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Sam continues with her lessons to prepare her brother Andy for sex with her best friend, Julie, before Julie leaves town.
Andy sat back on the couch. It had been his sister Sam’s idea that as a favor to her he have sex with her best friend Julie before Julie left town. It had been Sam’s idea that Andy hone his skills and that she practise with him before his favor was done. And, sitting with her the Friday a week before his evening with Julie, his practise ‘date’ with Sam was well underway when they both noticed his rigid cock restrained by his jeans.

Turnabout is fair play, he thought.

“If I’m supposed to go all the way with Jules, there’s got to be more to it than kisses, right?”

“Yes, of course. There’s more to it. Touching, caresses, foreplay, even.”

“Well, ok then,” he smiled, as he leaned into yet another kiss with Sam. But this one was different. As their tongues continued their new found explorations, he began to lightly explore her body with his left hand, continuing to hold her in his embrace with his right. First his hand cupped her head, burying his fingers in her thick auburn hair, then slipped down, caressing her neck on its way to her shoulder. He lightly gripped it and then caressed her arm, slipping under it to find her side, feeling its warmth, feeling her breathing. He gently squeezed feeling the warmth of her skin only one thin layer of cloth beneath his fingers, and then drifted down her side, feeling and recording the curve of her side as it descended to her hip. His hands knew as much of the geography of her body as a 16th century mariner knew of the world. But he wanted to make as many discoveries as he could.

Feeling no resistance, his hand drifted again upwards, caressing her side, retracing its path. Was that a quiet moan he heard? Did her breathing somehow speed up? He broke their kiss, buried his face in her hair, and breathed in the lemon scent he found there. All the while his hand had reached around and reached her back. He lifted it to her neck and let his fingers lightly caress it. “God, you’re beautiful, he whispered, really beautiful.” With that and her soft mewing sound in his ear and her warm breath upon it, he lightly traced her spine with his fingers, delighting in its slight bumps, revelling in its curve as she leaned into him.

His hand returned to her side and quickly found that curve that he already loved, leading to her hip. I caressed it lightly, her breath on his neck faster now, hotter. His hand explored her hip, his thump squeezing and measuring it, his hand now slipping behind, quickly cupping and slightly lifting her buttock. Feeling no resistance he gave it a squeeze and was rewarded with a gasp and moan, louder now, from Sam. His hand then quickly moved to her thigh, gliding easily along her leg, luxuriating in the smoothness of it, reaching the hem of her dress and slipping his hand beneath it. “No more fabric between me and her now,” he thought as her breathing became panting. He slipped his hand up, up, up along her thigh until in an electrifying touch his fingers met the edge of her panties. Now her face was buried in his shirt, her panting faster, broken with moans and quiet guttural sounds.

Finally he whispered into her ear “who’s hard now? Who’s hot, really hot?” She didn’t look up, didn’t lift her face from his chest until, finally, her face redder than it had been all evening, her brow a light sheen of perspiration, her eyes glazed, she looked up to him and he suddenly felt, for the very first time, the true power that sex could bring. He felt bad then and, as tenderly as he could bent down to a soft and loving kiss. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that to you. You’re my sister and you’re only trying to help me.”

“I…I…it’s ok,” she said, “it was, ummm, incredible, and I can see why guys get hard. We don’t get hard, you know; we get wet.” There. She’d said it. She’d never been as direct and honest with him in her whole life.

“And are you wet?” he asked.

“Oh yeah. Soaking, in fact. Any wetter and we’d have to call a plumber.”

“I know a bit about plumbing,” he smiled, maybe I can help.”

“You already said it: I’m your sister. You’re my brother. Someone else will have to be my plumber.”

“Can we do just a bit more, maybe a bit more learning?”

“Ok, but we really have to watch it. You know there are lines we can’t cross.”

“Obviously. I know that it - that - is illegal,” making them both blush. He leaned over and began another long, slow, deep kiss, his hand beginning its exploration again. This time, like the ancient mariners, he sought a different route as his hand started again buried deeply in her hair, holding her to his kiss, then drifted quickly down past her shoulder and caressed, once more, her side. Finally, he drew back from her a bit and let his hand enter the space between them, its back brushing lightly against her right breast. He felt her gasp as his touch brushed against her.

“Oh…oh…” were her only words as his hand loitered, his goal becoming more apparent to her. She leaned back the slightest, signalling permission as his fingers first touched, then caressed, then lightly squeezed her breast. “Oh my god, I…oh, fuck…” she gasped, the first time he’d ever heard her utter the word.

“Should I stop?”

“No,” she panted “it’s ok. It feels…amazing, actually,” and suddenly and passionately kissed him, pressing her tongue farther into him than ever. “No one’s ever done that.” And with that his hand became more confident, cupping and fondling first one breast and then the other. Slowly rubbing and caressing them he suddenly realized a change. Her nipples had become so hard, so erect that they stood out through her bra, through her dress.

“So girls can get hard after all, eh?” he smiled. “Now we’re even. And still wet?”

“God, gushing. You’ve really got me going. I think maybe we should end tonight’s lesson, don’t you?”

And with one last kiss and each self consciously rising, each staring at the other’s obvious signs of arousal, the headed to their separate bedrooms.

But their bedrooms adjoined and shared a common wall. As kids they used to shout through the wall to be heard, but now as he lay in his bed Andy could clearly hear Sam’s moans and gasps, the squeaking noise of her bed and knew instinctively what Sam was doing. He listened, awestruck, as the moans and primal sounds grew in volume until he heard “YES…YES…FUUUUCK…” and, straining to hear, he thought he heard “Oh god, Andy…Andy…oh god…”

Within ten minutes of her own orgasm, almost asleep, Sam heard Andy’s responding bed squeaks, a rhythmic quiet thumping, his own “UUNNGGHH, UUNNGGHH, Oh god, Sam, yes, yes”. Smiling, she fell asleep, not hearing the two more episodes that Andy needed before he was able to sleep.


2025-02-20 23:11:39
Chapter 1?

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