring eyes. In a swift motion she released her B cups. They were very similar to her cousin’s just scaled down, small dark areolas with nipples hard enough to cut glass. Jake had dreamed of seeing those tits for years and he felt like he was in heaven. As Sophie sat back down Jake felt an incredible urge to stroke his manhood, but resisted. Masturbating just before dinner had been the perfect choice.

Sophie dealt next and Jake lost with a pair of jacks. He stood up trying to ignore the two pairs of tits and very hard cock in front of him. He pulled down on the sides of his boxers just to put the waist band below his cock and let the underwear slide down his legs. The vein at the top of his cock was pulsating and he felt a rush of blood pump in to make his head plump and shiny. It wasn’t as big as Eric’s but he still felt proud of it.

“I promise to masturbate for half a minute in front of you all if I lose next,” he said.

“Make it a full minute and we have a deal,” said Anna.

“Deal,” he agreed.

Anna dealt and Peter lost. Without a word he faced away from the group, lowering his briefs without bending his knees so everyone could see his ass and balls. He straightened up, threw his underwear on the pile and turned around. His dick was the smallest of the three, but still a decent size and definitely thick. The surprises were that he was uncut, with a long foreskin that still covered his cock head even when fully erect, and that he sported a full bush. His hard dick was bobbing up and down with a hypnotic rhythm that kept everyone staring.

“Since I seem to be the only one with natural hair down there. I promise I will shave my pubes if I lose again.”

“Deal,” Anna said and the group agreed.

It was Jake’s turn to deal again and he managed to make Anna and May lose in the same hand.

“I still think you are cheating,” said Anna standing up. As with the first time, she did more than just remove her thong. First she did a little dance, ending with her looking away from the rest of the group. She pulled her thong all the way down and then raised her ass giving them all a peek at her glistening pussy and puckered asshole. She then turned showing everyone the moist spot where her pussy had been before spinning the thing in the air and throwing it backwards. She then sat back down with her knees apart not caring who was able to see her neatly trimmed pubes or her large labia. Jake’s cock gave another jump at the gorgeous sight of Anna’s nakedness.

“What’s your bid?” Eric asked.

“If I lose again, I’ll cum for all of you to see, but it won’t happen,” she replied confidently. No one objected to that offer.

“I guess that makes it my turn,” said May. She made no show of it, but just stood up, reached behind her back and unhooked her bra. She slid her arms through the straps while holding it in place and then tucked her left arm underneath it covering her nipples while the right hand tossed the bra behind. Her arm was indeed covering the nipples, but her large breasts were impossible to hide with just her left hand. They were very round and despite their size they were very perky. She had a mole on her left boob that had just moments ago had been covered by her bra.

The mood in the room had shifted from when they had started playing. The three guys and Anna were now fully naked and Sophie and May were only wearing panties. There were lots of deep breaths, twitching dicks and hard nipples.

Peter dealt next, ensuring Sophie lost. She stood quickly, with her B-cups bouncing and without any ceremony, she pushed her see through panties down and let them fall to the ground, exposing her very dark and perfectly kept landing strip. She stepped out of the panties and instead of picking them up normally, she caught them with one of her toes and raised her leg just enough for her hand to reach them and toss them on her pile. Her leg movement was allowed Jake to see she had an innie, with inner lips hidden by the outer folds. His dick twitched twice and threatened to burst apart from all the blood flowing into it. Sophie’s gymnast body, all tight and perky, was even more attractive in real life than in any of Jake’s fantasies.

“I offer to lay spread eagle in the center of the group and open up my pussy for you all to see the insides. Just for one minute.” They all nodded approval.

Jake tried his best, but still lost the next hand.

“One minute,” he said and dug through his pile of clothes to find his phone and set up a timer.

“Yeah, but lay back and let us watch,” said Anna.

He did as he was told and lay on his back with his knees spread apart and his already throbbing cock fully on display. He started the timer and grabbed his shaft with his right hand and started pumping. He was moving his hand up and down the shaft in a steady rhythm, not going too slow or too fast and avoiding the head. Yet with each upward motion the head got redder and shinier. His left hand went to massage his balls, as Jake was starting to get into it. He looked around and saw 5 eager faces staring right at his cock, the sight made his pelvic muscles contract and his dick twitch. He realized he liked being watched, it turned him on like nothing he had tried before.

A drop of pre-cum leaked out when he realized May had leaned forward to get a closer look and was no longer covering her breasts. She had very large nipples that stood up from light pink areolas so large that it had taken all of May’s hand to cover them up. The sight nearly drove Jake over the edge, but right then the timer beeped announcing the minute was over. He reluctantly let go of his cock which twitched twice begging for release but getting none. Jake debated cleaning up the drop of pre-cum but decided to just leave it there.

He sat back up breathing heavily. For the second time during the game, he was glad he had cum in the shower. Cumming in under a minute was not a good look, even if he was very turned on by all the naked bodies around.

“Hot,” whispered May to herself not realizing she had said it loud enough for all to hear. She sat back down in her spot but did not bother covering her nipples again or carefully crossing her legs to hide her blue and grey cotton panties.

“Sure,” said Anna,” so are you done with the game?” She asked, looking at Jake.

“Not until I’ve seen you cum,” he replied. “Just give me a second to think about what I can bet.”

“No free show, you have to offer something or ya gone. And no repeats, that would be like taking off the same shirt twice.”

“Ok how about I edge twice,” replied Jake not knowing if he would actually manage to do it.

“Three times,” replied Anna.

“Twice is enough,” Jake held firm.

“Nope, that’s almost the same thing you just did. Everyone with me?”

“What’s edging?” May asked, getting red again.

“It’s your bet, you explain it,” Anna said to Jake.

“If I lose, I will jack off again and get as close to cumming as possible without actually doing it. I’ll let go for a few seconds to calm down and then start back up again.”

“And he’ll do that twice, if he wants to keep playing,” finished Anna.

“Yes, twice,” declared May, ending the discussion.

“Fine, just deal the cards.”

May dealt and through some terrible choices lost the hand.

She stood up without attempting to cover anything anymore. She slowly pulled down her blue and grey cotton panties. They came down with no effort, but they stuck to the point where they made contact with her pussy, refusing to let go until May’s hands were beside her knees. She took the panties off and stood up, and to everyone’s surprise the shy girl was completely shaved. She sat back down, and didn’t bother trying to cover anything anymore. No arms covering her breasts and no knees together to hide her crotch. She had a swollen clit that poked out of her slit and two bright pink folds hung outside her outer labia.The sight was intoxicating to Jake who was still very turned on from his minute of masturbation.

“Are you going to keep playing?” Asked Peter.

“Oh yeah,” replied May, “My bet is that I will play with my boobs for a minute. During that time I will lick and suck on my own nipples.” Everyone thought that was good enough, so Sophie dealt.

It was a close game between May and Eric, but ultimately Eric lost. With so much going on, some of the novelty of Eric’s giant dick had worn off. But as soon as he opened his cards all eyes shifted back to his solid 9inches and the bobbing head at the tip.

Eric smiled a nervous smile, scooched his ass forward, and put his left leg against the floor and his right one up. He leaned forward keeping his legs in place and grabbed onto his thigh with his right arm . He pulled his head closer and closer to his throbbing cock. He steadied his dick with his left hand and pulled harder with his right. He was so close now, that he was able to lick his pulsating head. With one final push of his strong neck, Eric reached and put his cock head inside his mouth closing his lips around it.

He sucked on his own cock head making slurping noises and used his tongue to stimulate his own frenulum. He moved his left arm to go around his leg and tensed his powerful biceps and back. That motion pushed his cock another inch further into his own mouth. Erick’s head bobbed up and down for a few seconds. Then, he slowly relaxed his arms, neck and back, letting his cock leave lips with a kiss. A string of spit connected his bulbous head and his tongue for an instant before separating completely. The only sound in the room was heavy breathing.

“Damn,” said Peter, breaking the silence.

“I thought it couldn’t be done,” added Jake.

“I’ve gone further, but only after a lot of warmup,” said Eric, smiling shyly again.

“So are you done or still playing,” asked Anna.

“Still in. I’ll put my legs above my head and masturbate but just before I cum, I’ll put it in my mouth again and cum directly into my tongue.”

Anna didn’t even ask if there was agreement as they all got ready for the next hand. Sophie lost.

“One minute in the timer please,” she said as she laid back at the center of the circle. Her dark nipples were pointing straight up when she added, “Now.” She spread her legs wide, keeping her ankles together and reached down to her crotch to spread her plump outer lips. Her swollen clit peeked from below her hood and her pink inner lips spread like a butterfly. Her fingers were opening up her vaginal tunnel, where a pool of juices was quickly forming. The minute was up quickly and she closed her legs as soon as the alarm beeped.

“I know that wasn’t as interesting as Eric’s display,” Sophie said, “so next time I’ll put all five fingers from my right hand in my pussy and use them to masturbate for a minute.”

“While playing with your tits,” demanded Anna.

“While playing with my tits,” agreed Sophie and got back to her spot in the circle.

It was Jake’s turn to deal and he wanted to see more from Sophie, so he started dealing her a terrible hand intending to make her lose.

“I lose every time you deal, I’m sure you are cheating,” exclaimed Anna and switched hands with Sophie before anyone could object.

“Suit yourself,” said Jake and finished dealing, and as predicted Anna lost.

“Damnit,” she exclaimed, opening her cards. “Gather ‘round everyone the show is about to start,” added Anna imitating a circus announcer. She laid back and opened her legs as the rest of the group got closer to get a good view.

She grabbed her C-cups and massaged them for a few seconds. She pinched her swollen nipples and her areolas puckered up. Her left hand kept massaging her breasts as her right hand made its way slowly to the main event. It trailed down her olive skin past her flat stomach and her belly button. Her fingers traced the shape of her trimmed triangle of pubes, inching their way closer to her plump slit and her exposed lips.

Her index and middle fingers caressed her slit down and back up. When they passed her clit, Anna gave an involuntary shudder, but continued the motion down then up then down again spreading her juices all around her entrance. After a few seconds, her fingers separated at the top of her slit circling her swollen clit and exposing it for all to see. The beautiful pink knob was hard as a rock.

Anna’s fingers kept moving down, following the contour of her lips until she reached the bottom of her pussy. She then switched to using her middle and ring fingers and put them inside her vagina up to the first knuckle. She let out a deep breath as she pulled them out, completely soaked with her juices.

Her hand was now circling around her labia, pushing and pulling so it was always open. The circles kept getting smaller and smaller until they were just going around her sensitive clit. Anna’s breath was now getting shallower and more ragged and her hand was moving faster and faster.

Suddenly, as if she couldn’t help herself anymore she lowered her hand from her clit to her vaginal opening and plunged her middle and ring fingers up to the second knuckle. They started pumping in and out of her hole, going a little deeper with each thrust. Her juices were flowing freely now, and were dripping down to her very exposed asshole.

Anna was outright moaning, and her smell had filled the room. Jake felt the urge to grab onto his throbbing erection and match Anna’s pace but held back self conscious about what the group would think, but then he looked around. Eric was tracing the head of his giant penis with his right hand. May’s hands were between her legs. Peter had peeled back his foreskin revealing his own pink cock head and had wrapped a fist tightly around his shaft. Sophie was absentmindedly pinching one nipple with one hand and running her nails through her landing strip with the other. Emboldened by the sights, Jake let his left hand grab onto the base of his cock while cupping his ballsack. It wasn’t what he really wanted but it was something.

Anna’s moaning had gotten louder as her fingers pumped in and out of her vagina as fast and hard as she could make them. Her left hand was now squeezing her boob so hard it left a mark. Small drops of sweat made her whole body glisten. She was getting close.

Suddenly her stomach tightened, and her legs pushed out. Her butt rose off the floor as she arched her back. Her hand kept pumping as she let go of her breath with a shrill moan and collapsed back down. Her breasts bounced up and down as her body spasmed in rhythmic waves emanating from her pussy and spreading outwards. Her fingers were still moving in and out of her hole while her thumb went in circles around her clit. Her whole body moved in quick jerky motions as she pulled her fingers out and rode the last of her orgasm moving her hand in small circular motion over her clit.

The only sound in the room was heavy breathing and panting. While Anna laid on the floor recovering her breath, the rest looked around at the spectacle of hard cocks and pointed nipples. Another drop of pre-cum was crowning Jake’s dick and he wiped it off causing an involuntary shiver.

They all went back to their spots on the circle, when Anna sat up and still out of breath said: “I think that’s it for me tonight. I don’t think I can do that again.”

Her words seemed to break some sort of spell, and May quickly added. “That’s a good idea. I think I’m going to bed too.”

“I’m not gonna be the only girl,” said Sophie.

“Well, there’s no point if it’s only the guys,” sentenced Jake. Slowly, like if waking from a dream, each one went to their own pile of discarded clothes and awkwardly got dressed again. They all shuffled to their assigned rooms, said goodnight quickly and turned off the lights.

Jake couldn’t sleep. His mind was replaying the night, remembering everyone’s bodies and the acts they had made. Anna’s pumping hand and arched back were front and center but flashes of Sophie’s spread pussy, May’s beautiful tits and even Eric’s giant cock kept creeping in front of his mind's eye.

He also had blue balls, which was ridiculous considering he had cum in the shower only hours ago. His cock was still hard and it showed no signs of calming down.He had to cum or he wouldn’t be able to sleep. But he had promised to be a gentleman and even if May had already seen him naked and jacking off, he wasn’t about to cum with her in the same room. Maybe after she was sound asleep he’d sneak to the bathroom and get some relief.

“Jake, are you awake?” May asked, interrupting his thoughts.

“Yeah,” he replied, a little annoyed that she hadn’t fallen asleep either.

“Too horny?”

“Well, yeah.”

“Me too,” she said, speaking softly and quickly. “Too much happened to just ignore it and go to sleep. I… hmm… would you… edge for me?”

“What?” He was not annoyed but surprised. This was a very shy girl and one that had immediately jumped at the chance to go stop playing and go to bed.

“I would do my bet too, I mean play with my boobs and suck on them. I’ll even masturbate too, if you want to see. It’s just when you said what it was I really wanted to see it and it would help you sleep too right?” She added in a single breath.

“Well, edging would actually make it harder to sleep unless I came afterward. But if you cum for me I will edge and cum for you too.” Jake couldn’t believe he was saying that. The day had been awesome from the start but if May agreed, it would end even better.

“Really?” She turned on a little lamp that was on the bedside table that separated the two twin beds.

“Really,” he added, looking her straight in the eye.

She responded by removing her pajama top. Jake hadn’t realized she had not put her bra back on, until her D cups were staring at him. They were gorgeous and his eyes fixed on the tiny mole he had seen on her left boob. He sat up and removed his shirt, shorts and boxers. His cock was still as hard as ever and throbbing. It wouldn’t take much for him to cum.

He put a couple of pillows on the side of the bed, where it met the wall so that he could lay back and still look at May’s bed. She stood and removed her fluffy pants and cotton panties and sat with her back to the wall. She propped her head up with a pillow so she could see everything Jake was about to do. The room was small and the beds were close together, so there was barely enough space for them to lean in front of each other without touching.

May looked at Jake’s erection with hungry eyes and raised her feet placing them on the edge of Jake’s bed. One was to the right of Jake’s legs, but the other was in between them, about an inch from Jake’s ballsack. Jake’s cock twitched. May smiled. Her position let Jake see a side of May he hadn’t seen during the game. Her hairless pussy was puffy and pink and her clit peeked from between her labia like he’d seen before, but in this position he saw her entrance and the muscles within. He saw her pink asshole getting slowly lubricated by her spilling juices. His cock twitched again.

“I’m ready,” she said, looking straight at Jake’s swollen head.

He responded by gently caressing his own shaft with his fingers, moving themup and down. She smiled and moved her hands onto her breasts circling the large areolas. Her fingers traced the perimeter at first but closed in on the nipples with each rotation. When they finally reached their targets, she pinched them both at once. She lowered her hands and squeezed her large breasts from below, pushing them up and together.

Jake’s cock bounced as his left hand found its place massaging his balls. He closed his fingers around his shaft and started to pump up and down, slowly and steadily, without reaching his head. He let out a long sigh yearning for release but wanting to prolong the night as much as he could.

May pushed her left tit up toward her face and opened her mouth reaching for the puckered nipple with an eager tongue. She flicked her nipple twice before putting it in her mouth and sucking. At the same time, her right hand made her way down, past her belly button and onto her pink and swollen pussy. She let a muffled moan escape her throat when her fingers made contact with her exposed clit.

That was Jake’s sign to pump faster and to extend his reach to include his red and shiny cock head. A drop of precum appeared at the tip and Jake smeared it around the edge of his head. He was too horny to take it slow, he needed more. He pulled down on his balls with his left hand, stretching the skin as he picked up more speed with his right. His breathing was getting heavy and he felt pressure in his balls telling him he’d get there soon.

May’s eyes were glued to Jake’s dick, but her mouth was active, sucking on one nipple then switching to the other with low slurping noises. Her right hand was still rubbing on her clit at a steady rhythm matched by her hips rocking up and down.

“I’m near the edge now,” whispered Jake.

“Show me,” she whispered back.

He was pumping as fast as he could now, his hand a blur around his swollen cock. Suddenly he threw his head back and closed his eyes. He let go of his cock and balls and held on to his thighs. All his muscles were tensed and he held his breath. Holding that edge felt like the hardest thing he had ever done, but he had promised to hold it and he did. His dick jumped one, then twice more and a sting of pre-cum dribbled down from the tip of his cock all the way down his shaft. He began breathing again and some of his muscles relaxed.

“That was so hot,” whispered May. She had never stopped rocking her hips or stroking her clit and her breath was getting shallow.

After a few seconds of staring at her large breasts covered in spit and her juicy pussy, Jake was ready to start again. He wrapped his hand around her shaft once more and matched May's rhythm. It was slower than his usual speed, but he could feel the momentum building with each stroke.

At the sight of his pumping fist, May let go of her tits and lowered her left hand too. She reached around her leg to her outer labia and pulled them to the side. She plunged her middle finger to explore the inside of her vagina. Her back arched a little, all while her right hand kept pace on her clit.

“I’m getting close,” she whispered, “cum with me Jake.”

“I will,” he whispered back.

She pushed a second finger into her soaking vagina and tried to reach deeper, pulling and pushing on the sides of the tunnel. The motion of her right hand was still rhythmic but was now completely focused on her large clit.

“Cum with me NOW!” She said no longer whispering, and arched her back as her orgasm took her. Her right hand became a blur on her clit rubbing as fast as she could. Her left hand grabbed onto her thigh. Her legs jerked up and back down, flailing as she surrendered control to waves of pleasure.

The sight of her orgasm drove Jake to his own climax. Pushing his hips up, he continued to pump his cock as a long stream of white cum shot out and landed on May’s thigh and knee. A second shot landed on Jake’s own leg and a third on his chest. Two smaller shots pooled on his stomach and some more dribbled down his hand and to his balls. He couldn’t remember ever cummming so much before.

While that happened, May’s orgasm was still going. Her head was thrown back as she pushed her butt off the bed only to put it back down, now pushing her chest toward the ceiling as her belly contracted with the pulses of her climax. As it subsided, May stopped rubbing her clit and moved both hands to her tits squeezing one final time.

They both sat in the afterglow staring at each other’s spent body for a little longer.

“Sorry about this,” said Jake reaching for his shirt and using it to wipe May’s leg clean of his cum.

“Don’t be sorry, I loved it,” She replied with a smile. He smiled back as he wiped himself clean.

“Let’s do it again sometime,” he said, laying down on his bed, still naked.

“Definitely,” she replied doing the same. “Good night Jake.”

“Good night May,” he added, turning off the light. And this time he fell asleep right away.


2025-02-25 20:12:30
Very good (or should I say GREAT?) story. Had me hard thru the entire work, Can't wait to get to #2. Thank you

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