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Andy and Sam, brother and sister, make their decision together and finally cross the taboo line of incest, their love compelling them.
At some level Andy realized what a blessing a demanding exam schedule could be. And was, in his case; he became of necessity totally absorbed in the rigors of study, examination, study, more examination. For her part, the weekend’s female companionship and partying done, Sam was just as grateful for the demands of her classes and work with patients. No one noticed that she seemed more eager to learn the new techniques taught that week, to greet new patients, to immerse herself in their care. She was as glad of her end of day fatigue as Andy was of his intense cramming for his exams.

Wednesday arrived and without each knowing it, both felt a nervousness, the first uncertainty that either had ever felt about speaking with the other. Who could know which felt the other’s absence the worst? Who could know which of the two felt the greatest need? Perhaps it was Sam, who initiated the call late Wednesday afternoon, calculating that Andy would probably not be studying shortly before dinner. And, as with many things between sister and brother, she guessed right.

“Hey,” he answered, “how are you doing?”

“Tired. It’s a pretty intensive week; new patients, new course, new instructors.”

“Well, I don’t have any new patients,” he joked, “but it’s intense for me, too.”

And, each somehow sensing that they didn’t really need to speak of “the decision”, as they had come call it, they chatted amiably, each feeling their fatigue, the stress of their week melting and draining away from them, and each understood that it was this, the simply act of a conversation with the other, that was key to this. Somehow, deep down, each sensed that the other was very close to a decision but that this was not the time to speak of it.

“How are Mom and Dad? What are they up to?” Sam asked.

“Oh, you know, same old same old. I’m cooking a few meals and Mom seems really happy with that. I asked her once ‘what’s your favourite meal?’ and she said ‘anything someone else cooks’” and they both laughed at that. Then there was a pause on the line, neither speaking for a few seconds, each surprised at how content they were to listen just to each other’s quiet breathing into the phone. Finally Andy said “they’re heading to the cottage this weekend.”

“Oh.” More silence, pregnant with understanding, freighted with meaning as each felt a slight shiver pass through their body. “Oh,” she repeated, “ok. Ok,” repeated, almost to herself. “Ok, pick me up on Friday, then?”

“Absolutely. I’ll be done my exams then. Maybe we can celebrate,” and couldn’t know that his sister at the other end of the line instantly blushed at the thought and Andy, suddenly realizing the subtext of his casual remark, quickly added “the end of exams, I mean. Dinner will be on me, ok? Just like our, you now, our first date?”

“Excellent. I can’t wait, Drew,” and with that they ended the call.

Friday came and with it the tremendous relief Andy felt with the completion of his school year, with the eager anticipation of beginning his landscaping work the next week, the freedom of working outdoors, away from classrooms. Sam was almost as relieved by the end of her week and knew she needed this evening out with her brother and happily prepared herself for it.

Andy’s truck pulled up at her residence and his eyes widened as she almost danced toward his truck. Resplendent in a light, flowered sundress that he’d never seen, makeup carefully and lightly applied, so skillfully as to almost not realize its effect, her eyes somehow brighter and more lovely than he’d ever seen them, he silently congratulated himself on having…by his standards, anyway…actually dressed up a little himself. A quick hug as she entered the truck, a quick kiss, a heartfelt compliment from him on her loveliness, her immediate blush, and they were off.

“Where are we going?” she asked almost immediately.

“It’s a surprise,” as he wended their way through their town’s streets, piloting the truck to the older part of town where buildings and restaurants had been judged heritage and restored. Arriving at one restaurant he quickly parked and, before Sam could stir, jumped out and opened her door for her, taking her hand as she stepped down.

“My goodness,” she laughed, her fingers feigning a fan, her manor now that of a shy southern belle, “what a gentleman!” He took her hand and led her into the small Italian restaurant that he had chosen.

“We can have pizza if you want,” he began, “but they’ve got some amazing things on their menu.”

And so it went. Choosing a quiet corner table they sat and, as soon as the maitre d’ left them Sam shifted her seat and plate from across the table from Andy to kitty corner, sitting on his immediate left. It was beginning to dawn on them both that a decision had been made, and it was about much more than restaurant seating arrangements.

Choosing appetizers that they’d never tried before, enjoying a carafe of the house red, hungrily digging into their pasta, they laughed, teased, revelled in each other’s company, the vacuum, the void each had felt over the past weeks quickly disappearing. At one point as they casually chatted Andy’s hand, almost unconsciously, fell to her thigh, felt the soft fabric of her dress, felt the warmth of her flesh, heard her slight pleasant gasp, knew the wordless message that their gaze now spoke. Anyone other patron, noticing their sudden quiet silence, could not have mistaken the love that was emanating from them. With his light, possessory touch ended, with their breathing near normal, brother and sister returned to their dinners, their talk, their laughter now a bit quieter.

Dinner finished, they returned to the truck, Andy’s gallantry continuing as he helped his sister up to the seat. Sam easily slid across the bench seat and found the seat belt, another unspoken message to her brother as he drove them home. As he drove, their chat seemed to reflect their unspoken intent, the possibility of their night. They spoke of his exams, her week’s work, their parents’ departure for the cottage. As they drove, Sam replicated Andy’s gesture during dinner, her left hand resting lightly on his right thigh. As a stop light he glanced down at it, smiled, and leaned over to a quick kiss from her.

Each felt a growing intensity with their arrival home. Each felt a shyness suddenly descending on them. As they entered the home Sam took her brother’s hand and silently led him through the house and out into the patio at the back of their house. As the evening darkened and the warm air became heavy with their garden flowers’ scent they sat together on a garden swing. “Wine?” asked Andy quietly.

“No thanks,” his sister replied, still feeling the warm glow of their dinner’s wine.

They sat together, gently rocking in the swing, for ten minutes, each hesitant, each shy, each thinking only of the next words either would speak. Finally, feeling the pressure of the silence and gathering his courage, Andy broke it with “you’ve decided, haven’t you?”

“Yes,” came her quiet, almost whispered reply.


“Not fair; you first, Drew.”

“Ok.” He kissed her neck lightly and said “yes. Absolutely yes.”

She laughed quietly, relieved, her laughter triggering Andy’s tremendous relief, as she then said “Yes.”

They kissed, embraced, and sat as closely possible, each trying to absorb the profundity of what they had just said, of what they had just, together, decided. Again Andy broke the silence with “how long have you known? When did you decide?”

“You know, Drew, I don’t think it was really a question of consciously deciding. I think that, somehow, part of me decided a long time ago; well, at least a couple of weeks ago when we…well…when we were on the couch. I think I didn’t know at the time, that’s all. I think that the past several weeks have simply been a process of my mind discovering what I had already decided, what I had already known. Does that make any sense to you?”

“Yes, I think so,” and after a moment’s pause, “I think it’s been the same with me, Sam, the very same. I just think that I didn’t understand what I was thinking, what I knew as well as you have. And I’m so glad it’s what you want. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anything, anything, as much as I want this.”

“I’ve thought some more about this, Drew. People who love each other have good times and bad, don’t they? I mean, ups and downs? I’m sure Mom and Dad have had those times, aren’t you? Do you think we’ll be like that? Do you think we’ll be like some kind of old married couple, where things have become routine? Habit?”

Her question warranted his serious thought, an honest reply. “I guess it might happen. But I can’t imagine it ever getting old, routine, humdrum. I’ve kind of poked around the internet,” he admitted, “and it’s obvious to me that folks get bored sometimes in their relationships, want novelty in their sex lives. I assume that’s why so many folks have affairs. But you and me…it’s a taboo, isn’t it, Sam? It might be one of society’s last real taboos - the love that dare not speak its name, I think you called it?”


“And from what I can see, with many folks…many sisters and brothers…it never gets routine. The taboo, I guess, keeps it going. And the love, maybe even more than that.” He took her hand and continued “look, Sam, I’ve been, well, researching this a bit too. Most of the public stories are about people outed for incest; charged, convicted. When I got deeper into it I found personal accounts; they seemed real. Some were about abuse and they were horrible stories. Some were about family members - sisters and brothers, sons and moms, daughters and dads - that seemed simply about people that just wanted to have sex.”

“I’ve seen those accounts too.”

“Ok, and then you know that were accounts of brothers and sisters that really loved each other, where it wasn’t just about sex; it was about love.”

“I know.”

“Sam, I’m pretty sure that’s our category,” as his kiss finalized his argument.

“Drew, remember when we talked about Julie? Remember how I explained that, well, she was a virgin but that she didn’t have a…”

“Her hymen, her cherry, I think we called it? he finished her sentence for her.

“Yeah. Well, remember what I said about myself? You know, obviously, that I’m still a virgin, but you know I’m different from Julie, right? I’ve never had a horseback accident, Drew, I’m still, well I think the old fashioned term was ‘intact’.”

“Yes, I know. I’m no expert,” he smiled to his sister, “but I think we can get through this. I promise I’ll be as gentle as I can,” then, giving her a small smirk, he continued “but I have to say, Sam, that you’re so hot,” at which his smirk disappeared, “and so beautiful that I don’t know how much I can control myself. But I’ll try. I’ll try hard,” and they both laughed at his unintended double entendre, all tension and pressure suddenly relieved.

He rose then, and taking her hand led her back into the house. As she started toward their basement stairs he stopped her and silently led her upstairs. At the top of the stairs, gazing down their hall, she asked nervously “which room; yours or mine?”

“You’ve got the biggest bed, remember? All the times I complained to Mom and Dad about that…well, I’m glad you do.” At that she took the initiative and led him down to her room. Entering it she closed the curtains and fussed for a few minutes in a drawer, finally drawing out a candle and lighter. She placed it on her bedside table, turned out the light, closed her door, turned to Andy and reached up on her toes to kiss him. As he kissed her his hand idly traced her spine, located the zipper to her dress, and drew it down, whispering in her ear as he did “it’s a shame to take this off you; you look absolutely beautiful in it,” to her giggle. He felt somehow that she was like the best present he had ever received, and was elated as her slowly unwrapped her, his sister, his present.

As they heard the soft sound of her dress landing on the floor she said “tit for tat, your turn” and deftly pulled his golf shirt over his head. Then it was his turn again; he reached behind her back, pinched the clasp on her bra, and let it fall to the ground. There was a pause in their unclothing each other as he gaped, wide-eyed, at her breasts, proudly, firmly, and pertly standing before him. He tilted to them an took each nipple in his lips, feeling their instant erection as she gasped.

Slightly recovered she found his belt, released the buckle, and pushed his trousers to the growing pile of clothing at their feet. He paused then, hugging her to him, feeling for the very first time her breasts against his skin, gliding his hands down her back, her sides, finding the slim band of her panties and then, slowly descending to his knees as her fingers buried themselves in his hair, slipped her panties to the ground. His arms wrapped themselves around her thighs and he buried himself in the fur covering her vagina, breathing deeply for his first time of her woman’s musk, the intoxicating scent of her arousal. Pushing deeper his lips felt the skin of her mound as he delicately kissed her, vaguely conscious of her moans, feeling her legs tremble at his kiss, feeling then parting slightly, her unspoken permission to his exploration. But which of them felt the greater pleasure? Sam, her body now trembling? Or Andy, his breathing now ragged, his cock harder than he’d ever felt it.

He rose to his feet, his hands reversing their gliding caress; her calves, her thighs, her hips, sides, arms, and finally each hand on each shoulder gently pulling her into his kiss, their tongues dancing their joyous dance with each other. As they broke their kiss she turned and bent, her body the most graceful thing he thought he’d ever seen, and lightly lifted the covers, tossing them, opening her bed to him, to both of them. She leaned back onto it, pulling him down with her, feeling his erection passing across her thighs and she shuddered at its first touch, its first caress of her body.

They quickly slid into positions, hardly breaking their hug, each feeling their head settling into her pillows. Their hands were now free to roam, free to study, learn, memorize the other’s fully naked body for the very first time and each reveled in their freedom each dawning with the feeling, the wish, that they never had to leave that bed.

Kisses, hugs, touches, caresses, fondling continued for twenty minutes as the evening slowly turned to night. Neither was in a hurry, both having waited for so long, their weeks of decision making a weight on each that seemed to stretch time to an eternity. As their hands learned the topography of their flesh these two siblings, sister and brother, who had known, played, argued, laughed, fought together for their entire lives now learned, by their simple touches and caresses, things about the other that they had never imagined.

A cartography of warm flesh approaching its completion, Andy began to take them to their next level. His hand drifted down to her thigh, now no stranger to his touch. But with no clothing protecting her, barring his touch, he had only one goal and as his hand slipped into the new warmth between her thighs her deep groan escaped her as she slipped onto her back and separated her thighs for him for the second time that evening, and as his fingers gingerly felt her fur for the first time her groans deepened, grew louder, and he smiled as understood that he was giving her more and more pleasure. Finally his fingers found her opening. He knew this by touch, of course, the moist softness of her flesh, the heat he found there, but just as much by the sudden shaking of her body, arcing involuntarily from the bed, pushing her body toward his fingers, demanding his touch, his probing.

In the back of his mind Andy recalled “you need to be cruel to be kind” and, understanding her demand, her need, refused. He cupped her mound lightly, squeezed as she fell back onto the bed, laughing. “Drew, please…PLEASE,” she managed, shocked at his quiet laughter in response. “Whaaa?” then “please,” quieter, softer. He stretched and kissed her lips softly.

“I love you, I really do” he smiled, “patience, Sammy, patience,” and returned to his task, lightly caressing her again and then began his exploration of her entrance, slipping his finger tip between her labia, moistened instantly by her juices. He stroked her gently, her body now shaking uncontrollably, tracing her opening, gliding up and down and up again until his finger found her clitoris. As he rubbed it gently her body spasmed and she gasped, suddenly grabbing his hand with her own, rolling to her side, curling toward him, almost foetal.

“Oh, god, please,” she muttered, not even knowing what she was pleading for, and as his finger began its slow entry into her, slipping slowly and easily with her juices, more and more lubricated she gasped once more, “YES, oh god, yes,” and pressed his hand, his finger deeper into her, his very first entry into her forbidden entrance, feeling for the first time her wet heat, hearing her breathing now broken, gasping. He moved his finger around, marvelling at her heat, feeling her body shaking as he sought, then found her spot. “I’m…oh Jesus, I’m…cuuumming” she shouted, “I’m cumming, Andy,” and as her orgasm shot through her, pleasure seizing every muscle in her body, she hugged herself to her brother so that they both continued shaking as the waves of her orgasm rocketed through her and slowly receded.

They rested now, Sam’s body liquid in his arms. Harder than he’d ever been in his life, he thought, he rejoiced in her warm breath against his chest as he kissed her hair over and over. Finally he broke their embrace as he rolled to his other side, reached down to his trousers and fussed for a second with them. Sam’s awareness was slowly returning to her and, sensing his movements, she opened her eyes to see Andy lying on his back tearing a small packet open in the dim light. Instantly realizing what he was doing, what he was intending, she said “what? no, Andy, no…we don’t need that, I saw Dr. Fulton, I…” before he shushed her with his kiss.

“Not now,” he whispered. “I’ll explain later,” and proceeded to roll the condom onto his fully erect cock, Sam’s eyes widening at the sight. Seemingly accepting his decision she reached down and lightly touched his cock, saddened slightly by the thin layer of latex between her fingertips and his skin, but registering, again, the fine venation beneath the sheath. She gaped at the length of his rigid cock; she had seen, felt it before when she had stroked her brother to his climax, but that was then and this was now: now she knew that her brother’s cock was now going to enter her. Her eyes were still wide as they took in its length, as her hand gripped it lightly again, registering now for the first time the import, the promise…the threat, even, of its thickness. And even as she felt her juices speeding their flow, making her wetter and wetter, and even as she realized she wanted Andy’s cock insider more than anything, she felt a frisson pass though her, wondering how she could accommodate his manhood, how it could possibly fit inside her, even with all her eagerness, her need, her juices there to aid its assault on her. An old sexual allusion came to her, remembering that she had read somewhere “your ship is so big and my harbor is so small…”

Wondering at this, she stroked her brother lightly for a few seconds until he groaned, reached for her hand, and delicately removed it, saying “you’re going to make me cum, Sam. I need to hold it, because…” and with that rolled her again onto her back and, both laughing, he immediately rolled on top of her.

They had never discussed it, but each knew that they wanted their first time to be missionary. He wanted, no, needed to see her face as he made love to her. He knew, somehow, that she would only feel a man’s cock entering her for the very first time once in her life. He now knew he would be that man and he wanted to see her face; would there be pain? Would there be pleasure? Whatever he saw, whatever he found, he wanted to help her, to lead her to the amazingly wonderful world of sexual pleasure that he had, thanks to Sam’s help and lead, found with Julie. And her eyes: he so wanted to gaze into her eyes as their pleasure built, to watch her startled realization, he hoped, of the indescribably sublime pleasure he wanted to give her.

He rolled on top of his sister, but not really on top as he suspended himself with his forearms and as she spread her legs, eager to give him access, eager for their next step, but at the same time fearing the assault of a man’s cock - her brother’s cock - for her first time. But her eagerness prevailed, in fact, as her breath again came quicker, her breasts rising to him with each breath. He held himself above her with one arm while his other hand grazed her skin and glided along her curves. He could reach as low as her thigh and back up to her shoulders, burying his fingers in her hair, pulling her head off her pillow to kiss her. Then he switched, repeating his hand’s journey on her other side.

He felt her body squirming slightly, shaking, lifting itself off the bed to meet her brother’s body, feeling his rock hard cock against her, sighing and moaning with the touch, the sensation, the promise of his erection. Dimly through her own guttural sounds and his own heavy breathing she felt him lean down, practically melding their entire bodies together as he whispered into her ear “are you sure, Sam? Are you really sure? I want this more than anything in the world, but we can still stop.”

Her cognition practically lost to her primal and feral drive toward pleasure, she was barely able to process and understand his question, their last chance to return to normalcy, their last chance as brother and sister to avoid the final taboo of incest, to choose not to cross that line irrevocably. “Yeeessss,” she said, almost hissing her permission, her agreement into his ear. “I want this as badly as you do, Drew. Do it. Pleeaasse, god, do it. I want you inside me. Do it, Drew, please.” And with that, though he wouldn’t have thought it possible, Drew got even harder.

He reached down, stroked her thigh, her hip one last time and found his cock. Lifting himself slightly he shifted his hand and found his cock, his sister’s hands preoccupied now caressing his back, holding him to her, her anticipation a feral mixture of fear, need, and lust. He guided his cock to her entrance and and began stroking it slightly with the head of his cock, the glans becoming quickly wet, quickly baptized for the very first time with the holy water of her vagina. She gasped as she felt him there for their very first time, her hips involuntarily thrusting to meet him. He held back, though, continuing to stroke her, pressing slightly into her, taking more and more of her juices onto itself stretching her more, until he lifted it slightly, searching, probing, feeling, until he found her clitoris, exactly where he knew it to be. With that she gasped, her entire body now shaking, arcing as she had with her first orgasm under his touch. “UUUUNNNHHHH,” a deep, guttural groan from Sam and Andy allowed himself a slight smile, unseen by Sam as she clamped her eyes shut in the pleasure his cock was beginning to give her.

And now, he knew, it was time. He withdrew his cock from its ministrations as she fell back onto the bed, and whispered his loving warning to his younger sister “I’m going to start, now, Sammy, this might hurt a bit, but I’ll go really slow for you. Let me know what to do, ok?” her slight nod signalled her understanding, her tightening embrace her anticipation. They, sister and brother, were about to take the most important step they had ever taken together, to do together perhaps the most profound act they would ever do, a criminal act, they knew, an act outlawed by their society, a secret act, so secret that absolutely on one other than the two of them, could ever know. And act of their deepest love for each other.

His hand returned to his cock, guiding it up and down her entrance again, pressing harder against her, seeking, seeking, until he felt her vaginal entrance, her holy of holies, that sacred entrance that waited to welcome him. He pushed then, his glans began slipping into her. His immediate sensations: her wetness, her heat, the ease it seemed to move into her, but the firmness, the tightness of her vaginal muscles receiving a man’s cock for her very first time, while she felt her vaginal muscles feeling him for that first time and felt his cock stretching her. “OOHHH, my god, I’m…” she gasped, thinking ‘he’s so big…soooo big…he’ll never fit inside me…he’ll tear me open…” but her fears were drowned by the shocking pleasure of his cock’s entrance for the first time into her.

All senses heightened now, he felt as if his cock was in a hot, wet grip, felt his sister’s thighs shifting as she drew her knees up, placing her feet flat on the bed on either side of him. Heard her deep moans, her broken words as her hands began to caress his back with more and more urgency, smelled first the musk of her arousal and then, burying his face in her hair, that familiar lemon scent there. And his lips, grazing her brow, tasting the slightly salty sheen there and finally the taste of her lips as they exchanged their last kiss of her virginity, as he began to push, to enter his waiting sister as she felt her hot, wet muscles stretched more and more by her brother’s cock.

He had learned much from Julie, so that he paused, drew back to her very entrance despite her slight whine of “no, Drew, no…” and pushed again, entering her slightly deeper. He did this several times, pulling back, entering again each time deeper as she sighed with the pleasure her first cock was giving her, feeling her vagina adjusting; stretching, she felt, to its absolute limits to greet her first cock, gripping it at the same time. Finally, as he knew he inevitably must, he felt her resistance, not muscular this time, but the unmistakable obstruction of her hymen. He withdrew and pressed into her again, her body shaking slightly, reaching the same depth so that he was sure. He paused for a second but then “do it, Drew, please, just do it; it’s ok” and with one quick thrust her brother pushed into her, tearing through her hymen, taking her virginity as she gasped with the sudden but, thankfully, slight pain, only one “Ohhh” escaping her lips. He rose slightly to see her face as he pushed into her and saw the wince of pain pass across it, saw her eyes clamped shut, heard her loud gasp, and he lowered himself slightly so that almost their entire bodies were now touching, almost melded together.

They had done it. Andy had taken his sister’s virginity. He had taken her cherry. She had felt his cock tearing her, passing her last barrier, felt her vaginal muscles alerted, then opening, stretching to hold her brother’s rigid cock in her hot wet grip. And they paused then, Andy deep within his sister, almost his entire length, as they absorbed what they had just done, as each realized that all talk was done, all thoughts, all decisions now in the past: they had committed the ultimate act of incest. Brother and sister were now lovers. Andy waited, his cock firm within his sister’s hot, wet vaginal grip, and he realized how different this was from his lovemaking, his sex with Julie, and understood how different sex was, and always would be, with his sister. He realized how the taboo would never pass, their love would always be a secret.

He waited, knowing that his sister had felt the pain of his tearing her hymen, waited for her signal. “Ready?” he whispered in her ear.

“Yes,” her reply something between a soft gasp and a quiet a whisper. So they began the oldest dance, its rhythm known since time immemorial, since before the existence of language, when its only audible communication was, and for brother and sister still was, soft moans, deep groans, gasps and guttural emanations as each spoke their pleasure to the other. With his first few careful, slow, gentle, even, strokes Sam felt her vaginal pain diminishing and she marvelled at how quickly it seemed to leave her, how quickly it was replace with the wonder of the pleasure her brother’s thrusts were giving her as he began to push deeper and deeper into her until, with one deep grunt, he thrust harder than he had so far and she felt him deep within her, felt his rigid cock against her cervix. “My god,” she gasped, words returning to her finally, “mmmmyyy god, that’s sooo good, Drew, soooo good. Don’t stop, please don’t stop.”

Andy could no more have stopped his thrusts into his sister than he could have flown out the window. Leaning down now into her neck, kissing her there, kissing her shoulder, kissing her mouth with a deep, hungry, tongue-dancing kiss, he sped his thrusts up, realizing that the time for gentleness and caution was past, feeling Sam’s responding thrusts as she learned his rhythm and began to lift herself, meeting each of his thrusts. “God, Drew, god, I think I’m…AAAHHHH, oh god, I think I’m…don’t stop, DON’T STOP,” she shouted now as her body suddenly lifted them both, as the tectonic shaking of her orgasm seized her and carried both of them with the spasms that shook her, every muscle in her body somehow wracked with the electric euphoria of her climax. This is what Andy had wanted above all else, this is why he wanted to face her as she came. As her body shook, as she held them both, their bodies arched above the bed, he watched her face, rejoiced in her eyes, shocked into wide-eyed wonder by the sudden and unprecedented pleasure that shook her body. With that Andy made his deepest thrust, pushing his hardest against and into his sister, and holding his cock as deep within her as possible, holding himself there until, long seconds later, her orgasm began to recede, her eyes continued to lock on his, their gaze speaking volumes and then she allowed them both to fall back onto her bed.

Still paused, he lay on her, letting her orgasm slow, feeling the occasional after shocks of the earthquake of her climax. And then he began his thrusts again; slowly at first and then as he felt her beginning to join him in their sexual dance, quicker and then quicker as her moans returned, as his sister’s body began to respond more and more, as he felt her legs wrap themselves around him for the first time, pulling him deeply into her locking him in the prison of her warm, welcoming thighs and as his thrusts seemed to reach their greatest intensity he felt it, felt his own orgasm approaching like the threatening clouds of an approaching hurricane. He buried his face in her neck, her hair, and muttered the last words he was capable of, “I’m cumming, Sam, I’m…” and with that he thrust harder into her than he had all night, thrust deeply, their hips colliding, her legs constricting even more tightly around him as his cock began to pulse, shooting jet after jet of his seed into the waiting condom. As his cock pulsed, pumped, spasmed deep within his sister Andy felt every cliche; his body was wracked with the most powerful orgasm he had ever felt, even with Julie. Behind his clenched eyelids he seemed to see a magnificent display of fireworks until he opened them, gasping, and saw his sister’s wide eyes gazing at him, the shock of his orgasm shared by her.

And as his orgasm roared through her brother Sam felt his throbbing, for the very first time in her life felt the pulses of a man’s ejaculations within her, thrilled at the spasms of his cock as her vaginal muscles gripped him instinctively even tighter. She felt the slightest sadness that their ultimate intimacy was reduced by his condom, that she could not feel for the first time a man’s seed filling her, but she shed the sadness quickly, pulling Andy to her, hugging him as his body shook, her hands comforting him as she might have done when they were children. And she was suddenly aware of a different shaking, and knew them for his quiet sobs. Drawing back on the pillow she felt his tears on her shoulder, lifted him slightly and saw them falling from his eyes. She kissed him then, tasted the salt of his tears on her lips, held him as close as she could, cooing into his ear, whispering “it’s all right, Drew, it’s all right, I love you, it’s all right.”

Andy and Sam, brother and sister, thought they had anticipated every aspect, every element of their decision, every possible result of their incestuous decision, their lovemaking. Neither had dreamed that it might reduce Andy to tears and as his sister’s caresses, her soft words in his ears calmed him, he buried himself in her pillow, until, satisfied his tears were dried, he felt himself softening inside her and slowly, carefully, rolled off of her, feeling his now near-flaccid penis leaving her. He heard her sigh as they ended their greatest intimacy, as he left her body. “I…I…don’t know what that was about,” he said, “I have no idea where that came from.”

“I do, I know,” his sister said, moving to him, taking him into a cuddle, “you don’t know because you’re a guy. I know because I’m a woman. Andy, what we just did was the most emotional thing I’ve…we’ve, I bet…ever done in our lives. I felt it too; I almost cried; it felt sooo good with you, you gave me so much pleasure. I’ve never felt so loved, Drew, so loved in my whole life. I think that’s why you cried. And I love you even more for that. Every time we’ve talked about other guys, how other guys just want sex, I think of you, Drew, how different you are from other guys. And you just proved it again.”

And with that, bowing to her wisdom, the amazing wisdom of his younger sister, Andy smiled, wrapped his arms around her naked, sated body, and kissed her deeply.
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