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Sam's lessons are complete and Andy is about to have sex with her best friend Julie. As they proceed, Sam imagines their pleasure, the first time for both, and finds her own pleasure.
Friday came and Andy, as had become their habit, picked up Sam at her residence and drove home. He’d made a few meal preparations the evening before and, while he and Sam waited for Julie’s arrival, showered and changed into khakis and a golf shirt. Sam, also showered, wore simple shorts and a summer blouse. For reasons he couldn’t understand and had no time to consider, Andy was relieved that she hadn’t dressed up for the occasion, his memories of her sexy summer dresses of the weekend before clear in his mind.

Both went to the front door as they heard Julie’s car pull up. Thunderstruck would be an exaggeration, but stunned wouldn’t be, as Andy stared at the beautiful young women exiting her car, first one well tanned leg emerging, then the other, Julie rising from her vehicle, grasping her handbag and a second bag with one hand, straightening her dress with sweeping strokes from her other hand. She lightly touched her hair, a wiry autumn red mass held smoothly prisoner by two jeweled clips and a hair tie. She looked up and, seeing them both at the door, gave them a wide, warm, bright smile. “Like a sister, eh? Isn’t that what you said, Andy?” and, glancing over, Andy saw Sam’s unmistakable smirk.

Entering the house Julie was welcomed with a hug from Sam and then a light, mutual, kiss on the cheek from Andy. Nothing in her manner seemed hesitant, shy, or embarrassed. It was as if this were to be the most normal, routine, dinner date ever. Taking the clue, Andy forced himself to think in the same terms as they walked to the living room, Andy accepting Julie’s gift of wine. He fussed about opening it, poured glasses for all, and announced that he would attend to dinner as the women chatted.

Back in the kitchen, grateful for the distraction of cooking, Andy wondered to himself “what’s happened to Julie? Where did that semi-sister go? What happened to that honorary fifth member of the family, so often in their home that she was almost invisible to him?” And he felt the past week’s growing enthusiasm for the evening’s plan had not been amiss. As he carried the drinks into the living room he stole a glance at her figure; fuller than his sisters, curvier, more…voluptuous somehow.

Dinner and Andy’s cooking were the subject of considerable praise from the two young women who showed the truth in their praise by accepting seconds of Andy’s spaghetti bolognese, his made-from-scratch Caesar salad and crunchy garlic bread. “Pretty sure there won’t be any vampires here tonight,” laughed Julie at the heady garlic aroma that filled the room.

“Not of the undead kind, anyway,” replied Sam to an even more uproarious laugh from Julie followed by both women erupting again as they saw Andy’s blush rising. A simple ice cream dessert followed and they finally repaired to the living room, Sam seizing the easy chair so that her brother and her best friend were obliged to take the couch and smiled as Julie, taking the hint, sat close to Andy. Andy felt at ease after his dinner of one of his favourite comfort foods and, now schooled by Sam’s lessons, casually placed his arm around Julie’s shoulders as she leaned against him. She tilted her head up, Andy noticing that she was slightly shorter than Sam, and accepted his soft kiss.

“Garlic”, she whispered, and all broke into laughter, instantly releasing all the tension that had been building in the room. After a tactful pause Sam explained how she had made preparations in the family rec room in the basement. It had a second TV and was often used to defuse arguments over “what to watch” on the den TV. But its greatest asset for the evening, explained Sam, was its fold-out couch, often used to accommodate overnight guests. She’d prepared it with sheets and blankets and all they had to do, she said, was unfold it. She had placed a chilled bottle of wine nearby with glasses and had also left the…ummm…accessories as well.

At this the two women glanced first at each other and then at Andy’s momentary confusion, and burst into laughter once more at his “Ohhhh, I get it” and joined in the laugh.

Andy rose, always the gentleman, and, to Sam’s quiet delight, reached out and took Julie’s hand as she rose from the couch. He took her into an embrace and kissed her a second time. Julie might as well have not been there as Andy and Julie’s gaze locked. Finally he turned and led her down the stairs. Sam remained behind, sighed, thought of how well she had prepared - she hoped - Andy for this and, hearing him and Julie entering the room downstairs, pulled herself from her chair, went to the kitchen, and refilled her wine glass. “This should take some time” she thought, and began an objective, almost scientific consideration, her thought experiment as to how long it would take for Andy and Julie to begin the evening’s real exercise. She guessed 30 to 40 minutes. Twenty minutes for prefatory kisses, the beginnings of caresses and explorations, 10 more minutes for intense making out, perhaps some “manual manipulation” as she clinically called it, and then…in the sack. She glanced at her watch, placed her headphones on, and began listening to music, trying to ignore the tingling she herself was feeling between her legs.

Sam had even thought of lighting and Andy went immediately to the small table lamp near the couch, turned it on and changed the pitch dark room to a dimly lit one, one where touch, sound, and imagination would supplement their reduced vision. “TV? Movie?” Andy asked quietly, certain that Julie’s breathing had quickened, certain that, even in the dim light, her eyes had taken on a shine that hadn’t been there upstairs.

“Sure…ok,” she replied in a shaky voice. And with that Andy turned the TV on, the volume so low they couldn’t discern the dialogue, and, seeing Julie still hesitantly standing, took her hand, led her to the couch, sat down, and gently pulled her down beside him. He said a silent prayer of thanks to Sam for her lessons, for showing him a path he would never have known. Even at that moment Andy knew that all women would be different, have different wants and needs, but he now knew enough thanks to Sam that he could learn those needs and wants himself.

And so he began, slowly and carefully, as if he was facing a faun, easily frightened. He sat back for a second to give Julie time to relax and then leaned over as he had many times with Sam and kissed her lightly on her lips. A very slight response from Julie. For her part she could hardly believe this was happening. The guy she’d crushed for six or seven years, the guy who hardly saw her when she was with his sister, the guy who treated her like another sister…was kissing her, something she’d wanted for years. And with that she suddenly kissed him back, pressing her body quickly to him, rejoicing as his next kiss pressed harder, became more greedy, his tongue refusing to wait, pressing between her lips. Her body shook with a slight tremor as the tips of their tongues touched for the first time and then began their dance of discovery.

Faster, much faster than he had with Sam, Andy began to explore Julie’s body and it was as if his brain now opened a second file of women’s bodies; this one labeled “Julie”, the first one “Sam”. His hands, given full license by Julie, quickly recorded her curves, more pronounced than Sam’s, her thighs (to Julie’s gasps) slightly fuller than Sam’s slender ones, and, 20 minutes after their start, the fullness of her breasts (larger, firmer, his brain categorized and recorded) and at this Andy and Julie were spot on Sam’s predicted timing. As Andy cupped, fondled, lightly squeezed Julie’s breasts her breathing now became panting, her moans (like Sam’s, he thought, but somehow deeper) coming more and more frequently.

They continued with Sam’s timing as Andy felt Julie shift and press her leg over his, her hem rising with the effort. Taking the movement as his invitation, his hand with new authority descended down her side, once again feeling her curvier-than-Sam body, lightly rested on her thigh, and began lightly caressing it. More moans and gasps from Julie rewarded him. He shifted a bit and placed his hand between her thighs now, suddenly electrified by the heat he felt there and as his hand began its upward journey it was Julie’s turn to shift, moving her thighs slightly apart, giving Andy’s hand greater freedom, until it reached his goal.

Andy remembered the instant when that same hand had met the edge of Sam’s panties. He remembered the great inrush of her gasp, the sudden spasm that struck her body, so he wasn’t surprised when, as his finger first touched Julie’s mound, that her body also shook, but in a more sustained tremor as her embrace was suddenly much stronger, as her body stiffened, as her moan was suddenly much louder, as her words finally escaped: “YES, yes, oh my god, yessss” as Andy’s fingers moved slightly, his “Julie” brain file recording data faster than it ever had, the heat, the softness, the moisture he his fingertips could feel through the thin fabric of her panties (“one layer of fabric” came an errant thought to his mind.)

His fingers realigned themselves as he now cupped her vulva, both lost now beyond words, soft muttering from each, gently squeezing and fondling from him, sudden, almost uncontrolled thrusting of her hips from her. And as he continued to press, to fondle, to discover the miracle of her opening beneath the cloth, to trace it up and down, feeling the moister lightly soaking through, they each began louder and louder groans and moans.

Upstairs Sam checked her watch; “30 minutes,” she thought, “I wonder how accurate my timing is,” and, overcome with curiosity, feeling her own tingling which had quickly become a roaring need, despite her attempt at musical distraction, she crept down the stairs, stealthy, and quietly drew an old kitchen chair near to the door. Hearing muted, muffled sounds from the room she guessed at Julie and Andy’s total distraction, so she opened the door as quietly and slowly as a burglar. Now the sounds were much clearer, now her roaring need rising with those same sounds. Unthinkingly her hand crept to her crotch and pressed against herself and even through two layers of fabric she felt her instant, erotic response. She was suddenly aware that the sounds had stopped, that a few quiet words were being exchanged, that two bodies in the other room were shifting on the couch, rising, moving…and then the unmistakable sound of the couch being pulled out into its other configuration - a bed. More muttering, the soft, wet sound she knew, from her lessons with Andy, was a deep kiss.

There followed in quick succession the quiet unzipping of a dress, the thin sound of fabric sliding on skin, the clinking sound of Andy’s belt on the floor, muffled slightly by the plumping sound of more clothes falling. Finally there were no more sounds until she heard “my god, you’re beautiful.” That was Andy.

“Andy, I can’t believe I’m seeing you like this, that I’m here with you, that…” the sentence silenced by what Sam knew was another kiss.

As Andy and Julie stood by the bed, deep in their kiss, bodies pressed against each other, for the first time he felt the pressure of her naked breasts against his chest, even recording (that brain file again) the hardness of her nipples while she felt the hardness of his rigid erection pressing against her navel. At this her body so shook that her knees almost failed her and Andy had to tighten his embrace to support her. Breaking their kiss, she asked “where…”

Andy, glancing about, now saw the dim silvery reflection of the condom packages that Sam had strategically placed. His cock grew even harder, blood rushing to it, as his mind played out the images of his sister arranging each condom for him. He took one, dangled it before Julie, his look asking her…”you or me?” Wordlessly, a shy smile playing across her face, Julie gingerly took it from him, spent a moment looking at it, her fingertips gliding over its ribbed circle, then decisively tore it open, tossed the wrapping aside, and carefully held by her fingertips while both looked at, while both absorbed the profundity of what its portent. And then, looking up at each other, they burst into laughter. Gliding on their amusement, Julie quickly knelt before Andy and gasped quietly as the full size, the full power of his erection confronted her from mere inches away. Instinctively she leaned in, gave his glans a light kiss, lightly caressed his rigid cock, her fingers lightly squeezing, thrilling to its hardness, its rigidity. Then she rolled it down the entire length of his cock as his hands rose slightly, cradling her head as she did so, fingers burying themselves in her wiry hair, pulling the clips and tie out, feeling the explosion as her hair exploded into its natural, unrestrained bush.

They fell to the bed, fell to kissing deeply, tongues at times dancing, at times aggressively exploring the other, hands now far more aggressive, demanding, needing, but all the while minds becoming more and more clear of all thoughts, their minds now commanded totally by their limbic brain. Sam, on the other hand, felt a maelstrom of thoughts, enough for all three. Even as her eyes could dimly see their bodies moving on the bed, as her ears could hear their shifting, their gasps, their muttered pleas, her mind thought “what have I done? Have I released something we can’t control? And what is she feeling right now? What is she going to feel? How will she feel, how will she react when…when…he finally enters her? And what am I feeling? Why is this so hot? Why am I so turned on?” Her eyes straining, her ears listening carefully, her mind a hurricane of thoughts, her hands had their own agenda, their own goal as they released the button on her shorts, as they lowered the zipper, as they slipped across her mound accompanied by her own quiet moan. Something in her mind, a small vestige of rational thought and control, told her to be as silent as her body allowed.

Julie laid back, luxuriating in Andy’s caresses, his hands gliding across her body with greater and greater assurance; caressing her side, reaching behind to dance up and down her back (his “Julie” brain file recording her back as slightly wider, very slightly more muscular than Sam’s as his traveling hands fed the voracious brain files). He reveled in how totally alive every one of his senses was; the touch of her warm body and the moistness between her thighs, the dim sight in the dark of her rising breasts, the darker aureolas surrounding her erect nipples, the sound of her gasps and moans, her occasional muttered “Andy…oh, god, I…uuunnnhhh”, the delicate strawberry scent of her shampoo, and the taste of her kiss, her tongue.

Ahhh, he thought, the taste, as he was suddenly gripped with an overwhelming need to taste all of her. He began by burying his face in the forest of her hair, slipped down to kiss and taste her neck, on to the hollow beneath her chin, and then dallied…for the first time…with each breast. As his lips closed around her right breast he was met with her greatest gasp so far, a quick arching of her body beside him, a reflexive grasping of his head in her hands, all continuing as he moved to her left breast and gave it all the tender worship he had with her right. Gasps were followed by deep and protracted moans as her body continued to shake.

His lips and tongue continued their journey, their goal becoming more and more obvious to Julie as he reached her navel, kissed it tenderly, tasted it, inhaled its delicate soapy scent, and then buried himself in the fur of her mons. Breathing its musk in deeply, feeling the instant hardening of his cock with its scent, he descended further so that she instinctively spread her thighs, giving him greater access. But instead of taking his goal, he kissed each thigh, back and forth, repeatedly, until, her body shaking uncontrollably, he lifted his lips to his goal and began kissing her opening, his tongue quickly finding its entrance, gliding up and down tasting for the fist time in his life the sweet tartness of her juices. Her hands had locked on his head, her knees were drawn up so that her feet were now flat on each side of him, her thighs offering him a soft, warm valley. As her fingers buried themselves in his hair, as her fingers pressed him to her opening, his tongue became more aggressive, more proprietary, like an explorer claiming a new territory. He licked and probed and as his tongue glided upwards and found her clit her entire body shook with an uncontrollable spasm. “Ahhhh, my god, Andy, yeeesss, right there, I…uuunnnhhh.” She couldn’t see, couldn’t feel Andy’s smile as he felt again the power he had first felt the week before with Sam, the sheer and primal power that comes with giving sexual pleasure. As Julie’s body rocked beneath his probing tongue the last thing on his mind was his own need.

Julie listened to all of this, knew Andy and Julie were following her timing precisely. She leaned her head back, spread her legs out before herself in the chair, and slipped her right hand beneath the band of her panties, her body spasming as she cupped herself and then began probing with her finger, sliding easily up and down her opening, spreading her labia slightly to allow another finger access. As the sounds and gasps grew in the next room her fingers became more and more insistent until they finally found her clitoris and began first circling it, then tenderly rubbing it. As Julie’s moans and groans turned to cries, as the sound of her body bouncing on the bed with the pleasure building under Andy’s probing tongue, as she finally gasped loudly “Andy…Jesus, Andy, I’m…I’m…cuummmming,” and hearing the bed springs announcing her body’s response to her wracking pleasure, hearing bodies shifting rapidly, dimly seeing Andy rise from his task, place himself above Julie, supported by one forearm and watching his other hand reach down to guide his cock and hearing Julie’s gasp as he began to enter her, Sam’s body, her entire body, erupted in the strongest orgasm she had ever felt.

As wave after wave of pleasure rolled through her, as her body squirmed on the chair, as she heard its scraping sound on the floor as her climaxing body reflexively pushed it back, as all fear of Andy and Julie hearing her was banished by their mingled, growing groans, Sam realized that she had never had an orgasm like this, that even though every orgasm she had ever experienced was her own gift to herself, this was on another plane. This was something she had never anticipated, never expected, never hoped for.

As Sam felt her seemingly endless orgasmic waves slowly receding Andy held himself above Julie, her eyes first closed at the shocking pleasure of his cock’s head first entering her. Her eyes flew open, locking on his, as he began to slowly enter her. “Go slow,” she managed, “please be gentle.”

“I know, don’t worry,” he smiled and as an afterthought he whispered “just tell me what to do, Julie, just tell me,” and rested, not moving.

“Ok, a little more,” she said, and Andy obediently complied, some remote part of his brain marveling at his control, how he didn’t reply to his deep and feral need to bury his cock in her as quickly and deeply as he could. He pressed further, another inch, smiling at her gasps, loving her hands gripping his back, awash once again in that power that Sam had first introduced him to. A pause as her breathing returned and then another inch, another gasp.

All the while he was amazed at how wet she was, how easily his shrouded cock moved in her and even through the thin latex he could feel her heat, the tight hold with which her vaginal muscles reflexively gripped his rigid cock. Another inch, another gasp, and he judged he was half way into Julie and wondered how long he could restrain himself.

“Jesus, that’s amazing,” breathed Julie in his ear, “keep it up…more, please, more…” and with that he increased his pressure, feeling the force of his cock, the power of his sex, as he thrust as gently as he could another two inches into her. With that her body began to shake as it felt his growing length, as her muscles tightened around him, bathing his cock in her hot juices. After a few seconds and without any further guidance from Julie Andy made one last thrust and pushed his cock for its full length into her. “Ahhh…god…that’s…that’s…sooo good,” she whispered almost to herself. And then as he began to withdraw her moan followed with “no, Andy, no…” but stopped as he pushed his full length back into her, his first…no, her first full and easy thrust of his…anyone’s…cock. Even outside the room, even in the throes of her own orgasm, Sam could hear Julie’s louder and louder “Yes, god, Andy, yes, that’s it…please…keep it up.”

And keep it up he did, happily, as he began the slow and deep strokes that he knew Julie’s virginal pussy needed. He was content to let her guide him, speeding up slightly as she quietly directed him in between her gasps and growing expletives; growing in volume, growing in rich vulgarity as their sexual passion overcame them. “Fuuuck, Andy, yes, oh god, just fuck me.” Taking that as a sign Andy, feeling his own pleasure rising, began thrusting faster, harder, deeper as Julie’s body unconsciously assumed his rhythm, her hips rising to meet each thrust until suddenly her body froze, her hips lifting them both, her feet pressing down into the bed, as her orgasm struck her with an intensity that she never saw coming. Her legs collapsed, dropping them both to the bed and then wrapped themselves instinctively around him, locking him in her embrace. Andy had paused his thrusts as her orgasm struck and then quickly resumed, hearing his own grunts with each thrust echoed by Julie’s “uuunnhh, uuunnhh” a perfect sonic accompaniment to his thrusts.

Sam had warned Andy that he would probably be quick “the first time” as she put it, but both he and she, dimly aware through her own orgasm’s waves, of their progress, was also surprised that clearly Julie and cum first. But now she could hear Andy, could measure the quickening thrusts by the music of the bed springs, and fascinated and incredibly turned on, heard him give one final, loud grunt as he thrust deep into her and heard distinctly his “I’m cumming, Julie, I’m…Aarrggh” and heard the suddenly collapse onto the bed, springs now muted as their bodies slowly shifted in their languorous way.

“Two very happy customers,” she smiled to herself and then amended her thought to “no, three happy ones.” And she knew that she had just witnessed the hottest, the sexiest thing she’d ever experienced. Feeling her brother and her best friend were now entitled their privacy and knowing her own body could not take any more pleasure, Sam quietly left her post and climbed the stairs, stationing herself back in, first, the living room and then needing distraction, in front of the den’s TV. As she surrendered her attention to the movie she felt her errant thought of “…could we? Could Drew and I…? No…we can’t, we talked about it. I

Sitting before the TV, watching one of her favorite old movies, Sam couldn’t hear the renewal of activities downstairs. After 20 minutes’ soft touches, gentle kisses, and quiet mutterings, and after Julie’s ceremonial - for the first time in either’s life - removal of the now full condom from Andy’s relaxed member and her dainty placing it on the table by the lamp, Andy felt two things growing. First and most obviously his cock began responding to Julie’s gentle and tactile entreaties, her soft cupping of his balls, her soft stroking, eliciting more and more groans from Andy. And then there was something else, something totally unanticipated by him and, he realized, probably by Sam as well. He began to feel a wave of affection for Julie washing over him. He felt closer and closer to her, more and prepared to open himself to her, more aware of his desperate need to please her, to pleasure her. He thanked the darkness as he felt his blush rising as he began to think of her body as almost something sacred and thought, as the cuddled quietly, as she stroked him gently, “and some guys just want to fuck,” his first and arresting awareness of the difference between lovemaking and fucking.

Their restorative 20 minutes passed, their rest having fulfilled its purpose, Andy ended a kiss with “you have options now, Jules” whispered into her ear.

“And what would those be?” she laughed quietly.

“You’re in charge: rinse and repeat i.e. like we just did? Or maybe change it up; want to be on control? Want to be on top?” None of this had been in Sam’s lessons, but Andy had seen enough porn to know.

“I’ll take door number 1, she smiled; if it’s anything as good as the last one, then repeat. Absolutely,” and those were the last words as Andy reached over to the table, found the second small envelope, tore it open and rolled the condom onto is cock, now, thanks to Julie’s ministrations, standing at the ready. That done, he lay with her again and, between kisses, shifted above her, reached between them, found his cock, and began to gently pass it up and down her opening, coating it with her slickness, smiling at her gasp as it rubbed against her clitoris. “Now,” she whispered, “now, dammit. Don’t make me wait, Andy,” and with that and with one slow thrust he entered her body for the second time that evening, immediately beginning his slow rhythmic trust and withdrawal, thrust and withdrawal.

Their virginities exchanged, neither could claim expertise in lovemaking, but each had already learned enough that their second session was already different. Julie felt the pleasure with each of Andy’’s thrusts just as much, but now, anticipating the pleasure, was able to more quietly take him, gasps and moans replaced with whispers of encouragement, quiet encouragement, subtle expressions of the progress of her mounting pleasure. “Yessss,” she quietly hissed, unable to restrain herself, “perfect, Andy, perfect…don’t stop.” And Andy, this time, found his orgasm approaching more quickly so that he paused briefly, smiling at her quiet whine of “nooo, don’t stop”. His control returned, he began his thrusts again, she repeated her encouragement to him until, suddenly, he felt his orgasm crossing the line.

“Oh god, I’m cumming,” he gasped, “I’m cumming, I’m sorry, I…” and reaching beneath her, grasping her shoulders to hold her against his sudden and deep thrusts, he let his climax roll over her, felt himself shoot jet after jet of his seed into the condom, so much so that the image of a burst condom flashed through his mind.

Feeling his cock spasming deep within her, marveling at its seemingly unending rhythmic pulses, she felt her orgasm approaching, as one sees the fury of a hurricane rapidly approaching. For his part Andy realized he was still hard, so after pausing for long seconds as his jets of cum entered Julie, resumed his thrusts into her with renewed vigor, pushing the hurricane closer and closer to her until suddenly she was engulfed by it, swept away in the overwhelming storm of her indescribable pleasure, her body shaking and wracked as the storm would bend and batter a palm tree. Their orgasms coming so close together they were almost synchronized together, each pressed their body against the other as hard as they could, each of their bodies reached for the most contact possible with the other, arms wrapped around each other, her legs once again wrapped and pressing, holding him inside of her as her body continued to buck with her orgasmic storm.

Another finish. Another quick removal of another full condom. Another falling back onto the bed in each other’s arms, and another exhausted rest in which each had only the energy to kiss slowly, caress lightly, and speak softly of the pleasure they had felt, their tones hinting to each other the gratitude they felt for the other’s gift.

An hour and a half had passed and Sam’s movie had finished. She crept once more downstairs to her post, wondering at the situation between her best friend and her brother. Had they finished? Had they retreated into sleep? She was just in time to hear the stirrings of their new beginning, Andy’s repeated invitation to Julie to choose their position, her shy laugh as she agreed to swap positions and to assume control. The last condom was deployed. Hesitant at first, never having experienced anything like it, she knelt astride Andy, stroking his penis with new expertise and confidence, when she was seized with a sudden impulse and shifted slightly to the bottom of the bed and before Andy understood her intent, leaned over and took his glans into her mouth. Sam heard Andy’s unmistakable gasp and “Julie, my god, what are…” and then his groan. As Julie pressed her mouth down, her lips mapping the veined contours of Andy’s cock, withdrawing slightly, then pressing down again, Sam was shocked to realize her best friend was giving her brother his first blow job, the slurping and smacking sounds, new and unprecedented for her, unmistakable and undeniable.

But having informed herself for the first time of what a man’s cock felt like in her mouth, Julie smiled broadly to Andy, climbed back to her original position, pressed her palms to his chest to support herself, and slowly lowered herself, impaling herself on his cock, taking him in gradually; one inch and back, two inches and back, three…four, much as he did their first time, until, their eyes locked in their gaze, she took a deep breath and pressed herself down his full length, gasping as they bottomed out against each other. She collapsed on to him, raised herself for a brief kiss, and then pushed herself upright again and began sliding up and down his rock hard cock.

Having control, choosing their rhythm, Julie was more turned on than she’d ever been, rocking up and down, occasionally leaning down onto Andy, feeling the difference in his thrusts as she did, her brain recording all of the sensations as best it could. When she raised herself to her upright rocking motion Andy reached out and began fondling her breasts, squeezing her hard nipples lightly, feeling her body shake each time he did it. He craned his neck up and Julie understood his goal and leaned over him enough that he could take each nipple in turn between his lips and suck lightly. That was all it took. Julie began to shake, her orgasm roaring through her yet again. At this, her rocking paused, Andy gripped her as he rolled them over, as she laughed out loud in the midst of her climax, as he began thrusting into her again from above, as a second orgasm shot through her, as his entire body seemed to seize and finally as his cock resumed its now familiar pulsing, his ropes of cum stopped only by the condom.

Finally sated, all energy used up and Andy feeling feeling fully drained of his seed, he and Julie lay in a calm embrace, each occasionally kissing the other softly, listening to the other’s breathing, feeling the other’s heartbeat. Finally Andy whispered “shame Sam only left three of them, no?”, greeted by a quiet laugh and a faux blow to his chest from Julie.

“I’m worn out, Andy. I don’t know about you but I’m new at this. Any more and I doubt I could walk tomorrow morning.”

One last kiss and they fell into sleep together.


2025-02-20 23:13:05
Chapter 1?

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