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Her best friend now gone, Sam and her brother begin to consider each other and the possibilities. They begin to pleasure each other for the first time, realizing they have an important decision to make
Andy’s choice and production of dinner scored a winner with Sam; toasted tofu with a mixture of roasted vegetables, brown rice, greens, and a tahini dressing. “Fantastic,” she said, “exactly what I wanted and didn’t even know it,” digging in hungrily. Glancing up and noticing Andy toying with his bowl, she asked “everything ok?”

“Huh? Oh, sure, yeah; just thinking about exams this week; end of term, you know,” and then, as casually as he could manage it, “are you up for a movie tonight?”

“Sure; any suggestions?”

“I was thinking maybe Lone Star; have you seen it? It’s about a sheriff and his small town in Texas, right on the border.”

“Ok, if you think it’s worth watching.”

“It’s a bit old now, but it got good reviews.”

“Ok, fine. Maybe some popcorn? Soda?”

“Sounds good,” and with that Andy rose and busied himself with clearing the table and placing the dishes in the dishwasher.

Later, popcorn and soda in hand, they wandered to the den and Sam set the snacks on the table as Andy cued up the movie. He took his seat on the other end of the couch from Sam. Smiling, she teased him “are we done with dates? No more date movies?”

Andy laughed, “I couldn’t even tell you the names of last week’s movies, but ok…if you insist,” and quickly slid over to sit next to her. The movie began and very soon both were engrossed in it, hardly noticing the diminishing supply of popcorn. Occasionally Andy would lean in for a quick kiss. Each time Sam laughed and reminded him that their lessons were done and that he had apparently understood and applied a lot more than she had taught. And each time he joined in her laugh, relaxing more and more.

But as the movie ended, and as Andy realized that the moment of truth approached, a start, he thought, to a discussion he felt he had to have with his sister, a conversation that would answer the most compelling question he had and that would map their future, he felt his body seem to contract, seem to chill despite the early summer warmth of the evening. “I’m cold,” he said to Sam and welcomed her responding hug. Leaning on her shoulder, reassured, he asked “what did you think of the movie?”

“Very good,” she replied.

Taking a breath and gathering his courage, he asked “what did you think of Sam and Pilar? Do you think they were right?”

“Huh? Ohhh...” as that part of the plot returned to her; the local sheriff, Sam, and the town’s teacher, Pilar, falling in love and making love…Sam recalling how she and Andy had both shifted slightly in their seats during the sex scene. “I, uhhh, well, I…I don’t know. What did you think?”

“I think they were in love. I think they knew it was impossible to stop, to stop loving each other. I think they understood it was their, you know, fate and they couldn’t stop it any more than they could stop the rain.”

Sam looked at him, waited until their eyes met, and said “are we still talking about Sam and Pilar?”

Andy, abashed, knew there was no turning back. “No, I guess not,” and quieter, “I guess not.”

The realization dawning on her, Sam drew back slightly, still meeting his gaze, and said “is that why you picked the movie?” His silence signalling his admission, she sat back, but kept him in her embrace, stunned by her understanding, shocked by its import, by the question Andy was really asking her. Then, slowly, she admitted “it’s ok, Andy, it’s ok. I guess this was inevitable and I’m glad you had the courage to do this. What made you decide?”

“I don’t know. A lot of things. The lessons, obviously, when I realized that you’re really, really hot, Sammy,” and at this she blushed. “And last night, I thought it was a dream, but when I realized that it was you that I had touched, that it was you that invaded my dreams, I…” and couldn’t finish the sentence. “And hanging around dozens of guys all the time, hearing their views of women and sex, like that’s all they’re good for, every one kind of a horn dog ready for sex when any woman says ‘yes’, it occurred to me that we guys have to take some responsibility, some of the load and not leave it to the woman to always have to think it through. So I’m trying to think it through, Sammy.”

Sam could think of nothing to say immediately. She drew back to see her brother at arm’s length, then returned to their cuddle and said “that’s amazing, bro. I’m amazed to hear that from any man. My god, did I teach you that? Did Julie throw some switch in your head?”

Andy smiled, becoming more relaxed, and said “no, if anything I think it’s been my thinking this week, remembering how wonderful last weekend was with you, wondering how that could possibly be a bad thing, thinking of all the other aspects, the things folks never really talk about out loud.”

“We need to think about this, Drew.”

“I know. We need to think really hard about this, Sam. I know that it would change our relationship totally. And permanently. I know that if we cross that line there’s no going back, no forgetting it. That scares me, Sam. I love you, always have, and I know I always will. But if we do this and then regret it, I know it’ll always be something between us, something like an invisible wall. And I don’t want any walls between us.”

“I couldn’t have said it better,” she replied. “Where do we go from here?”

“Well, we need to think more. And then talk? Is that ok?”

“Ok, how about we talk next week, maybe coffee again on Wednesday?”

“Sounds good.” And then, almost as an afterthought, he mused “you know, the couch downstairs is still folded out…”

She punched his arm, laughing, and said “you perv. Didn’t we just agree to think about it? Were you listening?”

Now he laughed and said “no, no, I’m not suggesting we do it; we ran out of condoms, remember?” and in reply to another punch on the shoulder he said “and that one’s on you. No, I just, well I just remembered how totally amazing it was to have you next to me in bed. I’m certain, cross my heart, that we won’t do what Sam and Pilar did.”

“You think we can keep a lid on it? You think we can control it until we talk some more, make a decision together? Drew, it can’t be on just one of us to control the situation; do you promise that we won’t go there?”


“Ok, then. See you downstairs in five minutes.” And she quickly rose from the couch and ran upstairs to her room.

Andy preceded her downstairs and, repeating last night’s process, simply removed all his clothes but his boxers - this time carefully folding and placing the clothes on a nearby chair - and slipped into bed. Minutes later Sam arrived, changed into her overlay long t-shirt, but restrained, and truthfully, cautious, enough that she had left her panties on. As if to head off any change of mind she quickly and gracefully stepped across the room, now dimmed to just the small lamp of the night before, and quickly slipped into the side of the bed that she had occupied the night before. It escaped his notice that she had dropped something by her side of the bed. And now somehow, it seemed, each wanted to return to and to reenter the dream that they had shared.

Andy remembered the weekend before, that second evening of Sam’s lessons, that Saturday night, and suddenly, for the first time since, was struck by the almost physical pleasure again of having her lying beside him, of the simple and easy pleasure of reaching over to her supine form, gathering it in his embrace, and kissing her tenderly. And she, feeling as though her entire body was now enveloped by one deep blush, her every pore warming to his touch, was happy to surrender to the feeling, happy to return his kiss.

They were young, they were normal, they loved each other, and in minutes he was hard and she was moist. In a few more minutes and with a few more kisses he was even harder and she was wet. She broke a kiss and asked with sudden honesty “why are we doing this, Drew, I mean why are we doing this? You’re making me incredibly hot. This is how people lose it; this is how people go over the edge. We can’t do that. We can’t.”

“I know, I know. It’s ok. Maybe you’re feeling hot because you are hot. You’re a totally hottie,” making her laugh, “and I know we can’t go there. I really know it. We’re not ready and we can’t take the chance. And we just don’t know yet, do we? My god, the last thing we need is to make you pregnant. ” With that somber reminder they broke their embrace, each lying back on their pillow, holding hands and breathing quietly. “I don’t know about you, but I know what I’d like to do.”

“Ok.” Andy rolled onto his side and, with a gentle gesture from him and suddenly understanding, Sam rolled in the same direction, onto her side. She felt the bed move slightly as Andy slid to her, his arm moving to hold her, his body conforming again perfectly to hers as they spooned, last night’s pleasure, warmth, and love suddenly exploding in each of their minds. “Mmmmm,” she purred, “that’s really good, Drew, that feels sooo nice. I could do this forever.”

He lay with her for long minutes and then kissed her neck lightly. “If we decide, Sammy, that we can’t do it, that if, you know, we just can’t, I’ll understand. It’ll be hard but I think we can get over it. But I feel like we need to know that, well, outside of actually having sex, we can love each other anyway. That we can still make each other feel really good. I want to make you feel good, Sam, more even than I want to feel it, if you know what I mean.”

“I do, and I believe you. That just goes back to what you said today about the guys you know, Drew. It just proves again to me that you’re no ordinary guy, at least not when it comes to women. And I really love you,” and with that she craned her neck back for another slow kiss. As the kiss ended her brother began to caress her hip, her side, recalling how different it felt from Julie’s. His hand drifted down to her thigh and gently slipped under the hem of her shirt, slowly caressing her thigh, drawing the shirt up slowly. As she moaned quietly into the pillow he released her thigh and moved up to her side, gliding his touch along it, enjoying the warm corrugation of her ribs, and slipped his hand around, cupping and lightly squeezing her right breast, hearing and feeling her gasp as he did. He continued to press it, cup it, record again in his brain its firmness, its warmth. Finally she could take it no more and she rolled onto her back giving him full permission to expand his caresses.

Needing no more approval he immediately moved to her other breast as she welcomed his touch, pulling him down into the deepest kiss of the evening, their tongues dancing together as if they’d just met. His kisses moved to her neck as his fingers lightly pinched her nipples, feeling them harden quickly. He moved down to them, thinking once more “just one thin fabric between them and me, and,” feeling no more patience, feeling that now was the time, he reached down and lifted the hem of her shirt above her breasts. Her hand left his neck and instinctively began to restrain him until, falling back into her pillow, her hand joined his, lifting the other side of her shirt. Both of her hands returned to his head, burying her fingers in his hair, drawing him first to her right breast, then her left and then letting him take the lead as he first kissed, then lightly licked, then enveloped with his lips, and finally lightly sucked each nipple. As her body began to shake with his kisses, as one of her hands instinctively shot to her panties and cupped her mound, the epicentre of her pleasure as her tremors grew, as tectonic tremors presage an earthquake, and suddenly her body arched off the bed, entirely suspended by her heels at the foot of the bed and her head at the top, as Andy responded instinctively, lifting his head with her breasts, feeling the pleasure wracking her body as almost an electric current running through his lips and tongue.

“Ohhh my god,” were the only words she could manage, then as her body collapsed onto the bed and continued to shake with her orgasm “oh my god, Drew, I…Jesus…” Reveling in the pleasure he was giving his sister, rejoicing at their achievement together, he redoubled his kisses, sucking her nipples in renewed effort, faster, harder, until her repeated climaxes receded and she collapsed, curled toward him in a foetal position, laughed, and said “stop, Drew, stop. I can’t take any more,” and laughed again, her hands reaching to his cheeks, drawing him into her loving kiss, her gratitude washing through her and into the kiss.

They hugged, laughed some more, kissed, and then rested. “My god, Drew, that was fantastic. Yes, yes, I know; I’m a virgin. I’ve got nothing to compare it to. Not true. I’ve, ummm, pleased myself, and I know you have,” to his blush, “but that…that was amazing. I have say, and maybe it’s just the orgasm talking, but I have to say that maybe that’s enough,” and, her smile leaving her, “maybe we don’t need, you know, the other. Maybe this is enough?”

“That’s why I wanted to do this, Sam. If we’re going to be honest with each other we have to know what’s possible, what we an do, how we will feel, and then decide.”

“Spoken like a true engineer,” her smile returning. “When is it your turn?”

His answer was to roll onto his back and lift his hips. Taking the obvious hint, Sam glanced at him for a second then rose to her knees, hooked her fingers beneath the band on his jockeys, and drew them down past his feet and tossed them to the floor. She lifted her head and involuntarily gasped as his cock sprang to attention. “Oh my god.”

“What? What? Is there a problem?”

“No. I mean well, I haven’t seen you, you know, you since we were kids, and…”

“What? You’re a nurse, Sam, surely you’ve seen one before?”

“You have no idea; yes, I’ve seen one before. In fact there’s a very short lesson the matrons give about guys’ erections. It’s a hazard of the job, Drew; young women, touching men, often young men. It happens. So we’re kind of forewarned. AND they even issue huge pencils and suggest we carry them. If a guy gets hard while we’re trying to treat him, we just ‘flick his dick’ as Matron says, and down it goes.”

“Really? Has it happened to you?”

“A couple of times; the orthopaedic ward is the real danger zone; young guys, broken legs. But their legs are the only thing broken, if you get what I mean.”

Andy laughed. “Ok, ok, enough with the work hazards,” took her hand, drew her back to him, and kissed her again, renewing the earlier mood. And then very quietly, very seriously, “what now, Sammy?”

“Drew, I know that Julie took you in her mouth, kind of began ummm, blowing you. She told me about it. She told me she thought you were kind of big.”

“Nice try, Sam; I know I’m average, maybe a bit bigger. Ok, let’s get this over with: six and a half inches.”

“You’ve measured it? Really?”

“By my age virtually every guy has, but you still gasped.”

“I know. I’ve seen dicks before, but never my brother’s, so cut me some slack.” All the while they were talking her hand had slipped down between them, her finger tips began for the first time lightly tracing his rigid cock, tips gliding, then adjusting to feel the smoothness, the small veins, her thump rubbing his glans, feeling his pre-cum for the very first time, spreading it. Finally, “Drew, I can’t take it…you…in my mouth like Julie; is that ok?”

He laughed at that, reached down and enclosed her hand in his and said “what you’re doing is fantastic, Sam, it feels unbelievable, better than anything I’ve ever felt.” And with that he felt her fingers organize themselves into a warm grip, the pressure perfect, as she began to stroke him gently then, gaining more confidence and hearing his moans, feeling his chest rising faster and faster, began stroking him harder, faster.

“Tell me when you’re going to cum, Drew, tell me.” The only reply he could manage was a deep, feral grunt followed by a loud groan. Her strokes sped up even more, she shifted herself, rising to her knees beside him and placed her face closer, fascinated by the effect she was having on her brother, totally entranced by the tremors that began to shake his body.

“I’m close, Sam, clo…Unnnhhh…close,” and seconds later “I’m cumming, Sam…” and didn’t notice as she quickly leaned to the floor beside the bed and grabbed the towel she had dropped. “UUUUNNNHHH…Jesus…I’m…” and with that his hips bucked under her grip and thrust up off the bed as she quickly threw the towel over his cock. Andy felt the pulses of his orgasm, rope after rope of his seed shooting into the towel. Sam felt his cum shooting into the towel, felt it flowing down her hand, still pumping Andy’s cock, thrilling to the pulses she felt, the pulses she had caused, the orgasm she had given him. As his orgasm receded he fell back onto the bed and reflexively grabbed his sister, pulled her back to him, all control abandoned in the storm of pleasure that held him, and rolled her onto him, burying his face in her neck, holding her entire body to him. Sam was suddenly grateful for the towel, the only barrier between their bodies, as she felt him, still hard, pressing against her navel.

She lay above him listening to his breathing slow, kissing him when his head stopped thrashing from side to side, laughing as he finally opened his eyes. “Sam…Sam…that was unbelievable. I’ve never felt anything like that in my life.” He had been panting with his orgasm and now felt his regular breathing arrive. “I don’t know what to say,” he whispered, “god, that was amazing.”

“Ok, so now we’re even?” she laughed.

“The towel? You planned this?”

“I thought it could happen, and I knew we could never explained stained sheets to Mom. I think I’m going to have to do some laundry tomorrow for sure. Seriously, Drew, was I really that good? Really?” the uncertainty of her inexperience showed in her concerned eyes.

“I’m no expert, Sam. But I don’t think any hand job that I get from here on in will top you. It was crazy good.” That was all the reward she needed. She rose up, clinically inspected both for errant semen, wiped herself and Andy carefully, tossed the towel back to the floor, and turned onto her side away from him. Reaching back she found his hand and with a simple gesture drew him to her so that once again they were in perfect congruence as their bodies spooned together. “Perfect,” he said, “just like the dream.”

“Mmmmm,” was her tired reply and as he kissed her neck and shoulder lightly she, and then he, drifted into sleep.


2025-02-20 23:15:56
Chapter 1?

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